27h7 Pali Highway Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
[808) 5e5-310s
Gl ssccpali@rcchawaii.org Ll facebookcom/st.stephenpali OFFICE HOURS:
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Mon,Fri &SaB 9:00amto 12:00pm PASTOR
Fr. Mario Raquepo STAFF
Deacon Ronald Choo Sister Marykutty Kottuppall il, MSMHC Rosemary Hashimoto, Secretary FAITH FORMATION
CCD-Children Velma Guieb-Mamuad
& Canfirmation
Hashimoto (interim)
R. C. I. A. Debbie Fujiyama Francis Jordan
SATURDAY (Main Church)............ 4:oo
Homebound & Berea oement
(Main Church)
Virginia Jordan & Helen Luke
SATURDAY 3:oo - 3:3o pm 8:45-9:15am SUNDAY
9:3O am
DEVOTION & ADORATION Eucharistic Adoration ...... WED Mass
ChapelofSt Catherine
Donald Yee (Sunday) Seroer Nicole Heafner
pm am
Paish Sqipture Groups
before Mass
Liturgical Music Leka Leaeno (5atu rday Vig il) Stanley Wong (Sunday,)
Lector Beverly Perry
Holy Communion at Mass Jennifer Tamayo
VtStTATIoNOFTHES!CK: Priest and Homebound Ministers are available to
the infirm or hospitalized.
Please contact emergency, call 595-3105 and press #2
the Parish. For sacramental
BAPTISM: Sacramental preparation is required. If you are expecting or have a child to be baptized, please call the Parish office for more information
Celine Asato & David Tom
Peace {RespectLife)
(Aloysius Food Pantry) (Family Promise Hawaii)
Pastoral Council Patricia Silva Ste wadship/
cipleship Council
MARRIAGE: The Diocese of Honolulu requires couples to marry in the Church to participate in the preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Couples
should contact the office for Marriage Preparation at least 6 months before the
wedding FUNERALARRANGEMENTS: Kokua! Please contact arrangements with a funeral home
your Church prior to making
Bernard Ho (interim)
Finance Council James Solidum (interim)
Litursy Comrnbsion TBA
Building/ Planning
Loretta Chee & Richard Leong
Social Fellooship Sui Kozuma & Kitchen Crew
When changing address/telephone, or moving out of the notiff the office
Parish, please kindly
If you would like to become a parishioner of St. Stephen, please use forms available at the entrance of the Church or contact the office NE\IV PARISHIONERS:
E KoTyTo
fwentiefh Sunfaj
d 1rrtnary Time
GOOD NEWS zr3z / Matthew r5:zr-28 I watched a friend tell a group of children the story of the good shepherd. On
SaturdayrAugust 16:
the floor in front of him were wooden sheep, a shepherd figuririe, and a fencedin area. He had placed one of the wooden sheep a little bit away from the scene. Before he got halfway through the story one child raised her hand and asked why the sheep was by itself. He explained that the sheep was lost and asked what she would do about it. She looked for a minute, then picked up the little figure and returned it to the fenced area with the other sheep. He used that as the basis for his story pointing out that Jesus cares for us the same way and will not leave us out of the flock. ln today's readings, we celebrate God's love for all people-including all who raise their voices in claim to the love of God, those who are not like us, and those who are strange, disenfranchised, and annoying. The woman in the Gospel was not Jewish, and the disciples tried to keep her away. But in her faith, she cried to Jesus-and he heard her. Matthew says that after her, many Gentiles (non-Jews) came to Jesus. He welcomed and healed them. He also fed them as easily as he fed the 5,ooo Jews whose story we've already heard. We might see these strangers as unloving and unlovable, but God isn't bound by what we see. Their faith, too, is a conduit for God's grace and compassion.
SundaS August t7: 7:15 a.m. Mass: All Families 9:3o am Mass: + Yvonne Pacarro
lsaiah 56:e, 5-7 / Romans 11:13-15,
The little girlwho saw a sheep by itself was moved with compassion.
4:oo p.m. Mass:
Mary Katharine Deeley sundaybulletin@liguori.org
ALOYSruS TOM FOOD PANTRY Mahalo for your generous donations to the Food Pantry. . Mahaloto Carly Nakano and Madison Setofor counting up our itemsforthe homeless and those in need. 483 items were collected this summer
".. .for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.'.." lsaiah 56:7
Alan Nagai
Monday, August 18: 8 am Mass: + David Liu Tuesdan August t9: 8 am Mass: + Fr. Alan Nagai
Wednesdan August 20: 8 am Mass: t Mabel Luke
ThursdayAugust zt: 8 am Mass: special intention (healing) Friday, August 22: 8 am Mass: + Fred & Adela Bello
SaturdayrAugust 2J: 8 am Mass: r Amelia dela Rosa requested by Marissa Abcede
5o is God for all who seek him.
+ Fr.
sick &
Antone Carracoes Julia Vierra
Weekly Offerings (AWg*to,zot4) Saturday 4:oo pm Mass
7:t5 am Mass
9:3o am Mass
Howard Hill
DonationslCol lections
Votive Offering
8/rg Heracio Guevara Slzo Marie Oda David Liu
Funerol Donation
Mary Gonzales Rodney Phillips
William lshihara Howard Pang
814 Maia{o forjour faithfu tse*w and conftnuilgenerosify
Jessie Chong
Augusf 17, zot4 URGENT PLEA CCD
First Day-Sept.21 YOUTH
Confirmation ll -begins today Parish Scripture Groups
Wed. August zoth 9:15
a.m. &7:oo p.m. R.C.I.A.
Sign up for next cycle
tO* pRrlYER-August 17th
The Church around the world is praying for lraq today. The place where Christianity began is now persecuted and seeking tb extinguish the presence of Christ in their midst in our brothers and sisters. Children are being tortured and crucified and others are being forced to accept lslam. Other minority religious believers are also suffering. Please pray: Lord, The plight of traq is deep and the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening. Therefore, we ask you Lord to spare their lives, and ta grant them patiencq and courage to continue their witness of Christian values with trust and hope. Lord, peace is the foundation oI lfe; Grant them the peace and stability that will enable them to live with each other without fear and anxiety, and with dignity and joy.
MOVIE NIGHT Saturdan August e6th After the 4:oo p.m. Pot luck supper at 5:oo p.m' and
Sunday, August 17: National Day of Prayer for lraq Tuesday, August 19: 4:oo p.m. (Sat.) Choir Practice
Wednesday, August 20:
8:io a.m.-9:oo a.m. Eucharistic Adoration
Thursday, August 2t: 7:oo p.m. (5un.) Choir practice
NertWeek: Aagust%924 Altarserver: [Sat] *Marian, JP, George Houle naam Martines, Nalu Aki, [SunJ Logan Choo
Lector: [Sat] - Richard LeongiMiche!le Srlva [SunJ -Wesley Fong/Sweetie Pacarro EMHC:
valerie Low, Olive Houle
- Helen Luke, Gwen [SunJ Kurahara, SandyWong
Collection Counting: Team 4 Church Cleaners: Carolyn & Bernard Ho, Christy Nakano, Helen Luke, Alma & Alfredo Tuazon
movie begins at 6:oo p.m. Father Mario's pick: Heaven isfor Real. The movie is based on the story of a young boy who in his near death experience has visions of Heaven.
A,LTAR SERVER TRAINING-August 24ttr Calling Altar ServerslTraining on Sunday August z4th at 8:oo a.m. Allthose who have received First Holy Communion may serve at the Table of the Lord. Please see sign up. REMINDER: Altar Server Commissioning and appreciation is September r.4th at g:3o a.m. Mass.
FAITH FOFIM,ATION Religious Education CCD*'We ought to teach the oldest things ta the youngest members." G-K Chesterton. Registration August 3r and Sept. 7' Please have a copy of your child's Baptism certificate. Classes begin Sept. zr at 8:oo a.m. There will be a gathering for CCD teachers and other catechists next Sunday (August z4) from 11:oo to 1:oo p.m. Youth-September 6th CROSS WALK from Blessed Sacrament Church to St. Philomena Church. Get your walking shoes on. We will join them for the beginning leg. See picture of last year on the bulletin board. Year ll Confirmation 8:r5 tbday. PFI,AY FOR OUR FAMILY
We were saddened to learn of the death of Sr. Florence Remata, Provincialfor the Sisters of St. Francis. Her Funeral services are Monday, August r8 at St.
Visitation - 3:3o - 4:45 p.m. And Mass of the Resurrection - 5:oo p.m. with reception to follow. Burial Service - Tuesday, August r9, g:oo a.m. Diamond Head Memorial Cemetery Pius X Church with
MAHALO . . To all who helped with the food and favors for the lnstallation of Fr. Mario and to all our Liturgical Ministers who helped serve Mass.
Urgent Letter from the Bishop: Christian Crisis in Iraq August L3,2Ot4 To the Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of Honolulu Dear Friends: Peace be with youl We are all aware of the grave crisis in lraq, in which Christians and other religious minorities who have lived there for centuries, are being tortured, killed, and forced to flee their homes by the terrorism of the lslamic State of lraq and Syria (lSlS). Churches and other sacred sites that have been revered for centuries are being destroyed. Pope Francis and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have issued pleas for the international community to intervene in this situation, which is spreading like a plague and wreaking much destruction and human suffering. Urgent prayer and action is needed to help our brothers and sisters affected by this violence. The USCCB has asked that Sunday, August L7,2OL4, be devoted to special prayers for this situation. I realize that August 17 is coming upon us quickly, so if it is more effective, August 24 or August 31 could be days of prayer and fasting for an end to this religious persecution.
Here are some things that can be done: 1. Pray for peace and justice r Use the following prayer, adapted from His Beatitude Louis Rafael Sako, Chaldean Catholic Patriarch
of lraq: Lord, the plight of traq is deep ond the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening. Therefore, we osk you, Lord to spare their lives, ond to grant them potience r Use the following as a Prayer of the Faithful: Thot olt the wortd moy be attentive to the severe suffering ol the Christions of lraq, so that their lives may be spared, thot they may be potient, and thot we will work diligently to protect their freedom. o On the Sunday designated for special prayers, permission is given in the Diocese of Honolulu for priests to use the following texts from the Missal, along with the readings assigned for the day: Eucharistic Prayer for Use in Masses for Various Needs lll; from Masses and Prayer for Various Needs and Occasions, #1, 19, For Persecuted Christians' 2. Study the situation. The following resources should be helpful in getting started. (NOTE: Allthese links will be posted on the website of the Diocese of Honolulu: www.catholichawaii.org' Lette r fro m USCCB at http ://www. usccb. org/ new s I 2Ot4I 14- 138. ctm Fine homily of Father Darren Zehnle on August 70, 2A14 (who is assisting us temporarily at St. Michael Parish, Kona), found at http://dzehnle.blogspot.com Letter from Pope Francis to United Nations Secretary General at
r r
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:PcZQv5pv4ylJ:www.zenit.org/en/articles/ pope-s-letter-to-un-secretary-general-on'dramatic-situation'in-northerniraq+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=cln k&gl=us.
3. Give humanitarian aid through the Knights of Columbus. KOC
will give matching funds for contributions up to 5500,000. See the following for donation
information: http://www,kofc.org/un lenlnewslreleases/detail/kofc-fund-help-christians'iraq.html Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us! Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Larry Silva Bishop of Honolulu
August t4,2OL4 USCCB
Presidentthanks Obamafor aid, protection already provided
Repeats call of Pope Francisfor international community to help Notes U.S. dioceses have set aside August L7 as day of prayer
for lraq
WASHINGTON-Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky,'president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, urged President Obama to answer the call of Pope Francis for the international community "to do all that it can to stop and to prevent further systematic violence against ethnic and religious minorities" in lraq. Archbishop Kurtz made the appeal in an August 13 letter, in which he assured President Obama of the prayers and support of the U.S. bishops in these efforts.
"We know too well that attacks on religious and ethnic minorities are attacks on the health of an entire society," Archbishop Kurtz wrote. "Violence may begin against minorities, but it does not end there. The rights of all lraqis are at risk from the current situation."
Archbishop Kurtz thanked President Obama for the humanitarian assistance and protection the United States has provided to lraqi Christians fleeing persecution. He noted that more must be done, that the U.S. bishops have set aside Sunday, August L7,for prayer for peace in the Middle East and lraq, and that the bishops have urged U.S. Catholics to appeal to their elected representatives on behalf of persecuted minorities in countries such as lraq and Syria. Full text of the letter follows: Dear Mr. President:
May God btess you in these challenging times!
write with a heavy heart regarding a matter of utmost urgency: the desperate plight of Christians and other religious minorities ln traq. Pope Francis recently wrote to the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban KFmoon. ln his letter the Holy Father decried how thristians and other religious minorities have been forced to flee from their hornes and witness the destruction of their placcs of worship and religious patrimony." Pope Francis placed before the Secretary General "the teart the suffering and the heartfelt cries of despair of Christians and other religious minorities of the beloved land of lraq." The Catholic bishops and people of the United States share these tears, sufferings and heartfelt cries. I
We are grateful for the humanitarian assistance and protection that our nation has provided to those fleeing often with only the clothes on their backs, and for the way the United States has worked with lraqi officials to encourage the formation of an inclusive government in lraq that respects human rights and religious freedom for all. More must be done. Pope Francis called upon "the international community, particularly through the norms and mechanisms of international law, to do all that it can to stop and to prevent further systematlc violence against ethnic and religious minorities." I urge the United States to answer this call in concert with the international community. We know too well that attacks on religious and ethnic minorities are aftacks on the health of an entire society. Violence may begin against minorities, but it does not end there. The rights of all lraqis are at risk from the current
situation. Please be assured of our support and prayers. Our Conference of Bishops has set aside Sundan August 17, for the intentions for peace in the Mlddle East and lraq. We are urging our people to let their elected representatives know of their concern for Christians and other religious minorities who suffer untold persecution in lraq, Syria, and other
countries. May God grant our nation and the international community the wisdom and courage needed restore peace and bind up the wounds in lraq. Sincerely yours,
Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Archbishop of Louisville PresidenL United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
dear PADRE The peqle
I drmto
my drild's
are rnakingno atrâ&#x201A;Źrn$
hrild a Sqial rdaticn$rip witr her. I'rrctaIked tothem abcut di&'t hdp. Is it pmibleto replarethon?
When my niece Hayley was five, she asked me to be her "step"-godfather because she didn't know who her godfdher was. The family friend my sister invited to be Haley's godfather has moved out of state and seems to have forgotten Monday,Atrgu$ 18 Erekie124:15-24 Matthew 19:.16-22
that Haley is his godchild.
Tuesday,Augu$ 19
baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligdions inherent n it" (872). A godpment should be present for the child's first Communion and encourage the child to live a Christian life as he or she grows older.
St. John Eudes, Priest
Ezekiel28:l-10 Matthew 19:23-30 \AEdnesday,ALquS 20 St. Bernard, Abbot and
Doctor of thecllurch
Ezekiel34:l-11 20;1-16
thursday,Augu$ 21 St. Pius X, Pope
Godpments have responsibilities beyond baptism day.
The C& of Cancn Law says a godparent also 'helps the
o'fire'o neglectful godparents and Unfortunately, parents can't replace them, but neither are parents limited to asking only two godparents to help their child grow in the faith. Parents can-and should-ask others to help support their child's faith development as he or she grows up: a teacher, a grandpment, or a friend in the town where your child has gone away to college. After all, children me baptized into a communrty of believers, and we all have the responsibility to help childrenand one another-lead Christian lives.
Friday,ArEu$ 22 The Queenship
FR. PAT RIC K KEYES, C SsR sun daybulletin @ liguori.org
the Blessed Virgin Mary
37:.l-14 2234-40
&turday,AugtrS 23 St. Roseof Lima, Virgin
Erekiel43;l-7a Matthew
S.,[tDAYAugu* 24
2tt in Ordinary lsaiah 22:19*-23 Romans 1 1:33-36 Matthe w
Do you know St.
Maximilian Kolbe?
August r4th. He was born in Russian occupied Poland. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to him as a young child and offered him two crowns: one purity, one martyrdom. He was ordained a priest in re8 and during the Nazi invasion was captured and sentenced at Auschwitz. ln the end, he received the grace to be intimately conformed to Christ in death. For on the night of August 3, a94L a prisoner successfully escaped from the same section of the camp in which St. Maximilian was detained. ln reprisal, the commandant ordered death by starvation for ro men chosen at random from the same section. One of the condemned, Seargent Gajowniczek, shouted out, lamenting that he would never see his wife and children again. ln his stead, St. Maximilian Mary stepped forward and offered his own life in exchange for this man. Ten days later, having led the other 9 in prayers and hymns, St. Maximilian was given a lethal injection of carbolic acid, and passed into eternal glory. Pope Paul Vl beatified St. Maximilian in r93 and Pope John Paul ll canonized him in r98z as a martyr of charity. His Feast Day