Bear collaboration

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Bear Collaboration

Info Hayley named her company BEAR after an article she read in 2009 that sounded all too familiar‌The article studied bears that had drifted into cities to forage from behind junk food joints and bins. These city slickers were 30% fatter than their wild bear friends eating salmon and berries. They were also 30% less active than the wild bears, and sadly all dead by the age of 10‌whilst over 60% of the wild bears lived on healthily. This felt like a really simple picture of what BEAR was trying to do - to help people get back to eating as nature intended.

what makes them different

We take real ingredients that grow on trees and fields and bake them gently. If anyone tried to sneak sugar, concentrates or any other nonsense into our foods, we’d bite their heads off. Grrr.

Thoughts: o Prides itself on being natural and without extra sugar/concentrates o Cute caricatures showing what they do/don’t do

o Simple imagery/colours


Extra Info

From their website, we can see that one of Bear’s most important factors is that their snacks are healthy for the kids and promote a healthy lifestyle. By making their products more intriguing to kids, they make their packaging and info bright and colourful with simple imagery, nothing too complicated. I think when we are thinking of how we want to do it, we must keep this in mind too when making our YoYo cards.

Existing YoYo Cards

• Lots of info • Interesting to look at • Teaches kids new things about the world • Very colourful • Always some sort of ‘metre’ • Real or Fake info • Always fun

Our Ideas

We have a few ideas, one of the ones we like the most is to with phobias. We could try and make phobias seem less scary, make kids confident. It could work with our cute styles of working, making ‘scary’ things seem more cute and endearing. Could do facts about spiders, like the fact that they help us by keeping the fly population down. They’re more scared of you. Etc.

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