2024 New Employee Resource Guide

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New Employee Resource Guide

Superintendent and Board of Trustees


Welcome from the La Porte ISD School Board

We hope you find this information about the La Porte Independent School District’s Board of Trustees helpful. Although the State of Texas implements educational policies as prescribed by law, the local school board has been delegated much of the responsibility for educating the youth of this state. Locally elected school boards are political subdivisions carrying out a state function and have significant latitude in gover ning the schools while following state and federal laws. Our school board epitomizes representative and participatory government - citizens elected from the community making decisions about educational programs based upon community needs, values and expectations. Not only does the board reflect the public desires, it translates the needs of students into policies, plans and goals that will be supported by the community.

Each individual in our community offers a unique view into our community’s diverse needs and interests. We encourage you to attend our regular meetings to share your views and insights. Public participation and open lines of communication are critical in providing the kind of education we all want for the children in our 7,000-plus student school district.

Danny Hanks President, Position 2
Jeff Martin Vice President, Position 4
Mason Peres Secretary, Position 3
Melissa Crutcher Trustee, Position 6
Trustee, Position 1
Dee Anne Thomson Trustee, Position 7
Karen Wheeler-Hall Trustee, Position
Every student’s success is our number one priority!

We strive for excellence in curriculum, teaching and assessment through research, teaching, and community engagement responsibility for their present and future learning by developing their academic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and technological skills, preparing them to become productive citizens.

Our Core Beliefs:

§ Relationships with students matter everyday

§ Teachers make a difference in the classroom

§ Ongoing professional development leads to improved achievement

§ Active learning and engagement of students is a priority

§ Preparing knowledgeable, reflective, and caring educators and students

§ Challenging curriculum promotes critical thinking skills and globally competitive citizens

§ School improvement is a continuous process grounded in our PLC commitments

§ All students can learn

Academics Department

Deputy Superintendent –Julie Abram

Secretary to the Deputy Superintendent Shelli Boren

Teaching and Learning

Executive Director – Angela Garza-Viator

Coordinator of Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Michelle Baker

Facilitator Bilingual/EB – Anabelle Huffman

• Career & Technical Education

• English Language Arts & Reading

• Early Childhood/PK

• Kindergarten

• Math

• Multilingual Education

• Science

Research & Accountability

Director- Jennifer Green

Coordinator of Data Analytics – Justin Bedford

• Federal & State Programs

• State & Local Assessments

• District Accountability

• Data Reporting

• Grant Writing

Special Programs

Executive Director Billye Trader

Director Jennifer Upshaw

• Special Education

• 504/Dyslexia

School Leadership


• Social Studies


• Physical Education

• Advanced Academics/Gifted & Talented

• Library Services

• Professional Learning

• Program Evaluation

• Campus and District Improvement Plans

• District Calendar

• DEIC Lead

• Teacher Incentive Allotment Lead

• Homeless/Foster

• Nursing

Executive Director of School Leadership Dr. Alicia Upchurch









Performing & Fine Arts

Director- Matthew Burke

Counseling & Student Wellness

Coordinator – Janci Alfaro











The La Porte ISD Research and Accountability department believes our charge is to support teachers, school leaders, and families as we prepare our students for a world and workforce which is rapidly changing. Preparing all students for college and careers can only be achieved through comprehensive and diagnostic accountability measures to enable priority allocation of district resources.


• School accountability should be built around rigorous academic standards, measuring student progress against those standards, and helping to make decisions and target resources to help students achieve.

• Assessments administered to students should be streamlined, meaningful and drive improved outcomes for students.

• Federal Title programs and other grants help provide valuable resources for students including academic, socio-emotional, safety and security, and other needs.


TEA – Student Assessment Accommodation Resources


NWEA MAP Resources

State & Federal Programs

2024-25 LPISD Assessment & Grading Calendar


Jennifer Green

Director of Research and Accountability

281-604-7033, greenj@lpisd.org

Justin Bedford

Coordinator of Data Analytics

281-604-7098, bedfordj@lpisd.org

Secretary for Academics

Debbie Varner

281-604-7035, varnerd@lpisd.org

TEA’s webpage which outlines the state assessment accessibility features and designated supports

Texas State Assessment (STAAR, TELPAS, etc.) Resources

Resources for NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) – administered in grades 1-8

Overview of Title I-IV and Perkins V federal grants

LPISD’s Assessment Calendar which includes State Assessment testing dates, CBA dates, etc.


Provide a curriculum that is aligned, assessed, and performance-based in performing and visual arts. Our instructors are committed to the education of the whole child and as a component of that education, we believe that every student should have basic knowledge, skills, and appreciation of the fine arts


Empower students to develop and achieve their creative and expressive potential through aligned, articulated, and assessed experience in the arts.

Instill lifelong involvement in and appreciation of the arts through instruction and diversity in learning experiences and foster high achievement in the artistic disciplines.

The arts teach students to:

§ Understand human experiences, both past and present;

§ Adapt to and respect others' ways of thinking, working, and expressing themselves

§ Learn artistic modes of problem solving, which bring an array of expressive, analytical, and developmental tools to every human situation

§ Understand the influence of the arts, in their power to create and reflect cultures, in the impact of design on virtually all we use in daily life, and in the interdependence of work in the arts with the broader worlds of ideas and actions

§ Make decisions in situations where there are no standard answers

§ Analyze nonverbal communication and make informed judgments about cultural products and issues; communicate thoughts and feelings in various modes, giving them a vastly more powerful repertoire of self-expression.


University Interscholastic League www.uil.org

Texas Music Educators Association www.tmea.org

Texas Dance Teachers Association www.tdea.org

National Association for Music Education www.nafme.org

Texas Educational Theatre Association www.txeta.com/

Texas Art Educators Association www.taea.org/


The department of the Visual and Performing Arts in La Porte ISD encompasses Band, Choir, Orchestra, Theatre/Drama, Dance, Visual Art, and Elementary Music. Over 75% of the student body of LPISD is enrolled in some type of Fine Arts program. These groups represent the district in state and national competitions and performances every year. Many LPISD students go on to and choose some type of Fine Art discipline as a college major.

• Highlights of the La Porte ISD Visual and Performing Arts programs:

• UIL Sweepstakes (all performing music groups)

• LPHS Bulldog Marching Band and Chatos Dance team

• Texas Music Educators Association All-State Participants

• Texas Dance Educators Association All-State Participants

• UIL One Act Play Qualification at Region, Area and State level

• VASE and Scholastic Art student Region and State qualification

• La Porte High School annual musical

• Baker 6th Grade Campus Piano Lab

• 2023 Winner Best Communities for Music Education

• Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo School Art Hall of Fame

• Annual Elementary Fine Arts Camp



Director of Visual and Performing Arts

Matthew Burke, Ed.D. 281-604-7040, burkem@lpisd.org

Secretary to the Director of Visual and Performing Arts

Marilyn Neumann 281-604-7090, neumannm@lpisd.org


Oh when those LP bulldogs fall in line

We’re gonna win this game another time

It’s for those football boys we love so well,

It’s for those football boys we’ll yell, and yell, and yell.

We’re gonna fight, fight, fight, for every score

We’re gonna win this game and win some more!

We’re gonna roll those deer in the ground, all around FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! HEY!

The Alma Mater is the La Porte High school ceremonial piece that is recognized by participants and audience members rising, extending the index finger and thumb while “swaying”, holding the right hand above the head in salute while singing.


All praise to thee our high school

Our hats are off to you.

Forever you will find us

With our loyalty so true.

In years to come we’ll always Remember your great name.

And give a toast forever more LA PORTE we all acclaim.

-Henry Einfeldt, 1946



The La Porte ISD Department of Teaching and Learning believes that a high-quality education that prepares students for college and careers is the foundation of a strong community. We are committed to providing educational experiences for all students that are well-designed and foster their unique interests and talents. Our graduates represent the high expectations and commitments we hold and are fine examples of our success.


About EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION, we believe that:

• Instruction will not occur without a positive relationship between the student and the learning community

• Instruction will be a standards and data-driven, incorporating ongoing formative and summative assessments for each unit of study

• Instruction will be student-centered and rigorous

• Instruction must have well-planned and effective teaching strategies and routines that are rooted in clear objectives

• Instruction relies on differentiation, and is driven by student need

About STUDENT LEARNING we believe that:

• All students will be held to high standards, and expectations

• Students will be cultivated to be literate, self-reflective, and life-long learners

• Students will be motivated and determined to persevere in the face of adversity

• Students will be productive and ethical citizens who make a positive impact on society


LPISD Staff Portal

TEKS Resource System




Lead4Ward Playlist


STAAR Redesign | Texas Education Agency

Access to frequently used Instructional Apps and productivity resources

District curriculum documents for all core subjects with resources for planning and assessing units of study.

Eduphoria! is the district's data management system. From one login, you can access both Aware, for student data and Strive, for professional growth.

Launchpad for electronic resources used in the classrooms including learning software and eTextbooks.

Free resources to support data analysis and TEKS understandings to support careful instructional decisions.

Detailed descriptions of specific instructional strategies that foster intentional planning to deliver instruction that is aligned to TEKS, promotes engagement, and teaches for access, rigor, and transfer.

Resources to support student success on STAAR and EOC exams

STAAR Redesign Information: Texas Education Agency (TEA)


An instructional specialist is an experienced, successful educator who embodies the role of learner and engages in a professional learning community with fellow instructional specialists, teachers and administrators. Their

work focuses on facilitating improved educator practice in the classroom with the primary indicator of success being learner academic achievement.

On a campus, the role for an instructional specialist may include that of data coach, resource provider, mentor, curriculum specialist, instructional coach, classroom supporter, learning facilitator, school leader, catalyst for change, and learner. Rooted in actualizing the LPISD Learning Framework, through the lens of the Big Four— classroom management, content, instruction, formative assessment instructional specialists utilize the coaching cycle to work in partnership with educators as equal partners towards a common goal.


• Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and the ability to establish trusting relationships built on confidentiality and respect.

• Model and encourage collaborative and reflective practice.

• Embed professional learning that supports department, campus, and district goals to support positive transformation.

• Promote risk-taking in a non-threatening atmosphere that allows educators to explore opportunities related to the learning environment beyond their comfort zone.

• Focus on results by using the analysis of data to inform practice.

• Promote the implementation of learning and reciprocal accountability.

• Support the development of professional learning networks across the district.

• Model the practices in the LPISD Leadership Framework.


In La Porte ISD, we believe strongly that education grounded in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is the key to a student’s future success in an ever-changing, global economy. In keeping with our mission of success for each student in La Porte ISD, and as part of a community integrally connected to STEM-related jobs in industry, maritime, oil & gas, health science, and aerospace, our project aims to equip our earliest learners with the skills they will need to succeed and excel in a future workforce through STEM Academies at each elementary campus.


In La Porte ISD, we believe STEM education opens doors for each student through interdisciplinary learning rooted in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. By developing both innovative and practical skills through varied problem-solving applications, we will prepare each student to be resilient and ready for any challenge they will face in a future global society.


In La Porte ISD, we believe that STEM education is a method of hands-on teaching and learning where students apply academic content by creatively solving real-world problems with innovative design-based thinking preparing them for future career opportunities. The goals of our program are grounded in the five (5) domains from the Texas Education Agency STEM Framework for high-quality STEM programming models: Equity of Programming, School Climate and Culture, Program Design, Curriculum and Instruction, and Stakeholder Engagement. The STEM Learning Program in La Porte ISD will achieve the following overarching goals by June 2028.


Executive Director of Teaching & Learning

Angela Garza-Viator 281-604-7039, viatora@lpisd.org

Coordinator of CTE

Michelle Baker Bakera@lpisd.org

Secondary STEM Facilitator

Shannon Fanning Fannings@lpisd.org

Elementary STEM Facilitator

Michael Newman newmanm@lpisd.org

Instructional Leadership


Instructional Specialist

Bilingual/EB Facilitator

Belle Huffman AzuaraA@lpisd.org


ELAR Elementary Meredith Halbardier halbardierm@lpisd.org

Haley Stone stoneh@lpisd.org

ELAR Secondary Marissa Keim keimm@lpisd.org

Math Elementary Cassidy Dill Dillc@lpisd.org

Lynne Moore moorej@lpisd.org

Kristin Wheeler Wheelerk@lpisd.org

Math Secondary Kelli Mules Mulesk@lpisd.org

Ashely O’Malley Omalleya@lpisd.org

Resource/Inclusion Ruth Rosas Rosasr@lpisd.org

Science Elem/JH Ana Fontenot fontenota@lpisd.org

Science HS Brenna Gilbertson gilbertsonb@lpisd.org

Social Studies Carrie Brunn brunnc@lpisd.org



The La Porte ISD School Leadership division believes our purpose is to support all educational programs to ensure that students from early childhood through high school have access to the very best learning opportunities. We strive to provide support to all campuses and their leadership through partnerships and resources in the pursuit of academic excellence.


• All students can learn at high levels with the right supports.

• All decisions will be made in alignment with what is best for students.

• Teachers and school leaders should have meaningful and timely feedback.



LPISD Student Handbook

LPISD Code of Conduct

Educational Planning Guides

Grading and Reporting Procedures


Executive Director of School Leadership

Dr. Alicia Upchurch

281-604-7027, upchurcha@lpisd.org

The Student Handbook contains information about support services, student rights and responsibilities and College and academic policies.

A set of principles, expectations, and/or rules for students and parents to ensure district expectations are clearly communicated.

Course descriptions in individual Course Outlines and in the Program of Studies (POSs) for individual programs at the secondary level.

Course grades and producing report cards and transcripts

Secretary to Executive Director of School Leadership

Maria Panalez

281-604-7030, panalezm@lpisd.org



The La Porte ISD Special Programs department believes that all children can learn. The Special Programs department is committed to ensuring every student makes progress on their academic and functional goals. Special Programs students who graduate from La Porte ISD are enabled with the skills they need to pursue college, career, volunteer work or a safe and sustainable adult life in the community.


1. Student progress is the primary focus of Special Education in La Porte ISD.

2. Students will receive services in the Least Restrictive Environment.

3. La Porte ISD provides a continuum of services to meet the individual needs of all students.

4. Parents and school staff are equal partners in deciding the Individualized Education Plan for each student.

5. Staff will be provided with professional development activities to enhance instructional skills, to remain current in all laws and regulations, and to implement proven best practices in instruction and assessment.


LPISD Faculty Portal

Success Ed



Access to frequently used Instructional Apps and productivity resources

District IEP program

Documentation tool for accommodations and student personal care

Executive Director of Special Programs

Billye Trader, M.Ed 281.604.7032, traderj@lpisd.org

Assignment Name

Director of Special Programs

Jennifer Upshaw, M.Ed 281-604-7029 upshawj@lpisd.org


Behavior Specialist Kizzy Jones joneskiz@lpisd.org

FOCUS Specialist Penelope Velasco pvelasco@lpisd.org



The La Porte ISD Department of Social and emotional learning believes that learning is a process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to: understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain healthy relationships, and make responsible decisions to foster lifelong learning and growth.


988 Lifeline 24-Hour Suicide Hotline Free and Confidential

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

24/7 Crisis TEXT line Text “HELLO” to 74174

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/



o Narcotics Anonymous



Anxiet y

Bipolar Disorder

24-Hour Crisis Response Hotline –Gulf Coast Center –Galveston/Brazoria County 1-866-729-3848

Services to At-Risk Youth (STAR) Crisis Hotline 1-877-949-3140

o Drug Abuse and Addiction (Helpguide.org)

o Drug Rehab 101 (Information on drug abuse, drug treatment, and related issues)

o Alcoholics Anonymous

o Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (Helpguide.org)

o Al-Anon

o Anger Management – Your Questions Answered (Mayo Clinic)

o Anger Management – 10 Tips (Mayo Clinic)

o Angst Movie Resources

o Anxiety (Helpguide.org)

o Anxiety Disorders Association of America

o Anxiety Disorders (National Institute of Mental Health)

o Anxiety Disorders and Effective Treatment (American Psychological Association)

o Overview of Bipolar Disorder (National Institute of Mental Health)

o Bipolar Disorder (Mayo Clinic)

o An Introduction to Bipolar Disorder & Treatment (PsychCentral.com)



o Bipolar Disorder (Helpguide.org)

o International Bullying Prevention Association

o Bullying – What You Can Do & Getting Help (American Psychological Association)

o Stop Bullying.gov (US Government website)

o It Gets Better Project (website)

o Depression (Mayo Clinic)

o Depression (Helpguide.com)

o Depression (PsychCentral.com)

o Booklet on Depression (National Institute of Mental Health)

o Depression Health Center (WebMD)

o Texas Council on Family Violence

Domestic Violence

Eating Disorders

o National Domestic Violence Hotline

o Family Crisis Center of East Texas

o Eating Disorders (Helpguide.org)

o National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders

o National Eating Disorders Association

o National Institute of Mental Health (Publication on Eating Disorders)

o Grief: Loss of a Loved One (MedicineNet.com)

o Grief & Loss (Helpguide.com)



Math Anxiety

Online Safety

o Getting Over Grief: Understanding its Stages and How to Heal

o Marijuana InfoFacts (National Institute on Drug Abuse)

o Drug Facts: Marijuana (Office of National Drug Control Policy)

o Marijuana Use and Its Effects (WebMD.com)

o Math Anxiety (About.com)

o Overcoming the Fear of Math (About.com)

o Study Tips for Math (About.com)

o Bark Technologies (Parental Controls Online)

PTSD o PTSD Symptoms, Treatment, and Self-Help (Helpguide.com)

Self Esteem o Self-esteem: 4 Steps to Feel Better About Yourself(Mayo Clinic)

Self - Injury

Sexual Assault

o Self Injury (Mental Health America)

o Information for Self-Injurers (Self-Injury Foundation)

o Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

o Sexual Assault Resources – US Department of Justice

o Sexual Assault Fact Sheet (US Department of Health & Human Services)

o Date Rape Drugs Fact Sheet (US Department of Health & Human Services)

o Texas Association Against Sexual Assault


o Texas Advocacy Project

o Stress (Helpguide.org)

o Stress Management Techniques (MindTools.com)

S tress

S uicidal Thoughts

o Stress Management – Health Tools (Relaxation Techniques – WebMD.com)

o American Association of Suicidology

o National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

o Veterans Crisis Line Trauma

o Healing Emotional and Psychological Trauma (HelpGuide.org)

o Coping with Traumatic Events (National Institute of Mental Health)

o Trauma Information (Dr. David Baldwin, PhD)

o Vaping is Causing Nicotine Addiction


o The Real Cost of Vaping



Coordinator of Social Emotional Learning Janci Alfaro, M.Ed. 281-604-7123, Alfaroj@lpisd.org



Welcome to La Porte ISD! We are so happy to have you join our family and build a legacy of excellence with La Porte ISD. Business Services consists of Finance (accounting, payroll, accounts payable & purchasing) and Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS).

We are dedicated to providing you with outstanding service so you can focus on your classroom duties and your students. As you come across questions, please refer to the following information and contact the appropriate office. We are here to help you have a smooth transition into La Porte ISD.

We have the following guiding principles:

• Provide excellent service to both internal and external customers.

• Maintain compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations.

• Adhere to all ethical standards.

• Promote training, empowerment and accountability.

• Seize opportunities for improvement of our processes.

We look forward to serving your needs with La Porte ISD!


281-604-7045 mcdowells@lpisd.org


Frankie Periou Payroll & Benefits Coordinator




Cynthia Monteilh Payroll Specialist



Information is located here - scan the QR Code Below:

Lupe Lara Benefits Specialist



You have 30 days from your hire date to enroll in benefits, open enrollment is currently happening until August 16th, during this time we will have help sessions at the Instructional Technology Center.

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a Free District paid service, it’s a confidential resource that helps you deal with life’s challenges and the demands that come with balancing home and work. It’s available 24/7/365 via phone, online resources and the eConnect Mobil App. Phone number 1-800-475-3327 Web- www.supportlinc.com

Financial Wellness – Finpath is also a Free District paid service for you to help your family prioritize your short and long term financial goals. This workplace benefit is designed to help improve financial spending habits, budgeting, improve credit scores and debts. Participation in this free program requires you to sign up through their website – Get started by visiting : www.financialpathway.com


A payroll calendar is attached with pay dates and due dates for extra duty supplemental forms. Generally you clock in for any extra duty.

Employee Access Center

Employee Access Center will give you all the information you will need for payroll purposes. You can locate check stubs, W-2’s, check your personal information, view your leave, view your current salary, use the “whatif” paycheck calculator, and review your current deductions.

This is available to employees even after they leave the district. Your login is your employee number and your password is the last four digits of your social security number until you change it in the system.

Extra Duty/Overtime

July 6/28/2024 1st ck for July starts 5/27/2024 6/9/2024 6/11/2024 7/15/2024 last check for Aug starts 6/10/2024 6/30/2024 7/2/2024

August 7/31/2024 1st check for Aug starts 7/1/2024 7/14/2024 7/16/2024 8/15/2024 7/15/2023 7/28/2023 7/30/2024

September 8/30/2024 7/29/2024 8/11/2024 8/13/2024 9/13/2024 8/12/2024 9/1/2024 9/3/2024

October 9/30/2024 9/2/2024 9/15/2024 9/17/2024 10/15/2024 9/16/2024 9/29/2024 10/1/2024

November 10/31/2024 9/30/2024 10/13/2024 10/15/2024 11/15/2024 10/14/2024 10/27/2024 10/29/2024

December 11/29/2024 10/28/2024 11/10/2024 11/12/2024 12/13/2024 11/11/2024 12/1/2024 12/3/2024

January 12/31/2024

February 1/31/2025 12/16/2024 1/12/2025 1/14/2025 2/14/2025 1/13/2025 1/26/2025 1/28/2025

March 2/28/2025 1/27/2025 2/9/2025 2/11/2025 3/14/2025 2/10/2025 2/23/2025 2/25/2025

April 3/31/2025 2/24/2025 3/9/2025 3/11/2025 4/15/2025 3/10/2025 3/30/2025 4/1/2025

May 4/30/2025 3/31/2025 4/13/2025 4/15/2025 5/15/2025 4/14/2025 4/27/2025 4/29/2025

June 5/30/2025 4/28/2025 5/11/2025 5/13/2025 6/13/2025 last check for July starts 5/12/2025 5/25/2025 5/27/2025

July 6/30/2025 1st ck for July starts 5/26/2025 6/8/2025 6/10/2025 7/15/2025 last check for Aug starts 6/9/2025 6/30/2025 7/1/2025

August 7/31/2025 1st check for Aug starts 7/1/2025 7/13/2025 7/15/2025


George Crandall Gwendolyn Bradley

Cheryl Wood Director of Finance Accounting Coordinator Accounting Coordinator 281-604-7048 281-604-70455 281-604-7051 crandallg@lpisd.org bradleyg@lpisd.org woodc@lpisd.org

Teacher/Sponsor Cash Handling

• A Receipt or Teacher Receipt Log should be used for all cash collections

Jackie McGee Bookkeeper 281-604-7049 mcgeej@lpisd.org

• All funds should be kept in a secure locked location while in your possession

• No cash purchases or change should be made from collected funds

• Make copies of receipts and/or Teacher Receipt Logs for your own records

• All cash/checks should be turned into the campus secretary/bookkeeper daily for deposit, along with the receipts or Teacher Receipt Logs

• The secretary/bookkeeper should count and issue you a white copy numbered receipt in your presence

• Keep copies of these white receipts with their corresponding receipts/Teacher Receipt Log copies you have made

• Reconcile deposits turned in (and payments made if applicable) to the account report generated from e-Finance monthly (the campus secretary can print this out for you-be sure the printout is from the system-the secretary should never just send you an amount)

• All disbursements should have a purchase order and follow district procedures for purchasing (no disbursements should be made directly from the funds that are collected)

• Notify the secretary/bookkeeper or the Business Office of any discrepancies

Education Foundation Grants:

• Grants are awarded/funded in November/December.

• Orders are placed by campus secretary and submitted to purchasing for a purchase order.

• Orders are shipped to the warehouse; invoices are sent to accounts payable in the business office to be paid once received.

• Goods/services must be ordered, received, and paid for by May 31 of the current school year.

• Education Foundation Grant funds not spent by May 31 will be returned to the Foundation.


Things to know when purchasing with District funds:

1. There are strict rules as to how we can use District funds because we are using taxpayers’ dollars.

2. Please do not place an order without first having a purchase order (PO) in place. A PO is the District’s guarantee of payment to the vendor. If you place an order without a PO in place, you may be held personally responsible for payment on that order.

3. If you are looking for commonly purchased items (classroom supplies, office supplies, t-shirts, etc.), please check with your principal’s secretary for approved vendors. She will have a login you can use or a representative you can contact to get a quote with District pricing. You may also check with Purchasing. If you find goods/services you would like to purchase, but you are not sure if the vendor is an approved LPISD vendor, you may check the Vendor Co-op List available on the Purchasing website at under Vendors. If the vendor is not on this list, contact purchasing before moving forward.

4. When contacting a vendor, request a written quote (not just an online shopping cart) to be sure the pricing you receive includes shipping and handling charges.

5. Understand that it takes time for a purchase order to go through the approval process, so please do not wait until the last minute to get your order request to your secretary.

6. All deliveries must go through our warehouse at 2015 Sens Road (which is stated on our purchase order) so please do not request that the items be delivered directly to your campus and definitely not your personal address.

7. Feel free to contact Purchasing if you have any questions. We are here to help!

Things to know about contracts:

All contracts must be submitted to purchasing with a contract cover sheet for approval. Do not sign any contract or agreement.


Tiffany Espinoza

PEIMS Coordinator



Attendance Matters

Julia Hutchins

Student Support Specialist



Teachers are required to take attendance daily in Teacher Access Center (secondary each period – elementary homeroom). The office will provide weekly teacher verification reports. Please check for accuracy – make corrections and return to the office promptly. This is important for truancy, funding and course credit. Remember if a student arrives to class late and you have completed attendance to make sure they are changed from absent to tardy.


Gradebook assignments should be entered daily/weekly – please be sure to click the publish classwork when entering assignments. This will allow the parents to view their student’s assignment in Home Access and stay up to date on test/daily/homework scores and student averages as well as missing assignments.

Attached are click sheets for gradebook and printing grades. Instructional Technology will also be training you in this area.

Printing your grades

Click on your class. Go to Gradebook and choose Entry

On the left, the default setting should be “All Categories”. Click on the arrow for the drop down menu and choose “Six Weeks.” Then to the right where it says Actions/reports pull down the menu and choose “Printable Gradebook”

The following screen will appear. Click on “Run.”

Click on the “Print” icon and you are done!

eSchoolPLUS Basics

Quick Navigation

Attendance I Gradebook I Copying Categories I Grading, Opt. 1 I Grading; Opt. 2 I Exporting Grades

Taking Attendance

1. On your home page all of your classes will be listed. Under the "Attendance" column, there is an icon for you to take attendance for that class. Click it to bring up the attendance screen.

2. To note whether a student is Absent (A) or Tardy (T) you will need to check the box next to the student's name.

3. If all of your students are present you can click the present. box and everyone will be marked

4. Note that if a student that you marked absent or tardy needs to be changed to present, it's not enough to simply uncheck "absent" or "tardy". You must then select "present" to change their status. However if a student was not marked absent or tardy that day, it is not necessary to mark them as present; they will be counted present by default.

5. Once you have completed this step click SAVE and you are finished.

eSchoolPLUS Basics

eSchoolPLUS Basics

Copying Grade Categories to all of Your Courses

eSchoolPLUS Basics

eSchoolPLUS Basics

eSchoolPLUS Basics

LPISD Human Resources


WearegladyouhavechosenLPISD asyourHOME!Ourteamisreadyto supportyouandhelpyouhavethe bestexperienceforthe24-25school year.Pleasereachouttous-weare readytoassistyou!





GettoknowThe La Porte Way(district-wide expectations)

Completegoal-settingwithPrincipal CompleteSafeSchoolsModules


Get to know your students’ names, interests and strengths/weaknesses

Establish clear routines and procedures for your classroom Make positive calls to your students’ parents - introduce yourself!


Thank you for choosing La Porte ISD! With all the great things happening in our district by the bay, we are quite sure you will love it here.

Adam J. Holland Director, Communications & Community Relations

hollanda@lpisd.org x7003

Who are we? What do we do?

Devin Dozier Communications Coordinator dozierd@lpisd.org x7002

Shawley Technician

shawleyp@lpisd.org x7006

Amy Lott Secretary to Director, Communications & Community Relations lotta@lpisd.org x7001/7019

Esther Villatoro Clerk/Receptionist, Communications villatoroe@lpisd.org x7067

We are La Porte ISD’s communications and community relations hub. That includes our website and district social media channels, a triannual magazine called La Porte ISD Insider, a digital newsletter, a slew of print/media services and much more. Our department also works directly with the press and numerous civic organizations and corporate groups. We are additionally charged with fulfilling all open records requests under the Texas Public Information Act.

How may we help you?

Be it helping you with your media needs, editing a document or even highlighting your program to the Greater Houston press, the La Porte ISD Communications Dept. is here for you. La Porte ISD’s students are amazing! If your students are doing amazing work in your classroom, let your principal and Communications know! We will feature your students on the lpisd.org website, in the press and on social media.

Social media info

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @lpisd.


Media Services is here to help!

The following page lists services available through the La Porte ISD Print Shop.

The Print Shop has a cutter that will cut an entire ream of paper in seconds. If you need your print job to be cut in any way, please indicate on the Print Request form and the Print Shop will cut your job for you.

The page after Media Services is a generic Print Request form. Your campus secretary will have this form, specific to your campus. Any questions regarding filling out this form can be directed to your campus secretary or Becky and Kimberly in the Print Shop.

When filling out the Print Request form, please make sure you have a due date for your print job, because the Print Shop work flow is organized by due date. Print Request forms must be signed off by your campus budget manager/principal. Print Request forms without budget manager approval will be returned to the campus.

Please be aware that there is an international shortage of paper. Not all colors of paper listed on the Media Services page are currently available. If you need a job printed on a specific paper color, please check with the Print Shop for availability and alternatives.

Media Services will do personal printing as time permits. Contact Penny or Devin for personal printing prices. Copyrighted items cannot be copied without permission. If you have an item created by an online service, be sure you have permission for your item to be printed.

La Port e ISD Media Services

Folding Available Paper Colors

Gluing (Note Pads)




Requesting Teacher:



Extension: Requesting Date: Date Needed*:

Name of Print Job:

Number of Copies: Color or B&W: Total number of sets requested. If PDF has 4 pages and you want 100 sets, total would be 100 copies. Put as many details in the comments section as needed to ensure accuracy!

Collated or Uncollated:

Collated is pages stay in numerical order. Uncollated is all of page 1 together, all of page 2 together...

1-Sided or 2-Sided:

If you are scanning in your 2-sided documents, make sure you designate that before you start your scan. Press the Email button on copier, choose: ORIGINAL > Press 2-SIDED BOOKLET or 2-SIDED TABLET depending on orientation.

Cover Color:

If your job requires a cover, specify color for front and back (if different)

3-Hole Punch:

NCR - # of Parts: If

Fold: If this job requires folding... In Half, Letter Trifold, Z Trifold, Saddle Fold


If this job is bound/stapled. Circle type / indicate on diagram.

Cutting: Does this job require cutting? Indicate on diagram where cuts are to be made.


All addresses in the district share the same US Postal Service mailing address:

1002 San Jacinto

La Porte, Texas 77571

An interoffice mail system is used to distribute mail received through the US Postal Service and to send interoffice mail to locations throughout the district. Outgoing district mail is sent through interoffice mail to the district mail room, where it is postmarked and picked up by US Postal Service mail carriers.

If you are sending mail through the US Postal Service, use Your Name, Campus and the above address for the return address.

You may send stamped, personal mail through the interoffice mail system for pick up by the US Postal Service. If you need to put postage on a personal mail item, contact the mail room for assistance at x7009.

If you are having an item shipped by UPS, Fed-Ex, or any other non-US Postal Service shipping company, use Your Name, Campus, 2015 Sens Road, La Porte, Texas 77571 for the shipping address. This address is the receiving warehouse for the school district. All shipments must come to this address.

The postage machine will seal envelopes if the flap is closed. Please make sure all envelopes are face up.

If you would like to design a postcard to mail out, please call x7009 for assistance.

La Porte Education Foundation -FAQ

1. What is the La Porte Education Foundation (LPEF)?

The La Porte Education Foundation …

• is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization

• shares a vision of enhancing education in La Porte ISD

• works to increase private support for educational activities in La Porte ISD

• is made up of a board of directors that includes business, community, and educational leaders

2. What is the mission of the LPEF?

The mission of the La Porte Education Foundation is to enhance education by funding innovative, creative instructional projects for students and teachers in La Porte ISD.

3. Why was the LPEF started?

In 1993, community leaders saw a need for alternative revenue sources in La Porte ISD.

LPEF is a major resource for providing funding beyond the normal operating budget for educational programs and activities for students and staff. Funds are used to facilitate student achievement and skill development, recognize and encourage instructional excellence, and facilitate community involvement from individuals, businesses, and civic organizations.

4. How can the LPEF help you?

Since its inception, LPEF has awarded more than $2.6 million in grants and special projects. The LPEF Innovative Grants Program has impacted more than 2,000 teachers. LPEF awarded $125,153.79 in grant funds for the 2021-22 school year.

Grant applications are accepted starting in August. The focus of funding is on teacherinitiated projects that encourage well-designed instructional approaches to learning that help enhance learning. The deadline to submit grant requests is early October. Grants are awarded for projects up to $5,000. You can apply for multiple grants. Attend one of the grant writing sessions at La Porte U to find out more information.

5. How can you help the LPEF?

Employees can support the LPEF through the Employee Payroll Deduction Program. Brochures for the program are given out at the beginning of the school year. You can also call to request a brochure.

pennyec@lpisd.org 281-604-7038

Every student’s success is our number one priority!


Each department is committed to providing excellent customer service in addressing the needs of La Porte ISD schools and facilities. Our goal is to provide the highest level of support by ensuring safe and secure campuses, quality transportation and nutritious meals, along with knowledge, expertise and services that are required to maintain clean and appropriate facilities and grounds.

Our Core Values:

Core Value #1: Respect & Responsibility

Core Value #2: Collaboration & Communication

Core Value #3: Commitment to High Standards & Expectations


Deputy Superintendent – Dr. Dustin Bromley

Maintenance, Facilities, & Grounds

Director – Blake Warren

• Planning & Facilites Manager - Misty Mikulin


Director - Elissa Rice

• Secretary – Elena Reynaga

• Routing/Logistics Supervisor – Samantha Pugh

• Training/Trips Supervisor – Belinda Chapa

• Discipline/Safety Supervisor – Lisa Tello

• Mechanic Supervisor – Nat Bata


Director – Brad Rogers

• Secretary – Linda Garcia

• Program Manager, Instructional Technology – Amanda Majeed

• System Administrator – Michael Norris, James Rooke, & Ruston Royall

• Instructional Tech Specialist – Eowyn Johnson & Courtney Oliver

• Coordinator Instructional Technology, Instructional Materials, Libraries – Nichole Zucha


Director – Ralph Wilkins

• Secretary – Lori Nutter

• Coordinator Training – Cheryl Sloan

• Coordinator Meal Planning – Katherine Yarbrough

• Specialist – Lauren Pearson

Parent Assistance, Engagement & Student Services

Director - Todd Schoppe

• Secretary – Maggie Pacheco

• District Attendance Officer – Lateresa Wilson

Safety & Security

• Coordinator of Student Services & Safety – Tremayne Wickliffe

• Sergeant – Bryan Larkey

• Lead Security – Kelvin Addison


Director – Elisha Thompson

Asst. Director – Kevin Berneathy

Secretary – Monica McConnell

Maintenance and Operations

The maintenance department objective is to ensure operational efficiency and sustainability through proactive maintenance and timely repairs. We support all aspects of facility maintenance and ensure a clean environment for staff and students.

If you need to report a repair, issue, or facility schedule please get with your campus secretary to submit a work order. Each campus secretary has access to input a work order in the system.

Misty Mikulin

Brandi Sweatt

Melissa Raymundo

Manager Planning & Facilities


Specialist Maintenance Control 281-604-7153

Central Receiving Supervisor 281-604-7188

Jeff Wade General Maintenance Foreman 281-604-7160

Domingo Gutierrez

HVAC Foreman 281-604-7158

Jason Elliott Electrical Foreman 281-604-7190

Emanuel Reynaga Electronics Foreman 281-604-7155

Vince Vicenik

Grounds Foreman 281-604-7150

Kenneth Gordon Custodial Foreman 281-604-6981

La Porte ISD School Nutrition

Program Information

Each of La Porte ISD’s twelve campuses participate in the National School Lunch and National School Breakfast Programs. In addition, La Porte Elementary and James H. Baker Sixth Grade Campus offer after-school snacks for students participating in enrichment activities. Although after-school snacks are free, breakfast and lunch prices are based on individual student eligibility. Any family, at any time during the school year, may apply for free or reduced-price meals online at www.nlappscloud or receive a paper application from your campus’ front office. Completed applications should be given to the café manager. Meal prices are as follows:

Breakfast, Pre-K through 12th Grade: Reduced-Price = $.30 Paid = $1.25

Lunch, Pre-K through 8th Grade: Reduced-Price = $.40 Paid = $2.25

Lunch, 9th through 12th Grade: Reduced-Price = $.40 Paid = $2.50

Adults may also purchase meals at a cost of $2.50 for breakfast and $5.00 for lunch. Meals and a la carte items may be paid for with cash, or you may create an account by giving your name and employee ID number to the cafeteria manager. Once that account is created, you can deposit money into it and reduce the time you spend paying for purchases. We welcome your comments and feedback, which you can email to SchoolNutrition@lpisd.org. Additionally, please encourage your students to give their feedback to the café team so that we can improve our service and offerings.

Nutrition Education

We are happy to provide in-classroom nutrition and health education. Additionally, we will attend field days, fitness events, “Get off the couch” nights, and other opportunities to interact with the community. Please reach out to the Director if you have any questions regarding nutrition education or events. We can tailor our messages to any grade level or core content you may need.

Civil Rights

Any employee who regularly engages in the delivery of meals is required by the USDA to have specialized civil rights training related to meal service. If you retrieve student meals from the café or hand out meals to students, please contact the nutrition office at x6950 or email SchoolNutrition@lpisd.org. We will come and provide quick training so that the district can maintain federal compliance. This training is not required for those who monitor students while eating, only those actively engaged in meal distribution.

School Nutrition Contacts

Main phone number (281)604-6950

Office-wide email address (provide to parents & community) SchoolNutrition@lpisd.org

Director, School Nutrition - Ralph Wilkins Wilkinsr@lpisd.org

Coordinator, School Nutrition - Katherine Yarbrough YarbroughK@lpisd.org Coordinator, Training – Cheryl Sloan Sloanc@lpisd.org Specialist (free/reduced applications) - Lauren Pearson PearsonL@lpisd.org

Secretary – Lori Nutter Nutterl@lpisd.org

Administrative and Support Services

The La Porte ISD Administrative and Support Service department is commanded by Deputy Superintendent Dr. Dustin Bromley. The Safety and Security division is overseen by the Coordinator of Student Support Services, Tremayne Wickliffe. The divisions within the department include student discipline, special program enrollment (DAEP), safety, campus security, code compliance, threat assessments, standard response protocols, campus support, Centegix, emergency management, administrative training and professional development.

The safety division is responsible for developing, implementing, and promoting the La Porte ISD comprehensive safety program. The safety program was developed and continually reviewed by the La Porte ISD Safety Committee; this task force includes a safety liaison from each campus and department that oversees the district’s safety protocols daily at the campus level. Student Support Services also works with many other first responder agencies throughout the district and meets regularly with these entities during the school year as a part of the safety committee. General responsibilities include workplace and classroom safety programs such as the La Porte C.A.R.E program, large event safety, mobility safety, and progressive response to violence training and procedures. The Administrative and Support Services department also includes a lead security manager and 6 campus security guards who are assigned at the secondary campuses within the district.

Response to school violence continues to evolve as each incident is analyzed. Until very recently, the protocol was to lockdown. La Porte ISD continues to use lockdown as well as SRP; however, an improved system is being used that gives staff implicit responsibility to take direct action to protect themselves and those for whom they are responsible with the use of Centegix. Several videos can be viewed at the following YouTube page link below to gain a better understanding of the Centegix alert badge system.

link: https://www.youtube.com/@CENTEGIX/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=2

The code compliance division ensures the District is in compliance with applicable state statutes and local codes pertaining to life safety, public health, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Administrative and Support Services work with the individual schools on life safety, playground safety, traffic safety, and security assessments in and around the many La Porte ISD facilities.

Dr. Dustin Bromley and Tremayne Wickliffe developed and maintains a multi-hazards emergency operations plan that includes mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery procedures relevant to natural and human-caused disasters. The emergency operations plan provides general guidance for emergency management activities and

applies to all district officials, staff, and students. It describes how the district responds to emergencies and assigns responsibilities for various tasks. It empowers employees in an emergency and clarifies emergency roles and responsibilities, describing who does what, when and how. The emergency operations plan is a living document that is continually reviewed, tested, and updated through various feedback loops, including scheduled and unscheduled drills designed to test the plan's effectiveness. These drills include, but are not limited to fire, intruders, and severe weather.

Administrative and Support Service District Webpage


Introduction to Technology Services

This is a guide to introduce you to technology services, how to request support, classroom tips, and classroom technology baseline


Help Desk - 281-604-7070

Brad Rogers Managing Director

Linda Garcia Secretary - 7912

Amanda Majeed Program Manager, Instructional Technology - 7129

Mark Escobar Help Desk Coordinator - 7075

Enter Technology work orders through Track-It!

Track-It! is available through the staff portal on the LPISD website or can be accessed directly at: https://trackit20.lpisd.org/TrackIt/SelfService/

Classroom Technology Tips

1. Label or number laptops for assignment. Assign a specific laptop to an individual student each class period.

2. Charge laptops between class periods as much as possible. Have the students return laptops to cart and plug it in between each class.

3. Charge laptops during lunch and conference periods.

4. Use Classwize to monitor laptop use and set web restrictions when needed. Training on Classwize is available and will be provided upon request.

5. Report any damaged or malfunctioning equipment as soon as possible. This will ensure the quickest resolution and will help keep disruption to a minimum.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.