A Piece of Cake 3, Teacher's Guide/Web

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Livingstone & Watson

A Piece of Cake 3

A Piece of Cake TEAC HE R’ S GUIDE CO NTA INS : • the pedagogical principles behind the material • page-by-page suggestions for using the material and evaluating learning

T E A C H E R’ S G U I D E

• ideas for extra games and activities • suggestions as to how IT can be exploited

WWW. AL INE A. DK / A PIE CE O FCAK E For the teacher: • Interactive whiteboard flipcharts for the Textbook and the Workbook,

C a ro l Li v i n g sto n e & C a t he r i ne Watson

A Piece of Cake T E A C H E R’ S G U I D E


with sound and activities • Sound for classroom use and download • Copy sheets For the learner: • Digital pages with sound • Sound files for download • Interactive activities for PC and the interactive whiteboard

ISBN 978-87-23-03625-4

9 788723 036254


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