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Before reading Ask: • Do you think that your identity is mainly shaped by your genes or the people around you?
During reading Ask: • What things other than eye colour do you think are determined by your genes?
BEFORE READING What do you believe makes you who you are?
What makes you you? Do you sometimes ask yourself the question "Who am I?" You are, of course, your physical self – your brain and body. But what about your stories? How do the things we
experience opleve
experience shape us as human beings? Let’s explore some
shape forme
of the factors that make you you.
pass on videregive determine bestemme traits egenskaber
mannerism væremåde
Your genes are passed on to you from your biological
environment miljø
parents, half of them from your mother, the other half
upbringing opvækst ongoing vedvarende impact påvirkning
from your father. These genes determine many of your physical traits, such as the colour of your eyes. They can also determine some of your mannerisms, such as your laughter or the way you raise your eyebrows. Genes are in every single cell of your body and play an important part in making you unique. Even identical twins are unique; although they
During reading Ask: • As a teenager, who do you think influence you more, your parents or your friends?
share the same DNA, their genes are not the same. Environment Of course, it’s not just your genes that determine who you are. Your upbringing and the people who surround you play an important role in shaping you as a person. In fact, there is an ongoing debate about the impact our surroundings have
During reading Ask: • Have you ever been to a friend’s house and realised that they do things differently than at your house? In what ways is your family different from your friends’ families?
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on us as human beings. This debate is often referred to as
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