LRW vol.41

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2020 年 5 月中下旬,新冠疫情在全国的蔓延已经得到了缓解,中国在继续严防疫情的同时,正在积极




自今年 3 月开始,中国各地政府纷纷实施救市措施,以带动经济复苏。除了各省 / 市政府发放的巨额


例如辽宁的“两新一重”投资需求 1,000 多亿元,包括 4G/5G 基站等新型基础设施建设;卫生健康、教育项目、 老旧小区改造等新型城镇化建设;以及交通、水利等重大工程建设。


全年完成投资 2,200 亿元以上。云南:2020 年重点项目 3,373 个,总投资逾 8 万亿元。福建:发展改革委

筛选推出 248 项省级重点招商项目,总投资 5,978 亿元。山东:第一批 274 个重点项目总投资 8,922 亿元, 第二批 495 个补短板强弱项项目投资约 1,457 亿元,主要围绕公共服务、社会治理、产业生态、基础设施 等四个重点谋划领域。湖北:2020 年省级重点建设计划 410 个,总投资 13,291 亿元。湖南:2020 年重点

招商引资项目 497 个,总投资约 1.8 万亿元。广东:2020 年重点项目 1230 个,总投资额 5.9 万亿元,涵

盖了基础设施工程、产业工程、民生保障工程三大方面。等等。由此看来,我国的经济复苏之路已提上日程了。 而另一边,新冠疫情在全球的加速蔓延为各国经济带来了前所未有的冲击,世界经济陷入了严重的衰

退阶段。公共卫生体系崩溃、投资骤减、生产疲软、失业率高企、企业债务和政府债务飙升、供应链受阻断裂、 全球经济活动和贸易陷入混乱当中。。。预计跨过新冠疫情这道坎以后,各国还需要走漫长的经济复苏之路。 受各国“锁国”等活动限制影响,今年多个大型国际展览会相继取消,例如德国汉诺威工业博览会

(Hannover Messe 2020)原本计划由 2020 年 4 月延期至同年 7 月,上海集装箱多式联运亚洲展(Intermodal

Asia 2020)原计划由 2020 年 3 月延期至同年 7 月,以及原定于 2020 年 6 月在上海举办的国际内部物流解

决方案及流程管理展览会(LogiMAT China)。以上三个行业展览最终均无奈宣布取消计划,改为网络方式 进行的在线研讨会和直播交流会。而新加坡 2020 亚太海事展暨研讨会(Asia Pacific Maritime)由 2020 年 3 月延期至本年 9 月 30 日 -10 月 2 日举行。






2020 年 11 月 24-27 日 国际工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车辆及设备博览会 (bauma CHINA,上海)

bauma CHINA 源于德国慕尼黑 bauma 展,2002 年于中国成功首演,并与中国工程机械发展轨迹紧密结合,契合中国及亚洲市场的发

展需求,全面覆盖施工机械、矿用原材料提取和加工设备、建材机械、配套件及服务提供商,展示行业创新发展,成为供应商及专业观众把 握行业风向,洞悉市场动态的绝佳商业交流平台。《索具世界》今年将继续参展,为读者带来国际工程机械行业的最新动态,敬请留意!

[ bauma CHINA 2020 ]: 24-27 November 2020 (Shanghai, China)

bauma CHINA, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction

Vehicles, takes place in Shanghai every two years, is Asia's leading platform for experts in the sector. The four-day event will offer a

unique opportunity to discover innovative products and meet suppliers in order to gain long-term competitive advantage. The LRW team attend this great event every other year to hear about the latest development of machinery industries in and out of China. See you in Shanghai in this coming November!

 2020 年 11 月 24 日 -26 日 第 23 届国际石油与天然气工业展览会暨研讨会 (OSEA,新加坡)

OSEA 是亚洲地区影响力巨大的石油及天然气展览会。始于 1976 年,每两年,各国展团、行业专家、各路高管皆汇聚于此,不但于展


[ OSEA 2020 ]: 24- 26 November 2020 (Singapore)

First launched in 1976, OSEA has since grown to be the largest and most established oil & gas industry event in Asia. OSEA has been delivering content that is most sought after by trade professionals and continues to remain relevant by being acutely aware of the industry's trends and needs. The LRW team will attend this valued gathering and meet our industry fellows again.



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Visit LRW Magazine's official website

Scan the QR code and check out what's happening in the Chinese and worldwide lifting and rigging industry.




总 第 41 期

Special Feature





向国内外索具行业各大企业及用户赠阅。欢迎业界来电索阅或洽 谈合作。

2020 年 9 月回归新加坡

Lifting &Rigging World Magazine(LRW)is bilingual magazine published in China. It is widely distributed in China and the Asia Pacific. LRW covers the wire rope,

lifting and rigging industries wordwide, with a primary focus on China. The magazine is established to deliver essential information, analysis and insight into the fastdeveloping global lifting and rigging sector. ISSN 国际刊号 : 2219-5904 Published by 出版单位:



LRW Media Limited 《索具世界》杂志社有限公司

赛福天钢索新增三家子公司 Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope expand their business by owing three new subsidiaries

香港湾仔骆克道 315-321 号骆基中心 25 楼 F 室

Caldwell's RUD Line of Machined Eyebolts

Room F, 25/F., Lucky Plaza, 315-321 Lockhart

LogiMAT China 2020 延期至 2021 年举行 LogiMAT China 2020 postponed due to Covid 19 pandemic

Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Director 总监:

2020 集装箱多式联运亚洲展将延期至 2021 年 3 月 16-18 日举行 Intermodal Asia 2020 will now take place on 16-18 March 2021 振威北京石油展 cippe2020 移师上海,8 月 26-28 日盛大举行 Beijing cippe2020 will be held on August 26-28 in Shanghai

彭仕杰 Pang See Kit

Honored Editor 荣誉主编 : 余美慧 Michele Yu

GLAD about lifting - spread the word

Editorial Reviewer 责任编辑 : 石昀 Sharon Shi

德国汉诺威展览公司:停办 2020 汉诺威工业博览会 No HANNOVER MESSE in 2020

Editor 编辑 : 黄丽雅 Mandy Wong

Designer 美术编辑 : 凌永铖 Anson Ling

Reporter 编辑 / 记者 : 朱月容 Judy Zhu 杨茜 Yang Qian

Production 制作 : 冯劲烽 Feng Jing Feng

投资超 11 亿元,山东神力索具盖新绿色工厂 Shandong Shenli Rigging invest 1.1 billion to build up a new green factory



Account Manager 客户经理 : 黄丽雅 Mandy Wong

上海安峰起重索具 | DNV2.7-1 标准的离岸集装箱索具产品 Shanghai Anfeng Lifting highlights their DNV 2.7-1 Offshore Container Lifting Sling CODITRACER: a management and traceability tool

Editorial Office 编辑部

地址 : 广州市越秀区小北路 65 号华宇大厦 15 楼 H 室

Room H, 15/F, Hua Yu Office Building, 65 Xiao Bei Road, Guangzhou, China Postcode : 510045

电话 : +86-20-83545140

Email :

中国大陆独家代理 : 广州市博兮风广告有限公司

Mainland China Advertising: Guangzhou Boxifeng Advertising Co., Ltd.



bauma CHINA 2020 将如期举办 bauma CHINA 2020 will take place as planned






技术创新,福建平海湾风电场 2020 年“追风逐电”初达成!













Shandong Shenli Rigging invest 1.1 billion to build up a new green factory


Participants are confident of the construction of Shandong Shenli Rigging's new green factory

Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd. announce the launching of building up a new green factory in this late April. This project

is the collaboration between Shandong Shenli Rigging,

Guangdong Jinggon Intelligence and China United Engineering Corporation.

The three entities invest around 1.13 billion (CNY) on this

new green factory. The annual revenue for this new factory is expected to reach to 1.7 billion (CNY), and the profit before tax to reach to 360 million (CNY). Among this, the gross profit is expected to reach to 190 million (CNY) and tax to 170 million (CNY).

The new factory for Shandong Shenli Rigging will not only be

green, but also integrated with automated production, smart manufacturing and intelligent cyber systems.

This is a significant plan for Shandong Shenli Rigging, as the company aims to response to Chinese government's 'Made in

China 2025' strategic plan, and contribute themselves to the 10

manufacturing of high value products and services.

In 2019, Shandong Shenli Rigging submitted application

to the government of China's Shandong Province, with a

critical project named "A new green factory for intelligent manufacturing of grade 80 and higher grade rigging, hardware, and rail transit's key accessories".

This project got approval later in February 2020 by the local

government and listed on "Significant projects 2020 for the Government of Shandong Province".

To make further action, Shandong Shenli Rigging partnered

with Guangdong Jinggon Intelligence and China United Engineering Corporation, investing 1.13 billion (CNY) to build

up this new green factory. Now the new factory is under construction.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

投资超 11 亿元,山东神力索具盖新绿色工厂 化企业。

该项目是神力索具对“国内 80 级及以上级别的高档出口锻造


应中国智能制造 2025 目标,抓住传统制造向智能制造转型发展的 契机,根据做大做强优势产业,大力促进国内具有自主知识产权


规格最全、质量最优、规模最大的研发生产基地,力争建设成全 球最大索具配套绿色智能化供应链产业园的目标”的有力举措。

山东神力索具有限公司于 2019 年向山东省人民政府申报了

4 月末,山东神力索具有限公司(以下简称“神力索具”)


新绿色工厂项目进入了启动阶段。该项目总投资 11.3 亿元,投产

后预期年销售收入 17 亿元,实现利税 3.6 亿元,其中利润 1.9 亿元, 税金 1.7 亿元。



“80 级以上级别高档索具及轨道交通核心零部件智能制造与绿色

工厂建设项目”,并在 2020 年 2 月获批通过,列入《山东省人民 政府 2020 年重大准备项目名单》。


的重中之重来抓。为了加快推进项目的科学顺利实施,公司联合 广东精工智能系统有限公司和中国联合工程有限公司为项目建设


11 11



Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope expand their business by owing three new subsidiaries

China based wire rope manufacturer Jiangsu Safety Wire

Holdings Limited to set up Suzhou Wuzhong Construction

the end of the first half of 2020. This is good for extending

jointly invested by the two unities with CNY 30 million, among

Rope Co., Ltd. announce to have three new subsidiaries by their product range, developing business and enhancing their comprehensive competitiveness.

One of the new subsidiary is Jiangsu Safety New Material

Technology Company, which is set up on 25 April 2020. This is a wholly owned subsidiary established solely with its own

capital of CNY 20 million by Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope. The

new subsidiary is focusing on the manufacture, R&D, sales and technical support of Novel Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials.

On 25 April 2020, Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope announce to collaborate with their partner Jiangsu Wuzhong Financial


Engineering Quality Testing Center Co., Ltd. This company is

which, Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope invest 24 million and hold 80% of the whole shares. This new subsidiary provides testing services to projects such as Construction Engineering and Water Conservancy.

Later on 29 May 2020, Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope acquires

Tong Ren Architecture Design Company by purchasing 100% of its equity with cash. According to their "Equity Transfer

Agreement", the transaction value reaches to CNY 255 million. This subsidiary enables Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope to

supply services of design, contracting and management for construction engineering industry.



Lifting & Rigging World

同人建筑设计(苏州)有限公司的《股权转让协议》签署于 2020

赛福天钢索股份有限公司(以下简称“赛福天钢索” )在今年上半年

年 5 月 29 日,赛福天钢索以支付现金的方式购买其 100% 的股权,



新增加了三家子公司,分别是新设立的全资子公司江苏赛福天新材 控股子公司苏州市吴中建设工程质量检测中心有限公司、新收购的 同人建筑设计(苏州)有限公司(赛福天钢索收购 100% 股权)。

江苏赛福天新材料科技有限公司成立于 2020 年 4 月 25 日,

是母公司赛福天钢索以自有资金 2,000 万元人民币单独出资设立 的全资子公司。新公司致力于生产、研发、销售高分子合成纤维新材 料及其制品,并提供技术服务。


心有限公司的设立议案同样成立于 2020 年 4 月 25 日。 主要从事建

交易对价为 2.55 亿元人民币。同人建筑设计(苏州)有限公司主营 含居住、商业、办公、教育及医疗项目。

赛福天钢索主营业务为特种钢丝绳与索具的研发、 生产和销售,


维吊装带索具。新增以上三家企业后,赛福天钢索将增加高分子合 成纤维材料及制品、建设工程检验检测、建筑工程设计承包管理等

工程技术服务,有利于扩大公司的业务范围,同时提升公司的市场 竞争力和可持续发展能力。

设工程、水利工程、雷电防护装置、室内环境、消防技术等的检验检 测业务。该公司由赛福天钢索与关联方苏州市吴中金融控股集团有

限公司共同注资 3,000 万元人民币,其中赛福天钢索出资 2,400 万 元人民币,持股 80%。

13 13



Caldwell's RUD Line of Machined Eyebolts

The Caldwell Group Inc. is offering its range of German-

manufactured RUD Ring Schraube (RS) machined eyebolts from 220 lbs. to 44,090 lbs. capacity.

The new VRS Starpoint—the name derives from RUD’s VIP program and the product's star shape—features an added adjustable function.

For approx. two years, Rockford, Illinois-based Caldwell and

the RUD Group have united their sales and marketing activities

Jay Schroeder, regional sales manager at Caldwell, said: "The

within a common organization. Practically, the VRS is used to

end user needs a lifting point to swivel and maybe does not

in North America for material handling and lifting devices replace standard eyebolts that have to be de-rated for angular lifting, offering end users a safer option and one with less risk

of a lifting point failure. The VRS can be loaded in any direction and does not need to be de-rated even for a side lift.


Starpoint gives safe alternative options to places where the need the full versatility of a swivel load or hoist ring. Many times in the past, someone would try to make a four-point

lift with a standard eyebolt. When you mount an eyebolt, you would get them in tight and they end up in four different

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

orientations or the user would have to shim the eyebolt to try and get it in the correct orientation."

Schroeder, who oversees sales for RUD, Caldwell and Renfroe products in the eastern half of the U.S. and Canada, added: "When you go to make a pick, eyebolts back out to the path

of least resistance and are no longer 'seated'. This puts undue stress on the bolts and will cause failure to the point of bending the eyebolt or ultimate failure of breaking it totally."

However, the VRS features the iconic RUD star-shape, which

adds strength versus a typical ring and gives the user direction on how far around the ring they can make a safe load. Working load limits (WLL) are stamped or forged on the product.

Schroeder said: "We tell the user that they can make a pick from point to point. If they choose to make a true vertical lift

from one [VRS] or different combinations using multiple units, they can access our WLL either online or in our catalog."

When using the VRS for lifting, the user engages the installation

before disengaging the tool and making a lift. Schroeder explained that if the application is a one-time lift, the

manufacturer recommends hand tightening, but if it is for a permanent location Caldwell provides torque values to set them to.

The product is available in a myriad of sizes: metric; imperial; longer bolts for metric; and even custom threads for special

applications. The range spans M6 to M64 and 5/16 in. to 2 in. Notably, it also features radio-frequency identification (RFID).

"RUD realizes that everyone has unique lifting requirements," added Schroeder. "We try to fill as many holes as we can to help the end user. Some may need the standard product;

others may want it without the key [tightening wrench] that comes as standard. It can be used in one-, two-, three- or fourpiece configurations."

All RUD products are made to DIN, BG and EN standards.

tool in the hexagon socket screw and tightens it by hand, 销售业务和产品服务 立足上海,重点服务华东华北市场,我们销售的 立足上海,重点服务华东华北市场,我们销售的产

品涵盖各种规格的钢丝绳,钢丝绳索具,链条和链 条索具,吊带和吊带索具,安全带,防台风系列产 品,捆绑带和吊装带产品,海工船舶配套系泊钢丝 绳和舾装零件,手拉葫芦和手扳葫芦,卸扣,吊环 等起重配件。同时代理瑞典TALURIT,日本 JPNHOIST,维大茵特以及建峰索具等国内外知名 起重索具品牌。


解决方案 凭借近20年的丰富行业经验,和专业的资深技术团 队,我们根据不同的项目需要为客户提供完善的起 重设计解决方案,包括技术咨询、方案设计、产品 规划、到终端客户的实际使用操作、现场调试、售 后跟进等完整的配套服务。


检查,测试和证书 作为一家技术型企业,我们的资深团队由专业的技术人员 组成,能够深入检查产品的性能及使用情况,并提供第三 方实验室检测服务,同时提供DNV-GL, CCS, ABS 等第三 方检验证书,确保产品安全。

租赁服务 为客户提供优质的租赁服务也是我们的特色服务之一。在这里,专 业的技术人员会根据客户的需求提供客制化的解决方案,以合理的 价格搭配合适的索具产品,不同产品的租赁价格会根据不同的租赁 时间、吨位、长度、数量等因素而进行调整。 代理品牌:

上海安峰起重索具有限公司 SHANGHAI ANFENG LIFTING & RIGGING LTD. 电话:021-6176 6178 传真:021-6176 6112



15 15



LogiMAT China 2020 延期至 2021 年举行 因全球新冠病毒疫情持续蔓延,原定于 2020 年 6 月在上海举

办的国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会(LogiMAT China)将 延期至 2021 年 6 月举行。 公告全文如下:

原定于 2020 年 6 月在上海举办的 LogiMAT China 及所有

同期活动因全球新冠病毒疫情持续蔓延而被迫选择取消。同时,在 政府部门发出的公告中也指出,目前仍无法保证大型活动可以正常

举办; 而参展人员的身体健康永远是展会主办方最需要重视的问题。 在此情况下,展会主办方也不得不提前做出如此决定,以避免在最

终时刻因展会无法正常举办, 而让参展商和观众所有投入付诸流水。 自 2014 年首次登陆中国以来,在社会各界的大力支持下,

LogiMAT China 得以快速成长并逐渐成为一个高品质的国际化交 流平台。 2019 年 LogiMAT China 移师上海,开始与慕尼黑博览集

团组织的亚洲物流双年展同期举办,并于 2019 年 4 月上一届展会 中吸引了超过 25,000 名参观者。



会对我们的展商、合作方以及专业买家都没有任何帮助。 ”来自南京 斯图加特联合展览公司的 LogiMAT 中国项目总监陈铭解释说, “我 们认为延期到明年对所有人都是最合理的一个方式。 ”


员在规划参展时投入了巨大的时间与精力。 ”欧洲展览会议公司总

经理孔灿德(Mr.Peter Kazander)说, “参展商目前也与我们一样 正在渡过这个艰难的时期,我们希望及时共享这些信息可以帮助所 有参与者更有效地重新安排他们的计划。 ”

下一届 LogiMAT China 将于 2021 年 6 月 16-18 日在上海

举办。我们期待着能在明年 3 月的斯图加特 LogiMAT 2021 或在 2021 年 6 月的上海与我们的参展商,合作伙伴和观众再相聚。

LogiMAT China 组委会 2020 年 4 月 17 日

24 - 26 NOVEMBER 2020



BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW! Contact us to discuss your space booking at OSEA 2020 Mr Benedict Tan Sales Manager T: +65 9699 8588 E: Held alongside





LogiMAT China 2020 postponed due to Covid 19 pandemic The upcoming annual industrial gathering - International

"Based on China's State Council announcement to

(LogiMAT China) announced to be rescheduled in June 2021,

believe it is not in the interest of our exhibitors, partners,

Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management

due to the dynamically developing Covid 19 pandemic around the world.

The full text announcement is as below:

Scheduled to be held in Shanghai in June 2020, LogiMAT China as well as transport logistic China 2020 will be

cancelled due to the dynamically developing Covid 19

pandemic worldwide. At this time, the local government

in Shanghai cannot guarantee to release the fairground for major events in June. The health of visitors and

exhibitors must take priority. Therefor the organizers

had to take this decision now, to avoid exhibitors and visitors taking efforts and risk a last minute cancellation ordered by the government.

LogiMAT China has rapidly developed since its 2014 launch in China. After four years in Nanjing, LogiMAT China moved to Shanghai in 2019 and collocated with

transport logistic China, organized by Messe Muenchen

Shanghai. LogiMAT China developed to be a high-level international information platform and attracted more than 25.000 trade visitors in April 2019.


postpone all events until further notice on April 7, we and professional visitors, to pursue this year's show,"

explains Larry Chen, Project director of LogiMAT China from Nanjing Stuttgart Joint Exhibitions in Shanghai.

"We believe that postponement until next year is in the best interest for everyone."

"We took this decision at this time, as we know companies and attendees invest tremendous efforts

working in planning exhibitions," states Peter Kazander, managing director of EUROEXPO Messe and Kongress

GmbH, Munich, "Our exhibitors are going through

difficult times right now and we hope that sharing this information in time could help all participants reschedule their plans more effectively."

Next LogiMAT China will take place in Shanghai from June 16 to 18, 2021. We are looking forward to seeing our

exhibitors, partners and visitors next March in Stuttgart or in June 2021 in Shanghai at the latest.

LogiMAT China Team




2020 集装箱多式联运亚洲展将延期至 2021 年 3 月 16-18 日举行 2020 集装箱多式联运亚洲展的主办方英富曼集团,与其合作



我们将在原定的集装箱多式联运亚洲展期间(2020 年 7 月 14

多式联运亚洲展推迟到 2021 年 3 月 16-18 日举行。

日至 16 日)启动线上论坛计划,这是集装箱多式联运亚洲展对行业

难和复杂的决定。今年 1 月份,我们将集装箱多式联运亚洲展的举

系列 60 分钟的线上内容,此线上论坛涵盖了集装箱多式联运业的

集装箱多式联运展项目总监 Rob Fisher 说: “这是一个非常艰

办时间推迟到今年 7 月,但是之后新冠疫情在全球蔓延,各个国家 或者地区的人都被限制出行,这就意味着 7 月份举办该展会已不再 可行。


与者的健康。面对挑战,我们坚信明年 3 月份办展会更利于保证展

的长期持续性服务的一部分。 ‘集装箱多式联运聚焦’论坛将提供一 全球最新形势,最重要的发展和应对策略,以确保业界能够及时掌 握行业的最新动向。 ”

更 多“ 集 装 箱 多 式 联 运 聚 焦”的 内 容 请 前 往 官 网 www.。

会的质量。届时,集装箱多式联运亚洲展将为行业提供绝佳的面对 面沟通机会和便捷的业务拓展平台。


意。希望业界同仁能与我们一起参加今年 10 月在荷兰鹿特丹举办

的 2020 集装箱多式联运欧洲展和 2021 年 3 月在上海举办的集装 箱多式联运亚洲展。

所有已经确定的展位和观众预注册等信息将自动转到 2021

年 3 月。在接下来的几天内,我们团队将与相关单位 / 个人进行下

Intermodal Asia 2020 will now take place on 16-18 March 2021 Informa Markets—after consultation with our joint venture partners the China Container Industry Association (CCIA)—has made the decision to postpone Intermodal Asia until 2021. Rob Fisher, Group Director, Intermodal Asia said:

"This has been a difficult and complex decision to make. In January, we chose to reschedule Intermodal Asia to July but the spread of Covid-19 to geographies outside of China along

with the travel restrictions that are currently in place means hosting the event at this time is no longer viable."

"The health and wellbeing of our visitors, speakers and exhibitors is of paramount concern. Given the challenges that

we are facing we firmly believe that rescheduling of Intermodal

Asia will provide the best possible platform for the container shipping community in Asia to connect and do business. "

"I would like to apologise for any inconvenience and disruption to our visitor and exhibitor schedules and I hope they will join 20

us in October for Intermodal Europe 2020 and in Shanghai, in March 2021, for Intermodal Asia."

All exhibition bookings and visitor pre-registrations for these events will be transferred automatically to the new dates and

there will be further communication to these groups over the coming days and weeks. The organizer aims to facilitate a smooth transition to the new dates for all parties.

As part of Intermodal Event's ongoing commitment to the industry, there will be a programme of digital content over

the dates on which Intermodal Asia was scheduled to take

place, 14–16 July 2020. "Intermodal Insights" will deliver a series of 60-minute webinars covering the most important developments and innovations within the container shipping

and intermodal sector, to ensure all parties can remain on top

of the rapidly changing industry. Please visit for more information.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

振威北京石油展 cippe2020 移师上海,8 月 26-28 日盛 大举行 受新冠肺炎疫情安全防控因素影响,原定于 2020 年 7 月 3-5


会(cippe2020)将移师至上海新国际博览中心,并于 2020 年 8 月

26-28 日与第十二届上海国际石油和化工技术装备展览会同期举办。 本次展会总展览面积 80000 平方米,预计参展企业 1200 家,

将展示上万件新产品与新技术,专业观众预计突破 100000 人次。

盛会,cippe 将助力行业复苏,为企业搭建供需桥梁,链接行业资源。 为保障展会实效,cippe 组委会已于 4 月初启动专业买家邀请工作, 目前参观预登记的观众已经达到 1.5 万。

据介绍,今年展会现场将继续举办“cippe 采购对接会”活动,

为参展商与采购商一对一量身定制对接日程。 cippe 组委会相关负 责人表示,今年将是 cippe 连续第三年举办采购对接会,为更好服

组委会针对展会板块细分行业, 分别组建了石油石化、 化工、 cippe 组委会相关负责人介绍, 展会移师上海后, 将重点展示中、 务参展商,


炼化、 天然气管道、 海洋工程、 安全防护、 防爆电气、 自动化仪器仪表、


商人数达到 3.5 万人。

消防安全及应急装备、泵阀、流体机械、固废处理等领域的相关企业 受本次新冠疫情影响,石油石化行业受到不小冲击,但买家需


流体机械、工程机械、医用化工、橡塑等板块共 120 个群,精准采购



Beijing cippe2020 will be held on August 26-28 in Shanghai The 20th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical

The petroleum and petrochemical industry has been suffered

12th Shanghai International Petrochemical Technology and

equiments and services are increasing when humans are

Technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe 2020) and the

Equipment Exhibition will be jointly held on August 26-28 at Shanghai New International Expo Center. With a magnificent

exhibition space of around 80,000 sqm, cippe2020 is expect to attract 1,200 exhibitors and over 100,000 professional visitors.

Due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, Beijing cippe Petroleum Exhibition moves to Shanghai for the first time.

The exhibition will be focus on displaying equipments and technology in the midstream and downstream of O&G sector,

which is covering the following fields: petrochemical, refinery,

intelligent oilfield, explosion-proof, fire safety and emergency equipment, pump and valve, fluid machinery, waste treatment, etc.

a lot due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While demands for O&G returning to normal life.

As an annual event for petroleum and petrochemical industry,

cippe exhibition aims at rejuvenating the industry and building a bridge between suppliers and buyers. In order to ensure the

effectiveness of the exhibition, cippe organizing committee has started inviting professional buyers in and outside China in

April 2020. Pre-registered visitors has reached to 15,000 by the end of this June.

D u r i n g t h e e x h i b i t i o n , t h e re w i l l b e c i p p e B u s i n e s s Matchmaking Meeting for exhibitors and buyers. For those who are unable to visit on-site, online connections will be a good choice to keep them communicating with each other.

21 21



GLAD about lifting - spread the word

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is proud

role in end user supply chains by taking to social media on 9

2020. LEEA invites its members to take to social media and

hashtag, driving home the vital role lifting plays in so many

to be involved in GLOBAL LIFTING AWARENESS DAY on 9 July spread the word about raising standards throughout the global

lifting industry and to end user markets, using the #GLAD2020 hashtag.

"GLAD on 9 July will be a very important day for the global Lifting Industry," says LEEA CEO Ross Moloney. "All too often

our industry is hidden, ignored or unrecognised by end users and certainly by some of the supply chains that we serve.

Global Lifting Awareness Day is about getting the whole

industry and the associated supply chains to recognise the importance of high standards in lifting, the significance of quality and how to ensure lifting best practice.

"It has been great working with industry media representatives Guy Harris of LHI magazine and Mark Bridger of Bridger Howes to bring this to life, after coming together to discuss how to raise awareness of our sector and of high standards."

Mark Bridger of Bridger Howes said: "We invite everybody

to join in with #GLAD2020 on 9 July 2020. This is all about

bringing the industry together to tell the world about high standards and the things in lifting they are GLAD about – such

as innovation, standards, collaboration, technological change or even something lifting related you've seen that has amused you."

Guy Harris, Publisher of LHI magazine said: "We encourage

readers, associations and sector stakeholders to generate

awareness of lifting standards, best practice and lifting's vital 22

July 2020. We want to see your messages, with the #GLAD2020 supply chains and that best practice is critical to avoid risk of injury."

Ross Moloney concluded: "GLAD on 9 July 2020 will be a big day for our industry and LEEA members are going to be an

important part it. So make sure it's in your diary and let's raise global awareness of high quality lifting practice – not forgetting to add #GLAD2020 to it." About LEEA

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is established across the globe as the leading representative

body for all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide. It is the respected and authoritative representative body for

its members who work in every aspect of the industry, from

design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment.

The Association has played a key role in this specialised field for over 70 years, from training and standards setting through to health and safety, the provision of technical and legal advice, and the development of examination and licensing

systems. LEEA represents its members at the highest levels across a range of both public and private bodies, including

various government departments, as well as nationally

and internationally recognised professional and technical institutions. Please visit for more.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

德国汉诺威展览公司:停办 2020 汉诺威工业博览会



2020 年 3 月 27 日,德国汉诺威展览公司宣布今年停办汉诺威工业




峻, 日前德国汉诺威地区颁布法令, 禁止举办全球性工业技术贸易展。 将到来的经济政策和技术解决方案开展信息交流。主办方将以直播 博览会。 即日起至 2021 年 4 月举行的新一届汉诺威工业博览会,主 观众提供平台了解经济政策导向、进行技术交流。




期待新型冠状病毒疫情结束后的时光,”柯克勒博士说, “面对当前危



系列相关禁令,汉诺威工业博览会今年将停办。工业界同仁今年因 国经济,汉诺威工业博览会的核心客户群——制造业同仁也在疫情 影响下艰难前行。德国工业市场的需求和销售业绩呈下降趋势,导

机,我们必须采取灵活和务实的应对方法。 作为全球最重要的工业盛 经济生活。 如今我们正在借助新的数字技术来实现这一目标。 ”

德国机械设备制造业联合会执行理事 Thilo Brodtmann 说: “停


办 2020 汉诺威工业博览会的是一个不幸的决定,但也是唯一正确


新型冠状病毒疫情所带来的负面影响,以待日后重新启航。 2021 年

德国汉诺威展览公司董事会主席柯克勒博士解释: “考虑到新

年我们无法举办汉诺威工业博览会。我们的参展商、合作伙伴和整 个团队为展会的如期举行尽了一切努力,但如今我们不得不接受事

的决定。当前,机械工程行业必须集中精力,尽量减少企业营运中因 4 月,工程师们将全部重返汉诺威。 ”

ZVEI 德 国 电 气 电 子 行 业 协 会 管 理 委 员 会 主 席 Wolfgang

实,今年内将无法举办这场全球最重要的工业盛会。 ”

Weber 说: “2020 年不能举办汉诺威工业博览会是一个巨大的损失,

不会让这届展会完全消失。 “面对当前危机,业界对政策导向和资讯


这是汉诺威工业博览会 73 年历史上的首次停办。 不过,主办方

交流的需求尤为突出” ,柯克勒博士说, “为此,我们目前正加紧进行 汉诺威工业博览会数字信息和网络平台的开发,很快就会开放给客 户群使用。 ”

但却是一个正确的决定。对于电气行业来说,这场工业盛会是向世 利用 2021 年汉诺威工业博览会到来之前的时间,有效应对因新型

冠状病毒疫情所造成的影响。 明年,参展企业将展示工业 4.0 和未来 能源产业相关的最新产品和解决方案。 ”

23 23




HANNOVER MESSE cannot take place this year due to the

world's most important industrial trade fair, we want to offer

pandemic. The Hannover region has issued a decree that

doing that with our new digital offering."

increasingly critical situation surrounding the Covid-19 prohibits the staging of the world's leading tradeshow for

industrial technology. From now until the next HANNOVER MESSE in April 2021, a digital information and networking offer will provide exhibitors and visitors with the opportunity for economic policy orientation and technological exchange.

The world of industry will not be able to meet in Hannover this year. Comprehensive travel restrictions, bans on group

gatherings and a prohibition decree in the Hannover region make it impossible to stage HANNOVER MESSE. At the

same time, the corona crisis is affecting the economy, and

the manufacturing industry – HANNOVER MESSE's core clientele – is already struggling with serious consequences

of the pandemic. Demand and sales in German industry are

declining, resulting in supply bottlenecks, production stops and reduced working hours for employees.

"Given the dynamic development around Covid-19 and the extensive restrictions on public and economic life, HANNOVER

MESSE cannot take place this year," says Dr. Jochen Köckler, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Messe AG. "Our exhibitors, partners and our entire team did everything

they could to make it happen, but today we have to accept that in 2020 it will not be possible to host the world's most important industrial event."

It is the first time in HANNOVER MESSE's 73-year history that the event will not take place. However, the organizers will not

let the show completely vanish. "The need for orientation and exchange is particularly important in times of crisis," says

Köckler. "That is why we are currently working intensely on a digital information and networking plattform for HANNOVER MESSE that we will open to our customers shortly."

Various web-based formats will enable HANNOVER MESSE

exhibitors and visitors to exchange information about upcoming economic policy challenges and technological solutions. Live streams will transport interactive expert

interviews, panel discussions and best-case presentations

all over the world. The online exhibitor and product search is also being enhanced, for example with a function that enables visitors and exhibitors to contact each other directly.

"We firmly believe that nothing can replace direct, person-to-

person contact and we are already looking forward to the time after Corona," says Köckler. "But especially in times of crisis,

we must be flexible and act pragmatically. As organizers of the 24

orientation and sustain economic life during the crisis. We are Thilo Brodtmann, executive director of Germany's Mechanical

Engineering Industr y A ssociation (VDMA), said, "The cancellation of HANNOVER MESSE 2020 is an unfortunate

decision, but it is the only correct one. The mechanical engineering industry must now concentrate on minimizing the

consequences of the pandemic in its own operations so that it

can start up again. In April 2021, the engineers will be back in Hannover in full force."

Wolfgang Weber, Chairman of the ZVEI Management Board:

"The fact that Hannover Messe 2020 cannot be hosted is a bitter loss, but it is the right decision. For the electrical industry, the

fair is the showcase to the world, which unfortunately remains closed this year. So our companies will use the time until 2021

to manage the considerable consequences of Corona. Next year, they will then present themselves with the latest products

and solutions for Industry 4.0 and the energy system of the future."



上海安峰起重索具 | DNV2.7-1 标准的离岸集装箱索具产品 DNV2.7-1 型式认可的离岸集装箱吊索具适用于离岸海洋工程

作业,是确保货物运输安全的关键部件。产品使用于 OFFSHORE 特 种集装箱,吊篮,物流搬运特种箱等等。


( 简称“安峰起重索具”) 多年来为客户提供 DNV2.7-1 标准的离岸 集装箱索具产品。

安峰起重索具提供的每一套离岸集装箱吊索具均具备以下优势: 1. DNV 2.7-1 型式认可证书

2. 采用不同的工艺提供合适的产品,温度为零下 20° C 至 40° C 3. 配套标准弓形安全销卸扣

4. 独特的 ID 识别标签,提供 100% 的产品可追溯能力





Shanghai Anfeng Lifting highlights their DNV 2.7-1 Offshore Container Lifting Sling Shanghai based lifting & rigging supplier Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd is pleased to highlight their DNV 2.7-1 Offshore Container Lifting Sling.

The lifting sling is critical component in ensuring safety in transporting cargo units and containers for the use of offshore applications.

Anfeng Lifting & Rigging is experienced and capable to provide the lifting sling with the following characteristics: 1. DNV 2.7-1 type approval certification

2. Equipped with standard bow shackles with safety pin

3. Provide custom lifting solutions to meet customers' requirements

4. Used for temperatures under -20° C and up to 40° C

5. Equipped with unique identification tag, enables 100%


product traceability

Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd. is a professional sales

company specializing in lifting equipment, rigging design and

installation, wire rope rigging and rigging accessories. Please

visit, or contact info@anfeng-chain. com for more.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

CODITRACER: a management and traceability tool

CODIPRO, the Luxembourgish specialist for swivel lifting rings, presents its new innovation eblaborated thanks to the

technological partnership with Telindus, one of the leaders in convergent Cloud, ICT and telecom services in Luxembourg: the traceability management tool CODITRACER.

CODITRACER ensures the traceability of the ring in each step of its way: in the production of the raw material, in the assembly of the ring, in its distribution and in its use. Developed by Telindus on the basis of Blockchain technology, it guarantees the security and confidentiality of information. A software that reinforces security

"Each ring has a traceability number. This number simply

has to be entered into the software to access all information

its distributors to better know their markets", Christophe LOSANGE says.

A 7-year warranty

CODIPRO designs and manufactures high quality articulated

swivel lifting rings. Since its takeover in 2004 by the

shareholders of NO-NAIL BOXES and its move to Wiltz (Luxembourg), CODIPRO has been growing steadily with a sales

revenue of € 10,115,000 in 2019. Certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001

and SRC, patented and in compliance with the most stringent

safety standards, CODIPRO is part of the lifting division of the ALIPA Group, the Luxembourgish packaging and industrial lifting specialist with approximately 150 employees.

related to the rings, such as the instruction manuals, technical

data sheets or the certificates of conformity", explains

Christophe LOSANGE, Director at CODIPRO. Thanks to CODITRACER, clients will have all the necessary information at hand to guarantee their safety.

CODITRACER is an innovative software that reinforces security and traceability while being ecological, given the amount of

paper and plastic saved! The software will enable CODIPRO to reinforce its status as a specialist of swivel lifting rings and

27 27



bauma CHINA 2020 will take place as planned

More than 3,000 exhibitors Exhibition space: 300,000 m² Visitor registration expected to be open from mid-August The 10th international trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines and construction vehicles will take place as planned from November 24 to 27, 2020 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). More than 3,000 exhibitors are being expected.

China's economy is recovering apparently from the coronavirus shutdowns, and trade fairs are key to rebuilding economies.

China unveiled a series of economic stimulus policies and the

investment in infrastructure is expected to increase by 10%. Thanks to this, it is estimated that the growth rate of China's construction machinery industry will reach 10% this year.

These figures were published by the Shanghai Securities Co., Ltd.

Preventive rules at the exhibition grounds

The health and safety of exhibitors, visitors and partners

will continue to be top priority. The notice and guidelines

of preventing and controlling the epidemic on organizing exhibitions published by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Industries

Association will be strictly followed during the show, the various prevention and controlling security measures will be


effectively implemented to ensure the safety and orderliness

of the exhibition. This includes besides the insurance of venue

sanitary and provision of on-site medical services also the full online registration of all participants.

International exhibitor participation at bauma CHINA

Currently country pavilions from the following nations are

already confirmed: Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Turkey, South Korea and a European Pavilion. Furthermore,

companies like Bosch Rexroth, China Railway, Lingong Group, Sany, Volvo and ZF Friedrichshafen have applied for bauma

China 2020. In total more than 3,000 exhibitors will present their products and services on an exhibition area of 300,000

square meters at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC).

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

bauma CHINA 2020 将如期举办

两年一届的工程机械行业盛会,bauma CHINA 2020 将于 2020 年 11 月 24-27 日在上海新国际博览中心如期举办 一场突如其来的疫情使得人类活动按下了暂停键,2 月底国


播放键再度启动,中央定调经济稳增长政策方向,货币和财政政 策助力逆周期调节,利好工程机械需求。根据中信证券全年预测,

在全年地产新开工增速 3%,基建增速 8% 的假设下,预计 2020 年 挖 机、 混 凝 土 机 械、 汽 车 起 重 机 销 量 分 别 增 长 10%~20%、 30%、10% 左右,工程机械行业维持景气趋势。

与此同时,2020 年新型冠状病毒疫情加速中国工程机械优胜

劣汰,间接推动 2020~2025 年中国工程机械产业链转型升级,由 做大做强中国品牌,向做大做强中国工程机械产业链转型升级。

2020 年 11 月 24-27 日 举 办 的 bauma CHINA 2020 成 为 本

年度备受瞩目的行业盛会。本次疫情会加速国外工程机械制造业 回流本国吗?中国工程机械会加速以中国市场为主体的对外布局 吗?可以肯定的是,bauma CHINA 2020 现场各大工程机械企业

必定会全力以赴携最具创新力的产品技术重磅亮相,展现中国工 程机械硬核实力。

bauma CHINA 2020 稳步推进

据 了 解,bauma CHINA 2020 各 项 工 作 有 序 推 进, 目 前 展

会已进入展位规划阶段,已报名展商的展位正在紧张规划中。 bauma CHINA 展商众多,展位规划需考虑展区展品的合理分类, 以确保展示效果与参观便利。



渠道,已报名展商登录官网 了解。

bauma CHINA 2020 充分调动全球系列展的资源与品牌影响

力,扩大展会宣传。同时,本届展会已与国内外 100 多家行业媒

体及协会建立合作,借助其网络、杂志、新媒体等各类宣传资源, 打出线上线下展会推广组合拳,触及潜在展商,力邀全球观众。 危中有机,行业初显九大趋势


面临更多挑战。危中有机,2020 年中国工程机械行业未来发展已 出现哪些端倪?





用机型需求结构为主向多元化需求结构发展;新的施工环境(高原、 极寒)和工法(安全、高效)对工程机械行业提出了新的更高的要求。

寻求价值空间提升,用价值驱动增长,才能在市场波动中披荆斩棘, 实现可持续发展。





市场,还不乏一些小众企业甚至新参与者;但如今,新企业早已 不见,小制造商的份额也不增反降;而行业前三强五强,牢牢掌




握 60%-70% 甚至更高的市场。未来,在规模够大、产品标准化程 度更高、通用性颇强的领域,大企业优势突显。 三、小企业的机会在“专业化”


业,与其拉长战线,苦苦作战,倒不如在小型特定产品线上寻求 突破,后者其实更加有效。


近 5 年,中国高空作业平台销量平均增长率 62.0%,保有量


平均增长率 43.1%,保持迅猛发展。随着徐工、中联、临工等工




的产品,如:比如抓料机、电动迷你挖掘机、小型轮式挖掘机等, 大企业某些既有优势鞭长莫及,而小企业灵活的研发和体系,灵 巧的制造平台,则足以游刃发挥。 四、做深产业链,做强优势



程机械巨头的加入,势必为租赁商在产品品牌、质量、服务等方 更多市场竞争优势,必然会针对各细分领域制造更多满足用户个

性化需求的高空作业产品,也为租赁商开拓新用户提供有力支撑。 本土巨头的介入,国外大品牌的深度发力,也必定会在行业内掀 起一轮洗牌。








比如:将主打产品挖掘机做产品升级,智能化无人化,会链接软 件公司。在优势领域做细、做精,才能无可替代。 五、进军海外,收购才是硬手段



通过并购可以迅速在某一市场或领域获得成熟的品牌和渠道竞争 优势;通过收购跨入新的行业,实施多元化战略,分散投资风险; 也可以甩掉包袱或非核心业务,集中资源聚焦主业发展。并购受 服务化转型升级和技术驱动的发展趋势愈发明显。 六、工业互联网深度应用

2020 年初的新冠疫情,让工业互联网在中国工程机械行业发



从未像今天这样深刻;整个行业因疫情而受到的影响,也比 2003 年非典期间更可控,企业对此也更为淡定。只有充分借助大数据、


业深度挖掘潜在用户,有效进行全网布局,才能降低企业运营成本, 提升企业综合实力。




否借机跻身世界产业最前列的入场券。之于超大型、高端产品而言, 一些本土企业的突围无疑相当成功。而另一些产业资源有限的企



还远不是一个拐点。未来,在核心零部件方面将继续突破,面临 的挑战和困难会更大。



一,已在发力。专业机构预计 2020 年基建投资增速达 10% 左右,

投资规模达 15 万亿左右。扩大基建投入作为刺激经济的重要措施, 可以平衡疫情带来的负面影响,也成为工程机械行业持续增长的 有利因素,长远来看市场依然向好。



必修课。机会总是留给有准备的人,风雨过后终见彩虹。中国工 程机械势必在历练内功、转型升级中抓住机遇,展现技术与创新 的力量。

bauma CHINA 2020 参展报名

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索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World




技术创新,福建平海湾风电场 2020 年



索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

2020 年 4 月 13 日,福建平海湾风电场 F 区项目首批 10 台 7


随后的 4 月 15 日,该项目三台风机矗立在平海湾,风机叶

片随海风缓缓转动,标志着该项目 2020 年首批风机并网发电成功。 海上“追风逐电”初达成!


为我国海上风电建设的发展贡献宝贵的经验。 疫情后加速复工 技术创新解难题

2020 年 3 月 27 日,国内海上风电领域首根最大直径的嵌岩


62 米、直径 6.7 米、重 740 吨,是目前国内海上风电领域最大直 径的嵌岩单桩。





海上风电场 F 区项目,由中交第一 航务工程局有限公司施工承建,是

福建省重点工程。项目设计 19 个机 位,包含 9 嵌岩单桩风机基础施工 及海缆铺设、10 台高桩承台、安全

监测等,基础设计使用年限为 25 年。 据了解,这次的海上植桩施工

项目创新采用了 C 型尾钩和无耳吊 梁工艺,优化了嵌岩单桩立桩工序,

同时创新使用国内护壁工艺,解决 了钻孔过程中的塌孔风险。



方案,研发专用单桩吊具,该吊具 最大载荷为 1000 吨,采用巨力索


由支撑式法兰连接梁与特制尾钩吊具配合使用,并首创了高刚性 护壁工艺,解决了单桩在翻身过程中容易变形的难题。

2020 年 5 月 26 日,随着最后一根钢管桩深植海底,该项目

140 多根的高桩机位沉桩全部完成。 34

运用海上风电桩 - 桶复合基础再解难题

2020 年 4 月 19 日,该项目 12 号风机机位海上负压桶安装

成功,这是全球首台海上风电新型大直径单桩 - 桶复合基础的成功 安装。

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World




该大直径单桩 - 桶复合基础由华东勘测设计研究院自主创新

设计,直径 25 米,高 7 米,总重量 350 吨。负压桶体水平度在负

压沉贯全过程中控制在 1% 以内,达到国际领先水平。该创新设 计解决了岩基海床的覆盖层浅、地层分布不均等地质难题和嵌岩 施工难度大、周期长、风险高等一系列工程技术难题。


以下,在沉贯过程中,先靠自重入泥一定深度,使桶裙与基土之 间形成密封,然后通过水泵抽水,密封的桶体内形成负压并依靠

由此与桶外界产生的压差,将桶体压至预定深度,有效提高了 12 号风机单桩基础的水平承载性能。


型基础,将桶型基础内圈套入钢桩内后,打开桶体阀门放气。待 负压桶顶接近水面时关闭放气阀,桶顶入水后减缓下放速度,保 证充足时间释放桶型基础内的空气。桶顶完全入水后,检查阀门

及人孔盖等的密封情况,随结构下放同时将电缆、管线等放入水。 沉桩采用中交三航局自主研发的信息化检测系统,可及时监控负 压桶的形态和下沉速度。


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装机容量 200 兆瓦,总投资约 37.8 亿元。项目选址位于南日岛南





侧平海湾海域,涉海面积约 14 平方公里。场址受台湾海峡气流狭

项目设计运营期年上网电量约 6.5 亿千瓦时,每年可节约标

自 2017 年起,目前福建省在建的海上风电场有 17 个,包括

准煤约 20.5 万吨,减少排放二氧化碳约 40 万吨,减少二氧化硫、

工程规划报告,到 2020 年年底与 2030 年年底,全省海上风电装


福州、漳州、莆田、宁德和平潭海域。根据福建省的海上风电场 机规模将分别超过 200 万千瓦及 500 万千瓦。

平海湾海上风电场 F 区项目是由福能集团主导开发的首个海

上风电项目,2018 年 9 月开建,预计 2021 年建成。该项目规划

氮氧化物等各类大气污染物约 6000 吨。具有良好社会效益和经济 生能源开发及利用,增加能源供应,改善能源结构,保障能源安 全起到了积极重要作用。





时间:2020 年 11 月 24-27 日

上海国际工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车辆及设备 博览会(简称“上海宝马工程机械展” ) bauma China 2020 Exhibition Date: 24-27 November 2020


Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center


Official website:

展会联系: 慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司 电话:021 2020 5500 转 648 E:

Contact: Messe München GmbH Tel: +49 89 949 20252 E:



慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司 中国工程机械工业协会

中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会 中工工程机械成套有限公司

展会简介: 母 展 为 慕 尼 黑 bauma 展,每 两 年 一 届,自 2002 年 成 功 首 演,bauma China 与中国工程机械发展轨迹紧密结合,契合中国及亚洲市场的发展 需求,全面覆盖施工机械、矿用原材料提取和加工设备、建材机械、配套件 及服务提供商, 展示行业创新发展, 成为供应商及专业观众把握行业风向, 洞悉市场动态的最佳商业交流平台。 上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:330,000 m² 参展商:3,350 家(来自 38 个国家和地区) 观众:212,500

时间:2020 年 11 月 24 日 -26 日 官网 主办方: Informa Markets

展会简介: OSEA 是全球最大的亚洲石油及天然气展览会,始于 1976 年,每两年一届。 每年各国展团、行业专家、各路高管皆汇聚于此,不但于展会上推介最新 的产品、服务、技术和知识,一系列备受关注的专题研讨会也相继登场。 上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:超过 22,000 sqm 参展商:约 1,000 家(来自 65 个国家和地区) 观众:约 15,000


Briefing: bauma China, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles, takes place in Shanghai every two years, is Asia's leading platform for experts in the sector. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 330,000 m² Exhibitors: 3,350 (from 38 countries and regions) Attendances: 212,500

第 23 届国际石油与天然气工业展览会暨研讨会 The 23nd International Oil & Gas Industry Exhibition & Conference (OSEA 2020)


展会联系: Informa Markets 电话:+65 6233 6638 传真:+65 6233 6633 E:

Organizer: Messe München GmbH Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd. CCMA - China Construction Machinery Association CCPIT-MSC - China Council for the Promotion of International Trade - Machinery Sub-Council CNCMC - China Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.

Exhibition Date: 24- 26 November 2020 Venue: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Official website: Organizer: Informa Markets

Contact: Informa Markets Tel: +65 6233 6638 Fax: +65 6233 6633 E:

Briefing: First launched in 1976, OSEA has since grown to be the largest and most established oil & gas industry event in Asia. OSEA has been delivering content that is most sought after by trade professionals and continues to remain relevant by being acutely aware of the industry's trends and needs. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 22,000 sqm Exhibitors: 1,000 (from 65 countries and regions) Attendances: close to 15,000

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

时间:2021 年 2 月 21-24 日

2021 科隆国际五金博览会 International Hardware Fair Cologne 2021 (EISENWARENMESSE) Exhibition Date: 21-24 February 2021

Venue: Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany


Official website:


Contact: Koelnmesse GmbH Tel: +49 221 821-3998 Fax: +49 221 821-3999 E:

展会联系: 科隆展览(中国)有限公司 电话 : 010 6590 7766 传真:010 6590 6139 E: 主办方: 德国科隆展览公司

展会简介: 科隆国际五金博览会由德国科隆国际展览公司于 1924 年创办,是目前世 界上规模最大、影响力最深的五金工具专业展之一。每两年举办一次,不 仅是五金工具及 DIY 应用产业发展趋势的风向球,更是厂商与全球买主 联系的最佳商业平台,本展为国际买主公认必访的国际五金盛展,展品涵 括工具、紧固件 & 嵌固件、连接件、工业供给、家居装饰等。 上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:144,000 m² 参展商:2,770 家(来自 58 个国家) 观众:约 47,000(来自 143 个国家)

时间:2021 年 3 月 9-11 日

Briefing: From February 21 to February 24 in 2021, over a period of four days, the most important decision-makers, manufacturers and trade visitors from all over the world will meet up in the exhibition halls of Koelnmesse to experience pioneering innovations and the most exciting trends, establish contacts and do the biggest business of the year. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 144,000 m² Exhibitors: 2,770 (from 58 countries) Attendances: around 47,000 (from 143countries)

第 18 届国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会 LogiMAT 2021 (18th International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management)


官网 主办方: 欧洲展览会议公司

展会联系: 欧洲展览会议公司 电话:+49 89 32391-259 传真:+49 89 32391-246 E:

Organizer: Koelnmesse GmbH

展会简介: 德国斯图加特的国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会(LogiMAT)自 2003 年举办以来,已拥有 17 年历史,获得众多国际知名企业多年的支持 与认可。 作为年度物流盛会,LogiMAT 旨在为内部物流行业搭建一个解决 方案技术的交流平台,帮助企业优化供应链、 提高物流效率、 节省物流成本。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:120,000 m² 参展商:1,624 家(来自 42 个国家和地区) 观众:61,740

Exhibition Date: 9- 11 March 2021

Venue: Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre, Germany Official website: Organizer: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Contact: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Tel.: +49 89 32391-259 Fax: +49 89 32391-246 E:

Briefing: LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management, sets new standards as one of the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe. LogiMAT provides a comprehensive market overview and competent knowledgetransfer. The unique infrastructure and clear segmentation of the exhibition sections ensure all participants get the inside track on first-hand intralogistics at LogiMAT. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: 120,000m² Exhibitors: 1,624 (from 42 countries and regions) Attendances: 61,740




2020 集装箱多式联运亚洲展 Intermodal Asia 2020

时间:16-18 March 2021

Exhibition Date: 14 - 16 July 2020



Venue: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China


Contact: Informa markets Tel: +86 21 2326 3657 E:

Official website:

展会联系: Informa markets 电话 : 021 2326 3657 E: Informa markets

展会简介: 集装箱多式联运亚洲展是一场盛大非凡的行业展会,每年在上海召开,历 时三天, 将迎来全球集装箱运输与物流行业最富影响力的企业高管和精英。 本届展会再次落户中国——全球最具活力的物流市场之一,汇聚优秀的 供应商,以及全球集装箱、运输和物流行业的资深决策者,通过集装箱多 式联运亚洲展, 参与者将融入亚洲集装箱、 物流和运输行业的核心关系网。

Organizer: Informa markets

Briefing: The Intermodal Asia exhibition and conference brings together 9,500+ leading international decision-makers from over 90 different countries, from all areas of container shipping, transport and logistics, making it one of the most important industry annual meeting points in Asia. Taking place in Shanghai, China every year, one of the world’s most dynamic logistic markets, Intermodal Asia will offer a unique opportunity to discover innovative products and meet suppliers in order to gain long-term competitive advantage.

2021 汉诺威工业博览会 Hannover Messe 2021 时间:2021 年 4 月 12-16 日

Exhibition Date: 12 -16 April 2021


Official website:

地点:德国汉诺威展览中心 主办方: 德国汉诺威展览公司

展会联系: 德国汉诺威展览公司 电话:+49 511 89 34466

展会简介: 汉诺威工业博览会是世界领先的工业技术展会。在“工业转型”这一核心 主题下, 展会聚焦当前工业产业的趋势和热点话题, 例如工业 4.0、 人工智能、 5G 和智能物流等。 2020 年,展会展出内容分为以下六大类: “创新技术及 未来生产” “自动化、 、 动力及传动” “数字生态系统” 、 “能源解决方案” 、 “物流” 、 以及“工业零部件”。 同期,还将举办 80 多场会议和论坛活动。 印度尼西亚 成为 2020 汉诺威工业博览会合作伙伴国。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:超过 227,000 m² 参展商:6,500 ( 来自 75 个国家和地区 ) 观众:215,000


Venue: Hannover Exhibition Center, Germany Organizer: Deutsche Messe AG

Contact: Deutsche Messe AG Tel: +49 511 89 34466

Briefing: HANNOVER MESSE is the most important international platform and hot spot for industrial transformation - with excellent innovations or unusual products. Under the lead theme of "Industrial Transformation", exhibitors will present the future of manufacturing in the age of Industrie 4.0, artificial intelligence and 5G and highlight the benefits of highly automated material flow. HANNOVER MESSE features six display categories: "Future Lab","Automation, Motion & Drives", "Digital Ecosystems","Energy Solutions","Logistics", "Engineered Parts". It is home of industrial pioneers. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: over 227,000 m² Exhibitors: 6,500 (from 75 countries and regions) Attendances: 215,000

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会 LogiMAT China 2021 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management) 时间:2021 年 6 月 16-18 日

Exhibition Date: 16-18 June 2021


Official website:

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China


Organizer: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH

主办方: 南京斯图加特联合展览有限公司

展会联系: 南京斯图加特联合展览有限公司 电话:021-52180398 E:

展会简介: LogiMAT 品牌源于德国斯图加特,聚焦全球物流最新技术和应用。 秉承德 国办展理念,LogiMAT China 自 2014 年首次在南京举办以来,从整体风 格到组织能力以及服务水平,从活动水准到展商及观众品质,都给参与者 留下了高端专业的深刻印象。 2019 年起,LogiMAT China 移师上海,携手 亚洲物流双年展旗下的 2019 全新品牌展——亚洲智慧创新物流大会及 展览同期举办。内部物流设备、解决方案和物流服务的结合,带给终端用 户一场物流行业的饕餮盛宴。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:12,000 m² 参展商:109

时间:2020 年 7 月 03-05 日 官网

展会联系: 北京振威展览有限公司 电话:010-5617 6968 / 010-5617 6958 传真:010-5617 6998 E: 主办方:

展会简介: cippe 是国际石油石化行业例会,国际展览联盟 UFI 认证的全球最高级别 展会,每年春季在北京,秋季在上海举办。同期举行的还有中国国际海洋 石油天然气展览会(ciooe)。 上届回顾: (2019)

展览面积:90,000 m²

参展商:超过 1,800 家 观众:约 120,000

Briefing: LogiMAT China offers a complete market perspective in the area of intralogistics. This event move from Nanjing to Shanghai since 2019, and to be held alongside transport logistic China forum. LogiMAT China will feature leading European and Chinese intralogistics brands who will be presenting innovative technologies, products, systems and solutions for rationalization and cost-optimization of in-company logistics processes. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: 12,000 m² Exhibitors: 109 Attendances: 25,080

第二十届中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会 cippe Beijing 2020 (The 20th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition)

地点:北京 • 中国国际展览中心(新馆)


Contact: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Tel: +86-21-52180398 E:

Exhibition Date: 3-5 July 2020

Venue: New China International Exhibition Center, Beijing Official website:

Contact: Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd. Tel: +86 10 5617 6968 / +86 10 5617 6958 Fax: +86 10 5617 6998 E: Organizer: Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd

Briefing: China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe), is a regular gathering in petroleum and petrochemical industry. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: 90,000 m² Exhibitors: over 1,800 Attendances: over 120,000





索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World





索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World




安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)


索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Swaged soft loop slings

压接软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-125t

Bolt type bow shackles

钢丝绳环索, 6-696mm , ( 单肢 WLL) 0.7-6659t

Spliced soft loop slings

Heavy lift cable-laid slings

插编软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-111t

大直径钢缆绞接索具 ,70-408mm, (WLL) 27-912t

Single-leg swaged joint sling assemblies

单肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm, (WLL) 2.9-400kN

Four-leg swaged joint sling assemblies

四肢成套压接索具, 绳径 6-56mm (WLL) 44-540kN

Double-leg swaged joint sling assemblies


Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

双肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm (WLL) 41-560kN




Swaged soft loop slings

软环压制索具,6mm- 130mm, (WLL) 0.33T-163T

Spliced soft loop slings

插编索具, 6mm-130mm, (WLL) 0.27T- 136T

Wire rope grommets

无接头绳圈 , 15mm-696mm, (WLL) 2.6T-13978T

Heavy lift cable-laid slings

大直径钢缆绞接索具, 69mm-408mm, (WLL) 26.9T-886T

Single-leg/2-leg/4-leg swaged sling set

成套压制索具( 单肢、双肢、四肢 ), 6 mm- 60mm, (WLL) 0..33T-58.3T

Spelter socket wire rope slings (opened / closed) Single-limb /double-limb /three-limb/ four-limb swaged sling assemblies


Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式锻造索节,(钢绳) 6 – 51mm

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式灌注索节,(钢绳) 6 – 39mm

Green Pin® Closed Spelter Socket

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket BN (with safety bolt) Green Pin® Closed Swage Socket

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket BN (with safety bolt) Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Open Swage Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Short Bow Socket (Closed spelter socket) Green Pin® Wire Rope Clip Wire rope clips


浇铸索具(开式/闭式), 6mm- 100mm , 0.43T- 125T

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

中国帕森斯 链条 ( Parsons Chain China)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

Tel: +86-(0)313-2056580

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Sling)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

(WLL) 8T-1300T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 120-130 mm, -20 ℃ up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 40-42 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃ Closed type, diameter rope 6-76 mm

(WLL) 8T-625T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 81-86 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 40-42 mm, -20° C up to +200℃ (WLL) 8T-1200T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 108-115 mm, -20 ℃ up to +200℃ diameter rope 6-76 mm

(WLL) 140T-1000T, diameter wire rope from 31-36 mm to 108-115 mm Wire rope clip generally to 13411-5 Type B diameter wire rope from 3-4 mm to 75-78 mm 美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in

Forged U-type swage socket

锻造 U 型插套 , SLR- 172

Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式锻造钢接头, 6-50mm

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式 灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Green Pin Tycan® Lifting Chain

Lifting chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, link size from 11x15mm to 13x30 mm, -40° C up to +70° C

Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain

Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60° C up to +70° C

Flat woven webbing slings


Round slings

Sling accessories G80 Sling accessories


吊带式钩具(双环扣,卡钩,扁平带钩,锚栓,自锁钩) G80 吊带索具配件(吊带双环扣,吊带钩,吊带羊角钩,吊带环,三角环,D 型环)

Wire rope clips

美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in

Flat sling


Forged U-type swage socket Round sling

Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

锻造 U 型插套 , SLR- 172 圆筒吊带

开式/闭式锻造钢接头, 6-50mm

开式/闭式 灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

Van Beest 建峰索具(JF) 振锋企业 (YOKE)

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868 +886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178




Wide body shackles

宽体卸扣 ,合金钢 ( WLL ) 7-1550t

Bolt type bow shackles

S6 级弓形卸扣 ( JBB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-250t

Screw pin bow shackles Screw pin dee shackles

Alloy screw pin bow shackles Alloy bolt type bow shackles

Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Guided Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV Shackle Green Pin® Spring Pin ROV Shackle Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Spring Release ROV Shackle Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Sling Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Web Sling Shackle SC Green Pin® Tapered Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin BigMouth® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Sling Shackle FN Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle FN


S6 级弓形卸扣 ( JB ) / S6 级 D 型卸扣 ( JS ) , (WLL)0.5-85t S6 级 D 型卸扣 ( JSB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-150t


Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

TB 级弓形卸扣 ( KB ) , 合金钢,螺纹销, (WLL) 2-21t

TS 级弓形卸扣 ( KBB ) , 合金钢,螺栓销, (WLL) 2-400t

High load capacity, grade 8 shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 125T-1250T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378 & DNV GL 0378 Standard bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 0.5T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with guiding tube and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 12T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 6.5T-250T, MBL equals 6 x WLL - for shackles with WLL 120T and up the MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring pins (WLL) 6.5T-85T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 12T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 7T-1550T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Standard bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Standard dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Shackle for synthetic web slings with screw collar pin (WLL) 3.25T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with tapered pin and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 6.5T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Grade 8 bow shackle with screw pin (WLL) 3.3T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, ABS PDA & ABS MA Dee shackle with longer inside length, wider mouth and safety bolt (WLL) 4.6T-15.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -20° C up to +200° C High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 7T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL)120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin® Dee Shackle SC Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Theatre Shackle SC Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle SQ Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle SQ Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle FP Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle FP

Forged alloy anchor / wide body / chain shackles

Forged carbon steel anchor / wide body /chain shackles

Standard dee shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt, fixed nut and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C Matte black bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C Bow shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6 Dee shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

Bow shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6 Dee shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

合金钢弓型 /宽体 D 型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓),(WLL) 1.2- 55t, DNV & ABS 碳钢弓型 ID 型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓 ), (WLL) 0.5-35t, DNV & ABS

ROV anchor shackles (with safety pin)

ROV 锚卸扣(带安全销),(WLL) 6.5- 35t

G80 screw pin shackles

G80 螺栓销卸扣,SLR-049, 7/8- 16 (WLL)2-8t

G8 alloy steel bow / dee shackles (bolt type / screw pin)

螺栓销弓形卸扣,SLR-362, 3/16-3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

Bolt type dee shackles

螺栓销 D 型卸扣,SLR- 363, 3/16 - 3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

Screw pin bow shackles

螺丝销弓形卸扣,SLR-364, 3/16- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.33- 55t

Screw pin dee shackles

螺丝销 D 型卸扣,SLR- 365, 1/4- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.5- 55t

Lifting point

Angular contact bearing swivels Shank hoist hook Eye hoist hook

Swivel hoist hook

重力旋转环,子弹式/钳口式/眼型, (WLL) 0.75-35t 起重吊钩,(WLL) 0.75-30t, 5:1 环眼吊钩,(WLL) 1-30t, 5:1

锻造旋转钩,SLR-132, (WLL) 合金钢 0.75-30t, 碳钢 0.5-20t

Forged shank hook Regular swivels

G80 rotation swivels

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

旋转吊钩,(WLL) 0.75- 30t, 5:1

Forged swivel hook Forged swivel hook

山东神力索具 (SLR)

旋转吊点,(WLL) 0.3-20t

旋转轴承吊钩,(WLL) 合金钢 1-30t, 碳钢 0.75-15t

Alloy steel eye hoist hook

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86- (0) 21-6447 9417

旋转吊环,带合金钢垫圈/滚珠轴承, (钢绳)1 /4- 2in , (WLL) 0.75-35t, 5:1

Swivel bearing hoist hook Eye hoist hook with latch

振锋企业 (YOKE)

G8 合金钢卸扣,弓型 / D 型,螺栓销/螺 丝销,5/16- 2in, (WLL)1.2-55t

Bolt type bow shackles

Swivel hoist ring, with alloy steel washer / ball bearing

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

眼型吊钩,SLR-130, (WLL) 合金钢 0.75-30t, 碳钢 0.5-20t 新型合金钢眼型吊钩,SLR-156, (WLL) 0.75-30t 新型锻造旋转钩,SLR-554, (WLL) 0.75-11t 新型锻造直杆钩,SLR-492, (WLL) 0.75-22t

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

旋转环,SLR- 355 G-402, 1/4- 3/4in, (WLL) 850-7200lbs G80 轴承旋转套,SLR- 316, (WLL) 5/8/17t





索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World





索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World G80 clevis self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 改进型羊角自锁安全钩,SLR-738, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G80 swivel sling hooks

G80 旋转货钩,SLR-040, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G80 swivel self-lock hooks (NEW) G80 master links

100 级强力椭圆吊环,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-39.9t

G100 connecting links

100 级蝴蝶扣,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-40t

G80 eye self-locking hooks

G100 eye self-locking hooks

G80 clevis self-locking hooks

G100 clevis self-locking hooks G80 swivel self-locking hooks

G100 swivel self-locking hooks

80 级蝴蝶扣,链索 5-32mm, (WLL) 0.8-31.5t

80 级眼型自锁钩,链索 6-28mm, (WLL) 1.12-25t

100 级眼型自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t 80 级羊角自锁钩,链索 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.12-15t 100 级羊角自锁钩,链索 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.4-19t

80 级旋转自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.12- 21.2t 80 级可调式链条钩,带舌片,链 索 6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.12- 8t

G80 shortening clutches

80 级 链条缩短器,链索 7-16mm, (WLL) 2-8t

G80 clutches

G100 - Master Links TWN 1813 (NEW)

80 级链条调节器,链索 6-20mm, (WLL) 1.12-12.5t

100 级主吊环,Dia. 13-70mm, WLL 2.51-75t

100 级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 80/50mm, WLL 4t – 85t

G100 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 1795 (NEW)

100 级吊环, Dia. 8 - 45mm, WLL 1.4t–50t

G100 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2- and 3-/4- leg chain slings TWN 1810/1, TWN 1810/2, TWN 1810/4 G100 - Master Link TWN 1819 with Pin Coupling (NEW) G100 - Connecting Link XL-LOK TWN 1820

G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN1836 + TWN1837 G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1840/1 + TWN 1841/1 with heavy-duty safety latch

100 级子母环( 匹配钢丝绳索具 ), Dia. 16/13 - 85/80mm, WLL 3.5t-127.2t

100 级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10 100 级主吊环 ( 带联轴器 ) trade size 13-10 100 级蝴蝶环,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10 100 级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-10 to 22-1 100 级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片), trade sizes 6-10 to 26-10

G100-Eye-type Foundry Hook TWN1856 (NEW)

100 级眼型滑钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

G100 - Clevis-type Shortening Hook TWN 1827/1 with safety pin (NEW)

100 级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

G100- Combi Quick Fastener TWN 1853 (NEW)

G100 - Clevis--type Shortening Claw TWN 1851 G100 - Shortening Claw RAPID TWN 1852 G100 - Bolt Shackle TWN 1871

G100 - Suspension Link TWN 1869 for one-hand use G80 - Master Links TWN 1313 (NEW)

G80 - Master Link Assemblies TWN 1314 (NEW) G80- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1315 for wire rope slings (NEW) G80 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 0795

G80 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2and 3- /4- leg chain slings TWN 0810/1, TWN 0810/2, TWN 0810/4

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

100 级可调式链条钩,带 舌片, 链索 6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.4-10t

G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1814 (NEW) G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1815 for wire rope slings (NEW)

100 级旋转自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t

G80 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch)

G100 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

80 级强力椭圆吊环,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.25-37t

G100 master links

G80 connecting links

山东神力索具 (SLR)

G80 改进型旋转自锁安全钩,SLR-755, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

100 级紧固件,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

100 级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10 100 级缩短爪钩,trade sizes 8-10 to 16-10

100 级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-10 to 22-10 100 级吊环(单手用)trade size 13-10 80 级主吊环,Dia. 13 - 110mm, WLL 2t- 160t 80 级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 110/80mm, WLL 3.15t – 160t 80 级子母环(匹配钢丝绳索具), Dia. 16/13 - 85180mm,WLL 2.8t - 101.8t 80 级吊环,Dia. 8 - 90mm, WLL 1.12t – 160t 80 级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢 ,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8




G80 - Oversized Master Link Assemblies TWN0815 + TWN 0816 + TWN 0817 for crane hooks

加大型子母环(匹配起重机吊钩),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN 0798 + TWN0799

80 级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8

G80 - Master Link TWN 0820 with Pin Coupling

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1340/1 + TWN 0858/1 with heavy-duty safety latch (NEW)

80 级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片),trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Foundry Hook TWN 0856 + TWN 0859

80 级眼型滑钩和羊角型滑钩,trade sizes 6-8 to 32-8

G80 - Clevis-type Shortening Claw TWN 0851

80 级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

G80 - Clevis- type Shortening Hook TWN 0827/1 with safety pin

G80 - Bolt Shackles TWN 0870 + TW 0871 Green Pin® Thrust Bearing EE Swivel Green Pin® EE Swivel Green Pin® JE Swivel CP Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE GR8 Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Sling Hook CL GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Grab Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Alloy Sliding Choker Hook Green Pin® Pipe Line Hook Green Pin® Hook SE GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook E EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook CL EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook SE EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook SCL EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E EN 16773 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook EN 1677-3 CL GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S EN 16773 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook SCL EN 1677-3 GR8


80 级主吊环(带联轴器),trade sizes 8-8 to 19-8

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223 德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

80 级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-8 to 20-8

80 级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-8 to 45-8

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting and thrust bearings (WLL) 1T-40T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Grade 8 needle bearing eye-eye swivel (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 needle bearing eye-eye swivel (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis sling hook (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis grab hook (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 large eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-22T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 sliding choker hook with safety latch (WLL) 0.8T-5.4T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Hook for handling cylindrical object (pipes, tubes) (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Grade 8 swivel eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-31.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 eye sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 clevis sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 0.8T-15.5T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 swivel sling hook with clevis EN 1677-2 (WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 eye self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye self locking hook (WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 clevis self locking hook (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 swivel self locking hook (WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin® Grab Hook E EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Grab Hook CL EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Excavator Hook GR8 Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Hook GR8

Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Safety Hook GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Sling Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR10 Green Pin® Grab Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Grab Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Master Link EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Master Link Assembly EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Omega Link EN1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Connecting Link EN1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connector GR8

Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connecting Link GR8

Grade 8 eye grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 clevis grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-8.2T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 excavator hook (WLL) 1T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye foundry hook (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 flat web sling hook (WLL) 3T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 flat web sling self locking hook (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 eye sling hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 clevis sling hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 eye self locking hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis self locking hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 self locking hook with swivel (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 eye grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 eye foundry hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 master link EN 1677-4 (WLL) 13T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 master link assembly EN 1677-4 (WLL) 16T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 pear shaped link EN 1677-4 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 connecting link EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 round web sling connector (WLL) 2T-8.2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 round web sling connecting link (WLL) 2T-5.4T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 master link (WLL) 2T-27.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Master Link Assembly GR10

Grade 10 master link assembly (WLL) 3.5T-41.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link GR10 Green Pin® Connecting Link GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Connecting Link GR10 DNV Master Link

DNV Master Link Assembly

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Grade 8 omega link EN 1677-1 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Master Link GR10

Green Pin® Omega Link GR10

Van Beest

Grade 10 omega link (WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 pear shaped link (WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 connecting link (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 connecting link (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm, 11x20 mm and 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, DNV 2.7-1a (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, DNV 2.7-1a




Green Pin® Lifting Eye GR8

Grade 8 lifting eye (WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Lifting Eye UNC GR8

Grade 8 lifting eye UNC (WLL) 0.2T-8T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Lifting Eye Length as DIN580 GR8

Green Pin® Eye Nut GR8 Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring GR8 Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring UNC GR8 Green Pin® Long Rotating Hoist Ring GR8 Green Pin® Small Lifting Eye GR8 Green Pin® Weld-On Transport Ring Green Pin® Lifting Chain EN818-2 GR8 Green Pin® Lifting Chain GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Lock EN 1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Lock GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock GR10

Grade 8 lifting eye length as DIN580 (WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 eye nut (WLL) 0.2T-18T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 rotating hoist ring (WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 rotating hoist ring UNC (WLL) 0.4T-4.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 rotating hoist ring longer length (WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 small lifting eye (WLL) 0.5T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Weld-on transport ring (WLL) 1.2T-15.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 lifting chain (WLL) 1.12T-31.5T, diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Grade 10 lifting chain (WLL) 1.4T-16T, diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 shortening clutch EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 18/20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 shortening clutch with locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 shortening clutch with double locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-5.4T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 shortening clutch with double locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-6.7T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)


Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Green Pin® Snatch Block Green Pin® Snatch Block HK Green Pin® Snatch Block S

Lifting clamps

Snatch block type 601T (WLL) 4T-8T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

Snatch block type 601HK with Hook attached (WLL) 2T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting Snatch block type 601S with Green Pin® Shackle attached (WLL) 2T-30T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

水平衡吊钳 , SLR-710, (WLL) 5t

Forged lifting clamps

锻打钳座,SLR-646, (WLL) 3t

Vertical hoist clamps for steel plate

竖吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-16t/ 只,开口 0- 125mm, 重 2-80kg

Horizontal hoist clamps for steel plate Oil barrel clamps

Drum hoist clamps

Single-plate hoist clamps

Double-plate hoist clamps

Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp U-type Green Pin® Beam Lifting Clamp H-Type Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp V-type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp U-type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp V-type Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp H-type

Green Pin BigMouth® Beam Lifting Clamp H-Type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp H-type

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)


Tel: +86 (0)20 32222868

横吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-10t/2 只,开口 0- 125mm, 重 2-33kg 油桶钳,(WLL) 0.2-0.6t/ 只, 开口 0-30mm, 重 1.3-5kg

圆桶起重钳,(WLL) 0.8-16t/ 只,开口 0-20mm, 重 2-7kg

单板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2 只,开口 0-150mm, 重 3-30kg 双板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2 只,开口 0-210mm, 重 2-38kg

Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions and with an enlarged opening (WLL) 6T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Clamp for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams (WLL) 2T-10T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Plate clamp with enlarged opening for lifting and vertical transportation (WLL) 6T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions (WLL) 0.75T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Plate clamp for lifting and vertical transportation (WLL) 0.75T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Plate clamp with an enlarged opening for horizontal transportation (WLL) 3T-15T per set, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Clamp with enlarged opening for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams (WLL) 2T-5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Plate clamp for horizontal transportation (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C




安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging) Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain Green Pin Tycan® Ratchet Loadbinder GR10 Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder Green Pin® Lever Loadbinder HK Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder EN12195-3

Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK EN12195-3


Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60° C up to +70° C

Grade 10 ratchet type loadbinder Chain size 15x25 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity (10), Grade 10, Stf = 3000 daN Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity Lever type loadbinder with hooks Chain size 8-10 mm and 10-13 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks according to EN 12195-3 Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks according to EN 12195-3 Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)





Jian Feng Sling Co., Ltd.



Van Beest B.V.

P04 P11 P13 P15 P17 P19 P67


山东神力索具有限公司 浙江维大茵特起重设备有限公司

JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd. 上海安峰起重索具有限公司

第 16 届亚太海事展暨研讨会 OSEA 2020

2020 中国国际工程机械博览会 江苏赛福天钢索股份有限公司

Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd. VITALI-INTL Lifting Equipment Ltd. JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd.

Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Sling Ltd. Asia Pacific Maritime 2020 OSEA 2020

bauma CHINA 2020

Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope Co., Ltd.

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