LRW Vol.47 (Part B)

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(总 第47期)

共享资料 免费交流

ISSN 国际刊号:2219-5904

索具学院/ SCHOOL:

钢丝绳夹的一些注意事项 Something you need to know about Wire Rope Clips


钢丝绳,钢丝绳索具,索具配件,卸扣,吊带索具,纤维缆,捆绑带,链条,压套机, 拉力机,手拉/手扳葫芦,电动葫芦,起重机配件,防坠落安全保护产品

LRW covers:

Wire Ropes, Wire Rope Slings, Wire Rope Attachments, Shackles, Synthetic Slings, Cordage, Lashings, Chains, Swaging Machines, Test Beds, Manual Chain Hoists, Lever Hoists, Electric Hoists, Crane Attachments, Fall Protection Products



Some sea creatures are more specialized than others. More fit to the extreme conditions under water. Like our subsea shackles and hooks for ROV-operations. Green Pin® offers an ocean of possibilities with our range of specialized and certified components. Designed and produced with the right subsea mindset. For more control. For more precision. And for more possibilities. So make sure you choose Green Pin®. The great white with the green pin.

有些海洋生物比其他生物更专业,更适合水下的极端条件,就像我们用于海底ROV作 业的卸扣和吊钩。Green Pin®用我们专业的、有保证的,全系列的配件为客户提供 了一个海洋应用的可能性。为了更好的控制,更加精确,更多的可能性,我们用正确 的海底思维进行设计和生产。因此请确保你选择Green Pin®,带绿销子的大白。




距离新冠疫情爆发已经两年了,时至今日,它依然“不愿离开”人类的生活。在这个春节假期里,编 者规规矩矩地没有离开这座城市,每天只是和家人吃吃喝喝,倒是和家人在一起的时间变多了。出行受阻, 犹如“困笼之兽”,虽然说“既来之,则安之”,但也许是压抑太久了吧,开始出现躁动不安的情绪。

藕断丝连灭而复甦的新冠病毒演化成变种病毒在全国各地反复出现,我们国家秉持着生命至上的原则 采取了非常严格的疫情防控措施,乖乖地呆在家里吃饭睡觉抢菜,还有下楼做核酸成为我们日常生活的主 旋律。

明明是树芽探头小草青青的三月,明明是麦苗返青繁花盛开的三月,明明是郊外漫步风筝摇曳的三月。 可我们却无奈地错过了这个生机勃勃的暖春。江山如此多娇,也只能凭窗遥寄忆思,看着远处树上的小鸟 欢快地哼唱。何时我们才不会被它“掐住”我们的脖颈呢?

这场“没有硝烟的战争”给地球村的我们带来了很大的影响,而离我们不远处俄罗斯跟乌克兰正在交火, 双方实实在在的战争给整个世界蒙上了更沉重的阴影。个中缘由难以一言蔽之,但弹药无情,血肉之躯又 岂能抵挡得住呢,最终家园尽毁尝尽生离死别的还是无辜的百姓和各种生物。盼双方尽快平息干戈,让生 活恢复正常。


Welcome to year 2022!

Since the COVID-19 outbreak emerged as a severe pandemic globally two years ago, not only our daily life, but also many of our business plans and works had to be suspended.

When the season of blossom comes, we can see some countries, for example Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, the UK, the USA, Canada, the EU, to provisionally lift entry restrictions from other areas. Persons are required to complete a digital entry registration, providing proof of vaccination and a negative PCR-test result before entering. Meanwhile, a 14 days quarantine at hotel is necessary.

It seems more and more countries gradually re-open their borders after such a long pandemic closure.

Please stay safe. We will say hello to the world again soon.




2022 年5月30日-6月2日,2022汉诺威工业博览会,德国汉诺威展览中心

30 May - 2 June 2022, Hannover Messe 2022, Hannover Exhibition Center, Germany

2022 年5月31日-6月2日,国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会,德国斯图加特会展中心

31 May - 02 June 2022, LogiMAT 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management), Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre, Germany

2022 年6月15-17日,国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会,上海新国际博览中心

15-17 June 2022, LogiMAT China 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management), Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

2022 年6月28日-7月1日,中国国际海事会展,上海新国际博览中心

28 June – 01 July 2022, Marintec China, Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

2022 年7月12-14日,2022集装箱多式联运亚洲展,上海世博展览馆

12 - 14 July 2022, Intermodal Asia 2022, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China

2022 年9月13-15日,亚洲石油、天然气及石化工程技术展览会,马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心

13-15 September 2022, OGA 2021, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia


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Visit LRW Magazine's official website

Scan the QR code and check out what's happening in the Chinese and worldwide lifting and rigging industry.


2022 VOL.47 总 第47期

《索具世界》杂志是由香港索具世界杂志社有限公司出版的 一本致力于为索具行业搭建信息交流平台的中英期刊。目前免费 向国内外索具行业各大企业及用户赠阅。欢迎业界来电索阅或洽 谈合作。

Lifting & Rigging World Magazine (LRW) is bilingual magazine published in China. It is widely distributed in China and the Asia Pacific. LRW covers the wire rope, lifting and rigging industries wordwide, with a primary focus on China. The magazine is established to deliver essential information, analysis and insight into the fastdeveloping global lifting and rigging sector.

ISSN国际刊号: 2219-5904

Published by出版单位:

LRW Media Limited


Room F, 25/F., Lucky Plaza, 315-321 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


彭仕杰 Pang See Kit

Honored Editor荣誉主编:

Editorial Reviewer责任编辑:







Talurit Group unveils an updated brand identity 不以山海为远,共赴bauma之约


Oil & Gas Asia Merges with Malaysia Oil & Gas Services Exhibition & Conference in September 2022

DLM Load Cells for Catena's Cleanroom Client

The New MOD 1100/2000t takes part in first lift!

LIFTEUROP launches a new website

OZ Lifting Expands Industrial Chain Hoist Range


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余美慧 Michele Yu

石昀 Sharon Shi

黄丽雅 Mandy Wong

凌永铖 Anson Ling

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冯劲烽 Feng Jing Feng

黄丽雅 Mandy Wong


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产品新闻 WHAT'S NEW Green Pin®系泊用T型螺栓,高于NS 9415行业标准的水下作业紧 固件

New Green Pin® Mooring Bolt NS9415 T - What is below surface, must be above standard

elebia' evo10 Marine in Water Pumping Stations Elebia海底自动吊钩应用于巴拿马水泵站 Talurit生产的首台400吨压套机在美国亮相

The first Talurit® 400T swager showcased & delivered in the USA

Introducing Modulift's New Product, The TriMOD




展后报道 REPORT 海运业前景乐观,亚太海事展(APM 2022)在赞好声中落下帷幕

Asia Pacific Maritime 2022 closes on a high note with renewed optimism for maritime industry


索具学院 SCHOOL 钢丝绳夹的一些注意事项


Something you need to know about Wire Rope Clips









P27 P28

海运业前景乐观, 亚太海事展(APM 2022)


▲今年,主办方邀请了60位决策首脑和行业专家,与大家讨论如何克服当下的挑战,并就集装箱航运、港口、海事网络安全以及可持续 发展和海事技术的未来趋向各抒己见。

This year, the APM conference featured 60 speakers, thought leaders and subject experts who addressed challenges, exchanged ideas to overcome these challenges and shared views on upcoming trends on Container Shipping & Ports, Maritime Cybersecurity and Sustainability and Technology.

34 REPORT 展前报道

Visitors, exhibitors, thought leaders and subject experts came together say “Hello!” in person.

HELLO!好久不见!暌违四年,亚太区海事展(Asia Pacific Maritime)终于在新加坡滨海湾金沙会展中心拉开帷幕啦!这是 新冠疫情爆发以来,东南亚地区举办的首场大规模海事业贸易活 动。

这一场与海事、工作船及离岸海洋工程相关的展览会暨研讨 会,在亚洲地区极具规模和影响力。据官方统计,3月16至18日, 这场让大家期待已久的活动共吸引了7,285人次入场交流。现场 有来自27个国家和地区的286家企业参展,还有一系列的论坛及 研讨会在进行,60位行业专家及决策首脑与大家一起见见面聊聊 天。三天的“聚会”在大家的积极参与下画下了圆满的句号。

虽然疫情还没散去,但不少国家与国家之间已经陆续恢复正 常的商业交流。而亚太区海事展(Asia Pacific Maritime)一直以 来颇具国际影响力,受到很多国家的支持。今年在国际形势还没 稳定的情况下重回线下交流,这一届海事展依然收获了8个国家 和地区展团,除了新加坡本国展团,还包括澳大利亚、德国、台湾、 荷兰、英国,以及派来两个代表团的南韩。

很多参展商对本届海事展给予了高度赞赏。其中,Asianfast 集团的Paul Gannaway说:“隔了几年再回来这里见见我们熟悉 的供应商们,真的很开心,感觉连空气都特别清新。我这次主要 是跟他们多互动,了解多一些他们在技术上的变化,看看未来我


Korindo能源公司的Ishak Kadir也肯定了这次海事展,他说: “我们公司参加亚太区海事展(Asia Pacific Maritime)已经有十 年了,每一次都达到了我们的预期效果。我最想念的是在现场跟 海事行业的同仁们的互动交流,我想这一点很多人都有同感。回 来参加今年这场海事展,我感觉好像回到了疫情前的那些美好时 光。”


值得关注的是,有些重要的合作协议的签约仪式或者新品发 布会选择了在今年的海事展现场进行。显然,海事业在东南亚地区 仍然是“商机勃勃”。而亚太区海事展(Asia Pacific Maritime) 给业者提供了一个平台去跟合作伙伴巩固合作关系,使得他们在 友好的洽谈中把合作协议确定下来。

例如,新加坡海事业协会(Association of Singapore Marine Industries)与南韩海事设备协会(Korea Marine Equipment Association)双方代表在3月16日签订合作备忘录, 加强造船及离岸贸易产业的双边合作,为海事业开发新产品和解 决方案,以维持国际竞争力。新加坡REINTJES Asia Pacific和 Penguin Shipyard International两家企业就“Electric Dream” 号邮轮项目签订协议,未来将建造三艘纯电动高速载客邮轮,其

35 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

中的高速储备电源装置系统将由Penguin Shipyard International 公司设计、生产、运行及拥有。这是航运业在净零排放(二氧化碳) 的绿色行动中的又一重要贡献。

在这三天里,不少企业在现场举行了隆重的新品发布会。譬 如,亚洲领先的卫星方案供应商亚洲卫星(AsiaSat)宣布计划扩

展 SAILAS 的端到端托管连接服务,以进一步提高船舶运营商的运 营效率和安全性,并且加强船员和船上乘客的通信和娱乐体验。

再如,HamiltonJet公司发布新一代电子化船舶控制设备 AVXexpress和最新的航行产品ETSense。AVXexpress专为小型 船舶设计,统合自主感知、电气化和数字化,是船长的智能辅助 好帮手。ETSense集导航、感测器整合、电脑视觉三项功能于一体, 运用AI人工智能技术和先进的自主感知,在航行和重新规划航线 时保持船舶对转向和速度的精确控制,以避免造成航行堵塞或撞 上障碍物,同时更新流水数据,以改善水上航行。

亚太区海事展(Asia Pacific Maritime)不仅是业界公认的商 业合作平台,也是学习和分享知识的平台。今年,主办方邀请了 60位决策首脑和行业专家,与大家讨论如何克服当下的挑战,并 就集装箱航运、港口、海事网络安全以及可持续发展和海事技术 的未来趋向各抒己见。

今年的亚太区海事展(Asia Pacific Maritime)线下展览已经 在3月18日落下帷幕。无法前来跟大家见一见的业界同仁可以在 线上观看所有视频点播,也可以搜寻参展商在APM ONLINE+线上 频道展示的产品和服务。如果想要约参展商见面,也可通过apm. 与主办方联络。

两年后再见啦!2024年3月13-15日,依旧是新加坡滨海 湾金沙会展中心,亚太区海事展(Asia Pacific Maritime)将以更 好的一面呈现给大家!

36 REPORT 展前报道
▲暌违四年,亚太区海事展终于重回线下交流。 Visitors, exhibitors, thought leaders and subject experts came together for a long-awaited face-to-face experience.

Asia Pacific Maritime 2022 closes on a high note with renewed optimism for maritime industry


▲新加坡海事业协会与南韩海事设备协会双方代表在3月16日签订合作备忘录,加强造船及离岸贸易产业 的双边合作,为海事业开发新产品和解决方案,以维持国际竞争力。

The 17th edition of Asia Pacific Maritime (APM), Asia's premier shipbuilding & marine, workboat and offshore exhibition and conference, concluded on an upbeat note with attendees expressing optimism for an anticipated upturn.

Held from 16 to 18 March 2022, the three-day event recorded 7,285 trade attendees. A total of 286 participating companies from 27 countries and regions, 60 thought leaders and subject experts as speakers came together for a long-awaited face-toface experience. As an affirmation to its strong international support, APM 2022 brought together 8 official pavilions from

Australia, Germany, Singapore, South Korea (2 contingents), Taiwan, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom.

Paul Gannaway of Asianfast Group "It's a breath of fresh air to be able to meet with our suppliers face-to-face after so many years. The main thing for me is the interaction with suppliers to understand where they’ve gone with technology and what the possibilities for us in the future".

Ishak Kadir of Korindo Energy shared the same sentiment,“We have been participating at APM for the last 10 years and it has

37 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by Mr Wilson Ang (left), Executive Director of Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI) and Mr Kim Sung-Jun (right), Executive Director of Korea Marine Equipment Association (KOMEA).

Asia Pacific Maritime 2022 closes on a high note with renewed optimism for maritime industry, and will make a strong return in 2024, from 13 to 15 March.

never failed us. What I miss most is the personal interactions with people from the maritime industry and that is generally what everyone else miss most. Now that APM is back, it feels like we are back to the old days".

Several announcements and launches were made at APM this year, validating that business opportunities in this region remain attractive for the industry and that APM is the key platform to forge business partnerships and ink collaborations.

●A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was inked under the witness of Ms Quah Ley Hoon, Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), who officiated the Opening of APM 2022 on 16 March. The MoU signed by Mr Wilson Ang, Executive Director of Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI) and Mr Kim Sung-Jun, Executive Director of Korea Marine Equipment Association (KOMEA) formalised a closer collaboration between the two associations and allowed their members to leverage shared networks and expertise and work together to develop joint offerings and more comprehensive solutions to asset owners and managers of the global maritime sector.

● On a commercial front, a transmission solutions contract was signed and announced at APM 2022. The contract

signed between REINTJES Asia Pacific and Penguin Shipyard International for its landmark "Electric Dream" ferry project, comprised of three pure-electric high-speed passenger ferries and a rapid shore charging system which will be designed, built, owned, and operated by Penguin. Yet another step towards net-zero emissions in the shipping sector.

● Several product launches were also announced at APM 2022. HamiltonJet unveiled its latest AVXexpress designed for smaller vessels. This next-gen electronic control will enable seamless integration of its skipper assistance, autonomous, electrification and digitalisation solutions.

● HamiltonJet also launched its latest intelligent voyage product, ETSense, a 3-in-1 system featuring navigation, multi-sensor fusion and computer vision. It utilises Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced autonomy to perceive the domain and maintain precise control of steering and speed during a voyage and re-route to avoid traffic and obstacles, while enabling a new level of streaming data to improve onwater operations.

● A sia's premier satellite solutions provider, AsiaSat, announced plans to expand its SAILAS's end-to-end managed connectivity service to further increase operational efficiency

38 REPORT 展前报道
▲▶今年的亚太海事展迎来了7,285位业界人士前来相聚,两年后我 们老地方再见一见,聊一聊吧!

and safety for vessel operators, and enhance communication and entertainment experience of crews and passengers on board.

Not only is APM an industry-recognised platform for business collaborations, it is also a platform for learning and sharing of knowledge. This year, the APM conference featured 60 speakers, thought leaders and subject experts who addressed challenges, exchanged ideas to overcome these challenges and shared views on upcoming trends on Container Shipping & Ports, Maritime Cybersecurity and Sustainability and Technology.

The physical tradeshow may be over, but maritime professionals who were unable to attend, can view the videos-

on-demand of all the conference sessions and continue to source products and services showcased by the exhibitors on APM ONLINE+. Buyers who wish to set up meetings with APM exhibitors can also reach out at

APM will make a strong return in 2024, from 13 to 15 March, occupying all six halls at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Todate, 75% of the exhibition floor space is already sold.

For more and the latest information on APM 2022, please visit, byEMQtd on LinkedIn or asiapacificmaritime/ on Facebook.

This year's Asia Pacific Maritime (APM) concluded on an upbeat note with attendees expressing optimism for an anticipated upturn.

39 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World


钢丝绳夹是比较常见的钢丝绳末端配件,主要是钢丝绳末端形成承重环眼或连接两 根缆绳时使用。例如:起重机缆绳或绞车上的钢丝绳末端连接,穿过环眼吊点或卸扣活 动的钢丝绳,码头或者停车场等场所外围的缆绳。

U型螺栓夹是最常见的一种钢丝绳夹,通常由锻造或可铸造的钢材制成,由一个U 型螺栓,两个螺母和一个金属底座(鞍座)组成。

1. 铸造和可延展钢材制成的钢丝绳夹只能在荷重物相对较轻的情况下使用,例如 栏杆,围栏,护栏等的钢丝绳上。钢丝绳夹的底座由可铸造钢材制成,不具备理想的金 属性能,使用过度时可能会断裂,而且也不具有锻造底座所具备的晶粒结构优势。

2. 落锤锻造制成的钢丝绳夹的底座由锻造钢材制成。该类钢丝绳夹经过加热并锤 打形成所需的形状,因而在钢材中形成一致的晶粒结构。这类钢丝绳夹一般用于重要的 项目、或者重型作业、持续的高空运作等情况的钢丝绳上,例如绞车用钢丝绳、起重机 提升绳索、支撑绳索、牵引导索、拖曳导索、紧固捆绑索、脚手架钢索等,是船舶和工 业索具行业的理想选择。


使用前,应目视检查钢丝绳夹是否有损坏、腐蚀、磨损及裂纹。同时检查钢丝绳夹是否 清晰标有永久性的识别标记,包括产品规格和生产商名字。另外再检查钢丝绳夹,以确 保组装的夹子的尺寸、类型和零部件与要求一致。

1. 确保钢丝绳夹放置的方向正确。





6. 使用多个钢丝绳夹时,夹子要一顺排列,U型螺栓与绳子的固定端(绳头)接触,不 能与活动端(主绳)接触。如果U型螺栓与活动端(主绳)接触,则主绳被压扁后, 受力时容易断丝。

SCHOOL 索具学院 40



2.在钢丝绳固定端(绳头)的末端一个底座宽度的距离处安上第一个钢丝绳夹,使用扭矩扳手拧 紧钢丝绳夹上的螺母。

3.(如果需要)使用第二个钢丝绳夹时,请将其尽可能靠近钢丝绳环眼或套环。同样,请务必使 用扭矩扳手正确拧紧钢丝绳夹的螺母。

4.如果需要两个以上的钢丝绳夹,则夹子应均匀地间隔在最先放置的两个夹子之间。同样,请务 必使用扭矩扳手正确拧紧钢丝绳夹的螺母。

安装钢丝绳夹后,需要定期循环转动绳索并重新拧紧夹子。螺母上的扭矩非常重要,需要随时留 意,因为它们在反复使用时会松动。


1. 扭矩没有遵照制造商的规定

2. 钢丝绳夹的个数不是制造商建议的数量

3. 多个钢丝绳夹之间的间距不正确

4. 钢丝绳夹的鞍座错误地安在钢丝绳其中一端

5. 钢丝绳夹的U型螺栓位于绳子的活动端(主绳)

6. 钢丝绳夹的U型螺栓在绳子的固定端(绳头)和活动端(主绳)上下交错

7. 形成环眼时钢丝绳回转的次数不正确

8. 钢丝绳夹类型与实际的要求不匹配

9. 钢丝绳夹尺寸与钢丝绳尺寸不匹配

10. 未能循环转动绳索并定期拧紧钢丝绳夹

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 41

Something you need to know about Wire Rope Clips

Wire rope clips are common and necessary piece of rigging hardware when it comes to using wire rope and forming a load bearing eye at the end of a cable or wire rope, or to connect two cables together with a lap splice.

Examples of situations where a wire rope clip could be utilized for wire rope end termination on a crane cable or winch, to run a length of wire rope through an eye bolt or shackle, perimeter cables on docks, parking lots, etc.

U-Bolt wire rope clips

U-Bolt wire rope clips are the traditional styles. This type of wire rope clip is essentially a U-shaped bolt, two nuts, and a metal base (saddle) that can be made from forged steel or cast iron.

1. Cast and malleable wire rope clips

Cast and malleable wire rope clips can only be used under light duty loads applications with relatively light loads, such as handrails, fencing, guard rails, etc. The base of the wire rope clips is made from malleable cast iron, which may fracture under heavy use and does not have the desirable metal properties of steel, or the beneficial grain structure that a forged base has.

2. Drop Forged Wire Rope Clips

The base of these wire rope clips are made from forged steel. Forged clips are heated and hammered into the desired shape - resulting in a consistent grain structure in the steel. Forged wire rope clips are recommended for critical, heavyduty, sustaining overhead loads such as winch lines, crane hoist lines, support lines, guy lines, towing lines, tie- downs, scaffolds, etc.

The die forging process make the drop forged wire rope clips strong and more durable and the heating and hammering steps make their structure to be consistent and conform to the shape of the forged item. It is ideal for marine and industrial rigging applications.

Operation Practices

Before use, the wire rope clips shall be visually inspected for damage, corrosion, wear, and cracks. Verify that the wire rope clips are legibly and permanently marked with size and the manufacturer's identifying mark. They shall be inspected to ensure that the assembled clip contains the same size, type, and class parts.

1) Assure clips are orientated correctly.

2) When using single grip clips, be sure to put the saddle on the live end of the rope.

3) Be sure to torque clips to proper specification.

4) Check torque after use and re-torque after use if necessary.

5) Follow the proper procedure when installing clips.

SCHOOL 索具学院 42

Method of Installing Wire Rope Clips on an Eye or Thimble

1. First, wrap the wire rope around the thimble or to form the eye, and turn back the correct amount of rope—as specified by the manufacturer.

2. Apply the first wire rope clip at the end of the dead end, with one base width of space. Use a torque wrench to tighten the nuts on the wire rope clip.

3. When applying the second clip (if required), place it as close to the eye loop or thimble as possible. Again, be sure to properly tighten the nuts of the clip with a torque wrench.

4. If more than two clips are required, the clips should be evenly spaced between the two that were placed first.

5. Apply tension and tighten all nuts to recommended torque.

6. Recheck torque after rope has been in operation.

After installing clips, it is necessary to regularly cycle the rope and retighten the clips. Monitoring the torque on the nuts is important, as they will loosen over repeated use.

Common Mistakes When Installing Wire Rope Clips

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see a wire rope clip applied incorrectly. Some of the most common mistakes include:

1. Not torquing to the manufacturer’s expectations

2. Not using the recommended number of clips

3. Incorrect spacing between clips

4. Saddle is on the incorrect end of the rope

5. U-Bolt of wire rope clips on live end of rope

6. Stagger wire rope clips

7. Incorrect amount of turnback when forming an eye

8. Using the wrong type of clip for the application

9. Not matching the clip size to the wire rope size

10. Failing to cycle the rope and regularly tighten the clips

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 43

2022汉诺威工业博览会 Hannover Messe 2022



官网 主办方:




电话:021-2055 7081


汉诺威工业博览会是世界领先的工业技术展会。在“工业转型”这一核心 主题下,展会聚焦当前工业产业的趋势和热点话题,例如工业4.0、人工智能、 5G和智能物流等。线下暂别两年,2022年该展重返德国汉诺威展览中心, 会展出内容分为以下六大类:“创新技术及未来生产”、“自动化、动力及传动”、 “数字生态系统”、“能源解决方案”、“物流”以及“工业零部件”。葡萄牙成 为2022年汉诺威工业博览会的合作伙伴国。

展览面积:超过227,000 m²

参展商:6,500 (来自75个国家和地区) 观众:215,000

Exhibition Date: 30 May - 2 June 2022

Venue: Hannover Exhibition Center, Germany

Official website:


Deutsche Messe AG


Deutsche Messe AG

Tel: +49 511 89-0


HANNOVER MESSE is the most important international platform and hot spot for industrial transformation - with excellent innovations or unusual products. Following a two-year absence, in 2022 it is once again time: HANNOVER MESSE will run 30 May - 2 June as a physical fair - supplemented by a comprehensive range of digital services for exhibitors and visitors. The lead theme "Industrial Transformation"focuses on digitalization and decarbonization of industry. Portugal is Partner Country at HANNOVER MESSE 2022.

Review: (2019)

Exhibition space: over 227,000 m²

Exhibitors: 6,500 (from 75 countries and regions)

Attendances: 215,000

LogiMAT 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management)

时间:2022年5月31日-6月2日 地点:德国斯图加特会展中心

官网 主办方: 欧洲展览会议公司





德国斯图加特的国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会(LogiMAT)自 2003年举办以来,已成功举办了17届,获得了众多国际知名企业多年的 支持与认可。作为年度物流盛会,LogiMAT囊括了内部物流产业全面的行 业信息与资讯,包含从采购到生产,从仓储到配送的整套专业流程管理。 来自工业、贸易、服务业的国际参展商和决策者每年齐聚斯图加特展览中 心寻找新的商业伙伴,选择并采购仓储、生产和配送物流的创新产品以及 适合自己的系统解决方案。



Exhibition Date: 31 May - 02 June 2022

Venue: Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre, Germany

Official website:


EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH


Tel.: +49 89 32391-259



LogiMAT, the leading international Trade Fair for Intralogistics

Solutions and Process Management, sets new standards as one of the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe. LogiMAT provides a comprehensive market overview and competent knowledge-transfer. The unique infrastructure and clear segmentation of the exhibition sections ensure all participants get the inside track on first-hand intralogistics at LogiMAT.

Review: (2019)

Exhibition space: 120,000+ m²

Exhibitorbvs: 1,624 (from 42 countries and regions)

Attendances: 61,740

展览面积:120,000+ m² 参展商:1,624家(来自42个国家和地区)


LogiMAT China 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management)


地点:上海新国际博览中心 官网 主办方:

南京斯图加特联合展览有限公司 展会联系:


E: 展会简介:

LogiMAT品牌源于德国斯图加特,聚焦全球物流最新技术和应用。秉承德 国办展理念,LogiMAT China自2014年首次在南京举办以来,从整体风 格到组织能力以及服务水平,从活动水准到展商及观众品质,都给参与者 留下了高端专业的深刻印象。2019年起,LogiMAT China移师上海,携手 亚洲物流双年展旗下的2019全新品牌展——亚洲智慧创新物流大会及 展览(transport logistic China)同期举办。内部物流设备、解决方案和物 流服务的结合,带给终端用户一场物流行业的饕餮盛宴。 上届回顾:(2021)

Exhibition Date: 15-17 June 2022

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

Official website:


EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH


Tel: +86-21-50810233



LogiMAT China offers a complete market perspective in the area of intralogistics. This event move from Nanjing to Shanghai since 2019, and to be held alongside transport logistic China forum. LogiMAT China will feature leading European and Chinese intralogistics brands who will be presenting innovative technologies, products, systems and solutions for rationalization and cost-optimization of in-company logistics processes.

Review: (2021)

Exhibition space: 10,000 m²

Exhibitors: 91

Attendances: 21,880


21st Marintec China






Informa Markets



电话:021-54660311 / 021-6258 0175




经过40年的发展,该展如今已经能够充分体现亚洲船舶市场的规模和重 要性,并成长为亚洲首屈一指的海事会展。中国国际海事会展是业界了解 最新的船舶、船舶设计、海洋工程装备、航运、港口技术等产业,以及中外 海事技术、经贸合作、船舶融资、安全保险、规范准则、环境保护等领域的 绝佳平台。

Exhibition Date: 28 June - 1 July 2022 (TBC)

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

Official website:


Informa Markets

Shanghai Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (SSNAME)


Informa Markets

Tel: +852 2827 6211



Launched for over 40 years, Marintec China has become renowned as one of the most authoritative B2B platform for the International Maritime Industry. Organized by the professional trade exhibition organizers "Informa Markets”"and "Shanghai Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers (SSNAME)", Marintec China is set far apart from other platforms in connecting businesses and distilling insight for Asia's maritime industry.

Review: (2019)

Exhibition space: 90,000m²

Exhibitors: 2,200

Attendances: 71,736

45 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
m² 参展商:91
上届回顾:(2019) 展览面积:90,000m² 参展商:2,200家 观众:71,736

2022集装箱多式联运亚洲展 Intermodal Asia 2022






Informa Markets


Informa markets

电话:021 2326 3657



集装箱多式联运亚洲展的展览和会议每年在上海召开,历时三天,云集集 装箱和多式联运行业的领导和决策层。展会为重要的年度会议提供了一 个平台,细分精准,横跨公路,铁路和海运,且涉及集装箱、多式联运和物 流的多种运输领域。展会选择在上海举办 - 上海拥有全球最大的码头,并 且是全球慢放的物流中心之一。2022集装箱多式联运亚洲展将营造一个 绝无仅有的平台,帮助相关人士在三天的展期内寻找创新品和服务的机会, 并与供应商,客户和合作伙伴会面。


展览面积:12000 m²

参展商:100+ 观众:8000+





Informa Markets


Informa Markets

电话:+ 603 9771 2688



Exhibition Date: 7-9 December 2021

Venue: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China

Official website:


Informa Markets


Informa markets

Tel: +86 21 2326 3657



The Intermodal Asia exhibition and conference brings together leading decision-makers from all areas of container shipping, transport and logistics, making it the most important industry annual meeting point in Asia. Taking place in Shanghai, Chinaone of the world’s most dynamic logistic markets, Intermodal Asia offers a unique opportunity to discover innovative products and meet suppliers in order to gain long-term competitive advantage. It is the perfect opportunity for professionals to come together to network, do business and encourage the healthy and sustainable development of modern intermodal transport.

Review: (2021)

Exhibition space: 12000 m²

Exhibitors: 100+


The 18th Asian Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition

Exhibition Date: 13-15 September 2022

Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia

Official website:

Organizer: Informa Markets


Informa Markets

Tel: + 603 9771 2688



OGA,是亚洲地区规模和影响力较大的石油、天然气行业展会。始于1987 年,每两年一届。作为行业盛会,每届展会皆展示石油、天然气及石化工程 行业最新的技术、设备以及相关器械,给石油天然气服务商及专业人士提 供一个获取最新行业资讯的平台。该展也是持续凸显马来西亚在石油、天 然气及能源领域的发展潜能的一个极为重要的展览会,马国以此作为增 强其在,尤其是在亚洲地区的石油天然气国家当中的地位的一项盛事。

The Oil and Gas Asia Exhibition (OGA), presents an ideal ground for the O&G stakeholders to meet key decision makers from national and international oil companies, at the same time attain current and relevant information on the trends, technology and solutions of the industry. It is also a crucial event that continues to highlight Malaysia and its potential in the Oil, Gas and Energy (OGE) sector to strengthen the country's position as a strong oil and gas nation, especially in the Asian region.

Review: (2019)

Exhibition space: 20,000 m²


Attendances:27,837 (from 53 countries)

上届回顾:(2019) 展览面积:20,000平方米 参展商:1,992家

2022北京国际风能大会暨展览会 China Wind Power 2022

时间:2022年9月6-8日 地点:北京中国国际展览中心(顺义馆)



北京赛迪会展有限公司 展会联系:



始于2008年,御风十四载,北京国际风能大会暨展览会已成为全球最具 规模和影响力的风能专业展会之一,在业界享有风电产业晴雨表和风向 标的美誉。这是中外风电界共谋产业发展、应对气候变化、探索全球能源 转型提供了交流平台,也是获取行业信息、发掘商机和建立合作的最佳场所。

Exhibition Date: 6-8 September 2022

Venue: Beijing's China International Exhibition Center (new venue)

Official website:


CCID Conference & Exhibition Co., Ltd


Tel: +86 10 88558131



Since it was first held in 2008, China Wind Power has been working with colleagues in the wind power industry to grow together. The event provides a broad communication platform and grasping the historical opportunities of wind power development.

Review: (2021)

Exhibition space: 60,000 m²


Attendances: 82,532











电话:021-2055 7000

传真:021-2055 7100


始于2000年,亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会(简称:亚洲物流展) 与亚洲国际动力传动与控制技术展览会(简称:亚洲国际动力传动展)、上 海国际压缩机及设备展览会(简称:上海国际压缩机展)、上海国际工业零 部件及分承包展和亚洲国际冷链设备及技术展览会组成一年一度的亚太 地区工业盛会。亚洲物流展是内部物流行业的国际盛会,涉及物料搬运、 自动化技术、运输系统和物流技术,为全球展商和买家在上海搭建了一个 高水平的国际商业平台。




Exhibition Date: 1-4 November 2022

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

Official website:


Deutsche Messe AG

Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd.


Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd.

Tel: +86-21-2055 7000

Fax: +86-21-2055 7100



CeMAT ASIA is the leading show for intralogistics in China and thus the leading international trade fair for material handling, automation, transport, and logistics technologies in Asia. This event was founded in 2000, has seen a steady growth of their vistor and exhibitor numbers. The strong support from the market and partners, the presence of all relevant key players and the highquality concurrent events make CeMAT ASIA the most important and relevant platform of the logistics industry in Asia.

Review: (2021)

Exhibition space: over 80,000 m²


47 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
参展商:652家 观众:82,532
上届回顾:(2021) 展览面积:60,000平方米

elebia是自动吊装解决方案和自动吊装设备领域的佼佼者,主打产品包括获得专利设计的evo系列 起重机自动吊钩、NEO系列起重吊钩、自动起重钳。elebia的产品通过远程操控来挂接和脱钩负荷物, 以此提高装卸作业的工作效率和安全性。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落,因而减少 危险。产品适用于任何行业,例如航空航天、建筑、能源、制造业、煤矿、码头、钢铁等行业。 凭借evo系列起重机自动吊钩、NEO系列起重吊钩、自动起重钳及相关配件的智能创新,安全性和 高效能,他们的产品受到众多世界顶尖企业的青睐,譬如劳斯莱斯、Space-X、ArcelorMittal、波音、 空客、西门子、Tenaris等等。

elebia is the market leader in automatic lifting solutions and equipment with the patented evo automatic crane hooks, automatic lifting clamps and the NEO range of lifting hooks. Remotely attach and release any load with no handling, increasing productivity, enhancing safety and minimising risks in a fail-safe way in all lifting operations across every industry such as Aerospace, Construction, Energy, Manufacturing, Mining, Moulding, Port and Steel, to name a few.

Thanks to their innovative range of evo Automatic Crane Hooks, Automatic Lifting Clamps, NEO range of Lifting Hooks and Lifting Accessories, the company is drastically improving productivity and safety of global leading companies such as Rolls-Royce, Space-X, ArcelorMittal, Boeing, Airbus, Siemens, Tenaris and many more.

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.
索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 49
51 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)
53 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Swaged soft loop slings 压接软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-125t 建峰索具(JF) Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868 Spliced soft loop slings 插编软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-111t Bolt type bow shackles 钢丝绳环索, 6-696mm , (单肢 WLL)
Heavy lift cable-laid slings 大直径钢缆绞接索具 ,70-408mm,
joint sling assemblies 单肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm, (WLL)
joint sling assemblies 双肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm
(WLL) 27-912t Single-leg swaged
2.9-400kN Double-leg swaged
(WLL) 41-560kN
joint sling assemblies 四肢成套压接索具, 绳径 6-56mm (WLL)
Four-leg swaged

Swaged soft loop slings

Spliced soft loop slings

Wire rope grommets

Heavy lift cable-laid slings

Single-leg/2-leg/4-leg swaged sling set

Spelter socket wire rope slings (opened / closed)

Single-limb /double-limb /three-limb/ four-limb swaged sling assemblies

软环压制索具,6mm- 130mm, (WLL) 0.33T-163T

插编索具, 6mm-130mm, (WLL) 0.27T- 136T

无接头绳圈 , 15mm-696mm, (WLL) 2.6T-13978T

大直径钢缆绞接索具, 69mm-408mm, (WLL) 26.9T-886T

成套压制索具( 单肢、双肢、四肢 ), 6 mm- 60mm, (WLL) 0..33T-58.3T

浇铸索具(开式/闭式), 6mm- 100mm , 0.43T- 125T

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

链条( Parsons Chain China)

Tel: +86-(0)313-2056580

6 – 39mm

Green Pin® Closed Spelter Socket (WLL) 8T-1300T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 120-130 mm, -20℃up to +200℃

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket BN (with safety bolt) (WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 40-42 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃

Green Pin® Closed Swage Socket Closed type, diameter rope 6-76 mm

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket CP (with cotter pin)

Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket BN (with safety bolt)

Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket CP (with cotter pin)

(WLL) 8T-625T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 81-86 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 40-42 mm, -20°C up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-1200T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 108-115 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃

Green Pin® Open Swage Socket CP (with cotter pin) diameter rope 6-76 mm

Green Pin® Short Bow Socket (Closed spelter socket) (WLL) 140T-1000T, diameter wire rope from 31-36 mm to 108-115 mm

Green Pin® Wire Rope Clip Wire rope clip generally to 13411-5 Type B diameter wire rope from 3-4 mm to 75-78 mm

Wire rope clips

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China) Forged

6-50mm 安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

54 BUYER'S GUIDE 产品索引 Forged swage sockets (open/closed) 开式/闭式锻造索节,(钢绳)
振锋企业 (YOKE) +886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417 Spelter sockets (open/closed) 开式/闭式灌注索节,(钢绳)
Van Beest Tel: +31-184 41 33 00
美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in
swage socket 锻造 U型插套 , SLR- 172 Forged swage sockets (open/closed) 开式/闭式锻造钢接头,
单肢/双肢/三肢/四肢成套吊具 中国帕森斯


安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

建峰索具(JF) Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868 Flat woven webbing slings 扁平吊带(单层/双层/三层/四层),0.5-24t

Round slings 圆筒吊带(环形/环眼),0.5-1000t

Sling accessories

G80 Sling accessories

吊带式钩具(双环扣,卡钩,扁平带钩,锚栓,自锁钩) 振锋企业 (YOKE)

Wire rope clips 美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in

G80吊带索具配件(吊带双环扣,吊带钩,吊带羊角钩,吊带环,三角环,D型环) 山东神力索具 (SLR)

Forged U-type swage socket 锻造 U型插套 , SLR- 172

Flat sling 扁平吊带(一层、两层、三层、四层、环形)

Round sling 圆筒吊带

Forged swage sockets (open/closed) 开式/闭式锻造钢接头, 6-50mm

Spelter sockets (open/closed) 开式/闭式 灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging) Tel: 021-6176 6178

55 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
Green Pin Tycan® Lifting Chain Lifting chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, link size from 11x15mm to 13x30 mm, -40°C up to +70°C Van Beest Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60°C up to +70°C

Tubular Slings

Double Band Slings

Big Bag Slings

管状吊索,内层的钢丝绳贯穿整条尼龙吊索。轻盈超耐用。方便与起重机自动吊钩的磁 铁接合。起重荷载3吨。

a wire rope running throughout the nylon-coated sling, light and ultra-resistant, capacity up to 3TN

双带吊索,由内层钢丝绳与两个末端手柄整合而成。轻盈超耐用。吊索末端已磁化,方便 与elebia吊钩的磁铁接合。起重荷载3吨。

ends are magnetized, nylon-coated wire rope integrates the two sling handles, light and ultra-resistant, capacity up to 3TN

吨袋吊索,设计用于固定吨袋的两个把手,并简化其远程接合的流程。钢丝绳内置于该 尼龙吊索中央,以方便与elebia安全钩的磁铁接合。起重荷载1吨。

a wire rope placed in the centre of the nylon-coated sling, designed to attach the two handles of the Big Bag and ease its remote engagement, capacity up to 3TN

Wide body shackles

Screw pin bow shackles

Bolt type bow shackles

Screw pin dee shackles

Alloy screw pin bow shackles

Alloy bolt type bow shackles

Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle BN

Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN

Green Pin® Guided Pin ROV Shackle (D or F)

Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV Shackle

Green Pin® Spring Pin ROV Shackle

宽体卸扣 ,合金钢 ( WLL ) 7-1550t

S6级弓形卸扣 ( JB ) / S6级D型卸扣 ( JS ) , (WLL)0.5-85t

S6级弓形卸扣 ( JBB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-250t

S6级D型卸扣 ( JSB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-150t

TB级弓形卸扣 ( KB ) , 合金钢,螺纹销, (WLL) 2-21t

TS级弓形卸扣 ( KBB ) , 合金钢,螺栓销, (WLL) 2-400t

High load capacity, grade 8 shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 125T-1250T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV GL 0378 & DNV GL 0378

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 0.5T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with guiding tube and D- or Fishtailhandle

(WLL) 12T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring

(WLL) 6.5T-250T, MBL equals 6 x WLL - for shackles with WLL 120T and up the MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring pins

(WLL) 6.5T-85T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures

(WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +200°C

Green Pin® Spring Release ROV Shackle Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring

(WLL) 12T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

Green Pin® Dee Shackle FN

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle FN

Green Pin® Sling Shackle BN

Green Pin® Bow Shackle SC

Green Pin® Dee Shackle BN

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle FN

(WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 7T-1550T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C

Standard bow shackle with screw collar pin

(WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Green Pin® Web Sling Shackle SC

Green Pin® Tapered Pin ROV Shackle (D or F)

Shackle for synthetic web slings with screw collar pin (WLL) 3.25T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with tapered pin and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 6.5T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Van Beest

Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Elebia Autohooks Tel: +34 93 543 4706

Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle SC

Green Pin BigMouth® Dee Shackle BN

Green Pin® Sling Shackle FN

Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle BN

Green Pin® Bow Shackle FN

Green Pin® Dee Shackle SC

Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle BN

Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle FN

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN

Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle BN

Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle FN

Green Pin® Theatre Shackle SC

Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle SQ

Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle SQ

Grade 8 bow shackle with screw pin

(WLL) 3.3T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Dee shackle with longer inside length, wider mouth and safety bolt

(WLL) 4.6T-15.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -20°C up to +200°C

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 7T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures

(WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt

(WLL)120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Standard dee shackle with screw collar pin

(WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt, fixed nut and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C

Matte black bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C

Bow shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

Dee shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle FP Bow shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle FP Dee shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

Forged alloy anchor / wide body / chain

Forged carbon steel anchor / wide body /chain shackles

ROV anchor shackles (with safety pin)

G80 screw pin shackles

G8 alloy steel bow / dee shackles (bolt type / screw pin)

Bolt type bow shackles

Bolt type dee shackles

Screw pin bow shackles

Screw pin dee shackles

1.2- 55t, DNV & ABS

碳钢弓型 ID型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓 ), (WLL) 0.5-35t, DNV & ABS

ROV锚卸扣(带安全销),(WLL) 6.5- 35t

G80螺栓销卸扣,SLR-049, 7/8- 16 (WLL)2-8t

G8合金钢卸扣,弓型 / D型,螺栓销/螺 丝销,5/16- 2in, (WLL)1.2-55t

螺栓销弓形卸扣,SLR-362, 3/16-3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

螺栓销D型卸扣,SLR- 363, 3/16 - 3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

螺丝销弓形卸扣,SLR-364, 3/16- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.33- 55t

螺丝销 D型卸扣,SLR- 365, 1/4- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.5- 55t

振锋企业 (YOKE)

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

+886- 4- 2350 8088

+86- (0) 21-6447 9417

山东神力索具 (SLR) Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

S40 Automatic Shackle

远程遥控自动卸扣,(WLL) 40 tons, 适用于直径大于45mm的开口。自动接合和 释放负荷物。安全系数4:1。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。 带有称重传感器/荷重元、LED状态指示器。

ideal for openings of up to 45mm Ø, 4:1 safety factor, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, carries a load cell, LED Status Indicator



57 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
Van Beest
shackles 合金钢弓型 /宽体D型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓),(WLL)

Swivel hoist ring, with alloy steel washer / ball bearing

Lifting point

Angular contact bearing swivels

Shank hoist hook

Eye hoist hook

Swivel hoist hook

Swivel bearing hoist hook

Eye hoist hook with latch

Forged swivel hook

Alloy steel eye hoist hook

Forged swivel hook

Forged shank hook

Regular swivels

G80 rotation swivels

旋转吊环,带合金钢垫圈/滚珠轴承, (钢绳)1 /4- 2in , (WLL) 0.75-35t, 5:1

旋转吊点,(WLL) 0.3-20t

重力旋转环,子弹式/钳口式/眼型, (WLL) 0.75-35t

起重吊钩,(WLL) 0.75-30t, 5:1

环眼吊钩,(WLL) 1-30t, 5:1

旋转吊钩,(WLL) 0.75- 30t, 5:1

旋转轴承吊钩,(WLL)合金钢1-30t, 碳钢0.75-15t

眼型吊钩,SLR-130, (WLL)合金钢0.75-30t, 碳钢0.5-20t

锻造旋转钩,SLR-132, (WLL)合金钢0.75-30t, 碳钢0.5-20t

新型合金钢眼型吊钩,SLR-156, (WLL) 0.75-30t

新型锻造旋转钩,SLR-554, (WLL) 0.75-11t

新型锻造直杆钩,SLR-492, (WLL) 0.75-22t

旋转环,SLR- 355 G-402, 1/4- 3/4in, (WLL) 850-7200lbs

G80轴承旋转套,SLR- 316, (WLL) 5/8/17t

山东神力索具 (SLR) Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

Eye hoist hooks 环眼吊钩,WLL 0.75T-30T 安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Swivel hooks 旋转货钩,WLL 0.75T-30T

Double eye swivel 对称旋转环,WLL 2T- 8T

Green Pin® Thrust Bearing EE Swivel

Green Pin® EE Swivel

Green Pin® JE Swivel CP

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting and thrust bearings

(WLL) 1T-40T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting

(WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin

(WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Clevis Hook for Green Pin Tycan® MBL equals 4 x WLL and MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity (10)

Green Pin Tycan® Grab Hook C GR10, G100 MBL equals 4 x WLL, (WLL) 5T

Green Pin® Hook E GR8

Green Pin® Alloy Sliding Choker Hook

Grade 8 large eye hook with safety latch

(WLL) 1.25T-22T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 sliding choker hook with safety latch

(WLL) 0.8T-5.4T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Green Pin® Pipe Line Hook Hook for handling cylindrical object (pipes, tubes)

Green Pin® Hook SE GR8

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo2)

(WLL) 2T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Grade 8 swivel eye hook with safety latch

(WLL) 1.25T-31.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,(WLL) 2.5 tons。小巧、紧实、轻巧,坚硬。自动锁。3 小时充电等于一周用电量。轴承可使吊钩自由旋转。带有电机保护离合器。顶部吊环 可定制。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。带有位置编码器。磁力系统、 远程遥控。保险杠带有LED状态指示器,可保护安全钩免受撞击和磨损,延长产品寿命。 small, compact, light & tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 1 week's power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumpers with LED status indicator


在待机模式下最多可以进行5,000次循环或续航250小时。轴承可使吊钩自 由旋转。带有电机保护离合器。顶部吊环可定制。独特的故障安全设计使得 悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。带有位置编码器。磁力系统、远程遥控。保险杠带

有LED状态指示器,可保护安全钩免受撞击和磨损,延长产品寿命。带LED的 保险杠的工作温度范围为-20ºC至90ºC/-4ºF至194ºF。获得DNV GL 2.22 认 证。

powerful, tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours’ power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, failsafe design makes a never-drop load, optional acoustic alarm, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumper with LEDs can work from -40ºC to 200ºC / -40ºF to 392ºF. DNV GL 2.22 certification for offshore lifting.

Van Beest

Tel: 021-6176 6178

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Tel: +34 93 543 4706



(YOKE) +886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447
Automatic Crane Hooks (evo5)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo10c)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo10)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo20)

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,坚固有力,自动锁。电池能在3个小时内充满电,在待机模式 下最多可以进行5,000次循环或续航250小时。轴承可使吊钩自由旋转。带有电机保护离 合器。顶部吊环可定制。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。带有位置编码器。 磁力系统、远程遥控。保险杠带有LED状态指示器,可保护安全钩免受撞击和磨损,延长 产品寿命。带LED的保险杠的工作温度范围为-20ºC至90ºC/-4ºF至194ºF。获得DNV GL 2.22 认证。

powerful, tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours’ power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, optional acoustic alarm, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumper with LEDs can work from -40ºC to 200ºC / -40ºF to 392ºF. DNV GL 2.22 certification for offshore lifting.

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo25)

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,(WLL) 25 tons。其他描述与evo5至evo020一致,除了“获 得DNV GL 2.22 认证”这一点。 the rest of description is the same as evo10

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

Elebia Autohooks

NEO20 Lifting Hook for Bell Furnaces

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 20 tons

NEO50 Lifting Hook

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 50 tons

NEO100 Lifting Hook

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 100 tons。非常适合最大直径为180mm的超大起吊点。安全系 数为4:1。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。具有称重传感器,LED状 态指示器等。

Elebia's biggest hook yet, Ideal for oversized lifting points of up to 180mm Ø, Safety factor of 4:1, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load

Alloy Forged Link

Forged alloy steel link

G80 pivoting lifting screw

G80 eye screw

G80 lifting screw point

合金钢锻造环,SLR-411, (WLL) 1-20t

合金钢锻造圆环,SLR-038, 3/8x2”-2x12” (WLL) 1100-350001bs

G80旋转吊栓,SLR- 173, M20/M24, (WLL) 5/8/17t

G8吊环螺丝,SLR-054, M6-M48, (WLL)0.3- 15t(90度), 0.6-25t(0度)

G80万向转吊环(吊点),SLR-303, M8- M64, (WLL)0.3-15t(90度),0.6-25t(0度)

Thimbles 套环(美式,管式,BS464, DIN6899B)

U.S. turnbuckles 美式花篮螺丝 (UC, OO, UU, OU, OC型)

KE Eye-Bolt TWN 1884 (NEW)

Swivel hoist ring

screw sizes M16 - M20

山东神力索具 (SLR) Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

59 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
旋转吊环螺丝,UNC螺纹 振锋企业 (YOKE) +886- 4-
8088 +86-(0)21-6447
100级侧向旋转吊环 (吊点),公制/黑化螺纹,合金10.9级
9417 Grade 100 lifting point

GUIDE 产品索引

G80 - Swivel Type Lifting Point TWN

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0122

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0123

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0127

G100 - Swivel Type Lifting Point TITAN


G100- Swivel Type Lifting Point X-TREME

1830 with ball bearing

G100 - Swivel Type Lifting Point XS-Point

sizes M16 - M30

screw sizes M16 - M56

screw sizes M16 - M24

sizes M20 - M24

sizes M8 - M36

screw sizes M10 - M48 G80 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN

G100 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN

with fixing spring (NEW)

G100 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN

sizes M10- M64

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

接型托架 ), WLL 4t - 6.7t KE Eye-Bolt TWN 1884 (NEW)

with two welding brackets (NEW)

Rachel/lever type load binder

Standard ratchet type load binder

G80 master link

(H-E / E-E / J-E / J-J)型 5:1

紧索具,L-150, (WLL) 0.98- 5.9t, 4:1

(WLL) 0.98- 5.9t, 4:1

(WLL) 0.5-10t, 4:1

Weldless links 美式无焊缝吊环, (WLL) 0.8- 15.9t

(0)20 32222868

Allloy steel links

Thimbles 套环(实心型、重型、普通型) 安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging) Tel: 021-6176 6178

Green Pin Polar® JJ Turnbuckle BN

Green Pin® EH Turnbuckle

Green Pin® HH Turnbuckle

Green Pin® JJ Turnbuckle BN

Green Pin® EE Turnbuckle

Green Pin® JJ Turnbuckle CP

Green Pin® EJ Turnbuckle

合金椭圆环, forged 13mm-51mm, welded 57mm- 101.6mm

Grade 8 turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fittings and safety bolt for use under low temperatures, generally to ASTM F1145-92

(WLL) 1T-12.7T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +200°C

Turnbuckle with eye-hook end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92

(WLL) 0.54T-2.27T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with hook-hook end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92

(WLL) 0.54T-2.27T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fitting and safety bolt, generally to ASTM F114592

(WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with eye-eye end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92

(WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fitting and cotter pins, generally to ASTM F114592

(WLL) 2.36T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with eye-jaw end-fitting and cotter pin or safety bolt (depending on size), generally to ASTM F1145-92

(WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Endless wire rope slings

Large diameter cable-laid slings

Endless wire rope slings for offshore

Anchor chains and fittings

Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle BN

Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN

Green Pin® Guided Pin ROV Shackle (D or F)

钢丝绳无极环形索具, 10-240mm, (BL) 63-29275kN

大直径钢缆绞接索具,70-456mm, (WLL) 27-1183t

海洋工程专业无极环形索具,66-354mm, (BL) 3478-92124kN

锚链及其附件,14-70mm(锚链),73- 162mm(附件)

High load capacity, grade 8 shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 125T-1250T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV GL 0378 & DNV GL 0378

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 0.5T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with guiding tube and D- or Fishtailhandle

(WLL) 12T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Green Pin® Spring Release ROV Shackle Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring

(WLL) 12T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C


Tel: +86 (0)20 32222868

Tel: +31-184


33 00

Van Beest

0121/1 80级旋转吊点screw
0119 80级焊接式吊点 , WLL 1.12t
Thimbles 套环,(绳径)
建峰索具(JF) Tel:+86
Turnbuckles 美式花篮螺丝
TWN 1890
1.5t -10t
screw sizes M16 - M20
DNV 2.7-1 container lifting set DNV 2.7- 1集装箱吊索具

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN

Green Pin® Dee Shackle FN

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle FN

Green Pin® Bow Shackle SC

Green Pin® Dee Shackle BN

Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle FN

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN

Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures

(WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +200°C

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with screw collar pin

(WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures

(WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle BN High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt

Green Pin® Bow Shackle FN

Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV Shackle

Green Pin® Spring Pin ROV Shackle

Green Pin® Tapered Pin ROV Shackle (D or F)

Green Pin® Sling Shackle BN

Green Pin® Sling Shackle FN

(WLL)120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut

(WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40°C up to +200°C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring

(WLL) 6.5T-250T, MBL equals 6 x WLL - for shackles with WLL 120Tt and up the MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring pins

(WLL) 6.5T-85T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with tapered pin and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 6.5T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60°C up to +200°C

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt

(WLL) 7T-1550T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 7T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C

Green Pin Tycan® Lifting Chain Lifting chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, link size from 11x15mm to 13x30 mm, -40°C up to +70°C

G80 - DNV 2.7-1 Type approved master links TWN 0803 80级DNV2.7-1认证主吊环,Dia. 20-80mm

G80 - DNV 2.7-1 Type approved master link assembly TWN 0797 for wire rope slings 80级DNV2.7- 1认证子母环( 匹配钢丝绳索具 )Dia. 26/22-63/56mm

G80 - DNV 2.7- 1 Type approved Intermediate Master Links TWN 0804 80级DNV2.7-1认证主吊环, Dia.13-50mm

G80 - DNV 2.7- 1 Type approved bolt shackle TWN 0818

880级 DNV2.7- 1认证螺栓式卸扣, trade sizes 6-8 to 45-8

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223 lifting-technology@thiele. de

61 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
Van Beest Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

G100 European type connecting links

G100 eye sling hooks

G100 clevis sling hook with cast latchs

G100 European type eye self-lock hooks

G100 master links

G100 master link assemblies

G80 master links

G80 master link assemblies

G80 European type connecting links

G80 eye self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 clevis self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 swivel self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 swivel sling hooks

G80 master links

G100 master links

G80 connecting links

G100 connecting links

G80 eye self-locking hooks

G100 eye self-locking hooks

G80 clevis self-locking hooks

G100 clevis self-locking hooks

G80 swivel self-locking hooks

G100 swivel self-locking hooks

G100欧式链接双环扣,SLR- 1001, 6-32mm, (WLL)1.4-39.3t

G100眼型吊钩,SLR- 1003, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4- 39.3t

G100羊角吊钩,SLR-1004, 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.4-19t

G100欧式眼型自锁钩 , SLR- 1005, 6-22mm, (WLL)1.4-19t

G100强力环,SLR-1011, (WLL) 3.3-40t

G100子母环,SLR- 1012, 6-22mm, (WLL) 3-39.9t

G80起重强力环,SLR- 033, (WLL) 1.6-85.5t

G80起重子母环,SLR- 032, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.6-85.5t

G80欧式链接双环扣,SLR-074, 6-32mm, (WLL)1.12-31.5t

G80改进型眼型自锁安全钩,SLR-737, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G80改进型羊角自锁安全钩,SLR-738, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G80改进型旋转自锁安全钩,SLR-755, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G80旋转货钩,SLR-040, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

80级强力椭圆吊环,链索6-32mm, (WLL) 1.25-37t

100级强力椭圆吊环,链索6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-39.9t

80级蝴蝶扣,链索5-32mm, (WLL) 0.8-31.5t

100级蝴蝶扣,链索6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-40t

80级眼型自锁钩,链索6-28mm, (WLL) 1.12-25t

100级眼型自锁钩,链索6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t

80级羊角自锁钩,链索6-22mm, (WLL) 1.12-15t

100级羊角自锁钩,链索6-22mm, (WLL) 1.4-19t

80级旋转自锁钩,链索6-26mm, (WLL) 1.12- 21.2t

100级旋转自锁钩,链索6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

山东神力索具 (SLR) Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088

+86-(0)21-6447 9417


G80 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch) 80级可调式链条钩,带舌片,链 索6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.12- 8t

G100 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch)

G80 shortening clutches

G80 clutches

G100 - Master Links TWN 1813 (NEW)

G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1814 (NEW)

G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1815 for wire rope slings (NEW)

G100 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 1795 (NEW)

G100 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2- and 3-/4- leg chain slings TWN 1810/1, TWN 1810/2, TWN 1810/4

G100 - Master Link TWN 1819 with Pin Coupling (NEW)

G100 - Connecting Link XL-LOK TWN 1820

G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN1836 + TWN1837

G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1840/1 + TWN 1841/1 with heavy-duty safety latch

G100-Eye-type Foundry Hook TWN1856 (NEW)

G100- Combi Quick Fastener TWN 1853 (NEW)

G100 - Clevis-type Shortening Hook TWN 1827/1 with safety pin (NEW)

G100 - Clevis--type Shortening Claw TWN 1851

G100 - Shortening Claw RAPID TWN 1852

G100 - Bolt Shackle TWN 1871

G100 - Suspension Link TWN 1869 for one-hand use

G80 - Master Links TWN 1313 (NEW)

G80 - Master Link Assemblies TWN 1314 (NEW)

G80- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1315 for wire rope slings (NEW)

G80 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 0795

G80 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2and 3- /4- leg chain slings TWN 0810/1, TWN 0810/2, TWN 0810/4

G80 - Oversized Master Link Assemblies TWN0815 + TWN 0816 + TWN 0817 for crane hooks

G80 - Master Link TWN 0820 with Pin Coupling

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN 0798 + TWN0799

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1340/1 + TWN 0858/1 with heavy-duty safety latch (NEW)

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Foundry Hook TWN 0856 + TWN 0859

G80 - Clevis- type Shortening Hook TWN 0827/1 with safety pin

G80 - Clevis-type Shortening Claw TWN 0851

G80 - Bolt Shackles TWN 0870 + TW 0871

100级可调式链条钩,带 舌片, 链索6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.4-10t

80级 链条缩短器,链索7-16mm, (WLL) 2-8t

80级链条调节器,链索6-20mm, (WLL) 1.12-12.5t

100级主吊环,Dia. 13-70mm, WLL 2.51-75t

100级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 80/50mm, WLL 4t – 85t

100级子母环( 匹配钢丝绳索具 ), Dia. 16/13 - 85/80mm, WLL 3.5t-127.2t

100级吊环, Dia. 8 - 45mm, WLL 1.4t–50t

100级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

100级主吊环(带联轴器) trade size 13-10

100级蝴蝶环,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

100级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-10 to 22-1

100级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片), trade sizes 6-10 to 26-10

100级眼型滑钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

100级紧固件,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

100级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

100级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

100级缩短爪钩,trade sizes 8-10 to 16-10

100级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-10 to 22-10

100级吊环(单手用)trade size 13-10

80级主吊环,Dia. 13 - 110mm, WLL 2t- 160t

80级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 110/80mm, WLL 3.15t – 160t

80级子母环(匹配钢丝绳索具), Dia. 16/13 - 85180mm,WLL 2.8t - 101.8t

80级吊环,Dia. 8 - 90mm, WLL 1.12t – 160t

80级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢 ,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8

加大型子母环(匹配起重机吊钩),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8

80级主吊环(带联轴器),trade sizes 8-8 to 19-8

80级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8

80级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片),trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

80级眼型滑钩和羊角型滑钩,trade sizes 6-8 to 32-8

80级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-8 to 20-8

80级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

80级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-8 to 45-8

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

63 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Green Pin® Thrust Bearing EE Swivel

Green Pin® EE Swivel

Green Pin® JE Swivel CP

Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE


Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE


Green Pin Tycan® Sling Hook CL GR10

Green Pin Tycan® Grab Hook CL GR10

Green Pin® Hook E GR8

Green Pin® Alloy Sliding Choker Hook

Green Pin® Pipe Line Hook

Green Pin® Hook SE GR8

Green Pin® Sling Hook E EN 1677-2 GR8

Green Pin® Sling Hook CL EN 1677-2 GR8

Green Pin® Sling Hook SE EN 1677-2 GR8

Green Pin® Sling Hook SCL EN 1677-2 GR8

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E EN 1677-

3 GR8

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook EN 1677-3


Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR8

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR8

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S EN 16773 GR8

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR8

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook SCL EN 1677-3 GR8

Green Pin® Grab Hook E EN 1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Grab Hook CL EN 1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Excavator Hook GR8

Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR8

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting and thrust bearings

(WLL) 1T-40T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting

(WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin

(WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Grade 8 needle bearing eye-eye swivel

(WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 needle bearing eye-eye swivel

(WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 clevis sling hook

(WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 clevis grab hook

(WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 large eye hook with safety latch

(WLL) 1.25T-22T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 sliding choker hook with safety latch

(WLL) 0.8T-5.4T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Hook for handling cylindrical object (pipes, tubes)

(WLL) 2T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Grade 8 swivel eye hook with safety latch

(WLL) 1.25T-31.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 eye sling hook EN 1677-2

(WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 clevis sling hook EN 1677-2

(WLL) 0.8T-15.5T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 swivel sling hook EN 1677-2

(WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 swivel sling hook with clevis EN 1677-2

(WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 eye self locking hook EN 1677-3

(WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3

(WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 eye self locking hook

(WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 clevis self locking hook

(WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 swivel self locking hook EN 1677-3

(WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 swivel self locking hook

(WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 swivel clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3

(WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 eye grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 clevis grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-8.2T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 excavator hook

(WLL) 1T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 eye foundry hook

(WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Hook GR8 Grade 8 flat web sling hook

Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Safety Hook


Green Pin® Sling Hook E GR10

Green Pin® Sling Hook CL GR10

(WLL) 3T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 flat web sling self locking hook

(WLL) 2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 eye sling hook

(WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 clevis sling hook

(WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

+31-184 41 33 00

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR10

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR10

Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR10

Green Pin® Grab Hook E GR10

Green Pin® Grab Hook CL GR10

Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR10

Green Pin® Master Link EN 1677-4 GR8

Green Pin® Master Link Assembly EN 1677-4 GR8

Green Pin® Omega Link EN1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link EN 1677-4 GR8

Green Pin® Connecting Link EN1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connector GR8

Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connecting Link GR8

Green Pin® Master Link GR10

Green Pin® Master Link Assembly GR10

Green Pin® Omega Link GR10

Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link GR10

Green Pin® Connecting Link GR10

Green Pin Tycan® Connecting Link GR10

Grade 10 eye self locking hook

(WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 clevis self locking hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 self locking hook with swivel (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 eye grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 clevis grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 eye foundry hook

(WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 master link EN 1677-4

(WLL) 13T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 master link assembly EN 1677-4

(WLL) 16T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 omega link EN 1677-1

(WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 pear shaped link EN 1677-4

(WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 connecting link EN 1677-1

(WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 round web sling connector

(WLL) 2T-8.2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 round web sling connecting link

(WLL) 2T-5.4T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 master link

(WLL) 2T-27.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 master link assembly

(WLL) 3.5T-41.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 omega link

(WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 pear shaped link

(WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 connecting link

(WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 connecting link

(WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm, 11x20 mm and 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

DNV Master Link (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C, DNV 2.7-1a

DNV Master Link Assembly (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20°C up to +200°C, DNV 2.7-1a

Green Pin® Lifting Eye GR8

Green Pin® Lifting Eye Length as DIN580 GR8

Green Pin® Lifting Eye UNC GR8

Green Pin® Eye Nut GR8

Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring GR8

Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring UNC GR8

Green Pin® Long Rotating Hoist Ring GR8

Green Pin® Small Lifting Eye GR8

Green Pin® Weld-On Transport Ring

Green Pin® Lifting Chain EN818-2 GR8

Green Pin® Lifting Chain EN818-2 GR8

Green Pin® Lifting Chain GR10

Green Pin® Shortening Clutch EN 1677-1 GR8

Grade 8 lifting eye

(WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 lifting eye length as DIN580

(WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 lifting eye UNC

(WLL) 0.2T-8T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 eye nut

(WLL) 0.2T-18T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 rotating hoist ring

(WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 rotating hoist ring UNC

(WLL) 0.4T-4.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 rotating hoist ring longer length

(WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 small lifting eye

(WLL) 0.5T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Weld-on transport ring

(WLL) 1.2T-15.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 lifting chain

(WLL) 1.12T-31.5T, diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 lifting chain (WLL) 1.4T-16T, diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 shortening clutch EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 18/20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 8 shortening clutch with locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Van Beest Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 65

Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock EN 1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Shortening Clutch GR10

Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Lock GR10

Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock GR10

Grade 8 shortening clutch with double locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-5.4T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Grade 10 shortening clutch with double locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-6.7T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40°C up to +200°C

Van Beest Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Green Pin® Snatch Block Snatch block type 601T

(WLL) 4T-8T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

Green Pin® Snatch Block HK Snatch block type 601HK with Hook attached (WLL) 2T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

Green Pin® Snatch Block S Snatch block type 601S with Green Pin® Shackle attached (WLL) 2T-30T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Van Beest Tel: +31-184 41 33 00


Lifting clamps 水平衡吊钳, SLR-710, (WLL) 5t 山东神力索具 (SLR)

Forged lifting clamps

锻打钳座,SLR-646, (WLL) 3t

Horizontal hoist clamps for steel plate 横吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-10t/2只,开口0- 125mm, 重2-33kg

Vertical hoist clamps for steel plate

Oil barrel clamps

Drum hoist clamps

Single-plate hoist clamps

Double-plate hoist clamps

Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp


竖吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-16t/只,开口0- 125mm, 重2-80kg

油桶钳,(WLL) 0.2-0.6t/只, 开口0-30mm, 重1.3-5kg

圆桶起重钳,(WLL) 0.8-16t/只,开口0-20mm, 重2-7kg

单板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2只,开口0-150mm, 重3-30kg

双板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2只,开口0-210mm, 重2-38kg

Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions and with an enlarged opening

(WLL) 6T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

Green Pin® Beam Lifting Clamp H-Type Clamp for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams

(WLL) 2T-10T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp V-type Plate clamp with enlarged opening for lifting and vertical transportation

(WLL) 6T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

Green Pin® Lifting Clamp U-type Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions

(WLL) 0.75T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

Green Pin® Lifting Clamp V-type Plate clamp for lifting and vertical transportation

Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp


(WLL) 0.75T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

Plate clamp with an enlarged opening for horizontal transportation

(WLL) 3T-15T per set, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

Van Beest

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

Tel: +86 (0)20 32222868

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Green Pin BigMouth® Beam Lifting Clamp

H-Type Clamp with enlarged opening for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams

(WLL) 2T-5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

Green Pin® Lifting Clamp H-type Plate clamp for horizontal transportation

(WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40°C up to +100°C

C5 Automatic Lifting Clamp

C5自动起重钳,(WLL) 5 tons。全新的自动卧式起重钳是在安全可靠的条件下专为 起吊和运输钢板,横梁和管道而设计。一旦将自动起重钳具连接到负荷物上,自动 化程序便会启动。eMAX遥控器远程操作,自动解锁/关闭。带有LED状态指示灯。 符合人体工学且使用简单。易于更换磨损的零件及钳头。只需3小时充电即可在待 机模式下进行超过5000个循环或续航250个小时以上。独特的故障安全设计使得 悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。

locked and unlocked by eMAX remote control, LED status indicator, ergonomic & simple to use, easy to replace weared parts and to change the tip, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours'power, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load Elebia


Tel: +34 93 543 4706

eTrack Rail

Lifting Clamp

eTrack轨道起重钳,(WLL) 2 tons。eMAX / eMINI / eINST遥控器远程操作,自动 解锁/关闭。 配有可伸缩的弹簧钳爪,引导轨道钳定向和居中在正确的位置。LED 状态指示灯。只需3小时充电即可在待机模式下进行超过5000个循环或续航2个 月以上。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。

locked and unlocked by remote control, LED status indicator, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or over 2 months' power, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, retractable spring loaded finger

67 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60°C up to +70°C

Green Pin Tycan® Ratchet Loadbinder GR10

Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder

Green Pin® Lever Loadbinder HK

Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK

Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder


Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK


Grade 10 ratchet type loadbinder

Chain size 15x25 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity (10), Grade 10, Stf = 3000 daN

Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks

Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Lever type loadbinder with hooks

Chain size 8-10 mm and 10-13 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks

Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks according to EN 12195-3

Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN

Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks according to EN 12195-3

Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Van Beest Tel: +31-184 41 33 00
索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 69
安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

P02 建峰索具有限公司

P04 山东神力索具有限公司

P05 荷兰文必德有限公司

P15 Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

P17 上海安峰起重索具有限公司

P21 拓锐机械(宁波)有限公司

P23 浙江维大茵特起重设备有限公司

P25 2022集装箱多式联运亚洲展

P29 JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd.

P71 第二十一届中国国际海事会展

封底 江苏赛福天钢索股份有限公司

Jian Feng Sling Co., Ltd.

Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd.

Van Beest B.V.

Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd

Talurit Machinery (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.

VITALI-INTL Lifting Equipment Ltd.

Intermodal Asia 2022

JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd.g Ltd.


Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope Co., Ltd.

2022 VOL47

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