LRW Vol.48 (Part A)

Page 1


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�2022�11 J=l 9-12 B, 2022�12 J=l 7-10 B�:.Z.& 2022�12 J=l 14-16 Bo i£�Elwi, ��T*�ff...l:::.

i�¥1.J,s'9fi.'ll:mM�if� 11 J=l 1-4 E38'9.IE5ffi��;r,��;Jit�:t:��tiw��nmM� (CeMATAsia) , 11 J=l 22-25 E38'9...l:::.i�'i'.�If�;t-JUiil\m (baumaCHINA) , WWo im�9�8'9fi.'ll:mM�-t:88f��m��...I:::.�, j9j�O�� OTC ;�;mm, frg�53Z.i.B�I.'ll:tfM�, frg�l'/}r�:IJ□ffl LogiMAT ��;mm, �*�:ill!: OGA iei�m, frg�f4�i.ns1Lm, :?€� LiftEx ,'¥.,�fi.'ll:��, �� AWRF��, ?fJr:IJO:!Jsi OSEA iei�mWo

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Hello summer! Warm greetings from our team.

As of May 30th, people in Shanghai are still under strict lockdown aiming to stop the spread of COVID-19 outside quarantined areas. I’m sad to hear that some of the residents had difficulties on sourcing food, some were facing families separated, some are transferred to poor conditions at central quarantine centers. The lockdown fueled anxiety, fear, depression and frustration among the city.

Good news is, Shanghai is going to ease the city lockdown in the coming June as manufacturing affected heavily and economy slumps. With daily COVID-19 test, residents are able to leave their homes and back to work and schoolchildren will gradually resume some in-person classes soon.

Please stay tuned. We will meet finally.


e 2022 � 9 F.1 13-15 B, jE;fll:fi;dl. �?li�Ht6f.tiiiJi�JiU�ti, !?l*!!ijEallliSltiiSliti,i)

• 13-15 September 2022, OGA& MOGSEC2022, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia

e 2022 � 11 F.1 1-4 B, jE;fllliJP.f.�mfJi��ji�!UtcJiU�:ti, .tififfililP.f.tfl!.«iti,i)

• 1-4 November 2022, CeMAT ASIA2022, Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

e 2022 � 11F.I 9-12 B, lilP.f.11-JB��mfM;�1.i*Htmfiit!IIJil!.«ti, 5fiUJlllilP.f.tiJiiti,i) (3l'.i:ffiffi)

• 9-12 November 2022, LogiMAT China 2022, Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, China

e 2022 � 11 F.I 15-17 B, ffiifijEifii¥IiUifiJi'lHffi.fti, ffibotSErnifii2!*5!11tiJiiti,i)

• 15-17 November 2022, OSEA2022, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

e 2022 � 11 F.1 22-25 B, .tifi3l'.!?JiiifflMJi, .tififfililP.f.twl!.«iti,i)

• 22-25 November 2022, bauma CHINA2022, Shanghai New International Expo Center, China

e 2022 � 12 F.1 7-10 B, itilillilP.f.ifi•tiM, .tififfililP.f.tfl!.«iti,i)

• 7 - 10 December 2022, 21st Marintec China, Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

e 2022 � 12 F.1 14-16 B, 2022 �=g�it!JljijE;fllJi, .tifit!tflil!.«ffi

• 14 - 16 December 2022, lntermodal Asia 2022, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China

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Visit LRW Magazine's official website

Scan the QR codeand check outwhat's happeningin the Chineseand worldwideliftingand rigging industry.





Pio 2022 ��ffl�:rtij*@mmm�JiJl�*1f- 12Fl*fi lntermodal Asia 2022rescheduled to December

Biggest ever LiftingIndustrycareers event at LiftEx 2022

The Crosby Group and KITO CORPORATION to Combine, CreatingIntegrated Lifting Solutions Provider

202253li6� LET i'.i'M!to/.15i'itni'.lE'.t3 8 ,El 24-26 E3

LET-a CeMAT ASIA event 2022rescheduledto August 24-26

DLM Wireless LoadPins for Atlas Winches

��! 100 �s>g Van Beest ��1&�7��B'g"i'i,j���":¼:m! Van Beest Group granted the Royal title upon its 100th anniversary

FaM.liiiil WHAT'SNEW

P22 New GreenPin® CatchShackle, whichprevents dropping of components Standardbowshacklewithsafetyboltwhichenablesallcomponentstobe tethered fJi� GreenPin® Catch ffiPtD,i:iJlln.Lt�llcitt:�9H�� lll'l'i'��lia<JJ;i;;i£"5/FilfltD,aJ";J.I!'diEl�l'lill"'lli�ci'I'

Talurit �f"B'g�� 400 PiH/±Etntt�l�HHl:l

Talurit Group launches innovative automatic annealing machine

.lif.ifflm REPORT

P26 �i1E::1f.,LogiMAT 2022fl};x,5x�p;iflB!to/.15JitWB'g*�t. Logimat2022inStuttgart-ExpectationsGreatlyExceeded 2022;3(i6�It�t.:ito���:�[<i]**B'gifil□-11lil&:lf HANNOVERMESSE:"Perfectmomentforcomebackevent"

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After consultation with key industry stakeholders, we are advising you that lntermodal Asia has beenrescheduled from 12-14 July 2022 to Wednesday14 - Friday 16 December 2022 in order to deliver asuccessful lntermodalAsia.

lntermodal Asia is organised in partnership with China's leading container association, CCIA (China Container Industry Association). The event also benefits from the full support of the world's largest container manufacturer, CIMC (China InternationalMarineContainers). ll�WJ ll�WJ

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LiftEx in Aberdeen will host the biggest ever Lifting Industry careersevent, whichwill be organisedby the LiftingEquipment Engineers Association (LEEA) working closely with TechFest, a localspecialistin the promotion ofSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects, which strives to fill the gap between School and industry and open up children to learning opportunities such as LiftEx, where they can see the industry atits best.

Senior pupils who have an interest in learning more about the huge range of opportunities available to them in the lifting industry areinvited tocomealongandlearnmore,engage with industry professionals and interact with global companies and organisations at the LiftEx Industry Career Day on 6 October 2022 at LiftEx in Aberdeen. Currently nearly 130 individuals havealready signedup toattendin person.

The day will be split into three parts, commencing with LEEA running a career information, advice and guidance session for the students, aged 16-18, and their teachers. Speakers from industry and partners from universities and the military will introducestudents to learning opportunities andcareerroutes.

The second part of the day will see LEEA running aninteractive breakout session, where member volunteers will support the students in small groups as they introduce them to key parts of the industry. They will also run interview practice sessions, with advice on successful applications and CVs. Updated interactive experiments, which are part of LEEA' s Think Lifting programme, as well as other interactive activities, will be rolled out to introduce the students to core principles used throughout the industry.

Think Lifting is the school engagement programme already established by LEEA to inspire and encourage pupils to consider a career in the lifting industry through linking them to local lifting sectors. Interested LEEA members have access to asuite of tools, such as the aforementioned experiments, to promote and conduct Think Lifting classes.

The final part of the day for the students will be an escorted tour around the LiftEx exhibition hall, visiting the stands of membercompanies that have signedup tohost the students.

To ensure the day has a wider reach, the careers session will be recorded and broadcast in real time, so a broader number of aspiring students can benefit in addition to those in attendance.

Students will come away more confident, having gained the

opportunity to utilise their metaskills on things like problem solving and creativity as well as meeting people who do that in their jobs. They will also received essential practical advice such as on improving CVs.

Ross Moloney, CEO of LEEA said: "Through meeting with industry professionals from LEEA and its members, getting involved in hands-on challenges, mock interviews and other activities, this event will raise awareness among teachers as well as students of the opportunities available in the Lifting Industry and the pathways into it. The free content LEEA will be offering throughout the day will include sharing industry knowledge and experience with the next generation, in addition tointroducing and promoting the Lifting Industry. The invitation will be issued far and wide to encourage members thathave relationships withtheirlocal schools and colleges to do the same. We look forward to seeing schools, colleges and pupils on6 October at theLiftEx Industry Career Day."

LEEA will be working with its members to spread the word, while students can get involved by making an application on the TechFest website at upcoming-events-new/event/154-liftex.

LiftEx 2022, the free-to-attend flagship event hosted by LEEA, will be held at P&J Live, Aberdeen on 5-6 October 2022. This is the leading networking event for the lifting industry, with a packed exhibition floor of major lifting suppliers, and over 1,500 buyers attending from multiple vertical markets. LiftEx Headline Sponsor is Rapid Response Solutions and Silver Sponsor is Van Beest. For further information on LiftEx, and to download your free visitor ticket, go to: liftex-aberdeen or contact Leah Phelps tel +44 (0) 203 488 2865, email: ll;WJ


TheCrosbyGroupandKITOCORPORATION toCombine, CreatingIntegrated LiftingSolutionsProvider

Complementarygeographicfootprintsandproductportfoliosaswellasa sharedcommitmenttosafety,reliability,andinnovationwill

and KITO CORPORATION, a leading material handling manufacturer with 90 years of experience in the development and production of hoists and cranes, today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement to combine both businesses. The business combination will be effected through a cash tender offer by The Crosby Group to acquire all of the outstanding shares of KITO CORPORATION for JPY 2,725 per share, which represents a premium of 64.3% compared to KITO CORPORATION's undisturbed closing price on May 13, and a 61.0% premium to KITO CORPORATION's three-month simple average closing price. The tender offer is expected to be completed in the second half of this year, subject to customary closing conditions including regulatory clearances from relevant authorities. Until close, The Crosby Group and KITO CORPORATION will continue to operate as separate, independent companies. KITO CORPORATION today also issued a press release statement of support for the planned transaction.

The combined company will be better resourced, and ultimately better positioned to serve customers, team members, and communities globally through additional investment inproducts,people, and facilities. The combination will further foster innovation and enable customers to benefit from a broader portfolio of products across a global landscape as well as increased levels of service, support, and training. Additionally, the parties' geographically complementary operationshavethepotential to accelerate growth through an expanded anddiversifiedgeographic footprint.

Robert Desel, CEO of The Crosby Group, said: "This is an

extraordinary opportunity to bring together two companies with differentiated, industry-leading capabilities, to create exceptional value for all stakeholders: team members, channel partners, end users, and communities.Wehave long respected KITO CORPORATION as they exemplify our core values of safety, reliability, and innovation and are thrilled to combine with them to provide best-in-class products, solutions, and services for customers worldwide."

"The strategic wisdom and industrial logic of this combination are compelling. It will pair the highly complementary product portfolios of The Crosby Group and KITO CORPORATION and allow customers access to a broad selection of lifting and material handling solutions from one trusted manufacturer. Together, the companies will be able to accelerate innovation through increased investment in new product development and enable end users to achieve higher levels of efficiency and safety through better technical, application, and training support from a combined business."

Yoshio Kito, CEO of KITO CORPORATION said: "We believe this combination delivers tremendous value for all stakeholders. We couldn't have imagined a better partner and we are confident that this combined business will build upon its great brands to bestserve our customers, team members, and communities. We will work together to develop and expand our product offerings, differentiate ourselves based on our customerfirst principle, and enhance our presence as a global leader."

SMBC Nikko served as lead financial advisor and Mizuho Securities USA LLC acted as financial advisor, and Kirkland & Ellis and Mori Hamada & Matsumoto acted as legal advisors


for The Crosby Group. Debt financing is being provided by UBS Investment Bank, KKR Capital Markets, and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. Nomura acted as financial advisor and Nishimura & Asahi acted as legal advisor for KITO CORPORATION.

About The Crosby Group

The Crosby Group, a KKR portfolio company, is a global leader in the innovation, manufacturing and distribution of products and services used to make lifting and rigging safer and more efficient, with premier brands such as Crosby, Gunnebo Industries, Crosby Straightpoint, Crosby BlokCam, Crosby Airpes, Acco, McKissick, Crosby Feubo, Trawlex, Lebus, Speedbinder and CrosbylP With global engineering, manufacturing, distribution and operations, the company provides abroadrange of productsand solutions for the most demanding applications with uncompromising quality that exceedindustrystandards.


Since its founding in 1932, KITO CORPORATION has been a leading manufacturer of material handling equipment, specializing in meeting our customers' need for lifting, transporting, and securing operations. KITO CORPORATION supplies products that enhance customer safety and productivity in a wide range of worksites where heavy objects are handled, with premier brands such as KITO, Harrington, Peerless, Jiangyin, Erikkila, Van Leusden, KITO Weissenfels, SCC, and Fall Safe. From the factory floors of key industries, such as construction, civil engineering, and manufacturing, to high-techfactories of semiconductors andliquid crystal panels and the entertainment field, KITO CORPORATION products have been widely used and have earned KITO CORPORATION a high degree of trust from customers all over the world as a leading companyfor materialhandling equipment. lltl'•'J

Lifting& RiggingWorld
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ASIA event 2021


This year's LET-a CeMAT ASIA event announced to be rescheduled to August 24-26.

As one of the biggest intelligent logistics equipment and technology trade fair in South China, the event has been successfully held for 12 years since its first held in 2010. The scale of exhibition space will be expanded to nearly 40,000 sqm ,with various innovativeexhibits, theevent is expected to attract morethan40,000 industry professionals.

Fiveindustrialevents will be held simultaneously:

• Guangzhou International Automated Packagingand Packing Products Exhibition2022

• Guangzhou International New Energy and Unmanned DistributionVehicleExhibition2022

• Guangzhou International Logistics and Supply Chain Exhibition2022

• Guangzhou International Cold Chain Logistics and Equipment Exhibition2022

e IMS-aCeMAT ASIA event2022

Lifting& RiggingWorld
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DLMWirelessLoad PinsforAtlasWinches

Dynamic Load Monitoring (UK) Ltd. (DLM), of Southampton, has customised wireless load pins for installation in winches supplied by Essex's Atlas Winch & Hoist Services (Southern) Ltd. Collectively, they are used for cable pulling applications in the construction of offshore wind turbines.

DLM is a specialist in the design, manufacture, repair, and calibration of load cells, load monitoring, and cable working equipment for the offshore, renewable energy,marine,subsea, and lifting and rigging industries. In this instance, it supplies load pins for installation by Atlas in various capacity capstans, which work in tandem with hydraulic power units (HPUs). The "load pin winches" are typically purchased by Atlas's clients for long-term use.

Martin Halford, managing director at DLM, says: "Atlas is a valued customer that uses our load pins in their winches for this important end-use application, but we have collaborated on several projects over the years, and we also manufacture force measurement solutions for other projects in this fastpaced industry. We supply the load pins ready-machined; they just need to be installed in the winch mount point. Our

respective design teams communicate and share drawings to make sure the items fit and work together."

When constructed, the power generated by a turbine is transmitted to an offshore substation before then going to the mainland. This requires miles of subsea cabling, and the final stage of pulling cables into the foundation of each turbine or to thesubstation is completedby special winching equipment and,here, a state-of-the-art loadmonitoringsystem is provided via the load pins. The equipment has combined on various UK and European offshore wind farms.

Anton Lavery, managing director at Atlas, explains that the final section of each cable-approx. the last 200m-is pulled from a vessel into the base/ foundation of a turbine or to the platform of an offshore substation. The electrical cable is high specification and high value, and it is therefore important to monitor the loadappliedduring thepulling process.

He says, "A spike in the load applied might indicate a problem and it is also important that the cable installers can demonstrate and prove that the cable has not been overstrained during installation. Cables have a maximum load

Thecustomised wirelessloadpinsareused for cablepullingapplicationsinthe construction ofoffshorewind turbines

that they can be exposed to and if this is exceeded the cable warranty will be invalidated."

Historically, Atlas has produced several 6t capacity capstan winchesand HPUs,havingoriginally provided them for aclient called Cwind in 2014. Last year, it supplied a larger, 9t unit to a client before taking an order for a further eight of the same capacity. Atlas has since designed llt and 12t capstans, which follow the same design concept, incorporating load pins. The winches and HPUs are produced by its manufacturing partner, Marotechniek, basedin the Netherlands.

Manufacturingthe load pins

When Atlas places an order, the load pins are designed by DLM's engineering team using in-house SolidWorks and other computer-aided design (CAD) modelling software, at which point the client can sign-off on technical drawings. The pins are then machined from stainless steel using a computer numerical control (CNC) lathe at DLM's sister company, Vulcan Offshore. Once a load pin returns to DLM, it is ready for the strain gauging process, which is a "very intricate and delicate process," Halfordsays.

Next, DLM builds the TW-3.0 transmitter electronics into the orange telemetry end cap, designed by in-house engineers, and wires it up to the strain gauges. The load pin is then proof loaded, calibrated, and tested prior to goods outward inspectionandfinally dispatch.

Halford adds, "Each [load pin] is generally different to the next as they are typically custom-designed for the application. The common part is the telemetry end cap, which customers and end users are familiar with on several of our load pin/ shackle load cells and running line monitoring products. Every one of our wireless products uses our own proprietary TW-3.0 electronics."

Notably, load pins represent approx. 60% off all DLM load cell sales, and it can custom-design to any size. They can be paired with a TW-3.0-T display, which has the capability to integrate with data-logging/ load test software on a PC, log directly onto a USB stick plugged into the base, or send out an analogue signal to a PLC system, depending on the model chosen. The handheld can communicate with up to 12 load cells simultaneously and one load cell can be connected to an unlimited number of displays.

Halford says, "This makes them ideal for use in cable pull-

in applications as you can have one local winch operator on the turbine monitoring the pull-in tension, and an operator on the vessel viewing the load and logging the load values on a laptop using [data-logging] software or by logging directly into the client's survey suite. The client rep on board can also be provided with another handheld to provide confidence that throughout the duration of the pull-in, the cable is not damaged or overloaded."

In some set-ups, the winch is not installed with a load pin and instead a telemetry shackle load cell is used in a rigging arrangement over the top of the turbine platform above a snatch block to monitor the load. The TW-3.0-T display is unique in the fact that it has a maths function that allows for custom trigonometric equations to be added by the client to compensatefor any angle variations over a sheave and output aline tension figure when measuringjust the resultant load.

Lavery adds, "DLM provides an excellent,high-quality product, and outstanding customer service. There are alternative suppliers in the market but the [DLM] product is superior, and they are good people to work with. Business is very good. Demand is currently high in most sectors-construction, engineering, marine, oil and gas-but it is the utilities and renewable energy markets that seem to be the most buoyant." ll�WJ

Lifting& RiggingWorld

100$?�Van Beest.[j]J&�7�fi� "iii �fjj!

2022il=, w� Van Beest *�'.§:16/Jx.lI 100 m.lil=o7 J=l l E3, iEili Van Beest�1'-"**&I"iEZ:E*fim.!il=�tR5§iii.JB'1, w�� .:E�5JiL1j3_ Jaap Smit M*�l::."w��*"i.AiiEiiE-=1'5, ��#lfi§' Hendrik Kok 1--\:�*�ffijj:7�fB��B'9tL4�oEl3tlt,�*:i:Pl<�Yi 5'r;8'9���JE?,•l!c1t,t1ut�i�w1szw;.5si�wlM@1'.i::.'.lltffl�7"w� �*":;Jdt'iosil=�!J:I!,�1::.1.JD�!

1922il=,Van Beest *m&IJ9€l.A Dirk van Beest Z:Ew�lffi� fJ-it!Di!f1ili:ff��-*1J\1j\SkJ�ll:Hlfi,��jj: 100 il=8'9"c�j£m,I!ll Z:EeJ�/Jx*19�.ro5'r;:i:Pl<8'9���Jg•l!cft,t1mt�i�w&w;.5si�w:M

J3H@"w��*'�-t-���ftj,��#lfi§' Hendrik KokiW'ft ffl�Fm�Fm§��g�t�1@'w��*' f,r,"5o�x'1rVan Beest *ii� *i5t�--t-fM'9.l!ll��o��jj:7IZ!J1-\:A,�1'*�1§.ilJ�7i:fMtff �1]���,!!l!fe! Van Beest*�*ilJ�*BkJ�goffc19*�it1'.i::.'.ll, Van Beest *�1'1x'..t!ll@til=8'9�!&,iHe!t±��1f,w.Imi5flJ,ff ±UHPM'.ff�Fm•!!l!s'9f:i'.L'lio"

�rw�.:E�ffl� Van Beest*�"�*�ftj"SkJjj:f¥,��m fi§' Hendrik Kok illfiTf�ni5tSJ:l:"�r2021 il=ff Van Beest * �!:lPi�®*100 m.Jil=�c�Zwi,ftff1�KE:J���7w��*i.AiiE8'9 $i�o�l§illfi7r"�8'9�**ttjj:f¥, �J§tt�Van Beest *�

8'9elJv1'B'1fsJ,�P.JskJ�;t��:a:f�,fit,3Z:i:tff-;t,t±���,e1JfMff£, w.I93ii1.J�w;.�:.z&1'.i::.'.ll8'9PJHH�£m���i'mo�@il=*, M$ff1 t8f��TitHJio[P]B-;_j", �*�Emtt!!l!*ftffl Van Beest*�'�,§�pfT Z:E8'9Jtii'5f1H��lU,��rn (Stiedrecht)8'9rn*�iftfi18'9$WH�:±l�ix'.f□ �mo��' ftff1*��1@7"w��*"�ftj, J!8'91�:rf,C,1,1�§�! �1'�*�ttJ:Ff1'�7)<:'.A.8'9o25 ij=)§,ftff1tt!!l!m�;a-n8'9$i�#:j'ij ;:.x:illfi:i:i'm'$'fJ<o"


ElwiVan Beest*�l=J��:319w��*Van Beest*�' [Pl B'1logo�f-n19*��*tff-iiS8'9logo��#lfi§' Hendrik Koki5t.ft ffl�Fm§��g�t�1@'w��*' f,r,"5!�t-¥t8PJW/iJ�P�SJ:lftff1 �-*PJ�rm!J£�,�wt�H�£m8'9t'!lh�±iiS8'91'.i::.'.lloI!llZ:Eftff1� 19-@::t��g;JUW�8'91'.i::.'.ll:rf£�'.iE'f"�o�9�,ftff1ff�f'jj:f¥ �t8Z:E�1J��PJm•£m8'9-@��,•��mnff1Z:E�f'j1� �••�m8'9�@I�8'9�■,�&nff1rm�m1::.8'9����� t&��o� 100 il=ftff1-1§_ffelJfJTliff£�i'm1'i'flT±tti.�./\,**t8tt ff����o" 11�'4'1


Van BeestGroupgranted the Royaltitleuponits 100thanniversary

The Van Beest Group, a leading manufacturer of premium quality lifting, lashing, and mooring fittings, is now Royal. During a festive ceremony with the company's employees in attendance, the King's Commissioner Jaap Smit awarded the Royal title to CEO Hendrik Kok on 1 July.

It isVan Beest Group's100th anniversary this year.What began as a small smithy founded by Dirk van Beest in 1922 in the home port of the Dutch dredging industry in Sliedrecht, near to the Rotterdam harbours, has grown into a leading global manufacturer of lifting, lashing, and mooring fittings that operatesin 90 countries and employs 180 people. Kok: "Weare extremely proud that wehave been given the Royal title. Thisis a real milestone that four generations of the Van Beest family, who are still involved inthe company up to today,have worked hard towards achieving.We are a realfamily business in which revenue is not the only thing that counts; social involvement and care for our employees and the environment are also important tous."


"The Royal title is not granted lightly," explains Kok. "We submitted an application in May 2021 in connection with our upcoming 100th anniversary. You thenenterinto a process in which the Royal House investigates the date of establishment, the company's financial soundness, safety standards,

social involvement, innovativeness, labour conditions and sustainability. The directors during all these years were also investigated and the mayor of Sliedrecht's advice on the application was requested. We are very pleased and proud that this has resulted in our company receiving the Royal title. However, this is not for eternity. After a period of 25 years,you have to submit a new application and go through the process again."


The Van Beest Group is changing its name to the Royal Van Beest Group. As a consequence of this distinction, the company will also be given a new Royal logo. Kok: "We bear the Royal title with pride, also because this shows customers that we are a reliable and solid company, with the necessary ambition to continue to grow. We aren't sitting on our laurels and we are increasingly working together with parties that are facilitating the energy transition. We are developing specific products for these companies. In addition, we are working on increasing the sustainability of our production process as much as possible, with heat from the forge that we reuse in the manufacturing process, but also with solar panels on the roofs of our buildings. This is how we continue to invest in innovation, and we have been doing sofor one hundred years now."

Lifting& RiggingWorld
荷兰国王特派员Jaap Smit(右2)送上“荷兰皇家”认证证书,Van Beest首席执行官Hendrik Kok(左2)代表集团接过了这份珍 贵的礼物The King’s Commissioner Jaap Smit (second from right) handing the Royal title to CEO Hendrik Kok (second of left) of the Royal Van Beest Group (photo by Ton de Bruin Fotografie).

NewGreenPin® CatchShackle,whichprevents droppingofcomponents

Standardbowshacklewithsafetyboltwhichenablesallcomponentstobe tethered

When working at height, it needs to be done safely. Not only for the employees doing their jobs at height, but also for people and resources located directly below the workstations. After all, making mistakes is only human, and deaths and injuries due to falling objects occur frequently. GreenPin®' s main mission is to improve safety in lifting operations; dropping GreenPin® shackle parts is not an option for them!

So, as pioneers in the field of safety, they are now the first to introduce a plug-and-play solution to avoid dropping shackleparts: the GreenPin® Catchshackle. For a long time, the lifting industry has been looking for a solution to prevent the dropping of equipment and components from heights. Dropped objects are a well-known safety hazard in the industry and have led to numerous accidents. Green Pin® now offers a unique solution to this problem: The Green Pin® Catch shackle BN prevents the accidental dropping of shackle bolts, nuts, cotter pins and even completeshackles, thereby preventing injuries or deaths. These innovative shackles have an attachment point on each individual component to connect them to a lanyard. The lanyards can then be securely fastened to something or someone, forexample to a tool-belt that the rigger is wearing. Also, ease of use is guaranteed: the disc on the nut that

enables tethering rotates independentlyfromthenut itself, thereby not coiling the attached lanyard. The Green Pin® Catch Shackle is supplied without any wiring so every user can choose their preferred method of securing the products.

The Green Pin® Catch Shackle BN has been developed in cooperation with DROPS, the nonprofit organization that is focused exclusively on droppedobject prevention. In addition to the tethering options, the shackle offers a double safety (split pin and safety bolt) which prevents accidental unscrewing of the pin. Long-term durability is assured due to the galvanization. Of course, the GreenPin® CatchShackle BNconforms toawide range of certifications from class societies such as DNV. The GreenPin® Catch Shackle BN is suitable for both one-leg and multi-leg systems and is available in a range with a working loadlimit from 2 up to9.5 ton.


• Prevents accidental dropping of shackle components

• All components can be tethered

• Reduces number of injuries and deaths

• For all types oftethering methods

• Co-developed with DROPS-organization



fJj� Green Pin® Catch ffPt□,iiJIJ!jl.l:�Dcftt:£\9�tf53

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Pin® Catch il:Dt□IE�Hx1�tqi ffi;R�i�it�o �ff.Xil:Dt□� Green

Pin® � DROPS ;tJWJ3f'fc;ff£�o DROPS �-*�5:Er�JJ.Ll:::��12/i: }$-��F�fiJ�.§�Ro

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Dual Speed Chain Hoist

Five timesfaster Made in Japan

■ Equippedwith LoadSensingAutomaticSpeedTransmission whichisfirstinthe fieldandreachesinternationalleading level.

■ Thechainhoistcanliftandlowertheload chain5timesfaster thantheregularchainhoistwhenitdoesnothaveload.

■ Smoothspeedtransmissionbetweenhigh andstandardspeed withoutneutralposition, whichisreliable andsafe.

■ AdoptJapaneseand Germangrade 100alloysteelchain,which hasthehigheststrengthandthebestquality.

■ AllperformancecansatisfytheEN13157, ASME B30.16and JISB8802standard.

■ Patents: USA, Canada, Gemany, Australia, Japan, China, S. KoreaandTaiwan.

JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd.

2421Sugawa, Asakura, Fukuoka, 838-1304, Japan

Tel: +81-946-523028 Fax: +81-946-521944

�apacity: 3.2t 5 t 7.5t 10t 15 t 20 t

自上世纪40年代以来,Talurit集团一直致力于研发、生产、 销售钢丝及钢丝绳机械压接设备以及相关联的系统产品且提供维 护服务。注重客户体验的他们持续以创新的产品和系统的解决方

案带领行业一起前进。作为行业内知名品牌,Talurit®的产品广 泛见于全球各个领域。最近,他们也再次推出了几款新型号的压 套机,其中一款是配备变速和智能控制系统的400吨压套机。

这款新的400吨压套机刚面世不久便引起了客户的极大兴趣。 它安全而且简便易用,不仅能用于小型的索具车间,也适用于大 规模批量生产需求。Talurit®的设备均由体系认证的瑞典工厂生 产,所采用的零配件也是欧洲顶级品牌,因此他们的产品使用寿 命长,停机率低,只需要日常基本的保养维护。这台400吨压套机 的两柱设计经过了优化设计,开放式的压接位置,为操作员提供 更大的工作空间。虽然体型精巧,所占空间不多,但跟同等吨位 类型的压套机相比,所适配的模具基座更大,因此,可安装的模 具规格会更多,更重要的是,多次成型可压制更大规格的铝套。

长期服务客户的经验 及时刻关注市场的发 展,Talurit集团深谙钢索 行业的需求,不断去改进

其产品,以创新技术回馈 他们的客户。这次将变速 功能和智能控制系统应用 于400吨压套机就是一个很 好的例子。这款新的压套 机配备齐全,能够压接直 径达40毫米的钢丝绳。操 作员可以根据不同的参数 去定制流程,提高效率的 同时还可以完善压接效 果。另外,因为配备了智 能控制系统,在使用过程 中,电机的运转会自动最 优化,省电之余用起来也 非常流畅。还有一点,当 这个压套机没在工作时, 它的工作环境所产生的噪 音会通过设备的自动声控 系统降至50分贝,为操作 员提供一个舒适的工作环 境。

今年4月,Talurit集团远赴美国休斯敦参加AWRF春季大会暨 PIE展览会,并首次展示新品400吨压套机,与会人员可以在现场进 行近距离体验。而活动结束后,作为这台设备在美国的第一个买 家,Quick Tie Products公司已经把这台设备运至他们位于美国佛 罗里达州的总部使用。Quick Tie Products公司生产、销售 QuickTie™ 系统,这是一种专用于强风和抗震建筑的专利压紧系 统。当他们在做钢索缆绳时,需要在缆绳两端压接螺纹杆钢柱接

头,而且每条缆绳顶部末端都连接了一块钢制承重板,这台400吨 压套机就在这个环节充当重要的生产设备。而这些钢索缆绳是设 计用来把最顶部的钢板从墙壁到地基固定住的,以此来有效地阻 止屋顶隆起,同时抵抗建筑物倾倒的压力。

对此,Talurit集团的技术销售工程师Rasmus Carlsson 说:“我们的400吨压套机很省时,加上智能控制设计,这会让操 作员在日常使用时变得效率很高而且用起来很轻松。另外,这台 压套机的行程限制功能、活塞的自动返回以及整体的人体工程学 设计,让操作员在压接钢丝绳索具时能够最优化单次循环操作的 时间。凭借扎实的专业知识和数十年的行业经验,我们承诺,无 论是现在还是未来,生产出来的设备不仅安全、高效,而且持久 耐用。”

Quick Tie Products公司的生产部副总Steve Paroda也说:“我 们决定购入这台400吨压套机,是用来提高工作效率和产量的。因 为业界对 QuickTieTM 缆绳系统的需求在不 断增长。Talurit®压 套机的高效生产效 率,以及 Talurit产 品在质量方面的良好 声誉,让我们很快就 做出了这个采购决 定。未来我们计划再 多购进一些 Talurit®压套机,也 很期待和Talurit集 团建立长期、双赢的 合作伙伴关系。”

Rasmus Carlsson补 充说:“很荣幸能和 Quick Tie Products 公司合作,也很高兴 我们的设备能满足他 们不断增长的市场需 求。我们有信心这台 400吨压套机能成为 他们生产线的强大 ‘帮手’,能够协助 他们进一步提高效率。他们收到这第一台 Talurit® 品牌的压套 机后,未来我们还会为他们提供更多的支持和服务。”

WHAT'SNEW f<=i%!¥Jr� 24 11::WJ

TaluritGrouplaunchesinnovativeautomatic annealingmachine

Talurit Group expands its fuse and tapering machine offering further by introducing aninnovative automatic model that deliver unmatched efficiency and capacity coupled withgreat cutting results and the highest level of safety. The newmodel named LKA 14AM handles wire ropes from4 to 14 mm indiameter. Being fully automatic it is perfect for large volumes and serial production reducinglabourandgivingahigherreturnoninvestment.

Forcenturies,TaluritGrouphavedevelopedandmanufactured equipment and systems for mechanical splicing of wire andwirerope. Their latest addition to their broad range of wirerope cutting machines is a unique and fully automatic annealingmachine. The model namedLKA 14 AM featuresan innovativedesignthatoptimizesperformanceandefficiency.It is equippedwith a state-of-the-art roboticannealingunitthat fuse, twistsand pulls the wire rope to createataperedfinish withfusedendsthatkeepthewireropelaysintact. Withmany individual parameters and settings, the operator can easily tailor the annealing process to perfection depending on the wire rope dimension and properties. Each cut is made with high precision, resulting in uniform ends for entire batches. The built-in electronic measuring unit has an accuracy of ± 1 % and the controlsystem isbased on a PLC witha 10" touchscreen. Thanks to the clear menu system and distinct interface, the operator caneasilyaccesssettingsand monitor theprocess.

The LKA 14 AM combines proven technologies with modern advances in order toaddress challenges faced by customers such as improvement of safety and productivity and the reduction of life-cycle costs. Its rigid framework, premium buildquality and top-tier componentsassurea long lifespan even in tougher industrial settings. Like all Talurit® branded machines, it is developed and manufactured in Sweden and sold by Talurit Group and its distributors. One of the many advantages of theLKA 14 AM isitsflexibility, both in the many complexwireropesithandlesandthatitcanbeintegratedinto asystemsolution. Atstandardorder,themachinecanbefitted

with field-proven options such as an uncoiling unit, coiling unit, andspout.Additionaladd-onsolutionsandintegrations can be customized in order to meet the customer' s specific needs

VictorLindh,Vice PresidentatTaluritGroup,comments:

"Thelaunchofthisnewproductmarksyetanotherimportant milestone for us as we continue to lead innovations forward in our field. Having sold several units already, prior to this announcement, showsnot onlythattheLKA 14 AM livesupto itsgrandexpectationsbutthatthereisalargedemand. Highly competitivepricingis made possible thanks to theexperience and expertise of our eminent engineering and manufacturing teams."

IdaWikman, DesignEngineeratTaluritGroup,comments:

"Even though LKA 14 AM uses a lot of complex movements to measure and anneal wire ropes, we have made it really simple to use. The operator friendly interface makes it easy to customize the tapering of the end for your exact needs. Onceyouhavefoundashapethatsuits your application, the machine will automatically replicate the results on as many wireropelengthsasyouneed. "

VictorLindh,Vice PresidentatTaluritGroup,adds:

"Withoptimizedefficiencyandprecisionincombinationwith fullautomation,theLKA14AMisperfectforlarge-scale productionwheretheapplicationrequiresafusedend.Labour intenseworkflowscanbereplacedwhileincreasing profitability.Andthankstoitsversatilityandabilitytohandle complexwireropes,additionalapplicationpotentialbecomes possible.”



ile Fachmessefur Distribution, lal- und lnformatlonsfluss

2022'9:-sJ=l 31 B.� 6J=l2 El,p;ig���5liti'i11:8"1�:;i<;JW�­

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±v1'�1--\:�, @:;ffl•M�i.x'.�P]-ffl,�,\lii Michael Ruchty � iD: "ftff18'g;3ii1.J•1a�:rjJ7! tf.H§l-�, �:iji�-�i:ll:7ili: 40 1'J=l8"1A��P�MB"1i:rffi, ftff1�����**00�7o �'9:�ttM��ffiffl*B"1����illfi7ffl��-, -ww���B"1 �t�Fo ftffl:SZ.�-;;:::j:ei, LogiMAT 8"1��ti5:i/:lHi!J�""fn7o "

Lifting& RiggingWorld
室外展示区 The outdoor area with live demonstrations 室内展厅人气爆棚 In the Halls

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Lifting& RiggingWorld
室外展示区 The outdoor area with live demonstrations 室内论坛区域 Trade forums in the LogiMAT Arena with great popularity 欧洲展览会议公司展览总监 Michael Ruchty Exhibition Director Michael Ruchty of EUROEXPO Messeund Kongress-GmbH addressed the opening ceremony 室内论坛区域 Trade forums in the LogiMAT Arena with great popularity

character of LogiMAT as a hub for information, education, and communication where people come to do business. A full 5.2 percent of the visiting industry professionals awarded a contract during the show, while 31.7 percent plan to do so immediately afterward. This naturally resonated well with exhibitors, all of whom emphasize the quality and sophisticationofthecontacts they made.

Some 38.5% of visitors traveled more than 300 kilometers to attend LogiMAT. The high level ofinterest among international industry professionals and exhibitors remained stable. Data gathered by the independent Basel-based market research institute Wissler & Partner shows that one in five event attendees came to Stuttgart from outside Germany. Of these international guests, 73.8% came from other EU countries, 7.9% from non-EU countries,and 8.3% fromAsia,theAmericas, andother areas overseas.

"We' re extremely pleased with the numbers for LogiMAT 2022 and how it unfolded," concludes Exhibition Director Michael Ruchty. "LogiMAT 2022 continues online through the platform. The 14 stimulating presentations from the high-quality accompanying program in the LogiMAT Arena spanning all three days will be streamed on LogiMAT. digitalinthecoming weeks."

LogiMAT returns to Stuttgart onApril 25-27in 2023. ll�WJ

Lifting& RiggingWorld

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