LRW vol.44

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hain of evolution




2020 年 11 月 24-27 日,索具世界团队远赴上海参加“国际工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车

辆及设备博览会”(简称“bauma CHINA 工程机械展”)。开展前,随着官方陆续公布的展商参展情况和

观众邀请情况,以及我们从跟工程机械业界同仁的展前交流中可以得知,相关企业对该展抱有很高的关注度。 然而,就在开展前两天,上海突然出现了几例新冠病毒本地确诊病例,不少业界同仁暂时搁置了前来现场 的计划。


量远不如预期,我们在现场邀请了业内人士分享他们在疫情期间的调整工作,具体内容请看本期和下期报道。 新冠疫情发生至今将近一年,中国国内大体上已恢复到疫情前的生产生活状态。然而新冠疫情仍然是

地球村人类进行面对面交流的一大顾虑,跨国跨区域出行依然受限制,虽然网络直播跟线上交流在国内国 外日益普及,大家还是非常期待相聚的那一天。

今年有不少大型行业盛会陆续上演,譬如 6 月 16-18 日回归上海新国际博览中心的国际内部物流解决

方案及流程管理展览会(LogiMAT China 2021)、7 月 20-22 日在上海世博展览馆举办的集装箱多式联运

亚洲展(Intermodal Asia 2021)、10 月 18-20 日举行的北京国际风能大会暨展览会、10 月 26-29 日在

上海举办的亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会(CeMAT ASIA 2021)、11 月 23-26 日在深圳隆重上演的 大湾区工业博览会,以及延迟至 11 月 3-5 日在新加坡隆重回归的国际石油与天然气工业展览会暨研讨会

(OSEA 2020)、12 月 7-9 日在马来西亚首都吉隆坡再度上演的亚洲石油天然气及石化工程技术展览会(OGA 2021),祝大家在今年的行业盛事里收获满满,载誉而归。

告别各种挑战的鼠年,我们对新的一年充满期待。 “踌躇满志,蓄势待发”,可以说是我们对未来的精神

写照。预祝大家牛年行大运,牛转钱坤,牛气冲天,Happy 牛 Year !



 2021 年 6 月 16-18 日,国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会,上海新国际博览中心

 16-18 June 2021, LogiMAT China, Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China

 2021 年 7 月 20-22 日,集装箱多式联运亚洲展,上海世博展览馆

20-22 July 2021, Intermodal Asia, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China  2021 年 10 月 18-20 日,北京国际风能大会暨展览会,中国国际展览中心(新馆),北京

3-5 October 2021, CHINA WIND POWER, China International Exhibition Center (New Venue), Beijing, China

  2021 年 10 月 26-29 日,亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会,上海新国际博览中心

 26-29 October 2021, CeMAT ASIA, Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China  2021 年 11 月 3-5 日,国际石油与天然气工业展览会暨研讨会,新加坡滨海湾金沙会展中心  3- 5 November 2021, OSEA 2020, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore  2021 年 11 月 23-26,2021 大湾区工业博览会,深圳国际会展中心

 23-26 November 2021, Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo, Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, China

  2021 年 12 月 7-9 日,亚洲石油、天然气及石化工程技术展览会,马来西亚吉隆坡会议中心  7-9 December 2021, OGA 2021, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia 欢迎浏览《索具世界》中英文网站




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Scan the QR code and check out what's happening in the Chinese and worldwide lifting and rigging industry.




总 第 44 期

Special Feature





bauma CHINA

向国内外索具行业各大企业及用户赠阅。欢迎业界来电索阅或洽 谈合作。

Lifting &Rigging World Magazine(LRW)is bilingual

交上 2020 年终答卷

magazine published in China. It is widely distributed in China and the Asia Pacific. LRW covers the wire rope,

lifting and rigging industries wordwide, with a primary focus on China. The magazine is established to deliver essential information, analysis and insight into the fastdeveloping global lifting and rigging sector. ISSN 国际刊号 : 2219-5904 Published by 出版单位:



LRW Media Limited 《索具世界》杂志社有限公司

山东神力索具喜获先进企业荣誉称号 S h a n d o n g S h e n l i R i g g i n g re co g n i ze d a s A d va n ce d Manufacturing Enterprise 西班牙自动吊钩生产商 Elebia Autohooks 开通中文版网站啦 Elebia Autohooks S.L.U. launch website in Chinese language

香港湾仔骆克道 315-321 号骆基中心 25 楼 F 室 Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

马国石油天然气展览会 OGA 2021 延期至 2021 年 12 月 7-9 日 Oil and Gas Asia (OGA) 2021 rescheduled to 7 – 9 December 2021

彭仕杰 Pang See Kit

LEEA's downloadable guide to Brexit

Room F, 25/F., Lucky Plaza, 315-321 Lockhart

Modulift Custom Lifting Frames help HS2 get off the ground

Director 总监:

Gwec and Informa Join Forces to Create World Leading Wind Energy Events

Honored Editor 荣誉主编 : 余美慧 Michele Yu

Continuity at the front of Ziehl-Abegg

Editorial Reviewer 责任编辑 : 石昀 Sharon Shi

Editor 编辑 : 黄丽雅 Mandy Wong

Designer 美术编辑 : 凌永铖 Anson Ling

Reporter 编辑 / 记者 : 朱月容 Judy Zhu



新款 Green Pin 索节,灵活安全,搭配钢丝绳末端配件使用 New Green Pin Sockets, flexibility and safety for steel wire rope terminations DLM Weighs Turbine Blades at MHI Vestas

Production 制作 : 冯劲烽 Feng Jing Feng

CODIPRO launches a new swivel lifting ring: the QLR

Account Manager 客户经理 : 黄丽雅 Mandy Wong

ZASCHE handling rolls out new range of Electric Balancers

Editorial Office 编辑部

地址 : 广州市越秀区小北路 65 号华宇大厦 15 楼 H 室

Room H, 15/F, Hua Yu Office Building, 65 Xiao Bei Road, Guangzhou, China Postcode : 510045

电话 : +86-20-83545140

Email :

中国大陆独家代理 : 广州市博兮风广告有限公司

Mainland China Advertising: Guangzhou Boxifeng Advertising Co., Ltd.



两年一会,bauma CHINA 交上 2020 年终答卷 bauma CHINA gives confidence and hope to the entire industry




















进企业”荣誉称号,总经理杜大平获得“优秀企业家”荣誉称号, 技改项目部部长张体学获得“杰出工程师”荣誉称号。

颁奖大会于 1 月 3 日 -4 日,由中国机械工业联合会、山东省



争力。作为工信部公布的第一批专精特新“小巨人”企业、山东 省制造业单项冠军,神力索具公司将充分发挥模范带头作用,在 推动企业转型升级和新旧动能转换工作中积极作为。

去年(2020)末,济宁市总工会下发了《关于公布 2020 年

会主办,名为:2020 年度(首届)山东省装备制造业“先进集体、

度济宁市全员创新企业的通知》和《关于公布 2020 年度济宁市职



先进个人、优秀新产品”奖颁奖大会暨加速推进内循环交流会, 作为山东省装备制造业科技创新奖的首次会议,本次颁奖大

会云聚了全省 300 余家装备制造业企业及清华大学、山东大学等

多所高校的专家学者。此次大会的召开,旨在鼓舞士气,提振信心, 表彰先进典型,提升我省制造业科技创新能力。


东省装备制造业“先进企业”荣誉称号,总经理杜大平获得“优 秀企业家”荣誉称号,技改项目部部长张体学获得“杰出工程师” 荣誉称号。神力索具董事会秘书兼总经办主任俞同磊受总经理委 托参加会议并代表领奖。


工优秀技术创新成果 济宁市劳模和工匠人才创新工作室的通知》, 技术创新成果名单中,神力索具的创新成果“电气化铁路用双耳 锲型线夹外壳的加工工艺”荣膺三等奖。



发中,培养创新意识,激发创新才智,全员参与、全力保障,不 断完善创新载体和创新机制。

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Shandong Shenli Rigging recognized as China's Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise

Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd. recently is recognized as

"Shandong Province's Advanced Enterprise for Equipment Manufacturing". The company's General Manager, Mr. DU DaPing, is recognized as "Outstanding Entrepreneur", and their

Head of Technology Innovation Department, Mr. ZHANG TiXue, is recognized as "Outstanding Engineer".

The awards are granted when the Shandong Province's

Equipment Manufacturing Technology Innovation Awards Ceremony is held on 03-04 January 2021. This event is organized by China's Shandong Province Equipment

lifting and rigging and beyond industries.

Moreover, Shandong Shenli Rigging's brand new innovation "Mechanical processing technology of double-ear wedge

clamp's cover for railway electrification system" has won third

prize at (Shandong Province) Jining City's workers' outstanding technological innovation program. And Shandong Shenli

Rigging listed as the city's outstanding innovation enterprise, as the entire company contribute themselves on technology innovation.

Manufacturing Association and supported by Department of

Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province,

Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province, and China Machinery Industry Federation.

It's great honor for Shandong Shenli Rigging to achieve this kind of recognition. The company has a team of experienced

and talented engineers and executives, making it capable for in-house innovation and continuing development. What's more, having good reputation enables Shandong Shenli

Rigging enhancing their comprehensive competitive in the

11 11


自动吊钩生产商 Elebia Autohooks 开通中文版网 站啦 西 班 牙 自 动 吊 钩 生 产 商 Elebia Autohooks S.L.U. 的 中 文 网 站 已经上线啦!这是该企业专门针对中国市场的诚 意之举。Elebia 借此网站来扩大其国际影响力,更具体地说,是 强化其在中国这个保持蓬勃生机的市场的地位。


领域,竞争异常激烈,企业与供应商之间保持高度忠诚。Elebia Autohooks 计划让自己的品牌在中国提高知名度,何以实现呢? 一方面,以这个中文网站为起点来适应当地语言和文化,深入植

根当地市场。另一方面,推广自己的起重吊装产品和智能吊装解 决方案。

扫描本页二维码,马上前往 吧!

Elebia Autohooks S.L.U. launch website in Chinese language After months of hard work, Elebia Autohooks S.L.U. announce

that the company intend to make themselves known thanks

market. With the launch of, elebia fulfill their

adapted to the language, but to the culture most deeply rooted

to launch their website specifically aimed for the Chinese objective of expanding their international presence, and more

specifically, in a constantly boiling market, with the industry and services sectors being two of the growing business pillars for the region.

It is precisely in the industrial sector with high competitiveness and in general a high fidelity of companies to their suppliers


to, on the one hand, an important digital strategy not only

in this market, and on the other, with their range of lifting products and smart lifting solutions.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

13 13


马国石油天然气展览会 OGA 2021 延期至 2021 年 12 月 7-9 日 第十八届亚洲石油天然气及石化工业展览会(OGA 2021)将由

OGA 展览会将继续为马国本地及亚洲国家的油服企业提供一个平

原计划的举办时间 2021 年 6 月 8-10 日延期至本年 12 月 7-9 日进行。 台,让他们展示创新产品、技术及服务,同时让业界同仁借此机会相 届时,两年一度的亚洲油气盛事将再度在马来西亚首都吉隆坡隆重 上演。

上一届 OGA 展览会吸引了来自 53 个国家(和地区)的 1,992

家参展商参与这场盛事,三天展期里的访客达到 27,837 人。


纽, 马来西亚在亚洲地区占据强劲的战略性地位。 来到今年第 18 届,





的高质量商业盛会。关于进一步的安排,请前往官方网站 www. 或咨询。

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Oil and Gas Asia (OGA) 2021 rescheduled to 7 – 9 December 2021 The 18th Asian Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering

The organizer's focus remains to provide an event of

has been rescheduled to take place on the new dates of 7-9

relationships in a safe environment while encouraging

Exhibition (OGA) originally scheduled from 8-10 June 2021 December 2021 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Malaysia.

During OGA 2019, a total of 1,992 participating companies were present with unique visits by 27,837 trade professionals

enhanced quality, with more potential trade and networking progress of the industry.

For more information on OGA 2021, visit www.oilandgas-asia. com, or reach out at

from 53 countries. The trade show's upcoming 18th edition

in December will showcase the industry's latest innovations

in products, services and technologies alongside serving as a reunion to industry professionals across the value chain. Malaysia's proven strong and strategic position as the center of

the ASEAN market and regional oil hub is a gathering point for industry professionals. 机械压接系统的创始者 - 始于1948年

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Modulift Custom Lifting Frames help HS2 get off the ground

Modulift's team of in-house experts designed, manufactured and delivered two custom lifting frames for the High Speed 2 (HS2) project, all within 6 weeks from the initial contact.

The infrastructure project, which is currently the largest in

Europe, will provide a welcome boost to the economy with an

estimated budget of £106bn. As well as providing faster rail links, with trains reaching speeds of up to 250mph, the Dept of

Transport forecast that there will be 2,000 apprenticeships and 25,000 people employed across the project.

Modulift's team of engineers were asked to provide a custom

lifting solution that would lift high speed railcar panels with a lifting capacity of 25t, in two separate locations. The first lifting

frame is being used at Southampton Docks, where headroom isn't an issue. Whilst the second custom lifting frame is at DB Schenkers Immingham warehouse facility, where a low height 16

solution is required.

Two lifting frames with multiple solutions

Both Modulift custom lifting frames were of the same design, with one having additional components to facilitate the low height requirement. Each custom lifting frame was designed

with a span of 19m by 3m and a lifting capacity of 25t. Four top lifting lugs were included to enable both lifting frames to be used at a standard lift height.

However, Modulift's engineers designed the second custom lifting frame to have four additional top lifting lugs. The

addition of the lugs enabled the slings to be attached at a

closer point from the centre of the lifting frame for the low height specification. Therefore, the second custom lifting frame offers both low height and standard height lifting

solutions, as it can be used inside and outside the warehouse

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World facility when required.

Modular design for ease of transportation

Modular in design, the frames were manufactured in 3 sections, along with cross beams that added strength and

stability which are bolted on site. This made transportation

of the custom lifting frames easier, which is a design feature

that Modulift are well-known for across their whole range of spreader beams, spreader frames and lifting solutions.

Modulift's senior project engineer, Matt Roberts, was on site

to oversee the first of the two custom lifting frames being put together for the first lift in Southampton, where there was a

team of 8 stevedores – 4 on the ship, and 4 on the quay, to manage the lift.

Planning for the lifts began in March 2020, which sees the lift of 18 high speed railcar panels per vessel from a total of 7 vessels which is due to complete in March 2021. Seamless from the outset

Ben Cunnington, Global Projects and Industry Solutions

Manager at DB Schenker said "Modulift's global reputation and previous experience with many of our global customers and

projects, was the reason we chose to work with them on this

project". "Knowing that their expertise is all under one roof,

meant we didn't have to manage multiple points of contact as they took care of everything, right through to delivery".

"Working with Modulift to design and manufacture these

specialised lifting frames was seamless from the outset. We had clear and regular discussions to determine the best

options for the frames, and the design work was second to none. All of which we achieved from start to finish during the height of the global Covid-19 pandemic. We wish all companies were as easy to deal with as Modulift".

Harshal Kulkarni, Engineer Manager at Modulift said "One of

the lifting frames had a unique design due to its low height application. The slings were specially designed for a low

headroom requirement. The slings are normally used at

standard base angles of 0-45 degrees. In this case the slings were designed for base angles of 30-60 degrees. Hence,

requiring a special design and set of calculations. The lifting lugs were also specially designed for added compression due to acute base sling angles".

17 17


LEEA's downloadable guide to Brexit

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) has published its 'Guidance to UK conformity assessment, marking and documentation'. It can be found on the recently added a Brexit tab on the Association's website:

This portal has been created to help keep companies up to date on all Brexit news and provides details on UK trade

agreements and manufacturer requirements. There is also a

series of Brexit-specific frequently asked questions. The FAQs and the UKCA Guidance note will be continuously updated on the website to provide quick responses to common issues.

"It is essential that operations in the lifting industry stay on

top of Brexit developments," said Ross Moloney, CEO of the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), "LEEA is working closely with other UK Trade bodies such as ALLMI

(Association of Lorry Loader Manufacturers and Importers), CPA (Construction Product Association) and CEA (Construction

Equipment Association) to ensure a common interpretation

of the requirements and ease the transition for our respective memberships. We are also in close liaison with the relevant

authorities for the same purpose and we will keep members up 18

to date as things development over the course of the coming months."

About LEEA

The Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) is established across the globe as the leading representative

body for all those involved in the lifting industry worldwide. It is the respected and authoritative representative body for

its members who work in every aspect of the industry, from

design, manufacture, refurbishment and repair, through to the hire, maintenance and use of lifting equipment.

The Association has played a key role in this specialised field for over 70 years, from training and standards setting through to health and safety, the provision of technical and legal advice, and the development of examination and licensing

systems. LEEA represents its members at the highest levels across a range of both public and private bodies, including

various government departments, as well as nationally

and internationally recognised professional and technical institutions.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

19 19


Gwec and Informa Join Forces to Create World Leading Wind Energy Events

The Global Wind Energ y Council ("GWEC"), the trade

organization representing the global wind industry, and Informa Markets, the world’s leading global events and

digital business, have announced a strategic long-term partnership that will create a series of world leading wind

power and energy transition events from 2021 onwards.

Informa's world-class expertise in organising live and digital events, will strongly propel GWEC's mission of developing new

and emerging markets for wind energy, scale the industry's

TS Y EVEN ENERG tion WIND ganisa ADING ade or ents and RLD LE , the tr O ev ”) W al EC l (“GW CREATE ing glob ries of world ci ad E TO un le AS Co ’s se RELE FORCES Energy ts, the world ill create a PRESS lass A JOIN l Wind ke at w orld-c FORM ng new e Globa Informa Mar rship th forma’s w AND IN velopi 20 – Th d partne GWEC n of de namic ards. In ber 20 industry, an -term c long 21 onw WEC’s missio and foster dy Decem d gi in 20 16 te w , ra al ON ts from ly propel G print d a st e glob en ot ce LOND th ev fo un g n ic anno entin ansitio ts, will strong ’s geograph tr repres siness, have gy year er ry owth bu and en d digital even the indust cord gr ith digital power e an scale w be a re g wind sing liv ind energy, ed to dustry leadin organi the w expect nal wind in g r in is in fo t rc ise . ts ha rs atio of w reinfo expert marke eholde ents in e intern nference, ahead erging al stak mmitm ene th Co forces and em g glob zero co d ill conv ucial COP26 joining s amon d netts are 2021 w debate stry an the cr ions an -19 Marke d events in -up to ntribut unity for indu from COVID forma ad ne Co In le an d e ed th an . Pl port very ermin ers in GWEC ind industry ic reco t an op lly Det e lead w presen een econom ationa climat N so d g al for the in an ts s gr d the akers achiev e even discus ars, an d policym d energy in t. Thes ons to cent ye mes of win win reemen action regi ry in re lu role of the Paris Ag ate l ary vo indust im ss d cl in st ce l w ith ”. du ria ne ca line w of the better pre-in in criti ith oy the C th ck w ts pl 5° s ba en ow de m gr uild y to low 1. e year govern mense s to “b e polic warming be the next fiv wer capacity the im thway pportiv al over es on ind po and pa t and su d keep glob pitalis wer growth obal w stmen an hip ca wind po record ging total gl in inve n scenarios rtners hieve r total in fo ac br The pa ge required nt to tio 4, ck 02 per ce an rbonisa on-tra een 2020-2 step ch meet deca se of 54 stry is betw ors, increa to d d indu st le in an gy ve al w is er in en ch obal ther be inst hip 24, whi The gl ed to ng toge is partners d d of 20 levels. GW expect bringi ld. Th scale an the en 8 l role in the wor in terms of Asia, the over 34 1,000 GW by crucia 19. ound n play a ly d to 20 stry ar leratio such as s du vents ce to near ns compare in ac “E on : d gi tio y out an ts in key re , stated the win rr EC ow ca W installa gr to of G w us to ces and even chain l, CEO m ill allo ckwel supply ng-ter B2B kets w ing conferen Ben Ba ent and the this lo l a Mar velop m ationa ld lead Inform intern d to de govern GWEC and te wor excite ading nships n le to crea Africa.” ry g ee tio us ve in la g e tw er be key and re a and allowin r deliv “We ar ss ic ts t, fo ts ro er gh in e ke si ac Am ents footpr a Mar perienc tanding, in , Latin ind ev rther Inform bine our ex e East s of w unders hip fu EA at m Middl n to a t a serie is partners ’s deep ent EM hich will co ing ou Th ansitio Presid GWEC . w tr l, ild , or ith al gy bu EC ct H w s, to d se e ener Peter ith GW rward atform the win to drive th rship w edia pl . We look fo ets of g partne and m or d targ helpin digital events al wind sect eds an y and ts and trade ired ne sustainabilit e even ts for the glob t the requ g ing liv in in ist marke iv t ith or dr w ’ ex erging t wind even to supp mitment to arkets em s M in a on k al regi r com s larges Inform pment wor a’ ” ou on ic a region re ts er ild lo suppor ainable futu forts to s, tin Am s to bu t deve ef La m , ke e ai er ar es st th su cier gm 2021 dPow more aling of ts for ongoin il Win rs, finan of even and GWEC’s se with Braz enable the sc orate buye le du rp he e ca will ctor , co The sc the se is already th forma. This dustry ise in ross in In expert ergy as ders ac EC and able en arly by GW akehol renew p of st ye er grou s. anised id rg w -o a co ing ader conven d climate le level, an ment govern

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n: Gen

global stakeholders.

GWEC is a member-based organisation that represents the

entire wind sector. The members of GWEC represent over 1,500

in investment and supportive policy to deploy the necessary

countries, including manufacturers, developers, component

and keep global warming below 1.5 ° C pre-industrial levels.

companies, organizations and institutions in more than 80

suppliers, research institutes, national and regional wind and renewables associations, electricity providers, finance and insurance companies. Find out more:

GWEC and Informa Markets are joining forces ahead of what is expected to be a record growth year for the wind industry.

Planned events in 2021 will convene the international wind

industry with policymakers and climate leaders in the lead-

up to the crucial COP26 Conference, reinforcing the role of wind energy in achieving Nationally Determined Contributions and net-zero commitments in line with the Paris Agreement.

These events also present an opportunity for industry and governments in critical climate action regions to discuss green

economic recovery from COVID-19 and pathways to "build back better".

The partnership capitalises on the immense growth of the wind industry in recent years, and the step change required


volumes of wind energy to meet decarbonisation scenarios The global wind industry is on-track to achieve record growth over the next five years with over 348 GW expected to be

installed between 2020-2024, bringing total global wind power capacity to nearly 1,000 GW by the end of 2024, which

is an increase of 54 per cent for total wind power installations compared to 2019.

Ben Backwell, CEO of GWEC, stated: "Events play a crucial role in bringing together investors, government and the supply chain to grow the wind industry around the world. This partnership between GWEC and Informa Markets will allow

us to carry out an acceleration in terms of scale and footprint, allowing us to create world leading conferences and events in key regions such as Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa."

Peter Hall, President EMEA at Informa Markets "We are very excited to develop this long-term partnership with GWEC,

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

which will combine our experience for delivering leading

Global Net-Zero Summit, to bring together a wide array of

GWEC's deep understanding, insights and relationships within

the COP26 Conference.

international B2B trade events and media platforms, with the global wind sector. We look forward to building out a series of wind events across key regions to support the required

needs and targets of the wind sector. This partnership further

supports our commitment to driving sustainability and helping to drive the energy transition to a more sustainable future."

The schedule of events for 2021 aims to build on Informa

Markets'existing live events and digital expertise in the sector

and GWEC's ongoing market development work in emerging

stakeholders including corporates and policy makers ahead of Gareth Rapley, Group Director at Informa Markets commented "A s we have seen through 2020, there is an increased commitment from governments such as China, Japan, South

Korea and recently the U.K's 10 point plan towards a green recovery, along with leading businesses to achieve Net-Zero

targets. We are excited to play our role in partnership with GWEC, to help drive these plans forward and into action."

markets for renewable energy as is already the case with Brazil WindPower, Latin America's largest wind event co-organised

yearly by GWEC and Informa. This will enable the scaling of these efforts to a regional level, convening a wider group of

stakeholders across industry, corporate buyers, financiers, government and climate leaders.

It will also see GWEC and Informa Markets hold a landmark

销售业务和产品服务 立足上海,重点服务华东华北市场,我们销售的产品涵盖各种规格 立足上海,重点服务华东华北市场,我们销售的产品涵盖各种规 的钢丝绳,钢丝绳索具,链条和链条索具,吊带和吊带索具,安全 带,防台风系列产品,捆绑带和吊装带产品,海工船舶配套系泊钢 丝绳和舾装零件,手拉葫芦和手扳葫芦,卸扣,吊环等起重配件。 同时代理瑞典TALURIT,日本JPNHOIST,维大茵特以及建峰索具 等国内外知名起重索具品牌。

解决方案 凭借近20年的丰富行业经验,和专业的资深技 术团队,我们根据不同的项目需要为客户提供 完善的起重设计解决方案,包括技术咨询、方 案设计、产品规划、到终端客户的实际使用操 作、现场调试、售后跟进等完整的配套服务。 检查,测试和证书 作为一家技术型企业,我们的资深团队由专业 的技术人员组成,能够深入检查产品的性能及 使用情况,并提供第三方实验室检测服务,同 时提供DNV-GL, CCS, ABS 等第三方检验证书, 确保产品安全。





上海安峰起重索具有限公司 SHANGHAI ANFENG LIFTING & RIGGING LTD. 电话:021-6176 6178 传真:021-6176 6112



21 21


Continuity at the front of Ziehl-Abegg

Uwe Ziehl hands over the chair of the Supervisory Board to his son Dennis Ziehl

Daughter Sindia Ziehl takes over the mandate within the Board of Supervisors The Entrepreneur Uwe Ziehl handed over the chair of the Supervisory Board of Ziehl-Abegg since the turn of

this year. Dennis Ziehl will follow his position as Director

of the Supervisory Board. "I highly thank our father for

this excellent technical development of the global, very well-positioned company within the last 20 years", he says. Now, Sindia Ziehl also counts as a member of the

Supervisory Board of Ziehl-Abegg. Dennis and Sindia Ziehl

are great-grandchildren of the founder of the company Emil Ziehl. Furthermore, Dennis Ziehl is working full time as director of the ZIEHL industrie-elektronik GmbH

in Schwäbisch Hall and is additionally a member of the

IHK general assembly. Uwe Ziehl wishes his children as

members of the Supervisory Board a lucky hand and lots

of success within the further development of Ziehl-Abegg.

Uwe Ziehl always emphasized and encouraged the strong familiar bound inside the company. The transition of leading

the company has progressed softly and securely. This is why

his kids Sindia and Dennis joined more than 80 Meetings of the Supervisory Board within the past years, even without

a mandate. "Within many companies, a generation change comes rough and with problems – Uwe Ziehl worked for

decades precisely on the fact that we can now smoothly

continue our global successful course as technology leader", says the president of the Executive Board, Peter Fenkl. Entrepreneur with lifeblood

Uwe Ziehl is to be considered as entrepreneur with lifeblood and with great technical comprehension. For excellent entrepreneurial efforts and in order to thank him for his

special services for the economy of Baden-Württemberg, Mr Nils Schmid, Minister of Finance and Economy, handed him

the Medal of Economy in Schwäbisch Hall. "You represent all these successful family-owned companies in BadenWürttemberg which consider international success and

regional solidary as no contradiction. You are an exemplary

entrepreneur and contributed with your appearance to the fact that Baden-Württemberg is and will stay a strong country

worth living", praised Schmid." As an attractive employer and

innovative company, Ziehl-Abegg managed to increase the competitiveness of the whole Heilbronn-Franken region". 22

Entrepreneur Uwe Ziehl

Already during his college time, Uwe Ziehl founded ZIEHL industrie-elektronik GmbH & Co KG in Schwäbisch Hall, a producer of measuring and control devices. Ziehl-Abegg

grew to a globally leading producer of fans for air-and climate technology as well as for elevator drives.

In 1973 Ziehl-Abegg started to become international. 2001, the transition to a family-owned stock company followed. In 2005, Uwe Ziehl took over the Chair of the Supervisory Board

of Ziehl-Abegg. This had been possible due to the fact that the

he united all parts in one family holding – with huge personal financial risks. This is why investments to R&D have been

possible which managed to expand the position of Ziehl-Abegg as technology leader.

Uwe Ziehl pushed the expansion of vertical integration and -competence, including the introduction of the company in the production of granulate material in the Gewerbepark

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Hohenlohe (Kupferzell); in addition to the internal aluminum casting, which is situated in Schöntal-Bieringen.

Inspiring Kids and teenagers for Technology

Nowadays, 4.300 employees work for Ziehl-Abegg, thereof

2400 employees in the region Hohenlohe (Künzelsau, Bieringen, Kupferzell). With 10 percent of the total staff Ziehl-

Uwe Ziehl (second from left) explained 2014 in Hannover German chancellor Angela Merkel (fourth from left) an external rotor motor.

Abegg employs a high number of trainees and students with dual education who receive an unlimited working guarantee

by signing their contract with about 10 percent of the total employment basis.

7 per cent of the annual turnover is used for R&D. Apart from his professional commitment, Uwe Ziehl supports the

promotion of technical jobs in pre-schools, primary schools, and higher education institutions for Technology. Another

heart-filled project has been the social commitment on top

of the normal business life: Including the Albert-Schweitzer Kids foundation (Waldenburg) or the open-air museum in

Wackershofen, which shows the lives and dwellings of our ancestors (Schwäbisch Hall).

Uwe Ziehl was born 1947 in Füssen as grandson of the founder

of Ziehl-Abegg, Emil Ziehl. He grew up and spent his youth in Künzelsau. Uwe Ziehl has 2 kids: Sindia and Dennis Ziehl.

About Ziehl-Abegg

Ziehl-Abegg (Künzelsau, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) is one of the leading global companies in the field of ventilation, control and drive technology. In the 1950s, Ziehl-Abegg

established the basis for modern fan drives: external rotor

motors which even today are still seen as state-of-the-

art worldwide. Another area of business is electric motors which provide the power, for example, for elevators, medical

applications (computer tomography equipment) or deep-sea

underwater vehicles. The theme of electro-mobility for motor vehicles was established as part of the Ziehl-Abegg Automotive Team in 2012.

The high-tech company has an impressive innovative capability. Ziehl-Abegg employs 2,400 personnel in its

production plants in southern Germany. The company has

a global workforce of 4,300 spread between 16 production

plants, 29 companies and 113 sales locations. The products, approx. 30,000 in all, are sold in more than 100 countries.

Turnover totals 633 million euros, with exports accounting for three quarters of the figure, (all numbers refer to the year 2019).

Emil Ziehl founded the company in Berlin in 1910 as a manufacturer of electric motors. After World War II the

company's headquarters were relocated to southern Germany. Ziehl-Abegg SE is not a listed company but instead is familyowned. For more information go to The shareholders of Ziehl-Abegg (starting left): Dennis Ziehl, Uwe Ziehl and Sindia Ziehl.

23 23


New Green Pin® Sockets, flexibility and safety for steel wire rope terminations

When anchoring tubes, pipes, dredging materials, oil platforms,

towing cables, bridges, roof constructions, and other heavyduty applications, only the sturdiest, long lasting solutions

will suffice. The Green Pin® socket range, made of high tensile galvanized steel, ensures long term durability, as well as

flexibility and safety. Green Pin® offers three types of sockets

for in-line use: closed spelter sockets, open spelter sockets and open wedge sockets. These provide a strong and enduring way

to fasten steel wire rope end fittings, bringing familiar Green Pin® quality and support to securing applications.

Whenever customer need to fix an end-fitting to rope, Green Pin® gives you the flexibility to choose from a wide range of

socket types and sizes, and you have an extended temperature

range for permanent and temporary fixtures. Operation is


guaranteed across a wider temperature range from -40° C up to +200° C (-40° F up to +392° F).

What's more, safety is enhanced with new markings, ce r t i f i cat i o n , a n d exce l l e n t M i n i m u m B rea k i n g Loa d

performance. New markings which have been added to the spelter sockets are - and will remain - easier to read, even

when the product has been used for some time. This avoids misjudgement or miscalculation and ensures greater safety. Among other benefits, the socket now clearly shows which

steel wire diameter it can be used with - in mm as well as in inches. Whatever your requirements, there's a solution - and all

the Green Pin® socket products boast superior stock availability of 99%. Check out more information here:

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

新款 Green Pin® 索节,灵活安全,搭配钢丝绳末端 配件使用 Green Pin® 索节由高强度镀锌钢材制成,包括闭口式浇铸索

节、开口式浇铸索节和开口式楔形索节三种类型,可确保长期耐用, 灵活安全。当进行锚固管、管道、疏浚材料、石油平台、拖曳电缆、 桥梁、屋顶结构和其他重型项目时,仅坚固、持久的解决方案就 足够了。而 Green Pin® 索节在使用过程中搭配钢丝绳末端配件,

像 Green Pin® 其他产品一样坚固耐用,可以为各种应用提供紧固 支持。

用户可以灵活地从各种类型和尺寸的 Green Pin® 索节中来选


下 40° C 至零上 200° C(华氏零下 40° F 至零上 392° F),客户可



以及出色的最小破断负荷能力,这些 Green Pin® 索节的安全性能


不同的钢索直径来搭配合适的索节。目前所有类型的 Green Pin® 索节的库存率均达到 99%,可及时满足用户的需求。详情请前往 官网 查询。

25 25


DLM Weighs Turbine Blades at MHI Vestas

The 80m-long blades are manufactured on the Isle of Wight before being transported to Fawley for painting and weighing.

Dynamic Load Monitoring (UK) Ltd. (DLM), of Southampton,

UK has provided a wireless weighing solution for MHI Vestas Offshore Wind’s facility at nearby Fawley.

MHI Vestas needed an accurate way of measuring the weight of

their 80m-long turbine blades (the length of nine London buses back-to-back) at both the root and the tip upon completion of the painting process. The blades are actually made on the Isle of Wight before being transported to Fawley for painting and weighing.

Accuracy is critical as once the blades are weighed they

are classified as light, medium and heavy for use on each turbine. Once the total weight of the blade is determined, the manufacturer is able to calculate how much ballast is applied

The second generation telemetry tensile link load cell

to each blade to create the sets of three to make up a turbine.

throughout the renewable energy supply chain, provided a

home for up to 29 hours.

Load Cell, both selected from the company's standard range

One rotation of a turbine (three blades) can power a typical DLM, a specialist in the design, manufacture, repair and calibration of load cells and load monitoring equipment used


25t capacity Telemetry Tensile Link and 20t capacity S-cell because they are highly accurate and can be added into

existing rigging equipment, easily and quickly. The data is read

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

by the operator on two separate wireless handheld displays. The load monitoring equipment is rigged beneath the hooks of the site's overhead lifting equipment.

James Perkins, MHI Vestas site manager at the Fawley facility,

said: "Accurate data capture allows us to precisely calculate

the amount of ballast material needed for each blade, which is critical when blades are mounted and spinning on the offshore

wind turbines. Accurate weighing allows us to reduce future

O&M [operation and maintenance] costs and ensure the blades are spinning as much as possible."

Perkins added: "DLM's load cells are certainly put through their

paces. Their repair and calibration team are very responsive and have a very short lead time on parts and repair works, which helps us out a great deal."

Chris Scrutton, Technical Manager at DLM, said: "It's always

a pleasure to see our products associated with organisations at the cutting edge of their sector. The end user's parent

companies [Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Vestas Wind

Systems] are two of the global leaders in wind and energy. To hear that such an operation values our products and

responsiveness is a tremendous endorsement. We look

forward to playing an integral role in production of many turbine blades at this important manufacturing location."

DLM provided a TL-2.0 in this instance. However, it has recently

introduced a third generation of its Telemetry Tensile Link Load Cell, a lightweight wireless tension measuring unit that

combines a high level of performance with a robust design

for harsh environments. It is made from aerospace grade aluminium and offers a range up to 800m (over 2,600 ft.) and

a huge battery life of 700 hours. The TL-3.0 can be paired with one or up to a dozen handheld displays. Scrutton also pointed

to the product's 2.4GHz license-free frequency and remote power on/off feature.

The S-Cell load cell (SC-1.0), meanwhile, is available from

250kg to 20t capacities and boasts welded covers, stainless

steel construction, sealing to IP68, and high accuracy—in tension and compression. It is suitable for use on test stands,

to take measurements during certification, and in vessel and tank weighing applications, in addition to retrofit in original equipment manufacturer (OEM) technologies and machinery.

Wind Up

Dynamic Load Monitoring (UK) Ltd. (DLM) is looking to further raise its profile in the wind energy sector throughout 2021. To

that end, it has developed a data-logging device that provides load, angle, and acceleration data at high sample rates particularly for use in offshore renewables.

Chris Scrutton, Technical Manager at DLM, said: "With many

existing wind turbines installed already, we are finding clients

are now looking for ways to improve reliability and efficiency, which often involves measuring of real time data in the field. Our data-loggers have been used for measuring forces due to

sea waves on array cables, and have been used in R&D [research and development] projects in turbine fields. The next step in the development of instrumentation in offshore wind is remote access and data transfer."

The system Scrutton refers to was developed in response to demand for a method of monitoring forces on cables and the movement they experience over time. In one recent example,

the system logged the data over the course of a year, and

made it periodically accessible. The system comprises three dual axis Shear Pin Load Cells, two accelerometers, and a

programmable logic controller (PLC). The shear pin load cells are dual axis shear pins that measure forces across two planes in the positive and negative directions.

The North Sea is an area of constant interest, but Scrutton also pointed to the Americas as a likely hotbed of long-term

activity, highlighting Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, and California especially. In all areas, wind continues to present

unique challenges to everyone in the supply chain. Scrutton

says: "The location of instrumentation on a turbine array tends to be in the splash zone."

He adds: "This is notoriously one of the harshest environments

for cables and instrumentation to withstand. Due to the remote locations and especially bad weather in the North Sea over the

winter months, maintenance and repairs can be challenging. Therefore, the systems need to be suitably designed and

robust enough to withstand the harsh conditions for long periods. DLM has gained experience in supplying products

into this harsh environment with tried and tested methods for success.”

27 27


CODIPRO launches a new swivel lifting ring: the QLR

CODIPRO, the Luxembourgish specialist for swivel lifting rings,

engineering department is constantly following new market

QLR (Quick Lift Ring).

is how the Quick Lift Ring, with all its advantages, came into

presents its new arrival in its range of swivel lifting rings: the The QLR is a swivel lifting ring that allows particularly fast

anchoring. At the push of a button, it can be fixed in the threaded hole in a matter of seconds.

“The idea of this lifting ring was born from the wish often

expressed by our distributor-partners to be able to offer their customers a lifting ring that combines speed and safety",

explains Martin Poth, Sales Manager at CODIPRO. CODIPRO's 28

trends and is developing the company's product range. This being.

The QLR saves up to 80% time compared to screwing in a

conventional lifting ring. This turns the sometimes lengthy screwing process into a short operation. It is a double swivel ring with bearing and is easy to handle. The system works purely mechanically and thus requires no complex

maintenance. The Quick Lift Ring has higher lifting capacities

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

than the fixed rings and is available for the DSR Gradup and stainless steel model.

CODIPRO designs and manufactures high quality articulated

swivel lifting rings. Since its takeover in 2004 by the shareholders of NO-NAIL BOXES and its move to Wiltz

in compliance with the most stringent safety standards,

CODIPRO is part of the lifting division of the ALIPA Group, the Luxembourgish packaging and industrial lifting specialist with approximately 150 employees.

(Luxembourg), CODIPRO has been growing steadily. Certified

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 and SRC, patented and 29 29


ZASCHE handling rolls out new range of Electric Balancers

ZASCHE handling, a leading provider for load handling technology introduces its Electro-Balancer (E-Balancer), for operators to position and transport loads of up to 100kg

precisely and effortlessly. Lauded for its intuitive and ergonomic design, the E-Balancer is a versatile tool suited for a broad range of heavy-duty industrial applications. It offers

manufacturers the opportunity to enhance productivity and workplace safety all at once.

Running purely on electrical energy, the E-Balancer is the perfect solution for manufacturing facilities without a

compressed air supply. Its sensitive control elements allow for

smooth and precise load positioning, enabling users to set it to specific parameters.

"This plug & play-ready lifting equipment allows manufacturers to lift their components or manufactured goods more

efficiently and safely than ever before,"shared Erwin Wagner, General Manager of ZASCHE handling. "Our team is committed

Key features include:

● Load capacity: up to 100 kg

● Lifting height: up to 2000 mm

● Lifting speed: maximum 700 mm/s ● > 90% duty cycle

● Optimal ratio of payload to dead weight - The E-Balancer is especially lightweight, allowing users to use the

lifting equipment easily and efficiently.

to designing and delivering purpose-built systems that address

● Innovative and simple parameterization - Users can

forward to using a new type of 'weightless' product handling

as reaction speeds according to their needs, with the

specific industrial handling needs. Customers can now look tool that can be used across all production lines."


program the E-Balancer to customize parameters such

touch of a few buttons.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

To help its customers maintain smooth production, ZASCHE

office in Shanghai, China. The company has a large portfolio

customers with the necessary skills to handle any unexpected

construction, and also its deep expertise as an industrial

will also conduct regular training sessions, equipping downtime in times of emergencies.

ZASCHE handling - the world's leading provider for load

handling technology - develops and supplies customized, ergonomic solutions that caters to ever y industr y and

of products that reflects its rich history in steel and crane handling specialist. ZASCHE handling is a member of the Accuron Industrial Technologies Group. For more information please visit:

application. Founded in 1932, ZASCHE handling is headquartered in Nördlingen, Germany, and has a branch

31 31



两年一会,bauma CHINA 交上 2020 年终答卷 ▶


30 万平米展示规模,彰显中国制造的力量与未来

▶ ▶

2,867 家展商及 80,000 专业观众汇聚上海

线上 bauma CHINA 让全球看到中国制造走向世界的决心

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 2020 年 11 月 27 日,bauma CHINA 2020,第十届上海国际





34 个国家和地区的 2,867 家工程机械制造企业,数万创新产品与 技术亮相于 300,000 平方米的展示面积,吸引了 80,000 名专业观 众到场。

区首席执行官徐佳女士欣慰地表示:“本届 bauma CHINA 的成 同时,展会团队同心协力,一起坚持最困难的时刻也成就了一届 令人感动而铭记的 bauma CHINA。”

在不寻常的年份依然有 2,867 家参展商鼎力加入,演绎不一

这场两年一届的盛会能在 2020 年这个特殊年份下顺利举行,

般的 bauma CHINA 2020。其中,徐工集团、三一集团、中联重



无疑向全行业传递出“谋划共赢,众行致远”的坚定信心与希望, 个检验和展示的世界舞台。特殊之年,特别之策。在今年展会上, 工程机械企业集中彰显了其在危机中育新机,于变局中开新局的 无限潜能,以持续不断推陈出新的力量和创变融合的思维,为世 界带来澎湃新动力。

慕尼黑博览集团董事总经理 Stefan Rummel 先生表示: “2020

科、山东临工、山河智能、浙江鼎力、新宏昌、美斯达等中国本 主流外资品牌亦悉数亮相,卡特彼勒、沃尔沃、宝峨、特雷克斯、 海瑞克、SOILMEC、欧历胜、捷尔杰等均带来了更适应中国市场

的全新产品,进一步加强本土化布局。国内外群雄争霸,呈现出“内 循环驱动双循环、工程机械看东方”的全新时代。




CHINA 正为此提供了商贸交流和智创未来的良机!”中国工程机


创新技术、智能化、低排放及数字化装备的巨大需求。bauma 械工业协会会长苏子孟先生也对展会给予高度肯定,他赞许道:

“bauma CHINA 是在中国疫情防控取得重大战略成果,经济呈现 稳定转好态势的背景下召开的行业盛会,也是今年全球范围内非

展示高端机械设备及核心技术,向全球传递了大国重器的智者思 “我们不仅扩大了参展面积,同时还邀约了近 10,000 名客户到场 观展,希望通过 bauma CHINA 展会这一国际化平台全面展示数 字化转型成果。”中联重科股份有限公司营销总公司副总经理史

Tim Hashagen, CEO of LTI Steel Wire Rope (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Verope 钢索上海团队(部分员工)参与宝马工程机械展 Part of team from Verope China exhibit at bauma CHINA 2020

Verope 钢丝绳索具展示样品

Samples of Verope wire rope slings




张家口通运吊装工程技术公司在宝马工程机械展上与新老客户交谈甚欢,主推 产品“速得”智能测力环、自家品牌 SKIP 吊钩及各式索具产品 General Lifting Engineering exhibit at bauma CHINA 2020 and showcase their Straightpoint Load Cells, SKIP hooks and rigging accessories


会公众充分展示了我们的科技实力和全新产品,我们会继续参展 下届 bauma CHINA,甚至还会扩大展位面积。”


了行业的创新、产品的升级。在展会中亮相的新产品亦带来不少“来 自未来的惊喜”——5G 远程智能操控、无人集群智能化施工的技

术运用已成为现实;大吨位纯电动挖机、电传动装载机、电动拖泵、 纯电动无人压路机、智能旋挖钻机等设备成为展会焦点,掀开了

工程机械向智能化、数字化、无人化、节能环保升级迈进的发展 新篇章。


时下流行的直播、VR 等玩法融合出“新”,让更多的观众能够“零 距离”参与展会,为国际化商贸交流打开了又一窗口。


分利用展会的契机,以 bauma CHINA 为原点,现场展台为基础, 通过多语言线上同步直播,采用 5G 远程操控、VR+AR 实景体验


机遇,共谋发展。多场面向世界的无时差直播从白天到黑夜,让 更多的全球客户看到了中国制造走出去的信心!


索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

bauma CHINA 2020 也于展会开幕前重磅推出线上平台——

bauma CHINA Community 名品汇和朋友圈,实现“线上线下” 双行模式,助力链接海内外业务交流。用户可随时随地搜索展商、

了解新品,与全球伙伴建立联系、进行一对一视频会晤。自上线 以来,bauma CHINA Community 已获得了超百万的浏览人次。

不仅如此,我们还通过 VR 看展的形式,将近 30 万平米的线下展 搬到线上;与网红主播团强强联手打造快手直播,让展场内外的

工程机械朋友轻松享受到 360 度的逛展体验。截止展会闭幕,VR 看展浏览量高达 46 万次,快手直播收获 14 万观看量。

今 年 是 bauma CHINA 植 根 中 国 的 第 十 八 个 年 头。bauma

CHINA 和每一位工程机械同仁携手并肩,以变革与创新应对不断 动荡的世界格局,以力量与责任共同肩负起中国制造的未来,以 这场铭刻时代的成人洗礼,作答中国工程机械行业的 2020 !

下届 bauma CHINA 展会将于 2022 年 11 月 22-25 日在上海


上海安峰起重索具在宝马工程机械展上展示的安全带、索节、钢丝 绳索具及配件 Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd. highlight their safety harness, sockets, wire rope slings and accessories at bauma CHINA 2020




bauma CHINA gives confidence and hope to the entire industry ▶  2,867 exhibitors from 34 countries and regions ▶

80,000 high-quality visitors from China

bauma CHINA 2020 one of the few face-to-face fairs in 2020


300,000 m² of exhibition space

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

天津义云动力机械有限公司生产的吊点 T i a n J i n Y i y u n R i g g i n g CO . , Ltd showcase their Lifting Points at bauma CHINA 2020

天津义云动力机械有限公司参加宝马工程机械展 TianJin Yiyun Rigging CO., Ltd is exhibiting at bauma CHINA 2020

After four show days, bauma CHINA 2020 ended on November

partners, exhibitors and all participants. I am very proud to

this year's exhibition attracted 2,867 exhibitors and around

any difficulties!"

27. Despite the COVID-19 crisis and the latest travel restrictions, 80,000 high-quality trade visitors. Thanks to a sophisticated safety and hygiene concept the 10th International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines,

Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles could be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). In these

difficult times, bauma CHINA 2020 gave the entire industry a reason to enter the coming fiscal year with confidence and hope.

Stefan Rummel, Managing Director of Messe München GmbH,

is satisfied with the result: "The year 2020 was marked by special challenges. But the construction machinery industry

and its economy continue to grow while the effects of the epidemic are being warded off. There is far-reaching demand

for innovative technologies, intelligent and low-emission machines, and vehicles with integrated digital solutions. Hand in hand with our partners we therefore made everything

possible and provided the industry with a platform even in times of crisis."

Xu Jia, Chief Executive Officer of Greater China of Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd. expressed her appreciation: "The success of bauma CHINA owes to the great support from our

have such a strong bauma CHINA team—together we overcome Su Zimeng, Chairman of the China Construction Machinery

Association, was very positive about the trade fair: "bauma

CHINA 2020 is a very important event for the industry, and it

was held when China has achieved major strategic results in COVID-19 prevention and control. The economy is showing a stable recovery. It is also the most successful construction machinery exhibition in the world held this year." Considerable international participation

In spite of the circumstances, bauma CHINA was able to retain

300,000 square meters of exhibition space. 2,867 exhibitors

presented their products and innovations to 80,000 trade visitors. The huge area occupied by international exhibitors

such as Caterpillar, Volvo, Bauer, Terex as well as pavilions by

Germany, Italy and Spain show the continued international confidence in China's growth and development.

C h e n T i n g , V i ce P r e s i d e n t o f B ra n d M a r k e t i n g a n d

Communications of Volvo Construction Equipment Region Asia

commented: "With its professional and careful organization, rich and diverse exhibit range, and digital communication

network, bauma CHINA has become an important promotional opportunity that construction machinery companies do not




东莞市平力五金有限公司何卫华先生 Mr. He, General Manager of Dongguan Pingli Hardware Co., Ltd

东莞平力五金公司在宝马工程机械展上展示 80 级及 100 级索具配件 Dongguan Pingli Hardware Company highlight their Grade 80 and Grade 100 rigging accessories at bauma CHINA 2020

want to miss."

Bin Qi, Regional Director-Eastern, Northern & Western China

of Terex (Changzhou) Machinery Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, USA added: "In this special time, the successful opening of bauma CHINA has brought confidence to the industry, manufacturers, investors, and all those who are concerned

about the construction machinery industry. The results exceed our expectations, and the visitors are highly professional." Strong Chinese participation

Chinese key accounts such as XCMG, SANY, ZOOMLION,

SHANGDONG LINGONG, ZHEJIANG DINGLI even increased their exhibition space this year.

"The success of bauma CHINA at this special time is of great significance. We were able to showcase our high-end machinery and core technologies. And we could meet many

new and old customers and make deals," according to an XCMG representative.

Yu Hongfu, Member of the Board of Sany Group pointed out:

"At bauma CHINA 2020, we have expanded our exhibition space and invited nearly 10,000 customers to the exhibition,

demonstrating the importance we have attached to bauma CHINA."

Shi Weizhi, Deputy General Manager of Zoomlion Sales

Marketing Company also was ver y positive: "In such a difficult situation, taking part in this exhibition allowed us to

demonstrate our technological strength and new products


to the industry, customers and the public. We will definitely participate in the next edition of bauma CHINA, and even expand our booth."

"bauma CHINA Community" platform to enable virtual participation

In addition to the on-site event, bauma CHINA offered a range

of online solutions, especially for international participants who could not travel to China. On the online platform "bauma

CHINA Community", everyone could virtually participate in bauma CHINA 2020, from the comfort of their home or office.

The participants could search for exhibitors, exchange

company information, get to know products, participate in events digitally and thus gain new market insights. Exhibitors

and visitors had the opportunity to communicate via live chats or video conferencing. Thus, participants were able to

generate greater reach and build their social networks in the construction equipment industry.

According to the statistics, bauma CHINA Community had

over one million online visitors. Rainer Hirsch, Member of the Executive Board of Herrenknecht AG was impressed by this

newly launched service: "bauma CHINA provided the online platform to build a communication and interaction bridge that breaks the limit of time and space between exhibitors and participants, who are not able to visit the on-site event. The combination of offline and online greatly facilitates communication and helps to achieve cooperation deals."

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德慕钢绳(上海)公司部分团队参加宝马工程机械展 Part of team from Firms Steel Wire Rope (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. exhibit at bauma CHINA 2020

德 慕 钢 绳 在 宝 马 工 程 机 械 展 上 展 示 的 各 式 钢 绳 样 本、 WIRELOCK® 钢丝绳浇铸胶水及各式钢丝绳保养设备 Firms Steel Wire Rope (Shanghai) Company highlight their samples of wire ropes, WIRELOCK® cold socketing compound and other compound for socketing wire rope terminations at bauma CHINA 2020

The next bauma CHINA will take place at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from November 22 to 25, 2022.



什么场合适合选择使用吊装带? 在吊装作业中,我们必然会使用到吊索具。吊索具的选用应与所吊运的物品种类、环 境条件及具体要求相适应。

在选用吊装带的时候,使用者往往会担心其被边角或锋利物割伤,怕高温、易产生火 花的工况。但尺有所短,寸有所长,那么什么场合适合选择使用吊装带呢? 一.轻便

吊装带的重量仅有相同工作负荷的钢丝绳的 25%,这就让吊装带易于携带、搬运,在 需要频繁连接、移动吊索具的工作中可以优先考虑。

建峰索具吊装带应用在港珠 澳大桥建设

建峰索具吊装带应用在港珠 澳大桥建设 (2)

图示:建峰索具吊装带应用在港珠澳大桥建设 40

吊装带重量仅有相同工作 负荷的钢丝绳的 25%

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World


纤维完全不导电,在容易漏电的环境下可以使用吊装带,还有在有易燃易爆气体的化工厂、易燃物 料仓库等环境下使用。



吊装带普遍有一定的耐腐蚀性,但不同材质耐酸碱腐蚀性不同。比如涤纶,耐酸不耐碱;聚酰胺, 耐碱不耐酸;而丙纶,对酸碱腐蚀都有良好的抵抗性,但有其它方面的缺点,比如延伸率太高;因 此,在一些可能具有腐蚀性的环境下可以选用吊装带。

建峰索具吊装带应用于中海油海洋石油平台渤中 BZ26-2 导管架吊装 (1)



建峰索具吊装带应用于中海 油海洋石油平台渤中 BZ26-2 导管架吊装 (2)

建峰索具吊装带应用于中海 油海洋石油平台渤中 BZ26-2 导管架吊装 (3)

图示:建峰索具吊装带应用于中海油海洋石油平台渤中 BZ26-2 导管架吊装 四.表面柔软、承载面宽

吊装带表面柔软、承载面宽这两个特点均对被吊装物的表面有一定的保护。比如轴承, 特别是大直径轴承,没办法焊接吊点,可以直接用吊装带来吊装,不会伤害到轴承表面; 比如游艇,吊装点不好安装,需要吊索具有大的受力面积以减少接触部位所受的压力, 防止对受力点产生损伤,大宽度的扁平吊装带就是比较好的选择。因此,选用纤维吊 装带可以很好的保护被吊物品的外观。



索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

建峰吊装带应用于澳龙船艇“新海威”号顺利下水项目 (1)

建峰吊装带应用于澳龙船艇“新海威”号顺利下水项目 (2)





2021 汉诺威工业博览会(网络直播) Hannover Messe 2021 (digital event) 时间:2021 年 4 月 12-16 日

Exhibition Date: 12 -16 April 2021


Official website:

Venue: Hannover Exhibition Center, Germany


Organizer: Deutsche Messe AG

主办方: 德国汉诺威展览公司

展会联系: 德国汉诺威展览公司 电话:+49 511 89 34466

展会简介: 汉诺威工业博览会是世界领先的工业技术展会。在“工业转型”这一核心 主题下, 展会聚焦当前工业产业的趋势和热点话题, 例如工业 4.0、 人工智能、 5G 和智能物流等。 2020 年,展会展出内容分为以下六大类: “创新技术及 未来生产” “自动化、 、 动力及传动” “数字生态系统” 、 “能源解决方案” 、 “物流” 、 以及“工业零部件”。 同期,还将举办 80 多场会议和论坛活动。 印度尼西亚 成为 2020 汉诺威工业博览会合作伙伴国。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:超过 227,000 m² 参展商:6,500 ( 来自 75 个国家和地区 ) 观众:215,000

Contact: Deutsche Messe AG Tel: +49 511 89 34466

Briefing: HANNOVER MESSE is the most important international platform and hot spot for industrial transformation - with excellent innovations or unusual products. Under the lead theme of“Industrial Transformation”,exhibitors will present the future of manufacturing in the age of Industrie 4.0, artificial intelligence and 5G and highlight the benefits of highly automated material flow. HANNOVER MESSE features six display categories:“Future Lab”,“Automation, Motion & Drives” “Digital , Ecosystems” “Energy , Solutions” “Logistics” , “Engineered , Parts”.It is home of industrial pioneers. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: over 227,000 m² Exhibitors: 6,500 (from 75 countries and regions) Attendances: 215,000

国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会 LogiMAT China 2021 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management) 时间:2021 年 6 月 16-18 日

Exhibition Date: 16-18 June 2021


Official website:


主办方: 南京斯图加特联合展览有限公司

展会联系: 南京斯图加特联合展览有限公司 电话:021-50810233 E:

展会简介: LogiMAT 品牌源于德国斯图加特,聚焦全球物流最新技术和应用。 秉承德 国办展理念,LogiMAT China 自 2014 年首次在南京举办以来,从整体风 格到组织能力以及服务水平,从活动水准到展商及观众品质,都给参与者 留下了高端专业的深刻印象。 2019 年起,LogiMAT China 移师上海,携手 亚洲物流双年展旗下的 2019 全新品牌展——亚洲智慧创新物流大会及 展览同期举办。内部物流设备、解决方案和物流服务的结合,带给终端用 户一场物流行业的饕餮盛宴。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:12,000 m² 参展商:109 观众:25,080


Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China Organizer: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Contact: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Tel: +86-21-50810233 E:

Briefing: LogiMAT China offers a complete market perspective in the area of intralogistics. This event move from Nanjing to Shanghai since 2019, and to be held alongside transport logistic China forum. LogiMAT China will feature leading European and Chinese intralogistics brands who will be presenting innovative technologies, products, systems and solutions for rationalization and cost-optimization of in-company logistics processes. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: 12,000 m² Exhibitors: 109 Attendances: 25,080

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

第二十一届中国国际模具技术和设备展览会 DIE & MOULD CHINA 2021 (DMC 2021)

Exhibition Date: June 29 - July 02, 2021 Venue: National Exhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai, China

时间:2021 年 6 月 29 日 -7 月 2 日 地点:国家会展中心(上海)


Official website:

主办方: 中国模具工业协会 上海市国际展览有限公司

Organizer: China Die & Mould Industry Association Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd.

展会联系: 上海市国际展览有限公司 电话:021-33885391 E:

展会简介: 中国国际模具技术和设备展览会(DMC 国际模展)创办于 1986 年,30 多 年来 DMC 国际模具展为中国模具产业的技术进步、交流贸易搭建了广泛 的平台。上海模具展专注模具及装备的技术引领、努力为模具为纽带的上 下游产业的同发展辛勤耕耘,成就了世界展览界、产业界公认的精密加工 与模具制造成形一体化装备权威专业综合平台的国际地位。 上届回顾: (2020) 展览面积:超 50,000 m² 参展商:近 600 家 观众:39,432

Contact: Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Tel: +86-21-62792828 E:

Briefing: Die & Mould China (DMC) is established in 1986 by China Die & Mould Industry Association and Shanghai International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Successfully held 19 editions over the past 34 years, DMC is committed to promoting the development of China's Die & Mould Industry. DMC enjoys the reputation as the first UFI APPROVED INTERNATIONAL EVENT in the city of Shanghai since 1996. Review: (2020) Exhibition space: more than 50,000 m² Exhibitors: around 600 Attendances: 39,432

2021 集装箱多式联运亚洲展 Intermodal Asia 2021 时间:2021 年 7 月 20-22 日 地点:上海世博展览馆

官网 主办方: Informa markets

展会联系: Informa markets 电话:021 2326 3657 E:

展会简介: 集装箱多式联运亚洲展是一场盛大非凡的行业展会,每年在上海召开,历 时三天, 将迎来全球集装箱运输与物流行业最富影响力的企业高管和精英。 本届展会再次落户中国——全球最具活力的物流市场之一,汇聚优秀的 供应商,以及全球集装箱、运输和物流行业的资深决策者,通过集装箱多 式联运亚洲展, 参与者将融入亚洲集装箱、 物流和运输行业的核心关系网。

Exhibition Date: 20-22 July 2021

Venue: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China Official website: Organizer: Informa markets

Contact: Informa markets Tel: +86 21 2326 3657 E:

Briefing: The Intermodal Asia exhibition and conference brings together 9,500+ leading international decision-makers from over 90 different countries, from all areas of container shipping, transport and logistics, making it one of the most important industry annual meeting points in Asia. Taking place in Shanghai, China every year, one of the world’s most dynamic logistic markets, Intermodal Asia will offer a unique opportunity to discover innovative products and meet suppliers in order to gain long-term competitive advantage.



时间:2021 年 10 月 26-29 日

2021 亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会 CeMAT ASIA 2021 Exhibition Date: 26-29 October 2021


Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China


Official website:

主办方: 汉诺威米兰展览(上海)有限公司 德国汉诺威展览公司

Organizer: Deutsche Messe AG Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd.

展会联系: 汉诺威米兰展览(上海)有限公司 电话:021-2055 7000 传真:021-2055 7100

展会简介: 始于 2000 年,亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会(简称:亚洲物流展) 与亚洲国际动力传动与控制技术展览会(简称:亚洲国际动力传动展)、上 海国际压缩机及设备展览会(简称:上海国际压缩机展)、上海国际工业零 部件及分承包展和亚洲国际冷链设备及技术展览会组成一年一度的亚太 地区工业盛会。亚洲物流展是内部物流行业的国际盛会,涉及物料搬运、 自动化技术、运输系统和物流技术,为全球展商和买家在上海搭建了一个 高水平的国际商业平台。 上届回顾: (2020) 展览面积:超过 80,000 平方米 参展商:700+ 观众:101,057

时间:2021 年 10 月 26-29 日

官网 主办方: 中国煤炭工业协会 协办方: 中国中煤能源集团公司

承办方: 中国煤炭工业国际技术咨询有限责任公司 汇显展览有限公司

展会简介: 中国国际煤炭采矿技术交流及设备展览会每两年一届,是中国较大的煤 炭设备展览会。历经四十余年的发展,中国国际采矿展见证了我国煤炭采 矿技术装备水平的提高、促进了国内外煤机装备的技术交流与融合发展、 助推了我国煤机市场的繁荣。是我国煤炭行业每两年集中展示新产品和 新技术的重要平台和同世界采矿界交流的重要窗口;是国内外煤机及矿 业装备企业寻找商机、开拓市场、提升品牌、加强交流、探索行业发展趋势 的绝佳选择。该展主要涵盖煤炭及矿业领域的主要装备和技术,包括井下 掘进、井下开采、井下运输、煤矿机电与动力、煤矿辅助生产系统、自动化 控制和煤矿智能化、 煤炭加工利用、 露天采矿、 矿用物质、 工具及加工制造。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:66,000 m2 参展商:645 家(来自 19 个国家和地区) 观众:约 110,000 46

Briefing: CeMAT ASIA is the leading show for intralogistics in China and thus the leading international trade fair for material handling, automation, transport, and logistics technologies in Asia. This event was founded in 2000, has seen a steady growth of their vistor and exhibitor numbers. The strong support from the market and partners, the presence of all relevant key players and the highquality concurrent events make CeMAT ASIA the most important and relevant platform of the logistics industry in Asia. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: more than 80,000 m² Exhibitors:700+ Attendances: 101,057

第十九届中国国际煤炭采矿技术交流及设备展览会 China Coal & Mining Expo 2021


展会联系: 中国煤炭工业国际技术咨询有限责任公司 电话:010 8429 3555

Contact: Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd. Tel: +86-21-2055 7000 Fax: +86-21-2055 7100 E:

Exhibition Date: 26-29 October 2021

Venue: New China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China Official website: Host: China National Coal Association Co-host: China National Coal Group Corp

Organizers: China Coal Consultant International Together Expo Limited

Contact: Together Expo Ltd. Tel: +852 2881 5889 E:

Briefing: After 40 years of development and careful cultivation, this event has been regarded as a brand exhibition that cannot be missed for two years by most of the industry elite and professional audience in China's coal mining industry. This event firmly believes that attending the exhibition is a process of value creation and quality improvement, a process of realizing the integration and collision of information, technology and opportunities and generating new business opportunities in a short time, and a process of transforming cutting-edge scientific research results into production. More and more enterprises will attend the exhibition as the preferred business and publicity platform. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: 66,000m2 Exhibitors: 645 (from 19 countries and regions) Attendances: around 110,000

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

第 23 届国际石油与天然气工业展览会暨研讨会 OSEA 2020 nd (The 23 International Oil & Gas Industry Exhibition & Conference) 时间:2021 年 11 月 3-5 日

Exhibition Date: 3- 5 November 2021


Official website:

Venue: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore


Organizer: Informa Markets

主办方: Informa Markets

展会联系: Informa Markets 电话:+65 6233 6638 传真:+65 6233 6633 E:

展会简介: OSEA 是亚洲地区影响力巨大的石油及天然气展览会。 始于 1976 年, 每两年, 各国展团、 行业专家、 各路高管皆汇聚于此,不但于展会上推介最新的产品、 服务、技术和知识,一系列备受关注的专题研讨会也相继登场。 上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:超过 22,000 sqm 参展商:约 1,000 家(来自 65 个国家和地区) 观众:约 15,000

时间:2021 年 12 月 7-9 日

官网 主办方: Informa Markets

展会简介: OGA, 是亚洲地区规模和影响力较大的石油、 天然气行业展会。 始于 1987 年, 每两年一届。 作为行业盛会,OGA 2019 将展示石油、天然气及石化工程最 新的技术、设备以及相关器械。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:20,000 平方米 参展商:1,992 家 观众:27,837(来自 53 个国家)

Briefing: First launched in 1976, OSEA has since grown to be the largest and most established oil & gas industry event in Asia. OSEA has been delivering content that is most sought after by trade professionals and continues to remain relevant by being acutely aware of the industry’s trends and needs. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 22,000 sqm Exhibitors: 1,000 (from 65 countries and regions) Attendances: close to 15,000

第 18 届马来西亚亚洲石油、天然气及石化工程技术展览会 OGA 2021 (The 18th Asian Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition


展会联系: Informa Markets 电话:+ 603 9771 2688 传真:+ 603 9771 2799 E:

Contact: Informa Markets Tel: +65 6233 6638 Fax: +65 6233 6633 E:

Exhibition Date: 7-9 December 2021

Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia Official website: Organizer: Informa Markets

Contact: Informa Markets Tel: + 603 9771 2688 Fax: + 603 9771 2799 E:

Briefing: OGA is the region's No 1 oil and gas event. It’s a show for the regional market and major players. OGA 2019 will showcase the latest technology, equipment and machinery in the fields of O&G and petrochemical engineering. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: 20,000 m² Exhibitors: 1,992 Attendances: 27,837 (from 53 countries)



elebia 是自动吊装解决方案和自动吊装设备领域的佼佼者,主打产品包括获得专利设计的 evo 系列 起重机自动吊钩、NEO 系列起重吊钩、自动起重钳。elebia 的产品通过远程操控来挂接和脱钩负荷物, 以此提高装卸作业的工作效率和安全性。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落,因而减少 危险。产品适用于任何行业,例如航空航天、建筑、能源、制造业、煤矿、码头、钢铁等行业。 凭借 evo 系列起重机自动吊钩、NEO 系列起重吊钩、自动起重钳及相关配件的智能创新,安全性和 高效能,他们的产品受到众多世界顶尖企业的青睐,譬如劳斯莱斯、Space-X、ArcelorMittal、波音、 空客、西门子、Tenaris 等等。

Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.


elebia is the market leader in automatic lifting solutions and equipment with the patented evo automatic crane hooks, automatic lifting clamps and the NEO range of lifting hooks. Remotely attach and release any load with no handling, increasing productivity, enhancing safety and minimising risks in a fail-safe way in all lifting operations across every industry such as Aerospace, Construction, Energy, Manufacturing, Mining, Moulding, Port and Steel, to name a few. Thanks to their innovative range of evo Automatic Crane Hooks, Automatic Lifting Clamps, NEO range of Lifting Hooks and Lifting Accessories, the company is drastically improving productivity and safety of global leading companies such as Rolls-Royce, Space-X, ArcelorMittal, Boeing, Airbus, Siemens, Tenaris and many more.

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World




索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World




安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)


索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Swaged soft loop slings

压接软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-125t

Bolt type bow shackles

钢丝绳环索, 6-696mm , ( 单肢 WLL) 0.7-6659t

Spliced soft loop slings

Heavy lift cable-laid slings

插编软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-111t

大直径钢缆绞接索具 ,70-408mm, (WLL) 27-912t

Single-leg swaged joint sling assemblies

单肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm, (WLL) 2.9-400kN

Four-leg swaged joint sling assemblies

四肢成套压接索具, 绳径 6-56mm (WLL) 44-540kN

Double-leg swaged joint sling assemblies


Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

双肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm (WLL) 41-560kN




Swaged soft loop slings

软环压制索具,6mm- 130mm, (WLL) 0.33T-163T

Spliced soft loop slings

插编索具, 6mm-130mm, (WLL) 0.27T- 136T

Wire rope grommets

无接头绳圈 , 15mm-696mm, (WLL) 2.6T-13978T

Heavy lift cable-laid slings

大直径钢缆绞接索具, 69mm-408mm, (WLL) 26.9T-886T

Single-leg/2-leg/4-leg swaged sling set

成套压制索具( 单肢、双肢、四肢 ), 6 mm- 60mm, (WLL) 0..33T-58.3T

Spelter socket wire rope slings (opened / closed) Single-limb /double-limb /three-limb/ four-limb swaged sling assemblies


Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式锻造索节,(钢绳) 6 – 51mm

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式灌注索节,(钢绳) 6 – 39mm

Green Pin® Closed Spelter Socket

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket BN (with safety bolt) Green Pin® Closed Swage Socket

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket BN (with safety bolt) Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Open Swage Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Short Bow Socket (Closed spelter socket) Green Pin® Wire Rope Clip Wire rope clips


浇铸索具(开式/闭式), 6mm- 100mm , 0.43T- 125T

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

中国帕森斯 链条 ( Parsons Chain China)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

Tel: +86-(0)313-2056580

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

(WLL) 8T-1300T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 120-130 mm, -20 ℃ up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 40-42 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃ Closed type, diameter rope 6-76 mm

(WLL) 8T-625T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 81-86 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 40-42 mm, -20° C up to +200℃ (WLL) 8T-1200T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 108-115 mm, -20 ℃ up to +200℃ diameter rope 6-76 mm

(WLL) 140T-1000T, diameter wire rope from 31-36 mm to 108-115 mm Wire rope clip generally to 13411-5 Type B diameter wire rope from 3-4 mm to 75-78 mm 美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in

Forged U-type swage socket

锻造 U 型插套 , SLR- 172

Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式锻造钢接头, 6-50mm

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式 灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Green Pin Tycan® Lifting Chain

Lifting chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, link size from 11x15mm to 13x30 mm, -40° C up to +70° C

Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain

Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60° C up to +70° C

Flat woven webbing slings


Round slings

Sling accessories G80 Sling accessories


吊带式钩具(双环扣,卡钩,扁平带钩,锚栓,自锁钩) G80 吊带索具配件(吊带双环扣,吊带钩,吊带羊角钩,吊带环,三角环,D 型环)

Wire rope clips

美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in

Flat sling


Forged U-type swage socket Round sling

Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

锻造 U 型插套 , SLR- 172 圆筒吊带

开式/闭式锻造钢接头, 6-50mm

开式/闭式 灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

Van Beest 建峰索具(JF) 振锋企业 (YOKE)

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868 +886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178




Tubular Slings

Double Band Slings

a wire rope running throughout the nylon-coated sling, light and ultra-resistant, capacity up to 3TN

双带吊索,由内层钢丝绳与两个末端手柄整合而成。 轻盈超耐用。 吊索末端已磁化,方便 与 elebia 吊钩的磁铁接合。 起重荷载 3 吨。

ends are magnetized, nylon-coated wire rope integrates the two sling handles, light and ultra-resistant, capacity up to 3TN

Big Bag Slings

吨袋吊索,设计用于固定吨袋的两个把手,并简化其远程接合的流程。 钢丝绳内置于该 尼龙吊索中央,以方便与 elebia 安全钩的磁铁接合。 起重荷载 1 吨。 a wire rope placed in the centre of the nylon-coated sling, designed to attach the two handles of the Big Bag and ease its remote engagement, capacity up to 3TN

Wide body shackles

宽体卸扣 ,合金钢 ( WLL ) 7-1550t

Bolt type bow shackles

S6 级弓形卸扣 ( JBB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-250t

Screw pin bow shackles Screw pin dee shackles

Alloy screw pin bow shackles Alloy bolt type bow shackles

Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Guided Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV Shackle Green Pin® Spring Pin ROV Shackle Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Spring Release ROV Shackle Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Sling Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Web Sling Shackle SC Green Pin® Tapered Pin ROV Shackle (D or F)


管状吊索,内层的钢丝绳贯穿整条尼龙吊索。轻盈超耐用。方便与起重机自动吊钩的磁 铁接合。 起重荷载 3 吨。




Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

S6 级弓形卸扣 ( JB ) / S6 级 D 型卸扣 ( JS ) , (WLL)0.5-85t S6 级 D 型卸扣 ( JSB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-150t

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

TB 级弓形卸扣 ( KB ) , 合金钢,螺纹销, (WLL) 2-21t

TS 级弓形卸扣 ( KBB ) , 合金钢,螺栓销, (WLL) 2-400t

High load capacity, grade 8 shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 125T-1250T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378 & DNV GL 0378 Standard bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 0.5T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with guiding tube and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 12T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 6.5T-250T, MBL equals 6 x WLL - for shackles with WLL 120T and up the MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring pins (WLL) 6.5T-85T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 12T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 7T-1550T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Standard bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Standard dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Shackle for synthetic web slings with screw collar pin (WLL) 3.25T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with tapered pin and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 6.5T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin BigMouth® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Sling Shackle FN Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Dee Shackle SC Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Theatre Shackle SC Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle SQ Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle SQ Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle FP Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle FP

Forged alloy anchor / wide body / chain shackles

Forged carbon steel anchor / wide body /chain shackles

Grade 8 bow shackle with screw pin (WLL) 3.3T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, ABS PDA & ABS MA Dee shackle with longer inside length, wider mouth and safety bolt (WLL) 4.6T-15.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -20° C up to +200° C High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 7T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL)120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Standard dee shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt, fixed nut and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C Bow shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6 Dee shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

Bow shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6 Dee shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

合金钢弓型 /宽体 D 型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓),(WLL) 1.2- 55t, DNV & ABS 碳钢弓型 ID 型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓 ), (WLL) 0.5-35t, DNV & ABS ROV 锚卸扣(带安全销),(WLL) 6.5- 35t

G80 screw pin shackles

G80 螺栓销卸扣,SLR-049, 7/8- 16 (WLL)2-8t

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86- (0) 21-6447 9417

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

G8 合金钢卸扣,弓型 / D 型,螺栓销/螺 丝销,5/16- 2in, (WLL)1.2-55t

Bolt type bow shackles

螺栓销弓形卸扣,SLR-362, 3/16-3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

Bolt type dee shackles

螺栓销 D 型卸扣,SLR- 363, 3/16 - 3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

Screw pin bow shackles

螺丝销弓形卸扣,SLR-364, 3/16- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.33- 55t

Screw pin dee shackles

螺丝销 D 型卸扣,SLR- 365, 1/4- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.5- 55t

S40 Automatic Shackle

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Matte black bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C

ROV anchor shackles (with safety pin)

G8 alloy steel bow / dee shackles (bolt type / screw pin)

Van Beest

远程遥控自动卸扣,(WLL) 40 tons, 适用于直径大于 45mm 的开口。自动接合和 释放负荷物。安全系数 4:1。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。 带有称重传感器 / 荷重元、LED 状态指示器。 ideal for openings of up to 45mm Ø, 4:1 safety factor, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, carries a load cell, LED Status Indicator

Tel: +34 93 543 4706 Elebia Autohooks




Swivel hoist ring, with alloy steel washer / ball bearing

Lifting point

Angular contact bearing swivels Shank hoist hook Eye hoist hook

Swivel hoist hook

Swivel bearing hoist hook Eye hoist hook with latch Forged swivel hook

Alloy steel eye hoist hook Forged swivel hook Forged shank hook Regular swivels

G80 rotation swivels

旋转吊点,(WLL) 0.3-20t

重力旋转环,子弹式/钳口式/眼型, (WLL) 0.75-35t 起重吊钩,(WLL) 0.75-30t, 5:1 环眼吊钩,(WLL) 1-30t, 5:1

眼型吊钩,SLR-130, (WLL) 合金钢 0.75-30t, 碳钢 0.5-20t

锻造旋转钩,SLR-132, (WLL) 合金钢 0.75-30t, 碳钢 0.5-20t 新型合金钢眼型吊钩,SLR-156, (WLL) 0.75-30t 新型锻造旋转钩,SLR-554, (WLL) 0.75-11t

Clevis Hook for Green Pin Tycan®

Green Pin Tycan® Grab Hook C GR10, G100 Green Pin® Hook E GR8

Green Pin® Alloy Sliding Choker Hook Green Pin® Pipe Line Hook Green Pin® Hook SE GR8

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo2)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo5)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

旋转环,SLR- 355 G-402, 1/4- 3/4in, (WLL) 850-7200lbs G80 轴承旋转套,SLR- 316, (WLL) 5/8/17t

对称旋转环,WLL 2T- 8T

Green Pin® JE Swivel CP

山东神力索具 (SLR)

新型锻造直杆钩,SLR-492, (WLL) 0.75-22t

Double eye swivel

Green Pin® EE Swivel

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

旋转轴承吊钩,(WLL) 合金钢 1-30t, 碳钢 0.75-15t

环眼吊钩,WLL 0.75T-30T

Green Pin® Thrust Bearing EE Swivel

振锋企业 (YOKE)

旋转吊钩,(WLL) 0.75- 30t, 5:1

Eye hoist hooks Swivel hooks


旋转吊环,带合金钢垫圈/滚珠轴承, (钢绳)1 /4- 2in , (WLL) 0.75-35t, 5:1

旋转货钩,WLL 0.75T-30T

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting and thrust bearings (WLL) 1T-40T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

MBL equals 4 x WLL and MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity (10) MBL equals 4 x WLL, (WLL) 5T

Grade 8 large eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-22T, MBL equals 4 x WLL Grade 8 sliding choker hook with safety latch (WLL) 0.8T-5.4T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Hook for handling cylindrical object (pipes, tubes) (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Grade 8 swivel eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-31.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,(WLL) 2.5 tons。小巧、紧实、轻巧,坚硬。自动锁。3 小时充电等于一周用电量。轴承可使吊钩自由旋转。带有电机保护离合器。顶部吊环 可定制。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。带有位置编码器。磁力系统、 远程遥控。保险杠带有 LED 状态指示器,可保护安全钩免受撞击和磨损,延长产品寿命。 small, compact, light & tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 1 week's power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumpers with LED status indicator

远 程 遥 控 起 重 机 自 动 吊 钩, 坚 固 有 力, 自 动 锁。 电 池 能 在 3 个 小 时 内 充 满 电, 在 待 机 模 式 下 最 多 可 以 进 行 5,000 次 循 环 或 续 航 250 小 时。 轴 承 可 使 吊 钩 自 由 旋 转。 带 有 电 机 保 护 离 合 器。 顶 部 吊 环 可 定 制。 独 特 的 故 障 安 全 设 计 使 得 悬 挂 的 负 荷 物 不 会 掉 落。 带 有 位 置 编 码 器。 磁 力 系 统、 远 程 遥 控。 保 险 杠 带 有 LED 状 态 指 示 器, 可 保 护 安 全 钩 免 受 撞 击 和 磨 损, 延 长 产 品 寿 命。 带 LED 的 保 险 杠 的 工 作 温 度 范 围 为 -20ºC 至 90ºC/-4ºF 至 194ºF。 获 得 DNV GL 2.22 认 证。 powerful, tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours’ power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, failsafe design makes a never-drop load, optional acoustic alarm, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumper with LEDs can work from -40ºC to 200ºC / -40ºF to 392ºF. DNV GL 2.22 certification for offshore lifting.

Tel: +34 93 543 4706 Elebia Autohooks

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Automatic Crane Hooks (evo10c)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo10)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo20)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo25)

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,坚固有力,自动锁。电池能在 3 个小时内充满电,在待机模式 下最多可以进行 5,000 次循环或续航 250 小时。轴承可使吊钩自由旋转。带有电机保护离 合器。顶部吊环可定制。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。带有位置编码器。 磁力系统、远程遥控。保险杠带有 LED 状态指示器,可保护安全钩免受撞击和磨损,延长 产品寿命。带 LED 的保险杠的工作温度范围为 -20ºC 至 90ºC/-4ºF 至 194ºF。获得 DNV GL 2.22 认证。 powerful, tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours’ power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, optional acoustic alarm, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumper with LEDs can work from -40ºC to 200ºC / -40ºF to 392ºF. DNV GL 2.22 certification for offshore lifting.

the rest of description is the same as evo10

NEO20 Lifting Hook for Bell Furnaces

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 20 tons

NEO50 Lifting Hook

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 50 tons

NEO100 Lifting Hook

Alloy Forged Link

合金钢锻造环,SLR-411, (WLL) 1-20t

G80 eye screw

G8 吊环螺丝,SLR-054, M6-M48, (WLL)0.3- 15t(90 度), 0.6-25t(0 度)


U.S. turnbuckles

KE Eye-Bolt TWN 1884 (NEW) Swivel hoist ring

Grade 100 lifting point

Elebia's biggest hook yet, Ideal for oversized lifting points of up to 180mm Ø, Safety factor of 4:1, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load

合金钢锻造圆环,SLR-038, 3/8x2”-2x12” (WLL) 1100-350001bs

G80 lifting screw point

Elebia Autohooks

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 100 tons。非常适合最大直径为 180mm 的超大起吊点。安全系 数为 4:1。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。具有称重传感器,LED 状 态指示器等。

Forged alloy steel link

G80 pivoting lifting screw

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,(WLL) 25 tons。其他描述与 evo5 至 evo020 一致,除了“获 得 DNV GL 2.22 认证”这一点。

G80 旋转吊栓,SLR- 173, M20/M24, (WLL) 5/8/17t

G80 万向转吊环(吊点),SLR-303, M8- M64, (WLL)0.3-15t(90 度),0.6-25t(0 度)

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

套环(美式,管式,BS464, DIN6899B)

美式花篮螺丝 (UC, OO, UU, OU, OC 型 ) KE 吊环螺钉 screw sizes M16 - M20 旋转吊环螺丝,UNC 螺纹

100 级侧向旋转吊环 (吊点),公制/黑化螺纹,合金 10.9 级

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417




G80 - Swivel Type Lifting Point TWN 0121/1

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0122

80 级螺栓式吊点 screw sizes M16 - M56

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0127

80 级螺栓式吊点 screw sizes M20 - M24

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0123 G100 - Swivel Type Lifting Point TITAN TWN 1120

G100- Swivel Type Lifting Point X-TREME TWN 1830 with ball bearing

G100 - Swivel Type Lifting Point XS-Point TWN 1890 G80 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN 0119

G100 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN 1882 with fixing spring (NEW) G100 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN 1872 with two welding brackets (NEW) KE Eye-Bolt TWN 1884 (NEW) Thimbles


Rachel/lever type load binder

Standard ratchet type load binder G80 master link Weldless links Thimbles

Allloy steel links

Green Pin Polar® JJ Turnbuckle BN Green Pin® EH Turnbuckle Green Pin® HH Turnbuckle Green Pin® JJ Turnbuckle BN Green Pin® EE Turnbuckle Green Pin® JJ Turnbuckle CP Green Pin® EJ Turnbuckle

DNV 2.7-1 container lifting set

80 级螺栓式吊点 screw sizes M16 - M24

100 级螺栓式旋转吊点 screw sizes M8 - M36

100 级螺栓式旋转吊点(带滚珠轴承),screw sizes M10- M64 100 级螺栓式旋转吊点 screw sizes M10 - M48

100 级焊接式吊点(带焊 接型托架 ), WLL 4t - 6.7t KE 吊环螺钉 screw sizes M16 - M20 套环,(绳径) 3-70mm

美式花篮螺丝 (H-E / E-E / J-E / J-J) 型 5:1

杠杆式/转式 紧索具,L-150, (WLL) 0.98- 5.9t, 4:1 转式紧索具,L-140, (WLL) 0.98- 5.9t, 4:1 美式无焊缝吊环, (WLL) 0.8- 15.9t 套环(实心型、重型、普通型)

合金椭圆环, forged 13mm-51mm, welded 57mm- 101.6mm

Grade 8 turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fittings and safety bolt for use under low temperatures, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 1T-12.7T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Guided Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin® Spring Release ROV Shackle

Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Turnbuckle with eye-hook end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-2.27T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with hook-hook end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-2.27T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fitting and safety bolt, generally to ASTM F114592 (WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Turnbuckle with eye-eye end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fitting and cotter pins, generally to ASTM F114592 (WLL) 2.36T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Turnbuckle with eye-jaw end-fitting and cotter pin or safety bolt (depending on size), generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

DNV 2.7- 1 集装箱吊索具

海洋工程专业无极环形索具,66-354mm, (BL) 3478-92124kN

Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN


G80 强力椭圆环, (WLL) 0.5-10t, 4:1

Endless wire rope slings for offshore

Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle BN

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

100 级焊接式吊点( 带固定弹簧 ),WLL 1.5t -10t

钢丝绳无极环形索具, 10-240mm, (BL) 63-29275kN

Anchor chains and fittings

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

80 级焊接式吊点 , WLL 1.12t – 50t

Endless wire rope slings

Large diameter cable-laid slings


80 级旋转吊点 screw sizes M16 - M30

大直径钢缆绞接索具,70-456mm, (WLL) 27-1183t


Tel: +86 (0)20 32222868

锚链及其附件,14-70mm( 锚链 ),73- 162mm( 附件)

High load capacity, grade 8 shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 125T-1250T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378 & DNV GL 0378 Standard bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 0.5T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with guiding tube and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 12T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 12T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV Shackle Green Pin® Spring Pin ROV Shackle Green Pin® Tapered Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin® Sling Shackle BN Green Pin® Sling Shackle FN Green Pin Tycan® Lifting Chain G80 - DNV 2.7-1 Type approved master links TWN 0803

G80 - DNV 2.7-1 Type approved master link assembly TWN 0797 for wire rope slings

G80 - DNV 2.7- 1 Type approved Intermediate Master Links TWN 0804 G80 - DNV 2.7- 1 Type approved bolt shackle TWN 0818

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +200° C

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Standard dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL)120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 6.5T-250T, MBL equals 6 x WLL - for shackles with WLL 120Tt and up the MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring pins (WLL) 6.5T-85T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with tapered pin and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 6.5T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 7T-1550T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 7T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Lifting chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, link size from 11x15mm to 13x30 mm, -40° C up to +70° C 80 级 DNV2.7-1 认证主吊环,Dia. 20-80mm 80 级 DNV2.7- 1 认证子母环( 匹配钢丝绳索具 )Dia. 26/22-63/56mm 80 级 DNV2.7-1 认证主吊环, Dia.13-50mm

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223 lifting-technology@thiele. de

880 级 DNV2.7- 1 认证螺栓式卸扣, trade sizes 6-8 to 45-8




安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

G100 European type connecting links

G100 eye sling hooks

G100 眼型吊钩,SLR- 1003, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4- 39.3t

G100 clevis sling hook with cast latchs

G100 羊角吊钩,SLR-1004, 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.4-19t

G100 master links

G100 强力环,SLR-1011, (WLL) 3.3-40t

G100 European type eye self-lock hooks G100 master link assemblies G80 master links

G80 master link assemblies

G80 European type connecting links

G100 欧式眼型自锁钩 , SLR- 1005, 6-22mm, (WLL)1.4-19t G100 子母环,SLR- 1012, 6-22mm, (WLL) 3-39.9t G80 起重强力环,SLR- 033, (WLL) 1.6-85.5t

G80 起重子母环,SLR- 032, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.6-85.5t

G80 改进型眼型自锁安全钩,SLR-737, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G80 swivel self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 改进型旋转自锁安全钩,SLR-755, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G80 swivel sling hooks G80 master links

G80 旋转货钩,SLR-040, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t 80 级强力椭圆吊环,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.25-37t

100 级强力椭圆吊环,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-39.9t

G100 connecting links

100 级蝴蝶扣,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-40t

G80 eye self-locking hooks

G100 eye self-locking hooks

G80 clevis self-locking hooks

G100 clevis self-locking hooks G80 swivel self-locking hooks

G100 swivel self-locking hooks

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

G80 改进型羊角自锁安全钩,SLR-738, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t

G100 master links

G80 connecting links

山东神力索具 (SLR)

G80 欧式链接双环扣,SLR-074, 6-32mm, (WLL)1.12-31.5t

G80 eye self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 clevis self-lock hooks (NEW)


G100 欧式链接双环扣,SLR- 1001, 6-32mm, (WLL)1.4-39.3t

80 级蝴蝶扣,链索 5-32mm, (WLL) 0.8-31.5t

80 级眼型自锁钩,链索 6-28mm, (WLL) 1.12-25t

100 级眼型自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t 80 级羊角自锁钩,链索 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.12-15t 100 级羊角自锁钩,链索 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.4-19t

80 级旋转自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.12- 21.2t 100 级旋转自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World G80 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch)

80 级可调式链条钩,带舌片,链 索 6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.12- 8t

G100 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch)

100 级可调式链条钩,带 舌片, 链索 6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.4-10t

G80 clutches

80 级链条调节器,链索 6-20mm, (WLL) 1.12-12.5t

G80 shortening clutches

G100 - Master Links TWN 1813 (NEW)

80 级 链条缩短器,链索 7-16mm, (WLL) 2-8t

100 级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 80/50mm, WLL 4t – 85t

G100 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 1795 (NEW)

100 级吊环, Dia. 8 - 45mm, WLL 1.4t–50t

G100 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2- and 3-/4- leg chain slings TWN 1810/1, TWN 1810/2, TWN 1810/4 G100 - Master Link TWN 1819 with Pin Coupling (NEW) G100 - Connecting Link XL-LOK TWN 1820

G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN1836 + TWN1837 G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1840/1 + TWN 1841/1 with heavy-duty safety latch

100 级主吊环 ( 带联轴器 ) trade size 13-10 100 级蝴蝶环,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10 100 级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-10 to 22-1 100 级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片), trade sizes 6-10 to 26-10

G100 - Clevis-type Shortening Hook TWN 1827/1 with safety pin (NEW)

100 级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

G100 - Shortening Claw RAPID TWN 1852 G100 - Bolt Shackle TWN 1871

G100 - Suspension Link TWN 1869 for one-hand use G80 - Master Links TWN 1313 (NEW)

G80 - Master Link Assemblies TWN 1314 (NEW) G80- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1315 for wire rope slings (NEW) G80 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 0795

G80 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2and 3- /4- leg chain slings TWN 0810/1, TWN 0810/2, TWN 0810/4 G80 - Oversized Master Link Assemblies TWN0815 + TWN 0816 + TWN 0817 for crane hooks G80 - Master Link TWN 0820 with Pin Coupling

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN 0798 + TWN0799 G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1340/1 + TWN 0858/1 with heavy-duty safety latch (NEW)

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

100 级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

100 级眼型滑钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

G100 - Clevis--type Shortening Claw TWN 1851

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

100 级子母环( 匹配钢丝绳索具 ), Dia. 16/13 - 85/80mm, WLL 3.5t-127.2t

G100-Eye-type Foundry Hook TWN1856 (NEW) G100- Combi Quick Fastener TWN 1853 (NEW)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

100 级主吊环,Dia. 13-70mm, WLL 2.51-75t

G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1814 (NEW) G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1815 for wire rope slings (NEW)

振锋企业 (YOKE)

100 级紧固件,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

100 级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10 100 级缩短爪钩,trade sizes 8-10 to 16-10

100 级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-10 to 22-10 100 级吊环(单手用)trade size 13-10 80 级主吊环,Dia. 13 - 110mm, WLL 2t- 160t 80 级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 110/80mm, WLL 3.15t – 160t 80 级子母环(匹配钢丝绳索具), Dia. 16/13 - 85180mm,WLL 2.8t - 101.8t 80 级吊环,Dia. 8 - 90mm, WLL 1.12t – 160t 80 级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢 ,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8 加大型子母环(匹配起重机吊钩),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8 80 级主吊环(带联轴器),trade sizes 8-8 to 19-8 80 级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8 80 级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片),trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Foundry Hook TWN 0856 + TWN 0859

80 级眼型滑钩和羊角型滑钩,trade sizes 6-8 to 32-8

G80 - Clevis- type Shortening Hook TWN 0827/1 with safety pin

80 级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-8 to 20-8

G80 - Clevis-type Shortening Claw TWN 0851

80 级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

G80 - Bolt Shackles TWN 0870 + TW 0871

80 级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-8 to 45-8




Green Pin® Thrust Bearing EE Swivel Green Pin® EE Swivel Green Pin® JE Swivel CP Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE GR8 Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Sling Hook CL GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Grab Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Alloy Sliding Choker Hook Green Pin® Pipe Line Hook Green Pin® Hook SE GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook E EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook CL EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook SE EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook SCL EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E EN 16773 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook EN 1677-3 CL GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S EN 16773 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook SCL EN 1677-3 GR8 Green Pin® Grab Hook E EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Grab Hook CL EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Excavator Hook GR8 Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR8

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Grade 8 needle bearing eye-eye swivel (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 needle bearing eye-eye swivel (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis sling hook (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis grab hook (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 large eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-22T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 sliding choker hook with safety latch (WLL) 0.8T-5.4T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Hook for handling cylindrical object (pipes, tubes) (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Grade 8 swivel eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-31.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 eye sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 clevis sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 0.8T-15.5T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 swivel sling hook with clevis EN 1677-2 (WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 eye self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye self locking hook (WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 clevis self locking hook (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 swivel self locking hook (WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 clevis grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-8.2T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 excavator hook (WLL) 1T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye foundry hook (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Hook GR8

Grade 8 flat web sling hook (WLL) 3T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Safety Hook GR8

Grade 8 flat web sling self locking hook (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Sling Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Sling Hook CL GR10


Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting and thrust bearings (WLL) 1T-40T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Grade 10 eye sling hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis sling hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR10 Green Pin® Grab Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Grab Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Master Link EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Master Link Assembly EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Omega Link EN1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Connecting Link EN1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connector GR8 Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connecting Link GR8 Green Pin® Master Link GR10 Green Pin® Master Link Assembly GR10 Green Pin® Omega Link GR10 Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link GR10 Green Pin® Connecting Link GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Connecting Link GR10 DNV Master Link

DNV Master Link Assembly Green Pin® Lifting Eye GR8

Green Pin® Lifting Eye Length as DIN580 GR8 Green Pin® Lifting Eye UNC GR8 Green Pin® Eye Nut GR8

Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring GR8

Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring UNC GR8

Green Pin® Long Rotating Hoist Ring GR8 Green Pin® Small Lifting Eye GR8

Green Pin® Weld-On Transport Ring Green Pin® Lifting Chain EN818-2 GR8 Green Pin® Lifting Chain EN818-2 GR8 Green Pin® Lifting Chain GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch EN 1677-1 GR8

Grade 10 eye self locking hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis self locking hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 self locking hook with swivel (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 eye grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 eye foundry hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 master link EN 1677-4 (WLL) 13T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 master link assembly EN 1677-4 (WLL) 16T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 omega link EN 1677-1 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 pear shaped link EN 1677-4 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 connecting link EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 round web sling connector (WLL) 2T-8.2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 round web sling connecting link (WLL) 2T-5.4T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 master link (WLL) 2T-27.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 master link assembly (WLL) 3.5T-41.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 omega link (WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 pear shaped link (WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Grade 10 connecting link (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 connecting link (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm, 11x20 mm and 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, DNV 2.7-1a (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, DNV 2.7-1a

Grade 8 lifting eye (WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 lifting eye length as DIN580 (WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 lifting eye UNC (WLL) 0.2T-8T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 eye nut (WLL) 0.2T-18T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 rotating hoist ring (WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 rotating hoist ring UNC (WLL) 0.4T-4.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 rotating hoist ring longer length (WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 small lifting eye (WLL) 0.5T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Weld-on transport ring (WLL) 1.2T-15.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 lifting chain (WLL) 1.12T-31.5T, diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 lifting chain (WLL) 1.4T-16T, diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 shortening clutch EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 18/20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 shortening clutch with locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C




Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Lock GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock GR10

Grade 8 shortening clutch with double locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-5.4T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Grade 10 shortening clutch with double locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-6.7T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Green Pin® Snatch Block Green Pin® Snatch Block HK Green Pin® Snatch Block S


Snatch block type 601T (WLL) 4T-8T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

Snatch block type 601HK with Hook attached (WLL) 2T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting Snatch block type 601S with Green Pin® Shackle attached (WLL) 2T-30T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Lifting clamps

Forged lifting clamps

水平衡吊钳 , SLR-710, (WLL) 5t

锻打钳座,SLR-646, (WLL) 3t

Horizontal hoist clamps for steel plate

横吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-10t/2 只,开口 0- 125mm, 重 2-33kg

Oil barrel clamps

油桶钳,(WLL) 0.2-0.6t/ 只, 开口 0-30mm, 重 1.3-5kg

Single-plate hoist clamps

单板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2 只,开口 0-150mm, 重 3-30kg

Vertical hoist clamps for steel plate Drum hoist clamps

Double-plate hoist clamps

Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp U-type Green Pin® Beam Lifting Clamp H-Type Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp V-type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp U-type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp V-type Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp H-type

Green Pin BigMouth® Beam Lifting Clamp H-Type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp H-type

C5 Automatic Lifting Clamp

eTrack Rail Lifting Clamp

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)


Tel: +86 (0)20 32222868

竖吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-16t/ 只,开口 0- 125mm, 重 2-80kg

圆桶起重钳,(WLL) 0.8-16t/ 只,开口 0-20mm, 重 2-7kg

双板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2 只,开口 0-210mm, 重 2-38kg

Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions and with an enlarged opening (WLL) 6T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Clamp for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams (WLL) 2T-10T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Plate clamp with enlarged opening for lifting and vertical transportation (WLL) 6T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions (WLL) 0.75T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Plate clamp for lifting and vertical transportation (WLL) 0.75T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Plate clamp with an enlarged opening for horizontal transportation (WLL) 3T-15T per set, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Clamp with enlarged opening for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams (WLL) 2T-5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Plate clamp for horizontal transportation (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

C5 自动起重钳,(WLL) 5 tons。全新的自动卧式起重钳是在安全可靠的条件下专为 起吊和运输钢板,横梁和管道而设计。一旦将自动起重钳具连接到负荷物上,自动 化程序便会启动。eMAX 遥控器远程操作,自动解锁 / 关闭。带有 LED 状态指示灯。 符合人体工学且使用简单。易于更换磨损的零件及钳头。只需 3 小时充电即可在待 机模式下进行超过 5000 个循环或续航 250 个小时以上。独特的故障安全设计使得 悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。 locked and unlocked by eMAX remote control, LED status indicator, ergonomic & simple to use, easy to replace weared parts and to change the tip, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours'power, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load

eTrack 轨道起重钳,(WLL) 2 tons。eMAX / eMINI / eINST 遥控器远程操作,自动 解锁 / 关闭。 配有可伸缩的弹簧钳爪,引导轨道钳定向和居中在正确的位置。LED 状态指示灯。只需 3 小时充电即可在待机模式下进行超过 5000 个循环或续航 2 个 月以上。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。

Tel: +34 93 543 4706 Elebia


locked and unlocked by remote control, LED status indicator, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or over 2 months' power, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, retractable spring loaded finger




安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging) Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain Green Pin Tycan® Ratchet Loadbinder GR10 Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder Green Pin® Lever Loadbinder HK Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder EN12195-3

Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK EN12195-3


Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60° C up to +70° C

Grade 10 ratchet type loadbinder Chain size 15x25 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity (10), Grade 10, Stf = 3000 daN Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity Lever type loadbinder with hooks Chain size 8-10 mm and 10-13 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks according to EN 12195-3 Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks according to EN 12195-3 Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)





Jian Feng Sling Co., Ltd.



Van Beest B.V.

P04 P13 P15 P17 P19 P21 P71


山东神力索具有限公司 Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.



JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd. 上海安峰起重索具有限公司

国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会 江苏赛福天钢索股份有限公司

Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd. Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

Talurit Machinery (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.

VITALI-INTL Lifting Equipment Ltd. JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd.

Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd. LogiMAT China 2021

Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope Co., Ltd.

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