LRW vol.42

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LRW covers: Wire Ropes, Wire Rope Slings, Wire Rope Attachments, Shackles, Synthetic Slings, Cordage, Lashings, Chains, Swaging Machines, Test Beds, Manual Chain Hoists, Lever Hoists, Electric Hoists, Crane Attachments, Fall Protection Products



hain of evolution




2020 年 7 月中旬,中国开始逐步恢复举行大型展览会,例如 7 月 11 日在上海落下帷幕的中国美容博

览会(China Beauty Expo)暨 SUPPLY WORLD 美妆供应链博览会,15 个大馆、10 个主题馆,以及数十

个品牌 VIP 馆,总计 22 万平方米的展览面积,汇集了美妆全产业链 3,000 家展商,以及来自化妆品全渠道 的买家采购商、专业研发技术人员,为接下来陆续开幕的展览会及研讨会开了一个好兆头。

8 月, 国 内 的 工 业 展 览 会 开 始 活 跃 起 来 了。 第 十 四 届 中 国 国 际 电 梯 展 览 会(World Elevator &

Escalator Expo)于 8 月 18-21 日在上海国家会展中心,第十九届中国国际海洋油气决策者大会暨展览

会(Offshore China) 将 于 8 月 20-21 日 再 次 回 归 深 圳, 汉 诺 威 LET 中 国 物 流 展(LET - a CeMAT ASIA event)于 8 月 27-29 日回归广州广交会展馆。

原本今年 3 月在北京举行的中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会(又称 cippe 振威北京石油展),该展

因新冠疫情影响,今年延期至 8 月 26-28 日,并移师上海新国际博览中心,与上海国际石油和化工技术装 备展览会(简称 cippe 振威上海石化展)同期同地举办。

接下来 11 月 3-6 日,亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会(CeMAT ASIA),11 月 24-27 日,上海国

际工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车辆及设备博览会(bauma CHINA)均与大家如期再次相约于上 海新国际博览中心。


博览会(Hannover Messe 2020)原本计划由 2020 年 4 月延期至同年 7 月,上海集装箱多式联运亚洲展 (Intermodal Asia 2020)原计划由 2020 年 3 月延期至同年 7 月,新加坡 2020 亚太海事展暨研讨会(Asia

Pacific Maritime)原计划由 2020 年 3 月延期至本年 9 月 30 日 -10 月 2 日举行,以上三个行业展览最终均 无奈宣布取消计划,改为网络方式进行的在线研讨会和直播交流会。







 2020 年 11 月 24-27 日 国际工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车辆及设备博览会 (bauma CHINA,上海)

bauma CHINA 源于德国慕尼黑 bauma 展,2002 年于中国成功首演,并与中国工程机械发展轨迹紧密结合,契合中国及亚洲市场的发

展需求,全面覆盖施工机械、矿用原材料提取和加工设备、建材机械、配套件及服务提供商,展示行业创新发展,成为供应商及专业观众把 握行业风向,洞悉市场动态的绝佳商业交流平台。《索具世界》今年将继续参展,为读者带来国际工程机械行业的最新动态,敬请留意!

[ bauma CHINA 2020 ]: 24-27 November 2020 (Shanghai, China)

bauma CHINA, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction

Vehicles, takes place in Shanghai every two years, is Asia's leading platform for experts in the sector. The four-day event will offer a

unique opportunity to discover innovative products and meet suppliers in order to gain long-term competitive advantage. The LRW team attend this great event every other year to hear about the latest development of machinery industries in and out of China. See you in Shanghai in this coming November!

  2020 年 11 月 24 日 -26 日 第 23 届国际石油与天然气工业展览会暨研讨会 (OSEA,新加坡)

OSEA 是亚洲地区影响力巨大的石油及天然气展览会。始于 1976 年,每两年,各国展团、行业专家、各路高管皆汇聚于此,不但于展


[ OSEA 2020 ]: 24- 26 November 2020 (Singapore)

First launched in 1976, OSEA has since grown to be the largest and most established oil & gas industry event in Asia. OSEA has been delivering content that is most sought after by trade professionals and continues to remain relevant by being acutely aware of the industry's trends and needs. The LRW team will attend this valued gathering and meet our industry fellows again.



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Visit LRW Magazine's official website

Scan the QR code and check out what's happening in the Chinese and worldwide lifting and rigging industry.




总 第 42 期

Special Feature



bauma CHINA 2020


向国内外索具行业各大企业及用户赠阅。欢迎业界来电索阅或洽 谈合作。


Lifting &Rigging World Magazine(LRW)is bilingual magazine published in China. It is widely distributed in China and the Asia Pacific. LRW covers the wire rope,

lifting and rigging industries wordwide, with a primary focus on China. The magazine is established to deliver essential information, analysis and insight into the fastdeveloping global lifting and rigging sector. ISSN 国际刊号 : 2219-5904 Published by 出版单位:



LRW Media Limited 《索具世界》杂志社有限公司

山东神力索具&中科院金属研究所合作研发“G120 级索具新材料” Shandong Shenli Rigging to develop new materials for G120 lifting and rigging products 维大茵特增设电动葫芦产品线 VITALI-INTL is ready for order for electrical hoists now

Modulift and pewag group announce strategic alliance

香港湾仔骆克道 315-321 号骆基中心 25 楼 F 室

Room F, 25/F., Lucky Plaza, 315-321 Lockhart

2020 亚太海事展暨研讨会延期至 2022 年 3 月举办 Postponement of the 16th edition of APM to 16 - 18 March 2022

Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Director 总监:

彭仕杰 Pang See Kit

Honored Editor 荣誉主编 : 余美慧 Michele Yu

Editorial Reviewer 责任编辑 : 石昀 Sharon Shi

Editor 编辑 : 黄丽雅 Mandy Wong



Designer 美术编辑 : 凌永铖 Anson Ling

Production 制作 : 冯劲烽 Feng Jing Feng

Account Manager 客户经理 : 黄丽雅 Mandy Wong



Editorial Office 编辑部

地址 : 广州市越秀区小北路 65 号华宇大厦 15 楼 H 室 Room H, 15/F, Hua Yu Mansion, 65 Xiao Bei Road, Guangzhou, China Postcode : 510045

电话 : +86-20-83545140

Email :

中国大陆独家代理 : 广州市博兮风广告有限公司Mainland China Advertising: Guangzhou Boxifeng Advertising Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Anfeng Lifting to supply "JPNHOIST Dual Speed Chain Hoist" GIS Launches New Chain Hoists, Trolleys

Reporter 编辑 / 记者 : 朱月容 Judy Zhu 杨茜 Yang Qian

安峰起重索具推介:JPNHOIST 新型双速手拉葫芦

bauma CHINA 2020 观众参观预登记开始了! bauma CHINA 2020 will take place as planned



粤港澳大湾区新动态 China proposed financial support measures for the development of the Greater Bay Area







Safe Lifting












山东神力索具&中科院金属研究所合作研发“G120 级索具新材料”

中国科学院专家组与山东神力索具相关领导合影 Experts visit Shandong Shenli Rigging, to discuss the collaboration between Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shandong Shenli Rigging on the development of materials for G120 lifting and rigging products

2020 年 7 月 23 日,中国科学院金属研究所金属材料专家闫




德胜博士、姜海昌博士、胡小峰博士、马俊飞博士一行四人及济 限公司(以下简称:山东神力索具),就山东神力索具有限公司 与中国科学院金属研究所合作研发 G120 级索具新材料合作研发项 目进行现场对接洽谈。



关键生产工序、检测中心、产品展厅、研发中心等部门进行了深 入的参观了解,详细了解了山东神力索具产品的生产检测工艺,

对山东神力索具产品的研发、生产、检测、使用等方面进行了细 致的询问了解。



级索具新材料研发项目”进行了深入的交流,对本合作研发项目 进行了细致的沟通。


方向发展,而其中的关键在于高性能索具所用新材料的研究开发。 新材料使得更高级别的索具产品具有更高的强度和韧性,兼具更 优越的疲劳性能和耐磨损性能。

G120 级索具是目前世界上强度级别最高的索具产品,目前

德国已经成功研发出 G120 级索具用新材料及 G120 级索具产品,

但在国内尚未有 G120 级索具用材料及产品的相关研究报道。索 具系列产品作为工业消耗品,用量大、适用范围广,广泛应用于 航空、航天、军工、船舶、码头、石油开采、森林采伐及工矿企



参观结束后,山东神力索具总经理杜大平、技术中心主任王秀刚等领导及相关研发部门负责人与专家组就本次合作研发“G120 级索具新材料研 发项目”进行了深入的交流 After visiting the facilities, the experts from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shandong Shenli Rigging have further discussion on their collaboration about the development of materials for G120 lifting and rigging products.

中科院专家组对山东神力索具主要生产分厂车间、关键生产工序、 检测中心、产品展厅、研发中心等部门进行了深入的参观了解 The experts from Chinese Academy of Sciences visit Shandong Shenli Rigging’s facility, testing center, workshop and R&D center


越高,我国对高级别的 G120 级索具的需求十分迫切,急需自主发 展 G120 级索具用新材料及其系列产品,以填补国内空白。



业。产品出口已有三十余年的历史。现产品有 G80 链接双环扣、

G80 安全吊钩、G100 链接双环扣、G100 安全吊钩等 1000 余系列、 6000 多个品种规格。目前,山东神力索具无论在生产规模、技术


同行业领先地位。本着创新求发展、科技求进步的发展理念,山 东神力索具始终致力于高档索具及其新材料的研发。因此,参会

人员对本次合作研发 G120 级索具新材料充满信心,相信在中国科

学院金属研究所和山东神力索具的共同努力下,该项目马到功成 指日可待! 12

山东神力索具总经理杜大平(白衣服)为中科院专家组介绍自家产品 DU Da-Ping (in white shirt), General Manager of Shandong Shenli Rigging, shows the experts from Chinese Academy of Sciences how their SLR products work and what advantages they have

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Shandong Shenli Rigging to develop new materials for G120 lifting and rigging products On 23rd July, a team of experts from Chinese Academy of

Sciences visit Shandong Shenli Rigging, to discuss their

collaboration on the development of new materials for G120

lifting and rigging products. This marks the start of a new chapter of innovations for Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd.

The experts are from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. They are specialized in metallic materials research. Secretary-General of Jining City's Advanced

Technology R&D Center (a subsidiary of Chinese Academy of Sciences) also join in their visit.

During their visit, DU Da-Ping, the company's General Manager,

accompanies the guests to have a factory tour. The tour gives the guests idea how Shandong Shenli Rigging's production facilities work, how they test products, how their R&D center

works, how their products are put in use. So that guests have

an understanding of the competence of Shandong Shenli

Rigging's products, in areas such as production capability, testing and R&D.

After that, the head of the company's Technology Department, experienced engineers from R&D Centers and Mr. Du, get

together in their meeting room to have further discussion with the guests. The discussion mainly focus on work plans, risk assessment and specific investigations.

All of them acknowledge that the trend for lifting and rigging

products is higher grade, less weight, enhancing strength and higher toughness. The key of this trend is the research and development of the materials for higher grade lifting and rigging products.

Nowadays, Grade 120 is the highest grade of lifting and rigging products in the world. Some manufacturers in Germany

have been successfully worked out the new materials and

manufacture Grade 120 lifting and rigging products for

the market. The Grade 120 products are widely used in applications such as aerospace, military, port, shipping, shipbuilding, O&G exploring, forest and mining industries.

The demand for Grade 120 lifting and rigging products in Chinese markets are getting higher. It's a great opportunity

for Chinese companies to contribute themselves to develop the new material and work out Grade 120 lifting and rigging products.

Shandong Shenli Rigging is a Chinese high-tech enterprise and have good reputation in the lifting and rigging industry

worldwide. With advanced management, the company making full use of high-tech research and development to produce

high-grade lifting and rigging. Their products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions for more than 30 years.

Main products include Grade 100 lifting accessories and Grade

80 lifting components. In particular, Grade 80 and Grade 100 Safety Hooks and Grade 80 and Grade 100 Connecting

Links, are popular among end users. With years of experience 山东神力索具总经理杜大平(白衣服)为中科院专家组介绍自家产品 DU Da-Ping (in white shirt), General Manager of Shandong Shenli Rigging, shows the experts from Chinese Academy of Sciences how their SLR products work and what advantages they have

focusing on high quality lifting and rigging products, the company keep investing themselves in the innovation and

advanced technology for higher grade products. They are confident for their collaboration and expecting to have great success soon.

13 13


维大茵特增设电动葫芦产品线 7 月 1 日,浙江维大茵特起重设备有限公司(简称“维大茵特”)


维大茵特董事总经理黄国辉先生说:“今年的 7 月 1 日对我


葫芦。电气部份,我们大部份是用欧洲著名品牌施耐德电气。我 希望通过这 2 年时间学习,我们的电动葫芦可以更上一个台阶。 我衷心感谢每一位客户对我们的支持,你们的信任,就是我们专 注及创新的最大原动力。”


为服务理念,以提升产品质量、加强新品开发为目标,同时降低 生产成本、保证库存充足、做好售后服务,以增强客户认同感, 为公司持续发展谋出路。相信在不久将来,我们会看到维大茵特 在国际舞台上散发出耀眼的光芒。


索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

VITALI-INTL is ready for order for electrical hoists now On 1st of July, Dennis Wong, Managing Director of VITALI-

INTL Lifting Equipment Ltd. announced that the company collaborate with their American partner on the development and production of electrical hoists, alongside with Schneider Electric.

Wong comments, "This marks the start of a new chapter of

VITALI-INTL . We hope our manufacturing skills of electrical hoist would advance further with the upcoming opportunities

and our hard work. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation for continuous trust and support from our valued customers and friends."

VITALI-INTL focuses on the manufacturing of chain blocks, lever hoists and related lifting equipment. The company is characterized by its high level of technical expertise,

manufacture experience and model varieties. VITALI-INTL aims

to constantly improving on quality and bringing in innovations

of products and services. At the same time, enhancing production efficiency and to ensure stock availability. Excellent after-sales services promote customer satisfaction. All these contribute to the sustainable growth of VITALI-INTL . 机械压接系统的创始者 - 始于1948年

压套机 各式套管 瑞典 制造

压接模具 熔头机

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电话: +86 8630 8590 l +86 153 8189 2699 l

15 15


Modulift and pewag group announce strategic alliance

Modulift is proud to announce a new strategic alliance with

products, passion for innovation and globally renowned

world and today home for a multitude of worldwide leading

together to keep the lifting industry safe."

pewag group - one of the oldest chain manufacturers in the brands for integrated safety solutions for man and machine.

This partnership will leverage each company's unique strengths and assets to expand customer reach, as well as to promote the service to a higher level.

Ägyd Pengg, Managing Director of pewag group is convinced

that "adding the know-how, products and services of Modulift

to our existing range of lifting devices is a perfect match. Aligned through our shared vision for the highest quality


brands, we are moving forward into the future working

"Combining forces to strengthen our products and markets

around the world, we will be increasing our global distribution network whilst continuing to offer unrivalled levels of customer service," Managing Director of Modulift, Sarah Spivey adds. About Modulift

Modulift are the global premium supplier of off-the-shelf

Spreader Beams, Lifting Beams, Spreader Frames and custom

designed heavy lifting equipment. Established in 2002, with

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

headquarters in the UK, Modulift is an innovative engineering

and lifting related products that are state of the art in terms

design and manufacture of specialist lifting equipment that is

pewag group provides a various number of integrated

company that provides technical expertise alongside the

tested to the highest worldwide standards. With their products used globally across the heavy lifting industry, sectors

provided include wind energy, nuclear, construction, and the oil and gas industries.

of quality, innovation leadership and customer satisfaction. solutions for diverse industries such as construction & forestry,

transport & logistics as well as for companies in the areas of raw material extraction and production.

About pewag group

pewag group is one of the oldest chain manufacturers in

the world. Its history can be traced back to the 15th century.

Today's success is based on a wide variety of premium chain

17 17


Postponement of the 16th edition of APM to 16 - 18 March 2022 1 July 2020 - Reed Exhibitions announced the postponement

After much consideration, and in the best interests of the

for 16 - 18 March 2022, due to continuing global restrictions on

postpone the 16th edition of APM and reschedule it to 16 - 18

of the 16th edition of Asia Pacific Maritime (APM) rescheduled

travel and business activities brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the meantime, APM will be launching a series of

online conferences and expo from September 2020 to continue

to provide the industry with meaningful ways to connect, stay updated and do business.

The organizer Reed Exhibitions have had many candid

conversations with their partners over the past few months

about proceeding with Asia Pacific Maritime in September 2020. To date, there is still much uncertainty on travel

restrictions worldwide, thus impacting both the exhibitors and visitors of APM who come from all over the world.


industry, Reed Exhibitions have taken the difficult decision to March 2022. Reed Exhibitions understand that this decision might come as a disappointment to everyone who has been

looking forward to attending APM in 2020, which was on track to deliver its biggest show, but the health and safety of the attendees and employees is the organizer's top priority.

While Reed Exhibitions won't be able to host APM this year,

they look forward to delivering an inspiring digital APM, and

also returning stronger with the industry for the next live edition in 2022, at Marina Bay Sands.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

2020 亚太海事展暨研讨会延期至 2022 年 3 月举办 新冠肺炎疫情在全球蔓延以来, 人类的贸易往来活动被迫暂停,

至今仍未恢复正常的交流。 2020 年 7 月 1 日,亚太海事展暨研讨会

主办方 Reed Exhibitions 宣布今年的第 16 届亚太海事展暨研讨会

(Asia Pacific Maritime)将延期至 2022 年 3 月 16-18 日举办。


行业动态,还有实现商务洽谈。 主办方期待 2022 年再次在新加坡滨 海湾金沙会展中心给与大家一场更优质的现场聚会。

这段时间,主办方跟合作伙伴详细讨论今年 9 月举办亚太海事



跟安全问题出发,决定把今年的亚太海事展暨研讨会延期至 2022 年 3 月 16-18 日举办。


䐀甀愀氀 匀瀀攀攀搀 䌀栀愀椀渀 䠀漀椀猀琀 䘀椀瘀攀 琀椀洀攀猀 昀愀猀琀攀爀    䴀愀搀攀 椀渀 䨀愀瀀愀渀

䔀焀甀椀瀀瀀攀搀 眀椀琀栀 䰀漀愀搀 匀攀渀猀椀渀最 䄀甀琀漀洀愀琀椀挀 匀瀀攀攀搀 吀爀愀渀猀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀  眀栀椀挀栀 椀猀 ǻ爀猀琀 椀渀 琀栀攀 ǻ攀氀搀 愀渀搀 爀攀愀挀栀攀猀 椀渀琀攀爀渀愀琀椀漀渀愀氀 氀攀愀搀椀渀最  氀攀瘀攀氀⸀ 吀栀攀 挀栀愀椀渀 栀漀椀猀琀 挀愀渀 氀椀昀琀 愀渀搀 氀漀眀攀爀 琀栀攀 氀漀愀搀 挀栀愀椀渀 㔀 琀椀洀攀猀 昀愀猀琀攀爀  琀栀愀渀 琀栀攀 爀攀最甀氀愀爀 挀栀愀椀渀 栀漀椀猀琀 眀栀攀渀 椀琀 搀漀攀猀 渀漀琀 栀愀瘀攀 氀漀愀搀⸀ 匀洀漀漀琀栀 猀瀀攀攀搀 琀爀愀渀猀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀 戀攀琀眀攀攀渀 栀椀最栀 愀渀搀 猀琀愀渀搀愀爀搀 猀瀀攀攀搀  眀椀琀栀漀甀琀 渀攀甀琀爀愀氀 瀀漀猀椀琀椀漀渀Ⰰ 眀栀椀挀栀 椀猀 爀攀氀椀愀戀氀攀 愀渀搀 猀愀昀攀⸀ 䄀搀漀瀀琀 䨀愀瀀愀渀攀猀攀 愀渀搀 䜀攀爀洀愀渀 最爀愀搀攀 ㄀  愀氀氀漀礀 猀琀攀攀氀 挀栀愀椀渀Ⰰ 眀栀椀挀栀  栀愀猀 琀栀攀 栀椀最栀攀猀琀 猀琀爀攀渀最琀栀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 焀甀愀氀椀琀礀⸀ 䄀氀氀 瀀攀爀昀漀爀洀愀渀挀攀 挀愀渀 猀愀琀椀猀昀礀 琀栀攀 䔀一㄀㌀㄀㔀㜀Ⰰ 䄀匀䴀䔀 䈀㌀ ⸀㄀㘀 愀渀搀  䨀䤀匀 䈀㠀㠀 ㈀ 猀琀愀渀搀愀爀搀⸀ 倀愀琀攀渀琀猀㨀 唀匀䄀Ⰰ 䌀愀渀愀搀愀Ⰰ 䜀攀洀愀渀礀Ⰰ 䄀甀猀琀爀愀氀椀愀Ⰰ 䨀愀瀀愀渀Ⰰ 䌀栀椀渀愀Ⰰ  匀⸀ 䬀漀爀攀愀 愀渀搀 吀愀椀眀愀渀⸀

䨀倀一䠀伀䤀匀吀 䰀椀昀琀椀渀最 䔀焀甀椀瀀洀攀渀琀 䰀琀搀⸀ 䌀愀瀀愀挀椀琀礀 㨀        ㌀⸀㈀ 琀        㔀 琀        㜀⸀㔀 琀        ㄀  琀        ㄀㔀 琀        ㈀  琀

㈀㐀㈀㄀ 匀甀最愀眀愀Ⰰ 䄀猀愀欀甀爀愀Ⰰ 䘀甀欀甀漀欀愀Ⰰ 㠀㌀㠀ⴀ㄀㌀ 㐀Ⰰ 䨀愀瀀愀渀 吀攀氀㨀 ⬀㠀㄀ⴀ㤀㐀㘀ⴀ㔀㈀㌀ ㈀㠀  䘀愀砀㨀 ⬀㠀㄀ⴀ㤀㐀㘀ⴀ㔀㈀㄀㤀㐀㐀 䔀洀愀椀氀㨀 猀愀氀攀猀䀀樀瀀渀栀漀椀猀琀⸀挀漀洀     栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀眀眀眀⸀樀瀀渀栀漀椀猀琀⸀挀漀洀

19 19


Shanghai Anfeng Lifting to supply "JPNHOIST Dual Speed Chain Hoist" Shanghai based lifting equipment supplier Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd. is pleased to highlight the "JPNHOIST Dual Speed Chain Hoist", which contains a new transmission

mechanism, thus automatically change gear and operate in a faster way. This is the innovative technology for traditional manual chain hoists.

The "JPNHOIST Dual Speed Chain Hoist" has the following advantages compared with the traditional manual chain hoist :

1. The chain hoist can lift and lower the load chain 5 times faster than the regular chain hoist when it does not have load.

2. Equipped with Load Sensing Automatic Speed Transmission, which is first in the field and reaches international leading level.

3. Smooth speed transmission between high and standard speed without neutral position, which is reliable and safe.

4. Equipped with an overload limiter. Ensure safety operation.

5. Adopt Japanese & German grade 100 alloy steel chain, which has the highest strength and the best quality.

6. Superior design of top hook holders for double / several columns of load chains.

7. Reinfore double pawl brake system and larger dia. pawl springs ensure reliable brake.

8. All performance can meet the EN13157, ASME B30.16 & JIS B8802 standard.

9. Patents: USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, S.Korea, Taiwan, China.

The "JPNHOIST Dual Speed Chain Hoist" have been tested

thoroughly and the whole series of 3.2 t, 5 t, 7.5 t, 10 t, 15 t, 20 t are in large scale production for the market.

Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd. is a professional sales company specializing in lifting equipment, rigging design and

installation, wire rope rigging and rigging accessories. Please

visit, or contact info@anfeng-chain. com for more. 20

Patents: USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, S.Korea, Taiwan, China.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

安峰起重索具推介:JPNHOIST 新型双速手拉葫芦 本期上海安峰起重索具有限公司推介的是『JPNHOIST 新型

9. 核心技术已获得中国、日本、韩国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、


『JPNHOIST 新型双速手拉葫芦』已通过各类检验测试,各





1. 无负载时运行速度是传统手拉葫芦的 5 倍。

来将不断推出更小型的 0.25 吨至 2 吨。

『JPNHOIST 新型双速手拉葫芦』有以下特点:

目前 3.2 吨、5 吨、7.5 吨、10 吨、15 吨、20 吨已量产,未

2. 负载时(上升或下降)速度与同吨位的一般手动葫芦相同。

3. 低速与高速两者变速切换时,无空挡无冲击,稳定安全可靠。 4. 配有过载保护装置,确保作业安全。

更 多 索 具 产 品 资 讯 请 前 往, 或

致 电 021-61766178, 或 发 送 邮 件 至。

5. 采用日本、德国的 100 级合金钢链条。 6. 采用双棘齿结构,确保制动安全可靠。

7. 各项性能指标全面达到 EN13157,ASME B30.16,JIS B8802, JB/T7334 等行业标准要求,品质卓越。

8. 配有自动变速器,属行业首创,达到国际领先水平。 销售业务和产品服务 立足上海,重点服务华东华北市场,我们销售的产 立足上海,重点服务华东华北市场,我们销售的 品涵盖各种规格的钢丝绳,钢丝绳索具,链条和链 条索具,吊带和吊带索具,安全带,防台风系列产 品,捆绑带和吊装带产品,海工船舶配套系泊钢丝 绳和舾装零件,手拉葫芦和手扳葫芦,卸扣,吊环 等起重配件。同时代理瑞典TALURIT,日本 JPNHOIST,维大茵特以及建峰索具等国内外知名 起重索具品牌。


解决方案 凭借近20年的丰富行业经验,和专业的资深技术团 队,我们根据不同的项目需要为客户提供完善的起 重设计解决方案,包括技术咨询、方案设计、产品 规划、到终端客户的实际使用操作、现场调试、售 后跟进等完整的配套服务。


检查,测试和证书 作为一家技术型企业,我们的资深团队由专业的技术人员 组成,能够深入检查产品的性能及使用情况,并提供第三 方实验室检测服务,同时提供DNV-GL, CCS, ABS 等第三 方检验证书,确保产品安全。

租赁服务 为客户提供优质的租赁服务也是我们的特色服务之一。在这里,专 业的技术人员会根据客户的需求提供客制化的解决方案,以合理的 价格搭配合适的索具产品,不同产品的租赁价格会根据不同的租赁 时间、吨位、长度、数量等因素而进行调整。 代理品牌:

上海安峰起重索具有限公司 SHANGHAI ANFENG LIFTING & RIGGING LTD. 电话:021-6176 6178 传真:021-6176 6112



21 21


GIS Launches New Chain Hoists, Trolleys

Swiss electric chain hoist manufacturer GIS AG has launched two additions to its GP series and a new generation of trolleys.

The GP1600 and GP2500 electric chain hoists expand the capacity of the range to 6,300kg, while the GHF/GMF manual

and motorised trolleys match-up with higher capacity in addition to optimised, quiet running and extended service life.

The GP2500 is a first in the company's 60-year history in that

it enables an increase in capacity from the previous 5,000kg in

two-fall operation and lifts 3,200kg in a single fall. The GP1600 boasts a lifting capacity of 2,500kg (one fall) or 4,000kg (two

falls). The range now extends from the 12kg light GPM250, with 320kg lifting capacity, up to the two new powerhousesavailable immediately.

As with existing GP models, protection class IP65 is standard, guaranteeing dust-tightness and protection against water. With

The GP2500, combined with the GMF6300 motorised trolley, achieves a maximum load capacity of 6,300kg in two-fall operation.

its compact, robust design, every GP chain hoist is suitable for both dusty environments and outdoor use. All shaft-hub connections are manufactured to a self-centring polygonal design.

Erich Widmer, sales and marketing manager at GIS AG, said:

For applications with an exceptional duty cycle in addition

therefore faster and requires no special tools, which reduces

with a frequency converter is available. Variable speeds and a

"Disassembly and assembly during maintenance work is service costs. The low-wear DC spring-loaded brake, as well

as a contactor control without sensitive electronics, ensures further operational safety." 22

to high switching frequency (multi-shift operation) a version soft start ensure precise, gentle positioning of the load. ATEX

versions (dust or gas protected) of the GP1600 and GP2500 can be used in explosive environments.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

The GP series and GMF motorised trolleys are available in ATEX versions.

The trolleys have a new type of adjustment system in which the

flange width is steplessly variable and can be positively locked by means of a locking function.

New trolley

Widmer said the trolleys feature side plates made of grey cast

(GHF model) and motorised (GMF model) versions, with a 26%

available in a corrosion-resistant version up to 1,250kg capacity

The new trolley generation, meanwhile, consists of manual higher capacity compared to previous models. A stepless, variable flange width facilitates on-site installation.

The GHF/GMF trolleys are designed for maximum flexibility and durability. They are available in four sizes with capacities of 1,250kg, 2,500kg, 5,000kg and 6,300kg. The helical gear and flat or convex rollers, with a larger diameter, can be tuned to the wing to ensure a longer service life.

Widmer said: "The flange width is steplessly variable thanks to

a new type of adjustment system and can be fixed positively by means of a locking function."

Importantly, the trolleys are matched-up to the GP chain hoists

iron with integrated fall and climbing protection and are also

for the food; chemical and pharmaceutical; wastewater treatment; and outdoor applications.

He added: "Both the electric chain hoists of the GP series and

the GHF/GMF trolleys are made in Switzerland; they are robust and designed for tough, everyday use."

Both products are guaranteed by an extended warranty of three years.

GIS AG, based in Schötz, Lucerne, has been developing and manufacturing electric chain hoists for 60 years and sells them via its distribution partners worldwide.

and form a compact complete unit. The product can also be

used as components for end carriages of underslung overhead

travelling cranes and are available with frequency converters for movement of the load without overshooting.

23 23


bauma CHINA 2020 观众参观预登记开始了! 2020 年注定是不平凡的一年,新冠疫情为大家带来了各种困





苏进入了快车道。今年 7 月,上海的线下展会顺利重启。慕尼黑 展览公司主办的三大展会在浦江两岸联袂上演,现场观众络绎不 绝,行业热情亟待释放。


械产业将如何发展?今年的 11 月 24-27 日,备受瞩目的工程机械 行业盛宴来袭,bauma CHINA 2020 在上海如期上演,倾力巨献 中国制造,尽情彰显中国力量。

在线完成参观预登记,即可省 50 元门票免费参观。

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World


一. 个人参观预登记步骤: 1. 扫码登记

扫描本文二维码进入预登记页面,或登录官网 www.b-china.

cn。 港 澳 台 地 区 与 海 外 观 众, 请 登 陆 英 文 网 站 进行预登记。

二. 为同事注册 / 多人参观步骤: 1. 登录官方网站


2. 填写注册信息

请按提示完整填写个人信息。为方便预登记本人后期接收预登记 确认函、为同事注册,请务必确认手机、邮箱、姓名准确填写。

2. 为同事注册 3. 填写调研问卷

请先完成个人预登记后,点击【已预登记观众登录】,按照提示 为同事 / 好友预登记。

完成问卷调研,以便主办方了解预登记人士的行业需求,更好地 提供观展服务。

4. 完成预登记

提交信息后即可成功完成参观预登记,预登记本人将收到【预登 记成功通知】。

主办方将在开展前给预登记本人的注册邮箱及注册手机号发送【预 登记确认函】及确认短信,请注意查收。

请留意:观众预登记通道关闭时间为 2020 年 11 月 21 日晚上 23:00。

免费参观展会须凭【预登记确认函】至展会现场换取胸卡后入场。 25


bauma CHINA 2020 will take place as planned ● More than 3,000 exhibitors

● Exhibition space: 300,000 m²

● Visitor registration expected to be open from mid-August


索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

The 10th international trade fair for construction machinery,

building material machines, mining machines and construction vehicles will take place as planned from November 24 to 27, 2020 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). More than 3,000 exhibitors are being expected.

China's economy is recovering apparently from the coronavirus shutdowns, and trade fairs are key to rebuilding economies.

China unveiled a series of economic stimulus policies and the investment in infrastructure is expected to increase by 10%. Thanks to this, it is estimated that the growth rate of China's construction machinery industry will reach 10% this year.

These figures were published by the Shanghai Securities Co., Ltd.

Preventive rules at the exhibition grounds

The health and safety of exhibitors, visitors and partners

will continue to be top priority. The notice and guidelines

of preventing and controlling the epidemic on organizing exhibitions published by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Industries

online registration of all participants.

International exhibitor participation at bauma CHINA

Currently country pavilions from the following nations are

already confirmed: Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Turkey, South Korea and a European Pavilion. Furthermore,

companies like Bosch Rexroth, China Railway, Lingong Group, Sany, Volvo and ZF Friedrichshafen have applied for bauma

China 2020. In total more than 3,000 exhibitors will present their products and services on an exhibition area of 300,000

square meters at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC).

Info for visitor pre-registration

1. Visitor pre-registration online: register

2. Pre-registered visitors benefit from a free of charge ticket (admission fees onsite: RMB50).

3. The online pre-registration will be closed on November 21, 2020, 23:00 (GMT +8:00).

Association will be strictly followed during the show, the various prevention and controlling security measures will be effectively implemented to ensure the safety and orderliness

of the exhibition. This includes besides the insurance of venue

sanitary and provision of on-site medical services also the full





2020 年 7 月 19 日,“一核一带一区”政策施行满一年了。









基础设施通达程度、拉近各区域人民的基本生活保障水平、维持 生态环境平衡、促进发展生态旅游悠闲服务。

那究竟什么是“一核一带一区”呢? 28




州、东莞、中山、江门、肇庆 9 市。根据政府大纲,珠三角地区“重 点对标建设世界级城市群,推进区域深度一体化,加快推动珠江 口东西两岸融合互动发展,携手港澳共建粤港澳大湾区,打造国 际科技创新中心,建设具有全球竞争力的现代化经济体系,培育 世界级先进制造业集群,构建全面开放新格局,率先实现高质量 发展,辐射带动东西两翼地区和北部生态发展区加快发展”。



索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World “一区”即北部生态发展区,包括韶关、梅州、清远、河源、

云浮 5 市。北部生态发展区是全省重要的生态屏障,根据政府大纲, 该区域“重点以保护和修复生态环境、提供生态产品为首要任务, 严格控制开发强度,大力强化生态保护和建设,构建和巩固北部

生态屏障。同时,合理引导常住人口向珠三角地区和区域城市及 城镇转移,允许区域内地级市城区、县城以及各类省级以上区域

重大发展平台和开发区(含高新区、产业转移工业园区,下同) 点状集聚开发,发展与生态功能相适应的生态型产业,增强对珠

三角地区和周边地区的服务能力,以及对外部消费人群的吸聚能 力,在确保生态安全前提下实现绿色发展”。


鼓励人口城镇化及迁移至经济发展更好的市 / 镇。图示如下:


域包括珠三角沿海 7 市和粤东粤西 7 市。粤东以汕头市为中心,

包括汕头、汕尾、揭阳、潮州 4 市。粤西以湛江市为中心,包括湛江、 茂名、阳江 3 市。根据政府大纲,沿海经济带将“重点推进汕潮 揭城市群和湛茂阳都市区加快发展,强化基础设施建设和临港产

业布局,疏通联系东西、连接省外的交通大通道,拓展国际航空 和海运航线,对接海西经济区、海南自由贸易港和北部湾城市群, 把东西两翼地区打造成全省新的增长极,与珠三角沿海地区串珠

成链,共同打造世界级沿海经济带,加强海洋生态保护,构建沿 海生态屏障”。





差异化优势,避免同质化竞争,打破地方政府各自为政的行政壁垒, 合力扭转区域发展差距扩大的趋势。


重塑人口结构、进一步简政放权、加快国家森林城市的建设工作、 构建全省开发区信息数据平台和一站式服务平台、逐步实现开发

区光纤网络全覆盖、推动发展绿色经济。。。除了核心城市的发展, 核心城市外围区域、沿海小城、深山小镇、市县级别的工业园等, 都开始发挥优势,实现因地制宜的差异化发展。


北部地区的自然生态优势,各市在积极推广自家的绿色生态服务 之余,也得到省委省政府的大力支持,在确保生态安全不被破坏




度假区;美的置业在韶关浈江区打造集旅游、观光、休闲农业、 康养、产学研孵化、商业配套、生态住宅等功能于一体的文旅项

目智慧松泉小镇;美的置业与河源万绿湖周边打造涵盖河源山水 文化主题、恐龙特色的集生态旅游、健康养生、文化体验、主题 乐园、商务会议度假于一体的综合主题文旅项目;等等。


涉及城际之间的公路铁路轨道交通建设、民生市政、产业建设、 教育医疗等项目。例如大唐南澳勒门海上风电项目、粤东液化天



项目、汕头新型特种印制电路板产业化(一期)建设项目、汕头 面阵探头及三维彩超系统产业化项目、明园汕头国际科创金融城、




江华侨城欢乐海湾项目、乌石 17-2 油田群开发项目、遂溪县地方 储备粮油中心库建设项目、广东(阳江)万洋众创城项目、明阳 阳江沙扒科研示范项目、潮州闽粤经济合作区 LNG 储配站 ( 一期 )





逐步实现大湾区主要城市间 1 小时通达、主要城市至广东省内地

级城市 2 小时通达、主要城市至相邻省会城市 3 小时通达的交通圈。 例如,广深港高铁(北往南方向)目前只到广州南站,根据

大湾区城际近期建设项目表,2022 年前广州市内将建设广州南到



现互联互通。珠海市与澳门特别行政区在珠海站、横琴站实现高铁、 城际铁路与澳门轻轨衔接,粤澳新通道(青茂口岸)连接通道将

与广珠城际铁路在珠海站内连接。2020 年 7 月初的深中通道第一






澳三地政府在这几年里陆续签订或者修改完善相关法律,以便更 好地发展湾区业务。



2020 年 6 月 17 日,广东省粤港澳合作促进会就这个问题组


纷调解委员会,探索建立长效的企业跨境纠纷调解机制。其中, 广东省粤港澳合作促进会法律专业委员会负责调解委员会的日常

管理,香港太平绅士林新强担任调解委员会(香港区)主任,澳 门法学协进会会长李焕江担任调解委员会(澳门区)主任。相信 这有助于加强三地法律界人士的信息互通,为粤港澳企业提供一 个有效的纠纷解决平台。



2020 年 6 月 1 日,香港正式实施《内地与香港关于建立更紧

密经贸关系的安排》框架下的关于《服务贸易协议》的修订协议。 该“修订协议”在不少重要服务领域例如法律、建筑及相关工程、 金融、检测认证、电视、电影等行业都增添了开放措施,譬如取

消或放宽设立企业的股权比例、资本要求、业务范围的限制;放 宽香港专业人士提供服务的资质要求;以及放宽香港服务输出至 内地市场的地域和其他限制;等等。该修订协议将进一步提升内

地对香港在服务贸易方面的开放水平,让香港服务提供商可以更 容易在内地设立企业和发展业务,让更多优质的香港服务更好地 参与内地市场发展。

2020 年 02 月 20 日,广州南沙开发区管委会办公室和广州

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这些扶持项目包括入住园区进行一次性现金奖励 3-6 万元,

经营贡献奖励,办公用房补贴、物业管理补贴、公共设施使用补贴、 行业交流活动补贴、品牌活动落户奖励、引荐特定企业奖励和特 别贡献奖。

2020 年 4 月 14 日,广州开发区知识产权局印发《广州市黄

埔区广州开发区推动粤港澳知识产权互认互通办法(试行)实施 细则》,即日起施行,直至 2022 年 11 月 25 日。该实施细则列 明可享受办法中扶持措施的企业、个人或机构的条件和港澳或新 “澳门新街坊”项目有序开展中,摄于 2020 年 7 月,来源于澳门特区

政府(“澳门新街坊”项目是在珠海横琴建设的集居住、教育、养老、 医疗等多功能于一体的社区,供澳门居民多一个置业选择)

加坡知识产权的认定程序,明确给予服务机构落户奖励与知识产 权从业人员资格奖励、给予开展知识产权担保融资、知识产权融

资租赁和知识产权证券化融资的相关企业补贴的具体措施、列明 以补贴方式支持知识产权仲裁、鼓励培养仲裁调解人才、强化调

解机制、设立 IP 金融超市、加强行业互动、以及促进粤港澳知识 产权互认互通的具体措施。



2020 年 5 月 20 日,香港行政长官会同行政会议根据《税务

条例》(第 112 章)作出一项命令,以实施香港与澳门签订的全

面性避免双重课税安排(澳门安排),该命令于 2020 年 5 月 22

日刊宪,并于 2020 年 5 月 27 日提交立法会进行先订立后审议程序。 市南沙区人民政府办公室印发了《关于落实「三区一中心」战略 部署优化提升广州南沙新区(自贸片区)「1+1+10」产业政策体

系文件》,有效期至 2021 年 12 月 31 日。为推动南沙打造成高 质量自贸试验区、粤港澳合作示范区等中心,该文件通过增补部


于 2019 年 11 月签订,是香港签订的第四十三份全面性避免双重 课税协定/安排。这将令两地从事跨境经贸及投资活动的居民无 须为同一收入而两地缴税,减轻其税务负担。

而早于 2019 年 7 月 19 日,香港财政司司长陈茂波已在北京

分新兴业态与新兴领域的扶持政策,优化了 12 条 2017 年出台的




「1+1+10」产业政策体系文件。优化的主要内容包括补充对现代 了相关的奖励比例,优化了实施的操作流程,并调整了部分难以 操作的政策条款。

2020 年 3 月 6 日,广州市南沙区人力资源和社会保障局也印


示范园区发展扶持办法》,即日起施行,有效期至 2024 年 12 月 31 日。该办法将产业园建设分为三个发展阶段,对在不同阶段进 驻产业园的入驻单位,给予十项差异化奖补扶持项目。

第一阶段为建设培育阶段,从正式开园至 2020 年 12 月;第

二阶段为成长发展阶段,从 2021 年 1 月至 2021 年 12 月;第三

阶段为稳定提升阶段,从 2022 年 1 月至 2024 年 12 月。越早进驻,

得避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的安排》第五议定书(以下简称“第 或内地的合资格教师或研究人员在另一方从事教研工作时,如有

关收入已在受雇一方征税,可在另一方享有为期三年的免税待遇。 同样有助于两地从事跨境经贸及投资活动的居民减轻税务负担。


融投资便利化、扩大金融业对外开放、金融服务创新水平、跨境 金融风险等方面推出具体解决措施。


刚过去的 7 月澳门方面恢复与内地通关,相信香港方面也在不远 之时恢复与内地通关,届时三地将继续深入发展粤港澳大湾区跨 境业务,努力打造国际级一流湾区。



China propose financial support measures for the development of the Greater Bay Area


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On 14 May 2020, The People's Bank of China, China Banking

In the first half of 2020, governments in Guangdong Province,

Regulatory Commission and State Administration of Foreign

laws, policies, measures and regulations to better service the

and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China Securities

Exchange have jointly issued opinions on financial support for the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (hereinafter referred as “the Great Bay Area”).

The opinions propose 30 specific measures from 6 directions

to promote financial opening and innovation and deepen the

financial cooperation between the mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao.

The directions include promoting the Great Bay Area's cross-

border trade, facilitating investment and financing, improving

the convenience of local and foreign currency exchange and

cross-border circulation, expanding the opening-up of the

Hong Kong and Macao enact, supplement and pass some companies and personnel work in the Greater Bay Area.

How main cities in Guangdong Province do in

accordance with the Greater Bay Area scheme?

On 20 February 2020, the Guangzhou Nansha Development

Zone Management Committee Office and the Guangzhou Nansha District People’s Government Office issued a notice

on the implementation of the “3 Districts and 1 Centre” strategic deployment, optimization and upgrading of the

“1+1+10” industrial policy system document in Guangzhou Nansha New District (Free Trade Zone). The main contents of

this notice include supplementary explanations or the support

financial industry, deepening the mainland China's financial

of new formats such as modern service industry, technological

diversification of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao funded

clarification of the relevant reward ratios, optimization of the

cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao, promoting the financial channels, promoting the interconnection of financial

i n n ovat i o n i n d u st r y, a n d f i n a n c i a l s e r v i ce i n d u st r y, implementation process and adjustment of some difficult-

markets and financial infrastructure, further enhancing

to-operate policy provisions. This notice came into force on 1

effectively preventing cross-border financial risks. Among

On 6 March 2020, Shenzhen Municipal Financial Regulatory

the innovation of financial services in Greater Bay Area and

them, the opinions propose to support residents of the Greater

Bay Area to purchase wealth management products sold by Hong Kong and Macao Banks through them, conduct pilot

projects of cross-border cash pools combining local and

foreign currencies in the Greater Bay Area and support banks in developing cross-border loan business.

This means the Chinese government is taking effort to further

support and promote the development of the Greater Bay Area in south China.

January 2020 and would be valid until 31 December 2021.

Bureau issued the Implementation Measures for Supporting the Development of Financial Talents in Shenzhen (“the

Measures”). The main policies in the Measures include offering a maximum of RMB 200,000 and HKD 100,000 support funds for each innovation and talent exchange activity

jointly organized by the Shenzhen government, Hong Kong and Macao financial institutions. Besides, eligible finance professionals with a practicing certificate may be awarded a maximum of RMB 50,000. The Measures took effect from 1 March 2020 and is valid for 5 years.



Same on the day of March 6, The Human Resources and Social

financing, intellectual property financing and leasing and

on the support measures for the development of Guangzhou

came into force on 14 April 2020 and would be valid until 25

Security Bureau of Guangzhou Nansha District issued a notice

Human Resources Service Industrial Park Nansha GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Talent Cooperative Demonstration Park. This notice divides the construction of the industrial park into

3 development stages and grants 10 differentiated awards and support measures to the units entering the industrial

park at different stages. These measures include subsidies

related to office space, property management fees, use of public facilities and industry communication activities, park

intellectual property securitization financing, etc. The rules November 2022.

Recently on 6 July 2020, The Shenzhen Qianhai Authority has issued application guidelines for recognition of headquarter

enterprises and cluster support in Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone.

In additional, governments in Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhaoqing and Huizhou also issued

entry awards, business contribution awards, brand activity

some measures and policies to attract high-tech companies,

special contribution awards. This notice came into force on 6

opportunities for high-level talents on finance, law, biomedical

settlement awards, referral-specific business awards and March 2020 and would be valid until 31 December 2024.

on 14 April 2020, The Guangzhou Development Zone

I n te l l e ct u a l P ro p e r t y A d m i n i st rat i o n h a s i s s u e d t h e “Implementation Rules for the Measures for the Promotion of Mutual Recognition and Inter-communication of Intellectual

Property Rights (Trial) between Guangdong, Hong Kong

high schools, high-end services and offer diversified job sciences, smart-tech, microcontroller and microprocessor, etc.

What Hong Kong and Macao to do with the Greater Bay Area scheme?

Recently in July 2020, the Hong Kong government announced

that an arrangement for mutual service of judicial documents

in civil and commercial cases between Hong Kong and Macao

and Macao in Guangzhou Huangpu District, Guangzhou

will come into force on the coming August 1. This agreement

conditions for qualified enterprises, individuals or institutions

(Amendment) Rules 2020 and the Rules of the District Court

Development Zone”. The implementation rules set out the that can enjoy the supporting measures and the procedures for the recognition of qualified intellectual property rights in Hong Kong, Macao or Singapore. The specific measures clearly provide service institutions with incentives for settlement

and qualifications for intellectual property practitioners, specify subsidies to support intellectual property arbitration,

encourage the cultivation of arbitration and mediation talents, strengthen mediation mechanisms, establish

intellectual property financial supermarkets and strengthen industry interaction to promote mutual recognition and

inter-communication of intellectual property rights between

Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The implementation rules also propose specific measures for granting subsidies to

related companies involved in intellectual property guarantee


is in accordance with the Rules of the Hong Kong High Court (Amendment) Rules 2020.

The entry into force of the Arrangement will provide certainty and ensure efficiency in the service of such judicial documents between Hong Kong and Macao. The Arrangement has set

out clear procedures for service of judicial documents, such

as direct transmission of requests between courts of the

two Special Administrative Regions, specifying the types of judicial documents that can be entrusted for service, and the information and language required of requests. The

Arrangement also requires that the court of the requested party shall endeavour to complete the requests for service within two months and issue certificate of service indicating

whether the judicial documents have been served on the relevant parties.

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Earlier in May 2020, the chief executive in the Legislative

The Greater Bay Area consists of Guangzhou, Shenzhen,

Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) to implement the

and Zhaoqing, as well as Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR.

Council of Hong Kong has made an order under th e Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Arrangement with Macao (Macao CDTA).

The order was gazetted on May 22 and tabled at the Legislative

Council of Hong Kong on May 27 for negative vetting. The

Macao CDTA will enter into force after both sides have completed the ratification procedures. The Macao CDTA was signed in November 2019 and this is the 43rd comprehensive

avoidance of double taxation agreement / arrangement signed by Hong Kong.

According to the Hong Kong Government spokesman, under

the Macao CDTA, investors will not have to pay tax twice on a single source of income, and it will bring tax savings and

greater certainty on taxation liabilities for the residents of both sides when they engage in cross-boundary trade and investment activities.

The Hong Kong government also signed an agreement for

the avoidance of double taxation with Mainland China in July

Zhuhai, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Huizhou,

In 2019, China issued a more specific development plan for the Greater Bay Area.

In recent years the scheme has been gradually rolled out with the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and

the Hong Kong-Guangzhou high-speed train, as well as interregion cooperation on other infrastructure projects, education and scientific research.

Under the scheme, transport hubs will be built within cities, connecting airports, train stations and linking intercity rail

systems with inner city transport. Hong Kong and Macao would also be better integrated into the regional grid.

There were still more supplement for the governments in Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao to help support carrying out the scheme, such as financing, laws system, taxation, recruitment policies and money exchange.

2019. Besides that, this agreement also issued the prevention

of fiscal evasion with respect to Taxes on Income between Mainland China and Hong Kong.

Additionally, in accordance with the issued orders and

policies, permanent residents of Hong Kong and Macao holding no foreign passports are permitted to apply for jobs at government institutions in nine cities in Guangdong province. Once recruited, they will be treated on equal terms with their

counterparts from the Mainland China with regard to salaries, pension plans and healthcare.

Works to be continued

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, or simply Greater Bay Area is an ambitious scheme announced by the

Chinese government in 2017 to link Hong Kong, Macao and

nine cities in Guangdong province to form an integrated mega economic and technology hub in south China.



起重机及起重设备的安全作业 起重机和起重设备主要用于运送大型或笨重的机器设备、物料等,使用十分广泛,例如建筑工地、工厂、

船厂、货柜码头及其他工业场地。使用起重机械设备(包括各式起重机、绞车、卷扬机、吊杆、起重滑车、 滑轮组等)进行吊运工作前,所有相关的操作员、吊索人及讯号指挥员必需接受专业的训练,并具备足够的 经验,以确保吊运工作安全顺利进行。



1. 起重机翻倒:负荷超重,工作地面不平坦或泥地松塌,起重机支腿脚撑没有完全伸出,环境因素突然改变, 荷载物高速上升或下降,荷载物突然松脱,以及操作人员没有依照安全操作守则工作等原因均会导致起重机 翻倒。倒下的吊臂、荷载物、起重机身均会引致人员意外伤亡或物品损坏。

2. 荷载物失控坠下:因吊挂方式不正确而未能绑紧荷载物,吊索从吊钩中松脱,吊钩或吊臂超负荷,没有使

用适当的吊具吊运或绑紧松散的荷载物等原因均会导致吊运中的荷载物突然失控坠下,造成人员意外伤亡或 物品损坏。

3. 吊臂或吊缆折断:吊臂或吊缆超负荷,使用损坏的吊索,或者没有按照安全操作守则工作均会导致工作中 的吊臂或吊缆折断,造成人员意外伤亡或物品损坏。

4. 被荷载物撞倒:在吊运过程中,操作员或附近活动的人过于接近作业范围,起重机操作员没有留意荷载物

的移动路径,地面操作员与起重机操作员沟通出了差错均会导致移动中的荷载物撞倒地面的操作员或附近活 动的人,造成人员意外伤亡。

5. 吊臂接触或接近架空高压电缆:操作员在操作起重机前需要仔细观察作业现场及附近是否存在潜在危险,

机身及吊臂要跟架空电缆保持安全距离,吊运全程需要委任合资格的讯号指挥员以及项目负责人进行全程监 控,否则容易导致起重机吊臂触碰或过于接近架空高压电缆,引起触电意外。

6. 吊臂互相碰撞: 在架设超过一台起重机的作业现场,如果没有委任合资格的项目负责人监控全程,起重 机也没有安装防撞系统,吊臂在操作重叠区容易发生碰撞意外。

7. 起重机械构件超出运作范围:如果各主要活动机械,包括吊臂、吊钩、吊运车等没有安装吊臂止动器及限 位制停器,或者某些限位制停器操作异常,操作员一旦操作错误,均会引致机件受损,导致意外发生。




机械、荷载物、吊运方法、吊挂方法、吊运路径、现场作业环境及应变计划,系统地进行风险评估、识别潜 在危险。然后根据评估的资料,为每种潜在危险制定风险等级,决定危险所属的风险系数(高中低风险)和 缓急次序,并制定有效的预防措施和紧急应变措施。







1. 实地了解工作场地的环境因素及潜在危险、起重机需与附近的障碍物保持不少于 60 公分的安全距离;


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2. 考虑选用的起重机和设备是否适合,运作情况是否良好,是否有破损,是否能够承受荷载物的重量;

3. 因应荷载物的形状及大小选用正确的吊挂方法,包括所需的吊索数量,吊索间的夹角度及捆绑方法,使用合 适的配套索具(例如缆绳、吊环、吊钩、卸扣、链条、合成纤维吊带、吊梁等),并检查确保吊索及配套索具 没有损坏;

4. 选择最安全最适合的架设位置和吊运路线;

5. 清楚了解荷载物的重量、形状、体积等状况,并确保荷载物已被绑紧固定; 6. 留意天气情况是否会对起重作业造成影响,台风及雷暴天气禁止起重作业; 7. 不可以起重机的主吊缆作为起重装置来使用,如有需要,可加设导绳; 8. 必须确保所有作业人员均符合资格及有足够的能力和经验; 9. 制定意外的紧急措施;

10. 进行较高风险的起重作业时,例如安装拆卸塔式起重机等项目时,可考虑实施安全工作许可证制度 ... 第二,控制及移动荷载物的安全方法:

1. 必须以安全稳定的速度移动荷载物,避免突然启动或煞停吊臂,也不可急速提升或降低荷载物,否则容易导 致荷载物过度摆动,致使起重机不稳,容易造成起重机翻倒或吊缆折断等意外发生; 2. 吊运中的荷载物必须尽量接近地面,以提高起重机和荷载物的稳定性; 3. 荷载物接触到地面时,不可用吊臂拖拉;

4. 若荷载物过度摇摆或旋转,需稳定绳索来控制荷载物的摆动幅度; 5. 不可同时吊运两个及以上的荷载物; 6. 人不可站在荷载物上。






由合资格的专业人士,譬如起重机或起重设备操作员,对设备进行定期测试、检验和全面检查。检查范围包括缆索、 滑轮、制动器、安全负荷显示器、接地导线、电路保护装置、吊臂或吊杆的平直度等,检查是否有异常磨损、漏油、 过热、噪音、错位、移位、裂缝等情况。



1. 进行降低意外风险的预防性维修;

2. 进行制造商建议的定期及特定维修;

3. 遵照制造商的建议和规则来修理、更换组件; 4. 保存所有关联记录,譬如检验、维修记录等。





Safe lifting The lifting of objects generally occurs on construction sites, factories, ports, shipyards and

other industrial situations. Correct lifting can help to move large objects efficiently and reduce

manual handling operations. Incorrect lifting however, may lead to disastrous accidents. Every year, incorrect lifting procedures cause injuries, loss of work time and property. People,

machinery, loads, methods and the work environment, are all important factors for correct lifting.

To make sure a safe lifting operations, operators shall be take each steps in consideration: 1. Know the weight and shape of the load. When lifting large or heavy loads, wind and operator visibility must be considered.

2. Plan a suitable lifting route, to avoid collision with any persons, objects or overhead power lines.

3. Do not drag loads.

4. Move the loads as near to the ground level as possible. 5. Stop people from standing in the lifting area. 6. Do not ride on a load that is being lifted.

7. When the crane is in operation, it must maintain a distance of at least 60 cm from any barriers or buildings.

8. When visibility is blocked, the signal man shall render assistance.

9. Lifting the load at a low speed so that the sling tightens slowly and maintains a balanced position.

Safe lifting can be affected by rain, thunderstorms, strong winds, ground conditions and overhead power lines.

Rains creates wet and slippery ground, loose soil and landslides, etc. Depending on

the situation, the operator shall decide whether to continue working or not. When the soil is loose and could cause danger to the crane's stability, lifting work must be stopped. During thunderstorms, must stop lifting operations immediately.

In strong winds, decrease the weight of the Safe Working Load to improve safety. If the wind intensifies, work must be stopped.

Stay well clear of overhead power lines. The safety margin must be the jib's distance + 6

metres, or the distance suggested by the electricity suppliers. Instruction from the signalman is required for safety operation

Incorrect lifting however, may lead to disastrous accidents. Common accidents in lifting operations as bellows:

1. Overturning of the crane 2. Falling objects

3. Breaking the boom sling


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4. Touching overhead power lines 5. Collision with obstacles

6. Lifting accessories out of work

Personnel related to the lifting operation play key roles in safe lifting operation. They include

"competent examiner", "competent person", "crane operator", "slinger", "signaler" and other people working nearby.

The "competent examiner" is responsible for regular examinations of the lifting appliances or lifting gears. The "competent person" is responsible for regular inspections of lifting appliances

or lifting gears. The "crane operator" is responsible for operating the crane correctly and safely. The "slinger" is responsible for attaching and detaching the load to and from the crane. The "signaller" is responsible for relaying the signal from the slinger to the crane operator.

During the lifting operation, either the slinger or signaller shall communicate with the crane operator. Other communication methods (e.g., wireless walkie-talkies, telephones, etc.) may also be used.

Machinery, refers to lifting appliances and all lifting gears, also plays key roles in safe lifting operation.

The lifting appliance includes a crab, winch, teagle, pulley block, gin wheel, crane, shearleg, excavator, pile driver, pile extractor, dragline, aerial rope way, aerial cableway transporter or overhead runway, etc.

The Safe Working Load for operating the crane shall be specified according to the results of test and examination certificates, and such loads must not be exceeded during the lifting operation.

All cranes shall have regular maintenance, to ensure they always kept in good operating conditions.

There is a great variety of lifting gears, which include wire rope, chain sling, rope sling, ring or similar gear, link, hook, plate clamp, shackle, swivel or eyebolt, aiming to tie the objects tightly and hang them on the crane.

If there is insufficient knowledge or a wrong choice is made, lifting may fail and accidents may result. All lifting gears shall be tested by qualified examiners and suitably marked with a Safe Working Load.

All testing and examination of cranes must be carried out by competent examiners and the regular inspections completed by competent personnel. All testing, examination and inspection reports and certificates shall be properly kept in documentation.



时间:2020 年 10 月 06-09 日

第五届马来西亚石油天然气服务博览会暨研讨会 The 5th Malaysia Oil & Gas Service Exhibition and Conference (MOGSEC 2020) Exhibition Date: 06- 09 October 2020

Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Malaysia


Official website:


Organizer: Informa Markets

主办方: Informa Markets

展会联系: Informa Markets 电话:+603 9771 2688 传真:+603 9771 2799 E:

展会简介: 马来西亚是东南亚地区石油天然气行业的服务中心,为了更有效地推动 该地区的石油行业发展,马来西亚石油天然气展览服务理事会希望把全 球各地的油服供应商聚集在一起,深入探究行业前景。 本展览会 MOGSEC 最标志性的特点就是以马来西亚本地油服企业为主展示最新的产品和技 术,地区性明显。自 2012 年首次开展以来,MOGSEC 就已经明确马来西 亚国内石油天然气蓬勃发展,有足够能力推动本国成为东南亚地区的石 油天然气产业中心。历届的成功经验将促使 MOGSEC 进一步助力本国石 油天然气行业向前发展,并推动本地区的油气产业加速成长

上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:5,000 m² 参展商:350 家企业 观众:8,000 专业商务人士

Contact: Informa Markets Tel: +603 9771 2688 Fax: +603 9771 2799 E:

Briefing: In the efforts to effectively boost Malaysias profile towards becoming the regional hub for Oil & Gas services, the Malaysian Oil & Gas Services Council (MOGSC) aims to bring together the Oil & Gas service providers. The iconic identity for the MOGSEC series is an exclusive event which showcases the players based in Malaysia. From its first appearance in 2012, it was clear that Malaysia has the home grown talent and capability to promote Malaysia as the region’s Oil & Gas hub. By enhancing the industry and building on its success, MOGSEC 2020 will continue to champion Malaysia as a hub for Oil & Gas services to the region and accelerate regional growth in Oil & Gas. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 5,000 sqm Exhibitors: 350 participating companies Attendances: 8,000 trade and professional visitors

2020 亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会 CeMAT ASIA 2020 时间:2020 年 11 月 3-6 日

Exhibition Date: 03-06 November 2020


Official website:


主办方: 汉诺威米兰展览(上海)有限公司 德国汉诺威展览公司

展会联系: 汉诺威米兰展览(上海)有限公司 电话:021-2055 7000 传真:021-2055 7100

展会简介: 始于 2000 年,亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会(简称:亚洲物流展) 与亚洲国际动力传动与控制技术展览会(简称: 亚洲国际动力传动展)、上 海国际压缩机及设备展览会(简称: 上海国际压缩机展)、上海国际工业零 部件及分承包展和亚洲国际冷链设备及技术展览会组成一年一度的亚太 地区工业盛会。亚洲物流展是内部物流行业的国际盛会,涉及物料搬运、 自动化技术、运输系统和物流技术,为全球展商和买家在上海搭建了一个 高水平的国际商业平台。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:超过 85,000 平方米 参展商:800+ 观众:142,975 40

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre, China Organizer: Deutsche Messe AG Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd. Contact: Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd. Tel: +86-21-2055 7000 Fax: +86-21-2055 7100 E:

Briefing: CeMAT ASIA is the leading show for intralogistics in China and thus the leading international trade fair for material handling, automation, transport, and logistics technologies in Asia. This event was founded in 2000, has seen a steady growth of their vistor and exhibitor numbers. The strong support from the market and partners, the presence of all relevant key players and the highquality concurrent events make CeMAT ASIA the most important and relevant platform of the logistics industry in Asia. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: over 85,000 m² Exhibitors:800+ Attendances: 142,975

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时间:2020 年 11 月 24-27 日

上海国际工程机械、建材机械、矿山机械、工程车辆及设备 博览会(简称“上海宝马工程机械展” ) bauma China 2020 Exhibition Date: 24-27 November 2020


Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center, China Official website:


Contact: Messe München GmbH Tel: +49 89 949 20252 E:

展会联系: 慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司 电话: 021 2020 5500 转 648 E: 主办方:


慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司 中国工程机械工业协会

中国国际贸易促进委员会机械行业分会 中工工程机械成套有限公司

展会简介: 母 展 为 慕 尼 黑 bauma 展,每 两 年 一 届,自 2002 年 成 功 首 演,bauma China 与中国工程机械发展轨迹紧密结合,契合中国及亚洲市场的发展 需求,全面覆盖施工机械、矿用原材料提取和加工设备、建材机械、配套件 及服务提供商, 展示行业创新发展, 成为供应商及专业观众把握行业风向, 洞悉市场动态的最佳商业交流平台。 上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:330,000 m² 参展商:3,350 家(来自 38 个国家和地区) 观众:212,500

时间:2020 年 11 月 24 日 -26 日

官网 主办方: Informa Markets

展会简介: OSEA 是全球最大的亚洲石油及天然气展览会,始于 1976 年,每两年一届。 每年各国展团、行业专家、各路高管皆汇聚于此,不但于展会上推介最新 的产品、服务、技术和知识,一系列备受关注的专题研讨会也相继登场。 上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:超过 22,000 sqm 参展商:约 1,000 家(来自 65 个国家和地区) 观众:约 15,000

Briefing: bauma China, the International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles, takes place in Shanghai every two years, is Asia's leading platform for experts in the sector. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 330,000 m² Exhibitors: 3,350 (from 38 countries and regions) Attendances: 212,500

第 23 届国际石油与天然气工业展览会暨研讨会 The 23nd International Oil & Gas Industry Exhibition & Conference (OSEA 2020)


展会联系: Informa Markets 电话:+65 6233 6638 传真:+65 6233 6633 E:

Organizer: Messe München GmbH Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd. CCMA - China Construction Machinery Association CCPIT-MSC - China Council for the Promotion of International Trade - Machinery Sub-Council CNCMC - China Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.

Exhibition Date: 24- 26 November 2020 Venue: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Official website: Organizer: Informa Markets

Contact: Informa Markets Tel: +65 6233 6638 Fax: +65 6233 6633 E:

Briefing: First launched in 1976, OSEA has since grown to be the largest and most established oil & gas industry event in Asia. OSEA has been delivering content that is most sought after by trade professionals and continues to remain relevant by being acutely aware of the industry's trends and needs. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 22,000 sqm Exhibitors: 1,000 (from 65 countries and regions) Attendances: close to 15,000



时间:2021 年 2 月 21-24 日

2021 科隆国际五金博览会 International Hardware Fair Cologne 2021 (EISENWARENMESSE) Exhibition Date: 21-24 February 2021

Venue: Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany


Official website:


Contact: Koelnmesse GmbH Tel: +49 221 821-3998 Fax: +49 221 821-3999 E:

展会联系: 科隆展览(中国)有限公司 电话 : 010 6590 7766 传真:010 6590 6139 E: 主办方: 德国科隆展览公司

展会简介: 科隆国际五金博览会由德国科隆国际展览公司于 1924 年创办,是目前世 界上规模最大、影响力最深的五金工具专业展之一。每两年举办一次,不 仅是五金工具及 DIY 应用产业发展趋势的风向球,更是厂商与全球买主 联系的最佳商业平台,本展为国际买主公认必访的国际五金盛展,展品涵 括工具、紧固件 & 嵌固件、连接件、工业供给、家居装饰等。

上届回顾: (2018) 展览面积:144,000 m² 参展商:2,770 家(来自 58 个国家) 观众:约 47,000(来自 143 个国家)

时间:2021 年 3 月 9-11 日

第 18 届国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会 LogiMAT 2021 (18th International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management)

官网 主办方: 欧洲展览会议公司

展会简介: 德国斯图加特的国际内部物流解决方案及流程管理展览会(LogiMAT)自 2003 年举办以来,已拥有 17 年历史,获得众多国际知名企业多年的支持 与认可。 作为年度物流盛会,LogiMAT 旨在为内部物流行业搭建一个解决 方案技术的交流平台,帮助企业优化供应链、 提高物流效率、 节省物流成本。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:120,000 m² 参展商:1,624 家(来自 42 个国家和地区) 观众:61,740


Briefing: From February 21 to February 24 in 2021, over a period of four days, the most important decision-makers, manufacturers and trade visitors from all over the world will meet up in the exhibition halls of Koelnmesse to experience pioneering innovations and the most exciting trends, establish contacts and do the biggest business of the year. Review: (2018) Exhibition space: 144,000 m² Exhibitors: 2,770 (from 58 countries) Attendances: around 47,000 (from 143countries)


展会联系: 欧洲展览会议公司 电话:+49 89 32391-259 传真:+49 89 32391-246 E:

Organizer: Koelnmesse GmbH

Exhibition Date: 9- 11 March 2021

Venue:Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre, Germany Official website: Organizer: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Contact: EUROEXPO Messe- und Kongress-GmbH Tel.: +49 89 32391-259 Fax: +49 89 32391-246 E:

Briefing: LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management, sets new standards as one of the biggest annual intralogistics exhibition in Europe. LogiMAT provides a comprehensive market overview and competent knowledgetransfer. The unique infrastructure and clear segmentation of the exhibition sections ensure all participants get the inside track on first-hand intralogistics at LogiMAT. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: 120,000m² Exhibitors: 1,624 (from 42 countries and regions) Attendances: 61,740

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2020 集装箱多式联运亚洲展 Intermodal Asia 2020 Exhibition Date: 16-18 March 2021

时间:2021 年 3 月 16-18 日



Venue: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Centre (SWEECC), China


Contact: Informa markets Tel: +86 21 2326 3657 E:

Official website:

展会联系: Informa markets 电话:021 2326 3657 E: Informa markets

展会简介: 集装箱多式联运亚洲展是一场盛大非凡的行业展会,每年在上海召开,历 时三天, 将迎来全球集装箱运输与物流行业最富影响力的企业高管和精英。 本届展会再次落户中国——全球最具活力的物流市场之一,汇聚优秀的 供应商,以及全球集装箱、运输和物流行业的资深决策者,通过集装箱多 式联运亚洲展, 参与者将融入亚洲集装箱、 物流和运输行业的核心关系网。

Organizer: Informa markets

Briefing: The Intermodal Asia exhibition and conference brings together 9,500+ leading international decision-makers from over 90 different countries, from all areas of container shipping, transport and logistics, making it one of the most important industry annual meeting points in Asia. Taking place in Shanghai, China every year, one of the world’s most dynamic logistic markets, Intermodal Asia will offer a unique opportunity to discover innovative products and meet suppliers in order to gain long-term competitive advantage.

2021 汉诺威工业博览会 Hannover Messe 2021 时间:2021 年 4 月 12-16 日

Exhibition Date: 12 -16 April 2021


Official website:

地点:德国汉诺威展览中心 主办方: 德国汉诺威展览公司

展会联系: 德国汉诺威展览公司 电话:+49 511 89 34466

展会简介: 汉诺威工业博览会是世界领先的工业技术展会。在“工业转型”这一核心 主题下, 展会聚焦当前工业产业的趋势和热点话题, 例如工业 4.0、 人工智能、 5G 和智能物流等。 2020 年,展会展出内容分为以下六大类: “创新技术及 未来生产” “ 、自动化、 动力及传动” “ 、数字生态系统” “ 、能源解决方案” “ 、物流” 以及“工业零部件”。 同期,还将举办 80 多场会议和论坛活动。 印度尼西亚 成为 2020 汉诺威工业博览会合作伙伴国。 上届回顾: (2019) 展览面积:超过 227,000 m² 参展商:6,500 ( 来自 75 个国家和地区 ) 观众:215,000

Venue: Hannover Exhibition Center, Germany Organizer: Deutsche Messe AG

Contact: Deutsche Messe AG Tel: +49 511 89 34466

Briefing: HANNOVER MESSE is the most important international platform and hot spot for industrial transformation - with excellent innovations or unusual products. Under the lead theme of“Industrial Transformation”,exhibitors will present the future of manufacturing in the age of Industrie 4.0, artificial intelligence and 5G and highlight the benefits of highly automated material flow. HANNOVER MESSE features six display categories:“Future Lab”,“Automation, Motion & Drives“ ” , Digital Ecosystems“ ” , Energy Solutions“ ” , Logistics“ ” , Engineered Parts”.It is home of industrial pioneers. Review: (2019) Exhibition space: over 227,000 m² Exhibitors: 6,500 (from 75 countries and regions) Attendances: 215,000



elebia 是自动吊装解决方案和自动吊装设备领域的佼佼者,主打产品包括获得专利设计的 evo 系列 起重机自动吊钩、NEO 系列起重吊钩、自动起重钳。elebia 的产品通过远程操控来挂接和脱钩负荷物, 以此提高装卸作业的工作效率和安全性。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落,因而减少 危险。产品适用于任何行业,例如航空航天、建筑、能源、制造业、煤矿、码头、钢铁等行业。 凭借 evo 系列起重机自动吊钩、NEO 系列起重吊钩、自动起重钳及相关配件的智能创新,安全性和 高效能,他们的产品受到众多世界顶尖企业的青睐,譬如劳斯莱斯、Space-X、ArcelorMittal、波音、 空客、西门子、Tenaris 等等。

Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.


elebia is the market leader in automatic lifting solutions and equipment with the patented evo automatic crane hooks, automatic lifting clamps and the NEO range of lifting hooks. Remotely attach and release any load with no handling, increasing productivity, enhancing safety and minimising risks in a fail-safe way in all lifting operations across every industry such as Aerospace, Construction, Energy, Manufacturing, Mining, Moulding, Port and Steel, to name a few. Thanks to their innovative range of evo Automatic Crane Hooks, Automatic Lifting Clamps, NEO range of Lifting Hooks and Lifting Accessories, the company is drastically improving productivity and safety of global leading companies such as Rolls-Royce, Space-X, ArcelorMittal, Boeing, Airbus, Siemens, Tenaris and many more.

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

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安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)


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Swaged soft loop slings

压接软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-125t

Bolt type bow shackles

钢丝绳环索, 6-696mm , ( 单肢 WLL) 0.7-6659t

Spliced soft loop slings

Heavy lift cable-laid slings

Single-leg swaged joint sling assemblies

Double-leg swaged joint sling assemblies Four-leg swaged joint sling assemblies

插编软环索具,6-120 mm, (WLL) 0.3-111t

大直径钢缆绞接索具 ,70-408mm, (WLL) 27-912t

单肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm, (WLL) 2.9-400kN


Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

双肢成套压接索具,绳径 6-70mm (WLL) 41-560kN

四肢成套压接索具, 绳径 6-56mm (WLL) 44-540kN




Swaged soft loop slings

软环压制索具,6mm- 130mm, (WLL) 0.33T-163T

Spliced soft loop slings

插编索具, 6mm-130mm, (WLL) 0.27T- 136T

Wire rope grommets

无接头绳圈 , 15mm-696mm, (WLL) 2.6T-13978T

Heavy lift cable-laid slings

大直径钢缆绞接索具, 69mm-408mm, (WLL) 26.9T-886T

Single-leg/2-leg/4-leg swaged sling set

成套压制索具( 单肢、双肢、四肢 ), 6 mm- 60mm, (WLL) 0..33T-58.3T

Spelter socket wire rope slings (opened / closed) Single-limb /double-limb /three-limb/ four-limb swaged sling assemblies


Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式锻造索节,(钢绳) 6 – 51mm

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式灌注索节,(钢绳) 6 – 39mm

Green Pin® Closed Spelter Socket

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket BN (with safety bolt) Green Pin® Closed Swage Socket

Green Pin® Open Wedge Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket BN (with safety bolt) Green Pin® Open Spelter Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Open Swage Socket CP (with cotter pin) Green Pin® Short Bow Socket (Closed spelter socket) Green Pin® Wire Rope Clip


浇铸索具(开式/闭式), 6mm- 100mm , 0.43T- 125T

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

中国帕森斯 链条 ( Parsons Chain China)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

Tel: +86-(0)313-2056580

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

(WLL) 8T-1300T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 120-130 mm, -20 ℃ up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 40-42 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃ Closed type, diameter rope 6-76 mm

(WLL) 8T-625T, diameter wire rope from 7-8 mm to 81-86 mm, -20℃ up to +200℃

(WLL) 8T-170T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 40-42 mm, -20° C up to +200℃ (WLL) 8T-1200T, diameter wire rope from 6-7 mm to 108-115 mm, -20 ℃ up to +200℃ diameter rope 6-76 mm

(WLL) 140T-1000T, diameter wire rope from 31-36 mm to 108-115 mm

Wire rope clip generally to 13411-5 Type B diameter wire rope from 3-4 mm to 75-78 mm

Wire rope clips

美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in

Forged U-type swage socket

锻造 U 型插套 , SLR- 172

Forged swage sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式锻造钢接头, 6-50mm

Spelter sockets (open/closed)

开式/闭式 灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Green Pin Tycan® Lifting Chain

Lifting chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, link size from 11x15mm to 13x30 mm, -40° C up to +70° C

Round slings


Sling accessories


Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain Flat woven webbing slings

G80 Sling accessories

Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60° C up to +70° C


G80 吊带索具配件(吊带双环扣,吊带钩,吊带羊角钩,吊带环,三角环,D 型环)

Wire rope clips

美式模锻卡头(钢丝绳夹),1 /8 - 1-5/8in

Flat sling


Forged U-type swage socket Round sling

Forged swage sockets (open/closed) Spelter sockets (open/closed)

锻造 U 型插套 , SLR- 172 圆筒吊带

开式/闭式锻造钢接头, 6-50mm

开式/闭式 灌注索节, 6mm-102mm

Van Beest 建峰索具(JF) 振锋企业 (YOKE)

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868 +886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178




Tubular Slings

Double Band Slings

a wire rope running throughout the nylon-coated sling, light and ultra-resistant, capacity up to 3TN

双带吊索,由内层钢丝绳与两个末端手柄整合而成。 轻盈超耐用。 吊索末端已磁化,方便 与 elebia 吊钩的磁铁接合。 起重荷载 3 吨。

ends are magnetized, nylon-coated wire rope integrates the two sling handles, light and ultra-resistant, capacity up to 3TN

Big Bag Slings

吨袋吊索,设计用于固定吨袋的两个把手,并简化其远程接合的流程。 钢丝绳内置于该 尼龙吊索中央,以方便与 elebia 安全钩的磁铁接合。 起重荷载 1 吨。 a wire rope placed in the centre of the nylon-coated sling, designed to attach the two handles of the Big Bag and ease its remote engagement, capacity up to 3TN

Wide body shackles

宽体卸扣 ,合金钢 ( WLL ) 7-1550t

Bolt type bow shackles

S6 级弓形卸扣 ( JBB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-250t

Screw pin bow shackles Screw pin dee shackles

Alloy screw pin bow shackles Alloy bolt type bow shackles

Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Guided Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV Shackle Green Pin® Spring Pin ROV Shackle Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Spring Release ROV Shackle Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Sling Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Web Sling Shackle SC Green Pin® Tapered Pin ROV Shackle (D or F)


管状吊索,内层的钢丝绳贯穿整条尼龙吊索。轻盈超耐用。方便与起重机自动吊钩的磁 铁接合。 起重荷载 3 吨。




Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

S6 级弓形卸扣 ( JB ) / S6 级 D 型卸扣 ( JS ) , (WLL)0.5-85t S6 级 D 型卸扣 ( JSB ) , 螺栓销,(WLL) 1-150t

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

TB 级弓形卸扣 ( KB ) , 合金钢,螺纹销, (WLL) 2-21t

TS 级弓形卸扣 ( KBB ) , 合金钢,螺栓销, (WLL) 2-400t

High load capacity, grade 8 shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 125T-1250T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378 & DNV GL 0378 Standard bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 0.5T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with guiding tube and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 12T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 6.5T-250T, MBL equals 6 x WLL - for shackles with WLL 120T and up the MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring pins (WLL) 6.5T-85T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 12T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 7T-1550T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Standard bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Standard dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Shackle for synthetic web slings with screw collar pin (WLL) 3.25T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with tapered pin and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 6.5T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin BigMouth® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Sling Shackle FN Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Dee Shackle SC Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin Super® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle BN Green Pin BigMouth® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Theatre Shackle SC Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle SQ Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle SQ Green Pin® Fishing Bow Shackle FP Green Pin® Fishing Dee Shackle FP

Forged alloy anchor / wide body / chain shackles

Forged carbon steel anchor / wide body /chain shackles

Grade 8 bow shackle with screw pin (WLL) 3.3T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, ABS PDA & ABS MA Dee shackle with longer inside length, wider mouth and safety bolt (WLL) 4.6T-15.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -20° C up to +200° C High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 7T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL)120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Standard dee shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40 ° C up to +200 ° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 3.3T-175T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt, fixed nut and wider shackle mouth (WLL) 4.75T-75T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C Bow shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6 Dee shackle with square headed screw pin (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

Bow shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6 Dee shackle with square sunken hole screw pin (flush pin) (WLL) 2T-17T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6

合金钢弓型 /宽体 D 型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓),(WLL) 1.2- 55t, DNV & ABS 碳钢弓型 ID 型卸扣(螺母销/螺栓 ), (WLL) 0.5-35t, DNV & ABS ROV 锚卸扣(带安全销),(WLL) 6.5- 35t

G80 screw pin shackles

G80 螺栓销卸扣,SLR-049, 7/8- 16 (WLL)2-8t

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86- (0) 21-6447 9417

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

G8 合金钢卸扣,弓型 / D 型,螺栓销/螺 丝销,5/16- 2in, (WLL)1.2-55t

Bolt type bow shackles

螺栓销弓形卸扣,SLR-362, 3/16-3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

Bolt type dee shackles

螺栓销 D 型卸扣,SLR- 363, 3/16 - 3in, (WLL)0.33- 85t

Screw pin bow shackles

螺丝销弓形卸扣,SLR-364, 3/16- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.33- 55t

Screw pin dee shackles

螺丝销 D 型卸扣,SLR- 365, 1/4- 2-1/2in, (WLL)0.5- 55t

S40 Automatic Shackle

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Matte black bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-8.5T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C

ROV anchor shackles (with safety pin)

G8 alloy steel bow / dee shackles (bolt type / screw pin)

Van Beest

远程遥控自动卸扣,(WLL) 40 tons, 适用于直径大于 45mm 的开口。自动接合和 释放负荷物。安全系数 4:1。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。 带有称重传感器 / 荷重元、LED 状态指示器。 ideal for openings of up to 45mm Ø, 4:1 safety factor, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, carries a load cell, LED Status Indicator

Tel: +34 93 543 4706 Elebia Autohooks




Swivel hoist ring, with alloy steel washer / ball bearing

Lifting point

Angular contact bearing swivels Shank hoist hook Eye hoist hook

Swivel hoist hook

Swivel bearing hoist hook Eye hoist hook with latch Forged swivel hook

Alloy steel eye hoist hook Forged swivel hook Forged shank hook Regular swivels

G80 rotation swivels

旋转吊点,(WLL) 0.3-20t

重力旋转环,子弹式/钳口式/眼型, (WLL) 0.75-35t 起重吊钩,(WLL) 0.75-30t, 5:1 环眼吊钩,(WLL) 1-30t, 5:1

眼型吊钩,SLR-130, (WLL) 合金钢 0.75-30t, 碳钢 0.5-20t

锻造旋转钩,SLR-132, (WLL) 合金钢 0.75-30t, 碳钢 0.5-20t 新型合金钢眼型吊钩,SLR-156, (WLL) 0.75-30t 新型锻造旋转钩,SLR-554, (WLL) 0.75-11t

Clevis Hook for Green Pin Tycan®

Green Pin Tycan® Grab Hook C GR10, G100 Green Pin® Hook E GR8

Green Pin® Alloy Sliding Choker Hook Green Pin® Pipe Line Hook Green Pin® Hook SE GR8

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo2)

Automatic Crane Hooks (evo5)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

旋转环,SLR- 355 G-402, 1/4- 3/4in, (WLL) 850-7200lbs G80 轴承旋转套,SLR- 316, (WLL) 5/8/17t

对称旋转环,WLL 2T- 8T

Green Pin® JE Swivel CP

山东神力索具 (SLR)

新型锻造直杆钩,SLR-492, (WLL) 0.75-22t

Double eye swivel

Green Pin® EE Swivel

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

旋转轴承吊钩,(WLL) 合金钢 1-30t, 碳钢 0.75-15t

环眼吊钩,WLL 0.75T-30T

Green Pin® Thrust Bearing EE Swivel

振锋企业 (YOKE)

旋转吊钩,(WLL) 0.75- 30t, 5:1

Eye hoist hooks Swivel hooks


旋转吊环,带合金钢垫圈/滚珠轴承, (钢绳)1 /4- 2in , (WLL) 0.75-35t, 5:1

旋转货钩,WLL 0.75T-30T

Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting and thrust bearings (WLL) 1T-40T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

MBL equals 4 x WLL and MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity (10) MBL equals 4 x WLL, (WLL) 5T

Grade 8 large eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-22T, MBL equals 4 x WLL Grade 8 sliding choker hook with safety latch (WLL) 0.8T-5.4T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Hook for handling cylindrical object (pipes, tubes) (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Grade 8 swivel eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-31.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,(WLL) 2.5 tons。小巧、紧实、轻巧,坚硬。自动锁。3 小时充电等于一周用电量。轴承可使吊钩自由旋转。带有电机保护离合器。顶部吊环 可定制。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。带有位置编码器。磁力系统、 远程遥控。保险杠带有 LED 状态指示器,可保护安全钩免受撞击和磨损,延长产品寿命。 small, compact, light & tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 1 week's power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumpers with LED status indicator

远 程 遥 控 起 重 机 自 动 吊 钩, 坚 固 有 力, 自 动 锁。 电 池 能 在 3 个 小 时 内 充 满 电, 在 待 机 模 式 下 最 多 可 以 进 行 5,000 次 循 环 或 续 航 250 小 时。 轴 承 可 使 吊 钩 自 由 旋 转。 带 有 电 机 保 护 离 合 器。 顶 部 吊 环 可 定 制。 独 特 的 故 障 安 全 设 计 使 得 悬 挂 的 负 荷 物 不 会 掉 落。 带 有 位 置 编 码 器。 磁 力 系 统、 远 程 遥 控。 保 险 杠 带 有 LED 状 态 指 示 器, 可 保 护 安 全 钩 免 受 撞 击 和 磨 损, 延 长 产 品 寿 命。 带 LED 的 保 险 杠 的 工 作 温 度 范 围 为 -20ºC 至 90ºC/-4ºF 至 194ºF。 获 得 DNV GL 2.22 认 证。 powerful, tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours’ power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, failsafe design makes a never-drop load, optional acoustic alarm, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumper with LEDs can work from -40ºC to 200ºC / -40ºF to 392ºF. DNV GL 2.22 certification for offshore lifting.

Tel: +34 93 543 4706 Elebia Autohooks

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Automatic

Crane Hooks (evo10c)


Crane Hooks

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,坚固有力,自动锁。电池能在 3 个小时内充满电,在待机模式 下最多可以进行 5,000 次循环或续航 250 小时。轴承可使吊钩自由旋转。带有电机保护离 合器。顶部吊环可定制。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。带有位置编码器。 磁力系统、远程遥控。保险杠带有 LED 状态指示器,可保护安全钩免受撞击和磨损,延长 产品寿命。带 LED 的保险杠的工作温度范围为 -20ºC 至 90ºC/-4ºF 至 194ºF。获得 DNV GL 2.22 认证。


powerful, tough, automatic latch, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours’ power, swivel with bearings, clutch protected motor, customized top links, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, optional acoustic alarm, position encoder, magnetic system, remote controlled, bumper with LEDs can work from -40ºC to 200ºC / -40ºF to 392ºF. DNV GL 2.22 certification for offshore lifting.

Automatic Crane Hooks

远程遥控起重机自动吊钩,(WLL) 25 tons。其他描述与 evo5 至 evo020 一致,除了“获 得 DNV GL 2.22 认证”这一点。


Crane Hooks (evo20)


NEO20 Lifting Hook for Bell


NEO50 Lifting


NEO100 Lifting


Alloy Forged Link

the rest of description is the same as evo10

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 100 tons。非常适合最大直径为 180mm 的超大起吊点。安全 系数为 4:1。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。具有称重传感器,LED 状


Elebia's biggest hook yet, Ideal for oversized lifting points of up to 180mm Ø, Safety factor of 4:1, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load

合金钢锻造环,SLR-411, (WLL) 1-20t

G80 eye screw

G8 吊环螺丝,SLR-054, M6-M48, (WLL)0.3- 15t(90 度), 0.6-25t(0 度)


U.S. turnbuckles

KE Eye-Bolt TWN 1884 (NEW) Swivel hoist ring

Grade 100 lifting point

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 50 tons

合金钢锻造圆环,SLR-038, 3/8x2”-2x12” (WLL) 1100-350001bs

G80 lifting screw point

Elebia Autohooks

大吨位自动吊钩,(WLL) 20 tons

Forged alloy steel link

G80 pivoting lifting screw

Tel: +34 93 543 4706

G80 旋转吊栓,SLR- 173, M20/M24, (WLL) 5/8/17t

G80 万向转吊环(吊点),SLR-303, M8- M64, (WLL)0.3-15t(90 度),0.6-25t(0 度)

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

套环(美式,管式,BS464, DIN6899B)

美式花篮螺丝 (UC, OO, UU, OU, OC 型 ) KE 吊环螺钉 screw sizes M16 - M20 旋转吊环螺丝,UNC 螺纹

100 级侧向旋转吊环 (吊点),公制/黑化螺纹,合金 10.9 级

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417




G80 - Swivel Type Lifting Point TWN 0121/1

80 级旋转吊点 screw sizes M16 - M30

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0123

80 级螺栓式吊点 screw sizes M16 - M24

G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0122 G80 - Screw Type Lifting Point TWN 0127 G100 - Swivel Type Lifting Point TITAN TWN 1120

G100- Swivel Type Lifting Point X-TREME TWN 1830 with ball bearing

G100 - Swivel Type Lifting Point XS-Point TWN 1890 G80 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN 0119

G100 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN 1882 with fixing spring (NEW) G100 - Weld-on Type Lifting Point TWN 1872 with two welding brackets (NEW) KE Eye-Bolt TWN 1884 (NEW) Thimbles


Rachel/lever type load binder

Standard ratchet type load binder G80 master link Weldless links Thimbles

Allloy steel links

Green Pin Polar® JJ Turnbuckle BN Green Pin® EH Turnbuckle Green Pin® HH Turnbuckle Green Pin® JJ Turnbuckle BN Green Pin® EE Turnbuckle Green Pin® JJ Turnbuckle CP Green Pin® EJ Turnbuckle

DNV 2.7-1 container lifting set

80 级螺栓式吊点 screw sizes M20 - M24

100 级螺栓式旋转吊点 screw sizes M8 - M36

100 级螺栓式旋转吊点(带滚珠轴承),screw sizes M10- M64 100 级螺栓式旋转吊点 screw sizes M10 - M48

100 级焊接式吊点(带焊 接型托架 ), WLL 4t - 6.7t KE 吊环螺钉 screw sizes M16 - M20 套环,(绳径) 3-70mm

美式花篮螺丝 (H-E / E-E / J-E / J-J) 型 5:1

杠杆式/转式 紧索具,L-150, (WLL) 0.98- 5.9t, 4:1 转式紧索具,L-140, (WLL) 0.98- 5.9t, 4:1 美式无焊缝吊环, (WLL) 0.8- 15.9t 套环(实心型、重型、普通型)

合金椭圆环, forged 13mm-51mm, welded 57mm- 101.6mm

Grade 8 turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fittings and safety bolt for use under low temperatures, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 1T-12.7T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Guided Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin® Spring Release ROV Shackle

Tel:+86 (0)20 32222868

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

Tel: 021-6176 6178

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Turnbuckle with eye-hook end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-2.27T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with hook-hook end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-2.27T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fitting and safety bolt, generally to ASTM F114592 (WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Turnbuckle with eye-eye end-fitting, generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Turnbuckle with jaw-jaw end-fitting and cotter pins, generally to ASTM F114592 (WLL) 2.36T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Turnbuckle with eye-jaw end-fitting and cotter pin or safety bolt (depending on size), generally to ASTM F1145-92 (WLL) 0.54T-34T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

DNV 2.7- 1 集装箱吊索具

海洋工程专业无极环形索具,66-354mm, (BL) 3478-92124kN

Green Pin® Bow Shackle BN


G80 强力椭圆环, (WLL) 0.5-10t, 4:1

Endless wire rope slings for offshore

Green Pin Power Sling® Shackle BN

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

100 级焊接式吊点( 带固定弹簧 ),WLL 1.5t -10t

钢丝绳无极环形索具, 10-240mm, (BL) 63-29275kN

Anchor chains and fittings

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

80 级焊接式吊点 , WLL 1.12t – 50t

Endless wire rope slings

Large diameter cable-laid slings


80 级螺栓式吊点 screw sizes M16 - M56

大直径钢缆绞接索具,70-456mm, (WLL) 27-1183t


Tel: +86 (0)20 32222868

锚链及其附件,14-70mm( 锚链 ),73- 162mm( 附件)

High load capacity, grade 8 shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 125T-1250T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378 & DNV GL 0378 Standard bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 0.5T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with guiding tube and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 12T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 12T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle FN Green Pin® Bow Shackle SC Green Pin® Dee Shackle BN Green Pin Polar® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin Polar® Heavy Duty Bow Shackle BN Green Pin® Heavy Duty Dee Shackle BN Green Pin® Bow Shackle FN Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV Shackle Green Pin® Spring Pin ROV Shackle Green Pin® Tapered Pin ROV Shackle (D or F) Green Pin® Sling Shackle BN Green Pin® Sling Shackle FN Green Pin Tycan® Lifting Chain G80 - DNV 2.7-1 Type approved master links TWN 0803

G80 - DNV 2.7-1 Type approved master link assembly TWN 0797 for wire rope slings

G80 - DNV 2.7- 1 Type approved Intermediate Master Links TWN 0804 G80 - DNV 2.7- 1 Type approved bolt shackle TWN 0818

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +200° C

Standard dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with screw collar pin (WLL) 0.33T-55T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Standard dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1, DNV GL 0378, ABS PDA & ABS MA Grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut for use under low temperatures (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 7 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1 High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

High load capacity, grade 8 bow shackle with safety bolt for use under low temperatures (WLL) 120T-1500T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8 High load capacity dee shackle with safety bolt (WLL)120T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8

Standard bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 2T-85T, MBL equals 6 x WLL, Grade 6, -40° C up to +200° C, DNV-GL 2.7-1

Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring (WLL) 6.5T-250T, MBL equals 6 x WLL - for shackles with WLL 120Tt and up the MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C Release ROV shackle (grade 8) with spring pins (WLL) 6.5T-85T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C

Release & retrieve ROV shackle (grade 8) with tapered pin and D- or Fishtailhandle (WLL) 6.5T-55T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -60° C up to +200° C High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt (WLL) 7T-1550T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

High load capacity bow shackle with safety bolt and fixed nut (WLL) 7T-150T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Lifting chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, link size from 11x15mm to 13x30 mm, -40° C up to +70° C 80 级 DNV2.7-1 认证主吊环,Dia. 20-80mm 80 级 DNV2.7- 1 认证子母环( 匹配钢丝绳索具 )Dia. 26/22-63/56mm 80 级 DNV2.7-1 认证主吊环, Dia.13-50mm

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223 lifting-technology@thiele. de

80 级 DNV2.7- 1 认证螺栓式卸扣, trade sizes 6-8 to 45-8




安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

G100 European type connecting links

G100 eye sling hooks

G100 眼型吊钩,SLR- 1003, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4- 39.3t

G100 European type eye self-lock hooks

G100 欧式眼型自锁钩 , SLR- 1005, 6-22mm, (WLL)1.4-19t

G100 clevis sling hook with cast latchs G100 master links

G100 master link assemblies G80 master links

G80 master link assemblies

G80 European type connecting links G80 eye self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 clevis self-lock hooks (NEW)

G80 swivel self-lock hooks (NEW) G80 swivel sling hooks G80 master links

G100 master links

G80 connecting links

G100 connecting links

G80 eye self-locking hooks

G100 eye self-locking hooks

G80 clevis self-locking hooks

G100 clevis self-locking hooks G80 swivel self-locking hooks

G100 swivel self-locking hooks


G100 欧式链接双环扣,SLR- 1001, 6-32mm, (WLL)1.4-39.3t

G100 羊角吊钩,SLR-1004, 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.4-19t G100 强力环,SLR-1011, (WLL) 3.3-40t

G100 子母环,SLR- 1012, 6-22mm, (WLL) 3-39.9t G80 起重强力环,SLR- 033, (WLL) 1.6-85.5t

G80 起重子母环,SLR- 032, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.6-85.5t

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)

G80 欧式链接双环扣,SLR-074, 6-32mm, (WLL)1.12-31.5t

G80 改进型眼型自锁安全钩,SLR-737, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t G80 改进型羊角自锁安全钩,SLR-738, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t G80 改进型旋转自锁安全钩,SLR-755, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t G80 旋转货钩,SLR-040, 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.12-31.5t 80 级强力椭圆吊环,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.25-37t

100 级强力椭圆吊环,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-39.9t 80 级蝴蝶扣,链索 5-32mm, (WLL) 0.8-31.5t 100 级蝴蝶扣,链索 6-32mm, (WLL) 1.4-40t

80 级眼型自锁钩,链索 6-28mm, (WLL) 1.12-25t

100 级眼型自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t 80 级羊角自锁钩,链索 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.12-15t 100 级羊角自锁钩,链索 6-22mm, (WLL) 1.4-19t

80 级旋转自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.12- 21.2t 100 级旋转自锁钩,链索 6-26mm, (WLL) 1.4-26.5t

振锋企业 (YOKE)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World G80 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch)

80 级可调式链条钩,带舌片,链 索 6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.12- 8t

G100 clutch sling hooks (locking clutch)

100 级可调式链条钩,带 舌片, 链索 6- 16mm, (WLL) 1.4-10t

G80 clutches

80 级链条调节器,链索 6-20mm, (WLL) 1.12-12.5t

G80 shortening clutches

G100 - Master Links TWN 1813 (NEW)

80 级 链条缩短器,链索 7-16mm, (WLL) 2-8t

100 级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 80/50mm, WLL 4t – 85t

G100 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 1795 (NEW)

100 级吊环, Dia. 8 - 45mm, WLL 1.4t–50t

G100 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2- and 3-/4- leg chain slings TWN 1810/1, TWN 1810/2, TWN 1810/4 G100 - Master Link TWN 1819 with Pin Coupling (NEW) G100 - Connecting Link XL-LOK TWN 1820

G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN1836 + TWN1837 G100 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1840/1 + TWN 1841/1 with heavy-duty safety latch

100 级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-10 to 22-1 100 级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片), trade sizes 6-10 to 26-10

100 级紧固件,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

100 级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

G100 - Shortening Claw RAPID TWN 1852

100 级缩短爪钩,trade sizes 8-10 to 16-10

G100 - Suspension Link TWN 1869 for one-hand use

100 级吊环(单手用)trade size 13-10

G80 - Master Link Assemblies TWN 1314 (NEW) G80- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1315 for wire rope slings (NEW) G80 - Intermediate Master Links TWN 0795

G80 - Fixed Sized Master Links for 1- , 2and 3- /4- leg chain slings TWN 0810/1, TWN 0810/2, TWN 0810/4 G80 - Oversized Master Link Assemblies TWN0815 + TWN 0816 + TWN 0817 for crane hooks G80 - Master Link TWN 0820 with Pin Coupling

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Self-Locking Hooks TWN 0798 + TWN0799 G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Sling Hooks TWN 1340/1 + TWN 0858/1 with heavy-duty safety latch (NEW)

100 级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-10 to 22-10

80 级主吊环,Dia. 13 - 110mm, WLL 2t- 160t 80 级子母环,Dia. 16/13 - 110/80mm, WLL 3.15t – 160t 80 级子母环(匹配钢丝绳索具), Dia. 16/13 - 85180mm,WLL 2.8t - 101.8t 80 级吊环,Dia. 8 - 90mm, WLL 1.12t – 160t 80 级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢 ,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8 加大型子母环(匹配起重机吊钩),trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8 80 级主吊环(带联轴器),trade sizes 8-8 to 19-8 80 级眼型/羊角自锁吊钩 trade sizes 6-8 to 22-8 80 级眼型吊钩和羊角吊钩(带重型安全舌片),trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

G80 - Eye- and Clevis- type Foundry Hook TWN 0856 + TWN 0859

80 级眼型滑钩和羊角型滑钩,trade sizes 6-8 to 32-8

G80 - Clevis-type Shortening Claw TWN 0851

80 级羊角缩短爪钩,trade sizes 6-8 lo 32-8

G80 - Clevis- type Shortening Hook TWN 0827/1 with safety pin

G80 - Bolt Shackles TWN 0870 + TW 0871

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

100 级蝴蝶环,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

100 级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

G80 - Master Links TWN 1313 (NEW)

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

100 级主吊环 ( 带联轴器 ) trade size 13-10

G100 - Clevis-type Shortening Hook TWN 1827/1 with safety pin (NEW)

G100 - Bolt Shackle TWN 1871

Tel: +49 2371 - 947 – 223

100 级固定尺寸吊环(匹配单肢,双肢,三肢/四肢吊链索具),trade sizes 6-10 to 16-10

100 级眼型滑钩,trade sizes 6-10 to 22-10

G100 - Clevis--type Shortening Claw TWN 1851

德国蒂勒链条 (THIELE)

100 级子母环( 匹配钢丝绳索具 ), Dia. 16/13 - 85/80mm, WLL 3.5t-127.2t

G100-Eye-type Foundry Hook TWN1856 (NEW) G100- Combi Quick Fastener TWN 1853 (NEW)

+886- 4- 2350 8088 +86-(0)21-6447 9417

100 级主吊环,Dia. 13-70mm, WLL 2.51-75t

G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1814 (NEW) G100- Master Link Assemblies TWN 1815 for wire rope slings (NEW)

振锋企业 (YOKE)

80 级羊角型缩短钩(带安全插销),trade sizes 6-8 to 20-8

80 级螺栓式卸扣,trade sizes 10-8 to 45-8




Green Pin® Thrust Bearing EE Swivel Green Pin® EE Swivel Green Pin® JE Swivel CP Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE GR8 Green Pin® Needle Bearing Swivel EE GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Sling Hook CL GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Grab Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Alloy Sliding Choker Hook Green Pin® Pipe Line Hook Green Pin® Hook SE GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook E EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook CL EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook SE EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook SCL EN 1677-2 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E EN 16773 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook EN 1677-3 CL GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S EN 16773 GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR8 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook SCL EN 1677-3 GR8 Green Pin® Grab Hook E EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Grab Hook CL EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Excavator Hook GR8 Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR8 Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Hook GR8

Green Pin® Flat Web Sling Safety Hook GR8 Green Pin® Sling Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Sling Hook CL GR10


Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting and thrust bearings (WLL) 1T-40T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Swivel with eye-eye end-fitting (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Swivel with jaw-eye end-fitting and cotter pin (WLL) 0.39T-20.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Grade 8 needle bearing eye-eye swivel (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 needle bearing eye-eye swivel (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis sling hook (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis grab hook (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm - 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 large eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-22T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 sliding choker hook with safety latch (WLL) 0.8T-5.4T, MBL equals 5 x WLL

Hook for handling cylindrical object (pipes, tubes) (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 5 x WLL Grade 8 swivel eye hook with safety latch (WLL) 1.25T-31.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL

Grade 8 eye sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 clevis sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 0.8T-15.5T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Grade 8 swivel sling hook EN 1677-2 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 swivel sling hook with clevis EN 1677-2 (WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 eye self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye self locking hook (WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 clevis self locking hook (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5-6 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 swivel self locking hook (WLL) 2T-15.5T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 22 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 swivel clevis self locking hook EN 1677-3 (WLL) 0.8T-8.2T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 clevis grab hook EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-8.2T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 excavator hook (WLL) 1T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 eye foundry hook (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 flat web sling hook (WLL) 3T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 flat web sling self locking hook (WLL) 2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 eye sling hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis sling hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World Green Pin® Self Locking Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Self Locking Hook S GR10 Green Pin® Grab Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Grab Hook CL GR10 Green Pin® Foundry Hook E GR10 Green Pin® Master Link EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Master Link Assembly EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Omega Link EN1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link EN 1677-4 GR8 Green Pin® Connecting Link EN1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connector GR8

Green Pin® Round Web Sling Connecting Link GR8

Grade 10 eye self locking hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis self locking hook (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 self locking hook with swivel (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 eye grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 clevis grab hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 eye foundry hook (WLL) 1.4T-6.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 master link EN 1677-4 (WLL) 13T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 master link assembly EN 1677-4 (WLL) 16T-80T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 omega link EN 1677-1 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 pear shaped link EN 1677-4 (WLL) 0.8T-12.8T, for chain diameter 5 mm - 18-20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 connecting link EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-32.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 round web sling connector (WLL) 2T-8.2T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 round web sling connecting link (WLL) 2T-5.4T, for chain diameter 7-8 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Master Link GR10

Grade 10 master link (WLL) 2T-27.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Master Link Assembly GR10

Grade 10 master link assembly (WLL) 3.5T-41.6T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Omega Link GR10 Green Pin® Pear Shaped Link GR10 Green Pin® Connecting Link GR10 Green Pin Tycan® Connecting Link GR10 DNV Master Link

DNV Master Link Assembly

Grade 10 omega link (WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 pear shaped link (WLL) 1.4T-10.3T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 16 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 10 connecting link (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 connecting link (WLL) 2.6T-6.8T, for chain size 11x15 mm, 11x20 mm and 13x30 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, DNV 2.7-1a (WLL) 4.1T-100T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -20° C up to +200° C, DNV 2.7-1a

Green Pin® Lifting Eye GR8

Grade 8 lifting eye (WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Lifting Eye UNC GR8

Grade 8 lifting eye UNC (WLL) 0.2T-8T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Green Pin® Lifting Eye Length as DIN580 GR8

Green Pin® Eye Nut GR8 Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring GR8 Green Pin® Rotating Hoist Ring UNC GR8 Green Pin® Long Rotating Hoist Ring GR8 Green Pin® Small Lifting Eye GR8 Green Pin® Weld-On Transport Ring Green Pin® Lifting Chain EN818-2 GR8

Grade 8 lifting eye length as DIN580 (WLL) 0.2T-36T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 eye nut (WLL) 0.2T-18T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 rotating hoist ring (WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 rotating hoist ring UNC (WLL) 0.4T-4.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 rotating hoist ring longer length (WLL) 0.4T-12.5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Grade 8 small lifting eye (WLL) 0.5T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Weld-on transport ring (WLL) 1.2T-15.5T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 lifting chain (WLL) 1.12T-31.5T, diameter 6 mm - 32 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C




Green Pin® Lifting Chain GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Lock EN 1677-1 GR8

Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock EN 1677-1 GR8 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Lock GR10 Green Pin® Shortening Clutch with Double Lock GR10

Grade 10 lifting chain (WLL) 1.4T-16T, diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 shortening clutch EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 18/20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C

Grade 8 shortening clutch with locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-12.8T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 8 shortening clutch with double locking pin EN 1677-1 (WLL) 1.12T-5.4T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 8, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C Grade 10 shortening clutch with locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-16T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 20 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

Van Beest

Grade 10 shortening clutch with double locking pin (WLL) 1.4T-6.7T, for chain diameter 6 mm - 13 mm, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Grade 10, -40° C up to +200° C

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)


Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Green Pin® Snatch Block Green Pin® Snatch Block HK Green Pin® Snatch Block S

Lifting clamps

Snatch block type 601T (WLL) 4T-8T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

Snatch block type 601HK with Hook attached (WLL) 2T-15T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting Snatch block type 601S with Green Pin® Shackle attached (WLL) 2T-30T, MBL equals 4 x WLL, Working Load Limit is on the headfitting

水平衡吊钳 , SLR-710, (WLL) 5t

Forged lifting clamps

锻打钳座,SLR-646, (WLL) 3t

Vertical hoist clamps for steel plate

竖吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-16t/ 只,开口 0- 125mm, 重 2-80kg

Horizontal hoist clamps for steel plate Oil barrel clamps

Drum hoist clamps

Single-plate hoist clamps

Double-plate hoist clamps

Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp U-type Green Pin® Beam Lifting Clamp H-Type Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp V-type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp U-type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp V-type Green Pin BigMouth® Lifting Clamp H-type

Green Pin BigMouth® Beam Lifting Clamp H-Type Green Pin® Lifting Clamp H-type

C5 Automatic Lifting Clamp

eTrack Rail

Lifting Clamp

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

山东神力索具 (SLR)

Tel: 400-053-7777 (China)


Tel: +86 (0)20 32222868

横吊钢板起重夹,(WLL) 0.8-10t/2 只,开口 0- 125mm, 重 2-33kg 油桶钳,(WLL) 0.2-0.6t/ 只, 开口 0-30mm, 重 1.3-5kg

圆桶起重钳,(WLL) 0.8-16t/ 只,开口 0-20mm, 重 2-7kg

单板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2 只,开口 0-150mm, 重 3-30kg 双板起重钳,(WLL) 1-10t/2 只,开口 0-210mm, 重 2-38kg

Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions and with an enlarged opening (WLL) 6T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Clamp for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams (WLL) 2T-10T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Plate clamp with enlarged opening for lifting and vertical transportation (WLL) 6T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Universal plate clamp for lifting and transportation in all directions (WLL) 0.75T-12T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Plate clamp for lifting and vertical transportation (WLL) 0.75T-20T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

Plate clamp with an enlarged opening for horizontal transportation (WLL) 3T-15T per set, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

Clamp with enlarged opening for horizontal lifting and transportation of steel beams (WLL) 2T-5T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C Plate clamp for horizontal transportation (WLL) 2T-25T, MBL equals 5 x WLL, -40° C up to +100° C

C5 自动起重钳,(WLL) 5 tons。全新的自动卧式起重钳是在安全可靠的条件下专为 起吊和运输钢板,横梁和管道而设计。一旦将自动起重钳具连接到负荷物上,自动 化程序便会启动。eMAX 遥控器远程操作,自动解锁 / 关闭。带有 LED 状态指示灯。 符合人体工学且使用简单。易于更换磨损的零件及钳头。只需 3 小时充电即可在待 机模式下进行超过 5000 个循环或续航 250 个小时以上。独特的故障安全设计使得 悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。 locked and unlocked by eMAX remote control, LED status indicator, ergonomic & simple to use, easy to replace weared parts and to change the tip, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or 250 hours'power, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load

eTrack 轨道起重钳,(WLL) 2 tons。eMAX / eMINI / eINST 遥控器远程操作,自动 解锁 / 关闭。 配有可伸缩的弹簧钳爪,引导轨道钳定向和居中在正确的位置。LED 状态指示灯。只需 3 小时充电即可在待机模式下进行超过 5000 个循环或续航 2 个 月以上。独特的故障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落。

Tel: +34 93 543 4706 Elebia


locked and unlocked by remote control, LED status indicator, 3 hour charge - 5,000 cycles or over 2 months' power, fail-safe design makes a never-drop load, retractable spring loaded finger




安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging) Green Pin Tycan® Lashing Chain Green Pin Tycan® Ratchet Loadbinder GR10 Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder Green Pin® Lever Loadbinder HK Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder EN12195-3

Green Pin® Ratchet Loadbinder HK EN12195-3


Lashing chain made from Dyneema® (WLL) 10T, link size 15x25 mm, -60° C up to +70° C

Grade 10 ratchet type loadbinder Chain size 15x25 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity (10), Grade 10, Stf = 3000 daN Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity Lever type loadbinder with hooks Chain size 8-10 mm and 10-13 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks Chain size from 8-10 mm to 13-16 mm, MBL equals 3.5 x Lashing Capacity

Ratchet type loadbinder without hooks according to EN 12195-3 Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN Ratchet type loadbinder with hooks according to EN 12195-3 Chain size 8-16 mm, MBL equals 2 x Lashing Capacity, Grade 8, Stf = 3000 daN

Van Beest

Tel: +31-184 41 33 00

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

安峰起重索具 (Anfeng Lifting & Rigging)





Jian Feng Sling Co., Ltd.



Van Beest B.V.

P04 P11 P15 P17 P19 P21 P67


山东神力索具有限公司 Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.



JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd. 上海安峰起重索具有限公司

2020 中国国际工程机械博览会 江苏赛福天钢索股份有限公司

Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd. Elebia Autohooks S.L.U.

Talurit Machinery (Ningbo) Co., Ltd.

VITALI-INTL Lifting Equipment Ltd. JPNHOIST Lifting Equipment Ltd.

Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging Ltd. bauma CHINA 2020

Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope Co., Ltd.

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