Geaux Higher Magazine

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Louisiana State University Higher Education Administration Magazine

Geaux Higher is a publication of the Higher Education Administration program at Louisiana State University. EXECUTIVE EDITORS

Joy Blanchard, PhD David W. Robinson-Morris, PhD


F. Neil Mathews, PhD

HIGHER EDUCATION Danielle Alsandor, PhD FACULTY Joy Blanchard, PhD Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, PhD Roland Mitchell, PhD Rebecca Owens, Ed.D. DESIGN Hayden Nagin

The LSU Higher Education Administration program prepares practitioner-scholars for rewarding careers in higher education. The program offers a traditional and online Master of Arts and doctoral degree. The curriculum helps candidates develop the leadership vision, higher education knowledge, and management skills needed to assume leadership positions across a broad spectrum of higher education fields—including (but not exclusive to) recruiting, admissions, orientation, financial aid, counseling, Greek affairs, student activities, academic support services, student athlete support services, career planning and placement, and faculty.


4 6 8 10 12 14 18 21


Dean’s Letter and a Message from the Director

HEA Faculty and Accomplishments Prospective Bengals on the Bayou

A Highlight of the 2016 LSU Higher Education Program Visiting Days

Experts on the Geaux

National Scholar Kenn Redd and LSU President F. King Alexander Share Research and Insights with HEA Students

Achieving Higher HEA Student Spotlights

HEA Alumni Spotlight

HEA Alumnus T. Elon Dancy: Taking Research, Service, and Teaching Higher

Faculty Research Brief

Could the New College Football Playoff Be the Next Big Challenge to NCAA Authority?

The Bookshelf Preparing for Practice Kruger and Holmes Visit LSU


The LSU Higher Education Administration program is among the largest, most diverse, and vibrant graduate programs in the College of Human Sciences & Education. By participating in this program, students will join the ranks of distinguished alumni who have gone on to be university presidents, noted administrators, policymakers, and faculty addressing critical educational, professional, and communal needs. Without a doubt our greatest strength is our people, and we invite you to discover what our current students already know: the LSU Higher Education program is making an incredible impact on our state, nation, and world. Geaux Tigers, Damon Andrew Dean, College of Human Sciences and Education

Damon Andrew Dean, E.B. "Ted" Roberts Endowed Professor Our mission is to advance cognitive, social, emotional, communicative, any physical development across the lifespan through programs in Education, Human Resource Education and Workforce Development, Kinesiology, Library and Information Science, Social Work, and the University Laboratory School. Through teaching, research, and service, the college plays a significant role in addressing the complex human issues and policy decisions facing Louisiana, the nation, and the world.


MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR The LSU School of Education’s Higher Education graduate program has been meeting students’ educational needs since the early 1990s. The program was the first in Louisiana with full enrollment, and it has increased diversity among its students and faculty as it has grown. Over the years, additional degree specializations have been developed within the M.A. and PhD in Higher Education. For example, the M.A. program has expanded to include online courses and services a broader range of students who previously lacked access to a high-quality Higher Education graduate program. It caters to an increasing student population with diverse needs and varied career goals. I invite you to read the first edition of the “Geaux Higher” publication to learn more about our graduates, faculty accomplishments, sponsored events, and research currently underway. At the conclusion of your perusal of this new publication, please let us know your thoughts as to how we can improve the magazine for future

F. Neil Mathews

editions. To our alumni, please remember that we want to continue to remain in

Director, Olinde Endowed Professor

contact with you as we serve your higher education career needs.

We are proud of our ambitious program and believe that our students and faculty have a bright future meeting the needs of the higher education community though their teaching, research, and service. LSU’s Higher Education program is helping shape the future of higher education in Louisiana, throughout the nation, and world. I personally wish you well if you are an LSU Higher Education graduate and, if not, I hope to see you on campus soon if you are considering a career in higher education. Best regards, F. Neil Mathews Director, School of Education Olinde Endowed Professor


HE A FACULTY IN RESE Alsandor, D. J. & Guzman, A. (2015, March). Context Matters: A Comparative Study of African American Faculty Experiences Across Institutional Types. Lafayette, LA: Louisiana

higher education. In C. J. Russo (Ed.), The yearbook of education law 2015. Cleveland, OH: Education Law Association.

Blanchard, J. (2015). Intercollegiate athletics. In Fossey, R., Melear, K.B., & Eckes, S. (Eds.), Contemporary issues in higher education law (3rd ed.). Cleveland, OH: Education Law Association. Blanchard, J. & Andrews, C. (2015). Reconciling life and work for the new student affairs professional. In M. Amey & L. Reesor (Eds.), Beginning your journey (4th ed). Washington, D.C.: NASPA. Blanchard, J. Punt while you’re ahead: A review of past and potential antitrust challenges to the NCAA. Education Law Association Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH. November 2015.

Danielle Alsandor Assistant Professor (University of Texas: Austin) Areas of research: college student success, college student retention for underrepresented populations, and faculty of color retention Cortez, L., Martinez, M. A., Alsandor, D. J., Chang, A., & Welton, A. D. (2015). Nuestras raices ground us: Reflecting communidad and cultura in who we are as Latina/o faculty. Book chapter in Hernandez, F., Murakami, E., & Rodriguez, G. Abriendo puertas, cerrando heridas (Opening Doors, Closing Wounds): Latinas/os finding work-life balance in academia. Information Age Publishing. Alsandor, D. J. (2016, March). Be Intentional: Academic & Student Affairs Collaborations. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Association of Black Professionals in Higher Education. Alsandor, D. J. (2015, April). Polling the Campus Pulse of African American Students at a PWI: How Campus Culture Impacts Student Retention. Chicago, IL: American Educational Research Association. Alsandor, D. J. (2015, April). Socialization for Success: Black Women Faculty in Academe Pre and Post Tenure. Chicago, IL: American Educational Research Association.


Joy Blanchard

Bell, L. F.; Blanchard, J.; Comeaux, E.; Gaston Gayles, J.; Harper, S. R.; Hughes, R. L. Affirmative action and intercollegiate athletics: Historical and contemporary issues of equity in college sports. American Educational Research Association

Assistant Professor (University of Georgia)

Educational Research Association. Areas of research: Higher education law, intercollegiate athletics, campus safety and negligence Blanchard, J., Broido, E. M., Stygles, K. N., & Rojas, F. A. (2016). Graduate student intern exchange: Increasing competencies and awareness through professional development. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 53 (2), 1-14. Blanchard, J. & Baez, B. (2016). The legal environment: The implementation of legal change on campus. In P. Altbach, P. Gumport, & M. Bastedo (Eds.), American higher education in the twenty-first century: Social, political, and economic challenges (4th ed). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner Associate Prof. / Program Leader (Ohio State University)

Blanchard, J. (2015). Contemporary Issues in Higher Education Law (3rd edition): Instructor Testing Supplement. Cleveland, OH: Education Law Association.

Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. April 2015. Areas of research: Institutional (in)equity, race and racism across the PK-20+ spectrum, neoliberalism, critical race theory

Blanchard, J. & Lugg, E.T. (2015). Students in

Fasching-Varner, K.J., Hartlep, N.D., Martin, L.L.,

ARCH Hayes, C., Mitchell, R.W., & Allen-Mitchell, C.A. (Eds.). (2015). The assault on communities of color: Exploring the realities of race based violence. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. Fasching-Varner, K.J., Albert, K.A., Mitchell, R.W., & *Allen, C.A. (Eds.) (2015). Racial battle fatigue in higher education: Exposing the myth of post-racial America. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. Hayes, C. & Fasching-Varner, K.J. (2015). Racism 2.0 and the death of social and cultural foundations of education: A critical conversation. Journal of Educational Foundations, 28(1), 113-130. Fasching-Varner, K.J., Mitchell, R.W., Martin, L.L., & Bennett-Haron, K.P. (2015). Beyond school-to prison pipeline and toward an educational and penal realism. Equity and Excellence in Education, 47(4), 5-24. Hucks, D.C., Fasching-Varner, K.J., & Haddix, M.M. (2015). Teaching Trayvon Martin. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(7), 608-610.

Campuses Wooten, S.C., Mitchell, R. (Eds.) (2015). The crisis of campus sexual violence: Critical perspectives on prevention and response. New York, NY: Routledge. Fasching-Varner, K., Hartlep, N., Mitchell, R., Hayes, C., Martin, L., & Mitchell, C.A. (2015). The assault on communities of color: Reactions and responses from the frontlines. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Curriculum and Social Justice. Arnold, B., Mitchell, R. & Arnold, N. (2015). Massified illusions of difference: Photography and the mystique of the American HBCU. Journal of American Studies of Turkey 41(1), 69-94. Fasching-Varner, K.J., Mitchell, R., Martin, L.L., & Bennett-Haron, K. (2015). Beyond school-to prison pipeline and toward an educational and penal realism. Equity and Excellence in Education, 47(4),

Fasching-Varner, K.J., Albert, K.A., Mitchell, R., & Mitchell, C.A. (Eds.) (2015). Racial battle fatigue in higher education. Exposing the myth of post-racial America. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Nguyen, T., Mitchell, R. & Mitchell, C.A. (2016). Crafting spaces between the binary: Renegade locations for the radical revisioning of nontraditional graduate advising. Of other thoughts and renegade knowledges: Transformative potential in postgraduate supervisions edition of Knowledge Cultures. Mitchell, R., & Mitchell, R., P. (2015). “Stop the tape and then we can talk�: Settler lands and sensual eruptions through critical approaches to curriculum. International Journal of

Rebecca Owens Instructor, Liason to Online Master's program in Higher Education (University of Georgia)

Roland Mitchell Jo Ellen Levy Endowed Associate Prof. Interem Associate Dean: Research Engagement & Graduate Studies

(University of Alabama)

HEA Affiliated Faculty

HEA Adjunct Faculty

Kurt Keppler, PhD, Vice President, Student Life and Enrollment

Imre Emeric Csaszar, PhD, Instructor

S. Kim MacGregor, PhD, Associate Professor, Applied Research, Measurement and Evaluation Chaunda Allen Mitchell, PhD, Director of Drug Policy, Office of the Governor, State of Louisiana Darrell Ray, PhD, Assistant Vice President for Student Life and Enrollment

Areas of research: College Teaching; Race, Class, and Gender in Education; School-ToPrison-Pipeline; Sexual Assault on College

Matt Gregory, PhD, Associate Dean of Students and Director, Student Advocacy & Accountability Dana Charles Hart, PhD, Director, LSU Flores MBA Program Kristine Strickland, PhD, Chancellor, Fletcher Technical Community College Mary B. Wallace, PhD, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Campus Life


Prospective Bengals on the Bayou: A Highlight of the 2016 LSU Higher Education ProgramVisiting Days

Potential Tigers at LSU HEA Visiting Days

By: Margaret Vienne, ‘16

winning faculty, and have a taste of

Chimes restaurant, a local favorite of

true Cajun-style cuisine.

many Higher Education students.

Day one

This year’s Higher Education

ended with fun arcade games and a bit

Program Visiting Days boasted an

of karaoke at a local social spot right

a successful event leaving many

attendance of over 30 prospective

off campus.

prospective students eager to return

Overall, Visiting Days was

students. These prospective students

Day two consisted of a full

to the bayou this fall. One student in

traveled from all over the country to

day of graduate assistant interviews

particular commented on the excellent

attend a two-day preview of the LSU

and a lunch with faculty and several

hospitality shown by the master's

Higher Education Program. Visiting

current master and doctoral students.

and doctoral students. She closed by

Days kicked off with a welcome social



noting, “I truly appreciate it and will

featuring program highlights, a faculty

opportunity to interview with various

definitely recommend LSU to others I



departments ranging from Greek

know considering a Higher Education

Louisiana-style dinner! Prospective

Life and Campus Life to Enrollment


students were able to learn more about

Management and Residential Life.

our program, mingle with our award-

Day two ended with a social at The






The LSU HEA graduate programs recruit nationally


Experts on the Geaux National Scholar Kenn Redd and LSU President F. King Alexander Share Research and Insights with HEA Students

In a constant effort to bridge

speakers who work in areas related to

have continued to increase. He did share,

theory to practice and apply research to

policy formation and political advocacy.

though, that these trends eventually

real job settings, the spring 2016 doctoral

right themselves as overall markets

seminar Politics and Policy in Higher

of research and policy analysis at


Education hosted a number of guest

the National Association of College


Alexander, a national scholar on higher

In January, Ken Redd, director



Kenn Redd











education finance, visited the Politics

the work that he does in researching

and Policy in Higher Education class

relevant financial matters that affect

to discuss federal and state higher

policy and practice at colleges and

education policy. Alexander recalled his

universities. Serendipitously, the day

last 15 years of federal advocacy to cut

before he spoke to the class, his office

the cost of higher education for both

released its annual survey related

states and students. Of particular note,

to college endowments. Because the

Alexander’s visit preceeded a breaking

national economy is still recovering

news alert regarding the state’s deficit to

from its most recent recession, returns

fund higher education.

on investments continue to be low. As

endowment returns have continued to

for public higher education,” said

decrease, spending from endowments

Alexander. “The federal government

“This is a very tenuous time

Higher Ed Doctoral Student Wins National Dissertation Award

is on the path to be out of the higher education business by 2049.”

The only means to correct the

current course of higher education in

David Robinson-Morris, Fall 2015 doctoral graduate of the

the nation is to focus on minimizing

Higher Education Administration program, was recently awarded the

student indebtedness, incentivize public

2016 American Association of Blacks in Higher Education Disserta-

university commitment to low-income

tion Award. In addition to a cash prize, he will be recognized and pres-

populations, and for states to get out

ent his research at the association’s annual meeting.

the business of higher education. “Our students are funding state government and the university is dying on the vine,” said Alexander. “I think the federal government is the answer.”

Both Redd and Alexander’s

visits allowed HEA student to connect the





classroom to the very real issues of the




Students were reinvigorated to utilize their education to advocate for real and necessary change.

Robinson-Morris’ dissertation, titled “An Ontological (Re)Think-

ing of Ubuntu and Buddhism in Higher Education” theorized what American higher education might look like if education were engaged first as an incubator of “(inter)subjectivity that brings all under its shadow into the fullness of their humanity and in deeper of our shared being as human rather than schools of technical mastery driven by market demands.”

Speaking of his award, Robinson-Morris said, “More than anything,

for me it is a sign-post that I am on the right track and must continue to pur-

Alexander discusses national and

sue this line of inquiry; I must continue to theorize what education might be-

state higher education policy with

come if engaged first as an endeavor of human becoming—as one of many

HEA students

means through which we come to touch deeply our humanity and discover what it means to be a human being.”

The dissertation was chaired by Higher Education Administration

faculty member Danielle Alsandor; and committee members included Petra Hendry, Petra Robinson, and John Henderson.


Achieving Higher HEA Student Spotlights

Entering the World with Eyes Wide Open Graduating HEA Student Reem Al-Juriad Reflects on her Growth

Reem Al-Juriad, '16

Reem Al-Juraid’s experience

in the master's program in Higher

or Greek life.

Education Administration has been of

personal growth and an examination

graduate program has been learning

into her own personal identity as an

different aspects of the field and being

Arab-American. “Being in this program

appreciative of groups other than herself.

opened my eyes to see the world beyond

“We don’t have these conversations in

what we see in media,” she explained.

undergrad,” Reem recalls. “These are life


The Mandeville native received

Her favorite aspect of her

a psychology degree at LSU and was


involved in STRIPES (a freshman

new students: “Take advantage of

leadership program), Zeta Tau Alpha,


and as an Empower facilitator. She was

and don’t think your opinion isn’t

drawn to the field by the examples set

worth something.” She noted that

by mentors such as Angela Guillory,

this particularly applied to learning

director of Greek Life, and KC White,

to embrace her own perspective as

former dean of students at LSU.

an Arab-American.

“Hearing their stories,” Al-

to graduation, she reflected, “This

Juraid said, “and seeing the resemblance

profession really truly opens our eyes to

between themselves and my story

the real world.”

encouraged me to enter the program.” After graduation she hopes to work at an


institution in the SEC in student conduct


advice are



Looking forward

Doctoral Student Combines Law and Higher Education to Advocate for Female Victims of Color

Lafayette native and second-

via scholarship. “I had all these things I

year doctoral student Kerii Landry-

wanted to say but didn’t have an outlet.”

Thomas was drawn to the Higher

Education Administration program at

student and graduate assistant, Landry-

LSU because its “graduates have gone on

Thomas also holds down the full-time

to do impressive things.” Landry-Thomas

jobs of mother and wife. Her husband is

was impressed with the ability to use her

a faculty member at Southern University

law degree to study such contemporary

and she has two sons, ages eight and

higher education issues as Title IX, while

five. She laughed that her sons have a

also using intersectionality and critical

hard time understanding why she's still

race theory to examine the effects the

in school, "I explain to them my love of

campus conduct process has on female

learning. And they’re just happy that I’m

students is “professionalism at all times

victims of color.

learning.” Though the school-life balance

with colleagues and professors; practice

Landry ­– Thomas previously

can be difficult, she said that her children

time management; and really put effort

worked as an assistant public defender,

and husband have been understanding.

into producing quality work.”

law clerk, and prosecutor in the juvenile

court system. She was drawn to a second

a part of a community of scholars and

history as a professional, and we look

career in education because she was

her favorite part of her doctoral studies

forward to her very bright career!

seeing so many people in the justice

is meeting other students and making

system where things had gotten “messed

friends. “We’re building something

up” along their educational journey. She

together and will have friendships after

looks forward to contributing her voice

we graduate.” Her advice to incoming

In addition to being a busy

Landry-Thomas enjoys being

Kerii Landry-Thomas

Landry-Thomas has quite a


HEA Alumni Spotlight HEA Alumnus T. Elon Dancy: Taking Research, Service, and Teaching Higher

What are you currently working on (research, major projects, etc.)?

Generally speaking, my research is about education settings as sites of social identity development. The significance of the research is in its critique of higher education purpose and the relationship of colleges and universities to the public more broadly. While my scholarship has largely utilized qualitative methods, one current research project is a quantitative study of how postsecondary education impacts civic engagement for Black LGBT people across the United States and Puerto Rico. The purpose is to learn more about how multiple marginalities or, intersections of race and sexual orientation, matter in these conversations. A forthcoming edited book focuses on historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) across the African diaspora. The aim is to place HBCU conversations in a global context, highlighting similarities and distinctions among these institutions. This book is slated for a 2016 release.

In what ways did/does your education (and/or formation) as a LSU Higher Education Administration student shape or influence your current work?

The LSU doctoral program in higher education administration played three important roles: 1) it introduced me to what it meant to be a scholar; 2) it socialized me to the academy and field expectations, and 3) it exposed me to an early framework for critical higher education scholarship, or scholarship that engages educational settings as reproducers of multiple and intersecting systems of oppression. It was at LSU that I began to think deeply, at a variety of levels, about what we can and what we must do about educational and public inequities.


What are your favorite memories and/or experiences as a LSU Higher Education Administration student?

My favorite memory was working in a community of doctoral students and developing scholars. We became colleagues, peers, friends, and family. We keep in touch to this day. In many ways, doctoral program work can be isolating, particularly for people who have been historically barred from its doors. Having a community makes a world of difference.

What do you think is the program’s best asset?

I think the program’s best asset is its continued commitment to producing critical higher education scholars. This is evidenced by program area faculty as I think about Dr. Roland Mitchell’s and Dr. Kenneth Fasching-Varner’s work, but also as I think about the dissertations of several recent program area graduates. The program is wise to build on the School of Education’s visible legacy of curriculum theory scholarship. This has enhanced the program as a site, not just for training in the higher education field, but philosophical thinking.

What is a key piece of advice you received as a student in the program?

Although my mentor, Dr. M. Christopher Brown II, was not a faculty member in the program, he offered me a key piece of advice while I was a doctoral student. The advice was to write the most impressive, well-informed, thoughtful dissertation I could before seeking vacant tenure-track faculty positions. This complicated the widespread narrative I was hearing at the time that argued for a dissertation project that could be completed simply and conveniently. However, the wisdom in Dr. Brown’s words was about 1) taking advantage of relatively unencumbered time (especially since I was a full-time student) to read, think, and write as it becomes increasingly difficult post-graduation to protect this time and 2) helpfully positioning myself for publications and presentations at national conferences to support my tenure and promotion pursuit. I was tenured and promoted to associate professor at the University of Oklahoma after just five years. This advice was crucial.

What advice would you give to current students and recent graduates about building a career

Surround yourself with wise, truthful, and loving counsel who can light your pathway to the future you envision.

in academia?

T. Elon Dancy Provost Fellow, Office of the Senior

If you could sum up your experience in three words, what would you say?

The three words would be a phrase,

Vice President and Provost and

“An academic rebirth.”

Associate Professor


Faculty Research Brief

Could the New College Football Playoff Be the Next Big Challenge to NCAA Authority? By: Joy Blanchard, PhD

restricted the amount of games fans could

by fixing prices, creating boycotts through


view on television. The NCAA restricted

exclusive network contracts, and placing

established in the United States during

the broadcasts because it was fearful that

artificial limits on the number of televised

the late 1800s in response to monopolies

too many televised games would dilute the

games. The court likened the actions of

dominating their respective markets (e.g.,

“product” and reduce ticket sales. In 1976,

the NCAA to a “classic cartel” and found

oil or gas industries) during the Gilded

frustrated with the restrictions prohibiting

that the NCAA’s “‘output restriction’ had

Age . The intent of those laws was, among

their teams from capitalizing on their

the clear effect of raising the price the

other things, to prevent cartels


national popularity, 63 college teams broke

networks were forced to pay for television

controlling the free market and to outlaw

away from the NCAA and formed the

rights, creating a pricing structure that

collusion between competitors. Though

College Football Association (CFA). The

was unresponsive to consumer choice

some business practices serve to stifle

CFA collectively began to negotiate its

(viewer demand).”

trade and are anticompetitive in nature,

own contract with NBC, and in response to

they do not automatically create a viable

this attempted reorganization the NCAA

the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals

antitrust claim. A plaintiff must both show

prohibited CFA teams from participating

subsequently appealed to the U.S. Supreme

injury from such practices as well as that

in NCAA-sanctioned contests in any sport

Court. In a 7-2 decision, the Court struck

the anticompetitive effects are specifically


down the NCAA’s television plan. The

outlawed by antitrust law.

University of Oklahoma and the University

court said, “The economic significance

The most significant antitrust

of Georgia filed suit, claiming that the

of the NCAA’s nonprofit character is

challenge to the NCAA’s authority came in

NCAA restrictions violated antitrust law.

questionable at best. Since the District

1984 in NCAA v. Board of Regents of the

The NCAA countered that its television

Court found that the NCAA and its

University of Oklahoma. Before the U.S.



member institutions are in fact organized

Supreme Court issued its ruling in this case,

efficiency and protection of ticket sales

to maximize revenues . . . it is unclear why

the NCAA controlled how many times—

and live attendance at home games of

petitioner is less likely to restrict output in

and for how much money—college football

member institutions.” At trial the district

order to raise revenues above those that

games could be broadcast. Antitrust laws

court ruled that the NCAA’s control over

could be realized in a competitive market

were enacted to protect consumers, yet the


than would be a for-profit entity."

NCAA plan, as it existed prior to this case,

Section 1 and Section 2 of the Sherman Act













That decision was upheld by and

Justice White (a famed college and

eight finishes. During the first 13 years

including the fact that each of the five most



of the BCS system, 85.6 percent of BCS

resourced conferences will have automatic

foretold in his dissent, “Permitting a small

revenue has gone to AQ conferences, out

representation on the selection committee.

number of colleges, even popular ones, to

of a total 105 appearances by automatic

The new playoff system does not have an

have unlimited television appearances,

qualifiers (AQ) and seven by non-AQ

objective component like the BCS system’s

would inevitably give them an insuperable

conference teams. Teams from non-AQ

algorithm, but instead relies solely on the

advantage over all others and in the end

conferences less frequently receive bowl

subjective evaluations of the selection

defeat any efforts to maintain a system

game invitations, even though some have


of athletic competition among amateurs

demonstrated that they deserve a chance

In response to a potential challenge to the

who measure up to college scholastic

to compete at the highest level despite

new College Football Playoff, the NCAA

requirements.” The decision in Regents

their lack of resources.

might counter with a pro-competitive

arguably can be labeled as the start of

an “arms race” in relation to salaries,

greater parity and (arguably) to promote

because a single national championship

recruiting, and conference realignments.

competition, in 2013 the NCAA announced

game elicits build-up and excitement

While the NCAA had tried to keep exposure

that it would replace the computerized

among spectators.

and revenue equal among its member

system known as the BCS (or Bowl

argue that the goal, to achieve a national

teams, the changes after the decision in

Championship Series) with a playoff

champion in Division I-FBS football, could

Regents began a clear bifurcation of the

system consisting of two semifinal games

be reached using less restrictive means. In

“haves” and “have nots.”

that would determine the participants in

addition to reverting to a selection process

a national championship game.

that is more objective than the current



The “have” and “have nots”






In the


in favor of the new system

However, I would

that Justice White warned about in his

market defined as “high-level college


dissent in Regents has become a cyclical

football bowl games,” I would argue that

process, I propose a sixteen-team playoff,

reality. For example, between 1950 and

the College Football Playoff continues

comprising four brackets of four teams

2005, the same five college football teams

to exhibit some of the anticompetitive

each. In each bracket, the first ranked

accounted for 25 percent of all top-eight

features inherent in the old BCS system.

team would play the fourth ranked team,

finishes in the postseason polls, and 22

The new system continues to favor teams

and the second and third seeds would

teams accounted for 75 percent of all top-

from conferences with more resources,

play each other; the winners from those




contests would play in a deciding game

institutions. It seems undeniable that the

to increase the amount of athletic

to determine the winner of that bracket.

NCAA has abandoned the notion of college


From there, the winners of each bracket

athletics as part of the educational mission

vehemently to suppress movement in that

would play each other in two national

in favor of creating an entertainment

direction. Following the N.L.R.B’s ruling in

semifinals. The final remaining teams

enterprise. So why should the NCAA not

the Northwestern case, NCAA President

would play in the national championship

be subject to antitrust liability similar to

Mark Emmert said that recognizing

game. This would result in a team playing

other for-profit entities? Charles Clotfelter,

student-athletes as employees—who, in

a maximum of four additional games



turn, would have the power to negotiate

during the postseason—adding only two

calculated the growth of head football coach

better scholarships and benefits—“would

more than the existing system employed

salaries at public institutions have grown

blow up everything about the collegiate

in the College Football Playoff. Some

750 percent since the Regents decision—

model of athletics.” While the unionization

might argue that this proposed playoff

contrasted with a 32 percent increase for

of student-athletes would affect the status

system would extend the season too long

faculty. But perhaps most telling of the

quo in intercollegiate athletics, one could

and expose the student-athletes to greater

fact that big-time college sports aren’t

argue that the NCAA itself blew up the

risk of injury. To counter that, I would also

really about amateurism are the statistics

amateur model by increasingly involving

propose that the regular season be cut

that compare the NCAA to the highly

itself in commercial endeavors, such as

short by two games, to make up for these

profitable professional sports leagues in


added games. Antitrust law is designed to

the United States. According to data from


protect consumer interests and safeguard

the U.S. Department of Education’s Office

the quality of the product (in this case,

of Postsecondary Education, the combined

that the NCAA be granted an antitrust

producing the best competitive matchups).

collegiate athletic revenues for the 2010-


The NCAA in the past has

2011 academic year was $12.6 billion;

from antitrust challenges to practices,

defended its restrictive policies (such

the National Football League (the most

Congress would be allowed to curb

as limiting the number of coaches and

profitable professional sports league in the

commercial activity antithetical to the

scholarships teams can have) on the

United States) had revenues of $7.6 billion.

academic mission of the NCAA, as well

theory that by controlling the market it


as require that the NCAA grant student-

can promote quality among its member

programs have the financial capacity

athletes the same due process rights















The Drake Group has proposed In exchange for exemption

guaranteed through the Constitution,

Act and established the U.S. Olympic

model and morph into a commercialized

which it has not previously had to do

Committee, which replaced the oppressive

“survival of the fittest” (or wealthiest).

as a voluntary, private organization of

Amateur Athletic Union and gave athletes



greater legal protections.

intervention, intercollegiate athletics is set

Andrew Zimbalist, professor



of economics and sports commentator,


to continue on its course of astronomical

has called for an antitrust exemption in

have been granted antitrust exemptions

spending in a constant battle to prevail on

exchange for the regulation of coaches’

outside of the athletic context as well,

the field and at the bank. As it is currently

salaries and the implementation of a

such as the Need-Based Educational

structured, the presidents of the member

college football playoff.

Further, Len

Aid Act, which allowed for instances in

institutions of the NCAA will not abandon

Elmore of the Knight Commission on

which institutions could share student

this lucrative model freely. Whether by

Intercollege Athletics has commented that

financial aid information with each other

an act of Congress or through judicial

he would favor an antitrust exemption that

more freely,


would require athletic revenues be utilized


for more academic purposes.




and an exemption related



particularly at the most elite level of

In a 2007 monograph the

competition, is in need of fixing to better


American Bar Association noted that more

serve both the fans and the student-


than 20 federal antitrust exemptions exist

athletes themselves.

exemptions in exchange for increased

and advocated that exemptions be granted

oversight and regulation of sport. The

for “socially desired activity or wealth

Joy Blanchard is an assistant professor

Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961

transfer to some socially preferred group.”

in the Higher Education Administration

passed to counter a judicial decision that


program. This essay is part of a larger piece

held the NFL’s method of negotiating

arguably warranted for intercollegiate

that was published in the fall 2015 issue of

broadcasting contracts in violation of

athletics in light of the cherished role

the Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law

antitrust law. In 1966 Congress granted

intercollegiate athletics has played in

Journal. Reprinted with permission from

an antitrust exemption to broker the

modern American history. Additional

the editor-in-chief.

merger of the National Football League

legal challenges, such as the antitrust suit

and the American Football League.


brought by the plaintiffs in O’Bannon,

1978 Congress passed the Amateur Sports

could derail the current collegiate sport















THE BOOKSHELF By: Michael J. Seaberry, HEA Doctoral Student

“The books housed in one’s first adult bookshelf are the geological bed of who we wish to become.” — Sheridan Hay I can guarantee that the bookshelves in many of the higher education faculty member’s offices have been molded and reshaped over the years to reflect the dynamic nature of their lives. One may start with a love for Junie B. Jones books as a child and gradually grow to find the same passion in Michel Foucault’s works. In the midst of the many classes, papers, and conferences we seek help for, we sometimes forget that our professors are just like us: human. It would be interesting to go back in time and witness the very first set of books that our professors saved when they were in our shoes. However, since we cannot time travel (for the time being), I have found entry into the personal lives of our professors. The bookshelf, although a very public entity, contains many private moments entwined with the words on every page of the books housed within. Just as the eyes are the windows to the soul, the bookshelf is a window to the mind.

Danielle Alsandor


Recently, I had the pleasure of hearing from Dr. Danielle Alsandor about what her bookshelf truly means to her. Here is what she had to share:

What book are you currently reading?

What book(s) do you love to read with family members/ friends?

What is the one book you think all of the ELRC students should read?

the Thoughts You Choose Affect Your

With my friends, we’ve read Presumed

The Handbook of Student Affairs

Mood, Behavior, and Decisions by Joyce

Incompetent: The Intersections of Race

Administration by McClellan & Stringer.

Meyer. It’s a book about how what we

and Class for Women in Academia

A new edition will be released in 2016.

think affects our daily life in a variety

by Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs and

Whether you are a MA or PhD student

of ways. I’m also reading Jane Austen’s

Yolanda Flores Niemann. Several of

or plan to be a practitioner, academic,

Emma, which I just discovered from a

my girlfriends are academics and as

or administrator, knowing this material

cute bookstore in Oakland, CA.

many of us transitioned to faculty life

is truly beneficial. This book provides

as women of color, it was important for

insight on the many aspects, challenges,

us to read the research and also feel

and practices in higher education

validated in our own lived experiences.

administration. This was the first book

Meyer book: Inspiration. The desire to

We’ve also shared books by Iyanla

I bought as I prepared the summer

continue to develop holistically and


before I began my master’s program. It

I am reading The Mind Connection: How

What drew you to it?

remain centered on ways to becoming a better and more mindful person. Austen book: I love Austen’s works and decided to purchase it because she delves

introduced me to the field and provided

What author or book do you think you should read, but never seem to get to it?

deeply into characters and they come to life in my head, placing me in a different

I actually never read Maya Angelou’s


I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, so

clear recommendations from some the field’s key contributors.

Do you have any reading rituals?

I bought it too on my Oakland trip,

Just before bed and first thing in

though I have not opened yet…maybe

the morning! Start the day off with a

sometime during winter break. Time

devotional, angel book reading, and the

management is a challenge; so carving

Bible. End the day with inspiration and/

Oh, this is hard! As a child, I loved

out reading time is hard. Amid work

or insight depending on my day, mood,

reading and read all of R.L. Stine’s

responsibilities, I need exercise, sleep

and desire to continue the reading.

books. I would say in particular, I was

and meditation time, so those are

enthralled with the trilogy The Burning.

prioritized over reading, thus it can take

What is your favorite book from childhood?

a while to complete!


Where is your favorite spot to curl up with a good book?

quotes said by parents of the young children and how different priorities

What book(s) are you excited to read over the summer?

were for those based on household Sitting in my lounge chair on the patio

income and social class level.

Heart of a Woman. Over the break,

with by dog Deeno on my lap. It’s relaxing, comforting and I am able to focus on that one task without a phone

Are you currently working on any exciting new projects or books?

or computer.

What was the book that impacted you the most in life and work?

college students. I am taking my

In Making It Through the Maze, I share

In life, I would say the Holy Bible

the stories of college graduates from

and Doreen Virtue’s How to Hear

low-income households and how they

Your Angels. In my career, Annette

succeeded in earning their bachelor’s

Lareau’s Unequal Childhoods: Class,

degree. I am in the process of following

Race, & Family Life. It solidified my

up with participants to provide updates

passions. I knew beforehand from my

as well. Very engaging process.

dissertation research and detailing their pathway to college completion.

own background, lived experiences, reminded me of the importance to

What is your favorite place to read at LSU?

work in some capacity to make a positive difference in the lives of all, but

Honestly, I do not read at LSU. When

especially for those from marginalized

I am on campus, I am meeting with


students, trying to manage e-mail, prepping for class, etc. Reading

Do you have a favorite or most impactful quote from the book?

is something I prefer to do in a comfortable environment (be it scholarly or leisure reading). Sitting

Oh gosh, I don’t have the book with

upright at a desk or in a library is not

me, but there were several phrases and

for me.


I said I would start Bird by Bird: Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott.

I am working on a book on low-income

and desires, but this book reinforced,

Oh, I have another Angelou book The

Preparing for Practice Kruger and Holmes Visit LSU

Naspa President Kevin Kruger visits Tiger Stadium

experience in higher education, and

various NAPSA projects for over 25

represents the organization in national

years,” said Keppler. “Kevin is a national

and international forums. While working

expert on college student attitudes and

at the executive level of NASPA, Kruger

demographics, as well as the future of

has brought forth initiatives oriented

student affairs.”

By: Brittany Swanger, '16


Freestyle Higher Education








One of Kruger’s workshops

research, professional development, and


design their own experiences just like

student learning and assessment.

professionals in higher education and

the freestyle Coke machines.”

In late August, Kruger was

the future of the field as whole. Kruger

words stated by Dr. Kevin Kruger,

invited to campus by LSU Vice President

began his presentation with a graphic

president of the National Association

of Student Life and Enrollment, Dr. Kurt

by stating he wants to work with people

of Student Personnel Administators

Keppler, to conduct developmental

that dream big, have fun, and get stuff

(NASPA), reflects his perspective of

workshops for professionals in the

done. He emphasized the great shifts

college students in the United States.

division. “Kevin Kruger and I are long-

occurring in the field. Learning is no

Kruger was elected president of NASPA

time friends and colleagues and have

longer just taking place in the lecture

in 2012 with over 30 years of work

worked together on campus and with

halls and labs, but the number one place






students learn is online—YouTube to be

graduation. Kruger concluded that not

structure of higher education will be

exact. Technology has created a steep

only financially, but culturally, college

different from its current state in the

learning curve for professionals in the

campuses have to reorganize their

next 10 years. Besides schools steeped

field as they attempt to stay up to date

institutional structures to best serve and

in hefty endowments to combat any

and relevant. A result of the technology

care for this growing subpopulation of

change, the future of higher education

and internet boom is the economic model


lies in the hands of the consumers, and

of higher education being unsustainable.

those consumers are currently in the

College costs are increasing all over the

issues in higher education as mental

country, as state and federal funding is

health, alcohol abuse prevention, drug

cut at alarming rates. The media blames

abuse prevention, sexual assault and

the increase in tuition and fees not

gender-based violence, suicide, and

due to defunding, but administrative

crisis management. He mentioned these

salaries. Kruger combatted this claim

topics result in professionals becoming

by sharing that only 7 to 11 percent of

case mangers rather than educators.

an institution’s budget is reserved for

He believes these issues prevail on

salaries. He concluded that college is

campuses because of the consumer



culture that has developed in the past

vice president for student support at

both higher costs in services and goods

20 years resulting in students thinking

the University of Texas, El Paso, was

coupled with defunding are increasing

the collegiate experience is what us

invited to campus by the Office of the

the college degree price tag.

displayed in movies like Animal House

Dean of Students and the Division of

and Neighbors.

Student Life and Enrollment to conduct

enrollment, but that does not reflect

This brings us back to his initial

cultural competency workshops. Dean

equitable access. Kruger shared that 51

comment, students want to customize

of Students Dr. Maria Fuentes-Martin

percent of high school graduates are

their learning. They believe because

stated Holmes’ “years of experience

from low income families and the income

they—or parents, family, government

in student affairs and being a native

gap is widening. If these students enroll

— spend the money for them to attend

Louisianan gave him an excellent

they are faced will potentially tens

college, they should have a say in the

perspective in leading this important

of thousands of dollars in debt upon

product. Kruger mused that the entire

topic and session.”




Colleges have seen increased

Kruger described the big six

second grade.

Cultural Competence: Whole Student (And Professional) Growth Dr. Ryan Holmes, assistant

to end prejudice and racism at LSU.”

and should not be afraid to speak out

asking the professionals in the room

The presentations that followed

against injustice or oppression. Holmes

about LSU traditions, missions, and

focused on how higher education

wants professionals to rely on the

current trends. When the group was



resiliency of these students but rather be

asked, “What are you proud of most



visible and accessible to them. The only

about LSU?” responses ranged from

situations and ways that they could

directly applicable guidance Holmes

“football," "stately oaks," "homecoming,”

incorporate cultural awareness into their

offered was to not rely on programming

to “world-class academics and being the

daily interactions. Holmes was emphatic

and social services to culturally engage

flagship university of the state.”

that campuses have to go beyond just

students, and to encourage campus law

recognizing culture, but instead address

enforcement to concentrate on more

through an activity about who they


community policing and relationship

were and how they—and society—have



constructed their identity. He read out

a number of statements about family

that people are a threat to our way of life,

part of the new diversity plan Fuentes-

background, personal experiences, and

their lives matter less.” Holmes went on

Martin has in place for the Office of the

work environment. The intent of these

to discuss the advent of grassroots social

Dean of Students. Since her arrival in

activities were to allow the room time

justice movements in the wake of police

August, Fuentes-Martin has been very

to think about and reflect on their own

violence in recent years. He highlighted

active and intentional in implementing

competencies, as well as the experiences

how the media can influence students to

similar programming and initiatives on

of their colleagues. Fuentes-Martin was

respond, and professionals have to be

campus. Her desire is to celebrate the

impressed by the participation from the

aware of media impact and anticipate

differences in every student on campus

division musing, “I was grateful not only

ways to help students appropriately

by building an environment and staff

for his presence and leadership on this

express themselves.

open and welcome to cultural change.

key topic, but of the participants from

the Division of Student Life & Enrollment


who actively engaged in the session and

underrepresented student populations

genuinely reflected on their cultural

to address the needs of their community.

competencies, biases, and commitment

Every individual on campus has a voice

He began his presentation by












He stated, “When we believe

Holmes’ presentations were a

Holmes encouraged professionals not






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