produced by Genie Baskir and ElissaHudson
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, 440 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
PRESIDENT Russell Wyland
ARTISTIC SUPPORT............................................................................................................................Beverley Benda
BOX OFFICE............................................................................................................................................Rae Edmonson
BUILDING....................................................................................................................................................David B. Hale
DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................................................................Jim Howard
EDUCATION....................................................................................................................................Michael J. Baker Jr.
FRONT OF HOUSE......................................................................................................................De Nicholson-Lamb
MEMBERSHIP......................................................................................................................................Maria Ciarrocchi
PRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................Margaret Evans-Joyce
PUBLIC RELATIONS..............................................................................................................................Rachel Alberts
SEASONAL PLANNING......................................................................................................................Ashley Amidon
TECHNICAL SUPPORT............................................................................................................................Robert Kraus
Treasurer....................................................................................................................................................David B. Hale
Secretary to the Board......................................................................................................................Carolyn Winters
Executive Secretary....................................................................................................................................Jamie Blake
Archivist................................................................................................................................................Barbara Helsing
Business Manager......................................................................................................................................Tina McCrea
Box Office Manager..............................................................................................................................Cristina Wilke
Legal Counsel.................................................................................................................. Brian T. Goldstein, Esquire The Little Theatre of Alexandria, 600 Wolfe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Public Performances: Wed.–Sat. at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday at 3:00 p.m.
How do you explain to millennials that their “elders” used to lick postage stamps? Christopher Durang’s Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike asks the question that will resonate with many LTA audience members over the age of 50: What do those from the “baby boomer” generation do with their feelings of nostalgia? If our minds reject the idea that the mid-twentieth century was an era of American perfection, how can our hearts handle missing the world of our youths? The differences in customs, attitudes and beliefs between any two generations, but especially between millennials and middle-aged adults, are at the forefront of Christopher Durang’s play. While the play is set in the present day, the characters he created are equally divided between the “older” generation living with memories of the past and those idealistic “youngsters” who are expectantly looking towards the future. As a director, I explore the sentimental moments of the characters in a play; in this case, Vanya, Sonia and Masha have issues that include aging, love, loss and wanting to be heard. The realistic storyline highlights the comedic moments that drive the underlying themes. As the actor David Hyde Pierce says in the introduction to the published version of the play, “Durang, like Chekhov before him, has written a very particular comedy about very specific people, yet in the process … touched on something universal.” I hope that this production helps us to think about our own lives and examine our values, regardless of age. Let us help to bridge the generation gap by embracing the themes of the play with wit and wisdom. For now, observe past and present worlds as they come together in the sunroom of an old farmhouse in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. … Enjoy the show.
– Howard Vincent KurtzOct 20 • The TWIG Oct 24 • Imperial Court of Washington DC
Evergreen Design Build LLC • Kx Photography • One Brick • Carol Strachan George Mason University Theater Department • Jennifer Crier Johnston
Vanya ..............................................................................................................................Mario Font
Sonia ..............................................................................................................Lorraine Bouchard
Cassandra ................................................................................................................Marilyn Pifer
Masha ........................................................................................................................Carol Preston
Spike ......................................................................................................................John Paul Odle
Nina ..........................................................................................................Hannah-Lee Grothaus
Vanya and Sonia live together in their childhood family home in Bucks County, PA. Their sister, Masha, an international stage and movie star, comes home for the weekend to attend a costume party. Masha is responsible for the care and feeding of Vanya and Sonia, who have not left the house since before their parents died many years ago. They reflect on a world that is changing around them as they observe it, but fail to participate in it, until Masha’s return.
Masha, married five times and facing her mortality as a star in the Hollywood firmament, brings along Spike, her much younger and predatory lover. Masha embarks on a course that may destroy Vanya and Sonia’s security until the maid, Cassandra, a part-time soothsayer, puts another plan into motion to rescue this family.
Meanwhile, the lovely Nina, visiting her aunt and uncle next door, meets Masha, her idol, and innocently and lovingly helps to redeem the reclusive siblings and the worldly sister who had lost her way.
Act 1
Scene 1: The morning room in early morning. Scene 2: The morning room later that day.
Act 2
Scene 1: The morning room late that evening. Scene 2: The morning room next morning. Scene 3: The morning room a little later.
Scene 4: The morning room later that afternoon.
Time Period
The present Setting
A lovely farmhouse in Bucks County, PA
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike is performed in two acts with one 15-minute intermission.
Producer ........................................................................................Genie Baskir, Elissa Hudson
Director......................................................................................................Howard Vincent Kurtz
Stage Manager ............................................................................................................Lynn Lacey
Assitant Stage Managers ..................................................Abigayle Allred, Emma Baskir
Set Design ....................................................................Howard Vincent Kurtz, Alex P. Wade
Set Construction ................................................................................................John Fernandez
Assisted by John Downing, Joel Durgavich, Jim Hutzler, Dan Remmers
Lighting Design ....................................................................Jeff Auerbach, Kimberly Crago
Master Electrician ............................................................................................Kimberly Crago
Assisted by Jay Bartol, Lloyd Bittinger, Marzanne Claiborne, Charles Dragonette, Iris Ellis, Pam Leonowich, Micheal J. O’Connor, Donna Reynolds, Sherry Singer, Marg Soroos, Alan Wray
Costume Design ....................................................Amanda Jarvis, Howard Vincent Kurtz
Sound Design ................................................................................................................Alan Wray
Assisted by Keith Bell, Eileen Doherty, Jack Seaver, Gene Warner
Set Painting ................................................................................................................Sandy Kozel
Assisted by Emma Baskir, Jill Crispin, Megan Fernandez, Janet Kennelly
Set Decoration ..................................................................Marian Holmes, Russell Wyland
Properties Design ....................................................................................................Geoff Baskir
Assisted by Emma Baskir, Eileen Doherty, Michelle Hall, Yaritza Pacheco
Wardrobe ..............................................................................................................Margaret Snow
Assisted by Jamie Blake, Patty Greksouk, Donna Hauprich, Robin Worthington
Hair and Makeup Design ................................Amanda Jarvis, Howard Vincent Kurtz
Rigging ....................................................................................................................Russell Wyland
Photographer ............................................................................................................Keith Waters
Audition Coordinator ..........................................................................................Sherry Clarke
Assisted by Emma Baskir, Robert Ford, Bobbie Herbst, Margo Shiffert
Dramaturg ..................................................................................................................Howard Jaffe
Double Tech Dinner ................................................................Genie Baskir, Elissa Hudson
Opening Night Party ......................................................................................David McCallum
Assisted by Mona Wargo
In case of an emergency, LTA has three AEDs (automated external
They are located as follows:
1. in the lobby, near the Council Green Room
2. in the cast entrance hallway, near backstage door
3. in the Alexandria Academy, on the first floor
(in alphabetical order)
Lorraine Bouchard (Sonia) is thrilled to make her debut on the LTA stage. She fell in love with Sonia when she played her in South Dakota in 2015. Lorraine’s local appearances include Dixie Swim Club (ACCT), Taking Sides (PCP), All’s Well That Ends Well (Rude Mechanicals), The Best Christmas Show (N)Ever (Coil Project), Love, Sex, and the I.R.S. (Wolf Pack Productions) and New Voices One-Act Play Festival (OOH).
Mario Font (Vanya) is pleased to be back at LTA; his last show here was The Underpants. Other shows: Peter and the Starcatcher (SMP), The Boys in the Band (DS), Jesus Christ Superstar (MCP), 33 Variations (SSS and RCP), Spamalot (ZS), Arabian Nights (SSS), Love!Valour! Compassion! (DS) and 42nd Street (TAP). Special thanks to the production team for this incredible experience. Big shout out and love and hugs to my husband, Jason—his support and encouragement got me to this point.
Hannah-Lee Grothaus (Nina) is thrilled to be playing Nina in VSMS. While she has acted before in other school and community theater productions, this show marks her debut with the Little Theatre of Alexandria. She would like to thank everyone who has made her first LTA experience such a wonderful one.
There are many ways to be involved with The Little Theatre of Alexandria!
Volunteers are an important aspect of LTA. There are many opportunities to be a part of LTA with a variety of events and times! All are welcome to participate regardless of experience.
LTA is one of the oldest community theatres in the Washington D.C. area thanks to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. A successful stage production requires many volunteers working behind the scenes before and during the run of the show. Everyone performing in and nearly everyone you see working on an LTA show is a volunteer.
As a volunteer community theatre group, LTA welcomes anyone interested in becoming involved. There are lots of opportunities at LTA, for all experience levels! So, come play with us.
For more info, visit our website thelittletheatre.com and click on”Opportunities” and scroll to “Volunteer”, or call the business office at 703-683-5778.
John Paul Odle (Spike) has been an Old Town resident for 23 years. He graduated with a theater major from Providence College. This will be his LTA debut. John Paul was directed by Paata Tsikurishvili, the founder of Synetic Theater in Crystal City, in The Annunciation and was the winner of a Gilbie Award for Best Supporting Actor at Catholic University for his role in the original play Us Righteous.
Marilyn Pifer (Cassandra) is delighted to make her LTA debut with this terrific cast and production team. Recent credits include A Little Princess (Miss Minchin) at ACCT and Unnecessary Farce (Mary Meekly) with MCP. Other favorite performances: Crimes of the Heart (Lenny), Play On! (Gerry), and narrating A Lincoln Portrait at the Kyiv (Ukraine) Opera House. Marilyn thanks her husband, Steve, for his unfailing support!
Carol Preston (Masha) is grateful to Director Howard Vincent Kurtz for the opportunity to make her first appearance at LTA. Some of her previous roles include Marie in Calendar Girls , Mavis in The Hallelujah Girls, Lilly Warner in Postmortem, Charlotte Hughes in An AmericanDaughter, Ouiser in Steel Magnolias, Lee Green in TheTale of the Allergist’s Wife and Kitty in SixDegrees of Separation. She thanks voice coach Adriana Hardy and Meisner coach Robert Epstein for giving her the tools that make it possible for her to do what she loves.
ACCT –Aldersgate Church Community Theater
ACT –Alliance of Community Theaters
ADDT –Attention Deficit Disorder Theater
ATC –Arcturus Theater Company
BCT –Bowie Community Theatre
CHAW –Capitol Hill Arts Workshop
CCDC –Capital City Players of DC
CCP –Chevy Chase Players
CFTC – City of Fairfax Theatre Company
CRT –Castaways Repertory Theatre
CT –Chalice Theater
DTC –Damascus Theatre Company
DLC –Drama Learning Center
DS –Dominion Stage
ESP –Elden Street Players (now NST)
ESP/TFYA –Elden Street Players Theatre for Young Audiences
FCT –Fauquier Community Theatre
FP –Foundry Players (now CCDC)
GAC –Greenbelt Arts Center
GFP –Great Falls Players (now MCP)
HBP –Hard Bargain Players
KAT –Kensington Arts Theatre
KT –Keegan Theatre
LMP –Laurel Mill Playhouse
LSDT –Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre
LTA –The Little Theatre of Alexandria
LTC –Landless Theatre Company
MCP –McLean Community Players
MP –Montgomery Playhouse
MPAT –Metropolitan Performing Arts Theatre
MSA –Metropolitan School for the Arts
MTA –McLean Theatre Alliance (now MCP)
MTC – Musical Theater Center
MVCCT –Mount Vernon Community
Children’s Theatre
NST –NextStop Theatre
OOH –Old Opera House
PCP –Port City Playhouse
PGLT –Prince George’s Little Theatre
PP –Peculiarity Productions
PPF –Providence Players of Fairfax
PTC –Potomac Theatre Company Inc.
PTP –Port Tobacco Players
PWLT –Prince William Little Theatre
RCP –Reston Community Players
RLT –Rockville Little Theatre
RMT –Rockville Musical Theatre
RTP –Rooftop Productions
SCT – Springfield Community Theater
SMP –St Mark’s Players
SSS –Silver Spring Stage
ST –Signature Theatre
STC –Shoestring Theater Company
TACT –The American Century Theater
TAP –The Arlington Players
TAT –The Alliance Theatre
TBP –The British Players
TCP –Tantallon Community Players
UMW –University of Mary Washington
URTM –Upper Room Theatre Ministry
WATCH –Washington Area Theatre
Community Honors
(in alphabetical order)
Jeff Auerbach, Kimberly Crago (Lighting Design/Master Electrician) enjoyed designing Nice Work if You Can Get It and Little Shop of Horrors at TAP. Jeff would like to send his love to his family, David and Katie Clement. Jeff would also like to thank them for their support during the long hours he is gone creating his art. Jeff is proud to say he won a WATCH Award for The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) atLTA. Jeff and Kimberly hope you enjoy this production of Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike.
Genie Baskir (Co-Producer) is a person of no account and little accomplishment. She has no discernible talent or skills and cannot understand how anyone would trust her with a key to the theater. Her family hates her, and her friends use her to pay for stuff. The dog likes her… but only at dinnertime. To the best of her knowledge, she has no outstanding criminal warrants.
Geoff Baskir ( Properties Design) has performed back-of-house duties for a variety of shows—most recently sound board operator for Driving Miss Daisy (LTA), light board operator for A Party toMurder (LTA) and sound design for Shakespeare in Tatters (ADDT). He has been seen onstage this year in La Cage aux Folles (ZS), 8 Bit Circus S*it (PP), I Ain’t Made That Way (STC), Hexagon 2017— Let Freedom Zing! and in a 48 Hour Film, Strike Back! (Plan R Films). He has also drawn cartoons about a dog and a cat and chaired a committee for the Transportation Research Board.
John Fernandez (Set Construction) was born in Colombia and came to the U.S.A. when he was 3 years old. He has advanced degrees in architecture from Catholic University. There he did some studies in set design and building for the Theater Department. He is a full-service designer and Class A licensed general contractor working on commercial and residential projects. Building the set for Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike is his first project for LTA. He loves his family, golf and Johnny Depp.
Marian Holmes (Co-Set Decoration) is delighted to be working with Russ—and also with Howard. Marian is a longtime member of the theater and has worked backstage, onstage and in the front of the house in many roles. Her most recent venture was producing Red, White andTuna this past spring, again with Russ— and doing setdecoration as well.
Elissa Hudson (Co-Producer) is happy to be back at LTA finally producing a comedy! In the past she produced Sweeney Todd and AStreetcar Named Desire at LTA, so this show is a nice change. Acting still remains her true calling, and she is grateful for the recognition of her abilities with a WATCH Award and a nomination for a 12-line role (not quite sure what that says, but still happy!). Thanks to Howard Vincent Kurtz—she learned so much, and he continually amazed her with his talent; the cast who worked so hard and is always in good spirits; the crew responsible for pulling it all together; and finally, her family, through thick and thin, who are always there for each other and are supportive in all her crazy adventures—love you!
Howard Jaffe (Dramaturg) is thrilled to be working on the other side of the footlights. He was honored to receive the LTA Best Bit Player award for his role as George in Nude with Violin. Howard works in the music division at the Library of Congress. In his spare time, he plays the recorder with the Library of Congress Recorder Society, performs cocktail piano music for various events and sings with the Alexandria Choral Society.
Amanda Jarvis (Co-Costume Design, Co-Hair/Makeup Design)is a senior at George Mason University. She is studying design and technical theater with a concentration in costume design. She will be designing costumes for the upcoming Mason Players production of The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail in spring 2018. Amanda also has a special interest in incorporating wearable electronics into the performance arts.
Sandy Kozel (Set Painting) returns to LTA leading a paint crew after her debut as the paint crew chief in 2000 for She Stoops to Conquer. She went on to paint 20 sets for various theater groups (including Tommy at LTA), earning one WATCH and six ACT nominations. LTA’s The Music Man and Victor/Victoria are among her onstage appearances. After retiring from the Associated Press this year, Sandy can occasionally be heard filling in as a news anchor on WTOP.
Follow us on instagram @littletheatrealex
Howard Vincent Kurtz (Director, Co-Set Design, Co-Costume Design, Co-Hair/ Makeup Design) is pleased to be returning to LTA, where he has directed productions of Biloxi Blues (WATCH Award nomination, Outstanding Direction of a Play), Broadway Bound, Enchanted April, Picnic (WATCH Award nomination, Outstanding Direction of a Play) and Nude with Violin. He has also received several LTA awards for designing sets, costumes, hair and makeup. Howard is a professor of theater and head of the Design and Technical Theater Program at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, and associate curator of costumes and textiles at Hillwood Estate, Museum and Gardens in Washington DC. In 2018, Howard will be retiring with his husband to Pennsylvania. He would like to take this opportunity to thank his LTA family for their many years of collaboration and support.
Lynn Lacey (Stage Manager) has been stage managing (and designing sound) in the NoVA area since 1996. She is thankful to Elissa and Genie for the opportunity to work with this amazing cast and crew and to Howard for putting up with her. Recent and noteworthy shows, all at Little Theater of Alexandria, are: Driving Miss Daisy (sound design), Red, White and Tuna (co-stage manager), The Fabulous Lipitones (co-stage manager) and ToKill a Mockingbird (co-stage manager). Lynn thanks her family and friends for their patience and support, and as always, her ever-present angel, Jennifer, for the courage to dance.
Margaret Snow (Wardrobe) likes managing a challenging wardrobe operation, and the middle-aged manipulating siblings of this show fill the bill nicely with a costuming plot progressing from fantasy to messy irrationality. Combining this subject matter with this show’s theme and working with such a delightful director, producers, cast and crew are perfect preparation for exercising appropriate behavior in the aftermath of attempting to cheer her sanctified Bal’mer Oily Boids to victory in Nationals Park next year.
Alex P. Wade (Co-Set Design)is a junior theater major at George Mason University with a design and tech concentration. She is thrilled to be participating in this show as her first with the company. Other design credits, with the Mason Players, include Dead Man’s Cell Phone (props design), 1984 (props design), and the Threepenny Opera (assistant setdesigner).
Alexandria Convention & Visitors Association invites you to visit www.artseventsalexandria.com to view the arts calendar and schedule of events.
Keith Waters (Photographer) is photographing his 11th production at LTA. He is a commercial, event and real estate photographer with national credits, and his clients include the Washington Redskins, the Washington Ballet, Puma Sports, Make a Wish, and Washington Fine Properties. Keith is also an actor who has appeared in principal roles in network, cable and independent productions and on several area stages, including LTA.
Alan Wray (Sound Design) is excited to be working with Howard and the extraordinary cast and crew of Vanya and Sonya and Masha and Spike. Alan worked with Howard on his absolutely wonderful Picnic and fabulous Italy of Enchanted April. He has designed sound for various shows in the metropolitan region. His designs for Port City Playhouse have included The SoulCollector, The Drawer Boy and the haunting Terra Nova. He most recently designed the sound for TAP’s She Loves Me.
Russell Wyland (Co-Set Dressing and Rigging) is delighted to be working again with director Howard Kurtz and longtime collaborator Marian Holmes. Russell has dressed the sets of such LTA productions as Nude with Violin, Biloxi Blues, Hairspray, West Side Story,A Christmas Carol and Red, White and Tuna. He has won several LTA and WATCH Awards for his efforts. Russell currently serves as the Chairman (and lone member) of the rigging department and as LTA President.
Here’s a gift idea you can wrap your arms around! For the person who has everything, memorialize their love of theatre by purchasing a seat in our lovely theatre. An engraved plate, with up to three lines of engraving, will be placed on the arm rail.To purchase a seat, contact Tina McCrea in the LTA Business Office at 703-683-5778 x2. By request, a Seat Purchase Certificate can be obtained for your presentation to the recipient of your gift.
In case of an emergency, LTA has three AEDs (automated external defibrillators)
They are located as follows:
1. in the lobby, near the Council Green Room
2. in the cast entrance hallway, near backstage door 3. in the Alexandria Academy, on the first floor
LTA wishes to recognize and thank all the volunteers who have given their time and talents by helping with house managing, ushering, or working in the box office for our previous production of Driving Miss Daisy. Your contributions to the success of LTA are very much appreciated. Thank you!
Tina Anderson
Lloyd Bittinger
Luana Bossolo
Tammy Preston Boyd
Michael ‘O Connor
Jean Coyle
Sharon Dove
Ira Forstater
Gary Gladstone
Sue Gladstone
Barbara Helsing
Bobbie Herbst
Marian Holmes
Wayne Johnson
Caterina Lillis
Steve Percy
Charlene Pritzker
David Pritzker
Jayn Rife
Mary Beth Smith-Toomey
Kirstin Apker
Jamie Blake
Rita Costello
Jean Coyle
Kate Desch
Bernard Engel
Ira Forstater
Robin Fradkin
Jean M. Frane
Marcia Gillespie
Patricia Greksouk
Phyllis Ann Gruber
Barbara Hayes
John Johnson
Kate King
Lauren Kramer
Denise Landers
Lisa Landis
Publicity..........................................Rachel Alberts Graphics......................................Simmons Design
Playbill Editor..........................Carol Hutchinson
Playbill Coordinator....................Bobbie Herbst
For information concerning Playbill advertising, please call 703-683-5778.
Valerie Larkin
Dorothy Marshall
Harriett Matthews
Isodore Mizell
Paul Morton
Micheal O'Connor
Betty Puscheck
Gary Rasmussen
Ana Rasmussen
Margaret Snow
Paula Vickers
Jo Wendler
Eve Young
Jayn Rife
Ann Rowan
Toni R. Sanford
Howard Soroos
Carol Strachan
Rose Talbot
Leslie Wilkes
Donald Wilson
Bill Young
Founding Fathers
Jim Barthmaier
Laura Beauchamp & Chris Feldmann
Maggie Bush in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Marzanne Claiborne & Leslie Wilkes
Peter M. Fannon
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Steffen & Jennifer Krause
David & Michelle McNally
Jean S. Moore
Thomas & Alice O'Connor
Continental Congress
The Burkhead Family
Kevin Deardorff & Lisa Blumerman
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Marian Holmes
Susan & Andre' L'Heureux
Rich and Judy Massabyn
Law Office of Margo B. Owen, Esquire
Jeanne & Dan Porter
Howard & Margaret Soroos
Steve Topetzes
Mrs. Barbara Becker
Lloyd Bittinger
Patricia Cosler
Larry Dempsey & Emily Cole
Jack & Kelly Fannon
Lori & John Foster
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Hamel Family in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Jim & Alexandra Hartz
Jake & Celia Jacoby
James & Catherine Kelley
In Memory of Grace Machanic
Melissa Nielson & Ed Yawn
Frank & Donna Pasqualino in memory of Bruce
Richard & Rochelle Schwab
Mary Beth Smith-Toomey
John & Laurie Stackpole
Susan Swain
Katherine Ward, Long and Foster Realtor
Kelley Wells
Kathy Wood
Neale Ainsfield & Dr. Donna Sieckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Alfredson
Lois & Peter Ancona
Anonymous The Apker Family
Michael J. Baker, Jr.
Mary Katherine Baumeister
Ronald E. Becker
Carol & Jim Becker
Beverley Benda
Lloyd Bittinger in memory of Roland B. Gomez
In Honor of Jamie Blake
John Brettell & Nicole Zuchetto
Gregory Bricker
Nick & Diane Burakow
Nancyanne M. Burton
Carolyn L. Cain
David & Catherine Clagett
David Correia
Brian & Paula Coupe
Kimberly & Steve Crago
Robert B. Crane
Ann S. Daniels
P.M. Donahue
The Reverend Stanley A. Dubowski
Dennis & Myrna Dunn
Dorinda Fitt
Alice Fitzgerald
Thomas & Rita Foss
Michael & Sarah Gale
Jeff & Donna Gathers
James & Maria Gentle
Trish & Cam Gibson
Molly Gimmel
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Barbara Helsing
Karen Hoffman
Jim & Terry Howard
Dr. David Hunt & Dr. Kimberly Wells
Infinity Stage
Kenneth & Therese Johnston
Carla Jones-Batka & William Batka
Al & Suzanne Kalvaitis
Judy & Orron Kee in Memory of Roland Gomez
Michael Kharfen
Col. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Knapp, USMC (Ret)
Philip & Karen Kopp
Robert Kraus & Larissa Heyman
Ladies’ & Gentleman's Matinee Society
Valerie Larkin, Psy.D.
Beth Leonard
Pamela Leonowich
P. Lord
Mike & Gigi Louden
Jennifer Lyman
In Memory of Grace Machanic
Sara Maddux
Bob & Joanne Madison
The Maibach Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Mannion
Estelle Marlor
Linda L. Mayer
Sandra McKinney
Louise Meng
John & Karen Misura
Will & Anne Monahan
Gene & Dorothy Mulligan
Andy & Kate Nelson
Jeff & Diane Nesmeyer
Douglas A. Olmsted
Jim Pearson and Laurie Marichak
Lisa Platske
Elena Polyak
The Rampy Family
Gary & Ana Rasmussen
George & Fran Rhodes
Mary Jo Roos
James Rorke
Tami & Peter Salmon
Chad & Christina Sarchio
Tom Sargeant
Jean & Jim Schlichting
Aubrey & Carolyn Smith
Patricia Spencer Smith
Bob & Sharon Spivey
Laszlo & Barbara
Donald Street
In Memory of Jean Stuhl
April Stull
Lois Van Bergen
Hugh & Sue Van Horn
David & Sue Wilkes
Linda W. Windsor
Gail & Jim Woolwine
Martha E. Alliston
Anne A. Andrews
Ronald & Sheila Barrett
Andrea & Walter Baumann
Richard & Judith Bednar
James T. Bennett
Robert & Joann Bingham
Herb & Dee Brooks
Cheri L. Brown
Mary Lynne Brown
Jim & Sue Buchanan
Peter Butler in memory of Evelyn Butler
Felicia Carretta
Phil & Alice Childress
Ronald E. Cogan
Margaret Evans-Joyce
Ira Forstater & Robin Fradkin
Bill & Francine Gemmill
Kathy Giannetti
In Memory of Jane Godfrey
In Memory of Roland B. Gomez
Kacie Greenwood in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Ruth Guirard (Long and Foster)
Fritz & Pat Haberman
In Memory of Michael Hamburg
Ruth Hare
The Honorable & Mrs. John Harper, Jr.
Bruce Harrison
Alma Kasulaitis
James & Charlene Kegerreis
Victor Kernus
Norma Jean Lawton
Walt & Manette Lazear
William W. Lohr
In Memory of
Grace Machanic
Nathan & Kara Macek
Donna Malarkey
Carlton E. Martin
Bill & Joan McCulla
Madeline Metcalfe
Jeff & Mary Palmer
Becky Patton
Theresa Pawlak
Bob & Elaine Peoples
Laura Peterson
Roger & Cheryl Pratt
Irene Rehbock
Al Romaneski
Col. Melvin H. & Barbara Rosen
Ann Rowan
Jacqueline & Ralph Schenkel
Jack Seaver
Mary Sellman
Robert & Maureen Simoniz
Capt. & Mrs. Donald Taggart
John & Myrna Templeton
In Memory of Michael Toomey
Don & Erdine Walter
Marilyn I. Wiener
Jerry & Doris Wolf
Raymond M. & Sheri H. Wolfe
Frank & Lynda Adamson
Mr. & Mrs. James Albanese
Marco & Alice Albergo
Caroline Austin
Dave & Brenda Beck
Joan Burg
Robert & Jayne Eckert
Dan & Marie Ernst
Joanna & Richard Eyer
Oliver & Carol Flint
Mel & Sara Friedman
Harry & Mary Clair Gildea
W. Jack Green
Doris Hamel
Jeff & Melany Hansen
Edith C. Heilberg
John Henderson
Barbara Hendrickson
Melissa Keiser
Jean Keppler
Roberta Klein in memory of Roland B. Gomez
Paula Mathews
Edward Neisis
Jane Neubig
Diedre K. Nicholson-Lamb
Charles Pellegrini
Irene Rebbock
A. Leo Romaneski
Audrey Scruggs
Gil & Marcia Siegert
Barbara Slavik
Randal C. Teague, Sr.
Rance R. Willis
Linda Ysewyn
Every effort has been made to ensure that this list of contributors is correct and complete as of the date this program went to press. If your name has been omitted or misspelled, please accept our apologies and inform us of the error so that the correction can be made.
Carolyn Winters................................................................................................................................Director
Tina Anderson..........................................................................................................................Vice Director
Margaret Evans-Joyce..................................................................................................................Secretary
Sharon Field......................................................................................................................Financial Officer
Russell Wyland..............................................................................Honorary Member, LTA President
Helga Ingrid Adams
Brooke Angel
Emma Baskir
Genie & Geoff Baskir
Lloyd Bittinger
Jamie Blake
Luana Bossolo
Lesley Buckles
Nancyanne Burton
Jay Cohen
Franklin C. Coleman
Emory & Susan Damron
Eileen Doherty
Sharon Dove*
Charles Dragonette & Alan Wray
Julia Duncan
Peter Fannon*
Ira Forstater
Duane Goddard*
Kacie Greenwood
John Guinn
Doris Hamel*
Ronnie Hardcastle
Adriana Hardy*
Barbara Hayes
Bobbie Herbst
Larissa Heyman
Kira Hogan
Marian Holmes*
Jim Howard
Jim & Mary Hutzler
Bonnie Jourdan
Algis & Suzanne Kalvaitis
Judy Kee
Mel & Lidia Kollander*
Robert Kraus
Burt & Vivian Kronstedt
Lois D. Ligoske
David McCallum
Tina McCrea**
Carlos Moctezuma
Will & Anne Monahan*
Lynn O’Connell
Thomas & Alice O’Connor*
Eddie Page
James Pearson
Leslie Reed Jayn Rife
Benjamin Robles
Heather Sanderson
Jean Schlichting
Dick Schwab
Margo Shiffert
Sherry Singer
Kim Smith-Salmon
Mary Beth Smith-Toomey*
Arthur & Margaret Snow
Howard & Margaret Soroos
Allen Stuhl*
Rance Willis*
Frank Winters
Robin Worthington
Janice Yeadon
Bill Young
Welcome to the “Shakespeare Garden” in The Little Theatre of Alexandria Courtyard! This beautiful garden was made possible with donations from LTA members and supporters who purchased bricks during the LTA Council’s fund-raising campaign February-April of 2017. We have planted floral species that figured prominently in the Bard’s writings. We invite you to check out our courtyard during intermission and see how many you can identify!
The Council of The Little Theatre of Alexandria, organized in 1961, is a dedicated group of about 80 members that supports the theatre with special contributions. While our “Shakespeare Garden” is our most massive accomplishment so far, our past contributions included: scholarships for high school students, a new range, draperies and ice maker for the Council Green Room, folding chairs and tables throughout the theatre, brass plates for sponsored theatre seats, a computerized box office system, several grand drapes over the years, and many varied technical enhancements, including exterior defibrillators (AEDs) for safety. Contributions to LTA from the Council have exceeded $215,000. The Council conducts three business/social meetings per year, and decorates the theatre for the winter holidays. We are pleased to be a part of the Alexandria artistic community and proud to support one of the best community theatres in America today!