My first newsletter

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Ricky’s Recap Division 18 of the New Jersey District

Belleville - Bloomfield - Clifton Glen Ridge - Nutley - St. Mary’s

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Letter of Introduction

Page 4 &5 DCON Recap

Page 6-7 RTC Recap

Page 8 Important Contacts

Letter of Introduction Hello, New Jersey District, Key Club Officers, Advisers, and Kiwanis Committee. My name is Ricky Thompson and I have the honor the server as the Lieutenant Governor of Division 18 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International for the 2014 - 2015 service year. The new division 18 is formed of the clubs of Belleville High School, Bloomfield High School, Clifton High School, Glen Ridge High School, Montclair High School, Nutley High School and St. Mary’s High School. I am currently a sophomore at Bloomfield High School and started Key Club as a freshman. When I joined Key Club, I had prior skills with computers so I had decided to become the webmaster of my key club. I served as Webmaster for the 2012 - 2013 service year and Webmaster and Membership Director for the 20132014 service year. After attending Fall Rally, Key leader, DCON, RTCs and icon as a freshmen I saw a bigger perspective of Key Club, the district and international level of Key Club International. I decided to run a seconded time in February and was elected. My extracurricular activities include: Key club, Key club and even more‌.. You guessed it! Key Club. Although I will serve as your Lieutenant Governor this year, do not be afraid to come and talk to me with whatever you need. I always have time on my hands and am never busy. If you need help at an event do not be afraid to ask me and I will be there to help. Yours in caring and service, Ricky Thompson


International Convention Why go to the convention? Because it’s the biggest event of the Key Club year! Imagine celebrating the amazing things Key Club does with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. If that isn’t enough, you’ll also have the opportunity to: 

Share innovative service project and fundraising ideas.

Listen to actor and activist Chris Bashinelli, host of PBS’ “Bridge the Gap.”  Learn about servant leadership.  Train for your 2014–15 leadership position.  Elect next year’s Key Club International Board. 

Hear about our success so far with The Eliminate Project—and how you can help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.  Discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with. Have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime. Last Years International Convention was amazing! Check out the link below to see some pictures!



The District Board for the 2013-2014 service year looked beautiful and handsome as they led the New Jersey District one last time.


DCON Recap DCON is a wonderful weekend that every key clubber should get a INSERT PHOTO.The clubs of the 21 divisions come together to chance to experience. share project ideas, get to know one another, learn more about Key Club and celebrate the success of the service year. We go to workshops to learn different ways to not only improve our leadership skills but improve our clubs as well. During the sessions we learn more about Key Club at a district level. The variety of events over the three days opens up your eyes to the good we strive and continue to do. During DCON I had the opportunity to pack food for local children and having the chance to be part of a hands on project such as this truly showed what we do and why we do it, which is what DCON is all about. As we bring the service year to a close we reflect back on the achievements of our club, our fellow key clubs and the district as a whole. ~ Bloomfield Key Club President Rosalyn Feliciano



RTCs Recap What are RTCs? RTC stands for Regional Training Conference. Every service year, there are two that take place in the Spring and three in the Fall. Spring is happening in May and the state of NJ is split up into two regions; north and south. Every year, a new theme is chosen for RTCs and this year, we are going with a Mythology Theme. This years Northern RTC was held in Roxbury high school! 8 officers from Division 18 attended! Hope to see everyone at Fall RTCs Didn’t Make it? If you could not make it to the spring northern regional training do not worry about it! There are still 2 more regional training conferences near division 18! Although the locations still have yet to be announced the 3 training conferences will take place in North, Central and South New Jersey to make it convenient for every single New Jersey Key Clubber officer or not, to attend a RTC this service year. Hope to see everyone at the

Why go to RTCs? Officers are required to attend at least one RTC in order to receive the distinguished officer award. General members are highly encouraged to come out and learn more about Key Club as a whole; there are workshops from learning about what specific officers do to learning the basic structure of the K family. Serious stuff aside, Regional Training Conferences aren’t a total drag. You can meet Key Clubbers from the northern region of New Jersey and you get to exchange service project ideas like baseball cards!


Important Contacts

District Governor

District Secretary

Sam Levisay

Jacqueline Dragon


District Editor Patrick Quinn

District Webmaster Srikar Gudipati njwebmastersrikar

District Treasurer Daniel McCormack njtreasurermccormack

Lieutenant Governor Ricky Thompson

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