Prime numbers are of greater interest to mathematicians, both professional and amateur, since people began to study the properties of numbers and find them fascinating. On the one hand, prime numbers seem to be randomly distributed among natural numbers with no law other than probability. On the other hand, however, the distribution of primes globally reveals remarkably smooth regularity when viewed in the context of their products. This can be described by the formula π(N) + ∑p(p ’) = ½N, which says that half of a given quantity is the sum of the number of primes to a given quantity and their products. The combination of the number of prime numbers π(N) with their products greater than 3 ∑p(p')> 3 always creates a constant value growing in progress 34+1(q), and their products of the number 3 ∑3(p) in progress 17-1(q), and half of a given quantity of ½N progressively 51(q). (34 + 1)q + (17-1)q = (51)q, [π(N) + ∑p(p ')> 3] + ∑3(p) = ½N, (26+9) + 16 = (34+1)+(17-1) = 51