Nachi is a coati. He and his friends live in the Land of Xo. Lots of things threaten this
Hello, I’m Nachi.
I’m Pako. I’m funny*
This is Nachi, a coati*. Nachi is a rebel and he loves adventure. Pako is a glass* frog. He is funny* , hyperactive and emotional. Nachi and Pako live in a beautiful rainforest* called the Land of Xo. coati: coatí, pizote (pequeño mamífero) funny: gracioso glass frog: rana de cristal rainforest: selva tropical
I’m Zaina. I am wicked* .
I’m Jithu. I am not brave* .
3 Zaina is a wicked* coral snake. She convinces the other animals to leave* the Land of Xo and go South to find a new land*. They do not realize* that Zaina is a danger to their community. brave: valiente land: tierra leave: dejar, abandonar realize (do not…): no se dan cuenta de wicked: malvada
beautiful rainforest. Can they save it?
I’m Balam. I am wise*
2 This is Balam, a black jaguar. He is the wise* leader* of the Land of Xo. After a series of earthquakes*, Balam must decide what to do to protect the animals from danger* . danger: peligro earthquakes: terremotos leader: líder wise: sabio
We must save* the Land of Xo.
4 Nachi wants to save* the other animals and the rainforest. So* he and his friends go on a journey* to discover* how to stop the earthquakes and save the Land of Xo… Can they do it? discover: descubrir journey: viaje save: salvar So: Así que
Some garden soil.
A perfect
Some potato peelings!
Some water. Some sand.
A pretty* stone* .
Some rose petals.
Some little ants. Now mix* it all up.
pretty: bonita, preciosa stone: piedra mix up: mezclar
And strain* . Yes, it’s perfect!
soil tierra
potato peelings peladuras de patata ants hormigas
Look*, Kevin! I’ve* brought some biscuits* .
And I’ve* brought some blackberries* .
strain: colar, filtrar biscuits: galletas blackberries: moras I’ve brought: he traído Look: Mira
I’ve* brought my football. And I’ve* brought a big packet* of sweets.
Ha ha ha. Me* too! They’re so yummy* .
Wow, I’m really thirsty.
Me too! It’s very hot this afternoon!
I’ve brought: he traído packet of sweets: bolsa de caramelos
Me too: Yo también yummy: deliciosos
Now it’s Kate’s turn* to bring* the drinks. I* can’t wait!
The drinks are ready*!
bring: traer I can’t wait!: ¡Estoy impaciente! ready: listas turn: turno
Kate makes a drink using some strange ingredients. Match each ingredient to a picture.
1. rose petals
2. a pretty stone
3. water
4. garden soil
5. little ants
6. sand
7. potato peelings
What does Kate say to everyone? Cross out letters B, M and U to find out.
Use the code to work out Barbara’s secret message.
Everyone brings something to the picnic. Write a number in each box.
I’ve brought my football.
I’ve brought some biscuits.
I’ve brought some blackberries.
I’ve brought a big packet of sweets.
Come to England, come to England
Come to England, come with us!
Come to London
Why don’t you?
See the Tower of London
And the Beefeaters too!
Come to Oxford
Why don’t you?
See all the colleges and the river too!
Come to England, come to England
Come to England, come with us!
Come to Bath
Why don’t you?
See the Georgian houses and the Roman baths too!
Come to Portsmouth
Why don’t you?
See HMS Victory
And the seagulls too!
Come to England, come to England
Come to England, come with us!
From historical monuments to strange landscapes – are you ready to explore the countries of the United Kingdom?
The United Kingdom consists of four different countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom’s flag is called the “Union Jack”.
3 Oxford, in England, is famous for its university. It is the oldest* university in the English-speaking world. Some scenes* of the Harry Potter films were filmed* here.
oldest: más antigua scenes: escenas filmed: rodadas
2 Brighton Beach* is on the south coast* of England. Tourists like to visit Brighton Pier* , which has restaurants, rides* and attractions.
Beach: Playa coast: costa Pier: Embarcadero, Muelle rides: paseos
Wow, these rocks are strange!
4 This castle* is in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. Scotland has many traditions like Scottish dancing*, the bagpipes* and the kilt* .
bagpipes: gaita castle: castillo dancing: danza kilt: falda escocesa
5 These strange basalt* rocks form the Giant’s Causeway*, in Northern Ireland. They were formed by volcanic activity around* 50 million years ago* .
ago: hace around: en torno a basalt: de basalto Causeway: Calzada
Wales has more than 600 castles*. It also has a national park called Snowdonia with mountains and lakes*. Mount* Snowdon is the highest* mountain in Wales, at 1,085 metres. castles: castillos highest: más alta lakes: lagos Mount: Monte
How well do you know the United Kingdom? Take the quiz to see if you can get a British passport!
1. In the UK, the currency is…
a. pounds and pence
b. euros and centimes
c. dollars and cents
2. A traditional British dish is…
a. pizza
b. fish and chips
c. hot dogs
3. A person from England is…
a. Irish b. Welsh
c. English
4. The British flag is called…
a. The Stars and Stripes
b. The Union Jack
c. The Union Crosses
5. A person from Scotland is…
a. Scottish b. Irish
c. English
6. In the United Kingdom, children wear…
a. a uniform to school
b. a red school bag
c. red shoes
7. A person from Wales is…
a. English
c. Scottish
b. Welsh
8. The bagpipes are a traditional musical instrument…
a. in Scotland b. in England
c. in Wales
9. The red rose is the emblem of…
a. England
b. Scotland
c. Northern Ireland
10. The daffodil is the emblem of…
a. Northern Ireland
b. Scotland c. Wales
11. The thistle is the emblem of…
a. England
c. Wales
b. Scotland
12. Where is Loch Ness?
a. in Northern Ireland
b. in Wales
c. in Scotland
13. Which country has a village with the longest name in Europe, with 58 letters?
a. England
b. Wales
c. Scotland
14. The monarch of the United Kingdom is……
a. Elizabeth I. She is 96 years old this year.
b. Elizabeth II. She is 69 years old this year.
c. Charles III. He has reigned since 2022.
How did you do? If you got all 14 correct, you can get a British passport! Check your answers on page 19…
I like baking* . I make lots of biscuits* and cakes*! They’re yummy*!
I like playing football with my friends. I’m good at dribbling* the ball and scoring* goals.
baking: (hacer) repostería biscuits: galletas cakes: pasteles yummy: deliciosos
I like acting* and wearing* different costumes*. My school is putting* on a play* this Christmas.
I like singing my favourite songs.
dribbling the ball: regateando scoring: marcando
Do* I look like a pop* star?
I like music. I can play guitar and I am learning* to play the piano.
acting: actuar costumes: vestuario, disfraces play: obra de teatro putting on: escenificando wearing: llevar
Do I look like…?: ¿Parezco…? pop star: estrella del pop
learning: aprendiendo
I like painting with colourful* paints* I paint funny portraits* of my family.
I like dancing* , especially hip hop and tap* dancing. Dancing gives me energy!
I like reading comic books and adventure stories. Harry Potter is my favourite.
colourful: de colores vivos paints: pinturas portraits: retratos
I like playing board* games with my family. What’s your favourite board* game?!
dancing: bailar tap dancing: claqué
I like cycling* with my brother and sister. We cycle through* the park on Sunday.
Circle the words in the wordsearch. Write the remaining letters in the speech bubble at the bottom of the page to find out what Benny is saying.
You need
for 16 flapjacks
Do you need an energy boost? Try these delicious flapjacks. British kids love them. Yum!
240g porridge oats
copos de avena
180g brown sugar
azúcar moreno mantequilla
180g butter
pinch of salt
pizca de sal
Preheat oven to 175°C.
1 Melt* the butter in a saucepan*. Add* the brown sugar, porridge oats and salt. Mix* well. add: añade mix well: mezcla bien melt: funde, derrite saucepan: cazo
2 Put the mixture* into a greased* oven* dish (30 x 20cm). Press* down.
greased: engrasada mixture: mezcla oven dish: bandeja de horno press down: presiona
3 Cook* in the oven* at 175°C for 30 minutes. cook: hornea oven: horno
4 Cut into 16 slices* , then leave* to cool for 30 minutes. Yummy*! cut into: corta en leave to cool: deja enfriar slices: porciones yummy: delicioso
Fun, intelligent, full of energy and a great personality – this little dog has something for everyone!
The Jack Russell terrier was originally a fox* hunting* dog, bred* in England 200 years ago* . I am fast and energetic* , with a small, muscular body. ago: hace bred: criado energetic: lleno de energía fox: zorro hunting: de caza
I have a big personality and love attention. I am clever* , independent and very wilful* , so I am not easy to train*!
clever: listo wilful: tozudo train: adiestrar
I am friendly*, charming* and affectionate*. I love people, so* I like to sleep in the house with my human family.
affectionate: cariñoso charming: encantador friendly: amigable so: así que
dark brown eyes
I like to run and jump* and dig* in the garden. If I get* bored, I bark* and chew* everything, even* your shoes!
bark: ladro chew: muerdo dig: cavar, remover la tierra even: incluso, hasta get bored: me aburro jump: saltar
I need a lot of space to run and play. I need a high* fence* in the garden – or I will jump* over so I can go and explore!
fence: valla high: alta jump over (will…): saltaré por encima
floppy ears
black nose
short, white coat
muscular legs
short tail
What’s the Jack Russell saying? Cross out letters G and S to find out.
How fast can you say this tongue twister?
If you want to say someone is crazy, you can use this English expression:
What do Jack Russells like doing? Write a letter in each speech bubble.
1. I am affectionate. I love people.
3. I love games like fetch. 4. I like to dig in the garden.
Edita Bayard Revistas, S. A. Tel.: 91 405 70 10. Internet: www.bayardeducacion.com. C. electrónico: ilejunior@bayard-revistas.com.
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ISSN: 1131-5288. Depósito legal: M-27287-1991. © I LOVE ENGLISH FOR KIDS. Bayard Presse. Directora de la Prensa Juvenil: Nathalie Becht. Redactora
Jefa: Lemisse Al-Hafidh. Director de Arte: Martin Fonquernie. Secretario General de la Redacción: Julien Vonthron. Primera Secretaria de Redacción: Mary Cummings. Primer Redactor Gráfico: Pierre Hovnanian. Directora de fotografía: Isabelle Rouvillois. Asistente de Redacción: Mariama Camara. Todas las ilustraciones “Benny” son de Yomgui D.
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Page 6. Game 1. 1-e; 2-c; 3-f; 4-a; 5-g; 6-d; 7-b. Game 2. I’m really thirsty! Game 3. The drinks are ready. Game 4. Marcus-4; Amy-1; Lucy-3; Kevin-2. Page 11. Game. 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-b; 5-a; 6-a; 7-b; 8-a; 9-a; 10-c; 11-b; 12-c; 13-b; 14-c. Page 14. Game 1. I have many hobbies! Page 18. Game 1. I love to explore, run and jump! Game 2. 1-a; 2-c; 3-b; 4-d.