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Green Power Now 中学生环保教育课 AIESEC 中国大陆区 2015.5 程

Facilitator Self-Intro (Trainee 自我介绍 )

5min 项目及合作机构简介 Project Intro &Partner Intro

• 创绿中心成立于 2012 年,是一个扎 根本土,放眼全球的环保公益组织。 • 我们的愿景是一个没有污染的未来, 让每个人都能喝上干净的水,呼吸新 鲜的空气,吃放心的食物。创绿相信 人类的发展应以生态为本,要解决环 境问题必须由多方协力合作。我们致 力提供创新的工具和渠道促进公众与 环境保护,融全社会、企业和政府的 力量,共同推动中国的绿色转型。 •

Started in 2012, Greenovation Hub is a new innovative environmental NGO that combines the competitiveness of grass-root and international NGOs. G:HUB is committed to foster China's green transition hence global sustainable development. Greenovators believe the power of environmental protection lies in the hands of citizens, but only by combining the wisdom and resources of civil society, governments and corporates, can China’s green path be realised. We deal with the most critical environmental problems with an open mind; we adopt new media and new technologies to create the most applicable tools; we engage and interact with green citizens to search for solutions for China and the world's ecological crisis.

• 公众环境研究中心( IPE )是一家在北京注册的非赢利环 境机构。自 2006 年 5 月成立以来, IPE 开发并运行中国 水污染地图和中国空气污染地图两个数据库,以推动环境 信息公开和公众参与,促进环境治理机制的完善。 • 公众与环境研究中心将大量分散的、未成系统的环境信息 集中起来,以用户友好的形式展示给公众,引导公众利用 这些信息,以公民身份参与环境决策和管理,或者以消费 者身份运用购买权力影响企业的环境表现,促使企业担负 起应有的环境责任。 •

CYCAN 是 China Youth Climate Action Network 的 简称,中文名为中国青年应对气候变化行动网络。成立 于 2007 年 8 月,由活跃在中国七个不同的青年环境组 织,结合各自应对气候变化优势资源组合而成。

AIESEC is an internationalnon-governmental not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development and cross-cultural global internship and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe, with a focus to empower young people so they can make a positive impact on society. The AIESEC network includes over 100,000 members in 126 countries and territories. It is the largest youth-run organization in the world. AIESEC is a global youth network that aims to impact the world through leadership development experiences. It envisions "Peace and fulfillment of humankind's potential," by developing globally-minded leaders that live by its six core values: Activating Leadership, Demonstrating Integrity, Living Diversity, Enjoying Participation, Striving for Excellence, and Acting Sustainably. AIESEC 中国大陆区 AIESEC 全球:

• (放 Why we do what we do 的视频)

• Green Power Now was founded in 2008, aimed at providing global view for youth and raising their awareness about energy issues in China through AIESEC international exchange platform, by cooperating with schools, corporates, NGOs and bringing in international volunteers to offer courses related to green power and help the students become future leaders in Green field with strong social responsibility. The program aims to educate the future generation about the environment and empower them to become environmental and social leaders of their community. • Green Power Now is one of the most impactful national project in AIESEC Mainland of China. In 2013-2014, we impacted 11 cities,14 LCs, 160 trainees, more than 100 high schools by providing green courses and campus green activities. What’s more, for the past several years we have involved Garnier, Disney, Momentum as Corporate Social Responsibility Partner, cooperated with Marinedream Foundation, Greennovate as national learning partner and organized annual Green Leadership Forum as the closing for the project for greater social impact and youth engagement.

Green Cup Competition • Green Cup Competition is a national competition for students who attend GPN projects and win the local/school based competition. • In 2015, Green Cup Competition is integrated into IYSECC( 国际青年能源与气候变化峰会 ) hosted by CYCAN during 7.17-7.21 in Shenzhen. •


GPN 中学生环保教育课程

第一节课: 南极与气候变化 从南极的生态环境和现状切入,配以 2041 远征的知识总结和各国 远征参与者的讨论与采访,让大家了解到气候变化是一个全球问题。 并了解其起因,影响,现有对策和各国实践等。

你眼中的南极 Antarctic in your eyes 接下来,会有 8 个关于南极的描述,请你选择 True or false!

• China is larger than Antartica.

• There were people living in Antarctica in antient time.

• Antartica has no permanent residents. The maximum population of Antarctica during the summer is around 4000 people, which is reduced to 1000 in the winter.

• Antarctica is the driest of all continets and the largest desert on Earth.

• Antarctica is the only home in the world for the Emperor penguin, which breeds during the summer.

• Many Antarctic sea creatures, like th ice fish, have an “antifreeze” substance in their bloodstream which enables them to survive in extreme weather conditions.

• The largest land animal in Antarctica is an insect, a wingless midge, less than 1.3 cm.

带你看真正的南极 -Gene 的故事 The real Antarctic b y Gene

请点击下载 Gene 的部分 放到 PPT 里 • 链接 : • 密码: mwrs • ( 300M+ )

你可以做什么? Take Action !

• •

Homework: [Research] 查找有关气候谈判的资料,分角色准备模拟气候谈判。 了解气候变化的历史进程

分配角色: Chairx2 美国 中国 欧盟 小岛屿国家 非洲国家 气候变化专家

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