Belize Times April 23, 2023 - planBelize Non-Stop

Page 25

Consejo in the North to Barranco in the South, from Benque Viejo in the West to the Lighthouse Reef islands in

Travel the country and you will witness what a booming economy looks like. Go into a bank to get a loan and you will feel what a great economy feels like. Walk the streets and go in a taxi and talk to people and you will get the vibes that the pandemic albeit here is in our rear view mirror. Belize is a machine for job creation. The planBelize government is a success and there is still half of this term. The people are winning and everyone wants more. From the Free zone in Corozal to Toledo to Benque to San Pedro there is competition. People want to keep their workers. The workers will demand more pay.

The minimum wage is doing what is must for those earning the least. Those with different levels of education are getting jobs at different levels. The BPOs cater for the levels. The budget 2232024 was for the first time in 13 plus years devoid of any austerity. People are feeling the growth of this economy. Even the most positive of planBelize did not envision success this fast. PM John Briceño and team have been able to transform hope and dreams into reality.

There is more in this jewel and work must continue. All the construction and business seen around Belize from planBelize homes to the Haulover denote that growth is for real. Belize is starting to work for everyone.

THE BELIZE TIMES 1 23 APR 23 APRIL 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5348 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 AGRICULTURE AND TRADE SHOW: APRIL 28, 29, AND 30 Pg. 5 Pg. 2 $11M Agreement: DFC - ICDF Taiwan for MSMEs with focus on women and green financing The Belize Times Established 1957 CATTLE, TOURISM, MSMES, BPOS, MARINE, ETC Pg. 8 PLANBELIZE
“No need for Politics” Guatemala and Mexico trading non-stop
the East, a brighter sun shines, a different, more confident nation awakens.”
Mexican President’s Wife Visits Belize BPOs 10K Jobs & Growing Recovery of Historical Records Initiative itel expanding into Belize 14.4 Million in Cattle Exports SHYNE: AN INCOMPETENT CON ARTIST Pg. 2 Pg. 5
PM John Briceño Budget Speech


Belmopan, April 18, 2023

On April 17, 2023, at the Office of the Prime Minister, the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and the Government of Belize signed a Loan and Grant Agreement with the International Cooperation and Development Fund of Taiwan (TaiwanICDF) to co-finance with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on a parallel basis, a project to support the sustainability of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with a focus on women and green financing. The facility includes a loan component for US$5 million and a Grant component for US$0.5 million. The arrangement will include a Guarantee Agreement between the TaiwanICDF and the Government of Belize as well as a Coordination Agreement with IDB as Loan Administrator.

Signing on behalf of the Government of Belize was Prime Minister, Hon. John Briceño, and on behalf of the DFC, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Raineldo Guerrero, and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Henry N. Anderson.

The Ambassador to the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Belize, Her Excellency Lily Li-Wen Hsu was present for the signing of these agreements.

The Objective of the BZD $10 MN Line of Credit is to on lend to support the sustainability of MSMEs as employment providers in Belize and to support the post-COVID economic recovery of MSMEs, especially those owned or led by women, through access to production-oriented finance. The BZD $1 MN will support DFC’s Digital Transformation.


El embajador de Belice en México, Oscar Lorenzo Arnold, dio a conocer que su país otorga una tarjeta turística a viajeros desde Yucatán y Quintana Roo para ingresar al país sin pasaporte.

En el marco de la presentación del programa “Sabor del Caribe”, el funcionario internacional, destacó que actualmente ya hay ferris de Chetumal a la Isla De San Pedro, una de las más conocidas y agregó que uno de los objetivos principales es estrechar lazos entre ambos países.

Precisó que dicha tarjeta se otorgará a aquellos mexicanos que no tienen pasaporte, pero quiere conocer Belice y su validez es de 7 días.

Lorenzo Arnold, detalló que el documento tiene cobertura en todo el país, lo que evita contratiempos y agiliza el cruce fronterizo, abriendo las puertas a diversas actividades de beneficio mutuo.

Resaltó que está acción repercutirá en un intercambio beneficio -

14.4 Million in Cattle Exports

Guatemala and Mexico trading non-stop

The Cattle industry is that industry that shows how Belize turned around from the doings of a lazy, spiteful and incompetent UDP government. During the pandemic when the dollars were most needed they lied to stop the people from benefiting. A sale is a sale in our humble opinion. This is meat that has to pass the inspections by the Agricultural ministry. We can see the points in Belize where they have to check.

In just four months we have recorded 14.4 Million dollars in exports. There are other times in the year when the sale is greater so 2023 will be good for the cattle industry. This money siphons itself throughout the economy. It trickles up and down.

Exporting to Mexico is a more regularized system than with Guatemala but both are yielding the foreign exchange that helps in the Debt to GDP ratio that many UDPs do not comprehend.

There isn’t much more to say than the marvel of quick work since November 12, 2020. Hon. Jose Mai and team kudos. The economic turnaround has to do with the Blue Bond but without our farmers the blue bond would not stand a chance. Food security is for everyone’s sake and exporting cattle allows us to be able to buy… purchasing power.

Rt. Hon.

so para ambos países, y repercutirá económicamente, como sucede actualmente en Chetumal con la llegada de oriundos de Belice, luego de la crisis generada por la pandemia sanitaria.

“En pandemia cerramos las fronteras y el aeropuerto internacional

pero ya tenemos el flujo de turistas que teníamos antes de la pandemia. En enero del año pasado se recuperó el turismo”.

Afirmó que la relación entre México y Belice es estrecha y resaltó que en el caso de Veracruz se espera estrechar lazos turísticos y comerciales.

Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus


Shyne is nothing if not entertaining. Having no willing audience for his shenanigans here at home in Belize he traveled all the way to St. Lucia to guest star in a foreign comedy show. Shyne met with the Leader of the Opposition in that country, Allen Chastanet, and was a main speaker at an event. Belizeans would have had great difficulty recognizing the speaker from the introduction Chastanet gave Shyne. The presenter heralded Shyne as the next savior of Belize and spoke of his selflessness and contributions to Belizean society, his example, and his hard work.

Shyne separated himself from “cronyism, self-enrichment, and corruption.” He further declared that “Brother Chass, like me, we don’t need politics.” It is affirmed that birds of a feather flock together, however, it is not clear if these birds have banded together in defeat at the polls or as elitist, clueless, and completely tone-deaf and delusional individuals. The entire situation is ludicrous, the entire Barrow clan at one point was employed and enjoyed taxpayer’s money. Has Shyne forgotten that he was the Musical Ambassador, his sibling was made Chair of Belize Telecommunication Limited, and its Chief Executive Officer? Need we remind him of the multimillion-dollar deal that was? His cousin, Kimano Barrow was equally famous for his shenanigans at the Public Utilities Commission and those luxurious trips to Dubai, and his oil prospecting contract. His uncle Denys Barrow and father, the former PM, made millions in litigation representing the Government of Belize. His aunt continues to collect salaries and monies for work as a Member of the House of Representatives when in fact she has not been to a single House meeting in over two years. In fact, the only reason that he was made relevant in Belizean politics was through his lineage and pedigree.

The only true statement he has in fact uttered is that he doesn’t need politics because the only thing he thought he needed was his US Visa. Politics was merely a means to that end. There is a term coined to refer to those such as he who use their privilege, their connections, and their entitlement to get ahead. Shyne is a nepo-baby. He is the product of his environment, he declares to the world his struggles, but those were just consequences of very bad life choices. He screams about his poverty and, in the same sentence, reminds us that he is a has-been grammy winning, multi-platinum, multi-millionaire recording artist. Shyne should decide which story is true and stick to it to avoid confusing himself. He switches his story from rags to riches to fit the mood and moment. The truth is Shyne does not need politics, he needs a stage, a platform, and a new gig because, as an entertainer, he needs to perform.


EDITORIAL en Español


Shyne no se halla si no está entreteniendo. Al no tener público para sus travesuras aquí en Belice, viajó hasta Santa Lucía para participar como estrella invitada en un programa de humor extranjero. Shyne se reunió con el líder de la oposición de ese país, Allen Chastanet, y fue uno de los principales oradores de un acto. Los beliceños habrían tenido grandes dificultades para reconocer al orador por la presentación que Chastanet hizo de Shyne. El presentador anunció a Shyne como el próximo salvador de Belice y habló de su abnegación y sus contribuciones a la sociedad beliceña, su ejemplo y su duro trabajo.

Shyne se desmarcó del "amiguismo, el enriquecimiento propio y la corrupción". Declaró además que "el hermano Chass, como yo, no necesitamos la política". Se afirma que los pájaros de un mismo plumaje vuelan juntos, sin embargo, no está claro si estos pájaros se han unido en la derrota en las urnas, o como individuos elitistas, despistados y completamente sordos de tono y delirantes. Toda esta situación es ridícula. Todo el clan Barrow estuvo empleado en algún momento y disfrutó del dinero de los contribuyentes. ¿Ha olvidado Shyne que fue embajador musical y que su hermano fue nombrado presidente de Belize Telecommunication Limited y su director ejecutivo? ¿Hace falta que le recordemos el multimillonario negocio que supuso? Su primo, Kimano Barrow, fue igualmente famoso por sus chanchullos en la Comisión de Servicios Públicos y esos lujosos viajes a Dubai, y su contrato de prospección petrolífera. Su tío Denys Barrow y su padre, el ex primer ministro, ganaron millones en litigios representando al Gobierno de Belice. Su tía sigue cobrando sueldos y dinero por su trabajo como miembro de la Cámara de Representantes, cuando en realidad no ha asistido a una sola reunión de la Cámara en más de dos años. De hecho, la única razón por la que se hizo relevante en la política de Belice fue por su linaje y pedigrí.

La única afirmación verdadera que ha hecho es que no necesita la política porque lo único que creía necesitar era su visado estadounidense. La política no era más que un medio para conseguirlo. Hay un término acuñado para referirse a aquellos que, como él, utilizan sus privilegios, sus conexiones y sus derechos para salir adelante. Shyne es un nepo-bebé. Es el producto de su entorno, declara al mundo sus luchas, pero esas no son más que consecuencias de muy malas elecciones vitales. Grita sobre su pobreza y en la misma frase nos recuerda que es un artista discográfico multimillonario, multiplatino y ganador del Grammy. Shyne debería decidir qué historia es cierta y ceñirse a ella para no confundirse. Cambia su historia de harapos a riquezas para adaptarse al estado de ánimo y al momento. La verdad es que Shyne no necesita política, necesita un escenario, una plataforma y un nuevo concierto porque, como artista, necesita actuar.

04 04

itelintoexpanding Belize

Mexican President’s Wife Visits Belize

Recovery of Historical Records Initiative

According to the International Monetary Fund’s Article IV latest conclusion on Belize’s economic activity, Business Procession Outsourcing is the fastest growing sector of the economy. The BPO’s sector’s meteoric rise under the planBelize confidence-filled Belizean economy is largely a product of the fertile ground allowed by the policy makers in the Office of the Prime Minister. This is especially so from the Investment portfolio. Approximately, ten thousand plus jobs in the present BPO sector and looking to a 50 percent growth in the near future in NOT a drop in the bucket. BPO’s are right there with sugar, tourism and agriculture as a whole.

When the pandemic set in, the BPO sector remained strong and probably stronger as it expanded to from-home jobs. Certain BPO reports Belize as being 80 percent bilingual with Spanish and English being the most prevalent two languages. It can be argued to all Belizeans are bilingual but the BPO world thrives with the English and Spanish tandem. Capacity building is something BPOs do in order to prepare potential employees before full engagement. BELTRAIDE and Area Representatives around the country have found that they can prepare the candidates for jobs in the BPOs. In Dangriga and Corozal workshops included employees that already were assured of job placement. Like all jobs, BPO work is not for everyone but it seems that many of our graduates and prospective graduates are finding their entry into the job arena in the BPO sector. Funding for education is definitely something that BPO jobs provide. Belize is progressing and BPOs are certainly fuel for this growth.

Ahead is an article that

shows how Jamaica sees Belize as a great environment to move their business to. This news comes at a time when locally Opposition press is adamant that Jamaica is not happy with Belize due to travel issue. Not so, Jamaica as a part of the Caribbean is actually bringing investment to Belize. Belize’s Foreign Direct Investment is up indicating high confidence in Belize leadership in the economic growth and employee availability.

Article by Shamille Scott on

Jamaican business process outsourcing firm itel recently signed a lease on a prime location in Belize to develop a 40,000 sq. foot space for contact centre services. itel expects to launch operations in Belize City in October 2023.

"Belize has proven to be a great extension of itel's Caribbean and Latin American expansion plans. While our initial pilot has started small with around 100 employees, we are developing a facility to house around 800 employees and seek to make an initial CapEx investment of US$2.5m," stated Yoni Epstein, CEO of itel. "The warmth and the charm of the Belizeans fit right into the itel culture that we have developed over the last 11 years."

Approximately one year ago, itel launched a pilot project to test the waters of Belizean contact centre service delivery.

According to itel, the team has consistently exceeded client expectations and shown the kind of sustainable success that supports the expansion strategies.

The new site will provide central access to all routes and main thoroughfares within the city, connecting the company to an available labour pool of over 60,000.

itel is the Caribbean's largest homegrown customer experience partner with 7,000 employees and 15 facilities spread across the Caribbean, Latin America and the US.

On April 18, 2023, the wife of the President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Dra. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller made a short visit to our jewel. The visit was to do a handing over of equipment and books for the Recovery of Historical Records in Latin America and the Caribbean. Mrs. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller was escorted to the House of Culture in Belize City. Mexico and Belize have shared diplomatic relations and agreements in trade, agriculture, cultural exchanges, and more.

Mrs. Müller was to deliver a Bookeye 5 Overhead Book Scanner and books to the country of Belize. To receive these gifts was the Spouse of the Prime Minister of Belize and Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children Her Excellency Mrs. Rossana Briceño.

Mrs. Rossana Briceño, Special Envoy of Families and Children, “Even though this is a very short visit, it is a significant one. Historic preservation is a deep and meaningful conversation about our past which in turn influences key aspects of our future. It is an opportunity for future generations to understand and appreciate the significant events,

people, and stories that shape Belize’s history. Staff at the National Institute of Culture and History, the Belize Archives and Records Service, the National Library Service, and the Museum of Belize are tasked with responding to the significant question: what is important in our history? They grapple with decisions about ensuring that important parts of our parts are preserved for the future.”

During the handing-over ceremony, a letter of intent was signed between both countries. The visit serves to reinforce the over four decades of relations between Belize and Mexico. This is the first step for Belize in the Recovery of Historical Records in Latin America and the Caribbean Project. Dra. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, Spouse of the Mexican President stated, “The best relations we have to have is with our neighbours and we have three at least – United States of America, Guatemala, and Belize. But the rest of the Caribbean and the South American countries are also our friends. We belong to a community that has a similar history. Historical events are very important in our shared history – the native ones and those who came to America to conquest, to live, and even to spoil. So, the heritage we have in this

THE BELIZE TIMES 5 23 APR 2023 05 Continued on page 8

Question(s) Week of the

April 21, 2023

When will the UDP media be reviewed and sanctioned for their outright lies masked as news? When “news” outlets openly mislead the public from 7 at sun up to 7 in the evening and beyond, should there be a price to pay?


My Administration has made a commitment to support #MSMEs across sectors, ensuring technical as well as financial support. We have ensured that special attention and assistance is available to female headed MSMEs. Recently, we have launched digital hubs to support MSMEs access to technology for the benefit our business growth and innovation.

Pastry Making Training in OW Central

Sweet tooth, anyone? A meal is never complete without a choice of pastry.

PM Briceño FB Page: “Today, my sweet tooth was delighted by the creations of 22 ladies who completed four sessions of pastry making, specifically cake making and decorating.

The training was a collaboration of #YWCA, OW Central and Orange Walk Town Council alongside the Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous Peoples' Affairs.”

As in the trend today with MSMEs, the ladies and most likely employees will now be able to generate income and be a part of stimulating the economy. The training sets the foundation for them to go further and build a business using their new knowledge.

Today, I proudly stand with my CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Investment Mrs. Narda Garcia to support Vanessa Melendez - entrepreneur and CEO of EV4 Pharmaceuticals Limited. The company launches EV4 Pharma - its online app that gives clients real-time access to the business inventory facilitating business transactions nationally.

We congratulate Vanessa and EV4 Pharmaceuticals for this innovation and use of technology to grow her business. It is a true example of entrepreneurial spirit and business savvy... and we must specially note - female led.

Belize National Prayer

Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.

God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.

Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.

With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.

We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.

And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.

5 FEB 2023

#womenentrepreneurs #MSMEs #innovation #healthcare



Applications are invited from suitably qualifi ed persons to fill the following post in the Accounts Department. In the Port’s continued effort to promote diversity both males/females,able/ differently abled are encouraged to apply for the available post

Reports to: Chief Accountant

Summary of Responsibilities: The Accountant assist and support the Chief Accountant in carrying out the overall financial function for the Port. Applies principles of accounting to analyze financial information and prepare financial reports. Provide accurate quantitative information and assist with the su pervision of accounting staff in the absence of Chief Accountant. Ensure the accurate, consistent and timely input of data into the accounting system.

Job Responsibilities:

Overall Supervisor of the Accounts Department

Prepare bank reconciliations for all accounts.

Prepare management payroll.

Prepare weekly cash flows – Review A/R

Supervise – Cashier and Storekeeper

Prepare monthly accruals (follow journal guide)

Prepare monthly for PBL and BPOL GST and Business Tax return.

Prepare managers monthly depa rtment expenses.

Distribute end of month reports to managers

Assist Chief Accountant: Analysis of Revenue, budget preparation. Manage Accounting Department in the absence of Chief Accountant

Supervise preparation and loading of PAYE and Social Security t o portal.

Reconcile intercompany accounts BPL, BPOL, BLTL

Prepare and reconcile loan accounts.

Supervise preparation of staff payroll

Prepare and reconcile monthly reports – suspense Acts, prepayments accounts etc. Prepare and update monthly depreciation schedule.

Supervise: Petty cash reconciliation

Stevedore Floats account

Assist in checking out of cashier.

Any other duties of a related nature as per departmental needs

Job Qualifications/Requirement:

• Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in accounting

• 5+ years’ experience

• Strong interpersonal and supervisory skills

• Strong verbal and written communication

• Report writing

• Ability to multi task


• Strong command of accounting principles as per

• Problem solving skills

• Able to work under pressure

• Confidential

• Trustworthy

Compensation Package: Will be commensurate (in accordance with the Company's Salary Structure).

To apply: Provide updated resume, cover letter (addressed to Human Resource Manager ), copy of valid social security card, valid police report, name and phone number of two(2) previous employers.

THE BELIZE TIMES 7 23 APR 2023 07 Supporting MSME’s
Email to: Closing date for receipt of applications i s Friday, April 28, 2023.


polytricks both of you has daddy’s money to play with. Question to both these two Clowns what are your “grassroots” claim to fame.

(Go to stluciatimes. com/153528/2023/04/ for more)

OJ Squeezed Out

At the Senate meeting this past Wednesday, one rejected Freetown candidate appeared in suit and all to a temp Senate seat. He was quickly admonished to leave as civilians should not be on the area with the Hon. Senators for obvious security purposes. The person Orson Jerome thought he was to be a senator but his Leader of the Opposition was in St. Lucia forgetting his actual duties to the Belizean people. This is common ground now for the Barrows. OJ had not Governor General authorization so he had to leave. Later, to cover for his expenses Jerome was posting that he had to make lemonade for lunch and fuel. We are not sure who he consulted with but hopefully he made a fifty bills for a return run to Be-

lize City.

Shyne’s Incompetence Disrespect our Athletes

Reading is a skill that should be practice by us to improve our knowledge and comprehension. We have often heard our Prime Minister telling Shyne that he can help him read the bill or the budget

Continued on page 9


Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Co. Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz Store” located at # 1732 Coney Drive, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Two years ago in June 2021, we called out Shyne for his multi face of brass for what he really is a fraud of a politician. He cares not for the people of Belize nor Mesopotamia nor his family. The fly kick to the back of his wife was just one of the incidents of anti-women actions. This past week he had THREE incident that prove that Shyne has reached to the lowest of lows. Yes, maybe lower than an abusive husband.

“No Need for Politics”

One: In St. Lucia, he along with fellow leader there claimed what we know that he does not need politics. He alluded to having money and thus no need to be amongst the people. This seems to be amongst the people. Politics in all its bad connotation is actually an honourable way of living life where you Serve the People… watch George Price. But Shyne at the opposite of that spectrum. He only wants access to his US Visa. As soon as he loses his Parliamentary seat he will have to look for a real job. Fake ambassador, fake representative just

like his aunt Sista B, and fake Leader of the Opposition will come to an end and he can become a real drain digger.

Comments on the LOOP page:

Jazee: Shyne u must be outta ur mind men

John Cepal: Shyne, you may not need politics but Chastanet needs it. On the other hand, we don’t want Chastanet, Guy, and Dominic. These are rejected politicians.

Meme: If you don’t need it then leave it alone bro.

The Most Honorable Lucian Highgrade: Heeeee there there there…….I just love how they hype “the Grammy wining rapper ” and leave out everything else heeeee. Of course you clowns don’t need the

Mexican President’s Wife Visits Belize

Continued from page 5

continent is very long. La Cultura Maya developed from the Gulf of Mexico to Panama, so we have in common the same history of our native ancestors and of course, the immigration that has to deal with the opportunities of job. For example, in Mexico, mining, exportation, and many other reasons that all the people decided to travel and establish in Mexico and also in Belize and that’s our common history. History is not only a social discipline. History is a teacher; don’t forget that.”

Dian Maheia, C.E.O. in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology, “A gift like the scanner is going to go a long way. The archives have so many documents, documents from the

1800s that need to be scanned and properly preserved. A donation like this is well over thirty thousand dollars for the machine itself. To have the training, the technical capacity building that goes along with it is really important. Just now, our Museum of Belize has five projects that they can think about that they need a scanner for right off the bat. So the areas of our Ministry of Culture will definitely need to be working together here and yes it is going to be difficult to share a scanner, but this is a scanner that we didn’t have before. So we are grateful for this and we now have on our – not our wish list, but our things to do list for this year is to get another one.”

Maheia says that the project recognizes the importance of protecting and preserving Belize’s textual history

and culture.

Mrs. Muller also paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, “We welcome to Belize, wife of President of Mexico First Lady Dra. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, in the country, presenting a gift for the rescue and preservation of our historical archives.”

He when on to say, “A country and people's written history has great value in development and ground a people's identity. Dra. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller and my wife H.E. Rossana Briceno Special Envoy for the Development of Families and Children are jointly collaborating on this initiative.”

Also, in attendance and to note were Her Excellency Zamarripa Rivas, Hon. Louis Zabaneh, Her Excellency Ambassador Lily Li-Wen Hsu, Dra. Laura Elena Carrillo Cubillas, Executive Director Amexcid, other government representatives from Mexico and local, and as well as other invited guests.

Notice is hereby given that Xian Ying He is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “ Finding Maya Treasures” located in Tourism Village, North Front Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Raquel B. Castillo is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “A & I Kitchen” located at # 1 George Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Reyna Isabel Delcid is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Pupuseria Dianita” located at # 74 Otro Benque, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Luis A Cowo is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “ AC’s Minis Shop” located in Trinidad Village, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Alexia Burns is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “ Thirsty Panda” located on Mullins River Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Maria C. Rejon is applying for a Restaurant & Bar Liquor License to be operated at “La Pasadita” located on Queen Victoria Avenue, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.



The CyclingFederation Of Belize along with the Producer Eugene Trench want to Thank all Advertisers & Contributors For the Production of THE TRADITION Magazine 2023

Platinum - Belize Electricity Limited

Diamond - SMART


April 19, 2023 - Belize, as President Pro-tempore of the Central American Integration System (SICA), hosted the Second Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) Council of Ministers Meeting this week at the Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza Hotel in Belize City.

Hon. Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, is presiding over the proceedings. The Council of Ministers meeting is being held in the margins of the 2nd CCAD Regional Environmental Congress. The objective of the meeting is to share the progress of the ongoing initiatives and to present project reports and new project concepts for approval.

During its presidency, Belize continues prioritizing an interregional agenda on climate change. The agenda focuses particularly on climate finance and advancing the Revised Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change, fresh water security, enhancing regional technical capacity on the environment and climate change and the development of other regional policy documents. Belize’s CCAD priorities are aligned closely with those of SICA Presidency.

The CCAD was established with a mission of developing a regional regime for environmental cooperation and integration that contributes to improving the quality of life of the populations of its member states.

II CCAD Regional Environmental Congress


Starting in 2022, the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD) has promoted the organization of Regional Environmental Congresses as forums for sharing information, experiences, lessons learned and knowledge management on the region's main environmental issues.

CCAD's First Regional Environmental Congress, held in Panama City, Panama, in April 2022, focused on the topic of Sustainable Forests and Landscapes, and served as a prelude to the region's participation in the XV World Forestry Congress.

The current Pro Tempore Presidency of CCAD, held by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management of Belize from January to June 2023, has included among its regional priorities the organization of the II CCAD Regional Environmental Congress, themed "Interregional Unity: Enhancing Human Security and Environmental Resilience". The event took place from April 19-20, 2023 in Belize City and presented the political-institutional framework and the results of the main initiatives under the components of CCAD's Regional Environmental Framework Strategy (ERAM).

General Objective:

Strengthen regional collaboration for natural resource management and sustainable development in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

Specific Objectives:

• Present the results of the main regional initiatives, programs and projects that CCAD and its strategic and cooperation partners are implementing as part of the Regional Environmental Strategy (ERAM) for the sound management and protection of natural resources in the countries of Central America and the Dominican Republic, especially those shared among the countries.

• Promote the exchange of information, experiences, lessons learned, knowledge management and South-South and Triangular cooperation on the region's main environmental issues.

Congress Program:

The Congress' opening plenary will feature an official ceremony and a ministerial panel, followed by two simultaneous sessions that will address thematic blocks on: Water Management with a Watershed-to-Sea approach, Green/Blue Bonds, Circular Economy, and Sustainable Forests and Landscapes.


Silver -

Bronze -

Belize Tax Service

Brads Gaming Company Ltd

FT Williams & Associates

Holy Redeemer Credit Union

Ministry of Sports. Youth & Transport

National Sports Council

Normans Printing House

Office Of The Mayor(Belize City Council)

Public Utilities Commission (PUC)

Quickstop Personal Financial Center

Vega's Distributors Ltd. (Benque Viejo del Carmen)



First Impression Printing

Home Protector Insurance

SOL Belize

Supplies Plus Distributors Ltd

Belize City Council TEAMS

Universal Hardware

Big H

Birds Isle Restaurant

Budget Car Rental

Father & Son Bikes & Electronics

Margaritas Sport Bar

SB Auto Sales

Soaring Home Supplies Limited

Special Thanks To :

Allan Auil, Clinton Castillo, Gerald Chavannes, Michael Finnegan, Hon Rodwell Ferguson, Gabby Gabourel, Fitzgerald Palas Joseph, Bilal Morris, Yvonne Robinson,Alicia Thompson, Eugene Trench, Mayor Bernard Wagner, Chris Williams


Construction of Ferro-concrete Indoor Switchgear Building

BEL invites tenders for the Construction of F erro-concrete I ndoor Switchgear Building at the following location:

BEL Magazine Road Compound, Belize City

The bidding documents, which outline all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, are available on BEL’s website at

Bidders are invited to a P re-bid site visit at 9:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at the BEL Magazine Road Compound. Bidders will be required to submit a fixed price quotation to perform the services and provide all material s and services as outlined in the tender document.

Proposals will be accepted by email only and should i nclude the subject found in t he respective bid form.

and then explain it to him. Shyne has not taken the help.

Case in point: Our girls played their Costa Rica counterparts in football. Keep in mind that the young generation of today were all trained by the UDP. Give the Ministry of Sports and the young of today, we will turn around sports as well. This is harder

Continued from page 8 than the economy. But I digress, Our girls lost by a not so impressive score but this is not our point here. Shyne takes to his phone and CONGRATULATES our team for the “Massive victory”. What a buffoon, this Shyne! This is what the elder Barrow meant when he said “I grieve for my Belize, cause who comes next” will be more incompetent that himself.

Submit bids via email to no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on Fr iday, May 12, 2023

For more information or queries, send email to

“Interregional Unity: Enhancing Human Security and Environmental Resilience” Belize City, Belize – April 19 - 20, 2023
Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the so le responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
UTR Budget Rent A Car Cycling Team 501 Valvoline Cayo Junior Team FAL Cycling Team Lovell Cycling Elite Male Team M& M Engineering Cycling Team PMA Racing Team Rolling Shattaz Cyvling Team Team Imani's Cycling Team Team Kaya- LA Sweat Westrac Alliance Cycling Team

Letters to the Editor Pain in Dairy End A Leader in Sustainability

Dear Editor,

What an age we live in when will we ever be free from the threat of international litigation of the British Lord? The Lord’s companies are at it again with a notice of arbitration addressed to Prime Minister Hon. John which embroiled this government in yet another international legal battle.

This will cost hundreds, nay thousands, or even who knows a few million. The potential battle is due to the Waterloo EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) that was denied by the Department of Environmental (DOE) and then weeks later it was once again denied by NEAC.

How can we allow this to happen yet again using his British nationality and using UK-BIT Treaty to attempt to force our government into approving a project that may affect our economy by damaging our reef? We aren’t saying that the investment isn’t something needed but is it worth the cost?

So, we await with great interest to see where this new potential wrench or roadblock in Belize’s recovery efforts will land us.

God is always great!


Dear Editor,

Belize is becoming a household name in the region and around the world recognized for its stellar achievements since the Briceño administration took office this is not to say that I agree with everything this government is doing or has done.

I look at every glass empty and full, I have taken the time to understand how politics and the way our government works. Proud of this government as we can see that international image with financial institutions and new diplomatic connections, unemployment.

As of recent, the Blue was a well-crafted plan which was again hailed as a miracle, and Belize our jewel, “in this age where sustainability and green travel have become buzzwords in the world of tourism, Belize does more than just talk the talk” says Forbes Magazine.

Just last week we as a country were once again praised for Belize’s Economic performance on a regional platform at the 57th Meeting of the Network of Central Banks and Finance Ministries within Latin America and the Caribbean. Though we might now have billions we have the strength as a people that are out to change this world for a collective greater one.

I pray that our lord continues to guide this government, the opposition and us a people to keep our government on the right path.

Good Citizen

Young Demetrie Meyers Visits His Home

Demetrie Meyers made himself known not only regionally but internationally for winning not one but two gold medals at the recent 50th CARIFTA Games that was held in Nassau, Bahamas. Young Meyers who is only 14 years old of age won the U-17 1,500 and 3,000 meters. He has won the heart of this nation.

He was met by Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of State Hon. Gilroy Usher, and other members of the Belize Athletic Association.

The young gold medalist arrived in the country on Friday, April 14, 2023, to the cheers of fans and supporters of all ages for a job well done in representing Belize. Meyers now making his own history in the sport of Track and Field as Gold Medalist.

His response to a question posed by a reporter, “Have you always had this sense of confidence about you?” he stated, “I feel amazing. It is really an honor to be representing not only Belize but representing the people of Belize it is, I feel really proud of myself, and I feel I honor Belize really well and I have more to come next year.”

He went on to state, “I wouldn’t say this sense of confidence, but I have al-

ways been motivated to try and compete because I wouldn’t say I would be scared to compete against anybody. I just feel confident and up to the challenge to do my best. I think, cause my dad has said before that out of all his cousins he was the least talented, so I think there is much more talent in Belize just sitting here not being used and if we use it properly there is a lot of great more to come.”

Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport, “It is important for the country of Belize. Demetrie is only fourteen years old. So, he has a very long way to go. And I want to give his father kudos for giving him all the time and effort to make sure he reached this stage. Last year he won silver medal at the CARIFTA games, this year he came back with two gold medals. So that is an important milestone for the country of Belize and I think all Belizeans just applaud him for the great effort and gold under the Belizean flag.”

Young Meyers then participated in a small motorcade through the streets of Belize City. Followed by a small handing-over ceremony was held at the National Sports Council’s office where he received a check for two thousand dollars, land documents for a parcel of land, and a gift from the Belize Tourism Board. We wish young Mr. Meyers the best in his future endeavors.


Data Gathering and Evaluation Matrix Proposal for BEL’s Corporate Website

BEL invites tenders for Request for Proposal (RFP) for Data Gathering and Evaluation Matrix Proposal for BEL ’s Corporate Website.

The bidding document, which outlines all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, are available on BEL’s website at

Bidders will be required to fill and submit the Schedule A – RFP Form as a fixed price quotation to perform the services in response to the tender document

Submit bid via email to no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 24, 2023.

The email containing the submission should be clearly labelled “ BID 2023-1902 Data Gathering and Evaluation Matrix”

For more information or quer ies, send email to bid

Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the so le responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

Supporting Good Governance Reform

Let Belize Live


Statement made by the Premier of Belize

Hon. George C. Price to the Fourth Committee of the United Nations

United Nations, New York November 7, 1975

Part VI


Madame Chairman and distinguished delegates: There is no justification for reversing the march of history by allowing the unjust Guatemalan claim to Belize to kill the national aspirations of a freedom-loving people. We must move abreast with a world in evolution and in revolution, a world which struggles to gain a better life for all its peoples. We too claim our rightful place in a world where the will of a people is the basis of government, where a people have the right to self- determination, where colonies no longer exist for they are a humiliating affront to peoples and a disgrace to the political, social and economic order of mankind.

In a statement to this Committee on 3rd December, 1974, Mr. C. Maynard, on behalf of the delegations of the Bahamas, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica and Barbados said, and I quote:

Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of Constitutional and Political Reform, met with representatives from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on April 13 with the intention to build a partnership. The meeting focused on discussions on the way forward regarding strengthening good governance and accountability and finding innovative solutions to address pressing issues in Belize. Key topics included the work of the Good Governance Unit in addressing corruption and the importance of leveraging technology and data to improve governance outcomes.

In emphasizing the Government of Belize’s commitment to improving governance and accountability, Minister Usher noted that effective governance is critical for the country's social and economic development and highlighted the importance of transparency, citizen engagement, and anti-corruption measures.

One of the points of discussion was the development of a roadmap for good governance in Belize. The roadmap will be based on international best practices and will consider the specific challenges and opportunities facing Belize. The UNDP's knowledge and resources, including its extensive network of governance specialists and its background in assisting with governance reforms in other nations, will support the partnership.

Minister Usher was accompanied by senior officials from the Ministry of Constitutional and Political Reform. The UNDP representatives included Linda Maguire, Deputy Director for Latin America and the Caribbean; Denise Antonio, Resident Representative; Ian King, Deputy Resident Director; and Richard Kelly, Programme Specialist.

“Belize has remained for too long trembling in the limbo of fear between the threats of a neighbor on the one hand and the empty promise of independence on the other. It is high time that the United Nations, the repository of hope for the weaker nations, take full notice of the most regrettable situation in Belize.”

The people of Belize have waited long enough to meet their appointment with history and achieve their rightful status as a free people in the community of nations. Forced to a halt on the too-long road to independence, our dignity is constantly affronted, our development is impaired, our membership in the family of nations is denied us.

Belize today stands at the crossroads. The eyes of all the people of Belize are on the United Nations. They look with hope that you will not condone the recolonization or dismemberment of their country. I am confident that they do not hope in vain.


Let the people of Belize remain a nation in waiting no longer. In this, the year of the fifteenth anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, let not a people who have struggled for national independence for twenty-five years, and who have been self-governing for twelve years, be condemned to further unnecessary delay in achieving their just goal.

Let Belize live, let her maintain her territory intact, and let her be sovereign and independent, able to contribute to the development of the world as a full member of the United Nations.

Madame Chairman, distinguished delegates, I thank you again for affording Belize the opportunity to address you.

Thank you very much.

Speeches of the Premier Exhibit Booklet

Global Forum on Mainstreaming Nature in Decision

“Innovation, Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing a Natural Capital Approach in Belize.”

Ms. Beverly Wade, Director of the Blue Bonds & Finance Permanence Unit, Office of Prime Minister, and Mr. Leroy Martinez, Economist within the Ministry of Economic Development, participated in the Global Forum on Mainstreaming Nature in Decision being held at Stanford University Campus in California, USA, from April 17 to 19. This workshop is co-convened by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Natural Capital Project at Stanford to co-develop innovative natural capital approaches with varying governments to be able to change policy and investment outcomes for people and nature.

The main objective of the event is part of an ambitious effort to jump-start science, policy, and investment processes in over 12 countries. It seeks to stimulate crucial discussions on priority natural capital and biodiversity assets, ecosystem, and socio-economic benefits, with the aim to develop tailored roadmaps for policy and finance interventions. Country lead-

ers will work alongside experts from multilateral development banks, Stanford’s Natural Capital Project, and other international practitioners focused on transforming policies and investments through mainstreaming rapid natural capital assessment and accounting approaches. The event will also serve as a preparatory convening for the development and execution of new initiatives with funding from climate funds and multilateral partners.

During the opening session, both Ms. Wade and Mr. Martinez presented under the theme, “Innovation, Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing a Natural Capital

Approach in Belize.” Mr. Martinez mentioned that the Government of Belize is committed to conservation, as seen in the development of its recent national strategies and policies, including planBelize Medium-Term Development Strategy. He also stated that natural capital is important because Belize’s economy is grounded on natural resources - with agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, mining, and quarrying - and is estimated to account for 50% of the country’s gross domestic product.

Ms. Wade shared on Belize’s advancements and innovations in mainstreaming natural capital into decision-making. She also highlight-

ed Belize’s success in leveraging its global recognition in strong environmental stewardship and longstanding partnerships to unlock new and non-traditional sources of private sector finances and reorient debt servicing to natural capital investment through the Blue Bond deal. Both representatives will also be engaging in bilateral meetings to discuss new ideas and financing opportunities for mainstreaming nature in decisions. The Government of Belize expresses its gratitude to the Inter-American Development Bank and the Natural Capital Project for the invitation to participate in such a notable event.




Madam Speaker: First I must say greetings to the wonderful residents of Port Loyola, who elected me to represent them in the National Assembly. I also take this opportunity to thank you, Madam Speaker, for including me as one of the two persons to represent Belize at the 71st Westminster Seminar in London from Monday March 13, 2023 to Sunday March 17th, 2023

Madam Speaker: I must acknowledge that it was a very informative seminar. Consequently, I returned from London with renewed commitment and new ideas to be of greater service to the residents of Port Loyola and our beautiful country, Belize.

Madam Speaker: I now take this opportunity to make my contribution to the draft Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for Fiscal year 2023 /2024.

Madam Speaker: According to the Budget in the new fiscal the government expects to collect $1,372, 743, 486.00 in revenue. Out of that amount it is envisioned that $1,112,855,051.00 will be used for expenses in running the government and addressing the needs of the people as best as possible from Corozal to Toledo and from Benque to the Cayes.

When those expected expenses are deducted from the expected revenue there is a surplus of $259,888,435.00. The 2022- 2023 Budget of this administration also had a surplus after projected total expenses were deducted from the projected revenue.

Madam Speaker: That is prudent management of the finances of the country, because the Budget is only an estimate based on past trends.

Madam Speaker: A budget surplus is always good news. A budget surplus allows the government to continue addressing the needs of the people without significant disruption in the event there is a major decrease in revenue or a major increase in the cost of accessing good and services as a result of unforeseen circumstances

Madam Speaker: When one listens to the Opposition they make it sound as if managing the finances of the country in the interest of the Belizean people is as simple as ABC. This administration restored stability to the nations finances, because Prime Minister Briceño and his Ministers are governing the country in the best interest of the Belizean people as they promised to do in Plan Belize.

Madam Speaker: The now Opposition had 13 years in government to manage the finances of the country in the best interest of the people, and they failed miserably, that is why they are sitting on that side of the House with next to no chance of forming the government anytime soon.

Madam Speaker: As a result of poor management of the country’s finances for 13 long years, in its final term the previous administration was on the unsustainable path of borrowing one million dollars per day to pay salaries and keep the country running. Despite the financial mess they were creating, the former Prime Minister said he would continue borrowing until he could borrow no more, and in admitting the financial mess in which they had the country with the IMF demanding the firing of over 2,000 public officers to bailout Belize financially, the former P.M. said that he felt sorry for whomever took over the government after he demits office.

Madam Speaker: Things were that dread in the country. After spending over a billion dollars yearly, well over 13 billion dollars in 13 years under the previous administration, more Belizeans were in poverty than ever before, there was rampant corruption in practically all Ministries and government departments, crime especially murders and gang violence were out of control, the roads were bad, the dropout rate for all levels of education was mind-boggling, people could not get access to land and adequate housing, and unemployment was going through the roof. The only persons, who did well during the Opposition 13 years in government were their well-connected colleagues. Many of those special Belizeans became overnight millionaires. (to be continued)


Data Gathering and Evaluation Matrix Proposal for BEL’s Corporate Website

BEL invites tenders for Request for Proposal (RFP) for Data Gathering and Evaluation Matrix Proposal for BEL ’s Corporate Website

The bidding document, which outlines all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, are available on BEL’s website at

Bidders will be required to fill and submit the Schedule A – RFP Form as a fixed price quotation to perform the services in response to the tender document

Submit bid via email to no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 24, 2023.

The email containing the submission should be clearly labelled “ BID 2023-1902 Data Gathering and Evaluation Matrix”

For more information or quer ies, send email to bid

Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the so le responsibility of the bidder. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
23 APR 2023 1st Avenue in Corozal complete 18 JAN 2015THE BELIZE TIMES 15 THE BELIZE TIMES 58 14 23 APR 2023 23 APR 2023 Progress and Success Prime Minister John Briceño Special Envoy Briceño and MoS Zabaneh with Dra. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller Belize City Council and Mayor Wagner in Caribbean Shores with Hon. Kareem Musa CCAD Council of Ministers Meeting Hon. Jose Mai, MAFSE Hon. Oscar Mira, Belmopan
Julius Espat, MIDH Chairman, Hon. Henry Charles Usher Meeting with Mexico’s First Lady, Dra. Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller Work continues in OW Central development Meeting with Honduran government officials Supporting small Business: Here a pastry making workshop Reparation complete of seaside promenade On a regional effort to “Recovery of Historical Archives”; Equipment was donated to that end. Upgrade of Fiesta Park underway
Orlando Habet and counterparts In Bomba Village supporting Farm to Table and our food security Completing the paving of Calle de las Americas with MIDH and BCC cooperation Routine meeting with the Belmopan City Council In Guinea Grass, OW South In Bella Vista, Toledo East ) In Benque, Cayo West


Undoubtedly, the People’s United Party (PUP) is on target to the planBelize mandate going forward to 2025. However, it is critical to keep the fire burning on the United Democratic Party (UDP) holding them accountable for the failures and gross incompetence and vile corruption of their 13 years of abuse and neglect of people and country. Considering the “poison chalice “dealt to John Briceño on November 2020, it is amazing the quick economic recovery, the restoration of the Healthcare System, the social investment geared towards the improvement of the impoverished and downtrodden… the list goes on.

But to talk about the varying injustices inflicted by the UDP would not suffice. The positive vision for the Jewel embodied in planBelize and the promise of what a PUP government would do has fast become a reality experienced in the Belizean society. This reality has spun the Leader of the Opposition into deep denial.

Leader of the Opposition, Shyne Barrow, the politically connected United Democratic Party (UDP) media mouthpiece incessantly attempts to undermine the historic, unprecedented accomplishment of the People’s United Party (PUP) with the fueling of deceits and falsities. Understandably, the LOO cunning to shore up his limp leadership of his dying party. The huge reduction in Belize’s public debt, poverty reduction and the reduction in regards to unemployment by the John Briceño administration gives cause for the UDP’s denial of the validity of the numbers.

On Monday, April 17, 2023, on Sunup on Seven, the Prime Minister, Honorable John Briceño tore to shreds, the baseless and meritless nonsense by Shyne, that his family is benefiting from the taxes on fuel. Additionally, the PM showed that contrary to the Barrow regime, he has engaged measures to mitigate the costs of fuel at the pump. The PM in discussing oil prices expressed “we are collecting less taxes today on a gallon of fuel than what was being collected under the UDP, I’ve tried to hold it down as much as possible. When I have said that we want to keep diesel in a position of $9, we did not have the Ukraine war…But because of these things where there is absolutely nothing we can do, we are trying to keep diesel at no higher than $13 and then last year we gave up about $35 million in taxes.”

For context in June of 2018 the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry wrote to UDP Prime Minister Dean Barrow asking for a meeting to discuss lowering fuel prices. Barrow wrote back saying he didn’t see a solution. B.C.C.I. asserted that there was room for the Barrow Government to reduce, at that time, the excise tax on fuel. In March 2017, the Barrow Government made an amendment to the Customs and Excise Schedule (No 29 of 2017) in order to maintain a two-percent primary surplus to fulfill a commitment to bond holders in connection with the restructuring of the commercial debt. This has become a stickler to the Briceño government’s formula in calculating the pump price on the Belizean consumer.

In 2018, Barrow had pointed out that fuel taxes are some of the broadest based taxes available to any government. Barrow added that any significant reduction in those taxes would, immediately bore huge holes in government’s budget. He continued explaining that the shortfall would have had to be made up from somewhere else. Barrow proffered several alternatives.

One of the solutions was increasing GST from 12.5 percent to 15 percent, the environmental tax from 3 percent to 7 percent, and to increase the business tax from 2.5 percent to 3.75 percent. Another alternative by Barrow Government was to implement an across-the-board salary cut of 12 percent for all public officers. Alternatively, the government would have terminated some 3,000 officers in the junior grades, or reduced pension by 55 percent. Understanding that these alternatives to reducing fuel prices, Barrow kept his knees on the Belizean consumer. Barrow did not have a solution but today John Briceño has made the impossible, possible.

Belize is a net importer for fuel products and consequently has to contend with the global prices and the associated acquisition costs. Additionally, Belize has to contend with oil price shocks which could result in a drag on its economic growth prospects. As explained by the Business Perspective in a paper, it highlighted that higher energy costs could lead to a downside risk on the economy. This is exactly what the IMF concluding statement alluded to that high energy prices can weigh down on any net-oil-importing jurisdictions worldwide. A major risk was/is the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the PUP Government’s policy responses was the capping of diesel and the reduction of excise tax on regular fuel. Showing the deceit by Dean Barrow that nothing could have been done to alleviate the cost of fuel at the pumps. Honorable Christopher Coye, Minister of State, Ministry of Finance explained that this Government has had to act understanding the extreme impact not only of global inflation and supply chain but the war in Ukraine, specifically. Similar to what Prime Minister, John Briceño, Coye showed that if annualized, the reduction in pump prices would be the equivalent of roughly $20 million dollars.

So when the nonsensical intellectual is spewing utter nonsense without an inkling of the calculated pump price the John Briceño administration is finding solutions to ease the pain on the Belizean consumers. Unlike Shyne’s fuel deceits, John Briceño and the PUP are charting the way to a better Belize.


Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District; Hattieville, Belize District; Belmopan; Duck Run, Cayo District;

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.

1. BEACHFRONT center of Hopkins Village where the main Hopkins Road meets the sea, Stann Creek District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 116 comprising 800 square yards of land situate in Hopkins Village, Stann Creek District, bounded and described as shown by Plan Dated August 6th, 2013, attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 465 of 2013 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. ( Being 3 wooden structures; Building A – elevated timber structure; Building B – elevated timber and plywood structure; Building C – timber with thatched roof structure with wooden rails TOGETHER with lot [7,200 Sq. Ft] situate at the SEAFRONT center of Hopkins Village where the main Hopkins Road meets the sea, Stann Creek District, the freehold property of Ms. Virginia Casimiro.)

2. Lot No. 19 Hattieville Village, Belize District:

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land situated in Hattieville Village Belize District and numbered Lot No. 19 containing 880.309 Square Meters bounded and described as shown by Plan No. 351 attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 351/16 together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a lot [9,475 sq. ft.] situate in Hattieville Village Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Roberto Chavarria Jr.)

3. Parcel No. 5276 Starkey Hill Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:


Belmopan 20 5276

The freehold property of Ms. Dawn Leslie

(Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [1,540 sq. ft.], containing 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/ Kitchen + Laundry/Storeroom TOGETHER with lot [501.722 S.M.] situate on Starkey Hill Street, Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Dawn Leslie.)

4. Lot No. 74 (386.146 ACRES) Duck Run Area, Cayo District:

All that lot piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 74 from a sub-division containing 386.146 acres done by Licensed Surveyor C.W.




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

Arnold dated 10th December 2007 situate in Duck Run Area, Cayo District and show as Entry No. 11129 Reg. No. 25 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a concrete bungalow dwelling house [961 sq. ft.], containing 3 Bedrooms + 1 Bathroom + Living/Dining/Kitchen + Laundry/ Storeroom TOGETHER with lot situate in Duck Run Area, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Milton Humes.)

GOB Holds Consultations for Disclosure of Proposed Blue Economy Project

Belmopan, April 20, 2023.

The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Blue Economy & Civil Aviation (MBECA) and the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, is in the process of finalizing a loan operation with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to fund a five-year project entitled “Promoting Sustainable Growth in the Blue Economy” (BL-L1042).

The project aims to improve the income generation capacity of artisanal fisherfolks and to maintain export levels of fisheries products considering the sustainable use of oceanic resources within Belize’s blue economy framework. Specific

objectives of the project include (i) enhancement in the government’s ability to sustainably manage key species in the fisheries sector and

(ii) supporting the successful imple -

mentation of individual or group business plans for artisanal fisherfolks aimed at promoting the adoption of sustainable technologies and best fishing practices, as well as the diver-

sification of their income.

Public consultations were held in Northern Belize (Sarteneja Village), Central Belize (Belize City), and Southern Belize (Independence Village) to 1) disclose information on the project and the results of the environmental & social aspects, 2) assess the level of risk as perceived by stakeholders, 3) identify challenges & limitations, and 4) identify priorities, needs, and investment opportunities in the fisheries sector and within the scope of the proposed project.

The proposed project will contribute to the sustainable growth and diversification of the Belizean blue economy, generating the information, capacities, governance structure, and initial investments to improve fisher incomes in the lobster, conch, and finfish marine economy.

National Meteorological Service and Collaborating Partners Attend Climate Database Management System Training

Belmopan. April 19, 2023.

Starting April 18, the Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation (MBECA), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and Belize’s National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is conducting a three-day workshop geared towards improving coastal management.

The workshop series will enhance the capacity of the Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute (CZMAI), Fisheries Department, Blue Economy Unit, National Meteorological Service of Belize (NMSB) and the National Hydrological Service for climate-risk-informed coastal planning and management.

The workshop is a follow-up to a recent donation of weather equipment valued at US$10,301.33, which included two radar water level sensors, one measurement datalogger, and one control data logger. The equipment will be complemented with the climate database management system (“SURFACE CDMS”) upgrade for the measuring of sea level and other ocean wave parameters to process, store, and disseminate information obtained from these measurements.

All deliverables were made possible through the GCF readiness project entitled, “Enhancing adaptation planning and increasing climate resilience in the coastal zone and fisheries sector of Belize.”

The topics to be covered include:

1.) Training on new features developed for ocean wave data management.

2.) High-frequency measurement ingestion, processing, and archival

3.) Calculation of ocean wave parameters and visualization of ocean wave parameters

4.) Extraction and analysis of ocean wave spectra features

5.) New metadata management features in the “SURFACE CDMS”

data inventory

6.) “SURFACE CDMS” maintenance reports

7.) Quality control parameters for range, step, and persistence tests

8.) Operational status monitor of the stations

The NMSB’s climate services provide critical support for managing risks and reducing disasters in climate-sensitive sectors, including agriculture, health, and the blue economy, among others.


Millions to benefit 29 Thousand Belizean Farmers

April 13, 2023 - A memorandum of understanding for the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP) was signed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, Belize Agriculture Health Authority, Pesticides Control Board, University of Belize, the National Meteorological Service and the Belize Marketing and Development Corporation.

The CRESAP is being financed by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan of US$25 million, US$2.5 of counterpart funds and US$18.20 million of commercial financing. Under the project, support will be provided to agricultural producers to adopt climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices via matching grants and private capital mobilization. Additionally, investments in strategic collective agricultural infrastructure assets will be made to contribute to increased agricultural production and sustainability while making farmers less vulnerable to climate change.

Direct beneficiaries of the CRESAP include 7,300 heads of household, of whom 7,000 will be farmers. When all members of the beneficiary households are considered, a total of 29,000 individuals will benefit, and of this, about 28,700 will be members of farm households. Furthermore, the project will aim for at least 30 percent of its beneficiaries to be women farmers.

Under CRESAP, relevant ministries and public institutions will also benefit from strengthened institutional capacity.

The CRESAP consists of two components:

Component 1: Institutional Strengthening (US$2.9375 million –financed by IBRD). This component focuses on strengthening the capacity of key public institutions (government agencies and academic organizations) to support a more productive and sustainable agricultural sector. The component will finance goods, small works, equipment, studies, training, consulting, and advisory services to Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise; Belize Agriculture Health Authority; Pesticides Control Board;

University of Belize; National Meteorological Service; and Belize Marketing and Development Corporation.

Component 2: Investments in Climate-Smart Agriculture (Total Cost: US$39.7 million, of which IBRD: US$19 million; commercial finance from Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs): US$18.2 million, and beneficiary farmers: US$2.5 million).

This component will finance three subcomponents: The three subcomponents are interrelated and complementary leading to the objective of strength-

5 FEB 2023

ening the capacity of farmers and participating financial intermediaries engaging in climate-smart agricultural investments under the Project, as to be able to take advantage of the provision of financing to farmers (matching grants and loans from PFIs) to adopt CSA tech-

nologies and practices, and increasing their productivity, levels of income and resiliency to climate change and weather events.


Given the vulnerability to climate disasters, the project contains a Contingent Emergency Response Component.


The US Government-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has selected Belize as one of only two countries in the world for a five-year government to government grant to fund a program aimed at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth.

The Government of Belize (GOB) through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, have contracted a team of individual consultants to form a Compact Development Team in Belize that will work together with a U.S.-based MCC Team to conduct a diagnosis of the constraints to economic growth, prepare concept notes, develop project proposals, and plan for project implementation.

The Belize Compact Development Team will be led by a National Coordinator who will manage the team, engage key stakeholders across all sectors, and bear responsibility for the overall performance and work quality of the team. The Finance and Administration Director will be a member of BCDT and will work closely with the Program Coordinator and other members of the BCDT as well as the MCC team to lead the finance, informational technology, security and administrative unit and is responsible for the strategic and day-to-day management of the BCDT budget and ensuring the BCDT’s fiduciary integrity and financial health are based on the MCC’s Financial Guidelines.

Vacant Post

1. Financial Director

Remuneration: Competitive salary and benefits are offered, commensurate with academic level, work experience and other relevant strengths of the winning candidate. Kindly follow the below link for further details.

Interested candidates are requested to submit ONE PDF File that shall include: a) Letter of Interest indicating the post being applied for; b) the curriculum vitae, c) copies of university degrees, and d) the names of 3 references.

Subsequently the top 3 applicants for the post will be interviewed.

Deadline for application is 12th May at 4:00pm. Application can be sent via email to: or hand delivered to the address indicated below:

Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Economic Development

Sir Edney Cain Building Ground Floor, Right Wing Belmopan City, Belize C.A.

Any request for clarification should be sent via email no later than 8th May 2023. Responses will be provided within three days.

To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@

MoHW Celebrates Vaccination Week

“Get up-to-date #EachVaccineCounts.”

cine awareness at all ages to increase vaccine acceptance and uptake across the lifespan.

Vaccines are safe and effective for all ages and are accessible to the entire population, from birth to adulthood. They protect against vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles, rubella, polio, and tetanus, among others.

Belize is celebrating, along with the countries and territories of the Region of the Americas, the 21st Vaccination Week in the Americas (VWA) and the 12th World Immunization Week from April 22 to 29. Both weeks are being celebrated under the slogan and call to action: “Get up-todate #EachVaccineCounts.”

Belize’s Economic

Performance Highlighted on Regional Platform

Hon. Christopher Coye, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, was a panelist at the 57th Meeting of the Network of Central Banks and Finance Ministries within Latin America and the Caribbean, held on April 12, 2023, in Washington D.C.

Minister Coye attended at the invitation of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The panelists, which included the ministers of finance of the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Honduras, were asked to share their country’s current fiscal programs underlying and supporting their country’s economic performance and to address development challenges moving forward.

Noting the deep crisis Belize was in at the end of 2020 while being one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, Minister Coye highlighted the importance of being laser-focused on the most important goals to be achieved.

Minister Coye reiterated the government’s priority of long-term sustainable human development for Belizeans. He explained that a difficult but necessary exercise in fiscal discipline and political will in the immediate term was required to support that goal. This included expenditure containment across the board, both recurrent and capital expenditures, and renegotiating Belize’s then unsustainable debt burden, which were all accomplished. He also added that the government chose not to increase taxes, but rather to broaden the tax base and enhance compliance. The government also strategically re-opened the country’s key economic sectors — tourism and agriculture - while encouraging economic diversification and investment in the areas of business process outsourcing (BPO) and small business development.

This year’s VWA campaign aims to emphasize the significant role that vaccines play in protecting an individual and their loved ones and highlights the importance of vaccines for a long and healthy life. The goal is to create vac-

Belize’s Immunization Program has been successful since its establishment in the 1970s; however, the negative impact of COVID-19 has also affected the uptake of routine vaccines, increasing the risk of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles and polio.

The success of vaccines - preventing diseases, reducing severe illnesses and hospitalization, and saving lives - has been proven over the decades.

The Ministry of Health & Wellness extends gratitude to all its hardworking and dedicated staff for their service, especially in protecting Belize’s vulnerable population. Furthermore, the ministry continues to urge persons to “Get up-to-date as #EachVaccineCounts.”

For more information on vaccines, please contact the Maternal and Child Health Unit at any health center or the Ministry of Health & Wellness at 8222325 or visit




Coastal Land Development of North Caye Caulker Substation Site and San Pedro Switching Station Site for the Caye Caulker Interconnection to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye; under the Seventh Power Project

The Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of the Seventh Power Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of BEL and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any services or works, if such payment, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than BEL shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

BEL now invites electronic bids from eligible bidders for Coastal Land Development for San Pedro Switching Station and North Caye Caulker Substation for the Caye Caulker interconnection to San Pedro, Ambergris Caye; under the Seventh Power Project. The works include, but are not limited to the following:

San Pedro Switching Station (Parcel ID: 7-42-116)

• Applying and obtaining use of the reserve, and permits for dock and seawall;

• Barge transportation of materials and equipment;

• Clearing of native vegetation;

• Backfilling of the property and the reserve with imported fill material to 3’ above mean sea level;

• Construction of 60’ of vinyl seawall; and

• Construction of a 260’ long x 8’ wide boat timber dock.

North Caye Caulker Substation (Parcel ID: 12-11-1203)

• Applying and obtaining permit for clearing of mangroves and other native vegetation;

• Applying and obtaining dredging permit;

• Applying and obtaining use of the reserve, and permits for dock and seawall;

• Barge transportation of materials and equipment;

• Clearing of mangroves and other native vegetation;

• Dredging earthworks for a barge/boat access channel of dimensions 60’ wide x 500’ long x 5’ below existing seabed to yield sand to complete the filling of the property and the reserve to 3’ above mean sea level;

• Backfilling of the property and the reserve with dredge material to 3’ above mean sea level;

• Construction of 240’ of vinyl seawall;

• Construction of 60’ reinforced concrete barge landing; and

• Construction of a 260’ long x 8’ wide boat timber dock.

Consideration will be limited to firms or joint ventures of firms which are legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in an eligible country and are either:

(a) more than 50% beneficially-owned by citizen or citizens and/or bona fide resident or residents of an eligible country or by a body corporate or bodies corporate meeting these requirements; or

(b) owned or controlled by the government of an eligible country provided that it is legally and financially autonomous and operated under the commercial law of an eligible country and otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of the CDB Guidelines for Procurement (2006).

Eligible countries are Member Countries of CDB.

Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Documents. Submissions that do not provide the information required, or do not demonstrate the prospective contractor’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation

Qualification requirements include, inter alia:

(a) an average annual turnover (defined as certified payments received for works in progress or completed) within the last three years of at least seven hundred and fifty thousand Belize dollars (BZD $750,000.00);

(b) a demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) of one hundred thousand Belize dollars (BZD $100,000.00); and

(c) experience as prime contractor, management contractor or sub-contractor in the construction of at least two (2) assignments of a nature, scope and complexity comparable to the proposed project activity within the last three (3) years (to comply with this requirement, the works quoted should have been successfully completed).

Bidding Documents may be obtained by eligible bidders from the first address below for a non-refundable fee of one hundred Belize Dollars. Requests must be made by written application including email. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Coastal Land Development for San Pedro Switching Station and North Caye Caulk er Substation for Seventh Power Project”, along with the name, address and contact information of the bidder for which Bidding Documents are being requested. Payment should be by wire transfer or bank draft made payable to: Belize Electricity Limited. Information to pay by wire transfer can be obtained from the first address below. Proof of payment is required before bidding documents are issued.

Documents will be promptly dispatched via registered email, but under no circumstance will BEL or their authorised agents be held responsible for late delivery or any other issue related to the issuance of the documents.

A pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2023 (Amendment) from 9:00 a.m. Belize time at the second address below and will be followed by a joint site visit conducted by BEL on Thursday, April 20, 2023 (Amendment) from 1:30 p.m. Belize time at the fourth address below. Interested bidders should attend. All costs associated wit h a bidder’s attendance will be at the bidder’s own expense.

Electronic submissions via registered email with subject title “Bid for Coastal Land Development for San Pedro Switching Station and North Caye Caulker Substation for Seventh Power Project” must be received at the third address below no later than 10:00 a.m. Belize time on Friday, May 5, 2023 (Amendment). A virtual bid opening will take place at 11:00 a.m. Belize time on Friday, May 5, 2023 (Amendment), from a meeting link sent from the third address below in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend virtually.

BEL reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of the contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for BEL’s action. BEL will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.

1. Address for Correspondence Email:

2. Address for Pre-Bid Meeting (Amendment) BEL Ladyville Stores

11 Miles, Philip Goldson Highway (In front of Philip Goldson International Airport) Ladyville Village Belize District, Belize C. A. Phone Number: +501.630.1175

3. Address for Bid Submission and Bid Opening Email:

4. Addresses for Site Visits

Site Visit 1 – Proposed North
Caulker Substation site  Site Visit 2 – Proposed San Pedro, Ambergris Caye
Switching Station site

Roque Matus Back to Back Champion Weekend Warriors Cross Country Cycling





The Government of Belize (GOB) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards implementing the Belize Social Investment Fund Loan III and the Basic Needs Trust Fund Tenth Programme and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOB and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

The Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure consultancy services for Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.

The objective of the consultancy is to provide Monitoring and Evaluation Services to BSIF. The Consultant will be responsible for the development (including collection of baseline data), management, and implementation of a quality M&E system for the Programmes, Projects and the sub-projects that are implemented by BSIF. The duration of the assignment is expected to be a period of two (2) years, extendable by mutual agreement in accordance with prevailing Belize legislation as well as results of his/her performance appraisal.

Further details can be found in the Terms of Reference, which can be obtained from Address 1 below.

BSIF now invites interested eligible individual consultants to submit Expressions of Interest indicating qualifications and experience required to provide these consultancy services.

Consultants shall be eligible to participate if:

(a) the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and

(b) in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.

Belize City, April 16, 2023

Roque Matus of Team M&M Engineering, who once finished 2nd in the 1993 Holy Saturday Cross Country Classic, repeated as the Weekend Warriors Cross Country Cycling champion on the George Price and Philip Goldson Highways on Sunday morning, April 16.

Some 47 “A” category riders and 18 “B” category riders suited up for the 59-mile ride from the Spanish Lookout intersection with the George Price Highway to Faber’s Road roundabout, over the Chetumal Street bridge onto the Philip Goldson Highway, to turn at the NAPA roundabout and finish in front of M&M Engineering. Some 32 “C” category riders registered for the 50 mile ride from the PUMA Garbutt’s Gas Station in Roaring Creek to the finish line.

A Category riders

1st Roque Matus – M&M Engineering 2:47:44 - $900 prize & trophy

2nd Kenroy “Smokes” Gladden –Team SPD - $300 & trophy

3rd Henry “Henno” Moriera – Team 501 Valvoline - $250 & trophy

4th Atlee Lozano – Rolling Shattaz/ BZ- Boyz - $200 prize & trophy

5th Gabriel Cardozo – Team Santino’s - $150 & trophy

6th Dylan Levy – Furnished Apartments Ltd - $100 & medal

7th Barney Brown – Team DigiCell - $75 & medal

8th Kent “Bob” Gabourel – Team SPD - $50 & medal

9th Kayden Pinelo – Team CANO$40 & medal

10th Vallan Symns - Team SPD - $30 & medal

B Category

1st Fred Usher Sr – (unattached)$300 prize & trophy

2nd Ryan Willoughby – Team M&M Engineering - $250 & trophy

3rd Alberto Acosta – Los Lagos Ladyville Stingers - $200 & trophy

4th Mark Tasher – Team K-Crew$150 & medal

5th Kenneth Butler – (unattached)$100 & medal

6th Charles Garay - Team BFSC El Pescador - $75 & medqal

7th Roydell Reneau – (unattached)$60 & medal

C Category

1st Eric Chee – Team Santino’s$250 prize & trophy

2nd Santino “Chief” Castillo – Team Santino’s - $200 & trophy

3rd Roger Bryant – Team 501 Valvoline - $125 & trophy

4th Manuel Esquiliano – Truckers

Posse - $75 & medal

5th Gordon Tillett – Team PMA - $60 & medal

6th Sheldon Arnold – Team Big Blade - $50 & medal

7th Carl Arnold – (unattached) - $40 & medal

Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. Consultants are advised to review the detailed eligibility criteria detailed in Section 4 and conflict of interest provisions in Section 5 of the Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (January, 2021), as published on CDB’s website.

In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications, experience on similar assignments and interview questions.

All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (Belize Time) hours Monday to Friday.

The Expressions of Interest must be received electronically at the first address (BSIF) and second (CDB) below no later than Tuesday 2nd May 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (Belize Time). The subject line of the email containing each submission shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for BSIF”.

Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a contract to provide the consultancy services. GOBZ reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.



2.Procurement Officer

Caribbean Development Bank

P.O. Box 408 Wildey

St. Michael BARBADOS, W.I.

Tel. (246) 539-1600





Procurement Officer Social Investment Fund 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan BELIZE Tel: (501)822-0239 ; Fax. (501) 822-0279
2nd Kenroy Smokes Gladden Top 10 winners - A category Top 7 winners - B category 2x champion - Roque Matus

Foro de Diálogo y Cooperación Países miembros del SICA y Corea


Belize, diecinueve de marzo de 2023. Bajo la Presidencia Pro Tempore del SICA, ejercida por Belize para este semestre, se llevó a cabo la 14ª Reunión del Foro de Diálogo y Cooperación SICA-Corea, espacio en el cual los países miembros del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA) y la República de Corea reafirmaron el compromiso por fortalecer las relaciones de amistad, cooperación y solidaridad, así como buscar nuevas áreas de colaboración de interés mutuo para la región SICA.

En este encuentro de alto nivel se conversó sobre el estado de situación de la ejecución de proyectos financiados a través del Fondo de Cooperación Corea-SICA, avances en el proceso para el establecimiento del Centro de Cooperación Corea-SICA y el fortalecimiento de las relaciones de cooperación entre la República de Corea y el SICA.

Asimismo, se abordó el tema del Fondo de Cooperación Corea-SICA, creado el 30 de julio de 2002 a través de la suscripción del Acuerdo entre la Secretaría General del SICA y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Comercio de la República de Corea, el cual busca fortalecer las relaciones de amistad, contribuir a la paz, democracia y los derechos humanos en la región centroamericana.

Como parte de los acuerdos, Corea continuará su apoyo a la región en el acompañamiento a proyectos regionales para el año 2023 en áreas como: integración social, integración económica, así como mejorar la seguridad hídrica en la región.

El Secretario General del SICA, Werner Isaac Vargas Torres, destacó el importante aporte de la República de Corea en la búsqueda de soluciones comunes a través la cooperación y la integración, agradeciéndoles por sumarse a los proyectos de desarrollo y respaldar el trabajo del SICA en beneficio de los pueblos centroamericanos.

En el Foro participó la Viceministra de Relaciones Exteriores de Belice y Representante de la Presidencia Pro Tempore del SICA, Amalia Mai; el Viceministro Adjunto de Relaciones Exteriores de Corea, Choi Youngsam; y las delegaciones de los países miembros del SICA.

Este espacio de diálogo reviste de importancia el papel de los Socios Estratégicos para enfrentar los retos globales y regionales; asimismo se apega al compromiso de la Secretaría General para ejercer una gestión de la cooperación basada en resultados y principios de transparencia y rendición de cuentas, en cumplimiento a lo establecido en el Plan de Trabajo para el periodo 2022-2026.

Relaciones SICA-Corea

La República de Corea es un Socio Estratégico y de larga trayectoria del SICA, con quien se ha fortalecido la relación de amistad y cooperación por más de 25 años, desde el establecimiento del Foro de Diálogo y Cooperación en septiembre de 1996.

Corea fue admitida como Observador del SICA mediante acuerdo de la 37ª Reunión de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de los países del SICA realizada el 22 de julio de 2011. Posteriormente se suscribió el Acuerdo de Admisión de la República de Corea como Observador del SICA, el 27 de agosto de 2012.

La ejecución de proyectos conjuntos se desarrolla a través del Fondo Corea – SICA. Actualmente, se ejecutan cuatro proyectos en las áreas de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, Gestión Integral de Riesgos de Desastres, y Salud:

Fortalecimiento de capacidades para la resiliencia para la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional y la agricultura inteligente, ejecutado por la Secretaría General del SICA a través del Programa de Sistemas de Información para la Resiliencia en Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de la Región del SICA (PROGRESAN-SICA).

1. Fortalecimiento del Manejo de Incendios en Centroamérica y República Dominicana, ejecutado por Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres en América Central y República Dominicana (CEPREDENAC).

2. Fortalecimiento de capacidades de Preparación y Respuesta del Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de Desastres en América Central y República Dominicana, desarrollado por CEPREDENAC.

3. Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas de Información en Salud con el diseño de un Plan Estratégico Regional para lograr la interoperabilidad de los sistemas informáticos en salud en los Estados miembros del SICA, ejecución que está a cargo de la Secretaría Ejecutiva del Consejo de Ministros de Salud de Centroamérica (COMISCA).


San Ignacio 23 519

The freehold freehold property of Ms. Maria Juan.

(Being a 2-storied concrete structure [1,0757 sq. ft.] containing 4 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms + Living/Dining/Kitchen + 2 Porch: an APARTMENT [675 sq. ft.] 1 Bedroom + 1 Bathroom + Kitchenette TOGETHER with lot [60 ft. X 90ft.] situate on Cahal Pech Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District, the freehold property of Ms. Maria Juan.)




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions



Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $64,391,800.

The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Tuesday, 25 April 2023 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 25 July 2023.

Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.

Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically to or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 21 April 2023.

The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 25 April 2023.

Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS).

Bank: Central Bank of Belize

Account: GLICORP0402627

The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.


Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website ( bz)

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. Sagicor Life Inc., Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following property. Sale currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the date and time listed on the website until the property is sold. 1. Parcel No. 519 Cahal Pech Street, San Ignacio, Cayo District: San Ignacio, Cayo District
5 April 2023

Land Registry Notices


In accordance with Section 13 of the Registered Land Act Chapter 194, I Patricia Robateau Blackett, Registrar of Lands, hereby serves notice that within one month from the date hereof, I intend to register the following parcels of land listed below for which application for first registration have been received.

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registering of these parcels must get in touch with me before expiry date of this notice between Mondays to Fridays at the Land Registry, Belmopan.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section FORT GEORGE/PICKSTOCK Block No.45 and being Parcel No.1350 Formerly Lot No. 5955, 429.38 Square Yards situated in Cinderella Town Area, Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.324 of 1994 dated 24th January, 1995 in favor of DARIUS A. DANIELS (DECEASED), GLORIA E. DANIELS AND VICTORIA A. DANIELS (JOINTLY)


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.2306 Formerly Entry No. 737, 388.502 Square Meters situated on the Southside of Gravel Lane, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 625 of 2003 dated 27th April, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 8 of 2003 Folios 1289-1296 in favor of CARLO DAVID LEIVE AND VANINA LEONARDA LEIVA (Jointly).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.5807 Formerly Lot No.85, 551.079 Square Meters situated East of Marage Road, Ladyville Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.474 of 2015 dated 21st July, 2015 in favor of EMERSON VASQUEZ.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.1316 Formerly Lot No.19, 445.703 Square Meters situate at Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.1254 of 2006 dated 11th December, 2006 in favor of PORFIRIO GUZMAN.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3605 Formerly Lot No. 85, 464.378 Square Meters situated at North Side of the Lord’s Bank Road, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.1142 of 2000 dated 1st January, 2001 in favor of SAULDA NEAL


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.4127 Formerly Entry 12506, 950.432 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.101 of 2015 dated 22nd April, 2015 in favor of MAVERICK JERMONE SABAL


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcel No.7119 Formerly Lot No. 889, 466.161 Square Meters situated in the Ambergris Bay Area on the Western portion of Ambergris Caye, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Rectification No. 835 of 2010 dated 27th April, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 13 of 2010 Folios 1495-1514 in favor of TANYA AND DARWIN HOLM.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.848 Formerly Lot No. 53, 452.806 Square Meters situated in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 2018 of 2005 dated 29th June, 2005 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 26 of 2005 Folios 1339-1348 in favor of AMADA COLLINS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section CAYE CAULKER Block No.12 and being Parcel No.1004 Formerly Lot No. 42, 555.28 Square Yards situated in Caye Caulker Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 0868 of 2006 dated 10th February, 2006 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 11 of 2006 Folios 913-924 in favor of BLUE YONDER LIMITED.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcel No.6977 Formerly Lot No. 840, 445.905 Square Meters situated in the Ambergris Bay Area on the Western portion of Ambergris Cay, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1273 of 2010 dated 29th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 783-796 in favor of CARL TAMS AND JESICA DABDOUB DE TAMS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcel No.6974 Formerly Lot No. 841, 445.905 Square Meters situated in the Ambergris Bay Area on the Western portion of Ambergris Cay, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1272 of 2010 dated 29th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 769-782 in favor of CARL TAMS AND JESICA DABDOUB DE TAMS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2258 Formerly Lot No. 24, 570.35 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 1289 of 2010 dated 18th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 971-980 in favor of AMPARO LUNA.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2259 Formerly Lot No. 25, 613.19 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 1288 of 2010 dated 18th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 961-970 in favor of AMPARO LUNA.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2261 Formerly Lot No. 27, 570.33 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 1286 of 2010 dated 18th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 941-950 in favor of AMPARO LUNA.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2257 Formerly Lot No. 23, 637.36 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 1283 of 2010 dated 18th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 911-920 in favor of AMPARO LUNA.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2283 Formerly Lot No. 49, 533.33 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 1284 of 2010 dated 18th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 921-930 in favor of AMPARO LUNA.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2284 Formerly Lot No. 46, 570.33 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 1285 of 2010 dated 18th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 931-940 in favor of AMPARO LUNA.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2260 Formerly Lot No. 26, 570.35 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Gift No. 1287 of 2010 dated 18th June, 2010 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2010 Folios 951-960 in favor of AMPARO LUNA.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN FELIPE Block No.13 and being Parcel Nos.71, 72, 73, 74, 75 and 76 Formerly Lot Nos. 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, 18, each containing 32.640 Acres, situated in San Felipe Agricultural Layout, Orange Walk District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.75 of 1975 dated 26th February, 1975 in favor of JULIAN PADRON (DECEASED).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2957 Formerly Lot No. 55, 471.392 Square Meters situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.621 of 2007 dated 5th July, 2007 in favor of CESAR AUGUSTO JAU


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2435 Formerly Lot No. 195, 533.33 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

THE BELIZE TIMES 23 23 APR 2023 Continued on page 24 THE BELIZE TIMES 267 5 FEB 2023

Land Registry Notices

Continued from page 23

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1487 of 2005 dated 8th June, 2005 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2005 Folios 1449-1458 in favor of ROSAURA MAZIN


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.3136 Formerly Lot No. 67, 618.67 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Indenture No. 1845of 2003 dated 14th July, 2003 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 24 of 2003 Folios 825-834 in favor of NAZIRA ROSAS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section BENQUE VIEJO DEL CARMEN Block No.23 and being Parcel No.3137 Formerly Lot No. 69, 613.11 Square Yards situated in Benque Viejo Del Carmen Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Indenture No. 1846of 2003 dated 14th July, 2003 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 24 of 2003 Folios 835-844 in favor of NAZIRA ROSAS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.1834 Formerly Lot No. 25, 695.231 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.216 of 2017 dated 4th July, 2017 in favor of MARTHA ELIZABETH GOLDSON.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3874 Formerly Lot No. 38, 608.550 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. LTU-201401183 dated 3rd July, 2014 and recorded in LTU-201401183 in favor of VERHEMIA PALMA


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section DANGRIGA NORTH Block No.31 and being Parcel No.1541 Formerly Lot No. 94, 275.451 Square Meters situated at Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 846 of 1993 dated 29th April, 1993 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 10 of 1993 Folios 471-484 in favor of KAISAN CHANG AND ANNA CHANG (DECEASED)


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section DANGRIGA NORTH Block No.31 and being Parcels No.188 and No. 191 Formerly Lot No.1187 and No.1188, 461.47 and 455.90 Square Yards (Respectively) situated in Dangriga Town (Northside), Stann Creek District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.316 of 1984 dated 2nd November, 1984 in favor of PETER CIEGO


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN PEDRO Block No.7 and being Parcels No.4612 and No. 4616 Formerly Lot SB13 and Lot SB14, Acres situated at Ambergris Caye known as “Matacaballo”, San Pedro Town, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Indenture dated 25th November, 1920 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 26 at Folios 230 in favor of ANITA ALAMILLA (DECEASED).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.3373 Formerly Lot No.48, 522.534 Square Meters situated on the Dr. W.S. Georg Estate, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1755 of 1996 dated 29th July, 1996 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 17 of 1996 Folios 551-558 in favor of MICAELA VERNON AND LISA VERNON (JOINTLY).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ANN GABOUREL Block No.4 and being Parcels No.445 and No. 447 Formerly Blocks No.280 and No.281, 28 acres 2 roods 37 poles situated at 1½ Miles South-East of San Lorenzo Village, Orange Walk District.

This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section ORANGE WALK TOWN Block No.4 and being Parcel No.4419 Formerly Lot No.29, 1093 ± Square Meter(s) situated at Otro Benque, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Assent No. 2540 of 1992 dated 4th December, 1992 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No.31 of 1992 Folios 531-538 in favor of DOMINGO GONGORA, JUAN GONGORA AND CONCEPCION GONGORA (JOINTLY).


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section PORT/LOYOLAVILLE Block No.45 and being Parcel No.177 Formerly Lot No. 7637, 503.079 Square Meters situated South of Faber’s Road, Belize City, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.385 of 2008 dated 8th July, 2008 in favor of STEPHEN WILLIAMS


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block

No.16 and being Parcel No.4224 Formerly Lot No. 83, 1085.089 Square Meters situated in the B.D.F. Subdivision, Lord’s Bank Road, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.533 of 2004 dated 13th July, 2004 in favor of STEPHEN WILLIAMS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.1817 Formerly Lot No. 22, 690.508 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.145 of 2013 dated 19th June, 2013 in favor of LESBETH BUTLER.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.1816 Formerly Lot No. 21, 695.231 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.205 of 2013 dated 30th October, 2013 in favor of ESTROY PHILLIPS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO NORTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.708 Formerly Lot No.441, 607.60 Square Yards situated on 2nd Street, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Assent No. 650 of 1982 dated 16th July, 1982 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 6 of 1982 Folios 1451-1460 in favor of WILBERT SIMMONS


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO SOUTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2494 Formerly Lot No.28, 464.698 Square Meters situated South and in the vicinity of Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1510 of 2008 dated 27th May, 2008 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 19 of 2008 Folios 1-8 in favor of ABEL GUERRERO JR.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SAN IGNACIO SOUTH Block No.23 and being Parcel No.2496 Formerly Lot No.27, 464.698 Square Meters situated South and in the vicinity of Ignacio Town, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 1509 of 2008 dated 27th May, 2008 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 18 of 2008 Folios 1495-1502 in favor of ABEL GUERRERO JR.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3814 Formerly Lot No. 21, 1043.428 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, (Extension), Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.786 of 2003 dated 14th August, 2003 in favor of ALFRED FRASER


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section SOCIETY HALL Block No.24 and being Parcel No.1040, .25 Acres situated in Roaring Creek Village, Cayo District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.177 of 1975 dated 16th April, 1975 in favor of PHILLIP C. ARNOLD (DECEASED)


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No. 4440, Formerly Lot No. 47, 931.38 Square Yards situated in the B.D.F. Housing Site, Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.627 of 2008 dated 30th September, 2008 in favor of ODETTE NEAL.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section DANGRIGA SOUTH Block No.31 and being Parcel No.2029 Formerly Lot No.1562, 416.68 Square Yards situated in Rivas Estate, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.366 of 2000 dated 16th May, 2000 in favor of GEORGE SWASO.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section DANGRIGA NORTH Block No.31 and being Parcel No.1563 Formerly Lot No.137, 210.47 Square Yards situated on Lemon Street, Dangriga Town, Stann Creek District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Deed of Conveyance No. 2927 of 2000 dated 2nd July, 2000 and recorded in Deeds Book Volume No. 43 of 2000 Folios 737-740 in favor of LUKE RIVAS.


This parcel of land is situated in the Registration Section LADYVILLE/LORD’S BANK Block No.16 and being Parcel No.3157 Formerly Lot No.28, 653.274 Square Meters situated in Lord’s Bank Village, Belize District.

This parcel of land is subject of a Minister’s Fiat Grant No.361 of 2018 dated 11th October, 2018 in favor of JAMES RANDOLPH LORD (DECEASED)

THE BELIZE TIMES 24 23 APR 2023 Continued on page 25

Land Registry Notices

Continued from page 24

Pursuant to Section 37(3) of the Registered Land Act, Chapter 194, Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, notice is hereby given of the loss of the following Land and Lease Certificates

The above Land/Lease Certificates after the expiration of twenty-one (21) days from the appearance of this notice. Any person in possession of the above-mentioned certificates is required to return it to the Belize Land Registry, Ministry of Natural Resources, City of Belmopan.

THE BELIZE TIMES 25 23 APR 2023 Continued on page 26
Names Registration Section, Block & Parcel Nos. Certificate Nos. ROBERT BRENT SINGLETON 7-42-1891(H42) Land Cert. No. LRS-202014461 dtd. 02 Dec 2020 BAREFOOT IGUANA LIMITED 7-42-566 Land Cert.No. 5466/99 dtd. 07 Sep 1999 IGUANA GARDENS LIMITED 7-42-407 Land Cert. No. 1098/1999 dtd. 26 Feb 1999 IGUANA GARDENS LIMITED 7-42-408 Land Cert. No. 1100/1999 dtd. 26 Feb 1999 BAREFOOT IGUANA LIMITED 7-42-548 Land Cert. No. 5464/99 dtd. 07 Sep 1999 SHARIMA CRAWFORD 45-70-1082 Land Cert. No. LRS-201112496 dtd. 19 Oct 2011 MARYDELENE VASQUEZ 20-17-7592 Land Cert. No. LRS-201704738 dtd. 27 Jun 2017 MARYDELENE VASQUEZ 20-17-7593 Land Cert. No. LRS-201704739 dtd. 27 Jun 2017 VIOLETA LOURDES AYALA 23-103-92 Land Cert. No. LRS-202110889 dtd. 02 Sep 2021 AMBROSIA HERNANDEZ and RODRIGO HERNANDEZ (Deceased) 4-96-182/1 Lease Cert. No. 9665/2007 dtd. 24 Jul 2007 RAMON NUNEZ SR. (Deceased) 7-42-9415 Land Cert. No. LRS-201110290 dtd. 25 Aug 2011 BRITNEY ANN GIBSON and JOHN RICHARD CADIEUX (Jointly) 36-61-2825 Land Cert. No. LRS-201604172 dtd. 20 Apr 2016 WILHELM YOUNG JR. 23-36-1396 Land Cert. No. 6645/2003 dtd. 11 Sept 2003 MANUEL PASTOR GOMEZ, ANGEL ESTEBAN GOMEZ and SUEMY YANINA GOMEZ (Jointly) 1-19-380 Land Cert. No. LRS-202002404 dtd. 24 Feb 2020 CARLSON GOUGH 16-49-1038 Land Cert. No. 2598/2005 dtd. 15 Apr 2005 CARLSON GOUGH 16-49-1039 Land Cert. No. 2600/2005 dtd. 15 Apr 2005 DONALD WAYNE PEAK (Deceased) 7-42-4502 Land Cert. No. LRS-201113996 dtd. 23 Nov 2011 DONALD WAYNE PEAK (Deceased) 7-42-3309 Land Cert. No. LRS-201113997 dtd. 23 Nov 2011 RUDOLFO NUNEZ (Deceased) 7-42-1042 Land Cert. No. 4202/1990 dtd. 23 Jul 1990 LORNA LINO MARTIN 31-105-332 Land Cert. No. LRS-201610717 dtd. 04 Nov 2016 LORNA LINO MARTIN 31-105-331 Land Cert. No. LRS-201610716 dtd. 04 Nov 2016 IDELMAR GUTIERREZ and SARA ELENA GUTIERREZ (Jointly) 1-9-1056 Land Cert. No. LRS-200903322 dtd. 05 May 2009 ANDREW BUTCHKO and ANTOINETTE LOFLIN (Jointly) 16-49-1065 Land Cert. No. LRS-201408044 dtd. 02 Jul 2014

Continued from page 25

Land Registry Notices


to have the said objection heard and determined in manner prescribed by the said Rules

Registered Land Act

Chapter 194

Section 140(1)


Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in ALBERT MESOP Registration Section has been received from DARLENE LYNN MORANT being Parcel No. 950 containing 488 Square Meters

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration DARLENE LYNN MORANT as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.950 ALBERT MESOP Registration Section containing 488 Square Meters is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to DARLENE LYNN MORANT.


Registered Land Act

Chapter 194

Section 140(1)



Application for ownership by prescription for the above mentioned parcel situate in SANTA ELENA/CAYO Registration Section has been received from JULIA RODRIGUEZ being Parcel No. 4430 containing 0.97 Acre

The attention of the general public is hereby drawn to this notice. Any person whose rights and interest may be affected by the registration JULIA RODRIGUEZ as proprietor with Absolute Title for Parcel No.4430 SANTA ELENA/CAYO Registration Section containing 0.97 Acre is hereby requested to show cause on or within one month from the date thereof, why ownership should not be granted to JULIA RODRIGUEZ.



Form 11

(Rule 15)



Advertisement in “Gazette” of application for First Certificate of Title to land, etc.

NOTICE is hereby given that CAYO ONE ESTATES LIMITED of Mile 41, George Price Highway, Cayo District, has applied for the issue of a First Certificate of Title to the land, estate, interest, power or right described in the Schedule to this Notice.

ANY PERSON who claims to be entitled as owner or otherwise to the said land, estate, interest, power or right, or who may be unlawfully prejudiced by the description of the said land, estate, interest, power or right may file in the Registry, and deliver a copy thereof to the applicant within fourteen days from the date hereof, a written notice of objection to the issue of a First Certificate of Title to the said land, estate, interest, power or right in accordance with the provision of the General Registry Rules, 1954, and thereafter proceed

Dated this day of April , 2023


This land is the subject of Deed of Conveyance No.LTU-201501634 dtd. 4th September, 2015 and recorded in LTU-201501634 in favor of CAYO ONE ESTATES LIMITED.


ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL of land being Block No. 1 and comprising of 1,402.80 acres of land situate along the North-side of the Western Highway, near Mile 41, Cayo District, Belize and more particularly shown and described on Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 506 of 2011 being plan of survey referenced Entry No. 4330 Register No. 14 by Licensed Land Surveyor M. E. Sanchez, lodged at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys in the City of Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.


Form 11 (Rule 15)



Advertisement in “Gazette” of application for First Certificate of Title to land, etc.

NOTICE is hereby given that CAYO ONE ESTATES LIMITED of Mile 41, George Price Highway, Cayo District, has applied for the issue of a First Certificate of Title to the land, estate, interest, power or right described in the Schedule to this Notice.

ANY PERSON who claims to be entitled as owner or otherwise to the said land, estate, interest, power or right, or who may be unlawfully prejudiced by the description of the said land, estate, interest, power or right may file in the Registry, and deliver a copy thereof to the applicant within fourteen days from the date hereof, a written notice of objection to the issue of a First Certificate of Title to the said land, estate, interest, power or right in accordance with the provision of the General Registry Rules, 1954, and thereafter proceed to have the said objection heard and determined in manner prescribed by the said Rules

Dated this day of April , 2023


This land is the subject of Deed of Conveyance No.LTU-201501635 dtd. 4th September, 2015 and recorded in LTU-201501635 in favor of CAYO ONE ESTATES LIMITED.


ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL of land being Block No. 2 and comprising of 1,401.64 acres of land situate along the North-side of the Western Highway, near Mile 41, Cayo District, Belize and more particularly shown and described on Plan attached to Minister’s Fiat Grant No. 507 of 2011 being plan of survey referenced Entry No. 4330 Register No. 14 by Licensed Land Surveyor M. E. Sanchez, lodged at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys in the City of Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.

BELIZE 270 5 FEB 2023
LTU-202300489 LAND TITLES UNIT Ministry of Natural Resources City of Belmopan Name of Applicant DARLENE LYNN MORANT Name of Applicant JULIA RODRIGUEZ Registration Section ALBERT/MESOP Registration Section SANTA ELENA/CAYO Block No 45 Block No 23 Parcel No 950 Parcel No 4430 Continued on page 27

Land Registry Notices

Continued from page 26


WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 10th day of July, 2002 and Registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 41 at Folio No. 78.

ALL THOSE lots, pieces or parcel of land being Blocks numbered 9, 10, and 11 situated at Mile 21 Stann Creek Valley Road, Stann Creek District, being a portion of Grant No. 11 of 1932 and more particularly delineated and described as shown on Plan Entry No. 4522 Reg. No. 4 surveyed by G.E. Valdez, Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with Section 18 (b) of the Land Utilization Act and recorded at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys.

In the name of: JOSEPH WILLIAMS (DECEASED) of: 1015 E 103 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11263, United States of America.


I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 41 at Folio No. 78.

ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.


Registrar of Lands


LAND TITLES UNIT Ministry of Natural Resources City of Belmopan


WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 25th day of January, 2022 and Registered in TCT-202200014.

ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL of land situate South of Belmopan, West of the Hummingbird Highway, near Mile 50, Cayo District, Belize, being Block No. 19 comprising of 8.27 ACRES and being more particularly delineated and described as shown on Entry No. 18959, Register 40, by Licensed Land Surveyor Robert I. Ezeilo lodge at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys, City of Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize, TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.

In the name of: FRANKIE RICHARD CRUZ of: 18 Maravilla Street, Las Flores, City of Belmopan, Cayo District.


I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register TCT-202200014.

ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.



WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 27th day of October, 2020 and Registered in TCT-202000145.

ALL THAT PIECE AND PARCEL of land containing 120.04 acres Situate at More Force, Cayo District, and on the South Side of the Western Highway, just East of Georgeville Village and more particular as follows: Commencing at a concrete pillar on the south side of the Western Highway which concrete pillar is at the northwest corner of the said parcel, thence along the Western Highway on a grid bearing 59° 29’ 23’’ for a distance of 354.591 metres to a concrete pillar thence on a grid bearing of 180° 35’ 05’’ for a distance of 1414.045 metres to a concrete pillar, thence on a grid bearing of 275° 10° 05” for a distance of 389.542 metres to a concrete pillar, thence a grid bearing of 00° 32’ 27” for a distance of 569.106 metres to a concrete pillar, thence on a grid bearing of 00° 37’ 10” for a distance of 437.536 metres to a concrete pillar, thence on a grid bearing of 59° 22’ 01” for a distance of 120.557 metres to a concrete pillar, thence on a grid bearing of 354” 15’ 53” for a distance of 253.524 metres back to the point of commencement, and is shown numbered 1 on a Plan by H.C. Fairweather, Chartered Surveyor, and recorded at the Lands and Survey Department, Belmopan, in Register 1 Entry No. 1993 (“hereinafter called “the property”) TOGETHER WITH all buildings and erections standing and being thereon.

In the name of: DENVER KOOP AND LAYLA ELIZABETH KOOP of: Route 50, Center Road, Spanish Lookout, Cayo District.


I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register TCT-202000145.

ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.



LAND TITLES UNIT Ministry of Natural Resources City of Belmopan


WHEREAS having made the necessary inquires and having read the statutory declaration filed in connection therewith, I have come to the conclusion that the duplicate of the Transfer Certificate of Title dated 15th day of September, 1998 and Registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 33 at Folio No. 147.

ALL THAT piece or parcel of land containing 10 acres situate on the Access Road to the Belize International Airport and forming part of Block No. 66 A (described in First Certificate of Title dated 6th October, 1980 and registered in Volume 5 at folio 1492) and situate in the North East corner of the said Block 66A and more particularly described as follows: Commencing from a found concrete pillar at the Northeast corner of Block No. 66A, thene south for a distance of 808.54 feet to an iron rail, thence west for a distance of 585.78 feet to another iron rail , thence north for a distance of 678.70 feet to another iron rail, thence N 77° 30’ 10” E for a distance of 600.00 feet back to the found concrete pillar being the point of commencement and delineated on a Plan of Survey by A.R. Marin, Certified Land Surveyor, which is recorded at the Lands Registry in Belmopan in Register 3 at Entry 140.

In the name of: GENERAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY LIMITED: A company duly formed under the Laws of Belize with registered office situate at International Airport Road, Ladyville, Belize


I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I intend, at the expiration of twenty-one days from the first appearance of this notice, to issue a new duplicate of the Registered Transfer Certificate of Title registered in the Land Titles Register Volume 33 at Folio No. 147.

ANY PERSON in whose custody the TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE may be or who may have any objection to such issue is hereby requested to inform me of the fact.



Ministry of Natural Resources City of Belmopan

THE BELIZE TIMES 28 23 APR 2023 Buy a device an $5 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST For more info call 1090 Promo Price $50 Promo Credit 2000MB 50 SMS S A M S U N G A 1 3 6 4 G B $60 Promo Credit 2000 MB 50 SMS Promo Price L O G I C F 6 G $20 Promo Credit 165 MB 50 SMS Promo Price $30 Promo Credit 530 MB 50 SMS 16GB $145 Promo Price 32GB A L C A T E L 1 ( 2 0 2 1 ) $40 Promo Credit 1000 MB 50 SMS Promo Price $40 Promo Credit 1000 MB 50 SMS Promo Price 2000 MB 50 SMS 64GB $419 Trade-In Ptrice 128GB $30 Promo Credit 530 MB 50 SMS Promo Price T C L A 3 0 3 2 G B H A U S L T E M I F I 4,000 MB Promo Price EASTER DEALS OTHER PHONE MODELS ALSO AVAILABLE AT SHOWROOMS C O U N T R Y W I D E

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Articles inside

Land Registry Notices

page 26

Land Registry Notices

page 25

Land Registry Notices

page 23

Land Registry Notices

page 22

Foro de Diálogo y Cooperación Países miembros del SICA y Corea

page 21

Roque Matus Back to Back Champion Weekend Warriors Cross Country Cycling

page 20


page 19

Performance Highlighted on Regional Platform

page 18

Millions to benefit 29 Thousand Belizean Farmers

pages 17-18

National Meteorological Service and Collaborating Partners Attend Climate Database Management System Training

page 16

GOB Holds Consultations for Disclosure of Proposed Blue Economy Project

page 16


page 15


pages 13-14

“Innovation, Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing a Natural Capital Approach in Belize.”

page 12

Supporting Good Governance Reform Let Belize Live

page 11

Young Demetrie Meyers Visits His Home

page 10

Letters to the Editor Pain in Dairy End A Leader in Sustainability

page 10


page 9


page 9


page 8

itelintoexpanding Belize Mexican President’s Wife Visits Belize

pages 5-7


page 4


page 3

14.4 Million in Cattle Exports

page 2


page 2


page 2
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