Belize Times April 30, 2023 Belizean Boledo

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The Belize Times


“…decided to revoke the exclusive license held by BGGL due to material and substantial breaches of the conditions of the exclusive license, and the Lotteries Act and its regulations…The Government of Belize remains committed to ensuring that, with the proper administration of the Government Lotteries, necessary income/revenues will be generated to fund the much-needed healthcare costs for Belizeans through the National Health Insurance: Government of Belize Release

Belmopan, April 26, 2023

The Lotteries Committee met on April 20, to review the conditions of the exclusive license held by Brads Gaming Group Ltd. (BGGL) to administer the Government Lotteries. Upon its review, the committee decided to revoke the exclusive license held by BGGL due to material and substantial breaches of the conditions of the exclusive license, and the Lotteries Act and its regulations.

Members of the public are advised that effective May 2, 2023, BGGL is no longer licensed to sell or administer the Government Lotteries (Boledo, Jackpot

and Ordinary Lotteries). The last lottery draw under the present arrangement will be on April 30, 2023.

The government will, in the near future, make alternative arrangements for the administration of the Government Lotteries while maintaining a standard that will guarantee that consumer rights are not violated.

The Government of Belize remains committed to ensuring that, with the proper administration of the Government Lotteries, necessary income/revenues will be generated to fund the much-needed healthcare costs for Belizeans through the National Health Insurance.

THE BELIZE TIMES 1 30 APR 30 APRIL 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5349 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 Pg. 11 People Constitution Commission meets the Government of/for/by the people
Established 1957
Pg. 2 Pg. 2 BELIZEAN
– PM
that justice
John Briceño
10,000 Homes For Middle Income Belizeans JMCC and NBB sign MoU Pg. 2
Berger Field Comes Alive Mundialito - Min. Mahler’s Success Pg. 6 STATEMENT ON THE DRUG-LACED CANDY


Homes For Middle Income Belizeans

JMCC and NBB sign MoU

Today signed an MOU of magnanimous proportions and goals. The ‘BELIZE HOUSING PROJECT’ will render 10,000 houses in what is understood to be all of Belize. Ahead is some of the legal jargon of the first phase which is the agreement that this is something JMCC and NBB will pursue.

The Parties are desirous to enter into an understanding setting out all necessary working arrangements that both Parties agree shall be necessary to complete this Project.


The aforementioned Project has been established with the following intended mission in mind: The project shall construct and deliver TEN THOUSAND middle income houses to qualified Individuals.


The Parties intend for this Memorandum to provide the cornerstone and structure for any and all possibly impending binding contracts which shall be related to the Project.


The Parties shall endeavor to work together to develop and establish policies and procedures that will promote and sustain the Project. We are also intent on maintaining a level of professionalism and a product that meets or exceeds all business and industry standards.

Editor: One of the main features of planBelize is the overseeing of the building of homes for Belizeans. The People’s United Party had placed this into its Bill of Rights of every Belizean. This understanding, in one fell swoop, brings the entire 10 thousand homes into a mission accomplished mode. With DFC, other banks, and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing being involved in the charge to build home, the right of Belizeans to own a home will be fulfilled.


April 25, 2023 - The Office of the Prime Minister has instructed that a full and thorough investigation be conducted to determine the source of some sweet treats, confirmed by testing to be laced with marijuana, that were ingested by a number of children and adults admitted at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital (KHMH) today.

A report from the KHMH indicates that its Mass Casualty Code was triggered after seeing a high number of students admitted to its Accident and Emergency Unit after seemingly consuming said treats.

Twenty-seven children, aged 5 to 15 years, have been examined at the KHMH along with four adults who appeared to be intoxicated. At the time of the incident, some of the children were unresponsive and unconscious. Presently, all children and adults are in a stable condition.

The treats were collected for forensic analysis along with urine samples. The KHMH, National Drug Abuse Control Council (NDACC), and a team from Central Health Region are conducting the investigation.

The Ministry of Health & Wellness has dispatched public health inspectors and NDACC case officers to the affected primary school to investigate. No other children were found sick at the school. An NDACC outreach case worker has also been dispatched to the KHMH to investigate the situation.

The ministry advises parents and guardians to monitor their children for signs and symptoms of: Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Dehydration, Profuse sweating

Based on the signs and symptoms, the presumptive diagnosis is that of marijuana intoxication. If anyone presents these symptoms, they should visit their nearest health facility.

Initial information is that the treats were purchased from two individuals, who are now in police custody along with some recovered items. During their interviews, the suspects claimed that the treats were purchased from another source. The Commissioner of Police has instructed that a thorough investigation be conducted to identify the primary source of the product.

The Office of the Prime Minister will continue to work closely with the KHMH, Belize Police Department and Ministry of Health & Wellness to address this matter. The OPM remains committed to protecting its citizens, especially Belize’s children, and will ensure that justice is served.

Prime Minister Briceño reiterates that “All efforts will be taken to ensure that our children are protected and where this matter is concerned, we will ensure that justice is served.”

Unveiling of a Peace Mural in Majestic Alley


Today, the BAA held a special ceremony to celebrate International Pilot’s Day and the unveiling of the new Fallen Pilots Monument.

Pilots honoured on the monument:

Malcolm R. H. Roe (1850-1971)

Dwight Santana (1972-1997)

Nigel Donald Flowers (1975-2009)

Denys Wade Bradley, Jr. (19542018)

Kandasamy Murali Daran (19641991)

William R. Fincher Died 1998

Sir Barry Mansfield Bowen (19452010)

Major Adran Ramirez (1983-2020)

Harold Gabourel (1972-1993)

Jose Luis Marin (1965-1998)

Arthur John Hoy, Sr. (1957-2017)

Major Radford Baizar (1985-2020)

Javier Bosh(1956-1994)

Luis Rene Tam (1970-2005)

William Thomas Murphy (19542018)

Michael Daniel Estell (1958-2022)

Rigoberto Martinez (1960-1995)

John Edward Grief II (1921-2005)

John C. Woods (1942-2018)

Yasin Jose Shoman (1943-2023)

On a day like this, we celebrate all hard working pilots and extend a big ‘Thank You’! for their hard work and service.

The new monument is a dedication to the pilots who served proudly.

A Special recognition award for given to pilots for their dedication and efforts.

•Most Valuable Pilot- Mr. Alberto Ancona

•Rookie of the Year- Mr. Cashman Munnings

•Retirement Award- Mr. Nicolas Varela

•Award of Service and DedicationMr. Victor Vernon


(The poem below is on the rear of the monument.)

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

of sun-split clouds, —and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of—wheeled and soared and swung

High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung

My eager craft through footless halls of air ....

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace

Where never lark nor ever eagle flew— And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod

The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus OFFICE

Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Castillo EDITOR
LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 $1.00
José Jiménez
Present are business men of the area along with Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Area Representative for Fort George, Councillor Allan Pollard, US Ambassador Michelle Kwan, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams


The hot topic this week is Boledo. Belizeans wonder how the changes and revocation of the Brads’ exclusive lottery license affect them and if it is relevant to their daily lives. First, there is a great need to point out that there were as many as ten serious material breaches in the agreement and, therefore, overwhelming reasons to revoke the exclusive license it held. The matter has many layers and provokes as much grief and tears as peeling onions. There are many unanswered questions as to the real shareholders and ultimate owners of this enterprise and rumour has it that they were very well connected to the last administration. The ten-year contract was swiftly renewed mere months from the last general election, despite the fact that basic requirements such as audited financi als were never filed.

Financial audits were only submitted when the current administration insisted the requirements be met. It is interesting to note that Brads claims that during the first ten-year contract they lost money every single year. Despite the losses they claim to have had for ten years they reapplied to continue subsidising lottery games in Belize. According to their calculations, it was only until 2021 that they started to turn a profit. Then it was through some highly creative accounting or fabulous ‘magicmathics’ that they managed to increase their sales by 150% the following year. If one believed in such things as coincidences, one would understand the deeper meaning of the declarations of the legal counsel of Brads, the former Prime Minister Dean Barrow, when he said that the end game is not to regain the license but for the contract to be paid off.

Mr. Barrow, of déluge fame, has been taking a page from his endless playbook of litigation and has been setting up the best possible scenario for Brads. In fact, there has been a change in the ownership of Brads and now a company incorporated in Turks and Caicos has bought shares. This is not happenstance, but a move to ensure and invoke the United Kingdom Investment treaty with Belize. He has been setting this up since it became apparent that it was impossible for Brads to fulfil the conditions set out to keep the license.

Lotteries are usually a way to ensure that monies pooled and collected are returned to those communities where it is most needed in the form of better infrastructure, education, health, and social safety nets. Lotteries are the people’s money and the money is to be returned to the people, and especially the people that most need it. The former Prime Minister and father to the current Leader of the Opposition will now attempt to take the people’s money through litigation and it is exactly why after claiming to have lost money for over a decade they renewed a contract and then suddenly recorded profits to now go back and sue the government for profits that they say they will not enjoy. These games are not played by honourable people, and they put evidence that it was always about the money and never about the people.


EDITORIAL en Español


El tema candente de esta semana es Boledo. Los beliceños se preguntan cómo les afectan los cambios y la revocación de la licencia exclusiva de lotería de los Brads y si es relevante para su vida cotidiana. En primer lugar, es muy necesario señalar que hubo hasta diez incumplimientos materiales graves en el acuerdo y, por lo tanto, razones de peso para revocar la licencia exclusiva que poseía. El asunto tiene muchas capas y provoca tanta pena y lágrimas como pelar cebollas. Hay muchas preguntas sin respuesta sobre los verdaderos accionistas y propietarios finales de esta empresa y se rumorea que estaban muy bien relacionados con la última administración. El contrato de diez años se renovó rápidamente a pocos meses de las últimas elecciones generales, a pesar de que nunca se presentaron los requisitos básicos, como las auditorías financieras.

Las auditorías financieras sólo se presentaron cuando la administración actual insistió en que se cumplieran los requisitos. Es interesante observar que Brads afirma que durante los diez primeros años de contrato perdieron dinero todos los años. A pesar de las pérdidas que afirman haber tenido durante diez años, volvieron a solicitar seguir subvencionando los juegos de lotería en Belice. Según sus cálculos, hasta 2021 no empezaron a obtener beneficios. Entonces, gracias a una contabilidad muy creativa o a una fabulosa magia matemática, consiguieron aumentar sus ventas en un 150% al año siguiente. Si uno creyera en cosas como las coincidencias, entendería el significado más profundo de las declaraciones del asesor jurídico de Brads, el ex primer ministro Dean Barrow, cuando dijo que el objetivo final no es recuperar la licencia, sino que se pague el contrato.

El Sr. Barrow, de fama diluviana, ha estado tomando una página de su interminable libro de jugadas de litigios y ha estado preparando el mejor escenario posible para Brads. De hecho, se ha producido un cambio en la propiedad de Brads y ahora una empresa constituida en Turcas y Caicos ha comprado acciones. No se trata de una casualidad, sino de un movimiento para garantizar e invocar el tratado de inversiones del Reino Unido con Belice. Ha estado preparando esto desde que se hizo evidente que era imposible que Brads cumpliera las condiciones establecidas para mantener la licencia.

Las loterías suelen ser una forma de garantizar que el dinero reunido y recaudado revierta en las comunidades donde más se necesita en forma de mejores infraestructuras, educación, sanidad y redes de seguridad social. Las loterías son el dinero del pueblo y el dinero debe devolverse al pueblo, y especialmente a la gente que más lo necesita. El ex primer ministro y padre del actual Líder de la Oposición intentará ahora llevarse el dinero del pueblo a través de litigios y es exactamente por eso que después de afirmar haber perdido dinero durante más de una década renovaron un contrato y de repente registraron beneficios para ahora volver y demandar al Gobierno por unos beneficios que dicen que no disfrutarán. A estos juegos no juegan personas honorables, y ponen en evidencia que siempre se trató del dinero y nunca de la gente.

04 04

Berger Field Comes Alive

Mundialito - Min. Mahler’s Success

April 22, 2023 - The political realities of Berger Field on Vernon Street, Belize City were today forgotten by the social realities of sport and youth and entertainment Mundialito style. The Brown Bombers, Ladyville Rising Stars, Belize United, Tut Bay Yabra and Face of Belize boys all enjoyed big wins, when the 2nd annual Belize Tourism Board’s Hon. Anthony Mahler Under-13 Mundialito football tournament kicked off at the newly refurbished Berger Field in Belize City on Saturday, April 22. Said refurbishment is the brainchild of Pickstock’s very own Anthony Mahler. It must be noted that this field is in the Albert division, whose representative has ignored this development. She also ignored the shenanigans of her Albert predecessor and the then BWS chairman in ghost ground breakings that only broke the heart of the young in the area and pockets of BWSL subscribers. But, it is ghost no more, the construction is still underway but that is not stopping a tournament for the future to kick off: BTB-Anthony Mahler U-13 Mundialito.

The tournament has engaged over 300 children registered in 11 boys’ teams and 6 girls’ teams in healthy clean fun, as they develop their football skills in the next 13 weeks of the tournament, explained

Minister of Tourism Hon. Anthony Mahler. The BTB has also provided complete uniforms, socks, shin guards and football boots for the teams. The BTB refreshments for the players to rehydrate while playing can easily be overlooked but it is mightily important.

The BTB collaborated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the National Sports Council in a $450,000 project to upgrade the Berger field, which broke ground on March 28, 2022. The field now has a state of the art, all-weather artificial turf, and the concrete bleachers are nearing completion. Minister Mahler said the project also includes plans for concession stands to be built, to encourage small entrepreneurs and food vendors to offer refreshments at the games.

In Game 1, the 2022 defending champions Belize United triumphed 1-0 over the Reality Youths, when Norman Muñoz 34’ scored the winning goal.

In Game 2, the Ladyville Rising Stars won 4-1 over Hattieville 4-1, with goals by Tyrese Henry 2’, Zion Gibson 5’, Frederick Garbutt 19’ and Mario Espinna 25’. Only Ronald Smith 30’ scored a late consolation goal for Hattieville.

In Game 3, the Mundialito rookies - Leaders of Tomorrow held the Sampson Academy to a scoreless draw: 0-0.

In Game 4, Tut Bay Yabra schooled Queen Square FC: 7-0 with goals by Khagri Martin 10’, JerContinued on page 9


Hattieville FC lost 1-4 vs Ladyville Rising Stars Ladyville Rising Stars win 4-1 vs Hattieville

Prime Minister of Belize JOHN BRICEÑO


Greetings and Happy Labour Day! Today, we celebrate the hardworking women and men who are a part of our great work to build Belize. Belizean workers are the backbone of our country and are the reason for our strong rebound. We are also stronger today because of the hard work and advocacy of our unions. From the start, Unions have been at the center of our nationalist movement and, today, we must continue to work with the leadership of our unions to ensure that our workers are fully engaged in the development of our nation.

It cannot be said enough that the actions of our unions help to protect collective bargaining rights, strengthen the middle class, and make workplaces and, indeed, Belize better for Belizeans.

For example, the Unions have been at the forefront of our efforts to address the rising cost of living. They have volunteered to partner with Government and the Private Sector to help address the concern with price gouging and in their regular meetings with the Minister of the Public Service and the Ministerial Team have added great value to our economic bounce back.

It cannot be overstated how much we value the sacrifice of our public officers, teachers, and members of our uniform services for agreeing to Government’s Cost Saving Measures.

That is why this Labour Day we are so happy that we were able to give back the 10 percent that was cut and restore increments ahead of schedule.

The Government has also increased the minimum wage to $5 per hour positively impacting the livelihoods of over 42 thousand workers in the private and public sectors or 23.5% of employed persons. This is one more commitment made in PlanBelize.

This commitment is coupled with the work the Government has undertaken to improve the business environment, increasing investment, and creating more employment thus decreasing the unemployment rate to an all-time low of 5%. For the first time ever, workers who are willing and able to work, can do so!

As we continue with our recovery, we’re going to work as one Belize to address those important issues like the rising cost of living. We will continue with our upliftment program making more than 20 million dollars available to working-class Belizeans for home ownership. That and our drive to strengthen MSMEs and to develop a stronger orange economy are all programs aimed to strengthen the middle class and create new jobs for a new era. And, at the center of it all is our commitment to always support our Belizean workers because together we can build a stronger nation.

To our workers, thank you for sharing our vision to build a Belize that works for Everyone. Stay safe and Happy Labour Day.



The Minister Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, Hon. Andre Perez along with Prime Minister, Hon. John Briceño, visited the Neuland Mennonite community in Corozal where a potential new port could be built. The

dro, making it an ideal location for the new port. The community has been seeking opportunities to improve their local economy, and the proposed port provides a viable option for them. The potential new port would not only ben-

efit the residents of the Neuland Mennonite community but also the wider economy of the country, facilitating the movement of people and goods between the mainland and the island, supporting trade and tourism-related


The visit of Minister Perez to the Neuland Mennonite community is seen as a significant step in the right direction as the government explores opportunities to drive growth and development across the country. The government is committed to finding solutions that will create economic opportunities for all Belizeans.

proposed port would provide a transportation hub for people who live on the mainland, but work in San Pedro Town, as well as reducing the costs of transporting goods from the mainland to the Caye.

The visit was part of the government's ongoing efforts to improve the infrastructure of the country's transportation systems while boosting economic activity in the area.

The Neuland Mennonite community is in close proximity to San Pe-

Stakeholder consultations on Modernization of the Broadcasting Framework

The Belize media landscape, particularly broadcasting has changed dramatically since the turn of the century. Globally the electronic and digital media have transformed with new technology. In Belize, the last amendment to the Broadcasting Act was in 2002.

Today, a stakeholder consultation on Modernization of the Broadcasting Framework was launched at the Biltmore Plaza. The goal is to modernize legislation and adequately determine a structure for our broadcast sector, while allowing for development and responsive monitoring and management for the public and sector good.

The proposed modernization of the broadcasting industry in intended to (1) assist Belize with meeting its obligations relating to broadcasting under treaties and agreements with international partners; (2) boost Belize’s reputation internationally in intellectual property compliance and media regulation by having a modern broadcasting regime, which will bring trade and economic advantages; and (3) ensure that all mediums of broadcasting in Belize are encompassed in the regulatory structure, taking into consideration new technologies, new media and the convergence between broadcasting and telecommunications.

The proposal to review existing media and broadcasting-related legislation, with a view to make necessary amendments or additions to the regulatory structure, is intended to create the facilitative environment needed to achieve these goals.


Berger Field Comes Alive

Continued from page 6

maine Frazier 13’, Breylen Middleton 19’, Asher Welch 20’, Ali Thurton Jr 23’, Kyrone Martinez 24’ and Deon Meighan 28’.

In Game 5, the Brown Bombers bombed Pickstock United FC 6-0 with goals by Damereon Augustine 4’ and 27’, Rajan Thompson 8’, Keeron Rivero 11’, Traysean Flowers penalty kick 16’ and Kemar Olivera 20’.

In Game 6, the Face of Belize got the bye to an easy 3-0 win, when the Fairplay Raiders did not present themselves for their scheduled match. The Raiders need help.

When the UDP hears multisectoral they are confused. Let’s help them. This is a sector in multisectoral. Youth from the city come together for fun puts a planBelize hit on crime. Criminals are asked come and watch the game and become law-abiding citizens. Criminals are Belizeans who think they have no alternative but to beat the system.


In Game 1, the Royal Fusion girls scorched the Unity Presbyterian girls 7-1, led by Aneeke Meza’s hat trick 15’, 18’ and 21’ in the 2nd period. Amina Burgess 2’and 5’ and Shanlee Smith 1’ and 7’ each scored a brace. Unity’s goalkeeper Samaila Chan came up with a big save to stop Sha

nalee Smith’s try to convert a penal

ty. Only Tishel Frazer 19’ scored a consolation goal for Unity Presbyterian in the 2nd half.

In Game 2, the Queen Square girls overan Salvation United: 2-0 with goals by Ronika Sarmiento 17’ and Tianna Louriano 20’.

In Game 3, the Millennium girls schooled the Holy Redeemer girls, led by Jocelyn Zuniga’s hat trick 8’, 13’ and 15’ , and Clayian Swazo scored a brace: 4’ and 12’.

The tournament has engaged 96 girls registered in 6 teams; so the girls will not play as many games as the boys, and take a break this weekend.

Upcoming games on Saturday, May 6: Millennium Academy vs Queen Square; Royal Fusion vs Salvation United; Holy Redeemer vs Unity Presbyterian.

SMART Brown Bombers win 6-0 vs Pickstock Tut Bay Yabra win 6-0 vs Queen Square

Swearing-in for UWG Chapters Caribbean Shores and Freetown!!


Notice is hereby given that The Majestic Hotel Limited is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “The Majestic Hotel Limited” located at # 29 Queen Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

On Friday, 21st April 2023, the UWG National Executive traveled to Belize City to swear in the newly formed Caribbean Shores UWG Chapter. Hon. Kareem Musa hosted the ladies and has pledged to work along with and support the newly formed UWG chapter, the UWG National Executive and the women of Caribbean Shores. On hand to welcome everyone the ceremony and offer words of motivation and to also pledge his continued support was Vice Chairman of the Caribbean Shores Executive Committee, Carlos Keith.

Congratulations to the UWG Caribbean Shores Chapter:

President - Gina McFoy

Vice President - Natasha Pipersburgh

Treasurer - Anna Flores

Secretary - Rhondine Green

Assistant Secretary - Tamika


Executive Member - Rashina


Executive Member - Pauline Conorquie

When women come together for a cause, the power is immeasurable.

Then on Tuesday, 25th April 2023,

the UWG National Executive converged in Belize City to swear in the newly formed Freetown Constituency UWG Chapter. Hon. Francis Fonseca hosted the ladies and pledged his full support to the Freetown UWG Chapter, the UWG National Executive and all the women of the Freetown Constituency. Also in attendance to welcome everyone was Chairman of the Freetown Executive Mr. Albert Vaughn who also committed his full support to the UWG.

Congratulations to the UWG Freetown Chapter Executive: President - Maria Marin

Vice President - Sherbet Talbert

Treasurer - Yvette Mackenzie

Secretary - Alicia Mendez

Executive MemberLynda Usher

Executive MemberShavonne Miles

Executive Member - Patricia Bowen

We continue to encourage women to support each other, take a stand and embody the motto of the UWG: Meaningful Engagement and Empowerment of Belizean Women.

Notice is hereby given that Amy & Judith Company Ltd. is applying for a Night Club Liquor License to be operated at “Seri’s Restaurant & Night Club” located at # 6719 Western Avenue, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Deannie Requena is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Tropical Blend” located at # 10 Fern Lane, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Notice is hereby given that Charles Price is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “ Charlie’s” located at # 6 Guanacaste Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.

Belize National Prayer

Almighty and Eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revealed Your Glory to all nations, please protect and preserve Belize, our beloved country.

God of might, wisdom and justice, please assist our Belizean government and people with your Holy Spirit of counsel and fortitude.

Let Your light of Your divine wisdom direct their plans and endeavours so that with Your help we may attain our just objectives.

With Your guidance, may all our endeavours tend to peace, social justice, liberty, national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful knowledge.

We pray, O God of Mercy, for all of us that we may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Your most holy law, that we may be preserved in union and, in that peace which the world itself cannot give.

And, after enjoying the blessings of this life, please admit us, dear Lord, to that eternal reward that You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.

UWG Caribbean Shores Swearin in UWG Freetown Swearin in

PCC meets Government of the people

Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Cordel Hyde and Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Minister of Public Service, Constitutional & Political Reform and Religious Affairs, welcomed representatives from the People's Constitution Commission and a team of technical experts to the Office of the Prime Minister for a courtesy call.

The reps updated the ministers on an upcoming stakeholder workshop, which will commence tomorrow. During the two-day session, the technical team will work along with local specialists to educate commissioners on the contents of Belize’s Constitution as well as discuss shortcomings and suggest improvements as the PCC prepares for the constitutional reform process.

Ministers Hyde and Usher were joined by Narda Garcia, CEO in the Office of the Prime Minister, and Rolando Zetina, CEO in the Ministry of Public Service, Constitutional & Political Reform and Religious Affairs. The PCC was led by its Chairman Anthony Chanona who was accompanied by Glenfield Dennison, Vice-Chairman, and Cesar Ross, Head of the PCC Secretariat. Jason Gluck, UNDP Constitutional Expert and member of the visiting technical team, was also present for the meeting.

The Ministry of the Public Service, Constitutional and Political Reform

Belize’s Future Glitters with Gold

Congratulations to the Belize High School Robotics team!

You won Gold in the first Global Challenge held in Geneva, Switzerland. As of recent, you have won the Rookie Inspiration Award from FIRST® Robotics Competition held in Houston, Texas.

"The Rookie Inspiration Award celebrates a rookie team's outstanding success in advancing respect and appreciation for engineering and engineers, both within their school as well as their community."-(BBN)



Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company ALPINIA CAPITAL LTD. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 12th day of April, 2023; and

Marie Kathleen Sandra Yan-Kai Hew Khee of C239, Block C, the Junction Business Hub, Calebasses, Mauritius is the Liquidator of the Company.

Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited

Registered Agent


Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company FORTUNE STAR INTERNATIONAL LTD. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 12th day of April, 2023; and

Lin, Hui-Chen of No. 23, Ln. 381, Yong’An N. Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. is the Liquidator of the Company.

GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited.

Registered Agent


BTB: New member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council

“Good day colleagues and partners of GSTC. The Belize Tourism Board is quite excited to become a part of this global effort to be leaders in sustainable tourism. The right thing to do is to encourage our stakeholders, our local communities and visitors to lead responsible practices while showcasing the beauty that Belize has to offer. We are ready to take the steps towards a more sustainable future for tourism in our region.” Director of Tourism, Evan Tillett. Read more here:

More Flights to Belize

Copa Airlines will increase its services to Belize with flights out of Panama starting this June, operating on Tuesdays and Fridays. These flights are reliable for connectivity within Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, and Europe. The Tourism product is looking better and better by the say. Belize is a marvel to visit—

that is the word out there.

The Secret is out. Mother Nature and Belizeans work in tandem with sustainability as an end. Schedule and service days are: Departs Panama (PTY): 3:10pm | Arrives Belize City (BZE): 4:27pm | Departs Belize City (BZE): 5:21pm | Arrives Panama (PTY): 8:50pm | Days: Tuesdays & Fridays The aircraft is a Boeing 737-700.

Hair braiders Skill Upgrade

The Belize Tourism Board, under its Elevate-SAFE Program, started a four-day Spa and Massage Training for hair braiders in Belize City. This will improve their skills and service offering. The training is being carried out by the Holistic School of Massage & Spa Therapy.

Elevate Ambassador Training Program is in Toledo, facilitating a Customer Service and Leadership Training for frontline workers in the tourism sector. The Ambassador Training Program will also make stops in Belize City, Orange Walk and Corozal this week. For more information, kindly reach out to

“Going Green in Belize” press trip

This weekend, the BTB and the Zimmerman Agency welcomed several esteemed travel journalists from top media outlets including Fodor’s Travel, Houston Chronicle, Refinery29, and Thrillist, for a “Going Green in Belize” press trip. During their time here, the journalists will partake in unique nature-based and cultural experiences that will highlight our country’s commitment to sustainability and conservation as a top destination for eco-travelers. This will provide exposure that will help strengthen Belize’s reputation as a leader in sustainable tourism.


Training and Development Strategy

Belize At 2nd COP to the Escazu Agreement

BEL invites tenders for Consultancy to Develop a Five-Year Training and Development Strategy

The Consultant will be required to conducta study and provide an assessment of the Company’s current Training andDevelopment approach and learning gaps for each job functionand for the Company asawhole.Recommendafive-year traininganddevelopment strategy that willalign learning and development with the Company’s Mission and strategic objectives Identify what KPIs and tools should be utilized to measure the performance of the Training and Development Strategy.

The bid document, which outlines all the duties andresponsibilities of the contract, and dates areavailable on BEL’s websiteat

Bids will be accepted by email onlyand the email subject must include thebid number located onthe respective bidform.

Subject: BID #2023-1909Training and Development Strategy

Submit bidsvia email to nolater than 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday, May 19, 2023

For more information or queries,send

email to

Belize is represented at the #COP2 to the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, widely known as ��ℎ�� ������������ �������� �� ���� ���� Policy Coordinator for the MSDCCDRM, Mrs. Vanessa Figueroa-Wade, is representing Belize at the conference being held in Buenos Aires Argentina. Current negotiations are centered around the election of the members of the Committee to support implementation and compliance of the Agreement, as well as to follow up on Decision I/4 of the financial arrangements and report of the Voluntary Fund. At the Inaugural Ceremony of COP2, recognition was afforded to Chile, Grenada and Belize, as new State Parties.

Cost incurredforpreparation ofthetenderdocumentisthesole responsibility of the bidder The lowestorany tenderwillnotnecessarily be accepted.

The Escazu Agreement is the first binding treaty on environmental matters of the countries of #LatinAmerica and the #Caribbean. It fundamentally upholds the values of democracy in the region, fosters more inclusive community-oriented actions and lays the foundation for improved policy and decision making, while preserving the natural heritage of the region and protecting the rights and health of people, now and in the future.


Belize became a signatory to the Escazu Agreement in 2020 and recently ratified in February of this year.

#EscazuAgreement #argentina #latinamerica #caribbean #LAC #Belize

San Pedro, Ambergris Caye Belize City, Belize District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until the properties are sold.

1. Parcel No. 6387 Summit Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:



San Pedro 206387

The freehold property of Messrs. Caribbean Coves Estate Limited




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



The 2nd annual (Building On Our Momentum) B.O.O.M. Forum took place on Friday April 21 at the Best Western Plus Belize Biltmore Plaza. The signature event was held under the theme, "A DIP INTO THE FUTURE", and featured presentations from top industry experts on key marketing strategies, artificial intelligence, tourism trends, sustainability, training, and human resources. Presenters included representatives from BTB's partner agencies such as the Zimmerman Agency, Development Counsellors International (DCI), and FINN Partners. Guest presenters included Kieran Sweeney, AI Consultant; Beatriz Barreal, Founder, CEO & Chair of Sustainable Rivera Maya; Curtis Zimmerman, President and Founder of the Zimmerman Agency; Dana Cody, Director of Data Science at ATD Partners; and Abil Catañeda, Director of Quality Management and Capacity Development at the BTB. In attendance was a wide-cross section of hoteliers, tour operators, and industry partners from across Belize. #BTBBOOM2023

Facebook: Belize Auctions

5 FEB 2023

Progress and Success

30 APR 2023 18 JAN 2015THE BELIZE TIMES 13 THE BELIZE TIMES 58 12 30 APR 2023 30 APR 2023
Prime Minister John Briceño People’s Constitution Commission meets the government of, from, and by the people Min. Francis Fonseca, Education, Culture, Science & Technology with MoS Louis Zabaneh, Dangriga Min. Florencio Marin, Jr. National Defence & Border Security Hon. Henry Charles Usher, Fort George San Pedro Town Council Min. Michel Chebat, Cayo North
Greeting the future in the galleries of the House of Representatives With
Accepting vehicles as citizen security is priority Resurfacing of Yorke Street Improving the town is constant At the ‘Building On Our Momentum’ event
making education work for Belize Mayor
employees in
for Labour Day
in Dangriga Yo Creek, Road side maintenance Opening a Digital Connect center
Min. Anthony Mahler, Tourism & Diaspora Relations
Walk Town Council
Hon. Andre Perez, Exploring possibilities of a
connecting port to Ambergris Caye from the mainland
represented by DPM Hon. Cordel Hyde and Minister Henry Charles Usher
with CXC officials,
Sheppard celebrating
Min. Julius Espat, MIDH

BDF and Coast Guard Receive New Vehicles

Another Digital Connect Center

Hon. Florencio Marin Jr., Minister of National Defence and Border Security, handed over two vehicles to the Belize Defence Force (BDF) and the Belize Coast Guard in a ceremony at the ministry’s compound on April 20. The acquisition of the vehicles, which will be for administrative use, is part of the ministry’s ongoing efforts to support both institutions in the areas of transportation and physical infrastructure, with the aim of ensuring the well- being of the men and women who serve in the military.

The two vehicles, valued at $50,000 each and duty exempt, were made possible from last fiscal year’s Capital 2 budget. Present to receive the new acquisition was General Asariel Loria for the BDF and Admiral Elton Bennett for the Belize Coast Guard.

Minister Marin expressed his gratitude to both institutions for their dedication and service to the country, emphasizing the importance of providing necessary resources and infrastructure to the BDF as they continue to carry out their vital role in safeguarding the nation’s security.

In accepting the vehicles, General Loria and Admiral Bennett thanked the ministry on behalf of their respective institutions and reaffirmed their commitment to serving the nation with honor and distinction.

Present at the ceremony were Hon. Oscar Mira, Minister of State in the Ministry of National Defence and Border Security; Hon. Oscar Requena, Vice Chairman of the Defence and Coast Guard boards; and Retired Brigadier General Dario Tapia, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of National Defence and Border Security.

UNDP InfoSegura Project

Continues to Support Citizen Security in Belize

On April 20, a ceremony to mark the launch of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) at the Forensic Laboratory of the National Forensic Science Service (NFSS) was held at the Radisson Hotel in Belize City. This initiative is a part of the Evidence-based Information Management for Citizen Security in Central America and the Dominican Republic Project” (also known as the InfoSegura Project), the first regional strategic partnership of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), “which has been central to enhancing the capacities at key institutions ensuring the security of Belize’s citizens over the past decade.

In his remarks Hon. Musa added “while a modernized LIMS is intended to provide immediate benefits to Forensic Laboratory’s workflow by way of digitization of records and digitalization of processes, there are

equally significant yields toward data-informed public policymaking and decision-making that will come from having a modern, electronic, customizable and integrated information management system at the Belize’s largest Forensic Laboratory”.

Mr. Ian King, UNDP’s Deputy Resident Representative highlighted the importance of this modern information management system for the National Forensic Science Service stating, that, “it will improve the delivery of justice in Belize by capturing scientific data to assist with death investigations and providing relevant information management solutions for criminal laboratory functions”. This new system will also feed into the Belize Crime Observatory’s (BCO) Crime Intelligence Architecture which aims to strengthen the interagency sharing mechanism for more comprehensive capture of multi-dimensional data to facilitate the implementation of data policy.

The United Nations Development

This time a DCC, in Bullet Tree Falls, Cayo District, was officially opened on April 21st. The Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance (MPUELE) has partnered with the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to make the center possible under the National Digital Inclusion Programme. Digital Connect Centers provide essential digital services to underserved communities and contribute to improving the way Belizeans in rural areas work, learn and communicate.

This is another step in bridging the digital divide in Belize and connecting these communities to the rest of the country and the world


Programme, through InfoSegura Project, in partnership with USAID has been supporting the BCO and its key partner agencies including the NFSS from May 2014, with the goal of enhancing the access to justice through a comprehensive ICT framework and the realization of Belize’s multi-agency Crime Intelligence Architecture by May 2024. The Launch of LIMS supports the NFSS to acquire and develop proper information management systems to feed into the Intelligence Architecture and to strengthen the interagency sharing mechanism for more comprehensive capture of multidimensional data. It will further aim to efficiently provide critical evidence for decision-makers and policy makers, as well as improve the delivery of justice in Belize by providing modern information management solutions for crime lab functions and medicolegal death investigation needs that guarantee access to justice for all.



lier Infosegura enabled digital transformation at the NFSS's Scenes of Crime Unit through the donation of a network file server for secure electronic storage and data management of crime scene records and reports.

Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company ALPINIA CAPITAL LTD. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 12th day of April, 2023; and

Marie Kathleen Sandra Yan-Kai Hew Khee of C239, Block C, the Junction Business Hub, Calebasses, Mauritius is the Liquidator of the Company.

Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited

Registered Agent


Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company FORTUNE STAR INTERNATIONAL LTD. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution the 12th day of April, 2023;

This support also builds on the ear-

UNDP Infosegura support for the installation of the LIMS software will allow for a wealth of untapped citizen security data to be mined, unpacked, disaggregated, and analysed from out of the approximately 60,000 casefiles which are kept at the Forensic Laboratory spanning the past three decades. Digitizing these types of records and digitalizing the processes of evidence submission, case file creation and completion, property management, end user access, and customer/client support, among other processes, will be made possible through this ICT donation valued at US$125,100. InfoSegura Project contributes to the strengthening of technological capacities so as not to leave anyone behind.


GoB Hosts Climate Data, Geospatial Technologies, Coastal and Fisheries Data Management Training

April 25, 2023 - The Government of Belize, through the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation (MBECA) in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Belize’s National Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), hosted three four-day training sessions for better tracking of ecosystem health and forecasting future climate change impacts.

The sessions included the use of innovative technologies such as remote sensing guided by modules designed from a pre-evaluation knowledge survey and training

manual. The main thematic areas include Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, Climate Data Analysis and Visual-

ization, and Coastal and Fisheries Data Management. The sessions were divided into three modules: Introductory, Intermediate and In-

termediate Advance, which are scheduled for April 25 to 28, May 9 to 12, and May 23 to 26, 2023.

At the end of the sessions, the Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute, the Belize Fisheries Department, the National Meteorological Service of Belize, the Blue Economy Unit under the Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, and the University of Belize will have the capacity to track ecosystem health and forecast future climate change impacts using innovative technologies.

The training is a deliverable under the GCF readiness project entitled “Enhancing adaptation planning and increasing climate resilience in the coastal zone and fisheries sector of Belize.”

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Part Two

en years. Considering the contribution career public officers have already made to the existing pension scheme only those persons, who enter the public service on July 1, 2023 will be included in the manda-

tory pension scheme. That is additional proof that this government listens to the concerns of public officers.

Madam Speaker: Hon. Rodwell Ferguson is the Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport. Minister Ferguson is a very hardworking, dedicated, and passionate Minister, and am happy to serve as the Minister of State in the Ministry.

With Clear the Soil nowhere in sight, under this Briceño administration the

revenue for the Transport Department has increased tremendously each year including the current financial year that will end next week on Friday March 31.

To better serve the public, the Transport Department has opened new offices in Spanish Lookout and other parts of the country. Numerous training sessions have been held to enable the staff to be more effective. Special campaigns have been

Madam Speaker: For the great disservice the previous administration did to this country, the Opposition should apologize to the Belizean people.

Madam Speaker: The draft estimate of revenue and expenditure for fiscal year 2023 /2024 will do justice to our manifesto pledge “Everybody fi win/ Todos Ganamos” as it will build on the many achievements of the previous budget that impacted the lives of Belizeans throughout the country in positive ways.

For the Legislature the new Budget for the Ombudsman is $327,981.00. That is a significant increase from what was budgeted for that office when the Opposition was voted out of office in November 2020. The office of the Ombudsman will therefore be better equipped to ensure that ordinary citizens get justice in a timely manner whenever they make legitimate complaints of injustice, injury, abuse, or other wrongdoing against police officers or others in authority.

Madam Speaker: There is also an increase in the budget for the Contractor General. That is a very important increase. It will help ensure that the taxpayers of the country get value for their hard earned dollars that are used to finance needed government projects.

With the Briceño administration, scores of lengths of steel, dozens of buckets of yellow paint, and other construction materials that are purchased with taxpayer’s money are no longer being used to build large overnight concrete houses for any Area Representative. The new budget of this administration puts the office of the Contractor General to put it in a better position to prevent corruption, because whenever corruption is prevented in every possible way everybody wins.

Madam Speaker: Apart from continuous training and improvement of the workplace to enable public officers to offer better service to the public, the new Budget guarantees the resumption of payments of increments to all public officers and teachers as of April 1, 2023. With the healthy recovery of the economy in the current fiscal year, government ended the 10% salary cut for public officers and teachers from July 1, 2022 in keeping with its promise to fully restore the salary cut as soon as possible. And lest anyone forget, the salary cut was introduced to deal with the severe decline in revenue for over a year as COVID forced scores of business to close due to very low sales.

Madam Speaker: This administration also deserves credit for introducing a pension plan that will guarantee public officers and teachers a better pension in their gold-


The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Administration Department

The Supervisor, General Services, is responsible for the functions and operations of the General Services Unit, which includes the Central Bank’s procurement and inventory management, asset management, and logistical and courier functions. The Supervisor, General Services, must adhere to the Central Bank’s policies and procedures and best practices within these areas.


▪ Manage the vehicle fleet and ensure that vehicles are maintained, repaired, cleaned, or replaced as per the Central Bank’s policies and procedures.

▪ Verify monthly motor vehicle and fuel analysis reports and make recommendations on efficiency.

▪ Manage the Central Bank’s fixed assets and ensure all required movements are completed according to the Fixed Assets Procedure.

▪ Oversee logistical arrangements for all meeting facilities conducted by Office Attendants.

▪ Oversee stocktaking of the Central Bank’s cutleries and kitchenware at least once annually.

▪ Assist in the sale of collectible coins

▪ Assist in executing the Administration Department’s Business Continuity Plan.

▪ Assist with preparing data required for the annual insurance tender process for the Central Bank’s vehicle fleet, Building and Contents, and Public and Employers’ Liability Covers.

▪ Provide logistical support for conferences, meetings, training, and workshops hosted by the Central Bank.

▪ Supervise all staff of the General Services Unit to ensure that all tasks are completed per their job description.

▪ Prepare annual strategic work plan and quarterly program reports for General Services Unit.

▪ Perform any other duties as per the functions of the Administration Department and cross-functional duties within the Central Bank.

The applicants should possess the following:


▪ A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business administration, management, or a related field from a recognized university with at least three (3) years of relevant experience.


▪ Possesses, applies, and maintains a high degree of knowledge in the relevant area to deliver quality work, and keeps informed of the latest trends and development in the discipline ; Demonstrated cross-functional ability and desire to learn more about new areas; Proficient in software applications including Microsoft Office Suite


▪ Strong Communication Skills; Results Orientation; Flexibility/Adaptability; Organizational Awareness; Interpersonal Effectiveness; Decision Making/Problem Solving; Leadership; Empowering and Developing Others.

Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 10 May 2023:

▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online)

▪ Curriculum Vitae

▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)

▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates

THE BELIZE TIMES 16 30 APR 2023 Continued on page 17
Applications should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Supervisor, General Services- Administration Department Email: or online at (All applications will be held in strict confidence )


Continued from page 16 held to promote traffic safety, highway patrol has been increased, and the department continues to work with bus operators for improvement of their equipment to offer better service which commuters truly deserve. The Transport Department was also able to ease the hardship on bus operators as a result of high fuel prices by securing fuel subsidy for them twice from the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Transport is also participating in a pilot project with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to advise the government on what types of electric buses would be most suitable for different parts of the country given the terrain in different areas.

The Transport Department is also working with San Pedro Town Board and Caye Caulker village council to find suitable ways to address the congestion in their respective community with golf carts, taxi vans, and other vehicles.

Madam Speaker: Am therefore happy to note that in this new budget funds are allocated for the continued development of the transportation industry in the country including the renovation of the Belize City Bus terminal that was severely damaged by Hurricane Lisa. Members on the other side love to talk about the importance of sports in providing necessary entertainment and teaching the youths life skills that are important for them become law-abiding and productive Belizeans.

We all agree on the importance of sports in achieving those two things. The problem is that when the now Opposition was in government for 13 long years, they only paid lip service to the development of Sports. Under their watch millions of dollars for sporting facilities were siphoned off in bloated contacts.

Madam Speaker: The result of that corruption is on full display at the Marion Jones Stadium. They spent millions of dollars on bloated contracts for the fence of the stadium but left the track and the main building itself incomplete.

This administration recognizes the importance of sports in national development.

Madam Speaker: That is why with funds from the current budget the Ministry of Sports held the first national basketball tournament with excellent prizes; that is why the National Sports Council (NSC) is encouraging the different sports organizations to register with the council to enable it to be of greater assistance to them, and that is why we have signed an agreement with Cuba for that country to test samples from athletes who participate in major sporting events in Belize. That agreement with Cuba to help ensure that no athlete has an unfair advantage by secretly taking enhanced performance substances or drugs that are banned.

The people have my word. With the funds for sports in the new budget, everything will be done to start making the Marion Jones Stadium suitable for the various sports for which it was built

as soon as possible.

Madam Speaker: This administration is committed to making the Marion Jones Stadium user friendly for our athletes, because when we say everybody fu win /todos ganamos we mean everybody including our athletes. Youths are the future leaders of Belize. If they fail to prepare for that responsibility the entire nation will fail. For that reason, funds in the current Budget have been used to hire competent personnel and purchase necessary office supplies to make youths including those who are at risk feel welcome at the offices of the Department of Youth Services in both Belize City and Belmopan City and in the different towns. In engaging the youths, the Department of Youth Services offer youths skills training for three months at different job sites with a stipend ; youths are also offered counseling , and assistance in identifying suitable employment after they have completed their training.

Madam Speaker: Recently the Department of Youth Services held an award ceremony at the Biltmore Plaza in over 15 fields for youths from all six districts. Furthermore, on Wednesday March 22nd Minister Ferguson and I were in Roaring Creek where we joined the police, the Chairman, and the leader of a church and charity organization as well as senior employees in the Department of Youth Serves in visiting homes on both sides of the George Price Highway in Roaring Creek that has become a hotspot for crime including burglary, gangs and murders.

The purpose of the visit was to encourage the youths to stop the deadly

violence in their community, and listen to the advice of their parents, teachers, and others, who see a bright future for them if they put down the gun and other acts of criminality. The youths were also encouraged to participate in programs that will enable them to learn skills that are important for securing employment or starting your own business.

Madam Speaker: Out of that commitment to give at risk youths an opportunity to turn their lives around for the better, the Department of Youth Services will soon be hosting a camp in Mountain Pine Ridge for over fifty at risk youths. It is hoped that by being away from negatives influences for a year, youths will be able to reflect on what they want in life and start making decisions to be better persons in the society.

This administration does not only tell the youths we care for them and love them. Throughout the year this administration supports those words by implementing programs that truly empower youths to pursue their dreams in life. That is why this new budget includes funds for the continuation of existing programs and new programs for youth empowerment.

Madam Speaker: This administration goes the extra mile in supporting those programs to encourage at risk youths to turn their lives around and be masters of their own destiny, because this administration truly believes everybody should win /todos ganamos including at risk youths.

The first budget of this administration covered fiscal year April 2021 to April 2022. A significant portion of that first budget was used to turn the economy around after the devastating COVID and 13 years of UDP mismanagement and massive corruption. Since that time this administration

** gave over 60,000 persons a help-

ing hand in escaping poverty by increasing the minimum wage by over 33% from $3.30 per hour to $5.00 per hour.

** made over five thousand persons first time land owners including many single mothers

And **built over 250 concrete starter homes for mainly single parents at the very affordable mortgage price of only $25.00 per week or $100.00 monthly for ten years.

With only two budgets this administration also upgraded and built miles and miles of roads in very community throughout the country.

Madam Speaker: In enabling Area Representatives to be of greater service to their constituencies, this administration introduced the monthly Community Development Fund (CDF) from the start of the current Budget for all members of the House of Representatives including the five members of the Opposition, and it has ensured inclusion of the CDF in this new Budget.

When the members on the other side were in government for 13 years, no such assistance was given to the members of the Opposition in the House. This, however, is a different administration.

**This Briceño administration shows it cares for the concerns of all Belizeans by action. That is why it also gives the CDF to all members of the Opposition in this House.

Madam Speaker: In its first two budgets this administration a) gave hundreds of education grants and scholarships to ordinary Belizeans to enable them to further their education and pursue their dreams in life and b) reduced the rate of unemployment from over 15% when the Opposition was voted out of office to only 5% unemployment today as verified by the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB). **To be continued next week.



Yesterday April 26, through a Government press release, it was announced that the Lotteries Committee has decided to revoke the exclusive license held by Brads Gaming Group Limited ( BGGL) to administer the National Lottery. Revelation has revealed that additional violations, to those reported prior, have been identified. One of the steps to terminating a contract is for breach. BGGL have been cited for material and substantial breaches of the conditions of the exclusive license and regulations of the Lotteries Act. Seemingly, Brads has capitulated, but wants to claim damages for the revocation of the contract. Dean Barrow, Attorney-at-law said Kim Chee, Managing Director for BGGL will not be seeking to have the license restored. However, Barrow indicated that Chee intends to claim damages for the termination of the contract.

The Boledo and Sunday Lottery, historically, has been conjoined to the hips of the Belizean masses, mostly the disadvantaged lot, hoping to collect at the end of the proverbial rainbow. The games were siphoned away from government's control, by the stroke of the Red Piper's pen, the John Crow UDP Government, and the Minister of Economic Development, into the clutches of private management.

The Belize Times broke the story on March of 2009 that Anwar, the Prince of Bel-Air, son of "Ah me King Dean" had joined forces with Brads and they were gifted the monopoly of the Boledo. An appointed six-man "kangaroo" Lotteries Tender Committee made the egregious recommendations and opened the political spigot of the UDPs. Many Belizeans considered the awarding of the contract to Brads and his thunderously ‘silent’ partner as the epitome of cronyism and corruption. The entitled political pimps, UDP Cabinet Ministers and gutter-snipers flaunted, cavorted with the donor of the UDP’s gravy train at #2 Farmer’s Market at the foothills of Belcan Bridge.

The People’s United Party held a virtual press conference on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 led by then Party Leader in opposition John Briceño accompanied by Cayo South Area Representative Julius Espat and the PUP Legal Advisor, Eamon Courtenay. Shocking revelations were made regarding shady money transfers that were made to companies believed to be owned or connected to the financial interest of Anwar Barrow and the cloudy deposits of over $7,000,000 to a bank account. Curiously, the license to operate, dated June 26, 2020, was deemed to take effect on April 1, 2020. Hence, the commencement date was backdated. John Briceño vouched to investigate the Bradsledo contract upon taking over the office of Government.

Prior to the privatization of the Boledo and Sunday Lottery licenses generated some $107,975.00 and sale of books was $899,257.04. Thereafter, the contract committed to $2 million per year. In a farcical press release the UDP stated that the main objectives for the privatiza-

tion were to increase efficiency in which the Lottery was administered and to work towards the elimination of unregulated and illegal sales of the Lottery. Contrarily, Brads ran the system roughshod with no transparency, accountability and violated many terms of the contract.

Now, just at the start of 2023 it was revealed that The Lotteries Committee through the Investment Policy and Compliance Unit signed by the Chairperson Narda Garcia issued notice to the Managing Director of Brads Faming Group Ltd Kim Lee of a myriad of violations tantamount

5 FEB 2023

to breach of the Government Lotteries Exclusive License 2020-2030. BGGL failed to remedy the alleged breaches, notwithstanding they were highlighted in Claim NO. 262 of 2022 - Brads Gaming Group Ltd v John Briceño & Anor. Consequently, the Lotteries Committee notified Brads of the intent to consider revocation of BGGL's license. BGGL must respond to the allegations on or before the 16th day of January 2023.

Belizeans across the Jewel have been clamoring for the re-nationalization of the Boledo and Sunday Lottery and placing it in the proper context. Boledo should serve the Belizean masses first and foremost and not the interest of the politically connected ‘Barrowcudas’ of the past. At the sitting of Parliament Cordel Hyde had urged Barrow to do the right thing and rescind the Brads contract. Seemingly, greedy maths or fool-

ish maths misguided the imbeciles in the UDP. Information revealed that Brads and friends were raking in between 22 million and 30 million in profits per year. Considering the life of the contract those profits amounted to about 270 million dollars. Only a government of dunces(or closeted thieves) would forego that kind of money. This money could have gone to the masses hoping for a life-changing opportunity. The hopes and dreams are fast becoming a reality. This reality was guided by the decision of the Lotteries Committee to bring the contract to its end. Let the Boledo revenues be directed in the development of the people most in need.

The “Boledo” is back in the hands of the people of Belize, a mandate of PlanBelize.


No more Brads Whappy or Brads Gabella. This time the People Wins.


The US Government-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has selected Belize as one of only two countries in the world for a five-year government to government grant to fund a program aimed at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth.

The Government of Belize (GOB) through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment, have contracted a team of individual consultants to form a Compact Development Team in Belize that will work together with a U.S.-based MCC Team to conduct a diagnosis of the constraints to economic growth, prepare concept notes, develop project proposals, and plan for project implementation.

The Belize Compact Development Team will be led by a National Coordinator who will manage the team, engage key stakeholders across all sectors, and bear responsibility for the overall performance and work quality of the team. The Finance and Administration Director will be a member of BCDT and will work closely with the Program Coordinator and other members of the BCDT as well as the MCC team to lead the finance, informational technology, security and administrative unit and is responsible for the strategic and day-to-day management of the BCDT budget and ensuring the BCDT’s fiduciary integrity and financial health are based on the MCC’s Financial Guidelines.

Vacant Post

1. Financial Director

Remuneration: Competitive salary and benefits are offered, commensurate with academic level, work experience and other relevant strengths of the winning candidate. Kindly follow the below link for further details.

Interested candidates are requested to submit ONE PDF File that shall include: a) Letter of Interest indicating the post being applied for; b) the curriculum vitae, c) copies of university degrees, and d) the names of 3 references.

Subsequently the top 3 applicants for the post will be interviewed.

Deadline for application is 12th May at 4:00pm. Application can be sent via email to: or hand delivered to the address indicated below:

Chief Executive Officer

Ministry of Economic Development

Sir Edney Cain Building Ground Floor, Right Wing

Belmopan City, Belize C.A.

Any request for clarification should be sent via email no later than 8th May 2023. Responses will be provided within three days.


Learn What Lies Beyond the Beaches of Belize With Minister of Tourism Hon. Anthony Mahler Men’s Journal

(This article was written in collaboration with Belize Tourism)

The Caribbean Basin is dotted with hot spots. What makes Belize stand out?

We have the world’s second-largest barrier reef, an extensive underground cave system, and an abundance of flora and fauna. Belize is also the only English-speaking country in Central America, but we have a Caribbean flavor due to the rich cultural diversity of our people. Tourists also love San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. When I visit with family and friends, I often go to snorkel at the Hol Chan Marine Reserve and Shark Ray Alley.

Belize offers visitors a chance to “Grab Life.” How do you live that?

I enjoy being active and being surrounded by nature. On the weekends, I get a fishing guide and go on the Sibun River, one of Belize’s major rivers which takes you to various lagoons. I specifically fish for snook and cubera snapper. I also enjoy taking my bike and going for a ride while taking in the scenic beauty of Belize.

Have you braved snorkeling in the Great Big Hole?

Yes, it was a breathtaking experience, and you can also scuba dive the Great Blue Hole. It is actually a collapsed cave system located in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. Snorkelers and divers can observe plenty of sea life there, including hammerhead and tiger sharks. It is also impressive if you choose to do a flyover by helicopter or plane, as you are able to see this transition of blues and greens in the crystal-clear water.

Favorite off-the-beaten-path destination?

Definitely the Maya archaeological site known as Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM).

It is an ancient cave that you enter via a short swim then continue by hiking. You hike through a river flowing through the cave and the water is sometimes waist- or chest-deep. It can be strenuous, but I often get a deeply spiritual feeling taking in the ancient wonders and mystery of the cave.

Nature is the beating heart of Belize’s attractions. How do you keep tourism green?

Having a sustainable tourism master plan is at the core of what I do. I aim to balance development and innovation while preserving the natural and cultural resources. About 40 percent of our entire territory of Belize is under protected status.

Where do you see Belize’s tourism industry in five years?

As the Minister of Tourism, my focus has been improving air connectivity into Belize from the United States, Europe, and Latin America. Currently, we are talking with selected developers to build unique resorts throughout the country. We also believe in being well-prepared for our visitors, so tourism training for our stakeholders is high on our priority list.

Just how diverse is Belize’s climate?

Being a tropical destination, Belize is pleasant year-round. This

means you can enjoy a swim or dive at the start of your day and then by the afternoon, you could be immersed at a jungle resort getting spa treatments and having a cocktail. Whether it is a rainy or sunny day, there are many options of things to do in Belize.

Final tips?

Belize is also a bird-watcher’s paradise. There are resorts throughout the country where you wake up, see the mist below, and you can hear howler monkeys that sound like lions roaring. You can also kayak or cave tube in several of our caves and rivers. In addition, there are magnificent ancient Maya temples and archaeological sites throughout the country. Belize has it all for every type of traveler. (https://

5 FEB 2023


The High Court of Belize Belize City Belize C.A.

Tel: 227-7377/Fax: 227-0181

Notice To The General Public

5 FEB 2023

High Court Notice – Active Inferior Appeals



Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company ALPINIA CAPITAL LTD. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 12th day of April, 2023; and

Notice is hereby given that the High Court, formerly the Supreme Court, is in the process of addressing the issue of inferior appeals (Criminal and Civil/Family) that remain active in the Court’s system. Anyone who has filed an appeal of a Magistrate Courts’ decision to the High Court, which has not yet been addressed, is asked to kindly submit information regarding the appeal to the Assistant Registrar at before Friday May 26th, 2023.

Marie Kathleen Sandra Yan-Kai Hew Khee of C239, Block C, the Junction Business Hub, Calebasses, Mauritius is the Liquidator of the Company.

Icaza Belize Trust Corporation Limited

Registered Agent


Notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the company FORTUNE STAR INTERNATIONAL LTD. (“the Company”) Registered under the Belize Companies Act 2022 commenced dissolution on the 12th day of April, 2023; and

Lin, Hui-Chen of No. 23, Ln. 381, Yong’An N. Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City, Taiwan, R.O.C. is the Liquidator of the Company.

GenPro Consulting (Belize) Limited.

Registered Agent




Tenders are invited from security companies to provide 24-hours Security and Surveillance Services for the Central Information Technology Office (CITO).

1. The tender shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing 1 July 2023, and ending 30 June 2024.

2. Services The successful tender will be expected to provide the following security and surveillance services:

a. General security and surveillance of the Belize National ICT Center compound (the “Premises”) including all buildings and fixtures erected therein by armed guards on a 24hour basis seven days per week, including public and bank holidays.

b. General security and surveillance of the top floor of the Post Office Building in Belmopan (“Off-Site”) using surveillance cameras, nightly patrols, and random verification checks of the generator, electrical room door, and main access doors commencing at 6pm to 6am seven days per week, including public and bank holidays.

c. Allow only authorized persons and vehicles to enter the Premises.

d. The Security must maintain a log of all persons and/or vehicles entering and leaving the Premises and the Off-Site.

e. Conduct patrols outside the Premises and the Off-Site to ensure that doors remain locked and that there is no sign of breakage into the buildings.

f. The Security Company will provide its personnel with equipment including a licensed firearm for the effective performance of their duties.

g. The Security Company, or its agents shall not divulge to any person or persons any proprietary information that they may be privy to during the execution of their duties.

h. The Security Company/Guard shall also comply with CITO’s Fire Safety Policy in the event of an emergency fire evacuation. (Details available upon request).

i. In the event of an approaching storm or hurricane, the security guard will be required to execute specific duties and arrangements according to CITO’s Disaster Recovery Plan. Such arrangements will be communicated to the security firm in advance.

j. Any other security related task may be agreed upon from time to time by the Parties involved.

3. Costs incurred in visiting the Premises and preparations of the tender bid are the sole responsibility of the tenderer.

4. Administrative Requirements All Tenders shall include the following additional documentation in their submissions:

a. Current Certificate of Good Standing from:

i. Belize Tax Service within 1 year

ii. Belize Companies Registry within 1 year

iii. Belize Social Security Board within 1 year

b. A valid copy of the entity’s Trade License reflecting the name of the entity that is bidding within 1 year.

c. Provide evidence of valid firearm licenses within 1 year.

d. Provide references from three or more existing customers.

e. Provide evidence of at least five (5) similar jobs performed over the past three years.

f. Technical and Financial Offers are to be placed in separately sealed envelopes.

5. Evaluation Criteria All Tenders will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

a. Capacity to deliver services based on qualification and certification in related field.

b. Specific Experience in the field (years in operation).

c. Past Performance in similar jobs during the past three (3) years.

d. Integrity of the company as per Administrative Requirement 4 (a) and (b).

e. Financial Offer.

6. Taxes The Financial Bids should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5%.

7. Questions and Replies Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: The deadline for queries is 25 May 2023. Responses from the CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality.

8. Submission of Tenders are to be submitted in separate seal envelopes labelled Technical Offer and Financial Offer. Both sealed envelopes should be placed in an outer sealed envelope labelled “TENDER FOR SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE OF THE CENTRAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICE (BELMOPAN)”.

9. Deadline for submission is 2 June 2023 at 3:00 pm. The bids are to be delivered to the Central Information Technology Office in Belmopan.

10. The opening of tenders will be on 6 June 2023 at 10:00 am. at the Central Information Technology Office. Bidders or their representatives are welcome to attend the tender opening session.

11. Evaluation of the tender will be carried out immediately after the opening of the tenders on 6 June 2023.

12. Only bids that satisfy the Administrative Requirements will have their Technical and Financial Offers evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria.

13. Additional information can be obtained from Ian Smith at telephone: 828-5169 or by email at

14. The lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted.

15. Late tenders will be disqualified and returned to the tenderer unopened.


Training and Development Strategy

BEL invites tenders for Consultancy to Develop a Five-Year Training and Development Strategy

The Consultant will be required to conduct a study and provide an assessment of the Company’s current Training and Development approach and learning gaps for each job function and for the Company as a whole. Recommend a five-year training and development strategy that will align learning and development with the Company’s Mission and strategic objectives Identify what KPIs and tools should be utilized to measure the performance of the Training and Development Strategy.

The bid document, which outlines all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, and dates are available on BEL’s website at

Bids will be accepted by email only and the email subject must include the bid number located on the respective bid form.

Subject: BID #2023-1909 Training and Development Strategy

Submit bids via email to no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday, May 19, 2023

For more information or queries, send email to


San Pedro, Ambergris Caye Belize City, Belize District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until the properties are sold.

1. Parcel No. 6387 Summit Street, Belmopan, Cayo District:


Belmopan 20 6387

The freehold property of Mr. John Milton Arana.



San Pedro 20 6387

The freehold property of Messrs. Caribbean Coves Estate Limited




TELEPHONE: 223-4488



Facebook: Belize Auctions

Cost incurred for preparation of the tender document is the sole responsibility of the bidder The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. THE BELIZE 5 FEB
5 FEB 2023



One Envelope Bidding P rocess

Energy Resilience for Climate Adaptation (ERCAP)

The Government of Belize (GOB) has been allocated grant funds (the Grant) from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), which are administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and executed by Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utility (MPSEPU) and the National Meteorological Service (NMS), in an amount equivalent to USD 8 million, towards the cost of an Energy Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation Project. A portion of the proceeds of the Grant will be applied to eligible payments unde r the contract for which this specific procurement notice is issued. Payments by the World Bank will be made only at the request of BEL, and upon approval by the World Bank, and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. The Grant Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of the World Bank, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOB shall derive any rights from the Grant Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Grant.

BEL now invites electronic Bids from eligible Bidders for the Civil works and supply of manpower for the installation of a) hydrometeorological automatic weather stations, b) rainfall stations, and c) automatic weather stations.

Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Bidding (NCB) using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s "Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants, dated January 2011 (revised July 2014) (“Procurement Guidelines”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the following person:


ERCAP Project Management Unit

Belize Electricity Limited


The bidding document in English may be requested by interested Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address above. The document will be sent electronically upon this request.

Bids must be received at the e -mail address below on or before Wednesday, May 31, 2023, by 3:00 p.m. and will be opened at 3:15 p.m. sharp Belize time

Submission of bids by electronic e -mail (EM):

A PDF copy of the bid should be submitted by EM. The PDF copy should be encrypted, or password protected. The e-mail should not be encrypted but only the attachment shall be encrypted, or password protected.

The procedure for submission of bid is:

A. The zipped file is to be sent to Manager, Procurement Department at

B. Password or encryption key should be sent along with the bid to the same bid submission e -mail address listed below.

C. Bidders will receive a confirmation e -mail from BEL once the bid is received.

D. Bidders should ensure that the bid document(s) are not corrupt or affected by any computer virus that may possibly deny access to the files. The Employer shall not be responsible for such corrupt files which may deny access during the bid opening process.

E. The maximum file size in each mail will be 30 MB. Any mail with an attachment above this size will bounce back. Hence, please ensure the attachments do not exceed 30 MB.

F. E-mail submissions should be clearly labelled in their subject with the following: Bid for Weather Stations Installation – ERCAP – “include Bidders name or Company name”.

Bids submitted electronically shall only be opened publicly at the Bid Opening time mentioned above on May 31, 2023, in the presence of Bidders and/or their representatives who have submitted a bid. Bid opening will be held virtually using Microsoft (MS) Teams. The link to the MS-Teams bid opening invite will be shared with all Bidders prior to the bid opening date and all Bidders are encouraged to participate therein. Late Bids shall be rejected.

All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

The address referred to above is:

Manager Procurement Department

Belize Electricity Limited

2 ½ Miles Phillip Goldson Highway

Belize City, Belize


Telephone: +501-227-0954

BEL reserves the right to reject late bids or to cancel the bid opening session in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any Bidder and will not defray any costs incurred by any Bidder in the preparation and submission of their bid.


World Intellectual Property Day 2023


The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) decided in 2000 to designate an annual World Intellectual Property Day to address the perceived gap between intellectual property (IP) as a business/legal concept and its relevance to people’s lives. World Intellectual Property Day is observed on April 26 each year with

a variety of events and activities worldwide. It aims to increase awareness and understanding of IP.

The theme in celebration of World IP Day 2023 is “Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity.” This year’s theme is geared towards celebrating the “can do” attitude of women inventors, creators and entrepreneurs around the world and their groundbreaking work.

Women make up nearly half of the global population (49.58%) and represent a huge pool of talent, which remains largely untapped. Women in all

5 FEB 2023

regions are shaping the world through their imagination, ingenuity and hard work, but often face significant challenges in accessing the knowledge, skills, resources and support they need to thrive.

The Belize Intellectual Property Office’s (BELIPO) overall goal is to build a modern intellectual property system that values and protects the vibrant creative culture of Belize. In achieving this goal, BELIPO tries to promote the development of more inclusive and diverse IP ecosystems that accelerate innovation, creativity and business

growth for the benefit of all. BELIPO hopes to encourage Belizean women inventors, creators and entrepreneurs to tap into the IP system.

In celebration of World IP Day 2023, BELIPO, under the auspices of the Attorney General’s Ministry, will be having the following events:

1. April 25th - Application Assistance/Consultation Day. Inviting women entrepreneurs to visit BELIPO for FREE consultation and discount on all applications and copyright deposits.

2. April 26th - Release of mini feature of women in IP.

3. April 26th (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.)– Women’s Mini Expo. Members of the public are invited to stop in at the Belmopan Civic Center to support local women entrepreneurs who will be displaying and selling their products and sharing how registering their IP is benefiting their business.

The Belize Fisheries Department hereby informs all fishers and the public that, in accordance with Statutory Instrument No. 54 of 2012, the Honourable Andre Perez, Minister of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, will declare the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) fishery closed at the close of business on May 14, 2023. This is necessary due to the realization of the Queen Conch Production Quota for the 2022-2023 fishing season.

The fishing community is advised that all conch fishing activities shall cease as of this date until the opening of the next fishing season on October 1st, 2023.

The Belize Fisheries Department further advises all establishments and the public to use, consume and dispose of all Queen Conch meat in their possession on or before May 14th, 2023.

Any person or establishment found in possession of the Queen Conch meat after May 14th, 2023, will be charged and prosecuted in a Court of Law in accordance with the Fisheries Regulations.

The Fisheries Department advises the Public to report any illegal fisheries activity by calling telephone numbers: 224-4552 or 223-2623.



Notice to all Agents of Government Lotteries: Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery and Ordinary Lottery

Notice to all Agents of Government Lotteries: Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery and Ordinary Lottery

Belize City. April 26, 2023

Belize City. April 26, 2023

The Lotteries Committee hereby informs the general public, all agents, and sub-agents of the Government Lotteries (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery) that Brad’s Gaming Group Limited’s (BGGL) exclusive license to administer the Government Lotteries has been revoked effective May 2nd, 2023.

The Lotteries Committee hereby informs the general public, all agents, and sub-agents of the Government Lotter ies (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery) that Brad’s Gaming Group Limited’s (BGGL) exclusive license to administer the Government Lotteries has been revoked effective May 2nd, 2023

We advise all agents that as of May 2nd, 2023, that given the revocation of the exclusive license to BGGL, that they too are prohibited from selling Government Lotteries (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery). Anyone caught promoting or selling any government lottery from this date onward without a valid license will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

We advise all agents that as of May 2nd, 2023, that given the revocation of the exclusive license to BGGL, that they too are prohibited from selling Government Lotteries (Boledo Lottery, Jackpot Lottery, and Ordinary Lottery). Anyone caught promoting or selling any government lottery from this date onward without a valid license will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The public will be advised when the Government Lotteries will resume normal activity. If you have any queries, kindly send your concerns to the Lotteries Secretary at . The Lotteries Committee and the Ministry would like to thank the public for its understanding and continued cooperation. ***

The public will be advised when the Government Lotteries will resume normal activity. If you have any queries, kindly send your concerns to the Lotteries Secretary at . The Lotteries Committee and the Ministry would like to thank the public for its understanding and continued cooperation.

To place advertisement in the Belize Times Newspaper CALL 671-8385 or EMAIL: belizetimesadvertisement@
and IP: Accelerating
Closure of the Queen Conch Fishing Season
*** ENDS***



Belize Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP)

Loan No.: 9347-BE

Project ID No.: P172592

Assignment Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): CS 13

The Government of Belize has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) is for a suitable qualified fulltime PROJECT STAFF- MONITORING AND EVALUATION SPECIALIST as part of the Project Implementation Unit of the CRESAP within the Belize Social Investment Fund. The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be part of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and will be in charge of the overall planning, monitoring and evaluation responsibility of the project during its execution, and will provide guidance and support to the PIU during the implementation phase so that the Project Development Objectives (PDO) and impacts are achieved in accordance with the Project Operation Manual (POM) and the Climate Smart Matching Grant Operation Manual (MGOM)

City of Belmopan, April 24, 2023. Belize, represented by Dr. Leroy Almendarez chaired an Extraordinary Board Meeting of the Regional MSME Promotion Center (CENPROMYPE) on the 18th & 19th of April, as President Pro-tempore (PPT). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss progress of the CENPROMYPE agenda by member countries.

Prior to the start of the meeting, there was a collaborative launch between CENPROMYPE and the Valley University of Guatemala.

This regional alliance should deepen the work undertaken by entities, focused on women entrepreneurship in Belize and Guatemala, under the support program funded by the Republic of China (Taiwan), which should contribute to the enhanced development of competitive MSMEs.

The agenda included presentations and discussions on:

• The Female Entrepreneurship Facility for SICA countries

• Proposed facility for women entrepreneurship for SICA countries and the design of an impact attraction

project in the region the region

• Integration of the Value Chain in Fisheries and Aquaculture by the Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Organization (OSPESCA)

• Partnerships for development in the current MSME environment

• Meeting with SICA ambassador to advance the agenda of CENPROMYPE

• Selection of products and countries for the articulation of a Regional Value Chain in Agribusiness (AACID)

• The design of a project to attract high-impact investment in the SICA region

• Approval of the Sistema de Inteligencia Comercial (SINCO) sustainability model (trade information system)

Another feature was an update on the La Idea Incubator Project, made possible through support from the US Department of State, with the Intended goal to promote trade between Central America and the United States.

Belize assumed the Pro-tempore Presidency for SICA in January 2023. The PPT of SICA is a function exercised by the eight member states for a six-month period.

Leal at 7th Gathering of the POPN

tion on democratic systems, considering not only the opportunities and challenges that have emerged in recent years due to the widespread use of the internet and ICTs, but also how efforts and initiatives for integrated and inclusive digital governance can be implemented within the paradigm of open parliament.

The GOB has appointed the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) as the implementing agency for the project and the BSIF is seeking to recruit an individual to fill the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist.

The consultancy is expected to be for an initial period of Twenty-four (24) months commencing May 2023. The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be supervised by the Project Coordinator (PC) of the CRESAP.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained by submitting a request in writing via e-mail to

The Belize Social Investment Fund now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (such as cover letter, Curriculum Vitae etc.).

Minimum Mandatory Requirements *(Required)


Bachelor’s degree in development studies, statistics, social science, agriculture, rural development, project management, or any other field related to the assignment.

General Experience

Three (3) years of proven working experience in planning, monitoring and evaluation from internationally funded projects (i.e., World Bank, CDB, EU, UNDP, FAO, IFAD, etc.) with reference to the agriculture sector. (Max 20 points)

*If these minimum requirements are not met, the candidates will not be considered for the process*

Additional Requirements (Desirable)

Specific Experience

• At least three (3) years’ experience in designing and implementation of M&E systems. (Max 15 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in the application of M&E methodologies and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory) (Max 15 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in the preparation and use of the logical framework/theory of change and other strategic planning approaches (Max 15 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in training M&E systems and implementation (Max 10 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in facilitating learning-oriented analysis sessions of M&E data with multiple stakeholders. (Max 10 points)

• At least three (3) years’ experience in working with age and gender disaggregated indicators. (Max 10 points)

On 21st April 2023, The Honourable Marconi Leal, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, was in Santiago, Chile attending the 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network: The Future of Democracy in the Digital Era, which has been organized by ParlAmericas with the support of the National Congress of Chile. The conference started 20th April, and ended on the 22nd April 2023.

This three-day conference sought to give participating parliamentarians and other parliamentary officials the opportunity to analyze the impact of digital transforma-

Topics discussed included: Advancing citizen participation through digital means; new opportunities and challenges for gender equality; Addressing online disinformation from within parliament; Parliamentary actions for integrated and inclusive digital governance; and From digital divide to digital inclusion.

The conference ended with the signing of a declaration where parliamentarians will commit to promote inclusive, people-centered digitalization that is in compliance with human rights and that fosters a trustworthy, safe, responsible, and sustainable use of emerging digital technologies and artificial intelligence, as well as advocating digital transformation in general.

ParlAmericas is meeting the costs of travel and accommodation for the participation of Honourable Leal who returned on Sunday, 23rd April 2023.

• At least three (3) years’ experience in informative analysis and report writing. (Max 5 points) Minimum total points required to be considered for the assignment is 75 points.

Budget: The total estimated price for this consultancy inclusive of taxes is USD149,926.00 which represents the estimated amount for said position to cover the full implementation period of the World Bank loan is 5 years.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultant method set out in the Procurement Regulations.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e., 0800 to 1600 hours Belize Time.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by May 12, 2023, at 16:00 hours Belize Time.

Belize Social Investment Fund

Attn: Ian Ramirez, Procurement Officer

P.O. Box 459, 1902 Constitution Drive (3rd Floor), Belmopan, Belize Telephone +501-822-0239



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Articles inside

Leal at 7th Gathering of the POPN

page 24


page 24

World Intellectual Property Day 2023

page 23


page 22


page 21


page 21

Learn What Lies Beyond the Beaches of Belize With Minister of Tourism Hon. Anthony Mahler Men’s Journal

page 20


page 19


page 18


page 17

GoB Hosts Climate Data, Geospatial Technologies, Coastal and Fisheries Data Management Training

pages 15-16

Continues to Support Citizen Security in Belize

page 14

BDF and Coast Guard Receive New Vehicles Another Digital Connect Center

page 14


page 12

Belize At 2nd COP to the Escazu Agreement

page 12

BTB: New member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council

page 12

PCC meets Government of the people

page 11

Swearing-in for UWG Chapters Caribbean Shores and Freetown!!

page 10

Berger Field Comes Alive

page 9

Stakeholder consultations on Modernization of the Broadcasting Framework

page 8


page 8


page 7

Berger Field Comes Alive

page 6


pages 4-5


page 3


page 2

Homes For Middle Income Belizeans

page 2

The Belize Times

pages 1-2
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