“Senor Presidente, the Cuban people hold a special place in the hearts and minds of Belizeans and of people all over the world because of their unparalleled generosity of spirit. Cuba’s actions across the world exemplifies the meaning of solidarity.” – Prime Minister John Briceño
THE BELIZE TIMES 1 19 FEB 19 FEBRUARY 2023 | ISSUE NO: 5339 The Truth Shall Make You Free facebook/belizetimespress | $1.00 KEEP OUR ROADS SAFE: DRIVE WITH CARE; DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE! HISTORIC VISIT Pg. 8 Pg. 9 The Belize Times Established 1957 HISTÓRICA E INOLVIDABLE BTB’s REEF RECORDING STUDIO Pg. 8 TOURISM & JOBS VIA MUSIC Pg. 17 1st Annual Plaque and Monument Unveiled at the Free Zone
Pg. 2 Anti-Money Laundering /Countering the Financing of Terrorism
of Labour HIV/AIDS Policy
Ambassador Chien Winding Up Public Appearances
in the
A President of the Republic of Cuba set foot on the jewel—a Historic and momentous occasion! It cannot be overstated how close and strong the Cuba-Belize 27-year old relations are. Probably all Belizeans have been touched by Cuba someway, somehow. So, when our Prime Minister visited Cuba in April of 2022, it was only a matter of when that the Cuban Head of State would visit Belize. In less than a year after that visit, history has been made for all the right reasons. The planBelize government has been sought from all continents where best practices in debt alleviation and bond innovation are craved. Nevertheless, Cuba is attracted to Belize and vice versa just for the sake of love of each other’s people. The Cuban island just northeast of us has had a distinct history to that of Belize but that has not hindered the growth of our bilateral relations in probably every field imaginable—health, housing, economy, education, governance, and agriculture to name a few. President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez’s 7-hour visit was definitely one for the ages. It is one that will be scrutinized by the world. Hopefully, the scrutiny does not miss the brotherly or sisterly affection between Belize and Cuba. Such national affection is unequaled in world political circles. This is a visit that will thicken the annals of positive history in a truly unforgettable way.
By Hilly Bennett
The historic visit by the President of Cuba, His Excellency Dr. Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, to Belize, is a first-time by a Cuban leader since diplomatic relations were established on July 15,1995. Cuba is one of Belize's greatest allies ever since the internationalization process and the push for Independence. The official agenda of the Presidential visit included a special sitting of the House of Representatives outside the hallowed halls of the National Assembly in Belmopan, a bilateral meeting with HE Dame Froyla Tzalam, Governor General of Belize, and Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño. During the meeting, President Diaz-Canel spoke of deeper bilateral cooperation in health including a medical breakthrough for treating foot lesions arising from diabetes complications. Two bilateral agreements were signed unto: a Memorandum of Understanding for the Exchange of Migratory Alerts and Security Information and a Cultural Cooperation Agreement.
The ceremonial pomp and circumstance was attended by the Cuban delegation, the diplomatic Corp, the consular corps, the Ambassador of China Taiwan David Chien, Parliamentarians, members of the Opposition (sans the Leader of the Opposition, Shyne Barrow who boycotted), dignitaries and invited guests
In addressing Sunday's special sitting Prime Minister Briceño commended Cuba's steadfast commitment to provide immediate relief in times of emergency and long-term capacity building to developed and developing countries. Briceño highlighted "that these actions take place in the face of an unjust, illegal, financial, commercial and trade embargo." PM Briceño called on President Biden's administration to lift the stifling embargo placed on Cuba and to remove the unjustified designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. Briceño said "there is no legal or moral justification for Cuba to remain."
Prime Minister Briceño took the opportunity to reflect on the longstanding bilateral relationship enjoyed by both Belize and Cuba, which is nearing the 28th year marker in July. Briceño said despite these challenges, Cuba's support, is unwavering, for countries to have transformative impact on the growth and development of struggling developing countries of the world, including Belize "and for this we are grateful." PM Briceño acknowledged with high praises the Cuban Henry Reeve Medical Brigade that arrived in January 2022 as part of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
President Diaz-Canel said he was honored to be the first Cuban Head of State to visit Belize. The President noted that over 100,000 Cubans have provided services to Belize since the 1990s when the Cuban medical brigade first served the region. Belize and Cuba have engaged in the implementation of a myriad of cooperation agreements covering areas such as agriculture, education and tourism. President Diaz-Canel expressed that other sectors have also benefitted from the relationship, including construction, sports and culture. The President highlighted that "the visit is also the first step in compliance with resolution adopted at the eight CARICOM-CUBA SUMMIT." The President gave assurance that Belize will always be able to rely on Cuba in the face of immense challenges ahead of the small state of immense perpetually such as ours. The Government of Belize Press Release stated that both governments reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening their constructive and meaningful relationship and to continuing the collaboration in areas of mutual interest. President Diaz-Canel ended his presentation saying "we will always be there. Long live the brotherly relationship between Belize and Cuba".
Ciudad de Belice, Belice, 12 de febrero de 2023.- “Desde que llegamos aquí todo el mundo nos habla de ustedes y todo el mundo habla de lo que ha significado la presencia de la Brigada Médica cubana aquí en Belice, de cómo trabajaron el enfrentamiento a la COVID-19, lo que ellos agradecen, y cómo ustedes se han ganado el cariño del pueblo beliceño”.
Mientras así hablaba a los colaboradores cubanos —poco antes de partir de regreso a Cuba este domingo—, la voz del Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, dejaba entrever cuán múltiples y cercanas resultaron las emociones vividas en esta hermana nación del Caribe.
En el encuentro, que valoró de “imprescindible”, el dignatario aseguró a los allí presentes que esa manera en que han logrado acercarse al pueblo beliceño “nos llena a todos de satisfacción, de sano orgullo”. Su entrega aquí, dijo, no solo tiene que ver con lo profesional, sino que guarda una estrecha relación con “la manera en que ustedes expresan sentimientos, emociones y valores, forjados por la Revolución”.
Cercano y muy diáfano resultó el diálogo, donde el mandatario cubano explicó a los colaboradores sobre las actividades llevadas a cabo durante estos dos días, que iniciaron en México el sábado, cumplimentando una invitación hecha por el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador para que “lo acompañáramos en parte de su programa de trabajo del fin de semana”.
Ello incluyó el chequeo de programas en los cuales hay participación cubana, como es el de Salud y la inversión del Tren Maya, donde Cuba aporta piedras, rajón, cemento y tiene otras oportunidades de negocio, detalló Díaz-Canel.
Contó entonces el Presidente que allí también sostuvo un encuentro con los colaboradores cubanos que forman parte la Brigada Médica, en el cual pudo apreciar el prestigio que allá tienen nuestros médicos, hablar de proyectos futuros y hacer un análisis de cómo se ha trabajado en los diferentes proyectos luego de la visita del 2022 realizada a Cuba por López Obrador.
Era imperdonable, aseveró, estar en México, tan cerca de Belice, y “no venir aquí”, donde nunca antes “se había propiciado, por diferentes razones, la visita de un Jefe de Estado cubano”. Este es un país, significó, con el que “tenemos una relación de mucho respeto, amistad y de cariño”.
“Quiero decirles que la de hoy en Belice ha sido una visita que no vamos a olvidar, porque nos han mostrado una bondad, una disposición, un cariño, un reconocimiento a Cuba tremendo”, aseguró el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista.
Varias de las nuevas acciones que
nos hemos propuesto hoy, explicó, tienen que ver mucho con ustedes. En tal sentido, refirió la solicitud hecha por el Gobierno beliceño para seguir ampliando la colaboración en Salud, y sobre todo atender de manera diferenciada la diabetes, “a partir de las propuestas que nosotros hicimos en la Cumbre Cuba-CARICOM, que se desarrolló a finales del pasado año en Barbados”.
En ese momento, recordó DíazCanel, ofrecimos 200 estudios gratuitos de casos que permitan que el Caribe entienda las ventajas del uso del Heberprot-P y tomando como base esa experiencia ampliar los programas.
De sentimientos y ayudas recíprocas habló también el Presidente a los colaboradores allí reunidos, con quienes compartió sus impresiones sobre esta visita y la forma en que fue acogida la delegación cubana durante la intensa jornada de trabajo del domingo.
“Son muy modestos y hablan con mucha bondad sobre Cuba”, destacó, para evocar luego cómo, el Gobierno de Belice envió ayuda a Cuba tras la ocurrencia de eventos complejos como fueron el incendio en la Base Supertanqueros y el azote del huracán Ian.
“Lo que nosotros podamos hacer por Cuba es poco, escuchamos decir en varios momentos”, comentó Díaz-Canel. (Cubaminrex-Presidenvia)
serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
Fay Castillo EDITOR José Jiménez LAYOUT/GRAPHIC ARTIST Chris Williams OFFICE ASSISTANT Roberto Peyrefitte
Printed and Published By TIMES NEWSPAPER LTD. Tel: 671-8385 #3 Queen Street P.O. BOX 506 Belize City, Belize Email: belizetimesadvertisement@yahoo.com The Belize Times The Truth Shall Make You Free 14 APR 2013 ISSUE NO: 4840 www.belizetimes.bz $1.00 Díaz-Canel: Belice, una visita que no vamos a olvidar nunca
In Belize our seasons are different, we have the dry season and the wet season. As we approach Lent the temperature has risen and the winds have picked up quite a bit, perfect for picnics, flying kites and even sack races. That little fellow who alleges he grew up as an unprivileged youth in Mesopotamia must have seen and liked quite a few back then. The first woman he sent to fly a kite was Doctor Carol Babb, although she did genuinely earn her doctorate degree, in his myopic eyes she was unqualified to hold the post of Secretary General of the United Democratic Party. The usurper then gave the job to Juliet Thimbrel, who he has now sacked because, after last week’s convention, her qualifications for the post of Secretary General of the United Democratic Party seem to have waned in direct relation to her loyalty to Big John. There is no doubt whatsoever that he wants a yes man, and that is something none of those women will stoop so low as to become. It is no secret that women in general are not appreciated on that side of the house, and strong-willed women are especially undesirable and are discarded as soon as they have fulfilled their purpose.
While on the topic of flying objects, it is safe to say that the collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations and the Ministry of the Blue Economy and Civil Aviation are really taking off. The projections for visitors this Spring Break and Easter Season promise to break even the pre-pandemic records and business will certainly be booming for the tourism sector. To that end, several key domestic aerodromes will see lighting upgrades and refurbishment of runways and aprons to accommodate increasing traffic and provide the airlift to power the tourism industry. The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Transport has also announced a phased approach to the modernization of public ground transportation. Although some of the bus companies are not in agreement with the changes, it has been in planning for some time now and could hardly come as a surprise. Commuters in Belize, both visitors and locals alike have a right to safe, efficient and comfortable transportation. There have been too many instances of buses catching fire on the road, too many accidents because of buses that were sincerely not road-worthy and simply too many lives disrupted because bus operators cannot deliver the runs on time due to non-functioning vehicles.
It cannot be that commuters must suffer the injustice of poor transportation so that operators can increase their profits. Major highways are currently being upgraded and maintained, the municipalities are also doing their part to rehabilitate their streets and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing has been working tirelessly to improve rural roads across the country. To decrease fuel emissions, reduce the congestion of roads and increase the efficiency and safety of our transport it is imperative to upgrade fleets. The claim is simply this, the efficiency and effectiveness of our connectivity are directly linked to our productivity as a country. We simply cannot afford to continue to navigate the roads in castoff vehicles that are not permitted in other countries with good reason. We cannot compete with our neighbours in the tourism sector as their public transportation is more reliable and better than ours. Our productivity and costs are higher because newer vehicles are not only cheaper to maintain, but are also more fuel efficient, these savings could quickly be passed on to the commuter. We cannot continue to be penny-wise and pound-foolish.
EDITORIAL en Español
En Belice nuestras estaciones son diferentes, tenemos la estación seca y la estación húmeda. A medida que nos acercamos a la Cuaresma la temperatura ha subido y los vientos se han levantado bastante, perfecto para picnics, volar cometas e incluso carreras de sacos. Aquel hombrecillo que dice haberse criado como un joven sin privilegios en Mesopotamia debió ver y gustarle bastantes por aquel entonces. La primera mujer a la que mandó a volar una cometa fue a la doctora Carol Babb, quien, aunque realmente obtuvo el título de doctora, a sus miopes ojos no estaba cualificada para ocupar el cargo de Secretaria General del Partido Unido Democrático. El usurpador dio entonces el puesto a Juliet Thimbrel, a la que ahora ha despedido porque, tras la convención de la semana pasada, sus cualificaciones para el puesto de secretaria general del Partido Unido Democrático parecen haber menguado en relación directa con su lealtad a Big John. No cabe la menor duda de que quiere un perro faldero, y eso es algo a lo que ninguna de esas mujeres caerá tan baja como para convertirse. No es ningún secreto que las mujeres en general no son apreciadas en ese lado de la Cámara, y las mujeres de carácter fuerte son especialmente indeseables y se les descarta en cuanto han cumplido su propósito.
Hablando de objetos voladores, cabe decir que la colaboración entre el Ministerio de Turismo y Relaciones con la Diáspora y el Ministerio de Economía Azul y Aviación Civil está despegando. Las previsiones de visitantes para esta temporada de vacaciones de primavera y Semana Santa prometen batir incluso los récords anteriores a la pandemia y, sin duda, el negocio será boyante para el sector turístico. Para ello, varios aeródromos nacionales clave verán mejorada su iluminación y renovadas sus pistas y plataformas para acomodar el creciente tráfico y proporcionar el puente aéreo que impulse la industria turística. El Ministerio de Juventud, Deportes y Transportes también ha anunciado un enfoque gradual de la modernización del transporte público terrestre. Aunque algunas de las empresas de autobuses no están de acuerdo con los cambios, se llevan planeando desde hace algún tiempo y difícilmente podrían sorprender. Los ciudadanos de Belice, tantos visitantes como residentes, tienen derecho a un transporte seguro, eficaz y cómodo. Ha habido demasiados casos de autobuses que se han incendiado en la carretera, demasiados accidentes debido a autobuses que, sinceramente, no eran aptos para circular y, sencillamente, demasiadas vidas truncadas porque los operadores de autobuses no pueden realizar los trayectos a tiempo debido a que los vehículos no funcionan.
No puede ser que los viajeros tengan que sufrir la injusticia de un transporte deficiente para que los operadores puedan aumentar sus beneficios. Actualmente se están mejorando y manteniendo las principales autopistas, los municipios también están poniendo de su parte para rehabilitar sus calles y el Ministerio de Desarrollo de Infraestructuras y Vivienda está trabajando incansablemente para mejorar las carreteras rurales de todo el país. Para disminuir las emisiones de combustible, reducir la congestión de las carreteras y aumentar la eficiencia y seguridad de nuestro transporte es imperativo modernizar las flotas. La afirmación es sencilla: la eficiencia y eficacia de nuestra conectividad están directamente relacionadas con nuestra productividad como país. Sencillamente, no podemos permitirnos seguir circulando por las carreteras con vehículos desechados que, con razón, no están permitidos en otros países. No podemos competir con nuestros vecinos en el sector turístico porque su transporte público es más fiable y mejor que el nuestro. Nuestra productividad y nuestros costes son más elevados porque los vehículos más nuevos no sólo son más baratos de mantener, sino que además consumen menos combustible, ahorro que podría repercutir rápidamente en el viajero. No podemos seguir siendo escrupulosos en pequeñeces e insensatos en lo importante.
Sixth NHI Symposium
Mrs. Narda Garcia
CEO, Office of the Prime Minister
Keynote Speaker
“Re-thinking Health Priorities Post Covid”
Good morning distinguished participants, health care workers, speakers, invited guests, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the re-birth of the NHI symposium after a Covid caused hiatus! It feels good to be almost back to normal; It feels good to see people together again, joined by common cause.
Three years ago, the world looked bleak! Our generation was faced with a Global Threat that caused significant impact in our personal lives and hammered into our consciousness the vulnerability of humanity, and of course, the importance that HEALTH plays in the survival of the Human Species! It was a difficult time for families who saw their mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers die without even being able to give their last goodbyes, to allow for a peaceful transition into the after-life! It was also extremely difficult for the armies of health care workers and frontliners, that struggled to provide
6TH NHI SYMPOSIUM “Re-thinking Health Priorities
Post Covid”
On Saturday, February 11, 2023, Belizean medical professionals attended the Sixth National Health Insurance Symposium, which was held at the Biltmore Plaza Hotel in Belize City.
This forum, entitled “NCD SYMPOSIUM 2023: Rethinking Priorities
Post- COVID”, was organized by the National Health Insurance, the Belize Medical and Dental Association, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Belize Social Security Board.
During the one-day event, different medical experts presented on the status of non-communicable diseases within Belize’s population in the three years since COVID-19 became a global public health threat. They also discussed emerging trends in the health needs of patients both domestically and internationally and the best practices that health officials at home and abroad have developed to try and meet that demand.
Ms. Narda Garcia, CEO in the Of-
the necessary interventions to preserve life and avoid dissemination of the scourge named COVID. They saw family, friends, neighbors, succumb to death right before their eyes…and there was nothing they could do! The Psychological trauma, in addition to the physical toll it took for them to maintain the health services functional, was an event that is wished on no one and we hope does not recur in our lifetime! But from every difficult event, however traumatic, there is a lesson to be learned. It is my sincere hope that we have learned valuable lessons from this traumatic experi-
ence, that will allow us to be prepared should we ever have to face another challenge similar to COVID. Otherwise, all the lives lost, all the pain and suffering experienced will be for naught!
After the battering that humanity took with this pandemic, life and health profiles have changed. In some cases, existing problems have been made more acute, while other new health problems have come to the fore and must be addressed. The challenge of picking up the pieces for those that were afflicted with Chronic Non-communicable diseases is a huge one; the issue of mental health has surged to the forefront, made so much more acute after the battering people took with the social and health related injuries from COVID; And yet, there are new challenges brought about by the long-term effects of COVID, the so called LONG-COVID. The existing literature points to the need for a team approach to deal with these cases, with multiple areas of expertise being involved. Are we preparing for this? Are we even organized in a manner or fashion as to evaluate and manage these cases properly? Including the mental health support required?
It is obvious that this virus is here to stay and will undergo many mutations along the way. This will call for yearly vaccinations similar to the Flu….are we prepared?
And then again, there is that Global threat we are not paying attention to…..Antimicrobial resistance and the indiscriminate use of antibiotics! The emergence of multiple antibiotic resistant bacterial strains has raised a global
red flag which has been mostly ignored by our medical professionals. Covid presented an instance where we saw this! Azithromycin seemed to be used as frequently as the Vitamins, and we know, guided by WHO protocols, that this should have been judiciously used in very specific instances. Access to antibiotics by the general public is extremely easy! And people learn very quickly to copy prescription patterns, even if the knowledge base does not allow for them to perceive the damage or potential threat that is caused by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. The inclusion of this topic today is therefore a timely one!
It would be remis of me to end without touching on a topic dear to my heart. One that I see in a similar light as the COVID pandemic, HIV/AIDS. In the early 80’s when the Human Immunodeficiency Virus was identified as the cause of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, in a similar fashion to COVID, it began to spread in a lethal manner, probably not as fast as COVID due to its mode of transmission, but certainly more lethal. Today, we have basically found a treatment for this disease, and now we can re-classify it in a similar category to the Chronic Diseases (note, I did not say non-communicable). Technology and research have advanced at the speed of light, and every day new treatment and screening options are made available to us. However, it seems to me that the success of science has translated into a sense of conformity and appeasement from the
fice of the Prime Minister and one of the keynote speakers at the symposium, told attendees, “After the battering that humanity took with this pandemic, life, and health profiles have changed. In some cases, existing problems have been made more acute, while other new health problems have come to the fore and must be addressed. The challenges of picking up the pieces for those that were afflicted with chronic non-communicable diseases is a huge one.”
Among the topics for exploration were the critical health issues affecting Belizeans post-COVID, including non-communicable diseases, the mental health strain on COVID patients and medical personnel, recommendations on antibiotic use, and mental health in the elderly.
Continued on page 7 ANNOUNCEMENT
The People’s United Party invites applications for those wishing to serve on the Executive Committee for the Corozal North Constituency.
Closing Date for Applications is Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 at 5 p.m. Applications must be submitted in Duplicate: One copy should be delivered to Chairman of the Northern Caucus and the Original delivered to the PUP Secretariat.
Question(s) Week of the
February 17, 2023
Why did Shyne dispose of UDP stalwart Thimbrel as Secretary General of the defunct UDP? What did she do to warrant such an ignoble ouster? Did said firing have to do with any badly cooked bacon?
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CILTrust International Limited Registered Agent
Prime Minister of Belize, HON. JOHN BRICEÑO
A Joint Sitting of the National Assembly February 12, 2023
Your Excellency, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba and members of your delegation. The Honourable Carolyn Trench, President of the Senate Honourable Marconi Leal acting Speaker of the House of Representatives Members of this National Assembly, Excellencies of the diplomatic and consular corps,
Ladies and gentlemen.
Today is a special day.
Señor Presidente, our entire nation is honoured to have you here with us in Belize. Your visit is yet another symbol of the deep bonds of friendship that exist between our two nations and people. A friendship that is based on mutual respect, the principles of international law, and those other noble principles enshrined in the charter of the United Nations such as, the right to self-determination and territorial integrity, non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Cuba’s consistent and principled support for Belize’s right to self-determination and territorial integrity, a support which we enjoyed before independence and continue to enjoy even today, is recognized and appreciated by all freedom loving Belizeans. Your visit, the first State visit by a Cuban President, is yet another expression of this abiding friendship and is most welcome by my Government and the Belizean people.
Five months from now, Belize and Cuba will celebrate 28 years of diplomatic relations. These are 28 years marked by a robust commitment to constructive and meaningful collaboration. This morning our collaboration was further enhanced by the signing of two more agreements, an Agreement on Culture and a Memorandum of Understanding on Immigration.
Senor Presidente, the Cuban people hold a special place in the hearts and minds of Belizeans and of people all over the world because of their unparalleled generosity of spirit. Cuba’s actions across the world exemplifies the meaning of solidarity. Thousands of medical professionals from Cuba have gone to assist 169 countries including every CARICOM country. Belize wholeheartedly recognizes the exceptional efforts of Cuba, over the last 60 years, in consistently providing medical and technical assistance in times of public health emergencies, such as in 2014, as it prepared the Caribbean region in the event of an outbreak of the Ebola virus.
Here in Belize the critical support of the Henry Reeve Brigade – deployed with immediacy to Belize in the early days of the pandemic, worked shoulder to shoulder alongside our brave frontline workers. Together Belizean and Cuban medical practitioners left their own homes and families and bravely took on the dangerous fight to combat the COVID-19 virus here in Belize. We honour them, and today Mr. President, I say, on behalf of a grateful nation, thank you, muchas gracias.
Indeed, Cuba’s generousity is by no means limited to the medial brigades. Today, hundreds of Belizean students have benefited from the cross-cultural and educational experience studying in Cuba’s universities. They return to contribute to the development of Belize, imbued with some of that spirit of advocacy and solidarity, having learnt that, in the words of Cuba’s National Hero, José Martí, “Patria es Humanidad”.
There are many Belizeans who are watching this Assembly today who can literally say that they are able to see these proceedings because of Cuba’s outreach in Operación Milagro under which so many Belizeans have undergone treatment to prevent blindness. There are Belizeans who had little chance of survival but who are now home, productive, and well, because of Cuba’s critical care programme. There are beautiful cases of children now walking and talking and looking to their own futures because of the helping hand extended by your country – free of charge.
Nosotros en Belice, y en verdad todos los piases que se benefician de la solidaridad Cubana, debemos de estar conscientes del hecho que Cuba siempre ha extendido su amistad y ayuda, aun cuando ellos mismos se encuentran luchando para sobrevivir bajo las severas sanciones que se les han impuesto. Sabemos que su ayuda no se debe al exceso sino a la voluntad de dar de lo poco que tienen. Esto es el reflejo del gran espíritu de su país y su gente.
We in Belize, and in fact all other countries benefitting from Cuban solidarity, should be aware of the fact that Cuba has consistently extended a helping hand even as they are themselves fighting for survival under the savage sanctions imposed on them.
Ese tipo de situaciones no se dan al azar. Sino depende de un sistema socioeconómico que prioriza el acceso a la salud básica, a la educación universal, y pone énfasis en el desarrollo científico desde hace muchas décadas. Es el resultado de una revolución del pueblo Cubano y su líder histórico, Fidel Castro.
That sort of thing cannot just happen. It must depend on a social and economic system that prioritizes primary health care, universal education, emphasis on scientific development, over decades. It is a result of a revolution made by the people of Cuba and its historic leader, Fidel Castro.
One of the most uplifting and joyful moments in our nation’s history was the day when Fidel placed the José Martí medal on the late Rt. Honourable George Price: one National Hero to another.
Nicolas Guillén, Cuba’s great national poet, wrote: "Lo que Martí prometió, Fidel lo cumplió" ("What Marti promised, Fidel delivered").
Belize commends Cuba’s steadfast commitment to provide both immediate relief in times of emergency and longer term capacity building to developing and developed countries. Belize congratulates Cuba for its advocacy for others in the developing world in its various roles, such as the critical role they will play as Chair of the Group of 77 plus China within the United Nations System.
Belize notes that these actions take place in the face on an unjust and illegal financial, commercial and trade embargo imposed by the United States of America. Belize further condemns the unjustified designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. We continue to urge the United States Government to remove Cuba from the "State Sponsors of Terrorism" (SSOT) list as there is no legal or moral justification for Cuba to remain.
In spite of these challenges, Cuba’s support continues to have a transformative impact on growth and development of the struggling developing countries of the world, including Belize– and for this we are grateful.
On behalf of the people of Belize, we thank you for your example of resistance, solidarity and collaboration. It is now therefore our distinct privilege and honour to invite you to address this special Joint Sitting of the National Assembly.
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The Reef Music Studio located in Belize City was launched on Saturday, February 11, 2023. The project was funded by the Inter-American Development Bank’s Sustainable Tourism Program II and administered by the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations. At the launch, the Reef Music Studio was officially handed over to the Belize Tourism Board for its management and operation. The studio will host state-of-the-art recording equipment to be used by musicians near and far. Furthermore, the studio features a virtual recording mode that will enable artists to connect across the country.
Present at the ceremony were: Ramiro Lopez Ghio (Country Representative for IDB), Hon. Rodwell Ferguson (Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport), Hon. Francis Fonseca (Minister of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology) and the visionary behind the studio Hon. Anthony Mahler (Minister of Tourism and Diaspora Relations). In attendance were various local artists, producers, and music stakeholders. The media and attendees were given a tour and live demonstration of the recording studio.
U.S. Embassy Partners with NAMLC and University of Belize Host Belize’s First Annual Anti-Money Laundering & Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Conference
Belize City - The National Anti-Money Laundering Committee (NAMLC), in partnership with the U.S. Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Unit and the University of Belize, hosted Belize’s first annual Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Conference (AML/CFT). The two-day event began with an opening ceremony that included remarks from Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Honorable Christopher Coye, U.S. Ambassador to Belize Michelle Kwan, Financial Intelligence Unit Director Kent Clare, and University of Belize President Dr. Vincent Palacio.
The conference brought together Belizean public and private sector stakeholders in the areas of compliance, regulation, and law enforcement to share best practices on countering money laundering and terrorist financing and address identified risk areas noted in Belize’s 2020 Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment. U.S., Belizean and international experts shared insights and guidance on topics including cybercrime, trade-based money laundering, trafficking in persons, corruption, and public private partnerships, among others. Nearly 300 in-person and virtual attendees participated in the conference hosted by Belizean financial journalist and entrepreneur, Mrs. Kalilah Reynolds.
NAMLC is a multi-agency committee, created by the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, tasked with advising the Government of Belize on national anti-money laundering
and countering the financing of terrorism policy. It is leading the preparations for Belize’s ongoing mutual evaluation on its anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism systems being conducted by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force. NAMLC is chaired by the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit and other members include the Financial Secretary, the Director General of the Financial Services Commission, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Comptroller of Customs, the Commissioner of Police, the Supervisor of the Office of the Supervisor of Insurance and Private Pensions, the Director General of the Belize Tax Service Department, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Solicitor General, the Director of Immigration and the CEO in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
This Conference was made possible as part of an ongoing partnership between the United States and Belize to enhance the implementation of Belize’s anti-money laundering laws and strengthen governance.
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Sixth NHI Symposium Mrs. Narda Garcia
CEO, Office of the Prime Minister Keynote Speaker
Continued from page 5
general public. I do not see the same sense of urgency or activism to address this problem! Sometimes the very same people given the responsibility to provide preventive, screening, diagnosis and treatment options, are slow to respond and incorporate the new technologies. From what I have observed and heard, there is more of an interest in turf protection and maintaining the status quo, than in rolling up the sleeves and doing the work that needs to be done to prevent transmission of HIV, screen and detect those afflicted, and ensure proper access and uptake of treatment. If Belize is to achieve the 90-90-90 targets set by WHO in 2025, we ALL need to work together with a sincere and heartfelt commitment to improving the lives of those who most need us. I sincerely congratulate the NHI for including topics in this symposium such as self-testing, and Prep for HIV/AIDS. There is a National Aids Strategic Plan developed, let us truly make it a National Response!
Before closing, I would want to change hats for a bit and briefly remind you of the changes to the Investment ecosystem recently approved by Parliament. The Fiscal Incentive Amendment Bill is an important amendment to the Fiscal Incentive Act in an effort to encourage MSMEs. We see many health professionals venturing into being providers of health services across the country and you are eligible to access the incentives now available. These incentives ranging from import duty, excise duty and others are also available for the health sector. Visit Beltraide and inform yourselves as to the process and procedures to gain access to these fiscal incentives.
I want to end by extending my sincere congratulations to the organizers of this event for the inclusion of such important topics. To other stakeholders involved, BMDA, for lending your support and approving the necessary credit hours for the Continuous Medical Education credits required for registration. To the Pan American Health Organization for the technical support, particularly to address such an important issue as Antibiotic Resistance as a Global Threat, and to the healthcare workforce present here today….wishing you the best and hoping you get the most out of these presentations. Thank you and may you have a productive symposium.
THE BELIZE TIMES 8 19 FEB 2023 8 08
Ministry of Labour HIV/AIDS Policy in the Workplace
The Ministry of Labour, in collaboration with the National AIDS Commission (NAC), has reinitiated the HIV/AIDS Policy in the Workplace Initiative. As part of that engagement, the Labour Department and the NAC held a certified training seminar in Belize City on February 1st, 2nd, and 8th, 2023, for 12 Belizean companies and organizations. The program will be extended nationwide in the coming year.
During the closing ceremony held today, the Ministry of Labour and NAC signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with each participating company and organization. This signals a commitment to address HIV/AIDS as a workplace issue through the development and implementation of workplace policies and programs. The MOU seeks to ensure that businesses and organizations support the HIV/AIDS workplace initiatives and programs of the Government of Belize, the NAC, and the International Labour Organization (ILO). It will establish capacity development training, refresher training for all employees, a workplace testing initiative, and the development of an HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy. Furthermore, it calls for organizations to provide HIV/AIDS counseling and information, commemorate World AIDS Day, as well as attend and participate in HIV/ AIDS in the workplace conferences and forums.
The ILO issued a code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the workplace in 2001. This code is critical and covers key principles that the Ministry of Labour uses as a guide along with Belize’s National AIDS Policy.
The ministry applauds each organization that participated and signed the MOU, as this will create a better working environment for everyone, regardless of HIV status. Through capacity building and effective HIV/AIDS workplace policies, the ministry will continue to engage companies and organizations across the country in an effort to reduce HIV transmissions, HIV-related stigma, and discrimination.
Belize Launches Green Climate Fund Country Programme
February 10, 2023 - Today, the Ministry of Economic Development launched Belize’s first-ever Green Climate Fund Country Programme at the Umaya Resort in Placencia. This country programme highlights Belize’s climate priorities and outlines a portfolio of projects and programs that will aid the country in achieving climate resilience.
Through continuous engagement with the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Belize has been able to capitalize on concessionary loans and grant funding to continue working toward its climate agenda, without placing further strain on its fiscal space. The country programme highlights priority sectors and initiatives for adaptation and mitigation, including a pipeline of medium- and lower-priority projects to be submitted as funding proposals to the GCF. These projects are aligned with Belize’s national priorities, are economically feasible, and are designed with the potential for transformational impacts.
The GCF is the world’s largest climate fund mandated to support developing countries in responding to the climate crisis. In 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development as the National Designated Authority (NDA) to the GCF developed its first strategic framework and country programme - a living document that has since been updated twice to better reflect Belize’s changing landscape and to ensure its alignment with national strategies. In July 2022, this document was endorsed and published by the GCF.
In his address, Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Economic Development, emphasized that “Belize made significant strides since 2020 and we are now in a better position to ensure that all sectors are captured within the country programme and that our priorities reflect Belize’s commitment to our international climate contributions and the Plan Belize Medium-Term Development Strategy.”
As Belize’s National Designated Authority (NDA), CEO Martinez, on behalf of the Government and people of Belize, thanks the GCF for their continued support and partnership.
Belize City, Belize District
Fort George/Pickstock 45 1033
The freehold properties of Ms. Jasmin Elizabeth Samuels
(Being at two storey concrete residential/commercial building [2326 sq. ft.] containing Ground floor – 1 bedroom apartment + storage room with bathroom + 375 sq. ft. commercial space; First floor – 3 bedrooms + living room + dining room + kitchen + laundry TOGETHER with lot [280.040 S.M.] situate on Gabourel Lane, Belize City, the freehold property of Ms. Jasmin Elizabeth Samuels)
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Website: belizepropertyauctions.com
Email: kevinacas@yahoo.com
Facebook: Belize Auctions
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions.com the following property. Sale currently running until 30th April 2023. Public Auction Sale will expire fortnightly on the date and time listed on the website until the property is sold.
Let Belize Live
SPEECH FOUR Settlement Day
Punta Gorda November 19, 1966
My Fellow Belizeans, Happy Settlement Day!
It is a privilege for me to be with you today and an honour to receive your address. (I thank you for the expression of appreciation and confidence where your Government is concerned.)
All Belizeans are grateful for the decision of Eligio Benai to remain here, when one hundred and forty-three years ago, our first Carib settlers landed on our shores and we rejoice for the many valuable contributions made towards the cementing of the foundation of our budding nation.
Nation-building is a demanding task. We all know that it demands sacrifice and hard work. We know, also, that above all it demands a people united and moving together for the betterment of the nation.
This fabric of unity has always been displayed by you, and today as we move forward to Independence, the times demand that our goal be national unity conceived in the high principles of Christian Democracy and nurtured by the goodwill and invaluable contribution of every Belizean.
This basic unity must serve to mute, and then reconcile any difference which arises as we work hard for the Independence of our beloved Belize.
Settlement Day offers a wonderful opportunity for all Belizeans to review the past, assess the present, and move towards the future with dedicated determination to mold and to build the new Belize – UNITED, SOVEREIGN and INDEPENDENT.
With God all things are possible, and we face the future in the firm knowledge that with His guidance, we cannot fail.
Fellow Belizeans – a happy, happy Settlement Day.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz 2” located on Santa Rita Road, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz 3” located on Port Saul Street, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz 6” located in Altamira Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz 8” located on Olga Marin Drive, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Cindy Herrera is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Sunset View” located on 1st Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jason Cain is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “ Club Bizzo” located at # 43 Queen Charlotte Street, Belize City, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Orlando Medina is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Slim’s Bar & Grill” located in Biscayne Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Enna G. Ek is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “LB Cool Spot” located on Texas Road, Scotland Halfmoon Village, Belize District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Ronel C. Santoya is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Polleria Mayra Shop” located in Chunox Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Maria Prado is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “El Rinconcito” located in Louisville Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Arthur Saldano is applying for a Malt Liquor License to be operated at “Miracles Hotel” located on South End Street, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Araceli Gomez is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Chely’s Chelas” located on Cedar Street, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jilmer Carillo is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Corozal Service Station” located on 7th Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Ailing Huang is applying for a Malt Liquor License to be operated at “Ben’s Fastfood” located on 4th Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Javier Chatta is applying for a Malt & Cider Liquor License to be operated at “Chata’s Cool Spot” located at # 2 San Andres Street, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Isabel Dominguez is applying for a Malt Liquor License to be operated at “A & B Brew” located in San Narcisco Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance
Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz 4” located in San Joaqin Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Miguel A Vivas is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Marie’s Groceries” located in Consejo Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Dong Liang Xiao is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Da Chong Shop” located in Sarteneja Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Ian Ke is applying for a Shop Liquor License to be operated at “Progresso Convenience Store” located in San Antonio Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Obed Cob is applying for a Beer Liquor License to be operated at “Belizean Spot” located in San Pedro Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Joshua Lee Kuylen is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “TMJ’s Family Fun House” located on Santa Elena Road, Corozal Town, District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Amparo Trochez is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Aki Me Quedo” located in Finca Solana, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Francisco Hernandez & Karen Iraheta are applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Mira Mar Cool Spot” located in Ranchito Village, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Zeida B. Correa is applying for a Malt Liquor License to be operated at “Mi Cocina” located on 3rd Street South, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Baskal AC. Sudhakara is applying for a Publican Special Liquor License to be operated at “Tonic Family Restaurant & Bar” located on Santa Rita Road, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Copper Horse Industries Ltd. is applying for a Hotel Liquor License to be operated at “Copper Horse Industries Ltd.” Located on 4th Street North & 2nd Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Jian Bin Wu is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Ban’s Store” located on Santa Elena Road, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Aaron Navarro is applying for a Restaurant Liquor License to be operated at “Hokol Kin Restaurant” located on 4th Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Notice is hereby given that Belize Brewing Company Ltd. is applying for a Convenience Store Liquor License to be operated at “Naybaz” located on 4th Avenue, Corozal Town, Corozal District under the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Revised Edition 1980.
Speeches of the Premier Exhibit Booklet
Land Certificates Handed Over in OW Central
February 10, 2023 - “Today, I presented land certificates to 23 deserving Belizeans in the Orange Walk Central Constituency. This is as a result of the recent Lands Clinic held in Orange Walk.
From delivering the keys of new homes to first time homeowners to presenting land certificates to deserving Belizeans - The opportunity for each Belizean to own a piece of land of their own is empowering and represents the possibility for a better quality of life.” PM and Area Representative Hon. John Briceño
Dr. Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez
February 12, 2023
19 FEB 2023
18 JAN 2015THE BELIZE TIMES 13 THE BELIZE TIMES 58 12 19 FEB 2023 19 FEB 2023
Arrival of Cuban President National Assembly members & President
President and Cuban Delegation Historic Moments
PM Addressing the Special Sitting of the National Assembly
Signing of the Cooperation Agreement
Bilateral Talks
President Bids Farewell
President Addressing the Special Sitting
MSME’s and Women Win
February 10, 2023 - The Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration with financial support from the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) through Taiwan ICDF, today launched a new incubator program, ICube, that will host a Mobile Incubator Center and a Start-up Incubator Center at BELTRAIDE's SBDCBelize office in Belize City.
BELTRAIDE's ICube, will provide eight women-owned businesses with a space to operate their business, access the Virtual Knowledge Center (VKC) and receive business development support offered by experienced
MoECST Concludes Third Round of Consultations on New Competency-based Curriculum
February 10, 2023 - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MoECST) is pleased to announce the conclusion of the third round of consultations held with education stakeholders on the implementation of the new national competency-based curriculum. The new curriculum addresses the need to develop skills and attitudes, in addition to knowledge, in students to prepare them for a successful life of contribution to the sustainable human development of Belize.
The tour of consultations began in December 2022 with the Toledo District and consultations were held in each municipality. A team led by Dr. Hon. Louis Zabaneh, Minister of State in the MoECST, began a tour of consultations with principals and teachers at primary schools implementing the new national competency-based curriculum in this transition year. The team comprised officers from the Curriculum and Assessment Unit of the MoECST and respective district education centres, representatives from the Belize National Teachers’ Union, managing authorities, Pathlight Belize and UNICEF.
These consultations provided an avenue for educators to relay their concerns and suggestions for improvement in implementing the new curriculum. The team observed schools that have significantly advanced in their implementation and noted where other schools required additional support. The ministry has already commenced the integration of the recommendations made by educators in the third and fourth cycles of unit plans and assessments.
These sessions continue to realise the MoECST’s commitment to dialogue and transparency with its partners in an effort to make education work for Belize.
business advisors from BELTRAIDE's SBDCBelize Unit. In addition, BELTRAIDE will offer services and support to MSMEs across the country via a Mobile Incubator Center. This initiative is a part of the Government of Belize's commitment to diversify the services of MSMEs and empower enterprises. This expansion will facilitate the creation of new businesses and strengthen the skills of operating MSMEs, thereby revitalizing Belize's economy.
Among those present were Mrs. Narda Garcia, CEO, Office of Prime Minister, Ms. Amalia Mai, CEO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador David Kuan- Chou Chien, Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Belize, will be present at the ceremony. BELTRAIDE congratulates the women who have been selected to be part of the Incubator Program and reminds all Belizeans about the importance of supporting our local MSMEs.
Agriculture for Preschoolers
Today the Ministry of Agriculture handed seedlings of romaine lettuce, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and sweet pepper to the Judy Diego Government Pre-school. This is a part of an initiative to teach preschoolers the importance of Agriculture in their lives, to open their minds that the only way to get food is through planting. In this way preschoolers will be raised with agricultural skills, knowledge, hard work and responsibility.
The project is financed by the MAR Fund (Meso-American Reef fund) implemented by the Belize Biodiversity office. Aquaponics
in Compassion School
On February 2nd 2023 an official inauguration of an Aquaponics System Project was carried out at Compassion School in Yo-Creek Village. This project was once a thought in 2015, and became a reality on February 2, 2023 thanks to the continuous support, funding and collaboration by Mr. Dan and Mrs. Jacqueline Vandermeer from Millwoods Christian School in Canada, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise and the Ministry of Education.
This Aquaponic System Project now forms the 7th Aquaponic Project being implemented in Belize along with Chan Pine Ridge Primary School and Santa Cruz Government School (2017), San Lazaro Methodist and Trinidad Government School (2018), Carmelita Government School (2019) and San Pablo Community School (2020) and Compasión School (2023).
The main purpose and objective is to provide a source of food through school feeding program teaching the younger generation the importance of a healthy food diet and generation of incomce through urban gardening. The school have tilapias which are the main source of nutrients provider to different types of vegetable including lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, sweet peeper and tomato and some spices such as basales and peppermints. This project came to a success through joint collaboration from personnel from Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Miguel Huertas, Mr. Neri Bol, Mr. Joe Sarabia and others who had been working hand in hand with these schools in providing technical assistance, workshops and seedlings (vegetables and fingerlings) when requested.
Each schools were handed over 300 red tilapia fingerlings by the Aquaculture Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture to initiate the production cycle. Continuous technical assistance will be provided by personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure proper care and success of the projects.
Agriculture for High Schoolers
The Ministry of Agriculture today donated a total of 50 yellow Malayan Dwarf coconut, 25 Pitahaya cuttings and 25 Maypan Hybrid Coconut seedlings to the Belmopan Baptist High School. The materials donated are for the development of a fruit tree program. Delivering the materials was Extension Officer Mr. Franklin Padron.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise is happy to work along with schools to enhance their agriculture programs or provide technical support.
MAFSE Donates Livestock to Agric School
February 1, 2023 - The Belize High School of Agriculture was the recipient of 7 piglets donated to the high school under the auspices of the area rep, Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise.
The piglets will be a part of the school's Livestock Program that features hands on learning in agriculture skills. The livestock program already features poultry and plans are to expand in the coming years.
On hand for the donation was District Agriculture Coordinator Sergio Hernandez, while principal of the school, Abel Celiz, received the piglets. Chairman of the School's Board of Management, Valentin Carrillo, and teachers of the school and Extension Officers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise were also present.
The Belize High School of Agriculture is
NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED a company duly incorporated and registered under the Laws of Belize with registered office situate at Parcel 7550 Corner Forest Drive & Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under a Legal Charge between CAROL BANNER hereinafter called “The Chargor” and NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED hereinafter called “The Chargee” which was duly recorded at the Lands Registry in the City of Belmopan on the 18th day of January, 2019 by Instrument No. LRS-201900596. NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED will at the expiration of Two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the property described in the Schedule below.
ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 1250.12 Square Yard (s) being Parcel 2052/1, Block 24 in the Society Hall Registration Section TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of CAROL BANNER.
DATED this 26th day of January 2022
Corner Forest Drive & Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan, Cayo District
NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED a company duly incorporated and registered under the Laws of Belize with registered office situate at Parcel 7550 Corner Forest Drive & Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan, Cayo District, Belize hereby gives notice of its intention to exercise its power of sale as Chargee under a Legal Charge between CELIA YANETH QUINTERO hereinafter called “The Chargor” and NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED hereinafter called “The Chargee” which was duly recorded at the Lands Registry in the City of Belmopan on the 7th day of August, 2014 by Instrument No. LRS-201409878. NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED will at the expiration of Two months from the date of the first publication of this notice sell the properties described in the Schedule below.
ALL offers to purchase the said property must be made in writing to NATIONAL BANK OF BELIZE LIMITED from whom full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained.
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land comprising 464.698 S.M. being Parcel 1580, Block 23 in the San Ignacio North Registration Section TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of CELIA YANETH QUINTERO.
DATED this 26th day of January 2023
Corner Forest Drive & Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan, Cayo District
THE BELIZE TIMES 15 19 FEB 2023 Continued on page 16 THE BELIZE 5 FEB 2023
Upgrade of Playing Area Jane Usher Basketball Court
Continued from page 15
located between the villages of San Lazaro and Trinidad in the Orange Walk District. Founded in 1984, it functions under the Ministry of Education and caters to students from surrounding villages, offering them an agriculture based education. It is one of the few schools that focuses on agriculture and its students regularly harvest produce that is consumed in the school cafeteria and offered for sale to the public.
Lamb and Mutton Culinary Workshop
MAFSE is thinking food security and it is being innovative. For some time now we have been seeing these workshops. They starting with the basics rearing and now it is at the cooking stage. Minister Mai is in full support of this new industry that is poised to lessen the unemployment gauges even more. People that were not looking for jobs will be employed as well adding to the labour force. Belize wins.
The release: The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise, in collaboration with the Taiwan ICDF Breeding Sheep and Goat Production and Guidance System Enhancement Project (Sheep Project Phase II) and Food for the Poor
5 FEB 2023
Through the efforts of Hon. Gilroy Usher, Area Representative for Port Loyola, and the PUP Port Loyola Committee, the much needed upgrade of the playing area at the Jane Usher Basketball court started on Monday.
The improvements will include new concrete bleachers, resurfacing of the court, repair of the lights, upgrade of the football field, and establishment of a playing area for small children among other things.
(FFTP), held a Lamb and Mutton Culinary Craft Workshop at San Jose Succotz Village, Cayo District, on January 28, 2023.
The workshop is part of the Small Ruminant Grant for improving Livelihood Resilience in the Western Cayo District Belize Project, which came from the partnership between Taiwan ICDF Sheep Project Phase II and FFTP, a non-profit Christian organization. Twenty families were selected from San Jose Succotz, Benque Viejo Del Carmen, Corozalito, and surrounding farms to participate in the workshop. Each family received five breeding female sheep and 24 months of technical support.
Molasses and Urea Block Training
A total of 15 cattle farmers attended a Molasses and Urea Block Technical Training on Thursday February 9th, 2023, at Mr. Oscar Zuniga’s Farm in the Trio Village, Toledo District. The training was conducted by Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Officer Mr. Justaquio Tush and Extension Officer Andre Logan.
The training covered topics on the importance of molasses urea blocks (MUB’s) and its benefits. MUB has been very efficient to maintain the availability of feed for animals, production and reproduction in the dry season.
The Central Bank invites qualified individuals to join its Banking, Currency, and Investment Department
The Senior Secretary, Banking, Currency and Investment will provide secretarial support to the department’s management team on a daily basis, maintain the department’s correspondence files, respond to customer queries, and assist with the coordination of social activities within the department. Essential duties and responsibilities of the Senior Secretary include:
▪ Update and maintain the department’s files in accordance with the Central Bank’s Records Management Policies and Procedures;
▪ Assist with drafting, formatting, and/or editing letters, memorandums, emails, minutes of meetings, and other correspondences;
▪ Schedule and coordinate appointments and meetings;
▪ Coordinate travel arrangements for the department’s staff;
▪ Sort and distribute incoming mail and route outgoing mail to respective departments on a timely basis;
▪ Calculate, scan, and email foreign exchange rates to authorize dealers and update on Central Bank’s website;
▪ Prepare requisitions in the Central Bank’s accounting system;
▪ Respond to queries and requests received via the banking Web and;
▪ Perform any other duties assigned.
The applicants should possess the following:
▪ An associate’s degree in business management or a related field from a recognized tertiary institution with at least three years of relevant work experience
▪ Possesses, applies, and maintains a high degree of knowledge to deliver quality work; Possesses time management, organization, and planning skills; Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.
▪ Personal Credibility; Verbal and Written Communication Skills; Interpersonal Skills; Results Orientation; Flexibility/Adaptability; Initiative; Thoroughness; Analytical Thinking; Building Collaborative Relationships
Submit the following documents by Wednesday, 22 February 2023:
▪ CBB Employment Application Form (Available online)
▪ Curriculum Vitae
▪ Three (3) current references (one must be from a previous employer)
▪ Certified copies of university transcripts, degrees, and any other personal certificates
should be addressed to: Manager, Human Resources Department Central Bank of Belize P O Box 852 or Gabourel Lane Belize City, BELIZE Ref: Senior Secretary- Banking, Currency, and Investment Department Email: hr@centralbank.org.bz or online at www.centralbank.org.bz (All applications will be held in strict confidence )
CBA Needed
Minister Bernard – KHMHA –Hospital’s Union Agree
Minister Bernard exclusive for the Belize Times: “A very good meeting was held with the KHMHWU and the Management of KHMH and the Ministry management. Several clarifications and timelines were set in improving communication between KHMH Management and the Union. Also, clarifications were done to all items listed by the Union. The next step is for the Union to come up with a draft Collective Bargaining Agreement” Minister of Health and Wellness joined by his CEO and Director of Public Health and Wellness and the Director of Hospital Services and Allied Health met with the Management Team of Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority and the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Workers Union. The meeting was called by the Minister in order to bring all parties together to address concerns and chart
the way forward. All parties agreed that a Collective Bargaining Agreement framework be developed by the Union within 6 months so that many of the highlighted staffing matters can be once and for all set out in a CBA. The Minister thanked everyone for their input and their commitment to better service to the people we all serve.
Pursuant to Section 22 (2)(c) of The Tax Administration and Procedure Act, Chapter 51 Revised Edition 2020 (TAPA), which grants the Director General of the Belize Tax Service Department (BTSD) the authority to specify the manner in which returns should be filed, including electronically and with electronic signature, the Director General hereby notifies ALL taxpayers that effective April 1, 2023 they will be required to file tax returns and pay all taxes administered by the BTSD online.
In September 2021, the BTSD implemented the Integrated Revenue Information System (IRIS Belize) online portal. Only Large Taxpayers were required to utilize the portal, while all other taxpayers were encouraged to sign up and commence using IRIS Belize voluntarily. However, as part of a phased approach to fully implementing IRIS Belize, as of April 1, 2023, it is mandatory that every taxpayer is registered for an IRIS Belize account.
Thank you! For your service
H.E. David Kuan-Chou Chien
The Governor General Her Excellency Froyla Tzalam as Belize conferred The Order of Distinction on Ambassador of Republic of China - Taiwan H. E. David Kuan Chou Chien.
Ambassador Chien Winding Up Public Appearances
Plaque and Monument Unveiled at the Free Zone
A ceremony in honour of Ambassador David Kuan Chou Chien and the bilateral partnership between Taiwan and Belize was held this morning at the Corozal Free Zone (CFZ). Minister Jose Abelardo Mai and several other members of cabinet, including Hon Florencio Marin Jr., Hon. Kevin Bernard, Hon. Ramon Cervantes and Hon. Ramiro Ramirez, as well as Mayor Rigo Vellos, members of the Board of Directors of the CFZ and invited guests were present.
The ceremony included unveiling of a plaque and monument in honour of the bilateral relationship enjoyed by ROC Taiwan and Belize. Minister Mai thanked Ambassador Chien for the warm relationship developed during his tour, and the continued support for Belize in agriculture and other areas. For his part Ambassador Chien expressed his gratitude for the hospitality and friendship he has enjoyed during his tour.
Ambassador Chien also opened a new water system in Guinea Grass village. He will truly be missed.
Commencing with the tax period ending 31st March 2023, and for subsequent tax periods, taxpayers must electronically file with the BTSD a return required to be filed for the tax period under the relevant tax law and make payment. The Department will no longer be accepting tax payments or filing of tax returns in the office. Payment and returns will only be accepted through the portal. This is aimed at making filing tax returns and paying taxes faster, more convenient, and free while ensuring and fostering the safety and security of the BTSD employees, as well as taxpayers. Equally, this will assist BTSD in providing more efficient and timely service to our taxpayers.
Please be reminded that per the governing tax Acts: The TAPA; The Income and Business Tax Act, Chapter 55 Revised Edition 2020; and The General Sales Tax Act, Chapter 63 Revised Edition 2020 of the Laws of Belize, each taxpayer is under an obligation to pay taxes AND file a return on or before the deadline for each respective tax type.
To register for an IRIS Belize account, visit https://www.irisbelize.bts.gov.bz/CreateAccount
In order to facilitate the transition process, taxpayers may seek technical assistance from the IRIS Belize HELP DESK which may be contacted via telephone at +501 613-8375; +501 6132773; +501 614-5731; +501 613-4711; or email at onlineaccounts_bz@bts.gov.bz during the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM on Mondays-Thursdays, and 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM on Fridays.
Keynote Address
Honorable Christopher Coye
1st Annual Belize Anti-Money Laundering
/Countering the Financing of Terrorism Conference
February 14, 2023
Good morning, distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to deliver these remarks at the opening of the National Anti-Money Laundering Committee’s (NAMLC), First Annual AML/CFT conference. The Prime Minister the Honorable John Briceño could not be here today because of previous commitments but I convey both greetings and congratulations on his and the Cabinet’s behalf.
This conference is being co-sponsored by the National Anti-Money Laundering Committee (NAMLC), the United States Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Embassy and the University of Belize. This conference is another demonstration of my commitment and that of the wider government to provide and otherwise secure the necessary resources to support the promotion of AML/CFT and proliferation financing oversight in Belize. As soon as we took office, we took stock of where we were, including an assessment of our international obligations, especially those related to tax transparency and compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Standards. This Government has a transformational economic plan which is already supplying dividends, as seen in an economic rebound surpassing preCOVID levels. That strategy is reflected in PlanBelize, which I encourage you to take note of. Having said that, I assure you we are strategic in our approach. While Belize is open for business, we want to encourage investments that are durable, equitable and untainted by the specter of illegality. That is clearly the way to resilient economic recovery that will endure for generations to come.
Consequently, the Government relies on NAMLC, an anti-money laundering advisory committee to the government, to be diligent in its oversight of the financial and other sectors of the Belizean economy. It is charged with interagency cooperation to combine resources to develop preventive measures and practices to detect and combat illicit behavior. I am advised that the Committee is finalizing the development of a National Anti-Money Laundering Strategy and Policy for the consideration of Cabinet, a worthwhile venture you will agree.
But, I must also signal our Government’s appreciation to Ambassador Kwan and her team, the United States Embassy (INL) and wider Government of the United States of America for co-sponsoring and supporting this event. We continue to share a vision for democracy and citizen security in this region. The Embassy has aided a wide spectrum of initiatives in Belize and today’s expression of support to the development of enhanced understanding within both the public and private sectors regarding topical AML/ CFT issues is just another example of your goodwill.
Ambassador, on behalf of our Honourable Prime Minister and Cabinet, I formally express our appreciation for your invaluable support. As I am made to understand, your team not only assisted
ours with financing and local logistics, but also in acquiring some excellent subject matter experts from within the global network.
As I review the agenda, I note that it is packed with pertinent, crosscutting discussion topics. But I am assured that the purpose of this event is not limited solely to having interesting discussions, but also to allow for insights and exchange of knowledge into improving anti-money laundering oversight and best practices. It must be noted that the country is preparing for a 4Th Round Mutual evaluation by the Caribbean Financial Acton Task Force, later this year. We must underscore that this is a mutual evaluation of the country, and not just of one sector. It is therefore imperative that we continue to construct those very useful public/private partnerships that have been demonstrated to be so useful as a preventive and deterrent response to financial crime. We are pleased that bankers feel comfortable conversing with themselves and their supervisory authority, but also with the tax authority. Likewise, insurance companies will reach out to the Office of the Supervisor of Insurance but also feel comfortable having a conversation with the Financial Intelligence Unit. And so on. Our focus, then, is not so much on an evaluation report. Rather, it is on developing a lasting business culture of good governance, integrity in business, diligence and oversight which continues to signal Belize as a jurisdiction for safe, sound, and legitimate investment.
Finally, we must applaud Dr. Vincent Palacio, President of the University of Belize and his team for the initiative that was formally launched last night, the Institute of Banking and Finance. The University is collaborating with the service provider Compliance Aid, in developing a program that will provide competent, accredited persons to supply the emerging needs of the financial services sector, both in terms of their prudential and anti-money laundering obligations. With the bringing in force of the Securities Industry Act imminently, it is imperative that we have a cadre of trained, skilled, certified young professionals who can service the needs of a burgeoning industry.
In closing, I urge everyone to see this conference as an opportunity to engage and network with the various competent authorities and their staff to construct future working relationships. And of course, I encourage you, if you are able, to take the time to enjoy the beauty of wonderful Belize, especially its magnificent cayes and magical rainforest. Again, welcome to Belize and God bless everyone.
The deadline for filing TD4’s for the basis year 2022 is February 28, 2023
Below are the listed Online Requirements
1. It is mandatory that employers having more than 25 employees file their PAYE Reconciliation via IRIS Belize Portal.
2. When filing out the PAYERECON Template it is required to enter The Tax Identification Number (TIN) and social security number for each employee. The PAYERECON Template must include all employees whether taxable or non-taxable. (Template can be found on our website www.bts.gov.bz labelled PAYERECON)
3. The Belize Tax Service Department can assist you with Tax Identification Number for the employees for whom you submitted a TD4 supplementary last year. The form BTS101 should be filled out COMPLETELY for any employee who does not have a TIN. (Expired social security cards will not be accepted).
4. Employers are required to ensure that all monthly PAYE submission has been entered in their tax account.
5. If any withheld taxes were paid after the due date, penalties and interest would have accrued and therefore, all such amounts would need to be paid before your TD4’s can be processed. Any outstanding taxes withheld should be paid before processing can begin.
6. Please be informed that if all supporting documents are not attached to the online submission this may result in a delay of the processing of your employees’ returns.
Note for your employees when filing employee return: The BTSD take this opportunity to invite employees, to get registered and utilize the IRIS Belize online portal to file their employee returns for 2022. If your banking information has changed since last filing, please inform us by completing and uploading a vendor authorization form. A credit union or bank account number along with a valid copy of a social security card is required when filing for an Employee Tax Refund. The deadline for your employees to file their employee income tax return is Friday, March 31, 2023. All forms and templates listed above may be found on our website www.bts.gov.bz To register for an IRIS Belize account, visit https://www.irisbelize. bts.gov.bz/CreateAccount
In order to facilitate the transition process, taxpayers may seek technical assistance from the IRIS Belize HELP DESK which may be contacted via telephone at +501 613-8375; +501 613-2773; +501 614-5731; +501 613-4711; or email at onlineaccounts_bz@bts.gov.bz during the hours of 8:00 AM
– 4:00 PM on Mondays-Thursdays, and 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM on Fridays.
University of Belize Banking and Finance Institute Launch
13th February, 2023
Hon. Christopher Coye Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Remarks
Good evening everyone.
Mr. President, Dr. Vincent Palacio, thanks for the opportunity to share some thoughts at tonight’s launch of the University of Belize Institute for Banking and Finance.
This is an important milestone for the university and a critical step forward for Belize. Congratulations and thanks to you and your team for having the vision to make this investment in Belize’s future. UB’s investment in building banking and financial literacy sharpens one of our underutilized capacities – our human capital. Financial literacy as a tool for economic development is important at the individual and at the macro level.
To underscore the value of this investment in our country’s economic development, allow me to share some of our economic experiences over the past couple years, our expectations going forward, as well as relevant policy action our government is taking to engineer true economic transformation toward a diversified, sustainable, inclusive and resilient economy.
Through this administration’s homegrown economic recovery plan, Belize’s economy rebounded solidly from the recession of 2019 and economic fallout of the COVID pandemic in 2020 with supranormal growth rates of 15% and over 10% in 2021 and 2022 respectively. With expected continued economic headwinds of elevated inflation especially on food and fuel prices, a high interest rate environment and uncertainty arising from external factors, it is expected that growth will significantly moderate in 2023 and going forward. While the tourism and BPO sectors have boomed over the past couple years, the primary sector especially citrus and banana has struggled. It is expected that the challenges faced by these export commodities will continue into 2023, if not worsen, while the growth in tourism will begin to moderate. Meanwhile, the BPO sector will become an even more material component of our economy and suck up employment especially of the young labour force while at the same time driving an increase in wages across the labour force.
On the foreign reserves front, both the official reserves held by the Central Bank and the foreign exchange held by the domestic banks have increased substantially over the past couple years to amongst their highest levels in Belize’s history. Central Bank’s reserves alone, for example, are now hovering around $1 billion dollars. That said, it is important that we monitor and manage our foreign reserves carefully going forward as it anchors our currency peg. It is noteworthy
that while the economy has performed very well over the past couple years, we are still experiencing a widening merchandise trade deficit. Furthermore, external debt servicing obligations will increase in the coming years as principal moratorium negotiated with Taiwan to bring us cash flow relief and interest payments in this high interest environment will increase on portions of our external debt that have variable rates. Appropriate policy action is therefore critical.
If we are therefore to permanently elevate the long term historical growth path of our economy of 2% and transform it into a diversified, sustainable, inclusive and resilient one, the challenge of our government will be to continue to implement the right policies. This includes for example policies that support export development, import substitution, investment promotion and the ease of doing business, but most importantly, human capital development through education and training of our young and vibrant labour force.
An area of our economy that I believe where we are way behind is the financial sector. Access to credit to the private sector including small business is severely limited by the offerings of our archaically structured financial sector. For example, the net interest margin for our formal banking sector hovers around 7%, while in more developed markets that margin is nearer to 3%. Needless to say, the cost of credit is far worse at money lending businesses. With chronically high average lending rates in Belize, it is no wonder that our banking system has over $700 million in excess liquidity. What all this translates to is investment lethargy and the slowing of economic activity that if adequately addressed could mean significantly increased income for the broader economy.
To address this problem, we have begun to build financial infrastructure including regulatory mechanisms such as the recently enacted Securities Industry Act and the Credit Reporting Act, which support capital market development and the development of reputational collateral respectively, that will result in the reduction of lend-
ing rates and the net interest margin, and ultimately access to cheaper credit.
A Public Private Partnership Unit in the Ministry of Finance has also been established to support larger scale investment opportunities to build infrastructure without increasing external debt while the Fiscal Incentives Act has recently been enacted to encourage the ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit of our people especially small business.
It is extremely difficult to make meaningful headway with these financial infrastructure enhancements however without human capital development in financial literacy and competency.
edgeable enough to meaningfully participate within our financial processes and systems. In Belize, only 46.7% of adults are considered financially aware based on their self-understanding of financial services, products, and terms, according to our Central Bank.
With the establishment of this Banking and Finance Institute, UB has stepped forward and expressed its willingness to play its part in building the financial literacy of our people.
This Institute can strengthen our capacities beyond basic accounting, to auditing, corporate governance, financial analysis, industry analysis, among other areas. It can conduct research to help investors make data informed decisions, it can provide certification programs for those wishing to work in the financial sector, it can lead general financial education and awareness campaigns to generate interest and confidence in the financial sector. And equally important, the Institute can help us stay abreast of the innovations in the international financial system so we may be better able to confidently engage and take advantage of new financial tools and instruments.
Increasing financial literacy across all sectors and levels of our economy is essential to the success of any economic transformation we attempt. The Asian Development Bank Institute defines financial literacy as “people’s understanding of financial concepts as well as their skills and ability to manage money and make informed financial decisions.” Over the past ten years, according to the Development Bank of Latin America, financial inclusion levels have increased in Latin America and the Caribbean, but about half of the population in the region still lack access to formal financial services. An overarching cause of this lies within the shortcomings of the institutional framework, however, a lack of financial inclusion is also a key component of this problem. People do not feel comfortable or knowl-
President Palacio, I urge you and the UB Banking and Finance Institute to be bold and innovative, to seek partnerships with cutting edge institutions. Today’s first step highlights your decision to chart a new direction; it harnesses our momentum and strengthens our belief in ourselves and in our ability to build a sustainable, inclusive and resilient future.
Thank you!
PHONE: 302-3708
Northern Medical Plaza invites applications from experienced, dynamic, energetic, self-motivated and professional individuals for the following vacancy of a GENERAL DOCTOR
•Bachelors in Medicine
Knowledge &Skills
•Excellent communication skills both written and oral
•Computer literate prefer working knowledge of Microsoft word, excel or access.
•Ability to work well with staff and peers on a professional and personal level.
General Practitioner must be registered with the Belize Medical Council.
Applications close: February 24th, 2023. Please submit application letter and three
References to:
General Manager
Northern Medical Specialty Plaza Ltd.
Orchid Drive, BSI Area Orange Walk Town
FEB 2023 northern medical specialty plaza
Governor General Swears in New Ombudsman
Belize Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP)
Loan No.: 9347-BE
Project ID No.: P172592
Assignment Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): CS 13
The Government of Belize has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
Belmopan, February 10, 2023.
The Governor General Her Excellency Dame Froyla Tzalam today swore in Major (Ret’d) Herman Gilbert Swazo as Belize’s new Ombudsman.
Major Swazo’s appointment was officially announced during a Senate Meeting held on December 14, 2022. His appointment is for a period of three years effective January 1, 2023. He succeeds Mr. Lionel Arzu, who held the post of Ombudsman from 2013 to 2021.
Prior to his appointment, Major Swazo held the post of Ports Commissioner.
On February 11, 2023, the Belize Youth Movement held yet another initiating ceremony for a Suga City BYM Chapter for the Orange Walk District. BYM’s OW Chapter welcomes 6 new members to the executive, which is led by President – Alo de la Fuente, Ever Delgado – Vice-President, Glenn Tillett – Chief of Staff, Kevin Trejo – Treasurer, Gilvarie Barnard – Secretary, and Danika Shepard – Assistant Secretary.
Present at the ceremony was Prime Minister, Area Representative for Orange Walk Central and PUP Party Leader Hon. John Briceño, Hon. Rodwell Ferguson, Sr., Deputy Leader – South, Area Representative Stann Creek West, and Minister of Youth, Sport, and Transport, Hon Ramon “Monchi” Cervantes, Area Representative and Minister of State, His Worship Ladrick Sheppard Mayor of Orange Walk Town, Marissa Cervantes, BYM National President, and other invited guests
The newly sworn-in members stand ready to work. Five chapters now have BYM representation: Belize District, Corozal District, San Pedro Town, City of Belmopan, and, now, the Orange Walk District. Other chapters are being worked on. More details we are forthcoming.
The consulting services (“the Services”) is for a suitable qualified fulltime PROJECT STAFFMONITORING AND EVALUATION SPECIALIST as part of the Project Implementation Unit of the CRESAP within the Belize Social Investment Fund. The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be part of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and will be in charge of the overall planning, monitoring and evaluation responsibility of the project during its execution, and will provide guidance and support to the PIU during the implementation phase so that the Project Development Objectives (PDO) and impacts are achieved in accordance with the Project Operation Manual (POM) and the Climate Smart Matching Grant Operation Manual (MGOM)
The GOB has appointed the Belize Social Investment Fund (BSIF) as the implementing agency for the project and the BSIF is seeking to recruit an individual to fill the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
The consultancy is expected to be for an initial period of Twenty-four (24) months commencing March 2023. The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be supervised by the Project Coordinator (PC) of the CRESAP.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained by submitting a request in writing via e-mail to procurement.cresap@sifbelize.org or at the following link https://sifbelize. org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Monitoring_and_Evaluation_Specialist_TOR-FinalPDF.pdf on the website of BSIF at www.sifbelize.org
The Belize Social Investment Fund now invites eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (such as cover letter, Curriculum Vitae etc.).
Minimum Mandatory Requirements *(Required)
Bachelor’s degree in development studies, statistics, social science, agriculture, rural development, project management, or any other field related to the assignment.
General Experience
Five years of proven working experience in planning, monitoring and evaluation from internationally funded projects (i.e., World Bank, CDB, EU, UNDP, FAO, IFAD, etc.) with reference to the agriculture sector. (Max 20 points)
*If these minimum requirements are not met, the candidates will not be considered for the process*
Additional Requirements (Desirable)
Specific Experience
• At least five years’ experience in designing and implementation of M&E systems. (Max 15 points)
• At least five years’ experience in the application of M&E methodologies and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory) (Max 15 points)
• At least five years’ experience in the preparation and use of the logical framework/ theory of change and other strategic planning approaches (Max 15 points)
• At least 3 years’ experience in training M&E systems and implementation (Max 10 points)
• At least 3 years’ experience in facilitating learning-oriented analysis sessions of M&E data with multiple stakeholders. (Max 10 points)
• At least 3 years’ experience in working with age and gender disaggregated indicators. (Max 10 points)
• At least 3 years’ experience in informative analysis and report writing. (Max 5 points)
Minimum total points required to be considered for the assignment is 75 points.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection of Individual Consultant method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours, i.e., 0800 to 1600 hours Belize Time.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail) by February 27, 2023 at 16:00 hours Belize Time
Belize Social Investment Fund
Attn: Ian Ramirez, Procurement Officer
P.O. Box 459, 1902 Constitution Drive (3rd Floor), Belmopan, Belize Telephone +501-822-0239
Email: procurement.cresap@sifbelize.org
Left to Right in the Picture are Kevin Trejo – Treasurer, Danika Sheppard – Assistant Secretary, Hon. Rodwell Ferguson Sr. - Minister of Youth, Sports, and Transport, Alo de la Fuente - President, Glenn Tillett – Chief of Staff, Gilvarie Barnard – Secretary, Ever Delgado – Vice-President.
February 13, 2023
The University of Belize Launches the UB Institute of Banking and Finance
The University of Belize is pleased to launch and operationalize its third institute, the UB Institute of Banking and Finance (UB-IBF). For the first time, Belizeans will have the opportunity to do their AML and other finance certification courses and training at home making it more convenient and cost effective for participants. The institute will be able to assist financial organizations including banks, credit unions, insurance companies, real estate firms, among others that are required by law to ensure proper training programs are in place for their staff.
The UB IBF had already forged strong partnerships with other national institutions such as the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and the Financial Services Commission. It is through these relationships that UB and the UB IBF have been invited to be a member of the National Anti Money Laundering Committee. Additionally, the FSC has provided financial support and has been instrumental in giving guidance and offering keen insights into Belize’s Financial Sector.
With the passing of the Securities Industry Act in 2021, an opportunity has been created for the development of a sophisticated financial ecosystem. The institute will be able to provide the training and development needed for the human capital which will operate in the financial sector. In addition, a gap exists for specialized training, research and expertise in the field of finance which the UB Institute of Banking and Finance will be able to serve.
The general aims of the institution are to:
· Provide AML and other compliance certification courses in the field of finance
· Foster the application of sound fundamental concepts and financial management tools.
· Apply financial management concepts and tools to the decisions faced by a manager in risk management and investment decisions.
· Appraise the risk profile of entities; including calculating the costs of capital, debt and equity using financial data.
· Examine the operations of capital markets: the equity, bond and the derivatives markets, along with the operations of the capital and securities industry.
· Assess the current developments in the international financial environment and the implications for our local financial entities.
The institute will be headed by a full time coordinator whose office will be located in the Gian Ghandi Building, at the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (FMSS), West Landivar, Belize City. The UB is greatly appreciative of the support and resources provided to the UB IBF by the FIU and the Financial Services Commission in particular. END.
GENERAL’S MINISTRY Tel: (501) 223-5625/223-7405
Corner Queen Street and Barrack Road Belize City, Belize, Central America
Public Notice
Please be informed that the Vital Statistics Unit offices country wide will be closed from February 20th to 23rd, 2023.
The closure of the office is to facilitate staff training. Normal working hours will resume on Friday, February 24th, 2023.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS2 Contract Number: W/CDF-03/2022 National Competitive Bidding
(NCB) Deadline: February 27th, 2023
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Mahogany Heights Water Supply System, Mahogany Heights Village, Belize District, Belize.
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:
The contract proposes to:
The contract proposes the installation of a chlorinator and the upgrading of the system’s electrical components in Mahogany Heights, Belize District, Belize.
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Mahogany Heights, Belize District, Belize.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this contract.
6. Qualification requirements include (a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2021 and 2022 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$11,955.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$35,865.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$9,000.00 of which not more than BZ$4,500.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$215,190.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for contracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting January 30th, 2022, on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Mahogany Heights Water Supply System, Mahogany Heights Village, Belize District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., February 27th 2023 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:15 a.m., February 27th, 2023 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$ 360.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 13th, 2023. The link is https://bit.ly/31ACuQU Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
10. The address referred to above is:
Contact: Ms. Angeles Itzab Senior
Officer Social Investment Fund
3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive Belmopan Cayo District Tel: 822-0239/822-0508
E-mail: angeles.itzab@sifbelize.org
cc: carlos.tun@sifbelize.org
Hon. Kevin Bernard 1st Div. Male Tournament
Caribbean Rum Boyz 3-peat champs
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project
Country: Belize Project: CARICOM Development Fund Grant No: BZE/G00011 Project ID: CDF/00011/WS3 Contract Number: W/CDF-04/2022 National Competitive Bidding (NCB) Deadline: February 27th 2023
1. The Government of Belize has received funding through the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) towards implementation of a project that focuses on improving water supply systems in four (4) communities and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contract for Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Georgville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
tors for the construction of the following:
statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2018, 2019, 2020,
2. The Social Investment Fund, a Statutory Corporation, established under the Social Investment Fund Act No. 3 of 1996 and located at Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District, hereby invites tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the construction of the following:
The contract proposes to:
The contract proposes the installation of a chlorinator and the upgrading of the system’s electrical components in Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
3. Final (Project Site) Destination as specified in BDS: Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize.
4. Belize Social Investment Fund now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the construction works in the aforementioned areas.
5. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the CARICOM Development Fund’s Guidelines for Procurement (May 2010), and are open to all countries of the world are eligible to tender for this contract.
6. Qualification requirements include
(a) The bidder shall furnish unaudited or audited financial statements (balance sheets with corresponding notes, income statement, and statements of cash flow) of the firm for years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to demonstrate the current soundness of the bidder’s financial position (b) Bidders should have general experience under contracts in the role of contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for the years 2019, 2021 and 2022 with activity of at least five (5) months in each year starting 1st January, 2019 (c) Bidders should have specific experience as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor, or subcontractor, between 1st January 2011 and the bid submission deadline and should have less than or equal to three (3) contracts, each of a minimum value of BZ$11,420.00, but with a total value of all contracts equal or more than BZ$34,260.00 (d) demonstrate cash flow requirement: capacity to have a cash flow amount of BZ$8,600.00 of which not more than BZ$4,300.00 can be credit for materials (e) an average annual turnover of BZ$205,560.00 which shall be calculated as total certified payments received for contracts completed within the best two (2) years of the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (e) other provided in the respective Bid Documents.
The Caribbean Rum Boyz 3-peated as champions of the Hon. Kevin Bernard 1st Division football tournament, by a 1-0 win over Progresso FC in the finals organized by the Orange Walk Football Association at the Louisiana Government School field on Sunday afternoon, February 12.
. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Mahogany Heights Water Supply System, Mahogany Heights Village, Belize District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
An own goal made the difference…as an inadvertent error by Progresso FC defender Nigel Carlos sent the ball into the back of his own net to give the 2-time defending champs a 1-0 lead at the 7th minute. Jaheim Augustine, Alwyn Zelaya, Davis “Hondo” Solorzano, Ricky Valdez, Russel Cassanova and Nazim Aldana pressed for more goals, while Progresso’s Nestor “Chelito” Heredia, Hector Carlos, Armando Chi, Mark Hemsley and Tivi Ramos sought desperately to equalize.
7. A secured “sample” electronic Bid document can be shared with interested Bidders at the address below, starting January 30th 2023, on week days between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for viewing purpose only (has a time restriction for viewing). A complete set of Bidding documents (hard-copy or electronic version) can be purchased by interested bidder upon payment of a non-refundable fee of BZ$150.00. Requests may be made by personal application or in writing to the address below. Written applications must be clearly marked: “Installation of a Chlorinator and the Upgrading of the System’s Electrical Components for the Georgeville Water Supply System, Georgeville Village, Cayo District, Belize”. The method of payment will be by cash deposited to, or Bank transfer to BSIF’s Bank Account only. Banking details can be requested at the address below. Cash payment will not be accepted at the BSIF Office.
But the Rum Boys’ defenders Richard Gillett and Harlan Cassanova gave no quarter, to secure the 1-0 championship win.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., February 27th 2023 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:15 a.m., February 27th, 2023 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$ 360.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
8. Deadline for bids is at or before 10:00 a.m., February 27th 2023 at the address below. Bids will be opened at 10:30 a.m., February 27th, 2023 at the Social Investment Fund, 3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive, Belmopan, Cayo District in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to participate. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. All bids must be accompanied by a “Bid Security” of BZ$ 350.00 or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency or Bank Guarantee. The bid validity period is 90 days.
Minister Hon. Kevin Bernard was joined by Orange Walk Mayor Ladrick Sheppard and president Sergio Chuc of the Football Federation of Belize in presenting team trophies and individual medals to the champions and sub champions.
Individual awards:
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 13th, 2023. The link is https://bit.ly/31ACuQU Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
9. A Virtual Pre-bid meeting with interested eligible bidders will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, February 13th, 2023. The link is https://bit.ly/31ACuQU Bidders can participate in the meeting to address any queries about the bidding document or the scope of works. Persons who purchase packages are urged to attend.
10. The address referred to above is:
MVP - Alwin Zelaya - Caribbean Rum Boys
10. The address referred to above is:
Most Goals - Michael Rivas - San Jose Pumas, Edward Reid received on his behalf
Contact: Ms. Angeles Itzab
Senior Procurement Officer
Social Investment Fund
Best Midfielder – Nestor Heredia - Progresso FC
Contact: Ms. Angeles Itzab
Senior Procurement Officer
Social Investment Fund
3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive
Best Defense (Posthumous) - Jose Cacho Guy (R.I.P.) His sister Yamily Guy received it on his behalf.
3rd Floor, #1902 Constitution Drive
Belmopan Cayo District
Tel: 822-0239/822-0508
Best goalkeeper Emir Garcia – San Jose Pumas
E-mail: angeles.itzab@sifbelize.org
Best Coach - Israel Canul - Caribbean Rum Boys
cc: carlos.tun@sifbelize.org
Team with Most Fans - San Jose Pumas
Special awards were also presented to the tournament sponsor, Minister Bernard, FFB president Sergio Chuc, and Corporal Vidal Cajun (posthumously).
Belmopan Cayo District
Tel: 822-0239/822-0508
E-mail: angeles.itzab@sifbelize.org
cc: carlos.tun@sifbelize.org
Caribbean Rum Boyz - Harlna Casanova receives Champions trophy
MVP - Alwyn Zelaya
Belize Water Services Limited
Press Release
BWS to issue Series II Debentures
Belize City, February 13, 2023:
Belize Water Services Limited (BWS) informs interested parties that it will shortly be offering its second Debenture series issue (Series II). BWS is currently completing the third year of its 2020-2025 Full Five-year Business Plan. As approved by the Public Utilities Commission, BWS’ Business Plan has identified the requirement for funds to invest in continued asset expansion and improvement. As a result, the company intends to raise $40 million through this debenture offering. These capital investment projects are needed to meet increasing customer demand and to provide a secured and continuous supply of services by mitigating identified risks, including climate resiliency.
BWS has turned a profit each year, over the last nineteen (19) years of operation, including the last three years of reduced activity due to COVID19. The company is proud to have continued to meet all our financial obligations including debt serving, interest and principal commitments to Series I debentures, and consistent payment of dividends to shareholders.
BWS is in the process of developing a prospectus and appointing a fiscal agent. These debentures will be secured by BWS Indenture on its fixed assets, which are valued at over $260 million . BWS anticipates that the offer will be open to the public within the next few weeks.
BWS has engaged PPF Financial Services Ltd. to provide advisory services and bring the debenture offer to market.
For further information contact:
BWS – invest@bwsl.com.bz
PPF Financial Services – info@ppf.financial
Customers can contact us using any of the following: Toll Free: 0-800-CALL-BWS (0-800-225-5297) or 0-800-BWS-LEAK (0-800-297-5325)
Regular Land Line: +501-222-4757
WhatsApp: +501-614-BWSL (614-2975) or +501-600-5755
Email: customercare@bwsl.com.bz