Luxury Life MAGAZINE Christmas Edition 2013

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No 19 Christmas Edition

2013 I 2014





B A H N H O F S T R A S S E 25 8001 Z U R I C H W W W. L A — S E R L A S . C H P H O N E + 4 1 4 4 2 1 2 0 6 0 8

Dear friends of Luxury Life

“When the wind of change blows, some build walls, others build windmills.“ Chinese Proverb

Publishers: Renato Schweizer & his daughter Patricia Schweizer

«Wenn der Wind des Wandels weht, bauen die Einen Schutzmauern, die Anderen bauen Windmühlen.» Chinesische Weisheit

Thanks to our optimism, we fall into the windmill-building camp.

Unserem Optimismus sei Dank, dass wir uns seit

In keeping with the spirit of this Chinese proverb, we’re happy

jeher zu denjenigen zählen, die Windmühlen

to announce that we’re also using the wind of change to strike

bauen. Passend zu dieser chinesischen Weisheit

out on new paths.

ist es uns eine Freude Ihnen anzukündigen, dass

Luxury Life MAGAZINE started out a few years ago as a small

auch wir den Wandel der Zeit nutzen, um neue

family business. Over the past six years, it’s successfully grown in

Wege zu beschreiten. Luxury Life MAGAZINE,

the European market. From 2014, we’ll be expanding to the

vor einigen Jahren ins Leben gerufen, als kleines

Asian market. It’s the beginning of a new era and we’re increasing

Familienunternehmen, welches innert 6 Jahren

our circulation to 85,000 in over 11 destinations. The five new

erfolgreich im europäischen Markt wachsen

markets are: Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and

durfte, wird ab 2014 neu auch im asiatischen

Peking. What better place for a high quality advertising platform

Markt Einzug halten. Wir beschreiten eine neue

and attractive reader medium than Asia, the world’s fastest gro-

Ära und erhöhen unsere Auflage weltweit auf

wing market? On that note, we wish you not only fulfilling Christ-

85‘000 Exemplare in über 11 Destinationen.

mas holidays, but also useful ideas which will make your 2014

Die fünf neuen Märkte sind Dubai, Singapur,

a year of positive changes.

Hong Kong, Shanghai und Peking. Wo ist eine hochwertige Werbeplattform, ein attraktives

”Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore“ André Gide (1869-1951), French author, 1947 Nobel Prize Winner.

Most cordially your Luxury Life Team

Lesermedium besser platziert als in Asien, dem weltweit am schnellsten wachsenden Markt? In diesem Sinne wünschen wir Ihnen, nebst erfüllten Weihnachtstagen, wertvolle Ideen, wie auch Sie Ihr 2014 zu einem Jahr der positiven Veränderungen machen können. Editorial




BURGESS Superyacht Charter


Born to race – Bentley Continental GT3




Urban Lifestyle in the very Heart of Vienna


Between Heaven and Earth there is a Place


Christmas Gifts Wish List


If it can be dreamt – It can be built


Luxury Shopping Experience


Enjoy and cuddling


Jewellery Dreams come true...


Hair & Jewel


Watch me now


A unique Swiss made Masterpiece

Für mein romantisches Rendezvous: Pop und klassische Liebeslieder

Für mein Couture Einkaufserlebnis: Die neuesten Kollektionen vom Laufsteg

Musik- und Visuellunterhaltung für jede Stimmung.

Ich bin nicht die gleiche Person bei jedem Flug. Meine Welt ist luxuriös und ich lebe meine Stimmungswechsel. Eine persönliche Begleitung durch das Check-in und Passkontrolle an Bangkoks Flughafen Suvarnabhumi geniesse ich immer, auch werde ich dort mit einer Spa-Behandlung verwöhnt. An Bord, eine erlesene Gourmetselektion, PrivatsphäreOptionen mit dem zum bequemen Bett wandelbaren Sitz und immer neuesten Unterhaltungsprogramm, was möchte ich heute? Das muss ich jetzt noch nicht entscheiden. Am Board der Royal First Klasse wähle ich, was und wann ich will. Ich fliege THAI.

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Rolls-Royce – Noblesse oblige


Valuable Cultural Assets


Lonely at the Top – Executive Sparring


J‘ade – 60 Metres of Elegancy


Smooth as Silk


Luxurious Barefoot Feeling


Mission Bathroom – Interview with Philippe Grohe


Where Luxury meets the Ocean


News & Previews


Born to be a Major


Re-opening of a Gstaad Legend


Must Have Christmas


And when is Cuba‘s turn ?

t s

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CHARTERS Chartering a superyacht is one of the world’s most extraordinary holiday experiences. Comparable to membership of an elite private club, superyachts attract a loyal following of wealthy individuals who are accustomed to and expect only the very best.

Apart from the obvious opulence which these magnificent vessels impart, the high crew to guest ratio ensures fastidious standards. Crews are not only exceptionally service-orientated, but are trained to set the perfect pace whether for a formal group of retired couples, a more lively gathering of fortysomething hedge funders or a family with jetskiing teenagers. “Many of our clients are regular charterers, returning year after year, secure in the knowledge

Feel the soothing warmth of the late afternoon sun as you enjoy a massage on the peaceful top deck of a gleaming white superyacht. Catch fresh ocean breezes and glorious views as you step ashore to explore secluded beaches or picturesque ports. Enjoy the ultimate in luxury, relaxation and privacy attended by a discreet professional crew.

There is no limit to the extravagance or the simplicity you can enjoy on a private yacht charter.

that their every requirement will be matched to perfection,” explains Group Charter Director, Neil Hornsby. “The speed, performance and style of the yacht, the accommodation configuration, communication and entertaining facilities, the deck layout, watersports equipment, the nationality of the chef, along with many other factors are all taken into consideration by our charter experts,” adds Hornsby. Yachting


Confidentiality and discretion are the hallmarks of the Burgess charter service and all yachts are subjected to regular first-hand inspections – from carpets and crystalware to engine rooms and speedboats. Whether exploring a deserted island paradise in the Bahamas, snorkelling among ancient ruins in Southern Turkey or enjoying a languid lobster lunch at anchor under Positano’s towering cliffs, you have total freedom of choice. Lingering longer or moving onto the next perfect bay or adding an unexpected port of call is easily accomplished because of the flexible nature of private yacht charter. Neil Hornsby recalls designing a 25th anniversary charter. “The couple was enthralled by our recommendation for the first few days of the charter : breakfast in Portofino, lunch in Monte Carlo and dinner in St Tropez, followed by a leisurely ten days exploring the rugged delights of Western Corsica before finishing up on Sardinia’s Costa Smeralda. They immediately grasped the uniqueness of this scenario compared with lying by the pool of even the Riviera’s most celebrated resort or luxury villa for days on end”. According to Hornsby, the Mediterranean and the Caribbean are the most favoured superyacht charter destinations, but “Burgess serves a very broad international clientele through our strategically located

Weekly prices start at around Euros 75,000 per week rising to about Euros 750,000 per week for the largest superyachts and exclude operating expenses such as fuel, port dues, meals, bar bills and so forth. There can be no doubt that there is little to rival the unique attractions and privileges of chartering a private superyacht. Not forgetting, of course, the sheer glamour factor. Established nearly 40 years ago, Burgess is the world’s premier specialist in superyachts, with divisions dedicated to charter, sale and purchase, management and technical services. For further charter information, please call any Burgess office : London :

+44 20 7766 4300


+377 97 97 81 21

New York: +1 212 223 0410 Miami:

+1 305 672 0150


+7 495 220 2402

Also offices in Palma, Athens and Seattle.

arranging charters all over the world, including New England, Central America, Alaska, the Indian Ocean, the South Pacific, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and South-East Asia.”



© Copyright : Burgess 2013

offices” he continues, “and our charter consultants are adept at

Burgess. The complete superyacht service. Whether you want to buy, build or borrow one of the world’s finest superyachts, Burgess are the authority.

London +44 20 7766 4300 Monaco +377 97 97 81 21 New York +1 212 223 0410 Miami +1 305 672 0150 SALE & PURCHASE | CHARTER | TECHNICAL SERVICES | MANAGEMENT |

BENTLEY CONTINENTAL GT3 Following the principle ‘Away with luxury, boost the power‘, Bentley‘s

Ganz nach dem Motto «Luxus raus und Power rein», präsentiert sich

new Continental GT3 was presented for the first time on the occasion

Bentley‘s neuer Continental GT3, der anlässlich des Goodwood Festival

of the Goodwood Festival of Speed in July, unveiling a racing machine

of Speed im Juli erstmals vorgestellt wurde. Er wurde konzipiert, um das

set to explore the extreme potential of Bentley‘s iconic Grand Tourer, the

extreme Potenzial von Bentleys gefeiertem Grand Tourer, dem ContiConti-

Continental GT. The Continental GT3 is powered by a race-prepared

nental GT, weiter auszuloten. Für den Antrieb des Continental GT3

and dry-sump version of Bentley’s powerful but efficient 4.0-litre twin-

sorgt eine auf den Renneinsatz ausgelegte und mit TrockensumpfschmieTrockensumpfschmie-

turbo V8, with many components carried over from the road-going enen-

rung optimierte Version des kraftvollen und zugleich effizienten 4,0-Liter-

gine. Developing up to 600 bhp in unrestricted race configuration

Twinturbo-V8 von Bentley. Im Rennmotor kommen viele Komponenten

via a motorsport engine management system, the V8 provides the GT3

aus dem Serienaggregat zum Einsatz. Unter Rennbedingungen ent-

with highly competitive power in a compact and lightweight package

wickelt das von einer sportoptimierten Motorsteuerung geregelte TriebTrieb-

that’s perfect for racing. Power is transmitted to the rear wheels via a

werk eine Leistung von bis zu 608 PS. Mit Hilfe des V8 profitiert der

carbon fibre propshaft to an Xtrac six-speed sequential gearbox with a

GT3 von einem leistungsfähigen, kompakten und leichten Motor, der

limited slip differential, mounted as a transaxle for optimised weight

sich ideal für den Renneinsatz eignet. Die Kraft wird über eine aus

distribution. Gear actuations are completed via a pneumatic shift sys-

Carbonfasern gefertigte Kardanwelle sowie ein sequentielles und zur

tem, controlled by paddles mounted to the steering wheel. The Conti-

Optimierung der Gewichtsverteilung in Transaxle-Bauweise ausgeführtes

nental GT3 now starts its programme of developmental track work, focus-

Xtrac-6-Gang- Getriebe mit Sperrdifferenzial an die Hinterräder übertra-

sing on optimising the car’s performance based on simulations and

gen. Die Gangwechsel werden über die am Lenkrad montierten Schalt-

refining the car’s abilities. Once homologation with the FIA has been

wippen eingeleitet und von einer pneumatischen Steuerung automatisch

completed, the GT3 will enter its first development races before starting

umgesetzt. Nach dem Abschluss der Homologation durch die FIA wird

full competition in the FIA Blancpain Series in 2014.

der GT3 seine ersten Vorbereitungsrennen bestreiten, damit er 2014 in der FIA Blancpain-Serie starten kann.



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Representing the interests of its clients is the company’s uppermost priority. Consultancy services are therefore always customized and tailor-made to the needs and requirements of the individual client, who the consultant works together with to find suitable low-cost, independent and transparent solutions.

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Due to the freedom to provide services, the company based in Vaduz, Liechtenstein is able to manage the finances of its clients throughout Europe, where-

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Trussardi SS 2014

Mulberry SS 2014

Louis Vuitton SS 2014 Tom Ford SS 2014


4 3 1







1 MuLBErrY Willow Tote, Spring Summer 2014. 2 LOuIS VuITTON Garden in Hell Tuffetage Cabas North-South. 3 A-K-r-I-S AI Medium Laser Cut Leather Bag 45. 4 MuLBErrY Autumn Winter 2014. 5 ChArLOTTE OLYMPIA Taurus Ballet Shoe. 6 ALExANdEr MCQuEEN Embroidered Velvet Court. 7 dOLCE & gABBANA Portofino Oxford. 8 LOuIS VuITTON Slipper “Garden in Hell”.


E. Breuninger GmbH & Co. Marktstraße 1-3 70173 Stuttgart


Sans Souci Wien, Lobby

Sans Souci Wien, Spa Club Pool

Urban Lifest yle

IN ThE VErY VErY hEAr hEArTT OF VIENNA The Sans Souci Wien is the perfect mix of lifestyle, design and art in a

Das Sans Souci Wien bietet die perfekte Mischung aus Lifestyle, Design

sought-after location in the trendy Spittelberg district of Vienna, directly

und Kunst in bester Lage im Trendviertel Spittelberg, direkt gegenüber

across from the Museums Quartier.

dem Museums Quartier.

The interior of the Sans Souci was designed by the innovative London

Hinter dem Wohndesign des Sans Souci steckt das innovative Londoner

design studio yoo, who have given all the light-flooded, individually fur-

Designkollektiv yoo, die die hellen Räume individuell wie stylish ausge-

nished rooms their stylish look. The building features a combination of

stattet haben. Insgesamt wird das Haus von einer Mischung aus Alt und

old and new throughout – original pieces from Roy Lichtenstein are

Neu geprägt: Originale von Roy Lichtenstein findet man ebenso wie

placed harmoniously alongside classic designs and antiques.

Designklassiker und Antiquitäten.

In the “La Véranda” restaurant, creative dishes are prepared using

Im Restaurant «La Véranda» werden kreative Gerichte mit biologischen,

organic, regional and seasonal products. “Le Bar”, which specialises

regionalen und saisonalen Produkten zubereitet. «Le Bar» ist ein Rückzugs-

in exquisite champagnes, is a haven for smokers.

ort für Raucher und hat sich auf exquisite Champagnersorten spezialisiert.

The elegant, 450 sqm Sans Souci Spa Club, with its two treatment

Der elegante Sans Souci Spa Club ist mit zwei Behandlungsräumen,

rooms, a fitness room (cardio, strength, kinesis), three saunas (including

einem Fitnessraum (Ausdauer, Kraft, Kinesis), drei Saunen (inklusive

a ladies’ spa), a steam bath, a sunbathing lawn and a 20 m sports

Ladies‘ Spa), einem Dampfbad, einer Sonnenwiese und einem 20 m

swimming pool, is an oasis of relaxation. The ultimate retreat in the very

langem Sport Pool eine Wellnessoase auf 450 m². Der perfekte Rück-

centre of the city.

zugsort mitten in der Stadt!

Sans Souci Wien I Burggasse 2 I 1070 Vienna I Austria I Tel. 0043 (0)1 – 522 25 20 I I


Sans Souci Wien, Jaguar Suite


hOTEL FIrEFLY IN ZErMATT Dive into the winter wonderland of Zermatt and leave your worries be-

Tauchen Sie ein in die winterliche Märchenwelt von Zermatt und lassen

hind. This small, charming hotel with its 16 suites, which are furnished

Sie den Alltag hinter sich. Das kleine charmante Hotel Firefly mit seinen

with quality materials, leaves nothing to be desired.

16 Suiten, welches liebevoll mit hochwertigen Materialien ausgestattet ist, lässt keine Wünsche offen.

True to the motto „The encounter with people is what makes life worth living“, the Firefly team leads you in a world of warmth and well-being

Ganz nach dem Motto «Es sind die Begegnungen mit Menschen, die

and ensures to experience your unique dream vacation. The team is

das Leben lebenswert machen» entführt sie das Firefly Team in eine

pleased to be part of your precious time and it is looking forward to

Welt voller Herzlichkeit und Wohlbefinden und sorgt dafür, dass Sie

offer you greatest comfort.

ihre persönlichen Traumferien erleben. Das Team freut sich jetzt schon darauf, Sie so richtig verwöhnen zu dürfen.

hotel Firefly I Schluhmattstr. 55 I 3920 Zermatt I Switzerland I Tel. 0041 (0)27 967 76 76 I I


Triple Plant Stem Cell Plus Collection® the Ultimate in Anti Aging for a timeless beautiful skin.




Swissness pure









Timeless Swiss Skin Care

It is a high quality Swiss Skin Care Concept that combines my vision and my 25 years of experience in the beauty and cosmetic industry – the best of nature and Swiss Bio Technology.

All the formulas have been supplemented with our special formulation of ingredients and have been carefully chosen to improve the tone, the texture and the protection of the skin.

Each care product in the capsule collection contains the revolutionary combination of three plant stem cells. The extracts of apple, grape and Alpine rose are obtained with the aid of pioneering PhytoCellTec™ bio high technology.

May your dreams come true for a timeless beautiful skin. Timeless Skin

Christmas Gifts WISh LIST



SENSAI ULTIMATE THE CONCENTRATE, a concentration of riches to change skin’s destiny. ThOMAS FrIEdEN SWISS JEWELLErS Collection Oeil Magique, Pendant white gold, CHF 21,500. LALIQuE Vase Mustang, Collection paysage d‘hiver. BALMAIN Embellished Pouch, GBP 2,125. CENTurY Prima Donna, Precious Elegance,18 ct. red gold. LA SErLAS Enchanting pair of flower ear studs set with white diamonds and yellow diamonds. ChrISTOFLE Bowl Marly, Réedition, Limited Edition, EUR 70,000. PhILIPP PLEIN High heel „orient“, EUR 1,350.

nature‘s glittering temptation www.

Adam ∙ Olten

Kirchhofer ∙ Interlaken

Schindler ∙ Zermatt

Beyer ∙ Zürich

Maissen ∙ Klosters

Villiger ∙ Gstaad

Gut ∙ St. Gallen

Scherbel ∙ St. Moritz

Zigerli + Iff ∙ Bern

Christmas Gifts WISh LIST



ArMANI/PrIVÉ Haute Couture Fragrances, Myrrhe Impériale, CHF 305. hArrOdS OF LONdON Connie Chinchilla Wrap, GBP 3,099. LANCÔME L‘Absolu Rouge, Caprice (132), CHF 59. JACQuELINE PIOTAZ SWITZErLANd Triple Plant Stem Cell Plus Luxury Collection®, EUR 795. PhILIPS CitiScape Headphones, Foldie, EUR 69,99. CALYPSOCrYSTAL Collection Fury, Milan Handycover, EUR 690. MOLLEruS Bag Durban, colour brandy, CHF 699. PhILIPP PLEIN Gloves square, EUR 450. SÉLECTION ChOCOLATIErS The Christmas Edition of Sélection Chocolatiers, this season‘s collection of the finest handmade creations from seven different Swiss chocolatiers, CHF 69.

Christmas Gifts WISh LIST



ESPrESSO VELOCE Espresso machine V12, limited edition of 500 pieces, EUR 12,500. TF EST. 1968 Workshop-ethos ballpoint pens, ClockWork, rose gold and black. POLTrONA FrAu Armchair “Mamy Blue“, designed by Roberto Lazzeroni. CENTurY Elegance Chronograph GMT, Esquire. PECCAdILLO is a swiss made, new and refreshingly different kind of praline, PhILIPP PLEIN hOMME Blazer “Lord“, EUR 1,398. ArMAggAN Leather products, Pillow, Box, Notebooks, Magazine Holder. ThE ZWYEr COLLECTION Salmon Fillet “Platinum Cut“, EUR 89. Visit the online shop at

Crown Royal headgear or watch winder? Discover the world of Fine Watchmaking at

Crown | The winding crown is a knurled or fluted button of various shapes, held between the thumb and forefinger and used to wind the watch. Some crowns incorporate a mobile pushbutton for operating a chronograph mechanism or to release the cover of a hunter case.

The FoundaTion’s ParTners | A. LAnge & Söhne | audemars PigueT | BAume & mercier | BoveT 1822 | cArtier | Chanel | chopArD | ChrisToPhe ClareT corum | de BeThune | girArD-perregAux | greuBel Forsey | hArry WinSton | hermès | iWc | Jaeger-leCoulTre | LouiS Vuitton | monTBlanC | pAnerAi Parmigiani Fleurier | piAget | ralPh lauren WaTCh & JeWelry | richArD miLLe | roger duBuis | tAg heuer | vaCheron ConsTanTin | VAn cLeeF & ArpeLS

Christmas Gifts WISh LIST



PhILIPP PLEIN hOMME Leather Jacket Midnight Croco, EUR 49,998. FIONA KrügEr SKULL timepiece, limited edition of 12 pieces, TEChNOgYM Run Personal VISIOWEB, with Internet, iPhone & iPad connection, TV and Games, CHF 16,810. ZAI FOr BENTLEY World’s finest ski, colour Bentley green, limited edition of 100 pairs. PAuL SMITh Skull Cufflinks, GBP 89,95. SCABAL Cashmere bathrobe. MONCrIEF LONdON Weekend Bag Moncrief in Herringbone, EUR 4,339.60. LLAdrO Polo player, Size: 61 x 50 x 20 cm.


in association with

















IT •



A Lauge Jensen motorcycle is much more than a motorcycle, it is a mechanical embodiment of vision, style and power. Every Lauge Jensen motorcycle starts with the same body (chassis) and heart (engine), but from this ‘platform’ the world’s most exclusive motorcycle is hand built to perfection; a ‘character’ designed uniquely on the basis of customers’ visions and ideas. With a Lauge Jensen, the only limiting factor is the imagination.

The passing of EurO4 There is much more to the Lauge Jensen brand. Despite building exceptionally beautiful ‘works of art’, this forward-thinking company demonstrates an extraordinary level of technical detail in its bikes – exceeding even that of the outward design. The passing of EURO4 came after two years of hard work, and for Lauge Jensen to achieve this ahead of the rest of the world’s motorcycle manufacturers is a significant achievement. Never guilty of standing still, Lauge Jensen was aiming to improve the American S&S motors (Wisconsin, USA) it uses at the heart of its bikes. Lauge Jensen designed its own piston, camshafts, exhaust and catalytic converter for the internals of the 1,800cc V-twin engine, along with the software to programme the fuel injection system.



By Renato Schweizer Translation Mark S. Kennedy




Uffe Lauge Jensen

Ein Lauge Jensen Motorrad ist mehr als nur ein Motorrad, es ist die technische Verkörperung von Vision, Stil und Leistung. Als Plattform für die Produktion der weltweit exklusivsten Motorräder dient den Machern von Lauge Jensen stets der gleiche Rahmen (Chassis) sowie das gleiche Herz (Motor). Mit höchster Liebe zum Detail und äußerster Perfektion entsteht ein Meisterwerk in reiner Handarbeit. Dabei erhält Lauge Jensen’s research and development team saw the poten-

jedes Motorrad seinen eigenen, einzigartigen

tial to fine-tune its new engine specification – dubbed ‘1-Eleven

Charakter nach den Visionen und Ideen der

Squarehead’ – on its in-house dynometer, to meet the stringent

Kunden. Bei einem Custombike von Lauge Jensen

tests. At first, meeting the restrictions of the EURO4 regulations

sind der Fantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt.

impacted drastically on the power and noise characteristics of the bike, but the Lauge Jensen team worked tirelessly to

Erfüllung der Abgasnorm EurO 4

restore the ‘feel’ and enjoyment of the engine. The result is a

Die Marke Lauge Jensen bietet jedoch noch viel

powerful experience and improved fuel consumption.

mehr. Ungeachtet dieser außergewöhnlich schönen Kunstwerke, demonstriert dieses vorausschau-

The new ‘1-Eleven Squarehead’ engine will be fitted to 2014

ende Unternehmen mit seinen Bikes ein hohes

Lauge Jensen motorcycles, and the order books are now open

Maß an technischem Verständnis – das sogar

for riders looking for their own unique and personal bike.

die atemberaubende Formensprache in den

Prices start at EUR 52,800 (excluding local taxes and VAT) for

Schatten stellt.

a hand-built, personalised luxury motorcycle. Nach zwei Jahren harter Arbeit konnte die Abgasnorm EURO 4 erreicht werden. Die Tatsache, dass Lauge Jensen dies vor allen anderen Motorradherstellern weltweit schafft, ist eine bemerkenswerte Leistung. Bei Lauge Jensen kommt technischer Stillstand nicht in Frage und so setzen sie sich das Ziel, das Herzstück ihrer Motorräder – die Motoren von American S&S (Wisconsin, USA) – weiterzuentwickeln. In Eigenentwicklung wurde der Zweizylinder-V-Motor mit einem Hubraum von 1.800 cm³ bei Lauge Jensen mit neuen Kolben, Nockenwellen, einer neuen Abgasanlage sowie einem anderen Katalysator modifiziert. Darüber hinaus wurde für das Kraftstoffeinspritzsystem eine neue Software programmiert. Das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteam von Lauge Jensen erkannte das Potenzial, diese neue Motorspezifikation – mit der Bezeichnung «1-Eleven Squarehead» – auf dem hauseigenen Leistungsprüfstand noch zu verfeinern, um die strenge Ab-

Uffe Lauge Jensen

Lauge Jensen, model 2014

The company

gasnorm zu erfüllen. Zunächst hatte die Einhal-

Lauge Jensen was founded in Horsens, Denmark, by Uffe Lauge

tung der Abgasnorm EURO 4 einen dramatischen

Jensen; an individual character and talented craftsman devo-

Einfluss auf die Leistung sowie das charakteris-

ted to building motorcycles from the bottom up, thanks to his

tische Motorengeräusch. Jedoch arbeitete das

engineering prowess and limitless imagination when it comes

Team von Lauge Jensen unermüdlich daran, dieses

to design.

«Gefühl» sowie die Freude am Motor wiederherzustellen. Das Ergebnis ist ein großartiges Fahr-

In August 2012, Anders Kirk Johansen became the owner of

erlebnis und ein niedrigerer Verbrauch.

Lauge Jensen. The grandson of the founder of LEGO, he is someone who knows a lot about building things from the

Der neue «1-Eleven Squarehead»-Motor wird ab

ground up. Inspired by his grandfather’s entrepreneurial vision,

2014 in den Lauge Jensen Motorrädern verbaut

when Anders Kirk heard about a local motorcycle builder who

und ab sofort können Motorradfahrer, die auf der

wanted to put Denmark on the world map for motorcycle pro-

Suche nach ihrem eigenen speziellen und persön-

duction since the demise of Nimbus in the 1960s, he had to

lichen Motorrad sind, ihre Bestellung aufgeben.

be involved.

Die Preise beginnen bei EUR 52.800 (exklusive der jeweiligen nationalen Steuern und ohne MwSt.)

Allied to Uffe’s skills, Anders Kirk brought with him the neces-

für ein handgefertigtes, nach den individuellen

sary resources and business experience to make Lauge Jensen

Wünschen gestaltetes Luxus-Motorrad.

a world-recognised brand. The company is the only bespoke motorcycle manufacturer with a worldwide manufacturer’s ID,

das unternehmen

bringing exceptional riding experiences and individual designs

Lauge Jensen wurde in Horsens, Dänemark, von

across the globe.

Uffe Lauge Jensen gegründet. Uffe Lauge Jensen ist ein Querdenker und begabter Handwerker,

Uffe Lauge Jensen & Frank Banke Troelsen, CEO

der sich dem Bau von Motorrädern widmet. Er verfügt über ein großes technisches Wissen und unbegrenzte Vorstellungskraft bei der Gestaltung von Motorrädern. Im August 2012 übernahm Anders Kirk Johansen das Unternehmen Lauge Jensen. Der Enkel des Gründers von LEGO weiß genau, wie ein Unternehmen zum Erfolg geführt wird. Inspiriert von der unternehmerischen Weitsicht seines Großvaters, musste Anders Kirk sich einfach beteiligen, als er von einem lokalen Motorradbauer hörte, der Dänemark seit dem Verschwinden der Motorradmarke Nimbus in den 1960er Jahren wieder zurück auf die Landkarte der Motorhersteller bringen wollte. Mit Uffes Fähigkeiten sowie den Ressourcen und der unternehmerischen Erfahrung von Anders Kirk verfügt Lauge Jensen über die perfekte Kombination, um das Unternehmen zu einer weltweit anerkannten Marke zu entwickeln. Das Unternehmen ist der einzige Motorradhersteller für individuelle Kundendesigns mit einem Welt-Hersteller-Code und liefert seine Motorräder mit dem außergewöhnlichen Fahrerlebnis sowie dem individuellen Design in die ganze Welt aus.





Exclusive Christmas shopping – New York is not the only place to be, Metzingen also has a great deal to offer its guests.

Christmas Shopping der besonderen Art: Nicht nur New York, auch Metzingen hat seinen Shopping-gästen einiges zu bieten!

The success of OUTLETCITY METZINGEN, which is a well-known

Die interessante Erfolgsgeschichte der weit über

name both in Germany and abroad, began in the 1970s in an

die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannten OUTLETCITY

old brick factory in Metzingen, 30 km south of Stuttgart. The

METZINGEN beginnt in den 70er Jahren in einer

city is a centre for textiles and the home of the Hugo Boss

alten Backsteinfabrik in Metzingen, 30 km südlich

brand. What began as a humble shop for the staff of the men’s

von Stuttgart: Hier befinden sich das Textilzentrum

tailor is now a bustling shopping plaza of international repute.

und die Heimat der Marke Hugo Boss. Was einst

By Patricia Schweizer Translation Louise Mawbey

als bescheidener Personalverkauf des HerrenMore than 60 premium and luxury brands, such as Prada,

schneiders begann, ist heute eine pulsierende

Burberry, Loro Piana, Jimmy Choo, Armani, Escada, Bally,

Shopping-Meile von internationalem Rang.

Moncler and Hugo Boss, adorn the shopping streets like jewels on a necklace. Most of the shops are flagship outlets. The high-

Über 60 Premium- und Luxusmarken, zumeist Flag-

end architecture of each of the stores has been individually

ship Outlets, wie Prada, Burberry, Loro Piana,

designed to reflect the image of the brand it houses. This not

Jimmy Choo, Armani, Escada, Bally, Moncler

only ensures that visitors can enjoy generously sized sales floors

oder Hugo Boss, reihen sich wie Perlen an einer

and therefore a wide range of items in stock, but also provides

Schnur aneinander. Der hochwertige Baustil der

an experience where shoppers are surrounded by architecture

einzelnen Stores wurde individuell auf das jewei-

of the highest quality.

lige Markenimage abgestimmt und bietet den Besuchern neben überdurchschnittlich grossen Ver-

More than 3.5 million visitors from 185 countries travel each

kaufsflächen und der damit einher gehenden

year to the picturesque city of Metzingen and stroll through this

hohen Warenverfügbarkeit, ein architektonisches

unique shopping paradise, located in the very centre of town.

Shopping-Erlebnis auf höchstem Niveau. Luxury Shopping



The secret of its success is plain to see – where else do

Über 3,5 Mio. Besucher aus 185 Nationen pil-

discerning buyers have the opportunity to purchase items from

gern jährlich in die malerische Stadt Metzingen

countless luxury brands, ranging from clothes and shoes to

und schlendern durch dieses einmalige, mitten in

must-have accessories, all in one place and at prices reduced

der Innenstadt gelegene Shoppingparadies. Das

by a minimum of 30 % (compared with the original manufac-

Erfolgsgeheimnis liegt dabei auf der Hand: Wo

turer’s recommended retail price)?

sonst bietet sich anspruchsvollen Käufern die Gelegenheit unzählige Luxusmarken, von Kleidungs-

Metzingen also has a lot more to offer than just OUTLETCITY

stücken über Schuhen bis hin zu den unverzicht-

alone, which is situated in its very centre, and it is therefore

baren Accessoires an einem Ort und mit mindestens

well worth planning a longer stay. The charming city, with its

30 % Preisnachlass (gegenüber der ehemaligen

historic old quarter, variety of listed buildings and traditional

UVP der Hersteller) zu erwerben?

viticulture that stretches back over centuries, is not only located in a strong economic region, where major companies such as

Zudem hat Metzingen, abgesehen von seiner

Porsche, Mercedes-Benz and Bosch are based, but in an

mitten in der Stadt erbauten OUTLETCITY, auch

area that boasts numerous Michelin star restaurants where

noch einiges mehr zu bieten, und so lohnt es sich

regional cuisine is given a sophisticated makeover. Metzingen

durchaus einen längeren Aufenthalt zu planen.

was faced with an enormous challenge – that of creating modern

Der malerische Ort mit seiner historischen Altstadt,

urban features while keeping its traditional identity. And it has

den zahlreichen denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden

successfully mastered this challenge in every respect.

und seiner Jahrhunderte alten Weinbautradition,

Christmas at OuTLETCITY

A particular highlight is the festive Christmas shopping, with seasonal offers, delicious yuletide delicacies and a gift wrapping service. On 27th, 28th and 30th December 2013, visitors

can enjoy the extended opening hours from 9 am to 9 pm.


Exclusive offer

for readers of Luxury Life Magazine: With the keyword “Luxury Life Magazine” you will receive your own individual VIP Shopping Pass at the tourist information Metzingen, including a glass of sparkling wine and attractive discounts. Valid from 10th November 2013

to 10th February 2014. TOurIST INFOrMATION

Lindenplatz 4 I D-72555 Metzingen, Germany Mo - Fr 10:00 to 20:00 I Sa 9:00 to 20:00 T +49 (0) 7123 925326


Luxury Shopping

liegt nicht nur in einer wirtschaftlich starken Region, in der grosse Unternehmen wie Porsche, Mercedes-

Benz und Bosch angesiedelt sind, die Region verfügt zudem beispielsweise über zahlreiche Sterne-Restaurants, in denen die regionale Küche aufgewertet wird. Damit hat die Stadt eine grosse Herausforderung gemeistert: neue urbane Akzente zu setzen und dabei die traditionelle Identität zu bewahren. Dies ist ihr in jeder Hinsicht geglückt.

Weihnachts-Special Besonders empfehlenswert: das stimmungsvolle Christmas Shopping mit festlichen Angeboten, weihnachtlichen Leckereien und Geschenk-Einpackservice. Am 27., 28. und 30.12.2013 profitieren alle Besucher von den besonders langen Öffnungszeiten zwischen 9 und 21 Uhr.

Exklusives Angebot für Luxury Life Magazine Leser: Mit dem Kennwort «Luxury Life Magazine» erhalten Sie bei der Tourist Information Metzingen ein Glas MeSecco sowie Ihren personalisierten VIP Shopping Pass, der Ihnen attraktive Angebote bietet. gültig vom 10. November 2013 bis 10. Februar 2014. TOurIST INFOrMATION Lindenplatz 4 I D-72555 Metzingen Mo - Fr 10:00 bis 20:00 I Sa 9:00 bis 20:00 T +49 (0) 7123 925326

Luxury Shopping


gAMS I gENIESSEr- & KuSChELhOTEL The GAMS, Geniesser-& Kuschelhotel in the Bregenzerwald offers visitors a

Das GAMS, Geniesser-& Kuschelhotel im Bregenzerwald zeichnet sich

unique experience thanks to its architecture, design and, above all, its

durch außergewöhnliche Architektur, Design und vor allem durch sein

couples-only policy. Guests stay in 24 “Snuggling Suites” in the historic

Angebot speziell für Paare aus. Die Gäste wohnen in 24 Kuschelsuiten

“Blossom Palace”, with an open fire and canopy bed, or in the four

im historischen «Blütenschloss» mit Kamin und Himmelbett oder in vier

exclusive “Top of Suites”. There are also 30 suites in the cubic “Blossom

exklusiven «Top-of-Suiten». Daneben gibt es 30 Suiten im kubischen

Cocoon”. The heavenly “Da Vinci Spa” covers an area of 2,000 m2. A

«Blütenkokon». Die Wellness Traumwelt «Da Vinci Spa», erstreckt sich

hot spot pool, cool pool, ground sauna, steam bath and a wide variety

auf 2.000 m2. Hot-Spot-Pool, Cool-Pool, Erdsauna, Dampfbad und

of other subterranean and above-ground facilities are interwoven into

viele weitere Elemente sind teils unterirdisch, teils überirdisch miteinan-

one experience. Couples can enjoy pure romance with the “Time for

der verwoben. Spezielle Treatments für die «Zeit zu Zweit» garantieren

Two” special treatment package.

romantische Stunden.

The ballroom, dating back to the 19th century, features an open kitchen.

Eine offene Küche befindet sich im aus dem 19. Jahrhundert stammen-

Visitors can see the culinary delicacies being created; watching the

den Ballsaal. Das Werden der Genüsse erlebt man gleichsam «in statu

pastry chef at work is a particularly fascinating experience. And it is not

nascendi», was vor allem im Wirkungsbereich des Patisseurs höchst reiz-

just by accident that the culinary world at the GAMS hotel is named

voll ist. Nicht ohne Absicht heißt die Welt der Genüsse im Hotel GAMS

“Goldstück” (Piece of Gold). The restaurant is divided into three sections

«Goldstück» und besteht aus der «Romantikstube», dem «Wintergarten»

– a romantic, cosy area, the conservatory and the dining room.

und dem «Esszimmer».

gAMS genießer- und Kuschelhotel I Platz 44 I 6870 A-Bezau I Telephone 0043 5514 2220 I I

1 4



Dreams come true ...


1 LA SErLAS unique diamond ring set with an emerald-cut diamond, D colour, 3.33 cts., 3 cushion-cut natural-pink diamonds 0.83 cts. The setting and shoulders are decorated with diamond pavé and brilliant-cut natural-pink diamonds. 2 ChAuMET Hortensia necklace in pink gold, set with rubies, pink sapphires, rhodolite garnets and red and pink tourmalines. 3 ChAuMET Hortensia ring in pink gold, set with angel-skin opal, brilliant-cut and marquise-cut diamonds, and featuring a 1.02 carat brilliant-cut diamond. 4 ThOMAS FrIEdEN SWISS JEWELLErS Collection Oeil Magique, pendant white gold with 50 diamonds. Price CHF 27,500. 5 POMELLATO Tango bracelet in rose gold and burnished silver with white diamonds. 6 AdLEr JOAILLErIES Necklace „Oiseau de Feu“ in 18kt white gold set with 29 rubies 27.30 cts and diamonds 43.53 cts. 7 TürLEr uhrEN uNd JuWELEN Collier with pendant yellow gold 750, with143 brilliants and 1 pink spinell 29.180 ct, CHF 85,500. 8 TürLEr uhrEN uNd JuWELEN Earrings, platinum 950, 2 brilliants, 4 purple/pink spinells, CHF 118,500. 9 CArTIEr Bracelet Collection L’Odyssée de Cartier – Parcours d’un style, white gold, onyx, garnets, brilliants. 10 BuChErEr Lacrima Collier with diamonds, more than 23 cts. 11 PIAgET Rose ring in 18K white gold set with 39 brilliant-cut diamonds (approx. 0.44 ct) and a cushion-cut pink tourmaline (approx. 2.68 ct).


Vincent Wulveryck Š Cartier 2013







hAIr& JEWEL graff diamonds re-creates the famous hair & Jewel in celebration of Laurence graff’s 60th anniversary working in the jewellery industry and to mark the success of graff diamonds globally The re-creation of hair & Jewel features 22 extremely rare and unique jewels with a value of half a billion dollars. In 1970, world renowned diamantaire Laurence Graff OBE created Hair & Jewel, an ornate coiffure comprising one million dollars of diamonds and precious gems. It captivated audiences from around the globe, creating an interest and excitement for the jewellery crafted by Graff Diamonds, which continues to this day. Featuring 22 extremely rare and unique jewellery pieces it showcases Graff’s renowned expertise for creating the most

was seen in newspapers and magazines around

fabulous jewels in the world.

the globe. This image broke the mould by using a

Incorporated into the recreation are a number of record breaking

younger model and created the idea of diamonds

diamonds that have been cut and polished by Graff, namely

being aspirational to younger women.”

the Graff Sweethearts a magnificent pair of earrings featuring

It is more than 40 years since the original image

51.53ct and 50.76ct D colour Flawless type IIA heart shape

of Hair & Jewel was captured. The recreation

diamonds and a selection of jewellery crafted from the 550ct

marks an important milestone in Graff Diamonds’

Letšeng Star, the 14 largest white rough diamond ever disco-

history and coincides with the opening of its 40th

vered. Other pieces showcased include an exceptionally rare

store globally.

10.47ct Fancy Vivid Blue Internally Flawless briolette diamond

Mr Graff continued: “Hair & Jewel is a celebration

pendant, a stunning 52.73ct Fancy Vivid Yellow emerald cut

of our expertise and success, as we continue to

diamond ring and other one of a kind jewels designed and

operate at the very pinnacle of the industry. I am

created at Graff’s Headquarters in London.

extremely proud of what Graff Diamonds has

Commenting on the original creation of Hair & Jewel in 1970,

achieved, but as I always say, we are just begin-

Laurence Graff said: “At that time, this was a highly original

ning, there is still a long way to go.”

concept which captured the attention of the world’s media and


Haute Joaillerie


grEuBEL FOrSEY Double Tourbillon Asymétrique A. LANgE & SÖhNE Back Magic, Grand Lange 1 AudEMArS PIguET Royal Oak Offshore “Lebron James“ PArMIgIANI Tecnica Palme, Unique Piece ChrISTOPhE CLArET Kantharos



BrEITLINg Aerospace Evo



IWC Big Pilot’s Watch Perpetual Calendar Edition “Le Petit Prince” CARTIER Tortue multiple time zone watch in pink gold JAEGER LE-COULTRE Master Grand Tourbillon Enamel CHANEL J12 Moonphase Haute Joaillerie VACHERON CONsTANTIN Métiers d’Art Les Univers Infinis - Horsemen



By Patricia Schweizer Translation Mark S. Kennedy

“To pursue my vocation fills me with deep satisfaction“. “For me to make people happy, awaken emotions and design new creations every day is a significant part of my philosophy of life. I grow with every encounter”, says Stephan Schuck, Founder and Designer of SCHUCK JUWELIER Switzerland. The artistic vocation of goldsmith always had something secretive about it. have you actually found your calling in this work? “The gleam of precious stones such as the colour and gloss of the gold attracts many people. In my case, it was also the luminous crystal drops which, at the age of 6, I discovered at that time with a friend of my family, a mineral collector, during blasting a crevice in the Swiss Alps. This gleaming natural wonder fascinated me and still today such a sight makes me feel humbled. He was the one, a precious stone grinder and goldsmith, who showed me his skills close up. It really made a big impression on me.” So already at the age of 6 you decided on your dream profession? “Hardly anyone had reason to have thoughts about such a statement by a kindergarten-age boy. There was also nobody who doubted my euphoria and my already chosen future profession. The awareness of the decision already taken long ago stood in

My Master liked to encourage me. As a reward, I

the foreground, as many of my fellow pupils found it difficult to

was allowed to take part in various performance-

choose a suitable profession, while I had already focussed on

based competitions and could often make him hap-

it for a long time.”

py by taking the main prize. Not least because of this, I was chosen throughout Switzerland to go to


has joining the art of goldsmithing met your expectations?

London straight after my traineeship and work as

“My training in the beautiful city of Lucerne was equally a great

a goldsmith to produce unique pieces of jewellery

training for life. The long hours of attendance, precise work

at a renowned jeweller. This was paradise for me.

under enormous time pressure and valuable diamonds which I

Magnificent pieces of jewellery were ordered for

was allowed to process, required a great sense of responsibility.

the Royal Family. A highlight in my young career.

My time in London was extremely varied. The purchase of precious stones, diamonds and pearls as well as assessing and certifying these precious jewels turned out to be an interesting part of my work. It was out of the question for me to study gemmology to become a diamond and pearl appraiser.” You offered your experience to jewellers in Zurich before you founded your own jewellery store. “I’m eternally thankful for this time. There was the possibility for further development at various leading jewellery and watch businesses. Whether on the commercial side as a member of the General Management in a large company for watches and jewellery or in the design area at a well-known jeweller, who only produced unique pieces of jewellery based on drawings. Designing jewellery today is a major part of my wonderful work and about 90% of my clientele have their specific wish drawn and want to have a unique piece made. I offer them Swiss Made.” Is this piece also unique? “Of course! This is where experience, broad expertise and skilled craftsmanship come together. Only with a team of specialists can such an item become reality at all. Up to 10 different artistic genres are needed. Together with my partner atelier Mueller Murgenthal, we advise, create and produce exceptional items which find their place at special locations all over the world. This item and other creations are exhibited by Schuck Juwelier from 25-27 November 2013 in the Park hyatt hotel in Zurich at the Zurich Watch & Jewellery Exhibition.” “In retrospect, the young 6-year old boy made a good decision, as I love my vocation and experience passion through it.” Stephan Schuck Founder & Designer SCHUCK JUWELIER

Rolls-Royce Wraith


NOBLESSE OBLIGE By Renato Schweizer Translation Mark S. Kennedy



An almost one-hundred-year-old success story that reads like a hollywood film-script: wherever you find a rolls-royce you will also find a horde of admiring fans. The founders When aristocrat Charles Stewart Rolls and impoverished miller’s son Frederick Henry Royce first met in 1904, they could never

Rolls-Royce Wraith

have guessed that they would be laying the foundations for the establishment of the most exclusive car in the world. Both men wanted to build the perfect automobile and both were perfectionists to their fingertips. Around two years later the first jointly planned and designed car, the Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost, reached the market, where it was immediately hailed by automobile experts the best car in the world. After Rolls lost his life in an air crash in 1910 and Royce moved to the South of France for health reasons, Royce’s friend C.G. Johnson took over control of production at the Derby factory. However, Royce continued to produce all drawings and designs himself.

The Spirit of Ecstasy – the radiator mascot

die hollywoodreife geschichte einer bald 100-jährigen Erfolgsstory. Wo immer ein rolls-royce auftritt, zieht er Automobilfans aus aller Welt in seinen Bann.

At the request of Lord Montagu, sculptor Charles Sykes created a figurine known as “The Whisper” as a radiator mascot for the aristocrat’s Rolls-Royce. This figurine was modelled on Eleanor

die gründer

Thornton, the Lord’s secretary and inamorata. The idea became

Als Charles Stewart Rolls, der Spross aus einem

popular and established itself as common practice. Lord Montagu

Adelshaus, und Frederick Henry Royce, der Sohn

then recommended Sykes to Rolls-Royce, which commissioned

eines verarmten Müllers, 1904 erstmals aufein-

him to design another radiator mascot. Once again the model

ander trafen, war ihnen bestimmt nicht bewusst,

was Eleanor Thornton. The mascot was originally to be known

dass sie damit den Grundstein für den Bau der

as the “Spirit of Speed”, however, this name was deemed by

wohl exklusivsten Automobile legten. Beide hatten

Rolls-Royce to be un-British in its boastfulness. For this reason, the

den Wunsch, ein perfektes Auto zu bauen und

radiator mascot was named the “Spirit of Ecstasy”. From 1911

beide waren Perfektionisten. Rund zwei Jahre

onwards, the “Spirit of Ecstasy” crowned the radiator grill of every

später kam der erste gemeinsam geplante und

Rolls-Royce. The Rolls-Royce radiator bore the RR logo right from

konstruierte Wagen - der Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost

the start. Originally in red, the logo was later changed to black

- auf den Markt und wurde von den Automobil-

as red did not match all car colours.

experten sogleich als bestes Auto der Welt gerühmt. Nachdem Rolls 1910 bei einem Flugzeug-

difficult years

absturz sein Leben verloren und Royce seinen

As well as building cars, Rolls-Royce also specialised in aircraft

Wohnsitz aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nach

engines, particularly during the war years. However, the decline

Südfrankreich verlegt hatte, übernahm Royces

in aircraft engine production in the 1970s plunged the company

Freund C.G. Johnson die Aufsicht über die Pro-

into financial crisis. The company’s automotive business was split

duktion im Werk in Derby. Royce fertigte aber

off and, in October 1980, Rolls-Royce was taken over by the

weiterhin alle Zeichnungen und Entwürfe selbst an. Automobile


The Spirit of Ecstasy

The Spirit of Ecstasy – die Kühlerfigur Auf Wunsch von Lord Montagu gestaltete der Bildhauer Charles Sykes für dessen privaten RollsRoyce eine Kühlerfigur, die der Künstler „The Whisper“ (Das Flüstern) nannte. Für diese Figur stand Eleanor Thornton, die Sekretärin und Geliebte des Lords, Modell. Die Idee des Lords wurde populär und setzte sich durch. Lord Montagu vermittelte daraufhin Sykes an Rolls-Royce, die ihn beauftragten, ebenfalls eine Kühlerfigur zu gestalten. Modell stand wiederum Eleanor Thornton. Ursprünglich sollte die Figur „Spirit of Speed“ (Geist der Geschwindigkeit) heißen, dies erschien RollsRoyce allerdings als unbritische Prahlerei. Daher taufte man die Kühlerfigur „The Spirit of Ecstasy“

Rolls-Royce Wraith

Vickers conglomerate. Launching a completely new model range,

(Geist der Verzückung). Ab 1911 krönte die “The

the company succeeded in further increasing its turnover in the

Spirit of Ecstasy” den Kühlergrill eines jeden Rolls-

late 1990s. In March 1998, Rolls-Royce took delivery of a

Royce. Bereits den ersten Rolls-Royce zierte das

12-cylinder engine from BMW specially developed for Rolls-

RR-Logo auf dem Kühler. Damals übrigens noch in

Royce. Its reputation of a purely British car thus became history.

Rot gehalten, wurde das Logo später in Schwarz

Rolls-Royce then attracted the interest of BMW and VW, both

ausgeführt, da Rot nicht zu allen Wagenfarben

of whom were looking to take over the famous marque. BMW


and VW finally agreed that VW would take over the Bentley marque, which also belonged to Rolls-Royce, while Rolls-Royce

Schwierige Jahre

itself would go to BMW. The Phantom, the first Rolls-Royce built

Neben dem Automobilbau stand bei Rolls-Royce,

under the management of BMW, reached the market in 2003.

vor allem in den Kriegsjahren, der Bau von Flug-

Since 2002, Rolls-Royce has been building its cars in the modern

zeugmotoren als zweites Standbein im Vorder-

production facility in Goodwood in West Sussex.

grund. Die Defizite im Bereich der Flugzeugmotorenproduktion brachte das Unternehmen aber in den 70er Jahren in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten.

Rolls-Royce Phantom Series II, extended wheelbase

Die Sparte Automobil wurde daraufhin aus dem Konzern ausgegliedert, und im Oktober 1980 wurde Rolls-Royce vom Mischkonzern Vickers übernommen. Mit Hilfe einer völlig neuen Modellpalette schaffte es das Unternehmen in den späten 90er Jahren, den Umsatz wieder zu steigern. Im März 1998 erhielt Rolls-Royce erstmals einen speziell für Rolls-Royce entwickelten 12-ZylinderMotor von BMW als Antrieb. Der Ruf eines rein britischen Autos war damit Geschichte. Rolls-Royce weckte daraufhin das Interesse von BMW und VW und beide wollen die renommierte Marke übernehmen. BMW und VW einigten sich schliesslich darauf, dass VW die zu Rolls-Royce gehörende Marke Bentley übernahm und Rolls-Royce an BMW ging. 2003 kam der erste unter Führung von BMW gebaute Rolls-Royce auf den Markt: der Phantom. Seit 2002 baut Rolls-Royce seine Autos in der modernen Produktionsstätte in Goodwood in West Sussex.

die Qualität besteht weiter, wenn der Preis längst vergessen ist Die Maxime der Gründer: „Nimm das beste Material, welches du bekommen kannst, und verbessere es“ hat bis heute Bestand. Trotz modernster Produktionsstätte werden die Fahrzeuge noch immer in aufwendigster Handarbeit zusammengebaut. So dauert die Herstellung eines Phantom mindestens zwei Monate. Allein die Herstellung der bis zu 42 Holzteile für das Interieur dauert bis zu 30 Tage, da in aufwendigster traditioneller Handarbeit hergestellt. Gleiches gilt

The quality lingers on when the price is long forgotten

für die Herstellung der ca. 450 Teile der Leder-

The motto of the founders “Take the best material you can get and

ausstattung, wofür 15 -18 Lederhäute (alle aus der

improve it” still applies today. Despite having the latest high-tech

gleichen Charge, um perfekte Farbabstimmung

production facility, the company still produces handmade cars.

zu gewährleisten) verarbeitet werden und die

Thus, it takes at least two months to build a Phantom. It takes up

17 Tage dauert.

to 30 days to manufacture the up to 42 timber parts for the interior because of the traditional craftsmanship used. The same

Ein Rolls-Royce wird nur auf Bestellung und gemäß

applies to the production of the approximately 450 parts of the

Kundenspezifikation gebaut, wodurch er praktisch

leather upholstery, requiring between 15 and 18 leather hides

ein Unikat darstellt. Nebst 18 Standardfarben

(all from the same batch to ensure a perfect colour match and

können bis zu 45.000 verschiedene weitere

taking 17 days.)

Farben angeboten werden. Sonderausstattungen sind praktisch keine Grenzen gesetzt. Soll es eine

A Rolls-Royce is only built to order and to customer specifications,

Bar oder ein Humidor in der Größe Ihrer bevor-

so that each one is practically a one-off. In addition to 18 stan-

zugten Zigarre sein oder benötigen Sie einen

dard colours, up to 45,000 other different colours are available.

Uhrensafe? Kein Problem, bei Rolls-Royce wird

There are almost no limits in terms of special extras. How about

jeder Kundenwunsch erfüllt, sofern er technisch

a bar or the perfect size of humidor for your favourite cigar, or

umsetzbar ist.

perhaps you need a watch safe? No problem - Rolls-Royce can cater to every wish, provided it is technically feasible.

Im Gegensatz zur früheren Modellvielfalt ist die Produktpalette heute überschaubar. In unterschied-

In contrast to the wide range of models built in the early days,

lichen Ausführungen kann der elitäre Käufer heute

the product palette is now more modest. Well-heeled buyers

zwischen dem Rolls-Royce Ghost, dem Phantom

can now choose between various models of the Rolls-Royce

und dem neusten Modell, dem Wraith, wählen.

Ghost, the Phantom and the latest model, the Wraith. The Phantom

Der Phantom ist als als Extended Wheelbase,

is available with an extended wheelbase, as a coupé or drop-

als Coupé oder Drophead Coupé erhältlich.

head coupé. The Ghost is available as a limousine, with an

Den Ghost gibt es als Limousine, auf Wunsch auch

extended wheelbase on request, while the Wraith was desig-

als Extended Wheelbase, während der Wraith

ned as a 2-door coupé. The Wraith is the ultimate Gran Turismo

als 2-türiges Coupé konzipiert wurde. Der Wraith

vehicle for gentlemen. This is the car that Rolls-Royce believes

ist der ultimative Gran Turimso für Gentlemen. Es

company founder and adventurer Charles Rolls would have

ist das Fahrzeug, von dem Rolls-Royce glaubt,

chosen to drive if he were still alive today. Sounds promising,

dass es Firmengründer und Abenteurer Charles

doesn’t it?

Rolls wählen würde, wenn er heute noch lebte. Wir meinen, das klingt verheißungsvoll! Automobile


Ruth & Rudolf Bosch

Valuable CULTURAL ASSETS Made in Switzerland

By Sara Musinowski

Since 1991, the Antique Shop, rudolf Bosch-Antiquitäten, has impressed with its restoration of antique furniture. All working steps are performed at the studio in Erlenbach (Ch) in the same way as they were 250 years ago.

value and a decorative object at the same time, the beauty of which one can enjoy every day anew. Why not place your item on your private yacht, which looks perfect with the classic yacht interiors? Besides the restoration of antique furniture, the range of services offered by Rudolf Bosch-Antiquitäten includes paneling and the installation of furniture in historic buildings – he will be also

For antique joiners who specialize in Swiss eboniste furniture,

your international expert who flies in to have a

Rudolf Bosch and his team restore the valuable unique speci-

look at your antiques. “The shop in Erlenbach

mens. “Ebonist” has been a job title for a cabinet-maker since

(CH) accommodates a permanent exhibition of

the 17 century.

antique furniture as well as the respective work-

The glue work is still performed with boiled bone glue. The coat

shop. In both of the additional shops in Zurich

of varnish is applied to the furniture with shellac and polished

and Zug, you’ll also find an interesting selection

out. The shellac is mixed according to an old formula. Special

of high quality, handpolished antiques and stylish

attention is paid to preserving the patina and the substance during

accessories - also trendy fashion from Polo Ralph

the restoration. Every antique piece of furniture is a unique

Lauren, Stajan, Habsburg and many others”.

specimen and tells its own story. It’s an investment of lasting





By Thomas Gelmi

For many people in leading positions, „lonely at the top“ is not just a simple cliché, but rather a sad reality. A personal sparring partner can make a crucial difference.

The announcement of Swisscom CEO Carsten Schloter’s suicide shook the media earlier this summer, followed by the suicide of Pierre Wauthier, CFO of the Zurich Insurance Group, only a few weeks later. These two cases are just the tip of the iceberg and show us a sad reality that was confirmed by a study about executive coaching which was published by the Stanford Graduate School of Business the very same month: the pressure and thus the need for personal support on higher management levels are massive – and the consequences of neglecting these facts can be fatal.

Europe’s shortcoming While in the U. S. various forms of personal coaching and consulting have steadily become a usual and legitimate way of support for executives during the past 25 years, Europe is still falling behind in a habitual way. Here, a rather problem and deficit oriented perception is only beginning to shift towards a more 60


resource and potential oriented way of seeing things, in which especially top-performers have a sparring partner at their side. Having such a partner can be of enormous help. He or she can support executives in improving their self-awareness, in reducing blind spots, in developing their personal strengths even more and in growing in areas that are important to them. Over all, this leads to more authenticity and lasting contentment – for themselves and for their environment. The topics usually range from self-awareness and self-management to coping with stress,

Für viele Menschen in führenden Positionen ist «einsam an der Spitze» längst kein Klischee mehr sondern ernüchternde realität. Ein persönlicher Sparringspartner kann wertvolle unterstützung bieten.

leadership and communication.

Emulated from top-class sports

Die Meldung vom Suizid des Swisscom CEOs Carsten Schloter erschütterte in diesem Sommer

This kind of partnership can best be compared with top-class

die Medien. Nur wenige Wochen später folgte

sports, where the function of a personal sparring partner or coach

der Suizid von Pierre Wauthier, CFO der Zurich

originally stems from. If we look back in time, when terms such

Insurance Group. Die beiden Fälle sind nur die

as ‘sparring partner’ or ‘coach’ didn’t even exist, personal and

Spitze des Eisbergs und zeigen eine traurige

professional topics were often discussed with friends, family

Realität, die auch eine kürzlich von der Stanford

members, close confidants or even a priest. Of course, these

Graduate School of Business veröffentlichte Studie

persons can still be an excellent choice, provided that one has

zum Thema Executive Coaching bestätigt: Die

the opportunity and access to them.

Belastungen und damit der Bedarf an persönlicher Begleitung in den Chefetagen sind groß – und

If we go even further back in time, kings often confided with their

die Folgen des Nichthandelns können fatal sein.

court jesters – the only people with the official permission to confront his majesty with the truth. So obviously, people have

das Manko in Europa

always seeked someone who would listen to them without pre-

Während die persönliche Begleitung von Execu-

judice and who would give them open and honest feedback,

tives in den USA heute alltäglich ist, hinkt Europa in

when required.

gewohnter Weise hinterher. Hier bewegt man sich

Social isolation and pressure have increased

erst langsam von einer problem- und defizitorientierten Wahrnehmung hin zu einer ressourcen- und

Ever since those days, our society has changed drastically. In the

potenzialorientierten Sichtweise, bei der gerade

age of technology with its increasing possibilities of digital com-

Top-Performer einen Sparringspartner an ihrer Seite

munication, genuine dialogue has fallen by the wayside and


social isolation has massively increased. Rising up the career ladder can further increase the feeling of loneliness – and what

Einen solchen Sparringspartner zu haben, kann

that can lead to is described in the introduction of this article.

enorm hilfreich sein. Er kann Executives dabei

This being said, for people in top-positions, it is absolutely funda-

unterstützen, sich selbst besser wahrzunehmen,

mental to be able to exchange thoughts openly, to talk about

blinde Flecken zu reduzieren, und in für sie wich-

their fears and concerns and discuss possible solutions.

tigen Bereichen zu wachsen, was insgesamt zu mehr Authentizität und nachhaltiger Zufriedenheit

Leaders are expected to solve seemingly unsolvable situations

für sich und das eigene Umfeld führt.

and make the right decisions. Pressure is often huge and what works for a certain period of time and with enormous effort can

Vom hochleistungssport abgeschaut

quickly change through a culmination of various factors: suddenly,

Sehr treffend ist der Vergleich mit dem Spitzen-

thoughts are blocked in a problem trance, solutions seem to be

sport, woher die Funktion des persönlichen Spar-

out of reach, the impression of failure becomes more and more

ringspartners ja ursprünglich kommt. Früher wurden

present and the feeling of self-effectiveness drastically decreases.

persönliche und berufliche Themen mit Freunden,

The old faith in one’s own capacities needs to be re-established.

Familienmitgliedern, oder sogar mit Geistlichen Economy


Executive Sparring – a comprehensive accompaniment

besprochen. Diese Personen können natürlich auch

Executive Sparring goes far beyond classic consulting or coa-

man die Möglichkeit und den Zugang dazu hat.

heute noch eine ausgezeichnete Wahl sein, sofern

ching. Most clients’ situations are complex and require a dynamic mix of roles from the conversation partner. If specialized only in

Geht man auf der Zeitachse weiter zurück, ver-

the role of a consultant or coach, it will hardly be possible to

trauten sich Könige oft ihren Hofnarren an – den

provide the comprehensive support that is needed. Therefore,

einzigen Menschen mit der offiziellen Erlaubnis,

a professional sparring partner must not only possess broad

ihre Majestät mit der Wahrheit zu konfrontieren.

methodological competence, but most of all particularly human

Menschen waren also immer auf der Suche nach

qualities. Only on this basis, co-creation can happen – a close

einem Gesprächspartner, der nicht nur unvorein-

collaboration on even par that is fertile ground for amazing

genommen zuhörte, sondern auf Wunsch auch

insight and solutions, given that both parties are open and get

offen und ehrlich Feedback gab.

involved in the process.

Isolation und druck nehmen zu

Just talking

Unsere Gesellschaft hat sich seither gewandelt.

Finally, there are clients that don’t even necessarily follow a

Mit zunehmenden technischen Möglichkeiten der

clearly set goal when working with a sparring partner. They just

Vernetzung und Kommunikation geht eine wach-

cherish the regular exchange and room for trustful conversations

sende Isolation und Vereinsamung einher. Der

with someone who is neutral, unbiased and who doesn’t have a

echte Dialog bleibt dabei auf der Strecke. Mit

personal agenda. This can be well understood, especially when

dem Aufstieg in Führungspositionen kann diese

there are certain topics for which none of the previously mentio-

gefühlte Isolation zusätzlich zunehmen – wozu das

ned groups of people seems to be the right one. These conver-

führen kann, zeigt die Einleitung dieses Artikels.

sations can take place in various settings: in the sparring partner’s

Dabei ist es besonders für Führungskräfte in Top-

or the client’s premises, on a walk in the park, in hotels, on car

Positionen absolut elementar, sich regelmäßig aus-

rides or even during flights. And it goes without saying that

tauschen, auch Ängste offen aussprechen und

utmost discretion and confidentiality are a given at all times.

mögliche Lösungswege diskutieren zu können.


Von Führungskräften wird erwartet, dass sie schein-

Personal support for executives is no longer a luxury. It is funda-

bar unlösbare Situationen lösen und Entschei-

mental in order to successfully face future challenges. The stigma

dungen treffen. Der Druck ist hoch und was über

of the manager that doesn’t seem to make it on his own is slowly

eine gewisse Zeit und mit viel Kraftaufwand funk-

giving way to an image that resembles one of a top athlete.

tionieren mag, kann sich durch die Zuspitzung

Someone who can not only afford having a personal sparring

diverser Faktoren schnell ändern: die Gedanken

partner but who confidently shows this as a privilege and sign

sind in einer Problemtrance blockiert, Lösungs-

of authenticity and the ability for self-reflection.

wege scheinen unerreichbar, der Eindruck des Versagens wird immer präsenter und das Gefühl

About the author:

der Selbstwirksamkeit nimmt drastisch ab. Das

Based in Switzerland, Thomas Gelmi provides Executive Sparring

alte Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten muss

on an international level. He has a professional background in

wieder hergestellt werden.

business and respective qualifications in management, leadership corporations such as Siemens, Credit Suisse and Zurich Insurance,

Executive Sparring als umfassende Begleitung

various SMEs and private individuals. Thomas Gelmi was born

Executive Sparring geht dabei weit über klassi-

1968, speaks German, English, French and Italian fluently and

sches Consulting oder Coaching hinaus. Die

lives close to Baden, together with his wife and two children.

Situation der meisten Klienten ist komplex und

More information can be found at

erfordert vom Gesprächspartner einen dynami-

and executive coaching. Among his customers are multinational



schen Rollenmix. Ein professioneller Sparringspartner verfügt deshalb nicht nur über eine breit abgestützte Methodenkompetenz, sondern hat darüber hinaus vor allem ausgeprägte menschliche Qualitäten. Nur dann ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe möglich, aus der immer wieder Erstaunliches entstehen kann, wenn beide offen sind und sich auf den Prozess einlassen.

Einfach nur reden Nicht zuletzt gibt es auch Klienten, die mit einem Sparringspartner an ihrer Seite gar keine bestimmte Zielsetzung verfolgen, sondern einfach regelmäßige, vertrauensvolle Gespräche mit einem neutralen Gesprächspartner schätzen. Dies vor allem deshalb, weil für bestimmte Themen einfach keine der oben genannten Personengruppen wirklich in Frage kommt. Executive Sparring findet denn auch an den unterschiedlichsten Orten statt: in den Räumlichkeiten des Sparringspartners oder Klienten, auf Spaziergängen, in Hotels, auf Autofahrten oder sogar auf Flügen. Äußerste Diskretion und Vertraulichkeit sind dabei selbstverständlich.

Fazit Eine persönliche Begleitung von Executives ist heute kein Luxus mehr, sondern elementar, um den persönlichen Anforderungen an die Position auch morgen noch gewachsen zu sein. Das Stigma des Managers, der es selber nicht auf die Reihe kriegt, ist auch in Europa endlich am Verschwinden und macht einem Bild Platz, das dem eines Spitzenathleten entspricht, der sich die persönliche Unterstützung nicht nur leisten kann, sondern diese auch selbstbewusst als Privileg und als Zeichen von Authentizität und Reflexionsfähigkeit nach außen zeigt.

über den Autor: Mit Sitz in der Schweiz steht Thomas Gelmi für Executive Sparring auf internationaler Ebene. Zu seinen Kunden gehören Konzerne wie Siemens, Credit Suisse oder Zurich Insurance, sowie diverse KMUs und Privatpersonen. Thomas Gelmi ist Jahrgang 1968, spricht fliessend Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Italienisch und lebt mit seiner Frau und zwei Kindern in der Nähe von Baden. Mehr Informationen:



CrN Shipyard presents its latest arrival: a CrN 125 named “J’AdE”. All the distinctive features of the Shipyard on board and an absolute novelty: a floodable garage for the tender. Wide open spaces to create greater contact with the sea. 64


Manufactured at CRN - Shipyard and brand of the Ferretti Group, specializing in the construction and sale of fully-custom displacement mega yachts, made of steel and aluminium ranging from 40 to 90 metres, and with a displacement line made of fibreglass (CRN Navetta 43) of 43 metres – CRN 125 “J’ade” is the hull number 125 of the Shipyard, privately launched last November in Ancona.

60 METRES OF ELEGANCY By Renato Schweizer

Made of steel and aluminium, it has an overall length of 60 metres

This aspect is the basis of the stylistic and functio-

and a 10.20 metre beam. The megayacht has four decks and a

nal design of the external shape and the internal

sub lower deck, which comfortably accommodates 10 guests – in

layout, created by Studio Zuccon International Pro-

four Vip cabins and the Owner suite - and 13 crew members.

ject in close collaboration with the CRN Engineering department, which handled the naval archi-

A pleasure vessel with a strong identity, thanks to its specific spa-

tecture. The interior design was handled by Studio

tial and formal solutions and features and an external design that

Zuccon and the CRN Design and Interiors depart-

gives it a wholesome shape, making the pleasure ship immedia-

ment, who took into consideration the owner‘s

tely recognizable. A very aggressive and captivating shape with

requests up to the smallest detail. The style is classic

a warm grey hull which contrasts with the white superstructure.

and modern, elegant and refined with a fusion of



materials that were wisely combined: wood, leather, marble and

in this room are clad with white-silver nuance coco-

metals which harmoniously combine with the natural and artificial

nut leather by Fendi Club House Italia. The carpet,

lighting of the internal spaces.

fitted in the hardwood floor surrounding the double bed, is made of silk and the edges are outlined

The concept of the vessel‘s decor is reflected in its name “J’ade”,

in the classic Greek key motif. All the decorative

that is, jade green, a colour that is used in different shades for

textiles and curtains made of cashmere are by

the decor of the ship and in all the decorative textiles in the inter-

Loro Piana. The entire suite is furnished in light

nal and external spaces.

shades. The master’s suite features a full beam bathroom furnished with Afyon and Emperador

“J’ade” combines technological innovations and open and bright

Dark marble, with customized petal shaped wash-

spaces designed by CRN, creating a new way of experiencing

basins, also in Emperador Dark marble. The oval

the sea. Moreover the mega yacht fully embodies all the main

bathtub in Corian designed by Boffi occupies the

strengths of the brand: the balcony in the master suite, the beach

central position facing an attractive dressing table

club, with the stern hatch that opens and turns into a large beach

featuring an elegant top in marble and equipped

seat at water level, a unique floodable garage integrated in the

with an anti-steam mirror, which conceals a led TV.

lounge area of the beach club and a large full window in the

To the right there is also a large shower in marble

panoramic salon.

with waterfall faucets.

In the Owner‘s suite, the balcony, which can be kept open even



while sailing, is furnished with a coffee table and armchairs for

The big main salon has a wide open elegant and

breakfast. The headboard and all the accessories of the furniture

comfortable layout with warm and welcoming

shades, which harmoniously match with all the other elements. As you enter from the cockpit, on the left, one immediately notices the bar area with a green marble top and a structure made of rosewood with leather tops, on which there is a big aquarium, which was the Owner‘s special request. The upper deck has a large cockpit and a wide upper salon, with full length windows, which create a wide panoramic view and increase the „eye-contact“ with the sea. The cockpit has an outdoor teak sofa, coffee table and armchairs, and a large round table, with a rotating servant, for fourteen people. On this deck all the decorative textiles of the cockpit in shades of green and brown are by Loro Piana who chose them together with the Owner, thus bringing the entire environment together conceptually, both externally and internally, where the decorative cushions have the same design. The garage, for the first time onboard a CRN megayacht, is floodable and the tender (a 27ft. Riva Iseo) can be handled in it without using a crane. The side hatch of the garage is operated

hydraulically and the internal basin fills with water to allow the tender to go in and out easily: the border of the tub has a protection to avoid damage and it also has underwater lights to create a dramatic effect. The garage can be emptied very quickly and dries out in three minutes. Outside, towards the bow and in front of the steering wheel on the upper deck there is another novelty for CRN: the carbon steel retractable mast for the sailing lights. A structure that is present on all megayachts over 50mt and normally fixed. On board “J’ade”, thanks to a special device, the mast can be retracted when the ship is moored, to improve the view and further enhancing the beauty of its external design. The pleasure ship has two 1500kW MTU diesel engines, which allow it to sail at a top speed of 15 knots and a cruising speed of 14 knots.

CrN and the Ferretti group CRN is a brand of the Ferretti Group, a world leader in the design, construction and marketing of luxury motor yachts, has an unparalleled portfolio of eight exclusive and prestigious brands, each with its own distinctive and unique features including Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Itama, Bertram, Riva, Mochi Craft, CRN and Ferretti Custom Line. Established in 1968 by Norberto Ferretti and led by Chairman Tan Xuguang and by the Chief Executive Officer Ferruccio Rossi, the Group operates a series of stateof-the-art production centers in Italy and in the United States. The Group is present in the United States through its subsidiary Ferretti Group America, which manages a network of Sales Centers specializing in the distribution and sales of the Group’s brands throughout the North American market, and in Asia, through a representative and promotion office in Shanghai. Moreover, a specialized network of approximately 60 selected dealers grants the Ferretti Group’s presence in over 80 countries, thereby ensuring Clients receive the very best customer service and support in marinas throughout the world. Yachting



aS SilK By Patricia Schweizer

die geschichte von Thai Airways International mit Ihrem royal Orchid Service begann von 53 Jahren. Damals am 1. Mai 1960, als der erste Flug von THAI mit einer Douglas DC-6B und 60 Passagieren vom Bangkoker Flughafen Don Mueang in Richtung Hong Kong, Taipei und Tokio abhob war noch nicht abzusehen, dass THAI heute eine Flotte 1

von 100 Flugzeugen betreiben würde. Die Thailändische Fluggesellschaft transportiert in-

The history of Thai Airways International with its royal Orchid Service began 53 years ago.

zwischen über 20 Millionen Passagiere sowie 500’000 Tonnen Fracht jährlich. Das Netzwerk umfasst mittlerweile mehr als 70 Destinationen auf fünf Kontinenten. Thai Airways hat dazu beigetragen, Bangkok als führendes Luftfahrtdrehkreuz Südostasiens zu etablieren. So war THAI beispiels-

Back then, on 1 May 1960, when the first THAI flight with a Dou-

weise die erste internationale Fluggesellschaft, die

glas DC-6B and 60 passengers on board left Bangkok Airport

Bali in ihr Streckennetz aufgenommen hat.

Don Mueang for Hong Kong, Taipei and Tokyo, no one could foresee that THAI would operate a fleet of 100 aircraft in 2013. 1 As of January 2013, THAI uses its new and luxurious A380 airplane be-

Thai Airways now transport over 20 million passengers as well as 500,000 tons of freight every year. The present-day network comprises over 70 destinations on five continents. Thai Airways has been instrumental in establishing Bangkok as a leading 70

aviation hub in South East Asia. For example, THAI was the first Airline

international airline to include Bali in its network of destinations.

tween Bangkok and Frankfurt 2 During the flight, Royal First Class passengers can enjoy a drink at the bar or relax in the on-board Royal First Lounge. 3 One of the friendly THAI air hostesses in the new Economy Class of the airbus A380. 4 Royal Silk Class 5 The latest Royal Silk Class seats can be converted into comfortable beds, with 15-inch screens, Internet access, Wi-Fi and power socket. 6 Spacious and elegant seats that can be converted into beds, equipped with 23-inch screens. Privacy and comfort are top priorities in Royal First Class. 7 Royal First Class Bathroom. 8 The latest Royal Silk Class seats can be converted into comfortable beds.

d 2






Ende September letzten Jahres erhielt THAI ihren ersten von insgesamt sechs Grossraumflieger Airbus A380 mit den modernsten Sitz-Betten und stillvollem Interieur in allen Kabinenklassen. Im weltgrössten Flieger von Thai Airways werden den Passagieren modernste Kommunikationstechnologien offeriert. Fluggäste können während des Fluges Ihre Mobiltelefon benutzen oder frei im Internet dank Wi-Fi-Verbindung surfen. Das Senden und Empfangen von Kurzmitteilungen, Video- oder Audiobotschaften durch Wi-Fi sind für alle Fluggäste kostenlos. Das neuste Unterhaltungspro8

gramm bietet 100 Filme, 150 Fernsehsendungen, 500 Musikalben und 60 coole Games und Spiele.

At the end of September last year, THAI received its first widebody aircraft Airbus A 380, out of a total of six. It features state-

Thai Airways ist inzwischen die führende Flug-

of-the-art seat-beds and stylish interior design in all cabin classes.

gesellschaft für Anschlussverbindungen zu Zielen

In the world’s largest Thai Airways aircraft, passengers have

in die wichtigsten asiatischen Staaten wie Viet-

access to all the latest communication technologies. Air passen-

nam, Kambodscha, Laos, Süd-China oder Burma.

gers are allowed to use their mobile phones during the flight,

Sie übernimmt so eine bedeutende Funktion für

and they can surf the Internet freely thanks to Wi-Fi. Sending and

die Entwicklung dieser aufstrebenden Nationen.

receiving short messages as well as video and audio messages

Von Europa nach Australien zählen die THAI-

via Wi-Fi are free of charge for all passengers. The latest entertain-

Verbindungen heute zu den Schnellsten.

ment programme offers 100 films, 150 television programmes, 500 music albums and 60 cool games.

Für die Beliebtheit des «Royal Orchid Service» gibt

Thai Airways is now the leading airline for destinations in the most

es zahlreiche Gründe. Zu erwähnen ist aber ins-

important Asian countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South

besondere die «THAINESS». Es ist dies die Mission

China and Burma. It thus plays an important role in the develop-

der Airline, auf allen ihren Flügen eine Atmosphäre

ment of these up-and-coming nations. Thai Airways now also offers

zu schaffen, die den traditionellen thailändischen

some of the fastest connections between Europe and Australia.

Wert der Gastfreundschaft widerspiegelt. Der exklusive Servicestandard von THAI vermittelt allen

There are many reasons for the popularity of the “Royal Orchid

Fluggästen stets das Gefühl, an Bord herzlich

Service”. Foremost among them is its “THAINESS”. It is the ambition

willkommen zu sein.

of the airline to create, on all flights, an atmosphere reflecting the traditional Thai values of hospitality. The exclusive service

Die vergangenen 53 Jahre Thai Airways sind

standard upheld by THAI conveys the message to all passengers

geprägt von Tradition und Qualität. Dank ihres

that they are very welcome on board.

ausgezeichneten Services und ihrer Gastfreundlichkeit gehört THAI seit ihrer Gründung nicht nur



The last 53 years of Thai Airways have been marked by tradition

zu den besten, sondern auch zu den beliebtesten

and quality. Thanks to its excellent service and its hospitality,

Fluggesellschaften weltweit. Ihr Erfolg ist die kon-

THAI has, ever since its foundation, not only been among the

sequente Serviceorientierung aller Mitarbeiterinnen

best but also the most popular airlines worldwide. Its success is

und Mitarbeiter. Entsprechend dem Claim «Smoth

based on a philosophy that ensures that all staff members con-

as silk» fühlt man sich als Passagier in allen Royal

sistently provide customer-oriented services. In line with the claim

THAI Orchid Flügen einfach entspannt und wohl.

“Smooth as silk” passengers on all Royal THAI Orchid flights

Die Unternehmensstrategie dieser globalen Flug-

simply feel good and relaxed. The corporate strategy of this

gesellschaft lässt sich mit den Worten «The First

global airline can be summed up in the words “The First Choice

Choice Carrier with Touches of Thai» zusammen-

Carrier with Touches of Thai”.













The Soneva Fushi is the perfect hideaway in the Maldives. The resort, situated on an island of breathtaking beauty, is a place which is just asking to be explored and experienced with all one’s senses.

das Soneva Fushi ist ein hideaway auf den Malediven. das resort, auf einer Insel von traumhafter Schönheit gelegen, ist ein Ort, den man erleben und sinnlich erfahren muss.

Excited and full of anticipation, we board the seaplane at Male

Gespannt und voller Vorfreude steigen wir nach

airport after a short, pleasant wait in the Soneva Fushi VIP Lounge.

einem kurzen, gemütlichen Aufenthalt in der VIP

Barely 30 minutes later we land next to the little wooden plat-

Lounge des Soneva Fushi am Flughafen Male ins

form just off the island, where we immediately receive a very

Wasserflugzeug. Kaum 30 Minuten später landen

warm welcome and are taken the last few metres by speedboat.

wir auch schon neben der kleinen Holz-Plattform

“Dear guests, for the duration of your holiday at Soneva Fushi

direkt vor der Insel, wo wir sogleich herzlich emp-

say goodbye to the daily newspapers, to the internet if at all

fangen werden und für die letzten Meter ins Speed-

By Patricia Schweizer Translation Louise Mawbey



Star Table at Fresh in The Garden Restaurant

possible and, right now, to your shoes – at the resort we adhere

Boot umsteigen. „Liebe Gäste, verabschieden Sie

strictly to our SLOW LIFE motto.” With a smile on her face, the

sich für die Zeit Ihres Urlaubs auf Soneva Fushi von

friendly guest manager busily collects up all our flip-flops and

sämtlichen Tagesmedien, nach Möglichkeit vom

sandals while we are still on the boat. We look across to the other

Internet und sogleich auch von Ihren Schuhen,

guests and see that they too all have an amused grin on their faces.

denn bei uns gilt ein striktes Motto SLOW LIFE!“

We are left with a pleasant sense of freedom and anticipation.

Mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht sammelt die freundliche Guest-Managerin bereits im Boot fleissig alle

Arriving on the island in bare feet, the first impression is very

unsere Flipflops und Sandalen ein. Ein Blick zu den

interesting indeed. The island is totally unspoilt; the lush tropical

anderen Gästen verrät auf sämtlichen Gesichtern

forest vegetation has been left virtually untouched and the

ein ebenfalls amüsiertes Grinsen. Zurück bleibt ein

sustainable, back-to-nature architecture which is to be found

wohliges Gefühl der Freiheit und Vorfreude!

throughout the entire resort is immediately apparent. The rustic style with distinctive, robust wooden furniture, thick bamboo fences

Mit den nackten Füssen auf der Insel angekommen,

and cob walls initially seems rather unusual in comparison to the

ist der erste Eindruck vorweg sehr interessant. Die

extremely elegant Maldive hotels that are the norm everywhere

Insel ist sehr ursprünglich, mit üppiger tropischer

else on the islands. I had personally thought that I would always

Bewaldung belassen und auch der nachhaltige,

prefer that type of ultramodern architecture and the stylish

sehr naturnahe Baustil, in welchem das gesamte

interiors but I soon learned otherwise.

Resort einheitlich und konsequent erscheint, ist sofort sichtbar. Die rustikale Bauart mit markanten,

The true luxury at Soneva Fushi is the simplicity, the back-to-nature

robusten Holzmöbel, dicken Bambus-Holzzäunen

ethos and the wonderfully warm, high-quality materials. These

und Lehmwänden wirkt im ersten Moment unge-

materials and the resort’s extremely open, airy designs exude a

wohnt im Vergleich zu den normalerweise super

sense of pure freedom coupled with an essence of a Robinson

eleganten, stylischen Malediven-Hotels. Ich dachte

Crusoe feel.

bislang, dass ich tendenziell diese klassisch, Bauweise und die üblichen Interieurs bevorzuge, wurde aber innert kürzester Zeit eines Besseren belehrt.



Sunrise Retreat Bathroom

A total of 65 luxury villas, nestling in the lush palm jungle, all

Im Soneva Fushi ist die Einfachheit und die Rück-

have private access to the ocean and are a personal haven of

kehr zur Natur und ihren wunderbar warmen,

wellbeing for each guest. All the villas provide a unique

hochwertigen Materialien der wahre Luxus. Die

atmosphere; some are equipped with a large or a small private

Materialien und das sehr offene, luftige Baukon-

seawater pool or with unique highlights such as a spacious,

zept des Resorts versprüht das Gefühl von purer

open-air, roofed bathroom or a generously-sized outdoor bathtub,

Freiheit und einem Hauch von Robinson Crusoe.

either sunk into the sandy ground or into a water feature made of stone. The rustic, hand-crafted wooden furniture and the rich,

Die insgesamt 65 Luxus-Villen, eingebettet in den

fresh colours of the furnishings give the interiors a casual and

üppigen Palmen-Dschungel, alle mit privatem Meer-

informal but at the same time high-quality feel. Depending on

zugang, bieten den Gästen eine individuelle Wohl-

the size of the villa, you can soon lose your way around your own

fühloase. Ob mit grossem oder kleinerem privaten

“four walls”. In order to stop this from happening, guests are

Meerwasser-Pool oder mit einmaligen Highlights

met on arrival by their own personal Mr. Friday who is happy

wie einem weitläufigen, überdachten Badezimmer

to give them a tour of the villa and a trip around the island, and

im Freien, einer grosszügigen Badewanne unter

provides a butler-type service to help them during their stay.

freiem Himmel, entweder in den Sandboden oder als Steinkonstruktion in einen Wasserlauf einge-



As you have no doubt already guessed, the back-to-nature con-

lassen, bieten sie ein einmaliges Ambiente. Dazu

cept and a wholehearted commitment to sustainability are also

präsentieren die urchigen, handgefertigten Holz-

applied to all other areas. “Organic” and “ecological” are defini-

möbel und die satten, frischen Farben der Bezüge

tely a major focus throughout the entire resort, from the paper

ein lockeres, legeres, aber dennoch sehr hoch-

and pencils and the organic cotton bed sheets to the food,

wertiges Interieur. Je nach Villengrösse kann man

which mainly comes from the resort’s own large and, of course,

sich durchaus rasch in den eigenen «vier Wänden»

organic garden.

verlaufen. Damit dies nicht geschieht, erhält jedes

This is also the reason why you will not be able to book a water

Gästepaar seinen persönlichen Mr. Friday, welcher

villa; for environmental reasons there simply aren’t any. Instead,

nebst einer Villa-Tour den Gästen auch gerne eine

you will be welcomed by perfect beaches, a living, healthy reef

Rundfahrt auf der Insel anbietet und während

and a colony of nesting turtles.

ihres Aufenthalts als eine Art Butler zur Seite steht.


Sicherlich werden Sie jetzt schon ahnen, dass sich dieses Konzept der Naturnähe und des ernsthaften Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit auf sämtliche Bereiche ausdehnt. Die Worte biologisch, ökologisch werden in der Tat im gesamten Resort gross geschrieben, vom Bleistift und Block über die BioBaumwoll-Bettbezüge bis hin zu den Lebensmitteln, die grösstenteils aus dem eigenen grossen, selbstverständlich biologischem Resort-Garten stammen. Aus demselben Grund werden Sie auch vergebens nach buchbaren Wasser-Villen suchen, da es diese aus eben ökologischen Gründen gar nicht gibt. Im Gegenzug werden Sie perfekte Strände, ein lebendiges, gesundes Riff, sowie eine Kolonie von nistenden Schildkröten vorfinden. Wie bereits angedeutet, ist das Soneva ein Resort der Sinne und Erlebnisse. Highlights wie eine eigene, traumhaft schöne Sandbank-Insel direkt vor der Hauptinsel, auf welcher jeweils dienstags die legendäre Manager-Cocktail-Party mit sämtlichen Hotelgästen stattfindet, grosse biologische Gemüsegärten, die unberührten Strände, das Open-AirKino und das einmalige Observatorium für genüssliche Sternstunden sind nur einige Beispiele. Auch Gourmets, wie wir es sind, kommen voll auf ihre Kosten! Das legendäre Restaurant Fresh in the Garden and Bar mit rundem Tisch hoch oben in einer Baumkrone überzeugt mit hervorragenden, gartenfrischen, kreativen Gerichten, das japanische Restaurant By the Beach lädt zum genüsslichen Sushi-Schmaus, das NINE und das Mihiree Mitha bieten eine Auswahl köstlicher internationaler Gerichte und überdimensionale Buffets. Der in den Boden gebaute, kühle Weinkeller lädt vorab zum genüsslichen und spannenden, geführten Wein-Tasting. Die Krönung und unsere persönlichen Genuss-Highlights bilden ein öffentlicher gekühlter Käse- und Fleisch-Delikatessen-Raum, welcher Ihnen ganztags (Selbstbedienung) zur Verfügung steht sowie passend daneben ein gekühlter Schokoladen-Raum mit köstlichen, täglich handgemachten, Pralinen und Schokoladenkreationen höchster Qualität. Nicht nur ein Highlight für die gerngesehenen Kinder auf der Insel, wie wir feststellten.

By the Beach Restaurant

As I have already indicated, the Soneva is a resort designed for

Janangir, einer der Spa-Gastgeber, sammelt jeden

sensory experiences. Highlights, such as the hotel’s own breath-

Morgen Kokosnüsse auf Soneva Fushi. Er knackt

takingly beautiful sandbank just off the main island, where the

sie, öffnet sie und reibt das Fleisch in Kokosmilch

legendary manager’s cocktail party is held together with all the

und Öl, um ein Peeling für den glückseligen Kurum-

hotel guests every Tuesday, the large organic vegetable gardens,

baa Kaashi Kokosnuss-Rub, eine der einzigartigen

the wonderful, untouched beaches, the open-air cinema and the

Spa-Behandlungen, zu erstellen. Das Six Senses

unique observatory where you can marvel at the stars, are just

Spa im Dschungel überzeugt mit talentierten Thera-

a few examples of what is on offer.

peuten und einer umfassenden Auswahl an Heil-, Schönheits- und Verwöhn-Behandlungen.

Mihiree Mitha Restaurant

Gourmets like us are also excellently catered for. The legendary Fresh in the Garden and Bar restaurant, with its round table high up in the treetops, serves excellent and impressive creative dishes fresh from the garden, the By the Beach Japanese restaurant is the place to enjoy a delightful Sushi feast and NINE and Mihiree Mitha offer a selection of delicious international dishes and lavish buffets. Guests can also take part in luscious and fascinating guided wine tasting sessions in the cool wine cellar, which has been built into the ground. The crowning glory and our own personal culinary highlight is the public chilled cheese and meat delicatessen area which is open throughout the day (self-service) and, next to it, a chilled chocolate room with delicious, top-quality praline and chocolate creations that are made freshly by hand every day. And, as we we soon find out, this is not only a hit with the children who are welcome guests on the island. Janangir, one of the hosts at the spa, collects coconuts at Soneva Fushi every morning. He cracks them, opens them up and rubs the flesh in coconut milk and oil in order to create a natural body scrub for the blissful Kurumbaa Kaashi Coconut Rub, just

Wer sich an das Leben auf Soneva gewöhnen

one of the unique spa treatments. The Six Senses Spa, nestled

könnte, dem stehen einmalige Soneva Private

in the jungle, boasts talented therapists and an extensive range

Residences zur Verfügung, die gekauft, aber auch

of healing, cosmetic and luxury treatments.

gemietet werden können. Die Soneva Private Residences sind ultimativer Ausdruck der Erfah-

For those who could get used to life at Soneva, unique Soneva

rung und des unverkennbaren Stils, der Soneva

Private Residences are available which can be purchased or

weltbekannt gemacht hat: dezentes Design und

leased. The Soneva Private Residences are the ultimate expres-

luxuriös geräumige Zimmer, kompromisslose Qua-

sion of the experience and the unmistakeable style which Soneva

lität und Service, und Umweltbewusstsein.

is famed for throughout the world – understated design and luxuriously proportioned rooms, no-compromise quality and

Wem eine Trauminsel noch nicht genug ist, kann

service, and ecological awareness.

während des Maledivenurlaubs ab Anfang 2014 luxuriöses Barfussfeeling nicht nur in dem Traum-

From the beginning of 2014, those for whom one idyllic island

resort Soneva Fushi, sondern auch auf einer

is not enough will be able to experience that luxurious barefoot

hochmodernen, 19,25 Meter langen Segelyacht

feeling during their holiday in the Maldives in more places than

genießen. Entlang paradiesischer Atolle segelt

just at the stunning Soneva Fushi resort; on an ultramodern,

die neue Floating Villa von Soneva durch den

19.25 metre long sailing yacht. Soneva’s new floating villa will

traumhaften Indischen Ozean und steuert die

sail through the breathtaking Indian Ocean, along fabulous

schönsten und einsamsten Inseln und Buchten an

atolls, berthing at the most beautiful and secluded islands and

– welche, das bestimmt der Gast ganz individuell.

bays – the guests themselves will decide which ones. Fazit: Das Soneva Fushi bietet Paaren aber auch To sum up the Soneva Fushi, it offers couples as well as families an

Familien einen unvergesslichen Urlaub auf aller-

unforgettable, premium quality holiday in a unique, back-to-nature

höchstem Niveau in einmaliger, naturnaher Atmos-

atmosphere. And as we found out when chatting to some of the

phäre. Und wie wir im Gespräch mit einigen

guests, nearly all of them are set to become repeat offenders…

Gästen erfahren durften, werden nahezu alle zu

Wiederholungstätern… Hotel


MiSSiOn bathrOOM Interview with Philippe grohe

By Andreas Hofstätter Translation Maisie Hitchcock

look after this vital resource. That’s already been

”We realise unique visions and design objects for your bathroom, because the bathroom matters to us.“

forgotten in some countries and in many cities.

…says Philippe Grohe, Head of Axor / Hansgrohe SE. For over

to spend more than 30 seconds under the shower

20 years, Hansgrohe SE’s designer brand has been developing visions for the bathroom as a living space, reinventing the faucet

But seen from another perspective, water has a very strong emotional effect on us. I like to ask people how long they shower. The majority say between three and ten minutes. But you don’t need to get really clean. So why do we spend so much time with water? Water is good for us. It offers us

and searching for old and new kinds of bathing culture.

balance. It provides us with an unbelievably direct

Luxury Life MAGAZINE met Philippe Grohe, the grandson of

a world which is becoming increasingly urban,

company founder Hans Grohe, to talk bathroom culture.

virtual and stressful, water has emotional qualities

Our blue planet consists mainly of water. Water is everywhere. It’s a fundamental part of life. We take access to water for granted. That said, is water now a luxury? Definitely! I want to look at it firstly from a quantitative perspective. Drinking water is precious, and as a resource, it’s a luxury item. We need to respect it more, and depending on the region,

contact to nature, whether it’s drinkable or not. In

that you associate with luxury. What’s the significance of the bathroom nowadays? how important do you think it is? It’s more important than ever! 120 years ago, less than ten percent of the population had a space to wash in. Having your own bathroom was a real luxury in those days. People used to wash in the kitchen, then in the laundry room, outside or in public baths. The hygienic, functional bathroom was democratised in the 20th century. Almost everyone had a bathroom they could wash in. What is striking and becoming ever more apparent is that since the 1980s, people have needed a space to regenerate in, as exemplified by everything from the Fitness fad to today’s Wellness boom. People look for these spaces on holiday, in yoga classes, or at spas. There’s growing demand for places to retreat into. Places to seek refuge from stress, hyper-mobility, the virtual world, and modern life in general. That is something the bathroom is increasingly able to offer.

Philippe Grohe, Head of Axor / Hansgrohe SE

Axor Starck Organic

You‘ll find them in almost every bathroom:

by turning the head, which was a first, and it was

would you consider all showers the same?

when we began designing for the bathroom.

Definitely not! A shower is technology. It’s a great feeling, standing under a waterfall, but that also means we use a lot of water

These experiences taught us that creativity via an

in the process. For over forty years, we’ve been working on crea-

external network brings a certain freshness to the

ting exceptional moments in the shower with minimum water

table. The first project with a new designer requi-

usage. As a market and innovation leader, we always try to get

res a lot of work, but it is very refreshing. We work

the best out of the water with our showers.

with external designers because we think it inspires our creativity. If we work on a design project

Would you say that technology,

with someone from Japan, they bring with them

research, and artisanry go together?

a very specific vision of Japanese bathroom cul-

And don’t forget design! Our workforce is made up of university

ture. As a fan of Japan, I don’t want to miss out

graduates and craftspeople: tinkerers. Teamwork in all areas is

on this kind of collaboration, even if it’s different.

very important to us. I think it’s important that you mention artisanry. In our region, people do a lot of tinkering and experi-

You work with well-known designers such

menting. They build models, take them home and test out proto-

as Starck, Citterio, urquiola, Massaud

types. All that is carefully handcrafted.

and the Bouroullec brothers. Who will be the next designer to work with Axor?

Speaking of design: how did the

We recently presented a very nice Axor Water-

collaborations with the various designers come about?

Dream with the Japanese design studio Nendo

My father, Klaus Grohe, began working with Hartmut Esslinger

and the Swedish design trio Front. The products

in 1967. Klaus was always the engineer and the tinkerer,

that resulted from this collaboration, were presen-

Hartmut the designer. After the first few tests, the collaboration

ted for the first time at the Cersaie trade fair

produced the Tribel, which was a success. It was the first multi-

(23.09-27.09.2013) in Bologna.

spray, hand-held shower. You could change the water pressure



Axor ShowerProducts designed by Front

Axor “WaterDream“ by Front

Axor Waterdream - what is it

What does the Axor brand represent?

and how did it come into existence?

Axor represents unique, high quality designer ob-

We’ve been exploring ideas and approaches with the Axor

jects for the bathroom. What makes Axor special

WaterDream in different ways since 2000, and looking for inno-

is the fact that we don’t just work on the product.

vative solutions to diverse issues surrounding the bathroom and

The majority of our design partners are architects

its components. It’s basically an open, creative dialogue, which

and interior designers. For example, in 2004,

doesn’t necessarily have any meaning for the market yet, and

Philippe Starck, who has been our design partner

which doesn‘t always result in a product. One reason for this

for over 20 years, designed the Salon d’Eau for

may be because the necessary technology doesn‘t exist yet.

Axor, Duravit and Hoesch - a landmark in the

For example, we recently asked ourselves and our design part-

bathroom’s development into a living space. Inspi-

ners Front and Nendo “How can we re-interpret the shower?“

red by this, Axor developed a specific holistic understanding of the bathroom, which incorporates

The Swedish design trio Front Design played with the technology

the use of space, the use of water, and people‘s

behind the bathrooom walls and placed it in the foreground.

various individual needs.

The water comes from a maze of copper pipes, which at the same time serves as an aesthetic spatial structure. Technology is not

What does the bathroom of the future look like?

ugly, technology has its own aesthetic and we can work with it.

It will be more personal, I hope. It’s one of the most

Oki Sato from Designstudio Nendo in Japan sought inspiration

intimate spaces in the home, and yet many peop-

from outside the bathroom. He blurred the boundaries between

le don’t get their personal bathroom. The truth is,

the spaces. It’s an interplay between homeliness and technology,

too many people have a bathroom of the past:

an aesthetic shifting of concepts and meanings, a hybrid product.

a standard bathroom, perhaps with some individually chosen tiles and faucets. The bathroom is


Put simply, the AxorWaterDream is a platform for dialogue, which

one of the most expensive and technically complex

allows us to talk about possibilities in a freer way than we might

spaces in the home. There’s a lot of potential for

otherwise do during the pure design process. This exchange

things to go wrong and that’s why people make

of opinions advances us, supports designers and provides the

changes very slowly, in small steps. At the same

foundation for new solutions.

time, the bathroom is an unbelievably personal space. It‘s where we are naked. It’s a ‚me’ space.


Do I want the bathroom to be a closed or an open space? Do I want a bathroom just for me or a shared bathroom for the family? What do I want to share in the bathroom i.e. how much do I want to show of myself? Do I want to design individual parts of the bathroom just for me? Do I want a functional family bathroom? Do I want the toilet in the bathroom or not? Do I want a main bathroom with a large shower for daily use and a secondary Axor “WaterDream“ by Nendo

bathroom with a bathtub, or do I want a bathtub and shower in the main bathroom? What materials do I want to use for the

On a whole, I’d recommend making it a space for nature and


relaxation, which means if possible, having windows, natural

If you ask yourself these questions, I think you can

light, and natural materials. A bathroom should stimulate us in

ultimately tailor the character and the comfort

the morning and help us relax in the evening. The space also

level of the bathroom to your own needs.

depends heavily on the personality of the person using it and the circumstances: does he or she want to be able to breath?

do you take showers or baths?

Ultimately – and this is something we are working towards - we

I tend to take showers more often than baths, but I

hope that more people get their own bathroom and not just a

also regularly use a steam shower. I treat myself to

conventional one. Not every bathroom suits everyone - we’re

a bath every once in a while in the evenings, but

all too different.

I rarely have the time.

do you have ideas, suggestions or tips on

What is your idea of luxury?

what to bear in mind when designing a bathroom?

Time. Time for my family and time for myself.

The time factor when it comes to implementing the drainage system. The water pipes are mostly laid in the construction phase.

Time factor aside, are there

The bathroom is very technical, and so decisions are already

any luxuries you like to indulge in?

made before the person using it is able to really deal with the

Yes! Surfing, diving and sailing. Mostly I just have

space and its layout. They’re busy with the construction and

the time to surf. Diving if possible. I’ll start sailing

they’re supposed to already be thinking about the interior design.

again at some point in the future. I used to sail a lot

Pipes have to be laid and the main bodies for the fittings need

when I was a kid and later as a teenager. Last

to be set. This is where restrictions arise in terms of design. My

year, my family and I went on holiday on a woo-

advice would be to make sure you ask yourself as early on as

den sailboat, which was equipped with diving

possible: what matters in this regeneration/cleansing room, and

gear. This year, we spent three days on Hobby

what doesn’t? You should discuss this with your family and the

Cats and it was a lot of fun. My biggest dream

experts who will be doing the work later on. I think it’s important

would be to sail around the world - alone if I have

to consider the following questions:

to. That would be a real luxury and no doubt the most expensive way to travel uncomfortably (laughs). Interior


The Atlantic Hotel By Renato Schweizer Translation Mark S. Kennedy


The largest of the Channel Islands, Jersey is truly special. A beautifully unspoiled landscape, striking coastline, golden sands and a unique blend of British and French influences combine to create a haven for travellers.

combination of panoramic Atlantic views, the finest seafood, the most absorbing heritage and exceptionally delightful flora and fauna, and you have the very essence of Jersey. In May 1970, Henry Burke proudly announced the opening of a new luxury hotel in one of the most stunning locations in the Channel Islands. A graduate of the Swiss hotel school in Lausanne, Henry’s involvement with the Jersey Hotel and

Walkers and cyclists can happily explore a myriad of winding

Guest House Association as its President led to

green lanes, breathe in fresh clean air and enjoy the natural

his belief in the island as a tourist destination and

beauty of rugged coastlines and wooded valleys, beautiful

his commitment to establishing a new hotel of the

beaches and tranquil country lanes. For the active holidaymaker,

highest quality. Henry’s son Patrick joined the

there is a wealth of breathtaking experiences on offer to stimulate

family business in 1985 and succeeded his father

the senses - take to the waters, climb the cliff paths or thrill at the

as Managing Director in 1987. Since this time,

exhilaration of kite surfing and blo karting. Jersey rich in history

an ongoing programme of investment and deve-

and culture, the very character of this tiny island is forged by cen-

lopment has ensured that the property has retained

turies of battles, exploration, struggle and reinvention. Imagine a

its position as one of Jersey’s finest luxury hotels.



Panoramic view from the The Atlantic Hotel

This philosophy of continuous improvement led to the launch of the fine dining restaurant, ‘Ocean’ which first achieved Michelin star status in 2007, an accolade which has now been retained for seven consecutive years. Since its opening, the hotel’s family ownership has consistently delivered the highest levels of personal attention and service.

Luxurious accommodation Set in six acres of beautifully landscaped gardens overlooking the sweeping golden sands of St Ouen’s Bay and the crystal blue Atlantic Ocean, The Atlantic Hotel offers Guestrooms decorated in elegant understated colours, with opulent marble Ocean Restaurant

bathrooms. Light oak and satin-polished chrome add stylish touches, while full height windows and balconies offer great views of the Atlantic Ocean and La Moye Golf Course. Garden Studios and two luxury suites are also available – the Atlantic Suite in particular has been designed to offer the most luxurious accommodation in the Channel Islands.

Ocean restaurant Ocean is an exceptional fine dining restaurant showcasing modern British cooking in a classic setting with the emphasis on fresh Jersey produce. Ocean has retained a Michelin Star since 2007 as well as four Rosettes in the AA Restaurant Guide, placing it in the top rank of restaurants in the British Isles. Executive Head Chef Mark Jordan creates sophisticated menus, including a seasonal a la Mont Orgueil Castle Jersey

carte, daily changing set menus and specially selected vegetarian dishes. Working together with the Genuine Jersey Products Association, Mark Jordan uses the best local ingredients and freshest produce from Jersey’s coast and countryside. Many of these products already have international recognition and arrive straight in the kitchen bearing the distinctive Genuine Jersey logo. Ocean’s design is influenced by its coastal setting. Blues, whites and beiges create a modern classic look, while delightful handcrafted furniture and specially commissioned artwork emphasize the feeling of luxury. White American shutters frame stunning views over the gardens to the ocean beyond.

The Atlantic hotel Lobby

The Atlantic hotel

The Atlantic hotel Executive Suite

Mark Jordan at the Beach

been sourced from renowned island artists inclu-

Mark Jordan at the Beach, a sister restaurant to Ocean, sits on

ding Nick Romeril and Debbie Buterbaugh.

the south coast of the island, close to the capital St Helier, just a stone’s throw from the picturesque St Aubin’s Harbour. The,

restaurant has a relaxed, casual atmosphere and diners enjoy

how to get to Jersey

unrivalled views of the bay accompanied by the sights and

From Switzerland, Jersey is most easily reached by

sounds of busy beach activities. The bistro style menu offers a

Blue Islands, a Channel Islands based boutique

fabulous choice of honest, high quality food including freshly

airline. The direct flight from Zurich to Jersey takes

made soup; grilled sole with a caper, prawn and cockle vinai-

only 2 hours. From Jersey and Guernsey, Blue

grette and a tempting selection of ‘old favourite’ desserts such

Islands also serves the following destinations in

as sticky toffee pudding. An understated, laid back beach theme

Europe and the UK: Amsterdam, Bristol, Chambery,

is evident throughout the property complemented by the use of

Geneva, London City, Paris and Southampton.

natural stone, Jersey Oak and rattan furniture. Local artwork has



News & Previews LuuNIQ creates luxurious and unique weddings and events. There are moments in life in which you have particularly high expectations. LUUNIQ a competent team of wedding planner and event designer based in Herrliberg, Zurich - has set itself the goal to exceed these expectations. The two partners Aline Birgelen and Sara Pua together care for their customers‘ needs and assist them in organizing and decorating their engagement, wedding, private or business event. With a great sense of aesthetics, style, exclusivity and an experienced eye for the details, they create unique and luxurious moments. The decoration team of LUUNIQ, consisting of designers and florists, makes decoration dreams come true - be it in the in-house studio in Herrliberg or thanks to the existing infrastructure at any other place in the world. From the invitation, the bridal bouquet and wedding cake at weddings to the decoration, everything will be perfectly matched and each event will be given a distinctive touch. With existing contacts to the most beautiful and exclusive places and the best service providers, professionalism is guaranteed in all areas. In addition to its credo that only the best is good enough, discretion and individuality for LUUNIQ have highest priority. Unique moments shall remain unique.

Es gibt Momente im Leben an welche man ganz besonders hohe Erwartungen hat. LUUNIQ - ein kompetentes Team aus Wedding Planner und Eventdesigner mit Sitz in Herrliberg, Zürich – hat sich zum Ziel gemacht genau diese Erwartungen noch zu übertreffen. Die beiden Inhaberinnen Aline Birgelen und Sara Pua kümmern sich gemeinsam um die Wünsche ihrer Kunden und unterstützen sie bei der Organisation und Dekoration ihrer Verlobung, Hochzeit, privaten Anlässe oder geschäftlichen Events. Mit viel Sinn für Ästhetik, Stil, Exklusivität und einem geübten Auge für die Details erschaffen sie einmalige und luxuriöse Momente. Das Dekorationsteam von LUUNIQ, bestehend aus Designern und Floristen, lässt Dekorationsträume wahr werden – sei dies im hauseigenen Atelier in Herrliberg oder dank vorhandener Infrastruktur an jedem anderen Ort der Welt. Von der Einladungskarte über den Brautstrauss und die Hochzeitstorte bei Hochzeiten bis zur Tischdekoration wird alles optimal auf einander abgestimmt und dem Anlass so eine ganz besondere Note verliehen. Mit den bestehenden Kontakten zu den schönsten und exklusivsten Lokalitäten und den besten Dienstleistern im Eventbereich wird Professionalität in allen Bereichen garantiert. Neben ihrem Credo, dass nur das Beste gut genug ist, wird Diskretion und Individualität bei LUUNIQ sehr gross geschrieben. Einmalige Momente sollen einmalig bleiben.

Personalised luxury fashion – A pioneering achievement. The Swiss luxury fashion company Key of Aurora is one step ahead of their competitors: Their articles, made by high-quality artisans, are personalised and made-to-measure, to meet every customer’s individual wishes. Key of Aurora gives their customers the possibility to have timeless accessory and knitwear articles personalised and made to individual taste. “The term luxury is questioned a lot when it comes to fashion. We give a possible answer to this question and take luxury up to the next level”, said Nadine Benedick, founder of Key of Aurora. On their website, customers can find carefully chosen products of quality brands and order individually personalised manufactures. They can choose from different fabric, leather and coat colours, have some-

Absolutely unique “Luisa” metal design: «sunrise» by Greta Rohner.

thing engraved or choose from a golden or silver zipper. Key of Aurora’s main focus is on quality craftsmanship, personalisation and storytelling. For more information, visit their website

Catch the sunlight – The Swiss metal artist greta rohner. She works with brass and a hand grinder – the Swiss metal artist Greta Rohner (41), with her workshop in St. Gallen (near Altenrhein airport), uses a technique she developed herself to create aesthetic “Luisa” wall decorations which are unique the world over in terms of workmanship and design. “I liberate the Luisa who is lying dormant within the brass panel; she is a luminous diva and a goddess – she is pure sunlight. For me, each work is a momentous experience,” explains Rohner. With the hand grinder and a variety of discs, she penetrates the brass panels to differing depths and fashions sweeping, flowing shapes with “smooth, swaying movements”, thus creating unique, 3D-effect pieces in gold and brown tones. By applying selected liquid chemicals to specific points, the artist then intuitively decorates her “Luisa” with additional colours (blue, violet, grey etc.). The picture is finished with a layer of hard, crystal clear, UV-stable automotive paint which gives the “Luisa” a high-gloss, resplendent shine and protects it from environmental impact. In addition to exclusive wall decorations, “Luisa” can also be used to create wall elements for interiors and for exterior facades and even to enhance the design of everyday objects. For more informations please contact: or visit

Technology developed by the artist: with a hand grinder, Greta Rohner liberates the “Luisa” lying dormant within the brass panel.

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of a Voucher worth 500 Swiss Francs. Send us your name & address before 01.01.2014 at

The world’s first restorative Spa Palace on the romantic island of the ancient goddess of love. Antara Destination Spa & Resort on the southwest shores of Cyprus is the world’s premiere luxury wellness spa palace. Redefining the benchmark of traditional luxury spas, exquisite opulent interiors combine with legendary quality service. Carefully formulated programmes for guests include a helicopter or limo airport transfer on arrival, a personal butler, two spa treatments a day, naturopathic consultations, unlimited use of the spa and fitness facilities, unlimited participation in classes,

Brasserie Chavot, London awarded its first Michelin Star. Mayfair restaurant Brasserie Chavot has achieved the ultimate restaurant award - its first Michelin Star. Having only launched Brasserie Chavot in Conduit Street in March 2013, the mastermind behind the now Michelin-Starred restaurant Eric Chavot is absolutely delighted with the result, particularly after having achieved 3 AA Rosettes at the AA awards recently. Eric has

workshops and sporting activities and a private chef to prepare three a la carte wellness meals a day tailor made based on the guest’s well-being goals. With six Royal Suites and a Presidential Suite, Antara is easily one of the world’s most exclusive and private spa resorts. Other facilities for guests include a private cinema, outdoor infinity pool, yoga and meditation rooms, a grand gallery, beach lounge and tropical garden terrace. Buddha Suites

created a classic French-style brasserie with ingredients sourced from across the British Isles as well as artisan producers from the rural regions of France, handpicking suppliers for crab from the West Country, langoustine from the Outer Hebrides, venison from Ireland, lamb from the Pyrénées and the very finest French charcuterie and cheese. Although, the restaurant has received great acclaim across the capital from foodies and critics alike, Eric who famously held two Michelin stars for an impressive ten years from 1999-2009 at The Capital Restaurant, was decidedly shocked to have accomplished such an award and pays homage to his team. Brasserie Chavot, 41 Conduit Street, Mayfair, London W1S 2YQ. Open daily for lunch and dinner. Call 0207 183 6425 for bookings.

VISIONAPArTMENTS – Official opening of the new Flagship house. On a site originally intended for office units only, a new apartment building and therefore new living space at a sought-after location has been created in the last few years in the direct vicinity of the Giesshübel railway station in Zurich. The finishing touches were made to the 206 fullyfurnished designer apartments this year; they are now ready for their first guests and will be available at attractive prices. The future tenants of the completely new apartments, furnished to meet superior quality standards, will not only benefit from a variety of services (including weekly cleaning and free internet and TV access, with ancillary costs included in the rental price) but will also be able to choose from five design styles and a range of apartment sizes (17 to 70 m²). In the future, tenants will also be able to enjoy an innovative restaurant, an exclusive VIP lounge with spa area on the top floor and a fitness studio, all without leaving the building. More information is available at

© Foto: Crosby Street Hotel, New York

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Expressiv, individuell, ästhetisch. So einzigartig wie jeder Mensch, so einzigartig wie jedes Bauvorhaben, so einzigartig ist die Schotten & Hansen-Oberfläche. Meisterlich verarbeitetes Holz erfüllt die höchsten Ansprüche luxuriösen Wohndesigns weltweit. Ob klassisch oder zeitgemäß. Sei es für private, öffentliche oder maritime Räumlichkeiten: In der bayerischen Manufaktur für Dielen, Parkett und Interieur entstehen handbearbeitete Raumelemente nach Kundenwunsch. Natürliche Farb-

Living | office & object

pigmente und eine Veredelung mit erlesenen Essenzen, die der Baum

Barbara Benz und ihr architare-Team entwickeln maß-

oft selbst liefert, sind eine Wohltat für die Sinne.

geschneiderte Interiorkonzepte für Industrie, Gast-

ronomie und Privatkunden vom Feinsten. Von der Veneers for the Yacht Interior of Twizzle (Royal Huisman)

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resonant, sophisticated, “hip”. The EuroMotor 2013 to showcase high-calibre exhibitors. The EuroMotor 2013, which will be held for the first time at the MOC in Munich from 29th November to 1st december december, is dedicated entirely to “luxury living”. The premium exhibitors at this new automotive and lifestyle fair come from the fields of mobility, jewellery & fashion, fine dining & travel, art & interior design and real estate & finance. Three of the high-calibre exhibitors are the sports car tuning company VOS (Vision of Speed), “Die 3. Dimension” – an exclusive studio for high-end hi-fi equipment – and Hollister’s Motorcycles, Germany’s top motorbike manufacturer and producer of the “most beautiful motorbike in the world”. They will be joined by renowned companies, such as Aston Martin, Jaguar, Bentley and Rolls Royce, as well as small-scale automotive manufacturers and suppliers of yachts, motorbikes and airplanes. More information can be found at

Die EuroMotor 2013, die vom 29. November bis 01. dezember erstmals im Münchner MOC gastiert, widmet sich ganz und gar der «schönen Lebensart». Die hochkarätigen Aussteller, dieser Automobil- und Lifestyle-Messe, kommen aus den Bereichen Mobilität, Schmuck & Mode, Kulinarik & Reisen, Kunst & Interior Design, sowie Real Estate & Finanzwesen. Drei der Aussteller sind unter anderem: der Sportwagen-Veredler VOS – Vision of Speed, «Die 3. Dimension» – exklusives Studio für High-End HiFi und Hollister’s Motorcycles – Deutschlands erste Motorrad-Manufaktur und Hersteller des «schönsten Motorrads der Welt». Daneben werden namhafte Aussteller wie Aston Martin, Jaguar, Bentley und Rolls Royce ebenso vertreten sein, wie kleine Automobil-Manufakturen und Anbieter von Yachten, Motorrädern und Flugzeugen. Mehr Informationen unter Karl Ulrich Herrmann Organisator und Initiator der EuroMotor 2013

The World Announces Exhilarating 2014 Journey. The World, the largest privately owned residential yacht on earth, has announced an intrepid 2014 journey that promises to be one of the most exhilarating in the Ship‘s history. Residents and guests will enjoy an extensive exploration of New Zealand and Southeast Asia, an unprecedented overland visit to North Korea from Beijing and two exceptional expeditions to Papua New Guinea & the Solomon Islands and the Sea of Okhotsk. The private community-at-sea will also undertake a deep exploration of French Polynesia, Cook Islands, China, Japan, and South Korea, sailing 44,000 nautical miles and visiting 123 new ports. A diverse group of Residents from 19 countries own the 165 luxury Residences onboard and share interests in world cultures, history and adventure, and exploring fascinating destinations. They circumnavigate the globe every two to three years following an extraordinary itinerary that they select. To learn more about this unique lifestyle visit

Team spirit and vision for success. Falcon Private Bank has been the official sponsor of the Formula 1 Scuderia Toro Rosso team and the personal sponsor of Jean-Eric Vergne since May 2011. The partnership between the bank and the Italian racing team has been significant in raising the global profile of the bank as a brand and in increasing its market presence. As part of the partnership, the Falcon Private Bank sponsor logo can be seen on the front of the racing cars and on the two front spoilers, as well as on the race suits of the drivers and the overalls worn by the Scuderia Toro Rosso racing team. Eduardo Leemann, CEO of Falcon Private Bank, explains the bank’s partnership with Scuderia Toro Rosso. “We are thrilled with the cooperation with the Formula 1 Scuderia Toro Rosso team. The team spirit and the vision for the success of this dynamic crew mirror our pursuit of innovative, finely-tuned customer solutions and the continued honing of our performance.” Falcon Private Bank is an experienced Swiss private bank which specialises in wealth management for affluent private clients and families. Its clients from around the world benefit from more than 40 years of experience in the Swiss private banking sector, as well as from the financial strength and the stability of its owners, aabar Investments PJS. Falcon Private Bank has subsidiaries and offices in Geneva, London, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Hong Kong and Singapore.


30 Years – Exquisite Dining at 1‘850 m above Sea Level He has long moved beyond being a secret tip even if some people con-

Er ist längst kein Geheimtipp mehr, auch wenn man ihn nach wie vor

tinue to treat him like one. For more than 30 years, Robert Jagisch (60),

gerne als einen solchen handelt. Seit über 30 Jahren verwöhnt der überaus

this exceedingly congenial native Austrian, passionate executive chef and

sympathische gebürtige Österreicher Robert Jagisch (60) als passionierter

star cook with 15 Gault Millau points, has regaled his illustrious guests

Küchenchef und Sternekoch mit 15 Gault-Millau-Punkten seine illustren

at the Chasellas Restaurant of the Hotel Suvretta House St. Moritz. His

Gäste im Restaurant Chasellas des Hotels Suvretta House St. Moritz.

highly original dishes, prepared with much passion, have attracted inter-

Robert Jagischs originelle und mit viel Leidenschaft zubereitete Gerichte

national politicians and celebrities from the film and music industry to his

haben bekannte internationale Politiker, Film- und Musikstars ins kleine,

small, romantic restaurant at 1‘850 m above sea level.

romantische Chasellas auf 1‘850 Metern über Meer gelockt.

We were not at all surprised when he told us that he has numerous regu-

Es erstaunte uns daher nicht, als er uns erzählte, dass er zahlreiche Stamm-

lar guests booking the 45 coveted seats who travel to St. Moritz just for

gäste hat, die regelmässig die 45 begehrten Plätze buchen und eigens

the occasion of a marvellous dinner at the Chasellas Restaurant! In addi-

zu diesem Anlass – ein köstliches Dinner – nach St. Moritz reisen! Neben

tion to classics like loup de mer and roast saddle of venison, the menu in-

Klassikern wie Loup de Mer und Rehrücken stehen auch Köstlichkeiten aus

cludes specialties from the chef’s native country such as Viennese roasted

der Heimat des Küchenchefs, darunter Wiener Backhendl, Tafelspitzsülze,

chicken, boiled fillet of beef in gelatine, apricot dumplings or chocolate

Marillenknödel oder Mohr im Hemd auf der Karte. Nach einem köstlichen

pudding with whipped cream. After a delicious dinner at the Chasellas

Dinner nächtigt der anspruchsvolle Gourmet übrigens königlich in einem

Restaurant, the discerning gourmet may spend the night in royal fashion in

der 181 luxuriösen Zimmer, eleganten Juniorsuiten und grosszügigen Sui-

one of the 181 luxurious rooms, elegant suites at the Hotel Suvretta House

ten des Hotels Suvretta House St. Moritz. Alles in allem unbedingt eine

St. Moritz. All in all, it’s a great reason for another trip to St. Moritz!

weitere Reise nach St. Moritz wert!

restaurant Chasellas I opening times mid-december to mid-April & late June to early October I Tel. 0041 81 833 38 54 I

Sternekoch robert Jagisch

ACHENKIRCH Situated in the vicinity of Lake Achen in the Tyrol, the Posthotel, with

Unweit des Achensees in Tirol gelegen, ist das Posthotel mit seinem

its unique atmosphere and the “Christlum” ski resort right in front of the

einzigartigem Ambiente und dem Skigebiet «Christlum» direkt vor der

door, is an exclusive hotel and spa oasis for adults only. The 150 suites

Haustüre, eine exklusive Wohlfühloase NUR für Erwachsene. Die 150

and rooms furnished in tasteful Austrian country style exude charm,

Suiten und Zimmer im gediegenen Landhausstil bieten Charme, feinsin-

restrained luxury and every comfort expected of a 5-star holiday resort.

nigen Luxus und jeden Komfort, den man im Urlaub erwartet.

Guests who spend their days exploring the slopes around the Posthotel

Wer tagsüber die Pistenvielfalt rund um das Posthotel «erfährt», wird

will take particular pleasure in returning to the hotel and relaxing in the

es besonders genießen, sich anschließend in die 32 Grad warmen

open air in the 32° saltwater pools, where they can rest their weary

Solebecken im Freien zu legen und die müden Knochen zu entspannen.

legs. The spa facility covers an area of 6,500 m2 and, in addition to

Der Wellnessbereich umfasst auf 6500 m2 neben den Solebädern In-

the saltwater baths, includes indoor and outdoor pools, several saunas,

door- und Outdoorpools, mehrere Saunas, die mystischeWelt des «Ver-

the mystic world of the “Sunken Temple”, a special spa for ladies, various

sunkenen Tempels», ein spezielles Lady Spa, verschiedene Aroma- und

aromatic grottos, solariums, indoor sunbeds, shale oil baths, a bistro

Duftgrotten, Solarien, Innenraum-Sonnenliegen, Steinölbäder, ein Bistro

and a pool bar. The Atrium Spa, with 20 comfortable beauty cubicles,

und eine Pool Bar. Das Atrium-Spa mit 20 komfortablen Beautykabinen,

floating loungers, elegant baths and a quiet room, is dedicated entirely

Schwebebetten, eleganten Bädern und Ruheraum ist ganz der Pflege

to beauty and wellbeing.

und Schönheit gewidmet.

reiter’s Posthotel Achenkirch I resort & Spa I A-6215 Achenkirch/Tyrol I Telephone 0043-5246-6522 I I

The Evian Championships By Susanne Kemper Translation Mark S. Kennedy



Sweden’s helen Alfredsson - one of golf’s leading ladies - won the initial 1994 Evian after being awoken at 4:00 am in Los Angeles inviting her to discover Evian and this new event.

helen Alfredsson aus Schweden, eine der führenden Sportlerinnen im damengolf, gewann das erste Turnier in Evian 1994, nachdem sie um 4 uhr morgens in Los Angeles geweckt und eingeladen worden war, Evian und das neue Event zu entdecken. «Seit 20 Jahren lässt man sich in Evian jedes Jahr

“Every year for 20 years, Evian has always done something imagi-

etwas Besonderes einfallen, wir werden von

native making it special, plus we are pampered, spoiled by Frank

Franck Riboud immer mehr verwöhnt und verhä-

Riboud like his father did at the Royal, always great fun. It has

tschelt, wie es sein Vater schon im Royal tat, und

been an amazing ride from then to now - a Major,” smiled Evian’s

wir haben immer eine Menge Spaß. Es war ein

only triple Champion playing in her last professional event.

toller Weg von damals bis heute zum Major», er-



Spectacular Evian hosted Europe’s first Major Golf Champion-

zählte die einzige dreifache Siegerin von Evian

ship “The Evian”, which dramatically unfolded over the redesig-

lächelnd bei ihrem letzten Großereignis als Pro.

ned Evian Resort Golf Club’s course, September 12-15, 2013.

Im eindrucksvollen Evian fand das erste Golf-

The world’s 120 greatest professionals competed for the largest

Major-Turnier Europas, «The Evian», statt, das vom

purse $3,250,000 and the prestigious fifth Major trophy. Purpose-

12. bis 15. September 2013 auf dem neugestal-

fully remodeled as the home to a Major, the hilly 5879 meter,

teten Platz des Evian Resort Golf Club ausgetragen

par-71 course perched above Lake Geneva with breathtaking

wurde. Die 120 weltbesten Berufsgolfer kämpften

panoramas of the French and Swiss Alps challenged all the

um das Gesamtpreisgeld in Höhe von 3.250.000

ladies’ shot making skills. Sadly due to heavy rains, the event

$ und den heiß begehrten fünften Major-Pokal.

was shortened to 54 holes from its 72-hole stroke play format.

Der hügelige Par-71-Platz mit einer Länge von 5879 Metern thront über dem Genfer See mit

World Number 1 Inbee Park sought to make history by winning

einer atemberaubenden Aussicht auf die französi-

her fourth Major of the year. Stacy Lewis, 2013 British Open

schen und Schweizer Alpen. Er wurde eigens für

Champion and World Number 2, was favored coming off her

Major-Turniere geschaffen und verlangt den Damen

spectacular victory at St. Andrews. No one was more sensatio-

all ihre Shotmaking Skills ab. Leider musste das

nal than Norway’s Suzann Pettersen, World Number 3 who was

Turnier im Zählspielformat über 72 Löcher auf-

buoyed by her sublime play in Europe’s Solheim Cup victory and

grund von starken Regenfällen auf 54 Löcher

her LPGA victory the previous week. Pettersen grabbed her second

beschränkt werden.

Major title with a two shot win over New Zealand’s 16-year-old amateur “wonder” Lydia Ko. Winner of the 2007 LPGA Champion-

Die Nummer 1 der Weltrangliste, Inbee Park,

ships, 32-year-old Pettersen has battled unsuccessfully-being very

wollte mit ihrem vierten Sieg bei einem Major-

close many times- for the past six years. She stayed positive

Turnier in einem Jahr Geschichte schreiben. Stacy

finishing like a true champion capturing the inaugural Evian.

Lewis, Gewinnerin der British Open 2013 und Nummer 2 der Weltrangliste, wurde aufgrund



An amazing Ko remained in contention for the win throughout

ihres spektakulären Sieges in St. Andrews hoch

Sunday’s tension packed play, briefly taking the lead on the first

favorisiert. Doch niemand spielte überragender als

hole. Pettersen took control with back-to-back birdies, then with

Suzann Pettersen aus Norwegen, Nummer 3 der

masterful play never relinquished it. Ko, World Number 7 would

Weltrangliste, die durch ihr grandioses Spiel beim

have made history by winning, regretted, “My putting wasn’t at its

europäischen Sieg im Solheim Cup und ihren

best but its good to know that I can come so close.” With a sizz-

Sieg bei der LPGA-Tour in der Vorwoche Ober-

ling 68, America’s latest star Lexi Thompson finished third; at 15,

wasser hatte. Pettersen griff mit zwei Schlägen

as an amateur Thompson was runner up in 2010’s Evian Masters.

Vorsprung vor dem 16-jährigen Wunderkind aus

Suzann Pettersen Winner of The Evian Championship 2013

Suzann Pettersen Winner of The Evian Championship 2013

Lexi Thompson Winner of the 3rd place

der Amateurklasse, Lydia Ko aus Neuseeland, nach ihrem zweiten Major-Pokal. Nachdem die 32-jährige Pettersen die LPGA-Meisterschaften im Jahre 2007 gewonnen hatte, mühte sie sich sechs Jahre lang erfolglos, obwohl sie den Sieg meist nur knapp verpasste. Sie blieb optimistisch und wurde schließlich zum wahren Champion, als sie die ersten Evian Championships für sich entschied. Eine überragende Ko blieb während des spannungsgeladenen Spiels am Sonntag lange im Rennen und übernahm kurz die Führung am ersten Loch. Dann übernahm Pettersen die Kontrolle mit Back-to-back-Birdies und einem meisterhaften Spiel, das sie nicht mehr aus der Hand gab. Ko, die Nummer 7 der Weltrangliste, hätte mit einem Sieg Geschichte schreiben können und bedauerte: «Meine Putts waren nicht die besten, aber es ist gut zu wissen, dass ich so nah rankommen kann». Mit einem beeindruckenden Score von 68 Schlägen wurde Amerikas jüngster Star Lexi Thompson Dritte; mit nur 15 Jahren war Thompson als Amateurin Vizemeisterin bei den Evian Masters 2010 geworden.

Lydia Ko Winner of the 2nd place

Evian Resort Hotel Royal

Das weltbekannte, luxuriöse Evian Resort brachte Sponsoren, Spielerinnen und Gäste im Fünf-SterneHotel Royal im Stil der Belle Époque und im stilvoll umgestalteten Ermitage in einem grünenden, 47 Morgen großen Park mit Blick auf den Genfer See unter. Mit der großen Bandbreite an Anlagen und neuesten Technologien sowie sechs perfekten Übungslöchern, die die Golf Academy Pros und Amateuren zur Verfügung stellt, fühlen sich diese wie im Golfparadies. Im zauberhaften Manoir de Golf werden den Golfern alle Wünsche erfüllt. Drei Spas und zahlreiche Freizeitangebote runden die Vorzüge des Resorts ab. Luxurious world renowned Evian Resort hosted sponsors, players, guests at Hotel Royal with its five star Belle Époque ambiance

Die eleganten Vergnügungsfeste begannen mit

and at the stylishly remodeled Ermitage situated in verdant 47

dem schicken Eröffnungsempfang im Royal am

acre park overlooking Lake Geneva. With its Golf Academy’s

Dienstagabend. Das üppige Pro-Am Dinner von

vast array of facilities and latest technologies, plus six perfect

Rolex am Mittwoch war ein Feinschmeckerver-

practice holes, pros and amateurs are in golfer’s paradise. The

gnügen im Royal, das die Spielerinnen und ihre

charming Manoir de Golf pampered golfers’ every wish. Three

Teams begeisterte. Beim traditionellen Fußball-

spas plus an abundance of activities complete the Resort’s

match kämpften Guy Forget, Thomas Gibson und


andere Sportsgrößen gegen Laura Davies, Mel Reid und andere Pros im Regen und sammelten

Elegant, fun festivities started with the Royal’s chic Opening recep-

Gelder für die Europäische Vereinigung gegen

tion Tuesday evening. Wednesday Rolex’s sumptuous Pro-Am

Leukodystrophie. Bei der Soiree am Samstag

dinner was a gourmet delight at the Royal enchanting players

wurde die Grange au Lac mit überwältigenden

and their teams. The traditional soccer match saw Guy Forget,

Opern-Highlights und einer Ehrung der Siegerin-

Thomas Gibson and other sports celebrities battle Laura Davies,

nen des Major-Turniers 2013, Lewis und Park,

Mel Reid, and other pro’s in the rain raising funds for European

wiedereröffnet. Die mehrfache Evian-Siegerin und

Leukodystrophy Association. Saturday’s soiree reinitiated La

TV-Kommentatorin bei den Meisterschaften, Annika

Grange du Lac with dazzling operatic highlights as well as

Sörenstam, wurde ebenfalls geehrt. Nach dem

honoring 2013 Major winners Lewis and Park. Annika Soren-

Galadinner im Royal mit einer riesigen Torte zum

stam, multiple Evian Champion doing Championship TV commen-

zwanzigsten «Geburtstag» für alle erleuchtete ein

tary, was honored too. Fabulous fireworks lit Evian’s sky follo-

spektakuläres Feuerwerk den Himmel von Evian.

wing gala dining at the Royal with an enormous 20th birthday

Live-Bands, Musik und Partystimmung dauerten

cake for all. Live bands, music, and partying continued to early

bis zu den frühen Tee-Times an… «Das Evian»

tee times… “The Evian” was born.

war geboren. Golf


Reopening of a Gstaad legend

By Patricia Schweizer

Set amid an idyllic park, right at the entrance of the charming, traffic-free village of Gstaad, Le Grand Bellevue invites guests to experience comfortable elegance and dramatic views of the surrounding mountains. After a complete renovation, the 100 year old hotel reopens in early December and presents its public areas and 57 rooms in an all-new look. Retaining the 1 Michelin Star and 14 Gault Millau point chef Urs Gschwend, LEONARD’s restaurant delivers fresh and fabulous dishes in a warm and friendly atmosphere; whether inside, or on the spectacular terrace facing the mountains. “Le Petit Chalet” is a private and charming Swiss mountain cabin set in the stunning park of the hotel. Seating 18 diners, guests can savour year round a variety of traditional cheese dishes such as fondue and raclette along with other local tastes. The Lounge lets guests breathe an air of relaxation enjoying at leisure a buffet of cakes and patisseries. With custom designed eclectic furniture from England, the Lounge is the living room away from home where high tea, scones and aromatic coffee specialties are just part of the daily routine. Emanating the epoch of Hemingway, the Bar features a full room length natural leather Chesterfield sofa. Guests can enjoy a herbal hot chocolate, a malt from the extraordinary collection, an espresso from the Cimbali coffee machine or try one of the barman’s award winning cocktails at the Aston Martin racing green, zinc topped bar. The hotel’s SPA is a place to disconnect from the outside world and rediscover oneself. Extending over 2,500 sqm, our modern spascape offers a wide choice of pampering treatments that allow guests to relax, recharge and renew in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Inmitten einer idyllischen Parkanlage, direkt am Eingang des reizvollen, autofreien Dorfes Gstaad, lädt das Le Grand Bellevue seine Gäste ein, komfortable Eleganz und einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die umliegenden Berge zu erleben. Nach einer kompletten Renovierung, öffnet das 100 Jahre alte Hotel Anfang Dezember und präsentiert die öffentlichen Bereichen sowie 57 Zimmer in einem komplett neuen Look. Der 1 Michelin Stern und 14 Gault Millau Punkte-Koch Urs Gschwend verwöhnt die Gäste im LEONARD‘s Restaurant mit frischen und fabelhaften Gerichten in einer warmen und freundlichen Atmosphäre, ob im Inneren oder auf der spektakulären Terrasse mit Blick auf die Berge. Das «Le Petit Chalet» ist ein privates und charmantes Schweizer Bergchalet, welches sich im atemberaubenden Park des Hotels befindet. Es bietet Platz für 18 Personen, welche ganzjährig, eine Vielzahl von traditionellen Käsespezialitäten wie Fondue & Raclette und andere lokale Gerichte geniessen können. In der Lounge können die Gäste entspannen und sich nach Lust und Laune an einem Buffet mit Kuchen und Patisserie bedienen. Mit maßgeschneiderten eklektischen Möbeln aus England, ist die Lounge das Wohnzimmer fern von zu Hause, wo High Tea, Scones und aromatische Kaffee-Spezialitäten nur ein Teil der täglichen Routine sind. In Anlehnung an die HemingwayEpoche, kann man sich in der Bar auf das längste Chesterfield Sofa der Schweiz setzen. Die Gäste geniessen hier eine heiße Schokolade, ein Malt aus der außergewöhnlichen Sammlung, ein Espresso aus der Cimbali Kaffeemaschine oder gönnen sich einen der preisgekrönten Cocktails des Chef de Bar an der «Aston Martin Racing Green» Zink Bar. Der hoteleigene SPA ist ein Ort, um vom Alltag abzuschalten und sich selbst neu zu entdecken. Der moderne SPA erstreckt sich über 2.500 m2 und bietet eine große Auswahl an Verwöhn-Behandlungen, die es den Gästen erlaubt zu entspannen, sich zu erholen und erneuern, in einer angenehmen Atmosphäre.

Must have Christmas


For those who are beginning to see a loss in skin firmness and resilience, SENSAI announces the arrival of LIFT REMODELLING CREAM, a highly effective product designed to restore facial contours. Its secret is Micro-Mesh Uplifter technology, which lifts the collagen network deep inside the skin. In addition, shikuwasa (flat lemon), a citrus fruit discovered in Okinawa, Japan, promotes epidermal cells’ multiplication to help restore firmness from deep within. Upon application, LIFT REMODELLING CREAM releases a light floral and woody scent that features natural fragrances of clove, geranium and ylang ylang to gently pamper and relax. Micro-Mesh Uplifter can be found only in LIFT REMODELLING CREAM, DEEP LIFT FILLER and RE-CONTOURING LIFT ESSENCE, three remarkably effective products that work together to restore firmness, elasticity and plumpness to the skin. Bei Verlust von Gewebestruktur und Volumen sowie Veränderungw der Gesichtszüge ist LIFT REMODELLING CREAM die beste Wahl. Ihre Wirksamkeit basiert auf der Micro-Mesh Uplifter-Technologie, die das Kollagennetzwerk tief im Inneren der Haut anhebt. Darüber hinaus unterstützt Shikuwasa, eine Zitrusfrucht aus Okinawa, die Zellteilung in der Epidermis und polstert so die Hautoberfläche auf. Die Sinne verwöhnt LIFT REMODELLING CREAM mit einem frischen, natürlichen Aroma bestehend aus Maiglöckchen, Jasmin, Rose, weißem Moschus, Iris, grünen Blättern, Hyazinthe und Ylang Ylang. Micro-Mesh Uplifter ist in LIFT REMODELLING CREAM, DEEP LIFT FILLER und RE-CONTOURING LIFT ESSENCE enthalten. Drei sich ergänzende, bemerkenswert wirksame Produkte, welche die Haut von innen heraus aufbauen und stützen.

Peccadillo – An absolute insider’s tip for gourmets. Up until now, only a few people have had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the exquisite world of peccadillo. Launched in 2011 in the idyllic Swiss town of Schaffhausen, peccadillo is a new and refreshingly different kind of praline. It contains at least two to three different flavours and is entirely handmade. The combination of layers and the various ingredients make every peccadillo to a very special treat! They all have the same shape, but as you’ll discover for yourself, they come in many different flavours. So visit peccadillo and discover amazing creations in elegant packaging, with the promise that you’ll get a VIP: a Very Incomparable Peccadillo. For more informations and orders, visit

“Toi & Moi” – A unique piece by La Serlas. A true gentleman knows how to enchant a lady with a diamond ring. But not all diamonds are the same – a superior cut makes all the difference. La Serlas, Zurich has mastered the skill of combining materials and craftsmanship to produce unique works of art. The “Toi & Moi” ring, with two exquisite pear-cut diamonds, has thus been created. The lovely ring, made of 18K rose gold and platinum, featuring a 1.38 ct. “natural fancy brownish pink pear-shaped brilliant” framed by white diamonds and a 1.36 ct. “natural fancy greyish yellowish green pearshaped brilliant” framed by pink diamonds, would set the heart of any woman racing. The pieces are perfectly finished with a high-quality setting and ring band, closely set with a total of 1 ct. of diamonds. This exceptional and unique piece is just waiting to be worn by its new owner.

duOhTAVuOhTA – Natural luxury from the Artic. Duohtavuohta is the only fashion brand from Lapland with international success. Duohtavuohta is an ecological luxury brand which only uses natural materials like pure wool, reindeer leather and natural fur to ensure pleasant use and long lifespan. They produce only in limited quantities and sell in a few selected stores globally. The collection is handmade. They encourage the locally employed specialists to implement finest artisan craftsmanship. Creation of each single garment takes several days from hand cutting to final details. The collection is exclusively available at Luxury Stores.

Ein wahrer Gentleman weiss, wie man eine Dame mit einem Diamant-Ring verzaubert. Denn Diamant ist nicht gleich Diamant, auf den besonderen Schliff kommt es an. La Serlas Zürich versteht es, Materialien und Handwerkskünste gekonnt zu einem einmaligen Meisterwerk zu verschmelzen. So entstand der Ring namens «Toi & Moi» mit zwei exquisiten Diamanten im eleganten Tropfenschliff. Der anmutige Ring aus 18K Rotgold und Platin lässt Damenherzen höher schlagen. Er besteht aus einem ‚Natural Fancy Brownish Pink Pear-Shaped Brilliant‘ von 1.,38 ct. in einer weissen Diamant-Entourage und einem ‚Natural Fancy Grayish Yellowish Green Pear-Shaped Brilliant‘ von 1,36 ct. in einer rosa Diamant-Entourage. Den krönenden Abschluss bilden die hochwertige Fassung und die Ringschiene, ausgefasst mit insgesamt 1 ct. Diamanten. Dieses besondere Unikat erwartet seine Trägerin.

Cecily London – The Power of the Animal Pendant. Cecily is a contemporary jewellery brand providing timeless, luxury, unique and imaginative designs using sterling silver, gold, hand-carved cow bone and semi-precious stones in their inspired designs. An eclectic mix of dainty everyday necklaces to bold statement pendants, Cecily captures the fashion forward appeal of costume jewellery with the class and longevity of fine jewellery. Visit the online shop at

Personalised notebooks – A unique Christmas gift for your clients. Notebooks can be more than just a simple aide: with an elegant cover and high quality filling, they can be transformed into a chic accessory and put a constant spotlight on your company. Whether with an individual cover, embossing or advertising pages, there are almost no limits to the possibilities of “branding”. Visit the online shop a brand of Kessler Druck + Medien. Notizbücher können mehr als bloß ein Arbeitsmittel sein, mit einem edlen Überzug und einer hochwertigen Ausstattung werden sie zu einem schicken Accessoire und Kundengeschenk, bei dem Ihr Unternehmen nachhaltig im Mittelpunkt steht. Ob individuelles Cover, Prägung oder Werbeseiten, die Möglichkeiten des «Branding» sind beinahe unbegrenzt. Stellen Sie sich Ihr persönliches Notiz-/Kalenderbuch online individuell zusammen auf, einer Marke von Kessler Druck + Medien.

Selamlique – A voyage of indulgence. Selamlique invites you to rediscover the ritual of Turkish coffee at its finest. Selamlique Istanbul was established with the principle objective of bringing international recognition to Turkish coffee, and aiming to become the first global premium Turkish coffee brand. Selamlique operates with focus on design and quality, aiming to bring back and preserve the authentic ritual of Turkish coffee drinking. The brand offers Turkish coffee in 7 different natural aromas (traditional, dark roast, chocolate, cinnamon, cardamom, mastic, decaf) as well as a series of complementing Turkish coffee accessories and a selection of sweet confectionary that complete the traditional ritual. Visit the online shop at

Every women has a secret... “Jardin Secret“ by SAVELLI – A new luxury brand from geneva. Founder Alessandro Savelli’s dream is to create a revolutionary jewellery brand, merging technology with craftsmanship. Savelli is the first luxury Smartphone especially designed for women, handmade in Switzerland as a precious piece of jewellery; crafted from treasured metals and precious stones: sparkling white diamonds, exquisitely set; sculpted hand-polished rose gold; Ultra-Bombé sapphire crystal, stunning in its clarity. Savelli is exceptional in every detail. Savelli uses Smartphone technology, powered by the Google Android operating system. With all the key apps you use every day. The “My Jardin Secret” app is a unique function that will invite all Savelli customers into a world of knowing. There are eleven models in the first collection - Jardin Secret – available in some of the world’s most exclusive department stores and boutiques, including Harrods and Printemps. Every Savelli is created by hand in the Savelli atelier in Switzerland, using the same techniques honed in the crafting of luxury watches and fine jewellery.

Silvertag – Functionality coupled with style and elegance for him and her. It’s hard to find clothes which are durable and elegant. You know the scenario: it’s pouring down outside and so you arrive at the

Black Insane 18-carat white gold set with 75 Baguette-cut white diamonds (7.88 carats)

office in a raincoat and boots, looking like you’re going hiking: There goes the smart impression you wanted to make on your client. It’s the same story when you’re invited out for the evening or you’ve got a date at the theatre. Your chic clothes have to give way to something more weather-resistant and functional. But help is at hand: a new Swiss fashion label has found a solution with a crossover concept. The new label Silvertag creates clothes, which bridge the gap between the catwalk and the Arctic. Rukka has 40 years of experience in making top quality, functional outdoor clothing designed with style and elegance. The image above shows ZERNEZ CHF 579, part of Silvertag’s 2013/14 collection. Available at

Oft ist die passende Kleidung entweder witterungstauglich oder elegant, aber nicht beides. Die Situation ist hierzulande nicht neu: Man erscheint im Büro wie ein Wanderer mit der Regenjacke und den Gummischuhen, weil es draussen wie aus Kübeln schüttet. Die elegante Erscheinung, mit der man dem Kunden entgegentreten wollte, ist dahin. Ähnlich ist es bei der abendlichen Einladung oder beim Theaterbesuch. Der modische Schick feiner Kleidung weicht der Funktionalität der wettertauglichen. Ein neues Schweizer Modelabel schliesst diese Lücke mit einem Crossover-Konzept. Das neue Label Silvertag lässt sich irgendwo zwischen Laufsteg und Arktis ansiedeln. Denn Rukka verwendet 40-jährige Erfahrung mit der Champagne diamonds 18-carat rose gold set with 395 white and cognac diamonds serti neige (4.68 carats)

Herstellung von funktionaler Outdoor-Bekleidung in Topqualität zur Paarung mit gestylter Eleganz. Die Abbildung oben, zeigt das Modell «ZERNEZ» für CHF 579 der Silvertag Kollektion 2013/ 2014. Erhältlich bei

A sculpture of shadow and light – IN-EI ISSEY MIYAKE. “When you see them, you can‘t help feeling moved; when you understand them, you are full of wonder seeing a future we thought unreachable and couldn‘t imagine this beautiful“. Ernesto Gismondi introduces IN-EI ISSEY MIYAKE‘s lighting, as conceived by Issey Miyake and his Reality Lab., and brought to life by Artemide. Miyake‘s unique folding technology creates both statuesque forms as well as sufficient solidity. The structure of the recycled material, together with an additional surface treatment allows these shades, with the latest LED technology, to perfectly keep their shape without the need for internal frame, an to be re-shaped when needed.

The Balloon Venus – dom Pérignon by Jeff Koons. Adapted from his Balloon Venus sculpture, the artist Jeff Koons has created a miniature version of the metallic, magentacoloured work of art for Dom Pérignon. Jeff Koons’ original inspiration was the Venus of Willendorf, a figure dating back more than 25,000 years which was found in Austria in 1908. The Balloon Venus is not only a decorative object; it is also highly symbolic and expresses true creativity. The sculpture can be opened to reveal a bottle of Dom Pérignon Rosé Vintage 2003 hidden within it. Limited to just 100 pieces, the replicas are available for a period of a year. The Balloon Venus artwork can be purchased for CHF 18,500.00 (not including VAT).

Angelehnt an Jeff Koons Balloon Venus gestaltete der Künstler eine Miniaturausgabe des metallischmagentafarbenen Kunstwerks für Dom Pérignon. Zu der Skulptur wurde Jeff Koons von der Venus von Willendorf inspiriert, einer über 25‘000 Jahre alten Figur, die 1908 in Österreich gefunden wurde. Die Balloon Venus ist nicht nur ein dekoratives Objekt, sie trägt auch einen starken Symbolcharakter und zeugt von wahrer Schaffenskraft. Die Skulptur lässt sich öffnen und birgt in ihrem Bauch eine Flasche Dom Pérignon Rosé Vintage 2003. Die wenigen Repliken, limitiert auf 100 Stück, sind während des Zeitraums von einem Jahr erhältlich. Das Kunstobjekt Ballloon Venus ist für den Preis von CHF 18‘500.(exkl. MwSt) erhältlich.

«Wenn du sie siehst, wirst du gerührt sein; wenn du sie verstehst, wirst du die Zukunft sehen, die wir als unerreichbar empfanden und uns nicht so schön vorstellen konnten». Mit diesen Worten präsentiert Ernesto Gismondi die Leuchten der Kollektion IN-EI ISSEY MIYAKE, die von Issey Miyake und seinem Reality Lab. entwickelt und von Artemide realisiert wurden. Miyakes einzigartige Falttechnik kreiert skulpturale Formen mit gleichzeitig ausreichender Stabilität. Das Gewebe, hergestellt aus recycelten Materialien, erhält eine zusätzliche Oberflächenbehandlung und garantiert eine perfekte Formstabilität, ohne dass ein zusätzlicher Rahmen benötigt wird. Die Leuchtenschirme, mit neuester LED-Technologie, können nach Gebrauch flach zusammengefaltet und platzsparend aufbewahrt werden.

Carol Joy London – A British luxury beauty Brand. Carol Joy London is a British luxury beauty brand combining anti-ageing skin, hair and nail care products with state-ofthe-art salon treatments in London, Monte Carlo and in Kiev - Carol Joy London truly is the epitome of finery and indulgence. Determined that her brand would have a defining magic anti-ageing ingredient, Carol Hatton the founder, finally discovered her precious ingredient in Switzerland: Golden Millet Oil. Carol Joy London is the only luxury beauty brand to use its core ingredient, Golden Millet Oil, across a complete beauty range including supplements. This precious natural ingredient is clinically proven to enhance the condition of the skin, hair and nails at a cellular level – simply beautiful.

Copper is the new gold – Absolut Elyx. Absolut Elyx is a single estate Vodka from AbAbsolut, produced using an entirely manual proprocess. Liquid silk is an excellent description of Absolut Elyx vodka. The ingredients are chosen carefully and the vodka is still produced using a completely manual process in a distillery founded in 1904. The copper still from 1921, called „Column 51“, is manually operated and used exclusively to manufacturing Elyx.

The Ultimate Hamper, GBP 5,000

The ultimate hamper by harrods – The perfect gift for friends and loved ones. For the foodie in everyone; Harrods‘ Gourmet Hampers are a taste bud treat. The Ultimate Hamper is intended for epicures and oenophiles with the most exacting taste. Succulent meats, superior fish, caviar and foie gras, plus quality jams, biscuits and tempting confectionery are partnered by prize-winning wines and spirits. Careful attention to detail is the key to the success of this festive collection, which showcases the expertise of the Harrods Food Halls and Wine Rooms. The department stores‘ extensive range of luxury Exportable Christmas Hampers has something to suit all tastes. Price starts from GBP 25 (Gift Box) up to GBP 20,000 (The Decadence Hamper). The perfect gift for friends and loved ones overseas. Discover a range of more than 70 different Hampers.

By Michael S. Hamilos Translation Fabienne Bensberg



Cigar Corner

Master blender Hendrik „Henke“ Kelner

After 20 years of establishing a brand around the idea of ‘the good life’, it does take courage to introduce a new marketing ploy with ‘time beautifully filled’. At the same time, davidoff has changed the provenance of some products: the Basel-based company now manufactures cigars from Nicaragua. Too many changes?

Es braucht schon Mut, nach rund 20 Jahren Markenetablierung rund um «The good Life» einen neuen Markenclaim mit «Time Beautifully Filled» zu implementieren. gleichzeitig wechselt davidoff auch die Provenienz: Neu produzieren die Basler Zigarren aus Nicaragua. Zuviel der Changes?

But one by one: When Davidoff – at the time the only Cuban

Aber der Reihe nach: Als Anfangs der Neunziger

cigar brand not owned by the Cuban state – announced in the

Jahre bekannt wurde, dass Davidoff – damals als

early 1990s that they were now going to produce in the

einzige Kubaner Marke, welche nicht im Besitze

Dominican Republic, cigar aficionados turned up their noses.

des kubanischen Staates war –, nun in der Domi-

In those days, everybody agreed that good cigars exclusively

nikanischen Republik zu produzieren gedenke,

came from Fidel Castro’s island, period.

rümpften die Zigarrenfans die Nase. Denn damals galt: Gute Zigarren gibt’s ausschliesslich von Fidel

Well, times definitely have changed and today, Dominican cigars

Castros Insel. Punkt.

are considered among the best worldwide in terms of quality not least because of Davidoff. And the largest cigar market in

Nun, die Zeiten haben sich definitiv geändert und

the world, the U.S., continues to be a white spot in terms of

so zählen die dominikanischen Zigarren heute

sales of Cuban cigars due to the Cuban trade embargo. As a

in qualitativer Hinsicht zu den besten weltweit -

result, the Dominican products are leading in the U.S. and

nicht zuletzt wegen Davidoff. Und der grösste

meanwhile in other countries as well – Dominican cigars have

Zigarrenmarkt der Welt, die USA, ist infolge des

become established in all markets. And what had long been un-

kubanischen Embargos weiterhin ein weisser Fleck

thinkable, namely to manufacture cigars with a wrapper from the

bezüglich des Verkaufs von kubanischen Zigarren.

Dominican Republic, is no longer an issue - not least due to the

Entsprechend führend sind die dominikanischen

tinkerers at the manufactories of Fuente and, of course, Davidoff.

Produkte in den USA und mittlerweile nicht nur

Cigar Corner


dort, denn die dominikanischen Zigarren haben sich auf allen Märkten etabliert. Und was lange nicht denkbar war, nämlich Zigarren mit Deckblättern aus der Dominikanischen Republik herzustellen, ist heute ebenfalls möglich. Nicht zuletzt dank der Tüftler in den Manufakturen von Fuente und eben Davidoff. Da erstaunt es umso mehr, dass der Basler Konzern nach 20 Jahren Überzeugungsarbeit für die dominikanische Zigarre mit ihrem neuen Produkt ländertechnisch fremdgeht. Was sofort auffällt: anstatt der etwas aus der Mode gekommenen weissgoldenen Banderole ziert eine sehr elegante, schwarz-silberne Banderole die neue Zigarre aus Nicaragua. Und auch die Zigarrenkiste kommt nicht mehr im naturbelassenen Holzkistchen daher, It is surprising, then, that the Basel-based company, after spen-

sondern ist nun in mattem Schwarz gehalten. Der

ding 20 years persuading the informed public about the virtues

erste Eindruck gefällt…

of the Dominican cigar, should now offer a product from another country. The first impression, by the way: Instead of the slightly

Aber warum eigentlich Nicaragua? Nun, dazu

old-fashioned band of white and gold, a very elegant, black and

gilt es zu wissen, dass Davidoff in ihren eigenen

silver band adorns the new cigar from Nicaragua. Likewise,

Reihen einen der weltbesten Tabakkenner hat:

the box is not the conventional natural wood but comes black

den Masterblender Hendrik „Henke“ Kelner. Und

lacquered. The first impression is attractive…

dieser Henke Kelner hatte vor etwas mehr als zehn Jahren eine Idee: Warum eigentlich nicht ein-

But why Nicaragua? Here you should know that Davidoff includes

mal Davidoff-Zigarren aus nicht-dominikanischem

one of the world’s best tobacco experts in its ranks, master

Tabak produzieren? Und so kaufte er vor zehn

blender Hendrik „Henke“ Kelner. And some ten years ago, this

Jahren für mehrere Zehntausend Dollar Spitzen-

Henke Kelner had an idea: why not produce Davidoff cigars

tabak aus Nicaragua ein, um ihn erst einmal 10 Jahre lagern zu lassen. Qualitätsmässig geht man bei Davidoff keine Kompromisse ein und so werden die 10-jährigen Tabake durch die Spitzentorcedores in der Fabrik im dominikanischen Santiago verarbeitet. Es handelt sich dabei um sogenannte Puros, also Zigarren, von denen alle Tabakblätter aus nur einem Land stammen. Die Davidoff Nicaragua gibt es in vier verschiedenen Formaten, wobei drei regulär und eines (die Belicosos) nur in einem limitierten Humidor erhältlich ist. Dieser Humidor hat übrigens die

Master blender Hendrik „Henke“ Kelner

Master blender Hendrik „Henke“ Kelner

from tobacco outside of the Dominican Republic? So he bought

Dreiecksform einer ganz bestimmten Schweizer

up top tobaccos from Nicaragua for several ten thousand

Schokolade und dieses Dreieck zieht sich überall

Dollars and had them aged for a decade. In terms of quality, they

im Markenauftritt der neuen Davidoff durch.

don’t compromise at Davidoff. Thus, they have these ten-year-old

Allerdings ist der Vergleich selbstverständlich nur

tobaccos processed by their best torcedores at their Santiago

Zufall, denn bei Davidoff soll damit die Nähe zu

plant in the Dominican Republic. They are so-called puros, i.e.

Nicaragua und seinen unzähligen Vulkanen (und

cigars made exclusively from tobacco leaves originating from

deren Dreiecksform) gezeigt werden.

one sole country. Die Formate Short Corona, Robusto und die The Davidoff Nicaragua is offered in four different formats; one of

Toro sind im Fachhandel erhältlich und erinnern

those, the Belicosos, is only available in a limited-edition humidor.

gegen Ende des Rauchtests – vor allem die frisch-

This humidor, by the way, comes in the triangular shape of a

gerollte Short Corona – mit ihrem reichhaltigen

certain Swiss chocolate and this triangular shape is everywhere

und erdigen Aroma geschmacklich an eine Zigarre

in the new Davidoff’s brand appearance. The comparison is only

aus Kuba.

coincidental, of course, the triangular shape is supposed to evoke Nicaragua’s innumerable volcanoes.

Was dann selbstverständlich die Gedanken anregt: Ob es wohl wieder 20 Jahre geht, bis eine

The Short Corona, Robusto and Toro formats are available at

neue Davidoff – vielleicht dann mit Tabaken aus

specialist shops. Towards the end of the smoking test, with their

Kuba – präsentiert wird? Gerüchte diesbezüglich

rich and earthy flavour, they are reminiscent of Cuban cigars,

gibt es bereits…

especially the freshly-rolled Short Corona. This of course raises a question: will it be another 20 years until they’ll introduce a new Davidoff – maybe this time with tobaccos from Cuba? There are rumours circulating in that regard… 114

Cigar Corner















IMPrESSuM PuBLIShEr Luxury Life MAGAZINE GmbH Patricia Schweizer & Renato Schweizer Luzernerstrasse 24, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Phone +41 41 780 03 32

EdITOrIAL Publisher I Editor-in-Chief Renato Schweizer: Editorial staff of this issue Fabienne Bensberg, Louise Mawbey, Sara Musinowski Susanne Kemper, Maisie Hitchchock, Patricia Schweizer Andreas Hofstätter, Mark S. Kennedy, Michael S. Hamilos Renato Schweizer

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SuBSCrIPTION Luxury Life MAgAZINE is also available on subscription: 4 copies a year incl. postage Switzerland CHF 125 Europe EUR 100 Rest of the world USD 150

PARADISE PERFECTED Reaching out across 44 acres of lush landscaping edged by powdery white sands and a crystalline lagoon, The St. Regis Bora Bora Resort represents the epitome of carefree elegance. Its exquisitely designed Villas are the most luxurious in the South Pacific with spectacular views of the mystical Mount Otemanu. Three delectable restaurants, including Lagoon by Jean-Georges; the romantic Oasis Pool and Spa Miri Miri’s are some of the resort’s world-class services blending a blissful paradise with personalized service that are the hallmarks of St. Regis.


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