Luxury Life MAGAZINE Summer Edition 2016

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No 29




Summer Edition

Switzerland I Germany I Austria I London I PARIS I MONACO I DUBAI


Ho u se of F ine Yachting PORT HERCULES, MONACO



Dear friends of Luxury Life

«It‘s not the speed that matters but the perfection.» Walter Röhrl, rally driver (multi award-winning World and European Champion)

Publishers: Renato Schweizer & his daughter Patricia Schweizer

«Nicht das Tempo ist entscheidend, sondern die Perfektion.» Walter Röhrl, Rallyefahrer (mehrfacher Welt- und Europameister)

Of all people, it is racing drivers such as Walter Röhrl who remind us that there are more important things than bustle and pace. Wouldn‘t we rather finally have the chance for selfreflection? An excellent place to do this is at the luxury 5* Pure Salt hotel in Majorca – and, of course, in the mountains. Allow us to spirit you away, high up into the Alps, to extraordinary hideaways. Porcelain manufacturer Philip Rosenthal, who would have been 100 years old this year, also felt at home in the Alps. And join us as we celebrate the new collection from Angela Missoni and find out about the Italian fashion icon‘s secret „retreat“. Relax with us aboard the new Silver Fast yacht while enjoying one of the wonderful cigars from J.C. Newman in peace and tranquillity. Bring your inner beauty to the fore with Rituals and take a look behind the scenes at the innovative cosmetics brand. Follow us to the hot desert sands of California where you can get a sense of the serenity, power and perfection contained within the fastest SUV in the world – the Bentley Bentayga. And, as always, experience all this at first hand.

Ausgerechnet Rennpiloten wie Walter Röhrl erinnern uns daran, dass es Wichtigeres gibt als Hektik und Raserei. Wollen wir nicht endlich zu uns selbst finden? Das geht besonders gut im 5*-Luxushotel Pure Salt auf Mallorca – und natürlich in den Bergen: Lassen Sie sich von uns in nicht alltägliche Hideaways der Hochalpen entführen. In den Alpen fühlte sich auch Porzellanfabrikant Philip Rosenthal wie zu Hause, der in diesem Jahr 100 Jahre alt geworden wäre. Feiern Sie mit uns zudem die neue Kollektion von Angela Missoni und lernen Sie die geheimen „Ruhepole“ der italienischen Fashionikone kennen. Relaxen Sie mit uns auf der neuen Silver Fast Yacht und geniessen Sie dabei in aller Gelassenheit eine der herrlichen Zigarren von J.C. Newman. Bringen Sie Ihre innere Schönheit mit Rituals zur Geltung und schauen Sie hinter die Kulissen der innovativen Kosmetikmarke. Folgen Sie uns in den heissen


Most cordially your Luxury Life Team Editorial

Wüstensand Kaliforniens und spüren Sie, wie viel Ruhe, Kraft und Perfektion im schnellsten SUV der Welt steckt – dem Bentley Bentayga. All das wie immer: hautnah.


MASERATI LEVANTE. SERIENMÄSSIG MIT INTELLIGENTEM ALLRADANTRIEB UND LUFTFEDERUNG Ein reinrassiger Maserati – das sieht man am Design und merkt es an der Technik. Serienmässig besitzt der Levante das intelligente Allradsystem Q4 für Traktion und sportliche Agilität. Auch die Luftfederung gehört zur Serienausstattung. Sie sorgt für mehr Komfort und hohe Offroad-Tauglichkeit. Die Benzin- und Dieselversionen des Maserati Levante sind mit dem 8-Gang-Automatikgetriebe von ZF ausgestattet, das je nach ausgewähltem Fahrmodus eher komfort- oder leistungsorientierte Gangwechsel bietet. Der Fahrer hat die Wahl zwischen den vier Fahrmodi Normal, I.C.E., Sport und OffRoad. Jeder Fahrmodus entspricht einem ganz bestimmten Fahrverhalten, das aus der besonderen Abstimmung von Motor, Getriebe, Fahrwerk und Fahrzeugelektronik resultiert.

AUTO PIERRE SUDAN AG BAARERSTRASSE 63, 6300 ZUG T: 041 711 88 15 / E-Mail:





FASHION Highlights I Fall 2016


LUXURY SHOPPING Outletcity Metzingen


REAL ESTATE Sunny Lakeside Property




REAL ESTATE Living like a God near Zurich


HOTEL Hotel Tannenhof St. Anton




HOTEL Pure Salt Port Adriano


HIGH JEWELLERY Highlights Baselworld 2016


HAUTE HORLOGERIE Highlights Baselworld 2016






AUTOMOBILE Bentley Bentayga


YACHTING Silver Fast

tents 58

ART Fine Arts Investing




CAR NEWS Novelties


CIGARS J.C. Newman


WATCHMAKING Maurice Lacroix Aikon










FINE LIVING Interior News


INTERIOR Rosenthal







Michael Kors





Jimmy Choo


Jimmy Choo Valentino

Michael Kors


F체r alle Tagtr채umer und diejenigen, die das Leben sp체ren wollen.


ein Traum

Tourist Board Dominikanische Republik Hochstrasse, 54 . D-60313 Frankfurt/Main Tel.: +49 69 91397878 . Fax: +49 69283430

Tourist Board


Philipp Plein

Dolce & Gabbana

Chanel Balmain


Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton




18 - 21 AUGUST 2016


Shopp Jetset Breath of fresh air from Metzingen for an exclusive shopping experience.

E s sentials


Luxury Shopping

ping As an absolute hotspot for luxury and lifestyle, trendy premium

By Patricia Schweizer Translation Mark S. Kennedy

brands and shopping inspiration, OUTLETCITY METZINGEN represents a major player for fashion lovers. For many it is the

Als absoluter Hotspot für Luxus und Lebensart, trendige

benchmark for the exclusive shopping experience per se. In

Premiummarken und Shopping-Inspiration stellt die

Metzingen, people are well aware of this special status and

OUTLETCITY METZINGEN bei Fashion-Liebhabern

see it both as an honour and a challenge in equal measure. As an

eine feste Grösse dar. Nicht wenigen gilt sie sogar als

incentive to not only satisfy the most sophisticated of clientele,

Massstab für das exklusive Shopping-Erlebnis per se.

but to continue to inspire them time and again.

In Metzingen weiss man sehr wohl um diesen beson-

Using the motto “The journey is the reward”, OUTLETCITY

METZINGEN has now launched a shuttle service and once again keeps its promise of delivering the perfect individual VIP

experience to its quality-conscious customers at a premium level.

This allows you to claim your place in the “who’s who” of inter-

deren Status und begreift ihn gleichermassen als Auszeichnung wie auch Herausforderung. Als Ansporn, selbst der anspruchsvollsten Klientel nicht nur gerecht zu werden, sondern diese immer wieder aufs Neue zu begeistern.

national shopping hotspots in an impressive way.

Unter dem Motto „Der Weg ist das Ziel!“ startet deshalb

Elegant vehicles driven by qualified and multilingual chauffeurs,

jetzt der OUTLETCITY METZINGEN Shuttleservice

coupled with a perfectly organised full-service offering, make the

und löst damit einmal mehr das Versprechen ein, dem

journey to the luxurious shopping experience already a highlight.

qualitätsbewussten Kunden das perfekte individuelle

Luxury Shopping


A most exclusive and relaxing transfer – starting at home, at the

VIP-Erlebnis auf Premium-Niveau zu bieten. Auf ein-

airport or at the train station – to OUTLETCITY in Metzingen. Our

drucksvolle Weise behauptet man so in Metzingen

luxury-oriented clientele can choose from a range of high-quality

seinen Platz im „Who is Who“ der internationalen

premium vehicles with the finest of equipment, e.g. from Mercedes-

Shopping Hotspots.

Benz, when making their trip. The categories BUSINESS CLASS and FIRST CLASS have been joined by a particularly exciting

Attraktive Fahrzeuge mit geschulten und mehrsprachigen

new offering: the GREEN CLASS transports trendsetters to their

Chauffeuren, verbunden mit einem perfekt gestalteten

shopping destination in the form of the Tesla Model S – modern,

Full-Service Angebot lassen bereits den Weg zum

dynamic and electric-powered.

luxuriösen Shopping-Erlebnis zu einem Highlight avan-

The VIP Helicopter Service quashes any doubts, swiftly and

cieren. Ein überaus exklusiver und entspannter Transfer

convincingly, as to whether levels of exclusivity have reached their

– ausgehend von zuhause, dem Flughafen oder dem

peak. Helicopters take off and land close to the international

Bahnhof – zur OUTLETCITY nach Metzingen. Hoch-

airports of Frankfurt and Munich; customers can also fly from

wertige und komfortabel ausgestattete Premium-Fahr-

Zurich to Metzingen on request. In the categories ECO, BUSINESS

zeuge, z.B. von Mercedes-Benz, stehen dem luxus-

and LUXUS/VIP, passengers have at their disposal the most

orientierten Kunden dafür zur Auswahl. Die Kategorien

modern aircraft and experienced pilots.

BUSINESS CLASS und FIRST CLASS werden durch ein besonders aufregendes Angebot ergänzt: die GREEN

Matching the destination of the journey – a fascinating world full

CLASS bringt Trendsetter mit dem Tesla Model S zum

of style and taste – the shuttle service provided by OUTLETCITY

Shopping – zeitgemäss, leistungsstark und elektromobil.

METZINGEN ensures appropriate transportation in a sophisti-


cated manner. Experts are in agreement: not only do desires

Die Antwort auf die Frage, ob es noch exklusiver geht,

become reality at OUTLETCITY METZINGEN, rather the impressive

erfolgt prompt und überzeugend in Form des VIP-

Luxury Shopping

Helikopter Service. Abflug oder Ankunft erfolgen nahe den internationalen Airports Frankfurt oder München, auf Wunsch kann ausserdem von Zürich aus nach Metzingen geflogen werden. In den Kategorien ECO, BUSINESS und LUXUS/VIP stehen dem Fluggast modernste Maschinen und erfahrene Piloten zur Verfügung. Entsprechend dem Ziel der Reise – einer faszinierenden Welt von Stil und Geschmack – ist mit dem OUTLETCITY METZINGEN Shuttleservice einer angemessenen Beförderung in bester Weise Sorge getragen. Kenner sind sich einig: in der OUTLETCITY METZINGEN werden nicht nur Wünsche Wirklichkeit, vielmehr stimuliert die beeindruckende Auswahl hochwertigster Produkte von mehr als 70 internationalen Premium- und Luxusmarken wie Gucci, Prada, Burberry, Hugo Boss, Armani, Michael Kors, Ermenegildo Zegna, Bally oder Escada die Phantasie jedes lifestyle-orientierten Kunden. Über das gesamte Jahr hinweg locken kreative Aktionen wie attraktive Konditionen gleichermassen und OUTLETCITY METZINGEN More than 70 international premium and luxury brands

lassen den Besuch in Metzingen zu einem aufregend exklusiven Shopping Event werden. Die Einzigartigkeit der OUTLETCITY METZINGEN steht in ganz unmittelbarer Verbindung zur traditionellen

selection of high-quality products from more than 70 international

Vergangenheit der Stadt Metzingen, die in der Mode-

premium and luxury brands, such as Gucci, Prada, Burberry,

welt als Textilzentrum und Heimat der Marke Hugo Boss

Hugo Boss, Armani, Michael Kors, Ermenegildo Zegna, Bally

weithin als ein Begriff gilt. Hier erlebt der anspruchs-

and Escada, stimulate the imagination of every lifestyle-oriented

volle Kunde hochkarätige Marken, eindrucksvoll in

customer. Throughout the whole year, creative campaigns and

Szene gesetzt in Flagship Outlets, die mit ihrer preisge-

attractive conditions entice customers equally and turn a visit to

krönten Architektur das urbane Bild Metzingens prägen.

Metzingen into an exclusive shopping event full of excitement.

Verkehrsgünstig und gerade einmal 30 Kilometer

The uniqueness of OUTLETCITY METZINGEN is directly linked

südlich von Stuttgart gelegen, ist die OUTLETCITY

to the traditional past of the city itself, widely known in the world

METZINGEN sowohl mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

of fashion as a centre for textile factories and home to the brand

als auch dem eigenen PKW perfekt zu erreichen. Auf

Hugo Boss. Here sophisticated customers can experience high-

mehr als 3.200 Parkplätzen findet das eigene Fahr-

quality brands, centre stage in an impressive fashion at flagship

zeug sichere Verwahrung, das durchdachte Parkleit-

outlets, whose award-winning architecture mirrors the urban image

system macht die Orientierung einfach und bequem.

of Metzingen.

Die Flagship Outlets präsentieren sich ihren Gästen montags bis freitags von 10.00 – 20.00 Uhr und

Easily accessible and located only 30 kilometres south of Stuttgart,

samstags von 9.00 – 20.00 Uhr.

OUTLETCITY METZINGEN can be reached using public transport or from the comfort of your own vehicle. Your car is kept safe and secure in one of our 3,200 parking spaces and our intelligent

Tourist Information Metzingen

parking guidance system makes orientation simple and convenient.

Lindenplatz 4 I D-72555 Metzingen I Germany

The flagship outlets are open to customers Monday to Friday from

10.00 – 20.00 hrs. and Saturday from 9.00 – 20.00 hrs. Luxury Shopping


SUNNY with a perfect Beach Lakeside Property On the south side of the Austrian Alps, one of the most luxurious hideaways ever seen at shimmering Lake Wörthersee is now being built.

Rendezvous of the seasons Turquoise, drinking-quality water that reaches 28 degrees along with countless hours of sunshine lend the location a Mediterranean feel. The mild climate on the south side of the Alps makes this possible.

“The best in lakeside living” right on the bank invites guests to unwind in a prime location. Breathtaking views are skilfully com-

Many extras are included

bined with modern home comfort and harmonious private

“Laisseefaire”, as this desirable property is called, will also win

space with classic idylls into 2 luxurious penthouses, 18 light-

you over with many services and extras you value - both in the

flooded lakeside suites and 5 ground-level atrium houses. Deep

water and on land - including a heated outdoor pool, which

in Carinthia’s sun-drenched mountain and lake landscape, it’s

extends the bathing season, a private jetty, prime mooring

the ideal setting to make you feel as if you’re on holiday year-

spaces, buoys and underground parking.

round at home. It’s also in one of the most sought-after coves of

For more Informations contact: T +43 (0) 463 26 00 606

Lake Wörthersee, which shows its most charming side here. I


Kollitsch Immobilien GmbH I Deutenhofenstrasse 3 I 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee I Austria I


WWW.EOSDUE.CH Traumhafte Lage in Ascona, der mondänen Perle an den Ufern des Lago Maggiore mit mediterranem Flair – eingebettet zwischen der malerischen Piazza und dem nahen Golfplatz. Superb location in Ascona, the pearl of sophistication with a Mediterranean flair on the banks of Lago Maggiore, occupying a prime position between picturesque piazza and the nearby golf course.

E R S T- O D E R Z W E I T W O H N S I T Z · M A I N O R S E C O N D H O M E




Exklusive Lage, hoch über dem Lago Maggiore mit atemberaubender Panoramasicht auf den See und die Tessiner Berge – ein wahrhaftiges Paradies. Exclusive location high above Lago Maggiore with a breathtaking panoramic view of the lake and the mountains of Ticino – a true paradise.

Villa Panorama Majestic panorama view from Master Bedroom

LIVING LIKE A GOD NEAR ZURICH By Uwe Herzog Translation Louise Mawbey

The panorama – majestic. The location – exquisite. The furnishings –

Das Panorama – majestätisch. Die Lage – exquisit. Die Ausstattung –

comfortable, refined, intelligent. With a floor space of 700 m², the

komfortabel, edel, intelligent. Auf einer Grundfläche von 700 m² bietet

4-storey hillside home, with its terraces, hedge-bordered garden, covered

das am Hang gelegene 4-geschossige Haus mit Terrassen, heckenum-

loggia and generously-sized windows, not only offers a never ending

säumtem Garten, überdachter Loggia und grosszügigen Fensterflächen

view into the distance, but also every comfort and amenity imaginable,

nicht nur eine schier endlose Weitsicht, sondern auch jegliche erdenk-

including Tessin granite, tiled or parquet flooring, and light, elegantly

liche Annehmlichkeit: die Böden aus feinstem Tessiner Granit, Parkett

proportioned rooms. All the areas – the underground parking spaces

oder Fliesen, die Räume licht und elegant geschnitten. Sämtliche Bereiche

and the workrooms in the basement, the ground floor with its welcoming

– von der Tiefgarage über die Arbeitsräume im Souterrain, das Erdge-

entrance, living room and fully-fitted Gaggenau kitchen, as well as the

schoss mit freundlichem Entree, Livingroom und komplett ausgestatteter

Master bedroom on the upper floor boasting a walk-in dressing area,

Gaggenau-Küche sowie das Schlafzimmer im Obergeschoss mit begeh-

adjoining designer bathroom and gallery – are also served by a lift.

barer Ankleide, angrenzendem Designbad und Galerie – sind auch mit

And in every other respect as well, the home‘s elaborate technology

dem Lift zu erreichen. Und auch sonst lässt die raffinierte Haustechnik

provides everything guests could wish for: from designer lighting with

keine Wünsche offen: Vom bewegungsgesteuerten Lichtdesign über

movement sensors, electrically-operated blinds, underfloor heating pow-

elektrische Beschattung, Erdwärme-Bodenheizung, Video-Alarmanlage,

ered by geothermal energy, a video alarm system, a central vacuum

Zentralstaubsauger, moderne Waschküche bis hin zum Roboter-Rasen-

cleaner system and a modern utility room, to the robotic lawnmower –

mäher ist an alles gedacht. Fitnessstudio, Kamin, Bibliothek und

nothing has been overlooked. A gym, fireplace, library and wine cellar

Weinkeller runden das „Wohlfühlhaus“ ab, das laut Feng Shui Human

complete this „feel-good“ home which, according to a Feng Shui human

Life Gutachten über ein sehr gutes Backing (Rückhalt, innere Stabilität)

life report, has very good backing (support, inner stability) and Ming

und Ming Tang (Schwingung für Erfolg und Wohlstand) verfügt. Doch

Tang (energy that promotes success and prosperity). But the best thing

das Beste an dieser strahlend weissen Traumvilla mit Blick über das

about this idyllic, gleaming white villa with its view of the sweeping

weitläufige Limmattal und die nur 20 Minuten entfernte Premium-

Limmat Valley and the sophisticated metropolis of Zurich, which is only

metropole Zürich: Sie steht zum Verkauf.

20 minutes away, is that it is up for sale.

Villa Panorama

We would be happy to

Bei Interesse senden wir Ihnen sehr gerne das Kaufsdossier zu.

send our sales information pack to all interested parties. Contact:

Kontaktieren Sie: Herr Fabian Lutziger

Mr. Fabian Lutziger I I +41 79 611 97 13 I +41 79 611 97 13

VIP Service

For ultra-discerning requirements

Choose a unique and individual way to travel – have a VIP agent accompany you to the aircraft, quickly and comfortably. The support provided by the VIP team is professional, discreet, saves time and is tailored to the guest’s needs.

– Tranquility, comfort and culinary highlights in the exclusive VIP lounge – Luxury limousine transfer service to and from the aircraft – Pick-up service from your hotel, home or office to the airport – Priority at security and passport control

Zurich Airport VIP Service Phone +41 43 816 21 42

Bedroom of a Suite




No more than 7 sophisticated suites, never more than 16 guests,

Nicht mehr als 7 edle Suiten, nie mehr als 16 Gäste, dazu ein

plus a 500m² spa, a wine cellar with 400 hand-picked wines

500 qm grosses Spa, ein Weinkeller mit 400 handverlesenen

as well as the legendary dinners created by celebrity chef James

Tropfen und nicht zu vergessen die legendären Menus von Star-

Baron, with no fewer than 9 courses and a culinary experience

koch James Baron mit nicht weniger als 9 Gängen und einem

worthy of Michelin stars. No, we are not in St. Moritz, Zermatt

sterneverdächtigen Genusserlebnis. Nein, wir sind nicht in St.

or Chamonix. We are in St. Anton, high up in the midst of the

Moritz, Zermatt oder Chamonix. Wir sind in St. Anton, mitten in

Tyrolean Alps, and it is certainly no coincidence that this tranquil

den Tiroler Hochalpen, und es ist sicher kein Zufall, dass dieses

village was named after the patron saint of lovers, travellers and

beschauliche Dorf nach dem Schutzpatron der Liebenden, der

the culinary arts. The 5-star superior Tannenhof hotel boasts the

Reisenden und der Kochkunst benannt wurde. Den schönsten

most beautiful location in the village – from the mountainside we

Platz im Ort hat sich das 5-Sterne-Superior Hotel Tannenhof ge-

savour the spectacular panoramic alpine view, without being

sichert: Von der Anhöhe aus geniessen wir das traumhafte Berg-

presented on a „silver platter“ ourselves. Confidentiality is one of

panorama, ohne selbst „auf dem silbernen Tablett“ zu erscheinen.

the fundamental characteristics of the small but exquisite hide-

Diskretion gehört zu den Charaktereigenschaften des kleinen,

away which, run by Judith Volker and Axel Bach, has a reputa-

aber dafür umso feineren Hideaways, das unter der Regie von

tion as an insider‘s tip for connoisseurs who enjoy peace and

Judith Volker und Axel Bach als Geheimtipp für „stille Geniesser“

quiet. Privacy is ensured and perfect service begins from the very

gilt. Der Schutz der Privatsphäre und ein zugleich perfekter

outset – guests can either arrive by helicopter from Innsbruck or

Service beginnt bereits bei der Anreise – entweder mit dem

Samedan airport or in the luxurious chauffeur-driven limousine.

Helikopter von den Airports Innsbruck oder Samedan aus oder

Then enjoy the first drink in front of the open fire, the evening sun

in der noblen Chauffeurlimousine. Dann der erste Drink am offe-

on the spacious wooden balcony, a wonderful fragrant bath,

nen Kamin, die Abendsonne auf dem grossen Holzbalkon, ein

reading a book sitting in the rustic arm chairs covered with

herrliches Duftbad, ein wenig Lektüre in den urigen Sesseln mit

embroidered leather, a few steps on the smoked oak timber

besticktem Leder, ein paar Schritte auf den Fussböden aus ge-

flooring, contemporary art on the walls and unbelievably com-

räuchertem Eichenholz, an den Wänden zeitgenössische Kunst

fortable beds … even the arrival at the Tannenhof feels „different“

und unglaublich bequeme Betten … selbst die Ankunft fühlt sich

somehow. In winter, the snow glistens on the ski slopes and in

im Tannenhof irgendwie „anders“ an. Im Winter glitzert der

summer, luscious meadows with rare orchids, gentians and lu-

Schnee über den Pisten, im Sommer spiegeln sich saftige Wiesen

minous poppies are reflected in the crystal clear mountain lakes.

mit seltenen Orchideen, Enzian und leuchtendem Mohn in den

The authentic, sophisticated atmosphere and the genial service

glasklaren Bergseen. Besonders das authentische, edle Ambien-

make the Tannenhof the place to be for all those for whom luxury

te und der herzliche Service machen den Tannenhof zur ersten

means one thing in particular – having time for oneself in total

Adresse für alle, für die Luxus vor allem eines ist: diskret und

privacy, without having to make any compromises. But please

ohne Kompromisse zu sich finden. Bitte nicht weitersagen!

keep it to yourselves! Hotel

81 23

TRAVEL in STYLE Juan Mari Arzak with his daughter Elena Arzak

Restaurant Casa Urola

San Sebastian – A gourmet‘s paradise. With 16 Michelin stars, the highest number of Michelin stars per square meter in Europe, San Sebastian has gained international recognition as a top foodie destination. Gastronomy has always been part of the culture, traditions and social life of this elegant seaside town. Cooking is an art and a San Sebastian trademark! Juan Mari Arzak earned his first Michelin

Cooking Class

star back in 1974. In conjunction with Elena and the team, he has run the family-owned restaurant and 3 Michelin star kitchen at ARZAK for more than 40 years. Today, father and daughter work in tandem. Without his daughter, Elena Arzak, this innovative cuisine would be impossible. She represents the fourth generation of the family and is passionate about great food. The PINTXO TASTING TOUR is another thrilling opportunity where you will share in the locals’ “obsession” with food, savouring delicious pintxos (Basque version of tapas) such as the famous pintxos of the CASA UROLA. And yes, you too can learn the “Art of Basque Cooking” – book your COOKING CLASSES and indulge yourself in a gourmet’s paradise. Since opening in 1912, the recently renovated Luxury Collection HOTEL MARIA CHRISTINA has been closely linked to the history and cultural life of the city. Experience refinement on a grand scale in the hotel’s 136 rooms & suites and in the extremely elegant bar.



Hotel Maria Christina I Bar

Go global. Stay local. Crystal Travel – The boutique business travel agency in the heart of Switzerland. Crystal Travel AG is one of the top ten business travel agencies in Switzerland. Better known globally as Global Star Switzerland, it provides personal & individual service combined with an airfare/ticketing expertise that is unique in Switzerland. Crystal Travel adds real value for both business and leisure travelers. Their three business and leisure travel agencies are located in the vicinity of Zurich. Motivated travel specialists are ready and waiting to organize your next personalized, unforgettable business or leisure trip. Have you ever thought about the advantages of booking your (business) travel with a specialist? The price is an obvious benefit. Due to pooled travel volumes, international buying opportunities, worldwide partners and creative, professional ticketing, you will pay less for your trips. Additionally, every flight is recorded statistically in your personal online database and complies with your individual business travel guidelines. Being part of the worldwide Global Star Network generates even more (added) value for you as a traveler and business person. Go global. Stay local. This the principle of Global Star Travel Management worldwide. With more than 85 market-leading partners around the world in over 3,500 offices, adapting in line with special local characteristics is as important as global data consolidation and (business) travel handling. But you don’t just save money. You also save time. Time that you could use for other things. And last but not least – what if there is an emergency? Who do you call? At what time? In which language? None of this is a problem if you are traveling with Crystal Travel, the Swiss partner of Global Star Travel Management. You have access to an exclusive 24/7 emergency hotline which is manned by the company’s own staff and is not a call center. One telephone number to one person who speaks your language. If this sounds tempting, test it out – give it a try and you won’t be disappointed.

The Royal Suite

Be among the first to experience the new Four Seasons Hotel Abu Dhabi at Al Maryah Island. A shimmering new landmark of warm hospitality and luxury accommodation is now open in a prime waterfront location in the United Arab Emirates capital: welcome to the all-new Four Seasons Hotel Abu Dhabi at Al Maryah Island. It is the city’s premier choice for luxury accommodations, with 200 light-filled rooms and suites. Each offers sweeping views of the water and city skyline, and inside, a sanctuary of chic urban living with comfortable seating area, private refreshment centre, spa-like bathroom and at-one’s-fingertips technologies. All rooms feature the new, fully-customisable Four Seasons Bed. The Royal Suite is truly fit for a king – and the world’s most discerning travellers – with its soaring, two-story windows offering unobstructed views of the city. The 267-sqm suite is beautifully decorated with crystal chandeliers, hand painted silks, exotic marble and rich polished floors throughout.

Hotel Kitzhof Mountain Design Resort

KITZHOF Mountain Design Resort


By Uwe Herzog Translation Louise Mawbey

On the horizon is the mighty, rocky crag of the „Hahnenkamm“, and in front of this are the roofs of the nearby old town, the blossoming municipal park, the crackling of the open fire – those who have once enjoyed the panoramic view of the glamorous tourist centre of Kitzbühel from one of the extremely comfy, traditional loden armchairs of the Hotel Kitzhof Mountain Design Resort return there again and again. Twenty-six new, recently finished suites in six different categories await visitors to the first-class design hotel, which now boasts a total of more than 170 exclusively furnished rooms. The lovingly created details not only comprise the sheep‘s wool loden fabric, which has been densely felted in accordance with long-standing tradition and turns the furniture into real oases of cosiness. Exquisite leather appliqué, flooring made of Alpine larch wood and the unobtrusively positioned antlers are accompanied by warm lighting, fine carpets, linear shapes and lots of glass, through which the lucent natural light is reflected from the summits of the Tyrolean mountains. An exclusive spa, with a large pool, a steam bath, a sauna and high-quality beauty treatments, provides everything visitors could wish for. Afterwards, guests meet for a drink in the Kitz Lounge, the vinotheque or in one of the five restaurant areas at the Hotel Kitzhof Mountain Design Resort. Cheers!

The vinotheque



Wellness hideaway – Der Krallerhof****s The Krallerhof is among the finest Wellness & Family Hotels in Salzburg County, Austria. A member of „Best Alpine Wellness Hotels“, it is located on a sunny plateau in Leogang. No matter if in summer or winter - the Krallerhof offers wellness holidays of the highest level for the whole family. The spa world „Refugium“ is intended to give you the space for filling up on peace, vitality, beauty and energy on 2,500m2. With various pools, saunas, steam baths and extensive tranquillity oases, the spa world is a place for relaxing and rejuvenating. If you’ve always dreamed of playing golf on lush green grass against a backdrop of breath-taking mountains, then you couldn’t do better than come to the Krallerhof. Whether you simply want to get your Handicap certificate or you’d like to improve your golf to tournament level – the Krallerhof is located in the heart of the Golf Alpin resort. Within a surrounding area of 70 km, you’ll find 14 top golf clubs here where you can play. The nearest golf clubs in Saalfelden „Urslautal“ and „Brandlhof“ are only 15 km away. As a Krallerhof guest, you can benefit from special partner terms in these clubs

La Dolce Vita – Mandarin Oriental, Milan. The newly in 2015 opened Mandarin Oriental, Milan features 104 guestrooms, including 31 suites, and is located in the heart of Milan, at the point where the city’s fashion, cultural and financial centres meet. Housed within four 18th century buildings. To create a harmonious design across the four buildings, leading architect Antonio Citterio blended oriental touches with Milanese style and the interiors fashionably luxurious in every way. Like other prestigious Milanese buildings the hotel features architecturally grand inner courtyards behind its elegant facade. The Michelin-starred Italian restaurant Seta welcomes hotel guests and visitors for lunch and dinner, inviting them to savour executive chef Antonio Guida’s gastronomy. A urban escape – take time to look after someone really important. You. The Spa’s holistic approach provides physical, emotional and mental equilibrium. Hang on enjoying „La dolce vita“ in Mandarin Oriental, Milan.

PURE SALT Port Adriano Fresh air within Mallorca’s offer of 5 star hotels By Patricia Schweizer



Juniur Suite I Jacuzzi


29 81

Junior Suite Renaissance

The newly refurbished Pure Salt Port Adriano re-opens in 2016 after a brilliant transformation that makes it the best luxury hotel in the area and the only one inside the glamourous marina of Port Adriano designed by Philippe Starck. The hotel sits on the south west coast of the island, in one of Mallorca’s most exclusive locations and it is approximately 25-minute drive from Palma International Airport.

Rooms with a personality and terraces with spectacular views. Sitting just above the marina and commanding stunning views from all its 94 guestrooms and suites, Pure Salt Port Adriano

selection of big name brands and smaller boutiques.

gives guests a direct connection with the sea.

In the evening they can enjoy a glass of champagne

The hotel reflects the brand´s attributes: a contemporary design

and watch the world go by, the superyachts and the

that is utterly relaxing, highly-personalised and very Mediter-

bay beyond in a beautiful sunset from the hotel’s bar.

ranean. The sophisticated interiors have been inspired by the classic artists: the Junior Suite Renaissance proposes a décor

A foodies’ paradise.

based on famous Italian Renaissance paintings while the Swim

Focused on real flavours and local ingredients and

Up guest rooms offer direct access to a newly created river pool

blending Mediterranean specialities with international

from their private terraces.

influences, the intimate Gourmet Restaurant is a desti-

Finally, three extraordinary suites allow the most luxurious of

nation restaurant in its own right.

stays: elegant and comfortable, each has a unique art-inspired

With a limited capacity of 12, it is a source of gastro-

style and its own private living room, dressing area, bathroom

nomic inspiration to all high-cuisine and luxurious

and large terrace with the very best sea views.

restaurant lovers. The Chef Fran Macías’ menu takes guests on a culinary journey of the Mediterranean

Relaxing environment to switch off.

offering an exclusive tasting menu while using a

This adults only hotel and its surroundings reflect the owner family

variety of fresh ingredients, all sourced locally.

passion for creating quiet places where guest can disconnect,



relax and live the Mediterranean life intensely: from spending

At Pure Salt Port Adriano guests are at the heart of

the day between the sea and the pool to letting themselves be

the hotel’s philosophy and the service is present in

pampered in the ONA Spa - one of Mallorca’s leading luxury

every corner, discreet and faultless, yet full of character

hotel spas created as a place to relax, unwind and declutter

where nothing is too much trouble in order to provide

the body, mind and soul.

a relaxing, switch-off environment that helps guests

Outside, in the marina, there are a kaleidoscope of restaurants

escape from their routine.

to discover and shopaholics will love the marina’s intelligent

Ona Suite I Bathroom


1 TIFFANY & CO. Blue Book 2016, Water Colors Collier 2 TIFFANY & CO. Blue Book 2016, Ring 3 TIFFANY & CO. Blue Book 2016, Ring 4 TIFFANY & CO. Blue Book 2016, Natural Splendor Collier


5 TIFFANY & CO.. Blue Book 2016, Making Waves Earrings 6 TIFFANY & CO. Blue Book 2016, Ring

Water Colors by Tiffany & Co.



1 2

heyday 3



1 DE GRISOGONO Melody Of Colours Necklace 2 BUTANI Hoop Earrings


3 STENZHORN Love is in the Air 4 FABERGÉ Emotion Ring 5 SCHUCK Wild Blossom Earrings 6 SCHUCK Wild Blossom Ring 7 BOUCHERON Hera the Peacock Collier






End 1

00 36

Haute Horlogerie



1 CARL F. BUCHERER Pathos Swan caliber CFB 1851, 34 mm, 18 K rose gold, 525 TW VVS diamonds and 397 sapphires of the highest quality, water resistance 30m 2 BULGARI LVCEA GIARDINO PARADISO manufacture tourbillon calibre BVL 263, 18 K pink gold, hand-crafted miniature painting 3 DE GRISOGONO GRAPPOLI S06, SF 10-47 quartz, 18 K pink gold set with rubies & briolette-cut rubies, dial full set with rubies, snow setting, ruby galuchat strap, pink gold folding clasp set with rubies 4 JACOB & CO. BRILLIANT FLYING TOURBILLON ARLEQUINO 47mm, 18 K white gold, 242 baguette multi-coloured sapphires (26.36 ct.), one ceylan-cut diamond (0.64ct.); and 177 baguette white diamonds (16.12 ct.); bridges set with 455 round white diamonds (1.08 ct.) water resistance 30m, unique piece. 5 CHOPARD IMPERIALE JOAILLERIE 40 mm, mechanical self-winding caliber Chopard 01.03-C, 18 K rose gold, 581 sapphires, more than 1,000 hours of work to select, cut, sort and set stones totalling 47.98 carats, water resistance 50m, unique piece.

of the


Rainbow 5

Haute Horlogerie

00 37

2 1

The Sound

1 HARRY WINSTON HISTOIRE DE TOURBILLON 7, 43.5 mm, mechanical, manualwinding, caliber HW4502, 18 K white gold, two biaxial tourbillons connected by a spherical differential, limited to 10 pieces 2 BREGUET TRADITION RÉPÉTITION MINUTES


TOURBILLON 7087, 44 mm, 18 K rose gold, caliber 565DR, self-winding, minuterepeater, 60-second tourbillon 3 Frederique Constant Manufacture Perpetual Calendar, 42 mm, 18 K rose gold, FC-775 manufacture caliber, 38 hours power reserve 4 SPEAKE-MARIN Black Magister Vertical Double TourbillON, SM calibre SM6, manual wound vertical double tourbillon movement, 46 mm, 18 K white gold, power reserve 70 hours 5 LOUIS MOINET Black Gold Derrick 7087, 47 mm, caliber LM14D, manual-winding, 18K gold, 72 hours power reserve, limited to 28 pieces 6 HYSEK Furtif Skeleton Tourbillon, 44 mm, calibre HW15, manual-winding, rose gold and titanium treated black PVD, limited to 30 pieces.


Haute Horlogerie

of Seconds 5



Haute Horlogerie

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Haute Horlogerie


Graff has unveiled GyroGraff World a new and highly innovative evolution of its hugely successful GyroGraff timepiece – and part of the MasterGraff collection. Only five pieces have been made, each an intricate work of art, displaying a different view of the Earth’s continents captured from the perspective of space. The dial design is beautifully complemented by a highly complex movement exclusive to Graff Luxury Watches – incorporating an innovative three-dimensional moon phase indicator, which charts the daily progression of the moon and is visible through the front and back of the dial. A double-axis tourbillon sits at 5 o’clock, while a 72-hour power reserve indicator is positioned at 11 o’clock. The creation of each dial is a highly complex process. Crafted from white gold, a laser is used to carve out each land mass in relation to the oceans that surround it – ensuring complete accuracy. The piece is then hand-engraved using an ancient technique rarely incorporated into watchmaking. In the hands of a master craftsman, a chisel and chaser hammer are used to add the intricate nuances of each continent – a process that takes hundreds of hours. Colour is applied in the form of an enamel, which is made by mixing metal oxides and dyes, which are then ground to a dust-like powder. This powder is then hand-painted on to the surface of the dial by hand with a fine brush, with layer upon layer added to create depth and intensity of colour.

Astro nomia


by Jacob & Co.

“As a sailor heading towards the

Sidereal Time

seas, driven by the celestial vault,

the celestial dial accomplishes a full rotation in one

Covering the internal surface of the Astronomia’s case,

I found my star: the Astronomia Sky,”

sidereal year – which is the actual time it takes the

says Jacob Arabo, founder of

relation to the fixed stars. The blued grade 5 titanium

earth to make one full rotation around the sun in

Jacob & Co.

dial features 18K gold stars as well as hand-applied

The Triple Axis Tourbillon Goes Sidereal

Oval Sky Indicator

Reflective of mankind’s innate fascination with observing the night sky, Jacob & Co. draws its inspiration from historic old town astronomical clocks, which are true aesthetic and technical marvels. In 2014, Jacob & Co stunned the watch industry with the launch of the Astronomia Gravitational Triple Axis Tourbillon. This year, the brand is further extending upon the innovations of

and hand-engraved zodiac signs.

Above the celestial dial is the Oval Sky Indicator, which shows the portion of the stars visible from the Northern Hemisphere. This indicator makes one full rotation in one sidereal day. A sidereal day is the amount of time it takes for the earth to rotate once on its axis: 23.5640916 hours.

the Astronomia with the launch of the Astronomia Sky, adding


a never-before-seen complication: a sidereal display in three

Day/Night Indicator

dimensions combined with an oval sky indicator and a 24-hour

At the center of the satellite axis, a lacquered hand-

day and night display. To understand the complexity of this feat,

engraved titanium globe rotates on itself inside a tinted

each innovation will be examined individually.

halfdomed sapphire, symbolizing night and day.

Haute Horlogerie

Satellites Race

Optimized Setting

Four satellite arms rotate around the dial every 20 minutes. As

Jacob & Co. has created a simple yet ingenious solu-

a result, when one looks at the watch, it never appears exactly

tion to the time setting of this complicated watch. The

the same.

Astronomia Sky has two bows and two wheels on the

On the first satellite lies the amazing triple axis gravitational tour-

back of the watch, making time setting very easy for

billon, which rotates on one axis in 60 seconds, on the second

the user. One bow is for setting the time and the day/

axis every 5 minutes, and around the dial every 20 minutes.

night indicator (both based on 24-hour solar time),

On the second satellite is the time (hours and minutes) subdial.

while the other bow is for winding the mechanical

Thanks to a clever differential gear system, the time display is

movement. One wheels is to set the sidereal time,

always in the correct position while it rotates around the dial.

while the other wheel is to set the oval sky indicator.

The “12” marker is always facing upwards. On the third satellite is the Orbital Second Hand, an openworked titanium wheel that rotates in 60 seconds with a second

Jacob & Co., known for its unique and captivating

hand, and rotates around the dial every 20 minutes.

complications, has made history yet again with the

On the fourth and final satellite is the patented “Jacob Cut” red

Astronomia Sky.

moon, a spherical orange sapphire with 288 facets. This sapphire, the first of its kind in the modern jewelry industry, rotates on its axis every 60 seconds and turns around the dial every 20 minutes.

Haute Horlogerie


ON THE WINGS OF THE FALCON By Renato Schweizer I Uwe Herzog Translation Louise Mawbey





A humourist once claimed: „The perfect car is one that can fly.“ And this vehicle sports those wings in its logo – the Bentley Bentayga is not only the fastest SUV in the world but also a saloon in which „the sky‘s the limit“. Tremendously powerful but smart at the same time. In California, Luxury Life tested this fabulous car produced by the creator of premium British vehicles. 46


Irgendein Witzbold hat einmal behauptet: Das perfekte Auto kann fliegen! Dieses hier hat die Flügel bereits im Logo: Der Bentley Bentayga ist nicht nur der schnellste SUV der Welt, sondern auch eine Limousine „zum Abheben“. Ungeheuer kraftvoll und smart zugleich. Luxury Life hat das Wunderauto aus der britischen Edelschmiede in Kalifornien getestet.

Valiant, strong, intelligent, agile, precise and as fast as the wind

Tapfer, stark, intelligent, gewandt, präzise und schnell

– these characteristics have been attributed to the falcon across

wie der Wind: Seit Jahrtausenden werden diese

countless centuries. „Falcon“ was the codename that the Bentley

Eigenschaften dem Falken zugesprochen. „Falke“ –

engineers and designers used as they developed a car which

das ist auch das Codewort, unter dem die Ingenieure

undoubtedly lives up to its original name and was then presen-

und Designer von Bentley ein Auto entwickelten, das

ted to the public for the first time a few months ago as the

seinem ursprünglichen Namenspatron alle Ehre macht

Bentley Bentayga: with a powerful 608 bhp, a top speed of

und schliesslich vor einigen Monaten als Bentley

301 km/h – and nevertheless as agile and precise as a

Bentayga erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt wurde:

genuine SUV. The first ever Bentley off-road saloon is fitted with

608 PS stark, 301 km/h schnell – und trotzdem

a newly-developed 12-cylinder engine, and its bonnet boasts

so gewandt und präzise wie ein waschechter SUV.

the famous wings of the falcon which will once again set out

Ausgestattet ist diese erste Geländelimousine von

from southern England to conquer the entire world. Incidentally,

Bentley mit einem neu entwickelten 12-Zylinder-Motor,

the first customer of what is probably the fastest, most powerful

auf dessen Haube die berühmten Flügel des Falken Automobile


and most luxurious SUV of all time is the British Queen, who, in

glänzen, der einmal mehr von Südengland aus die

the future, will be visiting her hunting lodge in the Scottish High-

ganze Welt erobert. Erste Kundin dieses wohl schnell-

lands in the comfort of the back seat of the Bentayga.

sten, kraftvollsten und luxuriösesten SUV aller Zeiten ist übrigens die britische Queen, die ihr Jagdschloss

A change of scene: California. Near to the USA‘s Pacific coast

in den schottischen Highlands künftig im komfortablen

we find the ideal conditions to give the Bentayga an extensive

Fond des Bentayga besuchen will.

test drive – including putting the car through its paces under extreme off-road conditions. But let‘s start from the beginning.

Szenenwechsel: Kalifornien. Nahe der Pazifikküste der

In terms of appearance, the Bentayga has a dignified, luxurious

USA finden wir ideale Bedingungen, um den Bentayga

demeanour. The contours, with a heavily rounded bonnet, an

einem ausführlichen Praxistest zu unterziehen – bis hin

appealing headlight design accentuated only by two idio-

zur „Härteprüfung“ unter extremen Geländebedingung-

syncratic luminous rims, and the familiar, majestic radiator

en. Doch der Reihe nach: Rein äusserlich wirkt der

grille, give the vehicle an almost „virtuous“ look. A SUV with

Bentayga gediegen-luxuriös. Beinahe „brav“ die Form-

British understatement – reserved, luxurious, illustrious.

gebung mit stark abgerundeter Motorhaube, einem gefälligen Scheinwerferdesign, das nur durch zwei



In the interior, we are greeted by exotic woods, exquisite leather

eigenwillige Leuchtkränze betont wird, und dem ge-

and subtle chrome moulding, as well as comfortable seats with

wohnt majestätischen Kühlergrill. Ein SUV mit britischem

elegant stitching and plenty of legroom. The extensive custo-

Understatement – zurückhaltend, luxuriös, erhaben.

mising options in the Bentayga design range comprise no less

Im Innern erwarten uns Edelhölzer, feinstes Leder und

than 90 special colours, not including the 17 standard paint

dezente Chromleisten, dazu bequeme Sitze mit ele-

finishes. Plus 15 matching leather colours for the seats, just as

ganten Nähten und viel Beinfreiheit. Das individuelle

many varieties of carpet and 7 hand-crafted wood veneers.

Designprogramm des Bentayga umfasst nicht weniger

Seat ventilation and massage systems, a touchscreen with a

als 90 Sonderfarben, die 17 Standard-Lackierungen

60 GB hard drive, a high-end satellite navigation device and

nicht mitgezählt. Dazu passend: 15 Lederfarben für

even a night vision system are featured in the electronic equip-

die Sitze, ebenso viele Teppichvarianten und 7 hand-

ment, as is the high-quality entertainment system including a

verarbeitete Holzfurniere. Sitzbelüftung und –massage,

10.2 inch Android tablet with LTE, WLAN and Bluetooth and

Touchscreen mit 60 GB Festplatte, High-end-Navi

18 audio speakers boasting around 2,000 watts of power –

und sogar ein Nachtsichtgerät gehören ebenso zur

another superlative in the automotive world.

elektronischen Ausstattung wie das hochwertige Entertainment-System inklusive 10,2 Zoll Android-Pad mit

As is always the case with cars that come from Crewe, a great

LTE, WLAN und Bluetooth sowie 18 Audioboxen mit

deal of emphasis is placed on craftsmanship with the Bentayga.

einer Leistung von knapp 2.000 Watt – auch dies ein

58 employees are involved in fitting the interior and its equip-

Superlativ in der Automobilwelt.

ment alone. By the time the final touches have been completed, 130 man hours have been invested and only then can the

Wie immer, wenn ein Auto aus Crewe kommt, wird

finished vehicle leave the state-of-the-art manufacturing facility

Handarbeit auch beim Bentayga gross geschrieben:

which has been expanded especially for the production of the

Allein 58 Mitarbeiter kümmern sich um die Montage

Bentayga. Every day, the names of customers who are waiting

der Innenausstattung. Bis zum letzten Schliff vergehen

with anticipation to finally be able to take a seat in this amazing

nicht weniger als 130 Arbeitsstunden, erst dann verlässt

SUV are added to the order books for what has already become

das fertige Exemplar die hochmoderne Manufaktur,

a legendary model. And we can hardly wait either …

die eigens für die Produktion des Bentayga erweitert wurde. Täglich füllen sich die Auftragsbücher für das Automobile


The first stop is Palm Springs. The Bentayga, with its 4-level,

schon jetzt legendäre Modell mit Kunden, die gespannt

adjustable air suspension, drives through the city like a

darauf warten, endlich in dem Wunder-SUV Platz zu

thoroughly well-cushioned, typically regal, luxury British coach.

nehmen. Und auch wir können es kaum erwarten …

As expected, the clearly arranged instruments are based on the shape of the „falcon“ wings – a feature typical of Bentley. In

Erste Station: Palm Springs. In der Stadt fährt sich der

addition to the traditional parameters, the display also shows

Bentayga mit seiner 4-stufig verstellbaren Luftfederung

a compass and information on the tilt angle, the roll angle,

wie eine von allen Seiten gut gepolsterte, typisch

the steering angle and the height – data which is important

königlich-britische Luxuskarosse. Die übersichtlichen

when changing terrain. The dignified „soft-footed feeling“ initially

Armaturen sind, wie könnte es anders sein, in der

continues as we drive onto the highway. But then, after gentle

Form den „Falken“-Flügeln nachempfunden – typisch

pressure has been applied to the accelerator, the brawny

Bentley eben. Neben den klassischen Parametern

saloon rockets seemingly effortlessly from zero to a hundred in

werden im Display auch Informationen zu Neigungs-

just 4.1 seconds …

und Rollwinkel, Lenkwinkel, Kompass und Höhe angezeigt – wichtig bei jedem Geländewechsel. Doch

In Sport mode at the latest, the Bentayga turns into a predatory

auch auf der Auffahrt zum Highway hält das gediegene

animal and it is a particular joy to join it on the hunt under the

„Samtpfoten-Feeling“ zunächst noch an. Dann: ein

hot Californian sun, as it speeds lithely and assuredly around

sanfter Druck auf das Gaspedal und in gerade einmal

the many tight bends of the racing track in Chuckwalla Valley.

4,1 Sekunden schiesst die wuchtige Limousine schein-

Thanks to a sophisticated electronic anti-roll system, the SUV

bar mühelos von Null auf Hundert …

moves as safely and light-footedly as a small sports car – the

Spätestens im Sport Modus wird der Bentayga schliess-

ingenious outcome of many years of development work. We

lich zum Raubtier, mit dem es besonders viel Spass

then move on to the dusty motocross tracks of Cahuilla Creek.

macht, unter der heissen Sonne Kaliforniens geschmeidig

This is where the skills of the high-quality, ZF 8-speed automatic

und sicher durch die vielen engen Kurven der Renn-

transmission with permanent four-wheel drive come into their

strecke im Chuckwalla Valley zu jagen. Dabei verhält

own. We switch to „Mud & Trail“ mode which is to be thanked

sich der SUV dank einer ausgeklügelten elektronischen

for the exemplary diving characteristics in the inhospitable

Wankstabilisierung so sicher und leichtfüssig wie ein

terrain at the foot of the „blue“ Palomar mountain. More dust

kleiner Sportflitzer – das geniale Ergebnis jahrelanger

and dirt is unimaginable but, in the Bentayga, the mud bath in

Entwicklungsarbeit. Weiter geht es auf den staubigen

Cahuilla Creek feels like nothing more than a gentle excursion.

Motocross-Pisten des Cahuilla Creek: Hier sind vor

The driver can choose from a total of 8 different driving pro-

allem die Fähigkeiten des hochwertigen 8-Gang-

grammes, including ones which sound as exotic as they do

Automatikgetriebes von ZF mit permanentem Allrad-

practical, such as those for „Snow & Grass“ or „Dirt & Gravel“.

antrieb gefragt. Wir schalten um auf den „Mud & Trail“ Modus, der für das vorbildliche Fahrverhalten in

We then head off to the seemingly endless Glamis sand dunes,

dem unwirtlichen Gelände am Fuss der „blauen Berge“

approximately 200 miles south east of Los Angeles. The Imperial

von Palomar verantwortlich ist. Mehr Staub und Dreck

Dunes are famed as the most impressive dunes in the USA.

geht nicht, doch im Bentayga wird die Schlammorgie

Gradients of up to 35 degrees are no rarity in these surroun-

im Cahuilla Creek beinahe zur Spazierfahrt. Insgesamt

dings. And the crux of the matter is that, weighing in at appro-

stehen dem Piloten 8 verschiedene Fahrprogramme

ximately 2.5 tons, the Bentayga is not exactly light. It is even

zur Verfügung, darunter ebenso exotisch wie praktisch

significantly heavier than some weighty road saloons. Without

anmutende für „Snow & Gras“ oder „Dirt & Gravel“. Automobile


its immensely powerful engine and excellent transmission, the

Dann geht es mitten hinein in die schier endlos er-

compact colossus would be doomed to sink into the sand on

scheinende Dünenlandschaft von Glamis, etwa 200

this terrain.

Meilen südöstlich von Los Angeles. Die „Imperial Dunes“ gelten als die mächtigsten Dünen der USA. Neigungen

But thanks to the sophisticated technology of „Sand Dune“

von bis zu 35 Grad sind hier keine Seltenheit. Die

mode, the Bentayga virtually „floats“ above the dunes – the

Crux dabei: Mit knapp 2,5 Tonnen ist der Bentayga

Pirelli tyres keep the car perfectly on track while the sand sprays

nicht gerade ein Leichtgewicht. Er bringt damit sogar

metres high above the vehicle. Even the engine revels in the

deutlich mehr auf die Waage als manch schwer

ascents of the sandy slopes, conquering them with an ease that

wiegende Strassenlimousine. Ohne seine ungeheuer

no one would have expected. As a true „desert falcon“, the

kraftvolle Motorisierung und die perfekte Übertragung

Bentayga impresses like no other vehicle, and its strengths only

würde der kompakte Koloss hier unweigerlich im

really come into play when the track is no longer discernible.

Sand versinken.

To sum it up, those who definitely want to fly from A to B should book a ticket with an airline. Everyone else would be better

Doch dank der ausgefeilten Technik des „Sand Dune“

to put their faith in the Bentayga.

Modus „schwebt“ der Bentayga geradezu über die Dünen – die Pirelli-Reifen halten tadellos Spur, während der Sand meterhoch über den Wagen spritzt. Selbst der Motor jauchzt an den Steigungen der Sandberge mit einer Leichtigkeit, die niemand erwartet hätte. Wie kein anderes Fahrzeug empfiehlt sich der Bentayga als wahrer „Wüstenfalke“, der seine Stärken erst dann richtig ausspielt, wenn die Strecke nicht mehr zu erkennen ist. Unser Fazit: Wer unbedingt von A nach B fliegen möchte, sollte sich bei seiner Airline ein Ticket bestellen. Alle anderen vertrauen wohl besser auf den Bentayga. Automobile



FAST By Renato Schweizer



At 77 metres (252.6ft), SILVER FAST is the world’s largest and fastest aluminium motor yacht with conventional propulsion. Her distinctive styling, with a sleek, streamlined hull and metallic silver livery was designed by Espen Øino. She is the fourth and most advanced vessel in the multiple award-winning Silver Series, whose DNA is based on high calibre all-aluminium superyachts with fast, fuel-efficient credentials and long range cruising capabilities.

SILVER FAST’s remarkable performance was demonstrated last year on her 3,200 nautical mile maiden voyage from Perth, Western Australia to Sri Lanka, which she completed at an average speed of 17 knots with fuel consumption of only 400 litres per hour (106 US gallons per hour). Delivering a range of 4,500 nautical miles at 18 knots, her powerful MTU engines can carry her to a top speed of 27 knots in optimum conditions, and her long-range cruising speed is 20 to 22 knots. Proven for long ocean passages in all sea states, her slender hull cuts through the waves with ease and she is quiet and vibration-free for nighttime passages at 18 to 20 knots. Quantum zero-speed stabilisers keep her equally comfortable at anchor. Her shallow draft of 2.6 metres (8.5 feet) makes her perfect for cruising the shoal waters of the Gulf, the Maldives, the South Pacific and the Bahamas.



SILVER FAST’s airy, contemporary interior was conceived by

The spacious sea level ‘beach club’ on SILVER FAST

Andreas Holnburger of Vain Interiors to be both fresh and

has been expanded to allow for more gym equipment

luxurious. Teak panelling and grey glass mirrors are comple-

in the comprehensive spa facility with customised sauna,

mented by innumerable custom finishes such as metallic painted

hot steam room, massage room and beauty salon.

walls with leather steps on the central stairwell. Weight reduc-

On the sun deck, the mirrored bar front converts into a

tion is achieved by the use of lightweight aircraft honeycomb

TV to allow movies to be viewed from the glass-fronted


eight-person jacuzzi.

The main deck features panoramic views from large picture

The innovative tender stowage area is accessed via

windows and leads aft to the ‘theatre room’ with huge plasma

forward gull wing doors and houses two 7.4m (24.2ft)

cinema screen. From there you can head out into the ‘winter

all-weather custom tenders.

garden’ – a fantastic glass-screened, air conditioned space that allows for flexible indoor/outdoor dining whatever the

On the foredeck, the “touch and go” helipad is suitable

weather. Wraparound sliding glass doors shield from wind

for an AgustaWestland AW109 or a Eurocopter EC135.

and rain without detracting from the view, while the mirrored ceiling adds light to the dining area below which can seat up

This ground-breaking superyacht is a real head-turner

to 20 guests. The aft deck itself features comfortable raised

and offers speed, efficiency and stylish luxury in equal

lounge seating and a top-of-the-range fully integrated 70,000


watt sound system. The entire upper deck is reserved for the owner’s apartment which features the master suite with centreline double bed, his and hers bathrooms and walk-in wardrobe forward. Further



aft there is an office and large saloon leading to the owner’s

SILVER FAST is offered for sale by Burgess as Central

‘outdoor retreat’ - a secluded private deck area. Guest accommo-

Agents with an asking price of EUR 79,500,000.

dation is configured across seven further cabins: three VIP suites

Sales Enquiries: prospective buyers are invited

are located forward on the main deck, and four guest cabins

to contact any Burgess office:

(one double, three twins) are amidships on the lower deck. I

A Swiss bellwether in fine arts investing? By Luc Longfellow

Switzerland not only manufactures high precision watches, but is also the global auction center for timepieces. Likewise, this stable traditional fine art market could become the sought after bellwether that investors are looking for. 58

Fine Art I Investment

Dirk Boll Managing Director Continental Europe at CHRISTIE‘S

Dirk Boll

Thierry Ehrmann

Fine art investing is experiencing a sustained boom. In its 2015

Enters Switzerland

report published early this year, Artprice states that the last

The answer might lie in Switzerland, the “home of the

decade has witnessed price increases of 212% in the value of

European collector” according to Dirk Boll, Managing

auctioned pieces. This astounding growth rate has been fuelled

Director Continental Europe at Christie’s. Indeed,

by the globalisation of the fine art market, and the intensification

the country has been for 150 years the host of weal-

of transactions in the top quality segment in Western markets.

thy educated families and enlightened foundations.

However, the market is also subject to erratic moves due to some

Switzerland holds a dual role on the international

speculation, a relative scarcity of pieces on certain segments,

scene. First, it is a relatively small market for auctions,

as well as fashions and fads.

which has reached a “stable high level plateau” as analyzed by Dirk Boll. This market is essentially made of

Navigating the market which is in fact a series of relatively

typical transactions between local Swiss residents. Accor-

opaque niche segments requires rare expertise, sufficient time

ding to Artprice, Switzerland represents 0.7% of the

and significant resources. This might be enough to execute infor-

total turnover of auctions in 2015 (2.5% of the number

med purchases satisfying a collector’s passion. Investing requires

of transactions), and the average price (10’000 USD)

the understanding of market dynamics and the identification of

is lower than for the rest of the world (34’000 USD).

trends. This is where the task becomes clearly difficult.

This is the face of the stable “Swiss island in a more chaotic world”, truthful to the postcard image of the

The fine art market is almost the opposite of a stock exchange:


each piece is unique. Owning pieces requires significant expenses


such as storage, insurance and management services. National

However, there is another face of the Swiss market,

museums have special purchasing rights and take pieces off the

which is made of powerful residents buying and selling

market indefinitely. Collectors and investors can have diverging

globally. Switzerland acts as a meeting point for rich

interests. As a result, the price of each piece is not the result of

international and powerful actors, supported notably

a single rational process but the fruit of many heterogeneous

by family offices and private banks. As explained by

factors. How to avoid the noise and identify long term trends?

Thierry Ehrmann, founder and President of Artprice, if

Fine Art I Investment

“fine art auctions are essentially held in New York, London and China [see chart], there is a significant market under the radar which is in fact ‘unlocked’ in Zurich and Geneva”. For him, “Switzerland is a ‘market maker’ in the fine art world”. Indeed, the Swiss market provides a direct insight in the international fine art market: the most prestigious international fine art fair (Art Basel), renowned high quality galeries, prestigious museums (such as the Beyeler Foundation, the Kunsthaus of Zurich) and influential contemporary artists. This is particularly relevant, as “people like to see what they buy” as summed up by Dirk Boll. This is even more true when considering the importance of location in fine art purchases: “in certain cultures, objects acquired elsewhere have a certain cachet” – and more than when bought locally. Thus, buying in Switzerland enhances the perceived value of a piece.

Geographical breakdown of public auctions turnover in 2015

Will the bellwether last? Switzerland capitalizes on its “high standards”, according to Dirk Boll. This is confirmed by Thierry Ehrmann,

Germany 1.6%

who also highlights “the role of the Geneva Free Port”

Italy 1.1% France 3.6%

in setting these standards. Unfortunately for investors,

Switzerland 0.7%

the Swiss fine art bellwether might not last as long as a Swiss watch. Christie’s is already witnessing a shift

Other 5.9%

in the purchasing behavior of the younger generation. “The next generation trades globally and will successfully operate in globalized markets”, says Dirk Boll, thus bridging the gap between the Swiss market and its already globalized peers. Moreover, if Switzerland

United Kingdom 18.6%

USA 38.4%

is a useful indicator of long term trends, it is not a pure and neutral source. Swiss tastes in fine art are traditional. “This is visible through auctions”, according to Dirk Boll. “One has to acknowledge that the pieces offered on the Swiss market

China 30.2%

seem to fit with the local history, and thus (a priori) with the tast of Swiss collectors”, confirms Artprice. Nevertheless, as any savvy investor would agree on, having a stable indicator with known biases is highly pre-ferable to an unstable and unreliable one – or

Source: Artprice, 2016.

none at all… Fine Art I Investment

61 81

News & Previews Digitalisation as a risk for the data security and intellectual property of companies – Swiss Secure Mobile App protects against unauthorised eyes, ears and access.

protect this capital against unauthorised eyes, ears and access. SASERA provides long-term solutions in this area. The first product of the start-up in Zug is a Swiss Secure Mobile App that guarantees tap-proof smartphone communications (incl. chats) within a closed user group. Swiss quality: the servers are housed in alpine bunkers The secure app is available for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. It can be adapted to meet various needs and differs from similar solutions already available on the market in that the development and design of

In times where hacker attacks and cracking smartphones pose day-

the service is based almost completely on Swiss know-how. In the area

to-day challenges and governments are restricting privacy with new

of privacy, Switzerland is at the forefront globally and is nearly unrival-

surveillance laws, the gates are being thrown open for corporate

led in upholding such high standards. SASERA uses this position to the

espionage. With an app for encrypted smartphone communication,

advantage of its customers and houses the servers used for encrypted

SASERA, a Swiss start-up is now launching an innovative and guaran-

communication in bunkers in the Swiss Alps („Swiss Fort Knox“), making

teed secure ICT security service for corporate customers that also includes

them inaccessible for external parties.

tap-proof video conferencing in business jets. Global digitalisation is a two-edged sword, bringing benefits but also risks which can affect the competitiveness of companies. The use of cloud services limits confidentiality. The use of smartphones and computers for private and professional purposes is a risk to companies‘ data security and poses a challenge for ICT specialists. Even the right to privacy, a basic tenet of our free society, is increasingly part of this dilemma. The postal secrecy of past (analogue) days will quickly fade in light of future (digital) developments.

Secure video conferencing in business jets SASERA also offers a tap-free Swiss Secure Mobile app with top-quality video capabilities for business Jets. Numerous Fortune 500 companies, VIP customers and governments already use this service. Have video conferencing with the best sound and voice quality from a business jet and securely share documents at the same time? No problem! With your notebook, Mac, iPhone, iPad or Android tablet, you are always connected to your business partners without having to worry that others can gain unauthorised access to listen in or read your data. With SASERA,

Protecting intellectual property and innovations

you can enjoy the same level of security above the clouds as you do

Companies whose primary competitive advantage lies in intellectual

on the ground, and you can work as usual in your secure environment.

property and the intellectual capital of their staff and which operate

Further information & technical data can be found at

internationally are particularly exposed. There is a growing need to

Davide Pulver, CEO SASERA: +41 41 511 37 57 or

BATTERSEA POWER STATION – Your home in a global icon. The Battersea Power Station is a global icon, in one of the world‘s greatest cities – London. The Power Station‘s incredible rebirth will see it transformed into one of the most exciting and innovative new neighbourhoods in the world, comprising unique homes designed by international renowned architects, set amidst the best shops, restaurants, offices, green space, and spaces for the arts. The Power Station is set to become one of the most amazing places to live in the UK. Discover more at:

Aubaine Restaurant Dubai.

Photos by

The popular Parisian bistro which opened beginning of 2016, serves breakfast, lunch and dinner creates a warm and inviting ambiance for its guests. Aubaine is the perfect dining destination for the Dubai cosmopolitan scene who long for a place that promises delicious flavors, authentic cuisine, fresh and dynamic ingredients, along with their signature freshly-baked and handcrafted bread and French pastries. Location: The Dubai Mall, Downtown Dubai. I Phone +971 4 501 6970

RICHARD MILLE – Opening of the first German boutique on Maximilianstrasse in Munich. On the heels of successfully opening a number of new boutiques in Europe and the Middle East, this is an exciting time for the brand to open its latest boutique in Germany’s most exclusive city. The boutique is located on Maximilianstrasse 34, one of Munich’s four royal avenues. Peter Harrison, CEO of Richard Mille Europe, Middle East and Africa comments: “Germany is a new market for Richard Mille, and we are delighted to be opening our first boutique in Munich. I know that everyone in the company is excited to have the opportunity to establish our brand in this historic city, sharing our passion for the mastery of extreme watchmaking, artistry and the famous Richard Mille ‘joie de vivre’.” The new jewel of a store, covering 160 square metres on two levels, thus emphasises the masculine aesthetic characteristic of the Richard Mille brand. I Phone +49 89 45221300

THE MATCHPLAYER – LIVE NOW! The Must Have Golf App 2016. Challenge single matchplayer, foursome teams or pleasure players in your environment. Make an appointment at over 25.000 golf courses worldwide for a real single matchplay or foursome match.

Deauville Polo Cup – 10th to 13th August 2016

Thereby you can rank yourself upwards at the top places of the of-

Marie-Olga Charriol, director of public relations

database. Be part of “The Matchplayer” app, arrange a date and

and events and also brand ambassador of Swiss

find the ideal golf course together with your opponent. At the regis-

Watchmaking Charriol, founded in 1983 by her

tration form you can chose your local home golf club and thus you

husband Philippe Charriol, is inviting to a presti-

are automatically part of the ranking list of your home golf club.

gious summer event: The Deauville Polo Cup,

Play yourself to the upper positions at the official “The Matchplayer”

at La Touques Hippodrome from 10 to13


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August 2016. Four teams, will compete in the

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summer sunshine, watched by an enthusiastic

Player” mode, you play without any assessment, so definitively just

audience of more than 600 spectators. The

for fun. In this setting you can only play with other matchplayers

Charriol women‘s team, promote the graceful,

who also activated the “pleasure player” mode. Or play in a team

demanding sport of women‘s polo. The family

for a brand like Hublot, PUMA, COBRA, Luxury Life MAGAZINE

Charriol is proud to be associated with this

and/or play for a Golf Professional as Bernd Wiesberger and

demanding, elegant sport, with a special focus

Carly Booth. Wherever you are and whenever you want: Connect

on women, reflecting their motto – The art of living

yourself worldwide with other golf players.


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Cars CAR NEWS By Renato Schweizer I Andreas Hofstätter


Aton Martin DB11 – A new chapter in Aston Martin’s history.

Ferrari GTC4Lusso – Class-leading in all driving conditions.

The DB11 showcases a fresh and distinctive design language, pioneering

The new Ferrari GTC4Lusso is Maranello’s latest interpretation of the four-

aerodynamics. The DB11’s heart is a 5.2-litre twin-turbocharged V12.

seater concept, which combines extraordinary performance in all driving

Designed in-house this new engine develops 608 PS and 700 Nm of torque,

conditions with sporty elegance and luxurious comfort for both driver and

making DB11 the most powerful production DB model ever. Naturally, it’s

passengers alike. Intense research and development has boosted the

the most dynamic and most accelerative too, with a top speed of 322 km/h

6,262 cc V12’s maximum power output to 690 hp, making the GTC4Lusso

and a 0-100 km/h time of just 3.9 sec. As a true 21st century Aston Martin

the most powerful car in its segment. Underlining the strong links between

the DB11 combines the very latest technology developed in conjunction with

Ferrari’s GT engine division the racing world, the V12 revs to a red line at a

technical partner, Daimler AG, with the finest quality and hand craftsman-

class-leading 8,250 rpm. Maximum torque is 697 Nm at 5,750 rpm with

ship. Using a full-colour 12” TFT LCD display, the all-new instrument cluster

80% already available at just 1,750 rpm. In fact the performance figures are

presents primary vehicle information with absolute clarity, while a second,

those of a true thoroughbred sports car, with a maximum speed of 335 km/h

centrally-mounted 8” TFT screen is dedicated to infotainment.

and acceleration from 0-100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds flat.

Der DB11 präsentiert sich mit einer frischen, unverwechselbaren Designsprache

Der Ferrari GTC4Lusso ist die neueste Interpretation des 4-Sitzer-Konzeps aus

und wegweisender Aerodynamik. Das Herz des DB11 ist ein 5,2-Liter-Twin-

Maranello. Er vereint aussergewöhnliche Leistung bei allen Strassenverhältnissen

Turbo V12. Der neu entwickelte Motor, mit seinen 608 PS und 700 Nm Dreh-

mit sportlicher Eleganz und luxuriösem Komfort. Intensive Forschung und Entwick-

moment, krönt ihn zum stärksten Modell der gesamt DB-Reihe, aller Zeiten.

lung haben die maximale Leistung des 6.262 cm3 V12 auf 690 PS erhöht.

Überzeugend die Dynamik, mit welcher der Gran Turismo eine Höchstgeschwin-

Dank der Nähe von Ferraris GT Motoren-Abteilung zur Welt des Rennsports

digkeit von 322 km/h, bei einer Beschleunigung in nur 3,9 Sekunden von

ist der V12 Motor mit einer Maximaldrehzahl von 8.250 Umdrehungen pro

0-100km/h, erreicht. Als echter Aston Martin des 21. Jahrhundert vereint

Minute der Beste seiner Klasse. Das maximale Drehmoment wird mit 697 Nm

er neueste Technologie, entwickelt in Partnerschaft mit Daimler AG, mit

bei 5.750 U/min erreicht, wobei 80% davon bereits bei nur 1.750 U/min

bester Qualität und Handwerkskunst. Ein 12“ TFT-LCD-Display in HD-Qualität,

verfügbar sind. Tatsächlich liefert der neue Ferrari mit einer Höchstgeschwindig-

präsentiert primär Fahrzeuginformationen, während ein zweiter, zentral

keit von 335 km/h und einer Beschleunigung von 0-100 km/h in 3,4 Sekun-

montierter 8“ TFT-Bildschirm dem Infotainment gewidmet ist.

den die messerscharfe Performance eines reinrassigen Sportwagens.


Lamborghini Centenario – Futuristic design honours the Lamborghini legend. Automobili Lamborghini presents the Lamborghini Centenario in the year the

Zur Feier des hundertsten Geburtstags von Ferruccio Lamborghini präsentiert

company celebrates the centenary of founder Ferruccio Lamborghini’s

Automobili Lamborghini den Lamborghini Centenario. Nur 20 Coupé und

birth. Only 20 coupé and 20 roadster versions of the Centenario will be

20 Roadster Versionen des Centenario werden produziert, alle 40 Fahrzeuge

produced and all 40 cars are already sold, at a start price of 1.75 million

sind bereits verkauft zu einem Preis ab 1,75 Millionen Euro plus Steuern. Mit

euros plus tax. The Centenario continues Lamborghini’s one-off strategy and

dem Centenario setzt Lamborghini seine One-off Strategie fort und stellt seine

demon- strates Lamborghini’s innovative design and engineering competen-

innovativen Design und Technik Kompetenz erneut unter Beweis. Der V12

cies. Using the V12 architecture, the Centenario’s naturally aspirated engine

Saugmotor des Centenario leistet 770 PS, beschleunigt von 0-100 km/h in

produces 770 hp and powers from 0-100 km/h in 2.8 seconds, and from

2,8 Sekunden, von 0-300 km/h in 23,5 Sekunden und sorgt für eine

0-300 km/h in 23.5 seconds with a top speed of more than 350 km/h.

Höchstgeschwindigkeit von mehr als 350 km/h. Der Bremsweg aus 100 km/h

Braking from 100 km/h to standstill is achieved in 30 meters. A monocoque

bis zum Stillstand beträgt 30 Meter. Monocoque und Karosserie bestehen

and body in full carbon fiber provide a low weight of 1,520 kg and a

komplett aus Carbonfaser und sorgen so für das geringe Gewicht von

weight to power ratio of just 1.97 kg/hp.

1.520 kg und ein Leistungsgewicht von nur 1,97 kg/PS.

Car News

67 81

Mercedes-AMG S 63 4MATIC Cabriolet – The ultimate dream car.


Mercedes-Benz is presenting a superlative dream car in the guise of the S 63

Mit dem S 63 4MATIC Cabriolet präsentiert Mercedes-AMG einen Traum-

4MATIC Cabriolet. For the first time in its 49-year history, Mercedes-Benz‘s

wagen der Superlative. Zum ersten Mal in ihrer 49-jährigen Unternehmens-

sports-car and performance brand is offering a four-seater cabriolet in the

geschichte bietet die Sportwagen- und Performance-Marke von Mercedes-Benz

S-Class segment, which augments the product portfolio with an attractive

ein viersitziges Cabriolet im S-Klasse Segment an. Es erweitert das Produktport-

alternative for car enthusiasts with a passion for performance and luxury. The

folio um eine attraktive Alternative für Automobilenthusiasten mit einem Faible

AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine with an output of 585 hp and peak

für Leistung und Luxus. Der AMG 5,5-Liter-V8-Biturbomotor mit 585 PS Leistung

torque of 900 Nm, the AMG Performance 4MATIC all-wheel drive with

und 900 Nm maximalem Drehmoment, der serienmässige AMG Performance

rear-based torque split as standard, the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h

Allradantrieb 4MATIC mit heckbetonter Momentenverteilung, die Beschleuni-

in 3.9 seconds and the high-performance composite brake system form the

gung von 0-100 km/h in 3,9 Sekunden und die Hochleistungs-Verbundbrems-

basis for the brand‘s hallmark Driving Performance combined with opulent

anlage bilden die Basis für die markentypische Driving Performance, verbunden

appointments and exclusive materials in the interior.

mit opulenter Ausstattung und exklusiven Materialien im Innenraum.

Car News

Audi SQ7 TDI – First S model of the series.

BMW M760Li xDrive – Harmony of performance and ride comfort.

With its electric powered compressor, the SQ7 TDI storms ahead with full

The new BMW M760Li xDrive gives a debut to the new M Performance

power the moment the accelerator is depressed. It corners as nimbly as a

TwinPower Turbo 12-cylinder petrol engine. Concealed under a cover bearing

sports sedan. A push of the red-rimmed start button and the V8 diesel comes

“M Performance” lettering, the 6.6-litre V12 develops output of 610 hp

to life with a deep rumble that promises real power: 435 hp and 900

at 5,500 rpm and peak torque of 800 Nm at 1,500 rpm.The high-perfor-

Newton meters from 1,000 rpm. The SQ7 TDI delivers full power right away

mance unit accelerates the BMW M760Li xDrive from 0 to 100 km/h in

thanks to a world’s first: the electric powered compressor that supports the

just 3.7 seconds on the way to an electronically limited top speed of 250

two turbochargers at low engine speeds. The energy is provided by the 48

km/h. If the optional M Driver’s Package is specified, the speed limiter

volt electrical subsystem, a new technology in this segment. The 100 km/h

doesn’t cut in until 305 km/h. Power transfer is via the state-of-the-art

mark falls in less than five seconds, and acceleration continues up to 250 km/h.

eightspeed Steptronic Sport transmission as standard. The M Performance

This doesn’t mean that the SUV is particularly thirsty, however. It consumes on

specific tuning of the shift programs has been specially adapted to the

average just 7.2 liters per 100 kilometers.

characteristics of the V12 engine.

Mit seinem elektrisch angetriebenen Verdichter prescht der SQ7 TDI vom

Im neuen BMW M760Li xDrive kommt erstmals der neue M Performance

Stand weg mit voller Kraft voraus. Um Kurven lässt er sich so handlich zirkeln

TwinPower Turbo Zwölfzylinder-Benzinmotor zum Einsatz. Aus 6,6 Liter Hub-

wie eine Sportlimousine. Ein Druck auf die rot umrandete Starttaste und der

raum schöpft das Triebwerk eine Leistung von 610 PS bei 5.500 U/min und stellt

V8-Diesel erwacht mit einem tiefen Grollen, das echte Power verheisst: 435 PS

ein maximales Drehmoment von 800 Nm zur Verfügung. Der Hochleistungs-

und 900 Newtonmeter schon ab 1.000 Touren. Der SQ7 TDI liefert volle

motor beschleunigt den BMW M760Li xDrive in nur 3,7 Sekunden auf

Kraft vom Start weg. Möglich macht es eine Weltneuheit: der elektrisch ange-

Tempo 100 km/h und ermöglicht eine abgeregelte Höchstgeschwindigkeit

triebene Verdichter, der die beiden Abgasturbolader bei niedrigen Drehzahlen

von 250 km/h. In Verbindung mit dem optionalen M Driver’s Package wird die

unterstützt. Die Energie stellt das 48-Volt-Teilbordnetz bereit, eine neue

Höchstgeschwindigkeit bei 305 km/h abgeregelt. Die Kraftübertragung er-

Technologie im Wettbewerb. Nach weniger als 5 Sekunden fällt die 100-km/h-

folgt serienmässig mittels des modernen 8-Gang Steptronic Sport Getriebes.

Marke, erst bei 250 km/h ist das Ende der Fahnenstange erreicht. Im Schnitt

Seine M Performance spezifische Abstimmung der Schaltprogramme wurde

begnügt er sich mit 7,2 Liter auf 100 Kilometer.

speziell an die Motorcharakteristik des V12-Triebwerks angepasst.



Porsche 911R – A thoroughbred driving machine: technology from the race track.

Maserati Levante – The first SUV in its hundred-year history.

With its new 911 R, Porsche is unveiling a puristic sports car in classical design.

The new Maserati SUV is based on the Quattroporte and Ghibli architecture,

This special limited-edition model of 991 units has an overall weight of 1,370

further evolved and refined to meet the expectations of this market segment.

kilograms and is currently the lightest version of the 911. At work in the rear

The Levante is fitted with a 3 litre V6 Twin-Turbo petrol engine with either

of the 911 R is the six-cylinder flat engine with a displacement of 4 litres, familiar

350hp or 430hp, and a 275hp 3litre V6 Turbo Diesel. All engines are com-

from the 911 GT3 RS. The racing engine delivers 500 hp at 8,250 rpm

bined with the “Q4” intelligent all-wheel drive system - which can transfer torque

and generates 460 Nm at a speed of 6,250 rpm. From a standing start, the

between the axles instantaneously when required - and an 8-speed automatic

rear-engined car breaks through the 100 km/h barrier in 3.8 seconds. In keeping

gearbox, with integrated Start & Stop System. In terms of performance, the

with the puristic character of the vehicle, the 911 with its lightweight design is

Levante S (430hp) covers 0-100 km/h in 5.2 seconds, has a top speed of

available exclusively with a 6-speed sports transmission. The forward thrust of the

264km/h. The Levante (350hp) accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 6.0 se-

911 R continues to a speed of 323 km/h. Ensuring the greatest possible decele-

conds and achieves a top speed of 251 km/h. The Diesel-powered Levante

ration is the Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB) as a standard feature.

(275hp) covers 0-100 km/h in 6.9 seconds, and has a top speed of 230 km/h.

Porsche enthüllt mit dem neuen 911 R einen puristischen Sportwagen nach

Der neue Maserati SUV basiert auf der Architektur der Modelle Quattroporte

klassischer Machart. Mit einem Gesamtgewicht von vollgetankt 1.370 Kg ist

und Ghibli. Diese wurde weiterentwickelt und verfeinert, um den Erwartungen

das auf 991 Einheiten limitierte Sondermodell das leichteste aktuelle 911-

dieses Marktsegments gerecht zu werden. Der Levante ist mit einem 3-Liter V6-

Modell. Im Heck des 911 R arbeitet der aus dem 911 GT3 RS bekannte

Twin-Turbo-Benzinmotor mit 430 PS oder 350 PS und einem 3-Liter V6-Turbo-

Sechszylinder-Boxermotor mit 4 Liter Hubraum: Das Rennsport-Aggregat leistet

Dieselmotor mit 275 PS erhältlich. Alle Modelle sind mit dem intelligenten Allrad-

500 PS bei 8.250/min und stemmt 460 Nm bei einer Drehzahl von 6.250/

antriebssystem „Q4“ und einem 8-Gang-Automatik-Getriebe mit integriertem

min. Die 100-km/h-Schallmauer durchbricht der Hecktriebler aus dem Stand in

Start & Stop-System ausgestattet. Leistungsmässig überzeugt der Levante S mit

3,8 Sekunden. Zum puristischen Charakter des Fahrzeugs passend ist der

0 - 100 km/h in 5,2 Sekunden bei einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 264 km/h.

Leichtbau-Elfer ausschliesslich mit einem Sechsgang-Sportschaltgetriebe liefer-

Der Levante beschleunigt von 0-100 km/h in 6,0 Sekunden und erreicht eine

bar. Der Vortrieb des 911 R endet erst bei 323 km/h. Für grösstmögliche Ver-

Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 251 km/h. Der Diesel benötigt 6,9 Sekunden

zögerung sorgt die serienmässige Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake (PCCB).

von 0 - 100 km/h und erreicht eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 230 km/h.

Bugatti Chiron – The ultimate super sports car. The French luxury brand is unveiling the Bugatti Chiron, the most powerful,

Mit dem Bugatti Chiron enthüllt die französische Luxusmarke den leistungs-

fastest, most luxurious and most exclusive production super sports car in the

stärksten, schnellsten, luxuriösesten und exklusivsten Serien-Supersportwagen

world. The Chiron is the latest generation of the ultimate super sports car

der Welt. Der Chiron ist die neueste Generation des ultimativen Supersport-

and is a completely new development. With a power output of 1,500 HP,

wagens und eine komplette Neuentwicklung. Mit einer nie zuvor von Serien-

unprecedented for production vehicles, an exceptionally high torque value

fahrzeugen erbrachten Leistung von 1.500 PS, einem sagenhaften Drehmoment

of 1,600 Nm between 2,000 and 6,000 rpm and a wide variety of

von 1.600 Nm bei 2.000 bis 6.000 U/min. und zahlreichen technischen

technical innovations, the Chiron sets new standards in every respect. The

Innovationen setzt der Chiron in jeder Hinsicht neue Massstäbe. Die für den

manufacturer has limited the maximum speed of the new car to 420 km/h

Strassenverkehr zugelassene Höchstgeschwindigkeit hat Bugatti bei 420 km/h

for road use. Only 500 of these exceptional cars are to be produced. The

abgeregelt. Nur 500 Exemplare dieses Ausnahmefahrzeugs wird es geben.

basic price is EUR 2.4 million net. Currently, advance orders have been

Der Einstiegspreis liegt bei 2,4 Millionen Euro netto. Aktuell liegen bereits

received for one third of the total production run. The first vehicle is due to be

für ein Drittel der Gesamtproduktion Vorbestellungen vor. Das erste Kunden-

delivered to a customer this autumn.

fahrzeug soll im Herbst 2016 ausgeliefert werden.

By Michael S. Hamilos Translation Mark S. Kennedy

The oldest cigar family in the USA. The house stands out, not only because of its rust-coloured brick walls, but mainly because of its tower clock, which can be seen and indeed heard from afar. However, only very few of Florida’s tourists, who arrive in Tampa and its historical district of Ybor City, know that this was the capital of American cigar production back in the 1920s. Production takes place to this day in a factory using machines more than 60 years old: at J.C. Newman. The history of the Newmans goes all the way back to Hungary. The 13-year old Julius left his homeland and emigrated with his family to the USA in 1888. But Florida was not their first port of call, rather they settled in the much colder Cleveland, Ohio. Work was scarce back then with the depression in full swing. And so Julius began to produce his own cigars in Cleveland in 1893. 72


Die älteste Zigarrenfamilie der USA. Das Haus fällt auf, nicht nur durch seine rostroten Backsteinwände, sondern vor allem durch eine Turmuhr, die von weit her zu sehen und vor allem zu hören ist. Aber nur wenige Floridatouristen, die in Tampa und dessen historischem Stadtteil Ybor City landen, wissen, dass hier in den 1920er-Jahren die Hauptstadt der amerikanischen Zigarrenproduktion lag. In einer Fabrik wird bis heute produziert, auf mehr als sechzig Jahre alten Maschinen: bei J.C. Newman. Die Geschichte der Newmans reicht bis nach Ungarn zurück. Von dort emigrierte der 13-jährige Julius 1888 mit seiner Familie in die USA. Allerdings zunächst nicht nach Florida, sondern ins viel kühlere Cleveland, Ohio. Arbeit gab es damals nicht, es war die Zeit der Wirtschaftskrise. So startete Julius 1893 in Cleveland seine eigene Zigarrenproduktion. Zu seinem zweiten Vornamen kam Julius per Zufall. Ein Wahlbeamter fragte ihn nach dem in den USA üblichen zweiten Vornamen und nannte Gaius Julius Caesar als Beispiel. Das gefiel dem jungen Julius so gut, dass er sich fortan J. C. nannte. Dummerweise baute der Beamte einen Schreibfehler ein und brachte «Caeser» zu Papier – dazu später mehr. Die Geschäfte liefen gut und J. C. baute seinen Betrieb immer weiter aus. Allerdings unterschätzten die Zigarrenhersteller dann – man produzierte per Hand – den Erfolg eines anderen Tabakprodukts: der maschinell hergestellten Zigarette. Und so kam es zum Zigarrenfabriksterben in Cleveland. Die beiden verbliebenen Fabriken – J.C. Newman und Grover Mendelssohn – mussten sich zusammentun und gründeten «M & N Cigar Manufacturers». Die Entscheidung, auf maschinell produzierte Zigarren zu setzen, half dem neuen Unternehmen, sich zu behaupten. Dem Anspruch eines amerikanischen Cigars

73 81

Julius got his middle name by accident. An elected official asked

Präsidenten, eine 5-Cent-Zigarre zu verkaufen, kam

him for his middle name - the norm in the USA - and cited Gaius

M & N mit den Marken «Cameo» und «Student Price»

Julius Caesar as an example. The young Julius liked this name

nach. Unzählige Beweisstücke in Form der dama-

so much that he decided to call himself J. C. from that moment

ligen Werbeplakate zieren noch heute das Entrée

on. Unfortunately, the official managed to get the spelling wrong

der Fabrik in Ybor City.

and wrote down «Caeser» – more on that later. Trotzdem lief das Business in den Fünfzigerjahren The businesses were doing well and J. C. constantly sought to

immer schleppender, denn M & N war noch nicht

expand his operation. However, the cigar manufacturers back

gross genug, um im Tabakeinkauf zu bestimmen.

then, who produced cigars by hand, underestimated the success

Von Mitbewerbern immer wieder ausgebootet, musste

of another tobacco product - the machine-made cigarette. And

es seinen Tabak zu überhöhten Preisen einkaufen.

this led to the demise of cigar factories in Cleveland. The two

Bis der damals 78-jährige J. C. sich schliesslich

surviving factories – J.C. Newman and Grover Mendelssohn

eingestehen musste, dass die Zukunft nicht in

– had to merge and «M & N Cigar Manufacturers» was founded.

Cleveland lag, und mit seiner Familie nach Florida

The decision to focus on machine-made cigars helped the new

zog: in das bis heute genutzte Gebäude in Tampa.

company to establish itself. M & N created the brands «Cameo»

Der Sohn von J. C. – Stanford – übernahm 1958

and «Student Price» to meet the demand of an American

die Geschicke der Fabrik. Von einem guten Freund

President to sell a five cent cigar. Numerous pieces of evidence

kaufte er die 1884 gegründete Marke «Cuesta-Rey»

in the form of advertisement posters still adorn the entrance to

– immerhin die offizielle Marke des früheren spanischen

the factory in Ybor City to this day.

Königshauses. Stanford produzierte eine Zeit lang mit kubanischem Tabak, bis ihn das amerikanische



Yet business in the fifties began to slow up because M & N was

Embargo gegen Kuba traf (ein Ballen Vor-Embargo-

not big enough to make its mark in tobacco purchasing. Ousted

Tabak lagert noch heute im Keller der Fabrik). Alter-

by competitors again and again, M & N had to purchase its

nativen fand er in Connecticut und im fernen Afrika.

tobacco at inflated prices. Until finally the then 78-year old J. C.

Er war einer der Ersten, die Tabak aus Kamerun

had to admit to himself that there was no future in Cleveland


and he and his family moved to Florida: into the building in Tampa that they still use to this day. J. C.’s son – Stanford – took charge of the destiny of the factory in 1958. He bought the brand «Cuesta-Rey», which was founded in 1884, from a good friend - this brand was once the official cigar of the former Spanish royal house. Stanford had been using Cuban tobacco in his production for a long time until the American embargo against Cuba kicked in (a bale of pre-embargo tobacco still resides in the factory’s basement today). He found alternatives in Connecticut and in distant Africa. He was one of the first to introduce tobacco from Cameroon. Stanford positioned his brand in the premium market. However, this market was rather tight in the 1980s as countries such as the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua became active in the international cigar market. Speaking of the Dominican Republic: back then a certain Carlos Fuente wanted to close his cigar factory for machine-made cigars in Tampa and put all his efforts into the handmade market with premium cigars from the Dominican Republic. Stanford and Carlos signed an agreement stipulating that the Newmans would manufacture machine-made cigars for the Fuentes and in return the Fuentes would manufacture handmade cigars for the Newmans. This business relationship continues to this day. Many of the machine-made cigars from J.C. contain tobacco from the Fuentes. In addition, J.C. Newman distributes the entire portfolio of Fuente cigars in the USA - including super premium cigars such as the Fuente Opus X. And to this day, Stanford’s sons trust in the skill of Fuente’s Dominican cigar rollers, who produce top cigars such as «Diamond Crown» and «Julius Caeser» for J.C. Newman, in the premium segment of handmade cigars. The latter still bears the misspelt name and has the face of Julius on the cigar band …

Stanford positionierte sich mit seiner Marke im Premium-Markt. Der wurde in den 1980er-Jahren allerdings enger, als auch Länder wie die Dominikanische Republik und Nicaragua im internationalen Zigarrenmarkt aktiv wurden. Apropos Dominikanische Republik: Ein gewisser Carlos Fuente wollte damals seine Zigarrenfabrik für maschinell produzierte Zigarren in Tampa schliessen und sich ganz und gar auf den Handmade-Markt mit Premium-Zigarren aus der Dominikanischen Republik konzentrieren. Stanford und Carlos unterschrieben ein Abkommen, dass die Newmans die maschinellen Zigarren für die Fuentes herstellen sollten und im Gegenzug die Fuentes die handgemachten Zigarren für die Newmans. Diese Geschäftsbeziehung dauert bis heute an. Viele der maschinell produzierten Zigarren von J.C. Newman enthalten Tabak von den Fuentes. Zudem vertreibt J.C. Newman exklusiv das gesamte Portfolio der Fuente-Zigarren in den USA – darunter Superpremium-Zigarren wie die Fuente Opus X. Und die Söhne von Stanford vertrauen im Premiumsegment der handgemachten Zigarren bis heute auf die Geschicklichkeit der dominikanischen Zigarrenroller bei Fuente, die für J.C. Newman Top-Zigarren wie «Diamond Crown» oder «Julius Caeser» herstellen. Letztere trägt noch immer den Namen mit dem Schreibfehler und das Gesicht von Julius auf der Banderole … Cigars

75 81

Maurice Lacroix

AIKON By Uwe Herzog Translation Louise Mawbey



It‘s time for your personal icon.

Es ist Zeit für Ihre persönliche Ikone.

For thousands and thousands of years, human beings have

Seit Abertausenden von Jahren versteht die Mensch-

understood how to tell the passing of time using the sun, the

heit, den Lauf der Zeit aus Sonne, Mond und Sternen

moon and the stars. Today, all that most people need to do is

zu lesen. Heute genügt vielen dafür der Blick aufs

to look at their mobile phones. But there is nothing that reveals

Handy. Doch nichts verrät mehr über Stil und Geschmack

more about a person‘s style and taste than the timepiece they

eines Menschen als der Zeitmesser, den er am Hand-

wear on their wrist. And the Swiss watch brand Maurice Lacroix

gelenk trägt. Genau diese „Brücke“ zwischen Tradition

bridges exactly this divide between tradition and modernity

und Moderne schlägt die Schweizer Uhrenmarke

with its new luxury AIKON collection. New? No, AIKON is not

Maurice Lacroix mit ihrer neuen Luxus-Kollektion AIKON.

only a premier of particularly fine materials with a sophisticated

Neu? Nein, AIKON ist nicht nur eine Premiere für

design and devoted craftsmanship – galvanic silver here, black

besonders edle Materialien in durchdachtem Design

there, cool blue or mother of pearl for the dial, exquisite diamonds

und eine hingebungsvolle Verarbeitung - hier galvani-

for the indexes as well as stainless steel, 2N gold or calf leather

siertes Silber, dort Schwarz, Graublau oder Perlmutt

for the strap – AIKON is also symbolic of a piece of watch-

für das Ziffernblatt, feinste Diamanten für die Indexe

making history. The distinctive bezel, the Roman numerals, the

sowie Edelstahl, 2NGold oder Kalbsleder für das

imperious look … that‘s right, it‘s definitely no coincidence that

Armband. AIKON symbolisiert zugleich auch ein Stück

all this is reminiscent of the legendary Calypso, the watch with

Uhrengeschichte: Die markante Lünette, die römischen

which Maurice Lacroix successfully thrilled the aficionados of

Ziffern, der feierliche Auftritt … richtig, all das erinnert

luxury watches throughout the world in the 1990s. With AIKON,

nicht ganz zufällig an die legendäre Calypso, mit der

the moment has now come to build on from the „good old

Maurice Lacroix bereits in den 90er Jahren Liebhaber

times“ and to create „personal icons“ for discerning women

edler Luxusuhren in aller Welt zu begeistern wusste.

and style-conscious men, which express far more than just hours,

Nun ist die Stunde gekommen, mit AIKON an die

minutes and seconds. In terms of their basic features, the various

„gute alte Zeit“ anzuknüpfen und für anspruchsvolle

models of the new icon from the manufacture of Saignelégier

Damen wie für stilbewusste Herren „persönliche Ikonen“

are unmistakeably similar but the details of the AIKON versions

zu erschaffen, die weit mehr ausdrücken als nur

emphasise their individuality.


77 81

Win Win

Luxury Life prize draw Win 1 of 2 Maurice Lacroix AIKON Watches! Send your name & address to Deadline: 31.07.2016

We assure you that your personal data will not be handed out to third parties and will not be used for mailing/advertising. The judges’ decision is final and legally binding.

The pleasingly feminine AIKON Ladies 35mm with its gentle, subtly curving details in the nevertheless serene stainless steel case – a watch which creates the perfect look for every imaginable occasion. And men will be delighted by the sophisticated casing design of the AIKON Gents 42mm with obviously masculine angles and an extremely flat sapphire crystal. The AIKON Chronograph 44mm, with its accurate stop-watch complication and excellent legibility, is a particularly impressive timepiece. To sum it up, the new AIKON collection by Maurice Lacroix already guarantees a legendary entrance for the key moments of the future.



Stunden, Minuten und Sekunden. In den Grundzügen ähneln sich die Ausführungen der neuen Ikone aus der Manufaktur Saignelégier in unverkennbarer Weise, doch die Details der AIKON Variationen unterstreichen ihre Individualität: Angenehm feminin die AIKON Ladies 35mm mit sanften, dezent geschwungenen Details im dennoch klaren Edelstahlgehäuse – eine Uhr, die zu allen denkbaren Anlässen eine perfekte Figur macht. Die Herren freuen sich über das durchdachte Gehäusedesign der AIKON Gents 42mm mit deutlich maskulinen Kanten und einem extra flachen Saphirglas. Besonders imposant: der AIKON Chronograph 44mm mit seiner präzisen Stoppuhr-Komplikation und hervorragender Lesbarkeit. Fazit: Die neue AIKON Kollektion von Maurice Lacroix garantiert schon heute einen legendären Auftritt für die entscheidenden Augenblicke von morgen.

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M Angela Missoni

Missoni The world of

MISSONI By Valeska Jansen Translation Louise Mawbey

Distinctive, often copied and always extravagant – this is the world of Missoni. Fashion, accessories, a home collection, hotels and perfumes all boast the emblematic signature of the successful family-run company.

The rainbow-coloured zigzag pattern is familiar to virtually every-

Unverwechselbar, oft kopiert, und immer extravagant, das ist die Welt von Missoni. Mode, Accessoires, eine Home Kollektion, Hotels und Düfte, alles trägt die emblematische Signatur des erfolgreichen Familienunternehmens.

one. Since the 1960s, Missoni has been heralded as a pioneer of innovative knitting techniques and progressive combinations of colours and materials. The label was founded in 1953 by

Wer kennt das regenbogenfarbene Zickzack-Muster

Ottavio Missoni in Gallarate, in the vicinity of Milan. Together

nicht? Seit den 60er Jahren gilt Missoni als Vorreiter

with his wife Rosita, he presented the first major Missoni knitwear

für innovative Stricktechniken und progressive Farb-

collection in the Teatro Gerolamo in Milan 13 years later, thus

und Materialkombinationen. Gegründet wurde das

paving the way for global success. The distinctive zigzag pattern

Label 1953 von Ottavio Missoni in Gallarate, in der

then began to appear on the covers of international fashion

Nähe von Mailand. Zusammen mit seiner Frau Rosita

magazines more and more often and just one year later Missoni

präsentierte er 13 Jahre später die erste grössere

models took to the catwalk in Paris.

Missoni-Strickkollektion im Teatro Gerolamo in Mailand und setzte damit den Grundstein für einen Welterfolg.

Missoni for the whole family

Immer öfter erscheinen nun die unverwechselbaren

Knitwear, which was previously viewed as dowdy and stuffy,

Zickzack-Muster auf den Titelseiten der internationalen

suddenly became „le dernier crie“. The collection was quickly

Mode-Magazine und bereits ein Jahr später laufen

followed by the label‘s own range for men, which combined

Missoni Models in Paris über den Laufsteg. Portrait I Interview


knitted materials with fabric to produce an understated men‘s

Missoni für die ganze Familie

fashion collection. Entire families could sport the Missoni look

Strickmode, die bis dahin für altbacken und spiessig

once the first children‘s fashion range was created and, with

galt, ist plötzlich «le dernier crie». Schnell folgt eine

the home collection, the typical Missoni style also found its way

eigene Herrenlinie aus Strick kombiniert mit Stoff und

inside its fans‘ own four walls. Today, the traditional family

sorgt für pures Understatement in der Männermode.

company is run by the three children Vittorio, Luca and Angela.

Ganze Familien präsentieren sich im Missoni Look als

Between them, they take care of the Marketing, Fashion and

die erste Kindermodelinie folgt und auch in den

Accessories divisions. Daughter Angela, Head Designer at

eigenen vier Wänden hält bei den Missoni-Anhängern

Missoni, adapts the style of the collections to the modern zeit-

der typische Missoni Stil mit einer Home-Collection

geist, without the label losing its typical signature.

Einzug. Das traditionelle Familien Unternehmen wird

And the new perfume has also become a part of this world –

heute von den drei Kindern Vittorio, Luca und Angela

just like its clothes, Missoni Eau de Parfum is unique, feminine

geführt. Sie teilen sich die Bereiche Marketing, Fashion

and graceful. The floral fragrance, accentuated by hints of fruit

und Accessoires. Tochter Angela, Chefdesignerin von

and perfected with sensual wood notes, complements the current

Missoni, passt den Stil der Kollektionen dem modernen

fashion collection, even in terms of the colours of the luxurious

Zeitgeist an, ohne die typische Handschrift des Hauses

glass bottle, where pink and lilac merge into each other.

zu verlieren.

We met Angela Missoni in Zurich for an exclusive interview.

Auch der neueste Duft reiht sich in diese Welt ein: Missoni Eau de Parfum präsentiert sich so wie die Mode individuell, feminin und anmutig. Blumig, unter-


Ms Missoni, do you often visit Switzerland?

malt von fruchtigen Akzenten und abgerundet mit

Angela Missoni (Laughs) Yes, very often. But that‘s because my

sinnlichen Holznoten begleitet er die aktuelle Mode-

partner lives on Lake Como and I live in Varese. And the quickest

kollektion auch mit den Farben des luxuriösen Glas-

way to get to him is to take a shortcut through Switzerland.

flakons: ineinanderfliessendes Pink und Lila.

Portrait I Interview

Do you travel a lot? Angela Missoni Actually, I only get to travel very rarely. My

Wir trafen Angela Missoni in Zürich zu einem Exklusiv-Interview

job as a designer takes up a great deal of my time and as the various different collections always follow on from each other

Frau Missoni, kommen Sie oft in die Schweiz?

very quickly I‘m almost always in the office.

Angela Missoni (lacht) Ja sehr oft! Das liegt aber

But every year in the summer, the whole family gathers together

daran, dass mein Lebensgefährte am Comer See lebt

in Sardinia. We‘ve got several houses directly on the beach on

und ich in Varese. Tja und der schnellste Weg zu ihm

the island and even my three children, who are spread across the

ist die Abkürzung durch die Schweiz zu nehmen.

whole world at various colleges, holiday there with their girlfriends and boyfriends in the summer. It‘s really funny to see how they

Sind Sie oft auf Reisen?

start to behave like five year olds again, enjoying being pam-

Angela Missoni Eigentlich komme ich nur noch selten

pered but also arguing, just like when they were younger.

zum Reisen, ich bin einfach sehr in meinem Beruf als Designerin eingespannt und da die verschiedenen

About six years ago, you opened two Missoni hotels. What

Kollektionen immer schneller hintereinander folgen,

distinguishes Missoni hotels from other hotels?

bin ich fast immer im Büro.

Angela Missoni As you may know, my family is famous for its

Im Sommer allerdings trifft sich die ganze Familie auf

hospitableness. Our house is always full of family and loads of

Sardinien und zwar jedes Jahr. Dort haben wir mehrere

friends. We cook together and party together and therefore put-

Häuser direkt am Strand und sogar meine drei Kinder,

ting this sense of hospitality into a hotel project seemed the obvious

die überall auf der Welt verstreut studieren, kommen

extension of this. And thanks to our very successful home collection,

mit ihren jeweiligen Freunden und Freundinnen im

we‘re even able to give a hotel that typical Missoni look.

Sommer dorthin. Es ist lustig zu beobachten, wie sie sich dann wieder wie fünfjährige verhalten, sich ver-

1 The new Missoni fragrance is presented in a precious Murano glass design. 2 +3 The Missoni Home Style in the Symphony Style Hotel Kuwait

wöhnen lassen, aber auch streiten, so wie früher.

4 Angela Missoni with her daughter Margherita.

Portrait I Interview


Where would you live if Italy didn‘t exist?

Sie haben vor rund sechs Jahren zwei Missoni Hotels

Angela Missoni Oh no – it would be really, really terrible if Italy

eröffnet. Was unterscheidet Missoni Hotels von

didn‘t exist. For me, Italy is the most beautiful country in the whole

anderen Hotels?

world. OK, then it would definitely have to be a country that

Angela Missoni Wissen Sie, meine Familie ist für seine

has a coastline, but an extraordinary place doesn‘t live from the

Gastlichkeit berühmt. Wir haben sozusagen immer ein

beauty of the countryside alone. It also needs history, and, after

Full House mit Familie und jede Menge Freunden.

all, this is also what makes Italy so special. Here we have the

Wir kochen zusammen und feiern zusammen und so

sea, lots of mountains in the north, and if you live in Milan you‘re

lag es eigentlich sehr nahe, diese Gastfreundschaft

a four hour car journey from Rome and a one hour flight from

auf ein Hotelprojekt zu übertragen. Durch unsere sehr

London and Paris. I‘m sorry but, to be honest, I just can‘t imagine

erfolgreiche Home Collection sind wir sogar noch in

living anywhere else.

der Lage einem Hotel das typische Missonigesicht zu verleihen.

You live in Varese, would you mind revealing your favourite


restaurant in the city?

Wo würden Sie leben, wenn es Italien nicht gäbe?

Angela Missoni Varese is on a kind of mountain plateau, above

Angela Missoni Puhhh – es wäre wirklich ganz, ganz

Lake Varese. And only about 20 minutes away from my house

schrecklich wenn es Italien nicht gäbe. Für mich ist

there is a little village, Santa Maria Del Monte, located about

Italien das schönste Land auf der Welt. Also gut – es

1000 metres up the mountainside. In this village there is a small

müsste auf jeden Fall ein Land mit Meer sein, aber ein

hotel, Hotel Colonne, that has, I believe, only four rooms (editor‘s

spezieller Ort lebt ja nicht nur von der Schönheit der

note: Hotel Colonne has 10 rooms). It‘s got a large terrace from

Natur allein. Dazu gehört ja auch Geschichte und das

where you have a really wonderful view of the lake. The terrace

ist es ja auch, was Italien so ganz besonders macht.

has a particular flair really early in the spring, when the winter

Hier gibt es Meer, im Norden jede Menge Berge,

is slowly taking its leave. For me, this place is like a sanctuary.

wenn man in Mailand lebt ist man in vier Autostunden

And the food is excellent – it serves their take on hearty Alpine

in Rom, in einer Flugstunde in London, in einer Flug-

cuisine. I love sitting out there, it‘s just amazing.

stunde in Paris. Entschuldigung, aber es ist für mich

Portrait I Interview

ehrlich ganz unvorstellbar woanders zu leben.

Sie leben in Varese, verraten Sie mir Ihr Lieblingsrestaurant dort? Angela Missoni Varese liegt ja auf einer Art Hochplateau, oberhalb des Lago di Varese und nur ca. 20 Minuten von meinem Haus entfernt gibt es auf ungefähr 1000 Meter Höhe ein kleines Dorf, Santa Maria Del Monte. Dort gibt es ein kleines Hotel, Hotel Colonne, mit, ich glaube, nur vier Zimmern (das Hotel Colonne hat 10 Hotelzimmer, Anmerkung der Redaktion). Dieses Hotel hat eine grosse Terrasse, von wo aus man einen ganz wunderbaren Blick auf den See hat. Besonderes Flair hat diese Terrasse ganz früh im Frühjahr, quasi wenn sich der Winter langsam verabschiedet. Dieser Ort ist wie eine Zufluchtsstätte für mich. Hier kann man auch hervorragend essen, so eine Art deftige Alpenküche. Ich liebe es dort zu sitzen, es ist einfach fantastisch! Es gibt das Gerücht, dass Ihr Vater farbenblind gewesen sein soll und deshalb teilweise sehr gewagte Farbkombinationen von ihm entworfen wurden – Rumour has it that your father was colour-blind and therefore he sometimes designed some very bold colour combinations – is this true? Angela Missoni (Laughs) Oh yes, my mother started spreading this rumour at some point and she liked to revive it from time to time. It‘s a sort of family joke. If I remember rightly, when shades of purple and brown were the hit in the 1970s, my parents couldn‘t agree on what was purple and what was brown. So my mother once said to my father in frustration, „For goodness

stimmt das? Angela Missoni (lacht) Oh ja, dieses Gerücht hat meine Mutter irgendwann in die Welt gesetzt und frischte es von Zeit zu Zeit auch wieder auf. Es ist so eine Art Familienwitz. Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, haben sich meine Eltern in den 70er Jahren, als Purpurfarbtöne und Brauntöne angesagt waren, nicht einigen können, was nun Purpur und was Braun ist. Darauf hat meine Mutter zu meinem Vater ärgerlich gesagt: Ach Du bist

sake, you must be colour-blind!“

ja farbenblind!

What‘s your fashion must-have this summer?

Was ist Ihr Fashion Must have für diesen Sommer?

Angela Missoni Oh – I‘ll have to think about that as my mind is already full of the winter collection for 2016. This year, we‘ve also adapted flowered patterns to the typical Missoni look. And black-and-white is also a real hit at the moment. But, fortunately, there‘s no such thing as a must-have any more. The best thing about fashion is that there have no longer been any fashion rules for about 20 years. Everyone can decide for themselves what they like and what suits them. The awful fashion dictates of the 1950s, 60s and 70s are luckily a thing of the past.

Angela Missoni Oh – da muss ich erst mal überlegen, denn ich stecke ja gedanklich schon mitten in der Winterkollektion 2016. Wir haben diese Saison auch noch Blumenmuster im typischen Missoni Look adaptiert. Auch das Thema Schwarz-Weiss ist gerade sehr angesagt. Aber zum Glück gibt es ja so etwas wie ein Must have nicht mehr. Das Beste an der Mode ist, dass es seit ungefähr 20 Jahren keine Modegesetze mehr gibt. Jeder kann für sich selbst entscheiden, was ihm gefällt und was zu ihm passt. Das schreckliche Modediktat der 50er, 60er und 70er ist zum Glück vorbei.

1 Three generations of Missoni Woman Power: Margherita, Rosita and Angela 2 Luxurious, the Royal Suite of Kuwaitis Symphony Stylehotels with Missoni interiors. 3 Missoni founder: Rosita with her husband Ottavio Missoni, who died in 2013

Portrait I Interview





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1 CHANEL SKINCARE UV Essentiel Multi-Protection Daily Defender UV Pollution SPF 50 2 BIOTHERM Fluide Solaire Wet or Dry Skin SPF 30 3 ULTRASUN Glimmer Shimmering Sun Protection SPF 20 4 SISLEY Super Soin Solaire Teinté SPF 30 5 KIEHL‘S Ultra Light Daily UV Defense Mineral Sunscreen SPF 50 6 CLARINS Sun Care Oil Spray SPF 30


7 RITUALS Sun Protection: Face Cream Anti-aging SPF 50; Hair Spray; Milky Spray SPF 30, Aftersun Hydrating Lotion 8 SENSAI SILKY BRONZE: Soothing After Sun Repair Emulsion; Cellular Protective Cream for Face SPF 15; Soothing Afer Sun Repair Mask.











1 SENSAI SILKY BRONZE Self Tanning for Body

2 SENSAI SILKY BRONZE Sun Protective Compact

3 CHANEL MAKEUP Healthy Glow Multi-Colour, Les Beiges Duo No1 4 YVES SAINT LAURENT SAVAGE ESCAPE Les Sahariennes Bronzing Stones No2 5 GIORGIO ARMANI MAESTRO SUN Maestro Liquid Summer 6 SHISEIDO UV Protective Liquid Foundation SPF30 7 SHISEIDO UV Protective Compact Foundation SPF36 8 BIOTHERM Self Tanning Serum for Face 9 BIOTHERM Self Tanning for Body 10 LANCÔME Flash Bronzer Night-Sun 11 LANCÔME Flash Bronzer Night-Sun for Face


12 RITUALS Self Tanning Body Lotion 13 CLARINS Self Tanning Milky-Lotion 14 LANCÔME SUMMER BLISS Belle de Teint No12 7







8 10



Philip Hagenbuch • Nutritionist & Personal Diet Coach • nutrition unsealed • Switzerland • +41 (0)79 483 91 95

Healthy Healthy life

four juices and accompanying soup or dinner, depending on

the customer‘s preference. The products are handmade using

a hydraulic Norwalk juicer and are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Private DetoxBox™ relies not only on fresh juice cleanses, but also supplements its range by providing easily digestible dishes,

all with the aim of achieving a balanced diet and detoxifying the body effectively and naturally. These premium FoodBoxes consist of carefully selected menus with light and fresh organic ingredients, which increase energy content and promote weight

Healthy eating can be that simple!

loss. Through select wholegrain products combined with legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds, the vegan GreenBox (breakfast, two cold-pressed 300ml organic juices, lunch and dinner) and the

The Swiss company Private DetoxBox™, founded in 2012, has at its core a holistic and

WhiteBox (based on the theory of dinner cancelling, consisting

healthy concept, one that aims to promote a balanced diet, weight loss and well-being

of breakfast, lunch and three 500ml cold-pressed organic

through fresh, cold-pressed juice cleanses and easily digestible dishes. In the juice cleanses

juices) guarantee a sufficient supply of protein and fatty acids.

that Private DetoxBox™ prepares, only organic and premium-quality products of a predomi-

All dishes come in modified atmosphere packaging made of

nantly Swiss origin are processed. Containing 100% natural ingredients, that is, gluten-free,

purely ecological materials so that optimum freshness can

lactose-free and with no added sugar, artificial preservatives, additives or colours, they

be ensured.

help in supporting the health of the body effectively. The company offers high-quality JuiceBoxes and FoodBoxes in a variety of flavours. A JuiceBox (Classic or Green) for one day consists of five different juices made from cold-pressed organic fruit and vegetables (e.g. apples, oranges, blueberries, lemons, carrots, cucumbers, almonds, cinnamon, ginger) as well as home-made almond milk. Both JuiceBoxes are also available as a combination of

Boost your life... Boost your skin! The beauty booster for congested skin.

and known for centuries for its detoxifying properties: revives radiance of a dull complexion & detoxifies and plumps the skin. The skin has an internal detoxification system. Overindulging, pollution, cigarette smoke… this system can no longer cope. Toxins accumulate. Loss of radiance, a dull complexion… the skin is

The beauty booster for congested skin. Its ultra-

congested and can no longer breathe. Mix just

concentrated formula enriched with green coffee

a few drops of Booster Detox with your regular face

extract, a plant from tropical Africa high in caffeine

cream for exceptional results!


THE GOLDEN SOURCE OF LIFE – Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains, St. Moritz. Plenty of sunshine, crystal clear mountain air, plus a revitalising bathe in the

Sonne pur, glasklare Bergluft und dazu ein belebendes Bad in der ältesten

oldest healing mineral springs in Europe – the Kempinski Grand Hotel des

Heilquelle Europas: Das Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains, ursprünglich als

Bains, originally built as a glamorous health resort in a top location in the

mondänes Kurhaus in bester Lage im Schweizer Engadintal erbaut, gilt un-

Swiss Engadin valley, is definitely the place to be for those wanting to restore

angefochten als erste Adresse, wenn es darum geht, Körper und Seele in

the natural balance of body and soul. Monarchs, Hollywood stars, famous

Einklang zu bringen. Seit jeher zieht es Monarchen, Hollywoodstars, berühmte

sports personalities, film directors, authors and artists have long been drawn

Sportler, Regisseure, Schriftsteller und Künstler hierher nach St. Moritz, um in

to St. Moritz in order to relax and „recharge their batteries“ in the stylish

der stilvollen Atmosphäre des geschichtsträchtigen 5-Sterne-Luxushotels aus-

atmosphere of the historical luxury 5-star hotel. Guests at the Kempinski Grand

zuspannen und „die Batterien aufzuladen“. Die Gäste im Kempinski Grand

Hotel des Bains not only enjoy the 2,800 m² spa with its therapeutic pool,

Hotel des Bains profitieren dabei nicht nur von dem 2.800 m2 grossen Spa

Kneipp baths and sun terrace, but also, above all, they reap the benefits of

mit Heilwasserpool, Kneippbädern und Sonnenterrasse, sondern vor allem

the many years of experience and the innovative concept of the hotel. „Our

auch von der langjährigen Erfahrung und den innovativen Konzepten des

tailor-made detox package cleanses the body from within, provides you with

Hotels: „Unsere individuell abgestimmte Detox-Kur reinigt den Körper von

new strength and gets your figure back in shape,“ explained General Manager

innen, schenkt neue Kraft und bringt die Figur in Form“, erklärt Generalmanager

Reto Stöckenius. „For high-level managers especially, taking a break like this is

Reto Stöckenius, „gerade für Top-Manager ist diese Art von Auszeit eine super

an excellent opportunity for them to rejuvenate, allowing them to then throw

Gelegenheit, sich zu erholen und danach auf neue Projekte und Ziele zu

themselves into new projects and achieving targets with renewed vigour.“ The

stürzen!“ Besonders die Sommermonate eignen sich für eine Detox-Kur im

summer months in particular are ideal for a detox package at the Kempinski

Kempinski Grand Hotel des Bains: „Mit unseren passend zur Jahreszeit ent-

Grand Hotel des Bains. „With our treatments, developed especially for the

wickelten Anwendungen ist dabei schon nach wenigen Tagen eine intensive

summer season, guests will feel an intensive sense of regeneration after just a

Erholung möglich“, verspricht Reto Stöckenius. Dazu zählen eine leichte

few days,“ promised Reto Stöckenius. The package includes light vegan cuisine

Veganküche mit erfrischenden Obst- und Gemüse-Smoothies, ein auf den

with refreshing fruit and vegetable smoothies, a fitness programme customised

Gast zugeschnittenes Fitnessprogramm mit Personal Training, Sunrise-Yoga

for each guest with personal training, sunrise yoga and Tai Chi, as well as

und Tai Chi sowie entschlackende Massagen, Peelings und mineralische

detoxing massages, scrubs and mineral body wraps. The hotel‘s own Mauritius

Körperpackungen. Die hauseigene Mauritius-Heilquelle tut ihr Übriges, um

springs then play their part in melting away the pounds, toning the skin and be-

Pfunde abzubauen, die Haut zu straffen und neue Energien zu tanken. Das

stowing new energy. The „Detox in the Mountain“ special offer is available

Angebot „Detox in the Mountain“ gilt in der Zeit vom 17.Juni bis 16.Oktober

from 17th June - 16th October (starting at CHF 4,940).

(ab 4.940 CHF).

RITUALS for Beauty & Soul

RITUALS Cosmetics is dedicated to inspiring beauty and happiness in us all and showcasing this to the fullest - as witnessed recently in an upmarket flagship store in Zurich’s Bahnhofstrasse. In an interview with Luxury Life MAGAZINE, founder and CEO, Raymond Cloosterman and Innovation Director, Niki Schilling, reveal the secrets behind the specta-

RITUALS Cosmetics hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Schönheit und Glück in uns zu wecken und optimal zur Geltung zu bringen – seit Kurzem auch in einem edlen Flagship Store in der Züricher Bahnhofstrasse. Im Interview mit Luxury Life verraten Gründer und CEO Raymond Cloosterman und Innovationsexpertin Niki Schilling, was hinter dem spektakulären Erfolg von

cular success of RITUALS.

RITUALS steckt.

Raymond, a famous lipstick maker once said: ‘We don’t sell

Raymond, ein berühmter Lippenstiftfabrikant hat

cosmetics, we sell hope!’ What is your philosophy?

einmal gesagt: ‚We don’t sell cosmetics, we sell

Raymond Cloosterman Regardless of whether you’re taking a

hope‘! Was ist Ihre Philosophie?

shower, having a bath or enjoying your morning cup of tea -

Raymond Cloosterman Egal ob beim Duschen, in der

we believe that people should use little extras to break the daily

Badewanne oder bei der morgendlichen Tasse Tee – wir

routine and transform them into more meaningful moments. We

glauben, dass man die Alltagsroutine mit kleinen Extras

want to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary. At the

durchbrechen und auflockern sollte. Wir wollen das

same time, RITUALS would like to spread the idea of ‘slower

Gewöhnliche zu etwas Aussergewöhnlichem machen.

living’: people can shift down a gear, recognise happiness in

Zugleich möchte RITUALS die Idee des ‚Slower Living‘

everyday experience and make meaningful ‘rituals’ out of this,

verbreiten: Die Menschen können einen Gang herunter-

so that they can appreciate the beauty of life – and of course

schalten, das Glück des Alltäglichen erkennen und daraus

By Uwe Herzog Translation Mark S. Kennedy



their own.

Raymond Cloosterman Founder & CEO of RITUALS

Niki Schilling, Innovation Director of RITUALS

From where do you draw your inspiration?

sinnstiftende ‚Rituale‘ machen, die sie die Schönheit des

Raymond Cloosterman I have visited many countries, Asia in

Lebens erkennen lassen – und natürlich auch ihre eigene.

particular. The people there take time every day practising yoga or meditating to find their inner peace and attain a sense of

Woher nehmen Sie Ihre Inspiration?

harmony. We lack a little of this wisdom here in the West. We

Raymond Cloosterman Ich habe viele Länder bereist,

cram our diaries full - the more stress, the better. As a result, we lose

vor allem Asien. Die Menschen dort nehmen sich

sight of what’s really important. Many ideas for RITUALS come

täglich Zeit für Yogaübungen oder Meditationen, um

from my trips to the Far East; however, I also enjoy shopping in

ihren inneren Frieden zu finden und Harmonie zu

the big cities of this world and follow the latest trends.

erlangen. Hier im Westen fehlt uns ein Stück dieser Weisheit. Wir stopfen unseren Terminkalender voll, je

Niki, you are involved in many of RITUALS’ product deve-

stressiger, desto besser. Dadurch verlieren wir die wirk-

lopments. Can you give us your personal ‘favourite rituals’

lich wichtigen Dinge aus den Augen. Viele Ideen für

from the range?

RITUALS stammen von meinen Reisen nach Fernost,

Niki Schilling Every morning after I wake up I promise to make

ich shoppe aber auch gerne in den Metropolen dieser

the most of my day. Products from the collection ‘The Ritual of

Welt und verfolge die neuesten Trends.

Sakura’ help me to do just that. I start the day with some yoga



and then take a shower using Sakura shower gel. The Sakura

Niki, Sie sind an vielen Produktentwicklungen von

range is based on the annual Hanami ceremony in Japan

RITUALS beteiligt. Welches sind Ihre persönlichen

where the transient beauty of the Sakura or cherry blossom is

‚Lieblings-Rituale‘ im Sortiment?

celebrated. And that is exactly how I live my life: beauty is

Niki Schilling Jeden Morgen nehme ich mir nach

fleeting, every moment is precious and should be enjoyed to its

dem Aufwachen vor, das Beste aus meinem Tag zu

fullest extent. When I treat my skin with the nourising ingredients

machen. Dabei helfen mir die Produkte der Kollektion

organic rice milk and sweet cherry blossom, this feels like a

‚The Ritual of Sakura‘. Ich beginne den Tag mit Yoga

fresh start to me every time.

und dusche dann mit Sakura-Duschgel. Die SakuraReihe basiert auf der alljährlichen Hanami-Zeremonie

aus Japan, bei der die vergängliche Schönheit der Sakura-Blüte gefeiert wird. Und genauso erlebe ich das Leben: Schönheit ist flüchtig, jeder Moment ist kostbar und sollte in vollen Zügen genossen werden. Wenn ich meine Haut mit pflegenden Wirkstoffen wie Bio-Reismilch oder Süßkirschenblüten verwöhne, fühlt sich das für mich jedes Mal wie ein kompletter Neubeginn an. Ihr erster Store eröffnete vor 15 Jahren in Amsterdam. Heute hat RITUALS 2.000 Mitarbeiter, es gibt nahezu 400 Stores und 1.400 Shop-in-Shops in aller Welt. Eine unglaubliche Erfolgsgeschichte! Was ist Ihr persönliches Erfolgsrezept? Raymond Cloosterman Wenn man eine neue Marke aufbauen will, kann man das mit einem Marathon vergleichen. Man braucht sehr viel Ausdauer. Manchmal vergleiche ich uns mit einem Formel-1-Team: Ständig drehen wir an den Stellschrauben, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Am Anfang waren wir einfach nur eine Marke unter vielen – heute kennt man uns sogar in Hollywood, wo namhafte Visagisten wie Reggie Wells, der Visagist von Oprah Winfrey, oder Derrell Redleaf auf unsere Produkte schwören. Your first store opened 15 years ago in Amsterdam. Today

Wie wählen Sie die Inhaltsstoffe für die hochwer-

RITUALS employs 2,000 people and has almost 400 stores

tigen Produkte von RITUALS aus?

and 1,400 shop-in-shops across the globe. An incredible

Niki Schilling Wir nutzen ausschliesslich authentische

success story! What is your personal recipe for success?

Inhaltsstoffe, die bereits seit Jahrhunderten verwendet

Raymond Cloosterman Establishing a new brand is like running

werden. Denn dieses Wissen ist kostbar. Und selbstver-

a marathon. You need a lot of stamina. Sometimes I like to com-

ständlich nutzen wir natürliche, nachhaltige und orga-

pare us to a Formula 1 team. We are constantly turning the

nische Inhaltsstoffe. Da wir auch unbedenkliche synthe-

adjusting screws to get the best results. To begin with, we were

tische Materialien verwenden, können wir eine konstant

just one brand among many – today even Hollywood make-up

hohe Qualität erzielen und innovative Düfte kreieren.

artists know our brand; for example, renowned make-up artists like Reggie Wells, Oprah Winfrey‘s personal make-up artist,

Viele Kosmetikhersteller testen ihre Produkte zuvor

and Darrell Redleaf are fan of our products.

im Tierversuch. Was halten Sie davon? Raymond Cloosterman Wir führen mit unseren Pro-

How do you select the ingredients for RITUALS’ premium-

dukten und Inhaltsstoffen grundsätzlich keine Tier-

quality products?

versuche durch und erwarten dies auch von unseren

Niki Schilling We only source authentic ingredients that have

Zulieferern. Unserer Auffassung nach stehen ausreichend

been used for centuries. Because this knowledge is precious. And

aktive, hochwertige und unbedenkliche Inhaltsstoffe

of course, we use natural, sustainable and organic ingredients.

zur Verfügung, ohne dass dafür Tierversuche notwendig

The use of harmless synthetic materials allows us to achieve con-


sistently high levels of quality and to create innovative fragrances. Neben klassischen Kosmetikanwendungen bietet Many cosmetics producers test their products on animals first.

RITUALS ein besonders innovatives Highlight: Precious

What do you think of this?

Mineral Make-up mit feinstem Mehl von echten Edel-

Raymond Cloosterman Our products and ingredients are never

steinen wie Rubinen, Saphiren oder Amethysten.

tested on animals and we expect the same from our suppliers.

Was hat es damit auf sich?


95 81

In our opinion, there are enough active, high-quality and harmless

Raymond Cloosterman Auch hier kam die Inspiration

ingredients available to make animal testing unnecessary.

aus der asiatischen Kultur. In Tibet ist der Amethyst Buddha geweiht und auch Rosenkränze werden oft aus diesem



Alongside traditional cosmetics applications, RITUALS also

reinen Edelstein hergestellt. Der Amethyst sorgt für inne-

offers a particularly innovative highlight: precious mineral

ren Frieden, fördert die Kreativität und bringt den Körper

make-up containing real gemstones, finely ground, such as

ins Gleichgewicht. Auf der Haut wirkt er entspannend

rubies, sapphires and amethysts. What‘s it all about?

und glättend, ist also perfekt geeignet. Im Make-up strafft,

Raymond Cloosterman Asian culture is the inspiration for this

glättet und entspannt er die Haut. Auch Kleopatra nutzte

collection, too. In Tibet, the Amethyst Buddha is sacred and even

bereits gemahlene Edelsteine zur Schönheitspflege.

rosary beads are often made from this pure gemstone. Amethyst

RITUALS steht auch für eine besondere Art des Ein-

bestows inner peace, encourages creativity and equilibrates

kaufens: ‚Slow Shopping‘. Was bedeutet das genau?

the body. It has a relaxing and smoothing effect on the skin and

Niki Schilling Beim ‚Slow Shopping‘ geht es um die

is thus a perfect match. Used in make-up, it firms, smooths and

kleinen Freuden des Lebens. Wir möchten, dass unsere

relaxes the skin. Even Cleopatra made use of ground gemstones

Kunden beim Shoppen entspannen und sich verwöhnen

in her beauty care routine.

lassen. In unseren Geschäften bieten wir unseren Kunden eine Tasse wohltuenden Kräutertee oder eine

RITUALS also advocates a particular type of shopping:

Gratis-Handmassage an, während sie unsere Produkte

‘slow shopping’. What does this mean exactly?

testen. Sie bekommen Gelegenheit, den Moment zu

Niki Schilling ‘Slow shopping’ means enjoying the little things

geniessen. Mit der RITUALS Spa erweitern wir unser

in life. We want our customers to relax and spoil themselves when

Konzept des ‚Slow Shopping‘ zusätzlich.

they go shopping. In our stores, we offer our customers a refreshing cup of herbal tea or a free hand massage while they test our pro-

Worauf dürfen wir uns dort freuen?

ducts. They get the opportunity to enjoy the moment. The RITUALS

Raymond Cloosterman Unsere Urban Spas bieten eine

Spa takes our concept of ‘slow shopping’ one step further.

Oase des Friedens, in der Sie den Stress hinter sich lassen können, um den Luxus wahrer Entspannung zu

What can we look forward to there?

geniessen. Alle Behandlungen basieren auf den ver-

Raymond Cloosterman Our urban spas offer an oasis of peace,

schiedenen Rituals-Kollektionen und richten sich sowohl

where you can leave all your stress and worries behind and revel

an Männer als auch an Frauen. Meine Lieblingsbe-

in the luxury of true relaxation. All of our treatments are based

handlung ist die Tatsu D-Stress Massage, die auf den

on the various Rituals collections and can be enjoyed by both

Traditionen Japans beruht. Tatsu, der japanische

men and women alike. My favourite treatment is the Tatsu D-Stress

Drachen, steht für Schönheit, Reinheit und Stärke –

Massage, which has its origin in Japanese folklore. Tatsu, the

Elemente, die in dieser einzigartigen Behandlung mit-

Japanese dragon, stands for beauty, purity and strength –

einander verschmelzen.

elements which merge together in this unique treatment. RITUALS unterstützt auch Menschen, die nicht gerade RITUALS also supports people who have not exactly been

auf der Sonnenseite des Lebens stehen. Verraten Sie

fortunate in life. Can you tell us more about this?

uns mehr darüber?

Niki Schilling RITUALS Cosmetics is proud to be a longstanding

Niki Schilling RITUALS Cosmetics ist stolz darauf, ein

supporter of the Tiny Miracles Foundation, an initiative that helps

langjähriger Unterstützer der Tiny Miracles Foundation

the street children in Mumbai. By purchasing a product from

zu sein, einer Initiative, die Strassenkindern in Mumbai

our new Tiny Rituals collection, our customers can also make

hilft. Beim Kauf eines Produkts aus unserer neuen Tiny

a direct contribution to the project. In this way, tiny miracles result

Rituals Collection können unsere Kunden auch direkt

from small acts of charity as 10 percent of proceeds go to the

etwas für das Projekt tun. Aus kleinen Akten der


Nächstenliebe entstehen auf diese Weise kleine Wunder, indem wir der Stiftung zehn Prozent des Erlöses

If you could look into a crystal ball: What does the future

zugutekommen lassen.

hold for RITUALS? Raymond Cloosterman My dream is to be right up there with

Wenn Sie in eine Glaskugel schauen könnten: Wie

the large global brands such as Chanel, L’Occitane and MAC

sieht darin die Zukunft von RITUALS aus?

in 10 to 20 years’ time and to have stores in shopping centres

Raymond Cloosterman Mein Traum ist es, in zehn bis

stretching from South America to China. My favourite quote is

zwanzig Jahren in den Kreis der grossen Weltmarken

from Walt Disney: ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’. I am doing

wie Chanel, L’Occitane und MAC aufzusteigen und

everything in my power to make this dream a reality.

in Einkaufszentren von Südamerika bis China präsent

zu sein. Mein Lieblingszitat ist ‚Wenn Du es träumen kannst, kannst Du es tun‘ von Walt Disney. Ich arbeite mit vollem Einsatz daran, diesen Traum Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.


97 81

FINE LIVING I nterior N ews 2016 By Andreas Hofst채tter

Perch light lamp by Moooi Design: Umut Yamac The Perch Light family by London-based Umut Yamac includes six lamps, which feature illuminated birds that looked like they have been


folded from paper. The avian figures sit on brass stands, which form Interior

table, floor, wall and pendant lights.

Ahnda by Dedon Design: Stephen Burks

Gender armchair by Cassina Design: Patricia Urquiola This unique armchair combines both traditional and modern features. It comes in a combination of materials and colours for a wide variety of uses: the soft padded inner part dialogues with the rigid outer part, embellished by coloured leather edging that highlights its sinuous line. The fabrics cling to the curves of the armchair, contrasting with the rigorous, formal structure of the shell, in five different colour standard combinations. This enveloping, cosy armchair is made even more comfortable by its back, which leans about 12째 under pressure and then automatically returns to its original position.

Creed Collection by Minotti

Outdoor 1227 Giant Lamps by Anglepoise 速

Charleston Sofa by Moooi Design: Marcel Wanders Charleston is a classic sofa, elegant and comfortable, that has been shifted into a vertical position. Its grace becomes slender and elongated, tall and majestic, while it plays with our mindset and expectations. The traditional armrest becomes a very comfortable seat. Certainly an eycatcher, Charleston is also a cozy companion that literally turns the corner to open a new world of possibilities.

Pli Side Table by ClassiCon

Adagio by Flexform

Design: Daniel Libeskind

The Adagio Sofa brings together a synergy of architectural form and everyday comfort. Adagio means slow or at ease. The canted arms and back reconsider the rigid structure of a traditional sofa creating more comfortable movement and a dynamic form. The materials and colors are inspired by classical Italian design. “The design celebrates the subtle details of the everyday form and the excellence of Italian craftsmanship,” said architect and designer Daniel Libeskind. I

sofa: Palais von Marco dessi für wittmann

Grosse Ausstellung auf 8 Etagen in der historischen Altstadt von Luzern. wohnidee Luzern aG Metzgerrainle 6 CH - 6004 Luzern T +41 (0)41 410 37 27

Grosse Pläne realisieren. wir sind dabei.

Sag by MDF Italia

Projects by Catellani & Smith In the last years Catellani & Smith has specialized in working on lighting projects, studying tailored solutions for private or public spaces, enhancing all places with its artistic and unique style.

Blixen armchair by Fendi Casa

Sydney by Poliform Design: Jean-Marie Massaud

Sydney is a collection with a highly original aesthetic, typical of the multi-cultural city after which it is named. With Sydney, Poliform explores brand new creative possibilities, made reality by the hand of Jean-Marie Massaud in a combi-


nation of pure geometry and great comfort. Interior



Sushi Collection by Moroso Design: Edward Van Vliet The Sushi Collection is designed to offer a wide range of seating options for lounges and lobbies. From out-in-the-open benches and poufs, to high-walled chairs allowing for more private conversations or intimate, face-to-face rendezvous. The surprising variety of shapes transforms spaces into landscapes, where the harmonious colours and patterns serve to hold the various elements together.

Ceiba by Living Divani

Isanka Sofa by Walter Knoll

Fool`s Paradise Rug by Moooi

Avio by Knoll International Design: Piero Lissoni Avio, designed by Piero Lissoni, is an elegant yet relaxed sofa system that can reinterpret and improve the use of any type of space. Modular and linear, with a light structure that easily complements a variety of settings, Avio‘s design is the result of extensive aesthetic research. The sofa combines functional and proportional poise, playing with the contract between the lightness of the slim structural framework and the plump volume of the seats. The sofa is ideal for both home and contract environments; at Salone, Avio finds an easy stylistic affinity for classic, architectural designs by Florence Knoll.

105 81

Utrecht armchair by Cassina

TENSE table by MDF Italia Three noble and ancient materials, that have always been used by man to create furniture, here are processed with a soft brushing that highlights their material qualities. They dress up Tense, arousing new tactile and visual features and stimulating senses. Brass, a perfect and rigorous surface, made soft by surface brushing that evokes ancient golds. Stone, reconsructed by using river stones to get a natural surface made soft by an accurate brushing. Quite a wrinkled and lived wood, a real visual and tactile experience.

2002 by Thonet

Stone Unit L 244 by Strasser Steine Each ST-ONE kitchen island is offered in five dimensions and five stone types which means there are 25 basic designs available. Individual designs are optional e.g. basin on the left or right side or omitting it.

Kendama lamp by Giorgetti

Belt by Moroso Design: Patricia Urquiola An open-source sofa, a design choice that favours

inducing a state of pure relaxation. The folded cove-

the comfort of the seat, which seeks to look and feel

ring emphasises the carefree, undefined shape, further

softer and cosier than ever. The structure is encircled in

accentuated by the use of knitted fabric for the belts

knitted belts that interweave with the soft cushions,

that hold it in place.

107 81


PHILIP ROSENTHAL By Uwe Herzog Translation Louise Mawbey

He was one of the most colourful entrepreneurs in the history of Germany – Philip Rosenthal (1916 – 2001). The Oxford graduate, Foreign Legionnaire, politician, sportsman and manufacturer of the ROSENTHAL brand, known throughout the world for exquisite tableware, would have been 100 years old this autumn. 108


Er gehörte zu den schillerndsten Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten der deutschen Geschichte: Philip Rosenthal (1916 – 2001). Der Oxford-Absolvent, Fremdenlegionär, Politiker, Sportler und Fabrikant der weltweit für feinste Tischkultur geschätzten Marke ROSENTHAL wäre in diesem Herbst 100 Jahre alt geworden.

Anniversary Collection TAC Palazzo RORO by ROSENTHAL

Star architect Walter Gropius & Philip Rosenthal

Philip Rosenthal explored rivers in a kayak

ROSENTHAL is thus taking the opportunity to commemorate the long-serving director of the company with an elaborately designed anniversary collection – and also to look back on a memorable event which took place in 1967. It was a mild day in October when numerous VIPs from the fields of politics and business met together for the opening of the new factory in the Fichtel Mountains in the north of Bavaria. Philip Rosenthal managed the company that he had taken over from his father with the same passion that he applied to his leisure time spent overcoming steep cliffs, conquering ski slopes, exploring rivers in a kayak, swimming for kilometres in the sea or circling above the clouds in a sports airplane. As soon as he joined his parents‘ company, then employed as the advertising manager, he forged valuable links with renowned artists and designers throughout the world and worked together with them to establish ROSENTHAL‘s reputation as an exclusive designer brand. The architect of the new Bauhaus-style ROSENTHAL production site also travelled from the USA especially for the inauguration – the plans drawn up by Walter Gropius, pioneer of the Bauhaus movement and German-born shooting star of the architecture scene in the USA, even provided the staff with a library, a snooker table and a glasshouse with real flamingos. On the day of the opening, the flamingos were unexpectedly joined by a little piglet who was one of the ceremonial gifts and a living, breathing „lucky charm“. The new company mascot was christened RORO – an abbreviation of the name of the factory, Rosenthal am Rothbühl. 110


Anniversary Collection TAC Palazzo RORO by ROSENTHAL

Philip Rosenthal loved to fly.

Anlass für ROSENTHAL, mit einer aufwendig gestalteten Jubiläums-Kollektion an den langjährigen Chef des Hauses zu erinnern – und an ein denkwürdiges Ereignis aus dem Jahr 1967: Es war ein milder Oktobertag, an dem viel Prominenz aus Politik und Wirtschaft zur Eröffnung des Fabrikneubaus im nordbayrischen Fichtelgebirge zusammenfand. Philip Rosenthal führte das Unternehmen, das er von seinem Vater übernommen hatte, mit der gleichen Leidenschaft, mit der er in seiner Freizeit Steilwände bezwang, Skipisten eroberte, Flüsse mit dem Kajak erkundete, kilometerweit durch die Meere schwamm oder im Sportflugzeug über den Wolken kreiste. Bereits mit Eintritt in den elterlichen Betrieb knüpfte er, damals noch als Werbeleiter, wertvolle Kontakte zu namhaften Künstlern und Designern in aller Welt und begründete mit ihnen den Ruf von ROSENTHAL als exklusive Designmarke. Auch der Architekt des im Bauhausstil errichteten neuen Produktionswerkes von ROSENTHAL war zur Einweihung eigens aus den USA angereist: Walter Gropius, Vordenker der Bauhaus-Richtung und deutschstämmiger Shootingstar der US-amerikanischen Architekturszene, hatte bei seinen Plänen sogar an eine Bibliothek, Billardtische und ein Grünhaus mit echten Flamingos für die Mitarbeiter gedacht. Zum Eröffnungstag erhielten die Flamingos nun unverhofft Gesellschaft von einem kleinen Schweinchen, das als quicklebendiger „Glücks-


111 81

After the opening speech given by Ludwig Erhard, the former

bringer“ zu den Präsenten der Feier gehörte: Das neue

Federal Chancellor, Philip Rosenthal and Walter Gropius visited

Firmenmaskottchen wurde auf den Namen RORO

the new premises together, passing by porcelain that had been

getauft – die Abkürzung von Rosenthal am Rothbühl.

decorated in preparation for the kiln. Gropius commented on a black border on the rim of a plate but Philip Rosenthal insisted

Nach der Eröffnungsrede des früheren Bundeskanzlers

that the black would turn to gold after firing. They placed a bet

Ludwig Erhard besichtigten Philip Rosenthal und

on who would be right. Gropius lost the wager but he was soon

Walter Gropius gemeinsam die noch neuen Räume

to honour his unusual stake.

und kamen dabei an einigen für den Feuerbrand vorbereiteten Porzellandekoren vorbei: Während

The most famous architect of his age, better known for monu-

Gropius auf der Fahne eines Tellers einen schwarzen

mental constructions such as the former „PanAm“ tower in New

Rand sieht, besteht Philip Rosenthal darauf, dass aus

York and „Gropiusstadt“ in Berlin, designed something completely

dem Schwarz nach dem Brand ein Goldrand wird.

different as his penance for losing the bet ... a pigsty. The sty

Die beiden wetten darum, wer recht behält. Gropius

was intended to become the home of lucky charm RORO – in

verlor die Wette jedoch in aller Ehre und löste schon

typical Bauhaus style: modern and straight-forward, and on no

bald ein aussergewöhnliches Wettversprechen ein:

account luxurious. Despite this, Gropius himself named the construction „Palazzo“ on his sketch. But before Philip Rosenthal

Der Stararchitekt seiner Zeit, sonst eher bekannt für

had the chance to commission his architect friend with building

monumentale Bauten wie den früheren „PanAm“-

the „palace“ for the pig, the otherwise highly-motivated employees

Tower in New York oder die Berliner „Gropius-Stadt“,

went on strike. The sty was therefore never built and RORO

entwarf als Tribut für die verlorene Wette diesmal …

found a new home on a farm.

einen Schweinestall. Der Stall sollte Behausung für das Glücksschwein RORO werden – im typischen Bauhaus-

In his will, Philip Rosenthal requested a modest sparkling wine

Stil, modern und geradlinig, keinesfalls luxuriös.

reception to be held in his memory, accompanied by the

Allerdings vermerkte Gropius selbst auf der Skizze

famous German workers‘ song „Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit“.

den Namen „Palazzo“. Doch bevor Philip Rosenthal

Those who today raise their „Palazzo“ glass, with its particularly

seinen Architektenfreund mit der Umsetzung des

fine decorative cut, to celebrate the „centenary“ will be reminded

„Schweinchen-Palastes“ beauftragen konnte, trat die

of the hay from the sty once planned by Walter Gropius for the

ansonsten hochmotivierte Belegschaft in den Streik.

lucky mascot RORO. And the gold application on the porcelain

Der Stall wurde schliesslich nie realisiert und RORO

of the TAC Palazzo RORO anniversary collection is another

fand auf einem Bauernhof ein neues Zuhause.

subtle reminder of the old wager – as it transforms from black to gold to rosé.

In seinem Testament hatte sich Philip Rosenthal für sein Andenken einen bescheidenen Sektempfang zur

The TAC Palazzo RORO collection, produced by ROSENTHAL

Melodie des Arbeiterlieds „Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Frei-

to celebrate the anniversary year of Philip Rosenthal, comprises

heit“ gewünscht. Wer heute zu seinem „Hundertsten“

exclusive commemorative pieces that are reminiscent of the

das „Palazzo“-Glas erhebt, wird durch einen besonders

wager with Walter Gropius approximately 50 years ago. An

feinen Dekorschliff an das Heu aus dem einst von

old sketch, which reveals the design of a pigsty, and the TAC

Walter Gropius geplanten Stall für das Glücksschwein-

Bauhaus form, also created during this time by Gropius, were

chen RORO erinnert. Auch im Goldauftrag der Jubi-

used by young designer Ewelina Wisniowska for her own inter-

läums-Porzellankollektion TAC Palazzo RORO finden

pretation of a unique, decorative golden pattern, developed

sich dezente Assoziationen an die alte Wette - chan-

with the aid of sophisticated 3D technology and a special gold

gierend zwischen Schwarz, Gold und Rosé.

application. With the new design, the artist, who lives in London, has created an unforgettable homage to the eventful past of the

Unter der Bezeichnung TAC Palazzo RORO bietet

historic ROSENTHAL design brand and its protagonists. The

ROSENTHAL anlässlich des Feierjahres für Philip

collection of porcelain and drinking glasses already boasts a

Rosenthal einen exklusiven Jubiläumsdekor, der an

high collector‘s value, as does RORO – the lucky piglet created

jene Wette mit Walter Gropius vor rund 50 Jahren

by the „Red Dot“ award-winning designer Sebastian Herkner.

erinnert: Eine alte Skizze, die den Entwurf für einen

Schweinestall zeigt und die seinerzeit ebenfalls von Gropius kreierte Bauhausform TAC dienten der jungen Designerin Ewelina Wisniowska für ihre eigene Interpretation eines einzigartigen Golddekors mithilfe aufwendiger 3D-Technik und speziellem Goldauftrag. Die in London lebende Künstlerin schuf mit dem neuen Dekor eine unvergleichliche Homage an die bewegte Geschichte der traditionsreichen Designmarke ROSENTHAL und ihre Protagonisten. Die Porzellan- und Trinkglaskollektionen haben schon heute einen hohen Sammlerwert, ebenso wie RORO - das von „Red dot“-Designpreisträger Sebastian Herkner entworfene Glücksschweinchen.

Anniversary Collection TAC Palazzo RORO by ROSENTHAL


113 81

Must have Summer 2016

HTC VIVE – Real-World Awareness.

Once you put on the HTC Vive headset, you’re immersed in a

world full of surprises. Walk around freely and explore everything – the Chaperone guidance system keeps you safely within the bounds of your play area. Stunning graphics make it feel so real and surreal simultaneously. The front-facing camera blends realworld elements into the virtual world and the fully adjustable headset strap, interchangeable foam inserts and nose pads provide customized comfort, fits most glasses and provides balanced comfort for extended use. The 110° field of view and no less than 32

headset sensors combined with two base stations deliver 360° motion tracking for superior VR experiences making the HTC Vive perfect for captivating immersion. A 2160 x 1200 combined resolution and 90 Hz refresh rate deliver eye-popping graphics and smooth action. Two handheld controllers with 24 sensors each for accurate motion tracking with multi-function trackpads and the dual-stage triggers with HD haptic feedback provides effortless precision and brings VR experiences to a new level.

LG SIGNATURE Refrigerator – Tasting is Believing. LG‘s new signature refrigerator looks like it has a touchscreen of its own, but it‘s actually an upgrade to it‘s previous door-in-door models. Knock on it, and it turns transparent, letting you browse the contents on that side of the fridge without opening the door. Other than that, it is a beautiful, elegant fridge, with stainless steel exterior and an enormous amount of capacity.

The 1919 Chronotimer – Passion for Motorsports and Pure Performance. With the introduction of the “1919 Chronotimer”, Porsche Design creates an aesthetic link between architectural design, sporty elegance, and performance. The watch is powered by the mechanical Selitta SW 500 movement with a power reserve of 48 hours and a date window at 4 o’clock. The black-tinted sapphire crystal case back allows for a view of the exclusive, energy-optimized Porsche Design Icon rotor. The diameter of the case is 42 millimeters. The “1919 Chronotimer” is available in the four typical Porsche Design variations in pure or black titanium carbide coating, with either a titanium or rubber strap.

Game on! With BERLUTI.

OLIVIER BERNOUX – A fan is the absolute feminine touch. A union of nobles and antagonistic materials to create fresh, amazing, provocative but always elegant fans. Olivier Bernoux has been designing in the best Luxury Houses like Chanel & Loewe. International celebrities appreciate his creations, such as Melanie Griffith, Eva Longria or the Spanish royal family. Ebony or lacquer wood with extremely long sticks to enhance the elegance and the resistance of fans, Italian silks, Spanish voile of cotton, English poplin and French guipure to magnify the exclusive wood. Marquetry with exotic leathers, precious stones or silver adornments for unexpected fans – created with excellent Craftsmen in jewelry, sculpture, pleating, leather, feather, embroidery in Europe.

JIMMY CHOO The St. Tropez Edit


Must Have

GENIE IN A BAG – Transformable luxury. Have you ever wondered which accessory could make your jet setting lifestyle even more luxurious? Discover this masterpiece of Swiss design by high-end label Genie in a Bag. Exquisite leathers from selected French and Italian tanneries combined with finest Italian handcraft result in a versatile handbag that meets every woman’s styling needs. With only a few simple steps, this smart backpack can be transformed to a pouch, a handbag or a clutch. From casual to business to elegant – Genie in a Bag presents the perfect accessories for every look and every occasion. The pouch appears in shades of ivory and taupe while the adding

detail, the Swiss luxury brand carefully chooses its leathers and materials with respect to origin, sustainable processing and quality. All bags are


available at

Luxury Life prize draw Win 1 of 2 versatile Genie in a Bag designs in fresh summer colors! Send your name & address to Deadline: 31.07.2016

elements that are attached with zippers stand out in intensive or muted

We assure you that your personal data will not be handed out to third parties and will

colors like orange and turquoise or cognac and brown. For love of the

not be used for mailing/advertising. The judges’ decision is final and legally binding.

JIMMY CHOO – Perfectly dressed for a yachting day in St. Tropez. These JIMMY CHOO cross strap wedges in optic white Vacchetta leather are effortlessly chic and the lightweight cork wedge with glitter stripes has been finished with a rubber sole for extra grip. This two-piece espadrille is also exclusive to the St Tropez store and online. A clean and versatile shape with a beautiful crystal embellishment detail on the upper, Damask is composed of a double layer of natural fabrics, and has a rubber bottom sole.

117 81

La Prairie Noble Edelweiss. Noble Edelweiss is a rare and beautiful flower from the Swiss Alps. This survivalist plant has thrived in extreme conditions, developing protective properties that reinforce your skin. The new Cellular Swiss UV Protection Veil SPF 50 convinced beautifully lightweight and powerfully protective. Its luxurious texture melts into the skin – absorbing instantly.

Oil Reflections by Wella Professionals. Hair Oil is the new luxury Elixir. Its promise: Glossy and soft hair. Wella Professionals presents with Oil Reflections its first hair care line with precious Oils. The new products provide up to 3 times smoother hair and instant shine. Oil Reflections complements the existing Wella Professionals Care Series and is available in Wella salons from May.

CLARISONIC – Smarter. Easier. More Powerful. Clarisonic offers the best in sonic face and body skin cleansing – A must-have in every woman‘s beauty arsenal. Clarisonic, the #1 facial cleansing device recommended by U.S. Dermatologists, helps you reveal healthy, younger-looking skin. The face and body cleansing brushes are patented, proven, safe and gentle enough for twice-a-day use. Clarisonic offers a wide range of gentle facial cleansing brushes and exfoliating body brush heads for even the most sensitive skin. You can customize the perfect combination of sonic face and body cleansing device, brush head and cleanser for any skin type. In just 60 seconds you’ll experience soft, radiant skin. Disvocer now the new SMART PROFILE a luxurious head-to-toe sonic face and body cleansing brush! Amplified turbo speed (4 Speeds + body turbo mode) removes makeup 11x better than hands alone delivering superior cleansing results.


Must Have

PHILIPS – Effective and longer-term solution to hair removal with the new Satinelle. Women remove hair from a staggering 13 areas of their body, using a number of different methods - a time consuming and laborious task. What’s more, many hair removal options don’t remove all the hair in one go, and it seems to grow back as fast as it’s removed! The new Philips Satinelle epilator has been designed to remove even the finest hair effortlessly and efficiently, so women can experience weeks of satin smooth skin. Developed with women’s busy lifestyles in mind, Philips epilators feature a unique system whereby the tweezers lift and gather lying hair, guiding it to the pulling point for removal to ensure hairs are removed in one pass. The new Philips Satinelle features the widest head on the market with 32 tweezers and 17 sets of textured ceramic circular discs to ensure

featured on the body exfoliation attachment gently, yet effectively, sweep away dead skin cells and stimulate the regeneration of the skin’s surface, whilst also working to prevent ingrowing hairs. Used after epilating, the relaxing body massager attachment reaches the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating blood flow. For added convenience, the Philips Satinelle can be used wet or dry, so women can remove hair in the shower or bath to provide a gentler epilation experience. When used in combination as part of a regular body care routine, women can achieve long-lasting, smooth and radiant satin smooth skin.


Luxury Life prize draw

Win 1 of 4 PHILIPS Satinelle! Send your name & address to

even the finest hairs are grabbed firmly and removed first time, so

women can spend less time going over the same area several times and

Deadline: 31.07.2016.

more time doing the things they enjoy. “At Philips, we understand that women feel most confident when they have silky smooth skin but they don’t want to spend more time than necessary removing unwanted hair.” Says Mara Agnelli. “For this reason we have created the Philips Satinelle for effortless and effective hair removal with long-lasting results so women can look their best and feel confident.” Ergonomically designed with a distinct S-shaped handle the Philips Satinelle provides effortless hair removal, allowing women better reach and precision with every pass to get to even the most hard-to-reach areas comfortably and effectively, so women can have smooth skin for longer. Easier and more efficient hair removal can be achieved by prepping the skin with exfoliation and using massage following treatment for relaxation. With this in mind, the new Philips Satinelle comes with a body exfoliation brush and body massager head to enhance women’s hair removal experience. Used 24 hours before depilating, the fine, hypo-allergenic bristles

We assure you that your personal data will not be handed out to third parties and will not be used for mailing/advertising. The judges’ decision is final and legally binding.

Impressum Publisher Luxury Life MAGAZINE GmbH Patricia Schweizer & Renato Schweizer Luzernerstrasse 24 6330 Cham – Switzerland Phone +41 41 780 03 32


Publisher I Editor-in-Chief Renato Schweizer

Editorial staff of this issue Louise Mawbey, Monika Stolz, Patricia Schweizer, Sara Musinowski, Valeska Jansen, Andreas Hofstätter, Luc Longfellow, Mark S. Kennedy, Michael S. Hamilos, Philip Hagenbuch, Renato Schweizer, Uwe Herzog

Distribution regionS

Europe, Middle East, Asia Germany I Switzerland I Austria I London I Monaco Paris I French Riviera I French Alps I Dubai I Abu Dhabi Singapore I Bangkok I Hong Kong I Shanghai I Beijing

Readers 680,000 readers of the highest purchasing power per issue

Print run Total 110,000 copies 70,000 copies English I German 40,000 copies English I Chinese

Frequency of publication 4 times a year (End of February, May, August, November)


Publisher I Head of Marketing & Sales Patricia Schweizer General advertising enquiries Phone +41 79 295 97 95 UNITED KINGDOM I SWITZeRLAND Philip Hagenbuch Phone: +41 79 295 97 95 Germany I Italy I Austria I ASIA I USA I UAE Andreas Hofstätter Phone: +49 152 54 56 14 26 BENELUX I TURKEY I SPAIN Sara Musinowski Phone: +41 76 553 46 84

ISSN 2235-0667

Plate Tableware or part of a watch movement? Discover the world of Fine Watchmaking at

Plate | The plate which bears the various movement parts and in particular the bridges. The dial is usually affixed to the bottom side of the plate. The plate is pierced with holes for the screws and recesses for the jewels in which the pivots of the movement wheels will run.


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