Thank You! The Curry School Foundation recognizes the generosity of the following alumni from the Clinical and School Psychology program who made donations in fiscal year 2016 (which ended June 30): Karen Brockenbrough Constance Caldwell John Callahan Margaret Dawson Christos Eleftherios Eugenie Hamilton Lora J. Henderson Nancy Kassam-Adams Andrew Kind-Rubin Allison Knight Lauren Kopans Sandra Jean Kramos Winx Lawrence John Schroll Jeffrey Seltzer Theodore Siedlecki Donna Steinberg Deborah Strzepek These gifts directly benefit Curry students and the quality of their educational experiences.
Save the Date!
Clinical & School Psychology Program’s 50th Anniversary! MARCH 31 - APRIL 2, 2017
n 2017 the Curry School’s Clinical and School Psychology program will celebrate its 50th anniversary! We are planning a big celebration and an opportunity to come together to celebrate the Program, Dick Abidin, recently retired Ron Reeve, and soon-to-be retired Ann Loper. Events will include time to reunite with peers, meet other graduates, have some family fun, and hear about what everyone is up to. We hope to have a dinner on Friday, then networking, presentations, and a family-friendly picnic spread across Saturday and Sunday. Please plan to attend any or all of the Weekend. The events will be in Charlottesville in the same old places and some new ones. More information will follow soon.
Curry Alumni at APA State Leadership Conference
CLINICAL & SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY is edited by Lynn Bell, Director of Alumni Relations, and published by the Curry School of Education, P.O. Box 400268, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Email: #UVACurry Some or our graduates in attendance included the alumni pictured in this photo: (l to r) Peter Oppenheimer, ‘86, Rhode Island; Cathleen (Althaus) Rea, ‘84, Virginia; Peter Sheras, Virginia; Geoffrey Kanter, ‘87, Florida; Nancy Parsons, ‘88, Florida; and Barbara Ward-Zimmerman, ‘85, Connecticut.
Every year since 1984, APA holds the annual State Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. The purpose is to train leaders in state associations and carry the message of psychology practice to the U.S. Congress. The meeting is attended by nearly 500 leaders from the U.S. and Canada and is among the most selective and prestigious meetings of psychologists annually. This past March Curry graduates were well represented as presenters, elected officers, and advocates at the meeting.