Counselor Education Alumni Newsletter 2016

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FALL 2015

A Tribute The Counselor Education faculty and staff join with the University community to honor and remember Dr. Bill Anderson, a long-time supporter and friend to our program, who passed away on August 29, 2016, at the age of 68. Dr. Anderson, a former Curry faculty member, was a mental health advocate and received numerous accolades on and off Grounds for his work in psychology. Many members of the Counselor Education faculty and students have fond memories of Dr. Anderson’s service, love of peace, and vibrant personality. Dr. Bob Pate remembers him fondly: “Bill’s life was a powerful demonstration of his belief in the concept of ‘unconditional positive regard.’ I am but one of many who consider Bill to be a spiritual mentor and his life to be the perfect testimonial to his Christian faith.” Dr. Anderson retired in 2014 from UVA’s Counseling and Psychological Services after 33 years with the University. For more on the Dr. Anderson’s contributions, visit UVA Today’s online “In Memoriam” (Sept. 1, 2016). COUNSELOR ED is edited by Lynn Bell, Director of Alumni Relations, and published by the Curry School of Education, P.O. Box 400268, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Email: #UVACurry

Last fall, the Class of 2016 organized the ninth annual counselor advocacy mini-conference held at Curry. All first-year students presented on topics related to the theme “It Takes A Village.”

Counselor Ed Update B Y D E R I C K W I L L I A M S , C O U N S E LO R E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M D I R E C TO R


ver the last several years, the Counselor Education Program has developed partnerships with many of the area’s elementary and secondary school counseling departments. Many have hosted our practicum and internship students, we have hosted professional development programs for practicing school counselors, and Dr. Paul Harris has spearheaded a School Counseling Summit, designed to advance the knowledge of school counseling and create additional opportunities for counselors to network with each other. Though these efforts have been beneficial for school systems, counselors, and our program faculty and students, we have longed to create partnerships with district-level school counseling leaders. We hope to discover the leadership qualities and competencies that our students should learn and to play a role in creating systemic change in area public schools. We now have the means to accomplish these goals, and our newest full-time program faculty member is capable of leading our charge in taking on this endeavor. This year, Dr. Julia Taylor joined our faculty after completing her doctoral degree at Virginia Commonwealth University. We are thrilled to have someone with her extensive experience as a school counselor and who understands how to close the practice gap between school counseling models, research, and practicing professional school counselors. Over the last several years, Julia has worked with school counseling leaders in the Richmond area, helping them establish a community of collaborators at the district and division level. Leaders have been able to share ideas and develop new systemic programs for meeting the needs of public school students across all grade levels. Their efforts have made an impact on several schools in the Richmond area. She helped to develop a cohort of school counselors who are all working together to implement Recognized ASCA Model Programs (RAMP), nationally recognized school counseling programs designed to evaluate existing school programs, and use the results to inform the creation of comprehensive school counseling programs that contribute to student success. —continued on page 2

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