Kinesiology Alumni Newsletter 2016

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KINESIOLOGY Kinesiology Faculty Arthur Weltman, Professor & Department Chair Martin Block, Professor Ann Boyce, Associate Professor David Edwards, Assistant Professor Joe Hart, Associate Professor Jay Hertel, Joe H. Gieck Professor in Sports Medicine Michael J. Higgins, Professor Luke Kelly, Virgil S. Ward Professor of Education Sibylle Kranz, Associate Professor Steven Malin, Assistant Professor Jacob Resch, Assistant Professor Ethan Saliba, Professor Susan Saliba, Associate Professor Read highlights of our faculty work at

KINESIOLOGY is edited by Lynn Bell, Director of Alumni Relations, and published by the Curry School of Education, P.O. Box 400268, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Email: #UVACurry

FALL 2016

Kinesiology News B Y A R T H U R W E LT M A N , C H A I R


his has been another incredibly productive year for the Department of Kinesiology. In our 2015 newsletter we mentioned that USA Today recognized UVA Kinesiology as a top five undergraduate program in the US for colleges offering majors in health and physical fitness. Soon after this accolade the National Academy of Kinesiology recognized UVA Kinesiology as a top ten doctoral program. We are truly fortunate to have an outstanding group of students, faculty and staff who have contributed to our national and international stature. Our faculty had another productive year, as well. Of note, Jay Hertel received the 2016 UVA Alumni Association Distinguished Professor Award. Other faculty members gave invited talks at national and international meetings, served in leadership roles at national and international organizations, published in prestigious refereed journals, and received considerable external research support (see Faculty Highlights online). Our faculty also played a leadership role in the recently approved pan-University minor in Health and Wellbeing. In this one-of-a-kind minor that has engaged faculty from six schools across Grounds, students are introduced to health and wellbeing through a wide spectrum of topics, including elements of genetic, physiological, psychological, behavioral and social practices, healthy environments, and health policy. We have also added to the Kinesiology undergraduate and graduate curriculum in the area of nutrition and physical activity and hired Sibylle Kranz to head this initiative. We are in the final stages of approval for a new entry level master’s degree program in Athletic Training and hired Michael Higgins to head this two-year graduate program. Professors Kranz and Higgins are profiled inside this newsletter. This year marked the 25th anniversary of our annual Slaughter Lecture. We were able to recruit one of our distinguished alums, Kevin Guskiewicz (Ph.D. ’95 Sports Med), the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North Carolina, who presented his groundbreaking research in the area of sports concussion. We are especially thankful to the Slaughter family for their longstanding support. In previous newsletters we have talked about how we have enhanced the undergraduate advising experience, and we have fully implemented 360 advising. All of our undergraduate students have a Kinesiology faculty advisor, our first and second year students have third and fourth year peer advisors, and our third and fourth year students have alumni mentors. We thank all of our alumni who have given generously of their time. If you would like to sign up as an alumni mentor contact Jennifer Ludovici at Our undergraduate and graduate students continue to impress. You can read about some of their accomplishments in the Student News section of this newsletter. Finally we are continuing to work with the Curry School leadership and the University to develop a plan to improve our physical facilities. We will keep you posted as plans are developed.




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