Communication Disorders Newsletter 2016

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Student Research Published

Elizabeth S. Hasseltine (B.S. Ed. ’15, M.Ed. ‘17) and the following colleagues

from our Speech Pathology & Audiology program published a paper based on their 2013 study abroad research, titled “Predicting Stuttering Severity Ratings by Timing and Tallying Dysfluencies Using Praat Software,” in Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, Vol . 43, pp. 106–114, Spring 2016: Shannon F. Black (B.S.Ed. ’14) Tayler M. Corcoran (B.S.Ed. ’14) Danika L. DiPalma (B.S.Ed. ’14) Susan E. Dixon (B.S.Ed. ’14) Anne T. Gooch (B.S.Ed. ’14) Lauren M. Hurlburt (B.S.Ed. ’13, current M.Ed. student) Ashton B. Murray (B.S.Ed. ’14) Kathryn B. Potts (B.S.Ed. ’15) Anna C. Schnizler (B.S.Ed. ’14) Caitlin Secrist (B.S.Ed. ’15) Roma Marisa Shickel (B.S.Ed. ’14, current M.Ed. student) Filip Loncke, Professor, University of Virginia and Paul Corthals, Professor, University College Ghent, Belgium

Communication Disorders is edited by Lynn Bell, Director of Alumni Relations, and published by the Curry School of Education, P.O. Box 400268, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Email: #UVACurry

A Very Special Year

B Y R A N D A L L R . R O B E Y, D I R E C TO R , S P E E C H C O M M U N I C AT I O N D I S O R D E R S P R O G R A M


ur program is embarking on a very special year! This year the program turns 75. In 1941, our program was founded by two prescient UVA faculty members who saw the need for the professions that became Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. Dr. Karl Wallace, Professor of Speech, and Dr. Fletcher D. Woodward, Professor of Otolaryngology, convinced the Board of Visitors to establish an academic program in speech pathology and audiology and a center for clinical instruction and public service. Across our 75-year history, it’s possible to tally the number of graduate degrees conferred. Beyond calculation, however, is the number of infants, children, adults, veterans, and elderly patients whose lives have been positively impacted by all of those alumni. On behalf of our current faculty members and students, it is an honor to express our respect, and our congratulations to all of those who came before us to establish and nurture the grand legacy of our program. At our recent graduation celebration, we joined in a toast that bears repeating here: We offer our respect and our gratitude to all of those who came before us to create, build, and husband our program. Furthermore, we extend our fervent hopes and high expectations to future colleagues who will pick up the mantle of carrying our program forward through the decades to come. What better way to celebrate history than to make a little history. Our incoming masters class consists of an unprecedented 49 students! This past year, we modernized our recruiting and admission processes to resonate with our millennial, or GenY, applicants. Our new process proved exceptionally powerful, and the percentage of applicants accepting our invitation to study in Charlottesville shot through the roof! We’ve been planning all summer to adapt our practices and welcome this exceptionally qualified cohort. In that spirit, if you are in a position to welcome a UVA extern sometime next year, we would love to begin making arrangements with you now. As a part of our anniversary, we are establishing two Foundation accounts for gifts of any size. Both accounts establish a scholarship to fund Audiology and SLP services and products for clients in financial need. One account is dedicated to supporting infants, toddlers, and children (e.g., feeding and swallowing, autism, voice, stuttering, language impairment, cochlear implant, and summer camps). The second is dedicated to supporting elderly clients on a fixed income (e.g., those with aphasia, dysarthria, hearing loss, or cognitive impairment). Please consider supporting the clients we serve. continued on page 2

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