Chan_Landscape journal_FOD_M2

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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Chan Hann Lynn

887657 Brooke Elizabeth Gibson (Studio 13)



Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) According to Le Corbusier, Pictorial Space is “that which cannot be entered or circulared through; it is irremediably space viewed from a distance, and is therefore eternally resignesd to frontality.” It is a frontal, or flat space viewed from a distance that one cannot move through.

Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words) Firstly , the object is registered as pure extension, as flat; crisply contoured shape which never breaks rank with the picture’s frontality to suggest a turning of one of its facets into depth. Second, the constellation of objects wedge togerhtr in that insistent continuity of edges which the Purists called “marge de contour.” Thrid, colour and texture are handled in a manner which calls attention to the inherent superficiality of these “secondary qualities” - so that distance or depth in the painting becomes no longer a matter of representing the space seperating one object and another in the real world. Instead, distance is transformed into a representation of the cesura between the appearance of the object and the object itself.



Two images of Mario World i was given, used to illustrate my combined Mario World.



First mario world, drawn in axonometric.



Hand drawing of the two combined Mario worlds.


WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? (Maximum 100 words)

Pictorial space limits space, making the object finite, closed. According to Lissitzky, “The world is put into a cubic box, which creates a static “facade view” of the world.” Projection on the other hand, extands the vanishing point to infinity, allowing the constructions to be much more flexible from an instrumental point of vies, and more universal from a philosophical point of view. In a nutshell, Axonometric projection transmit measurable and precise abstract information, alloweing the artist to construct that which does not yet exist while perspective only records what already exists.

Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) Axonometric projection first arised in a periof between 1918 and 1921. For the revolutionary artists of the time, the old forms of representation could “no longer hold together under the pressure of sustained innovation”. To them, the use of perspective limited space, creating a static “facade view” of the world. Axonometir projection on the other hand, allowed the user to transmit abstract intormation, and because it was measurable and precise, was ideal to delinate the avant-garde’s vision of a new world. These revolutionary artists of the early twentieth century avant-garde wanted to go beyond the artist’s traditional role of interpreting the world to imagine an are capable of constructing new worlds, hence the formation of Axonometric projection.



Hint: How Detailed does the drawing need to be? Consider the shape, character and landscape of the scene only. We are only interested in the form and z; you do not need to be concerned with the shadow and pattern of the images.

Completed mario world. Done on Illustrator.




Equipment used: T-square, 0.3 fineline pen, H, 2H, 4H pencils, Set square.

Picture of first Mario world in progress.

Axonometric projection of the two worlds colliding.

Mario world after adding details and attempting to examine hidden spaces.


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