M1 journal, Digital Design

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Lynn Chan

887657 Chelle Yang + Studio 1

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

A diagram itself can be seen as self explanatory. The purpose of a diagram should be to convey a story, through the selection of simplistic signs and symbols. While signs and symbols themselves do carry individual meaning, they can not -or it is at least difficult- for them to convey a story or explenation by themselves. A series of signs and symbols together create a diagram, and depending on how it is deployed, can even be self explanatory, even without a key or ledgend,


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Top left: Plan View. Shows the overal shape of the curvatures. Top right: Elevation. Showing the Height in proportion to each other. Left: Perspective view. Showing how each component interacts with each other.

The modeling process was quite straightforward, mostly consisting os tracting then extruding the curves from top view. The Summer house was modled at a 1:50 scale on Rhino. The curves on the highest layer wqs adjusted through points at elevations. Image citation: “Serpentine Summer Houses 2016: Barkow Leibinger.� Serpentine Galleries. June 10, 2016. Accessed March 11, 2018. http://www.serpentinegalleries.org/exhibitions-events/serpentine-summer-houses-2016-barkow-leibinger-0.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

My precedent study chosen was Barkow Leibinger’s Serpentine Summer House. This Summer House. built entirely out of timber, consists of a seating area designed with a curved ribbon-like structures. It can be broken down into three parts: the benches (seating area), the circular curved ‘walls’, and the ribbon-like ‘roofing’. The design of the pvillion makes the function both obvious yet its curved design allows for appropriation of use. For example, its artistic design makes it an object easily admirable from afar as a piece of sculpral art. It can also be seen through the eyes of a child as unique playground, with nooks and cranies to hide in. Most would likely use it as a seating area (as is it’s functional purpose), its three circular ‘columns’ allow the space to feel somewhat private, yet the large ribbon-like ‘roofing’ acts as a threshold making the space an in-between of both private and public.


Week Two


Exploded Isometric. This isometric is shown from the NE. From this view, the tops detailing and bits of the seating can be seen. I have chosen to show the general outline of the three circular ‘compartments’ that act to seperate the three different seating areas. The top two layers making up the ‘roof’ were modeled in much more detail compared to the other parts due to the nature of its natural curves. These curves required adjustments on multiple planes rather than a single one. Through modeling it was quite clear to me that the circulation was dependent on the design of the thresholds. The top layers overshadow a large area below it, while the three circular structures create compartments hinting at a sort of ‘in-between’ space that guides the flow of people into and around it.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

This diagram shows the circulation patterns surrounding the Summer house. The first (bottom) layer consists od the movements of people as they sit and move throughout the seating space. The second layer shows the movements of people going in and out. Third, showing how people circulate around thlooking at the house from afar.

This diagram shows the thresholds surrounding the Summer house. Layer one (bottom) shows the shadows cast at different hours of the day (10pm, 12pm, 4:30pm). Second layer shows the three circular structures used to seperate space. The final layer shows the top layer, that acts as a segregation between public and private space.




Plan drawing of lines.

Layer 1 (Seats)

These lines were traced on plan view on a plane using the template plan provided. They were seperated into different layers according to their groups.

The layers were then extruded to their accurate height then capped to foem a solid. The gaps where the seat layer would be was then built in.


Appendix Process

Layer 2

Layer 3

This second layer was also extruded according to its accurate height then again, capped to form a solid surface.

This layer was again, extruded to its accurate height then moved up to the correct positio nthrough the gumball tool.




Layer 4

Final Model

The previous steps were repeated for this top layer however before extruding it the points were turned on then adjusted to create the different levels in the curves.

The individual layers were then turned on in order to check for alignment and accuracy. The view was then set into isometric then made 2D (Make 2D) and imported onto illustrator.


Illustrator (Threshold)

Illustrator (Circulation)

The model was exploded then made 2D and imported onto illustrator once again. The seperate areas were then filled in with different shades of grey using the live paint tool in order to show different thresholds.

The same exploded line modle was used except this time instead of colouring the areas in, lines were used in order to create a circulation diagram with different levles showing different things.

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