Auckland Transport Annual Report 2021

Page 52

Key performance measures and results AT has an agreed set of key performance measures and targets which form the basis for accountability to delivering on Auckland Council’s strategic direction, priorities and targets. These are reported on a quarterly basis, in accordance with the CCO Governance Manual. Of the 25 key performance measures outlined in AT’s 2020/21-2021/23 Statement of Intent (SOI) 16 are also Long Term Plan (LTP) measures (*indicated). AT's SOI targets were set with the assumption that there would not be further lockdowns in 2020/21. Unfortunately, this was not the case and COVID-19 has impacted the achievement of a number of measures. AT uses the following guidelines to report on performance against the targets: • Where performance is within +/- 2.5% of a target, the target is considered ‘met’ • Where performance is above a target by more than 2.5%, the target is considered ‘exceeded’ • Where performance is below a target by more than 2.5%, the target is considered ‘not met’. In the 2020/21 financial year 16 target measures were exceeded, three were met, four were not met, and two were not surveyed this financial year. A number of these targets have been impacted by COVID-19 (either positively or negatively). MEASURE

2020/21 SOI TARGET

2020/21 ACTUAL

2019/20 RESULT


Safety - Making Auckland’s transport system safe by eliminating harm to people Number of high risk intersections and sections of road addressed by Auckland Transport’s safety programme





Five high risk intersection improvements were addressed by the programme, as well as three high risk corridors. Change from the previous financial year in the number of deaths and serious injuries on the local road network, expressed as a number*1

Reduce by at least 36 (627)




The 2020 calendar year result was 454, significantly below the target of 627. Local road deaths have decreased by 3% (from 34 to 33) and local road serious injuries decreased by 19% (from 499 to 421) compared to the 2019 calendar year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions suppressing traffic volumes. It should be noted that (based on indicative numbers) DSI's have increased in the six months to 30 June 2021 as traffic patterns return to more normal levels. The change from the previous financial year in the number of fatalities and serious injury crashes on the local road network, expressed as a number2

N/A - not a performance measure in AT's SOI



Climate change and the environment - Improving the resilience and sustainability of the transport system and significantly reducing the greenhouse gas emissions it generates Number of buses in the Auckland bus fleet classified as low emission





As per the end of the 2020/21 financial year, AT had 32 electric buses and one hydrogen bus in operation. Reduction in CO2e (emissions) generated annually by AT corporate operations (from 2017/18 baseline)3





2020/21 corporate emissions were reduced by 10.5% compared to the 2017/18 baseline (vs a target of 7%). The result can partly be attributed to COVID-19 lockdowns, having a positive impact on emission reductions. 1 The target trajectory for future years reflects the 10-year target for DSI as set out in ATAP and endorsed by the LTP and RLTP. The targets will no longer vary depending on performance the year prior. This target is to reduce DSI by 60% over the 10 years from 690 in 2017 to no more than 276 in 2027. 2 This is a Department of Internal Affairs mandatory performance measure. There is no target associated with this measure. AT measures the efficacy of our road safety improvements through other metrics, based on number of affected people rather than the total number of crashes. 3 The 2018/19 baseline equates to 1284 of CO2 equivalent emissions. Future reduction targets refer to the reduction compared to this baseline.



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