11 dec 2015

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新簡樸運動:簡化你的生活! 天價“冬蟲夏草”的真相 2015 全世界最安全的國家名單 另類日曆 Real Orange Juice -- 原來我們一直在飲 Orange sugar 設定 Facebook 紀念帳號代理人,預先決定身後的數位 遺產管理


她第一個舉起了歐美「新簡樸運動」大旗:簡化你的生 活(Simplify Your Life)!

她的理念成為歐美當今最流行的生活新觀念:生活簡單 就是享受,就可養生,就能在喧囂浮躁的世界裡得到心 靈的寧靜安詳,健健康康一輩子。

「大」不見得就好,「多」也不見得就是富有,唯有簡 單自在,生活才真正是一種享受!

她的理念還是眼下全球提倡的「低碳生活(Low Carbon Lifestyle)」的源頭,她曾是商場上的女強人,由於厭倦 步調紛亂的生活,花了三年時間,成功地簡化自己的生 活,回歸享受生活的世界。

她就是愛琳.詹姆絲(Elaine St. James),在尋求簡化 生活的過程中,愛琳的先生也全力配合,並和她分享努 力後的成果,目前,他們全家在美國加州定居,享受著 簡樸自在的生活。 「新簡樸運動」的理念可落實為讓你身心都「簡單」生 活的妙方,如下所示:

▲ 住小房子吧,否則你會疲於打掃房子。

▲ 花花草草都種在室外,把草坪換成地被植物,簡化草 坪的日常維護。

▲ 開簡單的車,賣掉該死的遊艇和房車。

▲ 衣櫥不要太大,大了就想多買衣服。

▲ 把洗燙工作減少一半,別再買需要乾洗的衣服。

▲ 把逛食品雜貨店的時間減少一半,要買就買大包裝的, 簡化你的飲食習慣。

▲ 檢討你的購物習慣,不要為買而買!

▲ 經常關掉電視機和電腦,因為它占掉我們太多時間。

▲ 拒絕垃圾信件。

▲ 不要電話一響,就反射式地急著接。

▲ Facebook、twitter 和微信不要零星回復,每天統一 時間,集中只看一兩次,簡覆。

▲ 平時在家裡度假,不要出去人擠人,出去旅遊裝備簡 單才愜意。

▲ 不要做行事曆的奴隸,做你真正想做的事,少工作, 多讓自己享受人生吧!

▲ 學習如何大笑吧!

▲ 一次只做一件事。

▲ 每個月讓自己看一、兩次日出和夕陽,每個月讓自己 獨處一天,留出屬於自己的時間。

▲ 梳理你的人脈,重新考慮和朋友的聚餐,不喜歡的節 日就別勉強過。

▲ 不要再寄聖誕卡了,送禮方式大革命。

▲ 學習說:「不」!

▲ 散步要比去健身院好:拋棄健身器、解雇健身教練, 去散步吧。

▲ 每天早起一小時,每週一天晚上九點鐘睡覺。

▲ 扔掉所有藥品,只留阿司匹靈。

▲ 學習瑜伽,學會冥想。

▲ 減少負債,掙的錢花一半存一半,降低生活要求。

▲ 取消太多的信用卡,只留一兩張,重新整合你的投資, 還清抵押貸款。

※ 另有給女士的特別建議:

▲ 十分鐘打造完美妝容。

▲ 丟掉高跟鞋。

▲ 摘掉假指甲,扔掉指甲油。

▲ 不要帶大手提袋。

▲ 減少配飾。

▲ 您是否覺得房子太大了,需花費很多時間去打掃?

▲ 您是否一回家就在看微信,守在電視機前,覺得時間 永遠不夠用?

▲ 您是否覺得衣櫃總是少那麼一件,於是不斷地在買新 衣服?

▲ 您是否被生活搞得頭痛、胸悶、失眠,心裡也愈來愈 煩躁?

請試試以上所說的辦法,讓您生活簡單自在、充分享受, 並且延年益壽。

「新簡樸運動」理念宣導:所謂「擁有幸福的秘密」, 只要減少對幸福的需求就可以!

天价“冬虫夏草”的真相 2013 年 8 月 28 日 纪小龙 来源:科学公园 作者简介


我的职业决定了每天都在与癌症病人打交道,病人及亲属面对癌症时的人生万象 尽收眼底。时间久了,人也渐渐麻木起来,多数时候已动不了感情,但 每当遇到 穷苦家庭的子女为了孝敬癌症父母,竟将东拼西凑维持活命的钱去购买“高级神奇 万能的冬虫夏草”时,我就异常心痛:一是因为这种行为的无知;二是为 其中的 欺骗!

冬虫夏草的价格达到了约 240 元/克,“成品”价格更是高得离谱 冬虫夏草被吹捧为“天下第一草”,中医认为其具有补虚损、壮肾阳、益精气、止 咳化痰等功效。目前冬虫夏草的市场价已达到每克约 240 元,堪称贵比黄 金。即 便贵得离谱,想买还不容易买到。癌症治疗费用昂贵,少则 10 万元,多则几百万 元。几乎每个癌症病人到了后期,都已经倾家荡产,可为了能活命,发疯似 得要 买冬虫夏草吃上一吃。到底怎么回事?我便就此深入探求了一番。

通过关系,我弄到了几根真正的冬虫夏草,外表及切开后的剖面如下图 (1、2)。

图 1:侧面观,左边是虫右边是“草”

图 2:图 1 的切开观 冬虫夏草又叫虫草,是虫和草结合在一起形成的,冬天是虫子,夏天从虫子里长 出草来。虫是虫草蝙蝠蛾的幼虫,草是一种虫草真菌。夏季,虫子将卵产于地 面, 经过一个月左右孵化变成幼虫后钻入潮湿松软的土层。土里的一种霉菌侵袭了幼 虫,在幼虫体内生长。经过一个冬天,到第二年春天来临,霉菌菌丝开始生长, 到夏天时长出地面,外观象一根小草,这样,幼虫的躯壳与霉菌菌丝共同组成了 一个完整的“冬虫夏草”。 我将冬虫夏草制成切片,到显微镜下观察一下。(见图 3、4)

图 3:下半部是虫体 上半部是“草”

图 4:红色是虫体的肌肉(平滑肌),浅蓝色竹节样细丝是霉菌菌丝 书本中对虫草早有细述:虫草为麦角菌科植物,英文名:CORDYCEPS,是虫体 与菌丝相连而成。虫体表面棕黄色,粗糙,背部有许多横皱纹,腹部有 8 对足, 中间 4 对足较明显,其特征如蚕体。真正的冬虫夏草均为野生,生长在海拔 3000 米至 5000 米的高山草地灌木带上面的雪线附近的草坡上。另据称, 每年五月中 下旬,当冰山上的冬雪开始融化,气候转暖的时候,幼虫破土而出,开始活动, 在山上的腐殖质中爬行,待头向上爬至虫体直立时,寄生在虫头顶的菌孢 开始生 长,菌孢开始长时虫体即死,菌孢把虫体做为养料,生长迅速,虫体一般为四至 五厘米,菌孢一天之内即可长至虫体的长度,这时的虫草称为“头草”,质量 最好; 第二天菌孢长至虫体的两倍左右,称为“二草”质量次之;三天以上的菌孢疯长, 采之无用。由此看来,真正的虫草得来如此讲究,那么,市面上的真正虫草 有几 根? 根据现代药理学研究结果:青海冬虫夏草含虫草酸约 7%,碳水化合物 28.9%,蛋 白质约 25%,脂肪约 8.4%,其中 82.2%为不饱和脂肪酸,此外,还含维生素 B12、麦角脂醇、六碳糖醇、生物碱等。这么一来,虫草没什么奥秘了,不也只 是些寻常的成分吗? 冬虫夏草不仅不具备所谓的神奇药用价值,反而会引起一些副作用,例如“可引起 变态反应、皮疹、皮肤瘙痒、月经紊乱或闭经、房室传导阻滞。有肾毒性,长期 服用可能对肾脏有毒(方舟子《中药毒副作用备览 》)。”商贩为了谋利,也常 采用在虫草身上插铅条、灌铅粉、熏水银等办法增加虫草重量,导致服用者重金 属中毒。 据报道:上世纪 60 年代,在西藏,一公斤虫草仅可换得两包单价 3 角钱的香烟; 到了 70 年代的青海,虫草的国家收购价仅为每公斤 21 元;1995 年, 在虫草主产

地之一的西藏,每公斤虫草售价为 2000 元左右;而如今虫草售价已达每公斤 30 余万元。这难道还是药、营养品、补品吗?对癌症病人来说,这到底 是救命良药, 还是骗人害人的毒药?难道不值得我们每一个人深思吗?

List of Top 10 Safest Countries in The World 2015 2015 全世界最安全的國家名單 10 # Singapore

Singapore is one of the cleanest places in the world which attracts millions of tourists. It has free market liberalism which leads to the success of capitalism. It is a strong welfare country that have great trading model and serves its citizens well. The crime and corruption rate is under tolerance which made it as one of the safest countries in the world and also has higher per capita income. It is one among the major commercial hubs that have biggest financial centre and busiest ports. Their economy mainly depends on trade and manufacturing. 09 # Norway

This nation can be a best option to start peaceful life as it does not have the threat of terrorism. It is an excellent, safe and wealthy nation that respects personal freedom and human rights. The police officers do not carry guns which can be an evidence for the lowest crime rate. This country has recorded only 34 murders in the year 2008 and it has extensive reserves of natural gas, sea food, fresh water, lumber, petroleum, minerals, etc. 08 # Japan

Even though Japan has recorded many natural disasters, it is considered as eighth safest country in the world 2015 for rare criminal activity. This country is famous for strict laws, culture, discipline and more. There is low level of violent and non existence of robberies when compared to other industrial nations. Japan has the tenth largest population in the world with around 126 million people who are enjoying the highest life expectancy and lowest infant mortality rate. 07 # Canada

The multiculturalism policy is followed in Canada that encourages citizens to retain their own way of life and traditional value which is considered to be the high esteem freedom. It is an urban nation which respects has high score in human rights when compared to other countries in the list. The country sent its army to poke in the problem of other countries but even has the record of lowest violence. 06 # Georgia

Georgia can be considered as one of the safest countries in the world to live because people can have safe walk alone during night and day in its capital. This cannot be possible in most of other countries. It has the lowest rate of theft, terrorism, murder, etc which made it to take part in the index of safety. It can be the best place for tourism where you can visit Black sea Coastline, Caucasus mountain range, UNESCO heritage sites, national parks and more. 05 # New Zealand

According to a report, the crime rate has declined in this country than the previous year although the population has increased. This can be the reason why New Zealand ranked as one of the safest countries in the world 2015. It is built with stable economy, good political system, better environment and great foreign policies. All these factors enable the nation to provide satisfied and peaceful atmosphere to its people. 04 # Austria

Austria is located in central Europe which is covered with snow and maintains its place as one of the safest country in Europe as well as around world. There is not much violence prevailing in this country due to strict laws but you can see some petty thieves and pickpockets. It holds many beautiful places and historic cities that make you feel awesome. 03 # Denmark

Denmark is officially called as Kingdom of Denmark which joined in our list for its low rate of crime. There is no tolerance for violations to human rights and people are maintaining equality in gender which cannot be achieved by other countries. People belongs to this country are friendly and they concentrate on economic development instead of involving themselves in violence. It is the best and exciting destination to enjoy a peaceful life. You may also Like: Best countries to live in 2015 02 # Taiwan

Taiwan ranked second in the list of safest countries in the world with low exposure to robbery, crime and violence. People in this country are kind hearted, friendly and help you before you approach them. Tourists were never faced any violence or got worried in Taiwan. It is the perfect place with many beautiful spots to lead a safer life which is an advanced industrial economy that experience rapid economic growth and industrialization. This country ranked highly in terms of health care, economic freedom, education, human development, etc. 01 # which is the safest country in the world 2015 – Iceland

It is the beautiful place to settle down and well known for its glacier, hot spring, frosty climate and geothermal power. It placed first in the Global Peace Index for its low crime rate and maximum guaranteed security. It has higher per capita income that enables the people to lead a wealthy life. The important factor to be considered is it has no standing army, which most of the countries in the world fail to achieve and it made Iceland as safest country in the world. We hope you enjoyed this article and please share your valuable thoughts about the safest countries in the following comments section which will be useful for other readers.


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