13 may 2016

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會心微笑 & 換位思考 Daily Habits You Didn't Know Were Boosting Your Health

夫妻俩聊微信!笑得我合不拢嘴! Miniature Wonderland Exercise-A Yoga Practice for Osteoporosis骨質 疏鬆症 10 Common Mistakes We Made All The Time

A 會心微笑! 1、生兒子是生了一個敵人,長大再帶回一個仇人。 生女兒是生了一個親人,長大再帶回一個僕人。 2、回不去的地 方叫故鄉, 到不了的地方叫遠方, 多少人就這樣,一直在路上… 3、餓了,你有 一塊餅,你比我幸福。 分一半,這叫 兄弟; 分三分之二,這是 情侶; 全部給你,這是 你父母。 但把餅藏起來,說他也餓了,這是 社會。 4、朋友是雨衣,就算晴天時想不起,雨季也會陪伴你; 同事是戲服,就算臺上穿得再入戲,台下也要脫下去; 情人是絲綢睡衣,就算再華麗,也穿不出去; 夫妻是粗布衣,就算不美麗,也能遮擋風寒;

兒女是貼身內衣,舒服不舒服,自己心裡知道; 父母是老棉襖,雖不時尚甚至粗笨,但卻最護體最溫 暖。 5、 每一段感情都是有保鮮期的。 一旦過了保鮮期, 就 像變了質的豆腐, 雖說可以加工成豆腐乳, 還能吃 但是吃 起來的味道怎是怪怪的 。變了就是變了。 6、 別將壓力看成動力,透支身體, 累壞自己。 7、 別忘身體乃是本錢,沒了健康, 無法享用人生所有 的樂趣。 8、 別將名利看得太重,浮華過後最 終都是過眼雲煙。 9、 別以為能救命的是醫生,其實是 你自已,養生重於 救命。 10、 別以為付出就有回報,凡事只有 不計回報,方能 踐行以德報怨。

11、 別忽視了和你有緣的人,等繁華 過去,你才明白 很多人會離你而去,知己難覓。 12、別以為問候會是打擾,常發短信給你的定是心裡有 你的人。 B 換位思考有多重要? 看看這 4 張圖就知道了


四幅神奇圖片告訴您:換個角度去看待問題,你的人生將變得 與眾不同。 今天看到這樣幾幅圖片:心理學中有一些很有意思的圖,往往 帶給我們很多欣喜,也帶來很多關於人生值得思考的東西。


很明顯,您肯定會說,一隻青蛙啊,那現在請您換個角度看一下, 您發現了什麼其它的東西嗎?

有些不可思議是吧。 第二幅圖:(下圖)

您可能看到的是個花瓶,也可能看到的是兩個女孩的頭 像,關鍵是您關注的是白色部分還是黑色部分。 第三幅圖:這幅圖名字叫做 “天使與魔鬼”,您看到的 是天使還是魔鬼呢?

關鍵點在於你看的是黑色部分還是白色部分,黑色“魔 鬼”,白色 “天使”,對吧? 第四幅圖片,一幅相當經典的圖片,叫 “老婦和少女”:


Daily Habits You Didn't Know Were Boosting Your Health Good health doesn't simply come from eating healthy food. Being healthy also has a lot to do with the emotional, physical, and mental states we develop from our lifestyle. We might not have the natural urge to eat healthy when our body needs it, but there are things we unknowingly do to improve our lifestyle. You probably didn't know that singing can prevent a cold, or that chewing gum can make you smarter, or that running barefoot does wonders for your body. Here are a couple of ordinary things you do every day that leave a positive impact on your health and well being. 1. Watching re-runs - Restores mental energy


You might often find yourself watching a re-run of one of your favorite shows, and get the feeling that you're awfully wasting time, even though you'd be, in a way, enjoying it. Well, according to scientists at

the University of Buffalo, re-watching shows and movies actually has a calming and re-energizing effect on your brain. The fact that you already know the plot line means that the activity requires minimum mental effort. So if you've just completed a demanding task, which left you feeling drained, consider watching re-runs - an excellent idea to restore your mental energy. 2. Singing - Prevents a cold

We all know that singing can improve our mood significantly. However, here we are not referring to solo singing, but rather to singing with other people, as this activity requires more coordination. Studies have shown that group singing can increase the levels of s-IgA (secretory immunoglobulin A), which is the antibody in saliva that

prevents us from contracting bacterial and viral infections. Studies show that people who sing in groups, such as choir singers, have been found to have lower stress levels, as well as better moods - two things that contribute to a healthier immune system. 3. Laughing with friends - Increases pain tolerance


Laughter is the best medicine - but the joy you get from watching a funny show alone might not be as fulfilling as the one you get from being in good company. Laughing, in general, has a lot of benefits, including higher tolerance of pain, due to the release of endorphins (feel-good chemicals) in the brain. However, researchers at Oxford University found that the relief of pain was more effective when they tested people who laughed along with others, rather than people who

laughed at comedies alone. 4. Chewing gum - Sharpens your wits

It's not the first time I heard myths about chewing gum, and how it can negatively affect my health. But a group of British researchers have actually found that people who chew gum showed higher accuracy rates and faster reactions than those who don't, after they had been given certain sequences of numbers and were asked to remember them. This basically suggested that gum chewing may be beneficial for the brain, in such a way that it improves cognitive functions such as memory, attention, alertness, and intelligence.

5. Watching a wall-mounted TV - Eases neck and back pain

There's a tendency that wall-mounted TVs are hung above eye-level on a wall, unlike many ordinary standing TVs, which are placed lower. It has been found that such positioning is more comfortable for your head, which would need to be tilted up slightly. According to Scott Bautch (an ergonomics and occupational health expert), this is said to cause less stress on your neck, since watching TV at eye-level automatically tilts the head forward, using 2 or three times more muscle energy as a result.

6. Sipping on ice water - Diffuses a fight

When we're feeling infuriated and are bound to start a fight, we would perhaps think of (or be given) a warm drink to calm us down. In reality, this won't work the way you want it to. If you really want to cool down your angry mood, pour yourself a glass of cold water, a cold slush, smoothie or frozen coffee. Apparently, this will make you more inclined to see someone else's point of view when you're not in the right mood.

7. Using a cafeteria tray - Encourages healthier eating

This news might be rather surprising - but did you know that when you opt for a food tray at the canteen or cafeteria, you are more likely to pick healthy food? At many food places, trays are considered a factor to increased food waste, but according to Cornell University researchers, the use of trays encourages diners to include dishes such as salads, entrĂŠes and desserts in their lunch. When you do not use a tray, there's a bigger chance that you leave one of these dishes out and the first one would probably be a salad!

8. Walking barefoot - Promotes foot health

When we look to improve our feet's health, we generally go round in search for comfortable shoes, which are cushioned and purposely structured. Although this helps greatly, you might be missing out on one thing - staying barefoot. This might sound odd, but you have no idea how beneficial it is to make the most of your foot's natural physiology, and unfortunately, shoes don't support that. In fact, they sometimes cause stress on certain parts of the feet. So, every now and then, free your feet and spend some time walking or running barefoot, whether indoors or outdoors - there's absolutely no harm in doing so!

夫妻俩聊微信!笑得我合不拢嘴! http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s? __biz=MzA3ODk3MzQwNw==&mid=402336594&idx=1&sn=20a3733 d6403996c86be20e2290e9b12&scene=5&srcid=1210GeM0Ujrvwinw 9JTVJtY5#rd

Miniature Wonderland https://www.youtube.com/embed/ACkmg3Y64_s?rel=0 Exercise-A Yoga Practice for Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症

http://www.ba-bamail.com/content.aspx? emailid=18645

10 Common Mistakes We Made All The Time http://www.ba-bamail.com/video.aspx?emailid=17111&memberid=1027479

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