諷刺!越長大,應該更認識自己...結果人的「夢想」越老 越像:升官加薪、子女成材 Why Go to Church? 用咖啡渣當汽車燃料,英國人是認真的 有趣? 虐待! 把沒錢租房子的年輕人與有房子的老人湊在一起,行的 通嗎? 深入緬甸祕境,與攝影師航遊伊洛瓦底江
諷刺!越長大,應該更認識自己...結果人的「夢想」越老 越像:升官加薪、子女成材 文章來源 : 商周.com 作者 :田臨斌(老黑)
在書中或網上常看到有些二、三十歲的年輕人,不分男女,為 了實現旅行夢想而暫時離開職場,放下社會束縛,背起背包毅 然踏上旅途,探索世界,開拓視野,他們的經歷大都既有趣又 勵志,往往成為同輩人羡慕效法的對象。 看多了這類故事令人產生一個疑惑:為什麼總是年輕人?難道 中年人不愛旅行,對認識世界沒有興趣?還是早已清楚人生道 路,埋頭苦幹就好,無需探索?還是年紀大了,有心無力?還 是中年人根本沒有做夢的資格,不該有夢? 說中年人完全沒夢也不對,只是大叔大嬸們的夢,和年輕人的 五花八門大不相同,通常不是升職加薪,買車買房,就是小孩 考試得第一,同質性奇高。照說人越年長,見識越廣,經驗越 多,離自我實現應該越近,但現實似乎與此背道而馳。 事實是,隨著年齡增長,人們越來越受功利社會制約,因為怕 失敗,逐漸減少對新鮮未知的嘗試;因為在乎外界眼光,面對 選擇,總是迴避不合社會主流價值的行為。說穿了,人們不做 夢的原因都是同一個:害怕!中年人比年輕人更少做夢是因為: 越老越怕! 相較於年輕,步入中年後家庭和社會責任較重,體力開始走下 坡,這些都是做夢的阻力。但同時,這個階段事業有基礎,子 女已經或接近成年,對自身了解較多,健康也不差,正是實現 夢想的黃金時機,如果非要等到「一切都準備好」才來圓夢, 基本自欺欺人。
記得以前看過一篇報導說環遊世界是無數世人的共同夢想,能 夠實現的比例卻連百分之一都不到,想起搭長程郵輪時在船上 遇見的乘客,他們的共同特點絕不是有錢有閒,而是熱愛旅行, 許多令其他人猶豫裹足的因素,譬如財務,時間,健康,家庭 等,對他們來說,只是圓夢過程中需要處理的事物。 另一個例子是我當街頭藝人,大學同學組團來捧場,聽到一半, 其中一位對其他人說:先別管老黑唱得好不好,或打賞有多少, 你們誰有勇氣站在路邊唱歌給人聽?事後我想了很多,其實我 不認為那是勇敢,剛開始的確有點尷尬,但為了做想做的事, 克服一些障礙,做出一些妥協,如此而已。 過去幾年,有越來越多中年人跟我說:受你影響,我決定退休/ 轉行/旅行/搬家/運動,我打自內心為這些大叔大嬸們高興,雖 然不確定他們是否終能完成心願,但就像我的夢想是得諾貝爾 文學獎,和在巨蛋開演唱會,結果卻成了一個部落客和街頭藝 人,重點不是「成功」,而是從嘗試中獲得快樂和意義的雙重 回報。 誰說中年不能有夢?年輕人如果錯過,以後還有機會,中年不 做夢,要等到什麼時候?別害怕失敗,從整體人生看,嘗試不 能保證成功,但能保證獲得比成敗更重要的經歷;也別顧慮外 人眼光,人只能活一次,與其安安穩穩的到頭來抱怨遺憾,何 不趁風華正盛,爽爽快快做一回自己!
Why Go to Church? I think this is fantastic. I just love the guy's answer, and the interpretation for Bible, Enjoy!! If you're spiritually alive, you're going to love this! If you're spiritually dead, you won't want to read it. If you're spiritually curious, there is still hope! A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. He wrote: "I've gone for 30 years now, and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time,the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."
This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column Much to the delight of the editor, it went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: "I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work.If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible & receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical and our spiritual nourishment! IF YOU CANNOT SEE GOD IN ALL™, YOU CANNOT SEE GOD AT ALL ! B. I. B L. E. simply means: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! When you are about to forward this to others, the devil will discourage you. So go on! Forward this to people who are DEAR to you and TRUST GOD. 編者按: 雖然文章說服不了我,但論點確實吸引有趣。
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