18 dec 2015

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八句話 假日慶祝聚會,可口可樂是飲料指定項目之一,原來它 還有很多功能...... 預備你的聖誕大餐 為親友準備聖誕禮物 Santa's Village: Family Entertainment Park 絕妙時機的 15 幅照片,讓你不相信自己的眼睛

八句話 1、愛 不是尋找一個完美的人, 而是學會用完美的眼光, 欣賞一個不完美的人。 2、專一 不是一輩子只喜歡一個人 ,是喜歡一個人的時候要 一心一意。 3、道歉 並不是意味著你是錯的, 它只是意味著我更珍惜我 們之間的關係。 4、高雅 不是名牌裝扮出來的,是 心情的呈現。

5、氣質 不是地位隨之而有的,是 胸懷的外衣。 6、魅力 不是權財堆砌出來的,是 才智的內涵。 7、淡定 不是表面偽裝出來的,是 閱歷的沉澱。 8、原諒 有時候,我願意原諒一個人,並不是真的願意原諒你,而是不 願意失去你。 (五十歲後的你,再也不要用健康去換取身外之物, 因為此時, 你用金錢已未必能買到健康。) 你要愉快地活著,雖然家家都有一本難念的經, 你不要再和別

人比名利地位 、兒孫如何有出息……等等,而要比誰活得更愉快、健康、長壽!

你無力改變的事,就不必太操心,因為操心也無用,反而影響 了自己的健康。 幸福靠自己努力創造,快樂要千方百計去尋找,只要心境好, 每天想愉快的事,做愉快的事, 自己找樂趣,就能天天都過得高興。 人生如賽場, 上半場按學歷、權力、職位 、業績、薪金比上升; 下半場以血壓、血脂 、血糖、尿酸、膽固醇比下降。 上半場順勢而為,聽命; 下半場事在人為,認命! 因此要上下兼顧,兩場都要贏。 因此,注意以下事宜:

沒病也要體檢,不渇也要 喝水,再煩也要想通,有理也要讓人,有權也要低調,不疲勞 也要休息, 不富也要知足,再忙也要鍛鍊!

假日慶祝聚會,可口可樂是飲料指定項目之一,原來它 還有很多功能...... Coca-Cola is the most popular drink in the world and has been around for over 100 years. Enjoyed by millions around the world, but some enjoy it not by drinking it, but rather for a variety of uses. Here are 19 things you never thought you could do with Coke.

1. Stain Remover Don’t know how to get rid of a greasy stain? Soak it in Coke, scrub a little and immediately put it in the washing machine. The stain will be gone as if it was never there. 2. Remove Rust Want to repaint metallic surfaces but don’t have a

rust removing spray? Dip a rag in Coke and scrub the rust away. 3. Eliminate Oil Spills If oil has leaked from your car messing your garage floor or driveway, you can pour Coke over the spill, scrub with a broom and let it sit for 15 minutes, and then wash the stain away. 4. Loosen a Rusty Screw Since Coke is effective at removing rust, if you’re stuck with a rusty screw that won’t budge, just pour some Coke over it and try unscrewing it. Within seconds, the screw will become loose. 5. Exterminate Snails and Slugs We all know that they hate salt, but instead of chasing the slimy pests, you can use Coke. Pour some Coke into a bowl and leave it in your garden – the sugar will draw them in, and the acidity will kill them.

6. Relieve an Asthma Attack Studies have found that caffeine can prevent asthma attacks as much as four hours after being ingested. If you can’t get to your inhaler in time, a cup of Coke will do the trick. This is not, however, a recommended replacement for proper asthma medication! 7. Cleaning Burnt Pots No one wants to use a burnt pot. If you happen to burn something in a pot, you can pour Coke inside and let it soak overnight. In the morning, the burnt stains will be gone. 8. Relieve Jellyfish Stings Vinegar is effective in relieving jellyfish stings, but most of us don’t take a bottle of it to the beach. Surprisingly, Coke is just as effective as vinegar. 9. Nausea / Diarrhea Relief

If you’re suffering from nausea or diarrhea, you can use Coke to relieve the symptoms. Pour some into a cup and let it sit until it is no longer carbonated. Now, take a spoonful every hour. 10. Get Rid of the Hiccups Got a persistent hiccup that just won’t go away, no matter what? Gargle some Coke several time until the hiccups are gone. The fizz may feel weird in your throat, but it’s a small price to pay for hiccup relief. 11. Decongestion If you’ve got a cold and your nose is congested, you can take a cup of Coke, warm it up (do not boil it!) and drink it. The congestion will be gone in a jiffy. 12. Cleaning Dirty and Old Coins Got a coin collection? You can use Coke to clean the old coins by soaking them in it for an hour. After you rinse off the Coke, the coins will sparkle.

13. Hair Curling If you’d like to add some curl to your hair, soak it in Coke for a few minutes, then wash it like you normally would. Your hair will gain a bit of a curl. 14. Better Compost The acidity and sugars in Coke are perfect for the compost heap. 15. Remove Gum from Hair Getting gum in your hair is an unpleasant experience (to say the least), especially because you’d usually have to cut the hair off. However, if you or your children get gum stuck in your hair, don’t reach for the scissors – reach for a Coke bottle instead. Soak the gum in the Coke for a few minutes and it’ll come right off. 16. Treat Dry Skin

If your skin is dry and regular moisturizer isn’t cutting it, add a tablespoon of Coke to your moisturizer and apply to your skin. 17. Keep Bees & Wasps at Bay If you’re having a picnic, pour some Coke in a container and place it far from your food. The sugar will be more appealing to the bugs, and you’ll enjoy an insect-free time. 18. Remove Hair Dye Want to remove your hair dye? No need to go to the hairdresser or wait for nature to take its course, just wash your hair with Diet Coke. 19. Window Cleaner Need to clean your windows but you ran out of cleaner? Grab a piece of paper, dab it in some Coke and use it to clean the window for sparkling results.

預備你的聖誕大餐 http://allrecipes.com/recipes/187/holidays-andevents/christmas/

為親友準備聖誕禮物 https://www.gifts.com/christmas

Santa's Village: Family Entertainment Park


絕妙時機的 15 幅照片,讓你不相信自己的眼睛 http://flip.it/MB0ch

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