18 nov 2016

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24/6 - 23/7 喝熱水 隱翅蟲 智慧型手手機紫外線殺菌器 5 things to know about sunscreen 小心騙案 – 英文都要睇 每天晚上,揉這裡,越揉越強壯! (職業醫師,親身示 範)

24/6 - 23/7 喝熱水 人們把 0℃ 的水倒進 37℃的胃裡,可是;小便却是熱的,人 體的温度是 37℃! 誰把 0℃ 的冰水轉化 37℃ 的尿液呢 是脾胃,脾胃喝了以後受不了,就從腎裡面調精華(元氣)轉

成熱能来给它煮成 37℃,長此以往就把腎調虚了。 老喝冰水和飲料,一定腎虚,影响記憶力,骨頭衰弱了、還會 有機會晚年坐輪椅呢! 堅持喝熱水,就是為了養腎,養陽氣 夏天到了,多喝温水,少吃冷飲,少喝冰水喔! 請愛護好自己的身體! 祝愿每個人都身心康泰❗ 24/6 - 23/7 是冬病夏治的最好時機: 不吃寒凉食物、拒绝一切冰鎮飲品;不喝酒!每晚熱水泡脚, 盡量按時睡覺,不熬夜! 珍惜這短短 30 天!請堅持:在伏天喝熱水,會把体内多年深入 骨隨的寒气逼出来,還自己一個好身體!

隱翅蟲 隱翅蟲,在你身上時絕對不要打,她身上有毒液,接觸到皮膚, 就死定了!跟你的孩子、朋友講,萬一身上有這蟲,用嘴巴輕 輕吹走就好。絕對不要用手打。如果每個收到這份信息的人, 能夠分享給其他人,肯定至少有一條生命將會被挽救回來. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9A%B1%E7%BF %85%E8%9F%B2

智慧型手手機紫外線殺菌器 ( 資料來源: 數位狂潮 36 期 ) 智慧型手機每天寸不離身 , 是否已成為細菌溫床呢 ? 日 本 Roa-international 公司推出智慧型手機專用的紫外線殺菌 器 「Dr. Capsule」 , 只要放罝在智慧型手機上方 ,按下電源 開關 , 約 5 分鐘的時問即可完成紫外線殺菌並自勤關機 , 可有 效殺死智慧型手磯上 999%的細菌 。 Dr.Capsule 長 165mm 、 寬 85mm , iPhone 6s Plus 等大尺寸手機也可使 用 , 不必擔心覆蓋面積不足 。 「Dr. Capsule」重量 163g , 充電時問僅 30 分鐘 , 每次充電後可供使用 5 分鐘殺菌 10 次 , 方便隨身攜帶 、 隨時使用 。 建議售價 : 3980 日圓 http://www.mycaseshop.jp/roa40001

5 things to know about sunscreen Consumer Reports recently released a study showing that many sunscreens fall short in terms of their SPF, or sun

protection factor. What’s even trickier is that a higher SPF doesn’t always mean you get much better protection. Here are five things you should know before you get greased up for a day on the beach. Which SPF is most effective? According to the American Academy of Dermatology guide, “How to Decode Sunscreen Lingo,” your sunscreen needs to be SPF 30 or higher. In its example, the AAD shows that SPF 15 blocks out 93 percent of UVB rays, SPF 30 will block 97 percent, and SPF 50 will filter out 98 percent. Note that over SPF 30, you’re not getting that much more protection. 1.

Which brands score best? In the Consumer Report study, “La Roche-Posay Anthelios 60 Melt-in Sunscreen Milk,” “Pure Sun Defense Disney Frozen SPF 50,” and “Coppertone Water Babies SPF 50” scored the highest for lotions and met their SPF claims. For sprays, the top three were “Trader Joe’s Spray SPF 50+,” “Banana Boat Sun Comfort Continuous Spray SPF 50+,” and “Neutrogena Beach Defense Water + Sun Protection SPF 70.” Check the report to see how your brand scores. 2.

3. Apply here The “How to Decode Sunscreen Lingo” guide says that sunscreen should be applied to all exposed skin, including a lip balm for your lips. But sunscreen isn’t as easy as slather and go. The AAD recommends reapplying every two hours, as well as after toweling off, while sweating, or after going in the water. For water-resistant sunscreens, they recommend reapplying after 40 to 80 minutes of splashing around.

4. What to look for on the bottle Sunscreen brands recently had to change their labeling for accuracy, which means you won’t be seeing “sunblock” or “waterproof” anymore. Instead, the guide suggests you should look for water- and sweat-resistant brands. Another phrase to look for is “broad spectrum” because that type of sunscreen will protect against the UVB and UVA rays. UVBs are the burning rays, while UVAs are the ones that age your skin. 5. Keep in mind Many changes have been made in terms of what sunscreen brands can put in their labeling, but “baby” and “sport” are words that don’t have any real meaning, so don’t expect them to work in any special way. The AAD guide also advises avoiding sunscreens with insect repellent in them: You shouldn’t be applying them to your skin as often. They also recommend using extra caution around water, snow, and sand because the reflected rays can increase the risk of skin cancer. John Paul Stapleton can be reached john.stapleton@globe.com

小心騙案 – 英文都要睇 This is from a friend of mine who work in a bank

2016-06-14, 2:42:28 PM: Mnnie Kin Chee Wong: This is from a friend of mine who works in a bank. It is a door to door delivery scam, pls take some time to read it. This scam was very cleverly worked out so you will not suspect anything was amiss. The following is an account of the incident. Already verified they have at least 5-6 victims. "Wednesday a week ago, I had a phone call from someone saying that he was from a company called: "Express Couriers," He asked if I was going to be home because there was a package for me that required a signature . The caller said that the delivery would arrive at my home in roughly an hour. Sure enough, about an hour later, a uniformed delivery man turned up with a parcel and a bottle of wine. I was very surprised since there was no special occasion, and I certainly didn't expect anything like it. Intrigued, I inquired as to who the sender was. The courier replied, "I don't know, I'm only delivering the package." Apparently, he said the sender would want to give you a surprise and a card would be sent separately... , it happened that my birthday was

on the way also, so we thought could be from a distant friend. There was also a consignment note with the gift. He then went on to explain that because the gift contained alcohol, there was a $7.50 "delivery/ verification charge," providing proof that he had actually delivered the package to an adult (of legal drinking age), and not just left it on the doorstep where it could be stolen or taken by anyone, especially a minor. This sounded logical and I offered to pay him cash. He then said that the delivery company required payment to be by credit or debit card only, so that everything is properly accounted for. He added they also don't carry cash to avoid loss or likely targets for robbery. My husband, who by this time was standing beside me, pulled out his credit card, give to him to swipe the card on a small mobile card machine with a small screen and keypad and asked to key in the verification code. Frankly at this point we never suspect anything ad normal and a receipt was

printed out and given to us, he then wished us good day and went off as normal, To our horrible surprise, between Thursday and the following Monday, $5000 had been charged/withdrawn from our credit account at various ATM machines. Apparently the "mobile credit card machine," which the delivery man carried had all the info necessary to create a "dummy" card with all our card details, of course with the verification code. Upon finding out about the illegal transactions on our card, we immediately notified the bank to stop payment, but already too late. We went to make a Police report, and was confirmed quite a number of households had been similarly hit. WARNING: Be wary of accepting any "surprise gift or package," which you neither expected nor personally ordered, especially if it involves any kind of payment as a condition of receiving the gift or package. Also never accept anything if you do not personally know or there is no proper identification of who the sender is.

Above all, the only time you should give out any personal credit card information is when you yourself initiated the purchase or transaction!

每天晚上,揉這裡,越揉越強壯! (職業醫師,親身示 範) http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s? __biz=MzA3MzY2ODcyMg==&mid=2655314899 &idx=2&sn=927b422d114980f1d109c3a5d142c 5fa&scene=5&srcid=0607XWbCxI0heYN7vMQJM 4Ue#rd

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