用提款機 – 小心 永新穴位操簡易教程:穴位就是中藥,不花錢不吃藥,一學就 會治百病!
韻動中國 1 全國聯合拍攝延時攝影 絕技,舉世無雙! 水滿了,會溢(太美了)
10 Recipes for Healthy Natural Smoothies
用提款機 – 小心 註: 你香港的親友可能用得著...... ( 我於 6 月 23 日收到這電郵, 可能遲了些,sorry)
剛收到在匯豐銀行做的朋友通知,用 EPS 取錢時,密碼決不要 更改 ... 一定要看,請大家告訴大家!
EPS 提款機顯示我的提款卡密碼不符時 ~ 馬上按「取消」 鍵, 拿回提款卡。
日前在旺角、xx 銀行的提款機,用提款卡取錢,提款機顯示出 我的提款卡密碼不符,卡片無效。 我把卡片退出,再試一次,提款機螢幕立刻指示要我變更密碼, 當時我就懷疑那一部提款機被植入木馬程式病毒, 馬上按「取消」鍵,拿回我的提款卡,再到靠近 xx 銀行内的另 一部提款機,結果一切正常順利拿到錢。 當下確定剛才那一部提款機被植入木馬程式病毒,馬上通知 xx
銀行服務員來處理。提款機被植入木馬程式病毒,如果持卡人 按照錯誤的螢幕指示,就會啟動木馬程式病毒, 不法份子會在遠端同時取得你提款卡內的銀行帳號,及你依錯 誤指示變更過的密碼, 藉由網路進入你的銀行存款帳號,盜領你的存款。 請大家提高警覺!!希望對你有幫助 … ,
轉寄者註: 寧願換一台提款機也不能改密碼, 再不就到櫃台問個清楚。
永新穴位操簡易教程:穴位就是中藥,不花錢不吃藥,一學就 會治百病! http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?
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韻動中國 1 全國聯合拍攝延時攝影 https://vimeo.com/77773755
絕技,舉世無雙! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XXllk_rgbs&feature=player_embedded
水滿了,會溢(太美了) http://v.xiumi.us/stage/v3/2afqC/2106777?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0#/rd
Please CLICK at the middle of the lower edge of the slide to continue. Sounds on please. Living the present is a blessing; be content and treasure all those around you.
10 Recipes for Healthy Natural Smoothies Greasy skin? Weak immune system? Constant fatigue? I've gathered some great natural recipes that can fix all of that, in a delicious way. So get your blenders out, because this is a great, and delicious way, of brewing a cure.
The best juice to fight skin aging:
Stress, free radicals, lack of sleep and a lack of physical activity can greatly damage and age your skin. To help your skin deal with all of this, it's recommended to drink this fruit and vegetable smoothie that's full of antioxidants, protecting your skin from interior damage.
Ingredients: 1.5 Cups of water, milk or orange juice. 1 Cup of blueberries. 1/2 A cup of strawberries. 1 Large cabbage leaf. 1/2 Medium sized beetroot.
The best juice to help your digestion: One of the best fruits to help your digestion is papaya. It is full of papain, an enzyme that helps your stomach with protein digestion. Along with the calming properties of ginger and the body-cleaning aid provided by the cabbage, this is a great drink to have after a big meal. Ingredients:
1/2 Small papaya. 3 Cabbage leaves. A ginger piece about the size of a thumb. 1 Slice of lemon.
The best energy juice:
Instead of drinking coffee, try this rich, high on chlorophyll, green juice. It aids the transfer of oxygen to your brain and, through the blood stream, to the rest of your body.
Ingredients: 1 Large cucumber. 8 Celery stalks. A few cabbage, spinach and parsley leaves. 1/4 Lemon. A ginger piece about the size of a fingernail.
The best juice to fight a cold: Ginger is also known for being a natural cure for the cold and the flu. Hot peppers help the body get rid of free radicals and lemons are high on vitamin C that helps boost immune system.
Ingredients: A ginger piece the size of a thumb. Juice from 1 lemon. 1 Pinch of red hot pepper.
The best juice for healthy looking skin: This juice can help clean your body from toxins and it will result in a younger looking skin that feels great. With 90% water, and high levels of minerals, cucumbers are just the thing for the job and are known to be beneficial to the skin.
Ingredients: 2 Cucumbers. 2 Slices of apple.
The best juice to strengthen your immune system: Broccoli is a good source for vitamin C and has many uses for the body such as helping it produce white blood cells, which are used by the body to fight infection and bacteria. Garlic is high on sulfur, which does a similar job and helps build a stronger immune system.
Ingredients: 1 Small beetroot. 3 Carrots. 8 Celery stalks. 1 Full broccoli stalk. 2 Garlic cloves.
The best juice to increase your sex drive: Fruits and vegetables can increase the production of hormones in the body, make you more relaxed and improve your blood flow. This special combination will actually help your love life by increasing your sex drive and stamina.
Ingredients: 2 Cups of coconut water. 2 Stalks of celery. 1/2 Medium banana. 1/2 Medium avocado. 3 Figs. A pinch of basil and ginger.
The best juice to treat dehydration: Coconut juice contains electrolytes similar to those that balance our blood pressure. It has been used by doctors to treat illnesses like cholera and dysentery.
Crack open a young, green coconut and drink the insides or buy coconut juice at your local store.
The best juice for stress relief: Spinach is high on an amino acid called tryptophan that helps you sleep better and improves your mood. An added bonus is a shot of magnesium that relaxes your muscles and nerve system.
Ingredients: 2 Big handfuls of spinach. 3-4 Full broccoli stalks. 1 Large carrot.
The best juice for killing that sweet craving: This apple, cinnamon and celery juice helps regulate your blood sugar levels and provides you with essential minerals. With your blood sugar balanced, your sweet cravings should fade away, perfect if you're on a diet.
Ingredients: 2 Apples of any color. 8 Celery stalks. A dash of cinnamon.