奪命汽車之 Car air conditioners 韜光養晦 喝茶有益健康 10 種茶千萬別喝 找工作雖然困難但別讓履歷變得更難!10 個會被丟進垃 圾桶的履歷寫法 藝術真的令人讚嘆 ! 很棒的人物示範畫法 絲路霓裳
奪命汽車之 Car air conditioners Right now in Florida and in many other states around the US, the temps are between 95 and 105 degrees. In these conditions, don't drink water in plastic bottles left in the car. But more importantly, don't ever turn on the AC as soon as you enter the car. Please read the following in regard to Benzene (苯): Now this is very interesting! My car's manual says to roll down the windows to let out all the hot air before turning on the A/C. WHY ? No wonder more folks are dying from cancer than ever before. We wonder where this stuff comes from, but here is an example that explains a lot of the cancer-causing incidents. Many people are in their cars the first thing in the morning, and the last thing at night, 7 days a week. As I read this, it makes me feel guilty and ill. Please pass
this on to as many people as possible. Guess, its not too late to make some changes. To repeat, please do NOT turn on A/C as soon as you enter the car. Open thewindows after you enter your car and then after a couple of minutes, turn ON the AC . Here's why: According to research, the car's dashboard, seats, a/c ducts, in fact ALL of the plastic objects in your vehicle, emit Benzene, a cancer-causing toxin (一種致癌毒 素)(i.e., A BIG CARCINOGEN 致癌物質). Take the time to observe the smell of heated plastic in your car when you open it, and BEFORE you start it up. In addition to causing cancer, Benzene poisons(毒害) your bones(骨), causes anemia (貧血)and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure can cause Leukemia(白血病) and increases the risk of some cancers. It can also cause miscarriages (流產) in pregnant women. The "acceptable" Benzene level indoors is: 50mg per sq.ft. A car parked indoors, with windows closed, will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene - 8 times the acceptable level.
If parked outdoors in the sun, at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, which is 40 times the acceptable level. People who get into the car, keeping the windows closed, will eventually inhale excessive amounts of the BENZENE toxin. Benzene is a toxin that affects(影響) your kidneys (腎臟) and liver. (肝臟)What's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff. So friends, please open the windows and doors of your car - give it some time for the interior to air out -(dispel the deadly stuff) - before you enter the vehicle. Thought: 'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'
配備兩個醫生,運動,樂觀 。
前者帶氧運動曾值健康少生病; 後者見證→喜樂之心乃是良藥,憂傷之靈使骨枯乾。
3 抱著最大的希望 - - - 哪怕山窮水盡,儘察看雲起時。
4. 做好最壞的打算 - - - 哪怕從頭再來
喝茶有益健康 10 種茶千萬別喝
早在神農時代,人們就開始喝茶了。茶可以解毒,補充 人體所需營養素,有益心血管健康,還能預防癌症與延 緩衰老。因此各類茶品廣受民眾喜愛,但有一些茶喝了 會有健康上的疑慮,最好敬而遠之。 為了民眾的健康著想,在此提出 10 種會傷身的茶,今後 請別再喝了。 1、 頭泡茶 茶葉在種植、加工、包裝等過程中,難免會受到農藥、 化肥與塵土的汙染,還有運輸、存放過程也極易受黴菌 汙染。因此泡茶時最好先過一次水,將大部分農藥、黴 菌等有害物質泡出後,再喝比較安全。
2、 燙口茶 一般泡茶都用高溫的水沖泡,泡好趁熱品茗,別有一番 風味。但是太燙的茶水容易刺激口腔與造成食道黏膜發 炎,長期下來可能引起這些器官的病變,建議飲用茶水 的溫度在 56℃以下為宜。 3、 久泡茶 飲茶現泡現飲,最能保持茶香和風味,當茶葉沖泡過久, 茶葉中的茶多酚、類脂與芳香物質都會氧化,維生素 B、C、胺基酸等也會減少,而且茶葉沖泡久了還會積聚 過多咖啡因與鞣酸,對人體產生刺激作用,特別是有痛 風、心血管與神經系統疾病患者,喝茶時要特別注意。 4、 冷茶 溫熱茶能使人神清氣爽,而冷茶對身體有滯寒、聚痰的 副作用。當茶水在放置室溫的過程中,隨著時間的延長, 營養價值隨著氧化而降低。 5、 濃茶
濃茶中含有大量刺激性的鞣酸、茶鹼、咖啡因等,會導 致失眠、頭痛、耳鳴、眼花,對腸胃也會有傷害。鞣酸 在人體內積聚過多,會使腸黏膜分泌黏液功能下降,發 生便祕;而茶鹼則會使神經功能失調,增強胃酸分泌, 有消化性潰瘍的患者忌喝濃茶。 6、 隔夜茶 隔夜茶容易滋生與繁殖大量的細菌,同時會在茶中殘留 大量的丹寧酸,變成具有刺激性的強烈氧化物,對腸胃 造成刺激,引發炎症。有些茶葉含鉛量較高,當沖泡時 間太長,會增加茶水中的含鉛量。茶中的胺類物質會與 亞硝酸鹽產生化學反應,因而形成亞硝胺,這都與隔夜 茶有很大關聯。 7、 生茶 生茶是指殺青後不經揉撚而直接烘乾的烘青綠茶。這種 茶的醛醇化合物轉化與揮發不多,帶著生青氣,喝了容 易刮胃,老年人因脾胃功能較弱,喝了這種綠茶,對胃 黏膜的刺激性過強,容易產生胃痛。
8、 變質茶 儲存不當的茶葉容易吸溼而黴變。已經黴變的茶,香氣 散失、品質變劣,甚至會吸附各種異味,還可能含有大 量對人體有害的物質與病菌,絕對不能沖泡飲用。 9、 焦味茶 茶葉在烘製過程中,火侯控制不良或烘製過火的茶葉, 其營養價值已經喪失,味道也變得不佳。 10、串味茶 茶葉中含有棕櫚酸、萜烯類化合物,使得茶葉具有很強 的吸附作用。如果將茶葉與油脂、化妝品、醃魚肉、樟 腦等有味道的食物或用品放在一起,很快就會吸附這些 味道而變了味,會影響茶葉的品質。
找工作雖然困難但別讓履歷變得更難!10 個會被丟進垃 圾桶的履歷寫法 http://flip.it/wW0J1
藝術真的令人讚嘆 ! 很棒的人物示範畫法 http://youtu.be/qHo-KyNtOnQ