Lemon Peel Trick to Get Rid of Inflammation and Chronic Pain 破壞電腦何需 USB 炸彈?一條劣質的 USB Type-C 連接 線就夠了! 軍犬 千萬不要再「穿襪子」睡覺了,90%的人全搞錯了!沒 想到「這個睡覺」竟然會...快告訴給你的家人知道! 真正人生從五十歲開始 Turning point 轉捩點 A touching short clip
Lemon Peel Trick to Get Rid of Inflammation and Chronic Pain The lemon tree is one of the oldest and most cultivated fruit plants in the world, and for good reason! Lemons
really do earn their right to be called a super food! Lemons are filled with vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C, A, B1, B6, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin, folic acid, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium. They help to protect against many diseases and conditions, and have many positive effects on the intestines, stomach, liver, and the overall immune system. Lemon juice and peels have a nice sour, acidic taste, lemons actually function as a buffer in the body and can reduce hyperactivity in the stomach. Lemon peels have a nice antiseptic effect, and the leaves are good fever reducers. What you didn’t know is that your favorite citrus fruit can help with joint pain! The fragrant volatile essential oils in the lemon peel help to relax blood vessels and they produce an anti-inflammatory effect, making them useful for joint and nerve pain. The following recipe is simple and effective, and you only need a few ingredient that more than likely you already have in your house. Here are the two most effective ways: Grate the peel, being careful to only get the yellow layer
and none of the white. Rub the peel directly onto the affected body part and wrap with a bandage. Keep in place for up to two hours. Or Put the rind of two whole lemons in a jar, and fill with olive oil. Close the jar and let the mixture sit for two weeks. Rub the oil onto the affected area and wrap with gauze. Let sit overnight. It is important to make sure that you use organic lemons. http://worldtruth.tv/1-lemon-peel-trick-to-get-rid-of-inflammation-and-chronic-pain/
破壞電腦何需 USB 炸彈?一條劣質的 USB Type-C 連接 線就夠了! USB 3.1 Type-C 是目前最夯的連接標準,也是未來有線傳輸的 趨勢。其實 USB 3.1 與 USB Type-C 是兩種規格,但一般人很 容易混為一談。USB3.1 是 USB3.0 的加強版,具有 Gen 1 (5Gb/s) 與 Gen 2 (10Gb/s) 兩種傳輸速率,而 USB Type-C 則 是指支援正插反插的這個接口。而之前的 Google 工程師 Benson Leung ,就蒐集了市面上各種 USB Type-C 的連接線, 然後進行了長期的測試。他表示市面上雖然很多廠商推出 Type-C 線材,價格越來越便宜,但是部分廠商並未按照 USBIF 規範製造。USB Type-C 在...
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千萬不要再「穿襪子」睡覺了,90%的人全搞錯了!沒 想到「這個睡覺」竟然會...快告訴給你的家人知道!
http://www.buzzhand.com/post_933152.html 真正人生從五十歲開始 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s? __biz=MzA4MzI0MzYzNw==&mid=403055175&idx=6&sn=0027c25fa5e5 eec710eebb34478eb9a2&scene=1&srcid=01309HOxsCXHMoI7mDoSTvEv &key=710a5d99946419d9f50375588b0d9ea97b1841deabc8272ac34f284fc 999651add631a4076c445feda4f94506561c5f0&ascene=0&uin=ODMzNDE 3ODQ2&devicetype=BlackBerry10Z10&version=a3000101&pass_ticket=cdYEMyN96XCpuM6S8U9toRA %2BVocciNmDBlvMlIRMYkTYWBL33OzDzuMtoLDJ6K5T
Turning point 轉捩點 A touching short clip (感人的影 片) 16 分鐘 一個燈塔守護者,留給不同的人,他的遺產。 也帶給了這些人,不同的啓示.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avLNBC3B1vo