因果 12 條 WIFE and HUSBAND
笑話 --- 今天笑了嗎? 哪個血型最容易得甚麼病 大開眼界的表演! great performance 德國第三代洗衣機,只有香皂一樣大!
因果 12 條 因果 12 條~(您所造做的全部都會回歸於自己) 因果是全世界最公平的定律! 1、 喜歡付出 福報就越來越多 2、 喜歡感恩 順利就越來越多 3、 喜歡助人 貴人就越來越多 4、 喜歡抱怨
煩惱就越來越多 5、 喜歡知足 快樂就越來越多 6、 喜歡逃避 失敗就越來越多 7、 喜歡分享 朋友就越來越多 8、 喜歡生氣 疾病就越來越多 9、 喜歡佔便宜
貧窮就越來越多 10、 喜歡施財 富貴就越來越多 11、 喜歡享福 痛苦就越來越多 12、 喜歡學習 智慧就越來越多 從生到死有多遠? 呼吸之間。 從迷到悟有多遠? 一念之間。 從爱到恨有多遠?
無常之間。 從古到今有多遠 ? 談笑之間。 從你到我有多遠 ? 善解之間。 從心到心有多遠 ? 天地之間。 從神到我有多遠 ? 覺醒之間。 夢:不能做得太深! 深了,難以清醒; 話:不能說得太滿! 滿了,難以圓通; 調:不能定得太高! 高了,難以合聲;
事:不能做得太絕! 絕了,難以進退; 情:不能陷得太深! 深了,難以自拔; 利:不能看得太重! 重了,難以明志; 人:不能做得太假! 假了,難以“交心! 很有意思的一段對話: 現在不養生 將來就養病 順便養醫生 1. 幸福不是你房子有多大, 而是房子裡的聲音有多甜。
2. 幸福不是你開多豪華的車, 而是你開着車平安到家。 3. 幸福不是你存了多少錢, 而是天天身心自由, 不停地做自已喜歡的事。 4. 幸福不是你的愛人多漂亮, 而是你愛人的笑容多燦爛。 5. 幸福不是你當了多大的官, 而是無論走到哪里, 人們都說你是個好人。 6.
幸福不是吃得好穿得好, 而是没病没痛。 7. 幸福 不是在你成功時的喝采多熱烈, 而是失意時有個聲音對你說: 朋友,加油! 8.幸福 不是你聽過多少甜言蜜語, 而是你傷心落淚時 有人對你說:没事,有我在
This is the best and most civil way to have a fight between husband and wife instead of resorting to physical force...
Poems written by WIFE and HUSBAND. WIFE: I wrote your name on sand it got washed.. I wrote your name in air, it was blown away. Then I wrote your name on my heart & I got Heart Attack. HUSBAND: God saw me hungry, he created pizza. He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi. He saw me in the dark, he created light. He saw me without problems, he created YOU. WIFE: Twinkle twinkle little star You should know what you are
And once you know what you are Mental hospital is not so far HUSBAND: The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass and flowers too. If rain makes all things beautiful Why doesn't it rain on you? WIFE: Roses are red; Violets are blue Monkeys like u should be kept in zoo. Don't feel so angry you will find me there too Not in cage but outside, laughing at you AND THE SAGA CONTINUES........ Position of a Husband Is just like a Split Air Conditioner. No matter however Loud he is in the Outdoor He is designed to remain Silent indoor.... ......................................................................
"Husband is one who is the head of the family, but his wife is the neck, and whichever way she turns, he goes." ......................................................................... A man in Hell asked Devil: Can I make a call to my Wife? After making call he asked how much to pay. Devil : Nothing, Hell to hell is Free. ................................................................. Husband: Do you know the meaning of WIFE? It means, Without Information, Fighting Everytime! Wife: No darling, it means - With Idiot For Ever ............................................................................ Wife: I wish I were a newspaper, so I'd be in your hands all day. Husband: I too wish that you were a newspaper, so I could have a new one every day. ..................................................................
Doctor: Your husband needs rest and peace. Here are some sleeping Pills. Wife: When must I give them to him? Doctor: They are for you .................................................................... Wife: I had to marry you to find out how stupid you are.. Husband: You should have known it the minute I asked you to marry me.
笑話 --- 今天笑了嗎?
1.《人生》 人生就像蹲茅坑, 有時你已經很努力了, 但結果卻是 個屁。
2.《傷害》 一餓狼覓食到農戶, 聽屋內女人在訓孩子: 再哭把你 扔出去餵狼! 孩子哭了一夜, 狼癡癡等到天亮, 含淚長嘆: 騙子! 都是騙子!
3.《誠信》 一少婦晚上勸孩子去跟爺爺睡, 孩兒不肯,
少婦說: 你再不去, 媽媽去了哦? 爺爺正巧聽到, 等了一宿未果, 次日, 爺爺氣憤地說: 教育孩子要講誠信, 不要這邊哄孩子, 那邊騙老人!
4.《別往壞處想》 深夜女兒哭著給母親打電話: 媽! 他現在還沒回來, 一定是有別的女人了! 母親柔聲安慰: 傻孩子! 不會的!以後遇事別總往壞處想, 或許是 出車禍了呢!?
5.《兒子考試》 兒子考了 50 分, 媽媽很生氣, 臭打一頓並厲聲訓 斥: 下次再考低了, 就別叫我媽! 第二天兒子回來, 不好意思地對母親說: 大姐 .... 對不起, 我又考 砸了!
6.《長大後》 上課時, 老師問道:小明同學, 你長大想做什麼呢?
小明:我長大一定要當個官, 起碼要搞個幾千萬, 然後包個二奶! 有啥好看的衣服、首飾都買給二奶, 帶著二奶開著小飛機, 全世界兜圈兒度假去。 被震驚得啞口無言的老師, 完全不知該怎麼說下去, 只好裝作什 麼也沒發生, 問下一個小朋友: 小芸同學, 妳長大想要做什麼呢? 。 . . . 做小明的二奶.. ...
哪個血型最容易得甚麼病 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s? __biz=MjM5NzM3NjM3Mg==&mid=210213443&idx=8& sn=e6548ae9a49e1ebb12d3eec192dc9210&scene=1&srci d=8ecgdPtMpezzRZmnIZh2#rd
大開眼界的表演! great performance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BezOm_umgJ0
德國第三代洗衣機,只有香皂一樣大! http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s? __biz=MjM5NTY1MDg0Mw==&mid=211607519&idx=3&sn=378d153911fb6e5b 97cdf663a8ad6431&scene=0#rd