Javea Grapevine 322 (179)

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Grapevine Iss 179, October 2015

Welcome to the Jávea Grapevine Magazine In between editing, photographing, graphic design and illustrating there has not been much time for me to do a great deal in Town, this month, but I was delighted to attend a couple of openings - Great to see businesses in Jávea growing. September was a busy month for me - I was asked to illustrate Jennie Orbell’s latest childrens’ book and we had two new books out. Visiting friends enjoyed eating out, exploring new places, Tapas and Paellas so the Tapas del Mar event that started October was well-timed. With so many art, musical, sporting and food events to tempt and the weather a little less predictable than last month, it is difficult to pick where to go to - which is why I love Javea so much, there is always something going on. If you have news to share, or an event coming up - why not contact me and we can add it to the magazine.


Editor@JaveaGrapevine.com Pueblo Lencería Susan, Font Gestors, Correos, Clot Help Desk, Jávea Port Shoo La La, Lynn Cobb, Varadero, Port Tourist Office , Jávea Arenal, Quicksave, Networking, Lavanderia Los Delfines, Infinity International, And - Saladar Supermarket, Heaven Boutique, Ermita Supermarket, Iceland

Dear Friends We have already completed the first 100 days of the new municipal government, so it is a good time to take stock.

Our success in the last elections, for which we thank all our citizens, did not make us complacent, but rather obliged us to reemphasise the changes that we started in local politics, and which have made our town an example of coexistence, dialogue and good governance throughout Valencia Province.

So, we decided to continue bringing Xàbia Town Hall closer to all our residents with the concept of a councillor responsible for a specific district. Now residents in the Port, the Arenal, El Freginal, Thiviers, the urbanisations, as well as our foreign residents, have their own mediator to deal quickly and efficiently with all the complaints and suggestions they wish to make.

In the same way, both my office and the offices of your councillors remain open, as always; I have already personally attended to more than a hundred cases, in order to find the best solutions. We have also improved the Town Hall website and have increased the flow of information to social networks so that all residents can know at all times what the Town

Hall is doing, and can contact us at any time and from anywhere. With these tools we are not only strengthening our community, but many residents have become our best partners in helping us to detect and intervene in advance, of potential problems. We have reactivated participatory councils, such as Planning and the Environment. For the Xàbia which we all want, and where we wish to live, we have to continue working together, without excluding anyone.

Another chapter we have prioritized in these first 100 days has been our social policies. C o n s e q u e n t l y, the Town Hall has launched an employment plan to incorporate new employees into the forestry brigades, aimed at people in our town who have the most difficulty in finding a job. This plan is financed by the giving up of my mayoral salary, which since 2011 I have been doing, thanks to my status as a PSOE member of the Alicante Provincial Government. So much for immediate employment matters, but already we are thinking about what we can create in the future; the

Department of Economic Development has launched the Xàbia Job Workshop ‘Impulsa II’. We said during the election campaign that we must diversify and modernize our economic fabric, and work at it from day one. But the foundation of everything, in any society, is education and the training of young people. In the first three months, one of the decisions that we are most proud of is joining the ‘Xarxa Llibres’ plan from the beginning. It is an initiative of the Generalitat Valenciana ensuring that families whose children study in public or private schools receive free textbooks. ‘Xarxa Llibres’ is an important step in ensuring equality of opportunity, because the quality of education cannot just depend on household income. Finally I would like to tell you that a few days ago I assumed the management of the Xàbia Tourism Department. With this decision, and in coordination with the work I do in the Alicante Provincial government, I’m sure this will provide institutional reinforcement to an area that is of great strategic importance to us. Now we are closer to the work of the Costa Blanca Tourism Board and aware of the subsidies available from the Provincial authority. This can also provide cross-pollination in an area that is our calling card to the whole world. But this is just the beginning; much hard and exciting work remains, for which I’m counting on your cooperation. Together, we can make a better Xàbia!

José Chulvi

Mayor of Xàbia

Jo GarcíaGarrido

This issue we are very pleased to feature a video featuring the work of Jávea based, photographer Jo Garcíá-Garrido Originally from Barcelona Jo’s work can be seen on her website http:// www.joandjophotography.com. Specialising in portrait photos that look beneath the surface and reveal the inner person, Jo’s video features a number of familiar Javea Faces, as you have probably never seen them before.


Last month, Jose Antonio Monfort, head of the local police and the Councillor for Citizen Security, Pepa Gisbert, held a meeting with the residents of Cansalades Park where various security issues were discussed. He stressed the idea of ​​the neighborhood as the key to mutual protection. Thus, he explained, that all residents in the same area can provide a very simple monitoring service and assistance that can be very useful, especially for older people who may live alone. Awareness of simple daily activities like walking the dog in a neighbourhood may be the key to a neighbour alerting the security forces when a neighbour suddenly doesn’t appear. Intervening in time to avoid a personal misfortune. In addition, a co-operative, supportive community is alert against possible strangers which in turn offers less chances of crimes occurring.

Crime Fighting Talks

Students of the University of Alicante visited Jávea to tourism model The visit was conducted for students from the Tourism Management and Tourism Destination Course The group was headed by Professor Josep Ivars, former director of Invat. tur (Valencian Institute of Tourism Technologies). The central activity was to a presentation at the Casa de Cultura with the councillor for of Economic Development, Cesc Camprubí and Cllr. Pilar Zamora. Run by Carol Cholbi, the talkcovered the direct relationship between urban development, planning and tourism, society and economic model. Xàbia fits into a pattern of expansive development that after periods of intense growth that have changed the appearance of the town, now seeks interventions that respect the landscape and environmental heritage as well as offering added value. This, explained Cesc Camprubí, cab be found in the creation of new hotel rooms or in care homes etc.

Jávea’s Tourism Model

Another point was the analysis of the strategic plan as a tool for consensual model of city planning. In this regard, there is a document from 2011 in which various actions to follow were marked and currently being analysed to measure the degree of compliance, what actions are finished, which have lost their meaning over time and what should be added according to the new context. At the base of this plan are sustainable development, the participation of all stakeholders and, in the case of tourism, what decisions are put in place to preserve the character and success of the model.

In the final section, example campaigns were presented to demonstrate seasonality, the thematic and cultural trips and gastronomic events under the brand Gastroxabia. Also, mention was made of some of the physical and sociological development and tourism management condionantes in Xàbia such as the existence of three towns (Arenal, Port and Old Town), near a big spread of developments, and composition census in which over fifty percent are foreign residents, mostly European. Finally the operation of the Department of Tourism and its objectives for the new year was explained. The visit concluded with a tour of the Old Town with the municipal archaeologist, Ximo Bolufer, and an excursion to some of the coves and beaches of Javea.

The Javea Town Hall resumes forest maintenance work on the flat area cutting pines seriously affected by drilling beetles. The municipal department of the Environment of Javea is working in the area of the ​​Plana, within the natural park of Montgo, doing forest maintenance tasks after the massive fire last year and to tackle the plague of insects damaging the pines that survived the fire. As councillor Doris Courcelles explained, the ravages of pests like Tomicus or ortotomicus were expected as the trees are greatly weakened after suffering the flames and the lack of rain this spring and summer. The situation is “complex” and the municipal department are coordinating a municipal brigade to remove both trees affected by the plague of pine borers, which completely dries the trees out in a few making them more susceptible to fire. This new phase will initially last for two months, as they take advantage of benefits gleaned from the September rains, iwhich, in addition to providing moisture to the pines makes them more resistant, ecouraging regrowth.

Work resumes on the Plana

St Joan 2016

The commission for thr Fogueres Sant Joan begins a new stage with several additions and a change in the presidency. Councillor for the Festival, Antonio Miragall presented Mavi Perez Font, who replaces Jaime Escudero holding the reins of the group that organises and coordinates the festivities of Sant Joan. Miragall thanked the outgoing president for his work and involvement in recent years and has welcomed the new representative, who will work closely together in the coming months.

For his part, Perez assumes this responsibility with enthusiasm and a willingness to put hard work into the preparation of the program and open the doors of the commission to all the residents who would like to contribute their ideas In fact, the new president has invited anyone with suggestions to drop them into the headquarters of Fogueres (in the Carrer en Forn) every Monday from 20:00 hrs which is when they meet. Perez has also encouraged people who, whilst not having sufficient time to be on the commission itself might still commit to assist which would be especially appreciated in the busy days durung the holidays. In order to improve citizen participation at this event, the commission is also or-

ganising a series of meetings to update everyone and listen to their proposals for the festivities. In the coming weeks the departments of Fiestas y Nuevas Tecnologías will also launch a survey to take the pulse of public opinion in general. The preparations for the celebrations will also go include open enrollment for children who want to be part of child and youth commission court. Enrollment will be open up until November 30th. Again, interest can be expressed on any Monday, from 19 to 20 hours in the Casal Foguerer. As for the Quintos in 2016, the informal presentation parade involved 100 young people who have already signed up.

Centre Excusionista de Xàbia (CEX)

The Excursion to the Cave de la Punta - All excursions to Les Valls and others planned (including 28 February Vall del Pop in Benigembla) are open to children and to the public in general. A r oute has been proposed as a circuit of eight villages “Meet Les Valls de la Marina” Registration (including bus and souvenir T-shirt) will be priced at 20 euros for members of the CEX and 30 for non-members.

Javea starts a process for Refugees

Jávea Town Hall has opened a registration process which lists the available homes able to receive refugees. Owners who want to offer their properties can do so through Social Services. The Department of Social Services is making an inventory of all resources available to the municipality to collaborate usefully and effectively with the plight of refugees fleeing conflicts such as Syria. As explained by the Councillor Pepa Gisbert, we are awaiting guidelines from the European Union and the Spanish Government, following the indications that Spain will be accepting refugees. Gisbert has recognised that in housing, the City does not have resources like flats or hostels so it appeals to citizen participatiom and is looking for households where individuals want to host registered refugees. Those willing to collaborate must contact the Amics office of Javea, located in the Social Centre, where they will given a form to complete detailing the tupe of housing offered and the time in which they can be assigned.

TEKLA, female, Shelter since 01.02.2014 Crossbreed, DOB 15.02.2012 – 40 cm TEKLA is a nice, vivid and intelligent dog. Although she tends to be dominant, she is now living in a group with females and this will of course calm her down gradually. However, a basic training will do her good. With the education and the attention she needs, she will surely end up as a very good dog.

JOSEPH, male, Shelter 18.10.2013 Crossbreed, DOB 01.07.2013 – 50 cm He is a nice young boy who grew up here in the shelter. He was already adopted once but brought back again soon after for unknown reasons. He is living in a big group and he seemingly has no problems neither with other males or females. He has a happy nature and is easy to be trained. He likes to play and to be taken for walks.

PRIMULA, female, Shelter 04.06.2005 Podenco, DOB 15.06.2004 59 cm

She is a very shy lady but only with human beings. Contrary to this she can very well assert herself in her pack. Sometimes she even offends other females but she likes males. Primula would be ideal as a second dog, for example with a nice male.

ROCKY, male,

Shelter since 18.06.2014 Alsatian Mix. DOB 11.11.2010 – 54 cm

Rocky was brought to us by his owner, as he could no longer keep him. Unfortunately Rocky is rather uneducated and what makes things worse, he is not used to living with other dogs. He likes people though and he enjoys to be taken for long walks. As he is still young and quite intelligent there is some hope that with a regular training he could improve his behaviour. But we suggest that he is kept without other animals.

Vintage Gems 1. Hang handbags and belts up in a wardrobe using split shower curtain rings on the rail. 2. It is easier to swallow a tablet if you put it under your tongue, take a drink and swallow, quite a surprise when you find it has gone. 3. If you normally shower in the morning, remove your deodorant at night before retiring. It is best to let underarms breathe overnight and not absorb those chemicals. 4. After using the oven, don’t waste heat, switch it off and leave the door open to warm up the kitchen. 5. Thread thin neck chains through a straw, then fasten, to stop them tangling up.

www.learn-aprender.com www.facebook.com/LearnAprender SPEAKING ‘PERFECT’ SPANISH Anyone who has looked in a book of Spanish verbs can be forgiven if they panic & run for the hills when they count how many tenses there are! But all is not as bad as it seems…… About half of them are what we call ‘Compound Tenses’, which means that they involve more than one verb. The ‘good news’ is that the verb HABER is always one of those verbs. The ‘bad news’, is that they seem to have almost as many names as there are grammar books, so when I teach them, I tend to teach what they mean, rather than worrying about what they are called. They are generally known as the ‘Perfect’ tenses, s o I will keep the names as simple as possible for those of you who want a name for the tense.

The first one I teach can be called the Present Perfect. This uses HABER in the present tense: yo ( I ) tú (you) él/ella (he/she)


nosotros/as (we) vosotros/as (you-all) ellos/ellas (they)


HABER can be best translated as ‘TO HAVE done something’ & mustn’t be confused with TENER which is ‘TO HAVE got’ So: HE = I have; HAS = you have; HA = s/he has; HEMOS = we have; HABÉIS = you-all have & HAN = they have. Then we combine this with the past participle of whatever the person has done. Forming the past participle is simplicity itself. Just take off the AR/ER/IR of the full form of the verb & add ADO or IDO, as so:



Then just put the two together: ¿Has hablado con tus padres esta semana? Have you spoken with your parents this week? ¡Ya he vendido tantos libros! I have already sold so many books!

Hemos pedido una botella de vino tinto. We have ordered a bottle of red wine.

So – easypeasylemonsqueezy as my daughters used to say when they were little. (Now they are both taller than me…) There are of course some irregular past participles – here are some of the most commonly used: ABRIR VER DECIR MORIR




Then there’s what I’ll call the Future Perfect. It translates as ‘Will have done something’

This uses HABER in the future tense: yo ( I )


tú (you) él/ella (he/ she)


nosotros/as (we) vosotros/as (you-all) ellos/ellas (they)


And then combine it with the past participle of whatever the person ‘will have done’ Habremos llegado para tu cumpleaños. We will have arrived by your birthday. No habrán comido ya, para que nos han estado esperando. They won’t have eaten yet, because they have been waiting for us. ¿Ana habrá escrito la carta a su abuela antes de sale de casa? Will Ana have written the letter to her grandmother before she goes out?

This next tense could be called the Conditional Perfect. It translates as ‘Would have done something’ Using HABER in the conditional: yo ( I ) HABRÍA nosotros/as (we) tú (you) HABRÍAS vosotros/as (you-all) él/ella (he/ HABRÍA ellos/ellas she) (they)


And again combine it with the past participle of whatever the person ‘would have done’. NB. The 1st person (yo) & the 3rd person (él/ella) are the same, so we need to use yo or él/ella (or a name) to be clear.

No habrían dicho eso ¿no? They wouldn’t have said that, would they? Habríamos hecho una paella pero nos faltaba el arroz. We would have made paella but we didn’t have any rice. Yo habría comprado ese coche ayer pero no me gustó el color. I would have bought that car yesterday but I didn’t like the colour.

And now for the Past Perfect, which translates as ‘had done something’ Using HABER in the Imperfect. yo ( I )


tú (you)


él/ella (he/ she)


nosotros/as (we) vosotros/as (you-all) ellos/ellas (they)


NB. Again, the 1st person (yo) & the 3rd person (él/ella) are the same, so we need to use yo or él/ella (or a name) to be clear. Me habías traído los plátanos ya ¿no? You had already brought me the bananas, hadn’t you? Habían hecho los deberes antes de salir. They had finished their homework before going out. Habíais ido al restaurante cuando llegué a vuestra casa anoche, María y Jaime. You & Jaime had already gone to the restaurant when I arrived at your house last night.

Sky Digibox Default Transponder The Default Transponder setting on a Sky digibox tells the Sky digibox which frequency to download the channel list from when the Sky digibox is first powered on. The correct default transponder frequency setting on a Sky Digibox is 11778 V 27.5 2/3. Prior to February 2015, this 11778 frequency used to be transmitted from a satellite beam which even the large 2.4m satellite dishes used to struggle to receive. This meant that sometimes during the boot up process, the Sky Digibox would inform you that you were not receiving a signal. The box would not boot up correctly as it could not receive the required data and channel list from the 11778 frequency, as that frequency was simply too weak to receive. Luckily, all other frequencies used for UK TV carried the channel list.

TV Satellite and TV News


Jon Worby The Sat and PC Guy

So people had to go through a process of pressing certain buttons on their Sky remote control to access a “secret” installer menu, and change the default transponder frequency setting from 11778 to another frequency. This basically told the Sky Digibox to download the channel list from another more available frequency. In February 2015, the 11778 frequency moved satellites and to a stronger, easier to receive beam. So you should no longer have to change the Sky Digiboxes default transponder frequency setting from 11778, as this 11778 frequency is nice and stronger than ever.

However, some people are unaware that they no longer have to change any of the default transponder frequency settings on a Sky digibox. And as a result are now finding that they are having problems with their sky digibox booting up.

This is because people have been using 12207 V 27.5 2/3 as a default transponder frequency. However, this frequency is no longer a valid working frequency. And so when the Sky Digibox is booted up, the box is trying and failing to receive its data from an incorrect frequency. And so it appears as if the Sky digibox is broken. Simply by changing the default transponder frequency setting back to the correct 11778 V 27.5 2/3 , the digibox can now download the channel list, and starts to function correctly. A simple solution, which means not having to buy a new Sky Digibox. Until next time, happy viewing. Jon Worby - The Sat and PC Guy www.satandpcguy.com our main website with information about UK TV in Spain www.satandpcguy.com/blog the latest satellite TV news for the Costa Blanca and Spain email: info@satandpcguy.com telephone: 962819796 / 620130292 www.facebook.com/satandpcguy

VillaMia has opened a new office on the Arenal, located next to Black Beluga – and celebrated in style.

VILLAMIA Expands to the Arenal

The leading estate agency which specialises in long term rentals has been established over 10 years and built up an excellent reputation with this office being the first office on the Arenal, previously located on the outskirts of Javea. Michelle Hughes, owner of VillaMia, said: “Javea is such a fantastic place to live and we are inundated with enquiries but there are not enough decent properties available. We are hoping that being right on the beach front we will get more walk-ins from owners to help satisfy demand. We have always done well, mainly due to repeat business, but I think this office will really put us on the map for sales as well.” Heading up the sales department is Cheryl Longfield, who was brought up and educated in Javea. The fluent Spanish speaker said: “This is really exciting for us. I have been in the property business since leaving

school many years ago but now I have the opportunity to grow a business and there is so much potential in Javea with the excellent schools and services which attract people from all over the world.” Michelle, originally from Wales, moved to Javea six and a half years ago and bought the business just over 4 years ago. Since taking over she has increased the business, now having over 800 properties on her books and a weekly mailing to over 500 clients. She has also invested heavily in marketing and taken advantage of her PR background to generate new leads and attract almost 1000 followers on her VillaMia facebook page. VillaMia offers a property management service for owners, in conjunction with Quality Business Services (QBS) – a local maintenance company in Javea which has been established over 15 years. VillaMia also offers clients insurance through Britta Peters from Axa, who is also be based at the office, telephone 607414129. For more information on VillaMia visit www.villamianet or follow them on facebook www.facebook.com/VillaMia.Rentals.Sales.Javea. If you have a property to rent or sell, or looking for one, contact VillaMia on info@villamia.net or call 965794139.

Al-Anon Support Group The Al-Anon group for friends or relatives of alcoholics to share their experiences. No membership fee. 96 646 3689.

Local Club Directory

Arsenal Costa Blanca Supporters Club, meets every match day at Cheers Bar, Javea Port under the archway. club matches are shown live. All made welcome, young or old. Any further information, e-mail, Bob at arsenalcostablanca@gmail.com ARNAAP - Association of Royal Navy, Army and Air Force Personnel. If you enjoy lunching in congenial company join us. It is not essential to be Ex-Service, just like minded. Call Susan 966 404650, shollister@hotmail.com Art Centre Association - Javea Subjects Restoration of Porcelain. Mondays - Antique Valuations in aid of HELP Monday Mornings Join any time. Visit us, we can fax, E-mail or post info and map or more details tel: Lorely Griffiths, Javea 96 647 20 49. artcentrejavea@yahoo.com Facebook Page www.facebook.com/ArtJavea Art Clubs for Oils, Watercolurs, Pastels, Acrylic now meet in Javea at ArtyFacts, Denia, Cumbre del Sol & Benimeli. Call Lesley Clark 96 579 4462 or email lesleyclarkjavea@gmail.com Backgammon Club We meet on Mondays at the Grand Cafe residential Toscamar at 20.00. For more information please call Steve on 96 647 1708 or 635 377 335.

Benitachell Christian Fellowship Sun. 11am in the Arts Museum Tel David Newman 650738638 Ray Davies 96 649 4036 Club Nautico, Javea Yacht Club www.cnjavea.net Conservatives Abroad Jávea (JCA) website www.javeaconservatives.com meets socially during the year contact right@itude. org.uk Crochet & Soft Yarn Club Meets fortnightly in a private house in Javea. Contact lesleyclarkjavea@gmail.com or 96 579 4462. Costa Blanca Anglo Spanish Association Furthering knowledge & understanding of Spain; history, culture and institutions. New members welcome. Visit www.anglospanish.org or email secretary09@anglospanish.org Costa Blanca Astronomical Soc. Meets on first Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m. in Montgó Visitors Centre in Dénia. For details and directions call Ed Morley on 96 574 4612 or cbastronomy@gmail. com Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir rehearse every Tuesday 7-9pm, at Bar Mediterraneo, Teulada. New members always welcome, no experience necessary. Come along and give us a try! Tel: Mike Evans 965744577 or go to our web site: www.costablancamalevoicechoir.wikidot.com Crib Club every Thurs 8pm at Bombers Bar in the Port Costa Blanca Yachting Assoc.The CBYA welcomes all boat owners; We meet every week, please our for details & location of the meeting website www.cbya.org. Expatriate Ostomates of Spain EOS Contact Cynthia on 96 646 0063. Javea Book Circle We meet on alternate Tuesdays at 19.30 for 19.45 at the Centro Social, behind the Centro de Salud Contact Eleanor Joy on 96 647 2876

Javea Bridge Club Avd de Paris 2. www.javeabridgeclub.com or call Margaret on 96 579 3413. Javea Computer Club (More than just Computers) www.javeacomputerclub.org JCC meets every Mon/Tues and Thurs morning from 09.30 until 12.30. (Check our Web Site for how to find us) Something of interest for everybody; whatever your ability or knowledge. We’ve been teaching beginners for over 25 years and cover - ‘connecting your PC to your TV’, ‘Smartphones’, ‘Apple devices’ (iPads, iPhones, Apple Macs), various ‘Special Interest Groups’...e.g. Video Editing, Genealogy (even Hand Made Cards). Pop in look around and ask for Morris. Javea Grapevine Group interact with The Grapevine, its readers, contributors and friends on Facebook - add your photos, club and event news for the next issue, via the Group https://www.facebook. com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ or through www.grapevinespain.com Javea Green Bowls Club - Inn on the Green - www.bowlinginspain.com/clubs/IndClubs/JaveaGreen.htm Javea International Civic Society Enquiries to Jeni Jackson Phillips 96 579 0470, 619 270 493. Javea International Magic Club For more information please call - 627 046 897 or 96 579 2808. Javea International Tennis Club (JITC) is based at the idyllic setting of the La Sella Tennis Complex near Pedreguer on the Costa Blanca. www.javeatennis.net Javea Netball Club Playing Wednesdays, 20.00 - 21.30 at L’Ancora Playa Tennis club. contact Anita on 96 647 2169 or 660 782 165. Javea Public Lending Library Borrow books in English from Javea Public Lending Library, FREE! The English section is open every Tues and Sat morning 10.00 - 12.00. Javea Public Library, Calle Mayor 9, Javea Pueblo, old town. Contact Alma Dorndorf on 96 646 3262 or 636898162

Javea School of Bridge and Social Club Edifico 80, Avenida Tamarits. Tel 96 649 1539. Javea U3A - 1,155 members, new members always welcome. Anyone interested in joining can turn up at the monthly general meeting at the Parador Hotel at 10am on the last Wednesday of the month. www. u3ajavea.org Jávea Welsh Society - meets in Jávea for more info see our Facebook Page www. facebook.com/pages/Javea-Welsh-Society/553465378018197 Javea Whist Club meets every Monday and Thursday (7.45 for 8 p.m.) at L’Ancora Playa, Arenal to play progressive partner whist. All players welcome particularly at the Thursday session when the numbers are lower. Labour International welcomes new supporters. Monthly meetings in Javea. Social events around the Costa Blanca. Contact Lorraine 679231412 or www.labintspain. org.uk Los Leones - Lions Club meets every second Tuesday of each month at 19:30 clock (only men) in our club rooms at the hotel “El RODAT” in Jávea (Urbanizaction “Tosalet”). At every 4th Thursday of the month will be held an event with ladies and guests each at 19:30 clock. http://www.lionsjavea.com/

Local Club Directory

MABC - Marina Alta Business Club meets in in and around Jávea & Denia All nationalities welcome. Business Dinners conducted in English www.mabc.biz - Contact Gaile on 96 646 1913, email manager@mabc.biz MABS Cancer Support Group Jacqui 96 579 4083 or 686 305 006 Brenda 678 843 666 or for Valencia area Cynthia 652 835 063 Kirsten 646 865 308 Rian 619 876 062 www.mabscancersupport. org Montgó Vegetarians - delicious meals out in Javea and surrounding areas, special menus created just for us, all welcome don’t have to be veggie! https://www.facebook.com/montgovegetarians Montgó Residents´Association (APMJ) Asociación Propietarios Montgó Jávea - meets monthly throughout the year - multilingual local residents with homes along the slopes of the Montgó - includes access to Neighbourhood watch information http://www. montgoresidents.com/ Mujeres Emprendedoras De Jávea Javea Business Women meets in Javea for lively business networking! www.facebook. com/Mujeres.Emprendedoras.de.Javea New Country Linedancers - Jávea Classes Beginners: Thurs 7.00 - 8.00 the Dance Café, Toscamar. Intermediate: Weds 11.15 - 12.45 at L’Ancora. 96 647 0632 Patchwork/Quilters Group meet Wednesday 10.00 - 13.00 at the Centre Public Formacio e Persones Adultos in Javea, Calle Ramon Llido, Javea. Contact Debbie on 96 579 0086 Peña Javeamigos The international supporter’s club and now the primary source of info for CD Javea. For more details, see www. javeamigos.com Royal Air Force Association. The North Costa Blanca Branch meets at Los Arcos Restaurante, Pedreguer (N332, west side) on the second Monday of each month at 12:00 to 13:00, followed by

lunch. We have nearly 140 members, who enjoy friendship, help and support with RAFA; and we always look for new members who have, or have not, served in the RAF. For more information, www. rafa-ncb.org or call 966 430 215 Royal Naval Association, Costa Blanca North - Regular events, monthly, including the annual and special Trafalgar Night event contact haydn.gunningham@gmail.com for more info Scottish Country Dancing To book and for Enquiries please call 96 645 6881. Stamp Collectors /Philatelists /Postcards meets - 2nd & 4th Monday every month 10.00. For more details please call Derek Guyett on 96 579 5499 or Dave Anderson on 96 647 6034 Stress Busting Yoga Club in Javea Yoga for beginners. We meet Tuesday at a house on the Jesus Pobre Road. For more infomation call Maria Palomar on 96 646 0851. Club de Tenis - includes a Veterans Team for the over 40s http:// www.clubtenisjavea.com/clubtenisjavea/ Toscamar Tennis Friends - Join us for a friendly game of tennis on Mondays and Wednesdays 10.00 - 12.00 at Ciudad Toscamar, Javea. Just turn up or ring Christine on 96 649 3900 The Firs Nursery Mother & Toddler Group Every Monday from 14.00 - 15.30. Children aged from 18 months to school age. Call 96 647 2929 for more information. The Javea Branch of the Royal British Legion meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at Scallops. 11.00am for coffee etc, before our meetings. You don’t have to have been in the services to join the Legion, anyone can join or come along. We have a great social programme thoughout the year, so come and join us, you will be most welcome. Chat to Pam and Roger.

The Javea Players produce 5 plays a year at Gata theatre and in their own Studio theatre. Cine evenings & socials. New members welcome, contact Gerald on membership.jp@gmail.com or 96 647 2876 www.javeaplayers.com Taoist Tai Chi Society of Javea Beginners welcome anytime Mon and Wed 11.30 at Danza Ronda Sur (near paint shop in old town) Info 649 161 290. UFO Discussion/Research Group Meets first Friday of every month at 10.00 for 10.30 in the Social Services Centre Javea. President, Jeanine El Khouri. 965795148 Christine Newton 618111376. ufojavea@gmail.com Facebook www.facebook.com/ UFOandWorldMysteries Wall Hangings and Rug Making Club We meet every other Tuesday in Javea from 09.30 - 12.00. Contact Amanda on 639 987 301 or email amrug@telefonica.net Women in Business Club Monthly Business Meetings open to all members and non members, but you must be a WOMAN 3RD MONDAY OF THE MONTH JAVEA - L’Ancora Tennis Club from 2pm to 4pm Location: L’Ancora Tennis Club Xábia Book Circle We meet on the first Tuesday of each month in the Centro Social, Xàbia Old Town, beside the Health Centre, at 6.30 pm for a 6.45 start, and we finish at 8.45 pm. For more info, please contact Alma Dorndorf on 636898162 or email alma@ dorndorf.es Xabia Rugby Club formally Javea Bulls. Our 1st Team plays rugby in the Valencia 2nd division with a multi cultural mix of players and a wide range of ages! We are proud of our Junior section which has continued to grow and is now producing some good players for the future. www. javearugbyclub.com

Be the Anniversary Guest of Honour.

Javea Players

Way back in 1976, Janet Philips, well known for her work with the English Library, became so tired of being starved of live theatre that she advertised a meeting to explore the idea of starting an amateur drama group. Only twelve people turned up but such was the enthusiasm of the twelve that only four months later, in May 1976, the Javea Players took to the stage at the Javea Secondary School with the double-bill, Murder by Request and Meet The Family. So, next year the longest established drama group on the Costa Blanca will be celebrating their 40th Anniversary and they would like you to be their guest of honour. Of course, there is a price to pay. To be, with a partner, their guests of honour at all Javea Players’ shows and events throughout their anniversary year you have to design for them their 40th Anniversary logo. Finished artwork is not required to enter this competition, just a colour design sketch, which should be emailed to king.bernardo@gmail.com to arrive not later than October 16, is all that is required. Well-known and highly regarded theatre journalists, Benny Davis and Jack Troughton will be helping the Chairman of Javea Players, Mike Harvey choose the winning design. As they reach their 40th the Players can look back on thirty-nine years of hugely rewarding achievement. They have succeeded in staging numerous ambitious productions to very considerable local acclaim. These have included Oh What a Lovely War, Toad of Toad Hall, Fiddler on the Roof, Lock-up Your Daughters,

the European premiers of Below Stairs and Alan Bennett’s adaptation of The Wind in the Willows, Amadeus, The Dresser and The 39 Steps. They have grown from camping out in a near derelict Casa de la Falange and a nearer derelict cinema to making a home for themselves at the Union Musical, Gata and having a very well equipped Studio Theatre. of their own in Javea’s Old Town. They feel that they have a lot to celebrate and want you to celebrate with them – just design them that 40th Anniversary logo they are looking for and r ember to email it to king.bernardo@gmail.com to arrive no later than Friday October 16.

Just Look at Those Socks

Desmond Donohoe, who you are invited to meet at the semi-detached house of May Archer on the stage of the Union Musical, Gata from Monday November 16 to Friday November 20 in Norman Dunnington’s production of A Foot in the Door, wears odd socks, one red and one yellow, in tones that match his tie. He is a direct salesman at the very top of the tree. A man with twenty years experience of selling – windows, doors, you name it, he has sold it. He is within a hair’s breadth of being crowned by his current company, Samson Home Security, ‘The Salesman of the Decade’. Why the odd socks ? Let Desmond explain, “The customer will always remember me, the man with the odd socks and the matching neckwear. Straight-away the customer knows me and we have contact.” Add his Irish charm and his catchphrase,” Always a pleasure, never a chore “ and his phenomenal sales successes are no mystery. Desmond is at the home of May Archer by appointment. So, too, are Warren Wallis of The Wonderful World of Wardrobes, Stanislaw Stankowski, Painting, Paper Hanging and Plastering and Jilly Jordon of The Magical Sound of the Musical Module. They all expect to make a sale. In Desmond’s case, of the Cyclops Closed Circuit System, as recently endorsed by The Duke and Duchess of Wessex and with the sale win himself the prize of an all-expenses paid holiday for two in Jamaica that could save his marriage. May just thought it would be nice to have them all round for a nice cup of tea, a digestive biscuit and a bit of a chat. A Foot in the Door is a brand new play by Richard Harris ( Outside Edge, The Business of Murder ). It had its world premier at a bijou theatre near Reading and has been discovered by director, Norman Dunnington before being enjoyed by a wider audience. Norman’s production plays The Musical, Gata from Monday November 16 to Friday November 20. Curtain-up 8 pm. Tickets, priced 12 euros, are available from the box office on 96 579 4937 and at boxofficejp@gmail.com


Eating Out with John Deacon

ENGLISH TEA at the JÁVEA PARADOR NOW EVERY THURSDAY !! We celebrate that these superb teas have become such a popular and well established feature of Jávea life THAT THEY HAPPEN EVERY THURSDAY ….. and if you haven’t yet been – don’t hesitate ! The hotel offers perfectly made tea (incl. Earl Grey) as well as cucumber sandwiches, delicious scones (with clotted cream and red jam) and carrot & walnut cake and a glass of cava to finish. A delight. Yes, readers .... this is a triumph and all for €11. Because the teas have been so successful it remains essential to book [96 579 0200]. Make up a small group - and book early. A NEW CHINESE RESTAURANT has opened on the corner of the main Arenal (Jávea) car park. We are not receiving any reports. Please write to us !!

Prices are only a rough guide. * = A MICHELIN STAR “f.” means closed tlj (tous les jours) = 7/7 = everyday We would be most grateful if readers would please be so kind as to send their comments to < gastro@campobellojavea.es >and also advise us of price changes / errors

VERY TOP OF THE CLASS or all true Gastronauts !

JÁVEA : Restaurante BONAMB Now an established part of the international gastroscene in Jávea with its Michelin star – a place that has delighted many. But have you been yet ? Situated on the Tarraula roundabout at the end of Cabanes, and the beginning of the Benitachell/ Golf Club road, BonAmb offers a sophisticated and comfortable interior and beautifully laid out gardens and terraces and truly the best cuisine in Jávea. This award confirms that this most important gastronomic investment in Jávea has been recognised by the professionals and – as we have said before - really puts Jávea “on the gastro-

map” completing the triangle of world-class restaurants formed by Quique Dacosta (Denia) and Casa Pepa (Ondara). All reports, especially from serious gastronauts, are consistently full of praise. Look out for their Azpilicueta (Rioja), Crianza 2009 – a delight. Booking strongly recommended. Menus are currently : Emma at €40 (4 dishes without wine, weekdays only) Flavours of the Montgó €60 Mediterranean landscape €75 f.Sunday p.m & Monday.96 508 4440 Reservations reservas@bonamb. com http://bonamb.com/index.php/en/menu Restaurante CASA PEPA (Ondara) : With a Michelin star, this is the writer’s other favourite restaurant. Its rise, over the last 18 years to its current Michelin status, is a labour of love and hard work. Marvellous 7-course gastronomic menu c. €70 (or, with appropriate wines served with each course, €100). The (lunchtime?) menu-del-dia is a staggering €40 without drinks (€65 with appropriate wines served with each course) making for excellent value indeed. Exceptional wine list. Beautiful garden terrace in the orange groves. Take exit to Benidoleig/Beniarbeig from N332, pass under AP7 motorway then 400m signposted, to the left, < Casa Pepa - Restaurant >). Always a treat. Classed at 8½ out of 10 in Spanish Gastronomía Guide. 96 576.6606 reservas@ restaurantecasapepa.com / f. Sun p.m/Mon http://www.restaurantecasapepa.com/index. asp [** menus are not served individually but must be ordered by everyone at the table ] MORAIRA : Restaurante LE DAUPHIN (Moraira – overlooking the beach at Portet); Superb Belgian restaurant with beautiful terrace & sea view; this clearly merits a Michelin star but it is said that the owner is not interested in

such accolades (indeed it features not in the guide !). Menus from €70. Tel : 96 649.0432 (fax id) / f. Mon / http://www.ledauphin.com/

Interesting article – “Lifting the lid on the secrets of MARMITE” : For English-speaking gastronauts and those who enjoyed Beatrix Potter & Winnie the Pooh as children ! One Midlands factory makes ALL the world’s Marmite. The Daily Mail’s intrepid reporter was astonished by what she found there. Iconic breakfast spread made in factory in Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire. Produces 6,000 tons of Marmite every year - around 50 million jars. http://www.dailymail. co.uk/femail/food/ article-3023880/ One-Midlandsfactory-makes-worlds-Marmite-intrepidreporter-loathes-stuffastonished-there.html

DENIA : Restaurante QUIQUE DACOSTA (Denia, formerly Els Poblet) : THREE Michelin stars ! Ctra. Las Marinas, Km. 3. Carrer Rascassa 1. Northwards from Denia port. Classed at 9 out of 10 in Spanish Gastronomia Guide (where it mentions that this restaurant and La Seu are leading a revolution in the preparation of rice dishes). The restaurant has THREE Michelin stars and this year has been classified as No. 26 in the World’s 50 Best Restaurants** (up from No. 40 !). Menu gastronomique is €135. Tel : 96 578.4179 / f. Sun pm & Mon. Closed : end Nov – end Jan. quiquedacosta@quiquedacosta.es Web : http://www.quiquedacosta.es/ Restaurante LA SEU : C/ Loreto 59, Denia. A still great former Michelin-starred restaurant specializing in amazing rice dishes. A must for visitors. Ground floor lunch menu €19 which is copious and totally wonderful (evenings €20.00). Muzak was turned off on request. 96 642.4478 / open daily info@laseudenia.com http://www.laseu.es/ JÁVEA’s TOP MENUS DEL DÍA €14 - €20 Amarre 152 - Masena - El Rancho - PiriPiri - Bohème - La Plaza - Los Remos de la Nao - Le Gourmand - La Renda - Sofia’s (Thurs. only) - Tosca - Jávea Golf Club Ca’Pepe (Moraira) IN A CLASS OF THEIR OWN (from €35+ per head) AIRE RESTAURANTE & Pool Bar : Cami Cabanes, Jávea. Under the management of the Gastro Bar Iberica (now well established as the top tapas bar in Jávea’s old town near the

Ayuntamiento) we recently saw the opening of the Restaurante AIRE (& pool bar) in beautiful surroundings just off Cami CABANES (on the left, just before the old La Rustica). We are very confident that this will become, quickly, a major gastronomic feature as excellent reports are reaching us. The decoration is austere and the glare from the especially white pool area requires sunglasses (or best sit inside). Tues-Sat 13:30-15:30 & 19:30-22.30h f. Sun. pm & Mon reservas@airegastro.com / http:// www.airegastro.com/es.index.html#big-menu Restaurante LA BOHÈME (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : This restaurant is now the best of the French styled/owner restaurants on the Arenal beach front (Los Remos de la Nao & La Perla are two others). Fine tapas, superb steaks. Menu del dia €16.95. Consistently excellent reports throughout the summer but comments say this is an expensive place (perhaps, by the excellent refurbishment). Parador end of Arenal promenade. 96 579.1600 / open daily / Muzak tolerable. http:// www.javeacompany.com/javeacompany/ boheme/index.html Restaurante LE GOURMAND : Carretera Jesús Pobre 202. In the last two years Le Gourmand established itself in the affections of the community as one of the very best restaurants in the area. We have organised two group lunches there - a success with everyone ! Away from the Arenal beach they now flourish and are admired amongst serious eaters. Booking essential ! For summer there is a large (but no longer “mostly” muzakfree) covered area in the garden. They have occasional jazz evenings during spring/ summer and a Jazz Lunch starting on January 17th. Menu-del-día €17.00 (which changes

Catalonia holiday guide: what to see and do, plus the best hotels and restaurants http://www. theguardian.com/ travel/2015/sep/26/ catalonia-holidayguide-hotelsrestaurants-walking

every Thursday). Ask to go on their mailing list.Tel: 96 628.9686 / f. Sunday p.m. & Monday / E-mail : legourmand.javea@gmail.com Restaurante MASENA (Jávea) : Go to the end of Cami Cabanes road (behind Barclays) and immediately left onto the Benitachell (Golf Club) road. Beautifully appointed (Belgian-owned) restaurant with a stylish air of quasi-Mexican decoration. Menu-del-dia €17 (but not Sundays). Good meat a speciality, notably Châteaubriand and steak cooked on hot stone. They are always busy so must book! Muzak always turned down on request. Tel : 96 579.3764 / f. Tues Web : http://www. restaurantcostablanca.com/restaurantes/Alicante/Javea-Xabia/Masena/ AND Sister to Masena (above) :- MASENA at <VALL de CAVALL> (Gata) Their sister restaurant is situate in beautiful open countryside, with spectacular mountain views, attached to the riding centre; off the N332 outside Gata. Heading southwards out of Gata, close to the northern entrance to the gorge, take the last turn, where the buildings end, down to the left. Also with pool. Menu del dia €17 (but not Sundays). 96 505.8475 / f. Mon http://vall-de-cavall.com/seitespa.htm (click on gastronomia) Restaurante NOX : Avda. Ultramar 2 (above / beside the old Scallops/ Atalaya): Menu-del-dia (4 courses; midday only) at €25 (excl. drinks). f. Wed. Reports so far indicate that the jury is still out – a report was sent to us saying that ONE single scallop had been served in their menu-deldia !! Expensive. Poor service. E-mails not answered; in fact we are hearing nothing. Very low muzak ! Tel: 96 647 1011 / f.Wed : reservas@ restaurante-nox-javea.com (not working !) Restaurante LA PLAZA No.6 : in the “triangular square” (sic) opp. Humpty Dumpty. All-year-round successful and delightful Germanowned establishment offering excellent international cuisine (which can even include a proper Wiener schnitzel !). A favourite with residents and in tranquil surroundings. Menu del dia €12 (midday) & €19.50 evenings. Kitchen open till 23:30h. Beware : live music one evening a week (Thurs). 96 646 2314 /f. Monday / www.laplaza6.com oliver@laplaza6.net Restaurante SOFIA’S : Avda. del Pla 20, Jávea. Really delicious and excellently prepared food. Muzak now (mostly) tamed ! The Menu-deldía is one of the best, cost/quality, that we know (currently Euros 14.50h with a glass of wine - but available Thursday lunch only – resuming October). High standards pervade all their dishes and the restaurant is beautifully appointed. Easy parking. Tel: 96 646.2903 / Open 19:00 22:30h / f. Sun/Mon

Restaurante TOSCA : Arenal beach, on the bridge overlooking the creek and close to Jávea Parador. Creative cooking. Approx. €35.00. Excellent Menu-del-día c. €18.50. Muzak here can be irritating (they say they play it to cover the noise from the kitchen !). BYO is a good idea but “corkage” is charged here at an outrageous €9 !! Tel : 96 579.3145 / f. Monday midday / ferrantosca@hotmail.es Web: http:// www.restaurantetosca.com JÁVEA OLD TOWN – TAPAS etc. NEW LISTING Bistro CASA GRAU : C/ Mayor 16, Jávea (Old Town). Warmly applauded restaurant offering something different with imaginative dishes (just down the C/Mayor from the Ayuntamiento). Delicious starters/tapas and excellent steaks. Good value (but not cheap). Open: tlj (11 – 16h & 18 – 23h) Tel: 96 579 2756 / casagrau@gmail.com IBERIA GASTRO BAR, C/ de San Buenaventura 9 (off town hall square, Jávea). Tapas of a very high quality indeed (is a Michelin star on the way here ?) (this chef did a stretch at the London Savoy). Portions designed for two so choice of 3 tapii makes a meal ! Many delicious surprises. Good reports continue to be received and they are now listed in the Repsol Guide. Cost 20-30€ per person (or Tasting menu at €35 - Bread & Snacks, 5 Dishes, Dessert, Coffee + petit Fours). English spoken. Muzak inside is variable but controlled. Subscribe for e-mailings of their mouth-watering menus ! Tel: 96 599 6716 / E-mail: www.iberiagastrobar. com / info@iberiagastrojavea.com Booking necessary: Open Mon 19-23h / Tues-Sat 1330-1500h & 1923h. f. Sunday.[ Note their new opening < AIRE RESTAURANTE > on Cami Cabanes- Arenal, Jávea ] EXCELLENT (c. €25-30 per head) Restaurante CALIMA : Jávea port, Avda. de la Marina Española pedestrianized seafront. Next to Piri-Piri and recently refurbished. Imaginative and sometimes rewardingly experimental. Jazz (live) on Thurs. (shared with Piri-Piri). Menu del dia €11.95 (Mon-Sat) but Sun. €13. Tel : 96 579 4821 / open daily. Email: restaurantecalima@gmail. com www.restaurante-calima.com NEW ADDITION Restaurante CHALET - SUIZO [Jesus Pobre road nr. Almendros). Swiss restaurant offering, we are told, wonderful meat and

fondues. Awaiting comments (and appropriate weather for fondues !!). Tel: 96 579 6813 / f. Sunday Web : http://www.chalet-suizo.com Restaurante CHEZ ANGEL (Jávea Arenal - close to Humpty Dumpty on right after Arenal traffic lights). Brasserie style. Excellent meat - absolutely the best Châteaubriand in the area (with Masena at No. 2 !). Wonderful Cous-Cous. Daily special offers. Serves copious vegetables. Note special daily offers listed outside and a TAKE AWAY service is now operating. Menus del dia c.€16.00 & €25.00. Tel : 96 579.2723 / f. Tues Restaurante LA COCINA : leaving Jávea port towards the old town - on the corner of the last of row of shops on left before petrol station. This restaurant is acclaimed all over the Jávea community. The food is truly excellent, well presented and served with charm and showing much flair. Sugar-free puddings are available. Adventurous regional Spanish & international cuisine. The wine list is fascinating and very honestly priced; it is also a challenge but do not be intimidated as you will receive good advice if needed ! Quality wines also available by the glass. Open evenings TUESDAY – SATURDAY from 19:00h.. From 1st October LUNCHES are being served (2-courses €15) on Tue/ Wed/ Thu & Fri. Best ask to go on their mailing list. Tel: 96 579.5140 / See MENU at www.lacocinajavea.com info@lacocinajavea.com LA COCINA offers a GLUTEN-FREE menu. LA COCINA’s TAKEAWAYS “DELICIOSO” FROZEN MEALS !! : These are now available directly from the restaurant itself [Tues – Saturday: 10-15h & from 19h]. An excellent selection of main dishes & puddings, deep-frozen, at about €5 each to be taken home. We’ve had several so far – marvellous – and a wonderful fall-back when you don’t feel like cooking ! Restaurante EME & J. CARLOS : Ctra.Cabo de la Nao-Pal 9. Attractive restaurant - newly opened (close to Ferreteria Mata). Their card says “Arroces y Pescados”. We enjoyed some tapas – friendly service. Not cheap. Tel: 96 579 5808 EsTapaTi : Tapas & restaurant : Jávea Arenal beach front. Excellent reports being received (also sister restaurant in Denia). Part of the La Boheme / Champagne Bar group). Tell us about your visit! 96 647 3127 nfo@estapatijavea.com http://www.estapatijavea.com/estapati-javea687-1-es.html

Restaurante EL GAUCHO (formerly Las Brisias on the Jesús Pobre road). This restaurant has gained many plaudits under the management of the excellent Pizzeria Pepa (at Arenal) and offers an especially worthwhile and attractive restaurant (& terrace) especially for the residents of Montgó. Superb meat is their speciality. Visited recently. Marvellous AVAN (Duero) at €18. Attentive & very friendly service. Food delicious. Best to book Tel: 96 646.1338 / www.pizzeriapepa.com Restaurante at the JAVEA GOLF CLUB : A “Gastro” Golf Club ?! Formerly on of Jávea’s best kept secret ? But why ? Do golfers not eat ? But whatever….. please forget the golf and come here to eat !!! This establishment is under the management of the former chef & manager of El Rodat – José Manuel Pina - and we have now visited it several times. The menu-del-dia at €18 is truly astonishing and if this isn’t, for a single example, the most wonderful Gazpacho of all time then you must write and tell us. The à la carte menu is reasonably priced. The view across to Montgó from the (muzak-free) terrace is sensational. Tel: 96 579 1813 : Mob. 629 828438 / jmxabia@hotmail.es Restaurante NESFOR : Cta. Cabo de la Nao-Pla 25. Re-opened by the same family after 14 years, this restaurant has immediately impressed. A lunch visit (we ate à la carte) proved excellent. Excellent “Secreto”. Parking area at the back. Tel: 96 646 3872 / E-mail: reservas@ restaurantenesfor.com / Web : www.restaurantenesfor.com Restaurante LA PERLA de JÁVEA (Arenal beach front, right hand side). Menu-del-día €17 (but from Tues-Friday only). Some very good reports have been reaching us which supports their now being listed in the Repsol Guide. 96 647 0772 / open daily www.laperladejavea.com Restaurante EL RANCHO : Cta. Cabo de la Nao (between the German clinic & Saladar Supermarket). A young British couple (Simon & Danielle) have taken over El Rancho and, with their French chef, have re-established this landmark restaurant on the gastro-circuit of Jávea. Well appointed and in delightful surroundings – especially the beautiful terrace/gardens. Sunday lunch recommended. Reports are good to excellent. Menu-del-día (€10.95). Good parking either side of main road. Tel: 96 577.1126 / f. Sunday p.m. & Monday. E-mail: elranchojavea@hotmail.com / Web site still ? under construction ? Restaurante LOS REMOS de la NÃO (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : French owned and still one of the best of the Arenal beach restaurants.

Lies at the extreme right hand end of the bay on the edge of the large car park overlooking the beach. Fish a speciality. Great views. Menu del día €18. Now listed in the Repsol Guide. Best to book. 96 647.0776 / f. Tues. www. losremoslanao.com Restaurante LA RENDA : Cristo del Mar, Jávea Port, right beside the Cinema Jayan. Beautifully appointed restaurant with some serious, adventurous and very creative cuisine - we even found sweetbreads on the menu. Menu del día €12.50. Live music on Friday. Muzak turned off on request. 96 579.3763 / larenda.javea@gmail.com www.larenda.es FAMILY RESTAURANTS / GOOD & RELIABLE (Euros 25 - 35 per head) Restaurante AMANECER : c.300m on the right, along the ridge of the headland going to the Cabo San Antonio (off the summit of the Jávea-Denia mountain road – the fire got rather close !!). What a surprise to find this restaurant now so wonderfully refurbished with shaded pool-side bar and eating area, comfortable pool-side furniture and, within, an elegant airconditioned dining room. During their recent visit the Southampton Uni Symphony Orch. spent the whole afternoon here and all spoke very highly of how well they’d been looked after. If you, or your relatives, do not have a swimming pool here is a place to have lunch and spend the afternoon (with the grandchildren ?). The dining area is large enough for social functions yet still acceptable for more intimate dining. Menu-del-dia €11. Easy parking. A good addition to the list. 96 579.0765 / E-mail: info@restauranteamanecer.es / www. restauranteamanecer.es

CAFÉ AUSTRIACO – Café & Bakery (Jávea; Arenal beach front). This excellent bakery continues to offer their superb bread/croissants & gâteaux from 07:00h daily. (also served at their café. Tel : 96 647.1004 / open daily / Another source of very excellent bread is the (expensively-priced, muzak-infested) Saladar Supermarket. Also visit “Le Parisien” coffee bar (next to the Deutsche Bank – even worse muzak !), the British Bakery opposite. AND NOW ….. see LA BAGUETTE de France. Restaurante AZORIN : Jávea Port (in street behind Napoli). Superb fish “a la plancha” (especially sole) /chicken & chips. Menu del dia €10.95. Kids love it. Tel : 96 579.4495 / closed Saturdays. Restaurante BACCHUS (Jávea) : Pinosol-Cansalades road. Wonderful quality. The delightful new owners, Milena & Hector, have retained the charm of this restaurant AND you are still able to cook your excellent steak on stone (or have their Fondue). Must book. Menus-del-día from €18 (W/ends €20). 96 647.3096 / f. Mon. 96 647.3096 / www. infocostablanca.com/bacchus / NEW ADDITION – The best ITALIAN in town (by far) ! Restaurante LA CASA DELLA PASTA : (Ctra.Cabo de la Nao-Pal 27/ opp. Sofia’s). Dutch owned. Outstanding and very popular Italian restaurant with some delicious starters and reasonably priced Italian wines. Very good service, low muzak (at least on terrace). Easy parking.96 646 1347 / www.lacasadellapastajavea.com / f.Sun+Mon. RECENTLY OPENED Restaurante CASA de la PIZZA (Formerly L’Échalotte) : On Jávea Costa Nova, beside the tennis / pétanque club just before the La Guardia cross roads. First reports very good ! Covered terrace behind. Good parking. Tel: 96 647.3364 / Restaurante LUNGO MARE (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : Italian restaurant –appetizingly large portions (some can be shared !). No muzak (bravo !) and friendly service. Often fairly full (in spite of quite high prices) so perhaps better to book. Every aspect of this restaurant has improved over our last visit and we can now recommend it again ! 96 647.1196 open daily javea@lapiemontesa.com www.lapiemontesa.com Restaurante MEZQUIDA : Main road from Jávea old town towards Arenal, on right side, just before the SuperCor/Iceland roundabout but after Sol-Mar offices. Pleasant terrace and good ambience. Very popular

Spanish ‘family’ restaurant. Serves the best Arroz negro (a delicious rice and squid dish) that we know of. Superb meat. Mostly muzakfree. Menu-del-día €18. 96 579.3620 / open daily rtemezquidaxabia@ hotmail.com http://www.restaurantemezquida.com/ Restaurante MONTGÓ : 2-3kms along Jávea-Jesús Pobre road (on left, with large stone tablet outside). Amazing choice/ value/ quantity/quality & well presented. Excellent fish ‘n’ chips (with Azorin in the puerto). Menu-del-día €11.50. We remind readers of the slightly more up-market ALMENDROS restaurant (slow service) on the opposite side of the road and for which there have, quite recently, some good reports. 96 579.5020 / f. Thurs. Restaurante PIRI-PIRI : Excellent/imaginative (copious) ‘tapas’. Widely praised and popular with residents. On the port’s pedestrianised seafront, leading from the bridge. Arrive early for lunch, best to book. Excellent Menus-del-día €11.50 (w/ends €14.50). Charming host & very professional - one of our favourites. Shares jazz with neighbour Colima on Thurs. 96 579.4745 / barpiripiri@hotmail.com f. Sun.pm & Mon. (closed Jan/Feb). Restaurante PIZZERIA PEPA (Jávea: Arenal beach front, nr. middle). Spanish; excellent value, swift service. Pizza takeaway. VERY efficient, popular with good atmosphere; muzak low; must book Menu-del-día €16. The best quick-service “family” restaurant at the beach. Beware ordering water : bottle arrived opened at €2.90 - unacceptable. 96 579.2572 / open daily http://www.pizzeriapepa.com CLOSED FOR SUMMER - LA ROMANTICA Bar - Restaurant : In the alleyway behind Humpty and the British Baker at Arenal – German owned. Serves appealingly different breakfasts and tapas-style snacks. Call Dominik - our attempts to visit indicate that it is best to book !! F. Wed. Tel: 635 195814 / E-mail : gerda2407@gmail.com Restaurante EL SECRETO del TOMATE : Ctra.Jávea-Gata Km4 (on left side approaching the crematorium). Owner Kiko. Improvements to staff discipline recommended – as well as rather casual service reported. From 22:00h onwards is packed with Spaniards who have already discovered it. Justly praised for extensive use of his home grown herbs, vegetable garden & excellent meats on the garden grill. 96 646.2646 / Mob. 616 733083 / E-mail: elsecretodeltomate@gmail.com

Restaurante LA TAGLIATELLA : (Jávea, Arenal beach front) : Another elegant looking Italian restaurant, close to Lungo Mare, but with dark 19thC décor. Reports (4) have commented upon poor service and high prices. We can report that Lungo Mare have pulled ahead of this establishment.. Tel: 96 647.2984 / www.latagliatella.es / 7/7 ARENAL BEACH BREAKFASTS / COFFEE BARS & BAKERIES : BREAKFAST at Jávea’s Arenal beach: For those looking for a breakfast of some quality on the sea front – especially what is known as a “Full English” - we recommend the Champagne Bar and Black Beluga. Also the newly opened < ROMANTICA > in the alleys behind Humpty Dumpty. AND not forgetting the Parador buffet especially on Sundays ? FRENCH BAKERY & BRASSERIE: “LA BAGUETTE de FRANCE” : Recently opened top quality bakery / coffee bar / tea room & fully licensed restaurant with fine Bordeaux wines under Anglo-French owners and management. Pierre comes from a baking - milling family with over 200 years tradition behind them in the Dordogne. Brasserie offering traditional French meals (coq au vin, cassoulet, boeuf bourguignon …). Almost opp. Austriaco. Extensive range of superb bread / croissants / snacks etc. WARNING : Muzak, rather too loud, has now spread outside onto the pavement ! Tel: 96 647.0432 / Open 08:00-20:00h daily. Website in preparation / E-mail : contact@labaguettedefrance.com Consumers / lovers of quality bread should note : Our new bread, Mie’Nutie, is a bread entirely prepared with durum wheat and is hydrated at 100%. This is the reason why one can enjoy its perfect flavour and texture 48 hours after purchasing it. Come enjoy this marvel developed by the “La Toulousaine des Farines” and the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA). Among its numerous advantages: Facilitates intestinal transit / Stimulates the heart and your organism generally / Lowers cholesterol / Reduces the risk of cancer (natural fibres) / Naturally rich in oligoelements / Gives one a feeling of satiety ! https://fr-fr.facebook.com/LaMienutie http://www.inra.fr/

Entreprises-Monde-agricole/Resultats-innovation-transfert/Toutes-les-actualites/farinede-ble-dur www.inra.fr/en/Partners-and-Agribusiness/Results-Innovations-Transfer/Allthe-news/Durum-wheat

LE PARISIEN (Horno y pasteleria artesanal) : Next to Deutsche Bank (and/or opposite Humpty Dumpty & Chez Angel) at Jávea’s Arenal: NOW CLOSED

EASTERN RESTAURANTS (Jávea) : INDIAN RESTAURANTS < N.B. NEPALESE RESTAURANTS > Being Being largely largely ignorant ignorant of of Indian Indian cuisine cuisine

we we have have wondered wondered why why these these next next three three restaurants restaurants are are talked talked about about over over and and above above all all other other (Indian? (Indian? style) style) restaurants restaurants and and two two are are listed listed at at Trip Trip Advisor Advisor higher higher than than the the other other Indian Indian restaurants. restaurants. We We can can only only assume assume itit must must be be the the Nepalese Nepalese influence influence and and the the reputation reputation of of Northern Northern Indian Indian cuisine cuisine !! Go Go and and try try them. them.

Restaurante BUDDHA PALACE : Arenal - opposite former Banca March & tennis club. Always a most enjoyable experience and the “bush telegraph” tells us that this is the place to go! 96 579 2894 buddhapalace1@gmail.com / Open: tlj The same family of owners (as Buddha Palace above) have opened in Jávea port Restaurante CURRY PALACE : just after Bar Clavo and the new gardens with the high wall. Take away service. A good postcinema stop ! Open: tlj. Tel: 96 579.2907 / E-mail: palacecurry@gmail. com Restaurante GURKHA PALACE : Avda. Jaime 1, No.8 in Jávea port. Fine food with good ambience. Take away service. Menus del dia : €9.50 & €11.99 A la carte €20-30. Tel: 96 579. 3331 / f. Tues.midday. Restaurante EVEREST SPICE (previously Riu Rau) (Costa Nova): Another Nepalese restaurant with charming décor; top of road up from Saladar to Costa Nova Panorama just after hairpin bend on the road towards La Guardia and Granadella (just after the closed kindergarten). Pleasant atmosphere & beautiful gardens. Good reports but slow service - although their take-away service is highly recommended). Tel : 96 577.0230 / NEW OWNERS: Restaurante KHATMANDU (formerly the TAJ MAHAL) : Over overlooking the large car park at Jávea’s Arenal beach. Was formerly recommended – we hope it’ll be so again ! Comments welcome, please. Tel: 96 647.1684 INDONESIAN : TAPINDO (& “Take-Away”) : In the last row of shops on the right side as you leave Arenal shopping area towards Mercadona. Produces excellent Indonesian food (especially Bami Goreng & Nasi Goreng). All sorts of combinations can be served to take home although there are facilities for eating on their terrace. Ideal for the hungry ! Tel: 96 646.4191 / f.Sun.

CHINESE Restaurante < The WOK BUFFET > : Jávea, at the CAIXA (formerly Barclays) roundabout. Very good for families and now with an extensive choice of shellfish included in their bargain price. Eat all you like for €10.95 (€5.95 for kids under 7). Go early (12:30h for lunch, 19:30h for dinner) when the huge spread is at its best. Attentive service. No muzak. A bit of a “canteen” ambience but this is a high quality “fill-up” if you are hungry and feeding hordes of kids. 96 579.7016 / daily 12-24h. Restaurante (the 5-star) BENI ASIA***** : On right side of the Cumbre del Sol road which leads off Benitachell high street (left at traffic lights just after Mas-y-Mas). This is regarded by very many (including your writer) as the best Chinese restaurant in the whole area, lead by the charming owner, Fan-Fan. Visiting residents of Singapore and Hong Kong have strongly confirmed this view. Peking Duck a speciality - of course ! Every dish tastes different and the food is free of MSG. Tel: 96 649.4042 / fanfan@beniasia.com VALENCIA – the Chinese restaurant where the Chinese go to eat !!! Restaurante MIN DOU : Calle Pelayo 31, Valencia 46007 (the Chinese community’s No.1) Tel: 96 381.3819 BENITACHELL Restaurante ANTIQUARY : Avnda. Valencia 1. Italian cuisine. On the “ring” road that goes around the back of the town near the church & cemetery and looking over towards Montgo. Very pleasant atmosphere and their lasagna gave pleasure but salad less so. Well attended on a Sunday. We await further comments. 96 649 3620 www. pizzeriaantiquary.com IMPORTANT FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT Bar/Restaurante LAS OLAS : (Cabo de la Nao road, on the right, between CAIXA BANK and the Ferreteria PLA48). We found it necessary to withdraw this bar following complaints but we have received reports that the problems are solved ….. (a new chef, perhaps ?) and the mass of cars parked outside tells us something ! We hope they have sorted out the problem ?? Will keep under observation. PREVIOUSLY WE HAD WRITTEN : A huge range of really good, copious tapas far cheaper than the Arenal beach front ! The size of the portions means this is perhaps 50% of the cost of the beach establishments ? Be careful how much you order - you may not be able to finish. Ideal for hungry kids ! Clean tables, good service, bi-lingual menu. TV inside but mostly quiet outside. Tel: 96 577.0175

MORAIRA Restaurante CA’PEPE : This restaurant is now re-established in the list following the introduction of a more responsible attitude to muzak ! We have never ceased to praise the excellent food at this establishment but have commented previously on unacceptable muzak. We can report this has now changed. We continue to receive positive comments. Here you will find an unparalleled Menu del día - do go and try it. Bravo ! We are delighted to welcome them back ! Tel: 96 574.3311 / reservations@ ca-pepe.com / www.ca-pepe.com Restaurante RODOLFO’s : Edif. Kristal Mar 24. Ctra. Moraia -Calpe km.1. Awaiting reports, please. Tel: 96 649 1898 / Mob. 661 746627 http://www.pastahouse-moraira. com/english/philosophie.html E-mail: info@rodolfomoraira.com Restaurante CASA TONI (formerly Da Vinci) : on left side about 200m before Pepe la Sal on coast road to Calpe. Very busy – must book. Imaginative starters, high quality main courses (a little more flair needed, perhaps ?) and superb puddings. Wonderful menu-del-dia at €17.75. Good service. Muzak well under control (i.e.inaudible, happily). 96 574 5411 / E-mail: casatonimoraira.com / www.casatonimoraira.com Restaurante KOSTA ! Situate on the Moraira – Calpe road (on the right just before Les Fouges). A very enthusiastic review preceded, and was confirmed by, our visit. This is a new creation (6 months ago) by Sebastian, one of the partners of the excellent Restaurante Pedramala up the hill. Service was impeccable. Menu-del-dia €18.95 involved a delicious salad, tomato soup, excellent steak accompanied by Bearnaise and (what is so rare these days) top quality frites. We drank the superb Azpilicueta (Rioja) (red & white !). Delightful…. DOGS : we have to point out that we do not expect to find dogs in such an top rank establishment (anyway it is illegal in Spain) nor clients sufficiently badly bred to bring them in – however well behaved they may both be, client and animal !). Tel: 865 778300 / Mob. 608 733584. Restaurante LA SERENNA : Avda.Madrid 28, Moraira. Under new management. Opp. the La Senieta concert hall on the corner of the huge car park in Moraira. Has already provoked favourable reports. Must book at weekends. Comments please ? 96 574 3193 / f. Monday all day CLOSED : Restaurante (Hotel) LA SORT : Avda.Madrid 1, Moraira : We are sad to report that this excellent restaurant has been closed.

VALENCIA 5 outstanding features (see further listing for Valencia at the end) : Restaurante RIFF: Now with a Michelin star. Gastro-menu at €85. Midday menu of €30+. Conde de Altea 18, 46005 Valencia. Tel : 96 333 5353 / Mob.671 875975 / f. Aug. & Sun/Mon. / www.restaurante-riff. com / restaurante@restaurante-riff.com RESTAURANTE EL ASADOR de ARANDA : Felix Pizcueta 8, 46004 Valencia. This restaurant now replaces the previously listed Tronco Segoviano as reports suggested the latter has “lost their way”. A principal speciality here is the traditional roasted suckling pig of Segovia. Also specializes in roast lamb cooked in a clay oven. An unique, delicious and wonderful experience ! Tel: 96 352 9791 / Web : http:// www.asadordearanda.com/ Restaurante PALACIO DE LA BELLOTA (Mosén Femades 7, Valencia - in a small street opp. the bull ring). This restaurant simply oozes professionalism and a profound worshipping of ham and pork which draws one in with anticipation ! You’ll not be disappointed. No menu del día. Not cheap.Tel: 96 351.4994 / f. Sunday E-mail : restaurante@ palaciodelabellota.es www.palaciodelabellota.es/introduccion_ing.html Restaurantes GENUINA (lunch time only https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=oEcIBbjawdU ) & CANYES : These excellent “sister” restaurants are in the main street - C/ del Riu - of the small village of Pinedo which lies close to the spaghetti junction at the end of the Saler motorway on the south side of the “drain” where it empties into the sea and right opp. the VLC port area. They are both decorated with old ceramic tiles and specialise in the great peasant cooking of the Valencian region. The most notable reason for visiting them is to discover < Fesoli-naps** > the “wet” rice dish made with duck and served in a tureen with its copious and delicious sauce. This cuisine needs a good appetite and deserves much wider recognition and we recommend a trip to this area when visiting Valencia. Easy parking. Tel: Genuina 96 324.8663 & Canyes (Tel: 96 324.9085) (best to book) http://www.canyesrestaurant. com/ (a useful website for Valencia) ... el arroz de pato** exquisito, pero cualquier arroz lo bordan; al horno, paella, a banda, de cangrejo o el meloso de bogavante. Platos tan típicos que muchos valencianos ni conocen, como me pasó a mi con los postres...

LEBANESE restaurante : BEIRUT KING : Paseo de la Alameda 50. Gastronauts will be pleased to learn that this excellent little Lebanese restaurant has moved further down the road quite close to the Corte Ingles roundabout (on the opp. side to the opera house). Enjoy properly made hommos (not the poor UK supermarket product !), mtabel (aka babaghanoush), tabbouleh, falafel and lamb sharwama as well as the delicious fatoush (salad). Open 7/7 (+ takeaway service). Tel. 96 330 5763 / E-mail: info@beirutking.es / www.beirutking.es BENISSA : Restaurante CASA CANTO (Benissa) : The No.1 restaurant in Benissa and very highly regarded (on left, in last block of the town, going southwards to Calpe). Comfortable, traditional and with panoramic views of Calpe and its coastal region. Lunched there on a Monday in May (restaurant very busy). Excellent flavours in a menu-del-dia at €25 (incl. wine). Tel : 96 573.0629/ f. Sun http://www.casacanto.com/ info@ casacanto.com Restaurante PEDRAMALA : Carretera La Fustera, 03720 Benissa. Run by Bernard this is regarded as the best restaurant in the Benissa area. Booking essential. Report received from I.F. : “Generous portions, always nicely presented and well prepared in line with the guest’s wishes and with a fresh salad as part of the course. Prices might be somewhat higher than the average but quality, quantity and presentation easily make up it. We never take the menu-del-dia anywhere and normally pay around €60 for two courses and a bottle of wine”. To one’s great relief, there is no muzak ! Tel: 96 574 8315 / f.Monday; lunches not served in summer. http://www.restaurantepedramala.com/ Last October the partner Christian (German of Italian and Greek parents) descended to the coastline has opened up as KOSTA on the Moraira Calpe coast road near Les Fouges. See sep. entry for Kosta. FISH - JÁVEA & Denia (from Euros 25.00 per head) Restaurante AMARRE 152 (Jávea) : literally “Mooring 152”, tranquil situation by the bobbing boats at the very head of the mooring creek that goes inland from the Parador. Menus del dia €18 & 20 (fish). Excellent for rice/fish dishes. A recent visit showed them on top form. Tel : 96 579.0629 / f. Monday http://www.verema.com/restaurantes/36008amarre-152-xabia-javea

AMARRE TAPAS : along the Jávea seafront nearly opposite La Siesta. New reports reaching us have not been and we now know that this is not up to the same standard as their excellent restaurant (above). Service was over-familiar and the muzak atrocious (we were told the screaming female gave “ambieance” – my foot !). For tourists. AND A RECENT TIP : For an excellent FISH & CHIPS try THE INN on the GREEN (Bowling Club on the Jávea - Benitachell road) !! Restaurante LA CALETA : Avda.Ultramar 114, Jávea (Cala Blanca). Excellent, but simple, fish etc. on the rocks with just the noise of the sea (unpolluted by muzak !). Careful what you order – this isn’t as cheap as it appears ! Closes end Sept. for the winter. Restaurante LA CANTINA DE JAVEA : Situate right in front of the fishing fleet in Jávea’s port (on the ground floor right around the back (left side) of the one storey building by the fishing boats). Clientele is very Spanish. Best Patatas Bravas in Jávea ! They are often very busy so you must go early (say 12:30h). Very good prices. Their fish menus consist of the catches of the day. They are serving all day long (and usually even after the cinema). Tel: 96 579 2190 / open tlj : 7/7. Restaurante COVA del MERO, beach road north of Denia : Magnificent fish restaurant on the beach. From Denia harbour take coast road northwards through Las Marinas to the 5km stone, turn right at traffic light (modern sculpture on far left corner), drive to beach, turn left. Menu del dia €23. Their speciality is Llandeta – their (unique?) and very famous, and most delicious, “wet” white fish dish with potato (to be booked in advance). We have taken groups totalling over 200 people to eat this dish without a single dissenter. NOT TO BE MISSED. Must book. 96 578.4864 / open 7/7. info@restaurantcovadelmero.com http://www. restaurantcovadelmero.com/ (these internet connection are unreliable) Restaurante LES FOUGES (fish restaurant and delicatessen & retail fish shop) : Cami Paellero 3, Moraira (drive south from Moraira – on the right side before Pepe la Sal). We think that the re-location and enlargement of this fish shop and restaurant to the coast road just south of Moraira is the most exciting gastro-event of the year; uniquely here is a fish shop attached to a restaurant (or vice versa !). This marvellous French family-run operation offers a huge range of fish and shell fish as well as the best selection of French cheeses you’ve seen anywhere in Spain (incl. the divine Boursault) …. and a marvellous range of delicious

pâtisseries, tartelettes & gâteaux, patés, terrines, French tinned/bottled specialities and French bread. In a separate room are 6 tanks of lobsters ! Also on offer are scallops, fresh haddock, skate, cabillaud/cod, lubina, dorada, oysters, potted shrimps, tarama (French – excellent but stronger than the UK version) and many other sorts of fish and fruits de mer – the range is huge). Sometimes they have whole kippers (often out of stock – Attention, Frank, s’il vous plaît !). Guests must first choose their meal in the shop. It is then transferred to the kitchens for preparation. They also serve meat and look after veggies !! The wine list is the most astonishing we have seen anywhere – especially of French wines – because they are at amazing prices (same at retail as at the table – a Pouilly Fuissé at €14). They tell us they are starting to open on some evenings. Best arrange a driver to take you home. Booking is essential as, no surprise, it is full most of the time !! 678 488895 / MIDDAY ONLY (f. Sunday p.m. & Monday otherwise open 10:00 - 18:00h. The kitchen closes 16:00h). franck@lesfouges.com / www.lesfouges.com Restaurante MENA : Wonderful position situate right on the rocks at the end of the Las Rotas road (go over Jávea / Montgó road to Denia and turn hard right at bottom roundabout). It was xenophobic, expensive and with bad muzak….. but we hear it’s under new management so certainly worth a try…. or drive on a little further and there’s another good restaurant on the right. 96 578.0943 / f. evenings / http://mena. restaurantesok.com/aquiok/detallrest.jsp?id=547&prov=Alicante Restaurante PISCIS : C/Marjeleta 10, Moraira : off the palm-tree’d avenue towards sea, turning off on left and a few mins. from main car park). Recent comments received indicate that this is still one of the finest creative haute cuisine fish restaurants of the region. No menu del día. 96 649.0616 / f. Sunday / http://piscis.restaurantesok.com/aquiok/ detallrest.jsp?id=446&prov=Alicante Restaurante SUR (at GRANADELLA BEACH): ...at the beautiful Granadella creek (down off the Cabo de la Nao and the No.1 beach of the Marina Alta); certainly the best fish restaurant in Jávea (they own their own boat and sometimes have an extraordinary variety !). Our absolute favourite for fish and a beautiful location. Sensational puds ! Highly rated (7½/10) in Spain’s Gastronomía Guide. Best to book. 96 577.1612 / July/Aug daily 10-23h / otherwise open lunch only (closed mid-Dec - end Feb). http://www.restaurantesur.com/

At CALPE’s (fishing) HARBOUR : The harbour at CALPE is a great place (sic) for fish ! Any restaurant will entice you in with marvellous displays of fresh fish. There is nothing like this anywhere else we know of (except Dubai !). Strongly recommended. FISH ITEM (retail) ! Outside Ermita supermarket (by the little church on the Jávea to Jesús Pobre road) 10:00h on a Saturday morning an enterprising Dutchman (Arjen) who is selling fresh martjes, smoked eel, roll-mops, smoked mackerel, buckling (a herring smoked whole – as opposed to kippers which are smoked flat), smoked trout and potted shrimps ……. There are no further frozen HERRINGS for the moment due to change of supplier in Holland. Orders to : 667 997300 (every Sat. morning from 10:00h) or argentocorazon@gmail.com inside this supermarket, at Xavi’s excellent meat counter, the very best STILTON in the area ]. Arjen is in MORAIRA on Thurs 10 - 14h at Tabaira – Palco. INCODNITO < Fish ‘n’ Chips > : Jávea, Arenal beach, on main car park. It is not usual for such an establishment to find its way onto this list but it has proved to be very reliable with both fresh fish and chips of excellent quality. Tel : 96 577.0068 / f. Sunday. PEDREGUER SOMETHING REALLY OUT OF THE ORDINARY Restaurante CASA CALLEJA In a cave beside the Cueva de las Calaveras, Ctra. de Pedreguer, Benidoleig. A romantic dinner in a cave – let them tell their own story (please see their web page !). Tel: 96 640 4609 / Mob: 651 480816 E-mail bookings to : info@casacalleja.es / http://www. casacalleja.es/index.html DENIA Restaurante Casa FREDERICO : C/ Ausias March 22, 03700 Denia. Go northwards from the sea front – on the left. We are hearing very good things about this establishment and welcome further comment. Tel. 96 578 3041 / http://casafederico.es// Restaurante PANTERRI : C/ Diana 2, Denia (walk up Marques de Campo from the sea; last street on the right before the Glorieta): The highest quality, and most wonderful, tapas we know. Must book at least 3 days in advance. 96 642.1055 / f. Sunday (& high season). Lunch: Mon-Sat / Dinner: Fri & Sat. only http://www.aehtma.com/index. php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=96:panterri&Itemid=10

TAPES i VINS LA XARA : La Jara (Carrer de les Escoles 2). Another a real winner, superb and creative tapas each individually prepared and served. Best “grand-luxe” Croque Monsieur (Welsh Rarebit !) ever (manchego cheese with Iberico ham !!). Delicious menu-del-dia at €14.50. Daily 09:00h to 17:00 / Evenings Fri & Sat.only / f. Sun. Corkage : €3. Booking recommended. 96 642.4767 699 907051 www.tapesivins.es Restaurante PEIX i BRASES : Denia ; drive north on sea front and go left at last roundabout into Plaza Benidorm). Recommend 4-course midday menu-del-día on the ground floor. Pavement tables available in good weather. Their upstairs restaurant is reported to be top quality (but very expensive). Warning : pay attention whether things they bring you, which you didn’t ask for, are free or not ! Cuisine is original and of high quality - as well as excellently presented. (This entry sent in by a reader; slightly edited - we await further comments). 96 578 5083 / denia@ peixibrases.com / www.peixibrases.com Restaurante REPUBLIC DENIA : Attractive location at the end of the southern breakwater of Denia Harbour. We are receiving regular comments praising this Dutch owned restaurant. Screens are available for sport so best check before you go although this suggests that muzak could be a problem here ? We hope to clarify this shortly. Attractively constructed and priced menu-del-dia. Best to join their mailing list. 96 643 0123. Excellent website www.republicdenia.com info@republicdenia.com Restaurante SAL de MAR (Denia) : In the Hotel Posada del Mar, Plaza Drassanes on the front of Denia port. Won “Best New Restaurant in Spain Award 2006”. With muzak. Menu del dia c.€16.50. Main courses c.€15-24; 96 642.7766 / f. Tues / www.saldemar.net Restaurante LA SENIA : Avenida del Cid 3 (in Hotel Nou Roma, close under the castle walls on the inland side). Reports indicate this to have been a serious omission from the listing – confirmed this month (Jan.’15) by a rave review : This was indeed one of the best main meals I have had for some time. Very well cooked & delicious……You need to go there to see just how good it is. We will do so soon ! More comments, please96 643.2843 / www.restaurantelasenia.net info@restaurantelasenia.net Restaurante LA SEU : C/ Loreto 59, Denia. A still great (formerly Michelin-starred) restaurant specializing in rice dishes. Low muzak. A must for visitors. Ground floor lunch menu €20 (evenings €22.00). 96 642.4478 / open daily / info@laseudenia.com / http://www.laseu.es/

Restaurante VENTA de POSA : On the road out of Denia to the Marriott Hotel & Jesús Pobre. We have been delighted to have rediscovered this old coaching inn and for a real Spanish experience this takes some beating. Preceded by an excellent salad and 2-3 other starters - and then a rice-based soup - the excellent daily dish that follows forms the centre of their delicious menu-del-dia at about €11.50 ! In terms of Spanish food this is almost unparalled in regard to quantity, quality and value. Many menus from €11.50 to €18.50 upwards. Pleasant service. No muzak. Their sister restaurant in Denia <Drassanes> specialises in fish (please access info via their website). 96 578.4672 / f. midday TuesWed-Thurs. http://www.ventadeposa.com/ info@ventadeposa.com JESUS POBRE Restaurante LA TASCA : Charming Italian owner – set in an attractive courtyard. Portions tend to be small so this restaurant isn’t cheap (€140 for 4). As it was full we found the service under strain. There is musak but, mercifully, not in the courtyard. The lentil soup was superb. Renowned for meat cooked on an open-grilled fire yet all choices were reasonably priced but were all of cheaper cuts except for the CHULETON (T-bone) at €35/kg and this is the reason for going to La Tasca ! Great crêpes but the Panacotta was tiny and inadequate. Well-heeled clientele. Approaching Jesus Pobre from the Jávea-Gata road take the 2nd left before entering the village and it is on the left corner at the top of this short street. English spoken. Must book. Tel: 96 575.6285. UP INTO THE MOUNTAINS : Our beautiful, mountainous inland region (recommended trips) - always best to book Restaurante CA L’ANGELES : C/ Gabriel Miró 12, POLOP; along from La Nucia near the roundabout at the bottom of the road up to Guadalest. Take Altea exit from AP7 then drive via Callosa to Polop. If you visit Guadalest then this is where you have lunch !! After a long absence, we were delighted to find this wonderful restaurant thriving (in spite of the crisis) – full of discerning gastronauts! The impeccably mannered and charming patron (Paco) speaks beautiful Spanish and a great host. Delightful, high quality, original Spanish cuisine - one of our top favourites (strongly re-confirmed) and providing a truly Spanish gastronomic experience with wines lovingly introduced (especially Enrique Mendozas from Alfaz). Worth the trip! Classed at 7½ out of 10 in Spanish Gastronomía Guide. Muzak with some character (ask to turn it down). http://calangels.net / info@calangels.net 96 587.0226 / f. Tues

Restaurante SA CANTERELLA (Tarbena – leaving the town on the road to La Nucia): Unique restaurant devoted to game (pheasant, rabbit, hare, partridge, quail, deer, wild boar etc...) all based on fixed menu del días and priced according to the game chosen. The meal starts with a huge bowl of delicious French-style vegetable soup. From €20-€27. Offers dramatic mountain panoramas. Tel : 96 588.4062 / f. Sat. Restaurante CORRAL del PATO (“The Duck’s Corral”) : A favourite. Just outside Gata on Lliber-Jalón road. Very good Valencian cuisine with popular menu; speciality of duck & roast leg of lamb (must be ordered in advance and thus booking is essential). Eat in garden under huge carob tree. Recent very good reports (May ’14). Recommended. Muzak-free. Tel : 96 575.6834 / f. Mon. Restaurante L’ERA (PAELLA) : This is regarded as the No.1 paella restaurant of the whole Marina Alta !! Through Jalón village, then turn left at Alcalali T-junction & follow signs for Parcent. In the old part of this small village. Paella is a dish for a social event (and only eaten by Spaniards at midday) so best to be hungry and to go in a group. Booking essential. Tel : 96 640.5298 / f. Wed. Restaurante MASEROF : Close to Los Pinos (above Jalón, now written Xaló to ensure tourists have no idea where they are !!) and next door to the excellent Verd i Vent (see below). Take N332 - Benissa towards Calpe - turn right towards Jalón (Xaló !) just beyond Benissa’s town limits and continue on this road until the outskirts of Jalón where you turn left up beside the petrol station. At the end of this narrow lane, turn left onto the road that takes you up to Bernia and some 10 minutes or 5 km later you will arrive at Maserof (& Verd i Vent (see below)). The bodega/ restaurant is immediately on the left as you arrive at this collection of buildings. Very difficult to miss! Well there’s nothing like competition ! We were at Maserof on Easter Sunday and enjoyed a remarkable 5-course set lunch for €29 which included salad of gambas, a mushroom and vegetable vol-au-vent and a superb soupe de cêpes all with a very “friendly” house red in front of a roaring log fire ! Terrific value and a wonderful first visit. Tel: 96 578 5776 (Dalila) & 96 642 5263 (Luisa) (Carol: 687 722451) (Open Sat. & Sun. only) (must telephone to check they are open and to book – better still ask to go on their mailing list). E-mail: info@maserof.es / Web: www.maserof.es / www.totvalldepop. es/empresas.php?ID=4

Restaurante PEPE (Alcalali) : Go through Jalón and on to Alcalali and turn right at T-junction. Go straight on then 200m on left; or drive up from Pedreguer (better road) and it lies on your right as you approach Alcalali. Much loved restaurant and Spanish-owned (Pepe lived many years in UK) - serves the most excellent steak & kidney pie and British roasts. Famous throughout the region ! Always busy. Best to book. 96 648.2456 / f. Sun.pm & Mon www.restaurante-pepe.es Restaurante LA RATATOUILLE : At Sanet y Negrals, C/Mayor 14 (on the road from Beniarbeig to Benimeli). The German owners, Timo Kaiser & Gesine Janasik, formerly ran a successful Las Marinas restaurant. Their clients followed them and now there is a new clientele - so it is best to book ! They take loving pride in both cooking & presentation, and they now have muzak (but very quiet !). Menu-del-día €15. 96 640.8326 / Lunch: 13-15h, evenings from 19h/ f. Sun.pm & Mon. / www.laratatouille.es info@laratatouille.es RECENTLY RE-VISITED Restaurante DEL RAVAL (behind the church at BENISSIVA : 12km up the Val de la Gallinera road from Pego to Alcoy). This is a joy - and an unique one at that. We have been visiting this restaurant since it appeared in the Daily Telegraph some 15 years ago in which it was stated that this was one of the 5 best restaurants in the Valencian Communidad. It was then rated 7½ points (out of 10 in the Spanish Gastronomía Guide (Repsol). If you fall in love with this place, as we have done, then this rating doesn’t matter a jot ! Go, and indulge yourselves. We have been going once or twice a year since then and have never been disappointed and are always charmed. We recently returned (4 of us) and had an unforgettable meal [ 4 little starters : a choice from 4 main courses : 3 little puds ] for €20 (plus wine). And then it occured to me to take a private party there, for Joana will open anytime for a group and this we did in June. We left the menu to her - having total confidence in her loving skills with food. Needless to tell you, dear reader, the group were enchanted. Many asked me why they’d never heard of it and I replied that it was always in our listing...... ! So now you know. Go and try it ! Must book. No muzak. Tel : 96 640.6656 / Mob: 686 010910. Open only on Fri. evenings / Sat midday & evening / & Sunday lunch [ Joana will take bookings at all other times for groups of 18+(?) by prior arrangement ] batallerjoana@gmail.com / http://vinsimes.blogspot. com/2008/05/del-raval-en-benissiva-de-joana.html

Restaurante VALL DEL POP : Atop the hill over-looking Lliber and the Jalon valley on the Gata-Lliber road (before you drop down to Lliber). We were reminded just recently of the excellent meat offered here (incl. grilled kidneys as a ‘starter’ !) all cooked by grandpa “a la brasa”. We have taken large groups here with great success. Our private visits are enjoyed in a good friendly atmosphere (no muzak). Very reasonable prices and the pool is available for guests. 608 919036 / 96 573 1798 / f. Tues. E-mail: rest.valldelpop@gmail.com Restaurante La VENTA del COLLAO (Owner: Esmeralda) : BENIMAURELL. We arrived here to realise you’d better book for it is an already well-established restaurant ! Situate amongst the cherry orchards and atop the mountain leading up from Benimaurell - and which goes over the top to join the CV720 far below on the other side. It enjoys truly stunning views over all the surrounding mountains. The trip up was a real adventure ! Delicious starters, roasts & puddings with friendly service. Warm interior for winter visits. Sensible prices. Fluent English spoken (& Dutch !). Tel: 649 590538 / E-mail: ventadelcollao@ hotmail.com (their website in prep.). Restaurante VERD í VENT : Los Pinos (see instructions for going to Maserof above who are next door). Revisit your student days in a rustic farmhouse. A copious 4-course, Belgian-prepared, delicious meal - all for about €18. Spectacular views over the Sierra Bernia. More popular than ever with all nationalities and a fun treat for visitors - consequently you must book. Tel : 96 597.3413 / mob: 620-550833) / f. Tues. OTHER RESTAURANTS (by town) ( = Michelin star / * = Los Toques de la Costa Blanca) ALICANTE

96 526.2585 Maestral, Andalucia 18, Vistahermosa, / f.Sun pm 96 583.2624 El Pierrot, Playa Levante, Ed.Gran Sol 42, CALPE / f.Tues 96 559.2100 L’Escaleta, Pujada Estac.de Norte N340, COCENTAINA/ f. Sun pm Mon


96 642.1626 La Barqueta, Bellavista 10, (sea front) / daily 96 642.1789 Romano, Av. El Cid 3 (beneath castle), / f.Thurs 96 578.6479 Tasca Eulalia (tapas), Marquès del Campo 39, / daily 96 578.9103 Ticino(Italian), Bellavista, (sea front) / daily


96 393.4046 Alejandro del Toro, Amadeo de Saboya 15, f.Sat midday + Sun 96 392.3538 Bodegó de la Sarieta,C/Juristas 4, (Trad. Valencian cuisine) 96 367.2314 Bodega Casa Montana,C/J.Benilliure 69. Emilianobodega.com 96 393,5562 Da Carlo, Dr.Manuel Candela 79, (Italian) 96 371.0366 LaPepica (Paellas),Malvaroso Beach, - daily 96 392.4000 Seu Xerea, Almodovar 4, f/ Sun & Mon 96 394.0811 La Reina,Plaza Canovas, f/Sun & Mon pm 96 335.5418 Ricard Camarena, C/ Sumsi 4, [reservas@ricardcamarena.com] 96 374.6665 La Sucursal, Guillém de Castro 118 /f. 15-31 Aug. & Sat.noon + Sun 96 352.5111 Rias Gallegas, Cirilo Amorós 4 / f. Aug. & Sun & Mon.pm 96 384.8800 La Sota d’Abastos, C/Navarra 7, 96 381.3819 Min Dou,Calle Pelayo 31, (the Chinese community’s No.1) 96 330.5763 Beirut King, Paseo de la Alameda 50 (Lebanese – nr.opera house), /daily 96 337.2164 (Aragon): Felip Maria Garin 4 96 380.3667 (Ruzafa): Carlos Cervera 22 AND Michelin 3-star owner of Quique da Costa’s has two sensational Gastro-Bars Mercat Bar, C/J.Costa 27 (96 374.8558 / mercatbar.es) & Vuelve Carolina, C/Correos 8, (vuelvecarolina.com)

E & O E : 20151001 © 2015 J.G. DEACON Spain’s Top 100 restaurants http://www.loscienmejoresdelagastronomia.es Spain’s Top 10 cheeses http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/spains-top-ten/13620/SPAINS-Top-10--Cheeses.aspx Spain’s Top 10 museums http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/spains-top-ten/15277/spains-top-10museums.aspx New Michelin Guide recognizes dynamism of Madrid chefs | EL PAIS http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/11/20/inenglish/1416477061_862906.html http://www.thelocal.es:80/20141120/madrid-big-winner-in-new-michelin-foodguide-spain-portugal-2015 List of newly starred Michelin restaurants in Spain and Portugal http://ph.celebrity.yahoo.com/news/list-newly-starred-michelin-restaurantsspain-portugal-115156483.html?.tsrc=mtk

Since the group Collabro won Britain’s Got Talent in 2014, there has been massive interest in A Cappella (singing without accompaniment, or Barbershop) as people recognise that they don’t need to play an instrument to be a successful musician. This was very obvious at the ‘Harmony College’, held at the Hotel

Costa Narejos in Los Alcázares this past weekend, as it was attended by experienced enthusiasts and newcomers from all over Spain and the UK. Organised for the second time by SABS (Spanish Association of B a r b e r s h o p Singers), the event was supported by Reckless quartet

Second “Harmony College” is a Success in Murcia

Photo: Lyn Baines

Photo: Lyn Baines

from the UK who have represented the BABS (British Association of Barbershop Singers) on the international stage in the USA twice and will be representing them again in Nashville in 2016. Reckless hold ten gold medals between them! Guests gathered to enjoy a lively course run by this

very experienced barbershop quartet who taught a variety of techniques to the Harmony College students to improve both their singing and performance skills. This included three ‘Harmony College Choruses’: the Ladies Chorus, the Men’s Chorus and the Mixed Chorus. But it wasn’t all

hard work! There was a lot of fun, chat and bonding too, and the event culminated in a free public concert which we are happy to say was full to capacity. This was an opportunity to show off what the ‘students’ had learned during the weekend and was appreciated by everyone.

Reckless gave a stunning quartet performance to round off the very successful weekend.

To find out when and where, please check the Facebook page: https://www. SABS is keen to f a c e b o o k . c o m / have more people BarbershopSpain join in this unique art and to involve To find out more people in the various general information singing courses about Barbershop being held around in Spain, visit the Spain in the coming SABS website: months. www.sabs.es



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