Madeira Island Magazine - April/May 2018

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contents destaques

MIM April-May Abril-Maio 2018

4 600 years of the Discovery of Madeira and Porto Santo 5 Music / Música 6 Events / Eventos 7 Exhibitions / Exposições 9 Sweet Potatoe / Batata-doce 10 Awards / Prémios 11 Family Cake / Bolo Família 12 Monte Palace Tropical Garden 13 Mein Schiff 4 14 Marmeleiros 18 Madeira fauna & flora 25 Cabo Girão 28 Cultural info 30 Special tours / The fantastic history of Madeira (BD)


Pico Ruivo do Paul da Serra



Madeira Sports

Flower Festival



Teatro Baltazar Dias

Ithaka Darin Pappas


Primeira Lombada Picnic Park

Cannons The fortress area provides 15 The breathtaking views. of Faial

The theatre was officially inaugurated on March 11th 1888.



Madeira Island magazine

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The year is 1418, the year of the discovery of the Porto Santo Island, an event that occurred after a storm on the high seas which deviated a vessel that followed the African coast from its route. The navigator Gonçalves Zarco and his crew were saved by this small piece of land which they named as Porto Santo (Holy Harbor). A year later, in 1419, another piece of land was spotted, which was designated by Madeira (Wood), due to the abundance of this raw material. Gonçalves Zarco, Tristão Vaz Teixeira and Bartolomeu Perestrelo are the three navigators who arrived and stayed here, each with his captaincy. Porto Santo was assigned to Bartolomeu Perestrelo, Machico to Tristão Vaz Teixeira, and Funchal to Gonçalves Zarco, but this only occurred some years later, in 1440, after the Cycle of Settlement, in 1425, by order of D. João I.

Editorial Editor Tony Kennedy Graphic Designer & Photographer Rafael Caldeira Cover Photo Rafael Caldeira Commercial & Photographer Amélia Silva

“Música na Natureza”

Print & Circulation

Circulation 10 000

Edition 370

600 years of the Discovery s d n la Is to n a S to or P d n a a ir e d a M of The discovery

Associate Managers Rafael Caldeira Vitor Nunes

Licence # 123608

MIM April-May 2018


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April, 8 | Pedreira, Porto Santo Triângulo (World Music) - Accordion; Guitar; Bass-guitar; Percussion.

“Happy Island” April, 14 | Porto Santo

“History and Creativity" April, 17 | Porto Santo

Artistic residence with the group "Dançando com a Diferença" for the coreographer La Ribot.

Children and youth Cartooning Activities- Porto Santo island

Conservatory Concerts

Golf Trophy


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“The discovery of music” May, 10 | Porto Santo Workshops and musical training sessions held in of Porto Santo schools.

May, 12 | Porto Santo Concert by the Academic Conservatory Orchestra

April, 18 | Santo da Serra Golf Course, Madeira Golf Trophy - Madeira's 600th anniversary SGF/ACIF

600 anos da descoberta do Arquipélago da Madeira A Descoberta 1418, é o ano apontado como o ano da descoberta da Ilha do Porto Santo, circunstância ocorrida após uma tempestade em alto mar que desviou da rota uma embarcação que seguia pela costa africana. Gonçalves Zarco e a sua tripulação foram salvos por este pequeno bocado de terra ao qual batizaram de Porto Santo. Um ano mais tarde, em 1419, avistou-se outro bocado de terra, o qual foi designado por Madeira, devido à abundância desta matéria-prima. Gonçalves Zarco, Tristão Vaz Teixeira e Bartolomeu Perestrelo são os três navegadores que aqui chegaram e aqui ficaram, cada um com a sua capitania. Porto Santo a Bartolomeu Perestrelo, Machico a Tristão Vaz Teixeira e, Funchal a Gonçalves Zarco, isto, alguns anos mais tarde, em 1440, após se ter dado início ao Ciclo do Povoamento, em 1425, por ordem do D. João I.



5 ‘Fica na Cidade’ Festival May, 2 to 9 | Funchal  This cultural festival will host a total of 102 concerts including various musical styles such as Rock, Pop, Jazz, apart from other performances and street entertainment shows. nd

Chapels under the Moonlight April 19 | Quinta and Chapel of Faial 26 | Jesus, Maria e José Chapel (Calheta) May 3 | Sant´Ana Chapel ( Funchal) 11 | Nossa Senhora do Loreto Chapel (Calheta) 17 | Nossa Senhora da Graça Chapel (Funchal)

 A guided tour programme was created for a set of chapels in Madeira Island, featuring artistic references of the highest importance in the context of regional heritage and some musical moments. Esta iniciativa propõe a divulgação do património ‘Capelas ao Luar’, permitindo ao público visitar capelas da Madeira e Porto Santo, algumas delas habitualmente inacessíveis, em visitas guiadas enriquecidas ainda com momentos musicais.

Sean Koch Trio | Jahneration


Este festival cultural urbano irá contemplar um leque de 102 concertos de vários estilos musicais e ainda espetáculos de animação de rua em seis palcos definidos para o efeito: Praça Colombo, Largo do Chafariz, Zona Velha, Praça do Carmo, Rua da Carreira e na praça principal do Mercado dos Lavradores. Regional Philharmonic Bands Meeting This cultural initiative was created to safe keep Madeira’s musical heritage and to pay tribute to the important role played by the regional Philharmonic bands in favour of the public entertainment initiatives and the indisputable joyfulness that they instill into Madeira’s traditional feasts.

Maktub Soundsgood May 8th | Paul do Mar 

Festival Aleste


This reggae-type festival celebrates the eighth anniversary of Maktub, Paul of the Sea, featuring such bands as Jahneration, Black Market and Sean Koch Trio, which offer sounds that fit perfectly into the relaxed and sunny surroundings of that seaside village.

May, 26th | Funchal  The event, which attracts international interest, will host its fifth edition, featuring a lineup of alternative music like Surma, Bruno Pernadas, Bispo, Celeste/Mariposa and Bitchin Bajas, at Barreirinha beach in Funchal.

Este festival de musica reggae celebra o oitavo aniversário do Maktub, Paul do Mar, apresentando as bandas Jahneration, Mercado Negro e Sean Koch Trio, que nos trazem sons que se encaixam perfeitamente no ambiente descontraído do Maktub.

Esta iniciativa propõe um cartaz de música alternativa, num cenário junto à praia da Barreirinha, no Funchal, apresentando duas estreias na Madeira: a nacional Surma (Débora Umbelino, a banda-de-uma-só-mulher) e os norte-americanos Bitchin Bajas.

May, 27th | Ribeira Brava 

Organizado pela DRC, este evento cultural foi criado como forma de salvaguardar o importante património musical da Região e prestar o reconhecimento público às bandas filarmónicas regionais em prol das iniciativas públicas de animação e, sobretudo, da alegria inconfundível que imprimem aos típicos arraiais madeirenses.


events eventos

MIM April-May 2018

Sugarcane Harvest Festival

International Museum Day

May, 4 to 6 | Porto da Cruz This event intends to promote both the local sugarcane rotary and the cultural and architectural heritage of this parish presenting a set of activities held in the center of the village, including various artistic and cultural endeavors.

May, 18th This year's International Museum Day, features the theme "Hyper connected Museums: New Approaches, New Publics”, in an allusion to the relationship that can be created between the visitor of a given museum and the displayed collections.


Flower Festival April 19th to May13th, Funchal | Celebrating the arrival of springtime and the exuberant blossoming of flowers typical of this season, Funchal is the setting of a sumptuous and inebriating show filled with colour and fantasy - Flower Festival, a tribute to the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the Discovery of Madeira and Porto Santo Islands. A festa da flor é subordinada ao tema “ 600 anos em flor”, numa homenagem às celebrações dos 600 anos da Descoberta das ilhas da Madeira e do Porto Santo. As festividades iniciam-se a 19 de abril, com a abertura do Mercado das Flores, no Sábado dia 21, centenas de crianças participam no Cortejo Infantil, e no domingo dia 22, realiza-se o deslumbrante cortejo Alegórico da Flor.


O certame tem por objetivo dar a conhecer o roteiro da cana-de-açúcar e divulgar o património cultural e arquitetónico da freguesia do Porto da Cruz, e decorrerá na Praça da Alagoa, no Centro Cívico e na Engenhos do Norte, Lda.

Este ano, o Dia Internacional dos Museus, que se celebra no dia 18 de maio, apresenta o tema “Museus hiperconectados: Enfoques novos, públicos novos”, numa alusão à relação que se pode criar entre o visitante de um determinado museu e as coleções expostas.

The Classic Motor Exhibition

Madeira Auto Parade

MIUT Madeira Islands Ultra Trail April 25th to 29th | Santana The MIUT is a sports competition crossing the island's best tracks, starting in the municipality of Porto Moniz and ending in the council of Machico, passaging through the central massif area. Esta prova atrevessa a ilha de lés-a-lés, no sentido noroeste-sudeste, partindo do Porto Moniz, com passagens pelos pontos mais altos da ilha para depois regressar novamente ao nível do mar, em Machico.

April, 29th | Funchal This event is one of the largest exhibitions, and national restoration and elegance contests, an opportunity to admire some of the best vehicles and auto parts in Madeira. Este certame, tem por objetivo juntar o glamour dos automóveis e das motas clássicas, às flores da Madeira, integrando uma das maiores exposições e Concurso de Restauro e Elegância a título nacional, uma oportunidade única para admirar alguns dos melhores veículos e peças automobilísticas.

May 7th and 8th | Funchal The Classic Motor Show exhibition is an annual automobile event comprised by the most representative types of old classic and vintage vehicles existing in Madeira Islands, such as automobiles, motorbikes and bicycles manufactured prior to 1980.

O “Classic Motor Exhibition” é um certame automobilístico anual, representativo da história dos veículos antigos e clássicos existentes na região, designadamente automóveis, motos e bicicletas produzidos até 1980.

Feast of Saint James the Less

Lemon Festival April, 28th and 29th | Ilha The parish of Ilha, located in northern part of the island in the municipality of Santana, organizes the Lemon festival, a tribute to one of its main agricultural produces. A freguesia da Ilha, situada no concelho de Santana, organiza anualmente a festa do limão, um certame de cariz popular, no intuito de, homenagear um dos produtos agrícolas mais representativos desta localidade.

May 1st to 3rd | Funchal Funchal´s Old quarters, and in particularly the Santa Maria Street, and Corpo Santo Square depicting a very lively ambience characteristic of the local religious feasts “arraial”.

A Zona Velha do Funchal, em particular a Rua de Santa Maria e o Largo do Corpo Santo conhecem uma animação especial, numa festa com a envolvência de um arraial típico madeirense.

Madeira Film Festival May 14th to 20th | Funchal The Madeira Film Festival is an international independent film festival inspired by nature that brings together various initiatives related to sustainability, art, education, ecotourism, recreation, in a tribute to the Laurissilva Forest, recognised by UNESCO as World Natural Heritage. Já na sua sétima edição, o Madeira Film Festival destaca-se pela aposta num programa diversificado que conjuga a cinematografia com concertos musicais, palestras, workshops e desfiles de moda solidários, num ambiente intimista e único.

17th Onion Festival May 18th to 20th | Caniço The onion festival is one of the most emblematic festivities of Caniço, whose main attraction is the onion parade, involving several decorated floats and an auction.

É um dos mais representativos e maiores cartazes da cidade do Caniço e uma homenagem a todos os agricultores que cultivam a cebola no Caniço. Johne D’Luka, cantor, músico, compositor e produtor de música sertaneja é o cabeça-decartaz da festa. Brian Wilson, Pedro Garcia, João Quintino e Jamie & The Marx são outros dos artistas confirmados. School Sports Festival May, 22nd to 25th | Funchal This week-long sports event under the theme “Cultural Heritage Ties, features a competition, amid the local’s schools, which is annually held at the Marítimo´s Football Stadium.

Subordinado ao tema, “Laços do Património Cultural" esta iniciativa é um tributo às comemorações dos 40 anos da Madeira.

exbitions exposições 44th edition - Book Fair May 25 to June 3 |Funchal Avenida Arriaga will be the centre stage of the annual Book Fair, a cultural event which will involve most of Madeira's bookshops and some Portuguese publishing houses. th

Trout Festival and Cider Route May, 23rd to 27th | Santana Cider and trout are two culinary elements littleknown by visitors, who will thus have the opportunity to savour these products during this festival, through visits to the Ribeiro Frio aquaculture station. A sidra e a truta constituem dois elementos gastronómicos pouco conhecidos, que poderão ser saboreados durante este festival através de visitas ao posto aquícola do Ribeiro Frio; participação em concursos de pesca à truta; apresentações e degustações gastronómicas elaboradas à base de truta e de sidra; e exposições.


A Avenida Arriaga é o palco principal da Feira do Livro, importante ação cultural que contou com a participação da maior parte das livrarias madeirenses e algumas editoras nacionais. Nesta edição o destaque vai para a presença do conhecido humorista Bruno Nogueira na abertura da Feira.

3rd "Aqui Acolá" Festival May, 25th to 28th The historical core of the Ponta do Sol municipality will host this cultural initiative that aims to heighten the cultural landscape and the economy of this emblematical location. The programme covers several artists: Mafalda Arnauth, Tim, Fernando Daniel, Rouxinol Faduncho, Cristina Barbosa, 13, Fisga, Slap Sktr, Les Sylphides, Electra, Vértice, Amando Ganança, Paul Reuben, Folclore da Ponta do Sol e Rochão.

“Alvoro” Until 30 April | MUDAS By António Barros, shows sculpture, objects, photographs, video and installation. “Traditional gastronomy: The bride’s cake” Until 17 June | Ethnographic Museum of Madeira The traditional “bride’s cake” also called as “mount cake” or “sweet cake” is well known throughout the island. Fotografias da Madeira da Coleção de Luís Forjaz Trigueiros Until 30 April | Regional Archive and Public Library of Madeira (ABM) Documental Exhibition. “Danilo Gouveia” Until 30 April | Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Works by Danilo Gouveia

“Natura flora - Form and Context” Until 10 May | Art Center Caravel Botanical portraits by Angie Gray “Traços de Madeira” Until 12 May | Ethnographic Museum of Madeira This exhibition, englobes pieces of furniture with marchetery work, going back to the 19th and 20th centuries. “Limbo” Until 12 May | FNAC Gallery Photography by Mariana Lopes Collective of Visual Arts , in interaction with the Play The Gladiators Until 18 May | Gallery.A / Cinema Stº António Theatre Production: ATEF “The Linen Burdens” Until 3 June | Civic Center of Estreito de Câmara de Lobos


By Jaime Andrade “Quintessence Ii” Until 3 June | Museum Henrique and Francisco Fra nco Ceramics by Luz Henriques. “Dreams of Africa” Until 9 June | Gallery Restock Painting by Sibusiso Duma “Velocidade de escape” Until 30 June | MUDAS - Museu de Arte Cont. da Madeira By Duarte Encarnação. “Darwin and the dynamics of soils” Until 30 June | Funchal Natural History Museum “De mim para mim” Until 2 October | MUDAS A private collection by the Portuguese artist Sofia Areal.


Flower Festival The Flower Festival is a tribute to spring, and the celebration of metamorphosis and rebirth, fertility and the abundance of the flowers that colour, perfume and inebriate the surrounding environment and that give value and take the good name of this tourist destination across borders. Find out more about what to expect from the Madeira Flower Festival, which will take place between the 19th of April and the 13th of May: On Saturday morning the Children's Parade takes place, in which hundreds of children, dressed for the occasion, parade to Praça do Município to build a beautiful flower mural symbolically named “Wall of Hope”. This initiative, which has been held for over three decades, combines childhood innocence and the delicacy of flowers in a ceremony calling for peace in the world. Each child takes a flower and the ceremony usually culminates with a release of doves and a children's show. On Sunday afternoon, the streets of Funchal city centre are once again filled with music, colour and soft aromas, with the sumptuous float parade, which harmoniously combines numerous floral species with blooming decorations full of creativity. The Flower Festival Float Parade, held since 1979, is one of the most striking and eagerly anticipated events of the entire festival, for tourists and residents

Floral species originating in many parts of the world bloom in Madeira, as the island meets specific climatic conditions that allow species from both tropical and cold regions to flourish.

alike. This event is known for the magnificence and splendour of the floats and costumes of the hundreds of participants, mostly children, richly adorned with numerous, varied and magnificent floral species, parading along a planned route to the sound of festive musical themes and performing both simple and elaborate choreographies. Tradition is particularly associated with the event, whether through the performances of folk groups, or through the construction of the beautiful floral carpets. At the same time, homage is paid to flowers at the magnificent Flower Exhibition and the city is animated with music concerts and variety shows. The following events are also included on the Flower Festival agenda:  The flower market contributes to raise public awareness to the countless ornamental and floral species on the island. Visitors and locals can buy them in a picturesque setting.  The Flower Exhibition is held in the centre of Funchal, at Praça do Povo. This unique flower display shows the finest flowers grown with much care and devotion, all around Madeira. The flowers in display are

judged under various categories and the best are awarded prizes by a panel of experts. In addition the Praça do Povo will also be the centre stage of several workshops and crafts exhibits.  This traditional creation of flower carpets thrives a little bit throughout the island and had its origins in the decoration of religious processions. Due to its undeniable beauty and detail, for the past several years, the flower carpets have been reproduced on the streets for the Flower Festival, establishing alongside the floral sculptures, a major contribution to the magnificence of the city’s decorations, as their careful construction is shared and admired by visiting tourists. These wonderful pieces of floral art are displayed in the central walkways of Avenida Arriaga.  The Madeira Auto Parade intends to join the glamour of classic vehicles alongside the flowers of Madeira, incorporating one of the largest exhibitions of restorations and elegance, nationally. The perfect opportunity to view some of the best vehicles. The exhibition will definitely promote moments of pure entertainment, colour and beauty.

A Festa da Flor é um evento de grande destaque na Ilha da Madeira e é um dos grandes cartazes turisticos da ilha. 19 de Abril a 6 Maio - Exposições e Animação diversa na baixa da cidade do Funchal 21 de Abril - Cerimónia do Muro da Esperança 22 de Abril - Grande Cortejo Alegórico 29 de Abril - Madeira Auto Parade – Parada de carros históricos 6 de Maio - Concertos “o som das flores”


Festa da Flor

festivities festas

MIM April-May 2018

A origem da Festa da Flor remonta ao ano de 1954, quando se realizou no Ateneu Comercial do Funchal a Festa da Rosa. A constatação de que grande parte dos madeirenses se dedicava ao cultivo das flores levou ao convite para que as expusessem, num evento que concluía com a atribuição de prémios às melhores flores. Esta exposição/concurso, pelo sucesso alcançado, continuou a se repetir sob a denominação de Festa da Flor. No final da década dos anos setenta do século passado (1979), a Direção Regional do Turismo traz para a rua a Festa da Flor, através da inclusão e organização de manifestações como a Cerimónia do Muro da Esperança, o Cortejo Alegórico da flor, concursos florais, de montras e jardins floridos, espetáculos musicais e decorações diversas.

regional produce produto local

Sweet Potatoe


(Ipomoea Batatas L.)

The sweet potato is a large, starchy, sweet-tasting, root vegetable. Sweet potato varieties with white or pale yellow flesh are less sweet and moist than those with red, pink or orange flesh.


The center of origin and domestication of sweet potato is thought to be either in Central America or South America. In Central America, sweet potatoes were domesticated at least 5,000 years ago. In South America, Peruvian sweet potato remnants dating as far back as 8000 BC have been found. Sweet potatoes became popular very early in the islands of the Pacific Ocean, spreading from Polynesia to Japan and the Philippines. One

reason is that they were a reliable crop in cases of crop failure of other staple foods because of typhoon flooding. The New World, the original home of the sweet potato, grows less than three percent (3%) of the world's supply. Europe has only a very small sweet potato production, mainly in Portugal. They grow well in many farming conditions and have few natural enemies; pesticides are rarely needed. They can be grown in poor soils with

A batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas L.) é um tubérculo de grande importância na cultura hortícola da Madeira, sendo exportada para vários países europeus. Este tubérculo tem uma polpa branca alaranjada, com casca fina que pode admitir a cor branca, amarela, laranja, vermelha ou púrpura, e distingue-se pelo seu sabor adocicado. A batata-doce é originária da América do Sul onde, muito antes dos Descobrimentos, já era consumida pelos indígenas do México e do Perú e foi trazida para a Europa pelos portugueses. O botânico madeirense Carlos Azevedo de Menezes, em artigo publicado em 1909, opina que a batata-doce terá sido introduzida na Madeira nos

meados do século XVII, no entanto, Mendes Ferrão, um estudioso das plantas tropicais, afirma que a sua cultura já era feita nos Açores em 1538 e que, na segunda metade do século XVI, a batata-doce, ao contrário da batata comum, já estava muito divulgada em Portugal, Espanha e Itália. Na Ilha da Madeira, a batata-doce é cultivada desde o litoral até acima dos 700 m de altitude em toda a superfície agrícola, embora Santana, Ponta do Sol, Calheta, Machico e Ribeira Brava sejam os concelhos que dispõem de maior área dedicada a esta cultura. Os madeirenses são grandes apreciadores desta raíz doce e saborosa, consumida cozida ou assada

little fertilizer. However, sweet potatoes are very sensitive to aluminum toxicity and will die about six weeks after planting if lime is not applied at planting in this type of soil. The Center for Science in the Public Interest has compared the nutritional value of sweet potatoes to other foods. Considering fiber content, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A and potassium, the sweet potato ranked highest in nutritional value. ou ainda aproveitada na doçaria caseira. Em alguns locais da Madeira, utiliza-se também a batata-doce no fabrico do chamado pão caseiro. Atualmente, as variedades dominantes são a 'Inglesa' e a 'Brasileira', que foram selecionadas pelos agricultores ao longo dos tempos. A batata-doce é um alimento de elevado valor energético, contendo as raízes tuberosas normalmente entre 25% e 30% de hidratos de carbono, e cerca de 100-120 calorias por 100 gramas. Essas raízes possuem, também, boas percentagens de vitaminas (especialmente provitamina A e vitamina C) e de sais minerais (potássio, ferro e cálcio), sendo, no entanto, pobres em proteínas.


MIM April-May 2018

awards prémios

European Tourism Oscars Last year, Madeira was chosen for the 4th time as 'Best Island Destination', a category that had already been won in 2016, 2014 and 2013. European polls run until 20 May 2018 with the winners to be announced on 30 June in Athens, Greece. Madeira was nominated in several categories for 11 island hotels: Quinta do Lorde, Belmond Reid's Palace, Savoy Saccharum, Pestana Porto Santo, Quinta da Bela Vista, The Vine, Pestana Carlton Madeira, Quinta da Casa Branca, Paul do Mar Sea View, Galo Resort and Quinta do Lorde Resort, Hotel & Marina. Votes are posted on the awards website at

Justino's Internationally Awarded Wines The wine 'Justino's Malvasia 1997' snatched a gold medal in one of the most prestigious competitions that took place in Paris, namely the 'Vinalies d' Or 2018 '. In the International Bacchus Wine Competition in Spain, the regional company received the highest award, the 'Gran Bacchus de Oro', awarded to only 10 wines from all over the world, one of them being Justino's Madeira Colheita Malvasia 1997 and a 'Bacchus de Oro 'for the Columbus 1998 Harvest Sweet. Justino's was also awarded a gold medal for Justino's Madeira Verdelho Colheita 1997, in the 22nd edition of the MUNDUS VINI Grand International Wine Award.

Ronaldo and Leonardo Jardim Awarded The annual Quinas de Gala, organized by the Portuguese Football Federation, awarded the best of 2017 in football, beach soccer and futsal. Cristiano Ronaldo, captain of the national team and forward of Real Madrid, won the prize of best player while Leonardo Jardim, coach of Monaco, was awarded the best coach.

Oscares europeus do turismo No ano passado, a Madeira foi eleita pela 4.ª vez como ‘melhor destino insular’, categoria que já havia ganho em 2016, 2014 e 2013, feito que vira a ser confirmado com a obtenção do título mundial pela terceira vez consecutiva. As votações europeias decorrem até 20 de Maio de 2018 com os vencedores a serem anunciados a 30 de Junho em Atenas, na Grécia. A Madeira apresenta nomeações em várias categorias para 11 hotéis insulares: Quinta do Lorde, Belmond Reid’s Palace, Savoy Saccharum, Pestana Porto Santo, Quinta da Bela Vista, The Vine, Pestana Carlton Madeira, Quinta da Casa Branca, Paul do Mar Sea View , Galo Resort e o Quinta do Lorde Resort, Hotel & Marina. É neste contexto que Portugal, destino claramente na moda, surge com 130 nomeações na componente nacional e 111 na vertente europeia. As votações decorrem no site dos prémios em:

Justino’s vinhos premiados internacionalmente

"Dancing with the Difference" The Madeiran Association "Dancing with the Difference" was nominated for the European Citizen's Award 2018 by Madeiran MEP Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, who highlights the role of the "Dancing with Difference" project from Madeira: "through different artistic and educational forms it promotes social inclusion of persons with disabilities and also supports social activities. Dancing with the Difference is already an example in Europe, this appointment that I make this year only intends to appreciate, once again, the extraordinary work of the whole team, an excellent team, founded by Henrique Amoedo, currently Artistic Director. "

National Craft Award for 'Clay Pieces' Vera Andrade received the prize of Handicrafts 2017 in the innovation category. Vera studied Architecture in Lisbon, returned to Madeira, enrolled in IVBAM as a ceramics artisan, participated in two editions of the Flower Festival (2015 and 2016) and was also part of the group of artisans from Madeira who went to showcase M. Art - Santo Cristo dos Milagres' in the Azores. She recently presented the exhibition 'With Hands' at the headquarters of the Madeira branch of the Order of Architects and competed for the National Handicraft Prize with a collection of some of the pieces she had taken to the exhibition ('Pieces of Clay').

O vinho ‘Justino’s Malvasia 1997’ arrebatou uma medalha de ouro numa das mais conceituadas competições que acontecem em Paris, a ‘Vinalies d’ Or 2018'. No Concurso International de Vinhos Bacchus, em Espanha, a empresa regional recebeu um prémio máximo, o ‘Gran Bacchus de Oro’, atribuído a apenas 10 vinhos de todo o mundo, sendo um deles o Justino’s Madeira Colheita Malvasia 1997 e um ‘Bacchus de Oro’ para o Colombo Colheita 1998 Doce. A Justino’s Madeira Wines foi também galardoada com uma medalha de ouro pelo vinho Justino’s Madeira Verdelho Colheita 1997, na 22.ª edição do concurso Grand International Wine Award MUNDUS VINI.

Ronaldo e Leonardo Jardim premiados A Gala anual Quinas de Ouro, organizada pela Federação Portuguesa de Futebol premiou os melhores de 2017 no futebol, futebol de praia e futsal em masculinos e femininos Cristiano Ronaldo, capitão da seleção nacional e avançado do Real Madrid, ganhou o prémio de melhor jogador; Leonardo

Jardim, treinador do Mónaco, o de melhor treinador. "Quero deixar uma mensagem: é bonito virem aqui falar de patriotismo, mas aborrece-me o valor que se dá ao estrangeiro quando os portugueses estão sempre entre os melhores. Vejo muitos a falar mas poucos a fazer. Falo no meu caso, dentro de campo", disse Ronaldo no discurso da vitória.

"Dançando com a Diferença" candidata ao Prémio do Cidadão Europeu 2018 A Associação madeirense "Dançando com a Diferença foi apresentada ao Prémio do Cidadão Europeu 2018 pela eurodeputada Madeirense Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar que destaca o papel do projecto "Dançando com a Diferença" com origem na Madeira: "através de diferentes formas artísticas e educativas promove a inclusão social de pessoas com deficiência e que também apoia actividades de índole social. Dançando com a Diferença já é um exemplo na Europa, esta nomeação que faço este ano apenas pretende a valorização, uma vez mais, do trabalho extraordinário de toda a equipa, uma excelente equipa, fundada por Henrique Amoedo, actual DirectorArtístico".

Prémio Nacional de Artesanato para ‘Pedaços de Barro’ Vera Andrade recebeu o prémio de Artesanato 2017 na categoria inovação. Foi a recompensa feliz por uma paixão que começou cedo e a motivação para continuar a criar cada vez mais. Estudou Arquitectura em Lisboa, regressou a Madeira, inscreveu-se no IVBAM como artesã ceramista, participou em duas edições da Festa da Flor (2015 e 2016) e ainda fez parte do grupo de artesãos da Madeira que foram à mostra de artesanato ‘M.Art - Santo Cristo dos Milagres’ nos Açores. Recentemente apresentou a exposição ‘Com as Mãos’ na sede da delegação da Madeira da Ordem dos Arquitectos e concorreu ao Prémio Nacional de Artesanato com uma colecção de algumas das peças que tinha levado à exposição (’Pedaços de Barro’.

bon appétit!


Bolo Familia


foto: Santos

• 170 gramas de manteiga • 170 gramas de açúcar • 1 colher (sopa) de raspas de limão • 3 ovos • 1 ½ colher (chá) de sumo

Family Cake • 175g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing • 175g golden caster sugar • 3 large eggs

Preparação: • grated zest 1 lemon • few drops vanilla extract • 200g self-raising flour • 50g ground almonds


Preparation: 1) Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3. Butter and line the base of a 900g loaf tin with greaseproof paper. 2) Using an electric whisk, beat together the butter and sugar until light and creamy then beat in the eggs one at a time. Add the lemon zest and vanilla. 3) Now beat in the flour and almonds until you have a thick batter. The batter should be loose enough that it falls off a wooden spoon, if it’s too thick mix in a splash of milk.

de limão • 100 gr. de farinha de trigo • ¾ colher (chá) de fermento em pó • 75 gramas de farinha de amêndoa

Tip the batter into the tin and smooth over the top. 4) Bake for 55 mins – 1hr until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Remove from the oven then leave to cool for 15 mins then remove from the tin, peel away the paper and leave on a wire rack to cool completely before slicing. 5) The loaf will keep in an airtight container for three days. Serve with a small liquor glass of Madeira Wine.

1) Pré aqueça o forno a 170ºC. Untar com margarina e polvilhar com farinha uma forma de 10x20 cm. 2) Colocar os ovos, manteiga, o açúcar, o sumo e raspas de limão numa tigela e bater bem. 3) Misture bem a farinha de trigo e o fermento em pó juntamente com a manteiga e adicionar a farinha de amêndoa. Bater bem. 4) Colocar a mistura na forma e cozinhar durante 45 minutos a 180º. Deixar arrefecer durante 5 minutos antes de desenformar. Family cake is a closed textured cake that was designed in the 19th century to accompany a glass of Madeira wine hence, the origin of its name. Today, it is served with tea or coffee and is quite easy to make even for those without any cooking skills.

O Bolo Família é um bolo ligeiro e delicioso que durante o século XIX costumava-se servir com vinho de Madeira, e graças a ele tem o seu nome. Atualmente é servido durante o chá, pelo qual é ideal para o cafezinho da tarde.


MIM April-May 2018

Monte Palace Museum

berardo museum

African Passion

Zimbabwe stone sculpture is a contemporary African art that started in the early 1960s. It has become one of the most prolific art movements in Africa and many artists have become household names in the international art scene. The sculpture movement is still flourishing and has already entered its third generation of artists. The artists' community in Tengenenge has been part of it since 1966. The Berardo Collection of Zimbabwe stone sculpture is a historical collection. It embodies a closed chapter in the history of that art with works by artists of the first generation. Most sculptures date from the very first years at Tengenenge. Some of the artists have made it internationally. Names like Henry MUNYARADZI or Bernard MATEMERA and, to a lesser extent, Fanizani AKUDA, Sylvester MUBAYI or Anderson MWALE are familiar to all those who take an interest in contemporary African art. In 1981, Mr. Joe Berardo acquired more than 2500 sculptures that were displayed in a cactus garden in Pretoria (South Africa). As such, the Berardo Collection must hold many first, and indeed only, attempts at sculpting. A special point of interest are the sculptures by women artists. The female sculptors at Tengenenge sign under their own name which means they had an individual status as artist. In the case of Erina FANIZANI, for instance, it becomes obvious that she has provided her husband Fanizani AKUDA with the style he became famous for later on.

Paixão Africana A escultura em pedra do Zimbabué é uma forma de arte africana contemporânea que viu a luz do dia no início da década de 1960. Desde então, tornou-se um dos mais prolíficos movimentos artísticos africanos e alguns dos seus artistas são hoje nomes de vulto na cena artística internacional. É um movimento ainda em expansão, tendo entrado já na sua terceira geração de artistas. A comunidade de artistas de Tengenenge é parte integrante do movimento desde 1966. O acervo de escultura em pedra do Zimbabué da Colecção Berardo é uma colecção histórica, reunindo obras da primeira geração de artistas, representativas de um capítulo já encerrado da história desta forma de arte. Grande parte das esculturas data dos primeiríssimos anos de Tengenenge. Alguns dos artistas alcançaram entretanto renome a nível mundial. Todos aqueles que se interessam pela arte africana contemporânea conhecem certamente os nomes de Henry MUNYARADZI e Bernard MATEMERA, e talvez os de Fanizani AKUDA, Sylvester MUBAYI e Anderson MWALE. Em 1981, o Comendador José Berardo adquiriu mais de 2500 esculturas que se encontravam expostas num jardim de cactos em Pretória, na África do Sul. A Colecção Berardo possui, assim, um grande número de esboços escultóricos de carácter absolutamente único. Um aspecto de grande interesse é a presença de obras de escultoras. As escultoras de Tengenenge assinam o seu trabalho com o próprio nome, o que reflecte o seu estatuto individualizado enquanto artistas. No caso de Erina FANIZANI, é óbvio ter sido ela a inspirar ao marido, Fanizani AKUDA, o estilo que mais tarde haveria de lhe granjear celebridade.

Monte Palace Tropical Garden Situated in the amphitheatre of Funchal about 5 kilometres from the centre of town you will find one of the most beautiful gardens of Madeira Island, the Monte Palace Tropical Garden. This garden, belonging to the Berardo Foundation, invites you to an unforgettable journey through Monte nature. Palace Museum In 1989 this property was donaTimetable: 10:00 -16:30 ted, by its owner José M. R. daily within the Berardo, to a Monte Palace charitable instituTropical Garden tion created by him, the Jose Berardo Foundation. The Foundation’s aims are mainly charitable but it also dedicates a great and special concern to the safe-keeping and preservation of works of art as well as to the defence and preservation of the environment, with the Monte Palace Tropical Garden constituting undoubtedly the privileged location for realising these objectives.

This peaceful location can be visited daily from 9:30a.m. to 6p.m. The best access to this Garden from the centre of Funchal is to take the cable car up to Monte and go through the entrance at Caminho das Babosas #4A. The other entrance is at Caminho do Monte #174.

Mein Schiff 4

"Mein Schiff 4" is a fleet member of TUI Cruises. She is mostly identical with her sister-ship "Mein Schiff 3". On a length of 295m she offers space for up to 2506 passengers.

ships navios


Mein Schiff 4 Owner:

TUI Cruises


TUI Cruises

Port of registry:

Valletta, Malta

Meyer Turku Shipyard, Finland  Cabins TUI Mein Schiff 4 offers a total of 89 Suites, 957 Ordered: 27 September 2011 Balcony staterooms (that are 80% of all rooms), Laid down: 6 April 2013 97 Oceanview rooms and 123 Interior cabins. Launched: 10 October 2014 The interior design is modern and yet cozy. Sponsored by: Franziska van Almsick  Atmosphere on Board Maiden voyage: 6 June 2015 The main onboard language is German. During IMO number: 9678408 holidays many families are guests aboard. They appreciate the relaxed atmosphere, the possibili- Type: Cruise ship ty to do sports and the large variety of fine dinTonnage: 99,526 GT / 63,078 NT ing options. Almost all food, beverages and graLength: 293.2 m (962 ft) tuities are already included in the cruise-price. Beam: 42.3 m (139 ft) This distinguishes TUI Cruises from other cruise Draft: 8.27 m (27 ft) lines. Installed power: 2 × Wärtsilä 8L46F / 2 × Wärtsilä  Dining options - Food & Drinks 12V46 The complimentary dining options onboard Mein Schiff 4, all included in cruise prices, are Propulsion: Diesel-electric, Two shafts; fixed Atlantik (Mediterran, Brasserie, Klassik), pitch propellers, Three bow thrustAnckelmannsplatz, Backstube, GOSCH Sylt, Tag & ers, Two stern thrusters Nacht, Eis Bar. Surf & Turf, Hanami and Richards Speed 21.9 kn @ 136 rev/min are at additional charge. Drinks in most bars and Capacity: 2790 passengers restaurants are free. TUI Cruises pioneered the Crew: 1030 "Dynamic Dining" concept that was later spread fleetwide on Royal Caribbean cruise ships.  Entertainment options - Fun & Sport TUI Mein Schiff 4 boasts a Sound House (the first chamber music Philharmonic at sea), as well as a 3-tiered Theatre and 25-meter long swimming pool. The evening entertainment program in the theater includes theatrical performances, opera, musicals, varietes, music shows like Beatles, Sketch Parade, flying acrobatic artists and magicians. The theater boasts eight dynamic LED screens and a revolving stage. The "Diamond Bar" at the rear offers a magnificent sea-view with very classy evening entertainment. "Mein Schiff 4" offers a large fitness area and aerobic classes. The extensive wellness area features a large sea-view sauna and a steam-room. Sporting excursions are also offered on board. You may join unusual mountain bike tours, paddle boat tours or go scuba-diving and snorkeling. Builder:

Construído nos estaleiros Meyer Turku Shipyard, na Finlandia, e batizado em Kiel a 05 de junho de 2015 pela sua madrinha Franziska van Almsick, ex nadadora olímpica, o Mein Schiff 4 é propriedade da companhia alemã Tui Cruises. Com 293,2 metros de comprimento, 99 526 toneladas, o Mein Schiff 4 dispõe de 1 253 cabines, e tem capacidade para 2 506 passageiros e 1 000 tripulantes. Entre outras características do Mein Schiff 4 de referir a piscina exterior com 25 metros; a piscina interior com jacuzzi; a sala de concertos para eventos musicais e filmes; 11 restaurantes e mais de uma dúzia de bares e lounges.


MIM April-May 2018

viewpoint miradouro


The Marmeleiros viewpoint, located near the Hospital of Marmeleiros in Monte, was built in 1939 and covers oan area of about 72 m2. At an altitude of 383 metres above sea level it certainly provides a stunning view over Funchal.

Este miradouro permite um olhar privilegiado sobre toda a cidade do Funchal. Foi construĂ­do em 1939, na freguesia do Monte, e encontra-se prĂłximo do Hospital dos Marmeleiros, a uma altitude de 383 metros. Ă rea: 72.00 m2 aprox. | Altitude: 383.00 m

cultural heritage historia

The Cannons

of Faial

Built in the early twentieth century, the area in which ten cannons keep watch was never considered a fortress, but rather a local watch against invaders, or gazebo for visitors. It is a simple recreation of a military battery which includes ten eighteenth century English cannons. The cannons belonged to Mr. João Catanho Meneses (1854-1942) who was a famous politician and lawyer who served under the Progressive Party of the early twentieth century. The cannons were originally from British ships which were eventually dismantled. The cannons were left abandoned along the northern coast of Madeira’s coastline until the Meneses Family decided to collect them all and gather them up in their estate. It became a tradition to fire the cannons during the festivities dedicated to Our Lady of the Nativity. In due time, the government forbade the firing of such weapons due to the fact that it was regarded as a security threat. The cannons were eventually turned over to the jurisdiction of the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs and recognized as a ‘cultural heritage’ by the local government in 1996. As a tourist and local attraction the fortress area provides breathtaking views of a large stretch of the coastline, the center of Faial and, on clear days, Porto Santo, the Serra da Penha d' Águia and the northern part of Ponta de São Lourenço.

Deste ponto é possível observar um grande trecho da costa, o centro do Faial, a Serra da Penha d'Águia, a parte norte da Ponta de São Lourenço e em dias claros o Porto Santo.

Fortim do Faial Uma das antigas tradições da freguesia do Faial constituia no disparo dos velhos canhões do séculos XVIII e XIX existentes no velho forte decorativo da quinta Catanho de Meneses. O Dr. João Catanho de Meneses (18541942) foi um célebre político e advogado ligado ao partido progressista dos inícios do século, tendo ocupado por três vezes a pasta da Justiça. Nos inícios do século XX, esta família reuniu alguns canhões de ferro abandonados na costa Norte no forte/ miradouro da sua quinta. Estes anti-

gos canhões, predominantemente ingleses, eram provenientes de embarcações desmanteladas e, com o tempo, passou a ser perigoso fazêlos disparar, pelo que, por questões de segurança, se suspendeu a velha tradição. No entanto, em 1998, utilizando-se cargas de pólvora mais fracas e depois de terem sido testadas as suas condições pela equipe militar de salvas de Artilharia, os ve-lhos canhões voltaram a disparar. O velho forte foi entretanto classificado como valor local e alvo de uma recuperação

geral pela Direcção Regional dos Assuntos Culturais, refazendo-se as carretas de artilharia, dentro do modelo de marinha e sítio, das várias bocas de fogo. Todo o empedrado em calhau rolado madeirense foi refeito, assim como consolidadas as paredes e a muralha e reparada a casa de apoio central, então dotada com uma pequena exposição de fotografias de gravuras antigas da área, acompanhadas com um pequeno historial da família Catanho de Meneses.



MIM April-May 2018

Pico Ruivo do Paul da Serra

To the north and east Paul da Serra shares some of the wildness of Madeira's central range with huge and deep near vertical faces, to the south and west, however, it more gradually lowers to the coast. Out of this plateu, two summits rise some 3km apart from each other: Pico Ruivo do Paul, at 1649m, Paul da Serra's highpoint and Pico Bica da Cana, at 1620m only a little lower than its neighbour.

Pico Ruivo do Paul Pico Ruivo do Paul stands above the north face of Paul da Serra. It offers big views down towards the coast 1600m beneath. In particular the valley of Sao Vicente attracts the views. To the east, Madeira's central range rises above the valley pith Picos Ruivo, Casado, das Torres, Arierio and Grande making up a wonderful, rugged panorama. To the south, the swamps and lobs of Paul da Serra look like an endless sea of bushes and grassland.

How to get there With Funchal as a reference and keeping in mind that the regional road (ER. 105) between Encumeada and Rabaรงal is temporarily closed, we recommend the following route: Take the Via Rรกpida (VR1) towards Ribeira Brava; In Ribeira Brava, follow the Via Expresso (VE3) towards Ponta do Sol and Calheta; Once you reach the village of Arco da Calheta, at the roundabout take the first exit towards E.R. 222; In Loreto follow the signs towards Rabaรงal; Once there the walk is on the right hand side.

prominent peak pico ruivo

São 1.640 metros de altitude que quase nem se fazem notar, já que toda a envolvência do planalto faz esbater a elevação donde se tem uma vista privilegiado sobre o vale de São Vicente e todo o planalto do paul da serra, bem como os picos mais altos da Madeira, Pico Ruivo, Pico do Areeiro, Pico Gato, Torres, entre outros. Pode começar a caminhada junto ao Posto Florestal dos Estanquinhos, onde um belo bosque de pinheiros nos oferece uma agradável sombra nos dias mais quentes. As uveiras-da-serra e algumas urzes tornam o espaço menos estranho aos amantes da flora indígena. No Posto Florestal siga pelo trilho que permite chegar ao Pico Ruivo do Paul em pouco mais de 1 hora, sempre com calma e seguindo a sinalização. Apos a observação no topo do Pico Ruivo pode descer pelo trilho que se inicia na extremidade contrária à que subiu, o qual vai levá-lo até á zona de lazer das Fontes Ruivas, seguindo a sinalização. Deverá ter atenção ao piso que é um pouco arenoso e poderá revelar-se escorregadio, mesmo em dias de bom tempo. Ao chegar às Fontes Ruivas aproveite o parque de merendas que ali foi criado para fazer um piquenique.




MIM April-May 2018

Protea Cynaroides Info

Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Angiosperms Class: Eudicots Order: Proteales Family: Proteaceae Genus: Protea Species: P. cynaroides Scientific Name: Protea cynaroides

These stunning plants, so often adorned with generous and impressive flowers, hail from Africa. These stunning plants, so often adorned with generous and impressive flowers, hail from Africa. The genus comprises around 100 species of evergreen trees and shrubs, and is a member of the family Proteaceae. The genus is named for the sea-god of classical mythology, Proteus, renowned for his ability to change his form at will. These striking plants bear longlasting blooms that flower over a long period, usually from autumn to spring. In favorable climates they are superb plants for shrub borders and containers. The beautiful flowers are highly valued for floral work and are grown extensively for the cut-flower market.

Description Ranging in stature from tiny shrubs just inches from the ground, to tall trees of 25 ft (8 m) or more, these handsome plants make a stunning focal point in the garden. The leaves are variable, ranging from oval to needle-like; they are often leathery, and can be light to dark green, blue-green, or gray-green. The bisexual flowers are borne in cone-like heads with colored leaf-like bracts at the base. They flowers mostly appear between autumn and late spring and are longlasting. Pinks, creams, and reds are the principal flower colors, though other colors do occur. Proteas need an open, sunny, well-ventilated position and a climate that experiences most rainfall in winter. They need a gravelly, sandy, or basaltic loam that is very free-draining and generally acid. Providing their cultivation requirements are met, they are relatively undemanding once established, and will tolerate light frosts. Propagation is from seed, cuttings, or grafting; the hybrid cultivars are usually propagated from cuttings.

A prótea-real é pertencente à grande e antiga família das Proteaceae. É natural da África do Sul, onde é a flor oficial, mas é muito popular à volta do mundo, devido às flores coloridas e muito grandes. O seu porte abrange desde 0,35 aos 2,00 metros, mas a maioria das plantas têm um metro de altura e pertence á família Proteaceae. As suas folhas são verdes e brilhantes e as suas flores são bastante duráveis, chegando a ter de 12 a 30 cm de diâmetro. Normalmente uma planta chega a produzir de 6 a 10 flores por temporada, mas podem chegar a ter até 40 flores. A flor central é rodeada de brácteas coloridas que variam do branco cremoso para um vermelho intenso e o tronco consiste em hastes grossas e grandes.

O cultivo das Proteas  Solo Esta planta gosta de solos bem drenados, ácidos (com pH entre 3.5 e 5.8), pobres em nutrientes (não precisa de fertilização), com textura leve a média e com uma profundidade superior a 60cm.  Rega Esta planta não gosta de ser regada em excesso, por isso as raízes não devem estar constantemente molhadas. Assim, deve regar a sua próteareal apenas uma vez por semana.  Localização A Protea cynaroides deve ser plantada num local com muito sol e bastante arejamento. A temperatura mínima que tolera é cerca de -3ºC.  Plantação As próteas são, habitualmente, plantadas nos meses de outono e primavera.




(Sphyrna Zygaena) The hammerheads are of worldwide occurrence, but some species have more restricted ranges than others. The most widely distributed species is probably the smooth, or common, hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena) which is a common visitor to Madeira’s deep blue waters. Description They inhabit shallow waters along the coasts, bays and harbors where the water is calm and the bottom sandy. The eyes are located at the ends of two thin protrusions, resembling a hammer. The caudal Info peduncle lacks keels. In some species the pectoral Kingdom: fins am black tipped. Of the nine species of hammerAnimalia head sharks, the largest is the great hammerhead (S. Phylum: mokarran) which may reach a length of 20 ft (6 m). Chordata Its head is T-shaped, being almost straight along the Class: front edge and notched in the center. Chondrichthyes Another large species, the smooth hammerhead (S. Order: zygaena), which is more typically seen in Madeira’s Carcharhiniformes deep blue waters, grows to 14 ft (4 m). The front Family: edge of its head is rounded and unnotched in the Sphyrnidae center. Genus: Fishing methods include slow trolling, drifting or still Sphyrna fishing with chum and baits that are oily or bloody. Species: Mackerel, squid and other baits, as well as artificial S. zygaena lures, may also work on occasion. They are viviparous and prolific giving birth to as many as 30 or 40 young at a time.

Tubarão Martelo Os tubarões-martelo são espécies pelágicas e encontram-se amplamente distribuídas por todo o Mundo. Ocorrem fundamentalmente perto da costa e nas camadas mais superficiais da coluna de água, em geral acima dos 300 metros. A distribuição geográfica dos tubarões-martelo abrange regiões tropicais e temperadas de todos os oceanos, mas grande parte das espécies ocorre sobretudo em águas mais quentes. A espécie Sphyrna zygaena é encontrada em todo o mundo incluindo em águas do Atlântico como na Madeira. O tubarão-martelo é alvo de pesca comercial e desportiva e é provavelmente capturado como by-catch (pescaria acessória) em diversas pescarias. É utilizado fresco, seco salgado e fumado para consumo humano. No entanto, na maioria dos mercados, a carne é considerada de qualidade inferior e há registos de ter causado toxicidade e envenenamento. O óleo de fígado é utilizado em vitaminas, a pele para trabalhos de couro e as barbatanas para a alimentação (a famosa sopa oriental de barbatana de tubarão). Parte do corpo é utilizado para a produção de rações animais nalgumas partes do mundo. O comportamento mais habitual destas espécies, quando confrontadas com seres humanos, é fugir ou manter uma distância de segurança, o que causa grande frustração para os mergulhadores, em vez de um sentimento de perigo efectivo. Não há conhecimento de muitos casos de ataques de tubarões-martelo em Portugal mas os principais alvos são os caçadores submarinos, principalmente aqueles que tentam manter junto de si a o peixe capturado.

MIM April - May 2018

Ithaka Darin Pappas Foto: João Valente


Info Name: Ithaka Darin Pappas Born: July 8, 1966, Anaheim, California, United States Occupation: Vocalist, lyricist, poet, contemporary artist, writer, photographer, producer, surfer Genres: Hip hop, west coast hip hop, trip hop, spoken word, Electronic dance music, Alternative hip hop Years active: 1983–present Associated acts: Primitive Reason, Gabriel o Pensador, Underground Sound of Lisbon, DJ Vibe, Rui da Silva, Cosmic Gate, Armin Van Buuren, Mario Caldato, Jr., Norman Cook. Albums: • 2017_So Get Up & The Lost Acapellas • 2013 _ Voiceless Blue Raven • 2011 _ Fishdaddy Flashbacks • 2007 _ Saltwater Nomad • 2005 _ Fuse With Me • 2004 _ Recorded in Rio • 2001 _ Somewhere South of Somalia • 2000 _ Stellafly: USA Edition • 1998 _ The Rise And Fall Of A Fortune • 1997 _ Stellafly: European Edition • 1997 _ Stay Strong Little Brother • 1997 _ Seabra Is Mad • 1995 _ Flowers and the Color of Paint • 1995 _ Fishdaddy More notable works: Photographs of Ithaka’s sculptures have been featured in various books, including David Carson’s “The End Of Print” (2000-USA), “Belong” by Jennifer Morton (2004-Canada), and Robb Havassy’s “Surf Story”(2009-USA). As a writer his ocean-related short stories and travel articles have appeared in the American magazines Transworld Surf, Surfer and Water – where his fiction column Fishdaddy Chronicles was considered one of the magazine’s highlights during its fiveyear run.

Surfing in Madeira One of the most memorable sessions in the history of Madeira surfing occurred on January 25, 1995 at Jardim do Mar where Ithaka rode absolutely flawless waves up to eight meters. Photographs of the session by João Valente have appeared in publications around the world including the cover of Surf Portugal Magazine. The conditions which were some of the cleanest and glassiest ever recorded at the classic big wave point break, inspired Ithaka to write the song Seabra Is Mad, a song about Seabra's courageous performance on that day. Ithaka also wrote two other songs inspired by surfing in Madeira, "Eden By The Sea" and "Been Four Years".

Ithaka Darin Pappas is an American sculptor, painter, photographer, songwriter, vocalist, hip hop artist, writer, poet, record producer and surfer of partial Greek descent. Pappas was born and raised in Southern California, but later established himself in Japan, Greece, Portugal, Brazil and Mexico. The artist currently resides in California.

Portuguese equivalent of The Grammy Awards). In addition, the prestigious national newspaper, Publico, awarded his 1997 release Stellafly as "Album Of The Year" and considered his most popular song from the record Seabra Is Mad as both the "Song Of The Year" and "Video Of The Year". Publico also cited his debut release Flowers And The Color Of Paint as one of the country's Ten Most Influential Albums of the 1990s. In 1994, "So Get Up" was nominated for "Song Of The Year" at that year's Blitz Awards, and later climbed to 8th Place on Billboard's U.K. Independent Dance Charts and 52nd on Billboard's U.S. Independent Dance Charts.

Guinness World Records The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard In 1989, while living in Los Angeles, Pappas began one of his major art projects, The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard, a large body of contemporary sculpture work created using recycled surfboards as raw building material and repurposing them into contemporary wallmounted art pieces. The series to date, which is said to contain an estimated three hundred fullsized sculptures, has been exhibited on four continents and featured in hundreds of magazines and on many TV features.

Musical Projects in Portugal During his active years in Portugal, the artist's musical projects were nominated for a total of nine Blitz Awards (the

More than twenty years after its original release, "So Get Up" was deemed by Guinness World Records as being The Most Remixed Vocal A Cappella in musical history.

More Albums In 1998, after over six years in Portugal, Pappas returned to California where he recorded his third album called Somewhere South Of Somalia. Later, in Rio de Janeiro he recorded two more albums, Recorded In Rio and Saltwater Nomad. In 2007, he briefly returned to Portugal to record with former Underground Sound of Lisbon member DJ Vibe, providing vocals and lyrics for the track "You". In 2011, indie label Sweatlodge Records released Fishdaddy Flashbacks highlighting some of

the artist's songs from the beginning of his career in 1994 until 2011. In early 2013, Pappas produced his first all-instrumental album, Voiceless Blue Raven.

Story Series In addition to creating music, his short story series entitled Fishdaddy Chronicles has appeared in surfing magazines around the world including Surfer (magazine), The Surfer's Journal, Water, and Transworld Surf. In 2009, his short story "Miracle At Malibu" was published in the book entitled Surf Story, a collective volume of stories and surf culturecompiled by Robb Havassy.

Photography and Sculpture His abstract photographic art and body of sculpture work known as The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard has been exhibited globally. Between 2010 and 2015, the artist created most of his musical, photographic and sculptural works at Recanto Akahti, his small ranch in rural South America.

The Tomas Blots Omnipresent in all of Pappas' forms of expression are "The Tomas Blots." These are a series of eleven blot-like symbols that Pappas' father Tomas drew before him approximately two hours before his death on February 13, 1991 in Mesa, Arizona. These symbols appear in almost every aspect of his artistic life; on his record covers, in his photographs, sculptures and very frequently as collages.

famous visitors visitantes famosos


Ithaka Darin Pappas O surfista esteve na Madeira em 1995 practicando Surf no Jardim do Mar e as fotos dessa sessao percorreram o Mundo. Biografia Ithaka Darin Pappas, mais conhecido simplesmente como, Ithaka (leia-se Ítaca), é um artista plástico americano, (escultor, pintor, fotógrafo, compositor, vocalista, artista de hip hop, escritor, poeta, produtor musical e surfista) de ascendência grega. Ithaka nasceu e foi criado no Sul da Califórnia, mas mais tarde estabeleceu-se no Japão, Grécia, Portugal, Brasil e México. O artista reside actualmente entre a Califórnia (EUA) e o Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Em Lisboa gravou os seus dois primeiros álbuns de hip hop, "Flowers And The Color Of Paint" e "Stellafly". A sua canção, "Escape From The City Of Angels" apareceu na banda sonora do filme "The Replacement Killers" (Assassinos Substitutos). Foi também o compositor / vocalista do tema a cappella "So Get Up" , remisturado para pistas de dança pelos Underground Sound of Lisbon e pelo duo alemão de Trance, Cosmic Gate.

Ithaka dedicou uma música ao Zé Seabra, um respeitado e, segundo dizem as lendas, muito atirado surfista português. A música chama-se “Seabra is mad” e conta a história de uma viagem de surf à Madeira que os dois fizeram com o João Valente, director da revista Surf Portugal (1995).

Seabra is mad Seabra is the name of the rider Who will wait for hours for an outsider We made a trip in the middle of the winter We rode a place that left my stick a splinter The kind of walls that block out the sky Underwater out of breath I saw my life flash by Then Seabra got axed by a big mack set It was bigger than a house It was bigger than the debt Held down for about an hour He took the brunt of the big mack’s power

Most would split after a fall like that But like a rubber bat ... Seabra swung back Straight back to the peak Just like a junkie, he’s a big wave freak CITY SOCIETY CALLS HIM A STRANGER CUZ, SEABRA CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT THE DANGER BUT I JUST CALL SEABRA MAD BALLS OF STEEL THE RIDER IS BAD SEABRA IS MAD SEABRA IS MAD


MIM April-May 2018

Madeira Sports On the island of Madeira, a large number of sports are practised, both outdoors and indoors in the various facilities available throughout the island. The following sports are the main ones that are practised on the island: Football The first organised game of football took place in 1875 in Camacha, organised by the Madeira born Harry Hinton. Madeira has three football teams in the Portuguese League: C.S. Marítimo, Nacional da Madeira and União da Madeira. Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo was born in Madeira and played for Nacional before going to Sporting Lisbon. C.S. Marítimo is considered the biggest club of Madeira and has enjoyed various campaigns in the UEFA Cup having recorded famous results against teams such as Juventus, Leeds and Rangers. Having finished 5th in the league in the 2009/2010 season, C.S. Marítimo qualified for the Europa League for the 2010/2011 season. C.S. Marítimo has nurtured great players such as Pepe, Danny, Jorge Costa, Tarik Sektioui, Nuno Valente, Ariza Makukula and many others. In 2003–04 Nacional achieved fourth place in the Portuguese League, their best classification ever. They repeated it three years later and are the only Madeiran team to finish fourth place

C.S. Marítimo

in the Portuguese League. Nacional was the only Madeiran team that reached the Europa League group stage (in the 2009-2010 season) until Marítimo reached the group stages in the 2012-13 season. Nacional plays in the Madeira Stadium (Estádio da Madeira), considered by CNN in 2011, one of the eight most unusual stadiums in the world. Besides Cristiano Ronaldo, other known footballers played in Nacional like Paulo Assunção, Ruben Micael, Maicon, Diego Benaglio and Felipe Lopes. Basketball In recent years, Madeira has had a considerable amount of success in professional basketball, with CAB Madeira having won numerous titles, especially their female team. CAB is often seen competing in European matches such as the FIBA EuroCup and former stars include Filipe da Silva and ex-Los Angeles Lakers player Ike Nwankwo. Surfing Surfing first started in Madeira in the 1970s off the villages of Paul do Mar, Jardim do Mar and

Ponta Pequena. On January 25, 1995 at Jardim Do Mar, Portuguese big wave legends José Seabra and Ithaka Darin Pappas rode eight-meter waves. Since 1996, top Portuguese surfers from the mainland have competed in the Madeira regional edition of the 'Billabong' Challenge. In 2001, the World Big Wave Championships were held in Madeira. Handball Madeira Andebol SAD, the island's only professional handball team is one of the most successful in the country. Running The oldest Saint Silvester Road Race in Portugal and one of the oldest in the Europe Union is held every December 28 and is called the Volta à cidade do Funchal and is made up of professional and amateur runners. There is also the Madeira Island Ultra Trail which is an ultramarathon, that takes place once a year. CAB Madeira

Walking and Hiking

Foto: flavio Cabrita

Madeira Andebol SAD


Rali Porto Santo Line April 13th - 14th | Porto Santo

MIUT Madeira Islands Ultra Trail April 25th to 29th | Santana The MIUT is a sports competition crossing the island's best tracks, starting in the municipality of Porto Moniz and ending in the council of Machico, passaging through the central massif area. The 2017 edition had a total of 2500 participants and 45 diferent nationalities, congregating some of the main national and intetnational athletes of reference in this area.

Trail "De Coração na Natureza" May 20th | Porto da Cruz The Traill willl have three main races: Trail Longo (25 km/1380 D+), Trail Curto (18 km /693 D+) e Mini Trail (7 km/339 D+)

Walking and Hiking Madeira offers about 600 miles (966 kilometres) of walks, many alongside the levadas, some of the island's greatest attractions. The levadas provide stunning walks, some of which are quite challenging. Canyoning has increased in popularity over the last few years with many companies offering canyoning tours. Other Sports The Rali Vinho da Madeira is the largest sporting event held in the archipelago each year, attracting thousands of spectators from Europe. The motor rally (established in 1959) has been part of several international pan-European championships since the 1970s, most notably the European Rally Championship and the Intercontinental Rally Challenge. Karting and golf are other popular sports played on the island. The island lies in an ideal location for water sports such as fishing, sailing and diving due to its climate and location.

Foto: Autosport

April 14th | Porto Santo The Golden Island will host another edition of the Half Marathon , an event the responsibility of the Athletics Association of Madeira, in partnership with Porto Santo Line.

Scuba Diving

Rali Porto Santo

Foto: Canofotosports

Meia Maratona do Porto Santo

Scuba Diving Scuba diving has become very popular in recent years due to the crystal waters and the abundance of life that characterize Madeira. Recently explored, Ponta de São Lourenço can offer the best dive sites of the island. This area is reachable from the very close Marina of Quinta do Lorde.

Foto: Carlos Freitas


Trail Zumba


MIM April-May 2018

park parque

Primeira Lombada Picnic Park Primeira Lombada Picnic Park is a recreation area located in the parish of Ponta Delgada, and which forms part of a landscape scenery marked by the Laurissilva Forest. This leisure area has several seating areas for recreational activities, a snack bar and barbecue area. For the perfect picnic head out to Primeira Lombada Picnic Park.

Parque de merendas da Primeira Lombada A zona de lazer e parque de merendas fica situada no sítio da Primeira Lombada, na freguesia de Ponta Delgada, fazendo parte de um cenário paisagístico marcado pela Floresta Laurissilva. Esta zona de lazer possui diversos espaços de estar para actividades de recreio, zona de merendas e de churrascaria. Foi usada uma arquitectura semelhante aos tradicionais palheiros madeirenses, na construção dos espaços, onde sobressaem as paredes de pedra em alvenaria e a utilização de madeiras tratadas. O espaço está dotado de boas condições que permitem a realização de piqueniques, desfrutando de toda a comodidade que esta zona de lazer oferece, sendo uma excelente opção para momentos agradáveis de convívio.

placesa to visit visitar


Cabo Girão Cabo Girão is a lofty sea cliff located along the southern coast of the island of Madeira, in the Portuguese archipelago of Madeira. Cabo Girão is a popular lookout point, especially after a glass-floored viewing platform was installed in October 2012. The location is a popular starting point for hikers. It is situated less than two kilometres west from the centre of Câmara de Lobos, between the parishes of Quinta Grande and Câmara de Lobos. A diamond-shaped seacliff escarpment from 560 metres (1,840 ft) to 589 metres (1,932 ft) above sea level, Cabo Girão lies between two river-valleys that flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The escarpment extends approximately three kilometres between the urban sprawl of Câmara de Lobos to the east and the rivervalley of Quinta Grande in the west. Although brochures claim that it is the second highest cliff in Europe, at least five

European cliffs (Hornelen at 860 metres, Cape Enniberg at 750 metres, Vixía Herbeira at 613 metres, Preikestolen at 604 metres and Slieve League at 601 metres) are higher. There are terraced fields (Fajãs de Cabo Girão) located below the sheer cliffs, which at one time only accessible by boat. In August 2003, a cable car was installed on the slope of the cliff so farmers can reach these low-lying fields. It's not only Americans who can do crazy, reckless stunts. In May 2006, Portuguese base jumper and stuntman Mario Pardo performed a daredevil stunt by trashing a perfectly good bike when he rode off Cabo Girão, executed a fourteen-second-freefall dive (reaching speeds of 220 km/hr) and ended the great finale with a fifteen-second-open-parachute soar before landing safely at the bottom.

O Cabo Girão situa-se a oeste do Funchal. É um promontório quase vertical com 589 m de altura disponibilizando uma magnífica vista para o mar, para Câmara de Lobos e para o Funchal, razão pela qual é um local muito visitado. É, pelo menos, o sétimo cabo mais alto Europa (atrás de Hornelen com 860 m, do Cabo Enniberg com 750 m, de Crouaghaun com 668 m, de Vixía Herbeira com 621 m, de Preikestolen com 604 m e de Slieve League com 601 m). No sopé da falésia, por mais incrível que possa parecer, vê-se uma pequena área de terras cultivadas que se chamam Fajãs do Cabo Girão. Antigamente só eram acessíveis por barco mas desde Agosto de 2003 que os agricultores têm um elevador para melhor chegar até lá. Para os viciados em adrenalina este é um local privilegiado para a prática do parapente e base-jumping. O páraquedista Mário Pardo fez daqui um espectacular salto de mota em maio 2006. Foram catorze segundos, eternos, em queda livre, chegando a alcançar cerca de duzentos e vinte quilómetros por hora. Mais quinze segundos, já de pára-quedas aberto, até à segurança da praia. A área marinha, costeira e arribas do Cabo Girão têm um valor natural e cénico extremamente elevado, apresentando um elevado potencial para diversas atividades como o mergulho, o surf, a observação de vida selvagem, assim como para passeios marítimos de contemplação e bemestar.


MIM April-May 2018


Discover Madeira Descobrir

Address / Morada: Avenida Arriaga 9000-060 Funchal Tel: +351 291 215130 / +351 291 220 416 (Ticket Office) Email: Web: Guided Tours / Visitas guiadas: In order to make the Theatre’s history and architecture know, we provide our visitors a fantastic tour throughout the diferent areas of the building, such as, the Auditorium, Dressing Rooms, Technical Areas, Foyer, the Audience, the Boxes, Noble Hall, Mirror’s Room, Sub-stage and Catacombs.

Schedule: Tuesdays at 10 a.m. Com o intuito de dar a conhecer o nosso teatro, a sua história e arquitetura, disponibilizamos aos nossos visitantes um percurso fantástico pelos vários espaços do Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias (sala de espetáculo, camarins, zonas técnicas, foyer, plateia, camarotes, teia, salão nobre, sala de espelhos, subpalco e catacumbas).

Horário: Terças-feiras às 10:00 horas Fee / Preço de entrada: Adults: 3,57€ / Youth (11-17 years old) and Senior: 2,57€ / Groups (minimum 10 people): 2,57€ per person / Children (0-10 years): Free Adultos: 3,57€ / Jovens (11-17 anos) e Seniores 2,57€ / Grupos (mínimo 10 pessoas): 2,57€ por pessoa / Crianças: gratuito

Teatro Baltazar Dias After the demolition of the Grand Theatre, in 1883, the Madeirans started to claim the construction of a new theatre in the city of Funchal. On February 9th 1882, the City Hall of Funchal, made the decision to build a new Theatre, on the fields of the old St. John’s Market. The chosen project was elaborated by the architect Tomás Augusto Soler from Oporto. However, with its early death in 1883, the project was handed over to its fellow architect José Macedo de Araújo Júnior. It is unknown if the original project suffered any changes. The Italian architect and scenographer Luigi Manini and the Portuguese Eugénio Cotrim were in charge of the decoration and scenography. The theatre follows the typical Italian model, based on the “São Carlos Theatre” in Lisbon and the” La Scala Theatre” in Milan. The construction works were concluded on July 29th 1887, however the theatre was only officially inaugurated on March 11th 1888, with the exhibition of the zarzuela “Las dos Princesas”, by the Spanish Company of José Zamorano, from the Canary Islands. The theatre´s name suffered some changes in its early stages. Initially, in homage to

the Queen of the time, it was named “Theatre D. Maria Pia”. As a result of the Republican Revolution, the City Hall thought that the name of the Queen wasn’t suitable with the new regime and changed it to “Theatre Dr. Manuel de Arriaga” in November 1910.The chosen name was a tribute to a deputy of Madeira, who was the first elected president of the Portuguese Republic, however he didn’t accept the gesture and determinedly declined it. So, in November 12th 1912, the Theatre was renamed “Teatro Funchalense”, but with the death of Manuel de Arriaga in 1917, his name came up again, and the Theatre gained its name. In the year of 1935, the Funchal City Hall, presided by Fernão de Ornelas, decided once again, to change the Theatre’s name to “Baltazar Dias”, as homage to the great blind poet and playwright, born in Madeira and an essential reference of the Portuguese theatre scene. His name remains to this day, in a building that since its opening has been presenting our city with an unmatched architectural beauty, as well as, with activities and shows, that make this Theatre the biggest mark of the cultural life of the Island.

WHO WAS BALTAZAR DIAS? The theatre owes its name to the blind poet of Madeira, playwright of the second half of 21st Century, whose works have been represented in popular European acts, in Africa and in Brazil. The novels of Baltazar Dias, belong to a community of poetic traditions, linked to the history of European lyric poetry. He is regarded as the “nationalizer of the European novels”. The poet requested King D. João III, the privilege to be the only one who could print and sell his works. It is uncertain how many years he lived in Lisbon, but it is believed that in his late years he lived in Beira. His work was divided in acts, novels and ballads: • Auto Breve da Paixão de Cristo – 1613 (Brief Act of the Passion of Christ) • Auto da Malícia das Mulheres – 1640 (Act of the Women’s Malice) • História da Imperatriz Porcina – 1660 (The story of the Empress Porcina) • Auto do Nascimento (Birth Act) • Auto de Santa Catarina (Saint Catherine’s Act) • Auto de Santo Aleixo (Saint Alexius’ Act) • A Tragédia do Marquês de Mântua (The Tragedy of the Marquis of Mantua) • Conselhos Para Bem Casar ( Advices to a Good Marriage)

theatre teatro História Após a demolição do Teatro Grande, em 1833, os madeirenses começaram a revindicar a construção de um novo teatro na cidade do Funchal. No dia 9 de Fevereiro de 1882, a Câmara Municipal do Funchal tomou finalmente a decisão de edificar um teatro no terreno do antigo e extinto mercado de São João. O projeto do arquiteto Portuense Tomás Augusto Soler foi o escolhido. No entanto, com a sua morte precoce, em 1883, o projeto foi entregue ao seu conterrâneo José Macedo de Araújo Júnior, embora não seja conhecido se existiu alterações em relação ao projeto inicial. As decorações e cenografias ficaram a cargo do arquiteto e cenógrafo Italiano Luigi Manini, acompanhado pelo português Eugénio Cotrim. O Teatro segue o modelo tipicamente italiano, sendo um protótipo do Teatro de São Carlos em Lisboa e do Teatro La Scala em Milão. João Sauvair da Câmara, enquanto presidente da cidade, iniciou as obras de construção do novo Teatro, tendo o ato simbólico do lançamento da primeira pedra ocorrido a 24 de Outubro de 1884. O Teatro viria a ser inaugurado oficialmente a 11 de Março de 1888, com a exibição da zarzuela “Las dos Princesas”, da companhia espanhola de José Zamorano, vinda das vizinhas Canárias.

A denominação do Teatro sofreu na sua fase inicial algumas modificações. Primeiramente, como forma de homenagem à Rainha, decidiu dar-se o nome de “D. Maria Pia” ao teatro. Em consequência dos acontecimentos da revolução Republicana, a Câmara Municipal entendeu que o nome da rainha já não era harmonizável com o novo regime, tendo em Novembro de 1910 alterado a sua designação para Teatro “Dr. Manuel de Arriaga”. A atribuição do nome em homenagem ao deputado da Madeira e primeiro presidente eleito da República Portuguesa, não foi aceite pelo mesmo, que recusou terminantemente este gesto. O Teatro passou então, a partir de 12 de Janeiro de 1912, a chamar-se “Teatro Funchalense”. O volte-face na sua denominação, deu-se a quando da morte de Manuel de Arriaga, em 1917, tendo o seu nome surgido novamente no teatro. Decorria o ano de 1935, quando a câmara, presidida pelo Dr. Fernão de Ornelas decidiu mudar o nome para Baltazar Dias, em homenagem ao grande dramaturgo e poeta cego, nascido na Madeira, e referência incontornável do panorama teatral português. O nome mantém-se até aos dias de hoje, num espaço que desde a sua inauguração, tem vindo a presentear a nossa cidade com uma beleza arquitetónica inigualável e com atividades e espetáculos que o tornam no maior marco de vivência cultural da Madeira.


Baltazar Dias O Teatro deve o seu nome ao poeta cego da Ilha da Madeira, autor teatral da segunda metade do séc. XVI, cujas obras têm sido representadas em autos populares europeus, em África e no Brasil. Os romances de Baltazar Dias pertencem, pois, a uma comunidade de tradições poéticas entroncadas na própria história da poesia lírica europeia. É encarado como o “nacionalizador dos romances europeus”. O poeta requereu a D. João III o privilégio de só ele poder imprimir e vender as composições da sua autoria. Não se sabe ao certo quantos anos viveu em Lisboa, mas conclui-se que residiu, nos últimos tempos, na Beira. A sua obra divide-se, pois, em autos, romances e trovas: • Auto Breve da Paixão de Cristo (1613) • Auto da Malícia das Mulheres (1640) • História da Imperatriz Porcina (1660) • Auto do Nascimento • Auto de Santa Catarina • Auto de Santo Aleixo • A Tragédia do Marquês de Mântua • Conselhos Para Bem Casar

museums | museus



MIM April-May 2018

Baden-Powell Museum Centre National Corps of Scouts (CNE) -Portuguese Catholic Scouting Rua do Canadá, Cave A (near the Church of Nazaré) Phone: 291 755 808 Monday to Friday: 2pm - 7pm Colégio dos Jesuítas Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Monday to Friday: 10am 6:30pm | Saturdays: 10am – 2pm Companhia dos Engenhos do Norte - SoRum Casas Próximas, Porto da Cruz Phone: 291 742 935 Monday to Saturday: 9am - 6pm Christopher Columbus House, Porto Santo Museum Travessa da Sacristia, 2/4 - Porto Santo Phone: 291 983 405 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm Sundays: 10am to 1pm CR7 Museum Avenida Sá Carneiro, 9; Praça do Mar Phone: 291 639 880 Monday to Saturday: 10am - 6pm Electricity Museum - Casa da Luz Rua da Casa da Luz, 2 - Funchal Phone: 291 211 480 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm Engenhos da Calheta Avenida D. Manuel I, 29 Calheta Phone: 291 822 264 Tuesday to Sunday: 8am to 7pm Família Teixeira e Caires Museum Fajã da Murta - Faial Tuesday to Sunday: 9am to 7pm Henrique and Francisco Franco Museum Rua João de Deus, 13 - Funchal Phone: 291 230633 Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 6pm

House-Museum Frederico de Freitas Calçada de Santa Clara, 7 Funchal Phone: 291 220570 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5.30pm

Mudas Contemporary Art Museum Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Phone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 5pm

Santa Clara Convent Calçada de Santa Clara, 15 Funchal Phone: 291 742 602 / 612 Monday to Saturday from 10am to 12pm and from 3pm to 5pm

IVBAM Museum Centre Rua Visconde Anadia, 44 Funchal Phone: 291 211 600 Monday to Friday: 9am 12:30pm; 2pm - 5:30pm

Museological Nucleus - “Arte Popular” Centro Cívico de Santa Maria Maior Phone: 291 238 185 / 917 235 321 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm (Espólio do Grupo de Folclore e Etnográfico da Boa Nova)

São Lourenço Palace Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 202530 Monday at 2:30pm; Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am; Thursday at 10am and 2:30pm; Friday at 3pm (Different days and hours require advance booking)

Quinta das Cruzes Museum Calçada do Pico 1 - Funchal Phone: 291 740670 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 12.30pm / 2pm to 5.30pm museuquintadascruzes. com Madeira Ethnographic Museum Rua de São Francisco 24 - Ribeira Brava Phone: 291 952598 Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.30pm Madeira Press Museum Av. da Autonomia, N.º 3 Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910 135 Monday to Fryday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 2pm Madeira Military Museum São Lourenço Palace, Avenida Zarco - Funchal Phone: 291 204902 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm Saturday: 10pm - 12pm gabrr.palacio@netmadeira. com Madeira Optics Museum Rua das Pretas, 51 - Funchal Phone: 291 220694 Monday to Friday: 10am to 12.30pm and from 1:30pm to 5:30pm Saturdays: 10am to 1pm Mary Jane Wilson Museum Rua do Carmo, 61 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 492 Tuesday to Friday: 10am - 12pm and from 3pm - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm Monte Palace Museum Monte Palace Tropical Gardens Caminho das Babosas, 4 Funchal Phone: 291 780 800 Monday to Sunday: 9:30am to 6pm

Museological Nucleus - Rota da Cal Sítio dos Lameiros - São Vicente Phone: 291 842 018 Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 2pm Museum “A Cidade do Açúcar” Praça Colombo, 5 - Funchal Phone: 291 236 910 Monday to Friday: 9:30 am 5:30pm

Solar do Ribeirinho Museological Nucleus of Machico Rua do Ribeirinho - Machico Phone: 291 964 118 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Toy Museum Armazém do Mercado, Rua Latino Coelho, nº 39 - Funchal Phone: 291 640 640 Monday to Saturday: 10am to 8pm | Sundays: 10am to 6pm www.armazemdomercado. com

Museum of Sacred Art Rua do Bispo 21 - Funchal Phone: 291 228900 Monday to Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 10am - 1pm

The Old Blandy Wine Lodge Avenida Arriaga, 28 - Funchal Phone: 291 740 110 Monday to Friday: 9.30am to 6.30pm | Saturdays: 10am to 1pm

Natural History Museum of Funchal São Pedro Palace , Rua da Mouraria, 31 Phone: 291 229 761 Tuesday to Sunday: 10am - 6pm

Town Hall Largo do Colégio dos Jesuítas do Funchal Phone: 291 705 060 Guided tours from Monday to Friday: 11am and 3pm

Natural History Museum of the Botanical Garden Quinta do Meio / Bom Sucesso - Funchal Phone: 291 211 200 Monday to Sunday: 9am to 6pm

Vineyard and Wine Museum of Arco de São Jorge Sítio da Lagoa - Arco de São Jorge Phone: 291 578105 Tuesday to Sunday: 2p.m. to 5.30p.m. | (Monday torus require advance booking)

Núcleo Museológico do Caniço Rua Dr. Francisco Peres, Ed. Jardins do Caniço, Loja 21 - Caniço Phone: 291 932 508 / 926 887 881 Monday to Friday: 10am to 1pm - 2pm to 5pm | Saturday: 10am to 1pm Sundays: 11am to 1pm guided tour Photographia - Museum ‘Vicentes’ Rua da Carreira 43 - 1º - Funchal Phone: 291 225 050 Temporarly closed

Whale Museum Rua da Pedra D’Eira - Caniçal Phone: 291 961 858 Tuesday to Sunday: 10:30am to 6pm Universe of Memories - João Carlos Abreu Calçada do Pico, 2/4 - Funchal Phone: 291 225 122 Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm universodememorias

Consulates Belgium Brazil British France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway South Africa Sweden USA Venezuela

291221833 291227250 291221860 291200750 291220338 291763544 291223890 291703803 291741515 291742825 291233603 291235636 291224050

Police Funchal Machico Santa Cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente Porto Moniz Porto Santo Ponta de Sol

291208400 291965574 291524355 291911040 291952159 291572403 291823820 291846229 291853361 291980010 291972223

Fire Dept. Funchal Funchal (Edifício 2000) Camacha Machico Santa cruz Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Santana Calheta S. Vicente/P. Moniz Porto Santo

291229115 291222122 291922417 291965183 291520112 291911444 291957112 291570112 291827204 291842115 291982115

Emergency National SARS Protecção civil Sea Rescue (socorro no Mar) Police Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha)

112 808211311 291700112 291230112 291208400 219421111

Hospitals Cruz de Carvalho Marmeleiros S. João de Deus S. João de Almada

291705600 291705730 291741036/7 291780300

Information Informations Tourism Office

118 291211900

Airports Funchal Porto Santo

291520700 291980120

archiveseand libraries arquivos bibliotecas Cultural Heritage Library Rua dos Ferreiros, n.º 165 Phone: 291 211 830 Monday to Friday: 9am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 7pm

Foreign Culture’s Library Quinta Magnólia Rua Dr. Pita - Funchal Phone: 291 211830 (ext: 233) Monday to Friday: 9am to 5.30pm

Library/Contemporary Documentation Centre Estr. Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 – Calheta Telephone: 291 820 900 Tuesday to Friday: 10am -12:30pm; 2pm – 5pm

Calheta Municipal Library Vale dos Amores - 1º Andar Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, nº 37 Phone: 291 824 301 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 6:30pm

Funchal’s Municipal Library Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian, 9 - Funchal Phone: 291 720137 Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm

Madeira’s Regional Archives Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291 708 400 Archive Reading Room Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 7:50pm Saturday: 9:30 am – 3:20 pm

Porta 33 - Documentation Centre Porta 33 Associação Quebra Costas Rua do Quebra Costas, 33 - Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Tuesday to Saturday: 4pm to 8pm (Other schedules require advance booking) European Affairs Library CERNE - “Casa da Europa na Madeira” Rua Latino Coelho, 57, 3º - Funchal Phone: 291 235545 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm


art galleries

Fernando Augusto Theatre-theca Theatre and Performative Art’s Library Teatro Experimental do Funchal Rua Latino Coelho, n.º 54 Phone: 291 226747 / 91 3035458 Monday to Friday: 4p.m. to 7p.m. Caravel Art Center Rua Dom Carlos I, 19-20 Phone: 936 227 062 Galeria dos Prazeres Responsável: Hugo Olim Sítio da Igreja - Prazeres, 9370603 Calheta Phone: 291 783453 INFOART - Galeria da Secretaria Regional do Turismo Responsável: Gabinete da Secretária Regional Avenida Arriaga, n.º 18, 9004Cine-Teatro Municipal de Santo António Responsável: Eduardo Luíz Rua Coohafal, 9020-393 Funchal Telefone: 291 226747

John Dos Passos Library Cultural Centre John Dos Passos Rua Príncipe D. Luís, 3 - Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034 Monday to Friday: 9am to 5:30pm Youth Shop Regional Department for Youth and Sports Rua dos Netos, 48 Funchal Telephone: 291 203 830 Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 8.00pm Saturdays: 9:00am – 12:30pm Multimedia and Arts Education Library Regional Education Department Travessa do Nogueira, 11 – Funchal Phone: 291 225146 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 12:30pm; 2:00pm – 5:30pm The Library is specialized in education, arts and multimedia documentation and part of the PORBASE National Libraries Network.

519 Funchal Phone: 291 211900 Porta 33 Responsável: Maurício Reis Rua do Quebra Costas, n.º 33, 9000-034 Funchal Phone: 291 743038 Restock Galeria Gallery Armazem do Mercado, Rua do Hospital Velho, 28 | Loja 08 Phone: 933 194 680

Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Responsável: Sandra Nóbrega Avenida Manuel de Arriaga Funchal Telefone: 291 215130

Madeira’s Parliament Library Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses - Funchal Phone: 291 210500 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm Machico Municipal Library Rua do Ribeirinho, Fórum Machico Phone: 291 969 997 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Ponta do Sol Municipal Library Rua Príncipe D. Luís, nº16 Phone: 291 972 276 Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 1pm and from 1:30pm - 5pm Porto Santo Municipal Library Rua Drº Nuno Silvestre Teixeira, nº 13 Phone: 291 980 640 Tuesday to Friday: 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 6pm

thematic centres

Câmara de Lobos Municipal Library Avenida da Autonomia, 5, Câmara de Lobos Phone: 291 910130 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am - 6pm ; Wednesdays: 2pm – 6pm

Regional Public Library Caminho dos Álamos, 35 - Funchal Phone: 291708410 Main Reading Room/ Children’s Reading Room: Monday: 2.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am - 8.00pm Saturday: 9.30am - 3.00pm Special reading room for the visually impaired /Reference Room/Study Room Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 12.30pm and from 2.00pm to 5.00pm (It requires advance booking). Ribeira Brava Municipal Library Largo do Herédia Phone: 291 952 548 Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm Santana Municipal Library Sítio do Barreiro, Santana City Hall Phone: 291 570 140 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2pm - 5:30pm São Vicente Municipal Library Vila de São Vicente Phone: 291 842 135 Monday to Friday: 9am - 12:30pm and from 2:00pm - 5:30pm Study Centre of Atlantic History Library Rua das Mercês, n.º 8 Monday to Friday: 9am - 1pm and from 2pm - 6pm Phone: 291 214970

Centro das Artes "Casa das Mudas" Estrada Simão Gonçalves da Câmara, 37 Calheta Phone: 291 820 900

Porto Moniz Living Science Centre Rotunda do Ilhéu Mole - Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850300 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 6p.m.

Centro Cultural John dos Passos Rua do Príncipe D. Luís, n.º 3 Ponta do Sol Phone: 291 974034

Reception and Interpretation Centre of Funchal’s Ecological Park (Temporarly closed) Estrada Regional 103 Ribeira das Cales, 259 - Monte Phone: 291 784700 Monday to Sunday: 9a.m. to 5.30p.m.

Madeira Aquarium Rua do Forte de São João Baptista Porto Moniz Phone: 291 850 340 Monday to Sunday: 10am to 6pm Madeira Theme Park Estrada Regional 101 Fonte da Pedra - Santana Phone: 291 570410 Thursday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.


São Vicente Caves and Volcanism Centre Sítio do Pé do Passo - São Vicente Phone: 291 842404 Monday to Sunday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.



MIM April-May 2018

Tours Madeira Film Experience

History Tellers: 2 circuits

An audio-visual 30 minute journey that runs through the Madeira Archipelago’s 600 years of history and culture.

Guided tours promoted by the “Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira”: West and Historic Areas of the City

Monday to Sunday Marina Shopping, store 223 Tel. 291 222 748

Monday to Friday Pre-registrations: Armazém do Mercado - Rua Latino Coelho, 39 Tours:

Colégio dos Jesuítas

Guided Tours to Colégio dos Jesuítas, founded in 1569 by royal charter of D. Sebastião. Monday to Friday Rua dos Ferreiros - Funchal Tel. 291 705 060 Guided tours: Edu. Services:

Funchal City Hall

Guided tours to Funchal City Hall Monday to Friday Guided tours: Edu.Services: Org: Associação Académica da UMa


Guided tours to the Parliament of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Friday | at 2.30pm and 4.00pm Org: AAUMa & Madeiran Heritage --------------Monday to Friday

Prometo Amar Pedro Chagas Freitas




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