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Closure She smiled as she texted him. To her, he was different. A little like all the other guys she had liked, but also not like them at all. He was funny, sweet, and thoughtful. They could geek out together, but also have long serious conversations. They had met through friends and became friends. Her friends kept telling her that she would have to play video games with him. They did, and she beat him a lot of the times. They bantered as they fought through the console. Ba-dum. That’s when’s crush on Nathan began. He flew back home and would text him every so often, sending him something funny. February 14th- He sent her a valentine. Ba-dum. Nathan texted her everyday. He gave her a nickname. She didn’t like other people using it— just him. Their friendship blossomed. They had inside jokes. She visited his city. They went on a ferris wheel together. Nathan’s afraid of heights, but she was his rock. Ba-dum. They got dessert together. He paid. They walked and talked. He returned her back to the hotel on time. More plans. Summer plans. Nathan made sure that he took off work for when she came to visit. He bought her tickets to a Broadway show. Ba-dum. September. Right before she had to go back to school. She visited him. Dinner with the parents. Broadway show. Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight. She wore Nathan’s shirt. It fit so well. This was her future. Ba-dum. They listened to music and talked on the couch. They spent the whole night together. He returned her home, just to see her again tomorrow. Another night together. Central Park. Walking. Talking. Laughing. Smiling. A castle. Shakespeare across the pond. This was it. Ba-dum. Nothing. They walked back to the hotel and parted ways. Little did she know, this would be the last time she would see Nathan. She texted Nathan. Thanking him for a great time. Nothing. Months go by. Nothing. Not a word.

Did she do something wrong? What could she have done better? She should have kissed him. Tell her how she felt. He has a girlfriend. Broken. Another visit to the city. She still wants to be friends and have a friendship with him. She texts Nathan. Makes plans with him. He cancels last minute. She never hears from him again. Nothing. Just a memory. A broken girl who thought she knew what love was when she had it. She really thought she had found the one. She hasn’t had a crush on anyone since. Everyone seems immeasurable. She can’t think of the Bucking Bronco without him. She can’t play BioShock Infinite without thinking of him. She thinks about texting him every now and then. Asking him about what happened between the two of them. It’s been two years. But it’s been two years. Would he even respond? Would he even care? Does he still care? Does Nathan think about you too? Does he even realized how much he hurt you? All you want is closure.

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