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Niro is a world leader in industrial drying, with spray drying, freeze drying, and fluid bed processing as core technologies. The Niro companies are part of the Process engineering Division of the GeA Group.

NirO POwDer TechNOlOGy

Niro A/S Niro A/S U Gladsaxevej 305 U PO Box 45 U DK-2860 Soeborg U Denmark Tel: +45 39 54 54 54 U Fax: +45 39 54 58 00 U U

4750 Dairy ann133x188.indd 1

Mejeribrug i Rusland • Dairying in Russia Молочное хозяйство в России

Complete Milk Powder Factories


17. april 2008 121. årgang

04/03/08 15:26:06

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