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Mælkeri tidende Tidsskrift for


Niro is a world leader in industrial drying, with spray drying, freeze drying, and fluid bed processing as core technologies. The Niro companies are part of the Process engineering Division of the GeA Group.

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4750 Dairy ann133x188.indd 1

Mejeribrug i Rusland • Dairying in Russia Молочное хозяйство в России

Complete Milk Powder Factories


17. april 2008 121. årgang

04/03/08 15:26:06

60 years of experience

Primodan Food Machinery is a Danish manufacturing company incorporating more than 60 years of experience within the Dairy and Food processing industry. Primodan is an order producing company of filling and sealing machines as well as complete

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18.000 cups/hour

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Up to

UF feta cheese filling plants

10.000 cups/hour

Primodan Food Machinery A/S 路 Oesterled 20-26 路 DK4300 Holbaek, Denmark 路

Mælkeri tidende Tidsskrift for


Udgivere: Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, e-mail: Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, e-mail: Redaktion og sekretariat: Det gamle Mejeri Landbrugsvej 65 5260 Odense S. Postgiro: 400 5325 Tlf.: 66 12 40 25 Fax: 66 14 40 26 e-mail: Ansvarshavende redaktør og sekretariatsleder mejeriingeniør K. Mark Christensen. Redaktør cand. mag. Anna Marie Thøgersen. Redaktionssekretær markedsøkonom Bettina M. Nielsen. Sekretær Birgit Jakobsen. Tlf. tid dagligt kl. 8.00-16.00 (fredag dog 8.00-15.00) Annoncer: Stillings- samt købs/salgsannoncer kan leveres digitalt eller i form af færdige film og må være redaktionen i hænde senest torsdag kl. 12.00, en uge før udgivelse. Tidsskriftet udgives hveranden fredag‚ undtagen dobbeltnumre i juni og december‚ svarende til 24 nr./år i et oplag på 1.700 eksemplarer. Abonnement: Danmark: 1.125- kr./år inkl. moms. Europa: 1.398,- inkl. forsendelse. Øvrige udland: 1.584‚- kr. inkl. forsendelse. Læserkreds: Mejeriernes og mejeriselskabernes ledere og øvrige medarbejdere. Mejeriingeniører og mejeriteknikere i indog udland. Medlemmer af mejeriernes bestyrelser. Ansatte ved mejeribrugets organisationer. Medarbejdere ved forsknings- og forsøgsvirksomheder, levnedsmiddelkontrolenhederne og ministerielle embedsmænd. Mange levnedsmiddelvirksomheder. Mejerimaskinindustri og servicevirksomheder m.v. (Stud. tech. al/mejerilinien og procesteknologstuderende/mejerispecialet modtager bladet gratis). Layout og sats: Grafisk Data Center a-s, Odense Tryk: Helmer Jensen ApS, ISSN 0024-9645 Medlem af:

Eftertryk tilladt med kildeangivelse. MÆLKERITIDENDE 2008

Mejeribrug i Rusland I sidste nummer af Mælkeritidende kunne læseren tage på eventyrrejse 100 år tilbage i tiden. Omkring år 1900 oplevede dansk mejeribrug nemlig et sibirisk smøreventyr. I dette temanr. af bladet befinder vi os imidlertid midt i nutiden og har fokus på det moderne Mejeribrug i Rusland. De russiske forbrugere har lange traditioner for produktion og forbrug af mælk, smør og ost. Og markedet for mejeriprodukter og mejeriteknologi er stort i Rusland - som kun ligger få timers rejse fra Danmark. Repræsentanter fra Danmarks internationale mejeriindustri har taget vel imod ideen om at deltage i dette temanummer. De fortæller om hver deres projekt, som tilsammen danner et godt indtryk af nutidens Mejeribrug i Rusland. Vi ved ikke, om de danske mejerister for 100 år siden talte russisk i Sibirien. Men mon ikke? I indeværende temanummer, har vi i alle tilfælde valgt at bringe engelske artikler med resumer på russisk, så Mælkeritidende når så langt ud over Mejeri-Rusland - som muligt! Anna Marie Thøgersen

Dairying in Russia • Молочное хозяйство в России In this special issue of the Danish Dairy Magazine - Mælkeritidende we are proud to introduce a number of representatives from the dairy industry in Denmark. All companies are engaged in the Russian dairy sector - one way or another. For the convenience of the Russian dairy colleagues, the articles are in English - with Russian summaries.

Indhold: The Russian Economy ............ The Russian Dairy Sector ........ Valio in Russia . .................... Anhydro A/S ........................ Arla Foods in Russia .............. Niro A/S .............................. Tetra Pak Hoyer A/S .............. FOSS A/S ............................. Primodan A/S . ..................... Scanima A/S ........................ Palsgaard A/S . .....................

168 170 174 176 178 180 184 186 188 190 192

AC Dairy Machines . ............... Keofitt A/S .......................... FH Scandinox A/S ................. Bila A/S .............................. UF Cheese Course .................. Siemens Flow Instruments A/S Dalum Education Centre ......... DSS Silkeborg A/S ................. Trepko A/S . ......................... Kort fortalt .......................... Personalia . .......................... NR. 8

194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 217


Highlights of the Russian Economy Russia is the largest country in the world. Since 2000, The Russian Federation has shown impressive economic and social growth. Moreover, foreign investments increased to around 14 billion USD last year. blished social security for unemployed workers. Russia reinvests around 20% of the BNP, which was 11.000 USD per capita in 2006. However, the income level varies much between the seven federal districts with an average monthly income of 317 USD in the Central Federal District as the highest, compared to the lowest of 144 USD monthly in the Southern Federal District (Figure 1).

This article is based on lectures and information given by Poul Jacob Erikstrup, Minister Counsellor at the Danish Embassy, Moscow, Russia, 2006 and later at a conference held by Danish Food Forum in Aarhus, Denmark 2007.

World’s no. one Russia is the largest country in the world. The size of The Russian Federation is 17 million km2, and 142 million people inhabit the country. Russia is a federation divided into seven federal districts, consisting of 89 administrative units. The population density is high in the western part with more than 90 million people living and working in the three federal districts: Central, Southern and Volga (Figure 1). The capital, Moscow - located in Central Federal District, has about 15 million inhabitants, whereas the second largest city St. Petersburg, located in North Western Federal District, has more than 5 million inhabitants.

Political and economic efforts Figure 2: Danish-Russian Trade Figures in 1999 and 2005 value in DKK millions.

Figure 3: Structure of Danish exports to Russia in 1999 and 2005 in percentage.

Impressive economic growth Russia experienced a financial market crisis in 1998. However, after a few years the Russian economy has shown steady gains since 2003 with growth rates of about 7% annually. This is very impressive by international standards.


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Because of the positive economic growth, the unemployment has declined steadily since the market crisis with rates in 1998 of more than 13% to around 7% unemployment today. In 2005, the Russian government esta-

Russia is the second largest producer of energy next to Saudi Arabia. In 2004, the Russian government established a Stabilization Fund, primarily based on the country’s enormous oil and gas income. Today, this fund contains 160 billion USD. Money from the fund is invested for improvements of various vital areas such as health care, house market, IT/know-how and establishments of special industrial zones. Furthermore, the Russian Parliament, the Duma has decided a programme of special economical state support within the food sector. Investments and rental support has focus on strengthening primarily animal husbandry, farming and agricultural machinery sectors. Lately, the Duma has announced investments in modernizing the food-processing sector.

Russian-Danish trade During the last decade, trade between Russia and Denmark has more than doubled (Figure 2). Russia is Denmark’s 13th largest export market with a total export of more than 1.5 billion Euros


n Central Federal District:

n North Western Federal

n Urals Federal District:

n Siberian Federal


Population 38 million. Regional capital Moscow (15 million inhabitants). Average income per capita 317 USD monthly. Key industrial sectors: Food, beverages, metal processing, machine engineering, retail, banking, Telecommunication, space.

District: Population 14 million. Regional capital St. Petersburg (5 million inhabitants). Average income per capita 237 USD monthly. Key industrial sectors: Machine-tool building, food processing, software, wood processing, pulp and paper, metallurgy.

Population 12 million. Regional capital Yekaterinburg (1.3 million inhabitants). Average income per capita 257 USD monthly. Key industrial sectors: Metals, mechanical engineering, oil & gas.

district: Population 20 million. Regional capital Novosibirsk (1.4 million inhabitants). Average income per capita 187 USD monthly. Key industrial sectors: Aluminium, coal, ferrous metallurgy.

P R ( A 3 i b s r c


· ··



n Southern Federal

n Volga Federal District:

n Far Eastern Federal

District: Population 22 million. Regional capital Rostov-on-Don (1 million inhabitants). Average income per capita 144 USD monthly. Key industrial sectors: Energy, agriculture, machine construction, metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical, food.

Population 31 million. Regional capital Nizhny Novgorod (1.3 million inhabitants). Average income per capita 167 USD monthly. Key industrial sectors: Petrochemicals, mechanical engineering, electro power, metallurgy, automotive, transportation.

District: Population 6 million. Regional capital Khabarovsk (½ million). Average income per capita 249 USD monthly. Key industrial sectors: Nonferrous metals, electroenergy, food-industry (fisheries).

in 2006. The primary export goods include machinery/equipment and food products/agricultural goods (Figure 3). These export segments accounted for NR. 5 Euros in 1999 and 455 260 million million Euros in 2005. The Danish import from Russia is concentrated on fuel, and accounts for more than 50% of the total import. n




Denmark represented in Russia Denmark is represented at two locations in Russia. The Danish Embassy is located in Moscow and The General Consulate in St. Petersburg. Furthermore, a new Danish Trade Office in Yekaterinburg, Urals Federal District is expected to open later this year.


Figure 1: Russia is the largest country in the world. The size of Russia is 17 million km2, and around 142 million people inhabit the country. Russia is a federation divided into seven Federal Districts.

D m R i i m s m m p

The Danish Embassy, Moscow:, fax 007 495 775 0191. General Consulate, MÆLKERITIDENDE 2008 St. Petersburg:, fax: 007 812 703 3901.

NR. 8


The Russian Milk and Dairy Sector (Photo: Colourbox)

Russia’s annual milk production of 34 billion litres is refined at 3.000 dairies. On average, Russians consume almost 50 kg dairy products a year. However, the domestic dairies only cover half of the consumption need. Russia’s dairy import is rising. Even so, the Russians are hungry for more … Milk production in Russia The agricultural farmland covers 336 million hectare, which is 20% out of Russia’s 17 million km2. Almost half a million farmers operate in the country; but most of them are small-scale subsidiaries with only a few domestic animals. Approx. 10% of the Russian farms are agricultural estates of more than 100 hectare. During the last two decades, the number of dairy cows has declined from more than 20 millions to less than 10 millions cows. On the other hand, milk yield per cow have risen almost as dramatically from an average of 2000 litres in 1998 to more than 3300 litres of milk per cow in 2007. The majority of the milk farms are located in the federal districts west of the Ural Mountains where the pasture is available (Figure 1). Today, the total milk production in Russia has stabilized at about 34 billons litres of milk per year. This only covers around 50% of the domestic demands. Furthermore, most of the national milk is produced for domestic use or sold locally with none or only a small degree of refinement.


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Figure 1: The majority of the Russian milk farms and dairies are located in the three western federal districts and partly in the Siberian District. Russia’s total milk production is approx. 34 billons litres per year. nV olga Federal District: Percentage of total amount of milk production 32%. Consumers 31 million. nC entral Federal District: Percentage of total amount of milk production 21%. Consumers 38 million (Moscow 15 million). n S iberian Federal District: Percentage of total amount of milk production 18%. Consumers 20 million. n S outhern Federal District: Percentage of total amount of milk production 15%. Consumers 23 million.


Increasing milk prices During 2007, the economy within the Russian milk production has changed dramatically. The average price per litre milk paid to the dairy farmers has doubled from 0.20 EUR to between 0.32 - 0.46 EUR depending on the quality of the milk. Immediately the Russian government reacted on this positive trend, and now increasingly supports new economic investments in the primarily milk production. According to these positive facts, the profitability among the well established dairy farmers is solid. The milk price is expected to stabilize at around 0.35 EUR.

dairy, Unimilk, has a yearly turnover of 570 million USD. Unimilk operates 23 dairy plants at the domestic market, and two in Ukraine. Wimm-Bill-Dann (WBD), with a market share of 34%, runs 37 processing plants in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Central Asia as well as distribution networks in 26 cities in Russia and the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). WBD is serving 280 million customers in Russia and the neighbouring states. WBD´s annual turnover is approximately 1 billion USD.

WBD is the Russian market leader in dairy and juice segments. WBD produces more than 1.000 different dairy products and about 150 types of fruit and vegetable juices. National and international stockholders own the dairy company, which is registered at the New York Stock Exchange. WBD was formed in 1992, and today the dairy company has more than 18.000 em­ ployees. Several of WBDs dairy plants are located within and around Mos­ cow.

Dairying in Russia The Russian dairy sector is characterised with a large number of small enterprises, a smaller number of medium-sized and a few large national and international dairies. Overall, there are approx. 3.000 dairies in Russia, but only one third of these have production capacities for more than 50 tons daily. Most of the Russian dairies are privatised. The capacity utilisation at the dairies varies and is on average only 27% with respect to e.g. butter production as the lowest, and 60% within cheese. The total 2005 production of dairy products is shown in Table 1. Products



370.900 tons

+ 6,5


277.200 tons

+ 0,4

One of Wimm-Bill-Dann´s dairy plants in Moscow, Lianozovo. The production area of the plant is 80.000 square meters. Each day, the 2.500 employees produce 1.300 different milk products.

+/- %

Low fat milk 426.700 tons - 10,8 Dried milk

79.700 tons

- 12,9

Whole milk 9.45 mio. tons + 4,8 Canned milk 854 mio. cans + 4,1 Table 1: Production of dairy products in 2005. Percentage show the deviation compared to 2004.

Major domestic dairies The dominating players at the market are Wimm-Bill-Dann and Unimilk, that cover almost half of the domestic dairy production. The second largest


Russia’s no. 1, Wimm-Bill-Dann produces all kinds of dairy products, also a wide variety of foods for babies and small children. This range consists of heat-treated milk drinks, kefir, yoghurt and quark.

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Foreign dairies The French dairy and food company, Danone, is among the largest foreign enterprises and exporters at the Russian market. Danone operates two large dairies in the country, and furthermore the company is by far one of most important dairy operators with respect to yoghurt with a total market share of almost 25%, and a more modest 6% share within dairy desserts. Russia’s neighbour to the West, Finland, has been an active food exporter for decades. Thus the Finnish dairy company, Valio, this year celebrates its 100 anniversary at the Russian dairy market. In 2007, Valio’s international sales to Russia accounted for 21% of the company’s total export volume of 240,000 tonnes. With Russian sales totalling 170 millions EUR, Valio is now one of the largest and most recognised Western food companies operating in the country. Besides French and Finish dairies, the German company, Ehrmann is also an active exporter of especially yoghurts and posses almost 10% of this market in Moscow. Other large exporters are Dutch Campina and French Lactalis, of which the latter has a yearly turnover of around 100 million USD at the Russian cheese market. With a turnover last year of nearly 30 million EUR our own DanishSwedish dairy company, Arla Foods has also gained foothold at the enormous Russian dairy market.

Moscow and St. Petersburg. Some of the major foreign and domestic retail chains are listed in Table 2.

Retail Chain


Metro C&C












Sedmoi Kontinent








Ramenka (Ramstor)


Table 2: Major foreign and domestic Russian retail chains with turnovers in million USD in 2005.

The retailers offer a wide range of domestic as well as foreign dairy pro­ ducts. Such as milk, cheese and but­ter from Valio in Finland, different cheeses from Germany, France and Holland as well as cheese and butter from the Danish-Swedish dairy com­ pany Arla Foods. Prices between domestic and international dairy brands vary significantly; 1 liter of e.g. Valio milk is sold for approx. 1.4 EUR and 1

liter of local milk for approx. 0.5 EUR. In 2005, the Russian import of foreign dairy products was almost 260.000 tons of cheese, 82.000 tons of butter, and 35.000 tons of milk and cream. The domestic dairies only cover half of the consumption need, and Russia’s dairy import is rising. Even so, the Russians are hungry for more. As Russia is one of the largest producers and exporters of gas and oil, that experience ever rising prices, the country can afford to increase import of dairy goods.

Possibilities in Russia The Russian milk sector has the following potentials for further growth: • Increased focus on safe and steady milk supply • Quality improvements on fresh milk products • Product development within yoghurts and vitamin enriched milk products • Logistics and how to match the retailers supply demands • Introduction of Western food trends • Focus on the markets for cheese and butter. The Russian market is mostly for giants, but examples of success gained by relatively small dairy operators are known! Remember, in Russia everything takes time … n

Consumers and retail market Annually, the Russian consumer on average drinks 35 litres of milk, and eats 4 kg of cheese, 4 kg of yoghurts, and 3 kg of butter. The Russian consumption of various cheese types are increasing, but especially within different yoghurt products and cottage cheese the growth has been remarkable with rates at plus 15% during the last years. The share of modern retail stores is still relatively low, but multinational chains are transforming the market, especially in the two largest cities,


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This article is based on lectures and information given by Poul Jacob Erikstrup, Minister Counsellor at the Danish Embassy, Moscow, Russia 2006 and at a conference held by Danish Food Forum in Aarhus, Denmark 2007 plus e-mail correspondence in 2008. The Russian milk sector has potential for further growth e.g. within quality improvements on fresh milk products.


Valio leads the way in Russia “In 2007 Valio’s international sales to Russia accounted for 21% of the company’s total export volume of 240,000 tonnes. With Russian sales totalling EUR 170 million, it comes as no surprise that Valio is now one of the largest and most recognised Western food companies operating in the country,” says Veijo Meriläinen, E.V.P., Valio International Operations and Innovations.

Historical links Valio began exporting butter to Russia in 1908 establishing an office in St. Petersburg in 1914 up to 1917. At that time, Finland was still a part of the Russian Empire. Thereafter followed a long dry period until the 1950s, when Valio began to export its Viola processed cheese to the country. Valio’s Russian business was high in volume and profit from 1950-1990 and the most important products were butter, Viola processed cheese and milk powder. Up until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, all Finnish business contracts in Russia were negotiated between the Finnish and Soviet Union government authorities, with quantities for export decided by them. However, all this changed after 1991 when export deals had to be fully renegotiated and Valio began seeking out small importers and distributors to deal with its many different product categories. Valio founded a subsidiary in Russia christened ZAO Valio St. Petersburg in 1994 together with an office in Mos­ cow.


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Traditions in Russia since 1908 Valio performing well Today, the key sales generators are Valio consumer butter, Viola and now Oltermanni processed cheeses, and Oltermanni and Atleet natural cheeses. Although the butter market is in decline, our high quality brand is performing strongly. Processed cheese sales are largely holding their position and Viola is growing again in a weak market. There are six strong cheese brands in Moscow and St Petersburg. Valio Oltermanni and Atleet are two of the best. Our fourth pillar is fresh dairy products. As an example, while yoghurt consumption patterns are changing very slowly, growth topped 50% in St Petersburg last year. Our cooking products are top sellers even though the concept is not traditional to Russian consumers. The global food companies are playing to Valio’s strength in helping to pave the way for functional and value added dairy products. Expert opinion on health effects is fragmented, and producers rather than the medical community are the main source of information for consumers. Value added products are making an impact in St Petersburg and Moscow, although the regional market is still small. We plan to launch a new item in the Valio Gefilus® portfolio in 2008. The Valio brand will continue to offer growing value. To mark Valio’s 100th anniversary in Russia, campaigns and PR initiatives will be phased throughout the year, highlighting the

key stages in our development in terms of products and brands. This means explaining how it all started with butter, focusing on our basic products, and showing Russian consumers the nature of Valio as an innovator of health and well-being concepts. We communicate that we are experts and a very caring company.

Future challenges - sales and distribution The share of modern retail is still low, but evolution is fast and multinational chains are transforming the market. Improved relations with retail and wholesale customers are essential. Valio must have local dairy capacity in order to grow and only then can we negotiate with the chains from a position of real strength. Valio segments its business, selling to the dedicated wholesale distribution network, which accounts for 50–60% of sales, and direct to four of the major chains, Auchan, Lenta, O’Kei and Sedmoi Kontinent, totalling some 16% of sales. Marketing messages must cater to Russia’s many different local characteristics yet the Valio Viola, butter and Oltermanni brands exert a nationwide presence. Valio Centre Odintsovo near Mos­ cow is set to be fully operational in September 2008 to coincide with Valio’s 100th anniversary in Russia. It will become a true competitive advantage enabling us to satisfy orders in full and on time.


Valio’s Customer Service Centre includes a distribution hub, handling warehousing and deliveries for selected customers, and production facilities for one of Russia’s favourite processed cheeses, Valio Viola. The centre is located 42 kilometres from the Moscow MKAD ring road and offers good access to the St. Petersburg highway. Supply chain performance is arguably the key to success in Russia’s increasingly modernising retail trade. To be at the forefront, Valio needs to develop its customer service. We can now provide warehousing close to clients, improved frequency of deliveries and shorter lead times. The Gatchina plant is the key to increasing availability and is sophisti-

cated by local standards with a highly efficient laboratory. We are going to tackle the quality issue through training and consultation with farmers. All parties also need to invest in logistics and the quality chain for farmers to produce the premium quality milk for which Valio will pay a higher price. We will not under any circumstances compromise the Valio brand. We intend to start looking at UHT milk production in the autumn and maybe yoghurts at the end of the year.

The recruitment drive continues In order to realise our strategy of working with a larger number of direct customers and extend deeper into the regions, it has been crucial to add

significantly to our skilled and committed personnel. We have tripled the size of our sales and marketing staff to some 140 in just two-and-a-half years, and with the consolidation of Valio’s Russian operations expect to employ a total of around 300 people working in St. Petersburg and Moscow in 2008. The regional development project was set in motion in mid-2005 to expand Valio’s Russian operations beyond their traditional strongholds. In two years, the ranks of our regional distributors have swollen from 9 to a network of around 40 spread all over the Russian Federation, supported by 20 Valio staff working as far away as Vladivostok. n

Valio’s key sales generators at the Russian market are among others the consumer butter, Viola and different Oltermanni cheeses.


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Customised Powder Drying and Evaporation for Dairy Industry ANHYDRO is a world-experienced supplier of evaporation and drying solutions with revolutionary applications designed specifically for the needs in the dairy industry. The company provides a wide range of spray drying and evaporation solutions for variety of dairy applications including milk powder, infant formula, whey powder, and other dairy products. Specific advantages ANHYDRO spray drying and evaporation solutions for the dairy industry offer a long line of specific advantages including: • Uniform quality with complete control of moisture content, particle structure, particle size distribution, solubility, and wettability, and retention of natural aromas and flavours. • Complete control of yield and costs based on process automation, energy efficient components, continuous and rapid drying, and ease operation. • Versatility enabling customizable plant design based on many years of experience in a wide range of applications in complete compliance with individual customer requirements. • High functionality and long service life based on innovative design, precision engineering, top-quality components, efficient and straightforward CIP. • Traceability using automated process control in compliance with food standards and regulations.

Customization and service

precisely to specific customer needs. All plants are supported by our global service organization, enabling customers to achieve optimum throughput and on-spec quality for the entire lifetime of the equipment.

Wide-ranging track record ANHYDRO has a documented track record with more than 18,000 project units worldwide. These include new equipment solutions, plant retrofitting and upgrades, new processing development, automation upgrading, plant performance optimization, process troubleshooting and environmental applications.

ANHYDRO in Russia Having a long tradition on supply of dairy drying equipment to Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian markets and considering them as important and rapid developing players on global dairy markets, ANHYDRO serves its sales and services through the representation office in Moscow: Tel: +7-495781 7465, n

All ANHYDRO systems can be tailored

ANHYDRO has long traditions on supply of dairy drying equipment to Russian, Belorussian and Ukrainian markets.


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в производстве сухих смесей ANHYDRO A/S - предоставляет широкий спектроборудованиядляраспылительной сушки и выпаривания для различных производственных процессов в молочной промышленности, например, при изготовлении сухого молока, смеси для детского питания, сухой сыворотки и других молочных продуктов. Все системы могут быть специально разработаны с учетом специфических требований заказчика. Все производства поддерживаются нашей единой сервисной организацией, позволяющей заказчикам таким образом достичь оптимальной производительности и качества на протяжении всего срока службы оборудования. На счету ANHYDRO более 18 000 документально подтвержденных успешных проектов во всем мире. Среди них новые решения по техническому оборудованию, переоснащению и усовершенствованию производств, развитие новых технологий, модернизация автоматической обработки, оптимизация производительности предприятий, обнаружение и устранение неисправностей, технические решения по защите окружающей среды. Имея давнюю традицию поставки сушильного оборудования для молочных производств на рынки России, Белоруссии и Украины и принимая во внимание их важное и стремительное развитие на мировых рынках молочной промышленности, мы осуществляем продажи и сервисное обслуживание этого оборудования через наш представительский офис в Москве: ANHYDRO russia@;; Россия 119048, Москва, ул.Усачева,62, строение 2, офис 27. Телефон: +7-495-781-7465; факс: +7-495-245-4393. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг MÆLKERITIDENDE 2008

Anhydro Advanced Applications The Triple-ATM Dryer Anhydro Advanced Applications or you might as well say Anhydro Advanced Airflows. Our Triple-ATM dryers are designed for flexible and cost efficient drying of milk and baby food products. The airflow pattern inside the drying chamber is controlled to avoid powder deposits on chamber walls. A wide range of process parameters can be used to control properties of the processed product. Anhydro offers in-depth experience in custom-made appropriate plant solutions to your specific process requirements. If you are looking for the next generation of advanced spray drying equipment, please contact us for a discussion about the Triple-ATM drying system. To find out more call +7 495 781 7465 or visit

Head Quarter: Anhydro A/S Oestmarken 7 DK-2860 Soeborg Tel.: +45 70 278 222 Fax: +45 70 278 223

Russia: Anhydro Russia Usacheva Str 62, str.2, office 27 119048 Moscow Tel: +7 495 781 7465 Fax:+7 495 245 4393


Arla Foods Sets Out for Russia The Danish-Russian joint venture Arla Foods Artis Ltd. in St. Petersburg is now established, and the Danish dairy company is ready to conquer a substantial share of the Russian market, states Arla Foods Business Unit Director, Max Sørensen. Strategy: In five years, the Arla brand will be placed in the upper half of the Top-10 list of best-known dairy products. Target group: Middleclass consumers in large cities.

ment. We have developed an ambitious business plan aimed at strong growth in Russia over the next few years, says Max Sørensen, and stresses: - Within the next five years, the Arla Foods brand will be placed at the upper half of the Top-10 list of best-known dairy products.

By Anna Marie Thøgersen

Danish dairy products in Russia Arla Foods has been exporting dairy products to Russia for many years, during the past decade in partnership with Artis of St. Petersburg as distributor. In October last year, the Russian competition authorities approved a new joint venture between the two partners Arla Foods and Mr. Mikhail Lyasko. The distribution company Arla Foods Artis Ltd. is now established, and the new joint company is responsible for marketing, selling and distributing dairy products under Arla Foods brands. Thus, Arla Foods products within the category of yellow cheese, white cheese, cream cheese, blue cheese and Lurpak butter will be available through all Russian retailers. - Russia is an exciting market, which is experiencing very rapid economic development, says Max Sørensen, who is responsible for Arla Foods’ business affairs in Eastern Europe. We see longterm potential in our joint company and will now expand the business and get an even better insight into our customers and the Russian consumers’ requirements.


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Middleclass consumers

Max Sørensen, Business Unit Director, Arla Foods.

Strategy Our joint venture partner has a strong and proven record in sales and distribution of dairy products, particularly in the St. Petersburg region. The next step is to expand into Moscow and other Russian cities with more than one million inhabitants. More than 100 out of a total 142 million Russians live in large cities, which are enjoying impressive economic develop-

International dairy companies as Valio, Danone and Campina are present at the market and show turnovers up to 10 times the actual Arla Foods sale. How will you get to the top of Top-10 in just five years? Max Sørensen explains: - Arla Foods Artis shared competences enable us to create the distribution required to initiate stronger marketing campaigns and thereby establish and expand Arla Foods within key dairy categories. We do utmost respect our competitors. However, mind you, Arla Foods is no. 5 on the World Top-10 list of largest international dairy companies. For years, we have focused on refining and adding value to our dairy products. Russian consumers have a solid tra­ dition for dairy products, especially cheese and butter. The yellow cheese market covers 100,000 tons of which 40% are premium products. Special butter brands cover 25% of the total retail sale of 200,000 tons. Furthermo-


re, the speciality cheese market exceeds 30,000 tons. Arla Foods brands as Lurpak, Danish Blue Cheese, Apetina and Buko are ready for a substantial share and extension of the market. We have great expertise and will further strengthen our distribution logistics and match the retailers supply demands. We will strengthen our marketing campaigns on various fronts. Moreover, in the food stores, we already meet the Russian middleclass consumer.

Dairy production in Russia? Do Arla Foods plan to operate a local dairy in Russia? If so, what about the uneven quality of Russian farm milk? -Yes, the quality of the farm milk is uneven. However, I think, that Danish or other foreign investments in the primary milk sector in Russia will get more attention just as we have seen in several countries of Eastern Europe during the last years. Moreover, the Russian veterinary and food authorities are very well aware of the need of improvements in the primary farm sector. And no, at the moment, we do not plan to build a dairy and start a local production. Right now, we concentrate our efforts on distributing and marketing the Arla brands. What we will do in the years to come, I cannot reveal, says Max Sørensen. In the years to come, Arla Foods Artis will strengthen its marketing campaigns on various fronts. The Danish dairy company already meets the Russian middleclass consumer in the retail stores.

Mikhail Lyasko, Managing Director of the distribution company Arla Foods Artis Ltd.


Arla Foods Artis Ltd.

Arla Foods

The Danish-Russian distribution com­ pany Arla Foods Artis Ltd., established late last year, is 75% owned by Arla Foods and 25% by Mr. Mikhail Lyasko, Mikhail Lyasko is the Managing Director of the new company. Arla Foods Artis Ltd. has 170 employees and a turnover in 2007 in excess of 30 million Euros. The distribution company is headquartered in St Petersburg and has a substantial office in Moscow.

Arla Foods is the fifth largest dairy in the World. Milk volume: 8 billon kg in Denmark, Sweden and UK. Turnover in the three markets accounts for approx. 73% of Arla Foods’ total turnover of 6.9 billion Euros. There are 8.500 co-operative members in Denmark and Sweden and the number of employees is 19.000. n

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Spray Drying in Russia Russia has always been a country with a traditionally high consumption of dairy products, which makes it an attractive dairy market considering the size of the country and its population.

By Julia Huseljic, Area Sales Manager for Aftermarket FODA, Niro A/S

Historic background Only some 20 years ago Russia was a completely closed country and dairy producers did not have much access to foreign dairy processing equipment or technology. It took some time of painful transformations to become an open market with lots of opportuni-

ties, where most of the major international companies have now established their activities. Due to the so called planned economy, where the market was artificially regulated by the state, the supply of processing equipment in the Soviet times was arranged through a couple of international agencies, which purchased 3-5 similar plants to be located in the different parts of the Soviet Union. These plants became the subject of thorough investigation and studies by the scientific and research institutes with an idea to create a basis for the local manufacturing. That is why some local engineering companies still exist and manufacture the spray drying

NIRO A/S - распылительная сушка в России NIRO A/S - акционерное общество, которое с 1933 года является лидером по технологиям для распылительной сушки. Более 6 000 промышленных предприятий по всему миру получили наши поставки для молочной, пищевой, химической и фармацевтической промышленностей, в том числе около десятка молочно производственных предприятий в Советском Союзе. Ниже следует краткое описание четырех основных критериев. Санитарные нормы и гигиена: высочайшие стандарты санитарных требований в процессах подготовки воздуха, распылительной сушки, безразборной чистки или мойки, обращения с сухими смесями, включая замкнутый цикл упаковочного оборудования. Эффективность и защита окружающей среды: одна из инноваций - система рекуперации тепла - процесс ’’ Tepм ’’. Он помогает восстановить около 20 % тепловых потерь из отработанного воздуха, который может быть использован для предварительного нагрева воздуха, используемого в технологическом процессе и для прогрева технологического оборудования. Безопасность: молочные сухие смеси - органические вещества, то есть легко воспламеняются, могут привести к пожару или взрыву. Поэтому процесс распылительной сушки разделен на несколько зон, которые защищены на случай возможного пожара или взрыва. Программы безопасности включают в себя предупреждение, предотвращение и защиту. Система контроля: все параметры обработки записываются в память компьютера, могут быть распечатаны в любое время и представлены заказчикам, покупающим смеси, с целью подтвердить качество продукта. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг


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equipment mostly based on the principles of design applied in those days. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, the trading agencies vanished and the supply of spray drying plants finished in the beginning of the nineties. Since then no major changes happened in this area and the spray drying equipment nowadays mostly represents outdated and worn out plants, which do not meet the modern international standards to food processing industrial plants regarding sanitary level, efficiency, environmental protection, safety and control systems.

Dairy Market Development The development of any dairy market is linked to the availability and quality of milk. The dairy market in Russia suffered severe problems after the Soviet Union stopped existing. The economic instability of the nineties damaged the agricultural sector significantly. The majority of collective farms disappeared with only a few ones surviving as rare exceptions. The easiest solution in those days was to gain a sudden and short-term profit - to slaughter the cattle, which resulted in immense shortage of milk production. The present situation is improving due to special governmental programs to support the agricultural sector. One of them focuses on farming and stockbreeding, including interest-free loans for farming equipment, favourable conditions for importing the pedigree cattle, promotion of the Russian Stockbreeder Union, etc. The program of the International Dairy Forum in Moscow (March, 2008) supported by the Dairy Union of Russia, announces that for the first time this year the event is


held with the participation of the Russian Stockbreeders Union.

New Challenges Apart from political, economic and many other transformations Russia has had within those years, there is one definite change, which is extremely important for the market development: change of the consumers mind. If you happen to be in a Russian store some 20-30 years ago, especially somewhere far from Moscow, you would be surprised to see how limited the range of products was. But as soon as the consumers get a choice of services and products, which is common for a market with competition, they become more preferential and selective, paying attention to quality, price and variety. It challenges the manufacturers and makes them constantly move forward. As a result the marketing becomes more sophisticated, the products are more diverse and the quality is becoming higher and higher.

The new food processing technologies and receipts as well as demands to quality and content of processed food transform the industry into a sophisticated and competitive market. Within the last 10 years the food processing industry got used to using the powder ingredients in various applications: meat and fish processing, confectionaries, bakeries and etc, etc., where the major stake of these ingredients is imported from other countries. The local production facilities are not ready yet to cope with the demanded amounts and the quality level. Niro A/S is a leader in spray drying technology and has been in this business from 1933. More than 6.000 industrial plants has been supplied all over the world in dairy, food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries with a dozen dairy processing plants into the Soviet Union. In the following part there is a short description of four main issues, where Niro A/S can give advantages in powder processing.

Sanitary and Hygiene Sanitary and hygiene standards are the constant focus of any food processing company as well as the engineering company designing such equipment. Niro A/S applies the highest standards of sanitary design in air treatment, spray drying, CIP (cleaningin-place) process and powder handling with the main purpose to preserve the functionality of raw material and to process it with the highest sanitary and hygienic degree. It includes air filtration, concentrate pre-heating, sophisticated CIP system and powder handling with closed cycle packing equipment. Moreover, the equipment components are designed and manufactured in such a way that there are no hollow spaces or sharp angles where bacterial growth might start.

Efficiency & Environmental Protection It is necessary to think about the operation efficiency of the production.

Palsgaard ingredients provide texture, a feature that is crucial to the experience of ice cream as it melts in the mouth.

Emulsifiers and stabilizers for ice cream PalsgaardÂŽ is specialized in development, production and application of emulsifiers, stabilizers and other special ingredients. Visit us at to locate the office closest to you.


Palsgaard A/S DK-7130 Juelsminde, Denmark Phone +45 76 82 76 82

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Niro A/S has an experience with a turn-key project in Russia in a food processing industry, which was completed in 2004. It was a turn-key project including the supply of the complete plant with auxiliary equipment for the utilities.

Lower energy consumption shortens the pay-back of investments and maintains the operational costs. One of the innovations of Niro A/S is a heat recovery system - Process Therm. It helps to recover app. 20% of the heat loss with the exhaust air, which can be used to pre-heat the air taken for the process or warm up the production facilities. The Process Therm can be an attractive way to reduce the operational costs for Russian spray drying companies, especially when you consider the local cold winters. The installation of a bag filter gives several advantages: lower powder emissions (10 mg of powder / m3 of exhaust air), decreased pressure drop resulting in lower energy consumption, use of powder recovered from the exhaust system and installation of heat recovery system at the exhaust air.

Safety A spray dryer can be considered as a vessel operating with powder. Dairy powders are organic, i.e. flammable and can produce a fire or an explosion. Operating organic powders is potentially dangerous and that is why the spray drying equipment is subject


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to special ATEX (ATmospheres EXplosibles) rules. The whole spray drying process is divided into several zones, and each of them has to be protected in case of possible fires or explosions. Niro A/S is constantly updated with the latest safety regulations and developments available within the safety systems. Those safety systems are then integrated into any spray dryer with the main purpose - to make the plant a safe place to work. There are three main principles applied within the safety programs: warning, prevention and protection. The explosion venting and fire extinguishing systems are obligatory part of any spray dryer design. Additionally and depending on the type of the dryer or special requirements of the customers there can be CO detection systems as a warning device or special explosion suppression systems as an additional protection of a dryer. Basically, Niro A/S follows the EU Directives and Standards, which are as well valid for most of the countries outside EU and we also take into the consideration the local requirements if these exist or are required by the customer. The spray dryers supplied to the So-

viet Union some 20 years ago do not meet the contemporary requirements to safety design and there are no special rules regarding the safety systems for spray drying equipment in the Russian regulations now. But nevertheless Niro’s policy is to make a safe design of the equipment and there is no compromise in such a vital issue.

Control system The control systems supplied by Niro are not only efficient ways to control the production, it is also an easy way to monitor and record process parameters, which is highly important for the powder/product customers to confirm the quality of the powder. It makes it easier to implement various internal quality management systems (e.g. ISO), because all the processing parameters are recorded in the computer memory and can be printed out and presented to the customers purchasing the powder at any time to assure the product quality. Making business in Russia has its own specific features, considering lots of local regulations, procedures and especially the mentality and local ways of handling business. n



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Answers for industry.

Everything about Ice ce Cream Tetra Pak has the leading technology, the specialist services, the ingredients and the expertise that many of Russia’s ice cream manufacturers have come to rely on. By Jonna R. Hedegård, Marketing, Tetra Pak Processing Systems, Tetra Pak Hoyer A/S

sents a spectacular new world of opportunity within 3D ice cream novelties.

Top service and consumables Russian ice cream manufacturers have good reason for looking to Tetra Pak to help them solve the pressing challenges facing them today. General market stagnation has made innovative product development more important than ever to capture market share, while rising raw material prices and tough competition create hard conditions for maintaining a healthy profit. Tetra Pak has the products, expertise and local presence to help manufacturers overcome market obstacles and make the most of the potential.

Tetra Pak’s strong technical sales and service (TS&S) organisation provides all the machine spare parts and upgrades manufacturers need. Line audits that identify the cause of production bottlenecks, breakdowns and poor efficiency are an important part of the service package - accompanied, of course, by recommendations for optimisation. For ongoing plant maintenance, manufacturers can choose a Tetra PlantCare agreement, including regular service visits by Tetra Pak tech-

nicians responsible for keeping the ice cream plant in tip-top working order. Tetra Pak Trading Group - known on other markets as Danice - supplies everything else an ice cream manufacturer requires - all the ingredients, wrappers, sticks and other consumables that are part and parcel of commercial ice cream production. Specialist application assistance and product development support are also available. Today, the Tetra Pak Trading Group is a leading supplier to the Russian market, with warehouses in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar ensuring efficient distribution to ice cream plants all over the country.

Innovative portfolio The world’s leading supplier of ice cream equipment and complete production lines, Tetra Pak has more than 700 machines in operation in Russia. Continuous freezers, extrusion lines, filling and moulding machines, ice cream mixing equipment, ingredient feeders ... the product portfolio is comprehensive. In recent years, Tetra Pak has reconfirmed its reputation as a pioneer of ice cream technology with the launch of the Tetra Hoyer DeepBlue™ low-temperature concept - enabling cost-efficient production of ice cream with a premium smooth and creamy quality. Even more recent is the introduction of Tetra Hoyer Fashion, which repre-


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Russki Kholod is among the ice cream manufacturers that have opted for Tetra Pak in a big way.


ВСЕ О МОРОЖЕНОМ - Tetra Pak Processing Systems, Tetra Pak Hoyer A/S В России находятся в эксплуатации более 700 единиц оборудования, произведенных компанией Тetra Pak Hoyer: фризеры непрерывного действия, экструзионные линии, наполнительные линии, эскимогенераторы, установки для приготовления смеси мороженого, дозаторы ингредиентов... впечатляющий ассортимент. За последние годы компания Tetra Pak подтвердила свою репутацию новатора в технологии производства мороженого, запуском новой концепции низкотемпературного мороженого Tetra Hoyer DeepBlueTM, для экономически - эффективного производство мороженого высшего сорта. Более того, совсем недавно состоялась презентация линии Tetra Hoyer Fashion, которая открывает новые возможности в производстве объемного (трехмерного) мороженого. Сильна организация Tetra Pak и в технических продажах и сервисе (TS&S), она обеспечивает все поставленное оборудование запасными частями и работает над повышением эффективности работы установленного оборудования. Аудит оборудования, который позволяет обнаружить причины «узких мест» в работе оборудования, поломок и низкой эффективности, является важной частью предлагаемого сервисного пакета – конечно же с прилагаемыми рекоммендациями по оптимизации. Tetra Pak Trading Group - известная на некоторых рынках как Danice - поставляет заказчику все необходимые расходные материалы для производства мороженого различные ингредиенты, упаковку, палочки и прочее, что является неотъемлемой частью промышленного производства мороженого. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг

A Russian leader One of the dominating companies to emerge from the period of consolidation that currently prevails in the Russian ice cream industry, Russki Kholod has long relied on Tetra Pak equipment to provide a top, cost-effective performance. At its new plant in Moscow, built last year, a Tetra Pak extrusion line, stick novelty line, filling line and low-temperature Tetra Hoyer DeepBlue line are in place - not to mention a number of Tetra Pak’s newly developed continuous freezers with economical and eco-friendly CO2 refrigerant. Built in a city where labour costs are astronomically high, Russki Kholod’s Moscow plant relies on the high-level automation Tetra Pak equipment can provide. The ability of the Tetra Hoyer Profill stick novelty lines to accommodate large inclusions is particularly favourable for the innovation of premium ice creams. The same is true of the Tetra Hoyer DeepBlue line - the first installed in Russia.

One of the beauties of Tetra Pak’s low-temperature technology is that it favours the development of both premium and economy ice cream. While a typical Russian ice cream formulation with 15% fat can obtain a highly indulgent mouthfeel, a low-cost recipe can cut back on costly raw materials at little or no expense to eating qualities. With raw material prices at an all-time high, Tetra Hoyer DeepBlue is a welcome opportunity to keep rising costs at bay. Market stagnation gives the Russian ice cream industry every reason to look for new ways to develop. According to the Tetra Pak TS&S team, there is still great potential for Russian manufacturers to make more of the equipment they already have. Helping customers to optimum line efficiency is high on the service agenda at Tetra Pak - and always only a line audit away. n

sibly moving upward. Sales of lowcost products - the dominating sector just a few years ago - are on the way down. Hardly surprisingly, then, that the first product to roll off Russki Kholod’s Tetra Hoyer DeepBlue line targets the luxury end of the market.

Tuned in to market needs In line with the growth of the Russian middle class, the premium trend is vi-


At the new Russki Kholod ice cream plant in Moscow, several new Tetra Pak lines are in place.

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Consistent Quality across a Continent By Dorthe Bisgaard Oldrup, Product Group Manager, FOSS A/S

High quality raw milk Unimilk is the result of a consolidation of 29 dairy companies in Russia and two from the Ukraine. A relatively young company founded in 2002 it is already a major player in the Russian market, supplying more than a million tons of dairy products per year. Business goals are currently focused on conquering milk and dairy product market in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Based on a massive consolidation of dairy companies, Russian dairy producer Unimilk receives its milk supply from many sources. But the quality of dairy products must be consistent regardless of whether the raw milk comes from Siberia or the Ukraine. Testing with analytical equipment is providing an important part of the company’s goal to supply safe, high value and quality dairy products to consumers across Russia.

That said, the business is not just about gaining market share. Alexander Lensky, the development director of Unimilk highlights the importance of milk as a socially significant product delivered not only to shops, but also to

FOSS A/S - Анализ качества молока в России Российское молочное производство Unimilk, основанное на массовом объединении молочных компаний, получает молоко от многих поставщиков. Но качество молочных продуктов должно быть одинаковым, независимо от того, поставлено ли оно из Сибири или Украины. Проверка качества при помощи аналитического оборудования значительно помогает компании поддерживать должный уровень требуемых показателей, таких как безопасность, полезная ценность и высокое качество молочных продуктов для всех российских потребителей. Измерительные приборы, которые поставляет акционерное общество FOSS A/S, разрабатывающее аналитические решения, являются существенно значимыми для Unimilk в стремлении за улучшение качества продукции. Одним из таких приборов, уже используемых в производстве или находящихся в процессе реализации для нескольких новых производственных объектов, является MilkoScanTM FT2. Прибор FT2 позволяет измерять широкий ряд составных компонентов молочных продуктов, таких как жир, белок, сахар и отличается чрезвычайно высокой аккуратностью измерения, обеспечивая тем самым точность в производстве и сокращение потерь на сырьевых материалах. Другими приборами, используемыми компанией Unimilk для контроля качества продукции, являются MilkoScanTM Minor, который анализирует состав молока, и FoodScanTM Lab - для ускоренного анализа твердых и полутвердых молочных продуктов, таких как сыр, масло, йогурт и творог, с минимальной подготовкой выборки к контролю. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг


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hospitals, nurseries and schools. “We can’t allow stoppages in production or in purchasing or selling, not only because of potential financial losses, but also because we just can’t leave millions of our customers without the products of vital importance,” he says. Lensky explains that one of the most important activities is the provision of dairy plants for receiving good quality raw milk for drinking milk and for the further processing. A key strategic way to achieve this is to work closely with milk producers.

Unimilk focus on milk production Within the frame of their financing and modernization, Unimilk pays close attention to investments in milk production: granting credits for cattle and equipment purchase, loans, leasing expensive agricultural machinery, mil­king and cooling equipment. Investment is considerable. For instance, in 2004, the total volume of investments exceeded $40 million including $9 million in development of raw milk production. “Our business idea is simple and clear - to provide our consumers with high quality, safe and high-value dairy products,” says Lensky.


The analysis element Analysis instruments from analytical solutions providers FOSS are a central part of the push towards quality. One of the instruments employed or in the process of being acquired for several new sites is the MilkoScan™ FT2. The FT2 measures a wide range of constituents such as fat, protein, sugars in dairy products and offers particularly high measurement accuracy, allowing precision in production and reduced costs on raw materials. Other instruments in the Unimilk quality control toolbox include the MilkoScan™ Minor for simple economic and milk composition analysis and FoodScan™ Lab for rapid analysis of solid and semi-solid dairy products like cheese, butter, yoghurt and quark with a minimum of sample preparation. One of the MilkoScan FT2 instruments will be put into use at Unimilk’s St. Petersburg factory, Petmol where Unimilk has invested in a state-of-the-

It is easy to operate the MilkoScan FT2 analyser from FOSS.

art drinking yogurt line in with a 12,000 pack per hour capacity. A FoodScan instrument will be employed at a newly acquired canned baby food plant in Krasnodar. And more FT2 instruments will feature in the creation of the biggest dairy in Southern Russia at the Kemerovsky dairy

plant where investments have been made in a new sterile milk packing line, a new granulated cottage cheese line, new infant food equipment and modernization of fermented milk lines. In just one further example of the ongoing investments by Unimilk an­ other MilkoScan instrument will be part of the reconstruction of the Kostromskoi dairy in the Ukraine including a new melted cheese plant planned for completion in 2009. And there are many more examples of modernization, improvement and consolidation.

Russian milk consumption Market researchers estimate that consumption of milk-based products in Russia is around 230 litres per person per year and that 93 per cent of Russians regularly buy milk. The huge investment now being made by Unimilk looks to support that demand and not just with quantity, but with quality across the entire continent. n

Measure them all Milk, yoghurt, cream, whey protein concentrate, condensed milk, desserts, quark and many other viscous or non-viscous products: you can analyse them all directly without dilution. Visit and discover more about how FOSS can assist in optimising your milk business.

MilkoScan™ FT2 Dairy analyser for continuous success in dairy production.

Dedicated Analytical Solutions


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Filling Machines for UF Feta Cheese and Dairy Products UF Feta filling lines Primodan began making plants for UF Feta cheese in canisters in the 1970’ties, when the growing number of supermarkets worldwide called for the products packed in retail containers. Thus, since 1994 Primodan has produced and delivered more than 40 UF Feta cheese plants for filling UF Feta Cheese

By Lars Henriksen, Project Manager, Primodan Food Machinery A/S

Primodan Food Machinery A/S Primodan is a Danish manufacturing company incorporating more than 60 years of experience within the dairy industry. Primodan is an order producing company of filling and sealing machines as well as complete UF Feta Cheese and Dairy plants for markets worldwide. Continuous product development, high quality standards, and customer support makes Primodan a reliable business partner when looking for new equipment.


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in pre-made cups. 25 of these are sold and commissioned as turnkey projects where Primodan has designed the complete production lines from the raw milk silos to the finished products. Primodan has its own engineering department for dairy projects, which includes a design department, supervisors, dairy technologists and commissioners.

Primodan - наполнительные машины для производства сыра UF Feta Primodan - датская производственная компания, имеющая более чем 60-летний опыт работы в молочной промышленности. Primodan - ведущая фирма - изготовитель начинконаполнительных и закаточных машин, а также комплексных установок по производству сыра UF Feta (c использованием метода UF - ультрафильтрация) для мировых рынков. Метод Primodan UF для производства сыра Feta представляет собой линейный процесс, при котором молоко из бункера сырого молока нормализуется, пастеризуется, ультрафильтруется, гомогенизируется и снова пастеризуется (ультраконцентрат), перед тем как поступает в наполнительные машины. Это означает, что при этом не используется предварительное созревание или промежуточные емкости, что существенно снижает риск загрязнения. Как правило, наполнительные машины оснащены стерилизатором стаканов, стерилизатором мембраны, солевым стерилизатором и стерилизатором уплотняемых крышек, продлевая таким образом срок хранения сыра. Компания Primodan имеет также опыт в производстве наполнительных машин для молочной промышленности. Наши квалифицированные сотрудники на фабрике в городе Holbaek, Дания, изготавливают различные по дизайну и размеру автоматические наполнительные машины, в зависимости от требуемой вместимости, размера стаканов и продукции. Новая особенность наполнительных машин - метод Primoreels®, при котором отпечатанные пластиковые крышки на рулонах стерилизуются под воздействием ультрафиолета в туннельной машине, прежде чем их разъединят и приклеят на стаканы методом тепловой сварки. Каждый рулон содержит до 50 000 предварительно отформованных и отпечатанных крышек, что делает машины Primodan гораздо более эффективными и гигиеничными. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь к нашему сайту: Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг


Machine operating with traditional die-cut lids.

filling machine is as a standard equipped with following: Cup sterilizer, membrane sterilizer, salt sterilizer, and sealable lid sterilizer. Therefore, the Primodan Feta cheese production method is the most sanitary way of producing fresh white cheese (Feta) known today. For that reason, Primodan is said to be the world leader in the UF cast cheese industry.

Filling machines for dairy products Since the first plants delivered by Primodan were commissioned, a continuous development has taken place. Thus, today Primodan is able to design plants where only few operators are able to produce up to 2 tons of packed product/hour. It is even possible automatically on the very same line to cut the cheese inside the cups into cubes or slices. This means that on the same line it is possible to produce a great variety of products such as: • Sliced Feta cheese in cups • Feta cheese in layers of cubes • Feta cheese as cast blocks Within the last few years the demand for UF Feta cheese has spread rapidly from the Middle Eastern markets to the European markets, and today Primodan has delivered filling lines in Denmark, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and naturally Iran.

top of the coagulated cheese curd and salt is dosed onto the membrane, after which the cup is sealed and set to ferment. At the end of the fermentation, some liquid will seep out of the cheese and dissolve the salt on top of the membrane and thereby create a brine, which will finally salt the cheese. The Primodan UF Feta cheese production method is an inline process where milk from the raw milk silo is standardised, pasteurized, ultra-filtra­ ted, homogenized and pasteurized (UF retentate), before it is entering the filling machine. This means that no preripening or buffer tanks are used which reduces the contamination risk dramatically. Also in the filling line, great efforts have been made in order to reduce the risk of contamination resulting in an extended shelflife of the cheese. The

Primodan is also designing and manufacturing filling machines for the dairy industry. Our skilled employees in the factory situated in Holbaek - Denmark, make the design and manufacturing. Primodan is supplying three different sizes of automatic filling machines, depending on the requested capacity, cup size and product. A new feature in Primodan’s filling machines is the introduction of the Primoreels® concept where printed plastic lids on reels are sterilized in an UV tunnel on the machine before being separated and heat-sealed to the cups. Each reel contains up to 50.000 preformed and printed lids, which mean that Primodan’s machines are much more efficient, and hygienic compared to machines operating with traditional die cut lids. For more information, please visit our website: n

UF Filling method When producing UF Feta cheese in premade cups - culture is used for acidification. Since Feta Cheese contains approximately 3% salt it is necessary to separate the salt from the cheese curd during the first 24 hrs of the acidification process otherwise the salt will inactivate the culture. The Primodan machinery therefore includes a coagulation tunnel where the cups filled with concentrate and mixed with rennet and culture are transported for 20 minutes in a sterile atmosphere during coagulation. Subsequently a membrane is dispensed on


Primodan filling machine operating with the new Primoreels® system.

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Versatile Mixing Unit for Convenience Food By Per Kollerup Jensen, Regional Sales Manager, Scanima A/S

Complex ingredients

Scanima mixing solutions

Complex ingredients that play a special functional role in the manufac­ ture of high-quality food and beverage products require the latest mixing innovations. The increasingly widespread use of these ingredients in meeting demands for cost-effective manufacturing is the key drive behind the growing popularity of Scanima mixing technology. Process-enhancing techniques such as vacuum mixing, with dry ingredient induction and precise temperature control are now widely recognized as essentials. Some reactions during the mixing cycle are becoming more complex. To gain a competitive advantage, the food producing industry today needs a mixing and control system that provides more versatility and greater control of the mixing process. The key to all this, is technology and experience - bringing together new developments in mixing technology and applying them creatively. By following the trend in the market and combining new technologies in mixing and process control, Scamina can: • Make new products possible • Reduce the equipment (and the capital) necessary to mix the product • Optimize the mixing process thus lowering operation costs • Produce a superior end-product • Shorten the processing time.

For 25 years, Scanima has manufactured efficient mixing solutions for industrial costumers all over the world. Scanima has advanced the technology of mixing to become an “all-in-one process”, a factory within the factory. The “all-in-one process” provides great flexibility and allows the production of many different types of products in the same mixer. Due to efficient


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mixing, the use of some expensive ingredients can be reduced. A vacuum system allows automation of powder handling and de-aerates the products. The Scanima systems technology provides optimal powder/liquid or liquid/liquid mixing with or without high-shear mixing. Ingredients can be homogenized, emulsified and dispersed in a matter of minutes - even products with a high content of dry matter or a high viscosity.


With Scanima´s “Dynamic Stator”, new applications are possible within e.g. convenience food, dairy and beverages, such as cream cheese, processed cheese, and dairy deserts. (Model photo Colourbox)

The recently patented “dynamic stator” gives an even more flexible mixing unit with the option of automatic change between high shear and no shear. This allows for an even wider range of products. Applications are possible within e.g. convenience food, dairy and beverages, such as cream cheese, processed cheese, non-dairy cream, dairy deserts, sauces, soups, dips and dressings, mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. Many of our customers in the food industry have found that the mixing process is a key strategic tool in their efforts to improve product quality, to take advantage of new ingredients, and comply with environmental regulation. Contact Scanima - to learn how we can design a mixing system for your application. n


Универсальный миксер для изготовления готовых к употреблению продуктов Комплексные ингредиенты, которые играют особую функциональную роль в производстве пищевых продуктов и напитков, требуют нововведений в области миксеров. Всё более растущее использование этих ингредиентов, отвечающих требованиям рентабельного производства, является движущей силой в растущей популярности технолгии смешивания Scanima. Технологии, повышающие процессы производства, такие как вакуумное смешивание с добавлением сухих составных частей и точный контроль температуры, широко признаны в наше время как необходимость. Некоторые реакции в процесе смешивания становятся более сложными. Для достижения преимуществ в конкуренции, пищевой промышленности сейчас необходима система смешивания и контроля, которая предоставит больше разнообразности и обеспечит лучший контроль процесса смешивания. Ключом к этому являются технологии и опыт: совмещение новых достижений в области смешивания и их творческое применение. Следуя тенденциям рынка и соединяя новые технологии смешивания и контроля, Scanima может: Сделать возможным создание новых продуктов, Снизить объём оборудования (и затрат), необходимого для смешивания продукта, Оптимизировать процесс смешивания, что снизит затраты на эту операцию, Производить конечный продукт высшего качества, Сократить время процесса. В течении 25 лет Scanima A/S разрабатывает эффективные решения смешивания для промышленных производителей во всём мире. Scanima продвинула технологию смешивания, что позволило осуществить процесс «всё-в-одном», производство в производстве. Процесс «всё-в-одном» обеспечивает большую приспособляемость и позволяет производить много различных видов продуктов в одном миксере. Благодаря эффективному смешиванию, возможно сокращение объёма некотовых дорогостоящих ингредиетов. Вакуумная система позволяет осуществить автоматизацию забора порошка и деаерацию продукта. Технологические системы Scanima позволяют оптимизировать смешивание порошок/жидкость или жидкость/жидкость с использованием измельчителя или без него. Ингредиенты могут гомогинезироваться, эмульгироваться и диспергироваться в течении нескольких минут-даже вискозные продукты с высоким содержанием сухих веществ. Недавно запатентованный «динамический статор» cоздаёт ещё более гибкий смешивающий агрегат с возможностью использования автоматического режима выбора работы с опущеным или поднятым статором. Это позволяет ещё более расширить сортимент продукции. Использование: Готовые продукты, молочные продукты и напитки, такие как: Творожные сырки, Плавленый сыр, Кремы, основанные на растительных жирах, Молочные десерты, Соусы, супы, дипы и дрессинги, Майонез, кетчуп и горчица. Многие из наших покупателей в пищевой промышленности убедились, что процесс смешивания является ключевым инструментом в их попытках улучшить качество продуктов, воспользоваться новыми ингредиентами и действовать в согласии с законами об охране окружающей среды. Обратитесь в фирму Scanima, чтобы узнать о том, как мы сможем разработать систему смешивания, которая сможет удовлетворить ваши потребности. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг

Scanima A/S · Gugvej 152 · DK-9210 Aalborg SØ Tlf.: +45 96 33 10 00 · Fax +45 96 33 10 11 ·


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Palsgaard A/S in Russia By Michael Bo Engelbrecht Bern, Dairy Engineer, Product Manager, Palsgaard A/S

Palsgaard A/S Palsgaard is a Danish manufacturer of emulsifiers and emulsifier-stabilizer systems for the food industry with special focus on the dairy and ice cream, lipid, fine food, industrial bakery and the confectionery markets. Palsgaard was founded in 1917 by Mr Einar

Viggo Schou as a privately owned company on the east coast of Jutland nearby Juelsminde. Mr. Schou had a deep interest for both mechanical challenges as well as chemistry, and his technical flair combined with his entrepreneurial, visionary approach and natural ability for motivating his surroundings made him an extremely successful employer. One of the first milestones in the company’s history was the first industrially produced emulsifier ever in the world, a basis for the coming years’ expansions to today’s size of an internationally based company with production in Denmark, Mexico, The Netherlands and

during 2008 also in China. Palsgaard has 12 subsidiaries all over the continents and is represented through local partners in more than 100 countries. The company employs more than 300 people, the majority at the headquarter in Juelsminde.

Complete range of ingredients Palsgaard is producing a complete range of food emulsifiers like mono-diglycerides and distilled monoglycerides as well as a number of special products such as ammonium-phosphatide (also known as lecithin replacer), polyglycerol-polyricinoleate (PGPR), esterified monoglycerides, combinations of various emulsifiers and finally emulsifierstabilizer combinations. Different production techniques are required in order to manufacture a broad range: spray drying, spray crystallisation, extrusion and dry blending. More than 95% of our turnover is generated from export, which emphasizes the level of international orientation dominating our strategy.

Focus on application Palsgaard has many years of experience in technical support and trouble shooting within the ice cream and dairy industries. When working on an optimum solution to a customer it is quite often the case that the answer to

Palsgaard is a Danish manufacturer of emulsifiers and emulsifierstabilizer systems for the food industry with special focus on the dairy and ice cream, lipid, fine food, industrial bakery and the confectionery markets.


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a problem should not be found by introducing a different emulsifier system, but rather by optimising the process or the complete product formulation. This is only possible by continuously dedicating a lot of resources into application development and research. Therefore Palsgaard is operating three fully equipped pilot plants, one at the headquarter in Juelsminde, one in Mexico and another one in Singapore. Each application centre is responsible for servicing the customer base in the regions of Europe and the Middle East, Central- and Latin America and Asia Pacific respectively. This ensures the fastest and most skilled attention to our customers no matter where they are located. Strong customer relations are established when we work together with our customers based on their recipes and their raw materials in one of our centres.

PALSGAARD A/S - в России PALSGAARD A/S - датское производство, которое изготавливает эмульгаторы и эмульгаторы - стабилизаторы для пищевой промышленности, уделяя особое внимание молочным продуктам, мороженому, липидам, гастрономическим продуктам, промышленной выпечке и рынку кондитерских изделий. PALSGAARD A/S активно работает на российском рынке мороженого и молочной продукции уже более 10 лет. Во время оживления на рынке в середине 90-х годов мы вышли на рынок через нашего представителя, но вскоре решили укрепить деятельность, открыв в России свой PALSGAARD офис. Сегодня PALSGAARD A/S является лидером на рынке поставок смесителей и интегрированных систем для производства мороженого в России, а также охватывает значительную долю молочного сектора. Эту позицию мы намерены подтверждать , продолжая фокусировать основное внимание на развитии технических решений и поддержке клиента в сочетании с более близкими и доверительными отношениями с нашими заказчиками. PALSGAARD A/S имеет дочернюю фирму в Москве. Персонал, 22 человека, состоит из технологов пищевой промышленности, персонала по техническим продажам и административного персонала. Несмотря на то, что большинство промышленных заказчиков находится в западной и центральной частях России, географический размер этой огромной страны требует тщательно выстроенной логистики. Помимо главного офиса в Москве PALSGAARD A/S также располагает офисом в Санкт - Петербурге, контролирует ряд местных дистрибьютерских холдингов. Таким образом, мы всегда можем поставить наш товар по первому требованию заказчика. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг

Palsgaard in Russia Palsgaard has a subsidiary in Moscow employing 22 persons - a mix of food technicians, technical sales people and administrative personnel. Even though most of the industrial customer base is located in the western and central parts of Russia, the geographical size of this enormous country calls for a thorough logistic network. Apart from the main office in Moscow, Palsgaard runs an office in St Petersburg and controls a number of distributors holding local stocks, so that we can always supply our stock products at a very short notice. However, from time to time Palsgaard is visited by one of our customers coming to our Moscow office by train all the way from Vladivostock nearby the Chinese border, just to collect what he needs from our stock to produce his ice cream for another period - a journey of several days each way!

Ice cream and dairy industries The ice cream and especially the dairy sector in Russia is characterised by a huge span in both company sizes as well as in the level of applied production technology. International players like Danone and Campina are figh-


ting for the market together with the Russian giant Wimm Bill Dann and a great number of smaller to medium sized Russian manufacturers with a local focus and local market shares. It is obvious that the implementation of a “best solution” may take completely different form all depending on the technological capacity of the customer in question. This calls upon a great deal of flexibility in our approach, and a distinct ability to adapt case by case. In most situations the customers will understand the necessity of sharing their know-how with us, as openness based on mutual respect and faith is the only way to generate solutions. Palsgaard is treating each call with the utmost confidentiality. In our location in Moscow, we have access to test facilities to support our sales activities in the market, and customers are frequently visiting our staff to conduct e.g. whipping tests of UHT vegetable cream produced with our emulsifier-stabilizer systems. When more sophisticated recipe optimization or product development

has to be arranged, we invite customers to join us in Denmark accompanied by our colleagues from Moscow. It is our clear impression, that the fastest way to a solution is when we can establish a direct contact between our customers’ technicians and our product developers in our pilot plants locally or in Denmark.

Past, presence and future Palsgaard has been active in the Russian ice cream and dairy market for more than 10 years. During the upstart in the mid nineties, we entered the market via an agent but soon decided to strengthen our activities by opening of the office Palsgaard Russia. Today Palsgaard is market leader in supply of blends and integrated systems to the Russian ice cream industry, and we cover a significant share of the dairy sector. This position we intend to manifest by continuing our strategic focus on application development and support, combined with a close and personal relation to our customers. n

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AC Dairy Machines looking to The East AC Dairy Machines - акционерная мелкосерийная семейная компания, основанная в 1980 году, является ведущим специалистом по выявлению неисправностей и покупке высококачественного использованного оборудования для молочной промышленности, главным образом, у скандинавских молочных предприятий. После покупки обученный персонал компании АС Dairy Machines проверяет, реконструирует и тщательно чистит молочные машины и оборудование, прежде чем перепродать их затем как малым, так и крупным молочным производствам и другим пищевым производителям Европы. За последние более чем десять лет компания поставила различное оборудование на молочные производства в Восточную Европу, например, оборудование для производства сыра на предприятия молочной промышленности в Польшу, завод полного цикла по производству сыра в Литву, а также несколько автоцистерн для воды и молока в Румынию. Для получения более подробной информации связывайтесь, пожалуйста, с АС Dairy Machines. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг

By Arne Christensen, Dairy Technician and Lars Christensen, Machine Engineer AC Dairy Machines

AC Dairy Machines is an expert within renovating and reselling optimized processing plants and equipment for small as well as large-scale dairies and other food producers all over Europe.

Renovated Dairy Equipment AC Dairy Machines is a small-scale family company founded in 1980. During the years, AC Dairy Machines has become an expert within spotting and buying high quality, used dairy equipment mainly from Scandinavian dairies. After purchasing, the trained staffs at AC Dairy Machines examine, renovate and thoroughly clean the dairy machines and equipment before reselling.

AC Dairy Machines is able to deliver all kinds of machinery and equipment necessary for dairy and food production e.g. various types of farm cooling tanks, milk road tankers, stainless steel tanks, pasteurizers, homogenizers, separators, processing tanks for e.g. butter, cheese, yoghurt and dessert, and filling and packing machines. We focus on well-known trademarks within dairy equipment and tanks from e.g. Alfa Laval, Tetra Pak, Alpma, APV, Trepko, Westfalia and, Scania, Mercedes etc.

Looking to the East For more than a decade AC Dairy Machines has supplied dairies in Eastern

Europe with various machinery e.g. cheese equipment for a dairy in Poland and a total cheese plant now operating at a dairy in Lithuania. Lately we have sold various and most needed water and milk tank trucks, besides several cooling tanks to different dairies in Romania.

Looking for a partner! Our hope is to get in contact with dairy projecting companies in Eastern Europe and Russia who are interested in buying specific equipment for dairy production. We are well known at the Scandinavia dairy market and experts in spotting exactly the dairy equipment you need! n

Used & Cleaned Dairy Machinery & Equipment for Sale Equipment:

• Cream Processing Tanks

Trade Marks:

• Landteknik

• Centrifugal Pumps

• Butter Tanks and Vats

• A/S Tetra Pak

• Pasilac

• Gear Wheel Pumps

• Cheese Processing Tanks

• Alfa Laval

• Scania

• Farm Cooling Tanks

• Closed and Open Tanks

• Alpma

• Volvo

• Tanks for Vehicles

• Pressing Vats

• APV Invensys

• Mercedes

• Stainless Steel Tanks

• CIP Tanks

• Benhil

• Trepko

• Pasteurizers

• Filling Machines

• Gadan

• Trygve Andersen

• Homogenizers

• Packing Machines

• Gasti

• Westfalia

• Separators

• Etc., etc.

• Kolding-Group

• Etc., etc.

Please call or e-mail our office and ask for further information or details:

AC Dairy Machines • Løkkenvej 196 • 9700 Brønderslev • Denmark Phone: +45 98 83 80 40 • Fax: +45 98 83 80 76 •


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Knowledge makes the difference DSS is Europe’s leading specialist in membrane filtration technology for the ultimate in high quality dairy processing. Our experience in membrane filtration and dairy processes is unrivalled. Working closely with you, we integrate our systems seamlessly in your processing lines. More than 300 dairy companies have already optimised their plant with our technology. Choose DSS for the best in membrane filtration technology. Innovative, flexible and reliable - we make the difference you need. DSS Silkeborg AS Bergsøesvej 17 DK-8600 Silkeborg Denmark Tel +45 87 200 840 Fax +45 87 200 890

The Man who

Stopped Microbes from Taking over Your World

By Anne Dorte Andersen, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Process and Sales Manager, Keofitt A/S

Sterile sampling is now part of everyday life in the food, brewing and pharmaceutical industries. More than 80,000 Keofitt valves are enabling manufacturers all over the world to check the physical and chemical properties of their products, and to test for microbial growth. It has not always been that way, though. All by himself the founder of Keo­ fitt, global leader in sterile sampling, created the device that now helps guarantee thousands of food businesses and millions of their customers - a consistent, clean product. This is good news for the industry, but bad news for microbes, which are facing a sharp decline in their culture. Keofitt has recently created the two most important innovations in qualitative sampling since the original invention launched the great revolution. Keofitt’s valves now cover the entire process line, so sampling of liquid products can be tailored even more closely: from the non-sterile environment all the way through the process, including fully aseptic lines.

The sampling revolution The Alexander Graham Bell of sterile sampling goes by the name of Kai Ottung. His 1980 invention remains fundamental to good sampling to this very day. Kai Ottung’s contribution to global food production not only made it possible to take samples from tanks and systems, it also guaranteed reliable test results. Many years spent working as a


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head brewer and engineer for various breweries in Nairobi, Cairo, Scotland, Sweden and many other parts of the world had made Kai Ottung aware of the need for clean samples. And the vision became a reality in Kai’s small garage back in Denmark. Finally, food manufacturers all over the world could demand a new standard: the sterile sample. A revolution was launched and, a few years later, Kai’s invention became the first sampling valve to receive FDA recommendation. Kai Ottung, the founder of Keofitt A/S.

Keofitt A/S - стерильный отбор пробы Стерильный отбор пробы является сегодня частью повседневной жизни в пищевой, пивоваренной и фармацевтической промышленностях. Более 80 000 клапанов акционерного общества Keofitt A/S позволяют производителям во всем мире контролировать физические и химические свойства их продукции, а также проверять на рост микроорганизмов. В этом году компания Keofitt A/S запустила в производство два новых клапана отбора проб: Simplex, качественный клапан для еще нестерильных санитарных отборов пробы, и Reflex, двухседельный клапан, совмещающий отбор пробы и регулирование пара. Клапан Simplex предназначается для отбора проб только с целью физического и химического анализа. Он может быть применен, когда сохранение продукта не является существенным, и отбор пробы производится без риска загрязнения. Клапан Simplex пригоден для безразборной чистки на месте. Продукт подтверждается сертификатом ассоциации EHEDG (The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group)! Клапан W9 второго поколения, Reflex, совмещает клапан для отбора пробы и паровой клапан. Двойная паровая функция стерилизует мембрану клапана по-разному, в зависимости от поставленной задачи: обработка паром или отбор пробы. Этот пневматический клапан позволяет также производить паровую обработку и отбор проб вручную. Подача пара может быть напрямую подведена к клапану без промежуточного клапана отделенного пара. Данный проект запатентован. Он исключает риск обратного возврата продукта в паропровод. Более того, он сокращает потери экспериментального количества и обеспечивает достижение наивысшей эффективности пара и чистящих компонентов. За более подробной информацией обращайтесь на сайт, где вы также сможете получить сведения о ближайших к вам Keofitt дистрибьютерах. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг


The next step

Sampling classics and innovations

One of the new features of Kai Ottung’s sampling valve was that it could be sterilized repeatedly before and after use even when closed. Sterilization has therefore been a key element in Keofitt valves and ensures good, uncontaminated and undistorted results when used in production. Traditional Keofitt valves are dead leg free and fully drainable, making them completely safe. But, with the ever higher standards required in food production, even a classic success needs to keep up with the times. Therefore, this year will see the launch of two new Keofitt products that take Kai Ottung’s design as their starting point and carry it forward into the new millennium: Simplex, a quality valve for non-sterile yet sanitary sampling, and Reflex, a double seat valve with combined sampling and steam control

The traditional, world-renowned Keofitt product range includes the M4, W9 and “I” valves, all of which are easily sterilised. Simplex, the non-sterile sampling valve, offers: • Body internals similar to the W9 valve • A hose piece outlet with the same outside diameter as the W9 hose piece as standard • 316L steel body with 3.1 certification • W9 valve connection dimensions for the three versions • A choice of manual or pneumatic operation • W9 valve membranes (spare parts for W9 will also fit the Simplex). Reflex, the double-feature sterile sampling valve, offers: • Standard fitting: inlet for welding to the steam connection and hose piece outlet for sampling • 316L (1.4435) steel body with 3.1 certification • No dead leg at steam inlet (can be installed at less than 30° angle) • Pneumatic and manual • Impossible to steam while sampling (by mistake) • Immediate condensate rinse. Features shared by Simplex and Reflex: • No dead leg • Completely drainable • EHEDG certification • FDA-approved membranes • 3.1 certification • Surface finish: Ra ≤ 0.5 μm. For more information visit www., where you will also find your local Keofitt distributor. n

Simplex - why should sampling be complex? This sanitary sampling valve is based on the well-known design of the existing W9 sterile sampling valve. The two valves also share most connection specifications and spare parts. However, Simplex cannot be steam sterilised, as it only has an outlet and no inlet. The Simplex valve is intended for sampling for physical and chemical analysis only. It can be fitted where it is not essential to keep the product and sample completely free from the risk of contamination during sampling. So what makes the Simplex valve unique? The Simplex valve is CIPable and comes with EHEDG certification to prove it!

Keofitt Simplex.

pneumatic valve also allows sampling or steaming to be activated manually. The steam supply can be directly connected to the valve without a separate steam valve in between. This design is patented and eliminates the risk of product backflow into the steam line. It also allows the valve to be fully drainable when mounted upside down at the bottom of the tank. Furthermore, it minimies sample quantity waste and optimies steam and cleaning agent efficiency.

Reflex - second generation sterile sampling The second-generation W9 valve, Reflex, is a combined sampling and steam valve. A double stem function sterilises the valve membrane differently depending on the action required: steaming or sampling. This


Keofitt Reflex.

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By Torben From, Managing Director, FH Scandinox A/S

FH Scandinox operating in Russia

During recent years, FH Scandinox has been active at the Russian market especially within the ice cream and margarine industries. In cooperation with our local agent, we have projected and delivered four complete food-processing plants in Russia. Our Russian projects Food manufacturers are under pressure to provide a constant stream of new and imaginative top-quality products. Thanks to our knowledge and experience, we are a serious and competent partner who, in close co-operation with our customers, develops optimum solutions that meet requirements of the quality conscious consumers all over the world. During recent years, we have projected and installed four different processing plants in Russia within margarine and ice cream production. In a plant solution, it is possible to choose new as well as used - but fully renovated equipment. With one of Scandinavia’s largest stocks of second-hand processing equipment for the dairy and food in-

dustries, our company can supply a wide range of stainless steel storage and processing tanks, homogenisers, separators and plate heat exchangers. Various equipments for e.g. butter, ice cream and margarine processing equipment are also available. In cooperation with our local agent, we have pined down our Russian customers’ needs, and came up with plant solutions consisting of brand new and used, but fully refurbished, processing equipment.

Ice cream plant FH Scandinox is an expert within projecting, building, and installing giant ice cream plants. Recently, we finished one of Russia`s largest ice cream factories, located in Skt. Petersburg. The plant capacity is 10.000 litres of pa-

steurised ice cream per hour. The complete and now implemented ice cream plant has a daily production of 150.000 litres of milk. The plant facility consists of milk reception, mixing plant, pasteurization plant, ageing tanks, CIP, and is fully automatic operated.

Margarine plant In 2007, FH Scandinox also supplied a complete plant for production of soft table margarine and shortening. The margarine factory is now in operation in Aleeksewka in Belgorod Region. This complete task includes oil-intake, emulsifier and emulsion preparations, crystallization, re-work, CIP plant, and filling line. Our Russian customer installed the production plant under supervision from experienced Danish experts. The output of the fully automatically Aleeksewka plant is 9.000 kg/hour.

High quality

Last year FH Scandinox projected, constructed, and implemented a complete plant for production of soft table margarines and shortenings in Aleeksewka in the Russian Belgorod Region. The task included oil-intake, emulsifier preparation, emulsion preparation, crystallization, re-work, CIP plant, and filling line.


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FH Scandinox A/S has more than twenty-five years of experience and knowledge within sale, engineering, production, installation and implementation of complete processing plants and equipment worldwide. We meet the requirements and needs of each individual customer within the liquid and semi-liquid food and pharmaceutical industry: Dairy, ice cream, food, margarine, soft drink and brew­ ery are among the main sectors. The employees at FH Scandinox are highly educated with wide technical knowledge and “hands-on” experi-


ence, and our engineering department is equipped with high technology AutoCAD and 3-D working stations. At our two premises - both located in Jutland - we have projecting as well as testing facilities. Our workforce of committed and flexible fitters, all experts in stainless steel, has completed installations and commissions all over the world. All our field engineers have certificates in stainless steel TIG welding. We always strive to provide a satisfactory solution in terms of quality, function, hygiene and economy.

FH Scandinox A/S FH Scandinox A/S is an international production, engineering and trading company that meets the requirements and needs of the following industries: Dairy, ice cream, margarine, food, soft drink, brewing, abattoir, agricultural, pharmaceutical, and techno chemical. Please visit for more information. n

FH Scandinox A/S - работает в России В течение последних лет компания FH Scandinox принимала активное участие на российском рынке, особенно в области производства мороженого и маргарина. В сотрудничестве с нашим местным представителем мы спроектировали и ввели в эксплуатацию в России четыре комплексных завода по производству пищевых продуктов. В наших технологических решениях возможен выбор как нового, так и уже бывшего в употреблении, но полностью обновленного оборудования. Недавно компания FH Scandinox завершила ввод в эксплуатацию одного из самых крупных предприятий по производству мороженого в России, расположенного в Санкт - Петербурге. Объем производства составляет 10 000 литров пастеризованного мороженого в час при дневном производстве 150 000 литров молока. Производственные мощности включают в себя молокоприемный пункт, смесительную установку, пастеризационную установку, ванны для созревания, установку для безразборной мойки на месте. Система полностью автоматизирована. В 2007 году компания FH Scandinox также поставила комплексный завод для производства мягкого столового маргарина и шортенинга. Производственные мощности включают в себя маслоприемный пункт, установку для получения эмульгатора и эмульсии, кристаллизацию, переработку, установку для безразборной мойки на месте и линию расфасовки. Объем производства этого предприятия по производству маргарина, которое сейчас действует в городе Алексеевке Белгородской области, составляет 9 000 кг/час. FH Scandinox A/S имеет более чем 25-летний опыт работы в сфере сбыта, проектирования, производства, монтажа и ввода в эксплуатацию комплексных производственных установок по всему миру. Мы соответствуем требованиям и нуждам каждого индивидуального заказчика в области производства жидкой и полужидкой продукции и фармацевтической индустрии: молочные продукты, мороженое, пищевые продукты, маргарин, безалкогольные напитки, пиво - в числе основных отраслей промышленности. Приглашаем к сотрудничеству!

World-wide supplier The partner in food process engineering


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Bila A/S Supplies Robots to Dairies Bila A/S is a supplier of turnkey robot solutions and possesses extensive know-how about automation in the dairy industry. In partnership with Bila A/S the customer is ensured unique robot concepts supported by professional project management. Bila A/S has gathered all its competencies under one roof: From smiths and electricians to project managers and service staff.

By Per Lørup, Key Account Manager, Bila A/S

Bila A/S Bila A/S is a supplier of turnkey automation solutions based on robotics and supplies solutions to practically all sorts of productive activities in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Bila A/S is a Kawasaki industrial robot dealer and

with its professional project management, Bila A/S has become one of Denmark’s leading suppliers of robot solutions to the food, forestry and metal industries. With a high degree of understanding of customer issues, Bila A/S supplies high-reliability solutions as all projects are thoroughly tested prior to delivery. This means that the customer experiences the minimum amount of production stoppages during implementation. Bila A/S takes on projects in all areas from palletising to packing and assembling. However, the company also pro-

vides customised solutions. In 2007, Arla Foods was nominated for the Automation Award for a solution supplied by Bila. The solution included two robots that scrape the rind off cheese. When Bila was founded in 1988, it only had four employees. Currently, the company has 100 employees and the company’s expansion does not seem to slow down in the near future. Bila A/S is continuously seeking more employees to be able to keep up with developments in the market place. The company is located in Nykøbing Mors in Jutland. It was also here that everything started - as a small engineering works. The challenge at that time was to supply specialist machinery and not least services to local industry including a large concentration of food manufacturers.

Supply to dairies

The picture shows one of the eight robots from the dairy Hobro Mejeri in Denmark. The robots are located next to each other and pack milk in plastic boxes for subsequent palletising so that they are ready for delivery to shops. All robots were supplied as a large system and are connected to the conveyor belts that were already in place at the dairy.


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Bila has supplied about 50 robots to different dairies in Scandinavia, many of which have been supplied to departments in Arla Foods, Europe’s largest dairy. The dairy robots are primarily used to streamline packing and palletising processes. At the same time, heavy lifting and monotonous work is avoided which significantly improves the working environment. When we supply a system, the company also develops the tools for the robot and, depending on the task, the customer needs solved, the tool


can be combined to lift boxes, fillers and pallets without having to change parts of the tool. Bila has supplied robots with tools that handle everything from cardboard to plastic in many different forms and sizes.

Ready for Russia While Bila prepares for the Russian market, it is worth mentioning that we already supplied projects to other industries in Russia. With a mixture of extensive expertise from other projects and with our knowledge from the dairy sector, it will be a natural step for Bila to supply the dairy sector in Russia. Bila is offering in-house seminars and technical training courses as part of its service package. This is called The Bila Academy. These courses are organised either at the customer’s location or at our facilities in Denmark and may last from a few hours to several days - especially when practical training at pilot plants is included. n

BILA A/S - поставщик роботов на молочные предприятия BILA A/S - это акционерное общество, которое поставляет роботов, пригодных для непосредственного использования в производстве, а также обладает обширными знаниями в области автоматизации в молочной промышленности. В общей сложности компания поставила около 50 роботов различным молочным предприятиям в Скандинавии. Большая часть этих роботов используется на ведомственных предприятиях Arla Foods, крупнейшей компании - производителя молочной продукции в Европе. Роботы упрощают процессы упаковки и штабелирования, помогая таким образом избегать подъема тяжеловесных грузов и монотонной работы. Пока BILA A/S еще только готовится выйти на российский рынок молочной промышленности, стоит заметить, что мы уже обеспечивали своими проектами другие отрасли индустрии в России. Используя обширный опыт, полученный на основе этих проектов, в сочетании с нашими знаниями в сфере молочного сектора компания BILA A/S сможет поддержать молочное производство в России. В объем предоставляемых услуг входят также частные семинары и курсы профессионально технической подготовки. Это мы называем Bila Academy. Данные курсы организуются либо на территории заказчика, либо на предприятиях в Дании. Курсы могут длиться от нескольких часов до нескольких дней, особенно когда в программу входит практическое обучение на опытных установках. На фотографии представлен один из восьми роботов, используемых компанией Arla Foods Hobro Dairy в Дании. Роботы упаковывают молоко в пластиковые коробки для последующего штабелирования перед отправкой в розничную торговлю. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг

Unimilk and Carat Besides Wimm-Bill-Dann, Unimilk and Carat are two other big players at the Russian dairy market. About Unimilk Especially within the milk and kefir segment, the main competitor of Wimm-Bill-Dann is Unimilk. Unimilk was founded in 2002 when nine dairy businesses in Russia and Ukraine merged. Unimilk has rapidly grown into a major supplier of milk and other dairy products in Russia and Ukraine. Production facilities are located in St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Samara and Kiev and are turning out 560.000 tons of products yearly. Unimilk integrates quite big regional milk processing enterprises, such as Petmol, LipetskMoloko, and Samaralacto. Unimilk´s largest factory Petmol is a major dairy producer in Northwestern


Russia. In St. Petersburg Unimilk Petmols market share is around 40%. Unimilk also owns and markets 40 dairy brands across Russia.

Carat Carat Holding Company originates from the Moscow Processed Cheese Factory with its cult brand names of the Soviet era, Druzhba and Volna. The dairy company was founded in 1934. In 1996, the factory was transformed into a closed-type holding com­ pany called “The Moscow Factory of Processed Cheeses Carat”. Nowadays, it consists of five enterprises in Moscow and the provinces. The overall

amount of investment into modernizing production is $60 million. In 2006, the factory produced 34,800 tons of processed and regular cheeses, creamery butter, and sour cream. The production surplus compared to 2005 was 55%; that of gross profit was 35%. The holding company’s share of the processed cheeses market is 22%. After completing the Syzran and the Kalacheevsky factory reconstructions, the company is planning to enter the hard cheeses market segment in early 2009. Its strategic goal is to obtain a 7-10% share of the Russian cheese market. n

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Course in UF Cheese Making May 5th - 9th 2008 At Dalum Dairy Training Centre of Denmark Daily meals 07.30 am: Breakfast 09.50 am - 10.10 am: Coffee break 11.40 am - 12.15 pm: Lunch 01.50 am - 02.10 pm: Coffee break 05.30 pm: Dinner

In co-operation with AEDIL, Dalum College of Food and Technology offers a practical and theoretical Training Course in Cheese Making by Ultrafiltration. The course will be held at the department of Dairy Training, at Dalum College of Food and Technology.

Participant Participants should ideally have know颅 ledge basis in microbiological and chemical aspects of cheese making. The course is for professionals with previous training in cheese technology, practice in cheese making and good knowledge of English language.

Programme Monday, May 5th Information about Dalum and the UF Cheese Course. Membrane-filtration, theory. Tuesday, May 6th Ingredients for cheese manufacturing. Acidification and syneresis. Preparation for Pilot Plant production.

Cost and deadline Course fee 1.100 Euros including meals and accommodation. Course fee must be paid before May 1st 2008. Deadline for registration is monday 21st of April 2008.

Wednesday, May 7th Ultra-filtration and Cheese production, Pilot Plant. Thursday, May 8th Ultra-filtration and Cheese production, Pilot Plant. Friday, May 9th Starter cultures for ultra-filtrated cheeses. Exchange of experiences and evaluation. Lunch and departure.

Registration For register and/or further information, please contact: Dalum College of Food and Technology Landbrugsvej 55 路 DK-5260 Odense S 路 Denmark Phone: + 45 63 13 20 43 路 Fax: + 45 63 13 20 44 - Dairy Teacher Mr. Paul Stein Jensen









Imagine growing… Think if you could produce ice cream with 50% less fat – and 30% lower mixing costs. You could offer tasty, light products with a lower and more nutritious fat content. And the consumer would get a soft, rich, creamy ice cream that melts on the tongue like a dream come true. This is not imaginary. It’s no dream. It’s the reality of Tetra Hoyer DeepBlue solutions from Tetra Pak. The secret is in the unique cold kneading process, which creates a delightful, fine-structured ice cream. And you won’t need a hardening tunnel, but can move your finished ice cream directly to the cold store. Tetra Hoyer DeepBlue from Tetra Pak. You win. Your customers win. Consumers win. And you grow your market.

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Tetra Pak, , PROTECTS WHAT’S GOOD and Tetra Hoyer are trademarks belonging to the Tetra Pak Group.

Ste p


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. P a k te a m e Te tra h t f o ar t

By Lars Peter Christiansen, Product Manager, Siemens Flow Instruments A/S A new line of EHEDG-certified Coriolis flow meters represents a significant advance in the field of food safety and process efficiency. The new flow meters set the agenda for the food and beverage industry in general, and thus also for the dairy processing industry. In the dairy processing industry it is extremely important that the risk of milk contamination during production is reduced to a minimum. One possible source of contamination is the process equipment, as a poor hygienic design of the equipment may mean that microbes are able to survive and multiply. Furthermore, the continuous development of dairy processes and milk products has led to a growing demand of the industry for hygienic and cleanable process equipment. In order to avoid an increased demand of time-consuming cleaning, but also to avoid any recall actions due to contamination, the design and construction of process equipment and of flow meters has been drawn into attention. Siemens Flow Instruments are currently launching a new range of Coriolis sensors, which by choice of material, mechanical design and construction ensure optimum hygiene and cleanability, and can be integrated into any dairy application.

EHEDG approved The Sitrans F C MC 2 Hygienic sensors are manufactured in high quality stainless steel (W 1.4435 / 316 L), which is a proven and accepted material in the food and beverage industry. The material chosen means that corrosion and mechanical fracture caused by thermal stress/shock, cleaning agents, chemicals, and the high temperatures reached during CIP and SIP


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Dairy Hygiene on the Agenda processes are not a matter of concern for this Coriolis sensor. Furthermore, the pipe hydraulics for the new Coriolis pipe is designed without any re­

EHEDG The European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG) is a consortium of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes and public health authorities, founded in 1989 with the aim to promote hygiene during the processing and packing of food products.

Sitrans FC MC2 Hygienic The MC2 hygienic sensors are available in sizes from DN20 up to DN80, catering for a mass flow range from 0 kg/h to 113.400 kg/h with an accuracy of 0,15%. The sensors are EHEDG certified and Ex, ATEX, FM Class I, Div 1 approved. They are available with DIN 11851, DIN 32676, and DIN 11864-2A connectors.

ductions and setbacks, not only ensuring high cleanability, but also that the milk homogeneity and texture is not destroyed during processing. Manufactured with a low surface roughness (< 0.8 μm), the Sitrans F C MC2 has obtained the internationally acknowledged EHEDG hygienic approval. With this approval, the owner gains optimum safety in daily operation, but the high cleanability of the EHEDG approved device may also contribute significantly to cost-efficient maintenance and manufacturing costs.

Process efficiency Another issue is relating to how the meter is integrated into the control and automation system, regarding hardware as well as software. In order to address possible hazards when installing, wiring and programming the Coriolis transmitter, Siemens has developed the Siflow FC070 transmitter, which can be directly integrated into the line of Simatic PCS7 Automation systems. This system is highly valued in many Food and Beverage applications due to its high level of performance and standardization. Especially the extensive standardization of software and hardware ensures safe and costefficient utilization for most applications. With a transmitter width of only 40 mm, the transmitter is so small that it can be installed virtually anywhere, even remote from the processes it controls. In this way, potential contamination issues can be avoided and hygiene further improved. The Siflow FC070 offers high precision, with measurement accuracy as high as ±0.15 % of the rated flow. This accuracy is unaffected by changes in medium temperature, density or viscosity, which normally pose problems


for other flow measurement technologies. Furthermore, the FC070 features a batch system consisting of a fully autonomous 2-stage batch controller with adaptive compensation for fine and coarse dosing. This feature makes it possible to perform very accurate dosing at very high speeds. Batch cycle times are as short as 220 ms, with a batch start delay of only 50 ms. Apart from mass flow rate, coriolis technology fits dairy processing industry requirements perfectly as it is capable of simultaneously measuring a variety of other process parameters, including temperature, density and fraction, as well as the ability to distinguish between multiple phases in a mixture. This means that the milk fat percentage can be measured directly for fat standardization purposes. By fully utilizing this multi-parameter measurement capacity of the coriolis flow meter, process instrumentation can be reduced to an absolute minimum. n

Siemens Flow Instruments A/S - Акционерное общество Siemens по производству расходомеров На повестке дня - гигиена молочного производства Компания Siemens Flow Instruments A/S приступает к производству новых датчиков Coriolis, которые благодаря материалу, механической конструкции и устройству обеспечивают идеальную гигиену и очищающую способность и могут быть установлены на любом участке молочного производства. Датчики Sitrans F C MC 2 Hygienic изготовлены из высококачественной нержавеющей стали. Выбор материала означает, что коррозия и механическое разрушение, вызываемые термальным напряжением / шоком, моющими средствами, химическими реагентами и высокими температурами, достигаемыми в процессе безразборной мойки на месте или при процессе СИП, не являются поводом для беспокойства для датчиков Сoriolis. Более того, гидравлика для нового трубопровода Coriolis обеспечивает в полном объеме высокую очищающую способность, а также не разрушает однородность и консистенцию молока в процессе производства. Датчик Sitrans F C MC 2 получил международное признание ассоциации EHEDG (The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group). Для того, чтобы можно было выявить возможные непредвиденные обстоятельства при монтаже, подключении и программировании датчика Coriolis, компания Siemens A/S выпустила преобразователь Siflow FC070, который может быть непосредственно интегрирован в линию автоматизированных систем Simatic PCS7. Эта система высоко ценится на предприятиях по производству напитков и продуктов питания из - за высокой степени работоспособности и стандартизации. Несмотря на удельный массовый расход технология Coriolis cоответствует требованиям промышленного молочного производства, так как она позволяет измерять множество других параметров производства, таких как температура, плотность, фракция и одновременно проводить различие между многократными фазами в смеси. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг

Wimm-Bill-Dann opens Mega Milk Farm Russia’s largest dairy Wimm-Bill-Dann has announced the opening of a $12m mega dairy farm outside of St. Petersburg as part of a wider focus on stepping up the supply of high quality milk for its operations. Advanced livestock farm According to WimmBill-Dann`s new site is one of the most technically advanced livestock farms in the country, with room for 1,200 Holstein milking cows. The farm located outside St. Petersburg, will form part of a company-wide strategy to boost national agricultural production in order to benefit raw material supply. WBD hopes to ensure the highest quality throughout its production cycle, from raw materials up to the final product itself. To meet its quality am-


In supporting this livestock focus, WBD says that it has three other projects in the works. These include the ongoing building of a 2,700 cow farm in the Krasnodar Region, as well as the reconstruction of two existing sites in the Kuban. n (Source:, article by Neil Merrett)

bitions, the company has worked with the company DeLaval, to provide equipment at the farm, including computer systems for monitoring animal health. In addition, WBD will keep the livestock at the farm in free stalls and thus boost the milk productivity rates.

Government support The Russian federal and regional governments supported the construction of the farm, and the authorities are hoping to encourage greater development within the country’s agricultural sector.

Wimm-Bill-Dann`s new advanced live­ stock farm outside St. Petersburg has room for 1,200 Holstein milking cows. (Photo Colourbox).

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Tailor-made Dairy Courses Dalum College of Food and Technology is an expert within tailor-made courses for the international dairy and food industries. By Principal Hans Skjerning and Vice-principal Bjarne Vagn Larsen, Dalum Education Centre, College of Food and Technology

Dalum Education Centre All educations at Dalum Education Centre are linked by the concept “from soil to table”. The soil to table philosophy was introduced approx. 29 years ago, when the dairy college was separated from Dalum Agricultu-

ral College. At that time Dalum Education Centre got its own board and its own principal, and an objective of covering all educations from soil to table. Dalum Education Centre today: • Employs approx. 170 staff members, in which 110 are lecturers with vocational or academic backgrounds. • Approx. 1,100 full time equivalent students and course participants. • Each year approx. 4,500 students attend an education or a course. • Buildings covering 38,000 m2. Areas of educations: • Agriculture, horticulture (greenhouse - and landscape gardener), animal keeper and forestry.

Специализированные курсы по молочным продуктам в Dalum Education Centre Колледж технологии продуктов питания Далум в городе Оденсе, Дания, является ведущим специалистом по проведению специализированных курсов в области международной молочно-пищевой промышленности. Центр насчитывает около 170 штатных сотрудников. Каждый год около 1100 учащихся и слушателей курсов занимаются по программе, расчитанной на полный учебный день. Террито-рия учебного комплекса составляет 38000 кв.метров. Центр обучения Далум располагает собственным центром профессиональной подготовки в области молочной продукции, где главная роль уже десятилетиями отводится международному аспекту. Каждый год организуется ряд курсов, специально предназначенных для международных компаний. Последние примеры: 12-недельный курс для слушателей из Никарагуа по предмету Общая технология молочных продуктов и 2-недельный курс для слушателей из Индии по предмету Молочная сухая смесь. Центр обучения Далум предлагает широкий ряд специализированных курсов, например: Общая технология молочных продуктов (2 - 15 недель), Технология молочных продуктов (Сыр - 1 неделя), Texнология молочных продуктов (Мороженое 2-3 недели), Чистота и гигиена (1 неделя), Технология молочных продуктов (Масло - 1 неделя), Безопасность пищевых продуктов и гигиена (1 неделя ). Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг


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• Food and catering (chef, waiter, butcher and baker). • Dairy technology (dairyman and dairy operator). • Technical gymnasium. (Tree year pre university study course) • Academy (Laboratory technologist, Process technologist (specializing in food, dairy or processing), and Service economist (specializing in hotel and restaurant, service management, event and tourism). • In-service training and courses.

The international aspect In the dairy training centre, the international aspect has played a major role for many years and is an integrated part of the daily work. Numerous courses and contacts worldwide bring inspiration to the college, but also a demand for flexibility and quality. Each year Dalum arranges a number of tailor-made courses for Danida and international companies. As an example, the first six months of 2006 we have made arrangements for the following courses: • A 12-week course for participants from Nicaragua. Subject: Dairy technology in general. • A 2-week course for participants from India: Subject: Milk powder. • A 1-week course for participants from Japan. Subject: Karoline Cheese College. • A 4-week course for participants from Bangladesh. Subject: Production of drinking milk, UHT products and juice. Through the years, Dalum Educati-


on Centre has participated in a number of international training activities for lecturers teaching dairymen, processing technologists and in-service courses. Lecturers have been stationed at educational institutions abroad for periods of a few days to several weeks. The purpose of stationing lecturers abroad is to improve their educational abilities, to improve their linguistic skills, and to create profitable cooperation relations with employees at educational institutions abroad, which will add an international dimension to the educations. The Danish dairy industry is extremely international. Therefore, it is important that the employees in the dairy section are inter­nationally minded.

Efficient task management Through the past 27 years the dairy training has been marked by subjects such as; Quality consciousness, Quality control, Environmental control and Working environment. In the sixties

and seventies the main products were butter, cheese, consumer milk and skimmed milk-powder. Today the dairies produce a much wider range of exciting products. Functional food and exotic ingredients are produced for use in other food products. Research in NANO technology also takes place. It is an essential condition of an efficient task management that the lecturers in all sections of Dalum Education Centre have the opportunity to receive a continuous development of their competences and qualifications, both through their daily work and through in-service training. In order to keep Dalum Education Centre moving forward as a dynamic institution that will continue to attract ambitious young people, it is important that the lecturers keep their professional and theoretical background up-to-date. To be able to meet the objectives of Dalum Education Centre, stationing at other companies is also included in the staff appraisal as a natural part of

lecturers’ systematic development of competences. Over a two-year period 14 dairy lecturers have been stationed at dairy companies.

Tailor-made courses Wide ranges of tailor-made courses are offered at Dalum Education Centre in Dairy Technology. Among many subjects, we can mention some: Dairy Technology (General 2-15 weeks) Dairy Technology (Cheese 1 week) Dairy Technology (Ice Cream 2-3 weeks) Cleaning & Hygiene (1 week) Dairy Technology (Butter 1 week) Food Safety & Hygiene (1 week) Dalum Education Centre designs the courses as the customer wishes. Duration of the courses depends on the needed content wanted from the custumer. Please feel free to contact us for details on demands. n

Dalum College of Food and Technology The high standard of Danish dairy and food technology is recognised and appreciated worldwide. Dalum College of Food and Technology has played an important part in developing and maintaining this excellence. Our international activities focus on the integration of food education and are based on our fundamental concept “from soil to table”.

Dalum College of Food and Technology also houses the only dairy college in Scandinavia: The Dairy Training Centre of Denmark, which specialises in courses in dairy technology, laboratory techniques, maintenance of dairy equipment, environmental engineering, energy saving, quality control management, and the operation of dairy plants.

Dalum College of Food and Our mission is to continue Technology offers tailor-made to expand our international courses for the global dairy sector courses and contacts. and food industry. Please contact us for more information.


Tel + 45 63 13 20 43

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DSS - Membrane Filtration for the Dairy Industry By Orla Nissen, Sales Director, DSS Silkeborg

of our customers´ products and processes. Our staff has extensive experience in dairy technology and is able to give advice about how the individual stages in the production process can influence product quality, yield, environmental impact, etc.

A clear strategy

Cost savings and increased revenues

DSS Silkeborg is a world-leading supplier of membrane filtration technology for the dairy industry. With a turnover now exceeding EUR 20 millions and a staff of 40 the company has grown at a steady and controlled pace. DSS has a clear strategy and focuses on one single technology for one industry. We are the market leader in maximising the use of all parts of the milk and have an in-depth knowledge

The global dairy industry has focused on environmental issues both in terms of environmental impact on the surrounding community but also in terms of manufacturing cost reduction based on more energy efficient solutions. In terms of the environmental impact, one of the main issues is reduction of valuable milk components being discharged to the environment directly or via municipal effluent tre-

DSS SILKEBORG - Фильтрование через фильтры с пористой перегородкой в молочной промышленности DSS SILKEBORG - ведущий в мире поставщик технологий фильтрующих мембран для молочной промышленности. Компания имеет четкую концепцию и фокусирует основное внимание на одной единственной технологии для одной отрасли промышленности. Мы являемся лидером на рынке по извлечению максимальной пользы из всех составных компонентов молока и подробно осведомлены о продукции и производствах наших заказчиков. Наши сотрудники имеют обширный опыт в области молочных технологий и могут дать совет относительно качества продукта, его доходности и степени влияния на окружающую среду. В течение последних лет компания DSS SILKEBORG успешно ввела в эксплуатацию несколько систем BrineClearTM в восточно - европейском регионе. BrineClearTM - это доброкачественный процесс фильтрации, который физически удаляет нежелательные микроорганизмы и оставляет прозрачный рассол. В рассоле не остается ни одного инородного вещества, а температура и рН рассола остаются без изменения. Самое главное то, что естественный химический баланс рассола не повреждается, что, например, очень важно для индивидуальных характеристик сыра. Система BrineClearTM легко соединяется с уже действуюшими рассольными установками. Мы полагаем, что рост осведомленности о проблемах окружающей среды также станет основным вопросом в России и на окружающих ее рынках. Перевод: Любовь Скрюниг


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atment systems. The main drivers are cost savings and increased revenues. For example recovering milk solids from streams decreases the load on the effluent treatment system and at the same time increases the yield of primary products. That means a cost is converted to revenue to the benefit of the environment as well as the dairy company’s bottom line. Reducing manufacturing costs and environmental impact by introducing energy saving technologies that give a direct result on the bottom line is a key focus area for DSS, as it is essential for dairy companies in order to maintain a competitive edge in the market place.

DSS-systems supplied to Russia The optimal brine gives the cheese the correct salt content and contributes positively to the flavour, taste, rind and appearance of the cheese. A poor brine, however, is a significant threat to the cheese quality and can lead to spoilage of the cheese and economic loss. Microorganisms such as bacteria, spores, yeast and mould are transferred from the brine to the cheese during the salting process. Consequently, heavily contaminated brine can lead to surface contamination of the cheese and, subsequently, degrade the cheese quality.

The BrineClear™ To solve this problem, DSS has devel­ oped a unique process - the BrineClear™. BrineClear™ is a pure filtration process, which physically removes the undesired microorganisms and leaves clear brine. No foreign matter is left in the brine, and the brine temperature and pH remain unchanged. Most importantly, the natural chemical balance of the brine, which is very


During resent years, DSS has successfully commissioned several BrineClear™ systems in the Eastern European region.

important to the individual characteristics of the cheese, is also left unaffected. The BrineClear™ is easily connected to the existing brining system, usually as a “kidney function“. It is, however, also possible to install the unit for continuous or batch operation where the filtered brine is led to a separate tank or bath. The system is equipped

DK Gustaf Fagerberg A/S  +45 4329 0200


with a control unit ensuring that the plant can run safely and unattended during production and CIP. Normally, a production cycle is 20 hours, followed by CIP. The BrineClear™ is available in 3 standard sizes, corresponding to brine bath volumes of approximately 100, 300, or 600 m3. Larger plants are engineered individually.

RU Olsen Ltd.  +7 495 784 77 68

Environmental awareness It is our view, that the rise in environmental awareness we have seen in Western Europe during the last few years will also become a key issue in Russia and the surrounding markets. The first signs are already present, mainly driven by pure economics. Driven by globalisation, the political pressure will no doubt also increase. DSS has a clear focus on development and adaptation of our product portfolio to match the demands from the market. We are convinced that many of the unique environmentally driven initiatives that have proven successful in Western Europe will prove successful in Eastern Europe in near future. We also believe there will be a development in the variety of products manufactured and that will require new technologies. The challenge is to stay alert and be ready to offer these new technologies to the market when it is ready for them. n

SE EGTE-Teknik AB  +46 155 26 85 20

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A Reliable Partner for The Future By Niels Erik Lopes, Sales Manager, Trepko A/S

Minsk Dairy Plants in Belarus, Kovelmoloko and Tulchinka in Ukraine.

Filling & closing solutions The Russian market For decades the TREPKO Group has been supplying the dairy companies with a lot of state of the art filling & closing solutions. At the moment the Group includes the parent company in Denmark and subsidiaries in Poland and United Kingdom. The TREPKO machines work in 95 countries all over the world, but a special attention is paid to the Russianspeaking market. For the past 5 years more than 130 machines have been delivered to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. They work in many different enterprises, including among others such famous companies as Unimilk, Karat in Russia, Savushkin Produkt and

The changing food market and different traditions require from a supplier like TREPKO both a flexible approach and an ability to listen to the customer. All our partners are strongly supported by our sales, engineering and service teams from Poland, being able to communicate both in Russian and English. The TREPKO´s offer includes a variety of different machinery types: 100 Series - in-line filling & closing machines, capacity up to 40.000 cups/h; 200 Series - rotary filling & closing machines, capacity up to 14.000 cups/h; 300 Series - fillng & coagulation plants for UF white cheese; 400 Series - modular filling systems;

500 Series - carousel machines; for multi layered deserts 620 Series - filling systems, including equipment for glass jar filling; PMG Series - brick forming & wrapping machines. The mechanical parts of the TREPKO machines are all manufactured at our own premises under full quality control. Electrical and pneumatic components are supplied by world-wide suppliers. The design of the TREPKO machines responds to the strictest hygienic requirements of food producers, and can be enhanced by different hygienic options. Thanks to our experienced engineering teams in every TREPKO company, we are able to meet individual requirements within a short time. All our machines are fully flexible in terms of the changeover between different products or containers, as well as in terms of later modifications. TREPKO offers not only high quality and reliability of the supplied machines, but also of the services rendered by our experienced service engineers. Our team is ready to answer all your questions or requires. Detailed information about TREPKO is available at our website - You are welcome to join us at the coming exhibition: INTERPACK 2008 (Düsseldorf, 24-30.04.08, stand 6B28). We are looking forward to meeting you! n

In-line automatic machine 100 Series. линейный автомат Серии 100.


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ТРЕПКО - надёжный партнер на будущее Фирма Трепко ООО, являющаяся производителем упаковочных автоматов для пищевой промышленности, присутствует на молочном рынке уже несколько десятков лет. В Дании завод был основан в 1947 году. В н астоящее время к Группе ТРЕПКО принадлежат три основные предприятия в Дании, Англии и в Польше. Это дает возможность охватить своей деятельностью как отечественные так и заграничные рынки. Являясь группой фирм, специализирующихся в производстве высокого класса упаковочных автоматов, ТРЕПКО выполняет ожидания даже самых требовательных клиентов и расширяет торговое предложение, соответственно с их требованиями, в результате чего автоматы нашей фирмы работают в 95 странах мира. Большое внимание Польский отдел фирмы уделяет таким странам, как Россия, Украина, Беларусь. Только в последние пять лет мы поставили на эти рынки более ста тридцати машин, нашими клиентами и партнерами являются такие известные фирмы, как «Юнимильк», «Карат» в России, «Савушкин Продукт» и Минские молочные заводы в Беларусии, «Ковельмолоко» и «Тульчинка» на Украине. Параллельное сотрудничество с таким множеством клиентов, с разными взглядами и привычками, кулинарной культурой, требует от предприятия непрерывного совершенствования соответственно с изменениями, которыми харатеризуются молочные продукты в отдельных странах. В настоящее время предлагаем известные и проверенные на рынке: Серия 100 - высокопроизводительные линейные автоматы - производительность до 48.000 упаковок в час Серия 200 - универсальные роторные автоматы производительностью от 2.400 до 14.000 упаковок в час Серия 300 - линии для наполнения и коагуляции белого сыра типа «фета» Серия 400 - модульные универсальные линейные системы фасовки продовольственных продуктов в готовые стаканчики и коробочки Серия 500 - карусельные автоматы Серия 620 - дозирующее оборудование Серия ПМГ - автоматы для фасовки в брикет (масло,творог, маргарин), производительностью до 200 брикетов в минуту.

TREPKO’s subsidiary in Poland, Gniezno. предприятие Трепко ООО, Польша, г. Гнезно.

Имея обширный опыт и высокоразвитую культуру производства, фирма ТРЕПКО пользуется услугами исключительно надежных поставщиков составных компонентов для автоматов - высококачественной кислотоотпорной стали, пневматики и автоматики SIEMENS. Автоматы ТРЕПКО выполняют самые строгие гигиенические требования, предусмотренные для пищевой промышленности. Исполнение корпуса и наружных поверхностей из нержавеющей стали обеспечивает долгий срок действия машины в агрессивной и влажной среде. Гигиенический стандарт машины можно повысить, применяя дополнительные решения, а именно: мойку CIP/SIP системы дозирования, гигиеническую камеру с подачей чистого воздуха и много других. Для больших моделей применяется также стерилизация упаковки лучами UV и перекисью водорода. Фирма ТРЕПКО имеет конструкторские бюро в каждом отделе, которые постоянно обмениваются информацией, что дает возможность применить новейшие технологии в производстве, и выполнять самые оригинальные проекты клиентов. Автоматы ТРЕПКО демонстрируют высокую эластичность в применении различной упаковки и фасовке разнообразных продуктов. Дополнительные продукты - жидкие, полужидкие, рассыпчатые и сыпучие, можно паковать при помощи дополнительных за- и пред-дозаторов. Функциональная концепция применения кассет сокращает время замены оснастки на другой размер упаковки до 20 минут. Автоматы фирмы ТРЕПКО отличаются высокой надежностью и безотказностью в работе. Дополнительно эти качества поддерживаются выскопрофессиональным сервисным персоналом. Сервис ТРЕПКО без препятствий осуществляет пуск оборудования и обучение операторов у клиена в любой точке мира. Фирма принимает активное участие в отраслевых мероприятиях во всем мире: выставках и семинарах. Особенно приглашаем посетить наши стенды во время выставок «Интерпак 2008» (24-30.04.08, Дюссельдорф, Германия, стенд 6В28). Информации о текущих событиях и нашем предложении доступны на сайте: - Наш коллектив находится в Вашем распоряжении относительно получения Вами всякой дополнительной информации. Приглашаем к сотрудничеству!


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Kort fortalt 150 års jubilæum arrangement på KU Life LIFE ved det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet på Københavns Universitet fylder 150 år i 2008. I den anledning arrangerer Fakultetet i samarbejde med Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, Dan­marks Mejeritekniske Selskab og Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer et jubilæumsarrangement torsdag den 29. maj 2008. Arrangementet starter kl. 11.30 med frokost og velkomst på LIFE efterfulgt af 3 sessioner med temaerne: ”Fra gamle KVL til fremtidens nye LIFE”, ”Nye forskningsresultater i mejerividenskab og mejeriteknologi” samt en rundvisning i laboratorier og pilotplant, hvor der bliver vist eksempler på praktisk forskningsarbejde. Efter dette arrangement fortsætter deltagerne til Tivoli, hvor de får mulighed for at se og høre om ombygningen af Nimb med etablering af en gastronomisk højborg i et samarbejde mellem Tivoli og Løgismose. Det nye Nimb kommer til at indeholde mejeri, gourmetrestaurant, delikatessebutik, brasserie, vinkælder og hotel under samme tag. Mejeriet vil hver dag indveje økologisk mælk og fremstille konsummælk, smør, yoghurt og friskost. Mejeriet er indrettet, så Tivolis gæster kan følge med i produktionen. Dagen afsluttes med et gastronomisk måltid, hvor det bliver muligt at smage virksomhedens produkter og vin. Detaljeret program og tilmelding til arrangementet vil snarest blive udsendt til foreningernes medlemmer og bliver bragt i Mælkeritidende nr. 9. Reserver allerede nu dagen for dette spændende arrangement. (Foto KU Life KVL).

Frygt for usund sundhedsdebat Fremover vil sundhedsdebatten blive mindre baseret på videnskabelige fakta og mere præget af politisk styring. Regeringen vil nedlægge Motions- og Ernæringsrådet, som skal slås sammen med Det Nationale Råd for Folkesundhed, skriver Politiken. Mange aktører inden for sundhed og forebyggelse, heriblandt Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Kommunernes Landsforening, Forbrugerrådet og Lægeforeningen mener, at dette kan


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få alvorlige konsekvenser, fordi de frygter, at debatten om folkesundheden vil forsvinde.

Fransk mejeriopkøb i Tjekkiet Det franske mejeriselskab Fromageries Bel vil overtage Jaromericka Mlekarna, der er et af de ti største mejerier i Tjekkiet, skriver Landbrugsavisen. Det franske selskab vil producere skæreost på det tjekkiske mejeri, som har en omsætning på knap 450 mio. kr. Det franske mejeriselskab ejer i forvejen et andet tjekkisk ostemejeri.

Mit Mejeriliv I disse dage udkommer en ny erindringsbog ”Mit mejeriliv - et mejerihistorisk tilbageblik”. Bogen indeholder en samling åbenhjertige beretninger fra 21 ”mejerigtige” pensionerede ledere inden for dansk mejeribrug. På opfordring fra børn og børnebørn blandt medlemmer af pensionistklubben ”Food-Gængerne” blev det i 2005 besluttet at udgive en erindringsbog om medlemmernes virke inden for mejeribruget. Begrundelsen herfor var, at hovedparten af medlemmerne repræsenterer den sidste generation af mejeriledere, som sidder inde med personlig viden og erindringer om det daglige arbejdsliv inden for det traditionelle andelsmejeribrug, og som var i tæt kontakt med de enkelte mælkeproducenter. I bogen bringes beretninger fra 1940-erne og frem til begyndelsen af det 21. århundrede. Mit Mejeriliv, der er samlet og tilrettelagt af Knud Hansen, bliver nærmere omtalt i næste nr. af Mælkeritidende. Men bogen, der er på 415 sider, kan allerede nu købes eller bestilles på Dansk Landbrugsmuseum, Gl. Estrup, tlf. 86 48 34 44 eller via online bogsalg på www. Prisen er 248 kr. + forsendelse. (Forsidefoto af Mit Mejeriliv).

Ny initiativpris til ildsjæle Mejeriforeningen har indstiftet en ny initiativpris med det formål at fremme og belønne foretagsomhed, nytænkning og udvikling i dansk mejeribrug.



Arla Foods skaber smagsoplevelser fra mælk til mennesker. Med forbrugeren i centrum tilbyder vi mælkebaserede fødevarer, der skaber inspiration, tryghed og velvære. Vores medarbejdere møder dagen med engagement, naturlig omtanke og lyst til at tage ansvar for at udvikle Arla Foods og hinanden. Det er livet i Arla Foods.

driftsingeniør Du bliver driftsingeniør på Branderup Mejeri, som er et moderne mejeri med en årlig produktion på 17.000 tons sydeuropæiske ostetyper, der afsættes over det meste af verden. Mejeriet beskæftiger 130 personer, der arbejder i treholdsskift 7 dage om ugen.

ingeniør med stort engagement

Proces- og ProduktoPtimering

Det vigtigste er, at du er selvstændig, ansvarsbevidst og systematisk, så du kan bevare overblikket i et miljø, der er præget af både travlhed og forandringer. Vi lægger vægt på et godt samarbejde på tværs af mejeriet, hvilket kræver gode kommunikationsevner samt en åben og udadvendt natur. Stillingen kræver desuden, at du behersker engelsk i skrift og tale.

Dine primære opgaver bliver at lede udviklingen af nye produkter samt at optimere eksisterende processer og produkter i tæt samarbejde med produktionen og Arla Foods’ centrale innovationsafdeling. Du bliver derfor et vigtigt led i implementeringen af nye processer, og du identificerer løbende forbedringsmuligheder inden for produktion, pakkeri og teknologi. Samtidig deltager du i udviklingen og gennemførelsen af mindre investeringsprojekter og løser en række ad hoc-opgaver for ledergruppen. Du kan se frem til en stilling med gode muligheder for at skabe en videre karriere i Arla Foods og en stor kontaktflade både internt og eksternt.

Du er mejeriingeniør, levnedsmiddelingeniør eller lignende og har et stærkt engagement og stort gåpåmod. Du kan enten være nyuddannet eller have et par års erfaring fra en produktionsvirksomhed.

ansøgning og kontakt Ansøgningsfristen er den 24. april, og vi afholder jobsamtaler den 28. april. Mærk din ansøgning “840308”og send den til Har du spørgsmål til stillingen, så ring til mejerichef Dagny Lange på 40 91 93 46. Skriv venligst i din ansøgning, hvor du har set annoncen.



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Indkaldelse af ansøgninger til Metha Lunds Mindefond Grosserer Metha Lund oprettede før sin død en mindefond. Fondens kapital andrager 2.2 mio. kr., hvis afkast skal anvendes til videreuddannelse af danske mejerifolk. Legatet kan søges af: - mejerister - mejeriteknikere/procesteknologer - mejeriingeniører Anvendelse af legatportioner: - forberedelseskurser til videreuddannelse i Danmark - videreuddannelse i Danmark - forberedelseskurser til videreuddannelse i udlandet - videreuddannelse i udlandet - studierejser i udlandet Legatmodtagere forpligter sig til at indgive en fyldestgørende rapport til bestyrelsen senest 3 måneder efter afslutningen af uddannelsesperioden/studierejsen og de opnåede resultater. Ansøgning om legatet rettes til bestyrelsen for Metha Lunds Mindefond, c/o Dalum UddannelsesCenter, Landbrugsvej 55, 5260 Odense S. For at ansøgningen kan komme i betragtning, må den være bestyrelsen i hænde senest den 4. juni 2008. Der benyttes specielt ansøgningsskema, som fås ved henvendelse til Mælkeritidende, tlf. 66 12 40 25 eller Dalum UddannelsesCenter, tlf. 63 13 20 43.

Prisen er på 25.000 kr., og den uddeles for første gang på Mejeriforeningens generalforsamling i Århus den 8. maj 2008. Mejeriforeningens Initiativpris uddeles til en virksomhed eller en enkeltperson, som i det forløbne år har taget et initiativ til gavn for dansk mælk/mejeriprodukter, dansk mejeriproduktion, afsætning af danske mejeriprodukter og/eller indtjening på dansk mælk/mejeriprodukter. Initiativprisen, og hvem der skal have branchens anerkendelse, er op til Mejeriforeningens medlemmer, der som de eneste har mulighed for at indstille kandidater.


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Glade økokøer på græs Nu bliver de økologiske køer snart lukket på græs. Søndag den 20. april kl. 11-14 kan alle interesserede besøge en økologisk gård, og kl. 12 lukkes køerne ud. Det er festligt at se de kåde køer hoppe og danse af glæde. På gården kan man også smage økologisk mælk og høre om, hvorfor den bliver bedre af, at køerne kommer på græs. Arrangørerne er Økologisk Landsforening i samarbejde med Thise Mejeri, Arla Foods, Øllingegaard Mejeri, Naturmælk, Borup Mejeri, Them Ost og Osted Mejeri. Økologiske køer kommer med garanti på græs i sommerperioden. Fra den 15. april til 1. november skal alle dyr have adgang til afgræsning, når vejrforholdene og dyrenes fysiske kondition tillader det. Dyrene skal være på afgræsningsarealet mindst 6 lyse timer dagligt i denne periode. Interesserede kan læse mere på www.okologi. dk/okodag, hvor der også er oplysninger om, hvilke gårde, der holder åbent. (Foto: Økologisk Landsforening).

Sund livsstil på Dalum Rygestop, sund kost og motion skal på skemaet fra næste skoleår på Dalum UddannelsesCenter. Det mener Dalums uddannelsesledere, elevrådet og Odense Kommune, efter et pilotprojekt om sund livsstil har fået flere elever til at leve sundere. Siden januar har ni elever på skolens levnedsmiddellinje deltaget i projektet, der er støttet af Odense Kommune og med udefrakommende instruktører. Eleverne er nu enten holdt op med at ryge, har reduceret rygningen, er gået i gang med en slankekur eller et motionsprogram. Resultaterne har vakt så stor begejstring, at Dalum UddannelsesCenter vil fortsætte konceptet som et valgfag i næste skoleår.

Lukket 2. maj Redaktionen og sekretariatet holder lukket fredag den 2. maj - dagen efter Kristi Himmelfartsdag. Mælkeritidende


Ernæringsmærke droppes Fødevarestyrelsen holder nu op med at teste fødevarer for at placere dem i kategorierne ”spis mindst”, ”spis mindre” og ”spis mest”. Efter ernæringsprøvning af 166 forskellige fødevarer, som danner grundlag for den officielle mærkning, er det slut med yderligere test. I øvrigt er ikke én af de 166 testede madvarer forsynet med ”spis mest” mærket. Sandsynligvis vil hele Spismærke-ordningen blive begravet, når aktuelle forhandlinger med Norge og Sverige om et fælles ernæringsmærke slutter senere i år. Forhandlingerne drejer sig om modellen fra det svenske ernæringsmærke Nøglehullet. Det vil sige en rent positiv mærkning af de ernæringsmæssigt bedste varer i hver kategori af fødevarer. Netop hvad producenter og detailhandel ønsker.

Mælkeproducenter og global opvarmning Køernes rolle i den globale opvarmning er emnet, når International Dairy Federation UK sammen med producenten af malkeudstyr, DeLaval, organiserer det første ”malketopmøde” i slutningen af juni måned, skriver Landbrugsavisen. ”The Heat is on” er det fælles tema for topmødet, der er åbent for mælkeproducenter, rådgivere og politikere. Arrangementet er viet til global opvarmning, dens indvirkning på mælkeproduktionen, og hvordan mælkeproducenterne påvirker miljøet. Emner, der vil blive diskuteret, inkluderer forurening, skovrydning, vandmangel og energiforbrug. Arrangørerne forventer, at landmænd fra 40 lande deltager i topmødet.

Sund viden til gymnasieelever Når gymnasieelever skal skrive opgave i biologi, naturfag eller kemi, er der hjælp at hente i fremtiden. En ny portal fra Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet på KU skal gøre gymnasieelever klogere på det, de putter i munden, og hvad deres krop har brug for. På, som åbnede på verdens sundhedsdag den 7. april, sættes der fokus på sundhed, fødevarer og ernæring, og bringer den nyeste forskning inden for området videre til eleverne. Bag siden står KU-forskerne klar til at fortælle om deres forskning, resultater og bringe deres viden ud til gymnasierne. Den primære mål-


RECEPTION I anledning af adm.direktør Jens G. Møllers 50 års fødselsdag

holder Dairy Fruit åbent hus onsdag den 30. april 2008 kl. 13.30 - 16.30.

Vi glæder os til at se forretningsforbindelser, kolleger, familie og venner af huset. DAIRY FRUIT A/S · HESTEHAVEN 3 · 5260 ODENSE S gruppe er gymnasieelever, men i princippet kan alle lære noget om sundhed, fødevarer og ernæring på siden, som opdateres ugentligt. (Modelfoto Colourbox).

Mejeri-eksport til Mellemøsten halveret Følgerne af den anden Muhammed-krise mærkes tydeligt hos danske mejerier. Arla Foods salg er halveret, og det svarer til et mindre salg på 1,3 mia. kr. på årsbasis. Mejerikoncernen har dog fortsat et vist salg på alle markeder i Mellemøsten, siger salgsdirektør Finn Hansen til Jyllands-Posten. Andelsmejeriet Sædager er så hårdt ramt af forbruger-boykotten, at det har været nødvendigt at reducere mælkeafregningen til andelshaverne. Andelsmejeriets formand Niels Bruun siger, at salget i Mellemøsten er gået helt i stå. Sædager er dog fast besluttet på at blive i regionen.

Hjælp til overvægtige børn Det blev en bragende succes med 300 deltagere ved arrangementet ”Spis Igennem - Fremtidens fedmebekæmpelse gennem sund og lækker mad”. Seminaret blev afholdt på Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet på Frederiksberg Campus i samarbejde med Meyers Madhus og Kræftens Bekæmpelse den 6. marts. Her lykkedes det også præsidenten for verdens 10.000 fedmeforskere Arne Astrup og den gastronomiske ildsjæl Claus Meyer at indsamle 100.000 kroner til Julemærkesagen, som hjælper overvægtige børn.

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Naturlige kølemidler Vi er fremme i skoene, når det gælder køleanlæg med naturlige kølemidler.

• Ammoniakkøleanlæg • Kulbrinteanlæg • Co2 anlæg ICS A/S projekterer - opbygger - monterer og servicerer køleanlæg overalt og til den rigtige pris.

Et lille udpluk af vore referencer: Arla Foods Hobro - Arla Foods Høgelund - Arla Foods Bov - Arla Foods Troldhede - Arla Foods Nr. Vium - Arla Foods Holstebro - Arla Foods Vejle - Arla Foods Klovborg - Arla Foods Hjørring - Arla Foods Tistrup - Arla Foods Canada Frigoscandia - Danish Crown - Novo Nordisk - Danisco Det Danske Forsvar - Bornholms Andelsmejeri - Nørager Mejeri - Hirtshals Andelsmejeri - Borup Andelsmejeri Them Andelsmejeri - Løgismose Mejeri - DK International - KB Finest - Danforel - Højer Pølser - Pølsegården - Fuglsang Maltfabrik - Det Danske Filmarkiv - Schurpack - Kappa Dansk Kraftemballage - FH Scandinox - Scanpro - Dairei Europe - samt mange flere. ICS A/S

Tinglykke 1 • 6500 Vojens • Tlf. 74590977 • Fax. 74590976 •

satte fordelt på 34 lokationer i 16 lande. Med sine fem produktsegmenter, Sensor Solutions, Motion Control, Vision Technologies, Process Instrumentation og Gluing Systems, dækker gruppen et bredt område af service og er repræsenteret i de fleste typer af industrier.

Campina og Friesland øger omsætningen Hollandske Campina øgede i 2007 omsætningen med 11% til 30 mia. kr. og overskuddet med 30 mio. kr. Campinas 7.700 mælkeproducenter opnåede en stigning i afregningsprisen på 13,5% til 2,77 kr. pr. kg mælk i snit gennem år 2007. Også i 2008 forventer Campina, at mælkeprisen stiger. Sidste år øgede Campina især produktionen og afsætningen af fedtfattige drikkevarer og desserter til eksisterende og nye kunder i EU. Salget af vægtkontrol-drikke steg således med 56% og fedtfattig ost med 21%. Omsætningen hos Hollands andet store mejeriselskab, Friesland steg i 2007 med godt 8% til godt 38 mia. kr. Overskuddet steg væsentligt med 35% til 1,3 mia. kr., og Frieslands leverandører fik en gennemsnitlig pris på 2,78 kr. pr. kg mælk. Friesland og Campina planlægger at afslutte en fusion inden årets udgang.

Fonterra på naboopkøb Beløbet blev dels indsamlet gennem entréindtægter og dels gennem donationer fra bl.a.: Arla Foods (50.000 kr.), Mejeriforeningen (10.000 kr.), Dansico Sugar (10.000 kr.) og LMC (10.000 kr.). Seminaret ”Spis Igennem” er en del af en længere foredragsrække om fremtidens forskning, der i år afholdes i anledning af KU Lifes 150 års jubilæum.

Baumer Group i Kina Baumer Group, international leverandør af sensorer og sensorløsninger, fejrede i januar åbningen af sit kinesiske datterselskab i Shanghai. Baumer Kina fungerer nu som gruppens center i det nordlige Asien. Dette inkluderer salgskontorer i Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenyang og Shanghai. Baumer Kina har 40 ansatte i salg, marketing, teknisk service og logistik. Kontor og lager dækker ca. 1400 kvm inklusiv et uddannelsescenter og et testlaboratorium. Baumer Group er blandt verdens ledende inden for sensorprodukter til fabriks- og procesinstrumentering og beskæftiger ca. 2000 an-


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Australiens tredjestørste mejeriselskab, Dairy Farmers er sat til salg af sine ejere, de 2.000 mælkeproducenter. En række store mejeriselskaber har budt på mejeriet. Det drejer sig bl.a. om italienske Parmalat, de australske konkurrenter Murray Goulburn og National Foods samt Singapores Olam International og det canadiske selskab Saputo. Senest skulle New Zealands største mejerikoncern, Fonterra altså også have budt på Dairy Farmers. Hvis det Melbourne-baserede National Foods bliver køber, får denne koncern over halvdelen af mælke- og mejerimarkedet i Australien. Men det forlyder, at Fonterra er meget ivrig efter at opkøbe Dairy Farmers for at kunne øge sit stigende salg af især yoghurt og mælkedrikke i Australien. Fonterra sidder i forvejen på 30% af ostemarkedet og 16% af smørmarkedet i Australien.


Personalia 85 år

Den 3. maj fylder adm. direktør Jens Gundorph Møller, Dairy Fruit A/S i Odense 50 år. Jens Møller, der stammer fra Hedensted, hvor hans far var mejeribestyrer, valgte at gå i faderens fodspor og fik en grundig og alsidig mejeristuddannelse, som han senere supplerede med en mejeriteknikeruddannelse, der blev afsluttet i 1983. Herefter blev Jens Møller ansat på APV’s udviklingsmejeri i Nr. Vium. For Danish Turnkey Dairies løste han opgaver bl.a. i Kina og Pakistan. I perioden 1990-95 var Jens Møller ansat i De Danske Mejeriers Fællesindkøb, først som salgskonsulent og senere som divisionschef. Så fulgte 5 år i Kina som General Manager for 2 kendte danske virksomheder, Silcon A/S og Coro A/S. I 2001 vendte Jens Møller tilbage til Danmark for at tiltræde stillingen som adm. direktør for Dairy Fruit A/S i Odense. Dairy Fruit har under Jens Møllers ledelse gennemgået en ekspansiv udvikling og er i dag Skandinaviens største producent af frugt til yoghurt og iscreme. Jens Møllers internationale baggrund og tekniske indsigt har medført, at Dairy Fruit har udviklet en række nye produkter baseret på krydderier, der tilsættes surmælksprodukter og skaber nye spændende afsætningsmuligheder. Jens Møller har i en årrække været bestyrelsesmedlem i Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab. Der er reception onsdag den 30. april kl. 13.30-16.30 hos Dairy Fruit i Odense, Hestehaven 3 for forretningsforbindelser, kolleger, familie og venner af huset.

Fhv. ostemester M.L. Johansen, Ry fylder den 3. maj 85 år.

Jens Gundorph Møller

50 år

60 år Teknisk chef Anders Nordkvist Jensen, Arla Foods amba, Slagelse Mejericenter fylder den 23. april 60 år.

60 år Arbejdsleder Bjarne Kjeldsen, Give fylder den 29. april 60 år.

60 år Lagerforvalter Bjarne Arvad Kjeldsen Arla Foods amba, Klovborg Mejeri fylder den 29. april 60 år.

70 år Fhv. mejeriejer Jørn Christiansen, Haderslev fylder den 30. april 70 år.


Ny leder på Institut for Fødevarevidenskab Lektor, ph.d. Lars Nørgaard, 43 år, tiltræder 1. maj 2008 som institutleder på Institut for Fødevarevidenskab ved Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, KU, meddeler universitetet. Lars Nørgaard er kendt for sin tætte kontakt med et stort netværk af fødevarerelaterede virksomheder samt for sit arbejde med at fremme anvendt fødevareforskning. Med sin baggrund i eksplorativ dataanalyse og kemometri har Lars Nørgaard bl.a. udviklet og forsket i hurtige spektroskopiske analysemetoder til fødevare- og farmaceutisk industri. På undervisningsområdet har Lars Nørgaard bl.a. været pioner som studieleder for den fælles levnedsmiddeluddannelse udbudt i LMC-samarbejdet mellem DTU og Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet. Desuden har han på Institut for Fødevarevidenskab introduceret kommercielle efteruddannelseskurser for industrien.

Pension Bent Nielsen startede ved mejeribruget i 1960 på Høgsholt Mejeri, siden blev han mejerist i 1965. Frem til 1971 arbejdede Bent på Ådal Mejeri og Egtved Mejeri, hvor han blev færdig som mejeritekniker. Herefter startede han som forvalter på Grindsted Mejeri, hvor han arbejdede indtil mejeriets lukning i 1993, herefter arbejdede Bent på Tistrup Mejeri frem til 2000. Igennem sin tid på Grindsted og Tistrup Mejerier brugte Bent, ved siden af sine linieopgaver, også sin evne til at få svære ting til at lyde lette. Det, at han er god til at tale med folk på alle niveauer, til deltagelse i en række projekter på tværs af flere mejerier. Projekterne var hovedsageligt af EDB-mæssig karakter, som Bent helt fra computerens start viste, at han havde flair for. Bent har været med til at igangsætte: Mælkebalancesystem, Mark lønsystemet, flere udbyttestyringssystemer og det første SAP-system. I denne periode har Bent også været med i Danske Mejeristers hovedbestyrelse i 7 år. Fra 2000 og frem til 1. januar 2006 har Bent haft kontakten til landmændene som regionschef for Region Øst, hvorigennem han igen kunne bruge sine evner til at tale med folk på alle niveauer. Siden 1. januar 2006 har Bent arbejdet på Tistrup Mejeri, hvor han primært har arbejdet med administrative opgaver. Bent ønskes held og lykke med sit otium. Han kan med stolthed se tilbage på en 47½ års lang og god indsats for dansk mejeribrug. Efter Bents ønske afholdes der ingen reception eller anden markering af hans fratræden. LN NR. 8


Leverandøroversigt Automation

Au2mate ApS Holmbladsvej 2 DK-8600 Silkeborg Tlf. +45 87 20 50 50 Fax +45 87 20 50 69 Dansk Styringsteknik Odense: Tlf: 6317 4545 Fax: 6317 4546 Nr. Sundby: Tlf: 9819 4566 Fax: 9819 4966 Århus: Tlf: 8736 1350 Fax: 8627 1350 Tønder: Tlf: 7472 0502 Fax: 7372 1410 Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11


Tetra Pak Market Area Nordics Byggnad 306 2-vån Ruben Rausings gata SE-221 86 Lund, Sweden Tlf. +46 46 36 10 00 Fax +46 46 36 30 06


DAMROW Frichsvej 15 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 75 50 54 99 Fax 75 50 54 89

ICS-Industrial Cooling Systems A/S Tinglykke 1 6500 Vojens Tlf. 74 59 09 77 Fax 74 59 09 76

G. Salicath & Co. I/S Box 53 - Kærvej 31 DK-6670 Holsted Tlf. 70 27 41 44 Fax 70 27 41 45


Trelleborg Industri AB Frydenborgvej 27 N 3400 Hillerød Tlf. 49 76 27 00 Fax 49 76 27 01

Maskiner og udstyr

Corona Packaging A/S Industriskellet 2 2635 Ishøj Tlf. 43 56 01 00 Fax 43 73 26 00 Dansk Sække Import A/S Havnegade 5-9 5000 Odense C Tlf. 66 11 58 32 Fax 66 11 83 58 SCA PACKAGING Grenaa Åstrupvej 30 DK-8500 Grenaa Tel. + 45 86 32 23 00 Fax + 45 86 32 57 06


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Centrifugeservice ApS Visbyvej 46 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 86 82 19 00 Fax 86 80 61 66

APV A/S Pasteursvej 1 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 70 278 278 Fax 70 278 330 E-mail: Internet: Alfa Laval Nordic A/S Krondalvej 7 2610 Rødovre Tlf. 44 57 62 00 Fax 44 57 62 44 Vest: Albuen 31 6000 Kolding

Højer Ørbæk A/S Langemose vænget 3–5 5853 Ørbæk Tlf. 65 33 15 66 Fax 65 33 16 68 KLITSØ processtechnic a-s Engholm Parkvej 4 3450 Allerød Tlf.: 70150525 Fax: 70150575 E-mail: Web: Multivac A/S Nørrebygade 34, Grejs 7100 Vejle Tlf. 75 85 34 22 Omy Olssons Machinery Stationsvej 10 5464 Brenderup Tlf.: 64 44 13 12 Fax: 64 44 13 92 Primodan Food Machinery A/S Østerled 20–26 4300 Holbæk Tlf. 59 43 14 79 Fax 59 44 22 30 PTI A/S Vennelystvej 2, 6880 Tarm Tlf. 97 37 16 33 Fax 97 37 30 70 MÆLKERITIDENDE 2008

Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11


INNOTEK Essen 11-D 6000 Kolding Tlf. 70 20 23 43 Fax 70 20 23 53


Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11

Mælkeritidende I/S


Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening

Johs. Thornam A/S Hvedemarken 3–5, 3520 Farum Tlf. 44 34 20 40 Fax 44 34 20 79 Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11

Rengøring DSS SILKEBORG AS Bergsøesvej 17 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 87 20 08 40 Fax 87 20 08 90 GEA Filtration Nørskovvej 1B 8660 Skanderborg Tlf. 70 15 22 00 Fax 70 15 22 44 Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11

Projektering og anlæg


Formand Area Sales Manager Martin Holst Petersen Eskebøl Allé 12, 2770 Kastrup tlf. 38 88 68 32, e-mail:

Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer Formand Produktionsdirektør Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 97 85 34 34, e-mail: Kredsformænd Nordjyllands Mejeristforening Projektchef Palle Jellesmark tlf. 21 49 20 10, e-mail: Østjyllands Mejeristforening Mejerichef Bent I. Hansen tlf. 86 32 60 27, e-mail: Vestjyllands Mejeristforening Mejerichef Henning Jacobsen tlf. 97 19 19 04, e-mail: Sydjysk Mejeristforening Mejerichef Leif Friis Jørgensen tlf. 74 64 28 01, e-mail:

ISS Food Hygiene Vesterløkken 4, 8230 Aabyhøj Tlf. 86 25 20 11 Fax 86 25 29 11


Fyns Mejeristforening Faglærer Birger H. Christiansen tlf. 64 47 41 22, e-mail: De østlige Øers Mejeristforening Forvalter Jan A. Andersen tlf. 58 53 40 35, e-mail:


BDS Technology Glarmestervej 16B 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 87 22 47 80 Fax 87 22 47 89

Totalleverandør GEA Liquid Processing Scandinavia A/S Nørskovvej 1 B 8660 Skanderborg Tlf. 70 15 22 00 Fax 70 15 22 44

Formand Mejeriingeniør Flemming Aamann Snekketoften 2‚ 2830 Virum tlf. 45 85 12 37, e-mail:

Niels Hemmingsens Gade 12 Postboks 1169 1010 København K Tlf. 33 36 88 00 Mandag–torsdag kl. 9–16‚ fredag kl. 10–16‚ lørdag lukket.


Snorresgade 15 2300 København S. Tlf. 70 13 13 12 Mandag-torsdag 9-16, fredag 9-15.

Akademikernes Centralorganisation

ACs sekretariat Nørre Voldgade 29, 1358 København K. Tlf. 33 69 40 40 Mandag–fredag kl. 9–16.30.

Akademikernes Arbejdsløshedskasse S. Sørensen I/S Tigervej 11 7700 Thisted Tlf. 97 92 26 22 Fax 97 91 05 22

AAKs hovedkontor Nørre Voldgade 29, 1358 København K. Tlf. 33 95 03 95 Mandag–fredag kl. 10–14. Onsdag dog lukket for telefonisk henvendelse. NR. 8


Robot solutions

Bila A/S is a supplier of turnkey robot solutions and possesses extensive know-how about automation in the dairy industry. In partnership with Bila A/S the customer is ensured unique robot concepts supported by professional project management. Bila A/S has gathered all its competencies under one roof: From smiths and electricians to project managers and service staff. Use robots for: - Handling - Palletizing - Packing - Picking Bila A/S Industrivej 18 - 7900 Nykøbing Mors Denmark Tlf. +45 97 71 00 44 -

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