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Tema: Den 42. Nordiske Mejerikongres Reverse osmosis




Knowledge makes the difference DSS is the world’s leading supplier of membrane filtration systems and replacement membranes for dairy applications. Our internationally leading industry experts integrate our systems seamlessly in your processing lines, securing an effective and reliable production. With more than 500 plants supplied worldwide, our technology makes the difference - every single day.

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16-03-2010 10:54:43

8 Nordic Dairy Congress side 4 og 44

Nordic Dairies side 6-23

Dairy Suppliers side 14-43

23. april 2010 123. årgang

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Tetra Pak, , PROTECTS WHAT’S GOOD and Tetra Victenso are trademarks belonging to the Tetra Pak Group.


Den 42. Nordiske Mejerikongres The 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress   Af Anna Marie Thøgersen

I år er Finland vært for Den 42. Nordiske Mejerikongres, der afholdes 17.-19. juni 2010 i Kongrescenter Verkatehdas i Hämeenlinna, Finland. Kongressproget bliver engelsk, og foredragsholderne er 20 internationale mejerieksperter med indlæg under fællestemaet: Nye Teknologier og Innovationer i Mejeriindustrien. Kongressen byder også på socialt samvær og mulighed for at netværke med mejerikolleger fra hele Europa. I dette kongresnummer sætter vi fokus på mælken og mejerierne i Norden. Vi er også glade for, at en lang række leverandørvirksomheder desuden har ønsket at deltage med artikler om deres nyheder til mejerierne i Norden. The 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress takes place in Hämeenlinna, Finland 17-19 June 2010. This year’s topics are: New Technologies & Innovations in the Dairy Industry. In this special issue of Mælkeritidende the Finnish President of the 2010 Congress; Mr. Kari Toikkanen welcomes all European dairy people at the congress. We also focus on the milk and dairy market in the Nordic countries. And further we are proud to introduce several of the dairy supplying companies, telling about their latest news to offer the Nordic dairies.  ■

Indhold  4 Welcome at the 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress


7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

NR. 8

Milk & Dairies in the Nordic Countries Valio in Finland TINE in Norway Arla in Denmark and Sweden Arla Ingman in Finland Skåne & Milko MS Iceland Dairies KOLD college MBM Faroe Islands Bruker Optics Scandinavia Thise & Naturmælk Sealed Air Denmark Norrmejerier

24 VM Tarm

2 5 2 6 27 28 2 9 3 0 32 3 3 3 4 36 38 4 0 42 4 3 44

Vesla Mammen, Them & Bornholm Anhydro Synnøve & Q-Meierierne

4 6 49

Bent Nygaard Elektronik Tetra Pak Carl J. Nielsen Chr. Hansen Keofitt APV DSS Silkeborg Trelleborg Danapak Flexibles Cowi Grunwald Nordic DSM Bila NGI Program for The 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress Kort fortalt

Udgivere: Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, e-mail: Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, e-mail: Redaktion og sekretariat: Det gamle Mejeri Landbrugsvej 65 5260 Odense S. Postgiro: 400 5325 Tlf.: 66 12 40 25 Fax: 66 14 40 26 e-mail: Tlf. tid dagligt kl. 8.00-16.00 (fredag dog 8.00-15.00) Ansvarshavende redaktør og sekretariatsleder mejeriingeniør Anne-Sofi Søgaard Christiansen. Redaktør cand. mag. Anna Marie Thøgersen. Redaktionssekretær markedsøkonom Bettina M. Nielsen. Sekretær Birgit Jakobsen. Annoncer: Stillings- samt købs/salgsannoncer kan leveres digitalt og må være redaktionen i hænde senest torsdag kl. 12.00, en uge før udgivelse. Tidsskriftet udgives hveranden fredag‚ undtagen dobbeltnumre i juli og december‚ svarende til 23 nr./år i et oplag på 1.700 eksemplarer (heraf 150 uden for oplagskontrol). Abonnement: Danmark: 1.164- kr./år inkl. moms. Europa: 1.428,- inkl. forsendelse. Øvrige udland: 1.620‚- kr. inkl. forsendelse. Læserkreds: Mejeriernes og mejeriselskabernes ledere og øvrige medarbejdere. Mejeriingeniører, mejeriteknikere og procesteknologer i ind- og udland. Medlemmer af mejeriernes bestyrelser. Ansatte ved mejeribrugets organisationer. Medarbejdere ved universiteter og øvrige forskningsinstitutioner samt levnedsmiddel­kontrolenhederne og ministerielle embedsmænd. Mange levnedsmiddelvirksomheder. Mejeriernes leverandør- og servicevirksomheder m.v. (Stud. tech. al/mejerilinjen og procesteknologstuderende/mejerispecialet modtager bladet gratis). Tryk / layout: Jørn Thomsen / Elbo A/S ISSN 0024-9645 Medlem af:

Personalia Eftertryk tilladt med kildeangivelse.



Welcome at the 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress in Finland 2010   By Anna Marie Thøgersen

The 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress takes place in Hämeenlinna, Finland 17-19 June 2010. This year’s topics are: New Technologies & Innovations in the Dairy Industry. The Finnish president of the 2010 Congress, Mr. Kari Toikkanen outlines his expectations for the upcoming event.

The congress topics

In English

Mr. President could you please shortly comment on why the Nordic Dairy Council have chosen to focus on this year’s congress theme: New Technologies and Innovations in the Dairy Industry. The alternating Nordic Dairy Technology Councils (Nordisk Mejeriteknisk Råd, NMR) has for almost 90 years arranged the Nordic Dairy Congresses, and they have always focused on being highly topical and actual in their choice of the congress themes. Having this in mind, the recent Congress Program Committee decided on the 2010 congress headline, as the high results and profits within the Nordic dairy industry is primarily provided by: New Technologies and Innovations.

What do you expect to gain by running the congress in English? During the past congresses we have noticed some difficulties for the translators, especially regarding the technology. Furthermore, our Nordic congress participants sometimes have difficulties reading and understanding their neighbouring Scandinavian languages. We have discussed the language question several times in NMR, and this year we decided to run the congress in English. By doing this, we can also invite lecturers and attendees from both inside and outside the Nordic countries.

20 professional presentations The congress includes 20 highly professional presentations. Which one is you especially looking forward to attend? My personal interest has always been within fresh dairy products, and therefore I am looking forward to attend the topics about enzyme technology. There is a special morning session at Saturday the 19th of June for that. If the practical hurry does not disturb me, I will attend there.



Participants from Europe From which countries and how many dairy people have you invited to join the congress? So far our main marketing has been targeted towards the Nordic countries, but we are continuously spreading our “message” and invitation to the rest of Europe. In late March we had mailed more than 10.000 congress brochures in the Nordic countries, and by now - in early April, we have established a databank containing more than 1200 specific e-mail addresses of which more than 400 are from outside the Nordic countries.

Up until now a little more than 100 dairy persons have signed-up for the congress. Our target is to reach a minimum of 200 participants, but I am optimistic to welcome more than 300. But, we urge all our Nordic dairy friends, colleagues and the congress sponsors to spread the invitation to join the Nordic Congress among their client groups.

The social program The Nordic Dairy Congresses include a broad and interesting social program, why do you find this so important? During the congress presentations, the participants are very busy. To offer enough time for networking and new contacts, the evening programs create a natural possibility for socializing, enjoy Finnish foods and also get a little taste of our culture.  ■

More information on: Kari Toikkanen, NMR president of the Nordic Congress 2008-2010, urge all dairy people from all over Europe to join the 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress in Finland 2010. You are very welcome to contact the president on e-mail: kari.toikkanen@ for forwarding Congress Brochures or more information.

NR. 8

Dairy products mean healthy business Health and Wellness is the strongest trend in the food industry today – and nowhere is it stronger than in dairy. From low fat to probiotics to heart health, the healthy dairy products lead the way. Consumers recognize yoghurt, milk drinks and cheese as safe and natural products, and they are hungry for more. Chr. Hansen is the world’s leading supplier of healthy ingredients for the dairy industry. We believe that a close partnership with our customers is the natural forum for creating new and innovative solutions. Let’s meet, discuss recipes and inspire each other on how to create tasty, healthy and safe dairy products for today’s and tomorrow’s consumers.

NR. 8

MÆLKERITIDENDE 2010 Chr. Hansen A/S - Bøge Allé 10-12 - DK-2970 Hørsholm - Phone: +45 4574 7474 -


Milk & Dairies in the Nordic Countries   By Anna Marie Thøgersen

The largest and the smallest There are huge differences between the sizes and market orientations of the Nordic dairies. On top of the scale we find Arla Foods, the regions absolute largest dairy possessing 6.3 billion kg of milk out of the total annual milk amount of 12 billion kg. Arla Foods is too, very export oriented and

No. Country Dairy

The approx. 80 large and small Nordic dairies produce all kinds of dairy goods sold on the home markets as well as on several export markets. Yearly, the Nordic dairy farmers deliver almost 12 billion kg milk. This is a little more than the total milk amount produced in Italy, another great dairy-area.

markets more than half of the dairy products outside the Nordic Region. At the other end, we find one of the smallest a yet the largest and only dairy on the Faroe Islands, MBM (Meginfelag Búnaðarmanna). MBM has an annual milk intake of only 8 million kg, of which all are refined into fresh dairy products and exclu-

Milk in million kg

No. of milk farmers

Dairy plants



Arla Foods






Arla Foods






























Arla Ingman


















MS Iceland Dairies






Synnøve Finden



































Top-15 dairies

Top-15 Nordic Dairies ranked in relation to yearly milk amount. The numbers are based on the dairies annual reports from 2008 or 2009, or from the companies’ homepages.



sively sold on the Faroese home market.

The Nordic giants The Danish-Swedish dairy giant, Arla Foods is by far the dominate in the Nordic region, as the 7.600 highly efficient co-operative dairy farmers and their company produces, manufactures and markets more than 50% of the milk available in the region. In the Nordic area, Arla Foods is present in Denmark and Sweden and in Finland as Arla Ingman. In Denmark the company has around 90% of the milk market. In Sweden and Finland the percentages are approx. 60% respectively 20%. Valio in Finland is the regions second largest dairy company having around 80% of the Finnish milk and the home market for dairy products. The yearly milk intake amounts 1.8 billion kg delivered by the company’s 10.000 primarily smaller family-run dairy farms. The TINE dairy in Norway is the absolute dominant company in the country, as TINE possesses 98% of the total milk production. The yearly milk amount delivered by the company’s 15.000 dairy farmers is almost 1.5 billion kg.

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Medium-sized dairies In between the large and small Nordic dairies we find a handful of medium-sized dairy companies, primarily located in Sweden. To the far-south Skåne Dairy is dominate both on the Scanian home market and by now also exporting dairy goods to Denmark. Mid-Sweden we can characterize as Milko-land, as the country’s third largest dairy, Milko is dominant. To the North we find Norrmejerier producing and supplying the region with all kinds of dairy goods. Also in Island and Norway two medium-sized dairies are well-known; MS Iceland Dairies produces and supply the home market with all pos-

sible dairy products. Though buying the milk from Tine, the Norwegian dairy Synnøve Finden is an alternative manufacturer and supplier of especially cheeses on the home market.

“handmade” or directly-from-thefarm milk products. Due to the global financial crisis and the consumers more discount-oriented shopping, many of these small dairies face hard times, though.  ■

Minor Nordic dairies A large number of small dairies, organized as private, co-operative or one-owner farm dairies are scattered all over the Nordic region. They offer alternatives to the consumers, as they manufacture a lot of special dairy goods, often telling good stories about the country life and the origin of the foods. These small dairies manufacture different niche-products such as organic, made from goat or sheep milk,


Milk in million kg











Faroe Islands


Annual milk amount in each of the Nordic countries.

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Tetra Pak Scanima A/S, Tetra Pak, and PROTECTS WHAT’S GOOD are trademarks belonging to the Tetra Pak Group.

NR. 8



Valio in Finland Valio Ltd is by far the largest dairy in Finland, as the milk volume of the company exceeds 80% of the total 2,300 million liters of milk produced annually in Finland. Valio is the market leader in all key dairy product groups in Finland and a world class pioneer as developer of functional foods. The company has a net turnover at 1.8 billion Euros and has an average staff of 4.400 employees. Beside Valio’s Emmental, Baby Muenster is a successful cheese brand. (Photo: Valio)

and some of Valio’s functional foods; LGG buttermilk and Evolus.


Dairy production The 1.800 million liters of raw milk processed at the Valio Group dairies is produced in Finland on approx. 10.000 family-owned dairy farms that typically have 21 cows and 37 hectares of pasture. Valio Ltd has 15 production plants in Finland scattered from Mid-Finland to the South producing the company’s milk, cheeses, yoghurts, butters, ice cream, juice/ berry, milk powders and demineralized whey powders, baby-foods. The primary plants for Valio’s world famous cheese brands Finlandia and Valio Emmental we find in Toholampi and Vantaa. Two other large plants are situated in Mid-Finland in Haapavesi and in Lapinlahti, and they produce cheeses like Oltermanni and Edam. The two largest Valio plants are Riihimäki, just north of Helsinki and newly built Seinäjoki in Mid-Finland, and they totals a milk intake of 620 million kg, which is one-third of all Valio milk. The employees at these two dairies exceed 700 and the production is milk, cream, fermented milk, yoghurt, butter, powders, cottage cheese



Approximately one-third of Valios total milk volume is used for cheese production and half of these are exported mainly to Europe and USA under brands as Finlandia, Valio’s Emmental. Another successful cheese brand is Baby Muenster. Valio is regarded as a world market pioneer within the functional foods segment. LGG® products (Valio Gefilus® and Valio Kidius Gefilus®) and Evolus® are the company’s functional product brands, and they are sold as licensed technology.

Subsidiaries Besides being the leading brand in Finland, Valio is also well positioned to the West in Sweden and to the East in Russia and the Baltic States as well as in the USA and China. Valio Sverige AB is particularly strong in value added products in the

Valio’s President and CEO, Pekka Laaksonen. (Photo: Valio).

lactose free and low lactose segments with a 30% market share. Valio has two production plants in Estonia, one cheese packaging facility in Belgium and a Customer Service Center including production facilities in Moscow. Valio is also positioned within global sales in food ingredients. International operations including licensing encompass 65 countries accounting for one third of the company’s total turnover.

Turnover and employees Valio Ltd. has a net turnover at 1.8 billion Euros, of which two-third stands for domestic sales and the remaining turnover from foreign subsidiaries and exports. Valio Group net turnover by product group is in average: Fresh dairy products 45%, butter and spreads 11%, cheese 32%, ingredients 5% and others (e.g. juice, frozen foods) 7%. The average number of employees in Valio Group is 4.400, of those almost 3.700 work in Finland and the remaining in Valio’s foreign subsidiaries.  ■ AMT

Valio’s functional Evolus® is sold globally as a licensed technology. (Photo: Valio).

NR. 8

The Norwegian Jarlsberg is world famous. (Photo: TINE).

Tine in Norway Next year, Norway’s largest dairy company, Tine BA celebrates its 130 year anniversary. The co-operative dairy handles 98%, or 1.457 of the total 1.500 million liters of milk produced each year in Norway. In 2009 the company had a turnover at 18,9 billion NKK. Tine is by far Norway’s dominant player at the home market within all dairy product categories. Tine is owned by 15.000 dairy farmers and has an average staff of 5.700 employees.

Managing Director, Hanne Refsholt, TINE BA. (Photo: TINE).

Dairy production Although in somewhat much smaller scale, the Norwegian dairy giant Tine roots back to year 1881, and thus the co-operative company can celebrate its 130 anniversary next year. The present 15.000 owners run dairy farms that typically average 20 milking cows, which total the annual milk volume of 1.457 million liters of milk, delivered to Tine last year. Today Tine BA is present all over the country and is organized within five regional companies covering the East, South, West, Middle and North regions of Norway. The Tine Regions run 44 production plants, five distribution terminals and eight plants producing other kinds of goods such as sea food, juice and fruit products and deserts. During the years Tine has modernized the dairy production, and at present the company is building a totally new and environmentally opti-

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mized dairy plant in the South region Jæren, Rogaland. This plant is scheduled to be ready for operation in the autumn next year and by then replacing four older exiting plants in the region. The new Jæren dairy is built to handle 200 million liters of milk a year.

Internationally, Tine aims to reach an export volume of 75.000 tons of special cheeses within the next decade. Last year Tine sold 11.400 tons of Jarlsberg cheeses in primarily USA, Australia, Canada and UK. The company’s total dairy export volume was 16.000 tons in 2009.


Turnover and employees

During resent month, Tine has launched several new dairy products; a new fat reduced cheese, a new “Ja” yoghurt with less sugar, and the very first lactose free milk in Norway. Also a new nutritious product “YT” for the sports & health segment has been launched. Tine’s product portfolio includes 480 different dairy products on the home market. Among several different well-known domestic brands we find, of course, The Tine brands, Litago (for children), Biola (probiotic yoghurts) and Piano (dairy desserts), but also “Nå”, which is a selection of ready-to-bake doughs for pizzas and “Nå” dairy toppings. Furthermore the world famous cheese brands Jarlsberg and Norvegia are also sold at the home market.

Tina BA had a net turnover at 18,9 billions NKK last year, of which almost 90% stands for domestic sales, and the remaining outside Norway. The dairy company has almost 5.700 employees. Tina BA’s turnover by product is in average: Fresh dairy products 33%, butter and spreads 4%, cheese 33%, ice cream 6%, juice and water 5%, and the rest within other products such as e.g. other convenience foods, porridge products, and deserts.  ■ AMT

Subsidiaries and export Besides being the leading brand in Norway, Tine BA also runs subsidiaries in Sweden, Denmark, UK and the USA. Last year the foreign subsidiaries had a total turnover of two billion NKK.

Scandinavian and other foreign tourists love the typical Norwegian “Myseost”. (Photo: TINE).



Arla Foods in Denmark & Sweden Arla Foods is the fifth largest dairy in Europe. The company is owned by 7.600 Swedish and Danish milk farmers. Arla Foods has a global milk amount of 8.7 billion kg. In Denmark and Sweden the annual milk production is based on 4.2 billion kg respectively 1.9 billion kg. The remaining milk amount of 2.6 billion kg (out of the total 8.7 billion) relates to Arlas subsidiaries in UK, Holland and Finland.

Arla Foods’ CEO, Peder Tuborgh. (Photo: Arla Foods).

Arla Lurpak® is the brand for butter throughout the world. (Photo: Arla Foods).

Turnover and employees

Dairy Production


Arla Foods’ yearly milk intake in Denmark is 4.2 billion kg and in Sweden 1.9 billion kg. The leading international Danish-Swedish company is owned by 3.800 milk farmers in Denmark and 3.800 in Sweden. The Danish milk farms have in average 125 milking cows, and in Sweden the average is half this number. In Denmark Arla runs approx. 26 processing plants situated all over the country. In Sweden the number is 15 dairies, located in the southern part of the country. Among the largest plants we find the relatively newly built Danish cheese factory in Taulov (producing 27.500 tons a year) and the Swedish milk powder plant in Vimmerby (yearly milk intake 380 million kg). After the Danish-Swedish dairy merger in 2000, Arla Foods tried to create a single culture in the company. But by now the company is trying to highlight the strengths of each country and the differences between Denmark and Sweden in terms of the company’s history, product range and culture.

Arla has some of the world’s bestknown dairy brands: Arla®, Castello®, and Lurpak® (The Lupak brand though, is owned by all Danish dairies). The three strategic brands are use as: Lurpak® for butter throughout the world, Castello® for specialty cheeses, and Arla® which covers the company and many other brands, including e.g. Apetina®, Ko®, Buko® and Kærgården®. Arla Foods priorities the areas of health, taste and organic products, and actually the company is the world’s largest supplier of organic dairy products, and the Harmonie® range includes almost 100 different organic products! Another focus area is developing powdered whey proteins, and Arla is a world leader within these special ingredients. Last year Arla opened a state-of-the-art new ingredient application centre, where customers are invited to co-operate.



offices in further 20. Arla’s core markets are Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland. In all mentioned countries Arla runs production plants - except in Germany. Germany however is one of the dairy’s largest export markets.

In 2009 Arla Foods had a global net turnover at 46.2 billon DKK of which 20% was in Sweden and 19% in Denmark. Of the remaining 2009 turnover the Arla UK accounted for 26%. Other primary markets are Holland, Germany, Finland, USA, the Middle East and Asia. Arla Foods net turnover by product is in average: Fresh dairy products 44%, cheese 25%, butter and spread 13%, powders 12% and 6% within other products. Globally, Arla Foods has 16.200 employees, of which the Danish staff counts 7.600 and the Swedish 3.200.  ■ AMT

Arla Foods worldwide The Danish-Swedish dairy giant has production in 13 countries and sales

Arla Castello® brands the company’s specialty cheeses. (Photo: Arla Foods).

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Arla Ingman in Finland Arla Ingman produces cheeses in Finland as well as imports cheeses from Denmark. (Photo: Arla Foods).

Dairy production Almost 1200 local farmers deliver a little more than two-third of the total 280 million liters of milk to Arla Ingman. The remaining milk volume is bought from the Finnish dairy Valio or imported from Sweden. The company head office is located in Sipoo, just North of Helsinki. Arla Ingman has local production facilities from North to South in Finland. In Sipoo we find the largest dairy producing milk, fresh fer-

Finland’s second largest dairy, Arla Ingman has since 2008 been 100% owned by Arla Foods. The company target is to reach a stronger position as supplier of goods to the retail trade and food service sector at the Finnish home market. mented milk products, juices, desserts and butter. To the North at Kuusamo Dairy the company produces approx. 4.000 tons of cheese a year. Another Arla Ingman dairy is situated in Lapinjärvi. The company’s co-operating dairies are located in Hämeenlinna and Suonenjoki with productions of primarily fresh milk, cottage cheese and butter.

Turnover and employees Arla Ingman’s home market share is

approx. 23%. The company’s turnover by product is in average: Milk and fresh dairy products 64%, cheeses 31% and butter 5%. The cheeses are partly produced in Finland and partly imported from Denmark, primarily the brands Arla Castello® and Arla Apetina®. Arla Ingman’s net sales are approx. 300 million Euros, and the Finnish dairy company has a staff of 500 employees.  ■ AMT

Nature’s Taste Dairy Fruit A/S offers our customers Nature’s Taste, by developing and offering healthy and good tasting products. We believe in looking forward, using our technical and innovation skills. Dairy Fruit’s expertise: •   Clean label •   Health and quality  •   Environmentally awareness •   Organic •   Nature guides our innovation •   Joint working partnerships ... The driving force behind today’s  new developments •   30 years experience of providing custom solutions, using our  team of experts to inspire creation •  Working together we can design your next product based on …

… Nature’s Taste


NR. 8



Skåne Dairy in Sweden In 2009, Skåne Dairy, Sweden’s second largest dairy company achieved the best economic result for years: 3 billion SEK. In 2008 though, Skåne Dairy was facing economic de-route due to fierce competition on the home market. But Swedish consumers’ protests on facebook and export of Scanian dairy products to Denmark saved the company. Dairy production Skåne Dairy is an independent dairy company owned by 572 members in the Southern part of Sweden, Scania. The owners delivered 353 million kg milk in 2009. So, Skåne Dairy is a relatively large but still local milk producer with processing plants in Malmö, Kristianstad and Lunnarp. The company produces a complete palette of dairy products, among those the cheese brands Herrgård, Präst and Grevé, but also a wide

range of specialties. E.g. farm milk, lactose-free products, yoghurt with real vanilla, dessert cheeses from Stafva Herrgård, a new acidulated milk assortment, and the functional food ProViva in different flavors and variations. Also organic dairy products from the partly owned farm dairy, Hjordnära is promoted by the Scanian dairy.

Turnover and employees In 2009, Skåne Dairy had a turnover

Skåne Dairy produces a broad range of traditional and specialty dairy products as Lactose Free. (Photo: Skåne Dairy).

of almost 3 billion SEK and a workforce of 585 employed. The company primarily operates on the home market, but has a small subsidiary handling cheese sale at the Finnish market. Last year, the Skåne Dairy closed a deal selling fresh milk products to the Danish retailer giant Dansk Supermarket. In Denmark too, the Skanian company owns one-third of the private dairy, Løgismose.  ■ AMT

Milko in Sweden Milko is a co-operative company owned by 900 farmers delivering around 300 million kg of milk a year. Milko is Sweden´s third largest dairy company and operating in MidSweden. The turnover is approx. 2.6 Billon SEK. Last summer Milko introduced the “Milk Handshake” giving the milk farmers extra payment. (Photo: Milko).

ity milk and dairy products coming from local farms. Further, the company is very protective towards their owners in order to continue life in the Swedish countryside.

Dairy production Milko operates four plants located in Östersund, Sundsvall, Karlstad and Grådö, producing milk, Swedish sour milk, juice, yoghurt, butter, soft whey cheese, soft and hard cheeses and powdered milk. Some of the Milko brands are also marketed in other parts of Sweden. Milkos main purpose is to offer consumers high qual-



ers were very willing to pay more to support their local dairy, Milko could give the milk farmers 7 million SEK extra in December 2009!

Turnover and employees The Milk Handshake It is economically very tough times for milk farmers - also in Sweden, and that´s why Milko last summer introduced the “Milk Handshake”. On behalf of this arrangement Milko raised the retail price on the Milko “Landscape Milk” with an extra Swedish crone. As the consum-

Milko had a turnover of almost 2.6 billion SEK and a workforce of 800 employed. The company primarily operates on the home market, producing and selling dairy products mainly in Mid-Sweden. Milko also offers products from other co-operative dairies.  ■ AMT

NR. 8

MS Iceland Dairies MS Iceland Dairies (Mjólkursamsalan) is the dominant dairy in Iceland with approx. 90% of the 120 million kg milk produced in the country each year. The much smaller dairy Mjólkursamlag KS co-operates with MS to a certain extent. MS Iceland Dairies MS Iceland Dairies (Mjólkursamsalan) is a cooperative organization that includes more than 700 of Iceland’s family-run dairy farms. MS Iceland operates eight dairy plants situated throughout Iceland, and the company employs a staff of 450. The two main dairy plants within MS Iceland are located to the South in Selfoss and North in Akureyri.

The Icelandic dairies produce a very wide range of dairy products making the country self-sufficient within this food segment. One dairy product, “Skyr“, has even turned out to be a successful export product. (Photo: MS Iceland Dairies).

Dairy products The Icelandic dairies produce a broad and complete range of dairy products and in a variety hardly known in any other minor country. Just within cheese production some 100 varieties are produced, an incredible figure given that only a few dairies are responsible for their production, serving a market of only 285,000 people. MS Iceland Dairies centers on milk production and the making of high-quality skyr, cheeses, butter,

and other dairy products. Most of the dairy goods are consumed on the home market.

The world famous Skyr But one Icelandic product “Skyr“, has won good reputations and gained fine export rates in e.g. the USA and UK. Also in the other Scandinavian countries Skyr is known and welldemanded, as for instance the Danish dairies Thise and Norwegian Q-

Meierierne are producing Skyr on license from MS Iceland Dairies. Skyr (pronounced skeer) is a product unique to Iceland with a smooth, rich flavor and creamy thick texture. The product is low in fat, but high in calcium and protein content and thus attractive to all consumer segments - also within sports and healthiness. Skyr is produced as natural and with various kinds of fruits and berries.  ■ AMT

Solution Sales Manager søges Salg af automatiseringsløsninger til mejerisektoren indenfor mælk: • Det vil være en fordel med en mejeriteknisk uddannelse • Du har salgserfarring indenfor mejerisektoren • Det at være arbejdsom og arbejde målrettet er nogle af dine styrker

besøg os på

NR. 8



Educations at KOLD college

Participating in International Courses By Bjarne Vagn Larsen, Vice Principal, and Sten Holmgaard Sørensen, Educational Coordinator, KOLD college

KOLD college All educations and courses at Kold college are linked by the concept “from soil to table”. Kold college was founded in 1889 as part of Dalum Agricultural College. In 1979 the college was separated from the agricultural college and established as an independent dairy college, named Dalum Technical College. The college got its own board and its own principal, and focused on covering all educations from soil to table. In January 2004 Dalum Technical College merged with the horticulture college Soehus. The merger was named Dalum Education Centre, but since December 1st 2008, the name has been KOLD college.

KOLD college • Employs approx. 170 staff members, of which 110 are lecturers with vocational or academic backgrounds. • Approx. 1,100 full time equivalent students and course participants. • Each year approx. 4,500 students attend educations or courses. • Buildings covering 38,000 square meters.

The international aspect To keep the teachers up to date, it is very important to offer possibilities to participate in various international activities. Thus last year, through the Leonardo program, eight of the



dairy section teachers went on study trips to experience new trends within dairy production. The teachers visited dairy companies in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Holland and the United Kingdom. At Kold’s Dairy Training Centre the international aspect has played a major role for years and is an integrated part of the daily work. Numerous courses and contacts worldwide bring inspiration to the college. Yearly, Kold college arranges a number of tailor-made courses for Danida and international companies. And, through the years Kold college has participated in a number of international training activities for lecturers teaching dairymen, processing technologists and in-service courses. Lecturers have been stationed at educational institutions abroad for periods of a few days to several weeks.

Two exiting up-coming course Ice-Cream: In co-operation with the European dairy organisation AEDIL, Kold college is - for the first time ever, running a course within “Ice Cream Making” in our Dairy Training Centre. Kold college is responsible for the program of practical and theoretical education and training within this up-coming course, which is dedicated for small and medium sized ice This autumn KOLD college offers two exiting and international courses within “Ice Cream Making” and further a one month training course in “Theoretical and Practical Dairy Production”.

• Agriculture, horticulture (green­ house - and landscape gardener), animal keeper and forestry. • Catering (chef, waiter, butcher and baker). • Dairy technology (dairyman and dairy operator). • Technical gymnasium (tree year pre university study course). • Academy (laboratory technologist, process technologist (specializing in food, dairy or processing), and Service economist (specializing in hotel and restaurant, service management, event and tourism). • Profession Bachelors (Dairy, Laboratory, Food, and Process Profession Bachelors). • In-service tailor made training and courses.

cream producers within the AEDIL member states. Preferably, the participants have basic knowledge within ice cream making and within English language. The AEDIL-team at KOLD urges the participants to bring their own ideas of ice cream products and concepts! The “Ice cream making” course takes place at Kold college in the autumn 2010. Dairy Production: This autumn 2010, Kold college also arrange a one month theoretical and practical Dairy training course. The course will be held in English and encompass the following subjects: Milk treatment, and production of various dairy goods as fermented and special products, cheese, butter, ice-cream and milk powder. The one-month course also includes laboratory control of milk and dairy products. A detailed program for this course is available at For more information, please contact: KOLD college, Landbrugsvej 55, 5260 Odense S, Denmark, phone: +45 6313 2043, fax: +45 6313 2044, educational coordinator Sten Holmgaard Sørensen:  ■

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MBM at the Faroe Islands MBM is the only dairy at the Faroe Islands, and yet it is also amongst the minor dairies in the Nordic region with only 8 million kg of milk delivered from the co-operatives 30 milk farmers. Today, the Faroe Islands are almost self-sufficient regarding fresh dairy products from MBM. Dairy production and import In 1977, MBM was established for all the Faroe Islands in order to supply the 45.000 inhabitants with fresh milk and to ensure dairy product sales on the Faroese market. MBM is located in Torshavn in buildings housing both production and sales. In 1997, the dairy facilities were modernized and doubled in square meters. MBM produces a range of approx. 40 different dairy products. The main products are various milks, several different yoghurts natural and

fruit based, and juices plus a minor amount of butter. MBM keeps the Faroe Islands almost self-sufficient with fresh products, a smaller amount though are imported from mainly Denmark. Also all cheeses sold on the Faroese market is imported, as this is cheaper than an in-land production.

More than a dairy MBM is shortened for Meginfelag Búnaðarmanna (The Milk Farmers Dairy Organization). MBM does not

MBM produces a range of approx. 40 different and primarily fresh dairy products plus some butter, too. (Archive photo: MBM).

limit its activities to the production of dairy products. Since 1987 the MBM also runs MBM-Fodder, and this company supplies the farmers with e.g. fodder and fertilizers.  ■ AMT

Kold college offers tailor-made courses for the global dairy sector and food industry. The high standard of Danish dairy and food technology is recognised and appreaciated worldwide. Kold college has played an important part in developing and maintaining this exellence. Our international activities focus on the integration of food education and are based on our fundamental concept “from soil to table” .

We houses the only dairy college in Scandinavia: The Dairy Training Centre of Denmark, which specialises in courses in dairy technology • laboratory techniques • maintenance of dairy equipment • environmental engineering • energy saving • quality control management • the operation of dairy plants.

Our mission is to continue the to expand our international courses and contacts. Please contact os for futher information.

landbrugsvej 55, dK-5260 odense s • t: +45 63 13 20 43 • cvr-nr:86572028 Koldcollege.dK • Koldcollege@Koldcollege.dK

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New Advanced Analytical Systems for the Scandinavian Dairy Industry

Bruker Optics Scandinavia Recently the US based analyzing expert Bruker established the subsidiary Bruker Optics Scandinavia, headquartered in Stockholm and operating throughout the region to serve the Nordic meat and dairy sectors, one of the most important food clusters in the world.

By Troels Aamann, Dairy Technician and Account Manager, Bruker Optics Scandinavia

Multipurpose Analyzer Bruker Optics offers a range of the most advanced analyzing equipment and systems, and to the Scandinavian dairy sector we especially recommend the MPA FT-NIR analyzer. With the Multi Purpose FT-NIR Analyzer: MPA™, dairies have a complete solution at hand. The modular and compact instrument is easy to operate, and if wishes for new applications arise, extra sampling tool can be added. The robustness of the instrument allows it to be used in the laboratory and at the factory floor. All optical components installed in the MPA™ are permanently monitored by the online diagnostic system, PerformanceGuard™, which makes sure that the spectrometer operates correctly. A status light on the control panel and within the OPUS software informs the user of the current instrument status. Whenever a component is out of specification, the user is notified immediately. The more complex modern foods become the more advanced analyzing systems the dairy and food industry require. Bruker Optics’ Multi Purpose Analyzer, MPA FT-NIR offers various measurements options, and is an ideal tool for sophisticated method developments.



A set of starter calibrations is available for an efficient implementation of the Bruker Optics spectrometers into the dairy quality control routines.

of children became deadly sick after drinking milk poisoned with Melamin. If you add Melamin to milk, the content of the otherwise valuable milk proteins will falsely and dangerously show higher.

Milk and dairy products FT-NIR spectroscopy is fast and accurate for quality control of milk and dairy products. Bruker Optics offers solutions for the analysis of solid, semi-solid and liquid samples in the laboratory as well as in the process. The analyzers ensure control of the traditional quality parameters such as fat, protein and dry matter as well as more complex analyses for contents of enzymes, special proteins and protein bindings.

Avoid food scandals Modern foods are very complex, and each product contains a wide range of different ingredients, not least various types of convenience and fast foods. The more complex the products become the more advanced analyzing systems is required. Also food tampering should be avoided. Just remember the Chinese Melamin scandal where several thousands

Bruker Corporation The Bruker Corporation was founded 50 years ago. Right from the beginning Bruker has been driven by one single idea: To provide the best technological solution for each analytical task. Today, more than 4,000 employees worldwide are working on this permanent challenge at over 90 locations on all continents. Bruker Corporation, headquartered in Billerica, USA is the parent company of two divisions: Bruker Energy & Supercon Technologies and Bruker Scientific Instruments. Bruker Optics is placed under the last mentioned division.

Bruker Optics Scandinavia Bruker Optics offers FT-IR, NIR, Raman, TD-NMR, TeraHertz spectrometers and imaging spectrographs for various markets and applications. Bruker Optics employs 500 and has R&D and manufacturing centers in Ettlingen, Germany and The Woodlands, USA, technical support centers and sales offices throughout Europe, North and South America and Asia. Bruker Optics Scandinavia has seven dedicated employees headquartered in Stockholm, and we are fully supported by Bruker Optics and the R&D center in Germany.  ■

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Thise produces a wide range of organic dairy goods, some are exported to Sweden. (Photo: Thise).

Two Danish Organic Dairy Pioneers

Thise & Naturmælk The co-operative dairies, Thise in Northern Jutland and Naturmælk to the South, are two exclusive organic companies. Naturmælk produces several organic goods and also a biodynamic Demeter milk. (Photo: Naturmælk).

Thise Thise is a co-operative organic dairy founded in 1988, and owned by 87 farmers delivering 85 million kg milk. Turnover 2009: 500 million DKK. The staff counts 120 employees producing 85 different dairy products within milk, fermented products, cheeses and butter. For many years, Thise Dairy has co-operated with the

high-end food-retailer, Irma, developing exiting new products sold under the Irma brand. The Thise brand too, is highly reputed throughout Denmark, and around 80% of the total production is sold at the home market, while the remaining 20% is exported. Last year, Thise established a Dutch subsidiary, Vechtenaar for cheese production from organic Thise milk.

Naturmælk The organic dairy Naturmælk was founded in 1994, and is owned by 30 dairy farmers producing approx.

33 million kg milk annually. Turnover 2009: 206 million DKK. As one of the only dairies in the Nordic Region, Naturmælk produce and market biodynamic Demeter milk. Furthermore, Naturmælk is one of the pioneers experimenting with different kinds of healthy fodder given to the milking cows. On this behalf the dairy launched a special “Hay-Cheese” two years ago. Naturmælk employs a staff of 55 and produces a full palette of 32 different organic dairy products loved by consumers all over Denmark.  ■ AMT

MPA Multi Purpose Analyzer for the Dairy Industry

Total analysis ragning from farm milk …

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Multi Purpose Analyzer MPA FT-NIR

… to all kinds of dairy products

Bruker Optics Scandinavia

Contact Troels Aamann Phone.: +45 21 85 08 94



Dramatic Time and Cost Savings Producer of the famous Norwegian cheese Jarlsberg almost triples its packaging capacity, thanks to a new automated line from Sealed Air Cryovac.   By Helle Andersen, Communications Manager North & West, Sealed Air Denmark A/S

TINE BA, Norway’s largest producer, distributor and exporter of dairy products, has recently integrated a new Sealed Air packaging solution at its Elnesvågen plant. This has led to spectacular results in terms of packaging efficiency for the 6,000 tons of the famous Jarlsberg cheese produced at the plant each year. TINE Elnesvågen replaced one of its existing two Cryovac® packaging lines with the new Cryovac® L65 bag loader and VS96DC packaging machine with controlled vacuum. The new line has almost tripled capacity, from three to eight cheeses per minute. This meant that they could reduce the number of shifts from two to one, thus ensuring major time and cost savings.

Boosting capacity The new Cryovac® L65 bag loader runs alongside the old line, a tried

and trusted Cryovac® NS40 bag loader and vacuum machine and a ST12 shrink unit. The new solution offers a total capacity of 11-12 cheeses per minute, compared with six previously. The large 10 kg wheels of premium-quality Jarlsberg have been packaged in specially commissioned Cryovac® shrink bags since 1999 and TINE has been impressed with the bags’ ability to keep the cheese fresh for many months.

Distinctive branding A huge advantage of the Cryovac shrink bags is that the cheese no longer needs to be waxed - a feature the processors cutting up the cheese wheel had requested. It is however important to keep the distinctive bright Jarlsberg logo that was previously embedded in the waxing. The solution: coating the wheel with several layers of plastic, with a paper logo sandwiched in between. When the Cryovac shrink bag is removed and the wheel cut into up to 60 small units, the Jarlsberg logo is still clearly visible, a huge marketing plus.

Time-honoured traditions

Plant Manager Kjell-Ove Risan with one of the world famous Jarlsberg.



Jarlsberg is named after the county where an earlier version of the cheese was made at the beginning of the 19th century. Its present incarnation is due to research by a team from the Agricultural University of Norway, back in 1956, on how to make a soft, medium-fat cheese with holes. This white cheese is loved the world over

- and not just for its holey appearance. Top-quality milk goes into a secret recipe to create a unique, sweet, slightly nutty-flavoured cheese, which is matured for months and turned by hand. TINE Elnesvågen, situated near the town of Molde in western Norway, is one of the bigger plants in the TINE group, with 70 employees and an annual turnover in 2009 of about 350 million NOK. The plant is specialized within four different types of Jarlsberg; 10 kg wheels for export, whey cheese, spicy white cheese and rindless Jarlsberg for pizzas.

Sealed Air Corporation Cryovac® is a registered trademark of Cryovac Inc., a subsidiary of Sealed Air Corporation. Cryovac Packaging and Cryovac Food Solutions are business units of Sealed Air and global leaders in innovative flexible and rigid packaging materials, systems and services for a wide range of food applications. Sealed Air has more than 3,000 employees around the world. The company is dedicated to permanently improving its environmental performance and strives for safety and environmental excellence, while also ensuring that plastic food packaging is more efficient than ever. For more information, please contact the author: Helle.Andersson@sealedair. com  ■

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Norrmejeierier Norrmejerier is the fourth largest dairy in Sweden, and as the company name refers to, the co-operative dairy is located in the Northern part of Sweden. The 2009 Annual Report showed excellent figures: Total milk intake 192 million liters delivered by the 473 milk farmers. Västerbottensost® from Norrmejerier. (Photo: Norrmejerier).

Dairy production Norrmejerier is an independent dairy company owned by 473 active members in the Northern part of Sweden, Norrmejerier operates three plants located in Umeå, Luleå and Burträsk. The owners delivered 192 million kg milk in 2009. Norrmejerier produces dairy products such as milk, yoghurts and cheeses. Some of the well-known brands are Västerbottensost®, Verum®, Gainomax® (energy milk and Bars) and JOKK® fruit juices.

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The company also produces and markets different organic and lactose free dairy products.

Turnover and employees Norrmejerier had a turnover of almost 1.8 billion SEK and a workforce of 475 employed. The company primarily operates on the home market, producing and selling dairy products in the Northern part of Sweden.

Other Swedish dairies Other well-known Swedish dairies

are Falköping Dairy (approx. 140 million kg milk yearly) and Gefleortens Dairy (approx. 40 million kg milk yearly). Besides producing a range of different fresh dairy products and cheeses, Falköping also owns and operate an ice cream factory, Kling Glace. Gefleortens is located just north of Stockholm, and the dairy produces a range of traditional as well as organic fresh milk products.  ■ AMT



Vesla A/S

The Specialist in Dairy Flooring Vesla is one of the leading Nordic contractors for seamless flooring. We operate and offer our expertise within various business sectors - and amongst those the Nordic dairies. In Denmark several large dairies have chosen Vesla as their specialist flooring contractor.

By Stefan Duedal Sydbøge, Engineer, Factory & Sales Manager, Vesla A/S

Dairy Flooring & Consulting During the last two decades we have established our expertise within developing the right floorings for our customers’ specific needs and using the most appropriate methods to lay the flooring. We do everything from renovation to implementation of total flooring solutions with insulation, reinforced concrete and surface covering. For the dairy sector Vesla specifically offers our polyurethane floorings: Vespucrete RT. This flooring is a polyurethane cement covering that is used in areas with high durability requirements and in high moisture and wet environments such as in dairies. The Vespucrete RT system has a non-skid surface and the flooring withstand high temperatures, and is resistant to cleaning chemicals and heavy traffic. Today, Vesla also offers to install pre-fabricated truck-protection as well as painting systems of security stripes in production and stock buildings at very favorable prices. Our customers familiar to handle the Vespucrete RT, often lay the flooring by their local craftsmen following the Vesla guidelines. Regard-



ing new customers within the European dairy sector, Vesla offers our flooring consultancy.

Iceland and Poland Vesla is the preferred supplier of floorings to all leading Danish dairies. However, Vesla also operates all over Europe and during the recent year we have e.g. implemented the Vespucrete RT flooring at dairies in Iceland and Poland. Poland is a relatively new market, and our customer is a dairy owned by the German company, Hochland. In Iceland we have supplied several dairy plants with Vespucrete RT floorings and even with seamless wall coverings, which are easy cleanable and thus hold high hygienic standards.

Special solutions We are always on the outlook for new solutions to ease and improve the every-day production of our customers. Lately, we have developed a special product in cooperation with the Danish expert within drainage systems, Blücher Metal A/S. The material contains ingredients, which strengthen the drain areas around all kinds of water outlets in e.g. dairy plants.

Vesla A/S • Vesla was founded in 1986 and is a specialist in seamless industrial flooring using epoxy, polyurethane or special cement as binders. The company operates throughout Europe and has 70 employees. • In 2009 Vesla was divided in two subsidiaries: Vesla Gulvteknik is a contractor, laying floorings and other coverings, and Vesla Coating produces existing and develops new covering products. • Vesla operates within several industrial customer sectors such as: Food, dairy, brewery, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. • Please visit to learn more about the dairy flooring expert.  ■

Vesla is a leading European contractor of seamless and hygienic dairy floorings that withstand chemicals, high temperatures and heavy traffic. We are confident that our broad experience is of interest to all Nordic dairies.

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Mammen, Them & Bornholm Ranked as number 3, 4 and 5 on the Danish top-10 list of dairies, we find Mammen (70 million kg milk), Them (48 million kg milk) and Bornholm (44 million kg milk). The privately owned Danish dairy, Mammen runs two dairies of which the Drøsbro plant is fully renovated due to the old and traditionally Danish dairy architecture. (Archive photo).

as several export markets. The Mammen cheeses have won numerous championships for high quality and great tastes.



Since 1978, Mammen has been a private dairy company, owned by the Staunsbæk family, now by the second generation in charge - and the third involved. Mammen operates two plants; one in the village, Mammen and the other in Drøsbro. The later has been fully renovated due to the old traditionally Danish dairy architecture style. Mammen produces and markets a broad range of yellow, white and blue cheeses on the home market as well

The co-operative Them is a highly modernized dairy with state-of-the art technology behind the company’s very broad range of 25 different yellow cheeses. Them is a typical local dairy situated in the scenic “Søhøjlandet” in Mid-Jutland, and all the dairy farmers within a 30 km radius around the company. The tasty Them cheeses are primarily sold on the Danish home market, but a smaller amount is also exported to e.g. Sweden and Germany.

Bornholm Since 1972, Bornholms A/M has been the only dairy company on Bornholm. The co-operative dairy is owned by all the local milk farmers on the island. Bornholms A/M produces a very wide range of dairy products, primarily sold on the local market, but some are also marketed in the rest of Denmark, especially different yoghurts. Furthermore the dairy staff produces ice cream products. Last but not least Bornholm A/M has no less than twice won the world championship for its world famous and delicious St. Clemens Danablu cheeses. ■ AMT

The Specialist in Dairy Flooring! Vespucrete RT Polyurethane Seamless Cement Flooring for Dairies

Hygienic • Chemical Resistant • Withstands High Temperatures & Heavy Traffic Vesla A/S • Fabriksvej 12 • DK-6920 Videbæk • Phone +45 97 17 32 66 •

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Sustainable Solutions for Tomorrow’s Generations

By Svend Bøjgaard, Senior Process Engineer, Anhydro A/S

The success of many sustainable solutions depends on the product and the required capacity. Thus the potential savings of water, energy and chemicals varies from case to case. In general, however, savings between 20 and 30% can be expected, making a particularly positive impact on energy-intensive milk-based powder production. In special cases savings can be as much as 50% and on some of our current projects, total annual energy, water and chemical savings will exceed 1 million Euros. While investment payback times are typically short, ranging from six months to three years, some solutions may require a longer-term investment horizon of up to five years.

Cross-process savings Some of the solutions are based on what Anhydro calls cross-process energy, water and chemical savings. An example of this is using energy recovered from the evaporator at the CIP or dryer plants. As a result, Anhydro’s approach to sustainability is not limited to evaporation and drying processes. It also involves all related processes and utility connections as potential sources of improved sustainability.

Over the last three to four years, Anhydro has been focusing on developing sustainable solutions for tomorrow’s generations. Encompassing a number of sustainable solutions including pre-heating up-streams to the evaporator, evaporation processes and drying processes, this programme was introduced at the ANUGA fair in Cologne in March 2009. • All CIP plants in the factory • Pre-heat treatment for evaporators and dryers • Evaporators • Dehumidification in connection with drying air • Pre-heat treatment of drying air • Final heat treatment of drying air • Surplus water and energy for use in other parts of the processing plant • Energy and water recovery for infant formula mixing and pre heat treatment processes etc. In addition, Anhydro is working on reducing emissions such as powder product waste from the dryer exhaust, including process recycling of as much recovered product as possible.

Enhanced sustainability plants In addition to these process sustainability improvements, Anhydro is also developing a number of new processing lines requiring a lower total less energy consumption with correPermeate Process – Argentine Clarified, skimmed and Pasteurized whey Drying and Evaporation Ultrafiltration WPC


Comprehensive coverage Today, Anhydro offers a range of fully engineered sustainable solutions in connection with: • Pre-concentration on membrane plants (RO, NF and UF)


Permeate buffer Evaporation Pre-crystallization Pre-drying Final-crystallization Final-drying



Non hygroscopic Permeate powder

spondingly lower CO2 emission per kg of finished product. Some of these new processing lines will even require a lower capital investment, thus making them additionally attractive. Lower water and chemical consumption will also reduce wastewater load, thus further adding to savings potential.

Increased uptime, reduced costs One of the new sustainable plant solutions is the new permeate concentration process (evaporation), which has been installed on a project in Argentina. The new plant has increased processing time (up-time) on the evaporator by more than 1.000 hours/year while energy, water and CIP chemicals costs have been reduced by about 30%, leading to spinoff savings on wastewater treatment.

Tomorrow’s generations Sustainable solutions for tomorrow’s generations not only focus on general savings on all our processing plants. They also reflect Anhydro’s commitment as one of the main suppliers of infant formula production plants to limit consumption of raw materials and emissions in order to secure a sustainable future for the infants and children who consume the products made on our plants. Our first step was new, sustainable processing plants. Our next is to develop add-on solutions for existing plants, enabling these to be upgraded to meet tomorrow’s requirements and standards.  ■ NR. 8

Synnøve & Q-Meierierne Q-Skyr produced on license from MS Iceland Dairies. (Photo: Q-Meierierne).

Synnøve Finden Synnøve Finden was founded by an adventurous woman, Synnøve Finden, who challenged the prejudices against working women around year 1900. After an education as dairymaid, Synnøve and her companion Pernille in 1928 started their own small cheese factory in Oslo. Today, Synnøve Finden employs a staff of 220, and the turnover in 2008 was 860 million NOK. The company runs two production plants in Alvdal and Enebakk. At both locations the main productions are cheeses, some with E-Vitamins, and further a minor production of spicy butter products. Around 50 different types of cheeses are produced under the Syn-

The Norwegian dairies Synnøve Finden and Q-Meierierne are both privately owned companies. Yearly, Synnøve buys approx. 100 million kg of milk from the Tine Group. Q-Meierierne is owned and run by the food company Kavli. nøve brand, and the dairy holds approx. 20% of the Norwegian yellow cheese market. Although most of the cheeses are based on modern recipes, some of the products are based on traditional ones developed by Synnøve Finden back in 1928.

Synnøve Gudbrandsost. (Photo: Synnøve Finden).

Q-Meierierne Q-Meierierne, part of the food company Kavli, runs two dairy plants in Stavanger (Jæren dairy) and in Gudbrandsdalen (Gausdal dairy). At both locations the main products are milk and fresh milk products such as probiotic milks, cream, cream fraiche and yoghurts. In addition Q-meierierne also produces the Icelandic “Skyr” under license from MS Iceland Dairies. Q-Meierierne buys approx. 65 million kg of milk from the company’s associated farmers located nearby the two dairy plants. Q-Meierierne employs a staff of 85 persons.  ■ AMT

Drying and Evaporation

Anhydro Anhydro Anhydro A/S A/S A/S Anhydro A/S

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Oestmarken Oestmarken Oestmarken 7 7 7 Tel: Tel: +45Tel: +45 70 278 +45 70 278 222 70 278 222 222 DK-2860 DK-2860 DK-2860 Soeborg Soeborg Soeborg Fax: Fax: +45Fax: +45 70 278 +45 70 278 223 70 278 223 223 Oestmarken 7 Tel: +45 70 278 222 DK-2860 Soeborg Fax: +45 70 278 223



VM Tarm A/S

Milk Tanker Solutions for the Nordic Dairies By Michael Søndergaard, Managing Director, VM Tarm A/S

Tailored milk tankers VM Tarm design and construct total transportation solutions to the customers need. The milk tanks are made of high quality non-corrosive stainless steel, and constructed in specific volumes after customers’ wishes. The shape of the tank is typically circular or elliptical/heart formed for optimum stability during transportation. Manlids are constructed and placed either on top or side of the tank for optimized working conditions and CIP-cleaning. All food-tanks are constructed according to present EU-regulatives. The stainless steel chassis frame is built to carry the specific tank, and as high engineer performance lie behind our solutions, the milk tankers are suitable for even rough road conditions. The chassis can be constructed with e.g. BPW or SAF mechanical or self-steering axels, and disc or drum brakes. At VM Tarm we construct and build the rear-mounted cabinets for milk pumping and metering equipment. The cabinet contains the pump, sani-

VM Tarm´s milk pumping and metering equipment is hygienically build, easy clean­ able and placed in the stainless steel rear-mounted cabinet.



Milk tankers from VM Tarm have been in operation within the Nordic countries for several years. As high engineer performance lie behind our solutions, the milk tankers are suitable for rough road conditions even in the Northern parts of the region. We always match our customers’ wishes, and thus we construct advanced as well as simple and easy-operational IT-solutions for monitoring the milk collection. No more, no less. tary pipe and valve arrangement, flow meter/weighing equipment, air separator, and enclosed also printer for the farmers receipt. The cabinet is hygienically built for easy cleaning. Our customers only have to deal with one supplier, as VM Tarm offers total milk tanker solutions.

The Nordic market VM Tarm operates throughout Northern Europe, and we are pleased that a growing number of Nordic dairies show interest in our solutions. It is urgent for us to emphasize that our milk tanker solutions always match the customers’ wishes. No more, no less. Thus, we have constructed various tankers for different milk volumes, as well as advanced or simpler IT-solutions for monitoring the milk collection. For the time being we are testing an easy operational milk collecting system based on the SMS system for a specific customer. This system includes all prescriptions regarding monitoring time and place of milk collection, samples for the farmer and

the dairy, measurements of the milk volume and the milk fat and protein content. Finally and by SMS, the driver sends the milk data receipts to both farmer and dairy. Recently, we have also designed a highly advanced milk collecting system, where the prescribed data as well as extras for e.g. communication and planning the milk-collecting route is included. This solution is based on the GPRS/3G transmission system. However, no matter advanced or simpler IT solutions, our service staffs easily connect to the customers’ data systems to detect, guide and solve the customers if they have any technical problems. VM Tarm Service Department is ready to help our customers around the clock.

VM Tarm A/S • VM Tarm A/S was founded in 1962 by the present owner Diploma Engineer, Knud Lauritsen’s father. • The company has 140 highly skilled employees; engineers, constructors, stainless steel smiths, IT specialists and electricians. • VM Tarm design and construct innovative stainless steel and aluminum tankers for transportation of milk, beer, fodder, liquid manure, explosives, chemicals, sludge, oil & petrol.  ■

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Weighing and Labeling

At Nordic Cheese Dairies Bent Nygaard Elektronik A/S was founded by Bent Nygaard and celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.   By Bent Nygaard, CEO, Bent Nygaard Elektronik A/S

the top, side, base, the end of the pack, around the base and end of the pack, and furthermore application of various additional labels, etc. The photograph shows an example of a weighing line designed for weighing packaged cheese.

IT superstructure The products always have an IT superstructure aspect of varying degrees of complexity. At the very least, all incorporate graphic label design and an order-handling program. All systems have IP connection to central PCs or are supplied with local weighing terminals. All requests for data exchange, databases, etc., are accommodated using local SQL databases.

Years of collaboration The company has been supplying weighing machines to the food industry since 1980. Much of this equipment has been supplied to Danish cheese dairies. Collaboration with Danish dairies has been very important to the business, as the dairy trade’s many customer requirements have helped to shape and develop our product range into what it is today. The first computer-based systems for weighing cheese were delivered to Skødstrup and Nr. Vium dairies, where the new technology brought major savings by means of automatically generated weighing lists, printouts of selfadhesive weighing labels, computer monitors with orderhandling programs, etc. Although the systems from those days are now pure nostalgia, and hopelessly out of date today, back then they were the start of many years of collaboration with the dairy trade. Many deliveries followed on in the intervening years. Many production sites have been closed down and some have become very large. The weighing systems that used to be so simple have now been replaced by large, complex, turnkey solutions, several with extensive IT superstructures, which are becoming an increasingly dominant aspect.

Dairy and food industry The company sells its production to all branches of the food industry. The fishing industry is particularly noteworthy, where our products are often used for labeling finished products in onshore factories as well as on trawlers. Some products are sold to Danish companies which incorporate our products into their own turnkey solutions for worldwide export. We have machines in installations from the far north of Norway to South Africa, from the Ukraine in the east to Belize in the west.  ■

Flexiblity at your Service!

Complete weighing lines The company produces its own dispensing label printers, label dispensers, check-weighers, weighing lines for weighing and weight labeling, weighing terminals, interface units, etc. All products are specially manufactured for use in the food industry, corrosion resistant and with high capacity. Particularly notable is our latest generation of dispensing label printers, which is the only Danish-produced label printer on the market capable of handling up to 70 labels per minute with variable information and a resolution of 300 DPI. The complete weighing lines are usually custom built to suit an array of customer requirements. Weight labels on

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• Check Weighing • E-Weighing • Price Labeling

Svend Andersen Dairy Manager

Bent Nygaard Elektronik A/S Haremarksvej 12 • 8723 Løsning • Denmark Phone +45 7579 0400 • Fax +45 7565 0187



Flexibility and Profitability Drives the Evolution generation reduces the need for oil and lubrication. By Frederik Wellendorph, Key Account Manager Denmark, A/S Tetra Pak

DfE: Design for Environment Modern dairies want to combine maximum production efficiency with minimum environmental impact. Tetra Pak focuses on environmentally efficient production solutions, in order to support customer needs. “Design for Environment” (DfE) is the practice of integrating environmental aspects into product design and development. DfE is applied in the design of components and modules - as well as complete production lines and plants, to minimise product losses and the use of water, energy and detergent. DfE also ensures that our equipment and production units do not contain or use any hazardous matter, diminishing the environmental impact of decommissioning.

Tetra Centri AirTight Eco Thus, for instance the innovations inside the new Tetra Centri AirTight Eco dairy separator boost operational efficiency, save on costs, reduce environmental impact and improve profits for dairy producers. The world’s most efficient separator drive, our new gearless direct eDrive, doubles the length of our customers’ intervals between major services. And the groundbreaking new eMotion system reduces the energy consumption of our customers’ overall separation system by up to 35%. Reducing energy consumption significantly shrinks your CO2 footprint. And lower heat



Tetra Therm Aseptic Visco Another example is Tetra Pak’s newly launched Tetra Therm Aseptic Visco unit, for high viscous and particulate products that cuts products losses by up to 50%, boosts production flexibility, and further maximizes food safety thanks to an innovative new heat exchanger. The Tetra Therm Aseptic Visco high pressure unit is a continuous food-processing unit that enables efficient high-capacity UHT treatment for high viscous soups and sauces, tomato pastes, custard desserts, fruit preparations, vegetable purees and baby food products. The capacity of this unit for high viscous products can run up to 18,000 liters/ hour and higher. The heart of the unit is equipped with a high-pressure-rated coil tubular heat exchanger, called Tetra Vertico, that handles pressures up to 350 bar and enables higher in-pipe velocity and lower system volumes - meaning it takes fewer liters to fill up the system, which translates into smaller mix zones (product/water), shorter change over times, faster start-up as well as lower losses and less waste.

The hygienic design of the new Tetra Therm Aseptic Visco unit maximizes food safety with the fewest possible welds and easy to clean surfaces. Advanced automation ensures total production control and full traceability, while reducing downtime and the risk of human error.

Tetra Pak Tetra Pak continuously evaluates novel technologies that may have an impact on the way dairy products are processed. In order for novel technologies to be accepted by the industry and consumers they must offer substantial values in terms of product quality or safety, operational cost or environmental impact. Operating in more than 190 markets with over 21,600 employees, Tetra Pak believes in responsible industry leadership, creating profitable growth in harmony with good corporate citizenship and a sustainable approach to business. We work closely with our suppliers and customers on preferred processing and packaging solutions to provide convenient, innovative and environmentally sound products to millions of people worldwide.  ■

Tetra Therm Aseptic Visco with Tetra Vertico heat exchanger.

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From Nature - To You! Carl. J. Nielsen is a leading Nordic supplier of natural spices used in dairy products. By Henrik Kurth, Sales and Marketing Manager, Carl J. Nielsen & Søn A/S

Through technology Our motto is: From Nature - Through Technology - To You! All our natural spices are gently refined through advanced technological processes. Thus, the ingredients maintain their natural content of e.g. vitamins, minerals, colors and performance. One of our techniques is Tech Spice®, in which bacteria and spores are eliminated most efficiently in decoration herbs and spices without adding gas or irradiation.

Dairy spices

Carl J. Nielsen

Our raw materials only come from authorized suppliers, located around the world, and they deliver a broad range of spices and herbs such as e.g.: Pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, chili, jalapeno, onions and other kinds of vegetables, and various herbs and seeds. Several leading Nordic dairies use our spices in e.g. soft cheeses. And we can contribute with development of new products, textures and flavor trends. Please visit and feel free to contact us for more information.

The company was founded by Carl J. Nielsen in 1923, and today it is under the leadership of the family’s third generation, Michael K. Nielsen. The company is accredited according to Food Safety Standard ISO 22000:2005, and audited by 3rd party yearly for certificate renewal. Carl J. Nielsen is located in the Northern part of Jutland, central to the Nordic Region. We operate our own modern spice factory equipped with highly advanced technological facilities enabling us to meet all demands of delivery reliability and quality.  ■

A taste of success In all parts of our working life we need to be one step ahead. We have made a virtue of this. Ahead means, to us, among other things to be ready with the solution when our customers ask for it. So ask. Because we would very much like to show that we are ahead.

• Selected herbs and superior spices • Spice and blend creations for all kinds of food • Flavour enhancers • Flavours and extracts • Germ Count Reduced spices (Tech Spice ®) • Technological additives …. just a little part of the success

Carl J. NielseN & søN a/s Nyholmsvej 16 · DK-8930 Randers NOE Tel.: +45 86 42 06 88 · Fax: +45 86 40 34 60 ·

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Danish Dairy & Food Industry... worldwide 2008 MÆLKERITIDENDE 2010



Drivers of the Dairy Industry By Helle Rexen, Communications Consultant, Chr. Hansen A/S

A key element in global ingredients supplier Chr. Hansen’s strategy is to continually enable customers to improve their business with new concepts adding value to the dairy products and processes, but also reducing contamination risk and optimizing food safety. We build long term strategic supplier relationships with our customers providing high added value products and essential technical ser­ vice. Innovative solutions which add health components or other valuable ingredients to yoghurt or cheese make the products more appealing to the consumers. An equally important option is to provide customers with new products and tools to optimize production processes by improving the yield of fermented milk products and/or reducing production costs.

Meeting market needs The concepts all meet market needs for increased profitability, consistency and control, and are the results of working partnerships with key customers and strategic partners. For instance we have developed a new generation of coagulants offering a number of major benefits like higher cheese yield, mild flavors and a longer shelf life under the name of CHY-MAX® M.

More of everything “Compared to existing coagulants CHY-MAX® M offers more of everything that is important for global cheese producers. The explanation is that the specificity of the enzyme for milk-clotting is at least five times



Over the past year Chr. Hansen has introduced a wide range of revolutionary concepts to improve dairy products as well as our customers’ competitiveness.

better than 1st generation fermentation-produced chymosins, e.g. CHYMAX®, and 25 times better than the microbial coagulant from the fungus Rhizomucor miehei. At the same time, CHY-MAX® M is the most costeffective choice among all coagulants due to the reduced dosage and increased yield”, explains David Stroo, Marketing Director, Enzymes, Chr. Hansen. CHY-MAX® M is suitable for all cheese types, and has already proven its excellent performance in continental, pasta filata and cheddar cheese types. CHY-MAX® M is now available for testing in Europe except for France and Denmark where approval is expected in early 2010.

global health trends and local requirements for taste and texture. The unique culture strains provide mild and tasty yoghurt allowing the producer to decrease the use of sugar.

Successful products Converting whey Another ground-breaking enzyme innovation from the strategic alliance between Chr. Hansen and Novozymes saw daylight in 2009. LactoYIELD™ is the name of the enzyme solution that can convert a cheap by-product, the whey, into dry matter to be used in cheese production. At this moment, LactoYIELD™ is developed for use in pizza cheese production. But in a long-term perspective, the value-adding conversion method opens up prospects for new applications.

Cost-reducing cultures Within yoghurt cultures, Chr. Hansen recently launched a new range of value-adding and cost-reducing YoFlex® cultures. The cultures meet

“Our product development chain is based on smooth, cross-functional collaboration throughout the global organization. A new idea may quickly find its way to the market through close interaction between our innovation team, our specialized local consultants and the customers. As a modern company we also have the professional setup to bring the processes from idea to successful product launch. The ambition to constantly challenge ourselves and our unique way of collaborating and sharing knowledge is a cornerstone in Chr. Hansen. From our competencebased bioscience platform, we are set to help our dairy customers find new ways to improve food and health,” says Knud Vindfeldt, Executive Vice President, Cultures & Enzymes Division, Chr. Hansen.  ■

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New: The KEOFITT© Aseptic Sampling Bag™ Identifying ten weak links in the sampling chain - and eliminating a few   By Henrik Salomon, Managing Director, KEOFITT A/S

Don’t jeopardize sampling Does it make any sense to put so much emphasis on lab tests for quality control, HACCP and traceability, if the sample used is not representative in the first place? No! It would be like using inexpensive diesel fuel for an expensive jet engine. Sampling, too, is a chain of interdependent - and potentially weak - links that need our utmost attention. “The proper use of sanitary and sterile sampling equipment is the precondition for true sample testing”. This general guide-line and statement (often referred to in ISO standards etc.) is not operational at all. We need to be more specific and break the sampling chain down into links. You might say that identifying the location of the sampling points is Link no. 1. Link no. 2 would be selecting the appropriate and proven sampling equipment. No. 3 is the physical installation of the sampling device while no. 4 is the maintenance of the sampling equipment. These first initial steps constitute the primary links in our sampling chain.

Poor sampling and, consequently, false conclusions can often be derived from link no. 2, 3, and 4.

All the way Identification of these first weak links has driven the success and development of the original KEOFITT sampling valves for more than 30 years. More than 150.000 valves are in operation. Whether steam-sterilisable (SIP), sanitary (CIP) or double-seat, KEOFITT offers the world’s biggest sampling valve range facilitating the correct selection, installation and maintenance for any application. But watch out for copies! So does that mean the sampling chain is secure now, provided you use KEOFITT sampling valves? No, not necessarily. The chain goes on with link no. 5 being the standard operating procedure for sampling. Link no. 6 is the education and instruction of the sampling equipment operators. Receiving the sample is no. 7 and containing it no. 8. Link no. 9 is the transport of the sample to the laboratory for test-

ing. The final link is the quality control of the quality control, i.e. the capacity to not only focus on testing procedures, but constantly question the sampling equipment, the sampling procedures and their execution. This completes the loop of weak links.

Aseptic Sampling Bag The new KEOFITT Aseptic Sampling Bag (pat.pend) is the best way to address the weak links 7, 8 and 9: Receiving, containing and transporting the sample. It is a pre-sterilised and tamperproof disposable plastic bag system designed to be connected via quick-fittings or mini-clamps to sampling valves of all styles and brands including KEOFITT. An integrated and patented 3-way valve enables the operator to sterilize the connection to the bag before opening it, thus eliminating the risk of airborne contamination of the sample. Extremely easy to use, this new and unique product also serves the need for transport and any subsequent sampling. More information on ■

keofitt® sterile sampling bags

Connect to sampling valve • Open sampling valve and fill bag • Close sampling valve and release sample

Pat. Pend.

Connect to sampling valve and steam sterilize • Open sampling valve and fill bag • Close sampling valve and release sample

sampling bag

Pat. Pend.

aseptic sampling bag

Keofitt A/S • Lumbyvej 11H • DK-5000 Odense C Tel. +45 6316 7080 • Fax +45 6316 7081 ·

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LeanCreme™ plant

Puts Excess Whey to Profitable Use By Berit Skindersoe, Global Technology Sales Manager for Membrane & Microparticulation

The innovative APV LeanCreme™ Process solution enabled MS Iceland Dairies to increase its cheese yield by 8% and reduce wastewater COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) by 85%, realising a payback time of just 2 years.

When it comes to adding value for customers, SPX Flow Technology (SPX FT) looks beyond tomorrow to supply innovative technological solutions that maximise added value over a period of many years.

The answer was the APV LeanCreme™ Process combined with a Reverse Osmosis plant to treat the excess UF-Permeate and obtain water clean enough for use as flushing water during CIP and for safe disposal.

From waste to value

Customisable for low-fat dairy products

Like many other dairies around the world, MS Iceland Dairies in Akureyri, Iceland, was concerned about the environmental impact of its excess whey. The modern and innovative dairy asked SPX FT to suggest a more profitable treatment option to handle excess whey which would result in reduced volumes and have a lower environmental impact. SPX FT proposed a new application for processing excess whey into a valuable ingredient that could be used in existing production to make low-fat versions of its current products with the same taste and mouth feel.

The APV LeanCreme™ Process is based on the APV Shear Agglomerator. This is a groundbreaking technology employing simultaneous heat denaturation of the protein and controlled high shear to form micro protein particles with a customised particle size distribution. This synergy between heat and shear brings a new functional dimension to whey protein concentrates, resulting in LeanCreme™. LeanCreme™ is ideal as a starting ingredient for a wide range of innovative products such as low-fat cheeses, fermented milk products, ice

Dairy Manager Sigurdur Rúnar Fridjónsson, Mjólkursamsalan Akureyri, Iceland.

creams, desserts and fermented milk products. MS Iceland Dairies quickly saw a match between the APV LeanCreme™ Process and their own requirements and the new plant started production in June, 2007. The initial result was a significant increase in cheese yield as well as an 85% reduction in the chemical oxygen demand in the wastewater. The dairy soon realised that the plant would pay for itself in just 2 years.

Higher flexibility, higher yield Today MS Iceland Dairies in Akureyri uses LeanCreme™ for many different products. Production of Gouda cheeses containing LeanCreme™ has experienced an 8% increase in cheese yield, a significant contribution to the bottom line. LeanCreme™ has also APV’s LeanCreme plant.



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Whey Treatment Plant


UF UF Permeate


sumers by using LeanCreme™ in a long line of high-profile products. And more are on the way.


Skyr Permeate

RO RO Retentate

Protein drinks

Cottage cheese

LeanCreme™ LeanCreme

Packaging of Skyr products


Skyr drinks

Gouda cheese

Diagram: Whey treatment plant.

resulted in a significantly improved texture and flavour in the dairy’s lowfat cheese range. MS Iceland Dairies cottage cheese has seen a significant increase in yield as well as the elimination of syneresis, making it a highly stable product. Iceland is well known for it’s Skyr production where LeanCreme™ has really made a mark. The Akureyri dairy uses LeanCreme™ in its Skyr Yoghurt drinks, where it replaces

Whey protein drinks from MS Iceland Dairies.

30% of the skim milk content. In the spring of 2010, the dairy launched a new sports/protein drink based on 100% fermented LeanCreme™ with a protein content of 8.9%. The new drink fits perfectly into the company strategy of catering for constantly increasing consumer demand in Iceland for high-protein, low-fat, natural sweetened products. MS Iceland Dairies in Akureyri has shown the way to success with con-

About SPX Flow Technology The APV brand is part of the Flow Technology segment of SPX Corporation. SPX’s Flow Technology segment designs, manufacturers and markets engineered solutions and products used to process, blend, meter and transport fluids in addition to air and gas filtration and dehydration. Recognized for its leading brands and turnkey systems capability, the Flow Technology segment has global operations which serve the Food & Beverage, Power & Energy and Industrial markets. To learn more about LeanCreme™, please visit our website; www.spxft. com or contact Berit Skindersoe, Global Technology Sales Manager for Membrane & Microparticulation, at or on +45 8922 8922.  ■

APV LeanCreme™ – better flavour, less fat APV LeanCreme™ is a groundbreaking microparticulation process that gives you total control over whey protein particle size distribution. APV’s Shear Agglomerator (ASA) is designed to provide operating parameters for optimum particle quality and control. APV LeanCreme™ gives you: • High, protein-based nutritional value • Full flavour and mouth feel • Increased yield – reduced raw material costs • Fast ROI To find out more visit

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Going Green Reuse of Water with the BacTerminator® DSS presents a brand new cleantech solution for the dairy & cheese industry - the BacTerminator® developed by the company Adept Water Technologies.

By Freddie D. Lauridsen, Area Sales Manager, DSS Silkeborg AS

Reuse of water Reuse of water is an intelligent way to save water and reduce cost. The general aim of the dairy industry is to minimize the overall water consumption and effluent discharged into the sewer system, thereby reducing the environmental impact. The constantly increasing water prices and effluent charges have moved the focal point from end-ofpipe treatment to prevention of pollution. To stay competitive it is therefore essential to find sustainable solutions that enable the industry to reuse as much water as possible. The BacTerminator® offers this opportunity as it eliminates all microorganisms, both bacteria, yeast and mould from dairy process water, allowing it to be reused for many different applications, e.g.: • Improvement of tap water used in production • In the “after-warming” process of manufacturing yellow and cottage cheeses • Reuse of CIP water • Continuous disinfection of ice water system for cooling Laboratory (Eurofins)

• Water used for cottage and fresh cheese • Disinfection of water used for cooling of cheese before brining • Disinfection of water used for brining of cheese • Disinfection of evaporator condensate • Disinfection of RO permeate

Cheese dairies using double membrane filtration of the whey end up with RO permeate, which is a byproduct with a minimal COD but often considerably microbial contaminated, if not used immediately. Some dairies reuse the RO permeate for cheese cooling water and the rest is discharged. Some dairies reuse the RO permeate for cooling towers as well. In general there is always a surplus of RO permeate, which is typically imposed with a levy when discharged. When BacTerminator® treats/recirculates the RO permeate it becomes practically free from microorganisms and can be reused for a number of purposes, saving the dairy the annual discharge of the RO permeate.

DSS Silkeborg AS, Denmark, one of the largest suppliers for membrane solutions for the dairy industry worldwide, is co-operating with Adept Water Technologies to distribute and service BacTerminator® systems for all dairy applications, with exclusivity for RO permeate applications. DSS has supplied more than 500 membrane filtration systems to the dairy industry and has a strong and technology driven sales and service force around the world. With the BacTerminator® system DSS can provide its customers with a new solution for effective killing of microorganisms in process water, so it may be reused with large, potential savings.  ■

RO permeate RO permeate before Bacafter BacTerminator® Terminator® 1

TVC CFU / ml at 37o









Yeast / 100 ml

Application example - Waste product RO permeate.



Adept Water Technologies has performed a 3 months field test at Arla Foods Hjørring Dairy, a large cheese plant producing semi-hard pressed cheese. The RO permeate was treated by running through BacTerminator® and daily microbial tests were conducted over a 3 month period. Based on the positive, documented outcome of this field test, Arla Foods Hjørring Dairy has ordered one BacTerminator® as the first dairy in the world for the RO permeate.

Waste product RO permeate


Mould fungus / 100 ml

Field test at Arla Hjørring Dairy

Worldwide BacTerminator® distributor

TVC CFU / ml at 22o Coli form bacteria / 100 ml

Annual savings depend on the size of the dairy, if the dairy has a ROsystem or not, the number of applications, water consumption, cheese/ whey production, the price on public drinking water and effluent cost on the process water.

Economic case example Investment BacTerminator®

€ 45,000

Cost of operation and capital

€ 1,500 / year

Yearly amount of reused water

30,000 m3

Total cost of water and effluent

€ 3.50 / m3

Potential savings per year (30,000 m3 x € 3.50) Pay-back time

€ 105,000 < 6 months

Application example - Waste product RO permeate.

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Complete Confidence Trelleborg hoses and hose assemblies, with complete confidence

No bacterial growth

High hygienic standard You can be confident that Trelleborg’s hoses and assemblies are designed and manufactured with hygiene mind. The smooth extruded inner tube resists the most common cleaning operations in your industry. Combined with our specially designed coupling system, no bacterial growth is possible on your hose assembly. The rubber material and all the other ingredients used in our food grade compounds have been selected to comply with the most stringent requirements for foodstuff contact. Both compounds and finished hose are compliant with applicable legislation (France; Germany: BfR recommendation XXI. USA: FDA - 21 CFR 177.2600 and 21 CFR 177.1520 for ALCODIAL) and contain no phthalate. Our covers (either red or blue) are non marking, keeping your floors clean.

Reliability and safety Rubber material is both flexible and robust. Our hoses can therefore absorb hammer-shocks and swift temperature changes have no effect on their behavior and they will keep flexible even at low temperatures with same pressure resistance. Our specific swaged-on coupling systems are with most commonly used fittings. Our latest development on rubber coated nuts will prevent burns and guarantee optimal tightening by hand. You will always be satisfied with the performances of Trelleborg’s hose assemblies.  ■

LACTADIAL, latest innovation for milk collection

safety reliability hygiene For all your fluid transfers, Trelleborg has the right solution.

LACTADIAL was developed as a soft, flexible, crush-resistant rubber hose. Our engineers succeeded in reducing weight by 20% compared to the market standard: CITERDIAL. The ideal hose for daily manual handling. >>> Visit us at GB_114_158_2008issue.indd 1

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16/05/2008 11:14:36



Danapak Flexibles A/S

DanaKeep to the Cheese Market Danapak Flexibles A/S is a manufacturer of flexible packaging materials primarily for the food and the pharmaceutical industry. Danapak has great experience in packaging solutions within dairy products especially for cheese and butter. Danapak has its own Product Technology Centre, where the company has facilities covering all production processes and this enables Danapak to go from idea to final result very fast without disturbing the daily production.

By Palle Schmidt, Product Manager, Danapak A/S

New cheese packaging materials Danapak Flexibles A/S has for generations been the major supplier of packaging to the cheese industry in Scandinavia. This significant experience within this core segment will

now be launched on the European market. The introduction will take place in connection with a series of new products which have been developed and will be marketed under the name DanaKeep. It is important for Danapak Flexibles A/S, that the new product range DanaKeep, is also quality secured in the future according to the new appendix of EU Plastic Directive (Amendment 2008/39/EC to Plastic Directive 2002/72/EC), whereas per 01.05.2010 it is prohibited to use many types of refined parafined wax extracted from hydrocarbons from

fuel or synthetic manufactured hydrocarbons to direct contact with foodstuff containing fat.

DanaKeep The new product range is developed to move the limitations of the corporation between cheese and packaging and assure most possible consideration of the curing of the cheese. At the same time DanaKeep fulfils the demands from all over Europe within packaging and curing of soft cheese such as blue and white moulded cheese, and red moulded, as well as brie and camembert cheese.

DanaKeep for soft cheese types like Camembert and Brie.



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Four new DanaKeep specifications have been carefully adjusted to the various curing processes of the cheese and have excellent machine ability and slip against the cheese. DanaKeep 02-04 for blue - and white moulded cheese as well as red moulded (rødkit) have been developed with a polymer on the inside which assures optimum humidity around the cheese throughout the curing and at the same time limits the development of the mould on the surface of the cheese. This kind of packaging prolongs the shelf life of the cheese, the packaging is easy to reclose and can be cut without remains on the cutting edge. DanaKeep 02-05 for cheese such as brie and camembert is constructed with a semi permeable polymer against the cheese which ensures that the packaging gives the cheese ideal conditions of development of white

mould on the surface. By using this packaging a prolonged shelf life of the cheese is also achieved, together with an easy re-close, and cutting without remains on the cutting edge. DanaKeep 02-06 for cheese which have high demands for allowing the cheese to breathe through the perforation but at the same time ensuring the right humidity around the cheese. Through this the optimum conditions of the development of the perfect mould is achieved and the risk of ruin to the surface mould is removed. This specification can also be delivered with biodegradable materials. DanaKeep 02-07 for types of cheese that have less demands so that the cheese can breathe but still gives the cheese the optimum curing in the packaging. DanaKeep 02-04 and 02-05 are extrusion laminated and coated products which are manufactured as pre-



materials and afterwards printed. This means high flexibility and fast lead times. DanaKeep 02-06 and 02-07 are partial laminated products where a partial lamination pattern, as per the customers wish, can be implemented and thereby give an extraordinary marketing effect.

Technical guidance Danapak also offers technical guidance to customers when it comes to packaging machines where experienced personnel can give objective guidance in terms of which packaging material and packaging machine is best suited for specific product.  ■


Good products deserve good packaging Our latest investment has been made in heatsealable die cut lids and Danapak Flexibles is now equipped with the best and most modern technology when it comes to punching machines and tooling. Danapak Flexibles is able to offer heatsealable die cut lids in all materials for all applications and our own graphic studio is ready to create new designs for your products.

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A Leading Consulting Group

COWI is a leading Northern European consulting group. We provide state-of-the-art services within the fields of engineering, environmental science and economics with due consideration for the environment and society. COWI is a leader within its fields because COWI’s 6,000 employees are leaders within theirs.

By John Sørensen, Senior Project Manager, Water and Wastewater, COWI

Handling of dairy wastewater Formerly dairies used to produce nearly all kinds of milk products, which is quite different from today where dairies are much more specialized and produce only one kind of product, e.g. yellow cheese, blue



cheese or butter. As dairies are getting bigger and bigger, the correct and most optimal way of handling wastewater attracts more and more attention. Some dairies discharge their wastewater to a municipal wastewater treatment plant, WWTP, and pay for the treatment. However, an increasing number of dairies in Denmark have found that it is more advantageous to establish their own treatment plants to treat the wastewater from their dairies themselves. COWI has been involved in many wastewater treatment projects at dair-

ies in Denmark and knows from experience that it is not difficult to handle wastewater from dairies. There are two reasons for the conclusion above. One is that the temperature of the wastewater is at least 25°C, which benefits the biological processes. Another is that the composition of the wastewater facilitates the nitrogen and phosphorous removal efficiently.

Simple wastewater treatment The design of WWTPs at dairies can be based on the activated sludge process and be kept simple. Nor-

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mally, a WWTP includes a balance/ emergency tank, a process tank for the biological treatment and a clarifier to separate the cleaned wastewater from the activated sludge. The balance/emergency tank is essential for the stable operation of a treatment plant, as the balance/emergency tank reduces load variations in the biological tanks. The balance/ emergency tank is also able to handle milk spills to avoid that such spills increase the load at the treatment plant significantly. 1 m3 milk may give a load of some 3,000 PE (Person Equivalent corresponding to the pollution from 3,000 persons/day) at a treatment plant. A spill normally uses up all the oxygen and reduces the efficiency of the treatment plant. However, the spill problem can be handled effectively at the dairy if more attention is paid to the subject in dayto-day operations. Modern dairies are operated using BAT technologies (Best Availa-

ble Technology). BAT technologies focus on good housekeeping, water consumption, energy consumption, use of chemicals etc. The efficiency of BAT technologies is evaluated by using key figures where consumption is related to production, e.g. kWh/ton product or m3 water/ton milk produced.

Obvious benefits Of course industrial WWTPs encounter problems from time to time. The most common problem is growth of filamentous bacteria in the activated sludge. These bacteria make it difficult to separate the treated wastewater from the activated sludge. This kind of problem requires special knowledge about bacteria and experience with waste water treatment in order to reduce the problems from bacteria. COWI has solved these problems in many projects for different clients through its experience and expertise.

The benefits of private treatment plants at dairies are obvious: • The environmental impact from a treatment plant at a dairy is much less than that from a public treatment plant of the same size • The dairy will save money if wastewater is treated at its own treatment plant • The dairy will have a stable price for treating wastewater at its own treatment plant • The dairy will be able to own and operate the treatment plant independently without any interference. Even if there might be difficulties obtaining permissions to build a private treatment plant it is worthwhile to give it a try. Although a treatment plant requires investments and operation costs, there will be significant savings for the dairy in most cases. And in addition, the environment will benefit from such a project.  ■

Wastewater from dairies Optimized handling of wastewater from production to final treatment

COWI has been involved in many wastewater treatment projects for dairies in Denmmark. For further information about COWI’s specialist services within wastewater from dairies, please contact John Sørensen at or on tel +45 2469 6750.

Maelketidende_spildevand_annonce_marts2010.indd 1

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Innovation and German Quality

FOODLINER 20.000 with low level feed magazine.

GRUNWALD GMBH was founded in 1956 and is among Germany’s most reputable manufacturers of cup filling and closing machines for the dairy and food industry. By Peter Aalund, GRUNWALD NORDIC

Project Management Every project is tailor made regardless of whether it is cup filling machines for 2000 or 30.000 cups/h. Each project is handled by our project managers in close contact with the appointed customer representative. All projects, large or small, will be pre-tested (FAT) at the Grunwald factory together with our customer’s engineers. Normally these pre-acceptance tests also involve training of key operational personnel and maintenance staff to ensure a swift and trouble-free commissioning period. The multi-skilled Grunwald commissioning team is highly flexible to further smooth the installation process.

duction. OEE Interface provides a lot more functionality than just historical and real-time OEE reporting. It also provides complete reporting of downtime, type of failure, shift performance etc. This is a great tool to achieve more efficient and productive day-to-day manufacturing.

Projects within the Nordic Area For several years Grunwald have been supplying machines for the Nordic market to customers as Arla Foods, Norrmejerier, Tine and Unilever. Over the past few years the Finnish market has also been growing substantially, mainly in the dairy industry. Within the last three years Grunwald have supplied three large linear FOODLINER cup filling machines for

filling processed cheese, quark and butter blends to Valio Oy. The last two machines were delivered as twin-format machines, which can achieve semi-automatic, fast format changes within 10-12 min. The GRUNWALD-FOODLINER for Valio Oy, was also equipped with: • HEPA filtered laminar air cabin • Double format machine for two different cup formats • Fully servo driven machine with ELAU drives and controllers • Ergonomic extended low-level feed cup storage magazine • EASY CLEAN (EHEDG certificate) fully CIP cleanable, servo-driven filling system • Fill weight feedback from external check-weigher • Foil sealing with pre-cut lids • Snap-on lid dispenser

Innovation Innovation is a large part of the Grunwald strategy as only by using the latest technology it is possible to create the most efficient machines available. As the current troubled economic aspect has impacted all of our customers, Grunwald is very focussed on cost savings, such as minimising down time on machines and short change over times for product change-over. Many of our new installations also include OEE Interface Equipment, which is specifically designed to provide a cost effective solution for tracking and reporting machine pro-



Double advance feed machine with two cup formats.

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• Ergonomic extended low-level feed lid storage magazine • Cup lift and 90° cup turning onto output conveyor

1000 mm, thus saving the need for high-level loading platforms. Double advance feed machine for two cup formats allowing fast format changes without manually lifting off / changing the cup slats. The fully servo driven technology from ELAU makes it possible to obtain a 25% higher production speed compared to standard machines with normal indexing gearboxes. Another special feature is also the automatic cup lifting and 90° turning device which changes the running direction of the cups on the discharge conveyor, to fit the “end of line” packing equipment.

Grundwald GMBH Among several special features on this machine the “Ergonomic extended low-level feed magazines” for both cups and lids must be mentioned. These allow the operators to feed in the cup and lid stacks from ground level at a maximum height of

During the company’s first three decades Grunwald operated only as a sales company, with agencies in several major European equipment manufacturers such as APV. In 1978 the founder died and his partner, Edwin Müller, became and is

the current owner of Grunwald. Edwin Müller and his two sons, Armin and Ralf, today operate the family business under the well-established Grunwald name. In 1989 Edwin Muller turned the company into a specialist and manufacturer of dosing/filling/sealing machines for dairy and other food products. Furthermore in 1999 Grunwald took over the Swiss company Hittpac. Thus, during the last two decades Grunwald has been a major market player offering dosing equipment, rotary and linear filling machines and stand-alone filling /closing equipment for products in cups, buckets and bottles. All types of equipment form the basis of our customers’ wishes for individual system solutions. Today, Gruwald employs a staff of 110, with a Nordic sales office in Denmark and sales agencies in more than 50 countries, including the UK and The Netherlands.  ■

GRUNWALD – specialists in flexible format cup-filling machines and bucket lines of the highest quality!

Dosing Filling Packing

88239 Wangen im Allgäu/Germany

NR. 8



Dairy Ingredients for Innovative Success By Martin Lærkenæs, Account Manager, DSM Food Specialities

As one the first to introduce consumers to groundbreaking concepts in innovative foods and beverages, the dairy sector continues to enjoy success. Revolutionary and commercially sound ingredients - backed by solid research and development work are fundamental to its continued growth in the dairy sector. One of the world’s leading dairy ingredients suppliers, DSM Food Specialties, offers an unrivalled range of innovative ingredients. Moreover, the company offers proven experience and expert knowledge, and thus enabling dairy manufacturers to create added value, healthy and tasty dairy concepts with guaranteed consumer appeal.

a busy schedule of future introductions. For manufacturers looking to produce high viscous, short textured and mild yogurts without compromising on taste, our DELVO-YOG DIRECT-SET™ cultures is the answer. This effective range enables the creation of reduced sugar yogurt, with the same delicious taste and rich texture that consumers demand. Due to high and stable viscosity the dry matter additions can be reduced, as the cultures ensure the right texture in the final yoghurt.

Decoloring of whey MaxiBright™ is a unique ingredient which represents a breakthrough in the de-coloring of whey. Cheese and whey product manufacturers can now create products with a bright and appealing appearance of the whey coming from cheese production, which is highly appreciated in a long list of final applications. MaxiBright™ is easy to use and have an effect when different types of colors are used in cheese which is added yellow or orange colors.

Super texture and taste in yogurt

Increasing cheese yields

Our range of Direct Set Cultures, the DELVO-YOG1 DIRECT-SET™ range continuously s strengthens. With a growing portfolio of successful dairy products in retail outlets across the globe, including probiotic yoghurt, one-shot yoghurt drinks, set and stirred yogurts, the range of cultures boasts an impressive track record and

MaxiCurd™ provides an exciting opportunity for dairy and cheese manufacturers to increase yields - without jeopardizing quality. The ingredient is a natural protein source for managing increased cheese yields and is used in a long list of different cheese types. MaxiCurd™ will keep the high quality of the cheese in where the in-



gredient is used, bringing cheese yield to its maximum. MaxiCurd™ is easy to use and coming along naturally together with other ingredients used in the production.

Your challenges - Our solutions Whilst taste, flavor, appearance and health is a major focus, our comprehensive dairy ingredients portfolio encompasses much more and responds to the complex needs of dairy manufacturers. One of the world’s leading dairy ingredient suppliers, DSM Food Specialties offers dairy solutions in five product groups: functional foods, cultures, enzymes, preservation and tests. It is our mission to create value for our customers by discovering, developing and marketing ingredients for the dairy industry. We are committed to working in close partnership with our customers and surpassing their expectations to deliver increased yields, cost saving solutions and the development of exciting products that have high consumer appeal. To discover how we can help you create healthier products, visit www. or contact your local representative today (  ■

DELVO-YOG DIRECT-SET is a registered trademark of Royal DSM N.V.


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Benefit from the synergy between DSM Food Specialties’ technically proven ingredients. Create high value, low lactose yoghurt products with the mild taste today’s consumers are looking for. Maxilact® is the world standard for pure lactase. DELVO-YOG®, our range of yoghurt cultures, deliver excellent sensory properties in end products.

Combined they produce a naturally sweet, easy to digest yoghurt. The synergistic effect of Maxilact® and DELVO-YOG® enables you to develop premium yoghurt concepts consumers will thoroughly enjoy. For the best of both worlds, contact our specialist team now.

DSM Food Specialties T +31 152792355 E NR. 8



Newest Automation Technology At Bila A/S in Denmark, which is one of the leading suppliers of overall solutions within ”downstream” and ”end-of-line” equipment for dairies in Northern Europe, we are constantly focused on being at the cutting edge of the newest technology within automation.

By Annette N. Andersen, Marketing Coordinator, Bila A/S

eral successful standard-concepts. An example is the newly developed “Bila Milk Packer” which is a combined robot cell for fast and efficient packing of milk cartons in either plastic boxes or containers. This cell can handle up to 9.600 milk cartons per hour.

Masterplan as a tool The customers are looking for one supplier that is able to offer them overall solutions - solutions that lead to a significant higher productivity and efficiency and also improvement of their bottom line. This is where we can benefit from our many years of experience within the dairy sector. But the key to success also lies within the close co-operation with our customers and the tools we use to optimize the course of events.

Co-operation with the customer When we start co-operating with a customer we do not only see him as a customer - but as a strategic partner. This kind of co-operation is important in order for us to be able to develop present and future projects. ”With a close dialog and control throughout the entire project - both internally at Bila A/S but also with the customer - the risk of misunderstandings is minimized”, says managing Director Jan B. Sørensen. Through co-operation with our strategic partners we have developed sev-



In order to find the best solution for our customers we use Masterplan as a tool. Based on the questions in the Masterplan, the manufacturing process from beginning to end is examined and the various issues are noted. This way we gain insight into ways of increasing the efficiency through automation and ways of protecting employees from monotonous work. Already after the first visit, we are able to draw up the budget for potential suggestions for solutions based on the Masterplan.

Constant developement To follow the tendencies within the dairy sector and at the same time be at the forefront of the development, we keep a constant focus on the development of new automation solutions. We use almost 10.000 hours every year for development. ”With our huge focus on development, our employees are perfected and at the same time, we are able to act very quickly to changes in the market and in the needs of the customers”, says Chief of Development, Frank Gade.

Automation at smaller companies At the cooperative Them Dairy in Denmark, the question was not whether to get a robot cell, but how quickly they could get it. With an increased demand from the market, the need for enlargement of the capacity arose at the dairy. The solution was at the same time going to release the employees of the daily heavy and monotonous work. A manual job that included lifting and carrying cheeses from a conveyor belt and into plastic boxes placed on pallets, which also had to be moved on a regular basis. ”Due to increasing market demands we had the need for transferring employees to other job functions within the dairy. We never meant to cut down when getting the robot cell. We have good stable employees, which we want to offer interesting jobs, and that’s why installation of the robot plant was evident”, says Them’s Dairy Manager, Svend Andersen. Bila A/S was chosen as the supplier for this project, as the dairy’s board of directors had previous and very good experiences with Bila A/S’s robot plants. Due to this confidence and sense of security regarding our expertise and know-how, Bila A/S became the supplier. The solution was a palletizing plant with a Kawasaki ZD130 robot. After the paraffin plant, the cheeses are transported to the next station to be

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Them Dairy has chosen a Bila robotic solution for gentle handling and packaging of cheeses, that on the same time releases employees of this heavy and monotonous work.

packed in shrink film. Thereafter the cheeses are forwarded on the conveyor belt to the robot that packs the products into plastic boxes. The tools of the robot are constructed for gentle handling of the cheeses, so no holes are made in the shrink film or in the paraffin surface. The tool is at the same time used to palletize the plastic boxes after they have been filled. The amount of money used for the palletizing plant will be gained over a period of only three years, and at the same time Them Dairy is saving the labour costs.  ■

NGI - The Hygienic Solution

By Morten Ishøy, Sales Manager, NGI A/S


Innovative solutions NGI is a leading manufacturer of adjustable feet and leveling pads in stainless steel. We are specialized within hygienic machine feet for machines and equipment used in food, dairy, brewery and pharmaceutical industries - applications with the strictest requirements for hygiene and cleaning. Our innovative and patented solutions are specifically designed to meet the exact demands for a clean and hygienic environment in the production area. The solutions are certified according to the 3A hygiene standard 88-00 and the EHEDG hygiene standard TYPE EL-CLASS 1.

The XH Series Our hygienic machine feet in the XH series are easy to clean, enabling the end user to reduce the consumption of water and energy in the cleaning process to an absolute minimum, saving both time and money. Environmental and economic aspects are important focus areas for our customers and ourselves; we have considerably reduced our consumption of raw materials and energy in both the manufacture and distribution of our products. In addition to the ultra hygienic products, NGI has a complete range of machine feet which can fulfill any need within machine adjustment.  ■

If you need support - We have the solution • NGI is the specialist in hygienic machine feet for machines and equipment used in the food, dairy, brewery and pharmaceutical industry. • NGI is an innovative pioneer in the field of hygienic machine feet, and is the first company to introduce a machine foot certified according to the 3A hygiene standard 88-00 and the EHEDG hygiene standard TYPE EL-CLASS 1. • Focus on added value solutions • NGI seeks to reduce the consumption of natural resources both in our production and in the cleaning process by the end users. • In addition to the ultra hygienic products, NGI has a complete range of machine feet which can fulfil any need in machine adjustment.


We invite you to join our NGI Spain universe Calle Serrano 26, 7°

NGI Italy

Virkelyst 5

hygienic Via del Mercato, 45

DK-9400 Nørresundby, Denmark

I-03020 Castro dei Volsci (FR)

E-28001 Madrid, Spain

Tel. + 45 98 17 45 00

Tel. + 39 0775 68 70 10

Tel. + 34 91 432 1141

Fax + 45 98 17 78 78

Fax + 39 0775 61 01 35

Fax + 34 91 431 9168

E-mail: Web:



Brevpapir.indd 1

NR. 8



The 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress “New Technologies and Innovations in Dairy Industry” The 42nd Nordic Dairy Congress takes place in Hämeenlinna, Finland, at the Arts and Congress Center Verkatehdas (fabric factory) from the 17th to 19th of June 2010. Hämeenlinna is the historical and cultural capital of the province of Southern Finland and it offers impressive and ideal surroundings for the congress. Häme Medieval Castle (Photo: NMK Finland)

Program Thursday 17th of June 2010 12.00-19.00: Registration - Verkatehdas 14.00-17.00: Study trips - Huhtamäki Factory and ­Hämeenlinna Dairy 19.00-21.00: NMK GEA Get together - Verkatehdas Friday 18th of June 2010 09.00-11.00: Opening Ceremony of the Congress 11.30-13.00: Opening Lectures 13.00-14.30: Lunch 14.30-16.30: Parallel Programs 1 & 2 19.00: NMK Huhtamäki Evening buffet - Häme Medieval Castle Saturday 19th of June 2010 09.00-16.00: Parallel Programs 1 & 2 10.30-11.00: Coffee break 12.30-14.00: Lunch break 19.00: NMK Elopak Gala Dinner & Gala Speech (Spa Hotel Rantasipi Aulanko)

Registration and more information on:



Parallel Program 1: New Technologies • Potentialities of Microfiltration in the Dairy Industry • Separation of Casein by Microfiltration and the Use of Casein Concentrate • Continuous Cheese Making • Protein Standardization of Cheese Milk by Ultrafiltration and the Use of Permeate • Effect of Cheese Milk Modifications on the Composition and Functionality of Whey Products • The Impact of Technology Development on Whey Processing • White Water Recovery by Reverse Osmosis • Optimization of Membrane Cleaning Procedures • High Efficiency Homogenization Technology • Sticking Properties of Milk Based Powders and the Influence on Processing Parameters • Milk Fat Globule Membrane - Isolation and Potential Uses

Parallel Program 2: Sustainability and Dairy Quality Control • Traceability of the Feed, Raw Milk, Dairy Chain • Sustainable Milk Production, Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Dairy Sector • Possibilities of Intelligent Packaging for Quality Control of Perishable Food Products • Ultrasonic Structural QC of Swiss Type Cheese in On-line Environments • Molecular Tools for Microbial Identifications and Population Analysis • Biocontrol Approaches and Tools for Dairy Processes • Control of Flavour Formation in cheeses • Cross-linking Enzymes in Food Processing: Effects on Texture and Water-holding • Good Structures to Fermented Milk Products by Transglutaminase • Extended Shelf Life (ESL) Milk; New Challenges for Product Protection during Storage and Transport • Toxins Found in Milk

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Are you a result-driven sales engineer who thrives in a growth oriented team? Hammerum Stainless and Salicath are innovative companies delivering high quality products to leading food and dairy companies worldwide. We are on a growth path and are aiming to further increase our market presence and sales of products, solutions, trade products and services, and are therefore seeking a sales engineer with a solid background in the food and dairy industry.

Hammerum Stainless A/S, which was established in 1899, is a production company with own products and turnkey solutions. Salicath is a trading company with agencies from leading suppliers of equipments for dairies, food and pharmaceutical industries. In total the group employs 40 employees, including 3 mechanical engineers.

You will be responsible for expanding our sales of well-known brand names such as Alpma, Helmut Rand, Hassia as well as promoting our own products and turnkey solutions. Our preferred candidate thrives in a dynamic and growth oriented company with substantial potential. He/she has a technical/commercial back-ground and a desire and energy to be promoted to a leading position in our international sales and marketing department. Interested? Read the full job description in Danish on or contact our consultant Proces Support A/S - Per Schorling - on mobile +45 2332 5825 for further information.

Apply by

9th May 2010

Hammerum Stainless A/S • Dunsbjergvej 20 • DK-5900 Rudkøbing • T 6333 1800

Kort fortalt  Indkaldelse af ansøgninger til Metha Lunds Mindefond Grosserer Metha Lund oprettede før sin død en Mindefond, hvis afkast skal anvendes til videreuddannelse af danske mejerifolk. Legatet kan søges af færdiguddannede: - mejerister - mejeriteknikere / procesteknologer - mejeriingeniører Anvendelse af legatportioner: - forberedelseskurser til videreuddannelse i Danmark - videreuddannelse i Danmark - forberedelseskurser til videreuddannelse i udlandet - videreuddannelse i udlandet - studierejser i udlandet Legatmodtagere forpligter sig til at indgive en fyldestgørende rapport til bestyrelsen senest 3 måneder efter afslutningen af uddannelsesperioden/studierejsen om de opnåede resultater. Ansøgning om legatet rettes til bestyrelsen for Metha Lunds Mindefond, c/o Kold college, Landbrugsvej 55, 5260 Odense S. For at ansøgningen kan komme i betragtning, må den være bestyrelsen i hænde senest den 1. juni 2010. Der benyttes specielt ansøgningsskema, som fås ved henvendelse til Mælkeritidende, tlf. 66 12 40 25 eller Kold college, tlf. 63 13 20 43.

Aabybro udvider Aabybro Mejeri er i gang med at opføre en ny frost- og lagerhal på 500 kvadratmeter. Den nye bygning skal også huse en udvidelse af mejeriets udviklingsafdeling, så der bliver bedre plads til flere maskiner til brug i forsøg og prøveproduktioner. - Så vi får bedre muligheder for at eksperimentere med nye produkter, fortæller mejeriets ejer N.H. Lindhardt til Nordjyske. Baggrunden for udvidelsen er en øget tilgang af kunder både i Danmark og uden for landets grænser.   Produktionen og varianterne af mejeriets kendte Ryå Is og islagkagerne stiger. Desuden fremstilles mere smør med bl.a. krydderier til andre industrier, og den energitætte is til sygehuspatienter er ligeledes en succes, som nu udvides med flere varianter. (Arkivfoto).



Verdenspremiere på Thises ”Vesterhavsyoghurt” Thise Mejeri havde verdenspremiere på sin helt nye ”Vesterhavsyoghurt” den 16. april på Købmandsgården i Fjaltring, hvor mejeriet serverede ”Vesterhavsyoghurt” ad libitum sammen med smagsprøver af ”Vesterhavsosten”. Fjaltring Købmandsgård er næsten nabo til Vesterhavet og ligger tæt på Thises Bovbjerglager, hvor Vesterhavsostene lagres. Fjaltring har været en af de helst store sælgere af Thises ost, og netop derfor var Købmandsgården valgt til at være premierestedet - forud for lanceringen af ”Vesterhavsyoghurten” i resten af landet her i uge 16. ”Vesterhavsyoghurten” er baseret på mælk fra økologiske Thise leverandører i Vestjylland. Yoghurten er tilsat økologisk hyben og havtorn, der giver den en frisk syrlig smag - og samtidig er fyldt med antioxidanter og vitaminer. (Foto: Thise Mejeri).

Ups, det var en græker! Lindahls ”Tyrkiske Yoghurt” bliver solgt med et emballagebillede af en ”tyrkisk” mand med et stort overskæg og klædt i nationaldragt. Men manden er græker, og han optræder helt ufrivilligt på det svenske mejeris yoghurtprodukt. Det var en af mandens venner, bosiddende i Stockholm, som genkendte mandens ansigt på mejeriemballagen. Den græske model sagsøger nu det svenske mejeri og forklarer i sit søgsmål, at han er endt ufrivilligt på produkterne, fordi han kan lide at gå klædt i kostumer og nogle gange lader sig fotografere af turister - men kun til privat brug. Grækerens søgsmål er på 50 mio. svenske kr., skriver På Lindahls er de meget overraskede over sagen, da de har købt billedet fra et billedagentur. Det svenske mejeri overgiver nu sagen til virksomhedens advokat. Lindahls Mejeri, som netop er blevet store på nicheproduktet ”Tyrkisk Yoghurt” i Sverige, ser i øvrigt på muligheden for ekspansion i Norge og Finland og annoncerer p.t. efter ledere til ønskede datterselskaber i de to nabolande. Målet er sat højt, da virksomheden forventer en omsætning i 2012 på 100 mio. SEK i Finland og 50 mio. SEK i Norge. I 2009 havde Lindahls en omsætning på 300 mio. SEK. (Foto Lindahls).

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Kort fortalt  Svenskerne overtager Gram

Lactalis på opkøb

Kapitalfonden Procuritas Capital Investors IV har opkøbt Gram Equipment i Vojens, som dermed kommer på svenske hænder, skriver Jydske Vestkysten. Sælger er det italienske selskab Catelli Holding, som i 2001 overtog Gram Equipment, der fremstiller iscremeanlæg. Salget ventes ikke at få nogen betydning for fabrikkens 150 medarbejdere. (Foto Colourbox).

Franske Lactalis har købt den spanske fødevarekoncern Ebro Puleva’s mejerivirksomhed Puleva Food for 630 mio. Euro. Puleva har 12 anlæg og 2.800 ansatte, og virksomheden er især stærk inden for drikkemælk. Med købet af Puleva bliver Lactalis den største mejerigruppe i Spanien.

Mælkeprisen i Frankrig Mælkeprisen i Frankrig skal stige 5-6% over de næste måneder, mener landets landbrugsminister og mælkeproducenterne. Men Frankrigs største mejerikoncern Lactalis vil kun aftale en prisstigning for april måned, begrundet i at mælkeprisen i Tyskland er 15% lavere end i Frankrig. Men nu truer de ansvarlige politikere med, at en række offentlige tilskud på 3,7 mia. kr. bliver trukket væk uden en aftale. Lactalis har en årlig omsætning på næsten 65 mia. kr. og er tredjestørst i verden. Den samlede indvejning er på 9,2 mia. kg mælk, og der er 32.000 ansatte.

Glanbia bliver andelsmejeri Det irske mejeriselskab Glanbia A/S vil sælge sine mejerianlæg til leverandørernes andelsselskab. Mælkeproducenterne, der i forvejen ejer mere end halvdelen af Glanbia, vil med et 100% ejerskab få fuld kontrol over selskabets aktiviteter i Irland. Det resterende aktieejede Glanbia vil fremover i stedet satse på sin oste- og ingrediensvirksomhed i USA og andre lande. En eventuel handel skal både godkendes af leverandørerne og af Glanbias aktionærer. Meddelelsen om forhandlingerne kom samtidig med, at Glanbia offentliggjorde resultatet for 2009, der viste et fald i overskuddet før skat på 19%.

Process Technology • Cheese Production Technology • Packaging Technology We are a medium-sized mechanical and plant engineering company for the food industry and enjoy a global presence. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, innovative customer-oriented system solutions and the hard work of our 500 staff spread across two sites, we can guarantee that our company will continue on its course of positive growth. To strengthen the Technology Department in our Cheese Production Technology Division, we are seeking a

Cheese Production Technician (male/female) You are an engineer or technician in the milk or food technology industry. Good language skills in English and/ or another foreign language are a requirement for providing global support to our customers. We are looking for a committed and flexible team player who is prepared to travel – including for longer periods. Building on your practical experience in cheese production, and after appropriate induction in an expert team of specialists, you will be able to undertake the technological pre-screening and commissioning of our dairy plants independently. Interested? We would be delighted to receive your written application together with the standard documentation. These should be sent to our HR Department and marked for the attention of Ms Barbara Obal. If you have any initial queries, please contact our Divisional Manager, Dr Heinrich Stephan, tel. 0049 (0)8039/401-200.


Alpenland Maschinenbau GmbH Alpenstraße 39 - 43 • 83543 Rott am Inn • Germany •

We go one step forward. Join us! NR. 8



Kort fortalt  Flot resultat hos Nordmilch Tysklands største mejeriselskab, Nordmilch fik i 2009 et overskud på godt 216 I løbet af 2009 har Nordmilch reduceret antallet af anlæg fra 24 til 11 og antallet af ansatte fra over 4.000 til 2.500. Sortimentet er desuden reduceret fra 4.500 mærker til 1.500, skriver Landbrugsavisen. Nordmilch har også indgået et samarbejde med nordtyske, Humana Milchindustrie, og det kan føre til en fremtidig fusion.

Arla hæver leverandør­prisen

Nestlé udvikler til familiehygge

Optur for den amerikanske dollar og det britiske pund samt udsigt til et forbedret marked for mælkepulver gør, at Arla Foods hæver afregningen til andelshaverne med 7,5 danske øre fra 3. maj 2010. Arla-noteringen bliver dermed 216,8 øre/kg for konventionel mælk og 274,7 øre/kg for økologisk mælk.

Nestlé vil sikre sig en endnu højere vækst efter krisen ved at udvikle nye produkter med fokus på det nære. Nestlés topchef Paul Bulcke udtaler til dagbladet til Børsen. - Tiden er til at slå mere på familieværdier og lykke. God kaffe, god is, gode måltider bringer familien tættere sammen, og her er der stor vækst at hente. Hvis forbrugerne bare bruger én procent mere af deres husholdningsbudget på fødevarer, er det alene 10% vækst til kategorien. Nestlé investerer i år cirka 10,5 mia. kr. i forskning og udvikling af nye produkter og varianter, som på et senere tidspunkt skal sikre vækst i Nestlé. Koncernen satser også på langsigtede trends som sundhed og ernæring. (Modelfoto Colourbox).

Arla ændrer leveranceregler i Sverige Arlas svenske leverandører har hidtil haft en regel om, at de skulle levere mindst 80% af deres mælk til Arla. Reglen kan imidlertid ifølge EU’s konkurrenceregler være udtryk for misbrug af en dominerende position på markedet. Og det er nu fastslået af det svenske Konkurrensverket, der derfor vil give Arla en bødestraf på 750.000 kroner, hvis ikke reglerne laves om. Arla er i gang med at lave om på vedtægterne, så alle medlemmer har ret til at levere op til 50% af deres mælk til andre mejerier. (Foto Arla Foods).

Fedtskat udskudt igen Regeringen har endnu engang måttet udskyde fremsættelsen af lovforslaget om en ny afgift på mættet fedt, den såkaldte fedtskat. Det skriver Altinget. Regeringen blev dermed ikke som planlagt klar med et lovforslag inden påske. Fedtskatten afventer fortsat en godkendelse fra EU Kommissionen. I Skatteministeriet håber man, at de nye skatter kan vedtages inden sommerferien. Dermed vil skatten være mindst et halvt år forsinket i forhold til den oprindelige plan i skattereformen. (Foto Hjerl Hede).



Prishop for mælkepulver Prisen på mælkepulver på det newzealandske mejeriselskab Fonterras internetauktion for april måned steg drastisk med 23,2%. Auktionen er en indikator for prisniveauet på pulver på verdensplan. Gennemsnitsprisen nåede op på 3.969 US dollars pr. ton for sødmælkspulver, og det var 688 US dollars mere end i marts. Prisen på skummetmælkspulver steg med 25,5%.

Flotte tal hos UK mejerier Arlas to store konkurrenter i England, Robert Wiseman Dairies og Dairy Crest, forventer at komme ud af 2009/2010 med stærke regnskaber, oplyser selskaberne selv her kort tid før deres regnskaber er klar. Wiseman Dairies har øget salget af mælk med 11%, og mejerikoncernen har desuden store forventninger til investeringerne i et nyt mejerianlæg, Bridgewater. Hos Dairy Crest er gælden reduceret med 65 mio. pund, og virksomhedens position på markedet er meget bedre end for et år siden. Det går også godt for Arla UK, der tegner sig for 26% af Arlas samlede omsætning, og det er bl.a. i kraft af mærke-

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varerne Lurpak, Cravendale og Anchor. Arlas udmelding om et nyt mejeri med en kapacitet på 1 mia. kg har sendt klare signaler til hele industrien om, at Arla Foods følger vækst-strategien. Det oplyste chef for Arla i UK, Peter Lauritzen i forbindelse med Arlas årsregnskab, der blev offentliggjort for få uger siden.

Milko omorganiserer Den svenske mejerikoncern Milko omorganiserer for at effektivisere ledelsesstrukturen, skriver Mejeriets nye topchef Göran Henriksson ønsker med ændringen at øge Milkos konkurrencekraft og komme tættere på forbrugerne. Det indebærer bl.a., at ledelsesgruppen flytter til hovedkontoret i Östersund, og at afdelingerne for kommunikation, medlemmer, markedet og udvikling slås sammen i én. Desuden overtager Göran Henriksson ledelsen af datterselskabet Fjällbrynt AB, hvor den hidtidige direktør fratrådte i februar.

Mælkekartonen taler til mobilen Arla er gået sammen med Alexandra Instituttet og Teater Katapult om at teste en ny kommunikationsteknologi, der fungerer via forbrugerens mobiltelefon og 2D stregkoder på bl.a. mælkekartonerne. Teknologien kan sætte nye standarder for Arlas dialog med forbrugerne. Den nye teknologi blev testet for første gang på Økodagen den 18. april, hvor de interaktive fortællinger i ”Økofonen”, blev aktiveret forskellige steder på Arlas besøgsgårde via særlige 2D stregkoder. Forbrugere, som ikke deltog på Økodagen, har mulighed for at opleve lyttespillet på Efter den 18. april vil Arla bruge Økofonen til skoleklasser. (Foto Arla Foods).

Personalia  50 år

Ny formand for Udstillingskredsen

Projektleder Knud Holk Lauridsen, Holstebro fylder den 28. april 50 år.

Vagn Clausen fra FMFs Kreds Syd er blevet valgt som ny formand for Udstillingskredsen. Han afløser Henning Jacobsen, der ønskede at trække sig fra hhv. formandsposten samt som repræsentant for Kreds Vest. Som ny repræsentant havde Kreds Vest valgt Mogens Villadsen.

50 år Mejeriingeniør Lisbeth Djurtoft, Gentofte fylder den 5. maj 50 år.

50 år Bestyrelsesmedlem i Arla Foods, gårdejer Jan Toft Nørgaard, Skærbæk fylder den 8. maj 50 år.

50 år Driftskoordinator Mette Vojer Kern, Kold college fylder den 10. maj 50 år.

60 år Gårdejer John Toftgård Pedersen, Nørre Nebel fylder den 4. maj 60 år.

80 år Fhv. disponent Max Witt, Nørre Åby fylder den 27. april 80 år.

Foreningsnyt - Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer Der har tidligere været udsendt informationsbreve til alle aktive medlemmer vedr. Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærers sag mod Mejeribrugets Arbejdsgiverforening, hvor fortolkningen af overenskomsternes ordlyd vedr. lønregulering har givet anledning til uoverensstemmelse. Det kan nu meddeles, at den faglige voldgift er berammet til afholdelse sidst i juni, og at nærmere information vil blive udsendt, når der i forlængelse heraf foreligger en afgørelse.

80 år Fhv. mælkekvalitetsrådgiver Svend Vissing, Lundby fylder den 4. maj 80 år.

NR. 8



Mælkeritidende I/S Formand Mejeriingeniør Flemming Aamann Snekketoften 2‚ 2830 Virum tlf. 45 85 12 37, e-mail:

Leverandøroversigt  ❚ Automation  ❚ ❚ ❚

❚ Køleanlæg  ❚ ❚ ❚

Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening Formand Key Account Manager Martin Holst Petersen Eskebøl Allé 12, 2770 Kastrup tlf. 38 88 68 32, e-mail:

Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer Formand Produktionsdirektør Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 97 85 34 34, e-mail: Kredsformænd Nordjyllands Mejeristforening Projektchef Palle Jellesmark tlf. 21 49 20 10, e-mail: Østjyllands Mejeristforening Mejerichef Bent I. Hansen tlf. 86 32 60 27, e-mail: Vestjyllands Mejeristforening Mejerichef Henning Jacobsen tlf. 97 19 19 04, e-mail: Sydjysk Mejeristforening Mejerichef Leif Friis Jørgensen tlf. 74 64 28 01, e-mail:

Au2mate A/S Frichsvej 11 DK-8600 Silkeborg Tlf. +45 87 20 50 50 Fax +45 87 20 50 69 Dansk Styringsteknik Odense: Tlf: 6317 4545 Fax: 6317 4546 Århus: Tlf: 8736 1350 Fax: 8627 1350 Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11

❚ Emballage  ❚ ❚ ❚

Fyns Mejeristforening Faglærer Birger H. Christiansen tlf. 64 47 41 22, e-mail: De østlige Øers Mejeristforening Forvalter Jan A. Andersen tlf. 58 53 40 35, e-mail:

FTF Niels Hemmingsens Gade 12 Postboks 1169 1010 København K Tlf. 33 36 88 00 Mandag–torsdag kl. 9–16‚ fredag kl. 10–16‚ lørdag lukket.

FTF-A Snorresgade 15 2300 København S. Tlf. 70 13 13 12 Mandag-torsdag 9-16, fredag 9-15.

Akademikernes Centralorganisation ACs sekretariat Nørre Voldgade 29, 1358 København K. Tlf. 33 69 40 40 Mandag–fredag kl. 9–16.30.

Akademikernes Arbejdsløshedskasse

Corona Packaging A/S Industriskellet 2 2635 Ishøj Tlf. 43 56 01 00 - Fax 43 73 26 00 SCA PACKAGING Grenaa Åstrupvej 30 DK-8500 Grenaa Tel. + 45 86 32 23 00 Fax + 45 86 32 57 06 Tetra Pak Market Area Nordics Byggnad 306 2-vån Ruben Rausings gata SE-221 86 Lund, Sweden Tlf. +46 46 36 10 00 Fax +46 46 36 30 06

ICS-Industrial Cooling Systems A/S Tinglykke 1 6500 Vojens Tlf. 74 59 09 77 Fax 74 59 09 76

❚ Maskiner og udstyr  ❚ ❚ ❚

APV A/S Pasteursvej 1 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 70 278 278 Fax 70 278 330 E-mail: Internet: Salicath ApS Dunsbjergvej 20 DK-5900 Rudkøbing Tlf. 70 27 41 44 Fax 70 27 41 45 Højer Ørbæk A/S Langemose vænget 3–5 5853 Ørbæk Tlf. 65 33 15 66 Fax 65 33 16 68 Multivac A/S Nørrebygade 34, Grejs 7100 Vejle Tlf. 75 85 34 22 Omy Olssons Machinery Stationsvej 10 5464 Brenderup Tlf.: 64 44 13 12 Fax: 64 44 13 92

AAKs hovedkontor Nørre Voldgade 29, 1358 København K. Tlf. 33 95 03 95 Mandag–fredag kl. 10–14. Onsdag dog lukket for telefonisk henvendelse.



NR. 8

Møder og udstillinger PTI A/S Vennelystvej 2 6880 Tarm Tlf. 97 37 16 33 Fax 97 37 30 70 Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11

❚ Membranfiltrering  ❚ ❚ ❚

DSS SILKEBORG AS Bergsøesvej 17 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 87 20 08 40 Fax 87 20 08 90 GEA Filtration Nørskovvej 1B 8660 Skanderborg Tlf. 70 15 22 00 - Fax 70 15 22 44 Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 - Fax 86 29 53 11

❚ Projektering og anlæg  ❚ ❚ ❚

Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11

NR. 8

❚ Pumper  ❚ ❚ ❚

❚ Danmark  ❚ ❚ ❚ 1. juni 2010 Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab CO2 reduktion i Danmark Hotel Sabro Kro

Tetra Pak Processing North Europe Søren Nymarks Vej 13 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 Fax 86 29 53 11

❚ Smørteknologi  ❚ ❚ ❚

BDS Technology Glarmestervej 16B 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 87 22 47 80 Fax 87 22 47 89

❚ Totalleverandør  ❚ ❚ ❚

S. Sørensen I/S Tigervej 11 7700 Thisted Tlf. 97 92 26 22 Fax 97 91 05 22

3. juni 2010 Dalum Lærlinge Elevmøde og Jubilæum KOLD college 9. juni 2010 2. Kredsudstilling Arla, Esbjerg Mejeri 9. september 2010 MIA Branchekonference Fremtidens arbejdsmiljø­organisering Hotel Legoland 14. september 2010 Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab Arrangement Koldkærgård 2. oktober 2010 Foreningen af mejeri­ledere og funktionærer 121. Delegeretmøde Hotel Colourline, Skagen 2.-4. november 2010 LMU & FoodPharmaTech MCH Herning 2. februar 2011 Mejeribrugets Dag, KOLD college

❚ Udland  ❚ ❚ ❚ 17.-19. juni 2010 Den 42. Nordiske Mejerikongres Tavestehus, Finland 12.-15. september 2010 InterMopro, Düsseldorf, Tyskland 8.-11. november 2010 IDF topmøde, Auckland, New Zealand



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