TEMA: Dairying in UK You r pa r tn er w ithin da i rY au to m ation a nd indust r i a l it wo r ldw id e • Control of complete dairy plants • MES and ERP integration, OEE • Upgrading and optimizing • Professional consultancy • Installation and commissioning • Training and education, Au2mate Academy • Offices in the United Kingdom, Denmark and Dubai
Please refer to our web page for further information: www.au2mate.com
6 Dairying in UK - page 4-6
Arla Foods UK - page 8
Supplier Cases - page 10-28
20. marts 2015 128. årgang
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Tetra Pak, and PROTECTS WHAT’S GOOD are trademarks belonging to the Tetra Pak Group.
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Mejeribrug i England Af Anna Marie Thøgersen
I dette særnummer af Mælkeritidende sætter vi fokus på Mejeribrug i England. De britiske landmænd producerer årligt knap 14 mia. kg mælk, som stort set kun afsættes på hjemmemarkedet, idet landets eksportandel er på 3%. Der er ca. 400 mejerier i alle tænkelige størrelser i UK. De fem største mejerikoncerner er Arla UK, Müller Wiseman, First Milk, Dairy Crest og United Dairy Farmers. Disse top-5 mejerier har imidlertid godt 60% af det engelske mælkemarked. Vi sætter fokus på den generelle engelske mejeristruktur, den britiske mælkeforbruger, investeringer i sektoren samt på Arlas planer i UK. Desuden er vi meget glade for, at en række danske leverandørvirksomheder deltager. Virksomhederne er/ ønsker at blive aktive i UK, og de giver en status på samt fortæller om deres planer og strategier på mælke- og mejerimarkedet i England. Af hensyn til vores mejerikolleger i UK er dette temanummer på engelsk, og det udkommer i et ekstra stort oplag, der sendes til alle større mejerier og deres anlæg i England.
Dairying in UK
Content Dairying in UK ... 4
LP Kolding … 16
What is next for Arla UK … 8
Mogren Engineering … 4
Alectia … 10
Primodan … 7,
Alvibra … 18
Procudan … 9
SPX … 14
Döhler/Dairy Fruit … 24
Tetra Pak … 2,
Ehrno Flexible … 27,
Mejeribrugets Studietur … 29
FOSS … 22 Logstor … 12,
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Kort fortalt … 30
Redaktion og sekretariat: Munkehatten 28 5220 Odense SØ. Tlf.: 66 12 40 25 e-mail: info@maelkeritidende.dk www.maelkeritidende.dk Tlf. tid dagligt kl. 8.30-15.30 (fredag dog 8.30-14.30) Ansvarshavende redaktør og sekretariatsleder mejeriingeniør Anne-Sofi Søgaard Christiansen Redaktør Cand. mag. Anna Marie Thøgersen Redaktionssekretær Jette Rohde Regnskab og administrationssekretær Markedsøkonom Bettina M. Nielsen
The number of dairy enterprises in UK totals 400 of which 85% processes only 1% of the total 13,8 billion liters of milk available in the country. At the other end of the scale, UK’s top-5 dairies process more than 60% of the total milk commodity. The five major groups leading the UK dairy industry are; Arla Foods, Müller Wiseman Dairies, Dairy Crest, First Milk, and United Dairy Farmers. Dairy companies, both co-op and private, are undertaking a sustained high level of investment in the UK. Annual capital investment by the Top-5 five dairy organisations have exceeded 100 million £ per annum for the past eight years. In this special issue, we focus on the general British dairy structure and on Arla's plans in the UK. Further, a number of supplier companies operating in the country participates with editorials about their status and strategies on UK dairy market. We publish this special issue in extra-large numbers that will be sent to all major dairies in the UK. ■
Au2mate … 1,
Udgivere: Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, e-mail: fmf@maelkeritidende.dk Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, e-mail: dmf@maelkeritidende.dk
Personalia … 33
Kontorelev Mie Burchardt Annoncer: Stillings- samt købs/salgsannoncer kan leveres digitalt og må være redaktionen i hænde senest onsdag kl. 12.00, en uge før udgivelse. Tidsskriftet udgives hveranden fredag‚ undtagen dobbeltnumre i juli og december‚ svarende til 23 nr./år i et oplag på 1.600 eksemplarer (heraf 200 uden for oplagskontrol). Abonnement: Danmark: 1.224- kr./år inkl. moms. Europa: 1.476,- inkl. forsendelse. Øvrige udland: 1.668‚- kr. inkl. forsendelse. Læserkreds: Mejeriernes og mejeriselskabernes ledere og øvrige medarbejdere. Mejeriingeniører, mejeriteknikere og procesteknologer i ind- og udland. Medlemmer af mejeriernes bestyrelser. Ansatte ved mejeribrugets organisationer. Medarbejdere ved universiteter og øvrige forskningsinstitutioner samt levnedsmiddelkontrolenhederne og ministerielle embedsmænd. Mange levnedsmiddelvirksomheder. Mejeriernes leverandør- og servicevirksomheder m.v. (Stud. tech. al/mejerilinjen og procesteknologstuderende/mejerispecialet modtager bladet gratis). Layout og tryk: Jørn Thomsen Elbo A/S ISSN 0024-9645 Online ISSN 2245-991X Medlem af:
Eftertryk tilladt med kildeangivelse. MÆLKERITIDENDE 2015
Milk, Dairies & Consumers in the UK Dairy farmers and milk output The trend towards fewer, larger farms is almost universal throughout the developed world, but the rate of exit in the UK (-3.2%) is low compared to the EU27 average (-6.5%). In 2010, the number of remaining dairy farmers was 15.000 compared to 14.000 in 2013. The average herd size increased from 121 to 126 milking cows during those four years. (For geographical production se figure 1). Year 2013/14 was extremely good for milk production regarding rising prices, good weather and moderating feed costs, so production recovered strongly to reach the highest in 9 years of 13,8 billion liters.
The dairy structure Several UK dairy companies are owned by internationally-based companies, such as Arla Foods and Müller Wiseman Dairies and further Glanbia Cheese (Ireland and USA) as well as Caledonian Cheese Company (Lactalis of France). The number of dairy enterprises in UK totals 400 of which 85% processes only 1% of the total 13,8 billion liters of milk available in UK. At the other end of the scale, UK’s top-5 dairies process more than 60% of the total milk commodity. (Million litres)
Total available
Liquid milk Butter Cheese
Condensed Milk
Milk Powders
Table 1: Utilisation of raw milk for the manufacture of different dairy goods with %-change from 2012 to 2013.
The soft cheese sector recorded strong growth over 2013 (13.5% in volume and 14.9% in value). But sales of mild Cheddar continue to decline, reflecting consumer’s preference for more mature varieties. (Photo: Colourbox).
The five major dairy groups leading the UK dairy industry (with estimated 2013/14 volumes of milk processed in million liters) are: • Arla Foods, a European farmer-owned co-op (3.200 million liters). • Müller Wiseman Dairies, a Germanbased privately owned dairy company (2.800 million liters). • Dairy Crest, a public UK-based PLC (2.500 million liters). • First Milk, a UK-based dairy farming co-op (700 million liters). • United Dairy Farmers, a UK-based dairy co-op (500 million liters). Product
Liquid milk
However, changes take place amongst the companies. In November last year, Dairy Crest sold its around 1.300 million litres milk business to Müller Wiseman Dairies. After completion, Dairy Crest will focus on its cheese, packet butter and spreads, and whey-based products businesses. The cheese business includes Dairy Crest’s market leading Cathedral City brand. Relevant British competition authorities have not yet approved the sale! Dairy companies, both co-op and private, are undertaking a sustained high level of investment in the UK. Annual capital investment by the Top-5 five dairy organisations have exceeded 100 million £ per annum for the past eight years.
Production of dairy goods
Almost half of the milk purchased by UK dairies is processed into liquid milk. After liquid milk, the key dairy consumer products are cheese, powders, butter,
Table 2: UK Dairy 2013 imports of liquid milk, yoghurt, butter and cheeses in tonnes – and mostly from other EU counties.
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cream and condensed milk (see table 1). Most UK dairy produce are for human consumption, and over 70% is produced in consumer packs for sale. Of this the majority are fresh dairy products, either liquid milk or yogurt, that are distributed through a chilled distribution chain. The UK milk production is insufficient to meet domestic consumption, and the imports of dairy goods to the UK is relatively high (see table 2).
Market and retailers Four major retailers dominate the grocery market accounting for 73% of all sales in Great Britain: Tesco (28% market share), Asda (18%), Sainsbury’s (17%) and Morrisons (11%). Their combined share is diminishing, however, as the discounters continue to increase
Figure 1: Map of UK milk. Production is becoming increasingly concentrated in the southwest and northwest of England, and further a significant movement in volume from England to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland This process can be expected to continue.
their presence with both Aldi (4.8%) and Lidl (3.6%). Over the past few years, several major retailers have organized the so-called Integrated Supply Arrangements, which are unique to the British dairy industry. Under this system, a retailer obtains their supply of liquid milk exclusively from a specific group of farmers (see table 3).
Dairy products and consumers The UK dairy industry’s core expertise is in meeting the needs of consumer markets. The majority of output is prepacked goods intended for direct consumption. Looking at milk types, the market share of semi-skimmed continues to increase and now accounts for 59% of
MOGREN Engineering
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Marks & Spencer
Table 3: Integrated Supply Chain Relationships for the liquid milk market between (numbers) of dairy milk farmers with specific retailers. Product
Yogurt is the star sales performer, although purchases did fall in 2012, yogurt consumption still rose by 30% during the 10 years from 2002 to 2012. A key driver of growth in this sector has been probiotic and prebiotic yogurts and yogurt drinks. (Photo: Colourbox).
all household purchases. The share of skimmed and low fat milks has risen from 13% to 18% over the last 15 years. After a long term period of decline, whole milk’s share has been higher over the past three years, partly attributable to the presence of multi-buy discounts and, possibly, linked to the baby boom as it is recommended for children between one and five years old. In terms of packaging, the proportion of liquid milk sold in plastic containers continues to increase and has reached almost 88% of that sold by retailers. The cheese market continues to grow, although at a slower pace than in recent years. GB household sales increased by 1.1% in volume. The soft cheese sector recorded strong growth over 2013 (13.5% in volume and 14.9% in value) and sales of mild Cheddar continue to decline, reflecting consumer’s preference for more mature varieties. Yogurt is the star performer, as fresh dairy products continue to grow steadily. However, purchases did fall in 2012, but yogurt consumption still rose by 30% during the 10 years from 2002 to 2012. A key driver of growth in this
sector has been probiotic and prebiotic yogurts and yogurt drinks. For an average dairy consumption per person in UK, see table 4.
The environment The UK dairy industry has committed itself to reduce its environmental footprint, and thus started the Dairy Roadmap back in 2008 setting out a plan of action with short, medium and long term targets (2020) aiming to tackle the major environmental impacts of producing liquid milk. In 2011, the Roadmap was extended to include all dairy products. Below is a short list of some of the targets and progresses within dairy production: Target: Every large processing site will have in place an environmental management system (EMS) covering carbon, energy, water, effluent, waste and packaging, with all permitted sites progressing to an externally verified EMS by 2015. Progress: 88% of large Dairy Roadmap sites have an EMS in place and 96% of permitted sites have EMS externally verified.
Fresh liquid milk
- Whole milk
1,503 294
- Semi-skimmed milk
1,051 158
- Skimmed milk
Long life milk
Total cheese
- Hard cheese - Cheddar
- Hard cheese - other UK
- Hard cheese - foreign
- Soft cheese
25 195
Fresh desserts
Table 4: Average 2012 dairy consumption per person per week.
Target: A 20% relative reduction of water brought onto site. Progress: 6% reduction achieved since 2008. Target: A 30% reduction in COD load in discharged effluent. Progress: 20% reduction achieved since 2008. Target: 30% recycled material in HDPE milk bottles. Progress: UK average of 15%, trials currently underway for 30%. Target: Remove all HCFCs at all large processing sites. Progress: HCFC’s currently make up just 25% of refrigerants used on dairy sites. Target: 80% of paper-based cartons to be FSC-labelled. Progress: New Target - to be reported on in 2015. AMT
Sources: An un-published up-dated 2014-version of Dairy UK’s ”The White Paper 2013”. The Top-5 dairies websites. ■
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WHEN FLEXIBLITY IS YOUR PRIORITY We take hygiene to the next level!
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What is next for Arla UK? Arla UK is Great Britain’s number one dairy company by turnover and milk pool, and further holds a leading position in milk, cheese, butter, and spreads in the country. Nearly one year ago Arla started production at the company’s new fresh milk mega-plant in Aylesbury, close to London and the capitals +10 million potential consumers. However, what is next for Arla UK? In this interview, Arla UK’s Senior Vice President, Head of Supply Chain, Dan Kolding indicates some of the company’s future plans in UK: Optimizations and innovations. By Anna Marie Thøgersen, Editor
Arla investing in UK During the recent 5-6 years, Arla UK has invested 500 million £ in the company’s dairy business and production in Great Britain. The by far largest single investment is 150 million £ on constructing the one-billion liter milk plant, Arla Aylesbury, the largest fresh milk dairy in the world. - Though we are still installing processing equipment at Aylesbury, the projects are running successfully, and we are following our recently updated plans, as we expect a full 1 billion liters milk production already in 2016. By now (phase one), we produce circa 500 million liters fresh milk, and soon starting a yearly equivalent of 150 million liters
of filtered milk, which is Arla’s own premium brand, Cravendale, explains Dan Kolding. In the near future, Arla UK wants to consolidate the company’s brands on the market, and no larger investments are planned except for much-needed investments in the packing departments of some of the Group's cheese plants.
Branding Arla brands In particular, cheese has been on the agenda, as Arla UK continuously work hard to increase this higher priced production. In addition, last year the company signed an important agreement with the large retailer Asda on
Arla UK recently launched a new highprotein and fat-free yogurt range, Arla® Protein.
an annually supply of 30,000 tons of Arla Cheddar. This doubled the Group's cheese production. Although, large UK retailers such as Sainsbury, Asda, Tesco and Morrison dominate the food retail-market with a 70% share of their private labels, leaving the remaining 30% to the food companies, Arla UK’s well-known brands (Arla®, Anchor Butter® and LURPAK®, Cravendale®, Castello® and Lactofree®) continues to gain market shares. - But dealing with the retailers own brands is absolutely also a lucrative market as many private labels in UK are premium products, explains Dan Kolding.
Launching new products In January this year, Arla launched a high-protein and fat-free yogurt range, Arla® Protein, on the UK market. This product-range is supposed to appeal to active, health-conscious consumers. The launch is also part of the company’s plans to make Arla a leading brand name in the UK. - Right now yoghurt is not a huge product category for Arla Foods in UK, but we are aware that consumers - like in continental Europe - are becoming more health conscious,
Dan Kolding, Arla UK Senior Vice President, Head of Supply Chain.
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Arla Aylesbury, the largest fresh milk dairy in the world.
thus we have plans for developing more healthy dairy products with added functionalities such as e.g. extra vitamins,
calcium and proteins, reveals Dan Kolding. Further, the Group will launch low sugar content products containing the
natural sweetener Stevia and even a selected range of Arla Skyr products on the UK market.
Support our farmers Facts about Arla UK • Amount of milk 3.4 billion litres. • Number of dairy farmers 3.200. • Number of employees 3.900 • Revenue approx. 22 billion DKK. • Arla UK runs 5 fresh milk dairies, 8 other dairies (cheese, butter and UHT), 1 cheese packaging and 4 distribution centres. Product categories: Fresh dairy products: 48% Cheeses: 25% Butter and spreads: 25% Non-dairy products: 2%.
Arla’s milk production quality program Arlagården® will be implemented in the UK this year. The program focuses on the composition of milk, food safety, animal welfare and the environment. - In the UK, we call the program Arlagarden® and our 3.200 owners warmly welcome working to implement the guidelines. Actually, our milk farmers are very proud and confident after they recently became fully member owners of their Arla Company, tells Dan Kolding. - The farmers’ proudness is also an important signal towards the consumers in supporting the dairy farmers - and even in line with Arla’s intention of getting closer to consumers with the company’s new slogan: Let in the goodness! ■
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Future-proofing means that clients can rely on ALECTIA examines the immediate needs of the project and try to anticipate forthcoming initiatives to ensure they are integrated from the start. Picture of Arla Foods Ingredients DP plant.
Future Proofing with a Pledge There cannot be many engineering companies that pledge their final fee against achieving the agreed outcome, but ALECTIA does - and happily. Founding principle ALECTIA’s Rolf Pedersen, Business Unit Manager - Dairy, explains: “In Denmark ALECTIA’s roots go back to 1912, whilst in the UK ALECTIA was born from Penborn Technical Services which was founded in Middlesex in 1976. Although the nature of doing business has changed radically in the last 40 years, we continue to stick to our founding principle - we get things right first time from the bottom up. That is why we can confidently make the pledge against our final fee. We also make a commitment to future proof where we can.” Future-proofing - is it really possible or is it not just wishful thinking? Rolf’s response: “Yes, it is possible and ALECTIA’s experts take the view that, what-
ever the project, building in potential for the future is absolutely essential. We use our combined past experience to look forward. Experience that has been earned over decades of working on diverse projects in many sectors around the world, during some of the fastest changing and most turbulent times.” He continues: “What future-proofing means in practice is that, when a client comes to us with a plan for a new greenfield site or a brownfield redevelopment/ modernisation of an existing facility, we examine the immediate needs of the project and try to anticipate forthcoming initiatives to ensure they are integrated from the start. Our crossdisciplinary teams (that could include project managers, process engineers,
utilities engineers, architects, designers, site supervisors, process optimisation specialists) use our own established processes to build in the potential for future expansion or, indeed, cutbacks.”
Minimised disruption Another key part of the success of capital expenditure projects is minimising disruption. Disrupting staff from doing their daily work to be involved with sometimes complex and lengthy projects is a risky strategy. In ALECTIA‘s experience, the majority of delays, cost over-runs and disruption to a business are caused when companies do not employ the right specialists for the job. Rolf says: “Expansion plans are often exciting and it is all too easy for a management team to be distracted by them, potentially to the detriment of the daily business, and once they realise their mistake it can take months to catch up. We alleviate that completely as our highly experienced teams also have in-depth business understanding. They see the commercial impacts of decisions and will automatically minimise the impact of the construction process on day to day operations.”
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Integrated approach Rolf gives an example of both futureproofing and expanding production without impacting on day to day business: “Our integrated approach to project management, technical expertise, business understanding and in depth knowledge of solid and liquid milk, cheese, butter, milk power, cream and ice cream was used to assist Arla Foods develop one of Europe’s largest whey plants. In the new processing facility they are now able to process 4.5 billion kg per annum of whey to lactose, whey protein concentrates and derivatives double their previous capacity - and we were able to improve hygiene, working conditions, the environmental footprint without either disruption or delay.” Expanding on ALECTIA’s international capability, the company’s team of dairy technologists, architects and engineers is able to offer a wide range of services from advisory to process engineering and project execution in the UK. The Danish and UK teams work
700 employees are located at the company’s headquarters in Virum, north of Copenhagen and in Aarhus, Odense, Kolding and in Ascot, England. ALECTIA has a global network of clients and their engineers and project managers are currently working on live projects in all the continents. Clients include Arla Foods, Carlsberg, Miratorg, Danish Crown, Diageo, and Dairy Crest. Rolf Pedersen, Business Unit Manager Dairy, ALECTIA.
collaboratively using their combined extensive process design experience to ensure greater efficiency and consistency in plant design for UK dairy clients - backed by their pledge.
More information If you would like to know more about how ALECTIA can help your next (or current) capital expenditure projects, please contact us. Visit our website at www.alectia.com, e-mail Rolf on rope@ alectia.com or Nicholas Hickman for the UK on nihi@alectia.com. ■
FAST FACTS ALECTIA is a leading independent adviser to the dairy, brew and beverage and food industry worldwide. They were formed in Denmark in 1912 and their
ALECTIA is at ANUGA (24-27 March) so please come and see us on stand C076 Hall 10.01.
»Future-proof solutions
ALECTIA is a leading international adviser to the dairy, food, beer & beverage industries. Our consultancy combines in-depth industry knowledge with solid skills in project management, factory planning and design, construction management, process optimisation, operation, and product development. We can help you develop your ideas - and ensure that their implementation leads to a successful operation. Meet us at alectia.com. In the UK please contact Nick Hickman, nihi@alectia.com Meet us at Anuga Food Tec at stand C-076, hall 10.01!
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Pre-insulated Pipes Improve the energy efficiency of refrigerated systems
By Lars Petersen, Sales Manager, Industry, LOGSTOR A/S
There are many good reasons for using pre-insulated pipe systems within the food and chemical industries. Given the current heightened political focus on energy efficiency and reductions in CO2 emissions, we are seeing greater interest in environmental and economic factors in addition to the practical and hygienic benefits.
pipes was to prevent condensation and improve hygiene. These are both still important advantages. By choosing an insulation thickness, which ensures the air temperature, remains above the dew point temperature, condensation and dripping from pipes are prevented, and the risk of bacteria accumulation is minimal. The pre-insulated pipes are supplied with white or black polyethylene (HDPE) casing. They are 100% waterproof, and can therefore handle high or low-pressure cleaning without moisture penetration. The insulation
The environment and economics LOGSTOR’s technology for the production of pre-insulated pipe systems - straight pipe and joint systems - is constantly being refined to reduce energy losses to an absolute minimum, and thereby minimise operating expenses for companies and environmental impacts from their systems. The result is a very efficient pipe system with a high insulation property throughout the system’s entire service life. Optimal insulation plays a vital role in avoiding energy losses during production processes. LOGSTOR supplies pipe systems with various insulation thicknesses, so pipe dimensions can be matched to any given requirements. The energy loss from a pre-insulated pipe system from LOGSTOR is over 40% lower than for an equivalent system using traditional insulation.
Condensation and hygiene The primary reason the food industry originally began to use pre-insulated
The organisation behind LOGSTOR pre-insulated pipe systems LOGSTOR is the world's leading producer of pre-insulated pipe systems for the transportation of all types of liquids and gases, at temperatures ranging from -200°C to +250°C. The most common applications are in areas of district heating, district cooling, the food industry and other industries, as well as oil and gas. LOGSTOR, with head office in Denmark, has around 1300 employees in 10 production companies and 14 sales companies throughout Europe. Dealers around the globe also represent the company.
remains intact and dry, and does not provide a breeding ground for bacteria. It also protects the service pipe, avoiding corrosion. A report from the Danish Technological Institute has shown that the smooth surfaces on HDPE casing pipes are just as easy to clean as stainless steel surfaces.
Maintenance costs Pre-insulated pipe systems are maintenance free. The outer casing and insulation have a high combined mechanical strength, making them resistant to impacts from the physical environment. They can even be used as a gangway, without damage to either the casing or insulation. The HDPE casings do not deform like metal casings, and therefore remain sealed, keeping the insulation intact throughout the lifetime of the system. Pre-insulated pipes provide the following advantages in dairy applications: • Constant, high insulation capacity • High energy efficiency in the pipe system • Sturdy pipes which do not deform • Plastic (HDPE) casing: shock-resistant, waterproof, salt and chemical resistant, hygienic, protects against corrosion • Easy to clean • No condensation • Pipe supports directly on the plastic casing prevent thermal bridges. Pre-insulated pipes from LOGSTOR are manufactured in a controlled factory environment, and the system encompasses all necessary fittings and joints, making the pipes easy and safe to install – indoors, outdoors or underground. The system is very flexible, accommodating the best pipe routing for any given project. ■
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Primodan a Danish Producer of
Filling Machines for the Dairy Industry Primodan is a Danish manufacturing company incorporating more than 60 years of experience within the dairy and food processing industry. Irish Dairy Board (IBD) was looking for a new machine, filling an especially sensitive product. The Irish customer choose the Primodan rotary filling machine Rot-O-Min in an UltraClean execution equipped to fit IDB´s requirements.
Worldwide Primodan is an order-producing company of filling and sealing machines as well as complete dairy plants for markets throughout the world. Through the years, Primodan has constructed and implemented several well-known ranges of filling and sealing machines. These machines are at work in highly efficient production lines installed at customers worldwide.
Irish Dairy Board Primodan delivers a new Ultra-Clean filling machine to Irish Dairy Board: “Yet another Ultra-Clean machine just left the Primodan factory in Denmark in February 2015”, tells Primodan’s Sales Manager Frederik Klausen. “The machine has been purchased by the well-known dairy group Irish Dairy Board - IDB”. “Irish Dairy Board was looking for a new Ultra-Clean filling machine for
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the production of an especially sensitive product. The machine chosen was the Primodan rotary filling machine Rot-O-Min in an Ultra-Clean execution, which was equipped to fit IDB´s requirements”. The machine is equipped with features such as: • MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packaging) technology. • UV-C sterilization of the lidding materials. • UV-C sterilization of the cups. • Vision control system for control of the placement of the sealable foil before being sealed. • HEPA sterile overpressure cabinet. “The machine is a full-servo driven machine in its latest design with automatic changeovers between cup heights from the panel,” concludes Frederik Klausen.
Frederik Klausen, Sales Manager, Primodan.
Satisfied customer John Leahy, Business Development Director at Irish Dairy Board, tells that the business processes with Primodan has been very satisfactory: “From the very beginning Primodan has been a very flexible partner designing the filling machine to fit with our needs and requirements. The company’s expertise within their field is extensive, and we are very confident that we have chosen the right machine manufacturer for our project. When dealing with Primodan you are always treated with special attention.” ■
World’s Most Technically Advanced Dairy SPX Flow Technology has been selected as a primary process engineering contractor for both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of a new greenfield drinking milk dairy for farmer owned cooperative Arla Foods. Under construction in Aylesbury in the United Kingdom, Phase 1 of the new dairy is nearing completion and will have a milk intake of up to 2.2 million litres per day. Phase 2, which has just commenced, will increase this intake to 4 million litres per day once complete.
By Irene Constantin, Marketing Communications Manager, SPX Corporation
The dairy will be one of the largest in the world and considerable attention has been given to the sustainability of the facility now and into the future. Working with SPX, Arla Foods undertook a detailed pre-contract engineering exercise to investigate all methods that would reduce product loss, minimise water consumption and lower both electrical and thermal energy requirements. The first phase of the project incorporates the design and supply of two
milk pasteurisation lines, each capable of producing 40,000 l/h, along with the unique SPX microfiltration process which is used to produce Arla Foods’ flagship Cravendale milk.
Achieving sustainability SPX’s Flocad software was used to model the future operation of the plant to ensure that all operational economies were considered in the design. The Phase 1 milk pasteurisers are currently operating using world-class energy and water ratios. Product loss is below the agreed contractual KPI with further optimisation of sustainability levels continuing during the final commissioning stage. The design of the plant incorporates a number of specific features to meet the requirements and targets of this large dairy. Plant storage capacities
are tailored to the product spread to realise the economies of scale of high volume products as well as providing flexible production for lower volume products. Along with giving the necessary operational flexibility, this specific design reduces waste, as the plant is ‘right-sized’ across its complete product range. Double seat valve routing is used extensively throughout the plant to provide flexible product and CIP operations and manifolds are constructed to give complete drainage capability. Flowmeters have also been widely used to provide a record of the transfer of material between storage and process units and enable mass balance reconciliation.
Process control & automation To ensure the plant can be supported and extended throughout its lifecycle, it is automated using open system, industry standard technology. The system includes specific features to secure plant operation in the event of systemic failures; such as server redundancy and UPS technology. All production is managed by SAP and performance data for each ‘order’ (or production run) is uploaded to SAP to provide real time accounting. Precise control of start-up and shutdown processes reduces waste and water usage.
Raw milk manifold.
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Energy efficient SPX centrifugal pumps.
Sustainable utilities Water, particularly hot water, is recovered and re-used where practical including within pasteuriser sterilisation and cream cooling processes. CIP facilities are specifically configured for a few central bulk units and multiple satellite units. The use of satellite units shortens circuits within the plant, reduces heat-up times and lowers the amount of energy used. The central bulk units enable higher storage volumes for more collection and re-use of chemicals, water and thermal energy as well as allowing for a sufficient number of cleans to fully utilise the chemicals. Special CIP
Compact valve manifolds for milk routing to multiple fillers.
spray devices that have low water usage are also employed to minimise water consumption during CIP processes. These devices have the further benefit of reducing the dilution of residual milk prior to CIP and so increasing the solids content of the ‘white water’. SPX APV pumps feature Class ‘A’ energy efficient motors, CIP and service pumps, as well as other motors, which are all equipped with inverter variable speed drives. Milk and CIP feed are pumped using the modern, energy efficient APV W+ centrifugal pumps. CIP scavenge pumping also uses APV Ws+ self-priming pumps,
which can deliver significant energy savings compared to traditional liquid ring scavenge technology.
Summary The new Arla Foods dairy will be completely optimised to make best use of raw materials, chemicals and utilities. This has been achieved through a close working partnership in the design of the plant; the combined extensive knowledge and experience of Arla Foods and SPX Flow Technology in dairy processing, and the incorporation of the latest, innovative and efficient dairy processing technology. ■
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Do you want to invest in the future? If you are planning to invest in the future of your dairy plant, do it today with tomorrow’s technology. As a leading global supplier of the dairy industry, SPX offers a comprehensive selection of flexible and cost effective solutions and unparalleled process knowledge. www.spx.com
Seital Separation Technology
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Paramount Quality LP Kolding has 50 years of experience in design and construction of stainless steel tanks, units and processing plants. When designing new or upgrading existing facilities for optimized production, LP Kolding focuses on hygienic designs. LP Kolding designs and manufactures in accordance with EHEDG, PED 97/23/EC and the rectified codes and standard in the EU.
By Mogens Andreasen, Managing Director, LP Kolding
Close customer dialogues LP Kolding is a specialist within designing, planning, construction, documentation and installation of stainless steel tanks and process equipment. Our business concept is custom-tailored solutions, so we always cooperate closely with customers, from concept to production stage. Offering custom-tailored solutions the
foundation of our business is positive dialogues to deliver optimal design to customers. LP Kolding's expertise bases on the company's employees who possess the necessary high skills ranking from design knowledge to technical handling of materials during construction and assembly.
Tanks and complete plants LP Kolding has decades of experience within designing and constructing steel tanks without pressure as well as pressure tanks in stainless steel in the range of 100 l to 160,000 l. We custom-design PED approved pressure tanks, complying with current EU standards for safety in operation, material design, manufacturing process and continuous tests.
LP Kolding possess special expertise in manufacturing pressure vessels and various process equipment for the following purposes: Drying chambers, cyclones, fluid beds, fermenters, mixing tanks, inoculum tanks, process tanks, tube heat exchangers, sterile tanks, air tanks, vacuum tanks, pressure cookers and units for powder processing. We clarify the required needs for the processing tanks regarding e.g. design, pipe work, heating/cooling jacket, various applications, and measuring equipment. Further, we ensure that all requirements regarding strength, insulation and cladding depending on tank location are complied. Moreover, we are experts within final assembly and subsequent documentation. During the years, LP Kolding has
Recently we supplied four pcs of 15,000 l tanks for yoghurt for a major international customer. These tanks fully complied with the EHEDG and the actual code and standard in the EU. We were appointed for this project because of our ability to handle the demands from our customer and the end-user. We designed, engineered, manufactured and installed in a timely and cost effective manner to the full satisfaction of our customer and the end-user. The delivery included a full documentation package.
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LP Kolding has 50 years of experience in design and construction of stainless steel tanks, units and processing plants - and always in close dialogs with our customers.
constructed units for: Fermentation, evaporation, powder, drying chambers, butter churns, pressure filters, and complete units - ready to install in the dairy plant.
Optimized hygienic design Recently, we have constructed several buffer tanks with agitators for melted cheese. In this case, optimizing the hygienic design is the keyword. Thus, we e.g. focused on optimizing CIP cleaning, which is very difficult with these kinds of products. In addition, continuous quality control of surface roughness
and the welding quality must always be in focus. When designing the pipelines for the powder units and other food processing equipment we always comply with the EHEDG-guidelines, which ensure the customers good and safe engineering and hygienic design as a paramount factor.
The company acts as a subcontractor as well as an independent business partner within our field of expertise: Designing and building hygienic process equipment and tanks for customers - all over the world. ■
Global Company The LP Kolding staff are highly competent employees, who possess high skills ranking from design knowledge, engineering to technical handling of materials during construction and assembly.
Stainless Steel Solutions
Tanks • Units • Plants • Special Stainless Alloys Unit constructions
• Engineering • Project Planning • Construction • Documentation • Assembly
Complete solutions
LP Kolding A/S • Egtvedvej 2 • DK-6000 Kolding • +45 75 52 41 77 • lp@lp-kolding.dk • www.lp-kolding.dk
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FlexScreen , FlexConveyorTM and FlexFeederTM TM
Alvibra’s new FlexScreenTM line of vibratory sifters is compact, quiet and highly energy-saving - without compromising quality and efficiency.
- the “New” Standard in screening, conveying and feeding of milk powder and ingredients
By Ole Bressendorf, Vice President of Sales, Alvibra A/S
Alvibra A/S is an active and innovative partner for the dairy industry worldwide. Our patented and revolutionary vibration-force technology and modular design may change the industry not only for vibratory sifters but also for vibratory conveyors and feeders.
Innovative and pro-active - To the benefit of the customer Alvibra A/S is an active partner in the worldwide expansion of milk powder plants and the company has successfully supplied many sifters and conveyors to plants all over the world. Our strategy for the years to come
include not only new inventions and patented technologies, but also cost effective designs and green technologies such as: • Low noise vibration-force technology • Higher size-efficiency ratio • Energy savings and reduced carbon footprint. Implementing this strategy not only benefits the external environment but also the dairy plants investing in such green technologies. However, patented technologies, a great design and energy efficiency do not make it alone. Consumer expectations and authority requirements are constantly raising the bar when it comes to food safety and hygiene. Alvibra A/S keep raising the bar as well and we don’t cut corners but keep pushing ourselves, our suppliers and the industry to a higher level. Our line of vibratory sifters, conveyors and feeders are installed in milk powder plants and plants manufacturing food
ingredients such as herbs and spices as well as protein worldwide.
Designed to serve the dairy industry worldwide After manufacturing conventional designed vibratory equipment for many years Alvibra A/S has launched its line of sifters, conveyors and feeders. The FlexScreenTM line of vibratory sifters, the FlexConveyorTM line of vibratory conveyors and the FlexFeederTM line of vibratory feeders are the most compact, the most quiet and the most energy saving lines of vibratory equipment on the market and all this with no compromise as to quality and efficiency. The modular design and compact dimensions make it easy to install and to replace old and conventional designed equipment of most brands by an Alvibra FlexScreenTM, an Alvibra FlexConveyorTM and an Alvibra FlexFeederTM.
The FlexScreenTM sifters and the QuickLockTM ball deck Easy cleaning is another advantage of the FlexScreenTM sifters as the revolutionary and groundbreaking QuickLockTM ball deck is designed to significantly cut downtime when running cleaning procedures also when using a ball deck. Since flexibility is a key word various CIP-solutions are available. The mesh itself is what makes the screening of the milk powder and other products and all space outside the mesh is basically a “waste” of space. Alvibra’s design-engineers reduced the over-
Alvibra’s FlexConveyor TM - Conveyor Type ATC-VD.
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bration-force technology, which not only considerably reduces the noise compared to vibratory machinery based on conventional vibration motors, but it also saves 30% to 50% on the energy costs.
Alvibra A/S
all size and the weight of the sifter by rethinking what is required to do the screening.
The FlexConveyorTM Alvibra A/S takes conveying of products to the next level. Our line of modular designed FlexConveyorTM includes vibratory tube conveyors as well as rectangular conveyors up to a length of 30+ meters when using our VibraDriveTM vibration-force technology, which is about 3 times as long as for conveyors using conventional technologies.
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However, the length is not the only huge advantage of the FlexConveyorTM. The slim and easy-to-fit-it dimensions and our low noise and energy saving technology also contribute to making the FlexConveyorTM the most flexible line of vibratory conveyors on the market.
Patented low-noise and energy saving technology All three lines of vibratory equipment the FlexScreenTM, the FlexConveyorTM and the FlexFeederTM take advantage of Alvibra’s patented VibraDriveTM vi-
Alvibra A/S, the Danish manufacturer of vibratory equipment such as sifters, conveyors and feeders as well as other kind of equipment for the food industry is known for its innovative approach to development and design and the company holds several patents and patent applications. Our line of vibratory machines and equipment supplies to the dairy industry worldwide and we are dedicated to further improving existing technologies and designs to the benefit and profitability of the dairy industry. Learn more about our product portfolio on www. alvibra.com. ■
Extending the Shelf Life of Liquid Milk In the UK Market
By Keith Goodby, Tetra Pak, Dairy Category Leader, Europe & Central Asia
The UK liquid milk market is dominated by the chilled sector, which represents 95% of the total milk consumed (6,104 mio. litres of 6,429 total Nielsen data June 2014). The majority of this is sold as own label through the major retailers with the traditional doorstep delivery in one pint glass bottles declining to less than 5% in 2014. This dominance by the retailers has led to a demand for an increase in the shelf life of product in the last fifteen years. To meet this demand, the major processors have had to invest heavily in new technology and improved processing and packaging solutions in their sites. This reflects in the size and relatively small number of producers left in the UK market. Data from the Dairy UK White Paper 2013 a guide to the UK Dairy Industry show that 91% of the total UK consumption
ESL Technology is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain.
milk is produced in sites with a capacity of over 100 million litres per year.
Extending the Shelf-life Historically, pasteurised milk in the UK had a shelf-life of only a few days. The demand from retailers and consumers has called for this to be increased leading to the development of a market for Extended Shelf Life (ESL) milk. The definition of the shelf life of any food product is defined as the period of time during which: • It will remain safe • Retain the desired sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological characteristics • Maintain the composition which complies with the label declaration when stored and handled under the recommended conditions. There is no UK or international standard or definition of ESL and therefore Tetra Pak has chosen the following: ESL technology is the ability to extend the shelf life of a chilled distributed product beyond the shelf life of a conventional pasteurised product in a specific market.
Selecting the technology The market demand will dictate the most suitable technology but in all cases, it is essential that: • The number of process survivors is reduced to a minimum • Post-processing recontamination is eliminated. The technology for extending the shelf life must focus on:
Environmental factors Operational factors Raw milk
Storage and dsitribution
oc Pr
Microbial count
Transfer, storage and filling
Shelf life
To extend the shelf life of milk, there are four main factors, which need to be considered: • Raw Milk Quality - TVC (total viable count) of the incoming raw milk - The thermoduric count - heat resistant bacteria - The spore count of psychrotrophic bacteria, which multiply at low temperatures • Efficiency of the process to reduce these microorganisms with particular consideration being given to spores • Recontamination of the product following processing during storage and filling • Storage and distribution temperature.
Recontamination Pasteurized
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• Improved hygiene • Increased killing and/or removal of bacteria during processing • Prevention of recontamination during transfer, storage and filling • Controlling the storage and distribution temperature.
Bactofugation High performance separation technology used in conjunction with pasteurisation to reduce the bacterial load will give an additional few days of shelf life. Single step Bactofugation will reduce both anaerobic and psychrotrophic spores by around 95% - log reduction of 1.3. Adding a second Bactofuge will increase the reduction effect to 99.75% - log reduction 2.6. This process allowed several of the UK dairy companies to offer their customers a shelf life of around 13 days. However, in reality when testing the milk, the product will consistently have a life of 15 days without showing any signs of deterioration.
Microfiltration Microfiltration is a process based on size exclusion to remove bacteria and
Pasteurization (74°C/15 - 25s) Up to 10 days
spores. The pore size of the membrane is selected so that milk components are able to pass through while spores are retained. In the UK, the pore sizes are either 0.8μm or 1.4μm. Tetra Pak in-house tests have shown that the 1.4 μm membranes give a 4-5 log reduction. Selecting the smaller 0.8 μm increases the log reduction to 6-7. To prevent fouling of the membranes and therefore short run times, the filtration step is only carried out on skimmed milk. The cream phase has to be treated using heat to achieve a similar log reduction. Because the high temperature is only applied to a small part of the final product, no heat-induced flavour is detected in the final product. Depending on which pore size membrane is selected, a shelf life of between 24 and 28 days is achieved although during extensive testing, a shelf life in excess of 40 days is common. This difference is used by the dairies and retailers as a ‘buffer’ allowing some degree of abuse of the product by the end-user. The products have been a great success in the UK market with rapid growth up to 7% of the total consumption milk sold. There is a premium of between 15
Bactofugation Up to 15 days
and 20% compared to standard pasteurised product. A great success in a very cost conscious market.
High Heat Treatment To increase the shelf life of consumption milk above 30 days, it is necessary to use heat which give white milk a slight ‘cooked flavour’. In the UK market, the technology is only used in the production of ESL flavoured milks where the flavour change is minimal.
Conclusion The UK consumption milk market is focused on chilled products. Demands from the retailers have put pressure on the dairy companies to offer longer shelf life without compromising taste. By working in close conjunction with their customer, Tetra Pak Processing Systems have been able to offer a variety of solutions to meet these demands. ■
Microfiltration Up to 30 days
High heat treatment 30 days or more
Technology Options: • Bactofugation or double bactofugation to give a shelf life of up to 15 days. • Microfiltration using ceramic filters giving a shelf life of up to 30 days. • High Heat Treatment using temperatures between 124 and 130 °C with a shelf life beyond 30 days.
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Save Money in your Dairy Production In the UK, an increasing number of Dairy companies have chosen to integrate FOSS analysers directly in their production lines for Cream, Butter, Cheese and Powder, as this means increased production yield and capacity utilisation. In other words: More money on the bottom line.
Seeing trends as product is flowing By Andrew Carr, Dairy Industry Sales Manager, FOSS UK
Get real time data directly from process line Integrating instruments directly in the production line is called in-line analysis, and FOSS has been the global leader for many years on this field. In-line analysis has many advantages over traditional methods where samples are picked for hourly analysis in laboratories or by using bypass solutions. The key difference to in-line instruments is you can get real time data directly from the process line. But, what does this mean? With realtime process results, the main advantage is that you can detect trends immediately and reduce variations of your products. This way you can move production targets closer to the specification, which again will increase yield and improve quality.
Another aspect is the 100% traceability, as you can detect and react on process malfunctions in real time, like a blocked valve or a leaking membrane. With an analyser in the laboratory, your production can be out of specification for a whole hour, and beside this, there is always a certain margin of error in measurement and sampling. However, with in-line, errors or malfunctions can be detected fast as you are receiving average results every 15-30 seconds. For instance, if you are producing butter, with the classical laboratory set up you will get one result per hour, and this means the variation in the moisture is down to 0.20%. With in-line process analysis, you get 120 results per hour and you can reduce the variation to below 0.10%. (See Figure 1).
In-line instruments for all types of samples Looking at FOSS’s portfolio you can find solutions for both dry or semi-solid and liquid samples. For dry samples, the
ProFoss line is the right choice with applications customised to butter, whey powder concentrate, fresh cheese and milk powder. For liquid samples, ProcesScan will be the right choice. The in-line instruments are using different technologies to fit the sample type; ProFoss is based on NIR technology and ProcesScan on Fourier Transform Infrared.
Choosing the right technology To measure in-line you need a dedicated sample interface, and the right form of NIR technology. For powder, near infrared reflectance works fine, but for semisolid products like butter, Greek yoghurt, quark etc., transmission is the right form as the near infrared light penetrates deep into the sample to get a representative measurement. To produce the highest quality samples in fresh cheese, butter and whey protein concentrate, FOSS has developed a specific probe for sample taking called the lateral transmission probe. The probe improves greatly on the classical transmission set up. Another
Figure 1: Process variation detection limit for Fat in Butter.
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Easy installation Installation of an in-line system is quite easy as standard dairy interfaces are used. In most cases, all that is required is some welding where the interface is to be inserted. The next step is to make it work according to the demands of the individual businesses. This includes calibration development, integration into a PLC and training. FOSS aims for a handover within four weeks including a training and support package with optional preventative maintenance contracts. ProFoss installation.
dedicated FOSS developed interface is the powder probe. This is mounted in the process pipe, and has a spoon to catch samples of powder. The sample is blown off the spoon automatically between measurements to ensure the integrity of each measurement.
FOSS UK FOSS UK is based out of Warrington with a team of almost 30 people. FOSS
UK supports the Dairy Industry with a full offering of bench top analysis solutions and the in-line systems described above. Not only are the systems backed up by a well trained service technician team but also by application specialists who provide calibration development support and process evaluation. Training is also provided in-house or at client sites depending on specific requirements. Remote instrument mo-
nitoring, fault diagnostics, and data backup are also provided, either for single instruments or for networks. Additional technical support is also available from FOSS’s Innovation Centre in Hillerod, Denmark. ■
Streamline your production with High Resolution in-line analysis
Fresh cheese
Real time Process analysis advantages • Production close to target specifications
• Accurate and continuous results • Increased yield • Less rework and start up variation Milk powder
• Optimised mass-balance foss.co.uk
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Tel: +44 (0) 1925 287700
Doehler Botanical Extracts & Flavours - Versatile product positioning’s and extraordinary taste! Be it lavender, aloe vera, basil or rooibos, botanical flavours are increasingly being used in every segment of the food and beverage industry and top the list of trendy flavours. As well as that “certain something” in terms of taste, botanical extracts and flavours also offer an outstanding option for highlighting health-related product positionings in an emotional way.
African fruits and plants Doehler, the global producer of natural ingredients and ingredient systems, is meeting the rapidly increasing demand for botanical flavours in the food and beverage industry with a new portfolio of herb & spice extracts and blossom flavours. Thanks to a new joint venture with Afriplex in South Africa, Doehler is also able to exhibit a wide variety of premium quality extracts from African fruits and plants, which are of interest thanks to both their taste-giving properties and their healthy added value.
This extraordinary portfolio, which is assigned to the Business Unit Health & Nutrition, focuses on rooibos, baobab, rose hip and aloe vera, among others. Many of these plants have been renowned for their health-promoting effects for centuries. Although advertising these effects on product labels is banned in many countries, established extracts, for example from rose hip, are still outstandingly suited to supporting health-related product positionings. A “wellness” yoghurt with aloe vera and a drinking yoghurt for strengthening the
immune system are just two examples of applications from the undoubtedly unlimited variety of options offered by these extracts.
Spicy taste kick Many plant extracts are of great interest not only thanks to the wide range of positionings they allow, but also because of the extraordinary taste experience, they deliver. In Darmstadt/Germany, Doehler recently began producing premium quality extracts from herbs and spices to give food and beverages that special taste kick. There really are no limits to the creative options - as Doehler has proved with a whole series of innovative application examples. As an innovation driver and partner for integrated food & beverage solutions Doehler also provides innovative ideas for consumer products to its customers of the food and beverage industry. The wide variety of ideas ranges from Prosecco with a strawberry-basil taste to refreshing soft drinks with a fine rosemary note. “It is easy to explain the reason behind the success of these flavours. For instance, cardamom from the Himalayas, oregano from Italy or coriander from Morocco all transport A “wellness” yoghurt with aloe vera and a drinking yoghurt for strengthening the immune system are examples of applications from the unlimited variety of options.
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consumers to far-away worlds of taste. This results in both interesting taste combinations and great product positionings,” says Daniel Courtehoux, Head of Business Unit Flavours at Doehler. However, not every type of herb and spice is suitable for producing authentic, natural extracts and flavours - no matter how tasty they may be when fresh. For this reason, Doehler has identified the very best raw materials for its products. The portfolio contains FTNS* flavours from oregano, rosemary, cumin, coriander, cardamom, marjoram, chili, pepper, sage, thyme and basil.
Blossom flavours The new Doehler Botanical range also includes a selection of natural blossom flavours such as rose, violet, lavender, lotus blossom and hibiscus. Food and beverages with a hint of rose, lavender or hibiscus are all real trendsetters today. Hibiscus and elderflower have enjoyed similar success. “Blossom flavours also unlock exciting product concepts - and not only in the wellness segment or in
products targeted at women. As a provider of integrated solutions, Doehler has developed inspirational product concepts for the beverage and food industry. The company's product developments are always built around a multi-sensory product experience,” explains Daniel Courtehoux. Thanks to the integrated product portfolio, decades of experience in producing natural ingredients from fruits and expertise in food and beverage applications, Doehler knows exactly how flavours behave in a wide range of products, packaging types and production processes. This is essential in order to formulate flavours that remain permanently stable in food and beverages. Doehler offers its customers everything from a single source and supports them from the first project idea to the tailor-made compound that contains all ingredients in a perfect balance.
About Doehler
ral ingredients, ingredient systems and integrated solutions for the food and beverage industry. Doehler’s integrated approach and the broad product portfolio are the optimal basis for innovative and safe food & beverage applications. The product portfolio ranges from flavours, colours, health & nutrition ingredients, cereal ingredients, dairy ingredients, speciality ingredients, fruit & vegetable ingredients to ingredient systems. Headquartered in Darmstadt/Germany Doehler has 23 production sites, 48 sales offices and application centres as well as sales activities in over 130 countries. More than 4,000 dedicated employees provide our customers with fully integrated food & beverage solutions from concept to realisation. “WE BRING IDEAS TO LIFE.” briefly describes Doehler’s holistic and strategic approach to innovation. For more information contact Diana Wolfstädter (PR) diana.wolfstaedter@doehler.com. ■
Doehler is a global producer, marketer and provider of technology-based natu-
Looking for … winning products
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11.12.14 15:06
Dairy Automation by Au2mate in the UK! During the past four years, Au2mate have been present with own subsidiary in England. We are operating from our office in Skipton and serving the market for dairy automation. Our UK reference list counts 42 projects. Our strategy is to expand the UK dairy automation activities and grow the organisation organic!
By Klaus Dam, Managing Director Au2mate A/S
The intensified global competition increases demands for development and fast transition to new products, minimizing resource use, highly skilled employees, quality, traceability and measurement. This article deals with 3 prevailing factors for agile and effective dairy automation; The Au2mate application in green field projects as well as in upgrade projects, OEE MES application techniques and introduction to Au2mate Academy, a knowledge Centre for Dairy Automation, supporting continuous learning of dairy staff.
tomer owned framework and the Dairy software is suitable for green field plants as well as for upgrade projects featuring: • A significant reduction of control software cost and delivery time in connection with software development.
• A significant reduction of time and cost spent in connection with software commissioning. • A significant increase of plant functionality and performance. • No monopoly - independent choice of vendors.
Figure 1: Au2mate Dairy software.
The Dairy application software The Dairy application software are designed as a plant wide automation solution based upon open systems, a future-proof investment and encapsulating the knowledge and best practice applied in the dairy industry. Furthermore, it is designed in accordance with Standards ISA S88 / ISA S95 and built for data collection, traceability and OEE through integration to the IT reporting system & ERP. Please refer to figure 1. The Au2mate Dairy software includes all major dairy processes e.g. CIP, pasteurization, mixing, tank control, transfer lines as well as associated traceability, operator dialog and reporting. The cus-
Figure 2: OEE solutions provided by Au2mate are standardized, flexible and scalable and can be used both in connection with existing plants as well as with new installations. Visualization and reporting is integrated into the infrastructure of the existing production IT-systems.
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Four quick facts about Au2mate MES OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness If you cannot measure it, you cannot control it! Au2mate supply complete OEE solutions for discrete manufacturing & unit processes (Figure 2). The solutions based on proven standardized software and open platforms, are easy to service and develop. OEE is a recognized tool for monitoring and improving the effectiveness of production plants, and traditionally used widely in the industry. The first version of OEE Industry Standard was introduced in 2001 and in 2010, OEE Foundation was established with the purpose to maintain and further develop the standard. In recent years, OEE has increasingly gained distribution in the dairy industry. This trend is expected to continue.
Au2mate Academy - Dairy automation skills To support the increasing demand for highly automation skilled employees in the dairy industry, Au2mate is introduc-
• Founded in 2001 by Carsten G. Jensen and Klaus Dam. • Has 72 employees at offices in Silkeborg, Dubai and in the UK, holding more than 500 man years of experience in dairy automation. • Project-oriented, has delivered more than 1200 projects; PLC, SCADA, MES and ERP integration to dairies throughout the world, including Nordic countries, England, Europe, Middle East and Africa, America and Asia. • Supply solutions based on open standard platforms and internationally recognised methods for software development and project management.
ing ”Au2mate Academy”, a knowledge Centre for dairy automation that offers education and training of managers, operators and engineers within dairy automation. Au2mate Academy offer dairy specific automation courses. The training is in-
tended for management, plant operators as well as technical staff and includes: Automation concepts, instrumentation, PLC, SCADA and MES, structured according to prevailing industrial standards and best practices, i.e. S88 & S95. We offer training within the following disciplines: Operation, hardware, software, instrumentation, OEE, traceability, reporting and documentation. Additionally, Au2mate Academy offers tailor-customized education and training by agreement! The Au2mate Academy is featuring new modern training facilities at our headquarter in Silkeborg DK. The facilities includes a classroom and an operating process plant with line control, consisting of: Reception, raw material storage, pasteurization, buffer tanks, dispensing/filling as well as CIP plant. The plant is built in mini-scale to run on water and in accordance to industrial standards regarding: Instrumentation, PLC, SCADA & MES, thus theory and practice may be trained in correlation! ■
The flexible packaging supplier EHRNO flexible a/s has more than 25 years of experience in the production of food packaging. We are focusing on what we do best: processing and converting. Our mission is to add value to our customers, through our packaging materials.
Industrivej Nord 5 · Birk · DK-7400 Herning · Phone: +45 96 27 24 00 · ehrno@ehrno.dk · www.ehrno.dk
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Jersey Dairy promotes its dairy goods all over the world, and amongst recent markets is Hong Kong. By now, consumers in this market can buy Jersey Butter in ButterFLEX™ from Ehrno Flexible a/s.
ButterFLEX Film in the UK TM
Based on 25 years of experience within packaging solutions for food and dairy products, Ehrno Flexible has lately performed a new task for an English customer, Jersey Dairy. Besides the new and innovative ButterFLEX™, the portfolio of packaging films from Ehrno now includes a wide range of specially designed films for various packaging needs within the dairy industry.
By Peter Lund, Export Manager, Ehrno Flexible a/s
New butter packaging Ehrno Flexible a/s possess more than 25 years of experience within food packaging solutions. Back in 2009, our company started a journey of cooperation with the Danish dairy industry to develop a new kind of packaging films for butter and cheese. The challenge was to overcome difficulties with de-lamination, and at the
same time keep the dead-fold properties. Moreover, to find proper materials in use for high quality butter and cheese products. After extensive testing the result became a laminate in an ultrathin-Alu combined with fiber and polymer materials. This construction is very suitable for packaging of butter, soft cheese and other types of foodstuff with relatively high fat contents. The name of this new packaging is ButterFLEX™. The advantage of ButterFLEX™ is that this packaging possess excellent dead-fold properties, good machinability and has an “active” inner-side, which is proved very beneficial for packaging of butter and cheese products. In addition, with this innovative 3-layer Ehrno-film, we are able to meet
market prices and compete with conventional 2-layer butter-films.
Jersey Butter in ButterFLEX™ After a successful introduction of the ButterFLEX™ to our Scandinavian customers, Ehrno Flexible went across the North Sea to promote our new packaging to the British dairy industry. One of these was Jersey Dairy in Trinity. After our testing in cooperation with this company, Jersey Dairy decided to introduce three of their new designs on ButterFLEX™ film.
About Jersey Dairy Jersey Dairy produces a range of high quality dairy products such as fresh and long-life milk, cream, butter, cheese, ice cream and yogurt. Based on the Island of Jersey, the home of the Jersey cow, the milk derived from herds of Jersey cows is considered the finest in the world, with 20% more protein and calcium compared to milk from other breeds. The dairy company promotes its products all over the world through wholesale, retail, foodservice and online sale-channels. Besides traditional markets in Europe, Jersey Dairy’s recent business expansion has been in the growth economies of South East Asia - China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Myanmar and Malaysia. ■
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Mejeribrugets Studietur til Norditalien Opdateret med seneste nyt om programmet Mejeribrugets Studietur 2015 er nået et skridt videre med hensyn til endelige aftaler om besøg, og et par virksomheder mere kan nu sættes på det foreløbige program.
Flyrejse Der flyves fra hhv. Billund og Kastrup, og tidsterminerne er følgende: Billund Udrejse: 6. maj 2015 kl. 6.25 (mellemlanding i Frankfurt) og ankomst Milano Malpensa kl. 10.20 Hjemrejse: 8. maj 2015 kl. 19.25 Milano Linate (mellemlanding i Frankfurt) og ankomst i Billund kl. 23.05 Kastrup Udrejse: 6. maj 2015 kl. 8.25 og ankomst Milano Malpensa kl. 10.30 Hjemrejse: 8. maj 2015 kl. 20.00 Milano Malpensa og ankomst i Kastrup kl. 22.00
Turen indledes med et besøg hos ClericiSacco Group nord for Milano. Per Dedenroth Pedersen er vært ved besøget. Der er desuden lavet endelig aftale om besøg på et mejeri med Grana-produktion samt et Mozarella-osteri. Den resterende besøgspakke kommer formentlig til at omfatte produktion af yoghurt/desserter/friskmælk samt muligvis produktion af Crescenza-Stracchino og evt. et besøg hos en leverandørvirksomhed. Flere har specifikt spurgt, om der bliver besøg på en Gorgonzola-mejeri, men grundet brancherestriktioner er det desværre ikke muligt at se Gorgonzolaproduktion med så stor en gruppe gæster, som vi forventes at udgøre. Ud over de specifikke mejeribesøg vil der blive besøg på en vingård samt i et fødevarehus i Milano.
Overnatning og forplejning Der vil blive overnatning på to forskellige hoteller, hvilket er inkluderet i prisen ligesom frokost alle tre dage samt
middag onsdag og torsdag aften er inkluderet, dvs. at der ikke er planlagt fælles middag fredag aften under hjemrejsen.
Pris og tilmelding Det er endnu ikke muligt at låse prisen for turen helt fast, men alt tyder på, at prisen bør kunne holdes på maks. 7.750 kr. afhængig af lufthavnsvalg og valg af enkeltværelse/dobbeltværelse. Ikke-medlemmer af foreningerne betaler en merpris på 500 kr. pr. person. Prisniveauet fra sidste år ser altså ud til at kunne fastholdes, dog er det lidt dyrere at flyve fra Kastrup men til gengæld billigere fra Billund. Dette er, hvad vi kan oplyse på nuværende tidspunkt. Da bladet gik i trykken, var godt 30 af de 45 mulige billetter booket. Tilmeldingsblanketten kan findes på www.mejeriingenioer.dk. Tilmeldingen er bindende efter fra og med 1. april. Turen udbydes af Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer samt Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening med Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab som medudbyder. ■
Foto: Colourbox
Der kan tilkøbes ekstra overnatninger og senere hjemrejse - fx for deltagelse i Expo, der afholdes centralt i Milano i perioden 1. maj - 31. oktober 2015. Se mere på www.expo2015.org.
NR. 6
Kort fortalt Søvind i samarbejde med Mammen Solhvervfonden, der ejer Søvind og Øllingegaard, bortforpagter nu Søvind til et nykonstrueret selskab Søvind A/S, og indleder samtidig et samarbejde med Mammen Mejeri. Den nye forretningsmodel skal styrke Søvind Mejeri og også Øllingegaard, oplyser fondens advokat, Knud Foldschack til FødevareWatch. Det har været svært for de små mejerier at leve op til de fornødne volumener til dagligvarehandlen, og Øllingegaards regnskaber viser, at mejeriet er i økonomisk modvind og i år måtte realisere et større underskud i forhold til forrige år. Knud Foldschack forventer, at Søvind og Mammen får et stærkt samarbejde, og at Øllingegaard kan trække råmælksleverancer fra Søvind og eventuelt Mammen samt sende mulig overskudsmælk til Søvind. Søvind Mejeri ejes fortsat af Solhvervfonden, mens Søvind A/S bliver ejet af tidligere mejerichef Finn Kristensen, Søvind Mejeri og direktør Lars Staunsbæk, medejer af Mammen Mejeri. (Foto: Søvind).
Samarbejdspris til Hobro MejeriCenter Mejeribrugets SamarbejdsForum udskrev i januar 2015 konkurrencen om ”Årets virksomhed på samarbejdsområdet - 2014”. Nu er vinderen fundet, og det blev Arla Foods Hobro MejeriCenter. Konkurrencen henvendte sig til alle virksomheder med og uden samarbejdsudvalg inden for mejeribranchen, der i løbet af 2014 havde sat aktiviteter i gang inden for bl.a. information, personalepolitik, trivsel, mobning, dialog og samarbejde, integration, forandringsprojekter, innovation, og strategiudvikling mv. Hobro MejeriCenter vandt prisen, fordi de meget ambitiøst og målrettet har arbejdet på at styrke medarbejdernes arbejdstilfredshed, bl.a. ved at udvikle - og efterleve 10 fælles leveregler, hvor hver enkelt medarbejder skal: Holde sig orienteret, stoppe rygtedannelse, give konstruktiv kri-
tik, begrunde beslutninger, hjælpe andre uopfordret, være aktiv på tavlemøder, tage ansvar, vise respekt, tage initiativ og give ros. På billedet ses de glade vindere, forrest med diplomet er det formand for SU, mejerichef Jan Andersen og SU næstformand Søren Jacobsen. Mere om den flotte pris til Hobro Mejeri i et senere nummer af bladet.
Valios rædsels-år i Rusland Finske Valio har haft en forfærdeligt år, hvad angår mejerieksporten til Rusland, oplyser koncernen i sit årsregnskab for 2014. Valios salg af mejeriprodukter til Rusland blev på kun knap 2 mia. kr. mod et samlet salg i 2013 på godt 2,8 mia. kr. Under normale omstændigheder ville den forventede omsætning på det russiske marked have været på omkring 3 mia. kr., oplyser Valio. Men intet er ”normalt” i Rusland, hvor præsident Putin som bekendt sidste år udstedte forbud mod import af fødevarer fra EU, og det er i særlig grad gået ud over Valio, der gennem årtier har haft Rusland som sit primære eksportmarked. Efter den russiske importembargo blev indført, skete der dog lempelser, hvad angår import af laktosefrie mejeriprodukter, og på det område er Valio jo verdensførende. Dog blev importlempelsen alligevel ikke den store succes for Valio, for Valio Eila og flere andre laktosefrie mejeriprodukter strandede på grænsen til Rusland. Valio oplevede et generelt fald i omsætningen på 3,9% i 2014, hvor tallet blev 14, 6 mia. kr. mod en omsætning på godt 15 mia. kr. i 2013. (Foto: Valio).
Kæmpe mælkebøde Omkring 2.100 landmænd har produceret mere mælk, end de har lov til, og de stod derfor pr. 6. marts til en bøde på omkring 195 mio. kr. Bøden udløses, fordi landmændene har overskredet mælkekvoterne, som siden 1984 har reguleret mælkeproduktionen i hele EU. Mælkekvoteordningen ophæves den 31. marts i år, hvor også den endelige opgørelse skal foretages. Her forventes det, at mælkekvoteoverskridelsen bliver lidt højere end den pr. 6. marts opgjorte.
NR. 6
Arla lancerer yoghurt-is
SPX færdiggør Arla Aylesbury SPX har vundet ordren på at færdiggøre Arla UK’s store friskmælksmejeri Aylesbury lige uden for London, skriver DairyReporter.com. Det er i forvejen SPX, der har bygget og installeret det første specialdesignede procesudstyr til mejeriet tilbage i 2011. Nu skal anden etape igangsættes, og SPX skal levere de sidste anlæg inden udgangen af dette år. Til den tid kan Arla Aylesbury klare en årlig produktion på 1 milliard liter mælk. (Foto af Aylesbury, Arla Foods).
Ulovlig mælkestøtte Italien er anklaget ved EU-domstolen for at give deres mælkesektor ulovlige konkurrencefordele, skriver flere medier. Landet har ifølge EU-Kommissionen ikke gjort nok for at opkræve 17 mia. kr. fra de italienske mælkeproducenter og mejerier. Italien har faktisk betalt de 17 mia. kr., men forseelsen består i, at landet ikke har sendt store dele af bøden videre til mælkeproducenterne og mejerierne, som derfor indirekte har fået statsstøtte og dermed en konkurrencefordel. (Foto: Colourbox).
Arla lancerer snart en ny yoghurt-is, Yoggi Frozen i samarbejde med Premier Is. Isen er lavet af yoghurt og frisk frugt, og den er inspireret af fro-yo-bølgen, der det seneste år er skyllet ind over Danmark. Yoggi Frozen har de samme kvaliteter som Yoggi Yoghurt: en cremet konsistens, en frisk, let syrlig smag og så er den lavet på naturlige råvarer. Selve isen er fremstillet på en Yoggi yoghurtbase af sødmælk, mens frugtovertrækket på Yoggi Frozen ispinden er lavet af frisk frugt. Med kun 67 kalorier er ispinden et kalorielet alternativ til andre istyper. - Vi glæder os til at se, hvordan danskerne tager imod en is, der har Arla som afsender, siger Jakob Knudsen, marketingdirektør i Arla. - Yoggi Frozen er et godt billede på, hvor givende det kan være, når to fødevarevirksomheder som Premier Is og Arla arbejder sammen, udtaler adm. direktør i Premier Is, Mogens Jønck. Den nye yoghurt ispind lanceres hos en række danske kiosker og tankstationer fra uge 13 og lander i supermarkedernes frysediske i uge 16. (Foto: Arla Foods).
Arla hæver øko-tillægget Arla Foods leverer vækst i det økologiske segment, især i Danmark, Sverige og Tyskland, hvor der også er gode forretningsmuligheder, oplyser koncernen. Der er en hel række aktiviteter i gang på disse markeder inden for innovation, markedsføring og ny emballage. I Storbritannien arbejder Arla på en ny øko-strategi, som fremlægges til sommer. Derfor præsenterede Arlas viceadm. direktør Povl Krogsgaard Arlas øko-strategi 2017 på koncernens nyligt afholdte repræsentantskabsmøde. - I 2015 har vi samlet set tilstrækkeligt med øko-mælk, men når vi ser fremad, kan vi komme i en mangelsituation i 2017. Arla hæver derfor pr. marts i år økotillægget med 2 eurocent (ca. 15 danske øre) i alle ejerlande. (Foto: Arla Foods).
Danone forventer svært år Omsætningen i den franske fødevarekoncern Danone faldt en anelse i 2014 og landede på knap 158 milliarder kr. mod godt 159 milliarder kr. året før. Danone opererer som bekendt inden for følgende fire forretningsområder; mejeriprodukter, drikkevand, modermælkserstatninger og medicinske ernæringsprodukter. Af de fire områder er mejeriprodukterne det største, og denne forretningsenhed havde alene en omsætning på 83 milliarder kr. i 2014 mod 88 milliarder i 2013. Danone forventer fortsat svære afsætningsvilkår for mejeriprodukterne i 2015. (Foto: Colourbox).
NR. 6
Kort fortalt FrieslandCampina hæver mælkeprisen
IDF Topmøde - Early Bird! IDF afholder dette års topmøde i Litauens hovedstad Vilnius i dagene 20.-24. september 2015. Arrangørerne forventer, at topmødet i 2015 får deltagelse af omkring 1.500 mejerieksperter fra hele verden. Interesserede kan læse mere samt tilmelde sig topmødet på www.idfwds2015.com. Ønsker man at deltage til reduceret pris, kan dette nås ved tidlig registrering - før den 31. marts - på idfwds2015. com/registration. Temaet for IDF’s 2015 topmøde bliver: Closing the Nutritional Gap with Sustainable Dairy. I år kommer der ekstra fokus på mælkeproduktionen på gårdene - især i Litauen og de baltiske lande, og det omfattende topmødeprogram omfatter derfor også et Farmers Forum, tekniske studieture og Farmers’ Dinner. (Foto: IDF.com).
Det hollandske mejeriselskab FrieslandCampina har øget mælkeprisen fra 31,50 euro pr. 100 kg i februar til 34 euro i marts, skriver LandbrugsAvisen. Denne stigning på 19 øre pr. kg kommer efter en halv så stor stigning for en måned siden. Dermed er mælkeprisen nu oppe i 2,55 kr. pr. kg. Den garanterede pris for økomælk er steget mindre, men den ligger stadig langt over prisen for konventionel mælk. Prisen for marts er på 3,49 kr. pr. kg.
Svært år hos Orana
Pulverteknologi på Lund Universitet Lund Universitet afholder et seminar om pulvere til anvendelse i mejeri- og fødevareindustrien samt i de farmaceutisk og kemisk industrier. Seminaret finder sted den 9.-11 september 2015 på Lund Universitet. Kurset henvender sig til professionelle procesfolk samt Ph.d.-studerende inden for området, og undervisningen foretages af lektorer på universitetet samt eksterne fagfolk. På seminaret bliver der sat fokus på følgende emner: Pulverproduktion og håndtering, størrelser og typer af pulverpartikler, transport, opbevaring, opløsningsevne og blanding. Formålet er at give kursisterne større viden om pulverprodukter og processer som grundlag for udvikling af nye produkter og fremstillingsmetoder inden for pulverområdet. Sidste frist for tilmelding er den 1. juli 2015. Kontakt gerne Mirka Fahlander, Lund Universitet, på mirka.fahlander@education.lu.se for yderligere oplysninger. (Foto: Lund Universitet).
Orana levede ikke op til forventningerne i regnskabsåret 2013/14. Omsætningen steg kun marginalt, samtidig med at omkostningerne steg kraftigt. Dermed blev overskuddet lavere end året før, oplyser Orana, der ikke opgiver eksakte regnskabstal. Orana har haft store indkøringsproblemer på sin nye fabrik i Egypten samtidig med, at flere salgsprojekter i Mellemøsten og Afrika blev forsinket. Det nye regnskabsår er startet godt, og der forventes et tilfredsstillende resultat for halvåret (1. oktober 2014 - 31. marts 2015). Orana har udvidet kapaciteten på sin fabrik i Vietnam til det dobbelte. Dette, sammenholdt med at fabrikken i Egypten er blevet mere effektiv, gør, at Orana ser positivt på fremtiden. (Foto: Orana).
Finsk flag på russisk smør Den finske mejerigigant Valio har med de russiske myndigheders hjælp fået nedlagt forbud mod, at det russiske mejeri, Nevskie Molokoprodukty, anvender det finske flag på virksomhedens smørprodukter. Det skriver DairyReporter.com. Valio mener selvfølgelig, at flaget vildleder de russiske forbrugere til at tro, at smørret er produceret i Finland. Og det er jo ikke være tilfældet, da Rusland har standset for al import af fødevarer fra EU. (Foto: Colourbox). ■
NR. 6
Personalia 60 år Konsulent Jørgen Jensen, Herlev kan den 26. marts fejre 60 års fødselsdag.
75 år Mejeriingeniør Günther Bernhard, Bredebro kan den 7. april fejre 75 års fødselsdag.
20 års jubilæum Kvalitetsleder Jette Gabrielsen, Nørager Mejeri, Nørager fejrer den 3. april 20 års jubilæum.
25 års jubilæum Site Director John Faurholdt Jensen, Arla Foods, Viby J fejrer den 1. april 25 års jubilæum.
40 års jubilæum Energy Manager Poul Erik Madsen, Arla Foods, Viby fejrer den 3. april 40 års jubilæum.
50 års jubilæum Site sekretær Hanne Hansen, Arla Foods Esbjerg Mejeri kan den 1. april fejre 50 års jubilæum. Hanne startede som kontorelev hos Andelsmejeriet Esbjerg, Skolegade i 1965 i en tid, hvor man stadig var ”Des” med hinanden. Damerne på kontoret gik altid med nederdel, man arbejdede om lørdagen, og mejeriet leverede sågar stadig mælk med hestevogne. I 1968 flyttede
mejeriet ud på Kvaglundvej, og Hanne har lige siden været en nøgleperson i administrationen, i roller som sekretær og administrationschef. Hannes tilknytning til mejeriet er usædvanlig stærk - det ses ved, at Hanne er synonym med de værdier, som mejeriet hele tiden arbejder efter. Hanne er fantastisk til at tage ”lead” ved altid at gå foran og være forandringsparat, og Hannes evner til ”sense” ses bl.a. ved, at hendes evner som lyttende og være fortrolig er højt værdsat blandt kollegaer, mens Hannes evner indenfor ”create” især ses ved, at Hanne påtager sig alle mulige ”blæksprutteopgaver”- og altid lykkes med at komme i mål. Hele mejeriet ser frem til at fejre Hanne ved et arrangement den 1. april. Jan Vraa Mikkelsen
75 år Mejeriingeniør Per Nielsen, Hjørring kan den 5. april fejre 75 års fødselsdag. Per Nielsen er uddannet mejeriingeniør fra KVL i 1968, hvorefter han havde en lang karriere hos bl.a. Danish Turnkey Dairies, Intercool og APV. Per Nielsen var også i en årrække lærer på Kold College og redaktionssekretær på Mælkeritidende.
Mejeridirektør ny formand UdviklingsRåd Sønderjylland får ny formand i form af Leif Friis Jørgensen, der er direktør for det økologiske mejeri Naturmælk. Leif Friis Jørgensen vil sætte fokus på infrastruktur og bosætning i det sønderjyske samt på fremtidsperspektiver generelt i regionen. UdviklingsRåd Sønderjylland består af 26 topfolk fra erhvervsliv, kommuner, uddannelsesinstitutioner og faglige organisationer i Sønderjylland. ■
Foreningsnyt Indberetning af faglige kontingenter i FMF 2014 I Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer følger indbetaling af medlemskontingentet foreningens regnskabsår, som afviger fra kalenderåret. Det betyder, at det kontingent, der indbetales, reelt kun vedrører tre kvartaler i det kalenderår, hvori det indbetales, og et kvartal vedrører det efterfølgende kalenderår. Ved overgang til foreningens nye medlems- og økonomisystem, som samkører fradrag direkte med SKAT, er konsekvensen derfor, at der fra og med 2014 skubbes fradrag for et kvartals kontingent frem til det efterfølgende år. Som følge heraf vil der for 2014 kun være indberettet et fradrag på 1.575 kr. Og det resterende beløb 525 kr. indberettes her i 2015.
NR. 6
Fremover vil fradraget igen svare til fire kvartalers kontingent. Al indbetaling vil således forsat være indberettet og være fradragsberettiget - dog med et kvartals forskydning. ■
Mælkeritidende I/S Formand Produktionsdirektør Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 97 85 34 34, e-mail: soren.jensen@arlafoods.com
Leverandøroversigt ❚ Automation ❚ ❚ ❚
❚ Totalleverandør ❚ ❚ ❚
Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening Formand Sales Manager Martin Holst Petersen Eskebøl Allé 12, 2770 Kastrup tlf. 38 88 68 32, e-mail: dkmhp@chr-hansen.com
Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer Formand Produktionsdirektør Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 97 85 34 34, e-mail: soren.jensen@arlafoods.com Kredsformænd Nordjylland Projektchef Palle Jellesmark tlf. 21 49 20 10, e-mail: jellesmark@privat.dk Østjylland Produktionschef Bjarke Damsgaard Jørgensen Tlf. 87 51 42 34 bjjor@arlafoods.com Vestjylland Projektleder Michael Jensen Holstebro Mejeri e-mail: mcje@arlafoods.com Sydjylland Mejerichef Leif Friis Jørgensen tlf. 74 64 28 01, e-mail: leif@naturmaelk.dk Fyn Faglærer Birger H. Christiansen tlf. 64 47 41 22, e-mail: birger@it.dk Østdanmark Arbejdsleder Jan A. Andersen tlf. 58 53 40 35, e-mail: jan.a.andersen@arlafoods.com
Au2mate A/S Frichsvej 11, DK-8600 Silkeborg Tlf. +45 87 20 50 50 Fax +45 87 20 50 69 mail@au2mate.dk – www.au2mate.dk
FTF-A Snorresgade 15 2300 København S. Tlf. 70 13 13 12 Mandag-fredag 8-18.
Akademikernes Centralorganisation
❚ Maskiner og udstyr ❚ ❚ ❚
❚ Emballage ❚ ❚ ❚
Constantia Corona Industriskellet 2, 2635 Ishøj Tlf. 43 56 01 00 – Fax 43 73 26 00 customerservice@corona.cflex..com Tetra Pak Sverige AB Byggnad 306 2-vån, Ruben Rausings gata SE-221 86 Lund, Sweden Tlf. +46 46 36 10 00 Fax +46 46 36 30 06
PTI A/S Vennelystvej 2, 6880 Tarm Tlf. 97 37 16 33 – Fax 97 37 30 70 sf@pti-as.dk – www.pti-as.dk Salicath ApS Rue 5A, DK-5900 Rudkøbing Tlf. 40 16 12 01 – Tlf. 40 28 18 02 salicath@salicath.dk
❚ Membranfiltrering ❚ ❚ ❚
❚ Gulve ❚ ❚ ❚ DSS, A Tetra Pak Company Bergsøesvej 17, 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 87 20 08 40 – Fax 87 20 08 90 info@dss.eu – www.dss.eu
FTF Niels Hemmingsens Gade 12 Postboks 1169 1010 København K Tlf. 33 36 88 00 Mandag–torsdag kl. 9–16‚ fredag kl. 10–16‚ lørdag lukket.
S. Sørensen I/S Tigervej 11, 7700 Thisted Tlf. 97 92 26 22 – Fax 97 91 05 22
Bjarmodan A/S Højgaardsvej 10 8300 Odder Tlf. 86551489 www.bjarmodan.dk bjarmodan@bjarmodan.dk
❚ Køleanlæg ❚ ❚ ❚
GEA Filtration Nørskovvej 1B, 8660 Skanderborg Tlf. 70 15 22 00 – Fax 70 15 22 44 info@geafiltration.dk www.geafiltration.com
❚ Projektering og anlæg ❚ ❚ ❚
ACs sekretariat Nørre Voldgade 29, 1358 København K. Tlf. 33 69 40 40 Mandag–fredag kl. 9–16.30.
Akademikernes A-kasse AAKs hovedkontor Nyropsgade 45, 1504 København V. Tlf. 33 95 03 95 Mandag–fredag kl. 10–14. Onsdag dog lukket for telefonisk henvendelse.
Johnson Controls Køleteknik Sortevej 30 8543 Hornslet Tlf.: 8736 3100 Fax: 8736 3101 cg-eur-dk-koeleteknik@jci.com www.johnsoncontrols.dk
Tetra Pak Danmark A/S Søren Nymarks Vej 13, 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 – Fax 86 29 53 11 process.progress@tetrapak.com
Møder og udstillinger ❚ Danmark ❚ ❚ ❚ 23. april Mejeriforskningens Dag Hotel Legoland, Billund
Mejerinyheder - ganske gratis! Vil du gerne have ugens vigtigste mejerinyheder i din mailbox hver fredag? Hver uge udsender vi en række korte nyheder fra ind- og udland samt mærkedage for mejeri industriens ledere og en kalender for kommende arrangementer i mejeribranchen. Du kan tilmelde dig Mælkeritidendes UgeNyt på hjemmesiden: www.maelkeritidende.dk - Det er ganske gratis!
Bannerannoncering af ledige stillinger På www.maelkeritidende.dk er det nu muligt at indrykke bannerannoncer for ledige stillinger, hvor ansøgere kan klikke sig videre til den ansøgende virksomheds egen hjemmeside. En stillingsbannerannonce på www.maelkeritidende.dk har målene: Bredde: 140 px x højde: 350 px, og prisen er 3.900 kr. for to uger!
29. april AP Pension Generalforsamling
Mejeristhuset Nedenstående kan du se ledige perioder for ophold i de næste måneder i Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærers sommerhus – ”Mejeristhuset” i Kandestederne. Vintertilbud Det er muligt for alle medlemmer af Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer og af Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening at booke nogle af de kommende ”vinterperioder” til fordelagtige priser. * Book en uge for kun 2.500 kr. eller en miniferie/weekend for kun 1.300 kr. Kontakt os gerne på mt@maelkeri tidende.dk for dine ønsker om et ophold i ”Mejeristhuset”. Se nærmere om sæsoner og priser på www.mejerileder.dk/mejeristhuset Sæson A
Sæson B
Sæson C
Sæson D
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April 14 15 16 17 18
Ulykker • Tandskader • Sundhed Forsikringer via Mejeriliv: Kontakt Optima for information www.optima-gruppen.dk Claus Rasthøj tlf. 2075 55 25
28. maj Mejeriteknisk Selskab Analysering af mejeriprodukter Hotel Legoland 3. juni 2. Kredsudstilling Hotel Nørre Vosborg, Vemb Virksomhedsbesøg på Nr. Vium Mejeri 3.-4. november International Food Contest MCH Messecenter Herning 25. november 2015 MIA Arbejdsmiljøkonference Comwell Kolding
❚ Udland ❚ ❚ ❚ 23.-27. marts 2015 AEDIL-kursus: Bløde oste ENIL, Poligny, Frankrig 24.-27. marts Anuga FoodTec Køln, Tyskland 6.-8. maj Mejeribrugets Studietur Norditalien 20.-24. september IDF World Dairy Summit Vilnius, Litauen
Maj 18 19 20 21 22
OBS: Sekretariatet tager forbehold for perioder, der evt. er udlejet, efter bladet er sendt til trykning! * (Vinterperioder gælder fra uge 45 til uge 13, dog er ugerne 52, 7 og 8 undtaget).
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Reduce operating costs, energy consumption and CO2 emissions
(Foto: Colourbox)
Milk the cow – not the budget