Theme: The 44th Nordic Dairy Congress nsor ld Spo y o G d air Prou rdic D of No gress Con 2017 ne, 7-9 Ju
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For every occasion
9 Nordic Dairy Congress – official programme p. 4
Social hot spots in Copenhagen p. 6
Stability in storms – Nordic Dairy Industry p. 8
5. maj 2017 130. årgang
Leder Udgivere: Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, e-mail: Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, e-mail: Redaktion og sekretariat: Munkehatten 28 5220 Odense SØ. Tlf.: 66 12 40 25 e-mail: Tlf. tid dagligt kl. 8.30-15.30 (fredag dog 8.30-14.30) Ans. redaktør og sekretariatsleder mejeriingeniør Anne-Sofi Søgaard Christiansen (AC) Redaktør Lars Winther (LW) Redaktionssekretær Jette Rohde (JRO) Programkoordinator Cand.scient.soc Isabel Sande Frandsen (ISF) Regnskab og administrationssekretær Markedsøkonom Bettina M. Nielsen (BMN) Administrationsmedarbejder Mie Burchardt (MKB) Annoncer: Stillings/rubrikannoncer sendes onsdag kl. 12.00, ugen før udgivelse. Tidsskriftet udgives hveranden fredag‚ undtagen dobbeltnumre i juli og december‚ svarende til 23 nr./år i et oplag på 1.600 eksemplarer. Abonnement: Danmark: 1.375- kr./år inkl. moms. Europa: 1.625,- inkl. forsendelse. Øvrige udland: 1.825‚- kr. inkl. forsendelse. Læserkreds: Mejeriselskabernes ledere og øvrige medarbejdere. Mejeriingeniører, mejeriteknikere og procesteknologer i ind- og udland. Medlemmer af mejeriernes bestyrelser. Ansatte ved mejeribrugets organisationer. Medarbejdere ved universiteter og øvrige forskningsinstitutioner samt levnedsmiddelkontrolenhederne og ministerielle embedsmænd. Mange levnedsmiddelvirksomheder. Mejeriernes leverandør- og servicevirksomheder m.v. (Stud. tech. al/mejerilinjen og procesteknologstuderende/mejerispecialet modtager bladet gratis). Layout og tryk: Jørn Thomsen Elbo A/S ISSN 0024-9645 Online ISSN 2245-991X Medlem af:
Eftertryk tilladt med kildeangivelse. MÆLKERITIDENDE 2017
Adding Value – The 44th Nordic Dairy Congress By Søren Steen Jensen
It is with great pleasure I welcome you to participate in what we anticipate to become an innovative and insightful journey through the state of the art within dairy with a focus on ADDING VALUE. Adding Value must be understood as adding value to the entire value chain: to consumers, environment and dairy plants as well as producers. The 44th Nordic Dairy Congress brings together prominent speakers from around the world within the areas of Green Solutions, Søren Steen Jensen, Chairman of Healthy Dairy Products, Improving Efficiency the Board Nordic Dairy Council and All-Time High Food Safety from both the academic world as well as the industry. Furthermore, it is great honour for us to introduce our keynote speaker Peder Tuborgh, who is the CEO of Arla Foods amba. The programme has been designed with an international approach ensuring a global outreach, which is stressed with the conference language entirely in English. As a new input, we have invited 12 researchers to present their work in flash-talks and the conference finalizes with a panel debate of specially invited and eloquent speakers who bring perspective to the newly achieved knowledge. At this time, only ten days before the deadline for registration, we are close to be fully booked, which we are very happy about. This also means that sponsors will get full credit for their sponsorships, and I would like to extend a personal ‘thank you’ to all conference sponsors for your strong support! The conference will take place in the very heart of Copenhagen in an ancient building that is also host to the Danish Agriculture & Food Council. We are very excited to share Adding Value to dairy with you and we have made sure to add extra value to the conference with delightful sightseeing through the canals of Copenhagen and evening events of atmosphere for networking and reconnection with likeminded passionate dairy fellows. Again: very welcome! ■
Content Panel debate
Official programme
DSS Tetra Pak
6 Nordic Dairies 8 Arla Foods 10 Valio 12 Tine 14
Dupont Nutrition & Health 24
30 LP Kolding 32 SPX FLOW 34
Social hot spots
Chr. Hansen NIRAS
Kold College / Procudan 27 Eltronic
Grundfos Biobooster
AC Mejerimaskiner
42 Kort fortalt 43 Personalia 45 Pension
Leverandøroversigt Kalender / Mejeristhuset
NR. 9
Panel Debate (Friday 14.30):
Adding value for growth and development in the dairy industry The Nordic Dairy Congress finalizes with a panel debate of especially invited and eloquent speakers who bring perspective to the newly achieved knowledge. During the debate, congress participants will have access to ask questions to the five debaters, through an online tool available for all. The panel debate will be monitored by Theis Brøgger, who is Arla’s Director of External Communication. The participants in the panel will give a short presentation addressing how their companies/organizations support the agenda of ADDING VALUE to a dairy industry dealing with new trends and new consumer needs and demands. The debaters are listed below with the headline of their focus in the debate.
How can the farmers make a business case by adding value to the milk by addressing new consumer trends? Åke Hantoft, Chairman of the board, Arla Foods
How will new and efficient processes create value in the dairy industry? Monica Gimre, Vice President, Tetra Pak Processing
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How is the use of ingredients the key to meet new consumer needs and demands?
How will packaging of the future address environmental challenges?
Thomas Hahlin Ahlinder, Global Sales Director, DuPont
Niels Petter Wright, CEO, Elopak
How to handle exports to a global food market regulated locally?
How can the dairy industry ensure the right to play in a European and Global context?
Svend Aage Linde, CEO, Eurofins
Karen Hækkerup, CEO, Danish Agriculture & Food Council
Nordic Dairy Congress 2017 Wednesday 7 June 2017 Chr. Hansen A/S site visit and registration 13.00 – 18.00 After dinner networking with refreshments at Axelborg 19.30 – 21.30
Thursday 8 June 2017 Opening session 9.30 – 11.00 Welcome, Søren Jensen, President Nordic Dairy Technology Council Opening speech Peder Tuborgh, CEO Arla Foods Plenum session 1 11.30 – 12.30 Lectures How do consumer trends add value to the dairy industry? Keynote 1: How consumers perceive value in dairy products – recent developments and implications for the dairy industry Klaus G. Grunert, Professor, Denmark Keynote 2: New technological breakthroughs that support consumer needs Lilia Ahrné, Professor, Denmark Sessions 14.00 – 17.00 Session 1: Improving efficiency
Session 2: All-time high food safety
1 keynote speaker
1 keynote speaker
Measurement of milk components at different stages of the dairy value chain Steve Holroyd, Research Manager, New Zealand
Food safety early warning systems in the dairy industry John O’Brien, Deputy Head & Professor, Switzerland
4 speakers
4 speakers
Application of big data to achieve effective and robust productions processes Harald Martens, Professor and Research Leader, Norway
Infrared screening of milk and dairy products for deviations Per Waaben Hansen, Senior Chemometrician, Denmark
Fouling and cleaning in the dairy industry Fredrik Innings, Professor, Technology Platform Manager, Sweden
Challenges for food packaging in the next decades Horst-Christian Langowski, Professor, Dr., Germany
Extracellular polysaccharides; from genetics to application Patrick Derkx, Senior Director, Denmark
Extending shelf life through control of spore-forming bacteria Anne Elsser-Gravesen, Managing Director, Denmark
Separation of milk components prior to the butter process Niina Valkonen, Researcher, Finland
Predictive modelling to improve and document safety of dairy products Paw Dalgaard, Professor, Denmark.
3 flash talks
3 flash talks
Milk quality from cows managed at extended lactation Nina Aagaard Poulsen, Assistant Professor, Denmark
Using fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics to determine when cleaning is needed Iuliana-Madalina Stoica, PhD Student, Denmark
Genomic selection against non-coagulating milk in Swedish Red Cows Kajsa Nilsson, PhD student, Sweden
Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in European cheeses: Review and metaanalysis Veronica Martinez-Rios, Denmark
Impact of protein/lactose ratio on the dissolution rate of spraydried powders Ida-Marie Andersson, PhD Student, Sweden
Heat resistant gram negative pathogens Susanne Knøchel, Professor, Denmark
Sponsors Corner 17.00 – 18.00 The Congress sponsors will take the center stage and interact with the participants in an informal setup. 19.30 Evening programme: Canal tour and dinner next to the Royal Castle
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Friday 9 June 2017 Plenum session 2 Sessions 9.00 – 13.00 Session 3: Green solutions
Session 4: Healthy dairy products
1 keynote speaker
1 keynote speaker
Green solutions in the entire value chain Anna Flysjö, Life Cycle Sustainability Manager, Denmark
Milk fat and its impact on the metabolic syndrome Mette Bohl, Postdoc, Denmark
4 speakers
4 speakers
Dairy in a sustainable diet: a sharp discussion Toon van Hooijdonk,, The Netherlands
The effect of bioactive dairy ingredients on obtaining a healthy intestinal microbiota Daniela Barile, Professor, Davis, USA
Food waste (farmers, dairies, consumers) (TBC) Richard Laxton, Global Sustainability Manager, UK
Stratified nutrition for all ages Lars Holm, Associate Professor, Denmark
Climate related challenges and possibilities for the dairy industry Jørgen E. Olesen, Professor, Denmark
Fermented products and their effects on cardiovascular disease Emily Sonestedt, Associate Professor, Sweden
Water recycling/reuse in the dairy industry Claus Heggum, Chief Consultant, Denmark
Salt reduction by natural milk minerals Saara Pitkänen, Product Developer, Finland
3 flash talks
3 flash talks
Integrated production planning and water management: Theory and application to cheese production Sai Jishna Pulluru, PhD student, Germany
Consumption of milk may reduce lipid uptake and storage and increase rates of energy expenditure Bashar Amer, Postdoc, Denmark
Chemical characterization and real-time monitoring of membrane permeates from an industrial dairy ingredient production Peter Bæk Skou, PhD student, Denmark
Is butter back? Sara Engel, PhD Student, Denmark
Concentrating milk at the farm – keeping the high quality Ida Sørensen, PhD student, Denmark
Effect of fat content of cheese on type 2 diabetes and on appetite sensation Farinaz Raziani, PhD student, Denmark
Plenum session 3 14.30 – 16.00 Future perspectives and panel discussion Adding value for growth and development in the dairy industry Closing 16.00 – 16.30 19.00 Gala dinner at Axelborg – music and short entertainment
For further information and full abstracts see: Danish Agriculture & Food Council, Axelborg, is the venue of the Nordic Dairy Congress in Copenhagen
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Nordic Dairy Congress – hot spots The 44th Nordic Dairy Congress is much more than highly qualified lectures and insights into dairy innovations and trends. It is also a unique opportunity of connecting and reconnecting with other people who also passion dairy – and maybe do some tourism. The Congress organizers have hence put together some extra events and settings to encourage participants to add value to their experience tailoring their own unique trip. Here are a few hot spots. Frederiksborg castle, Hillerød
Visit Denmark’s Royal Retreat
and cascades. The Unique Renaissance castle was built by King Christian IV This is a unique opportunity to make a (1577-1648). Following the first visit is guided tour in English to three of the a visit to Fredensborg Castle, which is most spectacular castles of Denmark the Royal family’s beautiful Summer full of history and enchantment. residence. First visit is Frederiksborg Castle in The last castle to visit is Kronborg Hillerød, which is picturesquely located Castle in Elsinore, which is better on the banks of the castle lake surroun- known as Hamlet’s Castle. A world ded by a Baroque Garden with roses heritage site with soaring towers and
The unofficial Nordic Dairy Golf Open
damp casemates. The four-wing castle is a masterpiece of Danish renaissance architecture, built by King Frederik II (1534-1588). The tour departs from Copenhagen at 10:00 and ends in Copenhagen at 16:45. This tour is optional and is available for all on Saturday 10, and for spouses Thursday 8.
Royal Copenhagen Golf Club
No congress without traditions. And as such, the Nordic Dairy Golf Open is one of the traditions that still stand strong. This time it will take place in one of the most beautiful and well protected settings North of Copenhagen at the Royal Copenhagen Golf Club. The area surrounding the golf court was recently listed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list. For further information please visit: The Nordic Dairy Golf Open takes place Wednesday 7 from 08:00 – 14:00 After the golf event, a bus will transfer participants to visit Chr. Hansen’s plant in Avedøre and register for the congress.
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Visit the world’s largest culture plant As an important part of your participation in the Nordic Dairy Congress, you are invited to visit Chr. Hansen’s impressive production flagship – the culture plant in Avedoere, where you will also register to the congress. The visit poses a unique chance to Registration and site visit - Chr. Hansens plant iAvedoere get behind the scenes at the world’s most advanced production facility for size and production capacity. Right to witness the production process from lactic acid bacteria. Already the world’s now, construction work is ongoing raw material to final product – stored largest plant when it was taken into at the site to double the capacity, and in the impressive minus 55 degrees C operation in 2008, the production further investments are in the pipeline. freezer – the largest one in the world. capacity equaled enough cultures to The plant boasts state-of-the-art The visit and registration takes place cover the entire yogurt production in technology and is highly automated Wednesday 7, and shuttle bus will Europe. Since then several expansion with advanced robotic solutions. As ensure transfers from airport and to projects have taken place at the produ- a visitor, you will be invited into the plant and hotels. ction site, adding significantly to the heart of Chr. Hansen with the chance
Canal tours in Copenhagen. Here in Nyhavn, right next to Admiral Hotel.
Canal Tour and Dinner Included in the congress price is a tour around the canals of Copenhagen. The boats depart from Gammel Strand, next to Christiansborg Palace which hosts the Danish Parliament and the Supreme Court among others. Christiansborg Palace is just a short walk from the congress site Axelborg. The
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tour will take you through the idyllic harbours and canals of Copenhagen passing by The Copenhagen Opera House, the Royal Palace Amalienborg, the impressive Black Diamond Library and not to forget the Little Mermaid. During the tour a pre-dinner drink will be served. The tour ends at Copenhagen Admiral Hotel, which is housed in
a converted 18th century warehouse neighbouring the Royal Palace and with superb views of the Opera House, the Royal Playhouse and the harbour. At the Admiral Hotel, a delicious dinner is awaiting, and for those who wish to extend the evening, the charming and lively old harbour of Copenhagen, Nyhavn, is just around the corner.
NORDIC DAIRY INDUSTRY – stability in storms Four years have passed since the last Nordic Dairy Congress. A period to be characterized in two words as regards the dairy sector – stability and storm at the same time. By Lars Winther
Since the latest Nordic Dairy Congress was held in Lofoten in 2013, the dairy sector in the five Nordic countries has faced a new exciting reality and several new challenges. In some contexts, the dairy sector experienced brutal changes and storms. Especially 2016 hit hard. After the abolition of the milk quota system in the European Union in 2015, the world market reacted on a growing milk production, sending the milk prices under massive pressure. The structural changes among farmers accelerated the closing down of thousands of dairy farms all over Europe – as well as in the Nordic countries. Nonetheless, the Nordic dairy companies managed to steer through the storm, proving to be more or less solid. This is a sign of stability. Two mergers (Fallkøping Mejeri/Grådö and Naturmælk/Øllingegaard) took place, but no bigger companies were bound to shut down. In the same way the sector has managed to respond to a challengingworld market through innovation and higher efficiency in the production.
Similar conditions Despite the different EU-statuses with Denmark, Finland and Sweden as members of the EU and Norway and Iceland outside the Union (both members of the EEA), the Nordic countries are facing common conditions in many aspects. First of all, they are dominated by one big, international company. These companies have a strong and solid domestic market – mainly based on fresh products with drinking milk as the very basic commodity.
Nordic Dairies, 2016/17 No. Country
Milk mio. kg
Arla Foods*
Arla Foods
Arla Ingman**
Synnøve Finden***
MS Iceland Dairies
Falköping/ Grådö
Osuuskunta Maitomaa
Bornholms Andelsmejeri
Them Andelsmejeri
Osuuskunta Maitokolmio
Osuuskunta Satamaito
Table 1: List of biggest Nordic Dairies ranked in relation to yearly milk amount. The figures are based on direct interviews or annual reports from 2016. The list and ranking is more or less identical to the list brought by Mælkeritidende in 2013 (no 8). Most dairies have expanded with more milk with exception ofa few among the bigger companies such as Arla Foods in Sweden and Tine in Norway. * Arla Denmark - staff at headquarter included. ** Arla Ingman including 12 co-operating dairies. NR. 9 *** Synnøve buys milk from TINE.
Arla Foods processes 55 pct. of the milk in (including Arla Ingman i Finland).
All countries have high standards for hygiene – controlled by efficient public controls. Similar consumer trends are detected with drinking milk being less popular, though still among the highest pr. capita in the world. At the same time, the demand for cheese, yoghurt and other fermented products is increasing. Furthermore, the Nordic countries keep getting more integrated in each other’s markets. Export and import between the countries is growing every year, and the dairies seem to inspire each other with new products in several categories. Skyr, new cheeses and lactose free products are just a few examples. These closer relations are also detectable at the yearly International Food Contest in Herning, which attracts more and more dairies from all of the Nordic countries.
Differences among countries On the other side, huge differences are detected in the countries due to different trends and conditions related to different structures, traditions and history.
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Denmark’s farmers are among the biggest in Europe – though many of these carrying heavy debts, which partly explains, that among 10 pct. of the dairy farmers stop production every year. Some of these on own initiative,others due to bankruptcy. Anyhow, the production keeps growing every year after the abolition of the milk quota system with a growth of 2 pct. from 2015 to 2016. Sweden is also experiencing a similar trend among dairy farmers, but in contrast to Denmark the total production keeps falling every year. From 2015 to 2016 the reduction was 2 pct. Finland still manages to deliver one of the highest milk prices in the EU – about 15-20 pct. higher than the aver-
age, although market leader Valio is severely hit by the Russian embargo of EU dairy products. As a consequence, the Fins also experienced a tough development with many farms shutting down the latest years. Norway is still benefitting from a large governmental support, which makes it profitable to run dairy farms in scarcely populated areas with few cattle. However, the Norwegians start experiencing tough times with less governmental support for exports, resulting in a reduction of farms of almost 1.000 last year. Iceland stay strong at its domestic market for the dominating MS Iceland Dairy. ■
Milk in Nordic countires Country
2016 Milk (mio. kg)
Milk farmers
Dairy companies*
*Definition of dairies differs between countries – and figures are not 100 pct. comparable. MÆLKERITIDENDE 2017
Arla Foods – from Bulk to Brand In an extremely volatile milk market Arla Foods amba managed to stay strong throughout 2016. One of the main strategies being to improve the quality of its sales by moving more milk from bulk to brands. In fact, the increase of market share pertaining brands increased with almost two percent to 44.5 percent compared to 2015. Arla’s global turnover in 2016 was 9,570 million euro.
By Isabel Sande Frandsen, Mælkeritidende
When it comes to milk intake, Arla is ranked fourth in the world, still having processing capacity and logistic solutions to handle more milk than the owners are supplying. Due to the unstable market, milk intake decreased in the second half of 2016. However, Arla expects to see an increase in milk volumes from owners in all countries in the years to come.
Strong brands and consumer trends Arla’s key brands are Arla®, Lurpak® and Castello®. In Europe, especially the Arla® branded skyr and protein
products are experiencing an increase in market share. In the Middle East and North Africa, Puck® portfolio has been really successful, especially with its jar cheese, which is now the leading brand of its kind in the region. Following is an overview of the performance of the four key brands. • Arla® increased 4.5 percent compared to 2.5 percent in 2015 • Lurpak® increased 7.7 percent compared to 6.1 in 2015 • Castello® increased 3.0 percent compared to 0.1 in 2015 • Puck® increased 10.6 percent compared to 9.9 in 2015
Arla Employees
Key figures globally
Turnover 2016
Finland Total Scandinavia
357 11,648
Milk inflow 2016 Farmers Plants
9,570 mio. EURO 1,400 13,900 mio. litres 12,000 57
Arla is continuously responding to consumer trends for natural and healthy products, which is considered one of four major consumer trends, targeted by Arla. The three other consumer trends are increasing demands for premium products, such as Arla Unika, consumers’ increasing awareness and interest in environmental friendly products and animal welfare, and then the on-the-go consumer trend, that demands well tasting and healthy products ready to go.
Arla Denmark’s priorities As regards animal welfare and organic products, Arla introduced in 2016, an extra payment of one euro-cent per kg milk to farmers that switch to nongenetically modified feed. This is one example of Arla’s wish to perform even better on this area in alignment with its Strategy ‘Good Growth 2020’. Jakob Bernhard Knudsen who is the Market
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Head of Arla Denmark explains that Arla Denmark has identified 10 major commercial targets aligned with Europe’s priorities. See figure 1. Many of these priorities have already been executed, as is the launch of Arla’s new organic ice cream ‘Arla Øko’. On its way is a range of fresh soups and ‘Arla Øko Cool Milk’, which is expected to hit the market in September 2017.
In the making As regards Arla’s expectations for the years to come good growth is key. The growth focus is split into four categories: Responsible Growth; Healthy Growth, Cooperative Growth and Natural Growth. Arla aims to take an even stronger position in the market as an innovative and responsible farmer-owned dairy company, which provides natural and healthy food to consumers and customers. As such the cooperate aims at engaging even further in the foodservice sector, as well as building on the current growth in e-commerce.
Arla Denmark’s 10 commercial priorities
Furthermore, Arla expects to continue the increase on brand sales in the years to come and has a declared intention of creating growth in the market and generate a stronger performance price for its owners in 2017.
Europe is key Although Arla has six strategic markets on a global level, Europe remains the key market with almost 80 percent of its total revenue. The main markets being Denmark, Sweden, Finland Germany, the Netherlands, and UK. Denmark and Sweden accounted for almost half of the raw milk inflow from Arla owners in 2016 (Denmark 34.2 pct., Sweden13.8 pct.). The UK, with 2.485 owners, is Arla’s biggest single market accounting for approximately 26 pct. of the total revenue with almost 75 pct. based on local milk and the remaining share from sales of imported products. Thus, Arla needs to focus on minimizing any potential negative impact of Brexit. In an effort to help this situation Arla
Jakob Bernhard Knudsen, Market Head of Arla Denmark.
has established a senior management taskforce to analyze and monitor the possible consequences as well as prepare the business to deal with the developments following the Brexit. ■
1. Make ecology big across all categories 2. Intensify the work around white milk, incl. lactose free and kefir 3. Expand Baby&Me, incl. ‘pouch’-launch 4. Expand ice cream-category with Arla Øko 5. Grow share of yellow cheese brands 6. Increase yoghurt-category through protein/skyr/new concepts 7. Make Lurpak Cooks Range a success and retrieve development of Kærgården 8. Make Arla Kids a success 9. Continue the leading BUKO-position within spread cheese 10. Establish the Castello-position within white mould cheese
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Valio – Finnish purity since 1905 Valio is the biggest dairy company and a brand leader in Finland with a net turnover of EUR 1.6 billion. Valio is known for its high quality consumer products as well as dairy technology innovations, such as the cutting-edge lactose free product line Valio Eila®. It is also a major player in the international dairy ingredients market and now launching new concepts for international consumer market. This year Valio celebrates hundred years of Finnish inventions as Valio’s R&D turns 100 years! By Tuula Hietanen, Marketing Manager, Valio
Valio CEO Annikka Hurme
Research and Development at Valio
Valio was founded in 1905 by farmers, and today Valio is the biggest dairy company in Finland with 4,000 employees globally. Valio’s long held core value “creating the best” helps sustain the vitality of cows, the countryside, and consumers – with good tasting healthy products. The company is owned by dairy cooperatives comprising some 6,000 dairy farmers and the milk intake is approximately 1.800 million liters per year.
World-class innovations, brands and ingredients Valio exports to 60 countries all over the world and has subsidiaries in RusKey figures Turnover 2016
1,600 mio. EURO
Above 1,000
Milk inflow 2016
1,800 mio. litres
sia, Sweden, Denmark, the Baltics, USA and China. In fact, Valio was established to promote the export of quality butter. Today the international sales account for more than one third of Valio Group’s net sales. The groundbreaking nutritional innovations of Valio provide solutions for global health trends, such as free from lactose, high in protein, decreasing sugar and salt intake. Valio is in many cases a true pioneer regarding healthy and practical inventions, like unburnable milk. Valio has also launched Valio MiFU® friable cooking crumb in Finland, which has pulled ahead to become the market leader in the category for products providing an alternative to meat.
Valio’s R&D turns 100 years Valio is the only dairy company in the world with a Nobel Prize -winning innovation. The first Valio laboratory was established in 1906. This year marks the
hundredth year since the establishment of Valio's first research laboratory, which began operations in the centre of Helsinki, in March 1917. Valio's R&D has evolved in step with Finland, which is celebrating its hundredth year of independence this year. In 1919, Valio's laboratory served as the location where Artturi Ilmari Virtanen – a chemist who was to become one of the most well-known Finnish scientists – began his life's work. With no compromises on quality and with a firm focus on scientific collaboration, A.I. Virtanen led the laboratory from 1921 onwards, for nearly 50 years. Of Virtanen's inventions, AIV fodder and AIV salt, in particular, were revolutionary, and Virtanen’s inventions led to him receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1945. Following in the footsteps of A.I. Virtanen, Valio's R&D unit has developed a number of world-class inno-
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Valio R&D facts • Valio introduces over 100 new products every year • The company holds 351 patents in 50 patent families in 50 countries • In 2016, Valio spent EUR 26.5 million on research, product development and quality assurance • Valio has strong food hold and expertise in the field of lactose free, probiotic, protein, less fat and less sodium products
vations over the decades. The most significant of these, even on a global scale, include the lactose free Valio Eila® technology and the Valio Gefilus® product technology, based on the most widely researched lactic acid bacterium, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Valio was the first organization in the world to develop manufacturing technology for lactose free dairy products. Valio started production of low lactose HYLA® products in 1980 and went on in 2001 to launch the world’s first completely lactose free milk drink, which tastes like real milk. ■
At Valio we are honoured to be named the most sustainable company in Finland for the 4th year in a row by the Sustainable Brand Index™.
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Well-being and responsibility guide product development - Well-being is the key to everything, said the Nobel laureate Virtanen with regard to the direction in which Valio's product range developed in its early days. Indeed, Valio has actively monitored, studied and solved global nutrition issues. Valio aims to develop innovations that advance public health. One of Valio's most recent innovations – such as the launch of the sodium reduced Valio ValSa® milk salt, a unique innovation to reduce the amount of salt in food without compromising on taste, and the company's snacks with lower sugar content – are also responses to global nutritional challenges. Valio’s R&D unit is also looking for innovative solutions on the responsibility front throughout the entire production chain – from field to table. Thus, the focus of our research strategy is to continuously develop environmentally friendly production from healthy animals to healthy, yet tasty, foodstuffs. This will also be the focal areas of Valio’s research and product development activities in the years to come. Valio's new patented invention, for instance, enables more efficient utilisation of the nutrients in slurry when it is processed into water, fertilizer fractions and biogas. Using slurry as a fertilizer gets easier, nutrient cycling becomes more efficient, and the runoff of nutrients decreases. Biogas can be used in the production of electricity and heat or as a traffic fuel. With this invention Valio processes nutrients from recycled cow manure, which used effectively will benefit the environment.
TINE around the world TINE is Norway’s leading supplier of food and drink brands, focusing on dairy products. TINE has around 1,300 product lines in its portfolio that are produced at 31 dairies all over Norway. TINE has subsidiaries in Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Ireland and the USA, and sales are predominantly based on sales of Norwegian and international cheese brands. The total operating revenue for international operations accounted for just under 13 percent of the Group’s sales in 2016. By Sverre Stenseng, TINE Communication
Of the total volume of cheese sold abroad, just under 40 per cent is produced from Norwegian milk. From 2020 Norway will withdraw brand export subsidies, something which will have an impact on exports of Jarlsberg®.
Jarlsberg® – an international brand -TINE has assessed various options for exporting products without subsidies,
Key figures Turnover 2016
2,420 mio. EURO
Milk inflow 2016
1,440 mio. litres
and has concluded that exports of Jarlsberg®, given the current market situation, would in no way be profitable. It is important for TINE to safeguard the values that Norwegian farmers have
built up internationally, as the Jarlsberg® brand accounts for a large part of TINE’s international sales, says Trond Reierstad, Chairman of the Board at TINE. TINE is therefore now working to arrange the construction of a production facility for Jarlsberg® in Ireland. The international market is currently supplied with Norwegian brands through both brand exports from Norway and brand production in the USA
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Facts about TINE TINE is a food manufacturing group that works with fresh and natural ingredients, turning them into healthy and delicious food products. The parent company TINE SA is a cooperative that is owned by 11,000 Norwegian milk producers. TINE works diligently to supply customers and consumers with products based on their current needs and demands. It must be attractive to work for TINE. The aim is to provide the owners with the best possible milk price. TINE has approx. 1,300 product lines in its portfolio. These are produced at 31 dairies all over Norway. TINE and its subsidiaries employ 5,400 people.
Trond Reierstad, Chairman of the Board, TINE
and Ireland. As regards Jarlsberg®, TINE wants to supply the international markets by increasing production in Ireland. TINE has produced Jarlsberg® outside of Norway for a number of years, and has only positive experiences to report. Jarlsberg® for the Norwegian market will continue to be produced in Norway. A change of this kind to how the international market is supplied is an extensive process that is only likely to start in 2019. TINE will continue to work on safeguarding profitability and increasing value creation for Jarlsberg® as a brand, both in Norway and internationally.
Jarlsberg® – popular for a long time
Foto: Bo Mathisen, TINE
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Jarlsberg® was first exported to the USA in 1961, and it is now the number one brand in its segment of imported cheese in the USA, Canada and Australia. In the USA Jarlsberg® is sold in 93 per cent of all supermarkets and is the best-known and best-selling foreign speciality cheese in its category. TINE has had a wholly-owned subsidiary in the USA, Norseland Inc, since 1979, which also has a branch office in Canada. In 2012 TINE acquired the American dairy company Alpine Dairy LLC in Ohio. They have been producing Jarlsberg under franchise since 2000, after demand for Jarlsberg® outstripped the import quota. As part of its long-term international investment strategy, TINE acquired the Swedish company Wernersson Ost in 2007. Wernersson markets and dis-
tributes speciality cheeses within the Nordic and Baltic regions. The British cheese market is another priority area, and in 2008 TINE acquired the British cheese producer Ilchester Cheese Company Ltd., which is now part of TINE’s wholly-owned subsidiary in the UK (Norseland Ltd.).
Big in Norway Historically TINE has always been the largest player on the Norwegian milk market. TINE is still a major producer, but now faces considerable competition in the key areas of cheese, yoghurt and milk. In addition to domestic competitors, there has been a market increase in imports of, primarily, cheese, yoghurt and flavoured milk drinks.
EEA Unlike Denmark, Finland and Sweden, Norway is not a member of the EU. Consequently, the EU and Norway do not have a common agricultural and market policy. Norway therefore applies a national price level to the products that differs from the various EU countries. Norway’s relationship with the EU (and so the Nordic region) is based on a separate agreement that established the European Economic Area (EEA). This means that sales of Norwegian products on the other Nordic markets are treated as exports, based mainly on rules set out in the EEA agreement between the EU and Norway. ■
Faster coagulation and increased cheese yield with CHY- MAX® M Time is money, and every second counts. With CHY-MAX® M, you get shorter production time, higher yield and many other benefits, such as improved taste, cutting firmness and longer shelf live. That is carefree cheese production!
By Helle Rexen, Chr. Hansen
At Chr. Hansen, we strive to develop innovative solutions for process optimization throughout the value chain. It is crucial that our concepts add value to the customer's business to give the customer a feeling of carefree produc-
tion – with focus on minimizing risks and maximizing yield. CHY-MAX® M, which is second-generation FPC (highly purified fermentation-produced chymosin), is a good example of that. - Since its introduction in 2008, CHY-MAX® M has revolutionized the role that rennet plays because of its outstanding quality and the numerous benefits it gives. Today, the product is used by cheese producers in more than 60 countries on all continents and for all cheese types, says Michael Fooken Jensen, Global Marketing Manager.
- Moreover, it is verified for both Kosher and Halal and is suitable for the growing consumer group of vegetarians.
Improved process control One of the greatest strengths of CHYMAX® M is that the coagulant is highly insensitive to fluctuations in pH value, temperature and milk quality. This means that as a producer, you will see fewer coagulation time fluctuations.
Higher yield CHY-MAX® M increases production yield by at least 0.5% compared to
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Health and the environment Cheese ripening solutions Want to reach flavor perfection and complexity? Advance cheese surface and appearance? Speed up ripening while decreasing scraps and costs? Try one of the new cheese concepts from Chr. Hansens DVS ® Full Flavor range: • CR Bouquet • CR Mature • CR Buttery • CR Delight • CR Savory For every occasion
R. miehei and 0.2% compared to firstgeneration FPC.
CHY-MAX® M is also a vital ingredient in the SaltLite solution introduced by Chr. Hansen a couple of years ago, which makes it possible to reduce the salt content of cheese by up to 50%. At the same time, the increased yield achievable with CHY-MAX® M means that the carbon footprint can be reduced by 200 kg for each ton of cheese produced using this coagulant.
Several good cases Chr. Hansen has several good examples from all over the world where the change to CHY-MAX® M has made a real difference for the customer: • In a large American dairy, they increased production yield by 2.2%, corresponding to 690 tons more cheese from the same volume of milk. • A Danish dairy realized that by doubling the dose, they could speed up coagulation and thus production so much that it more than justified the increased dose.
• Another American diary achieved a 1.2% higher water content in their mozzarella with perfect cutting firmness for up to 90 days. - CHY-MAX® M has really proved its worth and won the hearts of many cheese producers over the years, Michael Fooken Jensen says. - It has been a strong growth engine for Chr. Hansen, and growth still continues, but our focus is always on developing new, good solutions for our customers. One of the latest initiatives is a new rennet, CHY-MAX® Special, which provides the same benefits as CHY-MAX® M but adds increased breakdown of the texture, which some of our customers want, especially when it comes to the soft cheeses, concludes Michael Fooken Jensen. ■
Better cutting firmness Better texture makes the cheese less sticky, thus making it easier to cut/grate it. Another advantage is easier cleaning of the process equipment.
Better flavor CHY-MAX® M has a high specificity which ensures a mild and round cheese flavor with less bitterness.
Longer shelf-life Longer shelf-life is not only important in relation to food waste as an ethical problem which is really rising up on the consumers' agenda. It also means a lot for the loss of value suffered by the dairy and the retail industry as a result of discarding. CHY-MAX® M extends shelf-life considerably, especially in soft cheeses such as mozzarella, brie and crescenza.
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Simulation adds value by OPTIMISING PRODUCTION LINES Traditional design with buffers and safety factors
By Rolf Pedersen, Market Director, Food & Beverage
Traditional design of process lines is based on specified nominal capacities for the individual process units, using factors for operational efficiency to cover for maintenance, cleaning, adding safety factors to ensure a line capacity. Buffers are built into many process lines to ensure efficient use of the main process equipment, thereby adding to the overall processing time for foods which are perishable and should be processed as fast as possible and reach the customers as fast as possible. NIRAS team of business consultants and logistic experts has extensive experi-
ence in auditing and analyzing production setup, logistics and distribution in hygienic production facilities like dairy factories, breweries, slaughter houses etc. The benefits from optimisation were traditionally documented with static calculations, but in recent years new tools have been introduced with success. Simulation of production and logistics using a dynamic toolbox has been developed and refined to a very useful tool.
Dynamic simulation in design and optimisation NIRAS has introduced dynamic simulation during design, using ‘predictive simulation modelling’. The model and software tools take variations and discrete incidents into account during the simulation. It is possible to build a realistic production line setup where the interactions between process equipment, buffers, packing equipment and
The benefits from simulation • Validation of design and capacity – Is it possible to produce the required volumes and different products? • Optimisation of design – Identification of potential bottle necks, spare capacity and inappropriate buffer storage in a production line. • Test of flexibility and robustness of the design – which consequences do changes in volume and product mixes have. • Test of sensitivity to break down of equipment • Test of actual production capacity when production plan and scheduled maintenance requirements are incorporated in the calculations NIRAS has extensive experience in dynamic 3D simulation and references from optimizing food production facilities as well as warehouse and logistics. Most recently we have optimized the setup in a large North American company.
NIRAS is a consultancy company with more than 2,000 employees, with 18 office locations in Scandinavia and a global presence. NIRAS has recently merged with ALECTIA, combining many years of experience from design and optimization of dairy and food production with an extensive competence base in many engineering disciplines.
internal logistic solution are taken into account. This is of great value, especially when designing a production line with equipment and deliveries from different suppliers. During design we can build a 3D model of the process line and warehouse, and this model is used for virtual simulation of the production over a day, week or month – using very high resolution. Different schedules for manning, maintenance and discrete incidents like break downs, delays etc. can be tested during simulation. The modelling and simulation can also be based on an existing production facility where existing and new setups for production methods, recipes, work schedules and production plans can be tested and reviewed. ■
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NIRASversAlectia_Annonce_A5_04_2017_JFI_skæremærker.pdf 1 25-04-2017 11:05:39
Now we add even more value to your production and projects
NIRAS is your professional partner from Scandinavia when it comes to strategic production optimisation of your dairy manufacturing facility. Meet us at the Nordic Dairy Congress, and learn how more than 2,000 experts can help you managing your current and future business challenges and projects - globally. Join our after dinner networking event at Axelborg in Copenhagen on Wednesday 7th June from 19:30 - 21:30.
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Adding Value by Improving Efficiency The intensified global competition means increase in the demands for optimisation of utilisation of assets and machinery, raw materials, chemicals, packaging materials, as well as associated costs for utility and energy consumption and environmental load and increases in the demand for plant wide transparency of manufacturing related costs.   By Klaus Dam, Managing Director Au2mate A/S  
This article deals with three prevailing factors driven by automation for adding value by improving the efficiency of the dairy plants i.e.: Advanced regulating techniques; plant tailored efficiency and statistical process control.
Advanced regulating techniques The advanced regulating techniques are applied to compensate for process as well as plant variables in complex, critical and high yield applications. One example of advanced regulating techniques is in standardising applications for automatic high accuracy standardising of the fat percentage in the cream line and the milk line after a milk separator. The standardising application can be applied in new as well as existing installations. The standardising application can operate as stand-alone or seamlessly integrated with a factory automation system.
The working principle for the standardising application is basically to standardise the cream to the required cream fat percentage and blend back the cream into the milk line in an adequate quantity to achieve the required milk fat percentage. This functionality is achieved by means of two regulating valves installed in the cream line, operating in a cascade regulating loop based upon measurement signals from two density transmitters installed in the skim milk line and in the standardised cream line and a flow transmitter installed in the cream line dosing back to the milk line. The density transmitter measurement compensates for fluctuations in the product temperature as well as variations in the skim milk fat percentage from the separator. The benefit relative to conventional standardising systems, means that the advanced application offers higher accuracy and more rapid process response and hence increased financial results.
The working principles of the standardising application appear in figure 1.
Plant tailored efficiency In daily operation of the dairy plant all mixing zones between milk products, water and cleaning agents is a challenge to minimise. Uncontrolled and unidentified mixing zones are a source for increased waste. By adopting plant tailored efficiency, best practice on CIP and route control in the dairy, significant improvements can be achieved. The design idea is based on open accessible parameters for all variables in the process plant e.g. pipe volumes, velocity and timers. The parameters are carefully adjusted to minimise waste of product, water and cleaning agents. The benefit of adopting plant tailored efficiency is that we in a certain project have documented a reduction and improved efficiency in costs for electricity,
Figure 1: Working principles of the advanced standardising application Raw milk fat %
Skim milk flow
Standardised milk fat %
Skim milk density Cream flow Cream density Standardising cream flow
Set point milk fat %
Calculation of fat % in standardised milk and cream
Standardising temperature
Standardised cream fat %
PID Regulator for milk standardisation Optimisation Algorithm PID Regulator for cream standardisation
Output regulating valve milk
Output regulating valve cream
Set point cream fat %
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steam and ice water by over 20 pct., plus water and chemicals by over 30 pct. This translates to significant cost savings and hence improved financial results.
Statistical process control If you cannot measure it, you cannot control it. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) solution for discrete manufacturing & unit processes is a tool for achieving full overview of plant effectiveness. OEE is a recognised tool for monitoring and improving the effectiveness of production plants. The first version of OEE Industry Standard was introduced in 2001 and in 2010 OEE Foundation was established with the purpose to maintain and further
develop the standard. In recent years, OEE has increasingly gained acceptance in the dairy industry. The working principle of OEE appears in below figure 2. OEE offers increased plant effectiveness by systematic measurement of failures, by providing a tool for line comparison and shift comparison. This can contribute to increased plant utilisation, significant cost savings and hence improved financial results. ■
Four quick facts about Au2mate A/S • Founded in 2001 by Carsten G. Jensen and Klaus Dam. • Has 86 employees at offices in Silkeborg, Dubai, the UK and in Sweden, holding more than 600 man-years of experience in dairy automation. • Project-oriented, has delivered more than 1600 projects; PLC, SCADA, MES and ERP integration to dairies throughout the world, including the Nordic countries, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, America and Asia. • Supply solutions based on open standard platforms and internationally recognised methods for software development and project management.
Figure 2: OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness
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Integrated solutions and optimized membrane filtration Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions has gained comprehensive experience in designing solutions for membrane separation of high value bioactive proteins incorporating factors, which are critical for a high performing solution. In cooperation with Tetra Pak’s Processing Division we design and supply total line solutions for processing of bioactive protein from feed intake to finished high value products. By DSS-TetraPak
Over a number of years, we have seen an increasing interest in solutions for fractioning and filtration of high value bioactive proteins within the dairy industry such as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase etc. for use in infant formula, functional foods, and health nutrition.
standard dairy applications, special attention needs to be paid to a number of factors when designing membrane filtration plants for diafiltration and concentration of eluates after a fractioning process.
The dead volume challenge High value bioactive proteins Membrane filtration is the main technology required to produce high value bioactive proteins, often obtained by combining different separation processes, fractionation, ion exchange, electro dialysis, crystallization, etc. Given the higher value and lower volumes of the bioactive proteins compared to membrane filtration plants for
The dead volume of a membrane filtration plant may easily become the limiting factor, when concentrating the proteins, unless special care is taken. Conservative flux calculations to avoid capacity constraints may lead to the minimum operating volumes being reached before the desired concentration target. Consequently, batch volumes feeding the filtration plant need to be customized to the dead volume.
Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions has developed a plant design optimizing capacity while at the same time keeping plant dead volumes at a minimum.
Designed for minimum product loss As the desired dairy protein is normally a very small percentage of the incoming feed stream, the actual harvest of bioactive proteins is quite limited after concentration by ultrafiltration. Often, a significant part of the product is still inside the membrane filters. Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions has developed a design facilitating drainage of high-value product from specially designed filter housings whereby minimum amounts of permeate is needed for flushing. This reduces losses, and at the same time undesired dilution of the concentrated product is avoided. To minimize product loss, product tanks are designed with outlets limiting the need for flushing, and valves are elevated above floor level to facilitate drainage. ■
Bioactive proteins are an important ingredient in sports and dietary nutrition products due to their health promoting properties.
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Add value to your dairy based ingredients by taking them to the next level. We combine innovative solutions with MF, NF, UF, and RO – further augmented by fractionation, ion exchange, electro dialysis, and crystallization – creating high-value protein ingredients like hydrolysates, micellar casein, WPI, and lactoferrin. Contact Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions and get ready for the next level.
Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions Phone +45 8720 0840 NR. 9 •
Affordability & Convenience. It’s What’s Inside.
When you collaborate with DuPont Nutrition & Health, you’ll see more than a cup of yogurt. You’ll see how we use application expertise coupled with a broad range of ingredients, state-of-the-art pilot labs, and operational know-how to help you provide affordable, nutritious solutions, and even meet the demands of on-the-go consumers. Take a look inside DuPont Nutrition & Health and you’ll see that all the things you need come in one convenient package. Visit to learn more.
DuPont Nutrition & Health
Welcome to the Global Collaboratory™. MÆLKERITIDENDE 2017
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Copyright © 2017 DuPont or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™ and all products denoted with ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliated companies.
Improving form-stability of extruded ice cream with CREMODAN® ShapePro Great ice cream quality is the result of having good raw materials and ingredients, the right processing and distribution system. For extruded ice cream products, dryness on extrusion and form-stability are essential elements in being able to produce high quality products. By Mads Wiene, Application Specialist, Ice Cream Application, DuPont Nutrition & Health
Today, waste related to rejected extruded ice cream products that do not live up to internal quality standards of shape and appearance, is a significant problem in the ice cream industry. Consistently having the right shape and appearance of products is one of the parameters that can be used by ice cream manufacturers to ensure customer loyalty towards their brands. Waste in relation to out or off specification products is often seen in products that are extruded, where the right shape and appearance is extremely crucial for the final product quality, and the expectation of the end-consumers.
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CREMODAN® ShapePro Sharp lines, the possibility of precise shaping and high ice cream quality are important when producing extruded ice cream products, but it can sometimes be a challenge especially if the ice cream is made from a low-cost recipe. CREMODAN® ShapePro Emulsifier & Stabiliser System can be the tool needed to solve the production challenges of extruded ice cream, and therefore also the possibility to decrease waste from production because of imperfect quality of the shape and appearance of the product.
Thanks to its specially selected composition of emulsifiers and stabilisers, CREMODAN ® ShapePro secures high ice cream shape stability, increases dryness on extrusion, and improves meltdown resistance and compensates for the loss of quality that is often experienced with low-cost recipes.
Enhanced shape-retention, higher meltdown resistance, dry extrusion CREMODAN® ShapePro has been developed to give better shape stability compared to a standard emulsifier/ stabiliser system (figure 1). It further-
0 min.
Figure 3. Finish on a chocolate dipped extruded ice cream which has not been “clean-cut” after the extruder. 80 min.
Standard emulsifier/ stabiliser system
Figure 1. Shape stability
Figure 2. Meltdown resistance
more improves the meltdown resistance significantly (figure 2). Both of these properties mean that CREMODAN® ShapePro is very suitable for extruded ice cream where good form-stability is important for the visual quality of the products. An ice cream with good extrusion properties should not only have good formstability and high melting resistance, but the ice cream should also appear dry when it comes out of the extrusion heads in order not to freeze on the stainlesssteel plates that they are placed on during the hardening process. If the ice cream is wet when it exits the extruder head, it
will also be difficult to get a “clean-cut” when the ice cream is cut into individual products after the extruder head. A product that is not “clean-cut” will not only appear poor, but can also give problems later in the process, for example when products are dipped in chocolate. An extruded ice cream product that is not “clean-cut” can typically have problems with formation of pin-holes when dipped in chocolate (see figure 3). Pin-holes in the chocolate coating are caused by ice cream penetrating the chocolate coating just after the dipping process, which can give rise to further product waste (products out or off spec).
Functional systems (emulsifier/stabilizer blends and stabilizer systems) for ice cream and frozen dessert applications from DuPont™ Danisco® range are generally known under the brand name CREMODAN®. CREMODAN® ShapePro is an integrated product. Unlike physical blends of emulsifiers/stabilisers, integrated emulsifiers/stabilisers consist of freeflowing beads which do not tend to create lumps when added to water. This is because hydration of the stabiliser part in the ice cream mix is easier since the stabiliser component is initially less accessible to the aqueous phase. The stabiliser part will first be released totally into the mix when it is heated to above 60-65°C and the emulsifier starts to melt. In this way, more consistent ice cream production and quality can be achieved. The advantages of using CREMODAN® Emulsifier & Stabiliser Systems in ice cream production: • Ideal for continuous, automatic production • Uniform quality • High bacteriological standard • Direct addition without dry mixing, for instance with sugar • Increased effect of some of the components • Cold dispersible, allowing addition at any convenient stage during processing • Good dispersion, no lump formation • Reduced dust problems • Easy to handle • Single component system. Further information: ■
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”Dairy knowledge needs to be maintained” Kold College is the only dairy college in Scandinavia. The Dairy Training Centre specialises in courses related to dairy technology, laboratory techniques, maintenance of dairy equipment, energy saving, quality control, and the running of dairy plants. Please contact manager of the department Flemming Bundesen +45 6120 3131 or course manager Trine Paulsen +45 2328 94 08 if you are interested in further information.
Let Loose
– this is how you live, breathe, grasp and taste Kold College every day
We are experts in ingredients and packaging for food, and we believe that value is created together!
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+45 7550 8000
Boosting Competitiveness with Industry 4.0 The dairy, food and beverage industry is currently challenged more than ever, mainly due to fierce competition. The industry is highly focused on reducing production costs per unit, while at the same time maintaining product quality and safety. To achieve this goal, flexible IT and automation solutions can be applied to optimise processes and equipment by creating a more efficient production environment. By Business Director Claus Sass Hvass, Eltronic A/S, Hedensted
Industry 4.0 is the right place to begin, when a dairy company wants to reduce production costs, while maintaining product quality and safety. This industrial evolution covers a ground-breaking way of viewing the production process in the dairy, food and beverage industry – from a process-oriented to a productoriented point of view. At Eltronic – a Danish engineering, IT and automation company focused on optimisation of production systems based on the concepts of Industry 4.0 – Industry 4.0 is regarded as an evolution rather than a revolution, which will take the industry to the next level. When applied correctly, Industry 4.0 is able to connect the virtual world of data with the physical production environment – thus creating a more efficient and future-proof production.
Eltronic Smart Factory Solution To implement the concepts of Industry 4.0 in the dairy, food and beverage industry, Eltronic has developed an application model called the Eltronic Smart Factory Solution. The model consists of three steps – Smart Intelligence, Smart Performance and Smart Automation – all with the overall purpose of improving productivity, increasing flexibility and strengthening food safety.
Eltronic Smart Intelligence The Eltronic Smart Intelligence solution integrates vertical communication in the production systems - from the ERP
level to MES and SCADA and on to each individual production unit. With access to big data and cloud-based applications
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this leads to new opportunities such as process plants that flexibly respond to requests, monitor themselves and report technical problems and maintenance needs to avoid production stops. Intelligent and lights-out production is within realistic reach. The result will be a more efficient and flexible production system that will be product-oriented rather than process-oriented.
Eltronic Smart Performance The key feature of the Eltronic Smart Performance system for Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a small standard “Smart Box”. The Smart Box is a low-price, highly efficient plug-andplay OEE solution for all types of manufacturing companies in the industry. It is provided with online visualisation of OEE and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the operation. OEE is a “best practice” measuring unit for identifying the percentage of planned production time that is truly productive. OEE is useful as a benchmark to compare the performance of a
given production unit to industry standards or to similar in-house units. OEE can also be used as a baseline to track progress over time to eliminate waste from a given production unit.
Eltronic Smart Automation The Eltronic Smart Automation solution includes a complete turnkey automation and IT solution with MCC, panels and installation. The process control integrates the entire production line - from raw material intake, formulation and general processing and on to special product processing / treatment and end-of-line robotic handling and packaging. The Eltronic Smart Automation solution integrates the entire plant as one Smart Factory Automation solution from smart instruments, PLC-controlled processing with SCADA and HMI linked with the MES and ERP systems and on to the highest level of IT driven by Big Data. ■
About Eltronic Eltronic A/S is an engineering company with more than 15 years of experience working with IT and automation within a number of industries. In close cooperation with the customer, Eltronic improves and optimises production systems to increase competitiveness and create a sustainable business for the customer. The dairy, food and beverage industry as well as the pharmaceutical industry are key growth markets for Eltronic. Visit Eltronic at: www.
Your Specialist in IT & Automation Eltronic is leading in Industry 4.0 and Digitalisation in the Dairy, Food & Beverage and Pharma industries Eltronic has many years of experience within IT & automation solutions for production systems. We understand the industry and are able to help you meet required standards. We supply solutions improving your production efficiency and flexibility. Persistency is in our DNA. We always deliver the agreed solution - on time and in the right quality. Our 24/7 service support guarantees you optimal performance - also after delivery.
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“Our team of specialists is ready to help you optimize your business”
Claus Sass Hvass Tel: +45 76 74 01 01
Effective re-use of milky water – experience from one year Water is a precious resource. At the Rødkærsbro dairy in Denmark, Arla Foods has cooperated closely with Grundfos BioBooster on developing a method for purifying and reusing milky water from mozzarella cheese production. The experience from one year of reusing the water shows that this is practical and feasible, and the dairy is now ready to take the next steps.
By Søren Nøhr Bak, Grundfos BioBooster
A key element of Arla Foods is responsible growth that prioritises safety, society and the environment in a long-term perspective – their Good Growth strategy. Arla Foods and Grundfos cooperate to develop water re-use solutions, which we have previously presented in Danish Dairy & Food Industry, worldwide 2016 no. 26. This article focuses on the results from almost two years in operation and of one year with actual re-use at the Arla Foods dairy in Rødkærsbro.
The project so far The Arla Foods, Rødkærsbro dairy processes the largest volume of collected milk in Denmark and specialises in manufacturing mozzarella cheese. In recent years, production has risen steadily to its current level of 80,000 tons annually. At the same time, solids content in the whey has been increased from 8 to 18%. In 2014, the amount of milky water (RO water) had reached a level where internal re-use and the
dairy's own wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) no longer were able to process it all. The solution was biological treatment of the milky water to prevent microfilm formation and remove nitrogen followed by ultra-filtration through ceramic membranes to filter out bacteria and particles. The quality of the treated water is high enough for discharge to the local river and opened up for re-use of the water. The treatment scheme and the present flow are shown in figure 1.
Meeting all discharge requirements There is far more to this than increased production and turnover; it is fundamental to the project that the discharged water meets all requirements. Table 1 shows the treatment results reported from the almost two years in operation, and all requirements are met with a good margin.
Moving to water re-use With water quality sufficiently good to return to nature, the Arla Foods and Grundfos project group looked to water re-use opportunities at the dairy, starting with a catalogue of re-use opportunities. The re-use water met drinking water standards, with a hardness of 0.5 dH and a low chloride content. This eliminated early concerns about potential scaling and corrosion potential. Since March 2016, the cooling towers at Arla Foods, Rødkærsbro have received water from the Grundfos BioBooster plant. The dairy uses today between 75-150 m3/d of re-use water for this application. For applications where the microbiological stability is more critical than for evaporation condensers, the Grundfos BACMON on-line bacteria counter monitors the microbiological quality, with the actual number of bacteria present in a water sample tested every 10 minutes.
Figure 1
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This sampling frequency is much higher than what is possible using standard microbiological assays. The measurement from the BACMON is shown in figure 2 below.
for alarms – and closure of the supply of re-use water to the dairy, if required. The next step was preparing a risk assessment for potential water re-use. The focus was on opportunities before
ners are now looking at finalising the agreement for this next step.
Environmental partnership
Figure 2
The BACMON demonstrated a very good bacteriological quality. For comparison, Danish waterworks are normally in the range of 5.000. The measurement allows
pasteurisation of the milk for mozzarella production, to provide extra security. The risk assessment concluded that the project is viable, and the project part-
The symbiosis between the focused environmental efforts at Arla Foods and the Grundfos investment in new water technologies, is a prime example of what can be achieved, when two environmentally-conscious companies collaborate. The solution at Rødkærsbro is a win-win solution for Arla Foods and Grundfos, and it is also very much a win for the environment. It represents a major step on the road towards dairies, where the process water arrives with the milk – the waterless dairy. ■
Next Generation Wastewater Solutions
Arla Foods, Rødkærsbro
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Optimizing hygienic design at stainless steel processing plants LP Kolding has just delivered 30 processing tanks to an ingredient manufacturing company and four tanks to a Swedish company manufacturing oat milk. By Mogens Feld-Andreasen, Manager at LP Kolding
LP Kolding has great experience in process optimization within the production of dairy products and similar lines. Recently we have constructed 30 tanks for the company Glycom, which produces ingredients for breast milk substitutes. Among others, Glycom works on a newly developed ingredient, which reportedly strengthens the child’s immune system to the same extent as natural breast milk. Glycom, situated in Lyngby, is busy preparing the production in both laboratory and developing centre, and the company expects to have a real production in mid-2017. The production takes place in a brand-new factory in Esbjerg – a factory which has the engineering company Process Engineering as a consultant. For this project, LP Kolding has delivered 30 tanks, where the focus of the
LP Kolding – the steel tanks LP Kolding has decades of experience within construction and delivery of stainless steel tanks - both atmospheric tanks and pressure tanks. Pressure tanks are custom made with a PED approval in accordance with 2014/68/ EU, which makes them meet current EU safety standards for function, material design, manufacturing process and current tests. LP Kolding has special skills within the manufacture of pressure tanks such as: Fermenters, mixer tanks, graft containers, process tanks, tube heat exchangers, sterilized tanks, tanks for compressed-air as well as vacuum tanks and boilers. We clarify the requirements for the processing tank as regards design, number of valves, agitator, cooling/heating jacket as well as various applications and measuring equipment. In addition, we clarify the requirements to strength, insulation and sheeting depending on the placing of the tank and we also handle the final installation and subsequent documentation. Complete systems made as units at LP Kolding include: Pasteurizing units, mixer units, fermentation systems, evaporators, powder pumps, drying chambers as well as churns and pressure filters, all turnkey units ready for installation at the dairy or wherever they are needed.
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manufacturing process has been placed on hygienic design and traceability of materials. Before delivery, some of these tanks had to be exposed to a riboflavin test, that shows if the CIP-nozzles of the tank carry out a correct cleaning of the tank.
Tanks for oat milk At the beginning of 2017 we were commissioned to construct four tanks to a Swedish company producing oat milk. The production of the oat milk is made in horizontal tanks fitted with paddle agitators with a double balanced cartridge shaft seal. The tanks are fitted with a cooling/ heating jacket and insulation and designed in accordance with the EHEDG standard. One of these four tanks was a 7000 l sterilized tank constructed as a pressure tank with a design pressure of -1/+3 bar, from which the finished product is drawn directly into the packaging. The sterilization of the tank is done by means of 140 °C steam both inside
Design and production of stainless steel tanks
LP Kolding – the company As sub-supplier LP Kolding has manufactured processing plants and tanks for most of the world. We offer customized standard solutions both directly to the customer or as sub-supplier to major plant manufacturers. We are specialists within design, planning, construction, documentation and installation of tanks and processing plants made of stainless steel. The company typically cooperates with the customer from the idea has been presented until the desired plant has been constructed, installed and is ready for use. Our business is based on specially constructed solutions dedicated to the customer and the cooperation is built on the good dialogue focused on the best solution. The know-how of the company LP Kolding is founded on its 26 well educated employees, who have the necessary skills ranging from knowledge about planning to technical handling of materials during construction and installation.
the tank and in the double mechanical shaft seal, which has been designed especially for installation in food tanks – e.g. with serviceable friction faces for optimal cleaning. The geometry of the horizontal tank makes the agitating process very
More than 50 years of experience
successful for this product. Among the advantages we may mention that the batch rotation is eliminated and the agitating process is highly effective for both high viscosity as well as low viscosity products. ■
Advice from idea to finished product
LP Kolding, Egtvedvej 2, 6000 Kolding, Denmark Email: Tel: +45 7552 4177
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Ensuring Safety and Quality in the Production of Infant Formula Across the dairy, food and beverage industries, food safety is of paramount importance, but nowhere more so than in the production of early life nutrition products for babies and young children. SPX FLOW has had a great deal of experience working with manufacturers of infant formula and considering the critical factors to ensure quality and safety in this sensitive production process. By Irene Constantin, Marketing Communications Manager, SPX FLOW
SPX FLOW knows that the best processing results are achieved through co-creation of production lines with its customers. Infant formula or other powder based early life nutrition (including baby milk, follow-on milk and growingup milk) require the strictest food safety and quality standards. To meet the demands of this market place, producers want absolute certainty in hygiene and food safety while protecting the nutritional value of the product. Other factors that impact powder quality classification include the level of scorched particles, solubility index, color, structure and other functional parameters. These are important considerations in the design of a processing line and the final value of the infant formula.
About SPX FLOW, Inc.: Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, SPX FLOW (NYSE: FLOW) is a leading global supplier of highly engineered flow components, process equipment and turn-key systems, along with the related aftermarket parts and services, into the food and beverage, power and energy and industrial end markets. SPX FLOW has approximately $2 billion in annual revenues and operations in over 35 countries and sales in over 150 countries. To learn more about SPX FLOW, please visit our website at
Infant Formula Processing There are many stages in a complete process line for producing infant formula and consideration needs to be taken for the type of ingredients, their quality and their application (liquid, powder in wet or dry compounding). Each stage requires careful design to ensure the highest quality and food safety are maintained and that the plant is efficient, flexible and reliable.
Mixing The first main step in producing infant formula is mixing. The quality of mixing has a big impact on end product quality and, where solids and liquids need to be combined, good dispersion is essential. There are many production benefits to a closed vacuum mixer including reduced mixing time, greater energy efficiency, reduced waste and easy maintenance.
Evaporation The next main stage is an evaporation stage, which is an energy efficient method of increasing total solids (TS) of the formula. Using an evaporator, also helps extend the shelf life of the final product by removing occluded air from the fluid.
UHT Treatment SPX FLOW Instant Infusion heat treatment technology is widely used for the production of Infant Formula because of the levels of food safety it offers, while protecting nutritional quality. The high temperature gives exceptional kill rate and eliminates even heat-resistant bac-
teria spores. This process protects the quality and nutritional value of the product while ensuring the highest standards in food safety.
Optional Cavitation Stage The SPX FLOW Cavitator™ uses a rotor with precisely machined cavities spinning in a liquid chamber that generates controlled cavitation. The process increases spray drying efficiency by reducing fluid viscosity and enabling an increase in solids level as well as adding microstructural conditioning, that optimizes particle structure, size and distribution of solid components.
Combined High Pressure Pumping and Homogenization Homogenization helps with controlling final product quality, especially the levels of free fat which effect stability of the infant formula.
Spray Drying The main part of the latter processing stages for infant formula production
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involves a spray dryer. This process is vital to final product quality and gives complete control over characteristics such as density, moisture content, powder properties and sensorial aspects.
Automation Systems Automation is an important part of an infant formula processing line. Modern systems including the FactoryExpert™ automation solution help ensure reliability and optimized operating costs, but they also add flexibility, traceability, assist with the control of quality and enhance overall operational safety of the system.
Traceability For Infant Formula manufacturers traceability is of paramount importance. Suppliers can equip the process-
ing line with the necessary software and hardware required for full traceability of the manufacturing process.
Efficiency and flexibility In SPX FLOW’s experience, achieving the highest standards of safety and quality does not mean manufacturers of infant formula need to compromise on production efficiency and flexibil-
ity. Systems are designed to meet the needs of today and the future, covering areas such as advanced powder nutrition for all life stages. Features and functions that provide food safety and plant safety are integrated into the plant throughout production stages, brought together with modern automation systems that help protect and control the whole process. ■
Meet SPX FLOW at the Nordic Dairy Congress
They depend on you; you can depend on us. Producing infant formula is a big responsibility. Stringent standards for nutrition and safety must be met along with achieving your own sustainable production requirements. Whether you are a seasoned expert or new to the process, partnering with SPX FLOW can provide many strategic benefits, including: scale up, formulation testing, access to innovative process technology and creative insights from our team of highly experienced process engineers. Give us a try on your next product launch and see firsthand how SPX FLOW can work for you. P: +45 7027 8222 · E: ·
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More than just a pump Are you looking for a novel positive displacement pump for your shear sensitive product with high suction capability, low shear and virtually pulsation free? Using Masosine pump technology, Certa sets a new standard combined with a new standard for easy maintenance and downtime.
By Jesper Færch, Watson-Marlow
This article illustrates, where you can improve efficiency in modern dairying, especially focusing on cheese and yoghurt production. Certa is especially designed for the Food and Dairy industry, where we have more than 200 references, all with gentle handling of dairy products like cheese, yoghurt, butter, casein, powder, ice cream, emulsifier, confectionery like chocolate, caramel, fondant, strawberry etc.
With only a few inside parts, Certa sets new standards for easy maintenance and downtime. Certa has one shaft, one seal and one rotor, thus being very energy efficient, up to 50 % less power than other pump types. In fact, the more viscous your product is, the more energy efficient Certa is. Another advantage of the Certa Sine rotor principle is better inside tolerances and you will have no galling marks (metal-to-metal contact) during CIP at 85 C.
About Watson-Marlow With over 50 years of experience and 19% worldwide market share within niche pumps e.g. Masosine positive displacement pumps, Bredel hose pumps, Watson-Marlow peristaltic pumps, we offer our customers an unmatched range of solutions & knowledge for their pumping applications. Watson Marlow is a wholly owned subsidiary of Spirax Sarco Engineering Group – a global organization employing over 4,500 people with a turnover of 1.8 mia. DKK and sold more than 1 mio. pumps worldwide. Watson Marlow is represented in 48 countries.
intangible benefits like pulsation free pumping and lower noise at the production floor and the area around the pump.
Improving efficiency – yoghurt production
Improving efficiency cheese production A large Scandinavian cheese dairy changed their pump types to Masosine pumps, and instantly experienced a significantly less amount (27 %) of cheese fines (illustrated in Figure 2), meaning they got more cheese out of every litre of milk. The yearly savings were 100.000 EUR and the Masosine ROI was therefore very attractive. Besides this tangible economic benefit, the dairy also experienced more
A large European yoghurt dairy changed their pump types to Masosine pumps, and instantly experienced a significantly lower amount (33%) of viscosity loss during pumping. The yearly savings were 33 % less added protein in the protein standardization before pumping their shear sensitive yoghurt to the filling machines.
Certified cleanability We are proud to announce, that Certa is one of only two pumps worldwide that obtained both EHEDG - Class 1 and EHEDG - Class 1 Aseptic certificates (Figure 3). Meaning Certa is very hygienically designed and easy to clean. Dairy production plants pay ever more attention to EHEDG certifications – and rightfully so, a pump is more than just a pump. ■
Certa operating Sine technology & simplicity Certa’s pump Sine rotor principle is illustrated in figure 1, where the product is gently moved in the four chambers, not cutting it like other pump types.
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by Masosine
The cleanest
pump you will ever need
by MasoSine
High suction capability to handle viscous fluids EHEDG Type EL - Class 1 Up to 50% less power than other pump types, especially with viscous applications Low shear and zero pulsation Self-draining and easy to clean +45 43 94 00 65 /
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ÅF – the broadest range of environmental competencies and tools ÅF is today one of the largest engineering and consulting groups in the Nordic countries with more than 9,000 employees and offices in 30 countries worldwide. With a history that stretches back to 1895, ÅF has been focusing on sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions since many years. With highly skilled and specialized engineering resources and tools available for our customers, ÅF is able to support building a sustainable future for our customers and partners – also in the dairy industry. By ÅF
Technology will play a crucial role in all the challenges that the world is facing. Not least when it comes to energy generation. Sustainable development is therefore ÅF's core business. We advocate that our customers establish long-term
economic, social and ecological values. As a result of a collaboration with the four Olympic Committees in Finland, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden we have received the exclusive title Green Advisor. The work entails us acting as
adviser in green issues and assisting in developing the Olympic sports from a sustainability perspective.
ÅF focuses on sustainability The major difference that ÅF makes
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in moving society towards a more sustainable future is through the projects we undertake for our customers. All our commissions include a dimension of sustainability! Reduced energy consumption leads to lower carbon dioxide emissions. Energy efficiency is of major significance for the overall effect on the climate. All properties use energy (heating, cooling, electricity), which leads, among other things, to carbon dioxide emissions. The fact is that some 40 per cent of Sweden’s energy is used to run properties. A selection of the EU’s climate targets include: • Reduced emissions of greenhouse gases by at least 20 per cent by 2020 (EU 27). Emissions must fall by 30 per cent in a more extensive, international agreement. • Increased energy efficiency within the Union – energy usage must fall by 20 per cent by 2020.
Make a contribution to the climate Measures that reduce energy consumption are of major significance for the overall effect on the climate. Lower energy consumption means that nature’s resources are not burdened to such a great extent. However, there are business benefits too. Does your business have a specific environmental policy? Would you like to be able to meet the demands of your tenants for climate adaptations? Making energy efficiencies makes it easier to practice what you preach. And to create a greener image. Environmental concerns are not just goodwill, they are beneficial to business. We have the tools to help you report your contributions for a better climate. Lower energy consumption means that nature’s resources are not burdened to such a great extent. By making energy efficiencies you are contributing to the climate.
However, our model gives you a bit more than that. ÅF Energy Controller gives you a clear picture of the result of the energy efficiencies you have made. We help you to recalculate the savings in amount of carbon dioxide for you to communicate your initiatives in, for example, sustainability reports and accounts. And in the business’s environmental policy. In short, back up theories with actions. ÅF can help you and your business become more sustainable. Contact us at ÅF and we will tell you more! – or visit energieffektivisering. se for a more detailed view of our competencies and tools as well as relevant case stories. ■
ÅF The Green adviser Til effektive og bæredygtige procesløsninger til mejeribranchen.
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STAINLESS STEEL AND PROCESS EQUIPMENT With more than 35 years of experience, AC Mejerimaskiner is a global company with buildings and warehouse of 20.000 Sqm. We keep in stock around 200 pcs. used stainless steel tanks in many sizes and a lot of other dairy and process equipment. Primarily we buy and sell stainless steel tanks but also used dairy and other process equipment all over the world.
By AC Mejerimaskiner
We have our own workshop with all the necessary equipment / tools, where our skilled employees prepare the tanks for sales or assembly. Now we also offer isolation of tanks completed with optional plate according to the customer's wishes. We have our own trucks with cranes. With highly skilled employeed we are able to deliver and handle tanks and machines with great expertise in many different assembly and dismantling tasks.
We have disassembled more than 100 dairies and other processing plants all over Europe that require individual solutions. The individual solutions are in focus, so the final result becomes satisfied customers. Our goal is quality work and satisfied customers who choose us again and again.
In addition, we carry out all types of transport national and international. We look forward to help you on your next machine / tank inquiry. For further information please visit - where it is also possible to sign in for our weekly newsletter. ■
Current offers from AC Mejerimaskiner
4 Pc. Open Cheese vats 4.000 Ltr 2 pc. Cheese tank Damrow Double O 20.000 Ltr 3 pc. Cheese tank Damrow Double O 18.000 Ltr 3 Pc. Cheese tank Landteknik 12.000 Ltr 6 pc. Cheese tank APV Double-O 16.000 Ltr 8 pc. Cheese tanks Tebel 10/20/22.000 L Year 2003-2009 3 Pc. Cheese tanks APV Curdmaster 22.000 Ltr 2 Pc. Cheese tanks APV Curdmaster 18.000 Ltr 1 Pc. APV Pre Press 15.000 L type OPD 1 Pc. MKT aut. Pre Press 6.000 Ltr 1 Pc. MKT aut. Pre Press 12.000 Ltr 150 Pc. Various Salt Racks.
2 Pc. Rothenburg Butter Silo. 2.5 ton 1 Pc. APV Butter Reworker 1 Pc. Scanima Mixer Type SRB-250 Year 2001 1 Pc. APV Brix Master/Brix Standardisation 3 Pc. Homogenizer´s Tetra/Rannie 5/10/15.000 Ltr 2 Pc. Westfalia Milk Separator 8/12.000 l/h 1 Pc. Alfa Laval Claifirer DMRPX517SGV-34C 2 Pc. Food Tech Mixer tanks 4.000 Ltr 2 Pc. Crystallization tanks Gea 20.000 Ltr 12 Pc. proces/Creamtanks 3/5/9/10/20.000 Ltr 20 Pc. Milk silo/ silotanks 40/50/60/80/100/120/150/200.000 Ltr
70 Pc. Various tanks 1.000-30.000 Ltr 20 Pc. PHE/ Pasteurizer 1 Pc. Cup filler Ampack 3 Pc. Tetra Pak Filling machines 1 pc. Ecolean Fillingmachine for Bags. Year 2010 200 Pc. Various Pumps 6 Pc. Milk Collecting tanks for trucks 10/15/20.000 Ltr 1 Pc. MAN 6x2 Milk truck 15.000 Ltr 5 Pc. Isolated Tank trailers 28/32.000 Ltr For further information please visit - where it is also possible to sign in for our weekly newsletter.
AC Mejerimaskiner • Egevej 46 • 9480 Løkken • Tlf. 98 83 80 40 • Mobil 24 25 30 38 •
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A WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE: LOFOTEN 2013 It is now four years ago that Nordic Dairy Congress came together in Lofoten June 6-8 in Norway. The participants had three wonderful days with exciting lectures, lots of networks and a wonderful host city.
Arrival in Svolvær
The congress
Børge K. Mortensen
Panel Debate
NR. 9 Networking
Midnight Sun
3.-5. oktober 2017
En del af hi ’17 i Herning
Tilmeld dine produkter til konkurrenc en Kontakt Food Job på tlf. 2912 6119 Læs mere på
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Flere medarbejdergrupper repræsenteres i Arla Foods Samarbejdsråd Efter langt tilløb og et grundigt forarbejde indfaser Arla Foods nu en ny model for det nationale samarbejdsråd, hvilket blandt andet sikrer to pladser til gruppen af ’Individuelt ansatte’. Af Anne-Sofi Christiansen
Igennem flere år har der været arbejdet hen i mod en modernisering af Arla Foods nationale Samarbejdsråd. Processen har haft til formål at få sammensætningen af medarbejderrepræsentationen (B-siden) til at afspejle sammensætningen af koncernens medarbejdergruppe. Resultatet af processen er, at der i 2017 og 2018 sker en indfasning af det nye Samarbejdsråd. Første skridt er valg af en repræsentant for de individuelt ansatte, hvilket er en af de helt nye repræsentationer i Samarbejdsrådet.
Processen Det nye Samarbejdsråd i Arla Foods er sammensat efter en proces, som i første omgang har været forankret i Mejeriindustriens SamarbejdsForum (MSF). Baggrunden herfor var, at flere faggrupper, som ikke tidligere har været repræsenteret i Samarbejdsrådet, ønskede repræsentation. Samtidig havde Arla Foods ønsker om modernisering.
Med afsæt i MSF blev der nedsat en intern arbejdsgruppe i Arla Foods, hvor de forskellige faggrupper var repræsenteret. Arbejdsgruppen kom ikke helt i mål med en model, men gav Arla Foods en række input, som har ført til at den valgte model nu implementeres.
Individuelt ansatte Gruppen af INDIVIDUELT ANSATTE vil være den gruppe, som flest medlemmer fra Foreningen af mejeriledere samt Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening vil repræsenteres i. Denne gruppe får én plads fra juni 2017, og valget til denne gruppe vil blive afholdt i løbet af maj 2017. Fra og med juni 2018 vil gruppen af individuelt ansatte få to pladser, hvor den ene vil være øremærket til en medarbejder fra Sønderhøj/Sluseholmen, mens den anden plads vil være øremærket til en medarbejder fra øvrige driftssteder. For at kunne blive valgt til at repræ-
sentere de individuelt ansatte, skal man opfylde følgende krav: • Være myndig og have minimum 12 måneders anciennitet i Arla i Danmark • Være ansat til at arbejde i Danmark • Være ansat på vilkår, der ikke er reguleret af overenskomsterne mellem Mejeribrugets Arbejdsgiverforening og 3F, NNF, DMF, HK samt Dansk Metal & Dansk El-Forbund • Være ansat i stilling uden personaleledelsesansvar
Opstilling af afstemning Alle som opfylder disse kriterier er opstillingsberettigede vil have modtaget en direkte mail vedr. dette. Af denne mail fremgår der, at man kan meddele sit kandidatur til Hans Uhrenholt, Arla Foods på senest onsdag d. 10. maj klokken 12.00.
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Et stort skridt i den rigtige retning Mejeriindustriens SamarbejdsForum og en intern arbejdsgruppe i Arla Foods har været med til drøfte det nye Samarbejdsråd, og de involverede i arbejdet er grundlæggende tilfredse med den nye model. Samtidig lyder der en kraftig opfordring til de berørte om at bruge deres nyerhvervede stemmeret og mulighed for medindflydelse ved valget i maj. store grupper af kollegaer nu er repræsenterede. Det har været en spændende proces at være en del af, siger Bjarke Damsgaard Jørgensen.
Bjarke Damsgaard Jørgensen, Arla Foods Taulov Mejeri og hovedbestyrelsesmedlem i Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, deltog i arbejdsgruppen vedr. Arla Foods fremtidige Samarbejdsråd. Bjarke er glad for, at Arla Foods er kommet frem til en model, som i videre udstrækning end tidligere tilgodeser, at forskellige medarbejdergrupper er repræsenteret i Samarbejdsrådet. - Jeg havde gerne set, at vi var nået et skridt videre, og at vores mellemledere også havde fået en plads ved bordet. Denne gruppe af medarbejdere, som ganske vist er ledere, men som i rigtigt mange henseender og i koncernperspektivet er at betragte som medarbejdere, har stadig ikke et talerør. Det synes jeg er ærgerligt. Når det er sagt, så er jeg glad for, at vi er kommet i mål med, at
Kun ét forum for dialog og samarbejde Hans Uhrenholt, Head of HR Operational Services DK, Arla Foods, som koordinerer aktiviteterne i og omkring Arla Foods danske Samarbejdsråd vurderer, at formålet med forandringen er at sikre det nære samarbejde mellem Arla Foods og alle virksomhedens medarbejdere med henblik på at skabe en endnu bedre arbejdsplads. Den gode dialog, kommunikation, involvering af interessenter og medarbejderrepræsentanter er midler til opnåelse af ambitionen om det gode samarbejde.
Arla Foods nationale Samarbejdsråd får en B-side, som repræsenterer følgende medarbejdergrupper, når den nye model er fuldt implementeret i sommeren 2018: • 6 repræsentanter for mejeripersonale og chauffører • 1 repræsentant for administrativt personale (HK) • 1 repræsentant for vedligeholdelsespersonale (Metal/El) • 2 repræsentanter for individuelt ansatte medarbejdere - én repræsentant fra Viby/CPH - én repræsentant fra øvrige driftssteder i Danmark Virksomhedsrepræsentanterne i Samarbejdsrådet er viceadministrerende direktør, produktionsdirektører og HR Operational Services DK. Samarbejdsrådet beskæftiger sig blandt andet med information og høring, koncernpolitikker og strukturændringer.
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- Arbejdet i Samarbejdsrådet, som også vil blive styrket gennem oprettelsen af et forretningsudvalg, er hjørnestenen i vores medarbejderinddragelse. Derfor er en retvisende sammensætning af Samarbejdsrådet, så det afspejler den generelle sammensætning af medarbejdergrupper i Arla Foods i Danmark, af stor vigtighed. Vi glæder os til at søsætte den nye model i juni måned, siger Hans Uhrenholt.
Benyt muligheden for indflydelse! Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer og Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening opfordrer berørte medlemmer, som omfattet af denne nye mulighed for indflydelse, til at gøre deres indflydelse gældende. Anne-Sofi Christiansen, sekretariatsleder for begge foreninger, opfordrer de berørte medlemmer til at bruge muligheden. - Vi har i foreningerne været meget optaget af at skubbe i den rigtige retning, hvad angår den brede medarbejderrepræsentation i Arla Foods samarbejdsråd. Vi er glade for at være lykkes så langt, og nu er det så op til de berørte medarbejdere at gøre brug af muligheden for indflydelse. Så hermed en stor opfordring til at stille kandidater og afgive stemmer, siger Anne-Sofi Christiansen.
Kort fortalt GDT-auktionen udvider med vanilje- og chokolademælkepulver
Fra venstre Mikael Voldborg, direktør for byggeri, Carsten Toft Boesen, adm. direktør, Thomas B. Olsen, direktør for procesindustri og Mads Søndergaard, koncerndirektør for byggeri, alle NIRAS.
Global Dairy Trade-auktionen (GDT) er på vej til at udvide produktsortimentet med to mælkepulvertyper, der er smagstilsat med hhv. vanilje eller chokolade. Det skriver Dairy Reporter. Det er Asian Blending med base i Singapore, som sammen med fire øvrige salgsvirksomheder bliver primær udbyder af de to specialprodukter på auktionen, der er retningsgivende for verdensmarkedspriserne. Eric Hansen, direktør for newzealandske GDT, vurderer, at køberne generelt efterspørger et større udvalg af specialprodukter fra hele verdenen. Produkterne ventes udbudt indenfor den kommende måned.
Det nye NIRAS har vækstambitioner Fusionen mellem ALECTIA og NIRAS er nu endelig på plads. Dermed er den nye rådgivningsvirksomhed med 2100 medarbejdere en realitet under navnet NIRAS. Fokus vil fortsat være rådgivning indenfor vedvarende energi, procesindustri, miljø, vand og forsyning, skriver selskabet i en pressemeddelelse. - Både fagligt, geografisk og kulturelt er der et godt match mellem vores virksomheder, der begge bygger på årelange erfaringer og stolte ingeniørfaglige traditioner. Flere medarbejdere har arbejdet i begge virksomheder, og andre kender hinanden fra projekter. Den nye virksomhed bygger videre på fællestræk som høj faglighed, loyalitet, engagement og et fladt hierarki, som sikrer handlekraft, siger Carsten Toft Boesen, administrerende direktør. Fusionen er gennemført på fondsniveau, hvilket sikrer, at NIRAS har fuld finansiel styrke til at investere i yderligere vækst.
Ost i handelskrig mellem USA og Canada Amerikanerne vil have tømmer og canadierne vil have ost. Og det leverer de to store lande normalt til hinanden som en del af en stor samhandel på mere end 4500 mia. kroner, skriver Ritzau. Men i uge 16 pålagde USA told på 24 pct. på al canadisk tømmer med den begrundelse, at den canadiske stat subsidierer sine tømmerproducenter. Canada svarer nu igen ved at indføre begrænsninger for salg af udenlandske mælkeprodukter, som især rammer amerikanske mejerier og mælkebønder. Hårdest ramt er delstaten Wisconsin, der producerer en fjerdedel af al ost i USA. (Foto: Colourbox).
Mammen Mejerierne vil bygge energicentral Mens Mammen Mejerierne netop er ved at lægge sidste hånd på et helt nyt osteanlæg på 3000 kvadratmeter, så annoncerer man nu nye investeringer. Man har nemlig netop søgt Bjerringbro Kommune om landzonetilladelse til en ny energicentral med skorsten ved mejeriet, skriver Food Supply. En 6,5 meter høj bygning på 120 kvadratmeter skal anvendes til at huse den eksisterende energicentral på mejeriets gamle del. Energicentralen og den eksisterende skorsten på 12 meters højde skal flyttes til den nye bygning. Kommunen har vendt tommelen op på den betingelse, at byggeriet er færdigt, inden der er gået tre år.
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Cocio investerer i mindre flødelag Fedtafsætning i form af et flødelag er en svær udfordring i konsummælksprodukter. Det gælder også chokolademælksprodukterne fra Cocio. I fremtiden vil problemet dog stort set blive elimineret, når en ny højtrykshomogenisator fra GEA Danmark er installeret. Denne vil med et tryk på 600 bar i forbindelse med homogeniseringen give mindre fedtkugler i mælken og dermed et mindre flødelag. Det er især på de asiatiske markeder, at forbrugerne har svært ved at forstå flødeafsætningen og tror, at der er tale om en fejl i produktet, skriver Food Supply. Med den nye fremstillingsproces skal Cocio gerne blive endnu mere attraktiv i de asiatiske supermarkeder, forklarer Christian B. Sørensen, som er site director på Cocio.
Videreuddannelse i mejeriautomatisering Har du brug for at opdatere din viden om mejeriautorisering? Så er Au2mate Academy på banen med et uddannelsesforløb, der henvender sig til operatører, teknikere og ledere. Behovet for videreuddannelse skyldes stadig større mejerianlæg med mere komplekse processer og anvendt automatiseringsteknologi. Samtidig øges kravene til ydeevne, herunder procesoptimering, der kan reducere spild, energiforbrug og rengøringsmidler og i øvrigt forlænge anlæggenes oppetid. Træningen omfatter automatiseringskoncepter, instrumentering, PLC, SCADA og MES opbygget efter fremherskende industristandarder og bedste praksis bl.a. S88 og S95. Au2mate Academy er et videnscenter i mejeriautomatisering, som tilbyder uddannelse og træning af ledere, operatører og teknikere i mejeriautomatisering. Se kursusprogrammet m.m. på
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Danskerne er vilde med specialoste Danske forbrugere har for alvor fået øjnene op for det store udbud af specialoste, skriver Berlingske. Det gælder oste fra helt små mejerier som Humlebæk Mikro Mejeri, Ostebørsen, Sønderhaven Gårdmejeri, Øselund Gedeosteri og Knuthenlund Herregårdsmejeri. Og i lige så høj grad de større virksomheder som Them Andelsmejeri, Mammen Mejeri og Thise, som ligeledes har udviklet nye serier af specialoste. Hertil kommer Unika-serien fra Arla Foods, som også kan købes i stadig flere specialforretninger. - Der er en stor interesse fra forbrugerne for at gå på opdagelse i mejeriernes univers af nye, dyre og lidt sjældne luksusoste. Vi tror på, at det er en trend, der kan vokse sig stor. Forbrugerne efterspørger lokalt producerede fødevarer, siger afdelingschef Jan Hermansen fra Mejeriforeningen til Berlingske. (Foto:Knuthenlund Herregårdsmejeri).
Uhrenholt præsterer overskud på 27,5 Uhrenholt-koncernen har netop aflagt regnskab for 2016, som viser et overskud på 27,5, skriver landbrugsavisen. dk. Dermed er virksomheden tilsyneladende fuldstændig ude af den krise, som opstod tilbage i 2012, hvor selskabet var hårdt ramt af problemer på det russiske marked, der udgør en hovedaktivitet. I forhold til 2015, hvor overskuddet var 19,5, steg omsætningen til 1,94 mia. Regnskabet vurderes særligt tilfredsstillende, fordi det fortsat indeholder flere ikke-strategiske forretningsområder, som er tabsgivende og på vej til at blive afhændet. Uhrenholdt handler med mejeriprodukter, hvor man også har egenproduktion på Grøndal Mejeri, samt fisk, skaldyr og grøntsager.
Kort fortalt Irland skruer op for mælkeproduktionen
Spansk farm på vej med 20.000 køer Det spanske mejeriselskab, Valle de Odieta, har planer om at anlægge en kæmpefarm med over 20.000 køer i Soriaprovinsen, hvilket vil blive den største i Europa, skriver Landbrugsavisen. Alene stalde og foderanlæg vil lægge beslag på 150 hektar, mens foderarealet kræver 3000 hektarer. Planen har dog udløst massive protester blandt de lokale mælkeproducenter, hvor 400 mindre producenter frygter at blive udkonkurreret af det nye projekt. De lokale politikere ser dog muligheder for vækst og flere arbejdspladser. (Foto: Colourbox).
Arla lancerer økologisk flødeis Mejerigiganten Arla byder foråret velkommen med en ny økologisk flødeis ved navn Arla ØKO Flødeis. Isen er rørt med æggeblommer og har et højt indhold af fløde, som giver isen en ren smag og en cremet konsistens, skriver Arla i en pressemeddelelse. - Is er indbegrebet af nydelse og forkælelse. Med Arla ØKO Flødeis introducerer vi en økologisk flødeis med fokus på god smag, kvalitet og naturlighed. Isen indeholder få nøje udvalgte ingredienser for at give den en ren og naturlig smag. Den har et højt indhold af dansk fløde, som giver en naturlig og cremet konsistens. Endelig har vi rørt flødeisen med æggeblommer, som man gjorde i de gode gamle dage, hvilket leder tankerne hen på hjemmelavet is, siger Anette Boye, Brand Manager for Arla ØKO Flødeis. Den nye flødeis kommer i tre smagsvarianter: vanilje, chokolade og solbær. Vaniljevarianten er med økologisk Bourbonvanilje og vaniljekorn, chokoladevarianten indeholder økologiske chokoladestykker, og solbærvarianten byder på økologiske solbær. (Foto: Arla Foods).
Efter et fald på otte pct. i februar, er der nu for alvor ved at komme gang i den irske mælkeproduktion. Carbery har således oplevet om en stigning i indvejningen på 16 pct. i denne måned, mens Aurivo har registreret 12 pct. mere mælk, og Glanbia rapporterer om lignende stigninger. Det skriver Landbrug & Fødevarer / Dairy Industry Newsletter. Irerne forklarer stigningen med bedre vejr, stigende priser og flere malkekøer i besætningerne. Analytikere forudser en samlet stigning i den irske mælkeproduktion på en mia. kg i år, hvilket vil være 15 pct. mere end sidste år.
Ordinær generalforsamling Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, Kreds Vestjylland, indbyder hermed til ordinær generalforsamling. Sted: Bowl'n'Fun, Mads Bjerresvej 5, Holstebro. Tidspunkt: Onsdag d. 14. juni kl. 17.00. Dagsorden: 1. Valg af dirigent. 2. Bestyrelsens beretning om landsdelskredsens virksomhed i den forløbne periode. 3. Fremlæggelse af kredsens årsregnskab til godkendelse. 4. Behandling af fremsatte forslag. 5. Valg af medlemmer til bestyrelsen: På valg er: Michael Jensen – Jørgen Peter Hansen. Valg af suppleant. (Jørgen Peter Hansen modtager ikke genvalg) 6. Valg af 2 revisorer. 7. Valg af delegerede til foreningens delegeretmøde, samt suppleanter. 8. Eventuelt. Bemærk - personligt fremmødte vælges før passive til delegeretmøde. Efter generalforsamlingen er der bowling fra kl. 18.00 – 19.00 efterfulgt af grillbuffet. Bindende tilmelding til arrangementet er nødvendigt af hensyn til maden. Tilmelding på telefon 72 28 31 38 eller 99 94 21 11 senest fredag d. 09. juni. E-mail: eller Bestyrelsen
NR. 9
Personalia 50 års jubilarer mødes på Ladelund Gode holdkammerater. Som I sikkert erindrer, er det her til maj 50 år siden, at vores årgang sluttede vores uddannelse med skoleopholdet på Ladelund. Jeg har gennem årene haft kontakt med enkelte af jer, og jeg synes, at det kunne være sjovt at mødes igen og hilse på hinanden. Jeg ved ikke, hvor mange der stadig er beskæftigede i mejeribranchen, for vi har jo nået pensionsalderen. Men det er mit håb, at mange af jer ser dette lille indlæg. Og har man kontakt til andre fra holdet, så kontakt dem venligst og prøv på at få dem med til jubilæumsdagen. Ladelund ligner sig selv, men der er sket mangt og meget siden vi forlod skolen i 1967, men kom selv og se det.
Årsmødet finder sted lørdag den 20. maj kl. 10.00, men se mere på Tilmelding kan også finde sted her. Paul Stein Jensen
70 år Fhv. funktionær Finn Kokholm, Hedehusene fylder den 18. maj 70 år.
85 år Mejeriingeniør Jørgen Wachmann, Stenløse fylder den 16. maj 85 år.
Tillykke til fem nye mejeriingeniører Nyuddannede kan indsende oplysninger til Jette Rohde på eller på formularen ”tillykke til nye mejeriingeniører” på Navn
Development of Quantitative Methods for Determination of Mould Growth Inhibition in Yoghurt Media
Fødevare mikrobiologi og production, R&D, QC.
To investigate Interactions between Stabilisers, Pectin and Gellan Gum and Milk Proteins in a Model System for Ambient Drinking
Videnskabelig assistent, Københavns Universitet, Institut for Fødevarevidenskab, Afd. For Fødevaremikrobiologi. Jobsøgende
Identification of Critical Produktion Parameters Associated with High Post Pellletization Performance in DVS Cultures
Agnete Francke Harboe
Amy Yingling Luu
Mikkel Størling
R&D, QA/QC, projektleder, produktudvikling etc.
Mikrobiologi, Produktudvikling, Procesoptimering, R&D, Proces support
Inner Filter Correction Methods in Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Chemometrics, data analysis & research
Ingen geografiske begræsninger
The Implication of Cheese Milk Protein Percent for Mozzarella Cheese Functionality
Er I forhandling
Mads Glahder
Nynne Svensson Møller
NR. 9
Mælkeritidende I/S Formand Produktionsdirektør Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 97 85 34 34, e-mail:
Leverandøroversigt Automation
Maskiner og udstyr
Au2mate A/S Frichsvej 11, DK-8600 Silkeborg Tlf. +45 87 20 50 50 Fax +45 87 20 50 69 –
Eltronic A/S Kilde Alle 4, 8722 Hedensted Tlf: +45 76 74 01 01 –
Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening Formand Key Account Manager Martin Holst Petersen Eskebøl Allé 12, 2770 Kastrup tlf. 38 88 68 32, e-mail:
Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer Formand Vice President Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 89 38 12 93 e-mail: Kredsformænd Nordjylland Projektchef Palle Jellesmark tlf. 21 49 20 10, e-mail: Østjylland Produktionschef Bjarke Damsgaard Jørgensen tlf. 87 51 42 34 Vestjylland Projektleder Michael Jensen Holstebro Mejeri e-mail: Sydjylland Fabrikschef Leo Morten Lund Fyn Production Manager René C. Byrgesen tlf. 20 51 90 37 e-mail: Østdanmark Product Engineer Jørgen H. Petersen tlf. 40 88 69 18, e-mail:
FTF Niels Hemmingsens Gade 12 Postboks 1169 1010 København K Tlf. 33 36 88 00 Mandag–torsdag kl. 9–16‚ fredag kl. 10–16‚ lørdag lukket.
FTF-A Snorresgade 15 2300 København S. Tlf. 70 13 13 12 Mandag-fredag 8-18.
Akademikernes Centralorganisation ACs sekretariat Nørre Voldgade 29, 1358 København K. Tlf. 33 69 40 40 Mandag–fredag kl. 9–16.30.
Tetra Pak Sverige AB Byggnad 306 2-vån, Ruben Rausings gata SE-221 86 Lund, Sweden Tlf. +46 46 36 10 00 Fax +46 46 36 30 06
Salicath ApS Rue 5A, DK-5900 Rudkøbing Tlf. 40 16 12 01 – Tlf. 40 28 18 02
Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions Bergsøesvej 17, 8600 Silkeborg Tel. 8720 0840
Projektering og anlæg Bjarmodan A/S Højgaardsvej 10 8300 Odder Tlf. 86551489 JTI Gulventreprise A/S Storegade 15 6740 Bramming Tlf: 7517 3248
Akademikernes A-kasse AAKs hovedkontor Nyropsgade 45, 1504 København V. Tlf. 33 95 03 95 Mandag–fredag kl. 10–14. Onsdag dog lukket for telefonisk henvendelse.
PTI A/S Vennelystvej 2, 6880 Tarm Tlf. 97 37 16 33 – Fax 97 37 30 70 –
S. Sørensen I/S Tigervej 11, 7700 Thisted Tlf. 97 92 26 22 – Fax 97 91 05 22
Tetra Pak Danmark A/S Søren Nymarks Vej 13, 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 – Fax 86 29 53 11
Møder og udstillinger ❚ Danmark ❚ ❚ ❚ 17. maj 2017: Årets 2. Kredsudstilling, Landbrug & Fødevarer, Tørning Mølle, Vojens
MEJERINYHEDER - ganske gratis! Vil du gerne have ugens vigtigste mejerinyheder i din mailbox hver fredag? Hver uge udsender vi en række korte nyheder fra ind- og udland samt mærkedage for mejeri industriens ledere og en kalender for kommende arrangementer i mejeribranchen. Du kan tilmelde dig UgeNyt på - Det er ganske gratis!
Bannerannoncering af ledige stillinger På er det nu muligt at indrykke bannerannoncer for ledige stillinger, hvor ansøgere kan klikke sig videre til den ansøgende virksomheds egen hjemmeside. En stillingsbannerannonce på har målene: Bredde: 140 px x højde: 350 px, og prisen er 3.900 kr. for to uger!
18. maj 2017: Mejeriforeningen, generalforsamling
Mejeristhuset Nedenstående kan du se ledige perioder for ophold i de næste måneder i Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærers sommerhus, ”Mejeristhuset” i Kandestederne ved Skagen. Mejeristhuset – en ekstra dag? Det er muligt at booke ekstradage ud over de almindelige perioder (tors-søn og søn-tors). Tjek kalenderen og book ekstradage ca. en måned før. Følg med på Medlemmer af Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer og Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening kan altid orienterede sig om ledige uger/perioder i månederne efter de nedenstående tre på
Sæson A
Sæson B
Sæson C
Ulykker • Tandskader • Sundhed Forsikringer via Mejeriliv: Kontakt Optima for information Claus Rasthøj tlf. 2075 55 25
18. august 2017: Mejerigolf 7. september 2017: Mejeriingeniørdagen 3.-5. oktober International Food Contest / HI-Messen Messe Center Herning
❚ Udland ❚ ❚ ❚ M 1 8 15 22 29
T 2 9 16 23 30
O 3 10 17 24 31
T 4 11 18 25
F 5 12 19 26
L 6 13 20 27
S 7 14 21 28
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
T 1 8 15 22 29
F 2 9 16 23 30
L 3 10 17 24
S 4 11 18 25
F 1 8 15 22 29
L 2 9 16 23 30
S 3 10 17 24
Juni 22 23 24 25 26
7.-9. juni 2017: Nordisk Mejerikongres, Axelborg, København
Sæson D
Maj 18 19 20 21 22
27.-28. maj 2017: Landbrugsmessen, Gl. Estrup, Auning
7.-11. oktober Anuga, Køln, Tyskland 29. oktober – 3. november IDF World Dairy Summit 2017, Belfast, Nordirland.
September 35 36 37 38 39
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
OBS: Redaktionen tager forbehold for perioder, der evt. er udlejet, efter bladet er sendt til trykning!
Welcome to the world’s largest culture plant As an important part of your participation in the Nordic Dairy Congress you are invited to visit Chr. Hansen’s impressive production flagship – the culture plant in Avedoere very close to Copenhagen airport – on Wednesday 7 June 2017. The visit poses a unique chance to get behind the scenes at the world’s most advanced production facility for lactic acid bacteria. Already the world’s largest plant when it was taken into operation in 2008, the production capacity equaled enough cultures to cover the entire yogurt production in Europe. Since then several expansion projects have taken place at the production site, adding significantly to the size and production capacity. Right now, construction work is ongoing at the site to double the capacity, and further investments are in the pipeline.
Practicalities On Wednesday 7 June, the Congress will pick you up in a shuttle bus, either from the airport or from one of the recommended hotels, and take you to the visit at Chr. Hansen. You are of course also welcome to arrive on your own. Please enter your preferred transportation and time for the plant visit in the registration system. If you are already registered, please login again (link in the top of your confirmation) and make your choices. Please note that the check-in formalities for the Congress will take place in connection with the site visit, where we have staff present to assist you in this. We look forward to welcoming you to a very exciting afternoon.
Mælkeritidende, Munkehatten 28, 5220 Odense SØ
The plant boasts state-of-the-art technology and is highly automated with advanced robotic solutions. As a visitor, you will be invited into the heart of Chr. Hansen with the chance to witness the production process from raw material to final product – stored in the impressive minus 55 degrees C freezer – the largest one in the world.