9 28. august 2020 133. årgang
Fokusnummer: Plantebaserede fødevarer
FMF nærmer sig 1000 medlemmer – s. 14
by Masosine
W The cleanest E pump NEWyou will ever need N The cleanest The cleanest by Masosine by Masosine
Chr. Hansen donerer 30.000 til MuG – s. 18
Mælkeritidende har fortsat mange forretnings partnere - s. 16
pump you will ever need pump you will ever need by MasoSine
High suction capability to handle viscous fluids
by MasoSine
EHEDG Type EL - Class 1
by MasoSine
High suction capability Up to 50% less power than to handle viscous fluids other pump types, especially High suction capability with viscous applications to handle fluids EHEDG Typeviscous EL - Class 1 Low shear and zero pulsation EHEDG - Class 1 Up to 50%Type lessEL power than pump types, especially Self-draining and easy other to clean with viscous Up to 50% lessapplications power than other pump types, especially viscous applications Low with shear and zero pulsation Low shear and Self-draining andzero easypulsation to clean Self-draining and easy to clean