MT10, Tema Nordisk

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Theme: Nordic Dairy and Supplier Industry

When ingredients make a difference Chr. Hansen uses nature’s own resources to improve food and health for people all over the world

10 Nordic trends in dairy production and consumption – s. 3-10

News and advertising from suppliers – s. 11-45

Dansk mejeristof – Mælkeritidendes normale indhold – s. 46-60

14. juni 2019 132. årgang

Udgivere: Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, e-mail: Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, e-mail: Redaktion og sekretariat: Munkehatten 28 5220 Odense SØ. Tlf.: 66 12 40 25 e-mail: Tlf. tid dagligt kl. 8.30-15.30 (fredag dog 8.30-14.30) Ans. redaktør og sekretariatsleder mejeriingeniør Anne-Sofi Søgaard Christiansen (AC) Redaktør Lars Winther (LW)

Welcome to the Nordic Dairy Universe Dear reader. This edition of Mælkeritidende is a special issue. It consists of three sections: 1: An editorial part about national trends in dairy production and consumption in each Nordic country. 2: News and advertisings from Nordic suppliers. 3: Ordinary Mælkeritidende (-in Danish). The magazine is produced by Danish Mælkeritidende – in cooperation with Swedish Mejeritekniskt Forum, Norwegian Norske Meierifolks Landsforening and Finnish MVL (see page 8). These organisations have also been helpful providing addresses for the distribution to 2500 dairy professionals in all Nordic countries. We hope you will enjoy the content and the glance into the Nordic dairy sector beeing one of the most advanced and rich in tradition in the world.  ■

Redaktionssekretær Jette Rohde (JRO)


Programkoordinator Cand.scient.soc Isabel Sande Frandsen (ISF) Regnskab og administrationssekretær Markedsøkonom Bettina M. Nielsen (BMN) Kontorassistent Camilla Winther Hansen Freelancejournalist Lene Mikkelsen Walsh (LMW) Annoncer: Stillings/rubrikannoncer sendes onsdag kl. 12.00, ugen før udgivelse. Tidsskriftet udgives hveranden fredag‚ undtagen dobbeltnumre i juli og december‚ svarende til 23 nr./år i et oplag på 1.750 eksemplarer. Abonnement: Danmark: 1.375- kr./år inkl. moms. Europa: 1.625,- inkl. forsendelse. Øvrige udland: 1.825‚- kr. inkl. forsendelse. Læserkreds: Mejeriselskabernes ledere og øvrige medarbejdere. Mejeriingeniører, mejeriteknikere og procesteknologer i ind- og udland. Medlemmer af mejeriernes bestyrelser. Ansatte ved mejeribrugets organisationer. Medarbejdere ved universiteter og øvrige forskningsinstitutioner samt levnedsmiddel­kontrolenhederne og ministerielle embedsmænd. Mange levnedsmiddelvirksomheder. Mejeriernes leverandør- og servicevirksomheder m.v. (Stud. tech. al/mejerilinjen og procesteknologstuderende/mejerispecialet modtager bladet gratis). Layout og tryk: Jørn Thomsen Elbo A/S ISSN 0024-9645 Online ISSN 2245-991X Medlem af:



Eftertryk tilladt med kildeangivelse.

Nordic trends in dairy production and consumption


Denmark: Danbo, Lurpak, Mini milk


Sweden: Västerbottensost®, Bregott


Finland: Whey bread/Squeaky cheese, lactose free products


Norway: Kviteseidsmør, Snøfrisk, Jarlsberg


Cooperation between Nordic dairy organisations

News and advertising from suppliers

11 Au2mate 12 Alflow 14 Baumer 16 Chr. Hansen 18 GEA Scan-Vibro A/S 20 GRUNWALD 22 LP Kolding 24 Inoxpa 25 HMJ Engineering 25 Eltronic 26 International Food Contest/ MCH


32 Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions 34 Nordic Dairy Congress 36 Tronrud Engineering 38 ÅF 39 OEM Automatic 39 Procudan 40 Agrosoft 42 FHS Scandinavia 44 Dairy without Borders,

Mælkeritidende, Dinner Event

45 Trepko Dansk mejeristof – Mælkeri­ tidendes normale indhold

46 Farvel til Lillebælt Mejeri 47 MIA på studietur i Spanien 48 Snart-kandidat-aften 49 Generalforsamling i Foreningen Danmarks Privatmejerier

50 Mejeriindustriens


51 Kort fortalt 54 Foreningsnyt 56 Personalia 58 Leverandøroversigt 59 Mejeristhuset og kalender 60 FHS Scandinavia NR. 10

National prides - Nordic dairy specialties

Denmark By J.M. Buch Kristensen, Ex-Principal, College of Food and Technology.

The Nordic countries has similarities as well as differences, when it comes to the dairysector and products. Mælkeritidende has asked dairy experts from each country with knowledge of the actual consumption to select the most wellknown and special product, when it comes to liquid milk, cheese and butter. They give a short intro into the actual consumption, structural development of production and the technology behind it. Photo: Arla, Tine and Valio.

Danbo History The Danish dairy sector has produced a number of different yellow cheeses under a large number of different names ever since the 1800s. In 1952, 11 typical Danish cheeses saw a Danish name according to the Stresa Convention. ‘Steppeost’ got the name Danbo because this cheese in all Danes' consciousness was perceived as the most characteristic Danish cheese. In 2018, Danbo was approved as a PGI protected cheese in the EU (PGI: Protected Geographical Indication).

Product description Danbo is firm in consistency and easy to cut into slices and put on bread. Just over the past 500 years, cheese at open sandwiches (smørrebrød) has become an integral part of the Danes' diet. The vast majority are currently sold vacuum packed in supermarkets.

Figures The consumption of cheese per. person in Denmark is approx. 14 kg per year and 5 kilo is Danbo. It is only eaten to a limited extent outside Denmark with a minor export to Germany and the Nordic countries.

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Technology and characteristics Danbo is based on cow's milk and is a semi-solid, round holed cheese. Fat content is typically between 17-27 pct., and water content is 44%, max 46%. Shape is a square and the weight is between 2.5 to 15 kg. It got regular, round holes, and the texture is cutable. Taste is mild and aromatic, and it is kit matured crust, or crust-free.

Manufacturing technology - historical and today Previously, Danbo cheese was made in cheesevessels either with hand stirring or machine stirring. Today, most of the Danbo cheeses are manufactured in large closed machine tanks. Subsequently, the cheeses are shaped, pressed and salted more or less automatically. The largest and newest plants produce, store and pack Danbo cheese fully automatically.



Lurpak History Since 1901, Danish butter has been synonymous with Lurpak. A large number of cooperative dairies associated their forces in quality assurance of Danish butter, so especially in the lucrative British market, customers were guaranteed a unique quality. When the butter cask was provided with the lur mark, the quality was guaranteed 1st class.

Characteristics Cream is added milk cultures to give it a fresh, delicate flavour and creamy consistency. Finally, 1.2% salt is added. Lurpak is available in more special editions with herbs and Lurpak Spreadable.

the Middle East. The consumption of Lurpak butter in Denmark has been declining for a number of years, as spreadable blend products with the flagship Kærgården have become market leaders and with growing competition from butter in private labels. In recent years, however, consumption of Lurpak butter has grown again.

The technology behind the product Previously, the quarry was in a churn, but today most of the Lurpak is produced on continuous lubricating machines, where the capacity is much higher.

Figures The export value of butter in 2017 was DKK 1.68 billion. Lurpak is mainly exported to the UK and

Minimælk History Minimælk (Mini milk) is a skimmed milk, that was introduced on the Danish market in 2001. For the first time in thirty years, a new type of milk was launched in the Danish market. After the introduction, the Mini milk in record time became the Danes' preferred milk type.

Characteristics Mini milk has a fat percentage of 0.4%. towards the skimmed milk's 0.1% Despite the low fat content, the milk has a rich milk flavor, which resembles semi skimmed milk (1.5%)



Figures On average, the Danes drink almost 84 liters of milk annually - or a total of DKK 480 million. kg. Statistically, no distinction is made between skimmed milk and Minimilk, but together these two lean milk types make up for almost 50 per cent of the total consumption. No other countries has a correspondingly large share.

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Sweden By Ulf Borgström, Mejeritekniskt Forum

Västerbottensost® History Deep inside the premises at Burträsk Dairy, slightly hidden, is a safe that contains the secret recipe for Västerbottensost.® Exactly what has been inscribed on the papers encased in the folder entitled »1872«, is known to only a few.

Technology and characteristics It all started when dairy maid Ulrika Eleonora Lindström who in 1872 created the recipe which is the basis for the Västerbottensost® that we still eat today. First, the milk is pasteurized by fast heating and subsequent fast cooling. Then the milk is curdled to separate the whey and create a grainy curd, that is filled into the final round mold. The molds are 42 centimeters in diameter – larger than any other Swedish round cheese. This can be one of the explanations to the unique taste of the Västerbottensost®. The cheeses are put under pressure for approximately 18 hours,

along which they are turned by hand in accordance to a specific schedule. After pressing, the cheeses are put in brine until the desired surface, consistency, salt level and flavour is achieved. To mature and develop its unique taste, all Västerbottensost® is ripened for at least 14 months. The storage, located in Ånäset in Västerbotten, has a cathedral like atmosphere to it. The 18 kg cheeses are stored in their molds and are turned daily for 22 days. Finally, they are covered by paraffin for protection. The cheeses are ready when they have been approved regarding taste, smell, texture and appearance on a 9-grade scale.

Foto:Fabian Björnstjerna

Figures Every year 140 000 cheeses are produced, all living up to the high standards of the Västerbottensost®.


Bregott History, characteristics and figures In 1969 Bregott was introduced on Swedish dinner tables. During the 60s refridgerators became more common, and for practical reasons butter was put in the fridge. As a concequence the butter became too hard to spread on a piece of bread. A capable dairyman was hit by a flash of inspiration. He tried churning cream along with soy oil, resulting in a new product that was named Bregott. Instantly spreadable when taken out of the fridge. The first Bregott product was launched under the motto ”The only spread tasting of butter”. In 1971, Bregott with extra salt was introduced. During the 70s the brand grew slowly but surely, and in the early 80s Bregott became the most popular alternative for sandwich spread. When light products hit the market and became popular during a few years, Bregott lost part of their market share, only to win it back in the early 90s. The soy

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oil had then been replaced by softer and more nutritious rapeseed oil. People again valued products with less addings. Since Bregott only contained butter, rapeseed oil, cream and a pinch of salt, the new motto was ”Only natural ingredients”. In 1995 the famous Bregott factory with black and white cows in the starring role was launched. One of the most long lived and appriciated commercial concepts in Sweden. The development of new Bregott varieties is continously ongoing. In 1997 a new member joined the family: Bregott mellan with 60% fat. In 2001 organic Bregott came, and five years later the more luxurious Bregott with seasalt was introduced. In 2011 Bregott mindre, with lower fat content was launched.



Finland - by Juha Lundström, Chef Fromager, Arctic Milk Oy

Whey bread/Squeaky cheese History Squeaky cheese or whey bread – however so called – is a traditional Finnish roasted fromage frais that was originally made from reindeer milk in Lapland and from the colostrum of newly calved cows in Ostrobothnia and Kainuu. This product is also called coffee cheese in Lapland and the Tornio River valley in Sweden, where it was common to keep the cheese in cold storage or in a grain bin where it would dry out, after which the product was softened again in coffee.

Manufacturing technology Home made squeaky cheese prepared from colostrum was roasted over a glowing fire until speckled brown. Dairies and fromagerie establishments began making whey bread sometime around the 1980s using a range of proprietary manufacturing technologies rather like recipes. The approach to manufacturing squeaky cheese applied at Arctic Milk Oy dates back to my grandmothers’ days at Haapavesi in the 1930s, and the tradition has remained in our family to the present day. I first made squeaky cheese

as a junior chef fromager at the plant in 1987, and this was the start of commercialising the special brand that now accounts for 80 per cent of our total output. A fine and tasty squeaky cheese requires fresh, high quality milk and a precise approach from the manufacturer, as each production batch is unique. The cheeses pass through roasting ovens, where they gain their attractive brown-speckled appearance. They are cooled immediately after roasting, making them ready for vacuum packing. Four large dairies manufacture squeaky cheese for the mass market in Finland, with another ten or so smaller fromagerie operators also making it for local markets.

Characteristics Squeaky cheese is a chewy cheese with a roasted brown speckled appearance that is made in various strengths and shapes, and according to the individual recipe of each manufacturer. It is ideal for the coffee table, and as an accompaniment to soups and salads. Ingredients: milk, microbial rennet, salt. Fat content: 17–23 %

Lactose-free dairy products By Valio



Lactose is a natural carbohydrate in milk that is also called milk sugar. Lactose intolerance is a condition in which unabsorbed lactose causes digestive problems, such as diarrhoea, flatulence and bloating. The symptoms disappear when lactose is decreased or completely eliminated from the diet. This is where the lactose-free dairy products come in.

Over the past 20 years Valio has worked to deliver the widest selection of zero-lactose products across all dairy categories of any dairy company. Nowadays, lactose-free products range from fresh milk drinks snacks and cooking products to milk powders. Valio’s lactose free brand Valio Eila has evolved over time from a medical solution brand to a premium taste position for all consumers, whether lactose intolerant or not. Today, almost 400 out of Valio’s 520 consumer products available in Finland, are lactose-free - both Eila and other brands. Valio also provides zero-lactose ingredient solutions such as milk powders and butter to food businesses around the world.

Manufacturing technology Traditional enzymatic technologies to produce low-lactose milks have been available for decades, but result in milks that are overly sweet. The Finnish dairy and food company Valio recognized that consumers want lactose-free solutions that don’t compromise on taste or the breadth of dairy products they can enjoy. They also wanted products that the whole family could enjoy. Valio’s Nobel Prize-winning R&D centre in Helsinki, pioneered the development of zero-lactose milk that tastes exactly like regular milk. This milk, introduced in 2001, has the added benefit of reduced carbohydrates since it uses microfiltration to remove a portion of the offending lactose.



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Norway By Tine

Kviteseid­smør Kviteseidsmør is built on traditions from Kviteseid in Telemark and is churned of sour cream in old fashioned manner. It is produced at TINE Meieriet Sør Setesdal, which is Norway's smallest dairy. The butter is especially good for traditional foods such as cured meats and rake fish, for frying, on bread and in cooking because of their good taste and ability to bring out other flavors.


Jarlsberg History The story of the cheese goes back to the 1950s. It all started in the small Norwegian village called Ås and a professor, Ole Martin Ystgaard, who was leading a long-term research project at the Dairy Institute at the Agricultural University of Norway. The project started in 1956 and continued for about 10 years until Professor Ystgaard decided that the development phase was complete. Under supervision of the Professor, they conducted cheesemaking experiments where they added bacterial culture to cheese milk. The cheese was first sold at the Research Dairy’s shop as “Research cheese”, and then as “Extra cheese”. Only a few know the history of the name and it’s still a great mystery how and when it was finally decided that the name should be Jarlsberg®. What we do know is that the Ministry of Agriculture sanctioned an application for the name Jarlsberg® and the definition of the new cheese in 1957.

History Snøfrisk® cream cheese was launched during the Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway in 1994. The name translates as snow fresh, and it is soft enough to be used as a spread. It is sold in a triangular plastic packaging and comes in several flavours, including straight, juniper berry, dilland forest mushrooms.

Technology and characteristics Snøfrisk is made from 80 percent goat’s milk and 20 percent cow’s cream. The taste is tangy with a characteristic, mild taste of goat’s milk. No artificial colourants or preservatives are used. Snøfrisk® can be enjoyed on its own or used in everything from tapas and sandwiches to dips, salads, desserts, sauces and stews. Snøfrisk is white and creamy, without any yellow pigmentation.

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Technology and characteristics Jarlsberg® is famous around the world for its distinctive sweet and nutty taste and its large, round holes. It is available with or without its distinctive rind. First the cheese making technique for producing Emmental cheese was used, without success. Later, by using the Research Dairy’s cheese vats, a good-quality cheese could be produced. These experiments led to the further development where the bacteria metabolism created large holes when added to Gouda cheese. It’s from this process that the famous Jarlsberg® holes were born. It was also the studies at the Dairy Institute that led to developing the concept of adding bacterial culture and making it work on a larger scale. Today Jarlsberg is available in three versions: Original, Lite and Special Reserve.



Cooperation between Nordic dairy organisations Four Nordic organisations have cooperated to publish this Nordic special issue. Mælkeritidende from Denmark, MVL from Finland, Norske Meierifolks Landsforening from Norge (- unions representing different employees in the dairy sector) and Mejeritekniskt Forum from Sweden (- open interest organisation for dairy employees).


Mælkeritidende – two associations behind one magazine Mælkeritidende was established as a professional magazine for dairy-educated in 1888 by Danish Dairy Managers Association (FMF). In 1975 the Association of MSc’s in Dairy Science and Technology (DMF) became a partner to FMF and got access to Mælkeritidende. The magazine is published every four week, and it is the only specialized dairy magazine in Denmark. Mælkeritidende is also an online media with daily dairy industry news on the webpage, a newsletter twice a week and activities on social medias. Further on Mælkeritidende serves as the secretariat for a number of Danish dairy organizations, including The Danish Society of Dairy Technology, Dairy People without Borders, various scholarships and funds etc. Since 2016 Mælkeritidende has been a secretariat



for the Nordic Dairy Congress, as well as managing the communications agency, Winther Communication, which supply communication expertise and tasks in the dairy industry. The secretariat is located in Odense and has 6 employees.

Danish Dairy Managers Association (FMF) Danish Dairy Managers Association is a 130-year old association for primarily technical management staff in the Danish dairy industry – typically with education as a dairyman or a dairy technician. FMF has its own collective agreement with The Danish Dairy Employers ´ Association and negotiates or supports working conditions for approx. 900 members, as well as representing members in different contexts, including education, pension, etc.

MSc’s in Dairy Science and Technology (DMF) MSc’s in Dairy Science and Technology was established on April 7, 1932. The association's purpose is to protect and represent the common interests of the members and to promote the dairy industry's professional development. The members of the association are largely Masters from the University of Copenhagen, Department of Food Science who graduates as MSc in Dairy Science and Technology Other MSc’s with equivalent technical and scientific education can also be admitted as members. The organization has approx. 400 members.

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Professional Dairy Association MVL Professional Dairy Association MVL is an organisation for trained specialists and other professionals in the dairy industry, who occupy manufacturing, managerial and specialist positions in dairies. Their duties can be summarised: • skilled dairy worker, dairy engineer • manufacturer, laboratory technician • manufacturing manager • production manager • warehouse manager • maintenance managers • various other plant management functions • skilled maintenance worker and supervisor About 5,000 people work in the dairy industry, of whom just under 2,000 have completed specialist dairy industry training. MVL is the only union lobby-

ing for the interests of dairy industry professionals. MVL is an active labour market organization that works with various stakeholders and is also involved in developing training for dairy workers and dairy engineers. MVL provides training for industry students in regulations governing the world of work, and supports them in various ways at Häme Vocational Institute and Häme University of Applied Sciences. The principal function of MVL is to negotiate terms and conditions of employment, including pay, working time and holidays. The collective agreement determines the minimum terms and conditions of employment that employers must observe. Members enjoy many other benefits in addition to collective bargaining on their behalf. MVL administers an unemployment fund for members,

and negotiates concessionary rates on leisure time accident and travel insurance, discounts on holiday destination packages throughout Finland.

Facts Professional Dairy Association MVL • established in 1945 • improves and oversees the terms and conditions of employment of dairy industry professionals • negotiates an independent collective agreement and salary system • operates nationally and locally • A total of 3,000 members. 55 per cent are women and 45 per cent are men • publications: Maitotalous magazine, The Finnish Dairy Calendar • website in Finnish at


Norske Meierifolks Landsforening (NML) Norske Meierifolks Landsforening (NML), established in 1914, is an organization for dairy professionals and other employees in the Norwegian dairy industry. NML's main purpose is to take care of the members' economical, professional and social interests and to

work for dairy educational issues and human resource development. As an important part of the activity NML also publishes the trade magazine "Meieriposten" (6 issues a year) and "Norsk Meierikalender" (once a year). NML has approximately 1015 mem-

bers, mainly in the cooperative dairy industry. The administration (secretariat) is in Oslo.


Mejeri­tekniskt Forum Mejeritekniskt Forum is an association of persons employed in the Swedish dairy industry and companies, which supply technology and services to this industry. The members work with production, research, marketing, etc. and often have a college education. Mejeritekniskt Forum strive to increase the knowledge

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and skills in the dairy and milk areas. The association organizes seminars, conferences and study visits with high relevance for the members. It allocates significant amounts in scholarships. The association cooperates with Nordic sister associations. At the meetings, members meet to develop their professional networks under social forms. www. is well visited by the members. On the webpage we offer a news report about the dairy industry in Sweden and the rest of the world. Members can sign up for a newsletter, reporting from study visits, meetings, scholarship reports and much more.



News and advertisings from Nordic Suppliers



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In-line analysis and standardisation Plant optimisation in the dairy industry by high precision In-line analysis instruments.

The applications can be split into two different categories. One category can be classified as In-line standardisation, and the other category as batch standardisation with continuous correction measures. In-line standardisation takes place by controlling flow rates and addition of ingredients (if any) to achieve a specified target on product specific parameters. This process can be applied in standardisation of fat, protein and total solids directly from e.g. a pasteuriser or a blending system feeding an evaporator. In batch standardisation applications, a continuous summation / integration of the product components, e.g. fat, protein and milk solids, takes place to form a uniquely defined batch. This process can e.g. be applied for the standardisation of fat, protein and milk solids in a cheese milk tank.

Dairy plants are getting more and more complex and at the same time the demands for fully flexible production schedules with rapid recipe changeover in the process equipment are constantly increasing. New and improved technologies for In-line measurement and analysis of product components in real-time provides new opportunities for optimising on tolerances and production processes. A good number of process applications taking advantage of the new generation of analysis instruments have been implemented by Au2mate, in Denmark as well as abroad.

Moving forward, Au2mate strive to be a proactive partner in the continuous optimisation of the dairies.

Contact For more information on In-line analysis applications, please do not hesitate to contact us at or by telephone +45 8720 5050.

YO U R PA R T N E R I N I N D U S T I A L I T A N D A U T O M AT I O N Au2mate supplies total dairy automation solutions. The automation includes all processes and features, ranging from receipt of raw material to delivery of the finished product. Systems control comprising: Instrumentation, PLC, SCADA, MES and Industry 4.0. Productivity, quality and plant uptime is ensured by way of the total automation solution including training of the users at Au2mate Academy, as well as by a full service package with 24/7 service. Au2mate services the dairy industry from offices in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Dubai and Englang.


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17-05-2019 11:42:00



Arla Foods gains one week’s extra production with ohmic heating Great savings and optimisation of processes at Arla Foods have been achieved by using ohmic heating in the production of cream cheese. The solution has given the dairy one extra week of production each year. In its cream-cheese process, Arla Foods is dependent on a temperature of 68 °C at the tap. This is ensured by using Ohmic heating, where electricity is led through the cream cheese in isolated tubes (at the top of the picture). Photo: Lars Møller



By Suna Koop, Marketing Coordinator, Alflow

Arla Foods uses so-called ohmic heating, which ensures that the cream cheese has exactly the right temperature when it is poured into the packaging. With ohmic heating, a medium's conductivity – resistance – is utilised to create an energyefficient, fast and accurate heating by leading electricity through the cream cheese, which is in an isolated tube. In its cream-cheese process, Arla Foods is dependent on a temperature of 68 °C. Previously, Arla Foods used a steam-heated, scraped-surface heat exchanger for that process, but had to overheat the cheese up to about 78 °C to be sure to keep it 68 °C at the tap. The safety margin of 10 °C is of course a waste of energy compared to hitting the 68 ° C more precisely, and this can be done with ohmic heating. Ohmic heating has much higher energy efficiency than the steam-heated process and it compensates for the high electricity price. - The price for steam is lower per kW than for electricity, but with an efficiency of 98 percent in ohmic heating, the difference is leveled out, says Martin Kjærgaard, project manager at Arla Foods. Normally, electricity will be too expensive for heating in a production process, which is why companies normally do not use electricity for that type of process, but with ohmic heating, the odds change in favor of electricitybased heating. - Now, we save energy because it is no longer necessary to have temperatures up to 90 °C in the steam process. Although the ohmic heating plants use electricity, we save net energy because of the reduced need for excess steam heating, Martin Kjærgaard explains.

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Two-year repayment The use of ohmic heating has given a markedly improved process with fewer stops and reduced cooling and reheating of cream cheese. Estimated annual production has increased by 600-800 tons which correspond to one week's extra production of cream cheese a year, so the repayment is less than two years. Actually, the energy saving was not part of the original business case. - The purpose of using ohmic heating was to optimise product quality and quality assurance by optimising the process and avoiding production stops because the cheese sometimes became too cold when draining the scrapedsurface heat exchanger. Then we would end up with cheese with a temperature of maybe 50 °C, which then had to be drained and cooled down before being reheated. If you can heat up the cheese to the required 68 °C each time it has to be drained, it obviously means both a

great energy saving on reduced cooling and reheating in addition to saved time in the process. Today, we have a much better flow in the process, less waste and less cooling and reheating. The result is an increased production, says Martin Kjærgaard. - The business case is advantageous – even without the energy savings – due to the optimised process without so many stops, he continues. Due to the great success with ohmic heating, Arla now uses ohmic heating – not only to maintain the temperature, but also to replace their scraped-surface heat exchanger, which means using ohmic heating throughout the heating phase.

Better microbiology The uniform temperature in the process is also beneficial for the microbacterial process in the cream cheese and thus for the content of vitamins and proteins which are better preserved with the more stable and lower temperature.

High efficiency and a more environmentally friendly production - The advantage of ohmic heating is that it is a very fast, energy-efficient and precise way of heating a medium compared to a steam process. It has an efficiency of at least 98 percent because the only energy loss is in the power supply. Being able to optimise your process to the equivalent of an extra week's production annually ought to put a smile on your lips, says Morten Kaasen, product manager at Alflow, who has delivered the technical solution to Arla Foods. - If your company wants a greener production, ohmic heating can also be a good alternative, as it can significantly reduce kW consumption due to the higher efficiency of ohmic heating, adds Morten Kaasen.

Optimise your processes and save money with ohmic heating BENEFITS: • Short processing times • No contact with hot surfaces • Homogeneous heating which ensures high quality level of the finished product

• Possible to process products that cannot be treated with conventional thermal treatments

• No mechanical parts - no mechanical wear APPLICATIONS: • • • • • • • •

Treatment of products with large particles Treatment of meat dishes Treatment of delicate fluids and pastes Pasteurisation and UHT processing of milk products Treatment of liquid products such as juice Aseptic production Temperatures up to 150 °C Capacity adaptable to task

Alflow Scandinavia A/S ∙ Industrivej vest 36 ∙ DK-6600 Vejen +45 7696 2130 ∙ ∙

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From processing to packaging Hygienic sensors from Baumer optimize performance for ensured food safety and increased efficiency. Competitiveness in the dairy processing industry decisively depends upon the degree of automation, the efficiency of production, the hygienic design, effective cleaning and, in the end, food safety. Like a balancing act, the dairy processing industry walks on a thin line between food safety and equipment efficiency. With a strong focus on the improvement of effectiveness and efficiency, sensors are playing an important role. In every stage of milk processing – from reception, separation, homogenization and pasteurization on to filling and bottling: Hygienic sensors from Baumer optimize performance for ensured food safety and increased efficiency. No matter in which step of production, we support you with the right sensor solution for a reliable production process even in the long term and help you to minimize unplanned production stops for a more efficient production.

Baumer Inductive transmitter (CombiLyz AF14)

Deep process knowledge Thanks to our close collaboration with customers from the dairy industry, we know the single steps of the process and can help you to optimize them. Our broad portfolio of process sensors, as well as our process connections are perfectly fitting to your individual requirements and the demanding environments you are operating in. Above all you can profit from the same user interface, which makes it more easy to handle all the different sensors in your process. Easy integration and usability is guaranteed.

Solution-oriented Having all sensor solutions for your

requirements we can help solving your problems at every stage of the production process. With our broad portfolio we cover the complete range of applications and can already advice you in the early stages of your process. We develop our sensors together with the dairy industry. With this knowledge we support you to optimize your processes where required. We do not only sell sensors, we also deliver a deep know-how in applications and industry requirements.

Ready for the future Data is the most important basis for process and product optimization. With the help of IO-Link, valuable additional data can be made accessible. They are used for process control in the automation system. These can also be transferred to other IT systems via IO-Link. Baumer sensors precisely record many different measured values. Valuable additional information is already generated during the processing of the measured values in the sensor. Standardized digital communication interfaces such as IO-Link can be used to access that information and significantly optimize your processes. BAUMER

A strong interface makes it more easy to handle all the different sensors in the production.



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From processing to packaging. Hygienic sensors for the dairy industry.

In every stage of milk processing – from reception, separation, homogenization and pasteurization on to filling and bottling: Our hygienic sensors optimize performance for ensured food safety and increased efficiency. Learn more at

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15.03.18 16:54 MÆLKERITIDENDE 2019


Chr. Hansen: Pioneering science for 145 years Products containing Chr. Hansen natural ingredients are consumed by more than one billion people every day. By Anna Hoffmann, Communication Partner, Corporate Communication.

the industry as well as end consumers, says Kristian Elsborg, vice president of Global Sales in North Europe, Chr. Hansen.

It all started with rennet

Chr. Hansen is a leading, global bioscience company, developing natural ingredient solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. The company has been in the business for over 145 years with dairy as one of their main areas, and they continue to develop culture and enzyme solutions that actively contribute to improving the quality of food and health for people all over the world. - We are proud to be a market leader in food cultures and enzymes, using nature’s own resources. A lot has happened since we entered the bioscience field, and we are proud to have created growth and innovation to the benefit of



Chr. Hansen’s first rennet factory opened in 1874. Pure rennet enzyme from calves’ stomachs were extracted with the purpose of coagulating milk. Something the world had never seen before, and it became groundbreaking within cheesemaking. Since then, Chr. Hansen has developed tremendously within the dairy area: From the introduction of the first DVS® starter cultures in 1974 – providing dairies with a much faster milk acidification and higher quality – to their newest culture launch with Sweety® Y-1 in 2019 – a solution that naturally converts existing sugars in milk, allowing for reduced levels of added sugar. Today, Chr. Hansen offers dairy manufacturers a wide selection of cultures and enzymes along with application expertise across dairy product types in cheese and fresh fermented foods. - Our long-term experience and focused research within the dairy industry have resulted in continued innovations and launches of new products. Today, our range of food cultures and enzymes includes solutions for fresh dairy, cheese, meat and fish, fermented plant bases and our newest area; fermented beverages. We also offer solutions within test and equipment with the purpose of aiding dairy manufacturers in their food production, explains Elsborg.

Products backed by science since 1874 Research and development have always been a cornerstone of the Chr. Hansen business. It takes its starting point by understanding nature’s processes and applying this knowledge to improve food and health. - Science is the backbone of our company, enabling us to offer innovative solutions to the market. And we are fortunate to have world-class scientists working on our broad range of cultures, covering more than 30,000 microbial strains, says Thomas Schäfer, chief scientific officer in Research & Development, Chr. Hansen. - Our culture range enables us to screen and select the best available combinations of strains, transforming them into safe and high-quality solutions that truly make a difference for both our customer and end consumers, Schäfer adds. An example is the Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG® strain. This probiotic strain has been studied in more than 300 clinical studies and is described in more than 1,200 scientific publications, making it one of the world’s best-documented probiotics.

Pursuing a sustainable future With a pioneering mindset in science and innovation, Chr. Hansen continues to tap into today’s food trends, delivering natural and sustainable ingredient solutions while adapting to an everchanging market.

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In response to the increasing focus on food waste, the FreshQ® culture range enables a significant reduction of yogurt waste by prolonging the shelflife of products. Chr. Hansen refers to this as ‘bioprotection’, where nature’s own good bacteria are used to keep dairy products naturally fresh for longer. Using bioprotective cultures helps dairy manufacturers to produce safer food solutions, improving quality while

reducing food waste – without compromising consumer demands for natural food with fewer artificial ingredients. - We want to contribute sustainably to the industries by uncovering and exploring areas where we keep up with consumer needs and market demands. By collaborating with customers and partners to innovate products and processes, we strive to meet and create future demand for innovative natural

solutions that advance food, health and productivity for the benefit of us all, concludes Elsborg.

Make sure it stays the way you made it Keep it great ! with FreshQ®

FreshQ® are natural food cultures specifically selected to protect dairy products against yeast and mold spoilage. Learn more at

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Process Solutions based on Vibration Technology GEA Scan-Vibro A/S is an expert and global partner within vibration technology. Customer designed sifters, conveyors and feeders are built and are in operation at many dairy plants all over the world.

By Poul Vadstrup, Sales Groupe Manager, GEA Scan-Vibro A/S

For more than 70 years, GEA Scan-Vibro has been a worldwide supplier of customer designed vibration technologies. Focus has always been on tailor made quality solutions, and we are constantly prepared to listen and co-operate with our customer. One of the success factors is to clarify the technologies required to facilitate development of a new process solution. An example of our success and sustaina-

ble development is vibration equipment for grated frozen mozzarella cheese.

Horisontal and vertical transportation In 2018 GEA Scan-Vibro delivered in total 19 vibration units to Fonterra (NZ) for spreading out the grated mozzarella cheese before the freezer and for transport of the frozen grated mozzarella cheese through the entire factory until the multihead weighers The transport is both horizontal and vertical through the new production facilities. After the frozen cheese is collected in a vibration tray feeder it is transported in vibration tube conveyors to the first of 3 vibration spiral elevators. The first spiral elevator lifts the cheese 5 meters up to the next level and afterward it continues in tube conveyors to a sorting line. After this point the cheese is transported to two spiral elevators each with a lift of 5.5 meters, in total 11 meters up to the next process level. On its onward way in vibration tube conveyors to the multihead weighers the cheese passes our newly developed and patented vibration circular distributor type CDF - please see below illustration. The purpose of this unit is to distribute the frozen cheese into 4 tube conveyors, either into one, two, three or all four at a time.

Patented vibration circular distributor type CDF.



GEA Scan-Vibro A/S GEA Scan-Vibro’s technological superiority rests on knowledge and the employees’ year-long high technical experience. The staff counts 75 highly skilled engineers, smiths, CAD draughts-men and other technicians. The company is engaged in long lasting and innovative relationships with large international plant- and engineering companies. When it comes to collaboration with these companies, GEA Scan-Vibro contributes as a subcontractor within the field of vibration technology expertise. However, GEA ScanVibro also works alone, when customers worldwide learn about the company’s expertise and want to either replace or expand their plants with new types of vibration equipment. GEA Scan-Vibro A/S (VÅV, Scan-Vibro) was founded in 1949 operates two production facilities and serves customers worldwide. GEA Scan-Vibro have been a part of the global GEA group since 2014.

Square tray feeder Another unit in the process line is our square tray feeder which is designed to measure the flow rate. All the horizontal units are insulated to keep the low temperature (-18°C) through the entire process line. All units, both horizontal conveyors and feeders as well as vertical elevators, are fully CIPable, and are of course designed according to EHEDG guidelines. Over the years GEA Scan-Vibro have delivered several infeeders/spreaders in front of freezers for fresh grated cheese, but it is the first time we are supplier

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GEA Scan-Vibro has developed a new LIW feeder with a very high accuracy which can be used for both batch and flow dosing.

of vibration equipment for the frozen cheese.

Other core equipment for the cheese and powders One of GEA Scan-Vibro’s most popular equipment is the vibration conveyor type TRS, which is designed for use in numerous areas of the food industry, and wherein a closed sanitary and gentle conveying is required. The TRS also comes as a reverse 2-way vibration conveyor TRS-R, where the powder can be transported either one or the other way. The advantages of the TRS-R conveyor is e.g. a very limited building height and good print combined with competitive pricing. We also have linear vibration sifters type SRS for separation of lumps in a

process as well as bag empty station sifters type CSRS Our vibration equipment is designed based on the required standards and guidelines for machinery to be used in the food industry such as EHEDG, USDA 3A and NZFSA. As a member of the EHEDG organization, GEA ScanVibro A/S takes active part in the improvement of machinery to be used in food industry.

Contact: GEA Scan-Vibro A/S Phone +45 6321 7170 Mobile +45 4068 2951

Vibrating Sifters for Dairy Powders With an increased focus on food safety and hygiene, GEA’s fully integrated CIP-able sifting systems for powdered products have been designed to optimize the unloading and manufacturing processes to provide end-to-end security for our customers and their products.

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View into the inside of the inline bucket filler GRUNWALD-FLEXLINER XL UC: The ultra-modern UV(C) sterilisation area (on the right of the photo), filling station with weigh cell (middle) and cutting/sealing station with film sterilisation (on the left).

Maximum hygiene level without use of peroxide Natural products, avoidance of chemical additives and the necessity to protect the environment is in perfect harmony with the hygienic solutions in the new generation of cup- and bucket fillers from GRUNWALD. The trade and consumers increasingly demand extremely long shelf lives for the products from the dairy and food industry – even for highly sensitive products. These long shelf lives can only be achieved if the products are filled at a guaranteed maximum hygiene level and if techniques are used which reliably sterilise the surfaces of food packages (cups, buckets, lids and film). So far, the



sterilisation with conventional, chemical methods such as hydrogen peroxide was very reliable and widely used. Even if the general trend has been towards a heavy reduction of cleaning and sterilisation agents for several years this still means that chemicals are used for the sterilisation of packing materials. The market requirements for natural products, the avoidance of chemical additives and the necessity to protect the environment inevitably leads to putting into question this sterilisation system.

To encourage a re-thinking Since the successful damage claim in the Monsanto legal proceedings in the USA in August of this year many people have become aware of the fact that the production of foodstuffs involves a lot of risks.

It is an open secret that the machine operators are exposed to a significant health risk as long as peroxide is used for the disinfection of packaging material. This is especially true for workers at the older cup and bucket filling machines. The involuntarily bleached hair and eyebrows of the workers operating these machines often show the impacts of peroxide. But what is going to happen if the first doctor attests the health risks of peroxide? If the work council will demand to invest in other technologies in order to avoid the often enormous contamination? Isn’t it high time to realise that disinfection with peroxide is a dead-end technology and that it is time to stop it and choose a healthy, acceptable alternative for ultramodern and economic disinfection proceedings?

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The alternative! With the hygienic solution developed by GRUNWALD several years ago already new standards in terms of hygiene have set. The pulsed light high-performance UV(C) sterilisation we have been using verifiably guarantees a sterilisation rate of at least LOG 4 with cups and seal lids. The biggest advantage of this reliable sterilisation system without the use of peroxide was tested and verified by several independent German institutes: it works completely without chemicals and it does not have any impact on the environment and staff. Thus also the problem with the overdosage of chemicals has been solved! Another big advantage is that the pulsed light high-performance UV(C) sterilisation can be used for all standard cups and buckets of the food industry.

New machine generation What is good for cups comes in handy for buckets!

Our latest development – the inline bucket filler GRUNWALD FLEXLINER XL UC – is another milestone of the development of bucket filling machines. This inline machine combines with ergonomics and the innovative ultraclean design.The further development of the pulsed light high-performance UV(C) sterilisation system which has already been well-proven on Grunwald cup fillers resulted in a patented procedure which also guarantees a sterilisation rate of at least LOG 4 for buckets (up to 10 litres). And most importantly the ultraclean design and the UV(C) packing material sterilisation is also available for our rotary-type bucket fillers type HITTPAC XL and ROTARY XL. Grunwald is also guaranteeing a sterilisation rate of at least LOG 4 for them – even for bucket sizes up to 10 litres! So far this ultra-modern and efficient sterilisation system was only considered to be a supplement to the peroxide sterilisation. Now it is time for rethinking

Both with customers who have successfully been using this innovation for a long time and GRUNWALD are convinced that the pulsed light highperformance UV(C) sterilisation is THE trendsetting technology of the future. Therefore GRUNWALD is going to use exclusively the peroxide-free solution from 2019 onward – that is the pulsed light high-performance UV(C) sterilisation – for sterilising cups and buckets on their rotary-type and inline machines. GRUNWALD

Contact: Peter Aalund Grunwald Nordic Sales Manager Phone +45 46364622 Mobil +45 41262980

As per 2019 we supply GRUNWALD cup fillers and GRUNWALD bucket fillers

in peroxide-free ultraclean design (UC) for cup and bucket sizes up to 20 litres • with UV(C) packing material sterilisation • and guaranteed killing rate ≥ LOG4 for cup and bucket sizes up to 10 litres This is what we are experienced in. This is one of our key strengths. •

GRUNWALD GMBH 88239 Wangen im Allgäu/Germany Phone +49 7522 9705-0

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Dosing Filling Packing



LP Kolding meets challenges in hygienically design of skyr tanks LP Kolding has great experience in process optimization within the production of dairy products by delivering tanks to the industry.

By Mogens FeldAndreasen, Manager at LP Kolding

LP Kolding (LPK) has more the 50 years of experience within construction and delivery of stainless steel tanks - both atmospheric tanks and pressurized tanks for the food Industry. Last year at this time we could tell, that we had just developed a new washing cabin, based om CIP technology (Cleaning In Place) to a German costumer. The cabin was specially designed to clean transportable tanks for food products. The



development was done in collaboration with a German specialist in CIP plants and in close contact with the costumer. The cleaning cabin provides a full automatic wash both inside and outside of tanks or containers in a volume from 10 to about 2,500 litres. The washing cycle per tank varies from 3 to 5 minutes. It is possible to run the wash with different detergents, and the cabin is delivered as a complete CE marked unit with the necessary safety precautions.

Skyr tanks in hygienically design Latest news this year — apart from business as usual, meaning delivering tanks to all over the world— we have designed and manufactured six 34 m3 fermenter tanks and three 28m3 buffer tanks for producing Skyr. Because of the very high content of protein as well as the high viscosity, we were very much challenged on the hygienically design on the agitators and the inside construction of the tanks. During the CIP of the tanks any shadow would immediately be revealed, which means

that we also need to design CIP from the bottom of the tanks. No dead legs must occur, and all nozzle must be designed to be flush with the inside surface. During the past year we have also had many other exiting projects, e.g design and delivering a complete plant for broth to Russia through our German customer, delivering horizontal tanks with agitators for oat milk in hygienically design to Sweden, three 60 m3 storage tanks with agitators for fish industry in Norway.

LP Kolding – the steel tanks Apart from the skyr tanks LP Kolding primary business is construction and delivery of tanks in stainless steel. Pressurerized tanks are custom made with a PED approval in accordance with 2014/68/EU, which makes them meet current EU safety standards for function, material design, manufacturing process and current tests. LP Kolding has special skills within the manufacture of pressure tanks such as: Fermenters, mixer tanks, graft containers, process tanks, tube heat exchangers, sterilized tanks, tanks for compressed-air as well as vacuum tanks and boilers. We clarify the requirements for the processing tank as regards design, number of valves, agitator, cooling-/heating jacket as well as various applications and measuring equipment. In addition, we clarify the requirements to strength, insulation and sheeting depending on the placing of the tank and we also handle the final installation and subsequent the documentation. Complete systems made as units at LP Kolding include: Pasteurizing units, mixer units, fermentation systems, evaporators, powder pumps, drying chambers as well as churns and pressure filters, all turnkey units ready for installation at the dairy or wherever they are needed.

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LP Kolding – the company

Skyr tank. The solid consistency of skyr imposes completely different requirements on the agitator than the skimmed milk. The agitator must touch the mass well so that it is completely uniform.

Design and manufacturing of stainless steel tanks

As sub-supplier LP Kolding has manufactured processing plants and tanks for most of the world. We offer: Customized standard solutions both directly to the customer or as sub-supplier to larger Engineering companies . We are specialists within design, planning, construction, documentation and installation of tanks and processing plants made of stainless steel. The company typically co-operates with the customer from the idea has been presented until the desired plant has been constructed, installed and is ready for use. Our business is based on specially constructed solutions dedicated to the customer and the co-operation is built on the good dialogue focused on the best solution for the customer. The know-how of the company LP Kolding is founded on its 26 well educated employees, who have the necessary skills ranging from knowledge about design and construction to technical handling of materials during manufacturing and installation.

More than 50 years of experience

Advice from idea to finished product

LP Kolding, Egtvedvej 2, 6000 Kolding, Denmark - Email: Tel: +45 7552 4177

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INOXPA is offering perfect test facilities A unique pilot plant enables the customers to understand equipment features and applications, offering functional tests using actual products prior to purchase and installation.

INOXPA Skandinavien A/S is the sales and distribution center for all the Nordic countries. We keep a wide range of sanitary flow components, such as pumps, agitators, mixers, filters and valves at the warehouse in Horsens. In this way we can give our customers the

INOXPA in the Nordic Countries - Contact INOXPA Denmark Langballe 2 DK-8700 Horsens Tel: +45 7628 6900 Mail: Web: PROCESSPUMPAR OY Tiilitie 6A SF-01720 Vantaa Tel: +358 40 84 84 250 Mail: Web: www.

INOXPA Sweden Laxfiskevägen 12 SE-433 38 Partille Tel: +46 031 336 05 60 Mail: Web: Mtech AS Lalandsvegen 320 NO-4340 Bryne Tel: +47 99 36 70 82 Mail: Web: www.

Mini dairy from INOXPA

best professional service, and secure short delivery on all standard products. INOXPA is a renowned and longstanding business group specialized in the manufacture and trade of stainless steel components, management of processes and services for different industries. Its commitment to innovation and continuous improvement has allowed INOXPA to enter the global market without compromising its product quality or customer relations. INOXPA

FOR ALL YOUR HYGIENIC PROCESS REQUIREMENTS Valves and Pumps Mixers and Agitators Process Solutions INDUSTRIES Dairy Food Beverage Pharmaceutical Cosmetic



INOXPA Skandinavien A/S Langballe 2, DK-8700 Horsens Tel. +45 7628 6900

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GRIP FIX – Palletizing adhesivestest facilities GRIP FIX anti-slip agents are watersoluble, solvent-free adhesives for securing pallet loads. The pallet loads may be PE bags, paper bags, cartons, cellophane-packed items, PP woven bags or small packages.

HMJ offers safety systems based on GRIP FIX palletizing adhesives. Bag-fix combiguns

How does GRIP FIX work? GRIP FIX is applied in small quantities to the pallet loads before they are palletized. After minimal drying time, the pallets become stable and remains so until they are unloaded. What is the secret to all this? High shear strength and very low peeling strength. The pallet loads do not slip and the packages can be easily separated. In general, GRIP FIX leaves no residue after depalletizing.

How to use GRIP FIX? Using GRIP FIX is straightforward

owing to our quick-connector system. Regardless of whether our palletizing adhesives is supplied from a canister or a drum, the container can be connected very easily to the system with the quick connector. This produces a closed system where no dirt can enter the container, and the anti-slip agent remains uncontaminated and does not dry out. In addition, refilling is unnecessary. Another advantage depending upon your requirements: we supply our GRIP FIX in a range of container sizes from 1 kg. hand-held bottles through to 1.000 kg. containers.

Contact: Arne Brink Jepsen Phone: 31 21 41 44 Mail: Web:


Sm ar

Smart Factory Solution


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Pe r f o r m a

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Smart A uto m

An industry 4.0 concept for automated production

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Productivity Flexibility Time-to-market

We streamline and future-proof your production system based on three focus areas: ■ Smart Automation is a complete automation of the production line. ■ Smart Intelligence is the integration of vertical communication in the production system. ■ Smart Performance is the measurement and identification of productivity (OEE).

How can we help you? Visit our site

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International FOOD Contest - a Mecca for dairy people International FOOD Contest 1.-3. October in MCH, Herning – in synergy with hi Tech & Industry Scandinavia

Danish Dairy Industry has long and strong traditions for exhibitions and awardings of dairy products. This is to intensify the awareness of quality among the professionals, who meet several times a year in this context. International FOOD Contest is the biggest of its kind in Scandinavia, and 1,000 – 1,500 products are assessed, awarded and exhibited with the possibility to taste and experience almost all products. You also find several foreign products in the exhibition, which also shows a special selection of gourmet products and a smaller selection of other food products than dairy. Finally, the exhibition offers several lectures and seminars about different and current dairy topics. - International FOOD Contest is a unique meeting place for the whole food sector. It is a place, where professionals learn from each other and a great option for product innovation, but also a possibility to recognize the work of colleagues and competitors. And as a part of the hi Tech & Industry Scandinavia (-every second year), you have even more advantages, since the many integrated fairs give synergy opportunities, says John Jensen, Project Leader in MCH and a part of the project team behind IFC.



hi Tech & Industry Scandinavia – interdisciplinary inspiration The hi Tech & Industry Scandinavia of this year is the perfect platform to meet colleagues across different work fields. The expo is held every second year (alternately with FoodTech). In 2017 the fair had more than 700 exhibitors and 21.000 visitors, which make it the biggest industry fair in Scandinavia. Besides of the core with industrial equipment the fair is a bridge builder to the food industry, first of all the dairy industry, which simultaneously run the International FOOD Contest. Like this exhibitors and visitors from the industry world will be inspired by food colleagues – and vice versa.

hi Tech & Industry Scandinavia The expo is divided in different themes: Automation – tools, welding & production equipment – subsuppliers – logistics. Furthermore there is four thematic expos: Technomania (2.-3. October) – a future universe of 3386 m2 filled with the latest technology. Wind Energy Denmark (1. October) – this year with a strong focus up on onshore. The Smart Company 2019 (1.-3. October) - opportunities and benefits gained by digitalising all parts of a company’s processes. International FOOD Contest (1.-3. October) – expo of dairy products and other food products – and suppliers for the food industry. See more at

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Welcome to the future 29 September – 1 October 2020

FoodTech is Northern Europe’s largest food technology expo At FoodTech 2020, you can experience two major events - the International Food Contest, where 1,800 food products are evaluated and displayed. The second event is the IFC World Congress, which focuses on sustainable use of water in the food industry. FoodTech gathers the entire industry in one place, with both Danish and International exhibitors. Together we look into the future of the food industry.



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MMS Nordic Managing Director Niels Osterland

MMS Nordic new office in Silkeborg

MMS ready for a new generation of membrane filtration technology MMS Nordic is expanding the activities in the Nordic countries and sees the need for a new filtration technology to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint. MMS Nordic has gained a good foothold in Denmark, operating within a variety of industries and membrane filtration applications. With a current staff of four in Denmark, we are now hiring



additional membrane filtration experts and have moved to a new, prominent office at Randersvej 2A in Silkeborg, close to the freeway. At the gate of the Nordic countries, MMS Nordic now ensures easy access to the innovative and inspiring environment of MMS AG in Switzerland, who has extensive experience with the separation, fractionation, purification, and concentration of all sizes of molecules for dairy, food, beverage, pharma, biotech, and industrial water applications.

Nordic presence MMS Nordic has recently teamed up with Thinkflow Oy in Kerava Finland to get even closer to Finnish customers. Thinkflow was founded in 2002 and has developed steadily throughout the years. The company’s expertise in the food industry dates back to the beginning of 1979, and consequently, the customer base is well established and industry knowledge is profound. Thinkflow is a sales oriented and entrepreneurial family owned organization. They focus on customer satisfaction, providing

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expert advice, fast service and the best solutions to help its customers become more competitive. Thinkflow supplies products from the world's leading component and equipment manufacturers to the food, dairy, beverage, biotech, pulp & paper, and pharmaceutical industries, developing cost-effective processes based on their experience and know-how. MMS Nordic is currently also looking for possible cooperation partners to strengthen representation in Norway and Sweden.

Concentrated, fermented dairy products Many traditional Nordic dairy products like quark, cream cheese, yogurt, ymer and most recently also skyr are today widely manufactured by means of membrane filtration. Initially, the solid content in sweet whole milk was raised slightly by means of ultrafiltration, followed by fermentation and traditional processing into yogurt and ymer.

In the late 70s, DDS (De Danske Sukkerfabrikker) invented a specially designed membrane support plate capable of handling high viscous liquids. With this new invention, it was possible to make fermented dairy products like quark and cream cheese using ultrafiltration instead of separators. This was a much simpler process, which at the same time increased yield due to more whey protein being retained by the membrane. Over the years, ultrafiltration has been the most commonly used technology to produce a wide range of this type of dairy products. Over the last 40 years, new types of fermented, concentrated dairy products have been developed and introduced to the markets. At the same time, consumption has sky-rocketed. Thanks to membrane filtration the original time-consuming process using whey drainage from bags has been turned into a highly automated, high-capacity and continuous process. However, one downside of using ultrafiltration for this purpose, is the

massive energy consumption required to overcome the substantial pressure drop caused by the high viscosity of the products.

Time for a change Nonetheless, the 40-year old invention is still state-of-the-art technology. At MMS we believe it is time for a change. A couple of very interesting alternatives to the good old Module 37 are close to commercial breakthrough. Founder of DSS and MMS Nordic, Niels Osterland, was involved in applying the Module 37 to dairy products almost 40 years ago. At that time, energy consumption and climate changes had far less focus than today. The aim of the new concepts is to reduce energy consumption significantly, thereby contributing to lower CAPEX and OPEX, as well as a reduced carbon footprint. MMS NORDIC

MMS NORDIC Accessible, flexible, focused

NEW IDEAS AND INPUT TO YOUR PROCESS We are open-minded, easy to reach, and provide membrane filtration solutions customized to Nordic needs and expectations. Our business is based on new developments supported by extensive experience. MT_MMS Nordic_EN_halfpage.indd 1

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MMS Nordic Randersvej 2A, DK-8600 Silkeborg +45 7090 9030 13-05-2019 15:21:20



Sustainable Development Goals in Practice Sustainability is rapidly becoming a mega-trend in the food and beverage industry, and many global companies are incorporating United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals into their corporate strategies. However, only few businesses have the tools to successfully incorporate these goals in their daily operation.

NIRAS SDG TOOLS AND METHODS By Søren Nøhr Bak, Rolf Pedersen & Morten Aae Olander, NIRAS

Not so many years ago sustainability in the Food & Beverage industry was a topic that mainly concerned the CSR departments. Now this has changed. From being a fringe phenomenon, sustainability has grown into a global mega-trend. Many companies have incorporated selected Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their corporate strategy and communicate their intend to become more sustainable. But most of these companies face difficulties when it comes to implementing their SDG strategy in their processes. Apart from

a small percentage, most businesses have not identified the necessary tools to assess their impact against the SDGs and to incorporate the SDG strategies in daily operation.

Why the Sustainable Development Goals? In 2015 all 193 member states of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals to strive for ‘peace and prosperity for people and the planet’. The goals are ‘an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership’.

In NIRAS we have chosen to work with the SDGs in the services we offer. Two tools are typically used to support projects and customers in the work with SDG programs: NIRAS Capture – is a tool, which is used to follow the development of a project to ensure that the objectives are met. This is a tool, which has been used within the international development segment for many projects. NIRAS SDG Audit – is a methodology and a tool set with which improvement initiatives are identified and assessed in a customised matter from an economic, resource efficiency and sustainability perspective. All improvements are ranked in terms of their financial impact as well as their SDG impact.

SDGs in a triple bottom line perspective.






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They are aimed at ending poverty, improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth, while tackling climate change and environmental destruction. The SDGs are strongly linked to the “Triple bottom Line” concept of balancing interests in 3 dimensions: Economy, Social and Environment. The balance means that all dimensions need to be sustainable. So changes relate to social and environmental dimensions and not the economic will not be sustainable.

What does it mean for the Food & Beverage industry? The SDG work in a company would normally begin by identifying which goals the organization want to improve and have an impact on. While each company has its individual reason for selecting a focus, a clear pattern emerges regarding the SDG focus areas that have been selected by some of the global dairy brands.

The majority of the surveyed dairy companies identified SDGs 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15 and 17 as most relevant for their business. However, there is still a difference from having selected corporate goals to having them integrated on an operational level.

How to make the goals operational? When a company decides to make the SDGs operational, it will have to align development projects and daily operation with the SDGs. NIRAS has recently been assisting two clients in precisely this sort of SDG transition process: A company evaluated impact by producing with late customisation of products and a more flexible warehouse set-up. By assessing the production set-up, the company was capable of reducing the number of change-overs through the different departments. By having longer product series the loss of product, consumption of detergents,

energy and water were reduced. In addition, the productivity of the plant was increased with reduced complexity. Another company was concerned with the discharge of wastewater to a large recipient and the potential impact of updating their wastewater handling. At the same time, a low cost for water and wastewater treatment had meant that the focus on resource optimisation had been neglected. With a short-time survey it was possible to identify a number of internal initiatives, which will result in savings on product loss, energy and water, but also opportunities to turn considered loss into product. This will reduce the discharge significantly, and thereby also reduce the need for an investment in wastewater handling. In order to substantiate the assessment of SDGs for projects, NIRAS has developed a tool that will allow for specific identification of sub-goal and the impact generated by a specific project. The tool is freely available through NIRAS. Other advanced project tools and methods that are introduced by NIRAS to address the challenges that most companies confront in relation to implementing SDGs are shown in the textbox. There seems to be little doubt that increased consumer awareness and political change towards sustainability will increasingly influence all industries, including food and beverage. Therefore, implementing SDG strategies can prove crucial to securing the future prosperity of the companies in this sector.

Selected global dairy brands´ SDG focus. Source: Brand websites.

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Tetra Pak membrane filtration – a game changer The more than 60-year membrane technology continues to contribute to innovation. Combined with Tetra Pak’s initiatives such as a water competence center and strategic partnerships, the technology can help improve dairies’ green profile and create new, highly refined products.

By Susanne Greve, Sales Director, Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions

Since the Danish Sugar Factories began experimenting with membrane filtration in the 1960s, the technology has undergone rapid development. Today, the technology is an integral part of many dairy processes because it can precisely separate the milk components, thus offering the dairies opportunities to combine them into new products and expand their markets. Lactose-free milk, cost-efficient production of skyr, concentrated yoghurt, feta cheese, and a wide range of ingredients have seen the light of day due to membrane filtration. And the development continues. We are going to see even more specialty products, e.g. with increased protein content, and further refinement of ingredients for the food industry based on whey and milk, which is our core



business – and a fast-growing market. Also, we examine the possibilities of filtrating plant-based drinks.

In-house Water Competence Center The dairy industry is a heavy user of water. The old, small dairies, which in most cases are history now, were located close to streams for easy access to fresh water and drainage of sewage. How­ ever, as dairies grow and are challenged by more environmental requirements, focus on sustainability is increasing. Milk consists of 87 % water, and the Nordic dairies are now good at exploiting the surplus water they generate. Worldwide, however, there are untapped opportunities for saving water; especially in countries where the cost of drinking water and wastewater is high. Food safety legislation in relation to water recycling in the production is, however, a challenge in many countries, as the legislation has not kept up with the technological development. Therefore, we have established a water competence center, which focuses on servicing our customers with sustainable solutions, an important part of which is optimizing water consumption.

Continuous optimization creates new opportunities The heart of the filtration technology is the membranes. In the 1960s, plate and frame membranes were the preferred

solution. Today, they are used primarily for high-viscosity products, while spiral-wound membranes, which were introduced a few decades later, generally is the preferred solution. Both types are continuously tested and optimized. Part of the test is to install different suppliers' membranes with customers and follow the output over time. The test provides Tetra Pak with the data needed to choose the right membrane and thereby optimize the utilization of the raw material and membrane life. In the future, we will see even more precise membrane pores leading to higher efficiency. There is no indication that competing technologies will replace the membrane technology. In return, there is a need to complement the technology with others such as chromatography and electrodialysis to offer the food industry opportunities to develop still more sophisticated products. In other words, projects are becoming more complex. Therefore, we have established strategic partnerships with other technology suppliers. As part of Tetra Pak, we also provide end-to-end solutions and thus have a large interface with the market. This is an advantage both when it comes to building new dairies as well as in connection with counseling of existing dairies. And on all fronts, Tetra Pak is working on innovation and sustainability along the value chain.

About Tetra Pak • Tetra Pak has more than 25,000 employees. • Customers are served locally by market companies in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Oceania, and the US. • Membrane filtration can be installed in all dairies, either for production of specialty recipes or for reuse of water from various product streams.

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EASY-TO-USE MEMBRANE FILTRATION PLANTS FOR RENTAL Tetra Pak’s pilot plants are ideal for developing new products, testing altered process parameters, new concentration levels, and different membrane types, as well as for making product samples to be used in consumer tests. Ask our experts – we have the solutions. Tetra Pak,

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and PROTECTS WHAT’S GOOD are trademarks belonging to the Tetra Pak Group



Nordic Dairy Congress comes to Sweden Chairman Bengt Palmqvist hopes to extend good experiences from the last congress with a high level of professionalism and good exposure of the sponsors.

Practical matters The Nordic Dairy Congress has a contract with Mælkeritidende as a secretariat for the congress. The Danish office is handling all practical matters around the congress. Feel free to contact us at or phone +45 6612 4025

Malmö will be the host for the 45th Nordic Dairy Congress. Chairman is Bengt Palmqvist, who also chairs the chairmanship of Mejeritekniskt Forum, which is the interest group of Swedish dairy people. And he is quite excited about the coming event. - I am happy, that we can contribute to the great tradition among Nordic dairy people meeting to exchange knowledge and to establish network. I think this is an important contribution to the very high level of dairy skills, which is characteristic of all Nordic countries, Bengt Palmqvist says. He hopes, that the coming conference can continue a very positive spirit from the last conference in 2017. - In Copenhagen I experienced lectures at a high level, and I had the impression, that the participants were very engaged to collect new knowledge. Further

Congress theme: ’Dairy opportunities of tomorrow’ The two days of presentations and debate are driven by the sustainability agenda that the dairy industry as well the rest of the world is facing these years. The common tread in the programme is a relevant selection of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the programme reflects how the dairy industry can view and exploit the challenge as an opportunity to develop the business. At the same time this must be a part of the solution when it comes to the climate, hunger, better health and well-being etc. The detailed programme will be launched in the autumn 2019.



Bengt Palmqvist.

on the network possibilities were well organized with breaks in the program and several social activities, where you could take care of your contacts. I must say, that the Danish organizers really have strong traditions around networking, the chairman says. He also saw good interaction between participants and the sponsors having stands at the congress. - I think the sponsors had a great exposure and different competitions encouraged participants to visit all stands, Bengt Palmqvist says. The share of young people in Copenhagen was also very satisfying, and Palmqvist hopes to see the new generations of dairy employees in Malmö, since it is quite easy for Danes and the rest of the Nordic countries to reach the congress. - The congress is perfectly situated close to Kastrup Airport and the railway station in Malmö, which makes the logistics very simple, he says.

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Nordic Dairy Congress


Sponsors Nordic Dairy Congress is financed through a combination of participant fees and sponsorships from companies and dairy industry suppliers. The Nordic Dairy Technology Council runs the Congress as a non-profit activity. Companies and organizations are invited to sign up as silver and bronze sponsors. Tetra Pak has signed up as the Gold Sponsor.

Silver Sponsorship

Content of sponsor package: Exposure - On the NDC-website (linked to own website)


Sponsorship € 10.000 ex. VAT

- In brochures + other printed material - Profile advertisement (1/2 page) in printed material - Two participants for free at the Congress

Stand in Congress room (prefered location)

Sponsors Corner Opportunity of: - Sponsoring dinner/lunch or similar - Handing out Congress bags and other promotional items

Bronze Sponsorship Content of sponsor package: Please contact us: Secretariat: Anne-Sofi Christiansen Phone: +45 29 99 42 81 e-mail: Nordic Dairy Congress Nordisk Mejeriteknisk Råd Munkehatten 28 5220NR. Odense SØ 10



Sponsorship € 5.000 ex. VAT

- On the NDC-website (linked to own website) - In brochures + other printed material - One participant for free at the Congress

Stand in Congress room Sponsors Corner Opportunity of:

- Handing out Congress bags and other promotional items MÆLKERITIDENDE 2019


Tronrud Engineering and their optimal packaging machine for gable top cartons Tronrud Engineering is a Norwegian machine builder company that designs, manufactures and supplies packaging machines to customers worldwide. Their newest packaging machine for cartons is fast and flexible, with a capacity of 14 000 gable top cartons per hour. Tronrud’s newest machine is called CP24 TL. It is designed and developed for optimized packing of gable-top cartons in tray/lid boxes. The cartons are fed efficiently from two lanes and built up in patterns. The lid is folded



around the cartons and glued together before a similar process is carried out with the tray. The machine runs this process automatically with a rate of 24 boxes per minute and 14 000 cartons per hour. Bjørn Juvet, one of the machine's designers from Tronrud, says that the design is carefully planned: - To create a fast and user-friendly machine, all the machine's features are designed on one level. By doing this, a great overview of all movements follows and at the same time an easy access for maintenance and cleaning, says Juvet.

Deliveries to TINE Norway CP24 TL is already installed in factories in Norway. In 2018, two machines were delivered to TINE Brumunddal.

Jo Vegard Lierhagen, project manager at TINE Brumunddal, points out the user-friendliness of CP24 TL: - The machine has a short changeover time and is easy to operate, says Lierhagen. He also points out the importance of follow-up from Tronrud: - The follow-up from Tronrud Engineering after delivering the tray/lid machine has been good, which is important to us.

Start / stop function on 3D-printed door handle Tronrud Engineering's vision is to be a pioneer in the sector of industrial automation. The machine itself is a concrete example of this, but their vision is also noticeable when looking at the machine’s

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Learn more about Tronrud Engineering Tronrud Engineering was founded by Ola Tronrud in 1977 and has been at the forefront of advanced technology ever since. Today there are 150 employees in its premises at Eggemoen and 50 in its subsidiary in Moss, south of Oslo. Today’s CEO is Svein Steinsvik, carrying forward Tronrud Engineering’s legacy of being a pioneer in the sector of industrial automation. The company's motto has since 1977 been "putting ideas into practice". One of Tronrud’s sectors is packaging machines. With over 40 years of experience, they have delivered secondary package solutions worldwide. The combination of skilled employees and close relationship with the customer is what makes it possible for them to create valuable solutions.

details. The start and stop function are placed on the machine’s door handle. The engineers have designed the machine like that to increase its ease of use: the operators do not have to use several keystrokes when starting the machine, they can just push the green button on the door handle. Parts of the door handle

is also 3D-printed in the company’s own production facilities, a production technology they have experienced since 2011.

A great machine today and in the future

tion that was efficient, safe, innovative, flexible and user-friendly. Skilled employees, joy of work and close cooperation within the team made it possible – and the result was CP24 TL.

Tronrud Engineering wanted to contribute with a secondary packaging solu-

CP24 TL The optimal packaging machine for cartons

Handles different sizes of gable top cartons Up to 14 000 cartons per hour


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+47 32 16 18 20




ÅF and Pöyry are now one company We are excited to share the news that from February 2019, ÅF and Pöyry are one company. This means that we are more than 16,000 experts within engineering design and advisory services around the world. We create solutions to support our clients worldwide to act on sustainability as well as the global trends of urbanisation and digitalisation. We are devoted experts within the fields of infrastructure, industry and energy operating across the world to create sustainable solutions for the next generation.



In times of great change and challenge, you have to be clear upon your way forward, and stay consistent and brave in your conviction. As one company, ÅF Pöyry will take our joint abilities and possibilities to the next level. Next level for our businesses in terms of delivered value. Next level for our client relations, by combining our expertise and insights. And next level for all employees in terms of personal development, say Jonas Gustavsson, CEO and President, ÅF Pöyry.

will ensure that you, as our customer, will continue to receive the same great service as you have come to know. Your point of contact remains the same for now. Do you want to be part of this journey?

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Committed to creating an excellent customer experience We remain fully committed to creating an excellent client experience and we

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Denmark |

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Procudan paves the way for innovative cheese waxing With the innovative ProCera WaxLab and funding from the Danish Innovationsfonden, Procudan is rethinking the future of product development in the cheese wax industry. Procudan’s ProCera WaxLab is changing the future of testing, optimizing and implementing new products and recipes within cheese wax. By offering to test smaller batches, customers are provided a chance to optimize recipes without it inflicting on the existing production. At the same time, fewer cheeses risk going to waste in the development process due to the smaller test quantity needed. Testing at the WaxLab provides customers assurance that the cheese wax fulfils its intended purpose and protects the cheese properly. Procudan believes that value is co-created

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and by collaborating closely with customers in the development process, we ensure that value is created.

Researching sustainability For decades, cheese wax has been a natural and reliable choice of protection for various types of cheese. Besides protection, cheese wax also brings the cheese a unique eye-catcher appearance. Procudan prioritize sustainability and are researching on more sustainable cheese wax production. This effort is supported by the Danish Innovationsfonden via the InnoBooster

Innovation program which furthers the development. For For more information please - visit - email - call +45 7550 8000.



AgroSoft is ready for the food industry - We do not do rocket science but we may have invented a smart way to make software, says Jesper Toft, consultant of the optimization program WinOpti from AgroSoft.

AgroSoft has more than 30 years of experience in developing software for the agricultural sector but its optimization program WinOpti has in recent years been top-tuned for the food industry in a broad sense. - We have a 100 percent operational optimization program for the food industry. We are on the other side of development and trials. The challenge is to get some of the agricultural dust shaken off so that the food industry may recognize us, says M. Sc Agric. Jesper Toft, consultant of WinOpti. One of the food companies that discovered AgroSoft's program WinOpti al-

most ten years ago is Arla Foods Ingredients (AFI). And it is, among other things, through close cooperation between the software and ingredient company the program has been adapted to the food industry's special working methods, values and requirements.

Development in collaboration with AFI The collaboration began in 2009 when WinOpti was introduced to AFI primarily for recipe and ingredient management. It has since been developed to document traceability of ingredients, packaging and auxiliaries down to the

Jesper Toft (left) from AgroSoft and Niels Rauhe (Arla Foods Ingredient) work closely together on the development of WinOpti.



last detail and to record water loss over a process - to name just a few of the many functionalities. - It is a flexible system, quick and easy to use. It is logically structured. The calculations are credible and you can search on virtually all data, says Niels Rauhe, and he adds the advantage that AFI's application center in Argentina also uses WinOpti so you can follow each other's work and have access to the same data. - Before we introduced WinOpti we searched the market. We tried at least 10 different systems but AgroSoft won, he says. The first year of the collaboration was used to develop the system for food specifically for AFI - including converting the old IT system to WinOpti. Since WinOpti's implementation, the program has been developed and expanded several times. Most recently the water loss feature has been added and you can now among other things calculate the nutrient content of a wet product to be dried as for example an infant formula. According to Jesper Toft WinOpti is the only company on the market with this feature and is a concrete development project for which AFI has a large part of the credit. - The collaboration takes place in the way that AFI says; we want to work in this or that way, how can we do it? Then some very thorough discussions

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Facts about AgroSoft AgroSoft - with address in the town of Tørring in Mid-Jutland, Denmark - has developed software for the agricultural sector for 30 years, including the optimization program WinOpti. In 2015 AgroVision (Deventer, Holland, part of the KIWA group) took over 95 per cent of the shares in the limited company AgroSoft. The remaining 5% is owned by SEGES. AgroSoft is the European market leader in pig production software but also aims to break through in the food industry with the optimization program WinOpti. Contact - Jesper Toft Tel: 0045 7690 2226. Mail:

take place. I hope it has great value for Arla. It certainly has value for us, Jesper Toft says.

A chocolate box with many options. WinOpti is - in addition to AFI - used in a couple of other Danish food producers, and Niels Rauhe can only see the benefits of the system becoming widespread in the industry so that the synergies can be exploited. Even though WinOpti is customized to the needs of AFI right now, new things are constantly happening in the food industry. For example there is currently a great focus on nutritional values and the declarations thereof. AFI's experimental center started with 20 different nutritional values in its system, but is just about to upgrade to 25, says Niels Rauhe.

- For example wework with more than 100 infant formulas, he adds. Jesper Toft says that in addition to the regular portfolio WinOpti contains a number of functionalities that have been developed for the feed industry. For example it applies a handling system for dangerous goods and the possibility to transfer recipes directly to the production computer, the financial system or the web service. - We have three or four big things that are dormant in the system and can be activated if there is interest and needs, Jesper Toft says and ends: In principle, it is like a can of mixed chocolates that you can dive into and find what you need. Lene Mikkelsen Walsh


WinOpti – the versatile optimizer What you need – we provide

AgroSoft has more than 30 years of experience in development of software in close dialoque with our customers og include the newest technology. This implies that we can offer our customers the best software at a competitive price.

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Ren luft – fri for mugg og gjær med naturens egen rensemetode Med ionisering kan FHS Scandinavia stort sett eliminere meieriets luftbårne kontamineringsrisiko – en effektiv metode for å kontrollere uønsket mugg og gjær ved meierier. Ren luft er det beste utgangspunktet for å redusere mugg, gjær og bakterier i produksjonen. I naturen skjer det bl.a. ved hjelp av UVC-strålingen i sollyset, som naturlig skaper ioner i luften. Ved hjelp av ioniseringsteknologien gjenskapes denne prosessen innendørs, og har vist seg å være meget effektiv innen meieribransjen, der luftbåren kontaminering utgjør en stor risiko.

Overbevisende resultater med ionisering

Sikkerhet og store besparelser

FHS Scandinavia har i samarbeid med flere meierier oppnådd overbevisende resultater ved bruk av ionisering. Resultatene viser seg i f.eks. modningsrom hos meierier, der det hindrer mugg og gjær på ost som ligger til lagring før pakning. Oddvin Drøpping fra Tine Heimdal, uttaler: «Etter å ha installert ionisering fra Airgenic i ventilasjonsanlegget, har vi opplevd meget store forbedringer i luftprøver. Vi har unngått uønskede avvik – også i perioder der klimaet utendørs normalt viser økt antall muggsporer. Forbedringene i prøvene kom umiddelbart etter montering og har holdt seg på det nivået hittil. Samtidig føles luften inne i fabrikken ren og frisk, som gir et bedre arbeidsklima».

- Når vi anbefaler å anvende ionisering, henger det sammen med sikkerhet og store besparelser for matvarevirksomheter – det er imidlertid viktig å nevne at ikke alle problemstillinger løses med ionisering, m en det er en godt sted å starte, da bakteriefri luft er det beste utgangspunktet for å redusere mugg, gjær og bakterier i produksjonen, uttaler Fred Sørensen hos FHS Scandinavia, og fortsetter: - Vår målsetning for løsninger er å finne den løsningen som gjør det mulig å opprettholde samme bakterietallsnivå ved produksjonsstopp, som virksomheten har etter rengjøring. Og dette helt uten dyr stopp eller begrensning av produksjonsprosessen. Det er derfor

Fakta om Airgenic-prosessen

English Summary:

• Airgenic aktiverer de naturlige +/- atomene i oksygenmolekylene og skaper en energirik balanse av ioner i luften. • Prosessen er identisk med naturens egen metode for å oppnå optimal luftkvalitet. • Et aktivert luftmolekyl bekjemper mugg, gjær, bakterier og lukt.

FHS Scandinavia ensures clean air with the nature's own cleaning method With ionization, FHS Scandinavia can virtually eliminate the dairy's airborne contamination risk - an effective method for controlling unwanted mold and yeast without the use of chemicals. Two dairies (Tine Heimdal and FANAOST) have achieved significant improvements in their air quality with low germ content, which has reduced the cost of cleaning and disinfection. FHS Scandinavia has installed around 400 ionization plants in Scandinavia and sees increasing demand in this area.

Med ionisering installert i modningsrom, har Fanaost spart én dag i uken for to medarbeidere til å rengjøre mot mugg. Samtidig har de redusert svinn og reklamasjoner betydelig.



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Ioniseringsanlegg i ventilasjonen ga meieriet bakteriefri luft og store forbedringer i luftprøver. Også i perioder der klimaet utendørs normalt viser økt antall muggsporer.

vi kaller hygieneløsningene våre for kjemikaliefri dekontaminering 24 timer i døgnet mens produksjonen kjører. Hos Ostegården, som har blitt kåret til verdens beste av FANAOST, forteller daglig leder Jørn Hafslun at de har spart én dag i uken for to medarbeidere, til å rengjøre mot mugg, samt redusert svinn og reklamasjoner betydelig, etter at de fikk installert ionisering fra FHS Scandinavia. I dag har FHS Scandinavia installert omkring 400 ioniseringsanlegg i Skandinavia, og opplever en stigende etterspørsel på dette området.

Bærekraftige løsninger uten kjemikalier FHS Scandinavia har 20 års erfaring med å finne løsninger som er både økonomiske og miljøvennlige og forbedrer virksomhetens mikrobiologiske nivå, og i tillegg til ionisering har vi løsninger med UVC-lys, ozon og antibakterielle gulvbelegg. Derfor har vi oppbygget solide erfaringer omkring optimering av hygieneløsninger, som er et viktig fokus for å leve opp til de strengere kravene som samfunnet stiller til matvareindustrien. Også politikere, detaljvare-virksomheter og forbrukere har økt fokus på miljø og bærekraft i produksjonen. Derfor benytter FHS Scandinavia desinfeksjonsløsninger helt uten kjemikalier mens produksjonen pågår og utfordringene ofte er størst – og bruker med andre ord naturens egne løsninger med UVC-lys, ozon, ionisering og antibakterielle gulvbelegg.




- Når vi vurderer et prosjekt hos et våre er de ledende spesialistene for hvert meieri og snakker med de ansatte som deres område, kan vi sette sammen de er ansvarlig for hygiene og de mikrobiooptimale til hver enkeltog miljøvenlige Ønsker dumest at integrere denløsningene mest økonomiske, pålidelige hygiejneløsning i dit produktionssystem, logiske utfordringene, snakker vi om en virksomhet, sier han. så er vi de rette samarbejdspartnere til at finde den optimale løsning. løsning som ikke krever en total ombyg20 års erfaring ning. Den skal være en tilleggsløsning Vi har solid erfaring med kemi-fri dekontaminering 24-7. En erfaring vi har til de eksisterende hygienerutinene. bygget op gennem en solid kundebase og vores samarbejde med europas ledende leverandører. Ionisering er nesten alltid relevant, men i større løsninger ser vi også om det FOOD kan være en fordel ved å f.eks. InstalHYGIENE SOLUTION BY lere UVC-lys, ozon eller antibakterielt gulvbelegg. Og da underleverandørene


Supplement til eksisterende rengjøring Løsningene fra FHS Scandinavia er ikke ment å være en erstatning for rengjøring, vask og desinfeksjon som gjennomføres i dag, men et tilleggstiltak for å forbedre de mikrobiologiske resultatene. Key Account Manager Bjørn Parelius fra FHS Scandinavia, utdyper: Ønsker du mer informasjon Danmark: +45 27 62 61 73 · Norge: +47 900 45 234 – se, eller kontakt: Sverige +46-70-6802610 · Finland +358 (0)40 5041 789

Norge: Fred M Sørensen, Salgssjef, +47 900 45 234 Finland: Petri Uotila, SalgssjefFHS+358 (0)40 5041 789 Scandinavia leverer løsninger indenfor desinfektion mens produktionen kører. Vi leverer primært til fødevareog pharmaindustrien i Skandinavien Danmark: Bjørn Parelius, Key Account Manager, +45 27 62 61 73 og har 20 års erfaring i at finde løsninger ved hjælp af UVC-lys, ozon, ionisering og antibakteriel gulvbelægning. Løsninger, der Sverige: Roger Appelberg, Salgssjef +46-70-6802610 både økonomisk og miljørigtigt forbedrer virksomhedens mikrobiologiske niveau. FHS Annonce - 125x270.indd 1

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23/05/2019 08.



SPOT ON: DAIRY WITHOUT BORDERS Dairy without Borders works to reduce poverty through improved income opportunities for disadvantaged dairy smallholders and small dairy production sites in developing countries. As a non-profit organization we depend on your support: • Become a member. • Become a volunteer (at the moment, we have projects in Bolivia, Mongolia and Kenya). • Become a cooperate member (check our website to see who supports us). • Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn: Dairy without Borders • Dairy without Borders in English:

Dairy without Borders

Mælkeritidende – if you have a message for the dairy industry √ the only printed dairy magazine in Denmark √ digital newsletter in Denmark and Sweden √ √ Facebook and LinkedIn.

Contact us for more information – or phone 6612 4025



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Dinner Event 2019 Tirsdag den 1. oktober International Food Contest Messecenter Herning

MIDDAG NING GOD STEM NETWORK Alle udstillere og messegæster på International Food Contest og FoodTech 2018 inviteres til at deltage i denne festlige og uhøjtidelige Dinner Event. Her mødes brancherne til en uformel og hyggelig aften med forretningsforbindelser, samarbejdspartnere, netværk og kolleger - og ikke mindst god mad. Mere information og tilmelding til Dinner Event her.

Yderligere oplysninger: Mælkeritidende I/S • Munkehatten 28 5220 Odense SØ • Telefon: 66 12 40 25 • E-mail:

NR. 10



Farvel til Lillebælt Mejeri De sidste medarbejdere på Lillebælt Mejeri (Arla) har taget afsked med deres arbejdsplads i Fredericia. De sidste oste forlod i uge 22 Lillebælt Mejeri. Dermed sluttede en æra i dansk mejerihistorie, efter at det hæderkronede mejeri har været i funktion siden 1902. De seneste 13 år har været med Arla som ejer – og med produktion af hvidskimmeloste i Castello-serien. Det er nu to år siden, at Arla og mejerichef Allan Kristensen annoncerede lukningen overfor de dengang 66 medarbejdere. - Det er aldrig sjovt at nedlægge arbejdspladser, idet flere medarbejdere havde været på Lillebælt hele deres

Mens det meste af Lillebælts mejeriudstyr er afhændet eller overført til andre Arlamejeri, så er fremtiden for bygningerne uafklaret indtil videre.

arbejdsliv. Det skaber naturligvis uro og ængstelse for fremtiden, men generelt har medarbejdergruppen bevaret ja-hatten på og en positiv indstilling, hvilket fortjener kæmperos, siger Allan Kristensen. Han vurderer, at Arla har gode erfaringer med at hjælpe medarbejdere videre i deres arbejdsliv når mejerier bliver lukket, både indenfor og udenfor Arla regi. - Forhandlingsudvalget med ledelse og fagforeninger gik straks i gang med at aftale et forløb, som skulle hjælpe medarbejderne videre, og hvor vi så vidt muligt fastholdt deres kompetencer i Arla. Og der er mange muligheder i en koncern af Arlas størrelse, så i omegnen af halvdelen af medarbejderne forventes at komme på andre Arla-mejerier, fortæller Allan Kristensen. En del af disse er skiftet til Troldhede Mejeri i Vestjylland, hvor produktionen fortsætter.

- Vi har stillet en række uddannelsesforløb til rådighed – både længevarende og korte kurser, hvilket medarbejderne flittigt har benyttet sig af, forklarer Allan Kristensen. Arla har i denne forbindelse udleveret svendebreve til otte lager- og logistikoperatører og tilsvarende otte industrioperatører, mens 13 har fået truckcertifikat. Hertil kommer over 30 kortere kursusforløb under Mejeribrugets Uddannelses Fond. - Disse tilbud har bidraget til at fastholde personalestaben og hjælpe vores ansatte godt videre. Vi har haft høj produktion helt frem til årets begyndelse, hvor Troldhede Mejeri gradvist har overtaget produktionen, lyder det fra mejerichefen, som også er chef for Korsvejens Mejeri, som han nu kan koncentrere sig om. LW

Uddannelse i fokus Allan Kristensen ved de sidste paller ost fra Lillebælt.



Udbygning af medarbejdernes kompetencer har været et vigtigt indsatsområde i det toårige forløb.

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Smagsprøver på Manchego.

Mejeribesøg og arbejdsmarkeds­­ forhold i Spanien Manchego-ost, besøg på Danmarks Ambassade og et indblik i Spaniens arbejdsmarked var nogle af omdrejningspunkterne, da Mejeriindustriens Arbejdsmiljøudvalg (MIA) og Mejeribranchens SamarbejdsForum (MSF) i maj måned besøgt Spanien. Spanien er på mange områder i god gænge og har positiv vækst. Beskæftigelsen er imidlertid stadig et stort problem – 10 år efter finanskrisen –, og det spanske arbejdsmarked er kendetegnet ved en meget høj ledighed. Aktuelt er ledigheden blandt unge under 24 år (som er den gruppe, som er hårdest ramt) ca. 35%, hvilket synes meget højt, men skal ses i lyset af at den tidligere lå på 55%. Den generelle ledighed er ca. 15%. Dette og en række andre arbejdsmarkeds- og arbejdsmiljøforhold var omdrejningspunkterne for en dansk delegation fra MIA og MSF på 17 del-

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tagere fra d. 5.-8. maj. Gruppen mødte både virksomheder, organisationer og den danske ambassade og fik dermed et spændende indblik i et arbejdsmarked, der er anderledes og langt mere hierarkisk og konfrontatorisk, end vi kender det fra Danmark.

arbejdsmarked. Lovgivningsmæssigt er der en mindsteløn på 850 € pr. måned. Gennemsnitslønnen i Spanien er 1.350 € pr. måned for unge og ca. 2.000 € pr. måned regnet for alle spaniere. Det skal tilføjes, at der udbetales 14 månedslønninger pr. år – men dette til trods er lønniveauet lavt.

Svært for unge En af årsagerne til, at de unge har svært ved at få fodfæste på arbejdsmarkedet, er, at medarbejdere i Spanien er meget sikre i deres ansættelser, og at man ikke ofte skifter job. Det betyder, at der ikke er mange job, som slås op, og 90% af de opslåede jobs er midlertidige. Dvs. at de unge, trods et højt uddannelsesniveau (mange lange universitetsuddannelser), har svært ved at få en fast stilling. Som en konsekvens heraf har omkring 3 mio. spaniere forladt landet indenfor de seneste 10 år. De arbejder for en stor dels vedkommende i UK og Tyskland, men også i Danmark findes en del spanske akademikere. På trods af det relativt høje uddannelsesniveau for mange, er der dog også ca. 1/3 af de unge, som mangler uddannelse. Lønningerne i Spanien er relativt lave, og der er et forholdsvist stort illegalt

Manchego – spansk BGB Delegationen oplevede også hverdagen på Mejeriet Lacteas i Toledo. Her indvejes komælk, gedemælk og fåremælk. Sidstnævnte indvejes fra certificerede manchego-fårefarme, hvilket betyder, at mejeriet kan producere den berømte BGB-ost Manchego. På mejeriet produceres en række oste, som dog alle er mere eller mindre Manchego-agtige, uanset om de er baseret på gedemælk, komælk eller blandinger af disse samt fåremælk. Mejeriet Lacteas Toledo er en del af TGT-gruppen, som har flere mejerier i området, hvor der blandt andet produceres blue cheese i høj kvalitet. Derudover er gruppen Arla Foods samarbejdspartner i Spanien. AC



Formand for Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, Martin Holst Petersen (th.), var blandt oplægsholderne.

Klædt på til arbejdsmarkedet Sammen med Akade­ mikernes A-kasse inviterede Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening traditionen tro de nyudklækkede eller kommende mejeri­ingeniør til Snart-kandidat-aften. Her blev de flotte ledighedstal også drøftet. Aftenens deltagere er vant til at sidde på skolebænken og til at arbejde med komplekse opgaver indenfor alle afskygninger af mejeriteknologi og -videnskab. Det er dog ikke ensbetydende med, at de er klædt på til at møde arbejdsmarkedet. Derfor har Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening for nogle år siden taget initiativ til at invitere de nydannede og de næsten færdige mejeriingeniører til en aften med fokus på CV, jobsøgning, pension, løn og kontrakter/vilkår. Sam-



tidig får Foreningen en mulighed for at markedsføre sig selv, som det naturlige fagforeningsmæssige tilhørsforhold for en mejeriingeniør. I år mødte ca. 25 unge op til arrangementet og den feedback de gav, var helt i top. Som ny på arbejdsmarkedet er der mange ting at forholde sig til, og på den baggrund giver arrangementet rigtig god værdi.

Ledighedssituation blandt mejeriingeniører Den aktuelle ledighedssituation for mejeriingeniører var naturligvis et relevant emne at berøre, og efter en længere pause i kølvandet på dagpengereformen fra sommeren 2017, er det nu igen muligt at få en ledighedsstatistik på mejeriingeniørområdet. Med knap 30 nye kandidater i det seneste halvår viser de seneste tal ganske naturligt en stigning i ledigheden, som ellers først på året var på et normalt niveau på knap

3% (svarende til ca. 10 fuldtidsledige) Med andre ord ses aktuelt en del ledige dimittender.

Er mobiliteten en udfordring? Statistikken viser, at hovedparten af de nyuddannede kommer i job relativt hurtigt. Det ses dog, at nogle enkelte er ramt af dimittendledighed i en længere periode. Kigger man på statistikken regionalt, så fremgår det, at hovedparten af de ledige mejeriingeniører er bosiddende i København/på Sjælland. Det fremgår ikke direkte, at disse er dimittender eller ældre mejeriingeniører, men med en mejeriindustri og en del andre relevante virksomheder vest for Storebælt, kunne et forsigtigt gæt på årsagen til dimittendledigheden godt være, at mobilitet kunne være en udfordring. Det skal understreges, at der naturligvis også kan andre årsager. AC

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Fremgang for de private mejerier i Danmark De privatejede mejerier tegner sig for en stigende andel af den danske osteproduktion. Formand Jens Beierholm Poulsen kunne rapportere om en positiv udvikling på generalforsamlingen for Foreningen Danmarks Privatmejerier. - I det store og hele klarer de private mejerier i Danmark sig godt i øjeblikket. Det gælder både de mindre producenter og vores to store virksomheder, Mammen Mejerierne og Nordex Food. Der er fin fremdrift. Sådan lød det fra mejeriejer Jens Beierholm Poulsen, Nørup Mejeri, efter han i sin egenskab af formand for Foreningen af Danmarks Privatmejerier havde aflagt beretning på foreningens ordinære generalforsamling i Skejby 15. maj. Et par timer inden generalforsamlingen gik i gang, havde Nordex Food A/S meget sigende offentliggjort et 2018-regnskab med flotte tal på både top- og bundlinje: Omsætning: +250 mio. kr. til 1,8 mia., resultatet: + 1,9 mio. kr. til 25 mio. kr. Medlemmerne af privatmejeriernes forening består af 23 små og mellemstore virksomheder, hvoraf de fleste beskæftiger sig med produktion og salg af ost. I sin beretning kunne formanden fortælle, at privatmejeriernes andel af den danske osteproduktion i 2018 var vokset fra 8,2 pct. til 8,6 pct.

Vi skal huske at forny os Foreningen Danmarks Privatmejerier er blandt andet repræsenteret i Mejeri-

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foreningens bestyrelse, Mejeriudvalget og Mejeribrugets Forskningsfond, og i sin beretning udtrykte Jens Beierholm Poulsen stor tilfredshed med samarbejdet med både Mejeriforeningen og de andre mejerier i Danmark. Han opfordrede samtidig medlemmerne til at byde ind med ideer og ønsker – både til Mejeriforeningens og privatmejeriforeningens arbejde. - Man skal huske at forny sig løbende.

Derfor kunne jeg godt tænke mig, at vi fik en bred debat i foreningen, hvor medlemmerne bød ind med nye ideer og tanker til fremtidens indsats og arbejdsområde, sagde han og tilføjede, at det er vigtigt at sætte tid af til den slags debatter, selv om mange føler, at de har for travlt til at være aktive i foreningen. Tekst og foto venligst stillet til rådighed af

Formand for Foreningen af Danmarks Privatmejerier Jens Beierholm Poulsen, slog de optimistiske toner an, da han aflagde beretning på foreningens generalforsamling onsdag aften i Agro Food Park i Skejby.

Genvalg til bestyrelsen I forbindelse med generalforsamlingen var der tre bestyrelsesmedlemmer på valg. Der var genvalg til alle, hvorefter bestyrelsen for Foreningen Danmarks Privatmejerier består af følgende personer: Mejeriejer Jens Beierholm Poulsen, Nørup Mejeri I/S (formand - genvalg) Mejeriejer Lars Staunsbæk, Mammen Mejerierne A/S (næstformand) Mejeriejer Martin Aagaard Pedersen, Nordex Food A/S Mejeriejer Peter Staunsbæk, Mammen Mejerierne A/S (genvalg) Mejeriejer N. H. Lindhardt, Aabybro Mejeri (genvalg) Vice President Per Poulsen, Uhrenholt Mejeriejer Ole Jørn Frederiksen, Jernved Mejeri I forbindelse med konstitueringen blev det besluttet, at Peter Staunsbæk indtræder i Mejeribrugets ForskningsFonds bestyrelse, hvor han afløser Jens Beierholm Poulsen.



Har I kandidater til Prisen som Årets Arbejdsmiljøgruppe 2019?

Arbejdsglæden skal fast­ holdes i en forandringstid Mere end 600 arbejdsmiljørepræsentanter ventes til årets Mejeri­ industriens Arbejds­miljø­konference d. 21. november. MIA har sammensat et program under temaet ’Hold fast i arbejdsglæden, når kulturen ændres’. Det gode arbejdsmiljø er omdrejningspunktet, når mere end 600 arbejdsmiljørepræsentanter forventes at mødes til den årlige konference i Herning Kongrescenter, som afvikles for 11. gang. Mejeriindustriens Arbejdsmiljøudvalg (MIA) har denne gang valgt at fokusere på sammenhængen mellem arbejdsglæde og forandringskultur, idet mejeribranchen fortsat oplever mange forandringer i hverdagen, eksempelvis et højt investeringsniveau i ny teknologi med nye arbejdsfunktioner i kølvandet. Dette kan være en udfordring for arbejdspladsen, idet forandringer kan skabe utryghed og dermed være en trussel i forhold til arbejdsglæden. Stig Erichsen er ny sekretær i MIA, hvor han netop har afløst Torben Jans, som er gået på pension. Han er i fuld gang med at få de sidste aftaler på plads, så et endeligt program kan præsenteres medio juni.

- Vi har tilsagn fra en række spændende erhvervspsykologer, som har hver deres vinkel på dagens tema. Endvidere flere mejerivirksomheder, som fortæller om deres praktiske erfaringer med at fastholde og skabe arbejdsglæde i en forandringskultur. Desuden rummer programmet også oplægsholder fra en anden branche, så vi forhåbentlig alle kan gå hjem med ny viden og flere redskaber i værktøjskassen, siger Stig Erichsen, som glæder sig til at hilse på de mange repræsentanter og samarbejdspartnere på dagen. - Jeg ser også frem til at opleve de forskellige virksomhedsstande, som vi går i gang med at lave aftaler med i de kommende måneder, så vi kan tilbyde et bredt og varieret program til de mange deltagere, lyder det fra Stig Erichsen. Dagen byder også på kåring af Årets Arbejdsmiljøgruppe, ligesom de indlagte pauser giver rig mulighed for networking

Årets Arbejdsmiljøgruppe (1 arbejdsmiljørepræsentant og 1 arbejdsleder) kåres sædvanen tro på konferencen i Herning d. 21. november. Prisen tildeles en arbejdsmiljøgruppe ud fra den tankegang, at det er et fælles ansvar, når der på arbejdsmiljøområdet gøres en særlig indsats. Formålet er at give et skulderklap til en arbejdsmiljøgruppe, der har udvist en påskønnelsesværdig arbejdsmiljøindsats og demonstreret at være ildsjæle og rollemodeller på arbejdsmiljøområdet. Sidste frist for indsendelse af forslag er fredag d. 4. oktober til, men send gerne forslag allerede nu. Vinderne af årets arbejdsmiljøgruppe fra sidste år - Henning Munch Petersen (tv.) og Esben Poulsen fra Arinco.

og besøg på de forskellige stande. Det endelige program for arbejdsmiljøkonferencen, kan ses på under ’Mejeriindustri’ - fra midten af juni. LW

Interesseret i virksomheds­stand og omtale i Mælkeritidende? De seneste år har ca. 15 virksomheder deltaget med stande på Mejeriindustriens Arbejdsmiljøkonference, som gør en særlig indsats for at skabe forbindelse mellem virksomheder og deltagere – bl.a. med lodtrækninger og tipskupon.



En del af virksomhederne medvirker også i Mælkeritidendes temanummer, som udgives op til konferencen og indgår i konferencematerialet. For nærmere oplysninger omkring stande: Kontakt Stig Erichsen, tlf. 5213 2323, mail: Oplysninger omkring omtale i Mælkeritidende: Lars Winther, tlf. 2128 5906, mail

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Kort fortalt

Fonterra dropper isproduktion Fonterra har netop solgt deres iscreme-firma Tip Top til Froneri, den tredjestørste isproducent i verden, for NZD 380 mio. (DKK 1,7 mia.). Salget repræsenterer ifølge Fonterra en fortjeneste på omkring NZD 100 mio. (DKK 437 mio.) over den regnskabsmæssige værdi, skriver Landbrug & Fødevarer/Dairy Industry Newsletter. Tip Top har været ejet af Fonterra siden 2001, og selskabet vil fortsat levere mælk til mærket.

NORDEX fortsatte markant vækst i 2018 NORDEX øger i 2018 sin omsætning med ca. 250 mio. kr. til knap 1,8 mia. kr. Samtidig vokser indtjeningen, idet EBIT stiger fra 8 mio. kr i 2017 til 38 mio. kr. i 2018, og årets resultat dermed fra 1,9 mio. kr. i 2017 til 25 mio. kr i 2018. Ved årets udgang udgør selskabets egenkapital 197 mio. kr. svarende til en soliditetsgrad på 28,3%. Det skriver selskabet i en pressemeddelelse.Selskabets bestyrelse kalder resultatet tilfredsstillende og som forventet ved årets begyndelse. Det pæne resultat skyldes en kombination af stigende afsætning af både egenproduktion og handelsvarer, stærke markedspositioner, et gunstigt råvaremarked specielt i årets første halvår.

På billedet ses fra venstre Allan Hoffery, Sales and Communications Manager hos SIA i Norden, Preben Ørum, ejer af Sønderhaven, og Erwin Widjaja, General Manager for SIA i Norden. Foto: Singapore Airlines Nordics

Sønderhaven Gårdmejeri får kontrakt med Singapore Airlines Det sidste halve års tid har passagererne ombord på Singapore Airlines’ fly kunnet nyde osten Comendante fra Sønderhaven Gårdmejeri, og samarbejdet mellem flyselskabet og det lille nordjyske mejeri bliver nu udvidet. Fremover skal Sønderhaven også levere specialfremstillede oste til flyselskabet baseret på ønsker fra selskabets passagerer. Det skriver - Det bliver meget spændende at skulle arbejde endnu mere sammen med Singapore Airlines, for derved kommer vores oste langt omkring og ud til mange mennesker, siger Preben Ørum, som sammen med sin kone, Marianne, ejer Sønderhaven Gårdmejeri. Han ser det som en stor anerkendelse, at flyselskabet ønsker at bruge mejeriets oste.

Them går ind i produktion af modermælkserstatning Them Andelsmejeri udvider nu sit produktsortiment med økologisk modermælkserstatning. I begyndelsen af 2020 skal en ny fabrik i Ebberup på Fyn stå klar til at producere økologisk modermælkserstatning for Them Andelsmejeris eksportbrand Dairy of 1888. Fabrikken opføres af den fynske virksomhed Fipros Nutrition, som skal stå for selve produktionen, skriver mejeriet i en pressemeddelelse. Vejen ind på det kinesiske marked for småbørnsernæring sker via et samarbejde med Wellingo Nutrition, som er det danske datterselskab af Engnice Nutrition Group. Dette selskab er ifølge pressemeddelelsen Kinas førende producent af supplerende ernæring til babyer og småbørn. - Med fabrikken i Ebberup, som er medfinansieret af Wellingo Nutrition, kan vi producere økologisk mælkepulver baseret på økologisk, dansk mælk, som vil blive eksporteret direkte til de kinesiske forbrugere, fortæller Franz Gammelgaard-Schmidt, adm. direktør for Dairy of 1888.

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Arla flytter produktion fra Nordjylland til Bahrain Dele af produktionen på tre af Arla Foods' produktionsanlæg er på vej til at blive flyttet til Bahrain i Mellemøsten, hvor Arla for nyligt har købt et topmoderne mejerianlæg af Mondeléz International. Rokeringerne sker som led i Arlas målsætning om at skabe nye forretningsmuligheder for kunderne, samt for at effektivisere Supply Chain. Det skriver Arla i en pressemeddelelse. Flytningen omfatter produktion af smelteost og steriliseret fløde fra Akafa og Bislev Mejeri i Nordjylland samt smelteost fra et anlæg i Riyadh, Saudi Arabien. Omstillingen vil finde sted i slutningen af 2020 og midten af 2021, men Arla Foods annoncerer ændringen nu for at sikre en nem og gennemsigtig overgang samt rettidige løsninger for de 75 berørte medarbejdere.



Kort fortalt  Mammen Mejerierne leverer solidt regnskab Mammen Mejerierne A/S er Danmarks tredjestørste mejeri, som med årsregnskabet for 2018 er tæt på at runde 1 i omsætning. Dermed er midtjyderne tilbage på sporet med solide regnskabstal, efter at investeringer i et nyt mejeri til 100 mio. kr. over de senere år selvsagt har kostet på bundlinjen. Men i 2018 har mejeriet igen fået sat skub i væksten og næsten fordoblet årets overskud med en bundlinje på 12.3 mio. kr. efter skat mod 6.9 mio. kr. i 2017. Det viser selskabets nyligt offentliggjorte årsregnskab. - Vi er ved at se gevinsten af de penge, vi har investeret, og vi kommer til at runde milliarden i år. Men hvad skal man bruge det til? Det er bare et stort tal, siger ejer og adm. direktør, Lars Staunsbæk til Landbrugsavisen.

Mere europæisk mælk, mens resten af verdenen leverer mindre De europæiske mælkeproducenter sendte mere mælk til mejerierne i marts måned end de har gjort i samme måned de foregående tre år. Det viser nye tal fra Europa-Kommisionen iflg. Landbrugsavisen. I forhold til marts måned sidste år, steg indvejningen med 1,2 pct. i marts måned i år. For 2019 som helhed er produktionen dog nede med -0,1 pct. sammenlignet med de samme måneder sidste år. Det er især de irske mælkeproducenter, som driver produktionen frem via en produktionsforøgelse på 8,6 pct. i årets første tre måneder. Fremdrift ses også i Rumænien, Polen, England og Danmark, imens hollænderne drosler ned. I andre af verdens store mælkeproducerende lande kunne man ikke spore samme fremgang i indvejningen. De new zealandske landmænd sendte otte pct. mindre mælk til mejerierne i marts, og i USA brød mælkeproducenterne fem års historik ved at levere mindre mælk end vanligt. Også australierne ligger pænt under indvejningen i de foregående fire år.

Svenskere spiser mindre svensk ost Nye tal fra det svenske Jordbruksverket viser, hvor store markedsandele svensk producerede fødevarer har på hjemmemarkedet. Selvom al drikkemælk i princippet kommer fra Sverige, - og de syrnede mejeriprodukter har en positiv udvikling, så er er den samlede markesandel for mejeriprodukter faldet fra 78 procent til 72 procent siden 2010. Denne tendens skyldes primært et negativt svensk ostesalg, hvor knap 45 procent af al ost, der sælges i Sverige, har svensk oprindelse. Et tal, der er faldet med omkring 20 procentpoint på 10 år.



DM i mejerigolf for alle Øvede, letøvede, nybegyndere – og sågar mejerifolk, som aldrig har haft en golfkølle i hånden. Alle er velkomne til den traditionsrige golfturnering d. 23. august i Horsens Golf Klub. Ligesom sidste år tilbydes nemlig introduktion til spillet, så alle kan prøve kræfter med verdens sjoveste sport.

Program 08.00 Morgenbuffet og indskrivning for alle deltagere 08.30 Info omkring dagens forløb 09.00 Spil på Stor Bane: Gunstart 09.00 Spil på Pay and Play: introduktion og instruktion v. Horsens Golf Klubs pro samt en Texas Scramble turnering 14.00 Let buffet m/kaffe, islagkage 14.30 Præmieoverrækkelse Se mere på – eller kontakt turneringsleder Allan Holst Sørensen på tlf. 4086 1803. Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er 12. august. NR. 10

Økologisk ost vinder frem

Britisk osteeksport til EU voksede i 1. kvartal Den britiske eksport af ost steg markant i årets første kvartal (jan-mar) i 2019. Omkring 57.000 tons blev eksporteret, hvilket er en stigning på 14% ift. 1. kvartal 2018 - og en stigning på 22% i forhold til det foregående kvartal, rapporterer Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board iflg. Dairy Industries International. EU er fortsat det primære eksportmarked for britisk ost - med særlig høj vækst i Holland, Spanien og Belgien. Eksporten til Irland faldt til gengæld – primært som følge af højt niveau i 2018. Baggrunden for eksportstigningen antages at være en høj indvejning i vintermånederne kombineret med, at Brexitusikkerheden har afstedkommet udenlandske købere, som har været ivrige for at fylde lagrene op.

I 2018 blev der solgt økologiske mejeriprodukter for 2,9 mia. kr., hvilket var en stigning på 12 pct. i forhold til 2017. Det viser nye tal fra Danmarks Statistik, skriver www.mejeri. dk. Dermed fortsætter fremgangen i salget med stigninger i alle produktgrupper. Men især væksten i ostesalget er markant, hvilket blandt andet mærkes på Thise Mejeri. - Salget af økologisk ost har været klart sværere at få i gang end fx økologisk mælk, men de seneste år er efterspørgslen efter vores øko-oste vokset 10-15 pct., siger Thise Mejeris adm. direktør Poul Pedersen. Han ser prisen som hovedårsag til, at økologisk ost hidtil kun har udgjort en mindre andel af det samlede salg af mejeriprodukter. Også hos Arla mærker man den stigende interesse for økologiske oste. Fra marts 2018 til marts 2019 lagde danskerne 41 pct. flere øko-oste fra Arla i deres indkøbskurv. En del af disse var selskabets to nye økologiske oste i serien Riberhus Mesterstykker, som kom på markedet i marts måned.

Jubilarer fejrede 50 år som mejeriingeniører I foråret 1969 var vi 12 mejeribrugsstuderende, der blev færdige som mejeriingeniører fra Den Kongelige Veterinærog Landbohøjskole (KVL). Siden har vi alle holdt sammen med årlige sammenkomster medbringende vore hustruer, kærester og hvad der ellers var for hånden. Sidst men ikke mindst vores sangbog CANTAMUS. I år kunne vi så fejre vores 50 års jubilæum, der på festligste vis begyndte på vores gamle læreanstalt (nu KU Science) med en let frokost i kantinen. Derefter fik vi taget et foto foran hovedbygningen af alle 11 - ligesom vi blev for 50 år siden. Herefter holdt Professor Richard Ipsen en interessant festforelæsning for os i det gamle Auditorium 7, hvor han fortalte om udviklingen i undervisningen og om sammen-

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lægningen af KVL med Københavns Universitet. Vi fortsatte med at se Mejeriafdelingens laboratorium med pilotmejeri, hvor en del af forskningen foregår. Der er sandelig sket en hel del på alle fronter, siden vi var studerende. Vi har også selv ændret os en hel del, det grå hår er blevet lidt tyndere i toppen. Men vi er stadig stolte over at være en intakt gruppe. Turen fortsatte til Restaurant Vigen ved Roskilde, hvor vi fik en god middag, Cantamus kom frem, og der blev sunget og danset lystigt. Alt i alt et dejligt jubilæum, og vi var alle enige om, at vores næste jubilæum skulle være om 5 år. Vagn Westergaard




Netværk Øst oplevede KU Science – og 3D-teknologi Gensyn med vennerne og A-vej (fredagsbar) fra studietiden var blot en del af programmet for de 25 mejeriingeniører, der 28. maj 2019 deltog i Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forenings Netværk Øst på Københavns Universitet. Ifølge flere deltagere var det nemlig også interesse for at få mere viden om forskning indenfor teknologiske nyheder på KU SCIENCE. Bag arrangementet med de seneste forskningsaktiviteter stod Marie Jørgensen og Troels Pedersen (Netværk Øst planlægningsgruppe) samt professor Lilia Ahrné. Lilia viste rundt i

det opdaterede pilotmejeri og tilstødende laboratorium, og havde inviteret oplægsholdere fra hendes forskningsgruppe til at fortælle om deres forskningsområder, henholdsvis Ph.D studerende Morten Vormsborg Christiansen, postdoc Kataneh Aalaei og Pd.D. og postdoc Shyam Suwal. Lilia stod selv for oplæg om 3D print-teknologien med forskning indenfor bl.a. mælkeproteiner. Netværksmødet sluttede, som der er tradition for, med mad og et par fornøjelige timer i mejeriingeniørnetværket. JRO

DMF-medlemmer bakker op om vedtægtsændringer Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forenings stemmeberettigede medlemmer har med 105 jastemmer ud af 105 afgivne stemmer sagt ja til vedtægtsændringer. Disse tager for en stor dels vedkommende udspring i den nye persondataforordning samt præciseringer og opdateringer i forhold til tidssvarende praksis – f.eks. optag af studentermedlemmer og elektroniske afstemninger. Stemmeprocenten var knap 32%. Ud over de omtalte ændringer er der også foretaget ændringer i et afsnit om ophavsret, der er foranstaltet af Akademikerne, som foreningen er medlem af. Med denne ændring overdrages en ikke-eksklusiv ret til kollektiv forvaltning af ophavsret i Copydan og andre kollektive forvaltningsorganer. En ordning som i dag er særdeles velfungerende og som 84% af den samlede akademikerstand allerede har indføjet i deres vedtægter. De nye vedtægter kan læses på JRO



NR. 10

Populær aften med bud efter nye mejeriingeniører Virksomhedsmedlemmerne i Industrigruppen bag Mejeriingeniøruddannelsen (IbM) stod i kø for at deltage i og præsentere deres virksomhed til kandidataften 15. maj 2019. Det samme kan siges om de 24 spirende dimittender og nye mejeriingeniører, som havde taget vejen til GEA Process Engineering i Søborg – aftenens vært. Den populære aften er tilrettelagt af IbM for at føre de to parter sammen og dermed skabe grundlaget at se hinanden an – og hvem ved – måske indgå aftaler. Aftalerne svirrede da også i luften og deltagerne anvendte aftenen strategisk til at uddele deres CV og connecte på LinkedIn, når en interessant virksomhed var spottet. Virksomhedsrepræsentanterne var denne aften GEA Process Engineering, SPX Flow Technology, Aarla Foods amba og Arla Foods Ingredients, NIRAS, DUPONT Nutrition Bioscinces, AAK, Premier og Chr. Hansen. De nyudsprunge mejeriingeniører kan desuden følges løbende i Mælkeritidende, hvor de præsenteres under personalia.

Ambitiøs faglærer til mejeriafdelingen på Kold College Der er fart på udviklingen i mejeriafdelingen på Kold College, såvel internt som eksternt. Vi søger derfor en ambitiøs og engageret lærer, som i samarbejde med et stærkt team af øvrige lærere og leder brænder for at være med til at præge denne udvikling på nye og spændende områder som kurser, e-læring og digitalisering.

Fakta om jobbet Du får en koordinerende funktion på kursusområdet samt ansvaret for egenkontrol, kvalitetsstyring i træningsmejeriet (QEHS) og planlægning af mejeriingeniørstuderendes forløb på Kold College. Desuden skal du undervise både kursister og elever i de mejerifaglige teorifag som f.eks. mejeriteknologi, mikrobiologi, faglig regning, engelsk og hygiejne kombineret med praktisk undervisning i skolens eget træningsmejeri. Du har gennemført en videregående uddannelse som mejeriingeniør. Hvis du ikke allerede har en PG eller en pædagogisk diplomuddannelse, hjælper skolen dig til at opnå disse kompetencer. Er jobbet noget for dig? Måske er du nyuddannet mejeriingeniør, eller måske har du et par års erhvervs- eller undervisningserfaring bag dig. Det afgørende er, at du er opdateret på den nyeste viden inden for mejerifaget og brænder for at videreformidle din viden til elever og kursister – såvel danske som internationale.

Mejeriingeniørdagen byder på natproduktion i Slagelse Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening er i fuld gang med at planlægge Mejeriingeniørdagen og den årlige generalforsamling d. 5. september. Og det ligger allerede nu fast, at dagen starter og slutter senere end normalt. Slagelse Mejeri byder nemlig indenfor i natproduktionen, og derfor starter dagen senere end normalt – nemlig kl. 15 med Årsmøde i Industrigruppen bag Mejeriingeniøruddannelsen, generalforsamling kl. 17.45 og mejeriingeniørmiddag kl. 20.45. Kl. 23.00 er der så et kig ind i natproduktionen med besøg i mejeriet og terminalen. Medlemmer af Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening vil automatisk modtage invitation pr. mail i starten af august og flere informationer kan findes på foreningens hjemmeside www. Studerende og medlemmer af Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer er også meget velkomne.

NR. 10

Løn- og ansættelsesforhold Stillingen er på fuld tid med løn, pension og ansættelse i henhold til Undervisningsministeriets bekendtgørelse i tjenestemandslignende stilling. Tiltrædelse snarest eller efter aftale. Interesseret? Ansættelsessamtaler afholdes løbende, så send gerne din ansøgning via skolens hjemmeside med relevante eksamensbeviser og referencer snarest muligt. Vi modtager kun ansøgninger sendt via skolens hjemmeside Vil du vide mere, er du velkommen til at kontakte Uddannelsesleder Flemming Bundesen på 6120 3131. Kold College opfordrer alle interesserede med relevant ansøgerprofil til at søge stillingen uanset alder, køn, religion, etnisk baggrund og tilhørsforhold. På Kold College har du muligheden for at få det bedste ud af dén, du er. Vi tilbyder en levende skoledag for dig, 135 kolleger og 750 årselever inden for Jordbrug, Fødevarer, Proces og Naturvidenskab.



Personalia  Fødselsdage

70 år 20. juni – Fhv. afdelingsleder Erling Johannsen, Aalborg.

40 år 7. juli – Teamleder Mette Winther Märtens, Arla Foods Amba Holstebro Mejeri.

50 år 18. juni – Senior Consultant Anne Katrine Meltz, AJ Vaccine, København S. 25. juni – Adm. direktør Tine Kronborg Hansen, Heltemus Production ApS, Birkerød.

75 år 3. juli – Mejeriingeniør Arne Mathiassen, Middelfart. 10. juli – Mejeriingeniør Henning Danmark, Vinderup. 7. august – Lektor Verner Varlund Jensen, Hvalsø. 18. august – Adm. direktør Jens Ole Willemann, Malling.

80 år 11. juli – Mejeriingeniør Bent K. Rasmussen, Skødstrup. 27. juli – Fhv. mejerichef Knud Nielsen, Korsør.

60 år 10. juli - Senior Quality Specialist Susanne Kønigsfeldt, Arla Foods Amba, Viby J. 15. juli – Logistik- og planlægningschef Henning Frøhlich, Aabenraa. 31. juli – Commissioning Engineer Birger Bruun, Tetrapak Filtration Solution, Silkeborg.

85 år 20. juni – Mejeriingeniør Egil Waagner Nielsen, Værløse.

20 års jubilæum 1. august – Teknisk indkøber for produktionsenheder i Nordex Food Gruppen Maria Jensen, Nørager Mejeri A/S, Nørager.

Leder du efter din næste karrieremulighed?

Gode jobs i mejeribranchen

Hos Foodjob Nordic har vi lige nu flere spændende stillinger - for medarbejdere med mejerifaglig baggrund – bl.a.

Vestjylland/Ringkøbing-Skjern Vi søger ufaglærte produktionsmedarbejdere med sans for god hygiejne og lagermedarbejdere med truckcertifikat.

Product Quality Manager, Chr. Hansen Chr. Hansen er for nyligt kåret som verdens mest bæredygtige virksomhed. Vi søger stærk mejeriprofil til nøglerolle med ansvar for Chr. Hansens QA set up inden for mejerikulturer. Global Product and Market Manager, AAK Foodjob Nordic leder efter en kommercielt stærk fødevareprofil for AAK – markedsledende leverandør af værdiskabende ingrediensløsninger indenfor fedtstoffer til fødevareindustrien. Food Business Development Manager, DNV GL Foodjob Nordic leder efter en kompetent forretningsudvikler til DNV GLs nordeuropæiske afdeling med solid erfaring indenfor salg og forretningsudvikling. Area Sales Manager, Wellingo Foodjob Nordic søger en innovativ sælger til at styrke den kommercielle position i Europa indenfor ernæringsløsninger til babyog småbørnssegmentet. Læs mere og ansøg via Foodjob Nordic er Nordens førende specialist inden for rekruttering af ledere og specialister til fødevareindustrien.



JKS finder medarbejdere til mejerier mv. over hele landet og søger løbende medarbejdere med den rigtige indstilling.

Vestjylland/Esbjerg Vi søger lagermedarbejdere med erfaring i truckkørsel samt medarbejdere til produktionen. Midtjylland/Viborg-Skive-Skanderborg Behovet er skiftende, men generelt søger vi løbende medarbejdere til følgende opgaver: Produktion, lager, pakkeri og facility service. Derudover søger vi ind imellem laboranter, administrative medarbejdere, logistikmedarbejdere og personale til butik. Sønderjylland Lige nu søger vi en erfaren procesoperatør til en særdeles velrenommeret virksomhed. Desuden søger vi løbende medarbejdere med truckcertifikat og lagermedarbejdere med god erfaring. Sydsjælland Der er stor efterspørgsel på stabile medarbejdere til pluk & pak samt til produktionen. Vi søger personer til både faste stillinger samt lange og korte vikariater. Se konkrete stillingsopslag på eller opret dig på - så kontakter vi dig. JKS er Danmarks største vikar- og rekrutteringsbureau med knap 40 afdelinger over hele landet. Vi aflønner altid efter gældende overenskomst og lokalaftale.

NR. 10

Tillykke til Camilla Winther Hansen Camilla Winther Hansen har de seneste 2 år været kontorelev i Mælkeritidende. 21. maj 2019 kunne hun sammen med sekretariatet fejre, at hun nu er færdiguddannet som kontorassistent med et flot resultat til afsluttende eksamen. Camilla fortsætter i Mælkeritidende med forskellige opgaver, herunder Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab, Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening, Nordisk Mejerikongres m.m.

Stig Erichsen, ny chefkonsulent hos DI/Mejeribrugets Arbejds­giverforening

Stigs job er knyttet til samarbejde, arbejdsmiljø samt efter-/videreuddannelse, og består i at understøtte og servicere de to partsudvalg, Mejeriindustriens Arbejdsmiljøudvalg og Mejeribrugets SamarbejdsForum.

Mælkeritidende holder sommerferielukket

GOD SOMMER TIL ALLE Sekretariatet er lukket i uge 29-30 – og næste Mælkeritidende udkommer 9. august.

Stig Erichsen er pr. 1. april ansat som ny chefkonsulent hos DI/Mejeribrugets Arbejdsgiverforening som afløser Stig Erichsen (th.) afløser Torben Jans (tv.), som har valgt at for chefkonsulent Torben Rentzius gå på pension. Jans, der har valgt at gå på pension. Stig er 50 år og bosiddende i Esbjerg, hvorfra han også kommer til at udføre sit arbejde for mejeribranchen. Stig er cand.mag. i læring- og forandringsprocesser og Master in Health Promotion and Education. Stig kommer fra et job i det internationale firma Bureau Veritas med bl.a. rådgivning og auditering af arbejdsmiljø som arbejdsområder.

Tillykke – nye mejeriingeniører Nyuddannede kan indsende oplysninger til Jette Rohde på eller på formularen ”tillykke til nye mejeriingeniører” på Mejeriingeniør

Camilla Doris Thybo Dimission Speciale

Beskæftigelse Interesseområder


NR. 10

Anne Bruhn

Jakob Rasmussen

Marie Luise Schandorff





Calcium Balance During Direct Acidification of Milk for Mozzarella Cheese

Investigation of microbial composition of a mesophilic undefined DL starter culture’s influence on eye formation in Danbo Cheese

Color stability of natural food colorants in yogurt applications manufactured form three different starter cultures

In vitro digestibility of infant formulas modified by heat treatment

Looking for one

Looking for one

Looking for one

Looking for one

Processing, equipment, food safety, product development, quality control Denmark

Process control & optimization, technical development, GMP, compliance Zealand

The region of central Jutland and Southern Denmark

All of Denmark



Mælkeritidende I/S Formand Vicepresident Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 97 85 34 34 e-mail:

Leverandøroversigt  Automation


Au2mate A/S Frichsvej 11, DK-8600 Silkeborg Tlf. +45 87 20 50 50 Fax +45 87 20 50 69

Au2mate Academy Frichsvej 11, DK-8600 Silkeborg Tlf. +45 87 20 50 50 Kontakt: Eva Stanell, Service & Training Manager, Tel. +45 8720 5061

Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening Formand Key Account Manager Martin Holst Petersen Elmevænget 6A, 2882 Bagsværd tlf. 38 88 68 32, e-mail:

Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer Formand Vice President Søren Jensen Frejasvej 4, 7600 Struer tlf. 89 38 12 93 e-mail: Kredsformænd Nordjylland Konsulent Palle Jellesmark tlf. 21 49 20 10 e-mail: Østjylland Produktionschef Bjarke Damsgaard Jørgensen tlf. 87 51 42 34 Vestjylland Projektleder Michael Jensen Holstebro Mejeri e-mail: Sydjylland Mejerichef Leo Morten Lund Fyn Production Manager René C. Byrgesen tlf. 20 51 90 37 e-mail: Østdanmark Product Engineer Jørgen H. Petersen tlf. 40 88 69 18 e-mail:

Eltronic A/S Kilde Alle 4, 8722 Hedensted Tlf: +45 76 74 01 01 Mail: ÅF A/S Engelsholmvej 26, 8940 Randers SV Tlf. +45 5157 3507


Maskiner og udstyr

Salicath ApS Troensevej 25c, DK-5700 Svendborg Tlf. 40 16 12 01 – Tlf. 40 28 18 02


Tetra Pak Sverige AB Byggnad 306 2-vån, Ruben Rausings gata SE-221 86 Lund, Sweden Tlf. +46 46 36 10 00 Fax +46 46 36 30 06



Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions Bergsøesvej 17, 8600 Silkeborg Tel. 8720 0840

Projektering og anlæg

Snorresgade 15 2300 København S. Tlf. 70 13 13 12 Mandag-fredag 8-18.

Akademikernes Centralorganisation ACs sekretariat Nørre Voldgade 29, 1358 København K. Tlf. 33 69 40 40 Mandag–fredag kl. 9–16.30.

Akademikernes A-kasse AAKs hovedkontor Nyropsgade 45, 1504 København V. Tlf. 33 95 03 95 Mandag–fredag kl. 10–14. Onsdag dog lukket for telefonisk henvendelse.

Bjarmodan A/S Højgaardsvej 10 8300 Odder Tlf. 86551489 JTI Gulventreprise A/S Storegade 15 6740 Bramming Tlf: 7517 3248

Tetra Pak Danmark A/S Søren Nymarks Vej 13, 8270 Højbjerg Tlf. 89 39 39 39 – Fax 86 29 53 11 ÅF A/S Engelsholmvej 26, 8940 Randers SV Tlf. +45 8177 2444


S. Sørensen I/S Tigervej 11, 7700 Thisted Tlf. 97 92 26 22 – Fax 97 91 05 22



Møder og udstillinger UPDATE

❚ Danmark  ❚ ❚ ❚

Mejerinyheder - ganske gratis!

5. september: Mejeriingeniørdagen.

Vil du gerne have ugens vigtigste mejeri­nyheder i din mailbox hver fredag? Hver uge udsender vi en række korte nyheder fra ind- og udland samt mærkedage for mejeri­ industriens ledere og en kalender for kommende arrangementer i mejeribranchen. Du kan tilmelde dig UPDATE på - Det er ganske gratis!

19.-24. / 21.-24. september: Mejeribrugets Studietur (hhv. lang og kort) Cheese Festival, Bra, Italien.

Bannerannoncering af ledige stillinger På er det nu muligt at indrykke banner­annoncer for ledige stillinger, hvor ansøgere kan klikke sig videre til den ansøgende virksomheds egen hjemmeside. En stillingsbannerannonce på har målene: Bredde: 140 px x højde: 350 px, og prisen er 3.900 kr. for to uger!

Mejeristhuset Nedenstående kan du se ledige perioder for ophold i de næste måneder i Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærers sommerhus, ”Mejeristhuset” i Kandestederne ved Skagen. Mejeristhuset – en ekstra dag? Det er muligt at booke ekstradage ud over de almindelige perioder (tors-søn og søn-tors). Tjek kalenderen og book ekstradage ca. en måned før. Følg med på Medlemmer af Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer og Dansk Mejeriingeniør Forening kan altid orienterede sigw om ledige uger/ perioder i månederne efter de nedenstående tre på www.mejeri­ Sæson A

Sæson B

Sæson C

Sæson D

August 31 32 33 34 35



O 7 14 21 28

T 1 8 15 22 29

F 2 9 16 23 30

L 3 10 17 24 31

S 4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

1.-3. oktober: International Food Contest / hi Tech & Industry Scandinavia. 10. oktober: Seminar: Mælkematricen 1 - Meget mere end mælkens bestanddele. Mejeriteknisk Selskab. 23. oktober: Generalforsamling Mejeriteknisk Selskab og Mejerifolk uden Grænser. 2. november: Delegeretmøde i Foreningen af mejeriledere og funktionærer, Hotel Legoland, Billund. 21. november: MIA - Arbejdsmiljøkonference. 5. december: Seminar: Mælkematricen 2 Teknologier og muligheder. Mejeriteknisk Selskab.


Mejeriliv Ulykker • Tandskader • Sundhed Forsikringer via Mejeriliv: Kontakt Optima for information Claus Rasthøj tlf. 2075 55 25

35 36 37 38 39







2 9 16 23

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

S 1 8 15 22 29

T 1 8 15 22 29

O 2 9 16 23 30

T 3 10 17 24 31

F 4 11 18 25

L 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27

Oktober 40 41 42 43 44

M 30 7 14 21 28

❚ Udland  ❚ ❚ ❚ 5-9. oktober: Anuga, Køln.

OBS: Redaktionen tager forbehold for perioder, der evt. er udlejet, efter bladet er sendt til trykning!






Ønsker du at integrere den mest økonomiske, pålidelige og miljøvenlige hygiejneløsning i dit produktionssystem, så er vi de rette samarbejdspartnere til at finde den optimale løsning.

20 års erfaring Vi har solid erfaring med kemi-fri dekontaminering 24-7. En erfaring vi har bygget op gennem en solid kundebase og vores samarbejde med europas ledende leverandører.

FHS SCANDINAVIA SINCE 1999 Danmark: +45 27 62 61 73 · Norge: +47 900 45 234 Sverige +46-70-6802610 · Finland +358 (0)40 5041 789 FHS Scandinavia leverer løsninger indenfor desinfektion mens produktionen kører. Vi leverer primært til fødevare- og pharmaindustrien i Skandinavien og har 20 års erfaring i at finde løsninger ved hjælp af UVC-lys, ozon, ionisering og antibakteriel gulvbelægning. Løsninger, der både økonomisk og miljørigtigt forbedrer virksomhedens mikrobiologiske niveau.

Mælkeritidende, Munkehatten 28, 5220 Odense SØ


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