RECOVER international n. 34

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Poste Italiane Spa - Sped. in a.p. - D. L. 353/2003 cov. in L. 46/2004, art1, c1 - CB-NO/Torino - ISSN 2421-2938 DEA edizioni s.a.s. Corso Tassoni 79/4 - 10143 Torino - Anno 9 Supplemento 1 al n. 34



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Yes or No: this is the simple answer that Italians are asked to give on April 17th when they will be called to the polls in the referendum for commenting on a question that is not so simple. Since the very first referendum in which we were asked to choose between Monarchy and Republic, there have been about 20 occasions on which we were asked to choose on various topics. If the issues on which we were questioned originally related to matters that were very close to people, over the decades the questions have become more and more ‘technical’, with varying degrees of political weight and often difficult to understand. Perhaps the fact that from 1997 onwards, except for the last referendum in 2011, the quorum has never been achieved could also be a sign of the discomfort of citizens to express themselves on complex issues which are far from everyday life. The next referendum concerns the mining activity overboard and therefore the choice takes a strong environmental and political connotation. Far be it from me to give instructions to vote, invite the readers to go to the polls or invite those who are undecided to boycott the referendum… I’m rather interested in pointing out how, in these days of referendum campaign, it is difficult to get out of the reasons of the two sides to come to a real and objective understanding of the issue that can lead us to a conscious vote. Environmental issues or those which directly or indirectly affect the environment have not been often addressed with referendums, but it is also true that in those few occasions the citizens have always expressed themselves leading to quorum. Then, perhaps it’s true that environment is important to us... or maybe it’s just easier to get a good conscience with a referendum vote rather than with good daily practices? It’s hard to give an answer. The Italian referendum on drills, either with the victory of Yes or No, won’t certainly solve the environmental problems of our country, won’t reset the soil consumption, won’t reduce the impacts of agriculture, won’t lead to the reclamation of hundreds of thousands of hectares of polluted soil and aquifers, and won’t stop the uncontrolled waste fillings in the various ‘Terre dei Fuochi’ (literally ‘Lands of Fires’) distributed from the North to the South. However, some might argue that we need to start with something, and that the outcome of the referendum goes beyond drilling and is a comprehensive message. But the problem with these messages is just one: you never know if and when they are read…




Picture © Andrea Botto

RECOVER international I Semester – March 2016 Supplement 1 Issue 34

Contents NEWS 4 Expo: all that is left… Massimo Viarenghi


DEF - Tiger HS640 is the solution for the pretreatment of bio-waste


Innovation and research in elts shredding


It’s bauma time!


Investors, welcome to Iran


IFAT, a 50-year success story for ifat


From MSW to WEEE, a treatment for each type of waste


Marco Bono

Maria Beatrice Celino

Laura Veneri

Maeva Brunero Bronzin

Bruno Vanzi

Maria Beatrice Celino



From MSW to WEEE, a treatment for each type of waste Forrec’s achievements abroad



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Year 9 - Supplement 1 - Issue 34 - March 2016 Editor in Chief: Massimo Viarenghi Commercial Manager: Maria Beatrice Celino Editorial Coordination: Maeva Brunero Bronzin

Liability: the duplication of illustrations and articles published by the magazine is confidential and cannot occur without express authorization by the Publisher. Texts and pictures sent to the editorial staff will not be returned, even if not published, and the Publisher does not assume liability in the case of unique specimens. The Publisher does not assume liability in cases of possible mistakes contained in the articles published or of mistakes made when delivering them on the magazine.

Staff: Maria Beatrice Celino, Bruno Vanzi, Laura Veneri Technical Review Committee: Maria Rosaria Boni (Sapienza University of Rome) Daniele Cazzuffi (Cesi spa – Remtech) Laura D’Aprile (ISPRA, Rome) Ennio Forte (University of Naples) Luciano Morselli (University of Bologna) Andrea Quaranta (Environmental Legal Expert) Gian Luigi Soldi (Metropolitan City of Turin) Federico Vagliasindi (University of Catania) Maria Chiara Zanetti (Polytechnic University of Turin)

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NEWS SEPARATE WASTE COLLECTION ‘MOORS’ AT THE PORT OF GENOA It is an initiative of great environmental importance, not only domestically but also at the European level. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, drawn up by the Port Authority of Genoa, Ge.Am. S.p.A. and CONAI (Italy’s National Packaging Consortium), is in fact the basis for the first national project of waste sorting within a port area. The Memorandum of Understanding for the study and implementation of separate collection programs within the port area aims to get to the separation and sending to recycle of over 60% of the 4,000 tons of waste produced within the area, thus putting into effect the intentions of both the Port Authority and the waste service provider (Ge.Am. S.p.A. – Gruppo Amiu) to install the first Italian waste sorting system in a port area, which is able to optimize the waste handling, focusing on

the results of collected material recovery and recycling. The agreement includes a first stage of sampling the waste present in the port area so as to establish the product features, quantities, and potential for recycling in order to have a qualitative and quantitative picture of the packaging materials - steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastics and glass - and to identify which operational collection methods are more functional for their recovery. CONAI, through their experience, will provide Ge.Am. with the skills required to design and develop the waste management plan aimed at collecting and recycling the packaging waste. In addition, the National Packaging Consortium will contribute to the purchase of the necessary equipment for the delivery of waste differentiated by the port users and to the creation of an information and awareness campaign to provide information required for a proper waste sorting, which is essential to ensure the recycling.

INNOVATIVE IDEAS FOR THE SMALLSCALE TREATMENT OF WASTE The production of energy from waste is an issue that, in Italy, gives rise to different reactions, as demonstrated by


the controversy that invariably accompanies the projects for the construction of incinerators and, to a lesser extent, of biogas plants. Specifically in terms of waste-to-energy issue, after many years of substantial deadlock, a breakthrough could be approached: in the past few weeks, the State-Regions Conference approved the rules of Art. 35 of the ‘Sblocca Italia’ (literally: Unlock Italy) decree, which involves the construction of a national network of incinerators capable of covering the needs of the regions that are still uncovered. In practical terms, this decision should result, in the next few years, in the construction of about eight plants for waste incineration, mostly located in the South and in the Islands. The production of energy from waste, however, is not only a great deal for public investors, but also for innovative individual ideas. This is demonstrated, for example, by the case of the ‘slow, wet, catalytic and modular pyrolysis’, better known as RH2INO, a technique developed by Maim Engineering (Cagliari, Sardinia). In essence, this process enables the production of clean energy from any organic matrix (municipal solid waste, organic waste from production processes, manure, biomass but even tires and plastics), through the thermochemical decomposition of the material that is obtained by supplying heat at temperatures between 400 ° C and 650 ° C in the absence of oxygen and in the presence of water. In this way, synthesis gases used for the generation of electrical and thermal energy (Syngas), as well as inert solid carbon which can be employed as a soil amendment in agriculture (Biochar) are obtained. This is a patented technique that has already been successfully exported to Brazil, where it will be used in a 1 MW plant for the disposal of municipal solid waste in Boa Esperança, in the state of Minas Gerais. The Home Biogas solution works on an even smaller scale. Developed by an Israeli start-up, it allows to transform food waste produced at home into gases and fertilizers. In fact, the system can treat up to 6 liters of food waste or 15 liters of animal manure per day, from which it is able to generate about three hours of cooking gas (useful for three meals) and about 10 liters of liquid fertilizer every day. The company also estimates that the device allows to eliminate a ton of organic waste per year and reduce an amount of six tons of carbon dioxide. The Home Biogas project was also involved in a fundraiser on Indie-

gogo platform, which raised more than $ 211,000. This shows how even ordinary citizens are interested in and pay attention to the waste disposal issue.

GLASS: A REFERENCE MODEL FOR CIRCULAR ECONOMY The report entitled ‘Il riciclo del vetro e i nuovi obiettivi europei per la circular economy’ [Glass recycling and new European objectives for the circular economy], drawn up by Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile [Foundation for Sustainable Development] on behalf of

Assovetro (the Italian Association of glass industrialists, also joined to Confindustria), provides an overview of the present and future of this crucial sector of the Italian economy. Looking at the figures contained in the report, we see that the waste sorting behavior in Italy is growing (even if unevenly), coming to 77%, in spite of the hard economic scenario that has seen very little increase in the amount of bottles and jars placed on the Italian market. The recycling rate is also growing and, over the past five years, it increased by 2%, from 68.3% to 70.3%, thus creating new renewable material to produce glass containers. With the recycling of glass cullet reused in the Italian glass-making furnaces (including imports and non-packaging glass cullet), in the last year there was a saving of traditional raw materials for about 3.02 million tons and of CO2 emissions for approximately 1.9 million tons. However, considering the new recycling targets set by the recent rules of the European Union on the circular economy (75% in 2025 and 85% in 2030), according to this report, several efforts are needed to improve the quantity and quality of separate waste collections. Over 512,800 tons of glass are still routed to mixed waste, and in the glass cullet selection and processing plants large losses are noticed. In fact, in these plants, nearly 150,000 tons of waste (90% glass) are landfilled along with general waste materials because of the poor quality of the collection process. In order to boost the recycling, three aspects need to be addressed: avoiding the delivery of crystal and ceramics along with glass; preventing the recycling process from producing the ‘fine

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NEWS fraction’, which is hard to select and only partially recovered as ‘glass sand’; increasing the recycling process with research activities and technical improvements capable of minimizing the actual waste to be disposed of. The report also assesses the environmental benefits that would result from achieving the goals set by the European rules on the circular economy in 2030. Considering the amount released to the market in 2014, it will be necessary to recycle 338,000 tons more than in 2014, which will lead to save 59,737 TOE of energy, 633,000 tons of raw materials, thus also avoiding emissions of CO2 eq for 389,861 tons.

ENI WINS THE ‘AWARD OF AWARDS’ FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATIONS Eni, one of the champions of innovation contributing to restart Italy, has received the ‘Premio dei Premi’ [Award of Awards] for the seventh consecutive year. This award is given to innovative excellence projects in the banking, industry, university, public administration, and service sectors. The National Award for Innovation, now in its seventh edition, set with permission of the President of the Italian Republic at Cotec - Fondazione Nazionale per l’Innovazione Tecnologica [literally ‘National Foundation for Technological Innovation’], was handed over on February 25 in Rome. The prize was given to the research, awarded in October with the Eni Award 2015, which bears witness of a constant focus on operational safety and environmental protection issues, for the development of an innovative system for restoring the monitoring of a deepwater well capable of operating remotely and equipped with acoustic sensors to work even in the absence of undersea visibility. Eni is among the 29 champions (industrial and service companies, banks, public administrations, designers, academic start-ups) that have been selected for the excellence of their product innovations and processes and that show the vitality of the Italian business structure. The Award is a Government initiative promoted by the President of the Council of Ministers, which aims to contribute, inter alia, to spread and strengthen in citizens the culture of innovation, that is the ability to understand, evaluate and use new technologies with a critical eye. “This award proves to the country that today innovation is a key element especially for competitiveness and re-


presents a step forward, that is the ability to have a complete overview”, Luigi Nicolais, President of Cotec, pointed out. “In recent years, important things have occurred and the legislative work in the field of innovation now shows this new scenario” Alessandro Fusacchia, Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Education, explained. “We’re trying to work on the whole chain of knowledge, starting from the school”.

PLASTICS ARE NOT ALL THE SAME CONAI (Italy’s National Packaging Consortium) has started the financial contribution diversification project for plastic packaging aimed at encouraging the use of more recyclable packaging. It is a critical step, after 18 years since the establishment of the Consortium, which goes beyond the single Environmental Financial Contribution for the various categories of packaging made of the same material, rewarding the commitment of businesses in designing better packaging for environmental sustainability and circular economy. Therefore, a diversified environmental financial contribution will be modulated based on three fundamental parameters: ease of selection of the packaging delivered to recycling, actual recyclability - assessed according to the known technologies which are industrially available - and target circuit (home or trade/industry). To get to this important milestone, about 60 types of plastic packaging were considered and classified into three categories, which will match the same number of values of the environmental financial contribution: the most selectable and recyclable packaging will enjoy the lowest values, the most ‘difficult’ packaging will pay instead higher charges. The decision has come after a complex, but necessary, study with the associations of packaging producers and users, and following an evaluation campaign on manufacturing companies that declare the types and quantities of their packaging. The implementation of the project is expected to occur within 12 months after the necessary adjustment of the IT systems and a testing period for the companies involved.

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Expo: all that is left… Another few days and the universal exhibition will only be something to remember Laura Veneri


he ‘dismantling’ stage has began and by the end of June the Expo pavilions will be demolished or dismantled. Only few attractions will remain: the Italian Pavilion, the Tree of Life, Cascina Triulza, the Pavilion Zero, the Vatican and the European Union Pavilion. Most of the pavilions will be demolished, while some countries have chosen their full or partial recovery, thus opting for dismantling and revival in other various settings. For example, since the beginning Coca Cola had designed its pavilion with eco-friendly materials such as wood and glass, with the idea to give it a second life. The Coca Cola Pavilion has been donated to the city of Milan and will become a basketball arena. Other countries


have decided to donate all furnishings to the municipality: Germany has given 5 design benches that have been installed at ‘Giardino delle Culture’ [cf. Garden of Cultures] in Milan. In addition, the work for recovering the Expo heritage trees is underway. The greenery of the pavilions of the exhibition site that was likely to be destroyed has been transported to several school buildings throughout the city. The dismantling, which began immediately after the exhibition closure on 30th October, is planned on the basis of a careful environmental monitoring program in order to protect the plant and animal life of the site. Worksite safety and protection of workers have been effectively guaranteed by the company Expo S.p.A. by signing

a series of agreements with the institutions and the social partners, aimed to put in place innovative solutions to supervise and remove the risky situations related to the phenomena of interference and to ensure compliance with the law. In this context, some projects aimed at ‘raising the bar’ of security have been developed in order to improve the quality of performance and stimulate the participation of all players, primarily of workers, in the definition of preventive measures. “The results of all this work are apparent - Alessandro Molaioni, director of Dismantling Division at EXPO 2015 S.p.A. says - Expo presents itself as a sort of lab construction site for the application of protocols aimed at improving safety at work, in a particularly complex situation with high risks of interference, accompanied by very short deadlines on an area of just 110 hectares where 10,000 workers have been working in several shifts. Therefore, we want to continue this virtuous management in this stage of dismantling as well”. Several private companies work at the same time for the selective demolition of the pavilions. An estimated 1,500 workers simultaneously operate in the stage of decommissioning. Here are some primary focuses of the main companies involved in the construction site.

Armofer: a journey across seven countries Armofer intervened on the exhibition site at the very beginning of November 2015. The first stage of the work at the closed Expo pavilions consisted in the removal and reuse of equipment, furnishings, plants with the aim of maximizing recovery. Armofer then proceeded to the operations of stripping out and selective dismantling of curtain walls, partitions, insulation materials, technical systems and later of metal structures intended for reuse. Later on, the company carried out the structural demolition of the artifacts made of metal and reinforced concrete. The buildings, all obtained by means of self building techniques, i.e. the largest pavilions built by the countries which took part in the Expo, were located on lots of between 2,000 and 3,000 square meters and showed irregular shapes with heights from 12 to 17 m. The supporting structures were mainly made of metal, heavy structural materials with curtain walls made of plasterboard and/or wood, but there were also structural glazing, reinforced concrete slabs and pre-stressed slabs, wooden structures and foundation slabs made of reinforced concrete. For all interventions, the ultimate goal was the complete demolition of aboveground volumes, floors and slabs at the level of the ground surface, in some cases of the buried foundations, and finally the backfilling of excavations, the cleaning and final leveling of the intervention lots. As required in the Guidelines for the dismantlement of the exposition site, Armofer paid special attention to the issue of the maximum possible recovery of materials and structures. In particular, the beautiful combination of metal and tensile structures of the Kuwaiti pavilion, the so-called ‘Sails’, was entirely and carefully disassembled to be moved and set up again elsewhere, where it will find a new use and a second life. The company dealt with the simultaneous demolition of seven large pavilions for the same number of customers, managing an impressive fleet on site (over 10 demolition crawler excavators) and directly arranging a coordinated plan for handling waste and resulting materials with all internal resources (with more than 10 trucks on the field). The work reached its peak in January 2016 when the company saw its equipment and personnel to operate simultaneously at 5 pavilions, which were among the largest ones in size and texture of artifacts, that is: Iran, Kuwait, Korea, Thailand and Japan. Afterwards, Armofer also intervened in the Brazilian and French pavilions. As for the recovery and recycling of materials, Armofer set up a coordinated plan for managing the waste and resulting material from the various disposal sites. The company set up appropriate storage areas for waste materials at the different lots for accurate product differentiation, separation according to EWC codes, and further processing according to law.

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Erdbau construction sites: Austria, Switzerland and South Tyrol “It’s sad but true! Only a few months ago, the Expo in Milan thrilled and involved millions of visitors. Today, the entire area is once again a big construction site. For now, it’s not a matter of building but dismantling! Even the majority of the most spectacular pavilions will no longer be used. During the demolition, every resulting material must be separated: concrete, wood, metal, plastic, etc. are separately sent to recovery” these are the words pronounced by Andreas Auer (Erdbau Srl - Gmbh), who also pointed out that “this is a perfect task for Erdbau, even if it’s quite painful, especially when, as a visitor, you’ve admired the perfect presentation of each country and now you find yourself in front of the bare skeletons of the pavilions to be demolished”. Although at least the Austrian building façade system will find a new function within the exhibition area of Riva, many other pavilions will instead be completely dismantled. Erdbau’s task also includes the demolition and sending to recovery of the wooden structures of the pavilions of Austria and Switzerland, previously manufactured by specialized companies from South Tyrol. Much of the Austrian wood structure will be dismantled and reused in Trentino. “This is a typical example of our social model”, Albrecht Auer said. “A massive effort was needed to build this world exhibition, an impressive show which involved 24 million viewers exceeding all expectations. All that without posing great thoughts on the reuse of installations. In short, we live in a society where dissipation is at the highest level”. However, nowadays several specialized companies thrive on this, finding their mission in the recovery and recycling... just like Erdbau of Sinigo, near Merano.

AT TOPTAGLIO operates in Spain The Spanish Pavilion is a double-aisle greenhouse of about 2,500 square meters with vertical development of about 25 m to the ridge. The supporting structure, floors and walls are made of wood elements with thicknesses ranging from 20 to 60 cm. First of all, the pavilion dismantling stage included a selective stripping out of all the non-structural components, the separation of materials, recovery and/or sending to disposal of the removed materials. The operations were conducted either manually or mechanically with appropriate sized equipment including mini-robots (Brokk), mini-excavators and crawler excavators, cranes and aerial platforms with the use of means and staff that were always adequate to the work context. Particular attention was paid to the environmental sustainability aspects that saw the operators and the technical staff of AT TOPTAGLIO engaged in the only goal of recovering the construction materials used. During the operational intervention, about 760 tons of timber, 200 tons of iron and steel, 1300 tons of concrete, in addition to gypsum, PVC, technical installations and various coatings were recovered to be sent to recycling. AT TOPTAGLIO carried out the dismantling of the building by using, exclusively for EXPO, hydraulic equipment mounted to the excavator boom thus allowing the recovery of wooden structural elements without break them or make them not immediately reusable.


Vitali for Ecuador Those who visited Expo will confirm: it was impossible to miss. Thanks to the colors and decorations with 40 thousand gleaming chains that brought to mind the traditional textiles of Andean crafts, Ecuador Pavilion conveyed immediate happiness, the same joy transmitted by the Ecuadorian philosophy of ‘Good Living’ (‘Buen Vivir’ in Spanish or ‘Sumak Kawsay’ in the Quechua language). And despite this, the dismantling stage did away with both the Pavilion and the feelings that it aroused in visitors. The curtains consisted of several chains made of anodized aluminum that allowed their staining with a wide range of colors. Due to the extreme lightness of the material, it was possible to coat the four walls of the pavilion, thus covering an area of over 750 square meters to create a spectacular visual effect and allow, upon the process of dismantling, the total recovery of the material. Vitali also took part in the demolition stage. The company intervened on the site with two vehicles equipped with demolition hammers, hydraulic crusher and loader bucket. The intervention led to the complete demolition of the foundation slab, the concrete paving and all the sub-service networks, to bring back a ‘green field’ in the area where the pavilion stood.

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DEF - Tiger HS640 is the solution for the pretreatment of bio-waste Cesaro Mac Import designers have created an ideal machine for anaerobic digestion, composting or organic waste treatment plants Marco Bono


our technology is a simple mechanical action that is able to separate light materials from the organic matrix contained in bio-waste or packaged foods. Tiger HS640 focuses this separation ability on its fully mechanical technology (patented): neither chemical nor biological activity are necessary for Tiger HS640 to remove the packages from both bio-waste and packaged foods. This machine allows to make the organic matrix ready to be fed into the anaerobic digester or even into composting vessels. After 9 years from the first prototype, we have carefully learned all different customers’ needs, all different kind of applications and foodstuffs. Step by step we have developed and improved an excellent technology that has become a musthave for a lot of big players of the recycling market. Tiger HS640 is now considered a reference point in the pretreatment of many AD and composting plants in Europe and overseas. The high pureness of the organic matrix exiting the Tiger HS640 after the treatment can ensure high standards for any plants. The rate of contaminants inside Tiger HS640 - an example of feeding and tipical food waste the outbound organic

ow can I efficiently remove plastics, cardboard, and more in general all other packages from food, drinks and bio-waste? This is the main question that most of customers have always made to Cesaro Mac Import. This is the question that has driven us to the invention of the Tiger HS640. Firstly designed for packaged foods, in a short time the Tiger HS640 has shown its skill on a multitude of different materials such as the bio-waste from the household collection, the oversize screening material and any other inedible packaged products (detergents and beauty products). Tiger HS640 can be used to separate food and drinks from Tetra Pak packages, cans, tins, plastic jars and the like. The basic concept of


matrix doesn’t normally exceed 2% in weight. This means that a very clean and pure matrix can certainly be fed into any anaerobic digester. Many AD plants have chosen our technology for this reason. Thanks to its well-established patented technology, the Tiger HS640 is able to reduce both the amount of plastics and contaminants entering the digester and the maximum size of these contaminants to 2 cm max. Reducing the quantity of small plastic fragments, paper and aggregates before entering the digester means in fact reducing the frequency of cleaning cycles of the digester because no large amounts of contaminants are present. Whereas, reducing the dimensions of the plastics means decreasing the formation of plastic films on the surface digestate/biogas, which reduces the release of the new biogas from the digestate. Moreover, composting facilities can take advantage from this efficient separation offered by our machine. The presence of small plastic contaminants in the final compost is one of the main problem addressed by a composting plant. The value of the compost is substantially reduced when a high amount of these contaminants is still present. If these contaminants cannot be removed at an early stage of the process, each stage of the process itself gradually decreases the dimensions of the packages that become smaller and smaller. The-

refore, at the end of the process, during the refining stage, it becomes really hard to remove them completely. Many Italian customers have switched to the Tiger HS640 technology to solve this problem. Thanks to the Tiger HS640, indeed, the level of contaminations has been reduced, offering a high quality compost that can be sold at a higher price. On the other hand, many customers have chosen out machine because they are interested in the reduction of the disposal costs. The large screening material normally exiting from the pre-treatment stage is still rich in organic matrix. This causes two main disadvantages to the customers: loss of organic matrix that is sent to the landfill and no longer transformed into byproducts (biogas or compost), and a larger amount of material sent to the landfill. In fact, the organic matrix that remains entrapped in the large screening material increases the weight and costs of the disposal; at the same time, the organic matrix not converted into biogas or compost reduces the final profits of the company. This is the reason why many customers have introduced our technology in their facilities, providing their businesses with higher profits (or less costs). Tiger HS640 is able to remove almost all the organic matrix contained in the large screening material (up to 92% in weight) with an average reduction of 40-50% of the disposal weight. Arranging the Tiger HS640 into your plant offers you the pos-

sibility to ensure good opportunities to improve your business. The very small footprint of our machine, with its extreme flexibility, allows to install it also in existing plants. Our technical department can design the perfect integration of Tiger HS640 in all plants with the customer. Tiger HS640 is no longer a machine that must Outbound packages from Tiger HS640 nagers and the workshop collect these be tested. Choosing it means having feedbacks and transform these requests clear ideas. Through many installations into new improvements, thus ensuring in Europe and overseas, Cesaro Mac. that tomorrow Tiger HS640 will be better Import has proved that Tiger HS640 can than today. work very easily on almost all foodstuffs Tiger HS640 can be supplied with a wide on a wide range of different applications. range of different accessories permitting Thanks to the chance to finely adjust the to improve its performance and can be amount of water per ton of incoming wacombined with existing machinery and/ ste, Tiger HS640 can adapt itself to eveor devices in an existing plant. Most of ry type of application, such as wet AD, the accessories available are tailored on semi-dry AD, dry AD and composting. the specific needs of each customers. Just one machine for any needs. So, Cesaro Mac. Import can offer different it’s easy to choose our technology. The solutions for the collection of byproaverage throughput of Tiger HS640 is ducts, devices for the feeding control, 10 t/h. It means that the machine is able software and hardware modifications to treat 10 t/h up to 14-16 t/h according for any communication system. If you to the specific installation. With the aid want to learn more about Tiger HS640, of our customers and their continuous visit us at IFAT 2016 in Munich from 30th feedbacks, Tiger HS640 is getting betMay to 3rd June. You can find Cesaro ter day by day. Closely together with our Mac. Import at Hall B3 Booth 321. technical department, the product ma-

Tiger HS640-At work on oversize screen material

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INNOVATION AND RESEARCH IN ELTs SHREDDING Thanks to an all-Italian partnership between Molinari and Corgom, the new primary shredder TP2000 enters the market. Another step towards the enhancement of end-of-life tires Maria Beatrice Celino


rgency can be considered as the reason of the inventions, or rather of the innovations. So, when a productive industrial company meets a manufacturer of machines for recycling, a new primary shredder capable of a homogeneous output with low energy consumption can be created.


This need was felt by Corgom Retreading & Recycling (Corato (BA), Italy). On the Italian scene, Corgom represents excellence in the collection, treatment and recovery of end-of-life tires (ELTs). This company has thirty years of history behind it, representing a true example of implementation of circular economy: from point of sale and servi-

ce center for new tires, to rebuilder of those used, to recovery unit for end-oflife tires, and finally to secondary raw material manufacturer. “We are travelling a path towards a 360-degree production efficiency – Vito Scaringella, company owner, said – that is leading us on international markets as well. As for the enhancement, our today’s offer

is focused on grains from 0 to 4 mm in diameter, highly demanded by foreign markets and which greatly increase the volumes that we currently handle. Since we don’t want to abandon our existing customers, we have decided to expand our production capacity in order to meet all requests”. Corgom is currently able to treat 20,000 tons of tires each year. The expansion project involves the passage to 30,000 tons per year and inevitably requires a production plant expansion, especially for the first stage that allows to achieve the tire crumb and then the chip. From this need to transform the production technology, the partnership with Molinari arises. It is a company from Bergamo known in the field of enhancement of ELTs as a producer of refiner mills used in many Italian plants for the last rubber milling stage. “There was the deep desire to build a primary shredder to complete the range of machines offered – Giovanni Gervasoni, company owner, said – When, during a trade show, Mr. Scaringella told me about his expansion project, I thought it was the right time to develop the idea and propose it as a solution to his need to boost the production”. The embryonic project of the new shredder was completed in a few months and the machine was finally built. Compared to the offer already on the market, the new primary shredder by Molinari has the technical features that make it very interesting in terms of operating costs. “Our machines are applied in the recycling and waste-toenergy industry, that is the transformation of waste into secondary raw material or energy. Here at Molinari, when designing something, we always wonder why we must consume energy to produce energy. Therefore, all of our technical choices have savings as a prime goal. We are looking for new solutions, which enable lower power consumption while achieving the same results”. In September, Molinari held some open days dedicated to all sector operators to preview the shredder. All participants appreciated the innovative design of the rotor, the low rotational

speed of the shafts, and the high cutting torque, which allow to also treat OTR tires. The valuable comments of the experts allowed to refine the project, because only those who work every day with tires can provide the designers with useful tips for the creation of a truly powerful machine. While the technical department of Molinari designed the new machine, Corgom assessed the plant modifications to be implemented and the logistics related to the new volumes of tires to be processed. The size reduction proved to be a key issue for a better management of spaces and especially to increase the production capacity of the granulators currently in use. By ensuring greater volumes of treated rubber,

the upgrading of the existing plant can open up new scenarios for the future of Corgom: not only grains from 0 to 4 mm in diameter, but in various grain sizes, chips and tire crumb that, for the future of the company, may represent new markets to explore. The partnership between Corgom and Molinari is a fine example of Italian entrepreneurship. Both companies are strongly linked to their territory, but with a keen interest in foreign markets. Both are also led by enthusiast entrepreneurs, who know that the quality cannot be ignored to be really competitive, and that industry should always look to the future, being able to understand and interpret the demands coming from new markets.

SHREDDER TP2000 The ‘TP’ shredder is an innovative machine in the shredding industry. With suitable cutting angles and a lower rotational speed of shafts, it ensures optimal performance in terms of production with low energy consumption and maintenance. Consisting of a sturdy frame which ensures structural rigidity and of independent rotation shafts that work on a fixed platform accommodating the counter-blades, it proves to be the perfect machine for many machining operations including those on tires. With the ‘TP’ series, the range of Molinari shredders is complete and covers all segments of the recycling and waste-to-energy market, offering extensive customized solutions.

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inte r nat i o n al

It’s bauma time! The fair par excellence is now approaching. During the meetings with the press, exhibitors have anticipated the novelties that will be exhibited at their respective booths. Here are the main ones. Laura Veneri


he event of the year is coming at last. From 11th to 17th April 2016, Munich will host the ‘queen’ of European fairs. If you missed your booking for accommodation, it will be quite difficult to visit the fair. The Expo Centre has been preparing to bauma for months: some booths have been under construction since the end of last year. Nothing can be left to chance on the occasion of this important showcase, which last year saw over half a million visitors and is definitely the largest fair in the world, with over 3,000 exhibitors from over 200 countries. There will be many Italian exhibitors, and the new stuff that manufacturers have decided to present to the general public precisely during bauma exhibition will also be lots.

Economy awakening

Everyone believes that the worst is

over: associations, companies, experts and leaders of industry studies and researches. The economy is definitely awakening. Between the end of last year and the beginning of this one, the data proposed are positive and encouraging: Cresme, Istat and Prometeia reassure us, providing sales data that continue to increase. As for Italy, after a constant acceleration in the last five quarters, Prometeia estimates a balance in 2015 of 8,500 new cars sold (+ 27%) which will rise to over 12 thousand in 2017 (+ 44.8% compared to 2015) (source: Outlook SAMOTER-VeronaFiere - Prometeia). The figures on foreign trade, according to ISTAT survey, confirm the positive momentum that the market for construction equipment is going through: in the 1st half of 2015, the trade balance grew by + 5.0% on an annual basis, with imports growing of + 24.1% com-

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pared to the 1st half of 2014 and exports of + 9.0%, more than in the corresponding period of 2014. The field of traditional construction equipment, which closed 2014 with an increase of + 25.1% compared to 2013, has substantially expanded its sales/rentals in the first nine months of 2015: in the 1st quarter +27.4% is noted, in the 2nd quarter + 38.3% and in the 3rd quarter + 41.8%, compared to the respective period of 2014. Among the types of construction equipment, crawler excavators record the highest increase: sold or rented machines exceed those of the 3rd quarter of 2014 by + 68.9%. Wheeled excavators are decreasing (-34.4% on an annual basis), but it should be emphasized that the drop in the third quarter of 2015 follows +156.3% in the 2nd quarter 2015. As for the wheel loaders, the increase is + 23.1%. In the 3rd quarter 2015, telescopic handlers record + 30.7% on an annual basis. (Cresme source: ‘Osservatorio Macchine e Impianti per le Costruzioni’ [Observatory on Machinery and Equipment for Construction] - Sales Data III quarter 2015). “After the darkest years of the crisis, Italy finally seems to have taken the path of a gradual recovery” Paolo Venturi, Unacea president, said. “Closing two consecutive years with a growth can only be a good result for the whole industry; however, to fully understand the trend, it must bear in mind that this is a more than moderate growth in absolute terms, coming after six years of heavy losses which



have reduced the domestic market by 80%. For this reason, we continue to believe that recovery should be encouraged and supported, especially in a period of severe financial instability like that we are going through. In this regard, we welcome the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Environment, the Conference of Regions and ANCI about the abatement of emissions through interventions aimed at the renewal of the outdated vehicle fleet that we have repeatedly called for. Now we need to establish the best practical modes of application, considering all the vehicles circulating and operating in our cities.”

Novelties offered by the Expo: the watchword is innovation

The fair which will take place in Munich from 11th to 17th April offers a new service for the whole industry, already successfully tested during another important event. ‘bauma Open Innovation’ is an online platform that offers the opportunity to exhibitors and industry professionals to access the network of the fair contacts thus taking advantage of their interdisciplinary skills to find answers to their need for innovation. With this service, all businesses can find new industries, fields of application and uses for existing products and services, or they can look for solutions and new technologies to solve the business challenges. Again this year, we will see THINK BIG!, arranged by the German Engineering Federation VDMA. On an area of 3,000 square meters, a rich interactive program of technical training, study and job opportunities in the construction machinery and building material industry will be offered. The core of the initiative will be a great stage on which presentations of 20 minutes will be held each day from 10am to 4pm. Students will have the chance to work on machines while answering to moderators’ questions about their training. To this end, the companies will provide a transport platform, a small mil-


ling cutter, a wheel loader, a peristaltic pump, wheel loader axle, a vibrating plate, a steam roller and a movable excavator. Everything will be filmed and screened live on large screens. More than 12,000 students from 230 German schools have enrolled to date. On the eve of bauma, the winners of the International bauma Innovation Award 2016 will be awarded. The Award is divided into five categories: machinery, components, construction works/processes, research

and design. A total of 118 nominations were received from Germany and abroad. The evaluators have selected three nominees for each category. Among all the nominations, the innovations that are more attentive to the future and cost-effective, with a strong practical value, and that contribute to the efficiency of energy and resources and/or to the humanization of the work place will be awarded.

Exhibitors’ novelties

Trevi Benne At bauma, the three-years world’s leading trade fair for construction, building and mining machineries which will take place in Munich from 11th to 17th of April, Trevi Benne will show a complete range of attachments. Innovation, design and quality are the characteristics that visitors will recognize in over 15 demolition, recycling, excavation and forestry equipment that will be exhibited by the Italian company in Hall B3 - Booth 414. Three products will be in the spotlight. First of all, the Multi Kit Processor MK 38P equipped with the power multiplier device named Impact BOOSTER. This valve boost up three times the incoming pressure of the excavator, giving the crusher more power, more speed, thus reducing fuel consumption and stress on the excavator. The MK 38P is a 4,2 tons, versatile and multi-function tool for all working conditions using a universal body attaching a variety of interchangeable demolition kits. The Multi Kit Processor is the perfect solution for any demolition, recycling, environmental reclamation and recovery operation recommended for professional user. The Marilyn Metal Shears CS 55RS is to be used in modern industrial demolition sites where relevant cutting force are required, as for use in professional scrap and steel recycling sites. Several arrangements and technical improvements were made to the latest version: a more aggressive profile, the insertion of plates and wear parts to preserve the cutting system while ensuring greater penetration and efficacy. Then, there is a T.100 Class HDVX Bucket for KOMATSU PC 2000 suitable for heavy duty and extreme strains as in quarry works, demolition, excavation and loading of highly abrasive materials in mining industry. It is manufactured with thicknesses, reinforcements and protections to increase durability, using the finest-anti-wear materials. Visit us at bauma!! We are in Hall B3 – 414.

Doppstadt No more lining up and waiting! The times when the wheel loaders could not fill their materials into the hopper of a screen at one stroke, because it was too small, are over. The 7 cubic meters hopper of the new screen SM 620 SA manufactured by the full-line supplier Doppstadt can also be charged by large wheel loaders. It is quite interesting especially for the recovery of light material mixtures such as compost and biomass. Their large bulk volume usually results in long times of waiting at the screens. The input material must first be processed in order to clear a space in the feeding hopper. With the Doppstadt solution, wheel loader and screen are in continuous motion. The whole process takes place without interruption. Product Manager Karsten Runge says “This makes the new machine impressive. It isn’t only versatile, but ideally suited for combined use with shredders or wind sifters. It also absorbs the charge of large wheel loader buckets at one stroke, thus accelerating the whole operating process and increasing the throughput rates accordingly. This solution saves energy, money and time“. In spite of the larger feeding hopper and the 5,5 m conveyors, the machine is still compact and movable. With a gross vehicle weight of 24 tons, it can even transport optional equipment such as stone grids or vibrating screens without having to detach them. Depending on the screening task, the SM 620 SA can either be driven as a trammel screen or as a star screen for universal applicability. It screens waste and raw materials, compost, dirt, light debris, garbage, industrial waste, plastic, glass, paper, wood, biomass, sand, gravel, scrap or slag.

Sennebogen Sennebogen has developed the new SLC 4000 ladle cleaner. The base is the proven Sennebogen 830 material handler which is available in three undercarriage variants. Special-purpose, telescoping equipment is then attached, being designed to resist temperatures up to 1,000°C. Three undercarriage variants are available to meet any need: two wide-track crawler variants and a moving version. However, at just 3.10 m width (4.0 m with wide-track crawlers), the machine is still very compact and easily maneuverable. The telescopic apparatus is available in two variants. The standard solution has a working range of 9.3 m in height and 5.3 m in depth. The telescopic tool is fixed to the boom and mounted to the upper carriage. The variable option offers additional working clearance. Compared to the telescopic equipment, the adjustable boom has a working range of 12.4 m in height and 6.3 m in depth. The telescopic boom is hydraulically powered and extends out up to 4.0 m. The boom can also be adjusted in height and angle over a range of up to 12.6 m high and 6.3 m deep. In addition to the standard ripper hook with a maximum ripping force of 160 kN, a variety of other attachments are available upon request. The entire machine is designed to be used in demanding steel working environments. Even when the ladle is still hot and glowing, the machine can operate for up to 15 min. without interruption.

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Indeco Indeco ISS shears – a growing range for even greater efficiency. The existing range of Indeco shears has now grown even further with a series of significant new developments designed to improve excavator/attachment compatibility and ROI for anyone working in the scrap metal or recycling sectors. Two new models, ISS 30/50 and ISS 35/60, are set to replace and integrate the previous ISS 30/60, by improving the shape and maximum jaw opening, and especially by optimizing weight with the right excavator combination, which in turn will also benefit working efficiency. Each ISS rotating shear, which can be either stick- or bucketmounted, also has a fixed version which is mounted straight onto the excavator arm. Being lighter and less bulky, this means that a larger shear can be used on the excavator, thus increasing productivity, especially for scrap metal or recycling operations. ISS rotating shears are the ideal choice for demolishing any type of metal structure. Indeed, they can be rotated continuously to optimize positioning, while the large jaw opening, rapid cycles and incredible power ensure that each cut is both fast and effective.

Doosan Continuing the trend set by the launch of the larger Stage IV compliant models over the last 12 months, the new Doosan DX140LCR-5 15 tons reduced tail swing crawler excavator offers increased performance, durability and fuel efficiency, with a focus on greater power, robustness and versatility. The DX140LCR-5 is powered by a Perkins 1204F engine, which combines low fuel consumption with the power and torque of larger engines with a smaller displacement. The new Perkins 1204F engine provides a 6% increase in power with an output of 85.9 kW (115.3 HP) at 2000 rpm and 3% increase in torque. Swing torque has also been boosted by 28%. Trouble-free operation is ensured by meeting Stage IV emission regulations without the need for a diesel particulate filter (DPF), through the use of cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) after-treatment technologies. Fuel consumption has been lowered by 10% compared to the previous generation machine.


Jcb JCB is upgrading its mid-range wheeled loader range, introducing the proven DNA from its range-topping 457 wheeled loading shovel to the 427 and 437 models, along with the smaller 411 and 417 loaders. New JCB 411 and 417 wheeled loaders are powered by the company’s own EcoMax Tier 4 Final/Stage IV compliant diesel engines, delivering 81kW (108hp) in the 411 model and a power of 108kW (125hp) in the 417. The larger 427 and 437 loaders operate with a Tier 4 Final/Stage IV Cummins diesel engine, offering 133kW (179hp) and 136kW (183hp), respectively. In line with JCB’s overall emissions policy, both of these engines meet the latest emission standards without the use of a costly Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), thus reducing the operating costs and the complexity for the customer. All Tier 4 Final loaders now feature a single-piece engine hood that can be electrically or manually raised to provide improved service access to the engine and cooling pack. The machines are fed through automatic power shift transmissions for maximum productivity and efficiency. All four of the new wheeled loaders will use the JCB Command Plus cab, first seen last year on the larger 457. This totally new ROPS structure has B pillars that have been moved out to the same width as the rear of the cab, providing a larger interior with a panoramic front windscreen. The machines feature JCB Command Driving Position, with revised pedals, an adjustable steering column and seat-mounted hydraulic controls.

WLP WLP will take part in bauma exposing their entire range available for dust suppression. From Demolitor10 of only 1,5Kw to WLP1200 90kW, WLP ensure “the right machine for the right use.” In WLP, dust suppression is a serious matter and the machines installed in 2015 in all environmental conditions, from -25°C in Russia to + 50°C in Egypt, have proved the reliability of these products, as well as their efficiency. More and more customers around the world choose WLP as dust suppression system: quarries, mines, coal parks, steel, demolition companies have selected WLP as a partner to improve their work.

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Magni Telescopic Handlers After RTH 5.35 S, Magni Telescopic Handlers has overtook itself by projecting and manufacturing an even higher model: the RTH 5.39S, which is now the highest working height telescopic handler in the world. This brand new model, which will be unveiled for the first time at bauma 2016, has some very special features. The chassis is just the same as RTH 5.30S and has been reinforced to resist the big strains to which the machine is exposed when working at such an height; in fact this model, at 38,7 m, has a maximum lifting capacity of 2 tons. This model allows to work on a building up to the 13th floor. The transmission consists of a Euro 4 final Mercedes Engine with 170 kW/ 231 hp, one Bosch Rexroth hydrostatic piston pump, and a Bosch Rexroth hydrostatic motor. The hydraulic circuit is load-sensing with an operative working pressure of 350 bar and face seal fittings connections, and consists of a Bosch Rexroth hydrostatic piston pump and a 7-element Danfoss distributor with SIL 2 safety standards, with double electronic check of the position and direction of the spool. Another small distributor from Bosch is installed to manage stabilizers. The cabin reflects the standards of all RTH machines: it is pressurized with 100% inlet air filtration, air conditioning, panoramic windshield from bottom to top, double electroproportional CAN BUS joysticks, ROPS and FOPS certification, Magni Combi Touch System (MCTS) which is a touch screen interface with the operator which allows to manage the whole machine through 5 main pages, it guides the operator with written messages when using the machine, and it is very efficient for auto-diagnostics in electric and electronic trouble shooting. The patented boom: this is one of the biggest innovations of this model since it consists of 6 elements with 2 cylinders for extension placed outside the boom itself, and inside there are just hoses and pipes. In this way, hoses have more available space to move during the extension and retraction of the boom, and this avoids accidental breaks.

VTN Europe ‘Multipurpose’ is the adjective that inspired VTN Europe for the development and design of the NEW Combi Kit multi-tool; thanks to its innovative features, this attachment meets the largest variety of complex demolition requirements. Engineered in detail, it is particularly suitable for specialized Demolition Contractors always focused on safety, efficiency and productivity on jobsites, for hire Companies involved in the demolition market offering different solutions based on customer needs, and for those Users who look for ‘synthesis’ of various activities in only one apparatus. The NEW Combi Kit is ‘Multipurpose’ because lets you run any type of demolition: • primary demolition, to bring down a building and remove the materials, either concrete or steel constructions, or combination thereof; • secondary demolition, to separate or reduce into smaller fragments what has already been demolished, thus facilitating handling and transport; • selective demolition, where it is necessary to extract and recover ‘precious’ elements or components or for the reclamation of areas of high environmental impact where the presence of toxic agents, flammables and pollutants is high. CK is ‘Versatile’ because with only one apparatus you have five jaws configuration. CK is “Fast and Safe” because it needs only a few minute for the replacement of the jaws with the rotation of only 2 pins. VTN is glad to announce the new range of CK SERIES at bauma 2016: CK14 for excavator between 13 and 21 tons, CK21 for excavator between 18 and 27 tons, CK28 for excavator between 26 and 35 tons.


Brokk Brokk, the world´s leading manufacturer of remote-controlled demolition machines, announces the all new Brokk 120 Diesel - the world´s smallest diesel-driven demolition robot. This compact machine can operate independently and un-tethered for over 8 hours and effectively tackle jobs that no other machine can. The Brokk 120 Diesel is the world’s smallest independently-powered demolition machine. Its compact size (only 780mm wide) enables it to enter through any standard door opening and makes it easy to maneuver in small spaces. Meanwhile, its low weight of only approx. 1,200 kg gives it access to work even on weak floors and makes it easy to transport to and from work sites. Powered by a compact but powerful diesel engine, it has a minimum of eight hours of operation without refueling, making it truly independent from any power source for at least a full work shift. And all this flexibility comes without sacrificing any of the power and performance of its similar-sized electrical sibling Brokk 100. The Brokk 120 Diesel uses the same tools and attachments, and has the same hydraulic power. The Brokk 120 Diesel is designed for use in a variety of applications. In the Rescue area (e.g. disaster response, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), firefighting) as well as in the Nuclear area there is a need for a compact independent ROV with power enough to carry out tough jobs. In the construction industry, the flexibility of easy movement and relocation of the machine between work sites is exploited. And finally, in the process and underground industries there are areas where the use of a power cable could be an obstacle or where the needed electrical power simply isn’t available.




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Investors, welcome to Iran Several resources, great potential and many incentives for foreign investors who are waiting to enter Iran Maeva Brunero Bronzin


anuary 14th was a historic day for Iran and for its relationships with most of the other countries. In fact, the embargo that had lasted for almost four decades is now finally over. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) released the report that certifies that Iran was found in compliance on the nuclear deal signed last summer, and this led to a progressive end of sanctions. The effect will certainly be disruptive: after 30 years spent at the corners of the international community, but however capable of maintaining a key role in the Middle East, Iran will see its

riches definitely at home after a 10year period of ban. Financial assets of a value ranging from 60 to 100 billion dollars will be unfrozen, but in particular the international investors will have the chance to enter a country which is second for production of natural gas and fourth for crude oil. But why to invest in Iran? Here is a brief summary of initiatives and measures put in place by the Iranian Government for the promotion and protection of foreign investments. Current (2015) market capitalization is about $160 billion (if it is added to the global frontier market index, it would be 25% of the index).

With a population of nearly 80 million and an excellent geographical location, Iran has the 27th largest economy ($437 Billion). In addition to have very well educated people and low wages, it has very low debts. Iran not only has a great potential in the current traditional market sectors (metals, mining, Oil & Gas, telecommunication and banks), but many more opportunities are available in consumer, industrial and manufacturing industries.

Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act

The legal framework of foreign investment regime in Iran is defined under the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA). Ratified in 2002, FIPPA replaced former LAPFI (which has been in force since 1955) to further improve the legal framework for foreign investments in Iran. Legal protections under FIPPA are as follows: • Compensation for losses in case of expropriation and nationalization of investment; • Compensation for losses sustained by foreign investments resulting from prohibitions caused by the enactment of laws and/or Cabinet decrees;


Transfer of the main capital, profit and capital gains obtained by using the capital is possible in the form of foreign currency or, as the case may be, in the form of goods; • Guaranteeing the purchase of produced goods and services resulting from an investment project by a government agency as a party of a contract where a Government Agency is the sole purchaser and/ or supplier of goods and services at subsidized prices; • Enjoying all rights and facilities available to local investors by foreign investors. Founded in June 1975, OIETAI is the sole official authority for the promotion and protection of foreign investments in Iran. As the main investment authority, OIETAI is responsible for receiving and processing foreign investment applications and it also offers investment opportunities to potential foreign investors and serves them by assisting, coordinating and facilitating all issues pertaining to their investments throughout the licensing process and after. The Center for Foreign Investment Services was established at the premises of OIETAI, pursuant to Article 7 of the “Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act” drafted in 2002. The Center is intended to provide an efficient organization for streamlining and expediting affairs related to foreign investment undertakings in Iran.

Direct Taxation Law

Foreign investors in Iran enjoy the same supports and privileges as those offered to Iranian investors. In this connection, the Direct Taxation Law passed in 1987 and the following amendments have considered no discrimination in taxation of domestic and foreign investors. This means both Iranian and foreign investors pay the same amount of taxes. Tax exemptions and discounts are also equally granted to domestic and foreign investors. The Direct Taxation Law is regarded as the core of the taxation system in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The law was extensively reviewed and reformed in 2001 to be in tandem with the ongoing economic conditions in the country.

Production and investment promotion in line with the economic development of the country was a major factor behind the need for amendment of the

law (supporting the newly established manufacturing and mineral units according to Article 132 and investment promotion according to article 138).

Tax Holidays Activity

Level of Exemption

Duration of Exemption




Industry and Mining


4 Years

Industry and Mining in Less- Developed Areas


20 Years




Export of services & non-oil goods


During 5th development Plan




Educational & sport services



Cultural activities



Salary in Less-Developed Areas



All Economic Activities in Free Zones


20 Years

INCENTIVES FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS No Iranian Partners Needed Tax Exemptions

Production Activity Exemptions

• 80% of income for 4 years • 100% of income for 10 years in less developed areas • 100% of income for 20 years in free zones Agriculture: 100% of income Tourism: 50% of income Exports: 100% of income derived from exports

Customs Exemptions • • •

Production line machinery and equipment (first-hand machines) Raw materials used in the production of export commodities All production line machinery & raw materials in free zones

Investment Facilities in Free Trade Zones • • • • • • • •

20-year tax exemption No visa for foreigners Customs exemption for the raw materials and industrial machinery of production units Easy company registration Simplified procedures for re-export and transit of commodities Possibility of exporting products to the mainland Long-term land leases for foreigners Suitable rates for energy consumption

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IFAT, a 50-year success story for ifat Waiting lists for the industry’s leading global fair Bruno Vanzi


he ongoing high level of demand from companies wishing to exhibit at IFAT 2016 is impressive confirmation of the high status of the sector’s No. 1 global innovations platform and trade fair for environmental technology. The event takes place between May 30 and June 3, 2016 at the Messe München exhibition center. Stefan Rummel, Managing Director of Messe München GmbH, is very satisfied with developments so far and is optimistic “that we will again be able to welcome over 3,000 exhibitors in Munich. In some sections of the fair, we have waiting lists. We are very pleased about this further rise in interest, in particular from abroad.” IFAT is a very impressive and longrunning success story: It started out back in 1966, under the name of “International Trade Fair for Sewage Technology”, as a presentation


platform for the industry. 147 exhibitors from nine countries and 10,200 visitors from 40 countries participated in that first 18,000 square-meter display. At that time the event was still relatively modest in scale. Over the years it has grown tremendously, in all sections—including in the recently added sections on water supply, recycling and technology for municipal services. For the coming event in 2016, IFAT will be taking up a total of 230,000 square meters of exhibition space. 115,000 square meters of this is dedicated to the section on water and sewage, and 115,000 square meters to recycling and municipal technologies. More than 135,000 visitors from all over the world are expected to attend the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management. With this number of exhibitors and visitors, and such a large exhibition

area, good planning and preparation is essential. An important tool in this is the directory of exhibitors at the show, available at This also contains a site plan (under “Trade Fair Venue”) which gives a first impression of the layout of the exhibition, both indoors and outdoors. The “Exhibitor Search” function provides detailed information on the exhibitors, their products and services. And there’s also a “Reminder List” for making a note of key information. IFAT has now expanded its reach beyond the world-leading event that sets standards every two years in Munich: It now has a global presence. This started with the creation of IE expo in China and IFAT India, and last year not one but two new events were added to this portfolio, with the successful premieres of IFAT Eurasia in Turkey and the IFAT Environmental Technology Forum in South Africa.

From MSW to WEEE, a treatment for each type of waste Forrec’s achievements abroad Maria Beatrice Celino


he waste-related issues know no borders and differently affect every continent. Forrec, a company with twenty years of experience in the construction of waste treatment plants, has long been active in making known abroad and exporting its technologies through two branches in Serbia and in the United States and several distributors all around the world. Managing to introduce a brand internationally is a challenge that requires a lot of work, dedication and professionalism, especially in scenarios where competition is fierce, but Forrec’s efforts have been rewarded and the expansion policy of this company on foreign markets has led to the creation of the ‘Waste to Energy’ project in Mexico and to the construction of ‘combined’ systems for WEEE in Reunion and Guadalupe islands. In order to learn about both the development of these projects and the operation of the plants, we have interviewed Fabrizio Caon, who followed the project ‘Waste to Energy’, and Nicola Santinello, who handled the plants established in the remote islands of the French overseas departments.

states of Mexico, close to Mexico City, was planning to build a system for processing municipal solid waste, which is a widespread problem throughout the country, where landfills are at end of their life and there’s no will to create more of them, thus opting for different treatments and trying to reuse and exploit waste as a resource. We have been active in Mexico for many years through a distributor and a sales office on site, and we have also launched the dissemination of our technologies and state of the art. For this reason, when the opportunity arose, we gradually introduced our know-how involving various private players including the Cruz Azul cement plant, and then we were instructed to create a series of treatment plants for municipal solid waste which would completely close the cycle up to the

energy recovery of the residual fraction. Obviously, the aim is to solve ecologically and in a manner that is as environmentally friendly as possible the problem of disposing municipal solid waste, turning it into a resource which in turn leads to the creation of jobs, increases the industrial activities in the field of recycling, and ultimately contributes to produce thermal energy with a fraction of the waste, which energy is used by the cement plant and in the future transformed into electricity for the municipalities themselves. In practice, what was once a problem is now seen in a new form as a resource and opportunity for the whole territory. So, who are the players of this project? The project involves the State of Morelos, the cement plant Cruz Azul and Fadim, our distributor in Mexico who oversaw

Forrec has always pursued a policy of expansion on the foreign markets and, especially since the company has established a branch in the US, several projects have taken shape. Tell us something about the ‘Waste to Energy’ project that you started in Mexico… The Government of one of the federal

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have already entered into service, while the other three have been tested and will come into operation within these months.

the project from the beginning. Forrec, as said, is the technical partner who has the technology and has exported this new method of treating waste in accordance with Community rules of recycling, recovery and reuse. The on-site work began long ago. I think it took a great work of spreading in order to get this far, right? As I said, Forrec and Fadim started many years ago to talk about these projects, but initially this came up against the interests of those who took advantage by using the old system with a simple landfilling. Only in recent years we have started to have a feedback in this sector, beginning with smaller places like the State of Morelos, where there is no conflict with the dynamics and interests that can be found in densely populated areas such as Mexico City. Now that the project has come to fruition, what we did in Morelos is a smallscale example of what we can do even on a larger scale in other areas of Mexico. Can you describe the facilities and their main features? At present, six systems have been installed but the project involves an expansion for this year thanks to the excellent results that we are getting. We have designed these systems by adapting our technology to the local needs, therefore the project consists of various modules for the treatment of municipal solid waste: there is a receiving module where


the waste is discharged and injected into the first treatment stage, represented by a bag opener machine with very high efficiency (95-98%); the next module is a sieve with discs that combines a greater compactness and a greater efficiency compared to conventional rotating screens, which require inter alia a greater maintenance. Once the organic fraction has been separated, being then sent to composting, ferrous and non-ferrous metals are separated. The next step is aimed at separating recoverable materials by means of conveyor belts on which the personnel operates a manual selection, and therefore the separated materials are directly reintroduced into the industrial production process. After this, all that can be recovered has been separated, what is left is the fraction that cannot be directly enhanced as a recycled product, but which is sent to energy recovery. The preparation of RDF takes place by means of an aeraulic separator that divides the heavier material (inert materials or metals) from the lighter fraction, the latter being finally sent to the next stage of shredding. The main features of this system are the high efficiency of the machines, the adoption of innovative technology solutions, the integration of the local cooperative labor, and its size. In fact, we have decided to install systems of small or mediumsize depending on the area of use, thus dimensioning the facility according to the population served. Three of the systems

What are the types of material to be treated and the quantities? The municipal solid waste consist of an organic fraction, that in these countries is quite high and reaches up to 45-50% of the total, a fraction of recoverable materials such as plastics, paper, cardboard, cans, etc. about 10-15%, and a residual fraction intended for energy recovery in cement plants of about 30-35%. The systems have been designed to treat waste according to four sizes: 50,000, 100,000, 150,000 and 200,000 tons/year. Considering that these systems work on average 16 hours a day and 350 days per year, this results in a potential of 8-10 t/h, 16-20 t/h, 20-25 and up to 35 t/h. New systems with higher capacities are currently planned to be constructed. What were the reasons that have allowed you to be chosen? There are other European companies that are entering the market, but the American counterparts are much more combative for historical reasons and proximity. We don’t fear the competition from the USA because historically Europe has always done much more for the environment and development. Our trump cards are related to breakthrough technology, flexibility and modularity of the systems, to the fact that the proposed solution is integral, and finally to the fact that our proposal has created a synergy to meet the needs not only of the public sector (State and Municipality) but also of private bodies (cement plant). What are the system delivery, testing and commissioning times? After the completion of the preliminary step of design, proposal, inspections, etc., once the order has been received, the plant output requires a timeframe of 90 days. For the transfer and transport, another 30 days needs to be considered, as well as the stage of assembly, testing and commissioning which can vary from 30 to 60 days depending on the plant size. We can therefore say that in a time span of 6-7 months, the system can be finished and running on site.

that transport and logistics costs weigh heavily, so the possibility of processing the materials directly on the island, thus obtaining the raw materials that can be sold directly without the need to transit through France, is an unquestionable advantage.

‘Combined’ systems allow to process WEEE and refrigerators, and provide all customers with a full service in those areas where collection and treatment should be centralized. In order to meet these needs, Forrec has delivered two facilities to Guadalupe island in the French Antilles in Central America and to Reunion island of Mascarene archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Who are your customers in these two places? Both islands belong to the French Overseas Departments, therefore they formally are French customers. The customer from Reunion is a company based in the island, already active in the recycling sector. In fact, this company deals with collecting and conversion, and is already tied to the WEEE sector. In particular, they contacted us to implement the treatment going from a mostly manual system to a more automated line. The customer from Guadeloupe is instead an associate of a large Belgian group for North America and Central America that contacted us to increase productivity in the field of the treatment of electronic waste that ,also in this case, was still being handled manually. What were the reasons behind this type of request? As already said, the first reason is obviously the transition from a manual to an automated process, while the second is related to a logistic need: both companies have signed a contract with local consortia (Écosystème for Reunion island and Écologique for Guadalupe), and deal with the collection and a first processing of the materials, being then faced with the need of sending such equipment to France where the whole next stage of treatment is controlled. It is apparent

Are these systems already in operation? The system in Reunion has been operational for about a year and a half. The opening occurred in late 2014 and we have already been asked a few times to make an adjustment in order to ensure that the system always works at maximum efficiency and potential. The system on Guadalupe island, instead, was constructed and is being shipped, so the inauguration is scheduled for next April. Can you describe the systems and their main features? Are they different? They are two twin systems because the customer from Guadalupe came to visit the plant on Reunion island at the opening and decided to place an order for the same system. The differences are really minimal, because we’ve added a few accessories and belts to provide a more accurate selection on Guadalupe island, while the plant in Reunion is more focused on quantities. The peculiarity is that they are ‘combined’ systems, which feature is a Forrec’s hallmark and allows the processing, on the same line and at different times, of both appliances containing gas (refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.) and all other types of WEEE (white goods, electronics, small household appliances, etc.). After the collection stage, the processing cycle starts with the reclamation in the case of refrigerators, it then moves to the shredding where ferrous and nonferrous metals and plastics are separated, then a further step of shredding follows, allowing to separate and pulverize the polyurethane parts inside of which there is another gas (pentane or CFC) which is extracted and treated, in the present case by means of activated carbon filters. In the case of normal WEEE, instead, the process begins by opening the casing to recover all the materials therein, in fact, unlike the refrigerators, many more resalable components are present in these apparatuses, therefore the stage of ma-

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nual separation is fundamental and important in order to maximize the recovery of the material. In essence, the materials obtained at the end of the cycle are plastics, non-ferrous metals (copper and aluminum) and iron. Their quality, depending on the type of plant, can range from average to good, and they can be resold as raw materials. In short, this is the treatment cycle of WEEE, and we can generally say that the recovery rate is around 85%. What are the types of material to be treated and the quantities? On Reunion island, we can work an hourly average of 50 washing machines, between 45 and 50 refrigerators, and 3 tons of electronic waste. These are actual figures because the system, as I said, has already been fully operational for more than one year. The data for the system that will be installed in Guadalupe will be similar, although the current need is lower, but the intention is to serve in the future not only the territory of Guadalupe and Martinique, but also to cover the Netherlands Antilles and the other islands What are the services that Forrec provides for this type of systems, installed in areas that aren’t easily accessible by customer service? We usually provide a period of training at our premises, and a period of field training when installing the system, so as to give all the main concepts to the engineers (mechanics and electricians) who then will deal with routine maintenance. We can say that 90% of the problems can be solved by telephone; for the remaining 10%, Forrec has arranged an efficient customer service consisting of six teams traveling on all continents to provide support to customers. The critical issue in areas such as Reunion and Guadalupe is the provision of spare parts, because the timing of the transportation by ship exceeds one month, while the air transport costs are unsustainable. This is why, in situations like these, we always try to agree with the customer an initial supply of some consumable parts, so that if needed they are already available and the staff working there, previously trained, can easily and quickly proceed to the replacement required.


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inte r nat i o n al

BAIONI ITALY: MOBILE REMEDIATION TECHNOLOGY With the progressive exhaustion of natural resources and the increase of soil pollution, the effects on ecosystem and human health remain a major concern in today’s society. The aim is therefore to try to reduce pollutants in our environment, such as chemicals, toxic materials, pathogen agents, radioactive materials but especially to adopt a correct “upstream” management of waste, chemical agents in agriculture and industry, and every potentially harmful human activity. In this regard, Baioni is ready to rise the challenge and face this important issue of high environmental value. In these days, the company is delivering a very important innovation: a mobile soil washing treatment plant, fully containerized, designed for maximum efficiency for an overall production of 30 tph, as a result of an intensive work which allowed Baioni to become the national leader for both the project design and the manufacturing of environmental treatment technology. Each module is containerized and is a completely independent item with a proper control panel, allowing any future displacement. Thanks to years of experience in the mineral field, Baioni can ensure the correct conception of the technological line based on the specifications of the soil to be reclaimed and can provide adequate support for the management as well as suitable staff training. As each plant is tailored according to the characterization of the soil to be reclaimed and with the aim of giving customers the best technical and economic solution, Baioni designs soil washing plants according to data provided by laboratory tests carried out by the company on significant samples.

BHS-Sonthofen: Cost-effective recycling – even for small quantities of scrap BHS-Sonthofen developed the new, very compact, modular Eco-Impact recycling system especially for throughputs of up to 2 t/h and for use at different locations. It crushes electrical and electronic equipment that is no longer used and has its own complete manual sorting line as well as an automatic separation system for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This means that the system is ideal for use in regions where the large-scale recycling of e-scrap has not yet been established. BHS designed the system for electrical and electronic equipment with dimensions of up to 500 x 500 x 500 mm and a weight of up to 25 kg. At the heart of the Eco-Impact system is the new RS 1109 Rotorshredder. This crushes the old equipment at the same time as separating composite materials so that the individual components can then be removed by the combination of the manual sorting station and automatic separation system. At the end of the process, the material has been sorted into motor, armatures, copper pellets, capacitors, batteries, PCBs, and ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The first module contains the material input system (conveyor belt), a BHS type RS 1109 Rotorshredder, the drive elements, a dust extraction system, and the entire control system. The input material is placed into the conveyor belt input box manually and is fired against the inner wall – which is clad with sturdy HARDOX plates – with an enormous striking force by the fastrotating impact tools of the Rotorshredder. The second module has four stations for manual sorting. It consists of the conveyor belts, a magnetic separator, and the storage containers for the sorted material. At the end of the sorting line, a magnetic separator removes the ferrous material.

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I nt e r n a ti o n al



Munich, April 11-17

bauma is a global driving force behind innovations, an engine for success and a marketplace. It is the only trade fair in the world that brings together the industry for construction machinery in its entire breadth and depth. This platform has the highest concentration of innovations making your visit an event to remember. This is where international key players meet. This is where significant new developments are introduced. This is where suppliers and solutions come perfectly together. The 31st Edition of the World’s Leading Trade Fair bauma will take place in Munich from April 11 to 17, 2016. Once again, the 2013 exhibition set several new records - confirming again its leading role as the largest trade fair in the world.


Milan, April 14

TMCM Milano - Conference and Exhibition on Maintenance solutions is an important event, now in its eleventh edition, which combines an exhibition with vocational training for professional qualification. MCM will be held in Milan in conjunction with SAVE Milano, mcT Alimentare, mcT Visione e Tracciabilità. MCM is considered a key event with a consolidated formula that promotes professional training, in addition to be the best place to meet for developing business ideas.


Cremona, April 20-22

BioEnergy Italy starts this year its sixth edition, and is now recognized worldwide as a reference point for the most important companies in the renewable energy industry. At the Fair to be held in Cremona - the center of the Po Valley and the best place for the production of energy from renewable sources - the major investors can be met: farms, food industries and territorial governments who strongly believe in this sector. One of the event’s strengths is the rich program of conferences, seminars and workshops, which, for the topics discussed, transversely involve all operators of the various supply chains of interest.


Ravenna, May 18-20

The spring season sees the return of the event on waste, water, energy and..., now in its ninth edition. There will be three days of meetings, training and information, investigation and understanding of new technologies and industrial processes, combining culture and solidarity and offering art and entertainment events. The event “Fare i conti con l’ambiente” [How to address the environment] confirms the presence of the fourth edition of the “Corso Residenziale di Alta Formazione sulla Bonifica dei siti contaminate” [Advanced Training Course on Remediation of contaminated sites], while, as a novelty of 2016, there will be another great educational opportunity, the “Scuola di Alta Formazione in Gestione dei Rifiuti” [School of Higher Education for waste management], which will develop according to a high level of research aiming at giving all participants a thorough preparation in waste management.


Bergamo, May 23-25

Following the huge success of its second edition in 2014, which registered the participation of more than 200 delegates from 40 different countries worldwide, SUM 2016 – 3rd Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy will be held in May 2016 in the suggestive former Monastery of Saint Augustine in Bergamo’s upper city. SUM 2016 will focus both on the concept of Urban Mining and on the need to look beyond separate collection and the current logic of consumers’ responsibility, resulting in an increased recovery of resources, their better quality, improved environmental protection, involvement of producers’ responsibility and lower costs for society.


Munich, May 30 - June 3

IFAT is the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, and is a place where visitors can find strategies and solutions for using resources in intelligent cycles in a manner that ensures their long-term preservation with a great deal of success. IFAT is becoming an increasingly popular platform for presentations and innovation. In particular, all international exhibitors can evaluate the ideal market environment offered by IFAT. Continuously rising numbers of visitors and increasing international interest underline the extraordinary importance of IFAT as the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management.


21-23 JUNE 2016




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