Issue 167 | 2022 The secret to a dynamic team How to get the best out of conflict First impressions Creating welcoming reception areas Digital shopfronts Making an online operation work Shopping more sustainably Think before you pick ONLINE Silky Otter founders Neil Lambert and Ahmed Almukhtar reinvent the cinematic experience Standing out from the crowd Creating a point of difference THE PICTURE BIG

WE ARE DEDICATED TO THE SAFETY OF YOUR STAFF, CONTRACTORS AND THE PUBLIC. Ask your builder if they are using Securescaffold – it will save you money. “ “ With more than 50 years’ experience in the construction sector we are well aware of the needs of the industry. This means we realise how important the safety of your best asset – your staff – is to you and your company’s future. So, as a national company servicing New Zealanders in the construction industry, we are committed to the safety of your staff. And when you deal with us you’re dealing with the owner, which means you receive a superior and speedy service – every time. Our extensive construction knowledge ensures we understand local compliance issues and we realise how critical your deadlines are and we guarantee to be on time – check out our Secureguarantee. • We guarantee to beat any written quote by 10% • We guarantee to return all quotes within 48 hours otherwise you will receive the first week rental FREE of charge! * Terms and conditions apply to the Secureguarantee By using Securescaffold you can rest assured that your objectives of safety, cost and meeting deadlines are of paramount importance. All our equipment is rigorously tested to the highest of Securescaffoldstandards.covers all NEW Worksafe working height requirements providing fall protection for builders, painters, home handyman and roofers on new and existing home constructions. Secureguarantee 0800 66 00 22 Head Office - 38 Lowe Street, Addington, Christchurch 8011 Christchurch Yard - 72 Shortland Street, Wainoni, Christchurch 8061

It’s been a big year! This time last year, we were experiencing a booming market the likes of which we had never seen with property values surging and buyers competing hard to secure that home or investment property. Fast-forward 12 months and things are quite different: a quieter market, definitely a buyer’s market with sales more subdued. But properties are still selling and with anyone who’s owned their property for more than a couple of years probably sitting on some good capital gains, even a downtick in property values won’t affect their plans too much. The good news is that we have seen a couple of changes in recent months which, together with less competition and cooler house prices, have helped first-home buyers enter the market again after being priced out of the runaway market that come before. Most notably, the CCCFA, which only came into effect on 1 December 2021, has been dialled back as of 7 July 2022. Though coming from the right place in terms of making sure people can service the debts they incur, it took things too far and was making it very difficult for buyers to obtain finance. The changes provide a bit more flexibility for lenders, which is helping first-home buyers get on the ladder.
Award-winning mortgage adviser and owner of Loan Market Paramount, Nathan Miglani, talks about recent changes in the Canterbury property market and what else is in store for 2022.

Image: Nathan Miglani and the Loan Market Paramount team are experienced, dedicated and passionate about 5-star customer service.

If you’re wondering about your next move, please call the Loan Market Paramount team on 0800 100 300 for free, independent and no-obligation advice.
There has also been a significant change to the First Home Grant scheme. The previous property price cap of $500,000 has been removed and it is now only an income cap which applies ($95,000 for an individual or $150,000 for a couple). The property price cap was not realistic for the purchase of a family home; its removal will allow more buyers to take advantage of this great scheme. We are already seeing the result of these changes, with first-home buyers now making up half the volume of transactions that are coming through our office. On the flip side, the investment market is quiet after a busy couple of years. There are still active buyers, but they are looking at new builds which are exempt from LVR restrictions.
Loan Market Paramount Canterbury’s award-winning local mortgage advisers Across North Canterbury, Christchurch and Selwyn ... we bring the banks to you! p. 0800 100 300

Riding Out the Market Changes
As for interest rates, my view is that they did go too high, too quickly, but they are settling, and many economists are now of the view that they will peak around November/December and will start to come down in the new financial year. Our advice is to fix lending for one year. Remember that the current interest rates are really a return to normal rates – they’re sitting about where we were in 2019 – so as long as the affordability is still there, they shouldn’t be standing in the way of making your next move.
Hiring -

78Destinations Sightseeing
44 Upgrading
4 |
40 Developments
77Events The
81 Collision
This issue kicks off looking at the big picture, so to speak, with our cover story revealing how Neil Lambert and Ahmed Almukhtar created Silky Otter cinemas and their plan to reinvent the cinematic experience. With inflationary pressure continuing to tighten the screws, we delve into operating effectively, with pieces on how to create a point of difference for your company, creating welcoming office fronts and getting the most out of your team.

This publication is printed on papers supplied by All wood originates from sustainably managed forests or waste sources. All mills utilise the Chain of Custody system to verify fibre source. The end product is recyclable. All mills are ISO 14001 certified.
Throughout the magazine, features provide insights into successful companies and organisations, and the people working in them, and as always, we thank all our columnists for their expertise, along with the views, opinions and predictions of all those who contributed.
There’s information about making online operations work, shopping more sustainably, plus using private profits for the benefit of all, as well as an initiative designed to help small kiwi companies thrive.

64 Why
This publication is provided on the basis that AMark Publishing NZ Ltd is not responsible for the results of any actions taken on the basis of information in these articles, nor for any error or omission from these articles and that the firm is not hereby engaged in rendering advice or services. AMark Publishing NZ Ltd expressly disclaim all and any liability and responsibility to any person in respect of anything and of the consequences of anything done, or omitted to be done, by any such a person in reliance, whether wholly or partially upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. Advertising feature articles are classified as advertising content and as such, information contained in them is subject to the Advertising Standards Authority Codes of Practice. Contents Copyright 2013 by AMark Publishing NZ Ltd. All rights reserved. No article or advertisement may be reproduced without written permission. - a portal to a different world security issues are closer to home than Kiwis realise Kaikoura unique and unforgettable destination designed to move Kaikoura forward South Canterbury water supplies in Selwyn forces driving Timaru’s economic future South Canterbury is a great place to do business an Antarctic research station in Timaru one-stop-shop for events adventures in Southland and Fiordland Bros Tyre Services repair specialists & Kime substance specialists Petrotec Services

Contact the sales team on (03) 961 5176 |
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Conditions of entry: One entry only per person and must be sent on the official entry form or as otherwise stated. Entry is free and open to all residents of New Zealand. All entrants must be over the age of 18, proof of identity and date of birth may be requested. Employees and their immediate families of Academy Group, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication are ineligible to enter. Winner(s) will be notified by email/phone. The judges’ decision is final, no correspondence will be entered into. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost or misdirected mail. Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash. Academy Group, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered (including but not limited to direct or consequential loss) or personal injury suffered or sustained, during the course of prize winning travel or in connection with any other prizes won. Academy Group, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication accept no responsibility for health, luggage, insurances, travel, personal expenses and transfers other than specified. Entries remain the property of Academy Group, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication and cannot be returned. Academy Group, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication reserves the right to photograph and publish winners. Entries may be used for further marketing purposes by Academy Group, the promoter and agencies associated with any promotion in this publication but are not made available to any third party.
KNOWLEDGE FOR GROWING BUSINESS SINCE 1985 FOR ALL ADVERTISING ENQUIRERS Contact the sales team on (03) 961 5083 | ISSN 0113-8340 (Print) | ISSN 2230-6331 (Online) MAGAZINES TODAY OVERVIEW Academy Group has grown to be one of New Zealand’s largest privately owned publishing houses, with carefully targeted publications offering in-depth analysis of current issues, exciting profiles, interesting people, and details of the latest projects and products making news. HEAD OFFICE AUCKLAND OFFICE 38 Lowe ChristchurchAddingtonStreet8011 Phone: (03) 961 5050 Email: Web: Gary Collins MANAGING DIRECTOR Kylie Palermo GENERAL MANAGER OF OPERATIONS Monice Kruger CHRISTCHURCH SALES MANAGER Jonathon Taylor EDITOR Jarred Shakespeare ART DIRECTOR PRINTER Level 6, 3-13 Shortland Street Auckland CBD Auckland 1010 YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR BUSINESS Editor Viewpoints Pages 6-7 6 Local elections matter The CECC’s initiatives to help everyone make well-informed decisions 6 Creating smarter cities The unbound potential of virtual models 6 Investing in your assets Retaining valuable employees in a competitive market 7 Work-life balance - what rubbish! A much better approach is achieving life balance 7 Changing with the times Adapt your business to survive and thrive 7 Events diary Find out what’s on near you Management Pages 10-23 10 Standing out from the crowd How to create a point of difference for your company 11 Supporting NZ’s small business network New platform aims to help small Kiwi businesses thrive 12 The big picture Silky Otter reinvents the cinematic experience 14 Kiwi companies to look out for Local businesses worth keeping an eye on - part II 18 How to get the best out of conflict The secret to a dynamic team 19 First impressions Creating welcoming reception areas 20 Operating offline Surviving without an online presence 21 Digital shopfronts Making an online operation work 22 Think before you pick How to shop more sustainably and ethically 23 Businesses giving back Using private profits for the benefit of all In Business Pages 24-92 The Environment 24 The plan to transform our recycling landscape 26Society Early learning centres face serious challenges Things to see 28 Underworld Adventures
32 A
48 The

Traditional vs modern and how to get what you want equestrian festival set for first southern adventure It’s show season across New Zealand Property & Construction 90 Paul Smith Earthmoving’s commitment to the southern market and identifying asbestos Stoke Homes’ mission to make dream houses a reality 28 32
72 Building
82 Hazardous
91 Understanding
86Agribusiness Renowned

“While we have had a difficult start, this wonderful building is an asset for Christchurch, which will provide opportunities for people to gather and exchange ideas, to come up with solutions that will better the world we live in, and all the while providing economic benefit for our city for at least the next 50 years.
Management | Local Moves
At the heart of Rain Bird’s passion for water conservation lies a commitment to the design and manufacture of high-quality products and The Intelligent Use of Water™ Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre put its best foot forward to thank all those invlolved with the centre for their support during the venue’s journey towards opening.

“We have started that journey now and as we ramp up to capacity, we will see the benefits come to fruition.”
Te Pae Christchurch opens in style blessing of kai, as well as performances of traditional Highlightingwaiata.thelocal talent on offer in Otautahi Christchurch, the evening’s entertainment featured a song written for Te Pae Christchurch by local musicians Dillastrate and a high energy dance performance organised by Epic Entertainment.
Te Pae Christchurch has the capacity to host up to 2,000 delegates and features a 1,400 seat auditorium, up to 2,800 square metres of exhibition space, and 24 meeting rooms. CT

The first dinner in the centre was a true taste of the Canterbury region with a menu featuring Akaroa Salmon, Pure South Silere lamb and a dessert designed to pay homage to the building’s facade and design inspiration –Canterbury’s braided rivers. While the theme of the evening centered around the landscapes that influenced the centre’s design, the evening also acknowledged the centre’s cultural narrative, with cultural elements including a karakia and
For more information on the Hydroflow range visit or scan the qr code. | 5
Rain Bird is the world’s largest manufacturer of irrigation technology, leading the industry with innovative systems designed to conserve water and maximize efficiency.

During his opening speech, general manager Ross Steele said it was an exciting time for Otautahi Christchurch and an exciting time for the team at Te Pae Christchurch.

The digital twin provides information on electricity consumption, building heating systems, renovations, and water, which city planners, in turn, analyse to determine the solar potential of buildings.
1. Supporting economic growth by enabling businesses to succeed, reducing red tape, and establishing initiatives to support challenges such as labour market constraints, tourism and ensuring our infrastructure is fit for purpose.
Our third initiative is on Tuesday, September 27 when we host a Christchurch Mayoral Candidate Forum with David Meates and Phil Mauger, moderated by well-known journalist and local Ryan Boswell. Seats are filling up fast and we encourage everyone to attend. Register via our website:
Partofthe CAN
Finally, flexibility is critical. The last few years have shown us that workplaces can successfully embrace flexibility.
• You MUST be oozing enthusiasm!
• Various remuneration packages available-made up of retainer plus commission, plus monthly bonuses, flexible hours and subsidised health insurance for you and your family.
Creating smarter cities
The tight labour market is yet another challenge which businesses must now navigate.
Rachael Creagh Associate at MDS Law

Frank Weiss

These virtual models of real-world assets – such as vehicles, airplanes, buildings, factories, cargo ships, wind turbines and electrical power plants – are revolutionising how assets are created, monitored and maintained.
For example, in the construction industry, digital twins span the entire lifecycle of a project. This includes creating efficiencies in the planning and building phase, as well as operation and improvement initiatives and eventually, decommissioning and disassembling an asset sustainably and cost-effectively.
Local elections matter
For instance, the NSW Spatial Digital Twin will deliver spatial data at quality and performance levels that are expected to generate significant savings right across government and industry. Disaster mitigation The regular exchange of data between digital and physical twins through their shared life cycles could potentially create a way for smart cities to learn from the insights generated by the digital twin ecosystem and evolve over time.
Various remuneration packages are available comprising of retainer plus commission and bonuses.
A new use we are starting to see for digital twins is in smart cities. Creating an ecosystem of digital twins can generate data driven insights that improve the operations of municipalities such as roads, public transit, buildings, streetlights, waste management, energy, and more.
Almost all of the candidates have responded with some very insightful answers, and we have also published this on our website for the public to access.
Leeann Watson Chief executive of the CECC
• Your work ethic and discipline is essential Honesty is a must - humour appreciated You will need a good understanding of business and be able to talk to everyone from trades people to CEOs
The ability for digital twins to provide location-based insights is key to building sustainable smart cities, as they help planners to develop policies specific to the natural environment of that particular land/area.
While all employers should be familiar with their obligations to ensure an inclusive and safe working environment, workplace culture is also critical to retaining employees.
2. Futureproofing our region and repositioning Christchurch as a city of the future, with a clear purpose and a clear vision of what we want to become.
For example, time off to attend a child’s sporting event, with time made up can go a long way towards building loyalty from Whenemployees.workingwith employees on these types of requests however, employers should not overlook their duty to provide rest and meal breaks pursuant to section 69ZD of the Employment Relations Act.
Without this, employees may feel like the only way to progress and gain more experience and skill is to find an alternative position, which may be far from the reality.
Employers should also now be familiar with Part 6AA of the Employment Relations Act 2000. This enables employees to request flexible working, which employers must then consider. However, flexibility can be more fluid than this.
It is now only a matter of weeks until we elect new representatives throughout the region to take charge of our local authorities. Multiple mayoral chains in the region are up for grabs, including here in Christchurch, the second largest city in New Zealand –and hundreds of positions will be filled on council tables and community boards. It is an opportunity for a big refresh.
We all interact with the infrastructure and services provided by local councils on a day-to-day basis – yet too few of us exercise our right to weigh in on the decision of who should serve in these roles.
The Chamber is undertaking three initiatives to help everyone in Christchurch, whether they’re involved in business or not, to make well-informed decisions at this local election. The first initiative, in collaboration with the business community, is the release of a document outlining business expectations for the incoming mayor and councillors here in Christchurch.
3. Supercharging the Christchurch City Council to deliver for both residents and businesses, in a manner which is efficient and transparent and results in strong economic growth and positive community outcomes.
Contact: Monice Kruger on: (03) 961 5083 or email | YOU SELL? YOU HUNT FOR PROSPECTS? SO WE NEED YOU,

Firstly, workplace culture, while difficult to get right, is key to retaining employees.
The digital twins market size is estimated to grow from US$5.1 billion from the year 2020 to US$35.5 billion by 2026, underlining the investment in the technology and the increasingly important role it’s playing in society.
It is therefore more important than ever before, if employers wish to retain employees, that they look at creative ways to do this with the four key strategies below.
None of it will be a surprise, but the document sets forth an outline of what we need to continue to do to ensure that our great city continues to be great, in addition to protecting and enhancing the city as we focus on the future.
• Experience preferred, but not necessary as initial and on-going training and support provided
The annual employment review may be too little too late to identify any issues or set goals. A regular chat over coffee will provide valuable insight into how an employee is feeling. It also serves a dual purpose of making an employee feel valued.
6 | | Viewpoints
Secondly, employers should meet regularly with employees to see how they are.
Thirdly, placing emphasis and focus on career development will help both the employer and employee to recognise potential for Thisgrowth.could be as simple as working through some on-thejob training; allocating a senior member of staff as a mentor; designing a career progression plan or engaging in some outside professional coaching.
This would enable the city as a whole to anticipate and respond to events like pandemics, blizzards, or even just mundane traffic jams much more quickly and efficiently.
Employers should spend some time and effort in creating a workplace culture which is not only inclusive, but also celebrates diversity.
The last term of local government was dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and now, as restrictions are eased and the borders reopen, the focus must shift to address not only the current challenges and requirements, but also take the opportunity to reposition our great city for the future. Our expectations cover three areas:
Key to that is a workplace culture which encourages good interpersonal relationships. Those in leadership positions should also have the necessary skills to motivate and inspire employees, and should have training to build on those skills.
Retaining valuable employees in a competitive market

Improving energy efficiency
Senior director of Global Product Management, Oracle Construction and Engineering /construction-engineering/
Businesses who have successfully weathered the pandemic would be remiss in thinking the worst is behind them.
When all these facets of a city are connected to a digital twin in the cloud, they become much easier to monitor for performance and potential failures. Here are three applications and benefits of deploying digital twins in smart cities. Reduce planning costs For city planners and managers, using digital twins could pay huge dividends. You may be asking yourself where those savings are coming from, and the answers are plentiful.
1. Be informed - research your industry for trends and shifts. Use real data to validate how big the market is - what’s working? Who are the key competitors, and are they doing a good job? Look at this from several perspectives.
The world’s top six ranked teams will be invited to compete at Christchurch Arena, including the New Zealand FAST5 Ferns, Australia, England, Jamaica, South Africa and Uganda.
For more information check:
Call 0800 FATWEB, or email to |

Look at your business model and how you might best operate, exploring ways to improve your business. This may change how you operate and entail tapping into new markets, and being more competitive, all leading to a stronger and more profitable business.

As Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution states, “Organisms equipped with characteristics best suited to their environment are most likely to survive”. This also applies to businesses.
Aotearoa New Zealand SDG Summit Webinar Series

Canterbury Home Show
A Canterbury social highlight featuring high-class racing, fashion, food and entertainment across three magnificent days as the region celebrates all that is great about spring in Christchurch. Enjoy the New Zealand Cup Meeting at Riccarton Park Racecourse with excitement, glamour and outstanding racing each day.
3. Be agile and think long term. Work to create the ideal business model, and the best products and services. Test and monitor your ideas, and make small shifts - these are easier to adjust or back out of.
Today, business owners must embrace change in order to survive and thrive. If you’re a business owner, you need to look for ways to innovate and stay relevant. from $997+GST
You’ll find all the latest products, services and trends in renovations, building, furnishing, home improvements and outdoor living all under one roof. This is the perfect place to go if you’re looking to compare products, be inspired, get new ideas, or speak to experts for the right advice on your next project. And it’s free entry!
5th - 6th of November FAST5 Netball World Series is returning to Otautahi, Christchurch and will host the fast-paced tournament in 2022.
With rapidly changing technology, global suply constraints, and shifts in how we live and interact, the world is changing fast. Traditional businesses are having trouble keeping up with the pace.
Friday, 14th of October - Sunday, 16th of October
FAST5 Netball world series
For more information and to buy tickets, go to: Riccarton Park - New Zealand Cup Week 5th, 9th and 12th of November
New Zealand Agricultural Show 2022 Wednesday to Friday, 9th-11th of November
Adapt your business to survive and thrive
Ensure your business has an adaptive strategy and a culture that can survive today’s challenges, and prepare you for tomorrow. Any initiatives should minimise the loss of staff, skills and fixed capital, as these are often hard to re-appoint or rebuild.

I’m no mathematics genius, but last time I checked, work was a subset of living in so far that you need to be alive to work. With that in mind I believe it’s better named as Life Balance.
The reality is you’re either committed or you are not. There is do and there is do not. No such thing as “try”. Community and Humanity is a source of consternation for many, but we eventually get there.
Favourites remain “reuse, reduce, recycle”, “sustainability” and so forth. Now we see some goals occupying more than one quadrant and that is a good thing. Reality is that people spend longer planning a holiday to the Gold Coast than they do planning for their business and even less on planning for themselves.
book a FREE consultation
Richard O'Brien Manager of nzbizbuysell

We hear it all the time - “I need to work on my work-life balance”. It’s a croc and those who say and think it are giving far too much attention and energy to one half of that equation.
Every business development project I undertake begins with setting in place the owner’s vision and plan. Not the business plan - that comes next.
Martz Witty Witz Endz Limited
Tuesday, 27th of October
Work-life balance? What rubbish!
For more information and to get tickets, go to:
Events diary
The four quadrants when in balance and harmony provide a forum for “core wellbeing”. When people attend a half day workshop to complete their life map (as I prefer to call it) there’s a certain “sheepish” feel; it’s not something that comes as natural to many, but at the conclusion people are usually fizzing with having their future planned and mapped out. Special fun happens if we get domestic couples along. Often the goals and aspirations are wildly different.
2. Innovate - look for the opportunities. There may be a need to redesign the business model, or is a market or service/product innovation needed? Look at approaching the issues in different ways to gain greater clarity and insights.
It’s all out of kilter. Luckily, it’s an easy fix. “One day” or “Day one”. You choose.
Evolve or dissolve; businesses must adapt to survive, grow and one day be sold.
Your customers want to do business with you if it’s easy... Is your website a help or a hinderance?
Embrace the change and adapt your business model so you have a business fit for tomorrow, and one that will sell when the time is right.
The theme is Maori, Indigenous, and flax root community views. The webinar will encourage presenters and participants to reflect and present their thoughts on contributing to an indigenous understanding and application of sustainable development in Aotearoa in 2022 and the future.
A great show for agriculture and farm animal lovers back after a two-year absence. Tickets include entrance to the show, a free bus ride, and the first 50,000 people who arrive will receive a free branded reusable cup and plate.
For more information head to:
| 7 Management | Viewpoints
Simply email your domain / website address, and we’ll send you a comprehensive audit of your current website. And if you’d like to chew the fat after, we’re here to help.
There are many ways of breaking up a personal vision plan. Some break it into small parcels such as spirituality, family, home, self, humanity, planet and so forth. I use a simpler method with just four quadrants. I think it’s easier to walk before you run.
The four quadrants I like to use are: Self and Health. Business and Career. Home and Family. Community and Humanity. They are fairly self-explanatory. Next you need to list at least six goals or outcomes per quadrant. Some are simple, such as self and health. The usual issues as to exercise, weight, time for self, cholesterol and the likes all pour out. And that’s great so long as there’s a system in behind to actually do it rather than just talk about it. When plans emerge the usual raft of excuses start: too busy, not enough time, work comes first, I’ll start that tomorrow.
If you want to have a highly successful business, you must adapt, stay committed and retain a strong focus with your hand firmly on the helm.
For more information and to buy tickets, go to:
A resilient organisation is one that can effectively innovate and perform, not only in the good times, but also in the face of adversity. Rather than being flattened by an inability to change, resilient organisations often bounce back even stronger after having been stressed.
Have a clear focus around purpose and goals, with flexibility and openness to new approaches, and to new roles and ways of getting work done.
Management | Travel Start somewhere easy Travelling is incredibly exciting. If you’re travelling for the first time in a while (especially post-Covid), consider all aspects of your new location such as safety, language, the tourism scene and decide if you’re going solo or with friends on your adventure. Get your phone sorted Apps are the best way to be connected with your friends and family back home. Keep them updated on your travel adventures by purchasing an inexpensive local SIM card. By Michaela Pointon
Travel tips Alternatively, there are many free options available (some require internet connection), like Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger.
Take the right kind of luggage You’ll most-likely be walking for miles when travelling. Having a good pair of comfortable shoes means you’ll be able to enjoy the journey. Items such as travel adapters, a quick-dry towel and a drink bottle with a built-in filter can make travelling easier.


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Do your research - use online reviews to your advantage
Digital storage systems such as iCloud or Google Photos are the perfect modern day photo album that ensure if you lose your phone, you won’t lose all your precious memories created.

A handy combination padlock is helpful. Avoid the ones with keys, as these can easily be replicated or picked, or you may lose the key.
We live in a world where everyone is reviewing and giving their opinion for free.

Pack light Travelling light will change how you travel. You can do laundry everywhere, plus, minimalism and repeating outfits is part of being a traveller! You might want to consider purchasing packing cubes to stay organised in your bigger bag. These can be helpful to keep your messy shoes separate from your clothes. Find them here:
Do a little research and make sure the places you stay, as well as any tourist destinations are reviewed positively online. A quick google could save you money as other travellers give their recommendations or advice. Make extra copies of your passport and important documents Don’t forget to email yourself a copy of your passport and important documentation; even if nothing happens on your adventure while you’re travelling, you’ll be pleased to have a copy if something does. This will make situations like police reports easier when you have proof of identity, especially if you lose your passport. Eat street food It may seem nerve wracking to try new food, particularly traditional street food. However, if you don’t get involved, you’ll miss out on the full experience of the culture. Cuisine is one of the easiest ways to be immersed and have an experience in the place you’re travelling. Look out for places the kids are eating if you are concerned, usually if it is safe for them, it will be safe for you. CT
HYGAIN ® SHOWTORQUE ® is a low dose, high fat, cereal grain free feed promoting lean muscle mass development, enhancing hoof growth and coat shine for optimum performance and appearance. A no fizz formula that provides sensible energy through slow release, suitable for all levels of training and competition.

1. Flatter Me Card Game

This women’s blazer is sleek and sophisticated, which can be dressed up or down, a perfect Spring essential and will stay in your wardrobe for seasons to come.

By Michaela Pointon 2.

A compliment battle card game played like the ‘game of war’, is perfect for friends and family or a gorgeous gift to RRP:give.$32 NZD
This mens suit is a sharp take on contemporary suiting, subtly coloured to flawlessly compliment and give you confidence at any event.
AMark Publishing NZ Ltd assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.
5. The Iconic Politix Llyod Suit - Fawn | 9 Management | Life & Style
These glamorous transparent wine glasses are the ideal combination of high-class beauty when it comes to homeware to elevate your dinner parties.
3. Baina Roman Pool Towel - Cedar + Sand
4. Apple Watch - Gold Stainless Steel Case with Milanese Loop Perfect for anyone with style, this classy watch is timeless yet modern, plus has all the benefits of new technology to pair with your iPhone.

RRP:$399 3. 5. 4. 6.
6. Country Road Longline Slim Blazer - Ice Grey

This trendy Baina towel is a must-have. Complete with the infamous checkerboard print it is exclusive yet fashionable to complete your bathroom. RRP: $110

DISCLAIMER: Please note prices listed here are recommended retail pricing. Prices are subject to change at the discretion of the seller. The information on this page is for information purposes only.
2. Fazeek Wave Wine Glasses - Pink

“This results in consumers staying engaged and your marketing spend is optimised.”
Co-founder of Scapegrace Distillery, Daniel Mclaughlin, says “Being creative online either socially or within your digital ecosystem is essential to ensure consumers can emotionally connct with your brand”.
Standing out from the crowd reaches beyond your product. It’s about leaning into current consumer expectations, such as environmental consciousness and inclusion of everyone.
Attracting attention in a competitive market, alongside upholding reputation, reliability and uniqueness is tough, yet all part of the game.
Daniel adds, “We always ensure there is depth, authenticity and storytelling to our products. “You need to give consumers a reason to pick your product at first glance.” Environmental consciousness is a hot topic at the moment. Currently, there is demand for brands to be environmentally aware and take our planet into consideration. Standing out from the crowd as a business means being present and educated about timely issues, and ultimately doing your individual Fivetoninepart.stood out online for their environmental consciousness as a brand.
10 | | Tactics In a world with endless choices for consumers, how does a business stand out from the crowd?
Having a business in the modern day means creating content for online platforms that best represents and also advertises your business.
If you take a look online, there is noticeable interest from customers to feel included by brands' creative processes.
“With TikTok in particular, I realised early on it was a crucial platform for Fivetonine.
Standing out from the crowd How to create a point of difference for your company
Shivana landed the idea of the ‘Perfectly Imperfect Pouches’. These accessories are made from a mix of fabric offcuts. “Every customer gets a complimentary pouch with their order. I personally find them very handy for storing things.” Scapegrace Distillery has created the world’s first naturally black gin as their way of intertwining creativity and sustainability. They are also currently in the process of building Aotearoa’s largest distillery with a “huge focus on sustainability,” Daniel says. Creating ‘outside of the box’ or alternative ways to make your business stand out from the crowd is all part of the process of running a modern-day business. Standing out from the crowd in a world of choice takes creativity and understanding consumer expectations. Ultimately, discovering your uniqueness and remaining authentic will drive customers to continue to return to your product. CT Founder of Fivetonine Collective, Shivana Pemberton and her TikTok Model. Photo supplied by Fivetonine.
Shivana says being on social media is basically ‘table stakes’ for a new fashion brand.
Creating an online presence that stands out the crowd through storytelling and creativity, is one way to make ordinary products extraordinary.
Shivana says a key area she tackled is waste. “One thing I learned from my mum who grew up in Fiji, making clothes for her family, is to never waste fabric.” She mentions how offcuts are inevitable in production. “I thought to myself, how can I upcycle these offcuts?”
By Michaela Pointon
Having a story is important to stand out from the crowd too. Customers want to understand your ‘why’ behind your brand.
Social media platforms, TikTok and Instagram, have meant New Zealand owned clothing brand, Fivetonine, have built a fond community of customers.

Scapegrace Distillery is another New Zealand company who stands out from the crowd. They are currently the largest independent alcohol spirits company in New Zealand. Scapegrace Distillery’s website is a mustvisit. It is creatively engaging, interactive and instantly captivates a customers’ attention.
Founder of Fivetonine Collective, Shivana Pemberton, says “I use these platforms to ask my audience directly for their opinions on colours, design details and price points.
“To stand-out, I’ve really tried to share the ‘who’ behind my brand.” Pemberton says, “It’s not some faceless company ‘slapping’ a logo on a pre-made hoodie.”
Founders of Scapegrace Distillery, Daniel Mclaughlin and Mark Neal. Photo supplied by Scapegrace Distillery.
“I even found my models for the most recent photoshoot by asking my TikTok community who wanted to be involved.”
Fivetonine is a New Zealand owned and operated loungewear brand focusing on creating ‘cool’ and cosy fits, using only quality fabric and clean finishings.

Whether this is taking your audience ‘behind the scenes’ via video to show the manufacturing process, packing orders, or simply collecting opinions from social media polls, there are endless opportunities to engage with your customers online.
Both Scapegrace Distillery and Fivetonine have an online presence which instantly make customers intrigued. This is a necessity in a world where shopping options are endless. Daniel says he has seen the results for having a strong online website.
“We want to help small business owners achieve greater work-life balance and business success, equalling a lot less stress.
“SBNZ aims to save Kiwi business owners time, no more searching on Google, by providing one central hub full of quality resources, articles, and templates suitable for running a business in New Zealand.

RichardsonElla Licensee Salesperson Selling or purchasing
“We want to help small business owners learn which hats they should wear and consider which roles they could possibly outsource at minimal cost.” a an can be daunting. professionalism, dedication, and strong work ethic she will be
A new support service is here to help Kiwi business owners get the tools and support they need to thrive.
“There are so many hats that a small business owner wears: marketing, accounting, operations, strategy, customer service, human resources, to name a few.
sure to make the whole process, from start to finish, stress-free. 022 089 4916 Ray White Metro PO Box 03ChristchurchSockburn600184433430219 Metro Team Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) The only cafe, bar and restaurant in Christchurch that’s on the pier. Pier Terminus 195-213 Marine Parade, New Brighton, Christchurch 8061 022 037 2267 � CONTACT BROOK SKATES 027 279 BROOK@TSROOFING.NZ4799 All members who join SBNZ before the 1st of October will be eligible to receive a complimentary 60 Point Business Diagnostic and report (valued at $1200), courtesy of sponsors BSP Advisory Group. In addition, 10 percent of annual membership fees go towards funding advisory and support assistance for small businesses. Small Business NZ is founded by business coach Philip Wicks, with sponsorship support from Adeption; Accountants & Tax Agents Institute of NZ (ATAINZ); BSP Advisory Group; Cultivating Leadership, and MAUS Business Systems. To find out more, visit: CT Supporting NZ’s small business network

With Ella’s | 11 Management | Small Business

This means small businesses make up 97 percent of all companies in New Zealand, contributing to over a quarter of New Zealand’s GDP and accounting for 28 percent of nationwide employment.

home or
Small Business NZ (SBNZ) is an online platform launched this August that aims to provide community, connection and resources for small and micro-businesses across the country. Because, let’s face it, running a business is hard. Often small business owners feel isolated, left trying to figure it all out alone. Despite the difficulties, New Zealand is a proud nation of small and micro business owners. Defined as a business with fewer than 20 employees, there are approximately 530,000 small businesses in Aotearoa, according to Statistics New Zealand and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
“The other idea behind founding this platform is there will be a nationwide network where business owners can ask questions, receive quality support and advice, and ultimately help them feel supported in the hard work of running a small business.”
SBNZ founder and spokesperson, Philip Wicks, says in his work as a business success coach, he encounters common problems – feelings of overwhelm and isolation, as well as not knowing where to look for quality assistance. He hopes the platform will help hard-working Kiwis across the country by providing access to quality resources and a support network.
Philip says the platform will also provide members with access to a nationwide network of fellow small businesses, as well as expert providers who have been thoroughly vetted.

New platform aims to help small Kiwi businesses thrive
Small business owners that sign up as SBNZ members by paying a small annual subscription will receive access to discounted services by expert providers in various fields, accounting, business coaching, etc. The site will continually feature more features and resources as it grows.
12 | | Silky Otter Silky Otter founders Neil Lambert and Ahmed Almukhtar reinvent the cinematic experience

By Timmi Aplin-Barrett
“It was always in Neil’s mind, years before that,” says Ahmed. “But 2017 was the year we actually started to put it down on paper and figure out how we were going to roll this thing out.” Neil says this was the time when they really focused on what their future of cinema would look like. “Was it going to look like these big giant boxes that have 250 people in them, or was it a hospitality experience that is a night out with food and nice wine and tap beer?” Neil and Ahmed toured the country to scout out locations for their cinema plans. They found some amazing places; Wigram in Christchurch being the first one they fell in love with.
“We worked with great people and did some amazing things, but we always wanted to get back into the front of the business and create this concept of what we felt like what cinemas needed to be,” says Ahmed.

It’s not just about the customers though. Neil says they’re the last bastions of the dedication and passion created by filmmakers.
Neil and Ahmed drove out to Wigram to take a look at the potential site and it reminded them of the cinema they worked at, all those years ago, in Botany Downs. “That was the first Silky Otter cinema we made a commitment to,” says Ahmed. It wasn’t the first to open however; they opened a pilot cinema in Orakei, Auckland. “Instead of building eight screens and we think we know what we’ve got, we should probably go and test it,” says Neil. They found a site in Orakei which was an old warehouse facility with space to build two screens in 2019. “We barely got ourselves open in October, traded a little bit in Christmas and then ran into 2020,” Neil says. By then, they’d already started conversations in other regions, such as Richmond, Nelson and Queenstown, to expand.
As time progressed, Ahmed and Neil brought their companies together. They did this for a few years and loved it.
Meanwhile, Ahmed, fresh out of university with a degree in computer science he didn’t know what to do with, set up a marketing agency for film studios. “I never had a plan to start a cinema chain and do this,” says Ahmed. “But I had a passion and a will and a want to do something.” He also spent a lot of time travelling around, making experiences and learning about the film industry. Like Neil, he found it enjoyable but knew he wanted to do something a bit different.
Silky Otter is the culmination of a lifetime of passion, years of hard work and a vision – to create the ultimate cinematic experience.
It was a brutal, two-hour interview, but Neil must have done something right because they gave him the job. “I remember going into my first day and having a tear in my eye and thinking, oh my god, I’ve come home. Up until that point, I felt like a square peg in a round hole. Suddenly, I became the round peg in the round hole. From there, I didn’t look back,” Neil says. Ahmed started small in that cinema. “I was making popcorn, cleaning cinemas and getting to interact with customers and that’s where it all started,” he says.
“We wanted to create a brand of cinemas that people know,” Neil says. “So, people immediately know the quality of what they’re going to get when a new one open.

Neil says they really focused on regions and communities when thinking about where to open up shop. “A lot of regions had old, dilapidated cinemas with the old flip down seats and green carpets,” Neil says.
“All the seats and boxes are the exact same so you know it’s the same experience each time.”
“All of that hard work goes out the door,” says Neil. “We have a duty to the director to present the film in the best possible way for you to enjoy Ahmedit.”says they’re working on lots of new projects. They’re currently building a new location in Ponsonby, Auckland which is set to open at the end of this year.
In 2017, they began to create the concept of Silky Otter cinemas.
Queenstown is getting a Silky Otter by next year, while Takanini, Auckland is set to open one at the same time.
“Our eyes and ears are peeled,” Ahmed says. “We’re working on a couple of locations in Christchurch which are getting closer and “So,closer.expect an announcement soon! We just want to keep bringing Silky Otters to New Zealand. We’re always looking for regions that need some good entertainment.” CT
“I get a kick from being in a full auditorium of people and watching them experience films like Top Gun for the first time,” Neil explains.
When people visited their cinema, Neil and Ahmed didn’t want people to just say they went to a local cinema, they wanted people to say they went to Silky Otter. They didn’t want the name to mean anything in particular – rather, they wanted people to step into the cinema and attach meaning to the name themselves. They wanted people to sit down in their seats and go, “Oh, this is a Silky Otter.”
That collective mindset has always been incredibly special to Neil. He remembers being in a massive auditorium and watching movies like Transformers and Star Wars for the first time. But Neil wasn’t watching the movies. “I used to just turn around and watch the audience and you see the kids’ eyes widen and it’s just fantastic,” he explains.
“I wrote this cover letter about how I wanted to bring people back to the cinemas from watching DVDs at home. It caught their attention and they brought me in for what was the toughest interview of my life,” Neil says.
“It takes thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours and so much effort to make a film and we can totally screw that up by having a cold cinema or seats that don’t work.
“We already had a bit of a roadmap of what we wanted to do,” Neil explains. “We just wanted to bring that quality cinema experience back to the “Peopleregions.”want to have something like this on their backdoor,” Ahmed says. “You know, people don’t want to have to travel too far these days. It’s about finding these little pockets of community that we can engage with and provide this offering too and the support ends up being unparalleled.”
Silky Otter founders, Neil Lambert and Ahmed Almukhtar, first met around 16 years ago in a cinema where they worked together. Neil was the manager of a cinema and Ahmed started out as the duty manager. Before that job, Neil had never run a cinema before but decided to give it a crack.
“If we don’t get kids going to the movies and enjoying themselves, it’s never going to happen. I’m going to lose what I love,” Neil says. | 13 Cover Story | Silky Otter
“You know, as he slams it into overdrive and kicks it up the side of a mountain and you can hear an audible gasp in the room, there’s this energy that happens when you get people together. It’s a collective mindset that’s travelling with the film,” Neil says.
Neil says this passion is all about their love for movies. “I want to keep going to the movies. I want to keep taking my kids and, one day, my grandkids to the movies.
“Neil always talked about the future of cinema. He always said the future of cinema is something unique and something we have to do and that we should do it one day,” Ahmed says. Neil noticed that he and Ahmed had a good working relationship and saw the potential in him. “He was finishing up with university and stuff at the time and I moved onto becoming the sales and marketing manager of 20th Century Fox in New Zealand,” says Neil. Through working as the sales and marketing manager, Neil gained the license to be able to release films in New Zealand and did that for about five years. Not long after, Neil set up his own company releasing films. Although he loved working on that side of the film industry, his passion was always movies and the cinematic experience. “I got to travel to sets and travel the world, but you almost get your movies ruined for you. Like, you end up watching Jurassic World but you see dinosaur’s half sketched and stuff like that,” he says. “What I get the most enjoyment out of cinema is the people,” Neil says.
For Neil and Ahmed, it’s all about creating a cinema experience that is making sure that people are enjoying themselves.
In 2020 she extended by opening Frances Nation Grocer, which showcases some of her favourite food producers in New Zealand and also acts as a coffee and lunch spot.

The co-founders started working with Aotearoa’s leading beauty chemist and manufacturer in 2019. They had to find new and innovative natural replacements for synthetic chemicals in mainstream hair and body care brands.
The ladies say they’ve worked extremely hard and feel humbled by the experience. They started/launched their business during Covid in June 2021, which was challenging but was worth it because they received a
say, “it’s a cool pet shop” and take photos of it. He has recently started to supply pet shops in other cities and is testing the Chinese and Australian markets.
“I’m excited to be part of this beautiful developing city. My business is unique to Christchurch and I’ve felt extremely supported by Cantabrians.”
Paw’s Club Paw’s Club owner Bruce Wang says the company’s vision is to bring well-designed, quality pet products to Aotearoa’s pets and pet owners. He wanted to start his own business and started the brand in 2020. He loves pets and noticed many pet shops he visited had poor quality, plain-looking, expensive products.

Everblue founders Jade Hart (left) and Renee Lee (right).
14 | | Local Entrepreneurs
Additionally, everblue was named top hair care for 2022 by Verve magazine. They say it’s been an amazing achievement and are proud of the team.
After two weeks of operation, he designed the online shop. The online shop helped him market the products to Aotearoa instead of being limited to one city. Luckily, a few months later, he opened a physical shop and designed the shop himself.
Now they’re focused on launching into new markets and retail channels, just launched at The Warehouse New Zealand nationwide, and have some more exciting launches coming up.
Tessa’s relationship with The Arts Centre goes way back. She grew up attending films and theatre and art classes in the centre and also helped at her father’s market stall as a teenager. She studied spatial design in Wellington and worked abroad before returning and setting up shop. She says everyone in Canterbury will have some connection to The Arts Centre and appreciate its place as a historic arts district of Christchurch city.
Everblue founders Renee Lee and Jade Hart started a homegrown, locally made, and affordable hair and body care that’s naturally derived, cruelty-free, vegan, paraben-free, silicone-free, SLS and SLES free, and climate positive approved by Ekos.

He aims to provide customers with New Zealand-made products and the food brands are mostly Aotearoa brands, although some products are shipped globally to meet the different choices of their customers.
Initially, Bruce started a WeChat group as it was a more direct way of promoting his business. He would sell directly to customers and get first-hand advice.
By Natasha Parrant Frances Nation Home Frances Nation Home founder Tessa Peach feels super proud of what she’s built at The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora in central Christchurch.
Kiwi companies to look out for
“Our customers can know when they buy our product, they are putting back more resources than taking. “This supports our ever-evolving sustainability journey and we hope to inspire other Aotearoa and international brands to do the same,” Renee says.
Recently, the team went sustainable as they offset 120 percent of their emissions, which the pair say was a great achievement, especially being the first hair/body care bottle at the supermarkets to do so.
The shop also includes pet supplements and smart devices such as smart pet water dispensers, feeders, and litter boxes, which are important to have when owners are away at work or travel.
In 2017 she set up Frances Nation Home, named after her grandmother, the store focuses entirely on New Zealand-made useful goods from toolboxes, to candles to skincare, with an emphasis on well-crafted, hard-to-find pieces.
“Unlike other pet shops, I wanted my pet shop to be a new experience for both humans and Customerspets.”
CT Frances Nation Home founder Tessa Peach sitting at her shop’s entrance. Paw’s Club founder Bruce Wang’s store.
“Making more and more people aware of ‘Made in New Zealand’ is my small contribution to the country as an immigrant.”
lot of positive feedback, as everblue creates results consumers could never have imagined possible from a natural brand.
“No fancy decoration and unlike traditional pet shops full of shelves, it’s not perfect but enough to differentiate it from other pet spots.” He wanted to make it unique.
“I’ve noticed an increase in people choosing to live centrally as they enjoy the pedestrian and cycle friendly nature of the area and it’s proximately to so many nice activities.
“If you look back at the brand from where we started you probably wouldn’t recognize it - it was actually called something completely different and looked very different too - but that’s the beauty of product design, feedback, and refinement,” Renee says.
Next it’s time for some culture: set off on an adventure into the past with the wonders and delights of the MTG with its changing exhibitions of art, culture and social history. Up the road is the Faraday Museum of Technology. Here it’s hands-on fun for the whole family with up-close experiences with technology, science, gadgets, machines, vehicles and toys from the past. Once you’ve got the lay of the land, head off for a ramble through Napier itself, a bustling, vibrant city centre with excellent shopping and dining opportunities. The city itself is a pleasant and ‘stroll-able’ minimetropolis with cute boutique offerings. There’s classic menswear, posh frock shops, quirky bookshops (second-hand and new), craft co-ops, dealer galleries, antiques and collectibles, gifts and trinkets, vintage stores…and more cafes, restaurants and bars than you could squeeze into one weekend away. Napier is the perfect destination for a long weekend, a midweek getaway or a week long mini-break. You can spend a whole day just exploring Napier’s seaside village Ahuriri. Pootle around this cute port town, pop in to the antique and curios stores, lunch at Milk and Honey, stock up on supplies at European food emporium Vetro, enjoy a cool beverage at the Urban Winery before seeing a film at the Globe Theatrette. There’s a range of bars peppered along the dock where the fishing boats pull up, and you can often see the large ocean-going waka (canoe) moored here between journeys across the Pacific. Napier is also the heart of Art Deco in New Zealand. Most of the buildings in the central city are of this era having been built directly after the 1931 earthquake and in the style of the time. You’ll see prime examples of art deco architecture and facades as well as stripped classical, Spanish Mission and art nouveau. A walk around the city, your eyes fixed on the decoration and detailing of this iconic time, will give you a glimpse into the past. You’ll often see art deco fans dressed to the nines in cloches and boaters, pinstripes and braces, their vintage cars polished and shiny. There’s plenty of people watching on offer, especially during the annual Art Deco Festival each February. Set your sites on Napier next time you leave home for a break away. It’s got something for everyone, days of adventuring, quiet corners to put your feet up and enjoy the views, plenty of delicious wine and dine offerings, opportunities to shop ‘til you drop, and lots of places to just sit and chat. Head our way and remember to check in with the i-Site team when you arrive: we’re ready to welcome you and show off everything Napier has to offer. | 15 Napier City Council
When you first get in to any city it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. What’s on? Where to stay? How to best spend the time you have and come away with quality memories? Where to get a decent coffee or even better an espresso martini!? Arrive into Napier and you land on the coast while in the heart of the cosmopolitan centre. It’s a great little city to explore and to make your ‘home base’ as you explore Hawke’s Bay. Wherever you’re heading and whatever you’re into a great place to start is the Napier i-Site. It’s full of friendly and knowledgeable Napier champions. Not only do they know their stuff, they also love Napier! They are ‘in the know’ about ‘where to go’. They will load you up with ideas and inspiration. They can book tours, tickets and accommodation. They live and breathe visitor experiences. They’ll be able to guide you to the best attractions and put together an itinerary bespoke to you, so set aside some time to have a chat and nut out your perfect schedule, all with no booking fee. Right next door is mini-putt at Par 2 MiniGolf. What a great way to have some fun and indulge your competitive streak! It’s slap-bang in the middle of town with ‘big sky’ views of the sea. A hearty walk along Marine Parade will take you to the National Aquarium of New Zealand stretched out like a huge stingray. It's home to a wide range of saltwater, freshwater and land animal exhibits from New Zealand and around the world. Explore the tranquillity of beingunder the sea. Watch as majestic ocean creatures swim above and around you in the Oceanarium.
Iconic view down Marine Parade with the Napier Soundshell and Dome. Step into the penguin habitat at National Aquarium of New Zealand for a Little Penguin Close Encounter. Stop for refreshments at Urban Winery in Ahuriri while enjoying scenic cycle trails around Napier.

Napier i-Site: First stop when you get into town

100 Marine Parade 0800 84 74 88 FARADAY MUSEUM OF TECHNOLOGY Fuel your imagination as you explore this interactive hands on museum. It’s a fascinating place packed to the rafters with gizmos and gadgets for the whole family to discover! Par2 is fun for everyone! Choose from two 18-hole courses with unique features or enjoy a round on Openboth. daily with extended summer hours!’S BAY Visit our free award-winning museum. Explore artefacts in the Taonga Māori DiscoverGallery. the story of the region’s recovery following the 1931 earthquake. vroom!Vroom

NATIONAL AQUARIUM OF NEW ZEALAND Discover an exciting world above and below the water! Visit Penguin Cove, see sharks and stingrays swim over you in the oceanarium and spot kiwi and tuatara. With a range of accommodation options, there’s fun right on your doorstep including a fantastic playground complete with jumping pillow. Enjoy the heated pool that’ll keep the kids entertained for hours! Let the good times roll at Bay Skate, Napier’s world class skate park. Bring your own wheels or hire from the huge range of roller sport equipment for a ride in the park or a leisurely roll along Marine Parade. Scan this QR code to book your Napier escape now! Watch us eatlunch!our

Conflict as an accelerator of innovation
Constructive conflict can accelerate innovation.
It naturally creates opportunities for a team or group to come up with new ideas; for example, how to approach customers differently, suggestions for a new service, product or improvements to a business process.
Ideas and strategies for using conflict to improve results
Overall, when conflict arises in your team, don’t panic! Instead find ways to explore what’s behind it and then build on ideas. Remember, constructive conflict has two main Firstly,features.itisfocussed on generating better outcomes for your business, and secondly, it improves relationships.
So the next time you or your team has conflict, ask which end of the continuum they are at, and help them work towards the middle. It will make your team culture more dynamic and effective. CT
Constructive conflict can accelerate innovation. Drilling into the pros and cons of an idea or decision ensures that more perspectives and possibilities are explored. “ ”
Bernie Mayer, Ph.D., of Queen’s University in Canada, healthy conflict is necessary.
18 | | Operations
conflict is where people in teams are harsh, mean-spirited and sometimes nasty toward one another. It is essentially destructive and obviously not a good place to be! Useful conflict sits somewhere in the middle. It generates healthy interactions where your team can use conflict to self-improve. This is ‘constructive conflict’.
In some ways, it’s a false economy, because the impression that everything is ‘good’ is a dangerous thing; it can lead to teams settling for mediocre results, and can lead to resentment and unaddressed tension between team Conversely,members.unhealthy
Rob Clarke CEO Learningof Architects

Constructive conflict is essential to a team’s long-term success. The resulting creativity and greater innovation helps businesses gain a competitive edge and surely everyone wants that.
So how can you develop and harness your team’s ability to function productively in the midst of conflict? Trust determines outcome Trust is the underlying foundation for constructive conflict and the basis on which effective teams are built. The more that team members trust each other, the more they will feel safe to challenge and disagree with one
A great way to do this is to interrupt your team when they are disagreeing - even if it is about something minor - and remind them that what they are doing is useful, it helps find better solutions. Giving positive feedback can also boost confidence and provide safety to have disagreement.
• Kick off a brainstorming session with a bad idea. This is a powerful technique because it ‘flips the script’, getting people to consider opposites. Get them talking about what’s wrong with an idea, any problems it would cause, and what alternatives might look like. The aim is to stimulate dialogue and ignite passion
• Take turns at playing devil’s advocate. Ask whoever is taking this role to express a contentious opinion in order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments. This can be especially useful for individuals to observe and reflect on how they respond, and learn how they handle conflict • Ask team members to ‘break an idea’ by critiquing it. Encourage them to poke holes in an idea to unearth any possible flaws. Keep an eye on the end game
Artificial harmony is where no conflict occurs. It is when people seem to be getting along but are not really in complete agreement.
Now that it looks like we are coming out the other side, we have a chance to consider how to help our teams improve so they are more resilient to future challenges. It’s amazing to see how far people will go to avoid conflict. How many times have you been in a meeting where the tone suddenly takes a turn for the worse? Where people got uncomfortable and avoided ‘saying what needed to be said’. Where they left feeling unheard, misunderstood, or Thisdisrespected.isasignthat they could probably do with learning how to use conflict productively as a means to improve.
The past two years have thrown us many business problems which have seen teams facing many different causedDoubtlesschallenges.thesehavetheirfairshare of difficult meetings and situations.

How to get the best out of conflict
Drilling into the pros and cons of an idea or decision ensures that more perspectives and possibilities are explored.
Why conflict is important in a team
“Unless we can empower people to deal with problems that arise along the way, to face difficulties, to recognise and adjust when strategies are not working or are impossible to implement, to help those who are struggling, to handle the inevitable tensions and conflicts that challenging work engenders, and to maintain a positive attitude about that work, we cannot build a truly effective team, unit or Soorganisation.”howcanyou build trust to empower your Firstlyteam?people must be given permission to disagree. Set some ground rules for what constructive conflict looks like.
The difference between useful and un-useful conflict
The secret to a dynamic team
Where there is a balance between people’s comfort zones being tested and the creation of better solutions that are thoroughly tested and debated. And getting better solutions is certainly better for business.
There are many different forms of conflictdisagreement on a course of action, values differences, or misunderstandings caused by lack of clear or agreed expectations. But it’s not all bad, rather, it’s a ‘continuum’, where at one end you have artificial harmony and at the other, you have unhealthy conflict.
Clutter on walls can condense a space and take away from the light and bright nature of a friendly reception area. Pick a few statement pieces you particularly like or are proud of and display them in eyecatching spaces.
Some reception spaces are cramped and dim which can dull the mood of both customers and Makeemployees.surethewindows aren’t obscured by items inside or too much foliage outside. Blinds are a great idea for the summer time when the light can become too bright but you don’t want a permanent cover. Freshening up the paint on the walls can make a massive difference too. Light colours such as white and cream or a nice pastel blue can take a space from small and grim to spacious and important to consider as well; old carpet or rough linoleum isn’t a good look. Remember to have plenty of lighting that’s both bright but not harsh. Natural light is also your friend.
about your

The reception area of your office can say a lot company and place of Sometimeswork.overlooked, these spaces are where customers spend a lot of time and get to know you and your brand. Therefore, you want it to look good!

Piles of magazines on a coffee table aren’t particularly tidy either – a few in a magazine stand or a couple of nice ones stacked on the table can be a better alternative while also providing entertainment.
Comfort It’s vital for customers to feel as comfortable as possible in your reception area so consider some form of seating. Perhaps a nice, cushiony couch or a couple of plump chairs. Warmth and ventilation also go a long way to make customers feel comfortable.

By Timmi Aplin-Barrett

Light and bright
Pop open a window when it’s warm and it’ll create a wonderful sense of airiness in a space. Music is a good idea but you don’t want to have the volume up too loud. It’s often distracting and can get very annoying if you don’t like the song. A bit of background music can be nice touch though. Decoration Décor should be fairly minimal but friendly and inviting. Houseplants can really make a space pop. One on the reception desk or perhaps a few hanging in the windows. This can create a lovely sense of life and colour in a space. However, be careful of going overboard and slipping into clutter again! Try to avoid a certain style of décor and pictures – you can often do the “motel test”. If you think you’d see a piece of art or décor in a motel, probably avoid putting it in your reception area. The bottom line Your reception space should be one both you and your customers enjoy being in. It should represent who you are as a company and make customers feel at ease. Thankfully, it’s a fairly simple process! CT

Creating receptionwelcomingareas
Unclutter While having things like pictures, awards and ornaments can make a space feel homely, it’s important not to go overboard. | 19 Management| Office Design There’s a little bit of Cowboy in all of us. Ariat Boots/Jeans, Twisted X Boots, Wrangler Jeans/Shirts, Pure Western Jeans, Thomas Cook Clothing as well as Belts and Hats. If you want to look and feel good, or you want the gear to ride in, then these products are what you are looking for. Phone: 06 379 6494 | Mobile: 027 299 5850 Email: | SALT ON THE PIER is designed for functions of all kinds. We have many welcoming spaces available. Whether it be a Christmas party, milestone, birthday, launch, corporate event, wedding reception, social gathering we have the place for you!!!!!!!!! TALK TO OUR TEAM FOR MORE DETAILS. We Will Design The Menu On Your Budget. 03 388 4493 | 022 037 2267 Wedding Reception Contact us today! Phone 0800 PARTY DJ or Email It’s not a white wedding without White Lies! Tired of the back and forth trying to battle out a price from some washed up hasbeen DJ? Relax, breathe, we’re here to help. One price. Flexible solution. Absolutely no corners cut. Our Reception package is a fully customisable solution to fit any wedding at one easy to manage cost. $999.00 or 6 paymentsinterest-freeweeklyfrom$166.50with

Tony mentions the Australian says Lily’s business has “outstanding” Google reviews.
Atma Artijm Hradil has been the owner of Artma Spirtual Gallery in Timaru for over 15 years now and considers himself to be an artist who started a business.
He sells crystals, jewellery, essential oils, greeting cards, tarot cards, incense and holders, several meditation sessions weekly with $5 donations going towards the Nepali Orphan Fund, and more - making a wonderful gift store.
CT By Natasha Parrant
Making money on the side sounds like a great idea. However, people need to ensure they have enough time and are willing to put effort into making more money while working full time.
Simran and her co-partner now sell merchandise, have big stars like Priyanka Chopra following the account, and have been interviewed by the Times of India, New Zealand television, New Zealand Herald, etc.
“It blew my mind with what one little idea can Anotherdo.”tip Simran advises is to create a business plan. People can find templates on the New Zealand Government website to find out why and what their purpose is for their side hustle. Always have a plan, she says. Simran suggests it’s good to start as a sole trader first, think about the brand/brand name, research what the niche is, and stand out from the crowd.
Generating secondary revenue streams
Income Streams
transcribing speech to text on a website called for YouTube, videos for companies, or for content creators who wanted English subtitles. It was time-consuming but the more time she put in; the more rewards she earned, Sonya said.
“It’s not a passive way to receive more of an However,income.”she said she could get up to $600 a month. She advised anyone to do it if they’re fast typers and good with grammar and Anotherstatistics.sidehustle experience Sonya discussed was about being a virtual assistant where she organised other people’s trips and Thereschedules.aredifferent courses people can do depending on who the client is – some require a formal qualification. If someone can demonstrate previous work or experience in assisting others then it’s doable. The courses (if necessary) are roughly $1,000 or more.
20 | |
Atma doesn’t see himself using a website or social media at this point. Things have been “relatively successful for me,” he says. Asian Food Taste Kaikoura has been operating for three years. The caravan sells Asian cuisine and is a one-person operation run by Lily doesn’t have a website or social media, but according to Lily’s husband Tony Parker, they have been currently in contact with someone from Australia who might create a website for them.
CT By Natasha Parrant
Operating offline Surviving without an online presence

Simran also shared her side hustle background. “Most side hustles start off as a hobby, then get serious,” she says.

She co-created an online platform, The Indian Feminist, to connect with other feminists from South Asia, particularly India – as there were not a lot of similar platforms around when she was looking on Instagram five/six years ago, compared to now.
Some businesses still don’t use a website or social media to promote themselves in Aotearoa.
It was hard for Atma to compete with other people selling somewhat similar services. Therefore, not having an online presence isn’t a problem for Atma, as he has loyal, regular customers, with countless customers ironically leaving great online reviews about their experience visiting the store. “Being here for so long, I’ve built up a Manyreputation.”people, along with Atma, have described the experience as peaceful and unique as people see beautiful crystals and meditate, leaving the store feeling calm and Atmarefreshed.saysthe practice of meditation in his store is what makes a good advertisement because people feel relaxed, as he tries to take care of people as best as he can.
Locals in the area know about Lily’s food caravan, but tourists don’t. “Lily can only handle so many people at one Takingtime.”everything into account like the weather this winter – things aren’t too bad, Tony says.
Once they find their side hustle calling, it’s a great Accordingopportunity.tomum’s money New Zealand, there are many ways people can make a side hustle. The website lists “18 Side Hustles That Work for New Zealanders”. Some tips include becoming a mystery shopper, registering for market research/ focus groups, casual catering or waitressing/ waitering, mowing the neighbour’s lawns, and Otherblogging.options include tutoring, investing, performing at gigs, selling things at a local market, or starting a podcast.
Lily and Tony are yet to decide whether they want social media to promote their business, but they don’t expect to have more visitors anytime soon. Despite the borders being open, people are travelling but to other places. The only people that are coming are some Australians, but even then, they only come to ski rather than swim in Kaikoura, Tony says.
Speaking of a podcast, two intelligent entrepreneurs Simran Kaur and Sonya Gupthan from the award-winning podcast Girls That Invest gave advice on how to start a side hustle in an episode. They’ve inspired many young women to have conservations and start thinking about finances and investing to make more money. In “Starting a Side Hustle 101”, Sonya shared one of her side hustle experiences was
This happens more often in smaller towns, but there are also a few hair salons, eateries, and mechanics in big cities that don’t have a chained business and survive without an online presence. The question is, is it possible to be successful in this day and age without being digitally savvy?
“I’ve never felt better.”
Atma used to have a website and Facebook page to promote his business, but after lockdown he stopped using these platforms as it was too costly and he spent a lot of time and effort to keep them running, he says.
During these tough times people are experiencing, even bigger companies like Whale Watch Kaikoura are also struggling. “It is what it is.”
A bit on the side
Herman creates content for Skiptheboat depending on what clothing is ‘dropping’
By Michaela Pointon
The potential to make a living from an online presence has never been easier. “We live in an age where pretty much everyone is Opportunitiesonline.” to create business are endless, online entrepreneurs ranging from clothing, podcasting, promotional material, marketing or content creation.
Herman mentions how exceptional amounts of work are dedicated to creating content for an online business.
Making a living from an online presence is Herman’s full-time job and he says it’s a huge blessing. “I think as a creative, one of the biggest things we desire is to be given the freedom to wake up each day and work on our art. I appreciate this every day. “We live in an age where everyone is on their phones. Social media marketing is crucial for businesses these days, it only makes sense to utilise it as much as possible.”
Speaking from experience, he says, “You could spend weeks on a project for it to perform terribly, or create something in a few minutes and have it blow up your brand.” He says the key is to stay consistent, keep on working and eventually growth will happen.
Skiptheboat is a perfect example of understanding the brand’s audience. “Especially with my target market being young, it’s directed to them,” he says. “Being innovative and consistent on social media is vital for finding your audience.”
This is how he has made a living from an online Skiptheboatpresence.was created at the beginning of 2020 with the purpose of throwing underground gigs to support local musicians around the country.
‘Dropping’online. is a word online businesses use to describe their products becoming available to purchase, ultimately implying stock numbers are falling due to popularity.
Making a living from an online presence is not unusual in today’s modern world - but how possible is it Founderreally?ofmusicevent and clothing brand Skiptheboat, Herman Jagpal, has created a half-a-million-dollar business from the internet.
“There are a million and one ways to make money on the internet, create what interests you and your audience will find you.
Herman created social media accounts for Skiptheboat when the business first launched in 2020 and the business has grown exponentially over the two years since it was Skiptheboatlaunched.shows the potential for a business to expand rapidly online. As he has proven, an online presence can do wonders for a business to However,expand.running a successful business online is not always easy.
Making an online operation work Digital shopfronts
“I started my brand with zero dollars. Thanks to the internet, it’s now a half a milliondollar business.”
“This outlines what I’ll be posting for the next month or so, to ensure I hold myself accountable and stay consistent,” he says.
Make sure you take a look at @skiptheboat on Instagram and Tiktok to follow along on
“Typically, when I’m doing a clothing drop, I’ll do an entire photo and video shoot, then edit the content to release throughout the week. “This is usually supported by a series of TikTok videos promoting the release too. I try my best to be innovative and attempt new ideas to step outside the box.”

To further ensure promotional material will reach as many people online, he creates a content plan.
Herman’s journey and find out more. CT
“This isn’t a business where the number of hours you put in will equate to results.” | 21 Management | Technology
At the time, there weren’t many music events organised, so Herman decided to take the opportunity to fill this niche. He introduced the clothing side to Skiptheboat during the Covid lockdown in 2020, when he was no longer able to organise events.
“I didn’t want to lose the small momentum the brand had built so I decided to work on “Musicclothing.and fashion are influenced by one another, and linked heavily, so it worked out perfectly.”
“If I had started the brand 20 years ago, I would have had to have a start-up a physical store.”
A Skiptheboat catch-slogan, which went viral online, on an NZ billboard. Photo supplied by Skiptheboat.

Herman reflects how over a 20-year period, the business world has changed drastically.
“The idea came about while I was at university and I was sick of going to the same old clubs who would play the same music every week,” Herman says. “I wanted to go somewhere the music appealed to me and I could enjoy myself.”
Founder of Skiptheboat, Herman Jagpal, wearing his own brand of clothing. Photo supplied by Skiptheboat.
Matai’a Sarah Richards [left], Susan Maiava [middle], and Erin Maiava-Balle [right]. Photo Supplied by Fair&Good.

- Fair&Good co-founder, Dr. Susan Maiava “ ”
How can we shop more sustainably and ethically?
Think before you pick How to shop more sustainably and ethically
GOTS [Global Organic Textile Standard] cotton on Thereclothing.areother avenues to follow advice from, such as the independent Ethical Fashion Guide by Tear Fund. “We want people to know that it is possible, and actually quite easy, to be an ethical consumer once you make the decision.
“I am humbled by and proud of the New Zealanders who have started ethical brands, many after visiting developing countries and seeing the need. “There are too many to list here but their stories are told on our website. We really do have many fantastic brands to choose from.”
was born out of a conviction that spending our money ethically is one of the most powerful tools we all have to bring about change.”
She says considering questions such as if someone is being fairly paid, or if their working conditions are healthy and safe, is part of the process to becoming more ethically conscious. How to know what brands do this?
How do we know where our products come from?
22 | | Consumerism
Academic and Co-Founder of Fair&Good, Dr. Susan Maiava, has many years’ experience in international development.
Fair&Good is a handy facilitator for consumers.
“The people who make the products we buy deserve to be paid fairly and work in safe conditions as much as we do,” she says. “If this is right, then we will not be able to tolerate worker exploitation in the things we Susanbuy.”explains how we are intimately connected through our purchases and asks us to consider if we truly want to exploit our fellow human beings.
“Ethical is about doing the right thing and treating people as we would like to be treated, [that is] the golden rule.” She says empathy is at the heart of being conscious about ethical purchasing. “It’s about doing the right thing even when no-one is looking, or when it costs in some way.
Conscious ethical shopping means supporting values that align with you and support our fellow humans across the globe. Start by taking note of values such as: fair labour, inclusivity, transparency, gender equality and consistency from brands. “Becoming aware of who makes our clothes, harvests our coffee or cocoa, and being vulnerable to ask questions,” is the starting point to change.
By Michaela Pointon
The organisation does not sell products themselves, therefore are impartial to brands they work alongside.
If you have ever considered these questions, ethical directory and not-for-profit organisation, Fair&Good, can give you guidance. Let’s start with what is ethical?
All brands they represent on their website have gone through rigorous investigation.
It may sound cliche, but it is incredibly important to consider, she says.
A group of weavers from ethical company Krama&Co thriving in their workshop. Photo Credit Krama&Co.
What should we consider when buying?
One of the best ways is to look for certifications such as Fairtrade or
“Until now it has been hard to know what is ethical and what is not, but we are changing that,” Susan “Fair&Good’ssays.role is to make ethical shopping easy by bringing together over sixty [and growing] ethical brands all together in one “Fair&Goodplace.
“If people shop ethically, it will influence businesses to ensure their supply chains are free of slavery and unfair work practices,” she “Wesays.want to facilitate that by making it really easy for people to find and purchase ethical products as part of their normal shopping.”
She says the ultimate long-term goal of Fair&Good is to make ethical sourcing and products Fair&Goodmainstream.havenewgame changing technology up their sleeve to be revealed very soon. “It will give consumers even more power to vote with their wallets for the type of world they want to see.”
Collectively our spending decisions have real power to create change by changing demand, and retailers respond to our demand.
She mentions the benefit of collective influence by consumers shopping ethically. In particular, how we hold much more power in our spending than we realise.
Maiava explains how the first step is awareness and asking questions, then making the decision to become an ethical shopper one purchase at a time. To find out more visit:, to use the directory. CT
“Together we have the power to reduce poverty, inequality and exploitation.
“We may think how much impact can one person, one purchase has. Collectively our spending decisions have real power to create change by changing demand, and retailers respond to our demand,” she expresses.

It’s great when Aotearoa businesses give back to people by donating to charities. Here are a few Aotearoa companies that give back to the community.

The report shows the group has supposedly stated to have “raised and distributed more than $76 million in donations since 1982.”
Firstly, Philanthropy New Zealand, which provides leadership and practical help for those interested in helping make a positive difference in society, states that businesses giving back can donate via “cash donations, volunteering, and pro-bono activities, in-kind support, and non-commercial sponsorships”.
Using private profits for the benefit of all
the country.
Taken from a sample of 15 leading corporates it shows TWG gave 1.11 percent of its yearly pre-tax profits (financial year ended
• Builds greater staff loyalty and engagement
TWG made donations of up to $513,435 In cash and $1.2 million in in-kind donations, as stated by the Corporate Support Report, published by JBWere. | 23 Management | Business Ethics
• Makes a great story to share. This act of kindness also inspires other companies to do the same, it shows a company isn’t just money-hungry and cares about people.
Suppliers who donated to the City Missions individually were Kimberly-Clark, essano, reckitt, Dilmah, and Manuka Doctor.
• Builds brand and customer loyalty
Businesses giving back
Spark New Zealand has a charitable organisation called Spark Foundation, which was established in 2011.
Most of the investment goes towards supporting the next generation of Maori and Pasifika digital creators/thinkers.
The foundation aims to work with people and organisations that make a huge impact and change in digital access, digital skills and pathways, and digital wellbeing areas.
Another useful page for New Zealanders wanting to know about businesses that are giving back can be found via the Facebook page “New Zealand Businesses Giving Back”.
According to BusinessDesk, a report released this year shows The Warehouse Group (TWG) is one of the country’s most generous donators.
The website states it’s important for businesses to give back to their community because it:
• Strengthens their competitive nature while uniting the community
By Natasha Parrant August 2021) in donations or community investment. This was the second largest number of profits donated.
• Enhances a company’s reputation
About 80 percent of funding goes to multi-year partnerships, whereas the rest is offered as smaller donations and seed funding.
New Zealand Red Cross secretary general Sarah Stuart-Black says the donation was raised in three weeks and was amazed at the support by fellow New Zealanders to help Pacific locals after the volcano eruption and tsunami on the 15th of January. Businesses played a big part in donating. For instance, New Zealand Red Cross’ Disaster Response Alliance partners Countdown, The Warehouse, and New Zealand Post generously donated to the appeal. The Warehouse and Countdown topped their donations by each accumulating over $100,000 at the checkout from their Vodafone’scustomers.Givealittle page raised $84,000 and the funding was tripled by Vodafone and Te Rourou - Vodafone Aotearoa Foundation, which added up to a donation of more than Around$252,000.15 businesses and organisations raised and donated more than $10,000 each and others raised at least $5,000.
Another example of a business donating to the community in Aotearoa is New World. From the 2nd to the 15th of May, The New World 2022 Foodbank Appeal was about giving back to families who needed it most. Customers filled a bag with grocery items and New World matched their customer’s donations up to the value of $250,000 and then delivered the bags to City Missions and local foodbanks in the country. Customers picked up a Family2Family paper bag at their local New World, filled it up with items that would be suitable for food banks, and dropped it off at the collection spot inside the Newstore.World delivered their customer’s donations directly to City Missions and local foodbanks.
This page was created to celebrate and showcase the amazing Aotearoa businesses giving back to communities and charities in the country.
The business is partnered with 11 charities and according to the report, The Salvation Army is a long-term business charity relationship with TWG, which has been quite successful.
It’s also about acknowledging, highlighting, inspiring, supporting, and promoting Kiwi businesses. CT in
Customers filled a bag with grocery items and New World matched their customer’s donations up to the value of $250,000 and then delivered the bags to City Missions and local foodbanks
In February this year, New Zealand Red Cross notes that over a million dollars was raised to support the Tongan and nearby Pacific community as part of the New Zealand Red Cross’ Pacific Tsunami Appeal.

If too many people put the wrong things in their recycling bins, the whole truckload goes to landfill.
None of these can be processed so don’t put them in your recycling bin. If you have any reusable items, drop them off to a charity or our Southbrook resource recovery park. Mobile phones, scrap metal, whiteware and clean polystyrene packaging can also be dropped off for free at Southbrook. Soft plastics can be taken to a shop with Soft Plastics Recycling. Rubbish is Rubbish! Rubbish, including nappies, plastic strapping, food scraps must go in the rubbish bin.
The third part of the consultation focuses on diverting business food waste from landfill to reduce their carbon footprint. The food scraps can then be used to improve our soil or feed “Newanimals.Zealand businesses generate 25 percent of all food waste that goes to landfill. Along with reducing greenhouse gas emissions, separating out food scraps can help businesses identify ways to reduce food waste and save money,” he says.
"The proposals will help reduce litter, emissions and pressure on our environment.
“We currently have inadequate rubbish collection and recycling systems. As a result, our recycling rates are low compared to other countries with better systems, and we have too much litter in our environment.
To your bin gets and to contamination recycling: Keep items loose Don’t squash bottles, tins or Put all lids in the rubbish Make sure everything is clean Plastics numbered No containers larger than 3L or smaller than 150ml Soft plastics or any plastic you scrunch into a ball Takeaway cups and liquid cartons Paper smaller than an crockery food.
3, 4, 6 & 7
envelope Compostable items Clothes and toys WindowPansPolystyreneNappiesandfoilsglass,

We can’t accept:
& light GeneralBatteriesbulbsrubbish or

The first looks at improvements to our household kerbside recycling system, including access to food scrap collections.
Make sure you recycle right
Look for the Triangle Plastic bottles and containers have a plastic code, usually on the bottom inside a triangle. This code tells us the type of plastic it is and whether or not it can be recycled. We can only accept plastic types 1, 2 and 5.

Coffee Cups are a No-No Take-away coffee cups and lids cannot be recycled. Clothing or bedding, appliances or tools, toys, polystyrene, machine parts, soft plastics, and more…
We can only take paper that’s envelope sized or larger; and plastic containers sized from 100 mls to 3 litres – no smaller than a yoghurt pottle, no larger than 3 litres, no lids.
Aluminium cans, tins, kitchen and bathroomPaperaerosolsFlattened cardboard RigidandplastichouseholdbottlescontainersGlassbottlesandJars

There are three connected proposals covered by the consultation.
The Government is taking steps to improve recycling at home, and on the go, and is inviting New Zealanders to have their say.
Here are some handy recycling tips: Empty, Clean and Loose All containers need to be empty, clean and loose in the bin (not bagged). All lids must be put in the rubbish.
is only for the following CLEAN items…
“Every year New Zealand generates more than 17 million tonnes of waste and sends almost 13 million tonnes of that to landfill,” Environment Minister David Parker says.

Your bin
Size Does Matter
Repeated contamination may result in withdrawal of your kerbside collection service.
“More than two billion drinks are sold every year in New Zealand. Less than half of these containers are recycled, meaning that over a billion containers end up as litter, are stockpiled, or sent to landfills every year. “With a container return scheme in place, we can increase our recycling rate for beverage containers to between 85 percent and 90 percent.
“Food scraps make up more than a third of a typical household’s rubbish each week. When sent to landfill, they create greenhouse gas “Providingemissions.access to household kerbside food scraps collections is a simple step to reduce emissions and return nutrients to the soil,” David says.
recycling will reduce confusion and help businesses design packaging that is recyclable anywhere in New Zealand.

“It’s estimated that nationally only 28 percent of materials are recycled and the rest goes to landfill. By contrast, Germany, Austria and Wales have the highest recycling rates in the world, with over 50 percent of all waste being recycled.

“We’re going to make it simpler and easier for people to recycle right. Standardising kerbside
Paper and Cardboard Paper and cardboard needs to be flat not crumpled up and must be clean with no food or food-staining. We can accept clean and empty pizza boxes in the recycling. Those with oil or food on the cardboard can go in your organics bin, worm farm or compost, otherwise put them in the rubbish.

24 | The Environment | Recycling
“This will also result in increased supply of recovered materials for our onshore recycling systems and container manufacturers,” he says.
The second proposal is for a container return scheme for beverages, to incentivise people to return empty drink containers in exchange for a small refundable deposit. (A deposit of 20 cents is proposed).
Big plans to transform recycling

Consistent with most overseas schemes, containers of fresh dairy milk would be exempt from the scheme. Unlike most drink containers, those for fresh milk already achieve very high recovery rates through kerbside recycling collections.
“We are taking action that will make a real difference and want Kiwis to have their say,” David says.
“By 2030, we want all businesses and households to separate food scraps from their Publicrubbish.”feedback will help shape the final reform proposals. CT
RECYCLING | 25 An Evening for Kaiapoi Leading Business was held at the CBK in Kaiapoi by the Kaiapoi Business Association to promote up and coming Kaiapoi events.Images taken and supplied by Lynne Puddy-Greenwood If you have an event that you’d like covered, email Canterbury Today events co-ordinator Go Media held a function upstairs at Miro in Oxford Terrace for the launch of their new community initiative helping to raise awareness for many different charities that will be part of the community initiative. An opening night was held at the Heritage Wigram Hotel by Black Horse Media for their International Art Show called Memories of Flight, where guest mingled with artist while enjoying outstanding art from landscapes and aviation, to flowers and dazzling abstracts The Star Home Show saw over 10,000 people attend the three day expo at Christchurch Arena to view the latest trends, products and services for their homes and lifestyle. been seen The people, their faces and all the right places - Canterbury 1 1 5 2 2 6 3 3 7 4 4 8 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Planning an event? Hosting something special? Celebrating a milestone? If you have an event that you’d like covered, email Canterbury Today events editor been seen The people, their faces and all the right places - Canterbury 1. Tommy Fairbrother (Genius Homes) 2. Craig Morgan & Abby (ReadyLawn) 3. Kim Franklin (Stonehouse Real Estate) 4. Rex Lawrence & Chrissy (The Bathroom Fitout Company) 5. Nessa Brougham (Paragon Fencing) 6. John Pile (Living House) 7. Chloe Askew & Laura Hibberd (Freedom Built) 8. Dallas Roberts & Rodney King (Agile Mortgages) 1. Thomas Li (Black Horse Media), Megan Woods ( Member for Wigram), Kathy Li (BHM) & Anne Galloway 3. Clive Greenwood (Damon Puddy Art), Phil, Chrissie Mauger, Helen & David Rowland 3. Yani Johanson (Councilor) & Charlie Shaw 4. Jenny Caldwell (Artist) & Kayew Cuthbertson. 1. Jodie Gill (Cholmondeley) & Sophie Williams (Go Media) 2. Peter Rowley (Laughing Club Gin) & Jo Patterson (Go Media) 3. Tamara Beaman & Emily Murdoch (Ronald McDonald House) 4. Sam McDonald, Victoria Henstock, Phil Mauger (Mayor Candidate) & Aaron Keown 5. Jade Cavalcante & Laura Forbes (Scape) 6. Mike Gray, Glen Ryan (White Fox and Jones) & Simon Teagle 7. Craig Du Plooy & Jeremy Curwin (Canterbury Cricket) 8. Andrea Rongonui & Tumehe Rongonui (Tahu FM) 1. Amy Sherwin & Murray (Muz) Sutherland (Kaiapoi ITM and Sutherland Timber) 2. Barry Rolton & Nicole Weber (One Agency) 3. Brent Cairns (Naked Art) & Rebecca Morgan (KPA) 4. Karen Bailey (KB Property-Design Sell), Michael Bendall (Corcoran French), & Khloe Peck (Visit Waimakariri) 5. Martin Pinkham (KBA) & Dave Nicholas (NZME) 6. Rochelle Steven & Kelly Burgess (Harcourts 4 Seasons Kaiapoi) 7. Moira Kemp (PIC Insurance Brokers) & Hamish Keen (CBK) 8. Rochelle McLachlan & Heather Anderson (Driving Miss Daisy Nth Cant)

Much less visible, early learning centres are also part of your community’s fabric. They are typically smaller than an average school at about 50 children in total, but they can have up to 150 children. There are diverse others forms of early learning too – like kohanga reo, playcentre, kindergartens, and home-based.
All early learning centres are independently run in New Zealand. They are tightly regulated by the government to ensure they meet standards around curriculum, health and safety, governance and management, and premises and facilities.

CT By Simon Laube, chief executive, Early Childhood Council Simon Laube Early CouncilChildhoodchiefexecutive

If you do travel by car, you would be sure to obey the strict speed limits while schools are open. But how many people spot the early learning centres in their communities?
26 | Protecting over 1500 childcare centres with specialised business insurance CL1088A Get your insurance sorted 0800 765 429 | CL1088A CLMB childproof ad 250mm(w) x 177mm(h) V1.indd 1 2/08/22 1:08 PM Society | Early Childhood Council
48 centres have already closured nationwide Education data showing the centres that had opted-in to pay parity shows that 48 centres closed between March and July 2022. That’s more than double the rate of closures as 2021. Of those closures, 31 had opted-in to pay parity in March but were closed by July, and 17 centres that did not opt-in were also closed by ThereJuly.were 35 centres that opted-in to pay parity in March that by July had decided to opt back out (those centres remain open). When centres opt-in they must ensure teachers’ employment agreements are amended to ensure teacher salary/wages comply with the funding conditions. This means that when centres discover too late that government funding is insufficient, it is an incredibly challenging employment process to unwind it.
Most people know where the schools are located between their home and the various places they travel to routinely. Even if you don’t travel by car, you wouldn’t miss a school –they tend to have crossings and big signs.
On top of that tight regulation there are complex funding conditions that are closely linked to the number of children that attend every day and every hour. Children who are frequently absent lose funding. The price of government funding changes depending on how many teachers are certificated in the centre - with the maximum price for centres that have 100 percent certificated teachers at all times. The red tape from the education ministry is on top of all the standard regulation all workplaces need, like tax, fire safety, building compliance, and local government rules. Chances are, if you don’t know where your community’s centres are located, you might not notice if early learning centres were starting to close near you. There’s a total of about 2,800 centres in New Zealand and 343 in the Canterbury region alone. The Early Childhood Council is really concerned that the government’s pay parity policy is driving more of these centre closures. Pay parity is a recent policy change by the government that is attempting to fix an issue: fixing pay parity means that teachers in centres will get paid at the same higher rate as kindergartens (for doing essentially the same roles). This addresses an inequity that is facing teachers. But this pay parity funding policy isn’t working well for the centres. In it, higher pay parity funding is provided for centres along with new funding conditions to ensure employers pay the teachers at the new higher rates. However, the Early Childhood Council and many centres have found that the pay parity funding rates are significantly lower than the actual cost of the increased teacher salaries. Already this pay parity issue is having a negative impact on centres. Most recent Ministry of
The problem we are facing for centres is not yet accepted as a real problem, so it will take people to read things like this opinion piece, see how it impacts them, and to then feel motivated enough to say something about it. The Early Childhood Council needs your support to protect your local centres.
Early learning centres face serious challenges

Aidan says, “We all find joy in the experience of watching others for the first time underground. There’s a feeling of reflection back to when we had our first experiences in the caves”. According to Aidan, the thrill of caving is never knowing what’s around the corner. It’s what makes everyday day different and magical.
“The third group of people are the most interesting – they’re hesitant, but every time the experience exceeds their expectations,” he Schurrexplains.says that people discover just how beautiful caving and the underground world is, often ending up with a changed perception.
Rain or shine, Underworld Adventures is a special place to visit for your next adventure. Specialising in incredible under the ground experiences in Limestone caves, a trip to Underworld Adventures will leave you speechless.

Underworld Rafting is suited to those aged 10 years and older.

See the stunning waterfall on the Glow Worms Tour. Photo provided by Underworld Adventures. Man floating on a tube while white water rafting, enjoying the thrill. Photo provided by Underworld Adventures.
New World Westport is a modern, full service supermarket you would expect to find in the city, but has the added bonus of having a happy friendly community buzz! We are very lucky to have a fantastic team of staff who work very hard for the store and customers.
Schurr explains how the company typically see three different groups of people for the cave tours.
“The first group are people who are excited, love the thrill, know what to expect and have done caving before.

E-car charging | Wi-Fi | ATM
The adventure descends to the active level of the cave, a subterranean lake, and one of the largest accessible GlowWorm colonies in the Afterworld.visiting the GlowWorms, you’ll float down some fun but gentle rapids on the main river.
“Changing people’s lives even just a little through giving them an experience underground, overcoming their fears, combined with the adrenaline rush is always a joy for us to see.”
For the GlowWorm Tour there’s no age limit - the eldest adventurer being 93 to visit the caves. If you want to take the plunge and experience caving like no other, this is the place for you.
By Michaela Pointon Bella Vista Motel the place to stay when you visit Westport. Comfortable, affordable modern accommodation. 03 789

28 | | Underworld Adventures
They offer multiple adventures, including: Underworld Rafting, the GlowWorm Cave Tour, the Rainforest Train, Adventure Caving, as well as a modern cafe for refreshments afterwards.
“In some areas off the main caves, only a few dozen people have ever seen the inside. That is pretty special and unique,” he exclaims.
“The second group are people who know they’re claustrophobic, they tend to enjoy one of our great local walks instead, or wait in the café for their friends and family to return.
The ‘dry’ GlowWorm Tour is popular for those seeking something a little less adventurous.
A different world right under your doorstep
Underworld Adventures was established in 1989 by Geoff Schurr, along with Ray Moroney and George Berendt. They have been in business for over 30 years, offering rafting and walking adventures through caves carved from Limestone over 200,000 years Previouslyago. a teacher, Geoff had set up an outdoor education programme at his local high school. He discovered a market for ordinary ‘novice’ people interested in exploring the outdoors. General manager and son of Geoff, Aidan Schurr, says, “The thrill of teaching something new to people has always been something that Dad has gotten a lot of joy out of”. As Geoff already had the chance to experience his own ‘firsts’ in the natural world, he wanted to see others do the same.
The team places a lot of respect for being custodians of the land they explore. Although our business needs to survive, there is a need for sustainability. We have to make sure we are respecting the natural land at all times. “ ”
The award-winning Underworld Rafting features the stunning upper levels of the massive Metro Te Ananui Cave system.
P. (03) 789 7669 A. 244 Palmerston Street, Westport
ASURE Chelsea Gateway Motor Lodge welcomes you to the untamed, natural, wilderness of the Northern West Coast. Make Westport your base to explore the caves, the history and the beauty of this stunning region from the comfort of our quality ASURE 4 star rated accommodation. 330 Palmerston Street, Westport, Buller District | P 0800 66 00 33 E |
Cavers faces lit up by glow worms. Photo provided by Underworld Adventures.

“People across New Zealand have been extremely supportive in coming to visit us. So, thanks for getting out there and supporting small businesses across NZ,” he says. Underworld Adventures is located in Charleston - 20 minutes South of Westport. CT

Cavers admire the stalactites inside the caves. Photo provided by Underworld Adventures. “We want to preserve the caves as close to their natural ecological form as possible,” Aidan says. “We are one of the only guided cave tours left where there are no manmade boardwalks or concrete paths inside the caves. “It’s all natural and so you get to experience the real thing, and we can leave it as we found it,” Aidan explains. The team works closely alongside the Department of Conservation (DOC) to ensure they are preserving the caves (situated in the Paparoa National Park), as close to their original condition. “We do a lot of work around being custodians of the land. A return to mass-tourism like NZ had seen pre-Covid could be incredibly bad for the environment,” he mentions.
“Although our business needs to survive, there is a need for sustainability. We have to make sure we are respecting the natural land at all Underworldtimes.”Adventures felt the impact of Covid-19. Aidan says the business absolutely relied on the overseas dollar for up to 80 percent of its visitors. “We are down by 50 percent pre-Covid however, this has created an opportunity for many New Zealanders to experience their own Peoplebackyard.”areoften surprised how close these incredible experiences are to home. Underworld Adventures are located three and a half hours away from Central Canterbury and make for a lasting memory and new experience for “Westeveryone.Coast; my advice is don’t believe the weather forecast. Don’t let it deter you from an Aidanadventure.”saysthank you to New Zealanders for supporting them and the industry.

— Advertising Feature
Things To See | Underworld Adventures

People across New Zealand have been extremely supportive in coming to visit us. So, thanks for getting out there and supporting small businesses across NZ. “ ”
Omau Settlers Lodge will be memorable for all the right reasons, wake up to the sound of nature and welcome the day sitting on your own sun-drenched veranda.All units are beautifully appointed amongst landscaped gardens. Enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast in the lodge dining room or outside deck. Wander along the beautiful shoreline beaches with secluded coves and setting for a picnic or just relax. 03 789 5200 / / Underworld Adventures Ltd 7368 State Highway 6
ASURE Chelsea Gateway Motor Lodge stay at 3 or more ASURE properties and receive $100 off your 10th night. |

30 | | Digital Security
“This shift in thinking of cyber-attacks from security problem to a business-led issue needs to change now if companies are going to avoid facing impacts to their reputation, or to the communities they exist for.”
“Security strategies being either too vague or too granular can be costly if they miss the important broader detail of a business’ aspirations and environment it operates, guiding its steps towards mitigating adverse effects.
“A carefully considered investment that an organisation understands across all levels is incredibly worthwhile as it allows for a roadmap to deal with imminent threats from all corners of the digital world.” CT
The products and services businesses and customers rely on are increasingly digital, which means the landscape of risks for cyber-attacks will continue to grow. “It’s amazing how easy it is for cyber-criminals to get what they need for a ransomware attack relative to how expensive it is for a business to continuously invest in cybersecurity,” Richard says.
A total of 2,333 cyber security incidents were reported in New Zealand in the first quarter of this Phishingyear.and credential harvesting continue to grow and be the most common forms of cyber NZTechattacks.chiefexecutive,
When the target of an attack, New Zealand businesses who focus solely on technological impact before potential wider outcomes could face stalled productivity or collapse in customer confidence. Their technology leaders have a role to shifting attention towards business’ goals when preparing for incidents.
New Zealand is ranked 56th in the world in cyber security according to the Portulans Institute and greater effort is urgently needed as the economy rapidly becomes more digital.

Graeme Muller, says while the threat of cyber attacks could be a possibility, the reality is most cyber security issues faced by Kiwis stem from a lack of understanding of how to operate safely online.
CERT NZ Threat and Incident Response manager, Nadia Yousef, says cyber attackers are opportunistic and just waiting for people to let their guard down.
Cyber security issues are closer to home than Kiwis realise
“Being able to factor in how hindered services will affect customers means those in charge can determine the best initial steps, like who to talk to and what to get back up and running.”
“It is critical that business managers understand these risks, what the latest trends in malware and phishing attacks are, and how to develop simple systems to ensure their staff are cyber security literate.
“So many businesses have still not put cybersecurity risk plans in place. According to the research it takes two days on average to penetrate a company’s internal network. “As cyberattacks grow in numbers, businesses are increasingly under the gun to protect themselves from compromise.”
“While we are optimistic that Kiwi businesses have heard the cyber security message, the last thing online businesses or people working and learning from home need right now is to suffer a cyber security attack and have to cope with the huge disruptions that follow.
It’s estimated that there are 3.5 million unfilled cyber security jobs currently available globally, he “Fromsays.threats of software attacks, intellectual property theft, cloud and network hacking, as well as data and information extortion, it’s no wonder that in this ever-increasing data centric world this market is exploding in demand.
“Risks continue to change and develop and we need to do a better job of educating people and businesses of how to spot them and avoid them.
“Backing up your information and records, having strong passwords that aren’t used on multiple accounts, making sure apps and devices have got the latest updates installed, and making sure two-factor authentication is used wherever possible are critical habits to get “Businessesinto. and organisations should make sure their remote access systems are as secure as they can be and pay very careful attention to emails requesting payment or personal information, particularly invoices,” Nadia Cyber-preparednesssays.
“The implications of not investing in training and educating your staff is the loss of real money, with CERT NZ reporting that in the last quarter of 2021 more than $6 million was lost by Kiwis to cyber attackers,” Graeme says.
To improve cyber security, all businesses should have processes in place to help staff manage and update passwords, automatically deploy software updates, back up their systems daily and use two factor authentication when logging in. Cyber security is fast becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the tech space.
“These could include loss of personal information and records, income, assets, productivity or customer trust and goodwill.
Ransomware incidents are increasing 107 percent year-on-year globally, research by Accenture recently found. New Zealand is just beginning to see the increase. Incidents reported to Cert NZ went up from 53 in 2020 to 90 in 2021, which could just be just the tip of the iceberg, says Richard Harrison Accenture’s chief of cybersecurity “RansomwareNZ.incidents are severe in nature, staking significant consequences on victims to extort as much from them as possible. When they’re successful, we’re likely to see those numbers “Organisationsrise.
wanting to ensure they are resilient to cyber-attacks need to treat them as more than just one-off security issues, instead acknowledging the threat to their business’ goals.
“Talk of Russian cyber attacks are a distraction and our focus needs to be closer to home and how to be safe online.
requires informed Kiwileadershipbusinesses should re-think how they respond to ransomware attacks as they become more common.

The Gardens have been designed for all year-round colour. Exotic flowers attract many native birds including fantails, tuis and various other bell birds. There is no shortage of beauty to enjoy for the eyes, ears, and the soul. Garden clubs and groups book in for tours and high teas in the springtime, when the gardens are in full bloom and the mountains covered in snow.
32 | | Kaikoura Kaikoura B&B perfect for couples, groups and weddings Call 021 465 030 233 Schoolhouse Road, Kaikoura, Canterbury 7371 Email:
Guests have fallen in love with the property on their stays here and that is why Te Mahuru is rated as one of the best places in New Zealand. You can now purchase this exceptional property which is being marketed through Bayleys Kaikoura.
There are few places on earth like Kaikoura, a small coastal town offering breath taking views that will stop you in your tracks.

Te Mahuru Retreat offers the ultimate star gazing experience. The new playground has been fitted with adult sized star gazing swings. There is also a private hot tub, with a second being built now, including its own gardens and breath-taking mountain and star views.
A unique and unforgettable destination
Te Mahuru is ideal for couples, families, birthdays, yoga and work retreats and any special occasion including weddings.
The property is often described by guests, as a ‘magical place’ and the epitome of the ‘true piece of paradise’. This stunning place has exceptional gardens and spectacular views of the Kaikoura mountains which can be viewed from your suite or from the private hot tub.

Te Mahuru Retreat
Te Mahuru Retreat has various accommodation options with the lodge having romantic queen suites and a family suite with access to a full kitchen and dining/living area and BBQ. There’s a private self-contained six-person cottage with its own large lawn for families including a BBQ area.
Te Mahuru Retreat is the perfect place to Relax and Reconnect for couples, families, and groups.
Kaikoura is known for its exceptional star gazing and Te Mahuru Retreat offers the ultimate star gazing experience. The new playground has been fitted with adult sized star gazing swings. There is also a private hot tub, with a second being built now, including its own gardens and breath-taking mountain and star views.

We invite you to discover what makes Kaikōura so unique - a place that's one of a kind; unlike anywhere else.

Embark on a ride of a lifetime as you speed through native bush and hill country farm land.
The towering snow-clad mountains known as the Seaward Kaikoura’s provide a stunning backdrop over the town centre which extends out to the Kaikoura Peninsula, where the waves of the Pacific Ocean roll in. These mountains rise to heights which are 2,600m and the Kaikoura undersea canyon plunges to depths of over 1,200m very close to shore; these two factors alone make Kaikoura incredibly unique and attract a wide range of marine and bird species.
The curious Dusky Dolphins are often as interested in the boat and those swimming as we are in them! Their purpose-built vessels allow ample space to take in the spectacle. It is not unusual to see large numbers of dolphins and their antics both above the water and in it with the swimmers create one of the best wildlife shows you can see anywhere. Or there is the option of getting up close and personal with the largest toothed cetacean –the sperm whale with Whale Watch Kaikoura who offer year-round whale watching excursions by boat.
Kaikoura is also renowned worldwide as a birding hotspot; within just a small area, you’ll meet one of the greatest varieties of seabirds and pelagic birdlife you’ll find anywhere.
No previous experience or licence is required. 800 004 009
Situated 20 minutes south of Kaikoura lies Glenstrae farm Quad and UTV tours on a spectacular coastal setting. Come and experience the breathtaking surrounds of this rugged coastline on a 2.5 hour quad bike ride over the working Glenstrae sheep farm in the Kaikōura mountains.

34 | | Kaikoura

Dash through manuka glades on your way to the Haumuri Bluffs where you will see fur seals basking in the sun before reaching a small cabin on the property for tea, coffee and cookies.
Local tour operators offer the chance to watch whales, dolphins, seabirds, and many other species of marine life daily, by boat, flight and by Withland.wetsuits provided, visitors can even join dolphins and seals in their ocean environment.
If you are anxious about quad bikes, don’t be. Your safety is priority and full training is provided. You will be required to test your skills on a small training course before setting off on your 3 hour tours and if you are still feeling a little uncomfortable then there is always the Yahama Viking 6 that can take up to 5 passengers. You can ride in the Yahama as a passenger and it will be driven by the guide. This is suitable for the younger members of the family.
Examples include the Hutton’s shearwater, which is an endangered seabird endemic to Kaikoura. The only place in the world that this species breeds is high in the Seaward Kaikoura Ranges at elevations between 1,200 to 1,800m.
Prepare for a highlight of your tour and wild ride as you tear up the middle of the creek.
The diversity of what you can see and do is amazing. The following highlights the unique experiences that showcase Kaikoura from above, on and below the water. To view Kaikoura’s 360-degree beauty from above you can go by fixed winged aircraft or by helicopter, each company convey during your journey their passion for this beautiful place.
Whale Watching by helicopter or plane allows you and your customers to witness the animals’ natural beauty and behaviours from above. You can even do a snow landing when our beautiful mountains have a nice layer of snow on them.
When you cruise the stunning Kaikoura coastline with Dolphin Encounter, you get to enjoy incredible photographic opportunities, and observe one of the world’s most acrobatic species of dolphin.

For those who like to get closer to nature there is the option of going by kayak to see the curious New Zealand Fur Seals and at time Dusky Dolphins and Blue Penguins. There are two kayaking companies in Kaikoura that offer unique experiences – one by paddle power the other by pedal power. Both companies have an incredible passion for what they do and will show you a fantastic time out around the peninsula.

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Kaikoura also offers a variety of spectacular mountain bike trails to explore the varied majestic landscapes from rugged coastlines to mountain ranges. There are tracks for all levels of experience ranging from casual family trails to challenging climb adventures.
They have an impressive 95 percent success rate in viewing these majestic creatures and take the time to view other species of marine life when time allows on their tour. Kaikoura is also renowned for its great fishing grounds, which anyone can enjoy by boat with a local fishing guide, and the bonus is you get to take home your ready filleted catch to enjoy later that Experienceday.scuba diving the undersea world for some of the best reef diving in the country or kayaking around the ruggedly beautiful Peninsula. If you prefer to stay on land, there is quad biking on a working beef and sheep farm with some exhilarating views, you can visit the lavender farm, have a round of golf, or go Llama trekking with their most popular tour being their half day trek. And for those who enjoy a slower journey there are many walking tracks to enjoy or explore Kaikoura’s history at Fyffe House and the museum, to name a few.

Admiral Court Motel
16 Avoca St, Kaikoura Phone: 03 319 5525 or 0800 555 525 Email.

Award winning Admiral Court Motel on the Kaikoura Peninsula offers magnificent views of the Seaward Kaikoura Range and ocean. Just across the road is the popular Pier Hotel and a short walk will take you to a safe swimming beach and park. The Kaikoura Peninsula Walk, seal colony, Fyffe House and world famous Seafood BBQ are all within a 5 minute drive.

36 | Air Kaikoura Aero Club offers great value Whale Flights, Scenic Flights, Charter Flights. Phone 03 319 6579 627 Kaikoura South Rd, Peketa, Kaikoura 7374 DoughnutsFreshlyTastySandwichesHotBurgersBreakfastsDogsMilkshakesMade KAIKOURA’S KAIKOURA’S American Style Diner 105 Beach Road,Kaikoura 7300 03 319 3119 / “We don’t make fast food, we make good food as fast as we can” P: 0800 319 6362 9 Westend, Kaikoura, NZ E: Swimming with and watching Kaikoura’s Dusky Dolphins! Dolphin Encounter Enjoy close up views of these majestic wanderers of the Southern Ocean just minutes from shore. Enter the world of the dusky dolphin and experience the grace and beauty of the most acrobatic and interactive of all dolphin species. 96 Esplanade, Kaikoura, NZ Phone (03) 319 6777 Freephone 0800 733 365 Albatross Encounter Fishing Trips & Charters In Kaikoura With The Rodfather Skippered by Steve, a highly professional skipper with a vast knowledge of marine life. His fishing experience has led to many happy customers going home with a great feed of crayfish & fish. Our vessel is purpose built and equipped with the latest model electric reels. Your safety is our #1 priority! To enjoy the ultimate fishing adventure in Kaikoura! Contact Us at Phone 0800 763 328 Email Waterfront Location 5-star premium spa studios facing the sea and the mountains 4-star garden studios, family apartments, 3 bedroom house 92 Esplanade, Kaikoura Phone: 03 319 5014 Freephone: 0800 803

With a delicious selection of homemade foods and quick service, The Why Not Cafe has been a favoured stopover for many years. Phone 03 319 6486 Email

Destinations | Kaikoura

The drive along State Highway 1 on the Kaikoura coastline has always been regarded as one of the most scenic drives in New However,Zealand.nowwith the addition of sites showcasing stunning cultural artworks that tell the rich local history, this stretch of the highway has become a destination in its own right.
Kaikoura is located between Otautahi Christchurch and Picton. Otautahi Christchurch is 2.5 hours’ drive to the south of Kaikoura and Picton is 2hrs to the north.

Kaikoura Biking in Kaikoura is seen as an excellent way get around town and explore the area with its varied landscapes. For the more experienced a way to get a full workout a visit to Middle Hill Mountain Bike Park is a must, they offer a range of intermediate to advanced trails not to be Accommodationmissed. in Kaikoura is extensive, ranging from campgrounds, backpackers and hostels, through to the bed and breakfasts, farm-stays, self-contained units, lodges, motels, apartments and motor-inns. | 37 Try one of our delicious Gone Wild Pizza rangeBespoke Gourmet Pizza made with wild game & local seafood. 17 Beach Rd, Kaikōura | From 11 am to late / Phone Us (03) 319 6360 Destinations |

The works of art, together with seven safe stopping areas, were created as part of the rebuild that took place along the highway after the 2016 Kaioura earthquake (a mammoth operation that took around a year to complete). Self-drive visitors can also make the most of this beautiful area and enjoy Kaikoura as part of a multi-day scenic drive on the Alpine Pacific Touring Route. This route link Kaikoura with Hanmer Springs Alpine Village and Waipara Wine Region. 450kms of spectacular scenery with Kaikoura at the heart of it.
There are also hidden gems such as the Pure Pods glass eco-cabins situated in a vast landscape with perfect views of the mighty Seaward Kaikoura Mountain Range, only 20 minutes inland from Kaikoura. Whatever your budget, whether it be for a short break, weekend away or long holiday with the family or for a romantic getaway, Kaikoura has a place to stay for you. Kaikoura is a mecca for seafood lovers, with lots of fresh delicacies to try. Local specialties include groper, cod, mussels and of course the towns namesake – Crayfish (Lobster). Other delights such as oysters, scallops and whitebait are available in season. There are quality dining choices to suit any requirement whether you are eating in or dining out. From takeaways to cafes to upmarket restaurants, there’s a place to satisfy everyone. Indoor or outdoor, all have a wide range of meal choices to cater to any palate
For those taking the Coastal Pacific train or travelling on a bus between destinations, a stop off in Kaikoura will not disappoint. We invite you to discover what makes Kaikoura so unique – a place that’s one of a kind; unlike anywhere else. Head to to plan your next getaway! CT
The homes will benefit the elderly and lowmedium income earners. The Kaikoura District Council says the proposed infrastructure projects enable new houses across two different sites – Vicarage Views and Ocean Ridge. Vicarage Views is a new subdivision located on the former NCTiR village site across from Ludstone Road. The council says Ocean Ridge subdivisions are set to be expanded and infrastructure upgrades are proposed to begin in 2022/23, with the first IAF-enabled houses to be delivered in 2023/24. The projects are set up in stages, with stage one for Vicarage Views including 43 modern homes. Vicarage views will have 83 sections in also includes plans to have an unsealed road upgraded, a new rail crossing and an extension of the cycle/pathway. Later stages of the project are set to include river protection works and an upgrade to Council Three-waters infrastructure. This is will enable additional homes in the Ocean Ridge subdivision. However, the council says these are subject to resource consent and if consent isn’t approved, the low/medium income homes and elderly person units and the proposed infrastructure will be at risk. CT Kowhai downs is a sub division with 18 2ha lots developed to a
38 | | Kaikoura Kaikoura has recently received a $7,800,000 fund from Kainga Ora’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund to support more than 400 potential new homes.

Vicarage Views and Ocean developmentsRidge

very high standard. Ocean Ridge subdivisions are set to be expanded. Fissenden Bros Ltd 75 years of local operating knowledge, We know Kaikoura. Fissenden Bros Ltd are a locally owned and operated Kaikoura Earthmoving Contracting Company. Specialising in excavation, road and track maintenance, construction, drainage, house foundations, demolition, rock supply and landscaping. Phone: 03 319 5974 | John: 027 222 3586 | Jill: 027 375 3209 Email: | 144 Mt Fyffe Rd, Kaikoura 7300 Custom design and Install packages | Waste Water Resource Consent - Design and Application | Parts & Sales Commercial Water/Waste Water Installation | Treatment System Installation | Repairs & Maintenance Your TOTAL WATER needs specialists Phone. 021 802 100 Email. | 39 Family-owned Hammer Hardware providing our local community with a wide range of products. KAIKOURA Camping | Fishing | Giftware | Power Tools | Plumbing | Electrical Key Cutting | Garden Centre | Paint | Plus heaps more 130 Beach Road Kaikoura OPEN 7 DAYSPhone 03 319 5013

As Kaikoura District Council CEO, Will Doughty, neatly concluded, “One thing the last few years has taught us is how to work together to manage and adapt to change”. Managing and adapting is perhaps being a little modest - there are range of new developments, attractions and facilities enhancing Kaikoura as a place to live, work and play. These include a new 120 bed, 4.5-star Sudima Hotel on the waterfront due to open in October, the Art Deco Mayfair Arts and Culture Centre – a two screen cinema and theatre which reopened in 2021, new hot pools planned for the Esplanade with its unsurpassed mountain and sea vistas, and a $15-20m architect designed complex at Wakatu Quay, hosting upmarket hospitality, retail and cultural outlets.
New developments designed to move Kaikoura forward

40 | |

42 >
Blessed with stunning and unique scenery, worldfamous for the varied marine life, rich in seafood delicacies, superb land and sea activities, Kaikoura has always been one of Canterbury’s gems. However, Kaikoura’s assets go beyond its beauty and natural environment. Since the 2016 Earthquake and in dealing with COVID-19, the community has shown it has buckets of resilience, character, and vision. These strengths are helping it to move forward as a modern and thriving community.
The 42km Kaikoura cycling trail has recently been completed which opens up a scenic and exhilarating route for cyclists. For the more adventurous there’s a first-class mountain bike trail at Middle Hill and a zipline adventure park planned for Peketa.

Tracey: 027 220 5990 | Trev: 027 590 8616 | Kaikoura Total Realty Ltd. MREINZ. Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 We can sell yours too! We are your local agents SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLDSOLDSOLDSOLDSOLD

One thing the last few years has taught is how to work together to manage and adapt to change. Kaikoura District Council CEO, Will ContinuedDoughtyonpage

“ ” -

FLETCHER KIRK FENCING Quality Fencing with Quality Service • Post and rail • Sheep fencing • Deer fencing • Paling fences • Retaining walls • Pole sheds • Hardwood fences • Free quotes ALL YOUR FENCING NEEDS P 027 356 8034 E CT

42 | Focus On | Waimakariri AJ DRAINAGE LTD Certified Drainlayer• New house drains • Septic tank installation & servicing • Blocked drains • Site scrapes & driveways • Drain Camera Email: 1007Phone:ajdrainage@gmail.com0272405634|033195225StateHighway1RD1,Kaikoura 7371 SCOTT MANSFIELD Residential & Commercial New Builds | Decks & Fences Renovations & Additions | Custom Pole Sheds Phone:027 675 0842 Email:,Kaikoura730 dot social C R E A T I V E S O C I A L M E D I A Social Media Advertising Content Production Bespoke Solutions Reporting 021 865 388 | Rangiora We work with individuals, businesses, organizations, schools and groups to provide unique designs for fundraising and to get them noticed. Phone 0272 289 Focus On | Kaikoura Families can also enjoy the new Aquatic Centre which opened in November last year. Alongside the bounty of new developments, Kaikoura’s South Bay continues to be a major draw for recreational fisherman. With depths dropping off from a few metres to over 1,500m just a stone’s throw from the shore, deep-sea fishing is easily accessible for weekend World-classboaties.surfbreaks are also on the doorstep at Mangamaunu and Kahutara. Since completing a $40 million earthquake infrastructure rebuild program in 2020, on time and on budget, Kaikoura has also successfully secured Government funding to kick-start some impressive development. Construction starts in the next few months on a new scenic Link Pathway that will connect the vibrant cafés and boutique shops in the Westend with Point Kean Seal Colony in the east. It will showcase the fantastic natural environment and some new drawcards along its route. In July a $7.8m boost from Kainga Ora’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund was also announced to support development of new housing subdivisions with new roads, cycleways and utilities. These include a new subdivision, Vicarage Views (with low-medium income homes and elderly person units planned) and the expansion of an existing subdivision at Ocean Ridge.

— Advertising Feature
Covid has been a challenging time for businesses and communities. The ‘Do Good Rangiora’ initiative launched in April 2022 and runs through until March 2023. “We heard from the community there was a big interest to support local, especially in these challenging times,” says Karen. When locals purchase items from any of the [over] 50 participating stores, they can collect stickers to win prizes. “It gives people ownership over doing some good in the local community and making a difference to small businesses” she says. “We have welcomed as many businesses on board as possible, but there is always room for more.” Karen says this initiative is a great way to get everyone involved and keep the money in Rangiora. “Do Good Rangiora encompasses a wide range and cross selection of businesses to make it really easy to collect stickers,” she says.
Ensuring more people in the wider Canterbury region are aware of the culture growing in the heart of Rangiora is what is important to the organisation. Karen says it’s all about “making sure we keep promoting Rangiora to bring people into town, to support events and enjoy our local businesses”.
Kaikoura is also building on its pristine dark skies with an International Dark Sky Reserve application in the pipeline. This will enhance its growing reputation as a superior night sky viewing destination, further potentially boosting off-season visitors. All said, Kaikoura is small and beautiful, but it’s also so much more. So, if you are looking for a new base for home or business, the future is looking bright for Kaikoura. CT Kaikoura District Council PO Box Kaikoura6 7340) (03) 319 www.kaikoura.govt.nzkdc@kaikoura.govt.nz5026

Rangiora Promotions event ‘Eats and Beats’, people picnicking and enjoying live music. photo credit to Shane Jones Photography.

— Advertising Feature

Rangiora Promotions wanted to say a huge thank you to all their sponsors and key supporters - “We really couldn’t do what we do without them”. CT Rangiora Promotions 021 1111 271 or 022 1280
Rangiora Promotions

“We really want people to be aware and discover Rangiora for all the awesome opportunities and culture that is being created. Making sure we keep to our core idea and goals of promoting the town as a place to shop, play, eat and drink, is really important.”
Rangiora, a small town located 30 minutes from Christchurch Central, is bustling with vibrancy, culture and community thanks to the presence of Rangiora Promotions. The not-for-profit organisation aims to create strong relationships between community members and local businesses, establishing visionary initiatives such as the ‘Do Good Rangiora’ project.
By Michaela Pointon

Rangiora Promotions aim to create a sense of community within the district. Business relationship manager, Karen Dugdale, says “we have a lot of established events people look forward to each year”. Their most recent event was The Big Splash, which this year raised funds for the Rangiora Stroke Club, St John Waimakariri and Rangiora Promotions. Other events such as Eats and Beats, is a live music and food festival, held in March. Multiple events are run in December “Christmastoo.celebrations take over the High Street, with food, Christmas spirit, family and community”. Rangiora Promotions hope to bring back the Christmas spirit in 2022, with the annual Santa Parade and Christmas Party in The Park. Unfortunately, due to Covid, these events were cancelled last year.

Then, the chances are, when it comes to deciding who to hire, you’re going to go with your gut, as you won’t reliably be able to compare one answer to another because you didn’t ask each candidate a few standard questions you can compare them by.
It is risky to bet too heavily on how much experience a person has, when there are so many factors that determine whether someone will be successful in the role and a good fit for your organisation.
This is especially so for smaller businesses and startups because they have fewer employees and a limited income with which to work.
Mistake 2 - Overvaluing experience
However, this is a double-edged sword and there is a flip side.
You want someone with the potential to grow into the perfect for your company.
But if you want your company to grow, you need to hire the right people.
An employee’s productivity is comprised of 50 percent ability [the reasons you hired them], and 50 percent of what happens once they’re in the workplace.
You’ve got to wade through a mountain of applications, weed out the few you’re interested in and then interview all the candidates – all while still running your company.
But the trouble is that running a small business is hard work and there often simply isn’t the time to commit to a thorough hiring process; and as result, corners get cut.
You need people that are not only right for the now but can also help you move the business towards bigger and better things in the future.
An applicant’s skills, knowledge, aptitude and personality all factor into the equation.
Experience accumulates with time in the role and skills can be learned and acquired.
Placing too much stock on a heavy list of qualifications in your job description, or only considering applicants with x amount of experience and not considering other factors, means you might be turning a blindeye to someone better suited to the role and your company’s culture.
It doesn’t matter how impressed you are with someone’s potential – poor training, insufficient access to resources, and little feedback will add up to poor job satisfaction and this will impact their performance.
So recruitment doesn’t stop at the ‘welcome aboard’ handshake – you need to make sure they are introduced, trained and supported every step of the way.
Because experience is a tangible and measurable component, it is very easy to overvalue it above less easily measurable factors such as intelligence, drive, and other components of raw talent.
If you’re looking to hire someone without any experience in the hope of finding someone cheaper – you might be buying into a false economy.
So conducting a good interview, offering that promising person the job and them saying ‘yes’ is only half the task.
You achieve this by having an interview plan.
If you would like to talk to one of our consultants about your recruitment needs, please contact us on 0800 88 00 18 |
This doesn’t have to be an iron-clad, exactly repeatable process – but it does need to have some consistency to it so you can accurately assess candidates’ answers in relation to each other.
This is a common mistake many small business owners make.
For these companies every single dollar they spend on finding and hiring an employee can affect their longer term success, meaning it’s vital that they avoid making major mistakes while hiring.
If you just wing each interview, the direction, tone and outcome of each conversation can vary wildly, making it more difficult to compare candidates to each other. The outcome of this can be that, despite spending all that time interviewing people, to a certain extent, you’re still none the wiser.
Ignoring a candidate with what you consider to be necessary experience in the hope of saving a few thousand dollars a year by hiring an unproven person, might not actually save you anything, due to the amount of on-the-job training and potentially decreased productivity the less experienced employee will deliver.
You need to treat an interview like a deductive science. You’ve sorted through all the resumes and selected the best individuals to be interviewed – but now you need a better way of evaluating their suitability for the role than just having a chat and going with your gut.
So, as with all aspects of running your business, you need to find a balance. But it definitely pays to consider more than just the experience a candidate comes with.
Hiring new employees is not an easy process.
The good news is that your competitors are probably making these mistakes whilst hiring as well. This means there’s an opportunity for you to seize; to waste less time and money by hiring right so you can get back to running your company.
Your next great employee might be someone with limited experience, but who has fantastic aptitude and flexibility.
The single biggest hiring mistake small business owners make is winging it or not having an interview plan. At best they’ll have a few questions written down on a piece of paper, but little else.
So, a little planning can go a long way towards helping you make an informed and considered choice of who to hire, as opposed to just sitting down with each individuals, having a completely random chat, and then hoping you get it right.
Mistake 3 - Assuming the hiring process ends once they’re hired
Employees need to be properly induced and introduced to your company, well trained and supported.
First – decide what questions are the most important, and ask them to each candidate. Y O UR OWN
Mistake 1 - Not having an interview plan
Second – know what answers you’re looking for. Then you can assess each answer objectively and place candidates in pecking order.
The Selwyn District Council says that over the coming months, they’ll be completing the instillation of the required infrastructure and beginning chlorination on a scheme-byscheme basis to comply with the legislation.

Selwyn District Council group manager, Murray Washington, says they have already begun applying for exemptions for schemes that are not already chlorinated.
“This is in keeping with our commitment in the Councils Long-Term Plan 2021-2023 that we would work with Taumata Arowai to clarify the requirements for exemption and work with the community on the costs and rating options for the upgrades needed to gain exemptions.”

A multi-barrier approach to drinking water safety is one that Taumata Arowai considers will prevent hazards from entering the raw water, remove particles, pathogens, chemical and radiological hazards from the water, kill or inactivate pathogens in the water, and maintain the quality of water in the reticulation system.

The Water Services Act 2021 states that “safe” in relation to drinking water means drinking water that is unlikely to cause a serious risk of death, injury or illness immediately, or over time, by the consumption or use of drinking water or other causes together with the consumption or use of drinking water.

Upgrading water supplies in Selwyn this process continues, we will keep working with our community while ensuring we comply with the law to keep our drinking water safe. “ ”
Nine of those supplies are already permanently chlorinated and the council will work to ensure the remaining supplies have the necessary infrastructure in place to provide chlorination.
This is to be brought about by a drinking water safety plan which, among other things, must contain a multi-barrier approach to drinking water safety that will be implemented as part of the plan.

“As far as we know, Selwyn was the first council in the country to file an application for an exemption from chlorination,” he says.
The Selwyn District Council is upgrading their water supplies over the remainder of the year to meet new rules for keeping drinking water safe.

The Water Services Act 2021 requires all councils to be able to provide residual disinfection (chlorine) for all public drinking water supplies. Water supplies are required to be deemed safe by the 15th of November, 2022.
Selwyn has 27 drinking water supplies which provides drinking water to 70 percent of the district’s residents.
44 | | Selwyn District See how we work together to create sustained harmony in the home Phone 021 908 Contact us for all your plumbing & needs,Gasfittingfromtapwasherstonew&commercialbuilds. Phone 027 351 1431 Email! Order online today! Your We are located at 1/8 VERNON DRIVE , LINCOLN Downloadourapp DINE-IN AND TAKEAWAY. FULLY LICENSED VENUE. Stylish + curated pre-loved clothing Giving your forgotten clothes a second chance. Women's clothing 8 to 22 Spacious boutique 8 Vernon Drive, Lincoln Behind New World

There can be exceptions to the Water Services Act 2021 if you have an exemption from the drinking water authority, Taumata Arowai.
If a water supply scheme does not have an exemption on the 15th of November, 2022, temporary chlorination will continue as required by law. “As this process continues, we will keep working with our community while ensuring we comply with the law to keep our drinking water safe,” Murray says. CT | 45 Lincoln HQ is a premier and authentic Kiwi Bar and Restaurant that is proudly serving the Lincoln area and beyond. It's our mission to provide high-quality food for all those who wish to combine fun and enjoyable bar ambiance with skilful cooking as one extraordinary dining experience. As a part of Lincoln Headquarters we have installed 2 golf simulator booths upstairs so instead of spending hours and hours on the course our simulators allow you to play a full, fun round of golf in a fraction of the time. Whether you’re a serious golfer or a weekend hit and hope type, the 19th Hole just wants you to have fun and enjoy golf; Our technology allows you to analyse your swing and ball flight or feel free to grip and rip it to see which of your friends get the longest drive! The 19th Hole lets you enjoy a range of top courses from around the world while enjoying a nice cold beverage and bar snacks! For all prices and bookings head to or call us on 03 925 9151 1 per person, while stock addMentionlaststhisandgetafree Lincoln HQ key ring,

Timaru District Libraries
Skinny Jump is a programme designed to help eligible New Zealanders gain access to affordable prepaid broadband internet at home. There are no credit checks or contracts and customers top up as they go. It costs just $5 for 35GB of data and customers can renew their plan up to six times a month. Skinny Jump customers also receive an additional 15GB of free data every month. Eligible groups include families with children, people with disabilities, migrants and refugees, Maori and Pasifika youth, seniors, offenders and ex-offenders, and people living in social housing. Skinny Jump registrations can be done at Timaru, Temuka and Geraldine Libraries.
Thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks for people of all ages are available across our digital platforms: BorrowBox, OverDrive, Hoopla, AudioBook Cloud and ePlatform by Wheelers. Apart from AudioBook Cloud, which can be streamed on a browser, patrons can download the platform apps to their preferred devices for convenient access to favourite authors and genres, and for reading on-the-go. As well as eBooks and eAudiobooks, Hoopla also has a wide range of comics and music to enjoy. Did you know that there are now over 700,000 items on Hoopla alone? Library members also have access to a large and ever-growing collection of films, documentaries and television shows to stream through the Kanopy, Beamafilm and Hoopla platforms. Currently, patrons may borrow up to 20 items each from Kanopy and Hoopla per month. Beamafilm offers unlimited streaming. There is plenty of great content for children on these platforms too and unlimited access to Kanopy Kids.
Timaru District Libraries
Library members also have access to a large and ever-growing collection of films, documentaries and television shows to stream through the Kanopy, Beamafilm and Hoopla platforms. Currently, patrons may borrow up to 20 items each from Kanopy and Hoopla per month.
We also have assistive technology kits such as C-Pen ReaderPens which convert text into spoken words - in multiple languages. These devices are designed to assist those with low vision, those with Dyslexia and also for language learning.

These devices are designed to assist those with low vision, those with Dyslexia and also for language learning. Other Tech Kits that assist people who have low vision include our HumanWare electronic magnifiers and HumanWare VictorReader audiobook players. There are conditions for borrowing Tech Kits. Come into your local branch to find out more.
Timaru District Libraries won the Supporting Local award and also the coveted People’s Choice award. Our libraries are community hubs where staff members strive to meet the diverse, and often complex needs of all members of the community. Our library services and programmes promote social connectedness, life-long learning, wellbeing, and literacy development. We see the winning of these awards as an acknowledgment of the value that our libraries add to our communities.
Lots of exciting things have been happening at Timaru District Libraries. In June we were thrilled and humbled to win not one, but two categories in the Ara ExcellenceBusinessAwards.

46 |
The very first Hublet unit in New Zealand was recently installed in the Timaru Children’s Library. Hublet is a product from Finland offering customers self-service access to tablets for use in the library. A library card is required to unlock a tablet. With preloaded apps enabling access to our eLibrary, Busy Things, Kinderlings Kids Radio, as well as links to websites such as National Geographic Kids and the San Diego Zoo, there is so much for children and families to explore.
We are excited to announce our new Tech Kits which are now available for borrowing. We currently have Bee-Bot coding robots, Merge Cubes and Osmo Genius activity
There are no longer any subscription fees for out-of-district or temporary memberships, so anyone can join the library for free, regardless of where they live. We also do not charge overdue or holds fees – which helps to reduce financial barriers to borrowing.
sets which can be borrowed for four weeks. We also have assistive technology kits such as C-Pen ReaderPens which convert text into spoken words - in multiple languages.
Creativebug is a fabulous new addition to our digital resources. Patrons use their library card number and password to set up a Creativebug account, allowing unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes. There is lots of online content for children to explore and enjoy. One of our latest additions, LOTE Online, is a database of over 1200 digital picture books in over 40 languages. Each book includes an English translation to help children learn other languages. New books are added regularly to the database. To find out more about our fantastic services and collections, visit our library branches in Timaru, Temuka and Geraldine, or find us on Facebook, Instagram or at

48 | | South Canterbury Advanced Brick & Building Timaru Phone 022 483 2529 Email E Advanced Brick and Building Timaru Liquorland Dee Street is your one stop shop! Biggest range in Timaru of Spirits, Wine & Craft Beer. Phone. 03 688 3149 / Email. / Driving Timaru’s economic future Timaru’s economy has shown growth of eight percent in the year to the end of March 2022 and it is the district’s strong agricultural and food production sector that is behind this. Supplying local specialised security services, including confidential document destruction, safe storage of files and valuables, information management, other services may be available on request. 03 688 Continued on page 52 >

Most potatoes used in the making of the fries are grown in the area so Makikihi can continue to support locally businesses and organisations. A multigenerational business, Makikihi Fries began in 1983 by Jac Bleeker who came to New Zealand from Holland in 1952 with a love for potatoes. He grew a range of potato types but, as an innovative and ambitious individual, he went further with researching the best type of potato. With the help of his family and an agronomist, they discovered the newly developed Agria potato.

Now retired, Jac handed the company over to one of his sons, Mark, in 2009 who became the first successor of Makikihi Fries. Mark had been part of the family operations for quite some time before being offered the chance to take over the company.
award in the Outstanding Food Producers awards 2022. Not to mention, they work with a carbon zero manufacturing process so they’re Total Carbon Zero Accredited. All that pales in comparison to their staff. Makikihi Fries employ seventeen staff from local regions and understand they’re the key to their success. Some staff have been part of the company for more than 20 years. Their loyalty, product and process knowledge is invaluable. Because the team is small, Makikihi Fries know their staff personally and the staff know management. This creates an environment where everyone can share in the production of the fries. Everyone involved in the production understands the importance of the key ingredients, the history and the future of what is being produced. Most of the factory process is still completed manually, which in turn retains a number of jobs in the community.

Makikihi Fries prides themselves on their great fries which come from a range of factors and their two key ingredients. Firstly, they use Agria potatoes which, with a lot of extra care, have a sweet and fluffy texture of fry. They’re also a golden flesh potato that differs from many other manufactures who use paler potatoes. Agria potatoes retain their strong potato flavour after the frying process too. However, Agria potatoes have a lot of challenges when it comes to growing them. They are more vulnerable to disease and adverse weather conditions but the extra care is worth it.
Jac was the first to use the Agria potato in New Zealand. Jac always knew he wanted to do his own thing with potatoes and managed to bring this dream into fruition. A potato crisp manufacturer moved on from their Makikihi based factory which Jac had actually helped set up so they took the opportunity and the Makikihi Fry was created This original factory still stands and there’s even an old potato storage shed still in use which Jac hand made all 5000 concrete blocks for.
The company has scooped several awards recently. They were finalists in the ARA Business Excellence Awards for Large Businesses 2022. Their two scoop jacket fries also won a gold
The second key ingredient is beef tallow. Makikihi Fries are the only fry manufacturer in New Zealand to use beef tallow to par fry their fries. Because it is a by-product of beef, it’s a more sustainable frying medium than vegetable oils which is what other manufacturers use. The tallow also enhances the already signature flavour of the Makikihi fry to create a truly unique flavour profile.
Makikihi Fries is now in its third generation of Bleekers. Marks son, Simon and his wife Jazzmin took on the business in late 2021. They have the goal of making the company a sustainable business that will be around for the fourth generation which may well be their young children, Boden and Theodora!


Jeffery, another of Jac’s sons, grows potatoes for the factory. However, the increasing demand for the fries and the need for the company to diversify growing locations to minimise risks involved with growing all their crops in one location means they’ve added a few more South Canterbury growers. These growers include Bowans from Fallgate farms north of Timaru and Guy Slater, also from north of Timaru.
Makikihi Fries is an award winning, family owned and operated business operating for nearly 40 years. Located locally in Makikihi, they manufacture premium French fries to sell domestically and commercially.

The investment by the Bowans has continued over the years as the business has grown with the introduction of a second line a ‘Kettle Fryer,’ and with further development underway currently.
Talking with Kyle Miller, Heartland’s newly appointed Commercial Manager, he explains that Heartland are investing in another major addition to the plant over the next few months to allow daily production to double from its current maximum capacity.

Son James who is Fallgate Farm Manager discusses with us the farm “We are producing a variety of crops on the farm such as wheat, barley, rye and however potatoes account for the sizeable percentage of our production each season with the majority heading to the factory, a lot of planning must go into the potato production, especially around future forecasts with plans being laid down a year in advance. It can be tricky especially with Heartlands growth, so we can’t afford to underestimate, if I run out, I’ll be answering to my sister at the factory!”
Raymond also gets immortalised as a 100% NZ owned and operated logo on every pack. “Dad is the heart and soul of the company, so it only makes sense for him and his potato fork to be on every pack we produce” says Charlotte laughing “better him than me!”

As mentioned by Charlotte, all the potatoes used by Heartland are grown down the road at Fallgate Farm which Raymond and Adrienne have been operating since 1975.
Heartland’s story is the story of Raymond and Adrienne Bowan the South Canterbury potato farmers. They seized the opportunity to purchase the Bluebird chips site in Washdyke Timaru, when they closed the doors in 2009 to fulfil a dream and founded Heartland Potato Chips, New Zealand’s only Kiwi owned and operated potato chip manufacturer.

Charlotte Bowan James Bowan
The future of Heartland Potato Chips is certainly looking bright for this ‘can do’ Kiwi Family.

Charlotte Bowan, Heartland’s General Manager explains, “It was a major undertaking for Mum and Dad, there was this urban legend of sorts that made the rounds that they bought the site, unlocked the doors, and started making chips, but this couldn’t have been further from the truth, as the site had been decommissioned and was basically a rundown shell in desperate need of repair.”
The farm covers 600 hectares close to Geraldine and has been key in the building of the Heartland brand. The company is continuing to elevate the importance of the farm by updating their packaging by placing ‘From our farm to you’ at the top of the bag, above a bolder refreshed Heartland logo, in what is Heartland’s first major brand refresh in 12 years.
However, starting from scratch gave Heartland Chips the opportunity to create a state-of-the-art production facility, commissioning an all-new plant from Australia, Netherlands, and US, as well as utilising local engineers to create the impressive maze of stainless steel that fills the nooks and crannies of the factory.
This approach has clearly worked for the family with sales increasing year on year since the first chips rolled off the line in October 2010, which happened to be only a week after the September earthquake that rocked Canterbury.
Charlotte laughs “I’m sure Mum and Dad wondered if they had bitten off more than they could chew at times as it was a mammoth task” but with a smile she also says, “Growing up we were taught do it once and do it properly, I believe that has been the key to our success, we set out to make the best possible chips which meant having the best plant, using the highest-grade oils and flavours and of course being able to control quality by only using our best potatoes sourced solely from our own farm.”
Local firm Thompson Construction have also commenced the construction of a new warehousing and office facility.
“It’s an exciting time to have joined the business, we are experiencing record sales and have strong projected growth that would be the envy of most food companies.”
Heartland is a company built around a family that continues to use the same ‘can do’ approach that the business was founded on. This is all too clear in the resent innovations with not only “Extreme Crunch” which has well and truly exceeded even their own high expectations since launching in April this year, but also Heartland’s first collab with another well-known South Canterbury manufacturer, Barkers of Geraldine, where they launched a delicious range of chips inspired by their well known and loved products such as smoky Chipotle sauce with a touch of heat and a squeeze of lime, a cheeky Sweet Chilli with a hint of ginger, and a Sweet Onion Marmalade. “Barker’s chips has been such a fun project and really successful with our customers, but that’s just the start, we really have some amazing plans that will come to life over the next 2 years that I’m sure our customers are going to absolutely love also”, says Charlotte.
Heartland Potato Chips over the last 12 years has become a well-recognised Kiwi brand as well as a true Kiwi success story.

52 | TOPSBENCH Quality GuaranteedWorkmanship Kitchens • Vanities • Laundries Bars • Caravans • Buses Anything Considered Custom Made or Made to PhoneSpecifications03684 8477 RETAIL FABRICATORWHOLESALE&LAMINATE 14 Redruth St, Industrial Automation Irrigation & Dairy Automation Wireless Fixed Grid Sprinklers Data & Wireless Installations 0800 499 FIRE EXTINQUISHER SERVICES Fire Equipment Sales & Service Fire Suppresion Systems Fire Extinguisher Training Marine � Industrial Commercial � Domestic Rural Insurance Approved Supplier Locally Owned & Operated - IQP Registered FPA Member 0800 347 392 Firewatch South Canterbury Ltd SAFETY SOUTH CANTERBURY’S GLASS AND SERVICEGLAZING Whether you need glass installation, replacement, or repair services, we can help at Economy Glass. Turnbull St Timaru 7910 Phone 03 688 Focus On | South Canterbury
“We’re home to some leading international brands, such as Fonterra, DB and McCain, and also some other businesses that are equally big employers, including Sanford, NZ Juice Products, Barkers and Silver Fern Farms for example,” Nigel says. He says the biggest challenge for the district’s businesses continues to be their ability to find and retain skilled staff, and Timaru is working hard to attract newcomers to the region.
“Of our total workforce of approximately 25,000 people, there are 5,000 who work within the agriculture and food production sector – it’s massive.
“We have this fantastic central location that gives you easy access to an amazing hinterland, and yet we’re only two hours’ drive from the international airport at Christchurch.

“Add to that our affordable housing, easy commute time and great schools, Timaru is an awesome place to raise a family.”
Venture Timaru chief executive, Nigel Davenport, says “Once again, it paints a very clear picture that the agricultural and food production backbone of Timaru District puts us in a very positive place, better than many other parts of the country.

“It’s getting much tougher for young people to own their own home in the bigger cities and that’s a major difference compared to Timaru.
“For those who are keen on a bit of DIY and renovation, they can enter the property ladder here and have the potential to make money on their investment with some time and effort,” he Timarusays.currently has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, at 3.3 percent, which means attracting people from out of town to relocate for jobs is critical. “We need people now and with the huge construction jobs getting underway, such as the Scott Base Redevelopment Build among many others, this need is only going to grow.”
The Infometrics report shows that the current average house value for Timaru District is $505,581, compared to $735,710 in the wider Canterbury area and up to $1.4 million in “TimaruAuckland.isa place where young people can afford to buy a house, which is a major drawcard.
positive figures are in the latest quarterly economic report for the district prepared by economists Infometrics.

For anyone keen to find out more about the benefits of living in Timaru visit: CT

“The flow-on effect of this spreads right across the industry sectors – if we’re doing well in agriculture and food production, other areas are doing well too, such as construction and consumer spending,” he says.
“There are so many reasons to come here, on top of the great jobs available. | 53 Developments | Rolleston Square Martin Wakefield is an accounting practice established in Timaru during the early 1900’s. We have grown from those early days to now have offices in both Timaru and Christchurch. RURAL ACCOUNTING | GENERAL ACCOUNTING | AUDITING | TAXATION BODY CORPORATE SERVICES | BUSINESS ADVICE | SUCCESSION PLANNING At Martin Wakefield we pride ourselves in being friendly, accessible accounting specialists who make it our business to make your business more successful! By helping our clients to succeed, we are able to continue to grow our client base and expertise in the many areas in which we excel. Whatever stage your business is at, your Martin Wakefield adviser is here to counsel and assist you through all the major and minor transitions. We ask the right questions because we've been helping our clients with the challenge of change for over 100 years. Phone: 03 687 7122 • Office: Level 1, 26 Canon Street, Timaru, 7910, New Zealand Email: E D C M

54 |
Homegrown in a small town in the heart of South Canterbury, Lynn River is now a leading supplier of hand and personal protection products in New Zealand and Australia.

TIMARU 2 George Street, Timaru P 03 686 6030 E
Lynn River
For 40 years we have been taking care of everyone from farmers and tradies to gardeners and DIY-ers. Starting with cattle ear tags in 1969 to providing an extensive range of gardening and work gloves for all industries, we now also offer a broad range of hearing, eye, body and respiratory protection products that meet and exceed quality and safety Westandards.dedicate a huge amount of time and resources on research and development to provide the highest quality safety products throughout Australasia. Our products are designed with a focus on comfort and affordability without compromising on performance and function. We strive to maintain good relationships with leading glove makers around the world and are always looking for new products and technologies to ensure we meet our customers' changing needs. This includes our commitment to working with suppliers, materials and products that align with our own sustainability goals. We are also increasing our range of recyclable and biodegradable products to reduce our carbon footprint and do our bit in protecting the’reon the farm, in the workplace or at home, personal protective equipment is essential to protecting the health and wellbeing of yourself, your family, and your employees. Our products are designed with a focus on comfort and affordability without compromising on performance and function. If you need to update your organisations PPE supplies, get some new gear for your DIY projects, or are simply looking for a nice pair of gardening gloves for a Christmas gift, check out for a huge range of products and deals.

The purpose of Manage My Cashflow is to Ignite passion and confidence through business education. We celebrate the wins in business with you but are also there for support during the hard times. We help business owners improve their cashflow and increase profits by teaching them the skills to run their business and feel confident understanding financial reports. We are currently in rough times. Who could have predicted a global pandemic would hit us and then a pending recession in such a short amount of time? Have you prepared your business and cashflow to make it through?
Burn out, loss of hope/direction and cashflow stresses are the most common feelings of a business owner who jumps on board with the 2022 Ara Business Excellence Awards Finalist, Manage My Cashflow. After working 12 years as a taxation accountant, I had spotted a huge gap in the accountancy area. Support!
If you struggle with cashflow, feel like you are stuck and don’t know how to grow your business or feel like your business is not delivering what you need in life then you should call us! I am excited to help you achieve the three freedoms we all desire. Time, financial and mind.The biggest hurdle for you to overcome is asking for help. Owning and operating a business is hard work and you don’t have to do this alone. We also host business workshops in Timaru. We would love to help get your business and cashflow on track.

So, we do things a little different around here, let’s go back to the basics: The most important question is what are your personal life goals? We all start businesses to support the lifestyle we want, so are we achieving this? Without this starting point how do we expect ourselves and our business to grow?

Cashflow Forecasting, Management & Education • Xero Setup, Training & Customisation • Monthly Coaching Financial Awareness Coaching & Training • Business Planning • Bookeeping (Limited Spaces Available) P. 027 316 8822 | E. | E Q | 55 TOOLS FASTENERS TIMBER BATHROOMSHARDWAREJOINERYKITCHENPAINT DECORATING&OUTDOOR LANDSCAPING& WARDROBES &FRAMESTORAGEANDTRUSS

Brews on the Bay has received support from both the Regional Events Fund and Venture Timaru. If running is more your style, The Costal is being held on the 7th of October this year.
The 5km, 10km and half-marathon event is one of New Zealand’s most picturesque running and walking events. Held in Timaru, the track covers a beautiful scenic route with packed and loose trails, road and footpath and a combined total gradient climb of just over 100m.
Venture Timaru has assisted running the expo over the years and they’re interested to see how students can get a real-life glimpse into local Brewsindustries.ontheBay is heading to Timaru on the 1st of October this year. This beer and cider festival kicks off at 11am with the first band starting at midday. Featuring more than 20 drinks vendors and seven food vendors, with more signing up, it’s set to be a fantastic event.
56 |
The fund was for major events to take place in the Timaru District by the 31st of July 2023. Grants will be made for between $10,000 to $50,000 to create events that will help attract visitors to the region. So, get ready for Timaru to host some fantastic events next year.

CT By Timmi Aplin-Barrett
Timaru – like many other regions – is working hard to bounce back after the impacts of Covid.

All ages can take part so get the family out and get Perhapsrunning!youenjoy the circus? On the 15th and 16th of October this year, the Ashton Family Circus is bringing The Extravaganza Fair to Timaru. With magic shows, acrobatics, dancing and a healthy dose of humour, it’s set to be a fast-paced family show for all ages. It’s free entry for kids and a gold coin donation for adults so it’s a great way to spend a weekend without spending a fortune.
Come and try our famous Pork Belly pie, Bacon and Salmon, Silverside or the Ultimate Steak to name a few, all alongside some of your old favourites as well. Baked fresh onsite daily, hot and ready to eat.

Here at the Fairlie Bakehouse, we believe fresh is best, and we take pride in using quality, locally sourced produce wherever possible.

Timaru events highlighting the region businesses the opportunity to highlight careers in their industries to local high school studies, the Pathways Expo has always had positive Businessesfeedback.whoare interested in getting involved can get in touch with the Pathways co-ordinator, Courtney Molloy.
Focus On | South Canterbury
The Pathways Expo 2022, held on Wednesday, 2nd of September, was designed to give
Open 6:00am—4:30pm | 7 days a week 74 Main Street Fairlie | P: 027 427 0588
The Timaru CBD Matariki Night Market was a huge hit with thousands hitting the stalls. With 75 stalls reaching spreading down the center of Stafford Street and running from Bay Hill to George Street, it really highlighted the towns commitment to come together. It also demonstrated their ability to put together a great even which means upcoming events are highly anticipated.
James Reid and Hamish Gee from the Feelers are headlining the event.
Venture Timaru is putting a lot of time and effort into making sure Timaru has events and funding so the region can really bounce back.
Venture Timaru has administered the Major Events Support Fund with the deadline having closed mid-July this year.
The Waitohi zone requires a complex repair.
By Timmi Aplin-Barrett and has enabled the removal of the boil water notice for a majority of customers says the Timaru District Council.
Many Timaru locals have had to boil their drinking water as part of a council precautionary notice.
“The raw water ponds will allow us to have up to 10 days of water for use at peak demand before we even have to take water during extreme storm events,” he says. “The treatment plant can then in turn treat lower quality water. When you combine these systems, you see a huge increase in the resilience of the scheme.”
“This is why we plant for the needs of our District’s water supplies to make sure we can deliver them in a cost-effective matter.”
The Timaru District Council says this will be the schemes biggest upgrades in 85 years.
Now, with the Downlands Water Rural Water Scheme, this could be a thing of the past.
That’s not all – the council will soon be able to start increasing the allocation of water to properties to possibly supply properties that aren’t currently connected and provide for new connections to new dwellings.
“This means it will deliver improved water quality – safter water – to consumers with a greater reliability of supply.”
Timaru District Council Drainage and Water manager, Grant Hall, says it’s an exciting time for Downlands customers.
An upgrade in water for Timaru locals | 57 Continuing to support local industry with the latest technology • Process automation • Industrial electrical services • Inhouse design and build • Turnkey project management • Data, communication and control networks • Realtime process tracking • Industrial database development WEBSITE:E-MAIL:FACSIMILE:24TELEPHONE:POSTAL:LOCATION:HOURSERVICE: 52 BANK STREET TIMARU PO BOX 554 TIMARU 03 688 5310 027 243 8479 03 688 ICSC@ICSC.CO.NZ5924WWW.ICSC.CO.NZ Focus On | South Canterbury
Grant says they’re in the final few months of completing the pipeline replacement from the treatment plant to Cave. CT
The new plant serves the majority of the 2,300 connections and approximately 5,700 people on the Downlands water supply which covers an area through the Timaru, Waimate and Mackenzie districts.

“The new water treatment plant is a microfiltration plant, using the latest technology to allow us to adapt to the changing nature of our rivers,” he says.
The Downlands Joint Standing Committee opened the new Te Ana Wai Water Treatment plant just outside of Albury in late July. This has brought the supply into full compliance with the Drinking Water Standards
The Timaru District Council says new microfiltration treatment allows them to safety take and treat water of a lower quality and meet both the bacteria and protozoa requirements under the Drinking Water Standards.
Construction work began in earnest in 2020 but Grant says the need for the investment into the Downlands scheme had been identified for some “Largetime.infrastructure projects of this scale take many years to deliver from initial concepts and design to the delivery of treated water through the pipeline,” he says.
Unfortunately, this removal of the boil water notice excludes residents of St Andrews as the council says further work is required to bring their local treatment plant up to the standards.
Grant says as well as a lift in water quality, the project will also enable some growth and development within the Downlands water supply scheme as well as providing added resilience.
58 | Concrete Pads GarageDrivewaysFloorsPatiosFootpathsFences Phone now to book your ready-mix or certified concrete for your job. Ph 0274 069747 READY-MIX CONCRETE LOADS UP TO 2.5M3 iMix CONCRETE IT IS ALL ABOUT KIWIS SUPPORTING KIWIS inspectionengineersconsulting& AS/NZS/ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Professional personal service Civil-Structural Engineering Design • Mechanical Engineering Design • Welding Inspection & Qualification Testing • Non-Destructive Testing & Level 3 Procedure auditing • API Tank Inspections calibration Your Safety Our Expertise HV and LV testing • Calibration of equipment • Elevated work platform Inspections - EWP • Other equipment inspection Non- destructive testing + Weld inspection AS/NZS/ISO 17020 Inspection Body Mechanical & Engineering Compliance Crane inspections • Pressure equipment inspections - PEI • Elevated work platform Inspections - EWP • Weld testing and inspection, Non- destructive testing Other equipment inspections ARE YOU SUPPORTING KIWI OWNED BUSINESS? LETS MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER | 59 ASHBURTON We now have a network of 27 stores dotted around the country as far north as Kerikeri. So, when you’re next thinking about replacing those worn out tyres, fixing that irregular wear on your tyres, getting that overdue service on your vehicle (select stores only) or just for a quick pressure check on those flat looking tyres, make sure to pop into one of your Goodyear Autocare stores & they’ll make sure you’re “good to go”. Check out your local South Island Goodyear Autocare dealers conveniently located in Christchurch | Ashburton | Timaru | Dunedin | Alexandra Here at Goodyear Autocare NZ we are on a journey and rapidly growing our network of Goodyear Autocare stores ACCOUNTSFLEETWELCOME CHRISTCHURCH

Timaru is working hard to support its apprentices 14 weeks after the Regional Apprenticeship Initiative (RAI) kicked into action.
It’s set to maintain the economic growth and development projects the region has lined up in the future.
They allocate up to $40,000 per apprentice which includes wage subsidies through the Apprentice Support Program, as well as business support and help for employers to provide pastoral care for their apprentices. Their website says RAI priorities include supporting Maori and Pasifika, people who had finished pre-trade training but were unable to progress into an apprenticeship, and those who had lost work due to COVID-19. Urban areas such as Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland aren’t covered by this initiative. Applications for inclusion in the scheme have come from the primary sector, construction, manufacturing, engineering and wood processing industries.
The council says the initiative is important, as it also enabled businesses to retain other staff that may have been going to lose their jobs due to Covid, by starting them on an apprenticeship or developing their supervisory skills.
The Regional Apprenticeship Initiative was formed as part of a wider Government support package which includes the Ministry of Social Development’s Apprenticeship Boost Initiative, Mana in Mahi and the Group Training Scheme. Support offered by RAI includes financial and pastoral support for people who want to take up an apprenticeship or other similar NZQA Level Four industry training qualifications.
Established to support new apprentices and their employers from across a range of business and industry sectors, RAI is directly benefiting the growth of Timaru.

“It provides there is a need for our business and even better, that the initiative is doing exactly what the Government hoped it would achieve for this region by both supporting our businesses to put people into jobs and retaining valuable skills,” he says.
Supporting apprentices to support the region

More than a third of the apprentices are school leavers. 14 are Maori or Pasifika, seven were either unemployed or had lost their jobs to Covid and three are young women.
CT By Timmi Aplin-Barrett
This fits in very well with the framework RAI have set up.
While the RAI has been closed to new applicants for a while, interested people can contact a third-party provider if their businesses is a small to medium enterprise looking for 10 or fewer apprentices in specific Timaru’sregions.inclusion in the scheme ensures their community remains on top of work in those sectors and demonstrates their care for their apprentice’s.

60 | | South Canterbury
The Timaru District Council says the initiative has supported new apprentices mostly from the construction-related sector.
Administered by Venture Timaru on behalf of the Provincial Development Unit early last year, the initiative is supporting 55 new apprentices.
Venture Timaru chief executive, Nigel Davenport, says he’s been overwhelmed by the quick uptake of the initiative by the region’s businesses.
Allen Custom Drills are knowingly built to handle the diverse terrain of New Zealand and can take on many different ground conditions. Sales and production are reaching an all-time high this year, with each drill built from the ground up in Ashburton as they have been since the beginning, although now in a bigger space than day one. The NZ made advantage and quality customer support at arm’s reach, makes these drills a popular option for farmers and contractors in New Zealand and Australia.
Located in Ashburton Mid Canterbury, the heart of the mainland, is Allen Custom Drills, designers, and manufacturers of top-of-the-line Air Seeder Drills. | 61 Positive LearningSwimmingExperience ● Small Classes ● Fast Development ● Enjoyable Experience ● Years Of Experience ● Learning To Swim Is A Skill No Child Should Be Without ● We use the tried and true methods that have been available in Timaru for almost 50 years ● We Teach-School age, Pre-school, Water Tots & Adults Phone. 03 6848895 or 027 688 4161 Email.

There are five base models in the Allen range that can all be adapted to integrate a range of different features to suit the needs and demands of individual customers.
In true kiwi fashion, the company started within a small workshop, with a team made up of now husband & wife, Craig and Deb Allen and one other engineer. Beginning with a willingness to dabble in a concept and the ambition to make something great, Allen Custom Drills is now designing with the latest technology to successfully produce the best Air Seeder Drills in the market.
Proud of their history, General Manager (Director) Deb Allen says the company began with the goal to excel in manufacturing a product that made a difference to people in the agricultural industry. This is something that they still believe in.

Allen Custom Drills believes in any additional features that will make a drill work better for their customers business. Some optional extras include cranes, camera kits, steering axles, small seed boxes, blockage sensors and work lights.
Craig and Deb Allen, owner-operators, thrive off the success of their product and their employees, to support the growth in agriculture and provide end users with results they can reap from. Proud to pursue quality in every aspect of the business, the owneroperated company, is supported by a committed and hardworking team, dealers, and suppliers.
“Our company will always give the best in all we do, and we are committed to supporting New Zealand and Australia agricultural industries.”
To find out more about Allen Custom Drills today, visit their website, or give Craig Allen and the team a call on 03 308 4094.

The company has consistently grown and developed over the past 18 years. Recently having relocated across two larger sites, Allen Custom Drills continues to perfect their processes with the vision to be the leaders in both design and manufacturing of Air Seeder Drills.
Canterbury farmer David Millar of Culnady Farms says Craig Allen and his team are fantastic to deal with. “They were very collaborative during the design phase and several of our suggestions were incorporated into the final product. The drill was delivered on-time, on budget and has exceeded our expectations,” David says.
An Allen Custom Drill can be as unique as you wish or a tried and tested design with a fast turnaround.
Sustainable excellence in Timaru

The new facility sorts mixed plastics, aluminium and steel paper and cardboard and has the capacity to process five tonnes of material per hour. EnviroNZ CEO Chris Aughton says with the increasing focus on how we can reduce the waste we create, and keep products and materials in use, this act of everyday environmentalism is supporting New Zealand’s sustainability shift. “Our new materials recovery facility (MRF) is a piece of critical regional infrastructure that expands local recycling capabilities and supports community sustainability solutions,” he says. “It keeps valuable resources in circulation and reduces the amount of waste that ends up in Timarulandfill.”Mayor, Nigel Bowen, says the opening of this next generation materials recovery facility is an important milestone for Timaru and the wider region. “Timaru district was ahead of the curve when it adopted its three-bin system more than 15 years ago,” he says. “Like nearly every sector, technology has evolved and improved so it’s great that the new contract with EnviroWaste has enabled us to build a new state of the art MRF to ensure we can be sector leaders in recycling.” He says it’s not just Timaru that benefits from the system either. “Through our collaboration with Waimate and Mackenzie and now with Ashburton and Central Otago also using it, we can be a regional centre of excellence in waste management.” CT

Timaru have commissioned a new $3.8 million materials recovery facility. The Timaru District Council says it’s the region’s biggest resource recovery hub. Operated by EnviroWaste, part of the EnviroNZ group, it takes kerbside mixed recycling from Timaru, Waimate, Mackenzie, Ashburton and Central Otago district councils, as well as commercial businesses recycling.
The RETA programme is a new initiative designed to develop and share and understand of what is needed to decarbonise processed heat used within the region.

62 | If it pours... it pumps The pumping experts, for anything pumping and any product. P. 03 688 2373 M. 021 228|SUPPLY|INSTALLATION & SERVICE Follow us on: E C M Q Focus On | South Canterbury Timaru is bounding ahead with their sustainability initiative and recycling efforts. From working to decarbonise the region to minimising their waste, Timaru are working hard to be an environment that’s better for the Ventureplanet.Timaru’s Sustainable is Attainable initiative is gaining both momentum and Ventureattention.Timaru says the high level of collaboration within 20+ of their local food processors and manufacturers has helped the region be selected as the second area nationally to participate in the Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority (EECA) Regional Transition Accelerator (RETA). They say that, for the programme, the region will include South and Mid Canterbury and neighbouring Central South Island areas. “A group of our local businesses and aligned stakeholders is gathering later to discuss the pilot brief and initial outcomes expected of the planning stage, and collaborate on how we develop and progress the programme locally,” says Venture Timaru.
By Timmi Aplin-Barrett Venture Timaru says the goal is to develop a well-informed and coordinated approach for regional decarbonisation by understanding unique region-specific opportunities and “Thisbarriers.workbuilds on EECA’s Energy Transition Accelerator (ETA) programme and recent South Island Process Heat Database work and is a significant opportunity for our Central South Island area to collaboratively lead the way in decarbonisation by working closely together,” says Venture Timaru.
Next, designs are drawn up and viewed at a subsequent consultation, with further refinement of designs as necessary. At this point, an assortment of stones may be ordered to compare and contrast, and a selection made after viewing.

Designed with you, handmade in our workshop
Call us today 03 688 1362 270 Stafford Street, Timaru is uniquely yours
Target Apparelmaster has provided workwear rental and laundry solutions to the South Canterbury region for the past 29 years and looks forward to continuing this into the future.

| 63
Our workshop team has a combined experience of over 50 years in the jewellery industry, allowing us to offer highly personalised guidance and excellent craftmanship. The workshop is always humming with activity as Brent, Robert and Barnaby are busy with repairs and making stock for our retail space downstairs but a lot of their time is also devoted to making pieces commissioned by customers from South Canterbury and beyond.
Exquisite handmade jewellery that

Often, the final stage is the actual handmaking of the item, stone-setting and finishing. Sometimes, early in this final phase, parts can be put together temporarily in their unfinished state and checked in one last consultation so that any minor adjustments can be made to ensure maximum wearability.
How do I commission a ring?

Come and see our friendly team for an obligation-free consultation today! When you commission work at The Ringmakers, the whole process is completed on site. Typically, an initial consultation will establish some key elements of design and that appeal to you, including potential stone choices, and set some parameters for price/timeframe for manufacture.
No two snowflakes are the same and nor do items of jewellery need to be; when working with an experienced jeweller to create bespoke pieces from scratch, jewellery can be tailored to fit your personality and style so that it is truly a reflection of you.

With a team of nineteen and a growing fleet of seven vehicles and two trailers we are focused on providing the highest level of service to our customers and will work with you to determine the most appropriate garment requirements and service and delivery needs. We pride ourselves on the fact we are a locally owned and operated business supporting other local businesses and the community with all of our employees living locally. Rest assured that if you ever call Target AM, Deon or Jamie (Customer Service Manager) will personally answer so help is only ever a phone call away. Being local we are only minutes away. Phone 03 688 5895 Email

64 | | South Canterbury Continuing to support local industry with the latest technology • Process automation • Industrial electrical services • Inhouse design and build • Data, communication and control networks • Turnkey project management • Realtime process tracking • Industrial database developmentWEBSITE:E-MAIL:FACSIMILE:24TELEPHONE:POSTAL:LOCATION:HOURSERVICE: 52 BANK STREET TIMARU PO BOX 554 TIMARU 03 688 5310 027 243 8479 03 688 ICSC@ICSC.CO.NZ5924WWW.ICSC.CO.NZ Jan Holden Ph. 021 716 778 Murray Blogg Ph. 027 432 4253 Stacey Priddle Ph. 022 371 8159 Sue | Administration Ph. 03 615 9462 Proud to be locally owned and operated, we are your real estate specialists REAL ESTATE SOUTH CANTERBURY 98 King Street Temuka | 03 615 9462 | | Holden Real Estate LTD Licensed REAA 2008 Why South Canterbury is such a great place to do business Southern charms Our South Canterbury economy is still firmly based on our agricultural sector, complemented by processing, manufacturing and transport. walking tracks and an active arts culturemeeting the needs of our diverse communities. We also offer exceptional education, with a wide choice of pre-school, primary and secondary options. However, what sits at the heart of our three districts is a culture of connection – of working together. With an array of opportunities South Canterbury is a great place to do business. Here at the heart of the business community, the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce pride ourselves on ‘Building Business Success – Together’. Then add to the mix exceptionally robust infrastructure, a port and an airport, our own public and private hospitals, tertiary education offerings plus tourism, retail and hospitality and all supported by being a great and affordable place to live. A solid commute to get back home may take 10 minutes and South Canterbury is nestled between Christchurch and Dunedin – ensuring every opportunity is either here at home or within an arm’s reach. We have a glorious beach and bay plus ski fields and an array of lakes and rivers for fishing and boating, plus multiple bike and Continued on page 70 >

Two years ago, Cassandra Knox saw an incredible opportunity in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic for the recruitment market, to approach candidate and client management from a place of kindness and understanding. Out of this, Trinity Employment Services was born With a small but mighty team of 13 professionals that share the same values and vision as Cassandra's, Trinity is in a unique place in the market, being able to take care of their clients' entire recruitment, HR and immigration processes when bringing in new staff They are also proud to offer some of the fairest prices on the market, delivering services and establishing relationships with honesty and integrity. The trust of their clients and the loyalty of their candidates, allied to the business' growth and success, contributed to a recent recognition that Cassandra received in the South Canterbury community where she won the Emerging Leader Award at The Ara Business Excellence Awards ceremony Trinity was also a finalist on the Emerging Business Award and the People's Choice Award | 65 trinityemployment co nz

Recruitment Immigration Human Resources
Honest Employment

The environmentally sustainable flow allows elvers (juvenile eels) to enter the mouth from the sea and swim upriver, using the bypass at the dam allows them to continue their journey and migrate into the lake where they mature or head further upstream into the headwaters of the lake catchment.
• $20million per year to the district’s households.
As climate change impacts are experienced in New Zealand, the foresight of those who worked to see the Opuha Dam built has set South Canterbury up well to withstand some of the weatherrelated challenges it might bring.

The Opuha Dam and irrigation scheme has provided significant economic benefit to South Canterbury.
While Lake Opuha is an artificial reservoir built principally for water augmentation purposes, it also provides excellent amenity and recreational benefits attracting users from throughout South Canterbury and further afield. The lake is a popular destination for the region’s schools as part of their rowing and water-based activities and programmes.
In this regard, the dam will have an increasingly important role, mitigating against the impact of climate change – including the opposites of increasing periods of drought and more severe, more frequent, floods – while ensuring a reliable supply of water to the Timaru District, its people, farms and businesses.

• $124million to the South Canterbury economy
• 500 full-time equivalent jobs.
Almost a quarter of a century on from the start of the Opuha Dam, OWL is charged with managing this community resource with a focus on the future, ensuring it will continue to play a critical role in the sustainability, resilience, and prosperity of this region.
Improvements to its operation will be designed and implemented with the goal of ensuring the benefits keep flowing (quite literally) for many generations to come for the benefit of all of South Canterbury.
From its beginnings, there were three priorities, and these remain in place: Sustain a viable environmental flow of water in the rivers, community water supply, and irrigation, in that order.
The Opuha Dam has been an enabler of economic growth in South Canterbury and has facilitated the development of a robust agricultural sector comprising a wide range of land use activities, including dairying, horticulture and arable cropping, sheep, beef and deer farming and specialist seed growing. These on-farm activities support significant downstream industries such as the vegetable processing facilities at Washdyke, dairy processing, and represent a significant portion of South Canterbury’s export economy and earnings.
Economic contribution
Now owned and operated by Opuha Water Ltd (OWL) the Opuha Dam arose out of the realisation by many sectors of the community that the Opihi River had significant periods during which the natural hydrological storage within the catchment was unable to provide sufficient water for in-stream and out of stream users. At the time the dam was proposed, records show the river had experienced severe drought conditions in every decade since the 1930s, with the 1980s being particularly bad. Since the dam commenced operation almost 24 years ago, the Opihi river has not run dry, the river mouth has been closed to the sea for considerably fewer days per year than prior to the dam, and they have been able to use the lake storage and dam to help reduce the severity of flood events. These are all very welcome benefits for the community.
The availability of reliable water has seen substantial growth and diversification of businesses in the Timaru District of South Canterbury. (*latest figures available)
A two-season Ministry of Economic Development study in 2006* found the dam added an estimated:
The water supplied by the scheme presently facilitates the irrigation of 16,000 hectares of land within the Mackenzie and Timaru Districts, and the power generated by the hydro station supplies, on average, more than 3800 households per year.
The flow levels in the Opihi river were agreed through robust community liaison and, ultimately, the establishment of resource consents managed by the Canterbury Regional Council (ECan). These flow levels ensure a viable and healthy ecosystem within the river throughout the year.

Opuha Water scheme operates as an ‘augmentation’ scheme: it releases water into the Opuha River to sustain flows in the Opuha and Opihi Rivers, while also supplying reliable water to irrigators and the urban and industrial water users of Timaru, via the Timaru District Council’s intake.
As well as creating a popular trout fishery, the lake’s sustainable downstream flows in the rivers means they continue to be a popular recreational fishery.
Data: Hydro Turbine: 7MW Horizontal Francis Turbine Operating Parameters: Maximum Head 50m (range 28m to 50m); 16 cumecs at full load Generator: Horizontal Generator operating at 475rpm, 6.6kV Output: 11kV Average Annual Generation: 26GWh (range 15GWh to 37GWh) Enough electricity to power 3800 homes.
Environmental leadership Opuha Water aims to be a recognised leader in environmentally sustainable water management. We will: • Meet or exceed legal requirements including resource consent conditions, regional and national environmental policies, plans and standards • Support shareholders to meet or exceed their resource consent conditions and achieve ongoing improvements in on-farm environmental management • Fully integrate environmental considerations into all improvements and new developments • Develop and maintain positive relationships with community stakeholders • Actively participate in opportunities to protect, restore and enhance biodiversity • Understand, uphold and respect cultural heritage, respecting tangata whenua values in relation to water, the natural environment and other taonga • Regularly review environmental performance and report to Canterbury Regional Council, shareholders and the community • Contribute to the Canterbury Water Management Strategy achieving its goals. We: • Carry out water quality sampling at multiple locations to better understand water quality and ecosystem health within the lake, rivers and catchments • Are facilitating the roll out of Biodiversity Plans to shareholders with a long-term programme to help fund implementation of biodiversity projects on-farm • Have engaged a landscape architect to develop a long-term biodiversity and landscape plan for the Lake Opuha island and surrounding areas • Have recently employed a fulltime Environmental Freshwater Specialist • Have partnered with the Pleasant Point Lions Club and the Department of Conservation to establish a Predator Trap Library at Pleasant Point Electricity Generation

The Opuha Dam sits at confluence of North and South Opuha Rivers 17kms north-east of Fairlie. 50-metre-high earth dam 710-hectare lake • 74 million cubic metres of water in lake 16,000 hectares irrigated through Levels Plain, Kakahu, Totara Valley, and Sutherlands schemes 230 (plus) shareholder farmers 7MW power station powered by a single hydro turbine 40 million cubic metres of water held back from flowing down the Opihi during May 2021 floods. 03 614 7801

Facts & figures
The power station is operated and maintained under contract by Manawa Energy (formerly Trustpower). The electricity connection is into Alpine Energy’s network and on to Transpower’s national grid via substations at Fairlie and Albury.

The Opuha Dam includes a hydro station that generates electricity using water released from the lake, providing a valuable contribution to the local electricity network. Revenue from electricity sales accounts for approximately 40% of Opuha Water’s income.

Water from the power station discharges into a large ‘regulating pond.’ A downstream weir then regulates the amount of water released into the Opuha River. This means the power station can operate intermittently at full load, while the flow into the river is managed at a consistent, natural level.

68 | Timaru District Council
Road to zero explained
Many people I have spoken to over the past few months commented about the zero target for road deaths by 2050. In their mind, they thought that it would be impossible to reach this goal, and unfortunately, they are probably correct.
However, this is an aspirational goal and, morally, the only number we should accept and therefore pursue. Have we become so desensitised to road trauma that society accepts it as the norm? Is it all good and well when these crashes happen to other people and affect others, as long as it does not include our circle of family, friends or colleagues? It also affects the local economy and society. Not to be insensitive to people who lost loved ones, but the result of a severe crash is that businesses may need to refill job positions. In the current employment market, positions are tough to fill. It adds to the operational cost of recruiting and training new staff. A large portion of crashes involves workrelated travel. For some businesses, the risk exposure is exceptionally high due to the distances staff travels for work.
Sometimes it consists of a workplace vehicle that must be repaired or replaced. That cost will have to be absorbed by the business or customers. It also affects other staff as well. Losing a colleague in such a way may affect the staff's well-being, resulting in a loss of productivity.
Participate in a programme to inform, empower and equip staff to manage travel risk. Talk to your local Council's road safety person. They will be keen to assist by connecting you with the right people or coordinating with you to visit your business to chat about ways to help. There has been excellent research done in this area. We now know that some human factors and biases affect risk perception. By working on those aspects with your staff and road safety, we may sway people to make better decisions based on their knowledge.
The benefit of understanding is that rushing from one place to another may be counter-productive.
So, how should we approach this?
A company or workplace road safety policy is another tool to manage the safety of your staff. If you are unsure about what to do next, contact your road safety person and ask them for advice on the way to move forward. In most cases, this will be a free service. Thank you for reading this article. I hope this explains why the Road to Zero by 2050 has a zero target. Nevertheless, it will be a long and challenging journey. Travel safe! Daniel Naudé Road Safety Coordinator for South Canterbury

Expected travel times are one aspect that most people misapprehend. The benefit of understanding is that rushing from one place to another may be counter-productive. In short, it increases the risk exposure, but you don't necessarily gain any time.

I first discovered the significance and utility of breathwork practices after hosting therapeutic workshops for understanding and releasing emotional trauma. I recognised the need for facilitating these experiences in our communities across New Zealand, as military personnel and front-line first responders, as well as survivors of critical incidents such as mass-shootings and sexual abuse began to approach me for answers.
The one commonality which we all shared was a desire to let go of the haunting memories and paralysing internal fear we hold within us, and the intrinsic motivation to move forward with our lives by turning pain into personal wisdom to heal ourselves by refining our focus to what matters most – love and care for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
I’m terrified of the cold’ but after a session of deep breathwork exercises in a picturesque setting such as Lake Tekapo or the Waimakariri River, all the pain and doubt melts away, taken over by a sense of peace and inner strength. The effects of cold water therapy speak for themselves, as people who suffer with inflammatory diseases and illnesses such as

In the winter of 2018, I was heading out to Lake Tekapo in search of a fulfilment. Five years after returning home from my second tour of Afghanistan with the New Zealand Army, I was beginning to suffer from an implacable sense of anxiety for who I was, and frustration within me. I felt like I was lost, alone, and trapped by my circumstances without a clear mission or intent for who I wanted to become, and what I wanted to do with the life I was grateful to have.
I had recently moved from Timaru to a small block of land I soon named ‘Kiwi Lines’ and had begun a career as a trainer and technician for a fire and safety training company, educating workplaces and high-risk industrial rescue teams in vital skills and tactics for keeping others safe on the job. My yearning for helping people through emotional struggles began to take prevalence, as I was encountering people from all backgrounds who were trying to understand anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic symptoms within their teams. A burning question remained at the forefront of my mind – how can I make a difference on a broader scale, and pass on the skills I have learned to maintain clarity and focus in the high-stress situations many people face daily?
Phorge Training was born from a desire to create practical and therapeutic training experiences in the outdoors, which include techniques and modalities that create a deep, conscious connection between the mind, body, and human spirit. The ability to rapidly and consistently influence the nervous system, enact the healing of damaged tissue, and release years of stored emotional trauma had begun to emerge across the internet in scientific studies and personal testimonies from breathwork meditation, cold water therapy (i.e. the Wim Hof Method) and experiences which connect us to our land and people. I sought out to design training programs and outdoor excursions which made the most of the bountiful views and inspirational places around the Mackenzie District, and challenge people to take charge of their own health and happiness with the abundance of information that we have access to.
Over the coming summer of 2022 we are launching the ‘Pathfinder’ course; teaching people of all ages and backgrounds the finer skills of classic ‘map and compass’ land navigation and living off the land, stemming from our decades of military fieldcraft and experience in teaching youth groups and guiding young adults in how to safely and comfortably enjoy the bounty of Aotearoa’s hills and waterways. Our mission is to ensure the next generation of Kiwis can go a little further and persist through adversity in the years to come, and make an evolutionary jump into becoming a little bit more superhuman.
Phorge Training was born from a desire to create practical and therapeutic training experiences in the outdoors, which include techniques and modalities that create a deep, conscious connection between the mind, body, and human spirit.
� phorge �@phorgetraining � Tv | 69
When I tell people about the benefits of cold water therapy, the first reaction I get from most people is usually along the lines of ‘I could never do that!
arthritis are treated to a neat cocktail endogenous painkillers and deep relaxation after enduring only a few minutes submerged in the ice-cold water. The cold is an overwhelming force, and with the many benefits of physical restoration there is also an enormous sense of overcoming self-doubt, negative programming, and sensitivity to discomfort.
The Chamber has been the voice of the business community since 1905. The South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce is a nonpolitical, not-for-profit membership-based organisation with 510+ members.

70 | Scarlett Hydraulics Ltd is one of New Zealand’s largest hydraulic companies and has been trading since 1984. SCARLETT SERVICES SCARLETT SOLUTIONS CONSULTATION INSTALLATIONSERVICING SYSTEM ENGINEERINGDESIGN Determining Needs & Requirements Maintenance & Ongoing Support Delivery and Setup Designing Solutions Build and Creation AGRICULTURALINDUSTRIALMARINE GENERATIONCONVEYINGPNEUMATICPOWERMOBILE Scarlett Hydraulics are extremely proud of achieving this level of recognition within the South Canterbury business community, it is very satisfying to be acknowledged by our business peers. These awards are a direct result of the dedication and commitment shown by the staff of Scarlett Hydraulics. It is by no means easy to maintain the high level of service required to win such awards but having a steady customer base with many of our customers being on the cutting edge when it comes to technology has helped Scarlett Hydraulics move with the times and provide great solutions. TIMARU Phone. 03 688 2902 97 Racecourse Road, Washdyke CHRISTCHURCH Phone. 03 344 3030 80 Waterloo Road, Hornby INVERCARGILL Phil Kirton - Sales / Pneumatic Conveying Phone. 029 226 6603 Email | SCAFFOLDING | PROPPING | FORMWORK Call Jacques Botha in Timaru, Phone 027 673 1135 0800 272 233 Focus On | South Canterbury

The professional training offerings from the Chamber will increase staff morale and

The South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce is part of a far larger network across New Zealand and globally and we have a proud history of business support and advocacy, representing the full spectrum of business interests across all sectors. From start-up ideas, across staged growth and challenges through the life of a business, the Chamber of Commerce has become the ‘go-to’ business partner. Advocacy work from the Chamber network has seen many significant benefits to businesses over the years and has held particular priority through the COVID-19 challenges.
An example of the results achieved through active lobbying is the increase from one Resurgence Support Payment (by the government) for businesses to three payments. In Timaru District alone, over 2,600 businesses received payments with a distribution of over $16m – providing a lifeline to so many. Connections and finding strength in numbers is achieved through the Chamber. You can engage directly with potential customers or clients through the Chamber’s networking and promotional events and as a member, through various member to member marketing opportunities. For securing valued business and long-term relationships, there is still nothing quite like face-to-face networking.

Being part of this proven and respected business organisation, ensures businesses feel safe in the knowledge they have a partner that is dedicated to helping their business succeed.

— Advertising Feature | 71 AORANGI CUSTOMS & FREIGHT Customs ParcelExportingImportingClearancePostClearances Household & Personal Effects Motor Vehicle Clearance Freight Forwarding Services Air SeaFreightFreight Hassle-free importing and exporting Phone 0800 844 160 129 Dawson St • Communication Solutions • Commercial and CB 2-way radios • Event hire radios Lone worker safety GPS and PLBs • Wireless internet 104 Le Cren Street, Timaru | | 03 684 4988 Focus On | South Canterbury retention and keep businesses up to date with the latest in legislative changes. From health and safety training through to supervisory, management, leadership and governance courses; there is a wide range of Whileoptions.theannual Business Excellence Awards and the one business conference in the region are all facilitated and delivered by the Chamber.

The Chamber business services staff can be a sounding board for you, helping you with every aspect of business planning, and connecting you to others as appropriate –either within the larger Chamber of Commerce network or independent partner or government organisations – while staying in contact with you to make sure you are getting the support you need.

The South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce is a safe and trusted partner and epitomises the connected culture within this wonderful region.

HELPING ALL OF NEW ZEALAND WIN BIG IN A DIGITAL WORLD. SHOP: Mobile plans | Mobile phones | Accessories | Broadband | Landline E spark4nz D sparknz M sparknewzealand

To grow your business success either as a Chamber member or a non – member working with your trusted partner in business the Chamber of Commerce offers many opportunities.

The South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce is a safe and trusted partner and epitomises the connected culture within this wonderful region. Article provided courtesy of the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce. CT South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce PO Box 919 Timaru 7910 (03) 687 E QPhone 03 688 7517 72 | | Scott Base Redevelopments Building an Antarctic research station in Timaru It will be one of the most technically challenging builds Aotearoa New Zealand has seen in years.

Earth Sea Sky also supplies ECW Polar clothing to RNZAF, RNZN, NIWA and the Australian Antarctica Division. They have an extensive clothing range that can be adapted for any organisation’s individual requirements for any conditions from the tropics to the Poles. Earth Sea Sky specialises in small production runs, keep a comprehensive inventory of specialised fabrics, and draw on years of hands-on experience in fabrics and design. For further information please contact David Ellis

From the beginning it was a collaboration process using Antarctica New Zealand’s field knowledge and Earth Sea Sky’s expertise in fabrics, design, and construction. The final design brief was simplified to functional, good-looking, work wear. It took 12 months to design, test and finalise five jackets, two trousers and four headwear items. Many of the garments originated from Earth Sea Sky’s standard mountaineering range but the large down filled ECW jacket and the lighter quilted Primaloft jacket were designed from scratch. All the items were made at Earth Sea Sky’s Christchurch and Dunedin factories. Now well into the second 10-year design and supply contract, the Earth Sea Sky wardrobe has received a number of modifications to maintain its position as one of the most functional ECW clothing systems in the world. Its distinctive colouring and styling also clearly define New Zealand’s presence amongst the many other Antarctic nations.
The Ellis family have been designing and making Antarctica New Zealand’s ECW clothing ever since. In 2007 they were awarded a 10-year design and supply contract, involving a complete redesign of Antarctica New Zealand’s ECW wardrobe. The brief was to modernise the garments by using the latest high altitude mountain clothing styles, introduce a more versatile layering system and establish a full men’s and women’s size grading.
Engineers Jim Bates, Murray Ellis with the three Massey Ferguson tractors at the South Pole. The depot laying team “The Old Firm” arrive at the South Pole 4th January 1958 Jim Bates, Peter Mulgrew, Ed Hillary, Murray Ellis, Derek Wright. Depot 480, Polar Plateau, 5th December 1957.

Nestled in the back streets of Addington you will find the specialised clothing manufacturer Earth Sea Sky, the designer and maker of Antarctica New Zealand’s Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) clothing. Established over 30 years ago by David Ellis, this small family business has a unique heritage of making and using all the products they design. It was David’s grandfather Roland, a keen mountaineer, who in the late 1920’s started the production of down-filled sleeping bags in his Dunedin bedding factory. By the 1950’s they were considered world leading, good enough to be used by Hillary and Tenzing in their high camp the night before their first ascent of Mt Everest. Three years later the family’s down-filled sleeping bags and clothing were chosen by the New Zealand, Hillary led team who were part of the 1956-58 Commonwealth Trans Antarctic Expedition. David’s father Murray, an engineer and mountaineer, was a member of the team who helped build the original Scott Base and later joined the five-man depot laying party who infamously drove the Massey Ferguson farm tractors to the South Pole.

The redevelopment will see the base’s existing 12 buildings replaced with three two-storey buildings connected by two link-bridges.
Currently, we have a Franna AT20 crane - pick and carry; AC55 crane. We proudly purchased the biggest taxi service crane yet for Timaru; a GMK5130-2 crane, Kenworth truck and trombone trailer, Hino 8-wheeler truck, and experienced Dogman; Pilot Vehicles Class 1 and 2. We will also have a brand new 80 tonne Tadano Demag AC4.080-1 crane manufactured in Germany, which will be the first of its kind in New Zealand! Due to the growth in our community, we have some exciting opportunities on the horizon. We are looking forward to continuing the relationship with our loyal clients and we are excited about the new projects. Keep updated and join us at, Instagram or Facebook.
The wind turbines that supply electricity to Scott Base and the United States’ neighbouring McMurdo Station will be upgraded to meet the higher energy demand of the new base.

It also means equipment and materials won’t be affected by the cold, and staff won’t have to down tools because a colony of penguins decides a loader is a great place to camp!
Recruitment for people to build the new base will be led by the main contractor Leighs Construction. New Zealand has a rich history on the continent. It was one of the 12 original signatories of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty dedicating it to peace and science.

These days, New Zealand scientists conduct research there that shapes policies and legislation across the globe.

Health and safety planning of activities is our priority, whilst aiming to build a strong and lasting working relationship. Every project is important, whether it’s craning in a spa pool, or working on large and complex projects.
Over to you, Timaru Strong winds, sub-zero temperatures, storms, and 24-hour darkness in winter don’t make for ideal building conditions.
Antarctica New Zealand project director Jon Ager says the redevelopment is a great opportunity for the region and the team has received a warm welcome from local residents and “ in or visiting Timaru will literally be able to watch our Antarctic research station being built right here. We can’t wait to bring them along for the journey and educate everyone on the important science these buildings will support once they are in Antarctica.”
Antarctica New Zealand estimates the redevelopment will generate up to 700 jobs for the region over the four-year life of the project.

The Scott Base Redevelopment will provide a sustainable base to continue that legacy for another 50+ years. Why Aotearoa needs a new base Scott Base has supported science and championed environmental protection since Sir Edmund Hillary and his team established it in 1957. But the deteriorating buildings are inefficient to run, difficult to maintain and costly to repair.
A large-scale construction project in the most extreme and remote environment on the planet. But while the new Scott Base will see out the next 50+ years on Antarctica’s Ross Island, its first home will always be Timaru. In November, it was announced the Scott Base Redevelopment would be built on available land at Timaru’s PrimePort, before being shipped to Antarctica.
In operating a taxi mobile crane & haulage company, we put the customer first - offering 24-hour service every day. We believe in honest, friendly and open communication.
Working in Timaru allows us to sidestep these health and safety challenges and work all year round without being slowed down by bulky extreme cold weather gear.
360 Cranes & Haulage Limited

74 | SAFE, PRECISE, TIMELY CRANES | HAULAGE PILOTING | EQUIPMENT 84 Sheffield St, Washdyke, Timaru 7910 p. 0800 360 272 e. E 360cranesandhaulage
A powhiri was held at Te Arowhenua’s Te Hapa o Niu Tireni marae in August, officially welcoming the project to the community before construction begins onsite next year.
Every project is important, whether it’s craning in a spa pool, or working on large and complex projects.
Proud 2022 BEA Award Runners-up Emerging Business Section 360 Cranes & Haulage Limited was formed on 9 March, 2020 by Chris and Tash Johns – this of course led to many sleepless nights.

Focus On | Scott Base Redevelopments
Our valued staff have had the privilege to be involved in some interesting work: transporting and lifting vital infrastructure/equipment for our community that flows on to benefit many, installing power transformers and turbine equipment at power stations, erecting power pylons,cell phone communication towers, light towers, lifting in new railway track sets and turnouts, and lifting structures for school building upgrades. We aim to become more successful by investing in our company and being available for others. Showing our commitment to you by offering our fleet and services which have grown since the business started.
Founded in 2000 by Paul Fitzsimons and Angela Veale it is the second oldest cheese factory in AlthoughGeraldine.the factory doesn’t occupy the original building built in 1884, it is following the time-honoured traditions of cheesemaking of that era. The Geraldine Cheese, Butter and Bacon Factory, built in 1884, is the oldest existing dairy factory in New Zealand. The factory ceased production in 1959 as the Geraldine Co-operative Dairy Company.
The secret to making superior cheese is superior milk. We use only the finest, pasture-raised raw cow's, goats, and sheep milk from South Canterbury. Unlike large-scale cheese producers that alter and adjust the composition of the milk used for cheesemaking, Geraldine Cheese Company only uses whole milk that is transformed into cheese of unique taste and texture which reveals a subtle range of flavours influenced by the seasons. So many variables must align with just the right alchemy, synchrony, and balance to create a perfect batch. It’s an artform that our cheesemakers are proud to Ourpractice.Cheese range is extensive and unique, innovation and creativity is Boutiqueencouraged.styled

Cheese made at the Geraldine Cheese factory was included in the rations taken to Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s 1910-1912 Terra Nova Expedition Hut in Antarctica.

The factory still stands today as a Heritage New Zealand(NZHPT) Category II Heritage Building on private land in Pleasant Valley.

Cheddar, artisan Gouda, Parmesan, White rinded and Blue moulded, from all the different milks available. We are confident that once you have tasted our cheeses you will appreciate and understand our obsessive attention to detail and our passion for all things “cheese”
A wheel of cheese still sits there today, how cool is that! Geraldine Cheese Company has adopted the original registration number as its own and has based its branding around the original wooden crates that the cheese was packed into 125 years ago. Today we craft cheese in small batches the way it was done over 125 years ago, keeping the Geraldine Tradition alive.

76G Talbot Street Geraldine | 03 693 1111 | E geraldinecheeseco


76 |
Construction at PrimePort is due to start in 2023 after the team of architects and engineers have finished the design. The new Scott Base will be fully constructed, tested and commissioned at PrimePort, and then separated into eight modules for the journey south in the 2026/27 season. Across the Southern Ocean All of the building modules, including the two link-bridges, will travel on a single shipment with an icebreaker clearing the way. Selfpropelled modular trailers will roll the building sections on and off the ship and into place at Scott Base.
The team will need to build a temporary offload platform by the foreshore and a haul road at Scott Base to move the modules safely from the ship and into place. Each module will be lowered and connected to pile foundations. Once the new base has been commissioned and up and running, the existing base will be deconstructed and shipped back to New Zealand, along with all waste, equipment and Shippingmaterials.large buildings between continents and polar environments is not new, but it takes years of planning. The logistics companies involved are world-renowned for providing safe solutions for complex tasks. In the meantime Work is already underway to get the site at Scott Base ready for the new base to arrive in This2027.summer, the team will clear the site around the existing base so it’s ready for the earthworks to begin the following season. The science experiments, which would have been impacted by the rebuild, are being relocated to new homes around Pram Point. Next winter, the existing base will be repurposed to house the construction workers and additional infrastructure will be brought in to ensure New Zealand’s Antarctic science programme can continue throughout the rebuild. CT More information can be found at:
Millie Rose Boutique is a unique shopping experience in Timaru. We are the only shop in town where you can get a new outfit, a gift for a friend and a cupcake - all in one place! When you visit Millie Rose Boutique you’ll be greeted by the helpful and happy staff, ready to make your day just a little bit sweeter. You’ll find us at 281 Stafford Street, Timaru.

Photos kindly supplied by Scott Base Redevelopment.
Fashion Gifts and more P. 0210 865 5486 | E. | On Scott Base Redevelopments
People living in or visiting Timaru will literally be able to watch our Antarctic research station being built right here. We can’t wait to bring them along for the journey and educate everyone on the important science these buildings will support once they are in Antarctica.


“We can do all of it,” she says. “Lighting, audio, inflatable venues, tables, chairs, the whole lot.”
From marquees and bouncy wedding Event Hire is the one stop shop for events. What started out as a hobby job in Timaru has become a serious venture in Christchurch.

chairs • Heating and generators • Décor • Portable toilets and fencing • Flooring and staging • Party Supplies • Glassware and catering • Marquee and Gazebos • Bumper boats • Water rollers • Octopus (fair ride) • Toilet trailer • Fare Food Co. (catering) • Foam Machine.
& Auto Premium
Currently, the team is working on Illuminate, a massive interactive light and sound display. This event attracts thousands with its amazing lighting displays and the fantastic, interactive features. Kate says they’re also looking forward to doing Kidzone at the A&P Show later on this year. “We’re really looking forward to being able to do everything again,” she says. “Although we were able to still do our residential and wedding events during Covid when the restrictions were at 100 people, it’s great to be able to do it all.” Event Hire Michelle Road Wigram, Christchurch 027 marquee (027 6277 833)

New & secondhand tyres at great prices Premium T yres & Auto 222 LINWOOD AVE CHRISTCHURCH WOFS • BRAKES • SERVICING • REPAIRS • WHEEL ALIGNMENTS Call Don – Phone 027 364 1990 Mobile: 027 7667 354 • Email: | Don

“It means that people don’t have to waste time going elsewhere for repairs etc., and then spend even more time returning for a recheck,” Don says. Tyres care for
• Bar
Vehicle Servicing | Premium

furniture • Tables,
“People can drive in, leave their car, get their warrant done, any repairs and servicing, then drive away. It’s very convenient to have it all at one place, and people really appreciate that, especially the tradies.
your car
Event Hire general manager, Kate Radcliffe-Reid, says the company has been taken to the next level. “Around nine years ago, it was just a couple of bouncy castles in Timaru. Now, it’s the whole package,” she says.
décor and frozen cocktail machines,
Kate says their goal is to be able to provide of an for their customers.
events Marquee
Waltham Proud to partner
The for and all your event needs Email: Shakespeare Road, with Hire
“We can meet your budget and needs,” says Kate. You can contact Event Hire for a quote regarding the needs for your event – whether it’s a kids’ party, wedding, work get together or a birthday party!
Don says their extensive range means they can fit most vehicles but if they don’t have it in stock they’ll quickly source it.
• Photo
Premium Tyres & Auto offer a convenient, one-stop-shop, which director Don Fearon says is appreciated by their customers.
Premium Tyres & Auto has all the latest vehicle diagnostic technology in their fully-equipped workshop, and fully trained and qualified staff. says
castles to
all aspects
The team at Premium Tyres & Auto provide a full service for all makes and models of cars, four-wheel drives, vans and light trucks. They also carry an extensive range of new and used tyres for cars, vans, light trucks and four-wheel drives and provide a free fitting and balancing service on all the tyres they sell.

Events Event Hire
— Advertising Feature
Event Hire Contact us for
• Audio
Event Hire offer a wedding planner and event managers to ensure your event goes smoothly. Their wedding planner has over four years’ experience and with Event Hire’s dedicated packages, your wedding will be nothing short of Thefantastic.teamis also very flexible when it comes to what you need. Whether it be a few chairs or a full package with a party marquee, Event Hire can cater to you. Products available: and lighting booth hire and wedding linens and
He says another aspect of the service appreciated by their clients is they offer quality products at competitive prices with no hidden costs.
along with having everything you would expect in a modern, well-equipped auto servicing shop, what makes Premium Tyres & Autos stand out is the effort they make to do their best for their customers. Premium Tyres & Autos 222 Linwood Avenue — Advertising Feature Premium Tyres & Autos services include: • WOF and WOF repairs • Full vehicle servicing • Full range of new and used tyres • Wheel balancing and alignment • Fitting mag wheels • Puncture repairs • Brakes • CV joints • Shock absorbers and suspension repairs • Batteries.

With two Christchurch branches, in Linwood and Bromley, they are conveniently located for ease of access.
Event Hire also pride themselves on having the cheapest price for marquee delivery as well as offering a collection option. | 77
accommodation adventuresSouthern

On the very edge of the Southern Pacific Ocean, embracing the land of the deep south of New Zealand and some mighty rolling r’s, you’ll find the region of Southland.
Home to some of New Zealand’s most varied and dramatic landscapes, exquisite fare, and generous southern hospitality it has everything you need – and more – for the holiday of a lifetime.

Four star

78 | | Southland and Fiordland Tower Lodge Motel Invercargill accommodation for the discerning business or holiday traveller. Tower Lodge is opposite Invercargill’s famous landmark, the Water Tower, from which we get our name. Invercargill is a city which is situated on level terrain, this makes walking about the town very easy. As we are centrally located, we are within walking distance of the: • Invercargill City Centre • Southern Cross Hospital • Queens Park Gardens & Golf Course • Splash Palace Swimming Complex • Southland InvercargillRugbyWorking Mens Club • Stadium Southland and Velodrome • Transport MotorcycleWorldMecca • E Hayes & Sons, the home of The World’s Fastest Indian motorcycle and memorabilia P 0800 802 180 or 03 217 6729 | 119 Queens Drive, Invercargill E | Book direct with us and quote this advert to get DISCOUNTa 10% Available

Southland is a region of visual contrasts. With spectacular mountains, the deepest of lakes, meandering rivers, rolling lush green farmland, and a captivating ‘edge of the world’ coastline that stretches for an incredible 3,400 kilometres, the stunning scenery could be reason enough to head south. However, you’ll find that in Southland, it isn’t just your sense of sight that will be inspired. They say that sometimes the journey can be better than the final destination and while we would argue that the Southland destination can be hard to beat, we would agree that travelling to and around the region can be a bucket-list experience in itself. Heading south, you could choose to travel through the Catlins along the Southern Scenic Route – an incredible journey that has been ranked one of the top 10 drives in the world, and for good reason. The beautifully rugged Catlins coast is a must-do. This spectacular coastal stretch is home to an array of marine life where sea lions are regular beach visitors, and dolphins can be seen frolicking in the shallows. You may also be lucky enough to spot the rare but distinctive hoiho - the yellow-eyed penguin. Southern hospitality is alive and well here and you will find that a good story, great coffee, and locally sourced produce is never too far away.
Stewart Island. Image credit: Great South Sea Lions at Purakaunui Bay, Southland. Image credit: Great South.

Aden Motel is a 12-unit, ground-floor complex consisting of 7 studio units, 3 x 1-bedroom units and 2 x 2-bedroom units. All units are spacious, smokefree and offer cooking facilities. Plus we now offer a 3 Bedroom Cottage (sleeps up to 8 People) next to the Motel called Heron’s Cottage. Our rooms have a Kiwiana theme. Most units have full cooking facilities. Ample parking, guest laundry, playground, car and luggage storage and a BBQ for those lovely summer nights is available. Free wireless internet in rooms. Pets by arrangement, please ask. Let us help you to organise day trips to Milford/Doubtful Sounds, glowworm caves, horse trekking, jet-boating and many more activities Te Anau offers.
For hikers, surfers, food lovers, history buffs or those simply contemplating the power of the great Southern Ocean, Colac Bay and its surrounds offer a great place to slow down and take a break or surf a break. It’s all possible in IfSouthland.amorerural narrative is calling you, Gore is increasingly becoming known for its history, heritage and artwork. It is also well worth a visit to learn about the area’s illicit whisky making history which comes to life in the heritage precinct. With unmatched regional beauty, friendly locals and delectable southern fare waiting to be discovered, you will be captivated by everything Southland can offer you.
Summer is Coming! Stay 3 Days in Te Anau Day 1: Cycle the Lake 2 Lake – Te Anau to Manapouri 28.5km each way (Lunch at Manapouri) Day 2: Day Walk on Kepler Track (Guided or Walk yourself) Day 3: Cruise Lake Te Anau with Historic Lake Cruises on a beautiful boat called Faith Make memories with friends and family in this stunning part of Aotearoa. We can help you with your plans or just come and relax
So, take the opportunity to go south, get away from the everyday for a while and discover the magic of Southland.
Destinations | Southland and Fiordland

This area is home to the Around the Mountains Cycle Trail where riders can meander through high country farms, scenic lakes, rivers, forests and diverse landscapes in Northern Southland.
Nestled beside one of New Zealand’s largest lakes and surrounded by magnificent scenery, Te Anau is the one true gateway to the Fiordland National Park. Whether you have come to enjoy the spectacular Milford or Doubtful Sounds or to hike the Milford, Kepler, Routeburn or Hollyford tracks, we know you will leave with fond memories. Aden Motel is the ideal place to stay while you’re experiencing this magical part of New Zealand.

Aden Motel, Te Anau; Your Fiordland Gateway to both Milford and Doubtful Sounds. Your hosts, Irene Benfell & David Herron, welcome you to Aden Motel, situated in the beautiful Te Anau township.

A trip to Southland will not just leave your belly full though, your heart will also be full of the wonderful experiences that will have you planning your next trip before you have even Southland’sleft.
Heading west on the Southern Scenic Route, from Invercargill, leads you to an area untouched, which is home to some of the most magnificent coastal views and beaches. From beautiful Riverton to the foot of Fiordland National Park, Western Southland offers a diverse landscape for activities including adrenaline pumping jet boat rides.
For more information visit: CT Stewart Island. Image credit: Great South.
perfect jigsaw of complimenting and characterful towns all offer something different yet are grounded and united by the strong values of southern hospitality and being real. This is particularly true in Northern Southland, where sprinkled amongst beautiful rolling farmland and the majestic Takitimu Mountains, are the rural townships of Lumsden, Athol, Garston, Mossburn and Kingston where there is no shortage of southern country hospitality.
A visit to the deep south would not be complete without sampling some of the local cuisine which proud locals will tell you rates as some of the finest in the world. From the sea, you’ll be treated to succulent seafood including the famous Bluff Oyster which is reputed to be the best in the world.
Southern hospitality is alive and well here and you will find that a good story, great coffee, and locally sourced produce is never too far away.
Another Southland delicacy that needs to be sampled is the Southland cheese roll, fondly referred to as ‘southern sushi’, the humble cheese roll is far more than bread and cheese. It requires finesse, an often-secret recipe, and hands well-trained in the art of the roll.
80 | Proudly building quality homes in Christchurch and Canterbury NEW HOMES | RENOVATIONS, ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS | LIGHT COMMERCIAL 021 895 122 / CONGRATULATIONS TO PATERSON BROTHERS TYRE SERVICE ON REACHING 45 YEARS IN BUSINESS. STOCKS EOUIPMENT Aligners • Wheel Balancers Tyre Changers • Hoists Call 0800 863 784 / 09 270 7222 STOCKS AUTOMOTIVE Suspension & Steering Parts Tyre Repair Products Call 0800 678 625 / 03 366 2500 George Stock & Company Ltd. Paterson Bros Tyre Services is a Christchurch-based and family-owned business celebrating 45 years of running the company and is recognised as one of the best familyowned tyre businesses in Christchurch. Motoring | Paterson Bros Tyre Service Keeping anyone’s wheels rolling

The team is friendly, supportive, professional and communicates well, they know how to deal with various tyre and car services, get the job done on the first go, and offer same day service for tyres and maintenance - what more could clients want?


Over time, Paterson Brothers Tyre Services has seen many changes geographically and seismically.
Paterson Bros Tyre Services provide services like: • Free tyre checks • Tyre and wheel rim supply • Vintage tyres beaded edge • Wheel alignment • Wheel balancing • Puncture repairs • New tyres • Mag wheels. The hardworking team offers tyres for wheelbarrows, passenger cars, medium-sized trucks or SUVs, and old-school vintage tyres.
The company provides a range of tyre services to vehicle owners in the Canterbury region. The team is highly skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable in the area. No job is ever too big or small, the team can deal with any wheel or tyre feel at ease knowing their tyre problems or checkups will be in good hands. What makes Paterson Bros Tyre Services’ services great is they make tyre fitting and maintenance a breeze for clients.

Paterson Bros Tyre Services manager Joel Meadows (left) and owner/manager Scott Paterson (right).

Paterson Bros Tyre Services owner/manager Scott Paterson says, “We do everything”. Scott has taken over the business as he says it’s what he’s known to do all his life. His dad started the business with his two brothers in 1977 and describes it as a “great place to be”

The company has been on the same site at 196 Worcester Street for 45 years but now it’s time for them to move to a new site at 18 Durham Street. Between the 8th and 12th of August, the team moved sites because it was getting too quiet at the original site.

and maintenance a breeze for | 81 ENGINE ENGINESJETSKIPERFORMANCERECONDITIONINGENGINES/WATERCRAFT We love engines and provide FREE ADVICE on your engine, your budget and your expectations. Contact us today! Freephone 0800 4 REBORE or +64 03 379 4166 HPE Automotive Services is Christchurch’s leading Performance Engine Reconditioner. With Stateof-the-Art Technology Machines HPE Automotive Services can offer you ‘Precision at its Best’. Unblocking/cleaning Sewer and Stormwater drains including septic tanks CCTV inspection Video and camera services Sewer StormwaterWaterblastingmaintenancemaintenance Septic and effluent issues Call Us On 03 388

When asked how the shop has withstood the test of time, Shepherd & Kime Ltd co-owner Gerard Kime says, “I think it comes down to our good service. We try to keep the customer experience as a whole as high quality as we can give. “We like to give good, fast turnarounds because we don’t like people being off the road for too long. We just like to do a quality repair, really. We’ve got a pretty good crew on deck.”
In addition to adopting new technologies, the team is always looking to perfect its process so that repairs are done in an efficient manner. You can trust the team at Shepherd & Kime to sort out the parts needed to fix your vehicle so that the quote you get at the start of the process is what you pay when the job is Customersdone.can bring their vehicles to the Shepherd & Kime shop on Sheffield Crescent or its new location on Selwyn Street. The Selwyn Street shop was purposefully fitted out for the business’s panel and paint services and equipment. Whichever shop you take your vehicle, you can trust Shepherd & Kime to get the job done right the first time. Gerard says, “We’re just trying to supply a good service to the Christchurch people.” CT Shepherd & Kime Ltd 440 Selwyn Street

SHEPHERD & KIME LTD Collision Repair
Advertising Feature We offer a full range of collision repair services including Free loan vehicles Pick up and delivery Competitive rates Guaranteed workmanship FREE QUOTES

In order to get customers back on the road, Gerard says that the team does its best to keep up to date with all of the latest gear, spray ovens, and chassis electronic measuring systems.
skilled technicians have many years of professional experience in this industry and aim to get you mobile as soon as possible. Motoring | Paterson Bros Tyre Service

Scott says he’s proud of so far are staying in the business, keeping the doors open, and keeping the family legacy going. The company aims to keep running, and Scott’s teammate Joel who’s been working closely with Scott for a few years now might take over the family business in the future. On the other hand, the company has faced economic challenges as Scott explains times are tough for everyone right now because of the recession, inflation, and rising living costs. He knows it’s hard for the business under these circumstances, but says the team just has to keep trying to do the best they can. Scott is excited for the future and upcoming possibilities at the new location. kindly supplied by Paterson Bros Tyre Services.
Paterson Bros Tyre Services 18 Durham Street — Advertising Feature
Paterson Bros Tyre Services’s new store on 18 Durham Street, Sydenham, Christchurch.

Aside from business owners Gary Shepherd and Errol Kime retiring and selling the collision repair shop to David Kennedy and Gerard Kime in 2006, very few things have changed for the business.
Shepherd & Kime Ltd has been doing collision repairs in Christchurch since 1966. Over the years, the business has kept up with the latest technologies to provide the high-quality services customers have grown accustomed to.
Shepherd & Kime 2008
— Shepherd & Kime Ltd: 440 Selwyn Street P. 366 8256 | M. 021 669 308 | E. Ltd: 35 Sheffield Crescent P. 348 4448 | E.

CT Photos
Motoring | Shepherd & Kime Collision specialistsrepair
What makes Paterson Bros Tyre Services’ services is they make tyre fitting clients.
— Advertising Feature Hazardoussubstancespecialists A
“We have built hundreds of public and private refuelling facilities ranging from commercial transport yards to container handling facilities at major ports.”

Petrotec is a specialist design, build, and construction company operating in the petroleum of experience, Petrotec has built a solid reputation for quality, innovation, and Theirsafety.expertise is sought-after by clients who appreciate a construction partner that will go the extra mile to ensure their project is successful. From conceptual design through to consent application and construction, Petrotec manages the entire process. Petrotec has completed many major projects in New Zealand, the South Pacific and Antarctica. Petrotec sales manager, Alastair Burgess, says “We have been successful because we are smart.
“The high level of technical expertise we have allows us to design very clever solutions for the safe storage of hazardous substances. We know the regs inside out.” Their passion for big projects is undeniable, much of their work going on ‘behind-thescenes’. In many ways, the public unknowingly rely on the work they do.
“We have built standby generator fuel systems for large refrigeration facilities, water treatment plants, hospitals and data centres. They all need dependable fuel systems to run standby generators,” he says. Petrotec has also serviced the Stockton Mine for many years, developing preventative maintenance processes to ensure the onsite fuel storage and refuelling equipment keeps on running at one hundred percent efficiency.
“We offer the whole package,” he says. No project is too big or too small for the company. Whether you need a simple tank and foundation, pipework laid, or want to invest in building a petrol station, Petrotec has the skills and resources to do it. CT Petrotec Services 12 Venture Built Fuel Station. Photo Supplied by Petrotec.
Petrotec’s wide range of technical and legislative knowledge means they can help you with your next petroleum project.
“There is going to be a major change [to petroleum], there is no question there. The reality is, it will take time.”
82 | | Petrotec Services TIMBER WORK | PAVING | IRRIGATION LAWN WORK PLANTING & MULCHING WWW. GREENLINC .CO.NZ Make it real From floor plan to fixtures, your home, business or investment is like a work of art - brought to life by our skilled and passionate team. P. 03 347 7356 | E. Procerto brings curiosity, compassion, intellect, sound practice and experience to your building project –and delivers certain results. COMPLETE CONSTRUCTIONDEVELOPMENTSURVEYINGENGINEERINGSOLUTIONS Phone: 03 669 3349 Freephone: 0508 7762378 Email: 17 Sir Gil Simpson Drive, Burnside Christchurch 8053, New Zealand

The petroleum industry is one that Aoetaroa currently relies upon. “What’s going to drive change is the development and commercialisation of hydrocarbon alternatives. Not solely the rhetoric demand for change.”

The team is highly motivated, focusing on minimising disruptions and environmental Petrotecimpacts. is looking to future renewable energy solutions and is currently in the early stages of planning construction of the first hydrogen refuelling site in the South Island.

It has some of the best views in the city and some of the most attractive apartments for over-65s in the region. Now Rhodes has another major advantage – care suites. The care suite concept is new and only exists in a few retirement communities in New Zealand. It completes Rhodes, which already has 42 apartments for independent living and the Rhodes Café. What is a care suite? A care suite is a spacious studio or onebedroom suite designed specifically for older people who need a higher level of assistance. If care needs change then rest home or hospital-level care can be added. Each suite includes an ensuite bathroom, bed area or bedroom and living area. Many also have a Manager,kitchenette.Michelle

Arvida’s Rhodes on Cashmere – bringing the attitude of living well to full-time care
“Household group living supports our Attitude of Living Well approach by building nurturing relationships between residents, their families and wellness partners. Each household is a cosy micro-community that feels more like a real home than a traditional rest home. The wellness partners remain consistent, rather than being rotated around a bigger group. They really get to know residents – and vice versa.” To find out more about care suites and to request an information pack, call Karen on 03 332 3240 or 021 830 331 or email
A new approach to care awaits you at Arvida’s Rhodes on Cashmere community. Care suites combine the personcentred support you expect, in a homely and family-style environment you deserve. Suite sizes range from 20m2 to 50m2, are located in an innovative care centre and can offer more care options should your needs change.
To find out more or take a look today, phone Karen Mullaly on 021 830 331. Visit
Innovative new care suites available now
Arvida’s Rhodes on Cashmere community has always stood out in Christchurch.
Household group living supports our Attitude of Living Well approach by building andresidents,relationshipsnurturingbetweentheirfamilieswellnesspartners.
Hamilton says it is exciting and reassuring for residents to know that care is now available at Rhodes. The new care suites are organised into small groups or households of 14, enjoying Arvida’s Attitude of Living Well approach to care, Michelle explains.

| 83

A traditional wedding is likely to be held in a church but if you’re less keen on that, remember there are heaps of other venues to Haveuse.a bit of a Google for cool locations that might mean something to you.
Sometimes, you can be stuck between a rock and a hard place; everyone’s heard of the terrible mother-in-law! There’s a fine line between appeasing family members and having the wedding you actually want. So, how do you navigate the fine line between pleasing people and what you actually want? Love My Dress owner, Shona Raffle-Edwards writes in her article, How to Please Everyone on Your Wedding Day that it’s all about compromises.
“Marriage was seen as a union of two people before god,” she writes. “Now though, religion is much more a matter of personal preference.”
But what’s the difference and which one is Somebetter?common differences include location and speeches. Sonia, from Want That Wedding writes that religion is often a key difference in modern and traditional weddings.

There are so many traditions, rules and things to remember. How on earth do you even start? It’s easy to get caught up in simple things like modern vs tradition or what to do if someone is trying to walk all over you.
Modern style weddings are definitely more common than traditional weddings these days.
By Timmi Aplin-Barrett
Weddings: traditional vs modern and how to get what you want

84 | | Planning Guide Phone: 03 354 0450 or 0800 354 354 Email: Diamonds Graded By GIA NZ’s Largest Online Estate Jewellery Store We offer an attractive alternative for people wanting to buy affordable fine modern to antique pre-owned / estate jewellery from a source with genuine credibility and expertise plus a full back-up valuation and repair service DIAMOND RINGS | DRESS RINGS | WEDDING RINGS | BRACELETS & BANGLES | CHARMS | PENDANTS

If you want a church wedding, do it. If you want the father of the bride to say nothing at all, that’s your choice.
Traditional weddings often follow a similar pattern, especially when it comes to speeches.
“The father of the bride goes first, followed by the groom and the best man. There were few strict rules on content beyond the father of the bride thanking and welcoming guests,” Sonia “Brides,writes.though, rarely (if ever) got a chance to say their piece.” There are many other differences but the key thing to remember is to choose elements you want.
Planning a wedding can be a very stressful time, what with figuring out who gets invited, catering, location and so much more.
But what if you’re getting overrun by other people’s ideas and opinions?

• Make a budget – weddings can get horrendously expensive very quickly. You need to decide if you want a budget wedding or are going to go all out. Whichever you choose, stick to it

• Pick a theme – this really helps with outfits and décor. Will you have an allwhite wedding or perhaps a black one?

“ ”
Again, traditional or modern really speaks volumes when it comes to the theme

After all of that, you can still be stuck on where to start with the wedding planning. | 85 Weddings | Planning Guide 020 4022 Wedding Dresses | Bridesmaids | Formal/Prom | Menswear | Party Time | Vintage | Childrens Wear | Accessories | Gifts New and Pre-Loved Bridal and Special Occasion Wear • Two Large Open Area Bars • Bottle Store (Members Only) TAB • Sky Television • Pool & Snooker Tables • 18 Gaming Machines • Function & Meeting Room’s Bistro open Wednesday - Sunday You do not need to be a Club Member to dine. SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLY WHEN PURCHASING ALCOHOL 113 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi / Ph: 03 327 7884 / The Rustic Event Hire Specialists At LongAcre Event Hire we have a passion for furniture and all things rustic…in fact, rustic is all we do! Phone: 021 763 373 Email: longacre.eventhire

• Book the pros – do you want a wedding planner? But, don’t forget to book a caterer and photographer! With so many things to remember, it can be easy to get overwhelmed.

“You can’t please everyone on your wedding day, so take a deep breath, step back and relax.” At the end of the day, it’s your big moment.
Fear not – here are six tips to help you keep your planning organised:
Remember to try and have fun with it; it’s your big day after all! Once that big day comes around, enjoy it! Make memories that will last forever.
“If your beloved granny is 100 next birthday, terrified of flying and miserable in the heart, then perhaps a wedding in the Maldives isn’t a fabulous plan if you want her to “However,attend.ifyou have your heart set on a small and intimate ceremony and your parents are insisting that you can’t possibly not invite cousin Amelia and Aunt Sybil (neither of whom you have seen or spoken to since you were in knee high socks), then perhaps you can afford to put your foot down,” Shona writes.
If your beloved granny is 100 next birthday, terrified of flying and miserable in the heart, then perhaps a wedding in the Maldives isn’t a fabulous plan if you want her to attend.

• Find a date! Which season do you want to get married in? What actually works with your life and the lives of the people you want to attend? Remember, you can’t please everyone but pick a date that works for you • Guest count – how many people are you inviting? This helps plan your budget too. Is it going to be a massive wedding or smaller with just family and a few close friends?
• Find a location – this can impact the date in which you hold your wedding so keep that in mind. Church? Hotel? Outside? It’s your choice
“Equifest exhibitors invite you to see, touch and try on the latest products,” Ammie says.
Equifest is a three-day equestrian festival, coming to Christchurch from the 9th to 11th of December 2022 for the first time.
Horse demonstrating tricks at the festival with owner. Photo supplied by Equifest.
Renowned equestrian festival set for first southern adventure
Dan’s philosophy is to create well-rounded horses who have the ability to achieve any discipline or job and have a perfect equine relationship. He aims to encourage people to communicate with their horses by learning their behavioural reactions. He will provide you with skills and manoeuvres to better understand your horse.
I am passionate about capturing the true connection between Horses and their Riders through Images. 021 023 86 419 E lexisandfordphotography

Top quality merino wool saddle blankets. All shapes and sizes. We can custom make. BJ Merino Saddle Blankets are machine washable and fast drying. Plus we sell a wide range of equestrian products.
She says this will give the South Island its own equine focused event for the first time. The event will bring event-goer’s experts in the equine education industry. “New Zealand’s love for horses is at the heart of Equifest.” At Equifest you have the opportunity to learn from world-class professionals about equestrian education. “Equifest is different from many other equine events in the industry which are solely competition-based,” Ammie says.

Tickets start from $13 [child entry] for a single day pass.
the country. “It is the connections made that is part of what makes Equifest so special.”
Ammie says, “As well as a full schedule of clinics and demonstrations, Equifest will feature a healthy competition line-up across Jumping, Cowboy Challenges and Mounted Games. “This will provide an opportunity for riders to test their skills and ‘rack up’ some points.”
As well as a full schedule of clinics and demonstrations, Equifest will feature a healthy competition line-up across Jumping, Cowboy Challenges and Mounted Games.
“ ”

At Equifest, there will be the opportunity to stock up on equine supplies from nutrition, clothing, equipment, giftware and more.
Equestrian rider with three horses at the Equifest Nightshow. Photo supplied by Equifest.
BJ MERINO - EVERYTHING EQUESTRIAN Phone: 027 276 9158 Email:
Equifest is excited to announce internationally renowned horseman, Dan Steers, will join the educational line-up. The Australian based horseman will be returning to New Zealand for the first time since 2019. He is looking forward to reconnecting with his New Zealand followers, as well as inspiring and entertaining the crowds.

The event was started by Ammie, who has been in the events industry for more than 20 Takingyears.Equifest to the South Island was an easy decision for event organisers Core Events. “The South Island has a really strong equine community, with regular competitions for all levels of riders,” she says. “We wanted to give them a version of Equifest they can be proud of. We wanted to come together to empower the South Island equine industry,” Ammie says.
Equifest aims to raise the standard of national events in the Equestrian industry through delivering an engaging community-led experience for all people passionate about equine. Alongside this, there will be thrilling competition, shopping and dazzling entertainment. Equifest Christchurch will feature three days of jam-packed timetables which includes a full schedule of educational clinics, competitions, demonstrations and an exhibitor shopping hub.
86 | | Equifest
Equifest encourages event-goers to meet and catch up with equestrian peers from around
“The Saturday Nightshow will entertain anyone looking for a family night out, especially those who like to see live Equifestperformances.”willbeheld in the Canterbury Agricultural Park from 9-11 December 2022.
Dan is a highly skilled horseman, sought after for his ability to entertain any audience, whether you are passionate about horses or Ammienot. says “Steers’ unique offering of horsemanship and liberty clinics make him a “Hefan-favourite.willbesharing his invaluable knowledge with visitors at both locations.”
The event is famous for their thrilling spectacle of the Equifest Nightshows, which encompass the opportunity to watch and enjoy this highly skilled sport.

By Michaela Pointon
The event is an equestrian’s dream, activities ranging from educational services, competitions, entertainment and shopping. Equifest was first held in North Island town, Taupo in 2020. Set to return the following year, Equifest was cancelled due to COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns. Equifest Event Director, Ammie Hardie, says “We are excited to bring Equifest to Christchurch for the first time in 2022, in addition to our Taupo event”. | 87 PREMIUM EQUINE NUTRITION LOCALLY SOURCED & MANUFACTURED PREMIUM RANGE CLASSIC RANGE At Hekeao Feed Co., our goal is to help you achieve the best results possible for your horse and meet their nutritional needs by using wholesome and balanced ingredients to produce high-quality, nutritious feed. We are passionate about providing natural, filler-free products with superior grain-free and soy-free options formulated to suit a wide variety of horses. We are proudly locally owned, as well as NZ Made and NZ Grown certified. Feel free to contact us anytime to discuss your horses' requirements. Phone 027 308 4555 | Email | E Q @hekeaofeedco USE YOUR RURALCO CARD WITH US! Now available from your local nationwide!storeSTOCKISTS

Best Water Solutions (BWS) is a family-owned and operated business providing irrigation solutions for lifestyle, residential and commercial properties, as well as parks, sports fields, and golf courses.

The company is all about being small and personal with people living in the wider Canterbury and North Otago region, Phill says.

The team works to the best of their abilities so customers can feel rest assured knowing their property and garden needs are being looked after.

BWS also offers weed and moss spraying, grass grub control, and fertilising, which keep lawns looking lush and immaculate, Phil says.

He also enjoys “coming up with solutions for unique situations,” he says.
This tool ensures minimal disruption to the existing landscape and leaves far less damage than digging a classic trench would, so clients can enjoy their garden almost the moment Phil and his team are finished.
The company provides good-quality follow-up services to others as well as guarantees topnotch work.
— Advertising Feature
BWS also uses high-quality gear from Hansen, Toro, Hunter and Rainbird irrigation systems.
Best Water Solutions irrigation technician/site manager, James Brice, (left) and owner/operator Phil Hobson, (right) provide the best irrigation and lawn care services. Image provided by Best Water Solutions.
— Advertising Feature
The irrigation systems are easy to use and once the team has set them up the controller unit automates everything.
“Equestrian enthusiasts of all riding levels, ages and disciplines will benefit from the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences that Equifest provides,” Ammie says. If you want to purchase tickets or find out more about the event, make sure you visit for all the details. CT
In terms of challenges, Phil says every day is a challenge so the family has done well to continue doing the hard yards.
Accomplishments Phil is proud of are providing his irrigation services in Victoria Square in Christchurch and not getting Covid, he laughs.
88 |
The small family makes a good team – both of Phil’s sons help out. One does part-time/ causal work for BWS, and the other does fulltime work whilst studying greenkeeping and is committed to ongoing training.
“Love Super Goo, it is so easy to apply and gentle on sore parts of their bodies. Plus it smells so nice” - P Gleeson “Within 2 hours of applying Super Goo swelling was gone!!” “The most amazing healing cream you will ever use. ������ ” - P Roberts “Your product worked wonders. Awesome versatile product” Anne Marie Garcia
| Equifest Resources | Best Water Solutions
All educational clinics, demonstrations and sessions are included with the price of the general admission ticket. VIP weekend passes are also available. This is the ultimate way to fully experience the event. Benefits for VIP passes include; catered lunches, bubbles, educator meet and greets, early access to Nightshow seats and goodie bags valued at $150. Get ready for a celebration of all things equine at Equifest. Tickets are on sale now. Make sure to get in early to secure your place, as you don’t miss out on the equestrian event of the are a beginner equestrian or a professional, Equifest has something for everyone. Meet with other horse-lovers and enjoy this spectacular event.
By Natasha Parrant Owner and operator Phil Hobson has over 25 years of industry experience and does everything from servicing existing irrigation systems to completing the design and installation of new automated systems, tailored to suit clients’ property and garden needs.
BWS uses only the best New Zealand-made pipes sourced from local suppliers. The team uses a vibrating mole plough that pulls pipes through the ground.
He says there are thousands of properties the family has worked on such as motels in Kaikoura and Meadow Mushrooms in Christchurch, but to top it all off he’s had an “awesome array of repeat clients” and worked on some “amazing properties doing irrigation” and “whatever the client needs”.
Outside a market stall at the festival, where event-goers can purchase all equestrian accessories. Photo supplied by Equifest.

Providing Water System Solutions for over 60 years

What’s most important to BWS is supporting New Zealand companies by using the latest and best range of equipment and gear, and ensuring waste materials are recycled into posts for vineyards. Most of the materials used are reused and recycled, Phil proudly mentions. CT Best Water Solutions

This is rapidly becoming the “Go To” ointment in New Zealand and Australia. If you own a horse this is essential to have in your kit for all open wounds, rashes, cuts, rubs, mud fever, greasy heel, rain scald, thrush, Qld Itch This product is stocked and prescribed by vets in New Zealand and the Cambridge Equine Hospital Before After “It is like gold!” A Thomas “I have been amazed with this product. I’ve used it on various skin conditions over the past 5 weeks and I’ve been blown away with the quick results”. - C Hansen
He enjoys meeting new people and satisfying everyone’s needs.
Irrigation systems to suit any property

The goal is to “Give the best quality and state of the art services possible”.


Selwyn Spring Show
“It’s an event that encourages people to come together to celebrate Selywn through their success in art, music, culture, business and agriculture,” says Alastair.
On the 15th of October this year, The Selwyn Spring Show will take place at the Ellesmere Show Grounds in Leeston. Run by the Ellesmere A&P Association, the show is set to be innovative and inclusive of the whole community.

Alastair says one of their key attractions will be the equestrian section which will include a class of approximately 20 Clydesdales, including the mighty Erewhon Clydes and their six teams and wagon. They’re also bringing in a few sections from last year which also happened to be their 150th celebration. “We’re bringing in a massive vintage display which missed out on the 150th,” says Alastair.
The A&P Show season is about to kick off with the first show starting on October 1st with the Matamata A&P Show. With 93 shows nationwide, Royal Agricultural Society Vice President, Nic Barkley says it’s a great way for communities to get out and see each other. For many A&P shows, this will be their first showing in a year or two due to Covid. “Last year, all our shows ended up being cancelled,” says Nic. “The year before that, around half had to can cel. So, everyone is looking forward to getting out there and doing their best.” From agriculture and outdoor showings to viticulture and indoor showings, A&P shows across the country have it all. Nic says not only are there livestock but people can expect things of a craftier nature. “There’s things like knitwear in the indoor showings,” he says. “This gives our rural communities a chance to show the best of the best in terms of rural and livestock,” Nic says. “Farmers can show up with their sheep and cattle and pigs and more and our urban folk get to see what excellence looks like.” It connects rural spaces to urban spaces,” he says. “People get to see where their food comes from and can see that it’s grown sus tainably and ethically.” The last A&P show is set to be held on the 10th of April next year with the Mackenzie Country A&P Show so there’s a solid half a year of shows round New Zealand. Nic says the South Island and wider Can terbury area is home to a lot of big shows. “People get to showcase what it’s all about,” he says. It fits well with RAS’s stated purpose; to showcase rural excellence.
It’ll be the first show since Covid to have full participation. The 2020 show was cancelled altogether and the 2021 show was only able to have competitors with no spectators.
“Fingers crossed there will be no restrictions this year and we’ll be celebrating as normal,” Alastair says.

— Advertising Feature It’s
Of course, alongside all of this are the usual A&P show items such as sheep,
About the RAS The Royal Agricultural Society has been around since 1924, although some A&P shows have been annual events long before then. The RAS also has 66 kindred and breed societies. The breed societies hold themselves as guardians of many of New Zealand’s domestic animal bloodlines. These deal in animals such as sheep, cows, horses and pigs as well as alpacas, llamas, dairy goats and more. CT
Agribusiness | Farming Today

Royal Agricultural Society 9 Matai Place, Oxford 022 567
Events include:

“This year, the theme is Food for Thought – Kai mot e Wakaaro. The base of that theme is to get people in the wider community thinking more about the whole process of where food comes from and where it ends up,” he says.
• Selwyns Got Talent • Wearable arts competition • Young farmers challenge • Schools top team challenge • Highland dancing • Wood chopping competition • Shearing competition throughout the day • Barbeque competition • Cooking demonstrations in the feature tent. cattle, dairy, dog trials, alpacas, goats and the feature competitors. Not to mention, a massive farm yard for the kids full of puppies, lambs and other cute animals as well as a tank full of eels. They also boast one of the largest poultry shows in the South Island. The day will climax at 3:30pm when the Grand parade enters the Bayley’s Main ring; a sight not to be missed. Alastair says they’re really excited to be putting the show on this year and going full steam ahead. “We couldn’t run without the support of our sponsors and partners and all the people that come down to the show,” he says. “So, a big thanks to them!” CT Ellesmere A&P Association 1650 Leeston Road (03)Leeston324 show season across New
Ellesmere A&P Association marketing and promotions convener, Alastair Barnett, says they have a theme that changes each year that the whole show is centered around. | 89 HamiltonSeedLtd Phone 03 324 2646 High SouthbridgeStreet,7602 Proud to support the Barnett Partnership and smarter farming. 0800 100 123 |
— Advertising Feature

Paul Smith Earthmoving is committed to acting in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. The company is certified to the OHSAS 18001:2007 and ASNZS4801:2001. Is it also certified to the ISO 9001:2008 quality standard and ISNetworld accredited at Level A for NZTA works. CT

“We believe that we have the experience and proven track record to deliver. We are innovative, skilled and efficient at what we do.” Working in conjunction with its people, is its extensive range of plant and machinery. From 1.8T to 30T excavators; graders, loaders and rollers in a variety of sizes; and scrapers and dozers; to small plant requirements such as plate compactors, breakers, water pumps, generators and more, PSE has the in-house supply of equipment to guarantee plant is available when and where it is best needed to service its clients.

As a major force in South Canterbury’s earthmoving and civil industry, Paul Smith Earthmoving’s Central Otago base further solidifies its distribution of resources and capabilities throughout the entire South Island A preferred general earthworks contractor, Paul Smith Earthmoving (PSE) also delivers a number of services that complement its core functions. These include construction, roading, water, infrastructure, irrigation, drainage, utilities, and landscaping. The company is proud to have been involved in many projects of complex size and nature throughout the South Island that have benefited both client and community.
Paul Smith Earthmoving has branches in Christchurch, Timaru, Central Otago, Ashburton, Greymouth, Twizel and Auckland and is a preferred contractor for a number of high-profile clients and organisations throughout New Zealand.

These include the Synlait Project White in Dunsandel, the Kurow Duntroon Irrigation the Action Irrigation Scheme, and the Upper Fraser Pipeline, plus many more of equal Howeversignificance.PSEisalso involved in projects on a smaller scale, generally various residential works, driveways, rock walls, and drainage installations.
The company has delivered numerous projects in all types of ground conditions and in challenging and diverse circumstances.


90 | | Paul Smith Earthmoving Proud to support Paul Smith Earthmoving ARE PROUD TO PROVIDE ACCOUNTANCY, TAX AND BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICES SINCE 2002 FOR Paul Smith Earthmoving 2002 Limited P. 03 687 9222 | 39 George St, Timaru 7940 | E. | Partners: Paul Wollfenbuttel � Craig Copland � Nick Krivan � Kalpesh Hari � Mark Evans Consultants: John Stark � Duncan Brand Uniforms to suit any environmentworkplace Uniform Apparel | Teamwear | Embroidery | Printing | Promotional Items | Engraving Phone 03 366 0760 Email ProudOAMARUTIMARUTWIZELtosupportPaulSmithEarthmoving PSE’s commitment to the southern market
Paul Smith Earthmoving is an expert earthmoving and civil contractor with over 35 years’ experience specialising in:
• Excavation • Demolition • Drainage • Construction • Track and road maintenance • Landscaping • Rock supply, • Landfill management • Trucking and transport works. Paul Smith Earthmoving Head Office 55 Sheffield Street — Advertising Feature Materials Handling Equipment Construction Equipment Agricultural Equipment Air & Power Equipment Port HandheldContainerEquipmentHandlersConstruction Tools Landscaping & Erosion Control A leading & innovative company, involved in the manufacturing, distributing and servicing of industrial, construction and rural equipment. 0800 262 PRODUCTS
Asbestos: the basics As per the Asbestos Regulations, if there is going to be a major renovation or demolition of any commercial or residential building built prior to 2000, then a Demolition and Refurbishment Survey is required before any work commences. | 91 Property & Construction | NZDAA Experienced Certified Asbestos Professionals Our team of qualified asbestos experts provide practical assistance and advice on the management of asbestos and asbestos related works in residential and commercial settings. Surveys | Clearances | Air Monitoring | Management Plans Call 0800 725 618 � Email � ASBESTOS REMOVAL Keep your home or workplace safe with professional and certified asbestos testing and removal CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTE Asbestos Identification, Surveys and Analysis Asbestos Testing & Project Management Removal of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) Remediation of Asbestos and Other Contaminants in Soil Asbestos Encapsulation & Management Plans Approved Asbestos Waste Disposal Services WORKSAFE Certified Asbestos Licence Holders Christchurch & Dunedin | 79 Kennaway Rd, Woolston, Christchurch 8023 Wellington | 4a Nicolaus Street, Trentham, Wellington 5018 Nelson & Marlborough | 5/25 Packham Crescent, Stoke, Nelson 7011 Phone. 0800 101 234 Email.
NZDAA is looking at ways to educate people through the various trade organisations. Helina says the aim is to have consistent, easy to understand information that is user-friendly and well-targeted. Not all asbestos is created equal All asbestos is hazardous, but friable asbestos is generally known to pose more risk to health. It is illegal for tradespeople to remove friable
This is something that the New Zealand Demolition and Asbestos Association (NZDAA) has high on its list of priorities for its members and their staff. Whether working on commercial or residential buildings, there are protocols to follow when it comes to asbestos. To assist with this, the NZDAA is in the process of creating some practice guidance notes that align with the regulations and will soon be on its NZDAAwebsite.president Helina Stil says tradespeople need to have asbestos top of mind. The likes of plumbers, electricians, builders, air conditioning installers, all need to be more aware of its presence. “Often people don’t think about identifying asbestos until they’ve already started work.
There are cases of WorkSafe taking enforcement action against people demolishing residential properties which haven’t been checked for asbestos. CT New Zealand Demolition & Asbestos
Know your asbestos asbestos and it should only be removed by a licensed asbestos professional. While cement bonded/non-friable asbestos is often perceived as less harmful, all asbestos should be handled with the appropriate controls and Legally,precautions.tradespeople can remove up to 10sqm of non-friable asbestos during the scope of a project, however they should have undertaken sufficient training before doing so. Keep your eye on the NZDAA website for the Practice Notes. They cover things like how to drill into pipes without causing dust.
“A plumber might cut away old asbestoscontaining lagging from pipes and then dump it on the ground. Chances are, they’ve now contaminated their new lagging by how they handled the old stuff.” She says the NZDAA has been working closely with the Faculty of Asbestos Management Australia and New Zealand (FAMANZ) on their practice notes and about raising awareness.
WorkSafe has information available on asbestos-containing materials pre: 2000. This includes products such as cement board, typically seen around entranceway ceilings and was prevalent in state houses. Visit:
“Before any demolition work, employ an Asbestos Surveyor. They have to have sufficient training, qualification, knowledge and experience to be able to identify asbestos and sample it safely,” says NZDAA president, Helina Stil. It is not just commercial buildings that are high-risk asbestos is often present in many older residential properties and is not always in an obvious location. You need a surveyor who is experienced and trained in what to look for.
Once regarded as a miracle building product, asbestos came with a plethora of attractive properties and uses. It was heat resistant, it was a strengthening agent, it was used for insulation, it didn’t conduct electricity. With a dating profile like that, it is no wonder everybody wanted it. It was, and still is, found just about everywhere pre-1990s, in walls, ceilings, around old water pipes, old radiators and powerboards. But asbestos is detrimental to your health, in fact it can be a killer and it is imperative that anyone potentially working in close proximity can identify it and know how to handle it.
— Advertising Feature
Stoke Homes New Home & Commercial Projects

92 | |
By Michaela Pointon
Stoke Homes have a distinct ingenuity for elegant, unique and affordable designer homes. They are a trustworthy and personal building company who individualise each home for every want to seek your own plans and have Stoke Homes execute the build, or instead, let Stoke Homes guide you through the design process to completion, they have options to suit everyone.
A snapshot of a dream warm and inviting kitchen by Stoke Homes. Photo supplied by Stoke Homes. The ultimate luxury bathroom for a stay-at-home getaway. Photo supplied by Stoke Homes.
Pureflow Plumbing are the experts in the plumbing business. For all your plumbing needs, from general plumbing maintenance to Alterations and Renovations, Light Commercial and more. P. 027 7722 664 E.

Tom wanted to have a brand that appealed to the modern home buyer. “We have completed a range of homes, from first homes, to more architectural based homes,” he says.
Stoke Homes support you throughout the entire process from design to construction. For your next home make sure you contact Stoke Homes for a great building experience. CT Stoke

Owner of Stoke Homes, Tom Robertson, smiling inside one of his completed homes. Photo supplied by Stoke Homes. The elegant exterior of a completed Stoke Homes house. Photo supplied by Stoke Homes.
Their next big achievement is land development in “WeCanterbury.havejust started a new development in Rolleston to do our own house and land packages” Tom says.
Canterbury owned and operated home building company, Stoke Homes, are guaranteed to produce your next dream home.
Making dream homes a reality
Stoke Homes have already completed a number of successful builds. They have the experience and passion to make your dream home a reality. It is visible the level of care for attention and detail that is built into every home. Owner of Stoke Homes, Tom Robertson, says “we do pretty nice houses,” while smiling.
Stoke Homes are professional home builders committed to delivering quality homes. Whether it is your first home or your forever home, they will guide you throughout the entire process to ensure the best possible result. Their company is built on a foundation of local, reliable and quality contractors who will provide the highest level of workmanship. This workmanship is clear throughout their homes, down to the finer details.
Tom wanted to create a distinct brand that appealed to the next generation of home Additionally,buyers.all branding for the business was to match the uplifting, easy-going and classic kiwi feeling to their homes.
“A few years ago, building costs were more reasonable. Now the housing market has increased we are finding more people are teaming up to purchase or build a new house together. “This is probably the way it will be going in the future.”
In terms of design, Stoke Homes have many options on how to approach your next build. “Clients can come to us with their own plans, which we can price and complete,” Tom says.
Stoke Homes was created in October of 2018, when Tom started his own business venture after completing various spec homes. He had previously completed a qualification in Quantity Surveying and Certificate in carpentry. This has provided expertise skills to support the business and it has since flourished.

After these initial conversations with the client, Tom says “We then go through the process of ideas, opinions and refining the concept, before finally building”.
The land will be subdivided and is Robertsons next big step with the business. “There will be six sections plus the original house which will be renovated,” he says.
Tom continues to project manage all builds at Stoke Homes. “Our business accomplishments are the houses we do.”
The business name ‘Stoke Homes’ comes from a nuance to the word ‘stoked’, as one may feel about building or purchasing their home.
Stoke Homes work alongside many local Christchurch companies, who are experts in what they do. They provide the highest quality of products, as well as guiding customers with their knowledge and expertise of their trades. Building a home with Stoke Homes means that you will be in the best possible hands for all aspects of your build.
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The company also works alongside architectural designers to create each client’s dream home. “We work directly with an interior designer company to bring the clients ideas to life, for all aspects such as inside, outside, flooring, kitchen and paint colours,” he says.
Tom says the process for a Stoke Home starts with the section and gauging what the client is after, figuring out the budget and then meeting with the designer.
Ready To Build? Professional - Affordable - Quality Homes Phone EmailWebsiteNumberAddress Contact Tom Today! CT

Your hosts, Irene Benfell & David Herron, welcome you to Aden Motel, situated in the beautiful Te Anau township. Aden Motel is a 12-unit, ground-floor complex consisting of 7 studio units, 3 x 1-bedroom units and 2 x 2-bedroom units. All units are spacious, smokefree and offer cooking facilities. Plus we now offer a 3 Bedroom Cottage (sleeps up to 8 People) next to the Motel called Heron’s Cottage. Our rooms have a Kiwiana theme. Most units have full cooking facilities. Ample parking, guest laundry, playground, car and luggage storage and a BBQ for those lovely summer nights is available. Free wireless internet in rooms. Pets by arrangement, please ask. Let us help you to organise day trips to Milford/Doubtful Sounds, glowworm caves, horse trekking, jet-boating and many more activities Te Anau offers. Nestled beside one of New Zealand’s largest lakes and surrounded by magnificent scenery, Te Anau is the one true gateway to the Fiordland National Park. Whether you have come to enjoy the spectacular Milford or Doubtful Sounds or to hike the Milford, Kepler, Routeburn or Hollyford tracks, we know you will leave with fond memories. Aden Motel is the ideal place to stay while you’re experiencing this magical part of New Zealand.
Aden Motel, Te Anau; Your Fiordland Gateway to both Milford and Doubtful Sounds. Experience Te Anau With Aden Motel FREE WIFI • FREE BBQ • PETS BY ARRANGEMENT • BREAKFAST AVAILABLE LAUNDRY FACILITIES • PLAYGROUND • COOKING FACILITIES • TV IN UNITS STUDIO, 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS • OFF STREET BOAT PARKING Phone 0800 11 66 TE ANAU NZ Summer is Coming! Stay 3 Days in Te Anau Day 1: Cycle the Lake 2 Lake – Te Anau to Manapouri 28.5km each way (Lunch at Manapouri) Day 2: Day Walk on Kepler Track (Guided or Walk yourself) Day 3: Cruise Lake Te Anau with Historic Lake Cruises on a beautiful boat called Faith Make memories with friends and family in this stunning part of Aotearoa. We can help you with your plans or just come and relax

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