Canterbury Today Magazine Issue #174

Page 1


What effective leadership looks like today

Go Media managing director Mike Gray tells all

Into the unknown

Practical planning Setting attainable goals for sustainable change

Front and centre

The complexities of making Australia home

Nikkei’s fresh twist on traditional flavours

Digital aids

The newest AI tools


tips for the end of the financial year

ISSN 0113-8340


News | Initiatives | Interviews | Personalities | Success | Profiles | Finance | Property | Sustainability | Export | Transport | Retail | Solutions

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COVER STORY Pages 12-15

12 Making Messages

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FROM THE EDITOR Issue 174 | 2024

To say 2023 was an eventful year for Go Media is an understatement. Long at the forefront of innovation in the out-of-home space, the proudly part Māori-owned business now boasts the nation’s most extensive digital billboard network.

Welcome to Canterbury Today’s new format; a more compact magazine designed to look better, deliver clearer messages, and basically be more user-friendly. This issue’s cover story is about Go Media. The company’s co-founder and managing director, Mike Gray, discusses his motivations behind a business that now boasts the nation’s most extensive digital billboard network.



Getting back to business Business Canterbury assesses the year ahead


We offer some practical advice about preparing for the end of the financial year and setting attainable goals for sustainable change.

The human touch in AI implementation It’s becoming increasingly evident that AI cannot yet replace the essential human touch


There’s discussion about streamlining your operational systems, what effective leadership looks like today and we look at some of the latest AI tools, plus much more.

The year of the underwhelming upturn Forecasting the 2024 property market



Events diary EDITOR

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Pages 7-43

Pages 48-85



Business Advocacy

Items worthy of desire

46 The CECC transition to Business Canterbury

16 Counting down to March 31 Six tips for the end of the financial year 18 How well is your organisation tracking?

Developing extensive knowledge during years of recruitment and sales, both in the UK and New Zealand, we wanted to bring this platform and provide a service to help and develop your recruitment needs. NZ Recruit is offering services to help vacancies by advertising your current jobs on Seek , Trademe and Jobspace, also by expanding your reach through social media. Not only can NZ Recruit offer advertising services, we will ensure applicants are contacted accordingly. Communication is key.

It’s all a matter of perspective 22 Practical planning Setting attainable goals for sustainable change 24 Identifying inefficiencies Streamlining your systems 25 Front and centre What effective leadership looks like today 28 Into the unknown The complexities of making Australia home 30 Balancing acts Navigating challenges and embracing opportunities in a hybrid model 32 Out with the old


Tech upgrades for home and office 34 Digital aids




38 Nikkei

42 In style Looking good wherever you are





0800 88 00 18

Getting office lighting right

A fresh twist on traditional flavours




36 Illuminating work




The newest AI tools


48 Game on Tracking Te Kaha Stadium’s progress

Property and Construction 50 MCAS Architecture Studio 52 The Atawhai sports and multipurpose centre 55 The Master Painters Association 56 Daleco Built’s indoor-outdoor mastery 58 Rooms with a view in Westmorland 61 A hillside haven by Cultivated Image 62 An Ashburton delight 64 Perfection on the peninsula 66 Milne Construction’s heritage rebuild 67 Orange Homes’ Monarch showhome hits the mark 68 Ravenswood attracts big-name retailers and hospitality Agribusiness 69 Groundspread NZ’s support of primary industries Destinations 70 Exploring the Chatham Islands 71 Southland’s southern sights Focus on 72 Why South Canterbury is a great place to do business 79 Imagining what Timaru might become 80 Relaxing in Rangiora Live and Living 82 How to be the best parent for your furry friend Motoring 83 Ten steps to help lower fuel costs 84 The MTA’s crucial role in keeping our wheels rolling FOR ALL ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: (03) 961 5184

Management | Life & Style


By Timmi Aplin-Barrett

1. Peak Cocktail Ice Cube Cubic 1

This cubic ice mould creates a single 5cm cube inspired by swanky speakeasy cocktails, intricately etched with tiny pyramids all over to instantly dress up your beverage of choice. Made from food-grade silicone, this ice tray is BPA-free, dishwasher safe and designed to keep our freezer flavours. RRP: $29.99 3

2. Frank Green Water Bottle

This 595ml water bottle from Frank Green will keep you hydrated this summer. Featuring a ceramic inner layer and stainless steel outer, this bottle is both stylish and functional. The ceramic inner layer keeps the water bottle odourless and flavourless (not musty in aftertaste or smell), while the stainless steel outer layer makes the bottle durable and shatterproof. They don’t leak or spill and are triple-walled and vacuum-insulated to keep your drink colder for longer. RRP: $59.90


3. Decora VI

This beautiful still-life botanical piece brings a little touch of boho to any room. If you’re looking for a calm and minimalistic piece, this is the one for you. The museum-quality paper helps bring this stunning piece to life. It comes with a beautifully handcrafted frame and you can choose between a Slash Antique mould frame or an Ornate Mahogany frame. RPP: $60 - $110 4. Reclaimed Teak Rustic Floating Shelf

From Flux comes these rustic floating shelves that add warmth to your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, entryway or living space. The floating design is easy to install and adds a clean look to your wall space. The reclaimed nature of this wood was once used in buildings, bridges and boats, adding a sense of history and character.


RRP: $109 5

5. Contour Ovoid Nesting Tables

Asymmetrical in profile, the Contour nesting tables are an ode to the familiar nature of biological contours. A welcomed sense of lightness is created through the rounded legs and table top, connected by soft arcs. They offer a sense of natural whimsy paired with excellent utility. RRP: $3,396 DISCLAIMER: Please note prices listed here are recommended retail pricing. Prices are subject to change at the discretion of the seller. The information on this page is for information purposes only. AMark Publishing NZ Ltd assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.


Management | Viewpoints

Leeann Watson

Nick McKissack

Chief executive of the CECC / Business Canterbury

HRNZ Chief Executive

Getting back to business

The human touch in AI implentation

In the last edition of Canterbury Today, we announced that our name was changing from Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce to Business Canterbury.

Administrative roles, especially those involving repetitive, routine tasks, have long been predicted to be early on the chopping block as artificial intelligence (AI) technology advances.

Since then, we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our members and business community about how our new name better reflects what we do and who we support. On behalf of Business Canterbury, I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to the business owners, operators and leaders in our region, for your outstanding contribution to our economy, which provides livelihoods for our people, and supports our communities. For those of you who worked through the Christmas break, thank you for keeping our economy ticking along and for those who were able to take a break, I hope you had the opportunity to relax and recharge! Looking ahead at the year to come, we expect to see progress made on removing median wage visa requirements, improving the quality of regulation, and planning for significant infrastructure investment in Canterbury through the new roads of national significance programme and the $1.2b Regional Infrastructure Fund. We have engaged early with Ministers outlining Canterbury’s business expectations and look forward to hosting them in Christchurch in the new year. 8

For further insights on what 2024 might bring, on 15 February we will again be hosting our annual ‘Back to Business’ event, one of our major networking opportunities. I would encourage you to get in quickly if you would like to attend as our venue capacity is limited. You can find out more and book here at our website: About the CECC Established in 1859, the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce (The Chamber) has two main goals: • to help local businesses improve their enterprises • to ensure our members can operate in a business-friendly environment. We are a non-for-profit membership organisation meaning everything we do is for our members. We have approximately 2,600 members and are the largest business support agency in the South Island. We are led by a board of twelve directors, all who have business experience within the Canterbury region and a genuine, hands-on understanding of the local business environment. With a long history of providing business support in the region, we are highly regarded as one of the leading business support organisations in the country, alongside our BusinessNZ Network, and a valued stakeholder of decision-makers at a local and national level. Our head office is based at 57 Kilmore Street, Christchurch, New Zealand. Please pop in to learn more, or give us a call on (03) 6617014. CT

As technology develops, more and more people are asking whether AI will be able to carry out tasks that traditionally require emotional intelligence and critical thinking. As automation and artificial intelligence technology grows, some AI virtual assistant platforms claim they are an alternative to human assistants. Generative AI, for example, can help with increasingly sophisticated tasks, such as building an itinerary for a business trip or conducting preliminary research for meetings. However, it’s becoming increasingly evident that AI cannot yet replace the essential human touch required for assistant and administrative roles. In their search for administrative staff, executives often look to find personalities compatible with their work style, looking to find an individual who can respond to their work style appropriately. An effective assistant is able to pick up on what is creating stress for an individual and use their emotional intelligence and critical thinking to decide whether they need to provide more support or to ease off. Thinking outside the box and providing creative solutions in times

of high pressure and stress is an essential part of an assistant’s role. Even as AI develops emotional intelligence through multimodal sensing to mimic human qualities, human assistants will always have a role. This is not to say that AI will not be an invaluable tool to increase productivity; AI will be able to effectively complete the routine mechanistic elements of work, thus improving the potential of what humans can achieve. Moving forward, contemplating the future of work and workplaces, we should invest in developing and nurturing the skills of our humans in the workforce. Fostering creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence while creating the conditions for our people to continuously learn through investing in talent and talent development will be essential to ensure your organisation continues to thrive while implementing AI technologies. The human touch is, and will continue to be, crucial for success. About HRNZ HRNZ is the leading professional body for Human Resources in New Zealand. As a not-for-profit membership organisation, HRNZ delivers career defining experiences and leading-edge tools. We provide professional development opportunities, progression pathways, and Chartered Membership and Emerging Professional certification. Explore our website for more details: CT

Management | Viewpoints

Kevin Davidson CoreLogic NZ Chief Property Economist

The year of the underwhelming upturn A ‘year of two halves’ aptly describes the country’s property market performance in 2023, where declining sale volumes and house prices characterised the first half of the year, before finding a floor. Sale volumes hit the lowest level in about 40 years in April, with a 12-month moving total of just 60,475, while national property values declined a further five percent over the year. Mortgage rates certainly inched higher in late 2023, but after basically doubling from mid-2021 to late 2022, the rate of increase slowed right down in 2023. Against that backdrop, we also saw the restrictive CCCFA rules ease from May 1st, and then the loan to ratio (LVR) rules were also relaxed a little from June 1st. Sales volumes are now rising pretty consistently from month to month, although from such a low base, even strong gains of 10-15 percent haven’t yet translated into large increases in the number of deals. Another influence in 2023, which came as a surprise to almost everybody, was the surge in net inwards migration to New Zealand. While this hasn’t necessarily stimulated sales volumes or house prices on its own, there are certainly signs that it’s put significant pressure on an already constrained supply of rental property – with vacancy rates

dropping and inevitably, rent prices accelerating. As the housing market moves into its next phase, it will be important to keep an eye on how the labour market and mortgage repricing process goes in 2024. While households have adjusted well so far, it remains a key factor to watch. The New Year will likely kick off positively in terms of mood, with a new property-friendly Government looking to shorten the Brightline Test back to two years and steadily reinstate full mortgage interest deductibility. This could start to pull some investment demand back into the market, and may see some existing investors find themselves off the hook for capital gains tax sooner than expected. But even if some investors do start to buy again, it’s not likely to be a torrent, due to low rental yields and high mortgage rates. First home buyers should still be able to find good opportunities, as they continue to benefit from accessing KiwiSaver for deposits and make full use of the low-deposit lending speed limits at the banks. Caps on debt-to-income ratios remain firmly on the cards for 2024, but high mortgage rates are currently doing the job of restricting any risky, high debt to income (DTI) lending. We’re anticipating sales rising by perhaps 10 percent and prices seeing growth of around five percent, which is still below longterm average levels. Put another way, 2024 could prove to be the year of the underwhelming upturn. CT

Events diary Matchbox Twenty Thursday, February 29 Wolfbrook Arena, Christchurch American pop band Matchbox Twenty is set to return to New Zealand shores for a two-concert tour bringing the Goo Goo Dolls along with them. The band will be performing new music from their new album Where the Light Goes, their first release in 11 years. Watch Matchbox Twenty perform their biggest hits, She’s So Mean, 3AM, Wild Dogs and many more. Selwyn Sounds Saturday, March 2 Lincoln Domain Get ready for the return of Selwyn Sounds, offering a fantastic line-up featuring some of the world’s greatest hitmakers. The concert event also provides excellent refreshments with a dazzling array of vendors offering a world of delicacies and full bar facilities. The acts gracing Lincoln Domain for 2024 are Go West, Nik Kershaw, The Mockers, The Choirboys, Rikki Morris, Automatic 80s, and last but certainly not least, The Human League. North Canterbury Wine & Food Festival Sunday, March 3 Glenmark Domain, Waipara, Hurunui Ahead of the local wine harvest taking place, the North Canterbury Wine & Food Festival sees over 4,000 fine folk join together in the heart of Waipara. You will find pockets of entertainment, immerse yourself in conversations with other lovers of local produce and fall in love with everything North Canterbury has to offer.

blink-182 Monday, March 4 Wolfbrook Arena, Christchurch Multi-platinum, award-winning group blink-182 have announced their biggest tour ever, a colossal global outing with Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker reuniting for the first time in nearly 10 years. If you love hit music such as All the Small Things, What’s My Age Again? and One More Time, then you will definitely enjoy this nostalgic night of fun. shows The Christchurch Art Show Friday-Sunday, March 8-10 Te Pae Convention Centre View and buy original art by New Zealand artists at Christchurch’s largest art experience of the year. Discover a range of dynamic and exciting artworks curated by specially selected artists from Canterbury and from all over Aotearoa. Once purchased, you get to take your artwork straight home with you to enjoy. Women’s Self-Defence Workshop Saturday-Sunday, March 16-17 Riccarton High School, Christchurch The Women’s MINDSET SelfDefence workshop is probably the most intense, comprehensive, enjoyable, hands-on women’s selfdefence syllabus in New Zealand and Australia. MINDSET SelfDefence & Close Quarters Combat teaches participants how to stay safe, but most of all, it teaches them how to protect themselves or a loved one should they find themselves being attacked or physically assaulted. Rated - R13.

Jamie Beaton EY Young Entrepreneur of the Year for 2023 By Ben O’Connell

Take Brendan’s story from Canberra He co-founded an to Harvard, which has seen him raise education empire at 17, millions in venture funding and sell graduated from Harvard his business to Amazon. We have had Kiwis like Soumil grow up in at 20, and now helms Hamilton, learn coding with Crimson, a company valued at get into Harvard, and raise millions from top VCs and Crimson to build a hundreds of millions generative AI company. Young Kiwi (and has soon to be nine Nathaniel went from New Zealand degrees). I asked Jamie through Crimson to Stanford and raised US$3.3 million from funds Beaton, the audacious like Bain crypto ventures to build his entrepreneur behind company. Co-founder Sharndre went Crimson Education, about on to start The One Billion foundation, his journey to rewriting the which aims to change a billion lives rules of the academic game. over the next 50 years. How did it feel to win EY Young Entrepreneur of the Year for 2023 in New Zealand? What does this win represent? Winning the EY Young Entrepreneur of the Year for 2023 award was exciting because Crimson is about helping young people achieve extraordinary outcomes at young ages. Winning this award is highly relevant to our many students who personally aspire to launch their own companies. So far, we have had legendary alumni spanning students and team members make an incredible impact in the entrepreneurial space. 10

Winning this award represents unleashing a new wave of young Kiwis building epic companies on the world stage.

Ten years ago, what was your life like day to day and what would you say to that younger self? Ten years ago, to this day, I had just finished my first semester at Harvard and was heading back for my second. I left New Zealand for Harvard with no clue what my life would be like, with no connections or family in America. I left with a quiet confidence that the experience would permanently

change my life for the better and with a desire to adapt, figure out this new environment, and make the best of the opportunity. I grew up with a classic Kiwi upbringing except I had one major advantage: my mother Paula. She raised me as a single mum, taking me to all kinds of academic programmes and cheering me on every step of the way, encouraging me to strive for my very best academically. I co-founded Crimson with $40 in my bank account and some good academic grades. I’d tell the Jamie of 10 years ago to learn Mandarin instead of French, add computer science alongside biology, and otherwise get ready for one heck of an adventure. What are some of the most significant challenges currently facing the education system globally? How does Crimson navigate them? The most significant problem affecting our education system in New Zealand is NCEA, which lacks international rigour and leaves our students with weak fundamentals in mathematics and science. Countries with the highest academic productivity, like Singapore, have

very strong education systems driven by a brilliant curriculum. Across the world, a big issue is that the job landscape is incredibly dynamic and requires sophisticated strategy to navigate all the various academic choices, extracurricular choices, and university programmes and pathways. Many people pretend they know what they are doing when they give this advice, but few have lived any of these trajectories and often are decades out of date or rely on anecdotes or cliché. I believe that education is far too high stakes to be gambled over or experimented with. Crimson directly addresses these issues by enabling any Kiwi to take the rigorous A-Levels, which I used to get into Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Wharton, and Cambridge, or the American Advanced Placement curriculum, which has also supported students to gain admission into top universities like the Ivy Leagues, through our world-ranked private online school, Crimson Global Academy. We address the second issue through our world #1 university and career guidance support at Crimson Education, where we see

Management | Entrepreneurs

In entrepreneurship, by definition, the status quo wants you to fail. Luckily in the case of Crimson, we help to accelerate our school partners by assisting their students to achieve brilliant university outcomes. Jamie Beaton

Philips Andover, Philips Exeter, Eton, Harrow, Raffles Institute, Dulwich, and the best high schools in all the world’s major cities.

what leading students are doing at the most competitive companies in Silicon Valley, New York, London, and Shanghai, and apply this to our current students’ education roadmaps well before they enter their final years of high school. This intensity, and the databases, technology platforms, and scale of mentors we have assembled, has driven our world-leading 800 Ivy League offers, including 85 Ivy League offers just this year and 12 Stanford admits in the early round alone – the most in the world by a wide margin in our industry. What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those interested in the education sector? What would you say to the young eager Kiwis reading this? Ignore all the false prophets who give advice about entrepreneurship but haven’t walked this path. The best entrepreneurs do not chase risks; they obsessively mitigate them. I recommend as a high schooler to ignore all the voices around you telling you to chill out and relax – and I encourage people to realise that when high school is taken seriously, it can dramatically accelerate the trajectory of your life and your capacity for impact. If you want to be a top entrepreneur, stack the deck in your favour and get into programmes like Wharton Business School at UPenn (our kids have more than 150+ offers to this top university), Stanford’s undergraduate programme (our kids

have more than 70+ offers), and Harvard’s undergraduate programme (50+ offers). Outstanding academic excellence will help you attract capital, investors, find talented peers to build alongside you, and give you a global perspective so you can compete and make an impact on the world stage. What were some of the key challenges you faced when starting Crimson Education, and how did you overcome them? My first key challenge was that I was 17, I was still wearing braces, and few would take us seriously. I was confident that my differentiated methodology, cultivated through my first-hand academic trajectory, would lead to strong student outcomes, but many of the incumbent schools, principals, and counsellors weren’t open to the possibilities. I am very thankful to legends like Dr Sandra Hastie, a brilliant Kiwi educator, for understanding the opportunity for change and taking informed, bold bets on us. As we quickly ramped up our placement of students into the world’s best universities, many of the most prestigious global schools began to reach out to us and things quickly snowballed.

Are there specific books, songs/albums, media, mentors, or experiences that have had a significant impact on your professional/personal development? Some of my favourite books include Blue Ocean Strategy, which played a key role in my thinking in high school, and The Hard Thing About Hard Things, which was a shockingly hilarious representation of the complexity of entrepreneurship. I balance that with the Call Her Daddy podcast, the Economist news of the week and continuous conversations with my peers from these various universities across industries like finance, government and technology. I also love a good Fast and Furious movie. How do you see technology playing a role in the future of education? What does the future hold for you and Crimson? Technology enables the famous “two-sigma” research of Professor Bloom, which highlights the

dramatically more effective impact of 1:1 tutoring than large group classes to be accessible to more students around the world. The popularity of our 1:1 instruction at Crimson Global Academy, as well as small, live group classes, continues to grow rapidly. We have already deployed artificial intelligence to support teachers with grading assessments so our students can get rapid feedback on essays and new ideas. I am excited to explore this more. The future holds a decline of tall poppy syndrome and a more globally connected New Zealand for young Kiwis to learn from the best and brightest anywhere. We may be isolated geographically but through Crimson, I am committed to helping each progressive wave of Kiwi kids pursue more ambitious paths on the world stage. Thanks for chatting, Jamie! Where can readers find more? I wrote a book called ACCEPTED!, which is particularly relevant for young Kiwi students thinking about pursuing a global education. It was a USA Today national bestseller and our Kiwis have found it quite helpful, so check it out! CT

In entrepreneurship, by definition, the status quo wants you to fail. Luckily in the case of Crimson, we help to accelerate our school partners by assisting their students to achieve brilliant university outcomes. Today, we help students from globally leading high schools: 11

MAKING MESSAGES Go Media managing director Mike Gray tells all By Ben O’Connell

Cover Story | Mike Gray

To say 2023 was an eventful year for Go Media is an understatement. Long at the forefront of innovation in the out-ofhome space, the proudly part Māori-owned business now boasts the nation’s most extensive digital billboard network. Behind one of the country’s leading outdoor media solutions companies, it’s only up from here for Mike Gray. In May, Mt Smart Stadium became Go Media Stadium Mt Smart. As proud supporters and sponsors of Super Rugby, the Warriors Community Trust and New Zealand Football, it was a natural move for the business. But that didn’t mean it was easy. At first, Go Media were tasked with finding a naming rights partner, only to realise the opportunity in front of them. Allocating capital amid the rapid growth Go Media has experienced might seem counterintuitive, but Mike knew it would be the making of the business. Countless negotiations and Zoom calls later, and the contract was

signed. Mike says the company’s perception shift has been phenomenal, and the deal is the best decision Go Media has ever made. “It was very difficult to get approval from the Tataki Auckland Unlimited board as they saw us as a small business, but we’re not; we are a massive business,” Mike says, also mentioning the quick turnaround for internal board approval.

Go Media Stadium is home to One New Zealand Warriors, Athletics Auckland, Auckland Football Federation and the Oceania Football Confederation. Expect the venue to host more brilliant concerts and sports fixtures in 2024. The deal is another example of Mike and Go Media’s inspiring tenacity. When I asked him what the most important trait business owners

Go Media Stadium is home to One New Zealand Warriors, Athletics Auckland, Auckland Football Federation and the Oceania Football Confederation. Expect the venue to host more brilliant concerts and sports fixtures in 2024.

“We just about missed the All Blacks game as a result, and we wouldn’t have been on the tickets or any of the marketing.” Last November, Go Media Stadium Mt Smart hosted the first Maccas Festival of Football and held the first Wellington Phoenix men’s and women’s doubleheader outside of Wellington.

need to hone is, Mike offered one word - “discipline”. “I started in 1994. I still work nearly every day, not necessarily physically, but mentally. I constantly think about what to do next or how to improve things, and I am always writing ideas down. “I haven’t had a job for 30 years, so I have the sole responsibility of

manifesting everything I want in life. “The number of hurdles and heartache I have had to overcome has been 90 percent of the journey. “Ten percent of the time, things feel like they are working. So, you must be very mentally strong as most of the time you are climbing mountains, and it’s about delayed gratification.” 2023 was awards season for Go Media. In June, they were a finalist for Media Business of the Year at the Beacon Awards, a showcase of outstanding advertising industry talent. In October, Andrea Rongonui, Mike’s better half, who he says is the brains of their relationship, was named the Māori Businesswoman of the Year. After winning the Pakihi Whai Ora (Social Enterprise) and Te Auahatanga (Innovation) categories, Andrea took the title of Te Tohu Aorangi Overall Supreme Winner at the 2023 MWDI (Māori Women’s Development Inc) Māori Businesswomen’s Awards. “We have a simple philosophy that you get what you give,” Mike says. “I don’t think there is another company that sponsors and supports as much of the sports, arts, music and culture worlds as we do.”

I started in 1994. I still work nearly every day, not necessarily physically, but mentally. I constantly think about what to do next or how to improve things, and I am always writing ideas down. Mike Gray

Andrea Rongonui was named Māori Businesswoman of the Year


Cover Story | Mike Gray

A testament to their generosity, with the help of Countdown, Auckland Stadiums, and other sponsors, Go Media hosted Christmas at the Stadium, feeding 550 families that otherwise wouldn’t have a Christmas Day experience. Children received gifts thanks to the Kindness Collective on the special December day. One of Go Media’s values is manaakitanga - to uplift the mana of all cultures. Mike says putting positive messaging into the marketplace is especially important in these politically divisive times. Adapting to change The business now talks to over three million Kiwis every month. In July, Go Media became the first company to have 100 digital billboards nationwide after acquiring Splat Media. They’re proof that changing with the evolving media industry is vital.

I think long-term and the big picture. Our goal is to become the number one out-of-home company in New Zealand, and I have always been told that was possible for a New Zealand-owned company.

partner Landmarks ID that tells us the audience passing a site by the hour, by the day, so customers can make better-informed buying decisions that are more targeted. “Moving to an impressions-based model has allowed us to lead the industry and start trading programmatic digital out-of-home, which is how most advertising appears on your phone.”

“Our industry has completely changed with the advent of digital billboards. The speed at which we can do things now is impressive.

Take weather-triggered campaigns, for example. If it’s raining, a billboard will show gumboots for sale, but you might see a barbecue on a sunny day.

“We have consented audience measurement data through our

Mike’s Go Media journey started 30 years ago when billboards ranked

fifth on a media schedule. He says that today they rank at the top for many clients. Out-of-home is the only growing media category other than online because audiences are now on their phones or outside. Television is transitioning to streaming, and newsprint is going digital, but digital billboards are here to stay. “They both still have one foot in the old world at the same time,” Mike says. “Media is so fragmented now, and people have so many ways to consume what they want now. When I grew up, we only had two television channels.

Dame Areta Koopu, Tiana Gray, the Māori king – Kiingi Tūheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII, Andrea Rongonui, and Mike Gray


“I think long-term and the big picture. Our goal is to become the number one out-of-home company in New Zealand, and I have always been told that was possible for a New Zealand-owned company. “Most of my work is spent working on the future of the business, development of new sites and strategy. We have 33 staff now across five offices and a couple have been with us for over ten years. So, my day-to-day is completely different than it once was.” And it’s looking to be a bright future. In September, it was announced that Go Media would be Emirates Team New Zealand’s official outdoor media partner. It’s a partnership that took Mike four years to achieve, the epitome of his discipline. On the night of the All Blacks test at Go Media Stadium, Te Rehutai was launched in Barcelona. Once it was in the water, Go Media were sent photos that they loaded into pre-created artwork files to display on digital screens. “After the test match, I took some photos and texted them to Hamish, the head of comms, who was on the water with Grant Dalton. Dalts

Cover Story | Mike Gray

was shown the photos and was mightily impressed, and that sealed the deal.”

cross-country runner in my youth. “My passion is sport, but in particular football. We sponsor Football New Zealand and the Phoenix, and we will be sponsoring the new Auckland A-League team that will be playing at Go Media Stadium.”

The 2024 America’s Cup will take place from August to October across Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, and the Mediterranean.

Mike still finds downtime amid the mayhem. He’s recently enjoyed the TV drama Succession and Walter Isaacson’s Elon Musk biography.

Go get ‘em Mike advises other entrepreneurs and business owners, especially those just starting out, that persistence is key.

“I still play masters, and last year we won the treble. I also listen to a lot of music, and I am working on several screenplays at the moment.

He suggests writing a detailed business plan after reading good books and finding a suitable mentor. “Do something that you love as you will dedicate at least ten years of your life to get the business to work. Only one in 100 businesses started last ten years. “And be prepared to do anything to make the business work. I built our first four sites with two mates with some borrowed tools. “I run every day. I started during the last lockdown. I am now at 890 days in a row. The goal is 10,000 days in a row, and I will be 76 years old. That is a discipline thing, but I was a very good

The ribbon at the newly-named Go Media Stadium Mt Smart is cut

The business now talks to over three million Kiwis every month. In July, Go Media became the first company to have 100 digital billboards nationwide after acquiring Splat Media.

“Also, be very careful who you go into business with. We are lucky to have Dean Shaw as our business partner because he is prepared to work as hard as we do, and he is not afraid to take calculated risks. “Lastly, never give up. If you keep going, keep refining your plan, keep working hard, you will make it happen.”

They’re proof that changing with the evolving media industry is vital.

Go Media are proud supporters and sponsors of national Super Rugby

Andrea and Mike with business partner Dean Shaw

Mike and Grant Dalton; Go Media is Emirates Team New Zealand’s official outdoor media partner


Management | Finance

Six last-minute tips for the end of the financial year The financial year for New Zealand businesses finishes on the 31st of March and can be a stressful time for many business owners. Research has shown that many owners will be pulling all-nighters and missing out on time with friends and family in order to complete their compliance obligations. Chartered accountant Scott Gardiner says it is easy for small business owners to leave their end of financial year obligations to the last minute. “Often SMEs become so focussed on the day-to-day operations of running a business that some of the less exciting aspects, such as bookkeeping, can get pushed aside – creating more pressure in the reporting season,” he says. “While early preparation is best, it is still not too late for business owners to get their accounts in order. There’s a few things that all businesses can do to make sure they’ve got everything in order and are ready to start the new financial year on the front foot.” 1. Discuss taking advantage of deductions, write-offs and rebates with your accountant and 16

review your assets register to write off worthless stock, plant and equipment. 2. Give your accountant or bookkeeper a complete copy of all your financial files – or give them access to your cloud files so they can do the work for you. 3. Give your payroll reports a final once-over. Although you don’t need to provide a summary to your employees, it’s a good idea to give them Earning Certificates as these can be used to check information provided by the Inland Revenue. 4. Finalise end of year adjustments with your accountant or bookkeeper and once changes have been updated, lock all accounts relating to that year so that data remains accurate. This will help ensure an easy transition into the new financial year. 5. Create a separate copy of your accounts and back it up – it’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s also always a good idea to print key reports like P&L, balance sheets and general ledger listings for the financial year and store them securely. 6. Finally, reflect on your business plan and make sure you’re on the right path. It’s a good chance to consider how your business

can benefit from cloud accounting solutions that will make the next end of financial year easier to manage. End of financial year help With the end of the financial year now approaching for many businesses, PwC has a tax planning checklist to assist with preparations for the year end, as at March 31. PwC says it’s a good time for businesses to consider their year-end tax positions and all options available to them, as well as their provisional tax obligations. “Planning for year-end can be a daunting task for business owners so we’ve aimed to simplify the process and provide them with all the elements they should be considering, current taxation rates and information on provisional tax obligations for easy reference.” Some items of particular importance for businesses are: • Identifying accrued and/or prepaid expenditure that may not be deductible for tax purposes in the current year • Ensuring you are maximising the depreciation available on your fixed assets, and making sure your tax fixed asset register is accurate and, where relevant, writing off assets that have been disposed of

Planning for year-end can be a daunting task for business owners so we’ve aimed to simplify the process and provide them with all the elements they should be considering, current taxation rates and information on provisional tax obligations for easy reference. Scott Gardiner

• Consideration of whether debts have gone bad and writing these off prior to year-end • Consideration of intercompany loan balances and whether appropriate interest has been charged

• Monitoring shareholder accounts to ensure they are not overdrawn at year-end • Considering whether losses can be carried forward from past years or offset between group entities. CT

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Management | Operations

Rob Clarke CEO of Learning Architects

How well is your organisation tracking It’s all a matter of perspective Along with warmer weather and longer days, summer often brings new thinking and the chance to reflect and reset. When it comes to work, how well your new ideas gain traction depends on everyone’s willingness to contribute.

with your team when you conduct the survey, and assure them that there will be some kind of positive follow-through based on the results.

When it comes to motivation, generally people (yourself included!) feel one of three ways:

Options might be to expand your services, allocate your training budget differently according to need, put in a mentoring scheme or coaching programme, give people new responsibilities, and so on. Depending on the results, you may need to get creative with what you have (eg. time, resources, expertise), but if you are going to take the pulse, you must take action on the results in some way.

1. Excited; looking forward to future possibilities.

It all starts with you

2. Disillusioned; thinking about or actively seeking new opportunities elsewhere. 3. Indifferent; just going through the motions.

The vibe you give out plays a large part in your organisational climate. Before you start trying to figure out how motivated your team members are, check in with yourself. Consider the following:

• Mentor a less experienced team member.

As you review the feedback, try to identify themes. This can help you decide where to put your energy, focus and budget. For example, are people frustrated due to lack of skills or knowledge, or is someone carrying too much of the load? Once you know how people are feeling, prioritise the next steps and make a plan.

4. Rate each one 1-3 in terms of your motivation levels (highly motivated, indifferent, hate it).

Make a plan and create a structure

If it’s been a while since you checked your organisational pulse, it’s always useful to gauge how people are tracking. It gives you good insight as to where there is enthusiasm, or need for change.

2. List the top five responsibilities in your role.


Identify patterns or themes

3. Rate each one 1-5 in terms of importance to the business.

1. How do you feel about your purpose and business goals?

The chances are you’ll receive a range of different sentiments so before you start asking questions, identify your options for responding to feedback; that way you can set realistic, achievable expectations

like in your organisation may look quite different for another. For example, someone might want to:

Remember if people have something negative to say, that in itself is a positive because you are getting some insight. It’s quite different if you have people who say nothing; that can speak volumes and they may have a problem (which becomes your problem). If this is the case, then you or their manager is best to speak to them directly.

Check how you are tracking

Highly motivated people may have new ideas, unmotivated people could be re-engaged once you know what they are dissatisfied with, and those who are indifferent could go either way without due attention.

This survey need not be complicated. You can run quick polls to keep it simple, or quizzes to make it fun. The most important thing is to acknowledge and take action on the results so that people feel heard. Remember to set a deadline for responses and dates for when you’ll review the information and communicate the results.

After your reflection, ask everyone else a few similar questions, such as: 1. List your top five responsibilities. 2. Rate each one 1-5 in terms of importance. 3. Rate each one 1-3 in terms of how motivated you are. 4. Name one thing that would increase your job satisfaction.

Whatever you do, if you are able to meet organisational goals at the same time through supporting individuals and their goals, you’re more likely to get to that sweet spot where everyone wins. As you create your action plan, consider how you can address people’s individual goals, aspirations and ambitions while pursuing organisation goals. What this looks

• Upgrade their qualifications • Learn a new skill or area of the organisation • Present at a conference, or gain a promotion • Work or learn alongside someone else

Regardless of their answers, you are likely to get to know more about individuals; their passions, skills, expertise and ambitions. Move forward with a new perspective

Once you’ve reviewed the results and come up with priorities, it is time to communicate these (you need not reveal all the details!). It may be that the actions relate to the whole organisation, one department, a process, or an individual. Again, there’s no need to share all the nitty gritty, but it is preferable to share the overall sentiment and what happens next. After you have mapped the actions out, remember it is important to measure to monitor progress. This can be something as simple as running the survey again in six months, or checking in with people at different times. However you choose to keep your finger on the pulse, remember that personal motivation and success is all a matter of perspective. So go on, to move your organisation forward, ask some questions that move people, and get a whole new fresh perspective! CT

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Management | Operations

Practical planning Setting attainable goals for sustainable change By Jamie Quinn

As we head further into the New Year, many people find themselves contemplating resolutions that promise to transform their lives. While the enthusiasm is admirable, the reality is that unrealistic goals can often lead to frustration and disappointment. It is better to set realistic goals that are practical and give you a much better chance at lasting change. Some of the most common resolutions usually include losing a significant amount of weight, completely overhauling dietary habits, or achieving a huge career milestone. These can be overwhelming and, more often than not, set you up for failure. Unrealistic resolutions tend to be unsustainable in the long run. The initial burst of motivation carries you through the first few weeks, but the 22

lack of a gradual and achievable plan often leads to burnout. The disappointment that follows can be disheartening, causing people to completely abandon their goals, sometimes seeing them pick up even more unhealthy habits. Instead, set small goals that are realistic and sustainable. Define clear and measurable objectives Instead of vague resolutions like “get in shape,” set specific and measurable goals such as “exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week” or “lose 2kgs in the next month.” Clear objectives allow for easy tracking of progress. Focus on incremental changes Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, if your resolution is to read more, start with a commitment to read for 15 minutes before bedtime. Gradually increase the time as the habit solidifies.

Unrealistic resolutions tend to be unsustainable in the long run. The initial burst of motivation carries you through the first few weeks, but the lack of a gradual and achievable plan often leads to burnout.

Set realistic timeframes Understand that sustainable change takes time. Instead of expecting immediate results, be patient and allow yourself the space to adapt to new habits. Setting realistic timeframes reduces the pressure and increases the likelihood of success. Prioritise balance Strive for a balanced approach to goal-setting. Consider resolutions that enhance various aspects of your life, including physical health, mental well-being, and relationships. This holistic approach contributes to overall life satisfaction.

Build a support system Share your resolutions with friends or family who can offer encouragement and accountability. Having a support system can make a significant difference in staying motivated during challenging times. It’s important to approach resolutions with a realistic mindset. Rather than setting lofty goals that may lead to disappointment, focus on practical and achievable objectives. Remember, the key to New Year’s resolutions is not just in setting them but in taking consistent and manageable steps toward achieving them. CT

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Management | Business Tips

Identifying inefficiencies By Ben O’Connell

A great business is an efficient business. Streamlining operations to be as productive as possible is crucial in today’s corporate climate. Increased profits, adaptability, customer satisfaction and focus are just four reasons to cut out inefficiencies strategically. But why is it worthwhile? The process starts with a thorough business review, establishing a clear understanding of what happens at every stage of your business operations. It will help you develop meaningful KPIs (key performance indicators) that act as measurable targets to track performance levels. This initial stage will help you identify variations and take corrective actions where necessary, not just now but in the future. Constant reviews are key. Keeping procedures up-to-date ensures that employees follow the most 24

efficient and effective processes. But with new technology to integrate, employees to train, customer feedback to take on board, and other business elements to monitor and adjust, it can quickly become overwhelming. Enter your employees, who often have valuable insights into operational challenges. Engaging them in your search for efficiency will foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. It’s through clear communication that you can really get to the nitty-gritty. Don’t just listen to your workforce, hear them and take their opinions on board. On this, well-trained employees are better equipped to perform their tasks efficiently and adapt to process changes. Networking and deep-diving the moves of your competitors is also essential. Benchmarking against industry standards helps businesses understand how they compare to peers and identify areas where improvements are needed.

Look for opportunities to simplify systems, widen the gap between costs and profits, and maximise your resources in every business aspect.

It can be easy to operate in a bubble, so stay connected to your industry! On this, enlisting the help of external consultants can provide unbiased perspectives and specialised knowhow, cluing you to the best practices from other industries. Another helpful tool is process mapping. Visualising processes helps identify bottlenecks, redundancies, and inefficiencies, providing a basis for improvement initiatives.

Look for opportunities to simplify systems, widen the gap between costs and profits, and maximise your resources in every business aspect. In New Zealand, businesses face unique challenges. Sustainability and environmental impact take centre stage, as do cultural awareness and active community engagement. Our geography means supply chain resilience is important, urging businesses to diversify suppliers and explore local sourcing. Compliance with local regulations, spanning employment, health and safety, and industry-specific rules, is another prerequisite to business success. Achieving operational efficiency is a continuous journey, so be forgiving and kind to yourself and your team. It demands thorough reviews, employee engagement, industry benchmarking, and an intimate understanding of the problems unique to Kiwi businesses. It’s streamline time! CT

Management | Business Tips

Entry-level candidates By Ben O’Connell

Entry-level jobs, by their very nature, involve tasks that are often repetitive and routine. These tasks are the perfect candidates for automation. But will entry-level jobs become solely AI-based in the near future? As with most technological advancements, reality lies somewhere in between full automation and zero impact on jobs. While AI will undoubtedly automate certain tasks and potentially eliminate some entry-level jobs, it is not likely to replace entry-level jobs entirely. There will always be roles that require human interaction, creativity,

and judgment, which AI is currently unable to replicate. Entry-level workers will still be needed to perform tasks that require human interaction and judgment, while AI will handle routine and repetitive tasks. This balance will ensure that jobs remain meaningful and fulfilling for workers, while also maximising efficiency and productivity. It’s a lot to process (well, for humans) and so it is crucial for workers to develop new skills and adapt to new technologies. By doing so, they can ensure that they remain valuable members of the workforce, capable of contributing to their fullest potential in a world where AI is becoming increasingly prevalent. CT

Front and centre What effective leadership looks like today By Ben O’Connell

Forget the stern-faced CEO stereotype. The path to business success in today’s world is paved with smiles, well-worn passports, and a healthy dose of odd. Yes, you read that right. Here’s how embracing the unconventional, from a well-timed quip to an international perspective, can propel you and your team to new heights. A well-timed giggle greases the gears. Leaders who laugh with their teams build trust, ease tension, and spark creativity. There’s undoubtedly a balance to be achieved here, though. Laughter is the best medicine when the dose is correct. Globe-trotting leaders see the world differently, bringing fresh ideas and

cultural intelligence to the table. Imagine a food marketing guru inspired by Thai street smarts or an IT whiz fuelled by Silicon Valley vibes. This is your sign to book that trip you’ve been putting off because it can lead to big ideas professionally. The quirky thinkers, the artists in suits, the ones who see things sideways, are the innovation engines. Picture the CEO who paints abstract art or the accountant who crochets; their offbeat brains lead to breakthroughs. Finally, empathy. Leaders who connect with their people on a human level win big. They understand, they care, they celebrate. Imagine the manager who remembers birthdays, offers a helping hand, and champions personal growth. CT 25

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Into the unknown The complexities of making Australia home By Ben O’Connell

Management | Emigrating

Thanks to the 1973 Trans-Tasman Travel Arrangement, citizens of Australia and New Zealand can enter each other’s countries for visits, stays, and employment without a previous application. But the so-called brain drain is intense. More Kiwis are crossing the ditch for good. Traditionally, more Kiwis have headed to Australia than Australians coming to Aotearoa, known as net migration loss. According to Stats NZ, net migration loss averaged nearly 30,000 a year from 2004 to 2013 and around 3,000 a year from 2014 to 2019. But in 2022 Stats NZ and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported a net migration loss of 13,400 from New Zealand to Australia. It’s the largest annual loss in nearly a decade. And Statista estimates further growth, forecasting a figure of about 15,340 this year. Per a 2021 report from the Australian Department of Home Affairs, Kiwis are the fourth largest migrant community in Australia, equivalent to 7.5 percent of Australia’s overseasborn population and 2.2 per cent of Australia’s total population.

Kiwis remain the main driver of trans-Tasman migration flows. “In 2022, New Zealand citizens – people travelling on New Zealand passports – made up 80 per cent of the 33,900 migrant departures to Australia, and 72 per cent of the 20,400 migrant arrivals from Australia,” Stats NZ said. The numbers don’t lie. But this imbalanced migration rate doesn’t necessarily mean New Zealand is lagging behind. Politically stable with a high standard of living, it’s an attractive country to potential immigrants.

Citizenship privileges are also enticing. Under the new rules, New Zealanders have access to Australian citizenship and its benefits after four years.

But Kiwis want more. More New Zealanders are moving to Australia in search of better job opportunities, higher wages, and a broader range of industries than ever before.

It’s certainly possible though, especially in mutually demanded sectors such as construction, health and hospitality, an NZIER report said.

Migration changes occur for many reasons, among them immigration policies and the relative economic and labour market conditions between New Zealand and the world.

The ‘brain drain’ of highly skilled and educated Kiwis moving to Australia in search of better opportunities has already caused a growingly noticeable shortage of expertise, hindered innovation and impeded economic growth in New Zealand.

Citizenship privileges are also enticing. Under the new rules, New Zealanders have access to Australian citizenship and its benefits after four years. The New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) said that the policy change would encourage Kiwis who already crossed the ditch to stay there more so than lure workers to make the jump.

Immigration negatively impacts the wages of high-skilled Kiwis due to increased competition, but it has a positive economic impact on the nation overall. Understanding the scale of the brain drain isn’t easy. As the New Zealand Government scrapped departure

cards in 2018, the number of New Zealanders moving to Australia is no longer tracked. The choice between kiwis and kangaroos largely depends on career goals and fields. New Zealand is known for its opportunities in sectors like healthcare, construction, and IT, while Australia offers more jobs in fields like engineering, finance, and education. But do Australians earn more because their cost of living is higher? It generally costs 20 percent more to live in Australia than in New Zealand. Factors such as the cost of housing, utilities, and groceries all matter. The cost of living in Melbourne is higher than in Auckland, but life in a bustling city isn’t for everyone. It’s recommended to measure expenses according to your unique needs and lifestyle. Stats NZ recently reported a wage gap that’s hard to ignore: $1,506 a week earned in New Zealand, and $1.970 in Australia. You cannot blame people for crossing the ditch to earn more, especially for the same work. At the end of the Anzac day, both countries have plenty to offer. It’s up to the individual to work out if the grass is greener on the other side. You can always move back. CT 29

Balancing acts Navigating challenges and embracing opportunities in a hybrid model By Jamie Quinn

The idea of hybrid work has gained significant attention from employers, employees, and researchers all over the world. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, flexible work arrangements, including remote work and hybrid models, have become popular and are expected to gain more momentum in the future. 30

The trend towards more flexible work has been driven by a number of factors, including advances in technology, shifts in societal expectations, and employee preferences. Hybrid roles refer to employment arrangements where employees have the flexibility to work both from a physical office and remotely from their homes. These models have become increasingly popular as technology has advanced, allowing more reliable communication and collaboration from a distance. Hybrid roles have their benefits and challenges, and the suitability of each depends on the nature of the work,

the organisation’s workplace culture, and individual employee preferences.

comfortable environment, potentially boosting productivity.

Many companies are implementing hybrid working models to create a balance between the benefits of inperson work and the flexibility offered by remote work. The key is finding the right balance that meets the needs of the organisation and its employees.

Employees can structure their workdays to complement their natural workflow, helping to avoid burnout. The flexibility to take breaks as needed and step away from the traditional 9-to-5 structure adds to the overall wellbeing of employees.

For employees, hybrid roles are attractive due to the autonomy they have over their work.

This autonomy creates a healthier work-life balance, allowing employees to better manage personal and professional commitments. The home office provides a safe space for those who thrive in a quieter setting, while others may find inspiration in the buzz of a shared workspace.

The freedom to choose when and where to work has become an important aspect of job satisfaction. The home office provides a personalised and

Management | Working Life One of the often-overlooked stressors in traditional work settings is the daily commute. Long commutes are linked to increased stress, fatigue, and even physical health issues. Hybrid roles, by allowing employees to work remotely for part of the week, significantly reduce commuting stress. This not only frees up valuable time but also eliminates a source of daily anxiety, contributing to a more relaxed and healthier mental state for the employee. Offering hybrid work options often makes a company more attractive to potential employees. In a competitive job market, the ability to provide flexibility is a compelling factor for top talent. Existing employees may also experience increased job satisfaction, reducing turnover rates and associated recruitment costs. From the employer’s perspective, hybrid work models introduce opportunities to improve flexibility and attract a diverse talent pool. However, managing a workforce with multiple work locations requires organised planning to ensure productivity and maintain a supportive company culture. Navigating the challenges of hybrid work requires a collaborative effort between employers and employees. Striking the right balance involves thoughtful and well-planned strategies that address the unique needs and concerns of both parties. Employers need to establish clear and flexible work policies that accommodate the diverse needs of their workforce. Customising policies to allow for flexibility in work hours and locations, while maintaining base working hours for in-person collaboration, can strike a balance between a hybrid role and structure. Both employers and employees may benefit from training programs that provide skills related to remote work. This includes effective communication in virtual environments, time management, and utilising digital tools. This training can help both parties to navigate the challenges of hybrid work easily and more efficiently. Transparent and open communication is important

Navigating the challenges of hybrid work requires a collaborative effort between employers and employees. Striking the right balance involves thoughtful and well-planned strategies that address the unique needs and concerns of both parties.

in a hybrid work setting. Employers must create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their needs and concerns. One of the challenges employers face is monitoring employee performance in a hybrid setting. Regular methods of performance evaluation may not be possible. Creating outcome-based reviews and focusing on work delivered rather than hours worked can be a more reasonable approach. For employees, the remote nature of hybrid work can lead to feelings of isolation. While technology helps with convenient communication, the lack of in-person interactions may restrict collaboration and professional relationships. Building and maintaining relationships with colleagues require intentional effort. Employers can help this by proactively reinforcing the workplace culture through virtual team-building activities, recognition programs, and initiatives that promote a sense of support. With a bit of planning and adaption, employers can position themselves for long-term success in the evolving modern work place. In turn, they become supporters of employee mental health. The shift to hybrid roles represents a significant stride towards a more personable approach to employee health and job satisfaction. CT 31

Manmagement | Technology

Tech upgrades for home and office By Timmi Aplin-Barrett

With the sheer amount of technical advancements being made every day, we’re taking a look at the simple things getting an upgrade. From the very basic pen and paper to pictures on the wall, everything seems to be getting a clever update. We’ve put together a complication of all the interesting ways the basics are getting upgraded. Pen and paper Forget pulling out a notebook, rifling through its pages, scribbling down a note and having pen ink smudged on your hand - reMarkable is a piece of technological magic. It reads and writes like paper yet it’s a tablet. It converts your handwriting into typed text, organises your work and has a two-week battery life. It also features neat pens with changeable tips to suit your needs. But, if a ‘smart’ option isn’t what you want, take a look at stone paper. Stone paper is a sustainable, waterproof, tearresistant paper that writes exactly the same as wood paper. It’s a nifty little advancement, great for people who spend time around water or just want something more durable. Picture frames Why clutter up your walls with clunky frames that can only feature one picture when you could upgrade your photo experience with a smart frame. Digital picture frames have come a long way since they first came out and now blend seamlessly into your home. Now you can feature multiple photos in one frame and therefore present dozens of new memories whenever you feel like it. When it’s not cycling through wonderful photos 32

you’ve chosen, it can serve as a home messaging hub or other useful things in your home. You can even pop one of these in the office to show off all those great gatherings and social events. Mugs Nothing feels more irritating than making a cup of tea or coffee, putting it on your desk and then only remembering it when it’s cold. Well, technology is here to save the day. The Ember Mug2 keeps your drink hot for up to 1.5 hours and also has a neat little light that lets you know when your drink is the perfect temperature so you don’t burn your mouth. It’s sleek and looks pretty much like any other mug (so you don’t look too futuristic!). Smoke alarms Who would have thought you could cram a bunch of smart stuff into a smoke alarm? Well, the Nest Protect brings a whole new life to smoke alarms. This smoke alarm tests itself silently. It also comes with Steam Check which uses a custom algorithm and a humidity sensor to look for steam so your alarm doesn’t scream at your for taking a nice hot shower. Not only that, but when you walk under this alarm at night, it has the ability to light up gently to guide you through the hallway.

Manmagement | Technology

Digital aids The newest AI tools By June Pfister

Today’s AI tools are transforming content creation. The latest and most advanced AI tools cater to various tasks, including video editing, writing assistance, voice generation, editing support, and language translation. Here are some AI tools that can assist you by undertaking tasks and saving you valuable time. Pictory Forget expensive video production or spending hours learning complex editing software. Pictory is an AIpowered platform that turns anyone into a video editing pro. Simply input your text or script, choose from a vast library of video clips and images, and let Pictory’s AI handle the rest. It automatically generates video scripts, edits clips, adds music and sound effects, and even creates intros and outros. The result? Highquality, engaging videos that can be used for marketing, social media, training, and more. 34

Jasper Writer’s block? No problem! Jasper is your AI writing assistant who can help you create content, from blog posts and articles to social media captions and marketing copy. It can even generate different creative text formats like poems, code, scripts, and musical pieces. Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, overcoming writer’s block, or simply polishing your existing work, Jasper is a valuable tool for any business owner who wants to create highquality content without the hassle. Murf Forget robotic, monotone voices. Murf uses AI to create realisticsounding human voices from text. This means you can create narrated videos, explainer videos, podcasts, and even custom voiceovers for marketing materials and presentations, all without needing a professional voice actor. Murf offers a wide range of voices and accents, so you can find the perfect one to match your brand and message. Gling Gling is your AI editing sidekick, instantly detecting and snipping away silences and disfluencies from

your videos in just minutes. Skip the tedious chopping and scrubbing, upload your footage, and let Gling’s smart tools cut the fat, leaving you with a polished, ready-to-share masterpiece. Focus on your creative magic while Gling handles the editing grind. AutoPod Filming with multiple cameras can be great for capturing different angles and perspectives, but editing the footage can be a time-consuming nightmare. AutoPod’s AI takes the pain out of multi-cam editing by seamlessly blending footage from up to 10 cameras and 10 mics into a near-finished edit. It easily

handles solo shots, group chats, and wide angles and even adapts to your preferred editing style. Whether you’re a seasoned editor or a complete beginner, AutoPod can save you hours of time and effort. Heygen Reach a global audience and break down language barriers with Heygen’s AI. This innovative platform seamlessly translates and dubs your videos, perfectly syncing speech with lip movements for a natural, engaging experience: no more clunky subtitles or distracting text overlays. With Heygen, your videos can be understood and enjoyed by anyone, anywhere in the world. CT



Management | Working Spaces

Illuminating work Getting office lighting right By Timmi Aplin-Barrett

We all know lighting and colour can impact our mood - so much so that it’s used extensively within advertising, media and more. But how does lighting impact our productivity? If it can impact our mood and emotional state, can it have an impact - whether it be positive or negative - on our productivity and how can we utilise that? Writing for, Sean Peek says lighting can alter employees’ mental health and performance. This includes the amount and type of lighting within the office. He says effective lighting has been found to decrease depression and improve mood, energy and alertness. In a blog by WBWood, they say that improper lighting can have a negative impact on productivity in the office. For example, lighting that is too bright can cause discomfort to the eyes 36

and trigger things like migraines. However, lighting that is too dim means people cannot see what they’re doing properly. “Lighting design in offices influences productivity, quality of life and the ability and willingness of employees to return to work the next day. If the lighting is poor and causes eye strain and headaches, employees will become progressively dissatisfied with their work environment. “When you use lighting design to your advantage, you can help create the best workspace possible for your team,” the blog says. “As the day progresses, workers become tired and can fall into energy slumps after lunch. Standard lighting increases tiredness, but lower ambient lighting and task lighting with a high colour temperature can help them feel better and more productive.” So, what does productive lighting look like? Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. For example, during sunny, bright days, people who work closer

to the windows are going to want to take advantage of the natural light. After all, natural lighting is one of the best forms of light for happiness, productivity and overall mental health. Sunlight contains the essential vitamin D and its benefits cannot be understated. Now, throwing a bunch of UV lamps in the office isn’t the answer either. However, making sure your employees have access to a range of lights as needed is an excellent idea. The key to productive lighting is flexibility. It depends a lot on the atmosphere you’re trying to encourage as well as the lighting that is already present within the space. suggests ensuring darker spots in the office are lit by overhead lights. “While natural light is ideal for any space, it can’t always fill an entire room. This is where overhead lights come in handy. “By placing overhead lights in otherwise dark corners or spaces in your office, you’ll help lift the mood and create a more welcoming

ambience. This will keep you alert and focused on your work, rather than dreary and unable to concentrate.” Having a desk lamp is also a good idea - it means that each employee can, in some way, control the lighting they have access to. Some people prefer plenty of bright light whereas others prefer a slightly more atmospheric amount of lighting. Finally, recommends implementing backdrop lighting. Eye-strain can have serious longterm effects on those who don’t fully light their rooms. Ambient light can alleviate the strain from computer and phone screen lighting. Smart lighting (lighting controlled via a smartphone or other device) is a great way to be able to maximise the productive use of lights. You can adjust the warmth of a light with a touch of a button and thereby increase productivity in different settings. Consider your lighting in your office space when you’re next having a think about productivity. CT

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Whilst endoscopy is a specialist focus of Tasman Day Surgery, due to New Zealand’s need to increase bowel cancer screening, we provide a full day hospital service within a compassionate, friendly and caring environment. We are located in Lower Queen Street, Richmond, close to the racecourse, with plenty of parking available.


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Nikkei By Jamie Quinn

Living | Food

Our goal is to show Christchurch what Nikkei is all about. We are very lucky to have top quality local produce and amazing chefs who are creating exciting fusion dishes to showcase this cuisine Richard Castro

Born from the fusion of two cultures, Nikkei brings a fresh twist on traditional flavours. Honouring elements from Japan and Peru, owner Richard Castro was excited to open the first Nikkei restaurant in Christchurch. Nikkei is the word used to describe the cuisine that was created by Japanese immigrants who would later call Peru home. While the fusion is becoming popular around the world, Nikkei is fairly new to Kiwis.

recipe. And we use that fusion, not only from Nikkei, not only from Japan, if we think that we want to use something from Colombia or another country, we use it, and we try to improve it. We try to put our Latino touch in everything we make. “We know that the competition here with Japanese food is very strong, so we try to give to the New Zealand people another kind of flavour. We are making a difference between what we make here at Nikkei and what they can find in a Japanese restaurant.

“Since I came here three months ago, we have received a lot of compliments. People give us a shot and try a dish that they don’t even recognise. They don’t even know what it is, but when they try, they come back. So, it’s only a matter of time, because we have good recipes.” What is your personal favourite item on the menu? “It will be the Volcano Roll. That’s my recipe and I like it. And that was an idea that I figured out with

a Venezuelan friend when I was working in Chile. We used to eat wakame with kanikama alone, and it’s good. But it was boring so we tried to put in extra to try to find our flavour. So that’s why I feel proud.” What is your best seller and why do you think it’s so popular?

“Ceviche, it could be at the top, along with some of our rolls. The tasting plate sells a lot because people come and try three or four of the rolls. And they love it because the flavour is really different. And the ceviche because it’s very traditional. It’s the original flavour. It’s so good that you don’t need to put anything else on it.”

“Our goal is to show Christchurch what Nikkei is all about. We are very lucky to have top quality local produce and amazing chefs who are creating exciting fusion dishes to showcase this cuisine,” Richard says. Originally from Venezuela, Nikkei’s chef Raymond, began work in Chile making traditional Japanese sushi. “I began to work in the world of sushi, just making sushi. And then I began to experiment with the Nikkei fusion. We use the same recipe the Japanese use to make the rice, but we change the ingredients that we put inside. “So, we take some from each country and we try to improve the 39

Living | Food

Ceviche “It’s white fish, red onion, and coriander. The flavour here is in the sauce, named leche de tigre, originally from Peru. We use a very traditional recipe. Usually people eat it in summer, because you feel refreshed.” Key elements “The top element is the sauce. And in that element if I have to name just three of them, for example, we use lemon, we use ginger, and we use fish stock. The fish stock is to improve the flavour, but you feel the lemon, you feel the ginger. All the other ingredients are to compliment, but they are the most important.” Causa de salmón “This particular one, it depends on what you try first. Because at the bottom, we have a very nice sauce 40

If we think that we want to use something from Colombia or another country, we use it, and we try to improve it. We try to put our Latino touch in everything we make. Richard Castro

that is really good by itself. Then we have potato, we have a special ingredient in that which is a yellow chilli from Peru. Not spicy, but very flavourful. We use a little bit of the

same leche de tigre on the top. So, it’s like a mix, if you just try from the top, you get the leche de tigre, the potato, and the smoked salmon. But you get two different flavours depending on where you go first.” Key elements “The sauce and the yellow chilli that we use to make the potato because without that it’s just simple potato, this ingredient improves the whole recipe. And the sauce at the bottom. That’s a recipe from Peru, people like it so much we use it in other rolls that we didn’t really try before.” Volcano Roll “This one is Volcano. It’s kanikama, that is similar to crab, cream cheese inside and avocado. On top is the salad, it’s very tasty. It has a wakame salad, more kanikami, a special sauce and tobiko.”

Key elements “I think the salad makes the flavour of the dish. If we put that salad in every roll people would eat it because it makes the whole roll. And on the top, we put some Huancaína sauce which is a little bit spicy with a lot of flavour. The combination makes the whole experience.” You can find Nikkei on the second floor of Riverside Market. The cosy restaurant showcases both Japanese and Peruvian cultures; by using minimalist Japanese themes and Peruvian colours they have created a unique and vibrant space offering diners a feast for all senses. Head to their website at www.nikkei. to preview the elaborate menu, or call them on 03 260 1200 to make a reservation. CT


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Living | Fashion

In style By Timmi Aplin-Barrett

Taranaki Lace-Up Boot Quality Portuguese craftsmanship and a soft-grained leather upper make the Taranaki boot ideal for everyday wear. Put these on with a pair of chinos and a jacket for a sharp smart-casual look. They also pair wonderfully with any suit or jacket for a more formal occasion. A tidy shoe that isn’t boring. RRP: $289.80

Hailee Pleated Skirt Fully lined and made with recycled polyester, this pleated skirt is lightweight and simple - able to be matched with almost any top. Add a bit of flair and whimsy to your summer wardrobe with this lovely garment. RRP: $109.99

Rivers Chino Shorts Jersey Wrap Midi Dress This dress is a wonderful, light addition to your wardrobe and is fully lined for comfort. It features elegant flutter sleeves with an adjustable wrap feature, and can be cinched or relaxed to your preference. It can be paired with both sandals and closed-toe shoes, and looks fantastic for many different office occasions. RRP: $89.99


These shorts are comfortable and feature a clean cut which makes them great to pair with a nice shirt. Available in stone, black and navy, these shorts are incredibly versatile and can be dressed up and down for any occasion. RRP: $59.99

Living | Fashion

Brooklyn Multi-Coloured Polka Dot Shirt

Alice Shirt

Gentlemen, add a pop of colour to your wardrobe with this fun shirt. Brooklyn is a winning choice, courtesy of its flattering skinny fit, compact collar and ability to be worn tucked or untucked without compromising on its sharp aesthetic. This 100 percent pure cotton shirt is woven to be durable and longlasting, making it a smart-casual staple that won’t let you down.

Available in two colour combinations, this shirt is both professional and stylish. From the block-coloured cuffs with the unique ribbon detailing to the coloured side panels with the contrasting top stitch, his shirt is flattering and finished beautifully.

RRP: $139 |

RRP: $249 |

If too many people put the wrong things in their recycling bins, the whole truckload goes to landfill. Empty, Clean and Loose All containers need to be empty, clean and loose in the bin (not bagged). All lids must be put in the rubbish.

Look for the Triangle Plastic bottles and containers have a plastic code, usually on the bottom inside a triangle. This code tells us the type of plastic it is and whether or not it can be recycled. We can only accept plastic types 1, 2 and 5.

Paper and Cardboard Paper and cardboard needs to be flat not crumpled up and must be clean with no food or foodstaining. We can accept clean and empty pizza boxes in the recycling. Those with oil or food on the cardboard can go in your worm farm or compost, otherwise put them in the rubbish. Size Does Matter We can only take paper that’s envelope sized or larger; and plastic

containers sized from 100 mls to four litres – no smaller than a yoghurt pottle, no larger than four litres, no lids.

Coffee Cups are a No-No

Aluminium cans and tins

Take-away coffee cups and lids cannot be recycled. Clothing or bedding, appliances or tools, toys, polystyrene, machine parts, soft plastics, and more… None of these can be processed so don’t put them in your recycling bin. If you have any reusable items, drop them off to a charity or our Southbrook resource recovery park. Mobile phones, scrap metal, whiteware and clean polystyrene packaging can also be dropped off for free at Southbrook. Soft plastics can be taken to a shop with Soft Plastics Recycling.

Glass bottles and Jars

Rigid household plastic bottles and containers


Flattened cardboard

Your RECYCLING bin is only for the above CLEAN items.

Rubbish is Rubbish!

Rubbish, such as nappies and plastic strapping must go in the rubbish bin. Food scraps can go in your organics bin, worm farm or compost.


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Providing Gentle Guidance When You Need It Most Simplicity Funerals Christchurch is the right place to plan a funeral because the company is “simply respectful and simply affordable.” The team likes to help people honour the lives of loved ones and bring family, friends, and communities together to say goodbye on the client’s terms. Having to go through the process of setting up a funeral brings a lot of emotions, but Simplicity Funerals Christchurch makes it easier for clients to feel like they’re not alone. Services include financial assistance, caskets and urns, hearses and vehicles, repatriation, sending a tribute, keepsakes jewellery, and more funeral options.

The team provides comfort, respect, and compassion. Jamie, Mike, Nick, and Nina can provide a funeral in any venue the client chooses. They have a lot of experience in being there for people and helping them find the right venue is important. The choice is the client’s – a funeral could be held in the Canterbury or Harewood Crematorium Chapels, the client’s home, church, Graveside service at the cemetery, somewhere personal, or family gatherings can be held in the Simplicity Funeral’s Memories Lounge for a small group, including a cup of tea.

The company has been working with Canterbury families for over 145 years but was originally known as G Barrell & Sons in Christchurch. Jamie Harvey has over 10 years of experience in New Zealand funeral service and leads a team of experienced funeral directors. For more information on how to plan a funeral, services provided, FAQs, pricing, more about the

company and contact details check the website at www. The team offers free information and funeral planning and is always happy to answer any queries. They offer a 24-hour service every day. Enquire online by filling out a form, contact (03) 379 0196, or head to their office located at, Corner of Gasson and Coleridge Streets, Sydenham, Christchurch.

Plan Ahead Today Pre-Arrangement Plans Available We pride ourselves on the very highest level of service. If you are thinking about the future, we can help you explore pre-payment and pre-planning options. Contact us for a Free Information Pack. We offer funeral information talks to groups. Please call us for a speaker to come to you.


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Advocacy | Business Canterbury

CECC transitions to Business Canterbury From Business Canterbury

Last year we made a number of bold changes in our organisation, starting a new era with one of the most significant transformations in our history. For over 165 years, the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce has been the home and voice of Canterbury business. Our members have been the bold, ambitious, resilient, and hardworking businesspeople who have collectively built the strongest regional economy in Aotearoa New Zealand. In 1859, a group of forward-thinking business owners recognised the need for a unified voice to influence decisions and ensure that they would be included in the conversations that would shape the future of the Canterbury region. They aspired to create an organisation that would advocate for the needs of businesses, enabling commerce to thrive and contributing to the growth of the local economy and community. Our organisation was established in Lyttelton under the name Lyttelton Chamber of Commerce, with the first annual report recording 32 members. Since then – we have evolved and significantly grown – with member organisations now totalling over 2,700. The Chamber was a constant in the local business environment during 46

The result was a transformation programme that has revolutionised the organisation, including a new membership model, services, website, name, and governance structure.

Leeann Watson, chief executive of the CECC / Business Canterbury.

that time, and we have supported tens of thousands of businesses to navigate change, disruption, and growth. We have also been a safe pair of hands through some incredibly challenging times, not least the Canterbury earthquakes and COVID-19, working tirelessly to ensure our businesses have the support to be able to continue to operate and provide employment for our local community. We are proud of our history and tradition, while also being mindful that it is important that we – like every other organisation – evolve so we can continue to support our members and the wider Canterbury business community into the future. That’s why two years ago we embarked on a journey of transformation, with a strong emphasis on engagement with our members and the wider business community. We asked, how can we evolve them to ensure that we are staying ahead of their needs and supporting them through the challenges and opportunities and navigating the changes that today and tomorrow may bring?

Late last year we began rolling out our new membership model which includes a number of new sector-specific services and allows businesses to choose the level of support they require based on their

Late last year, the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce became Business Canterbury.

Advocacy | Business Canterbury needs, stage of business and sector – rather than the traditional method of charging a membership fee based on the number of employees a business has. We also launched a new website, built alongside a new customer relationship system, which allows us to customise our membership experience based on how our members want to interact with us, and their areas of interest. The feedback was also very strong on the need to have a name that more accurately describes what we do and who we support. So, late last year, the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce became Business Canterbury. We believe Business Canterbury more accurately describes the inclusivity required of a modern Chamber of Commerce, and our role as a home and voice for all businesses, of all shapes, sizes and stages. We also believe our new name makes us more accessible and relatable to our existing members and customers, and to the next

generation of bold and ambitious leaders who should also come to us for support, connection, and a collective voice. While we will have a new name, a new look, and a new value proposition, our role as a chamber and putting our members at the heart of everything we do, has not changed and we have been excited to bring our members on the journey with us. And we’re not done yet – we’re excited to be helping businesses to be informed about and stay ahead of the myriad challenges the future will bring, such as AI integration, sustainability, changing employment legislation and ushering in a new generation of the workforce. As we continue our journey, we hope you’ll come with us and, working together, help to create a thriving Canterbury. Business Canterbury 57 Kilmore Street Christchurch 0800 50 50 96 — Advertising Feature

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City Living | Infrastructure

Game on

Tracking Te Kaha Stadium’s progress By June Pfister

Te Kaha Stadium: An artist’s impression of finished design.

Christchurch, a city with a storied history of resilience after the devastating earthquakes of 2010-2011, is now on the brink of welcoming a monumental addition to its landscape - the Te Kaha Stadium. This state-of-the-art multi-use stadium promises to be a modern marvel that will host sports events and serve as a venue for large-scale music events.

construction companies Southbase Construction and Fulton Hogan, seismic engineering specialist Lewis Bradford, architects Warren and Mahoney, and global design experts Populous and Mott MacDonald, this collaborative effort signals a fusion of local expertise and global innovation. The journey towards Te Kaha’s realisation began with extensive geotechnical investigations starting in 2018, ensuring a solid foundation for the ambitious structure. The preliminary design and the bestowed name, “Te Kaha,” was approved by the Council in January 2022, which

marked a significant milestone, setting the stage for the project’s design phase. However, this grand undertaking has been full of financial challenges. Rising insurance, interest, and inflation costs have posed significant hurdles for the Christchurch City Council (CCC), impacting budgetary allocations. According to an article in The Press, the council’s rates have increased 13.3 percent for the 2024-25 financial year, with a cumulative rise of 31.5 percent anticipated by 2026-27. Mayor Phil Mauger’s endeavour to keep rate increases below inflation

Being constructed in central Christchurch between Madras, Barbadoes, Hereford, and Tuam streets, Te Kaha Stadium aims to redefine entertainment and sporting experiences. The city council’s ambitious project outlines a structure with a seating capacity of 30,000 for sports and a minimum of 36,000 for music events. Equipped with a retractable roof, the stadium will operate year-round, shielding events from inclement weather while offering impeccable acoustics for an unparalleled audio experience. Led by the Kotui Consortium, comprising Australian-based stadium construction experts BESIX Watpac, Christchurch-based 48

Te Kaha Stadium: Looking at the steel rakers in the southern stand.

faces challenges as annual inflation hovers around 5.6 percent. The Te Kaha Stadium accounts for a notable portion of this increase, constituting 3.5 percent of the rise for the upcoming financial year. Councillors, aware of community concerns about escalating rates, acknowledged the associated angst but pointed to the overwhelming public support garnered during consultations. According to an article written by BusinessDesk, Councilor Sara Templeton said that the Council were clear and upfront with city residents,

City Living | Infrastructure

Brief Timeline of the Construction of Te Kaha from the CCC 2010-2011 - Christchurch earthquakes significantly damage Lancaster Park. 2012 - Land was designated by the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery for the Multi-Use stadium. 2013 - A cost-share agreement was adopted between the Crown and the Council. 2015 - Council Long Term Plan allocates $253 million to the project. 2018 - Geotechnical investigations began.

Te Kaha Stadium: Progress update on the 13th of December 2023.

2020 - On-site enabling works began in April. 2021 - Kotui Consortium was announced as the successful tenderer for the design and construction and updated a design direction with 30,000 seats approved by the Council in August. 2022 - Preliminary design and gifted name ‘Te Kaha’ approved by the Council in January. 2023 - First of the steel for the vertical construction is lifted into place in June 2023. 2026 - Construction of the stadium is estimated to be completed by mid-2026. Te Kaha Stadium: View from the southwest corner, showing the level one concourse progress.

This state-of-the-art multi-use stadium promises to be a modern marvel that will host sports events and serve as a venue for largescale music events. “We were super clear with people that it would mean rates would increase, and we said how much they would be. People around the table at the time said it would not mean other cuts.” Templeton’s proposition to isolate Te Kaha’s financial impact received unexpected support from Councillor Aaron Keown, highlighting the

acknowledgment of the stadium’s unique position in the budgetary discourse. Some councillors even humorously suggested a giant sign atop the stadium, signifying its 3.5 percent contribution to the rates increase. Yet, amidst the anticipation and public backing, serious concerns have emerged regarding governance, budgeting, and systems. A former project director’s recent report raised critical issues, including budgetary concerns at the project’s tendering stage. The budget for Te Kaha initially stood at $473 million, with an additional $90 million allocated in August 2022, totalling $533 million. The cost is expected to be $683 million at the completion of construction. Despite these challenges, the Te Kaha Stadium represents not just

a physical structure but a symbol of Christchurch’s unwavering spirit and commitment to regeneration. As construction moves forward, maintaining transparency in governance and financial management will be crucial.

For a more in-depth timeline and information on the Te Kaha project, visit the Christchurch City Council’s website at: Imagery courtesy of the Christchurch City Council.

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Property & Construction | MCAS Architecture Studio

Delivering architectural excellence Massimiliano Capocaccia Architecture Studio Ltd is an award-winning Christchurch-based architecture firm. MCAS practices across New Zealand and internationally on a wide range of projects, from small house renovations and new residential builds to larger commercial buildings. MCAS won two New Zealand Institute of Architecture Canterbury awards this year, one for a commercial Sumner project Apartment 41, and the other for Totara Pavilion under the Small Project Architecture category. Both builds epitomise the supreme quality and vision offered by Massimiliano Capocaccia and his team. Apartment 41 This three-storey mixed-use building stands in the Sumner Village, Christchurch, occupying the ground floor as a hospitality space open to Nayland Street, and the first and second floors as a single apartment that take advantage of the surrounding scenic view. The volume does not intend to compete with the surrounding buildings in its form, yet the taller height gives it an empowering presence. Standing tall above its neighbours required that each elevation be treated as a visible façade/canvas. All four elevations have a high level of detail, each highlighting the rhythm and movement created on the frontage of Nayland Street. This southern street façade aimed to bring rhythm to the street front through the geometric folds of the Corten steel panelling and the wave pattern seen in the vertical fins that run up the wall from the footpath canopy. Sculptural steel grids line the east and west facades, which create a shading effect on the clean white plaster cladding that evolve the building with the sun throughout the day. The northern balcony on the top floor cuts into the overall mass of the building. A timber pergola 50

This southern street façade aimed to bring rhythm to the street front through the geometric folds of the Corten steel panelling and the wave pattern seen in the vertical fins that run up the wall from the footpath canopy. reaches over this space, framing the continuity of the overall form, and once more offers a sense of movement and rhythm in its construction where independent members intentionally misalign. In the design process of this mixeduse building top priority was given to the residential apartments high performing internal environment. This space is airtight with heat exchanger mechanical ventilation, acoustic treatment to walls, triple glazed timber windows with aluminium outside facings and utilises the chimney effect for natural cooling through the skylights, creating a highly comfortable interior space with noise cancellation from the busy street below. A balance has also been found in designing for optimal access to the surrounding scenic views of the southern hill-scape and ocean to the north, while still preserving the interior’s privacy to protect the residents from the busy surrounding buildings and streets below.

Property & Construction | MCAS Architecture Studio

It is a functional building that suggests a sense of calm, achieved by softening the simple shape with accurate detailing and transparency through the timber windows, the movable timber screen and the pergola.

Totara Pavilion Totara Pavilion is a small building that complements the existing main house built on the street frontage. The pavilion is built alongside the boundary in the backyard, and it includes a gym, a rumpus room, bicycle storage with a bike washing area, a deck for the spa, a sauna room and a bathroom. A big feature of the garden area is a well-established Totara tree that the pavilion celebrates, wrapping around its trunk and with a floor-toceiling window. The design intent was to soften the edge of the garden with transparency and extensive use of timber. It is a functional building that suggests a sense of calm, achieved by softening the simple shape with accurate detailing and transparency through the timber windows, the movable timber screen and the pergola. It transitions seemingly with the garden that separates it from the

house, with a series of decks and small steps. The interiors are reflective of the character of the build, with oak timber floor, birch plywood ceiling and timber joinery. The design of the timber shelving adds complexity to the simple envelope, creating dynamism in the use of different thicknesses and cantilevered shelves.

Steve Brown Builders are an award winning building company, collaborating with leading architects to bring designs to life. We offer quality craftmanship and superb service in the Canterbury Region.

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Big skylights in the rumpus room allow an intimate connection with the Totara branches and the filtering sunlight from the north. Massimiliano Capocaccia Architecture Studio Ltd Unit 2 7 Tussock Lane Ferrymead Christchurch (03) 384 9469 — Advertising Feature


Property & Construction | Higgs Construction

Creating space for growth

The Atawhai sports and multipurpose centre By Jamie Quinn

In early 2021, a significant step was taken in the growth path of Rangi Ruru Girls School. The Board of Governors engaged Higgs Construction as an Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) Contractor for an ambitious project - the final development of the design with the design team and construction of the Atawhai Sports & Multipurpose Centre.

This centre was not just another building, but a cornerstone in the school’s developmental journey. “Our role was simple. Assist with ensuring that the build meets the budget target and providing Rangi Ruru with the much-needed facilities,” says Paul Harris, director of Higgs Construction. As with most projects these days, the key challenge in most contemporary construction projects is staying within budget without compromising the purpose and detail of the building. Working alongside Stewart Barnett, Rangi Ruru’s project director, Octa and Associates, the design team,

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and Rawlinson’s quantity surveyors, Higgs Construction was part of a dedicated team that aimed to deliver a concept that was fit for purpose. The goal was to provide Rangi Ruru Girls School with a multi-use facility that catered to their many requirements, including adding a sizeable gymnasium and multipurpose space with a retractable seating capacity of over 600 for large events. The construction market is overwhelmed with challenges such as rising construction costs and supply issues. In such an environment, the team adopted a proactive approach.

They initiated early engagement and procurement of materials and resources to limit the client’s exposure to this evolving issue. Key materials like steel were procured early based on the concept’s structural design. The aluminium joinery was secured in a design-and-build model, allowing for the early procurement of aluminium. Several building services trades were also engaged early, allowing for the quicker procurement of overseas-supplied plant items. A standout feature of the project was the close collaboration with the project’s structural engineer, Engenium.


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Proudly Supporting Higgs Construction and the Rangi Ruru project.

Property & Construction | Higgs Construction

The Rangi Ruru Girls School Board of Trustees had entrusted Higgs Construction with a vision, and it was immensely satisfying to see this vision transformed into such a wonderful facility. Paul Harris, director of Higgs Construction

This collaborative approach enabled the team to develop a cost-efficient structural model that accommodated the building’s unique curved shape while ensuring the efficient construction of the gymnasium. The entire structure was built with close coordination and high-quality shop drawings, allowing the onsite construction to continue early, with the off-site manufacturing following closely behind.

The building works commenced in March 2021 following the demolition of the existing structures previously present on the site for the new facility. Following the construction of the 1800m3 gravel raft, the foundations were constructed ready to receive precast panels and the steel frame. As the design was being finalised and the consent process being completed, the project rose from its foundations


into its form, reaching a closed-in envelope in early February 2022, with completion in early September 2022. One of the features of Atawhai is the perforated steel panel screen that flows around the front of the building, following the structure down the length of the building facing the sports field. The Atawhai Centre features a range of facilities. Accompanying

the large gymnasium multi-purpose space on ground level is a strength and equipment gym, tiered spectator seating, changing facilities, toilet facilities and numerous staff facilities, not forgetting the impressive white ash timber lined Hall of Fame entrance foyer and gathering space where Rangi Ruru Girls’s sporting achievements are displayed.

BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 1991 The construction industry is all about reputation. The strength of our reputation and business is built around our experience, our team, and the delivery of past projects. Construction is also a partnership. It was a partnership that led to the successful delivery of the Atawhai Sports & Multipurpose Centre at Rangi Ruru Girls School.



Property & Construction | Higgs Construction The successful delivery of the centre was a testament to the close partnership between the client, the consultant team, and the many substrates involved in the construction process. “The Rangi Ruru Girls School Board of Trustees had entrusted Higgs Construction with a vision, and it was immensely satisfying to see this vision transformed into such a wonderful facility,” Paul says. The successful delivery of this special project underlines the strength of Higgs Construction’s reputation and its capability to meet and exceed client expectations. CT Images supplied by Higgs Construction. On the upper level are four learning studios, sports staff facilities, a breakout/circulation space, a uniform store and other facilities. The final result was nothing short of a triumph. The Atawhai sports and multipurpose centre was officially opened on the 22nd of September 2022.

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Property & Construction | Masters Painters Association

Painted by professionals By June Pfister

The Master Painters Association stands as the pinnacle of representation for the painting industry on a national scale, boasting 13-member associations spread across the country. The Master Painters Association has been striving for over 100 years to improve industry standards across the board, Canterbury Master Painters Chairman, Peter Dalman says “New Zealand has a thriving painting industry, with excellent career opportunities for everyone who takes pride in their work and delivers a quality finish. “Quality painters have also become a lot more respected over the last few years, with builders, developers, home owners, and

other industry players recognising the value of a hassle free, quality paint job done correctly.” Peter explains why it is important for a painting company to become a part of the association. “The painting industry has a low barrier to entry, with no formal qualifications required, meaning anyone can set up and start trading, even if they don’t have the necessary knowledge or skills. “When a painting company is part of the Master Painters Association, clients will have a peace of mind that the contractor turning up to do their job will offer a professional service. “The association is so confident with its brand that they offer a fiveyear guarantee on work done by a registered member, providing the project meets certain conditions.” So why should a painting company join the Master Painters Association?

According to Peter, the association provides first class service, with regular regional meetings, social events and a Facebook group for all members.

Once in business for 12 months, they can request a representative from the association to come and assess their work, once assessed and approved, the company is invited to join.

“The support from the national office is excellent, with regular updates on what’s happening in the industry such as law changes and new initiatives.”

“Our vision is to facilitate the transfer of innovations and progress between organisations, allowing valuable ideas and practices to cross-pollinate and benefit the entire construction sector,” Peter says. CT

As part of the association, members will have generous support from well-known paint suppliers Resene, Dulux and Wattyl. The association also holds an annual three-day conference where they celebrate and reward excellence across the industry, as well as recognising upand-coming talent. Becoming a part of the Master Painters Association is simple; firstly, the painting company or contractor must meet certain criteria in terms of their professional standards and time in business.

Master Painters Association (04) 472 5870 — Advertising Feature

Master Painters Five Year Guarantee.

Colorbox Painting Professionals Established in 2003 by Julius Tyukodi, Colorbox Painting & Decorating Ltd swiftly emerged as a solution to the growing demand for proficient and diligent painters in the Nelson region. The company’s distinctive approach blends cutting-edge New Zealand technology with timehonored European craftsmanship, positioning Colorbox as a leading provider of top-tier painting and decorating services in Nelson, Richmond, and Golden Bay. Colorbox specialises in a comprehensive range of services, including interior and exterior painting, plasterboard stopping, wallpapering, exterior cleaning, and building maintenance repairs. This versatility propels Colorbox into the forefront of the industry, transforming it into a highly adaptable painting and trade

company. As a registered Master Painter, the company benefits from the assurance provided by Resene’s Promise of Quality, underlining their commitment to the durability and integrity of the paint system through the use of Resene products. Setting itself apart through proficiency in traditional, contemporary, and creative finishes, Colorbox consistently delivers impactful results across a diverse spectrum of related services. The company places a premium on customer satisfaction, exemplified by their punctuality, reliability, and professionalism. To enlist the exemplary services of Colorbox, interested parties can contact the team at 0800 210 310 or reach out via email at admin@ Further information about their comprehensive offerings is available on their website

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Property & Construction | Daleco Built

Masters in indoor-outdoor flow With its seamless indoor-outdoor flow and meticulously crafted spaces bathed in natural light, this stunning home by Daleco Built in Rangiora took out the Canterbury Supreme House of the Year – under $1 million award. Sweeping the show, the build also won in the New Home $500,000 – $750,000 and Outdoor Living Excellence award categories, as well as a Gold Award. The pavilion-style home is designed for uninterrupted indoor-outdoor living, with high ceilings, large windows, and cleverly positioned skylights that fill the heart of the home with sun. The kitchen and living areas are spacious and inviting, featuring on-site poured concrete benchtops, polished concrete floors, and bespoke timber beams. There’s also an extended galley pantry and a builtin beverage centre. A large barn slider leads to a separate lounge, providing private space if needed.

This home exemplifies excellence in design and functionality. The fully tiled bathrooms, separate toilets, and well-appointed laundry showcase a great attention to detail and an eye for style. The home is heated by ducted heat pumps, under-tile heating, and an Escea gas fire, providing warmth in the cooler months. Moving outside, the home has an enticing entrance with a flat roof separating the two gable wings, adorned with Abodo weatherboards and Stria cladding. The exterior of this 292 sqm home is unique and stylish. The outdoor room is warm and inviting throughout the year. It faces north and is sheltered by a wall to the west and the living room to the east.

It offers a generous rectangular layout that easily accommodates external dining and living settings and serves as a beautiful example of integrating outdoor rooms within the form of the house. The bathrooms are luxurious yet practical, thanks to smart tiles and recessed shelves. The home also has an extra-large garage with attic storage. Three sets of sliding

doors open onto the covered 27sqm outdoor room, ideal for watching the kids or unwinding with a refreshment. While not pictured here, Daleco Built also took home awards in the Builder’s Own Home, Canterbury regional, Gold, and Top 100 categories for a Rangiora build where not a single corner was cut. The house’s design was created with a lot of effort and imagination.

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Property & Construction | Daleco Built

Their expertise won them eight House of the Year awards in 2023, so connecting with them is a no-brainer.

The entertainment area at the home’s centre connects two pavilions, an elegant and functional layout and presentation. This 267 sqm home makes the most of its footprint and location with stunning windows and skylights arranged to maximise light output. The exposed beams, tongue-and-groove ceilings, and the wooden panelling leading to the entryway all contribute to the overall natural atmosphere. The home nails its goal and is the perfect place to entertain. Polished concrete seats and a cosy fireplace with a concrete hearth can be found in the main kitchen, living, and dining spaces. A sizable pantry with a drink space adds a little more luxury. The central hub is connected to two bathrooms, a laundry area, and three bedrooms by a glass linkway. The most fascinating feature is the separate lounge, where a secret entry to a private area is hidden behind a wooden panel wall.

There’s easy access from the main bedroom to the courtyard and outdoor terrace if you like to keep things open. Purpleheart decking completes the remarkable build. Daleco Built Limited is a North Canterbury-based building company servicing the wider Canterbury region. They offer a range of services, from entirely new builds, renovations, and extensions, to decks and pergolas, cladding, and light commercial work. Their expertise won them eight House of the Year awards in 2023, so connecting with them i s a no-brainer. Contact Elliot today to start your project!. CT

Daleco Built Limited 027 307 9834 — Advertising Feature

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Property & Construction | Jono Blakely Builders

Rooms with a view Atop the upper slopes of Westmorland sits a masterfully designed home that takes panoramic views to new heights. The build’s thoughtful layout maximises the stunning Southern Alps and glimmering city lights below. The open-plan living area is the central focus on the lower level, overlooking Otautahi just like the property’s bedrooms. Constructed with seamless living flow in mind by Jono Blakely Builders, the home is perfect for entertaining guests or relaxing after a long day. The home is packed with distinct character features, starting with raked ceilings that bring an unrivalled sense of space. The strategic placement of skylights further enhances this feeling, allowing natural light to filter in and brighten things up. The result is an airy, welcoming, refreshing interior. Beyond the lower level that capitalises on its location in the clouds, the upper level features a triple-car garage with drive-through access and an entranceway. It’s here where the home’s intentional design pays off, as what could have been an awkward problem – the slope – is transformed into an exciting advantage as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing. The home also has sustainable practices in mind, built with thermally broken, low-E glass windows and insulation above the new H1 requirements. It is safe to say that the lucky occupants will be comfortable yearround. These features together make this home not just a place to live, but a lifestyle choice that prioritises comfort and efficiency.

P. 021 616 748 E. 58

No wonder this property won two 2023 Registered Master Builders House of the Year awards. The first is the Altus Window Systems New

Home award in the $750,000 – $1 million category, and the second is a Gold Award, which recognises overall excellence. “I think what makes this home unique is its ability to capture the surrounding views without compromising on accessibility or open-plan living,” says Jono Blakely. “Winning a gold award and the overall category award was very rewarding for not only myself but for everyone involved. These awards celebrate the high level of workmanship that my team

Property & Construction | Jono Blakely Builders

From tiling to landscaping; it is nice to be part of every aspect of a build. The team takes immense pride in our workmanship and we enjoy working hard. Jono Blakely

and subcontractors have put into the project.” Jono says 2024 is set to be another exciting year for Jono Blakely Builders. “We have some projects due for completion at the start of this year and then we will be gearing up to start some new builds in the hill suburbs of Christchurch while also commencing some architectural homes in Wanaka. “Throughout my training I had the opportunity to complete a wide range of jobs that would usually be subcontracted out, which in turn encouraged me to do the same in my own business. “From tiling to landscaping; it is nice to be part of every aspect of a build. The team takes immense pride in our workmanship and we enjoy working hard.” Jono also commends the work of his peers, and David Moot Electrical is no exception.


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Property & Construction | Jono Blakely Builders “David Moot Electrical worked closely alongside our team on this project from pre-wire to fit off; every step was made easy with their expertise,” he says. “The David Moot Electrical team has a broad range of knowledge in not only general electrical but also in security, home sound systems and home automation.” The Westmorland property is a testament to the workmanship of the team at Jono Blakely Builders, and expert installations by the David Moot Electrical team. Committed to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, they can deliver your dream home. Jono Blakely Builders 027 959 0808 — Advertising Feature

I think what makes this home unique is its ability to capture the surrounding views without compromising on accessibility or open-plan living. Jono Blakely


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Property & Construction | Cultivated Image

Hillside haven By June Pfister

Sitting on the hillside of Kennedy’s Bush, this lovely four-bedroom house is all about making a cozy and enjoyable space for families. The home, Kitchener’s Knoll Road, built by the team at Cultivated Image, took away the Gold Award in the $1-$1.5 million category at the Master Builders House of the Year Awards 2023. “In December 2022, we had the pleasure of moving into our brand new architectural build in Kennedy’s Bush. James, Chris, Dylan and Nick from Cultivated Image were a fantastic team who delivered a house that was beyond our expectations,” the owners say. The home was made to be comfy and eco-friendly from the beginning, including installing an insulated

foundation, in-slab heating, and energy-saving windows. The polished concrete floors set the tone for a welcoming ambience when entering the spacious four-bedroom home. With its raked ceilings, the living area seamlessly connects to an entertainer’s kitchen, showcasing custom-built oak elements such as a breakfast bar and floating shelves. This open space opens onto a generous outdoor area with a large covered deck overlooking the inviting pool—a perfect setting for family gatherings and relaxation. The large pool was a decision that wasn’t originally on the building plans,

The home was made to be comfy and ecofriendly from the beginning, including installing an insulated foundation, in-slab heating, and energy-saving windows. The home offers both privacy and luxury. A separate wing caters to guests or older children, allowing them autonomy and comfort. Meanwhile, the main bedroom boasts a spacious walk-in wardrobe and a sleek ensuite. The recurring theme of oak, including a meticulously crafted Tasmanian oak feature wall, adds a touch of warmth and sophistication throughout. Cultivated Image and Pluvio Design Studios didn’t just design and build the home and pool; they also landscaped the surrounding area with plants, a lawn and pathways. “We also elected to complete all landscaping via Cultivated Image which included close to 1000 plants,

pathways, a dedicated dog area with synthetic turf, a lawn and a complete irrigation system installed.” The efforts of the entire Cultivated Image team resulted in the creation of this outstanding home, recently honoured with a House of the Year Award. This recognition truly showcases their dedication and skill in creating remarkable spaces. Cultivated Image aims to surpass expectations, constructing a home you may never want to leave! CT Cultivated Image 027 655 5585 — Advertising Feature

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Property & Construction | Jennian Homes

Ashburton delight By June Pfister

Jennian Homes has been in the New Zealand building industry for over 40 years, originating in Waikato. During the years, the award-winning building brand has expanded nationwide with over 20 locallyowned franchises across multiple regions throughout the country. In the Canterbury region, Dwayne and Sue Prendergast, and Paul and Bubs Jenkins are the names behind the franchise. Servicing homes from Kaikoura to Waimate, the fantastic team has over 55 years of combined experience. After taking over the franchise, the Canterbury team have celebrated many successes, including acquiring 50 House of the Year awards since 2016. Desired and dreamt by the homeowners, designed and built by the team from Jennian Homes Canterbury, this stunning

When you enter the home the three-metre-high ceiling provides a sense of luxury, allowing space for a stunning feature ceiling hung light. The glass panels on top and side of the entry door let a generous amount of light into the area. Michele Strange

three-bedroom home, located in Ashburton, won both a Regional Gold Award for Mid and South Canterbury and a Top 100 House of the Year Award 2023. “It’s great to see new builds outside of the major cities being recognised for their style, design and excellence,” says Jennian Homes marketing manager Cassy Appleton. The new homeowners of this home aimed for a new build that stands out with an attractive entrance and appealing street presence. The steep roof pairs well with broad roofing iron, while carefully positioned windows in the living spaces maintain privacy without sacrificing natural light. A standout feature in this three-bedroom home is its vertical cedar entryway, surrounded by its dark grey roof, garage, and white Rockcote plastered cladding, reflecting a welcoming environment. The grand entryway of this home was a favourite for Jennian Homes senior new home consultant Michele Strange. “My favourite feature would have to be the entry; the extraordinary cedar cladding highlights the grandness of this space.


Property & Construction | Jennian Homes

My favourite feature would have to be the entry; the extraordinary cedar cladding highlights the grandness of this space. Michele Strange

“When you enter the home the three-metre-high ceiling provides a sense of luxury, allowing space for a stunning feature ceiling hung light. The glass panels on top and side of the entry door let a generous amount of light into the area.” As you approach the home along the path, passing the neat lawn and landscaping, stepping inside reveals a bright tiled lobby that sets the house’s tone. To the left, the open-plan area hosts a sleek monochrome kitchen defined by clean lines and practical surfaces. A mosaic-tile splashback adds texture, while a separate pantry offers ample storage. Adjacent to the pantry, there’s a study nook and a separate laundry with its own exterior door—a convenient spot for damp or dirty clothes and shoes.

The open-plan living-dining area connected to the kitchen extends to a north-facing private patio, perfect for soaking up the sun and entertaining. On the right side, you’ll find wellproportioned bedrooms and a family bathroom with a bathtub. The main master suite, complete with its own ensuite bathroom, walk-in wadrobe, and direct access outside, serves as a peaceful retreat. “This home is a testament to our wonderful clients who had a wellthought-out vision for their project and who were an absolute pleasure to work with,” says Michele. The Jennian Homes Canterbury team pride itself on creating dream homes for happy clients, and this stunning family home is just one of many extraordinary examples! CT Jennian Homes Canterbury 212 Main South Road, Christchurch (03) 741 1435 Ashburton Display Homes 4 & 6 Strowan Avenue Ashburton Sunday’s 12-4pm or by appointment — Advertising Feature

Leading the way in custom joinery. Function and style, with your own point of difference. TRENDSKITCHENS.CO.NZ | 03 343 5242 63

Property & Construction | J&M Built

Perfection on the peninsula By June Pfister

A stunning home located in Okains Bay, built by J&M Built, recently won a Silver Award for the Canterbury region. J&M Built’s entry in the $500,000$750,000 New Home category was praised for its innovative design and excellent craftsmanship. The house is a perfect example of how others can make a comfy and stylish home while being environmentally friendly. This 144-square-metre rectangular home is all about natural light, easy flow, and great outdoor spaces. With three spacious bedrooms, a loft, an open-plan living, dining, and kitchen area warmed by a fireplace, plus a separate media space with pivot doors, this inviting architectural build offers plenty of room.

room, a large open plan kitchen and dining, and a rumpus room in the loft. It was a very smart and well-thought-out design.”

Large doors connect the bright interiors to decking on both sides of the house, providing ample space for relaxation or entertaining. The outdoor deck exceeds the indoor space, meaning homeowners can enjoy their unique home inside and out. J&M Built’s managing directors Matt Radburnd and Jamie Ellis say, “The functionality of the house being only 144 square metres, but having three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a separate medial

The walls of the building are made from reclaimed timber telephone poles and wharf beams, along with old light fixtures, signs, retro hanging scales, and stunning cathedral glass art pieces. The bathroom and main bedroom ensuite have been upcycled with stainless steel toilet pans, while old cabinets serve as stylish vanities. “Using recycled materials is always a challenge, and trying to make things work like new when they haven’t been used



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Property & Construction | J&M Built

We have a few favourite features in this house, one being the hidden pivot doors we made out of tallow wood between the kitchen and media room.

in years can be difficult. But we really enjoyed the challenge and it was awesome to see these upcycled things incorporated into a new home.”

But there’s more to this architectural house than meets the eye. It’s designed smartly, paying attention to every detail. With many different unique features spread within the house, Matt and Jamie had a few favourites of their own, “We have a few favourite features in this house, one being the hidden pivot doors we made out of tallow wood between the kitchen and media room.

“Also, the two four-metre-wide bifold doors on each side of the living room which open out over 180 square metres of decks, split on each side of the house.” The Okains Bay family home was a success in being built over nine months, including the landscaping, which was also done by J&M Built. However, there were a few challenges that the construction team had to overcome.

“At the time of doing this build the building industry was having nationwide shortages of all materials. This meant we had to order things months in advance to ensure we kept the build on schedule.” Overcoming challenges with dedication, the team’s creative construction resulted in a stylish,

sustainable home with a smart design and a commitment to environmentally conscious living. CT J&M Built Christchurch 0272153332 — Advertising Feature

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Property & Construction | Milne Construction

Heritage at heart Damaged by the Christchurch earthquakes, this grand, character-filled home was rebuilt and revamped to perfection for modern living.

Milne Construction, based in Christchurch, is a reputable construction company with over two decades of experience in the industry. Their expertise spans the construction of quality architectural homes, light commercial buildings, and heritage renovations.

Seamless and sophisticated, everything needed for luxurious 2020-style living and entertaining is present within this build, yet the heritage and heart of the fivebedroom house are in no way diluted.

They are dedicated to delivering highquality, bespoke builds, where every detail is meticulously considered and beautifully crafted. The team is not just committed to quality but also to creating a positive and enjoyable experience for clients.

The home is a celebration of history, with older elements curated with such finesse that one cannot discern what is original and what has been altered, introduced, or removed from the property.

From the moment you engage with Milne Construction, they will work collaboratively with you to develop your vision and bring it to life. They also offer comprehensive project management services and trusted architect or design partner recommendations from their extensive network.

It speaks to the excellent level of craftsmanship the team at Milne Construction provides for their clients. The home is in top condition and is one of the highlights of its established Christchurch neighbourhood, thanks to the beauty of the weatherboard cladding and shingle gables, that have been expertly preserved and rejuvenated. Outside, the 357sqm property includes a solar-heated swimming pool, covered dining area, bathroom and entertaining area — there’s no better place to host summer soirées. The three enchanting bathrooms are fully tiled and the five bedrooms include a retreat with en suites and walk-in wardrobes. Fresh yet elegant, tasteful fixtures and a welcoming natural colour palette speak to the high quality of the renovation.

Beyond these services, the team also manage all consenting and preconstruction site requirements.

Under the Canterbury and under the $1.5 million category, the Merivale property won the Regional Supreme Renovation of the Year, Regional Category Winner, Regional Gold, and McKenzie & Willis Regional Interior Design awards. A national Top 100 home, Milne Construction has pulled off a stunning renovation that they should be proud of. The build process took three years to complete. Milne Construction has shown exceptional skill, problem-


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solving, construction expertise and a great deal of patience to complete this renovation. The whole structure had to be raised for this massive makeover, which also included replacing the majority of the cladding and the external joinery sashes. The builder was able to finish the gorgeous inside work by removing the old walls and the flooring that had been damaged by the earthquake. This involved replacing all of the inside doors with new ones, enlarging the stairs, and improving the wood finishes. Inside, the newly designed kitchen, baths, and laundry areas harmoniously combine the old and contemporary, with interior design reminiscent of the early 1900s. The furniture, collectibles, wallpaper, fixtures, and fittings from the era have all been expertly chosen to blend in with the more contemporary elements. The end effect is an interior that seems incredibly well-coordinated.

They understand that transparency is key, so they provide regular updates throughout the construction process, ensuring you’re always informed about the progress of your build. Milne Construction handle a wide range of projects, from high-end architectural homes to heritage renovations, greenfield developments to complex hill sites, light commercial to shop fittings, earthquake repairs, insurance negotiations and consulting. No matter the complexity or size of your project, they deliver with quality and care. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is what sets them apart. With Milne Construction, you can trust that your project will be delivered with the same level of care and attention to detail that they would expect for their own homes. CT Milne Construction PO Box 232 Cashel Street Christchurch 8140 021 423 423 — Advertising Feature

Property & Construction | Orange Homes

Monarch Showhome hits the mark By June Pfister

Orange Homes, a renowned home builder in Canterbury, has been making waves with their innovative and stylish home designs. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made them a preferred choice for many homeowners in the area. One of their most recent projects is the Monarch Showhome located in Lincoln. It recently won the GIB Showhome Award at the RNB House of the Year Awards 2023, demonstrating Orange Homes’ ability to blend functionality with aesthetics. This home showcases their expertise in designing spaces that are not just beautiful but also practical and comfortable. The Monarch Showhome is a fourbedroom home with a mono-pitched roof that has been extended over the entryway, giving visitors the feel of a grand entrance. While entering a pivoting front door, showhome viewers will stand in awe of the high timber walls stretching up to a breathtaking skylight. The living room and kitchen, which are large open-plan spaces, achieve a certain ambience that speaks to the showhome’s high-end quality.

Their commitment to using high-quality materials and the latest construction techniques ensures their homes stand the test of time. Orange Homes believes in creating homes similar to Monarch Showhome that reflect the unique personalities of their clients. They work closely with their clients to understand their needs and preferences and then translate them into a home design that is both personal and perfect. Their commitment to using highquality materials and the latest construction techniques ensures

their homes stand the test of time. Every detail, from the floor plan to the finishes, is carefully considered to ensure that the home meets the highest standards of quality and live-ability. In addition to building new homes, Orange Homes also provides customisation options for their clients. Whether you want to add a personal touch to your home or completely redesign it, Orange Homes can help you bring your vision to life.

Orange Homes is more than just a home builder. They are a team of professionals dedicated to making your dream home a reality. If you’re thinking of building a new home, consider Orange Homes. They promise a home-building experience that is as enjoyable as the end result. CT Orange Homes 245 Annex Road Christchurch (03) 343 3955 — Advertising Feature

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Property & Construction | Ravenswood Developments

Ravenswood attracts big-name retailers and hospitality New Zealand’s newest town centre in Canterbury is attracting big business, with some of Australasia’s most high-profile retailers and hospitality franchises signing up for the new 20-hectare North Canterbury development, Ravenswood Central. Retail giant Harvey Norman is expected to open a full-format store at Ravenswood Central in late 2024. Joe’s Garage and Gull Service Station have recently opened, joining New World, BP and McDonald’s, with other retailers and hospitality brands expected to open later this year and throughout 2024.

Infinity Investment Group development manager – commercial, Jerome O’Sullivan, says the development has recently hit four milestones with the opening of Joe’s Garage, breaking ground for the new 9,300sqm Harvey Norman store and the Freedom Lifestyle Village – who are constructing their first South Island village – as well as 1,000 residential sections sold.

One of New Zealand’s fastestgrowing commercial hubs, Ravenswood Central is part of the wider Ravenswood residential development located 25km north of the Christchurch CBD.

“We are very excited to be welcoming many high-quality retailers to Ravenswood Central and their investment shows strong business confidence in this growing region,” he says.

“Our focus with the commercial centre is to provide North Canterbury residents with a diverse range of retail options, whilst enjoying the convenience of being close to home. It’s the best of both worlds, offering both lifestyle and amenities.” Enterprise North Canterbury chief executive, Heather Warwick, says the commercial development underway at Ravenswood Central is a tangible tick to business confidence in the Waimakariri District. “The development not only reflects the continued excellent economic

performance of the district but will be a notable contributor to it,” she says. The completed town centre will offer a mixture of restaurants, cafes, retail and commercial options to service and support the projected population growth of the Waimakariri district over the next 10 years. CT Ravenswood Development Ltd Cnr Tara Crescent and Bob Robertson Drive Ravenswood (03) 375-0010

— Advertising Feature

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ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN We have 25 years experience in shaping this world through Architectural design and management of your design process. We create for all sectors – talk to us about your residential, retail, office or industrial development.

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If you have any questions regarding any form of proposed developments or wish to book a no strings attached free consultation please do not hesitate to contact us. CALL 021 413 747 Address: 40 Welles Street, Christchurch CBD Email: Website:

Primary Industries | Groundspread NZ

Supporting our primary industries The association for groundspreaders – Groundspread NZ – has supported primary industry as a collective in New Zealand since 1956, applying nutrients to New Zealand soils and playing their part in the nation’s paddock-to-plate journey. Groundspread NZ represents 112 groundspreading companies and approximately 450 ground-based nutrient applicator units nationwide. Groundspread NZ members have always been passionate about the environment. A 2022 membership survey highlighted that 95 percent of its members make daily choices to reduce their impact on it. Groundspread NZ members continually seek, and take steps to, improve environmental outcomes in their on-farm practices.

the whole life cycle of fertilisers. Increasing nitrogen-use efficiency is the single most effective strategy to reduce emissions. Coupled with decarbonising fertiliser production and using currently available technologies, GHG emissions of fertilisers could be reduced up to approximately onefifth of current levels by 2050. One of the simplest ways that a farmer can support this strategy is to use a Spreadmark-accredited company to apply their fertiliser.

They play an important role in New Zealand’s paddock-to-plate journey and are constantly seeking solutions to improve what they do and its impact on the environment. Groundspread NZ ensures their gear is tested, only applying nutrients to exactly where they need to go. They also have a highly skilled workforce and are constantly upskilling their abilities.

This includes being early adopters of technology as they are never afraid of new science and knowledge. This technology shows Groundpsread NZ how they can do a better job, by jumping on board and getting involved in making the tech more applicable in practice. Meeting climate change targets requires the identification and prioritisation of interventions across

The Spreadmark scheme is a fertiliser placement quality assurance programme that ensures the placement of fertilisers in locations where they can be of the most agricultural benefit and the least environmental harm. CT Groundspread NZ 027 214 1790 — Advertising Feature

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Destinations | Chatham Islands

Exploring the Chatham Islands Did you know the Chatham Islands are only a two-hour flight away? A Pacific paradise waiting to be explored, discover the wild coastlines, pristine beaches, native flora and fauna, intriguing history, cultural treasures, and rugged and beautiful landscapes that make the Chatham Islands the destination of a lifetime. If you’re seeking a unique, unforgettable adventure in New Zealand, look no further than Chatham Island Tours. Nestled in the remote reaches of the South Pacific Ocean, the Chatham Islands offer a pristine and unspoiled natural paradise, and Merv Halliday, owner and operator of

Chatham Island Tours, is your key to unlocking its wonders.

Merv can design a tour that suits your group’s desires.

Chatham Island Tours is not your run-of-the-mill travel company. It specialises in private group tours that promise an intimate, personalised, and immersive experience in one of New Zealand’s most remarkable and least-explored destinations.

Exclusive access: With Merv’s connections and expertise, you’ll gain access to areas and experiences that are off-limits to most tourists. Explore secluded beaches, discover hidden coves, and encounter rare wildlife while enjoying the serenity of an unspoiled natural environment.

Here’s what makes Chatham Island Tours and Merv Halliday stand out. Authenticity: Merv is passionate and intimately knows the island’s history, culture, and ecosystems. His passion for sharing the island’s treasures with visitors is palpable, ensuring every tour is an allauthentic and enriching experience. Customised adventures: Chatham Island Tours caters to private groups, allowing you to tailor your adventure to your preferences and interests. Whether you’re a bird-watching enthusiast, a history buff, or simply seeking a tranquil escape,

Ecotourism and conservation: Merv and his team are dedicated to preserving the island’s unique ecosystems and wildlife, and they educate visitors about the importance of conservation efforts. Rich history: Chatham Islands have a fascinating history, from the Moriori people’s ancient culture to the European whaling era. You will learn the captivating stories and insights, bringing the island’s past to life. Diverse wildlife: Encounter rare and endangered species, including the

WELLINGTON OR CHRISTCHURCH, DIRECT TO CHATHAM ISLANDS Experience 8 days in one of New Zealand’s most remote and unique places. The Chatham Islands are the closest most New Zealanders can get to international travel without packing their passport.

Tour #51 (Easter) is for 8 days & 7 nights on Chatham X Christcuhrch

Tue 26th March 2024, departs Christchurch 1.00pm - arrive Chatham Islands 3.45pm Tue 2nd April 2024, departs Chatham 8.30am - arrive Christcuhrch 10.00am

Tour #52 is for 8 days & 7 nights on Chatham X Christchurch Tue 2nd April 2024, departs Christchurch 1.00pm - arrive Chatham Islands 3.45pm Tue 9th April 2024, departs Chatham Islands 8.30am - arrive Christchurch 10.00am Tour #53 is for 8 days & 7 nights on Chatham X Wellington,

Incorporating the 2024 Chatham Islands Festival of Science Mon 12th August 2024, departs Wellington 2.00pm - arrive Chatham Islands 4.30pm (CI) Mon 19th August 2024, departs Chatham Islands 9.45am - arrive Wellington 11.15am

Tour #54 is for 8 days & 7 nights on Chatham X Christchurch Incorporating the 2024 Chatham Islands Festival of Science Tue 13th August 2024, departs Christchurch 2.00pm - arrive Chatham Islands 4.45pm Tue 20th August 2024, departs Chatham Islands 9.30am - arrive Christchurch 11.00am All Inclusive Costing per person: SINGLE shared facilities $4,455 TWIN / DOUBLE with ensuite $4,555 | SUPERIOR SUITES $4,655

Book now to secure your seats & accommodation!

Join Merv’s Chatham Island Tours “An experience you will never forget.” - Merv Halliday

Phone: 03 249 8294 Email: Book Online:

Chatham Island Robin, the Chatham Island oystercatcher, and the Pitt Island shag. Merv’s tours provide unparalleled opportunities for birdwatching and wildlife photography. Tranquil beauty: Escape the hustle and bustle of modern life and immerse yourself in the tranquillity of rugged landscapes, rolling hills and pristine beaches; a place where time seems to stop. Personalised service: With private group tours that emphasise authenticity, sustainability, and personal service, you’re guaranteed a unique experience. You can already book 2024 trips up to mid-August, so you can get your winter-wanderlust plans sorted well in advance. For an unforgettable experience, explore the Chatham Islands like a local. Email:, or call Merv on (03) 249 8294. CT

Destinations | The Great South

Southern sights Lake Hauroko, Southland. Image courtesy of Videocopter.

On the very edge of the southern Pacific Ocean, embracing the land of the deep south of New Zealand and some mighty rolling r’s, you’ll find the region of Southland. Home to some of New Zealand’s most varied and dramatic landscapes, exquisite fare, and generous southern hospitality, it has everything you need – and more – for the holiday of a lifetime. Southland is a region of visual contrasts. With spectacular mountains, the deepest of lakes, meandering rivers, rolling lush green farmland, and a captivating ‘edge of the world’ coastline that stretches for an incredible 3,400 kilometres, the stunning scenery could be reason enough to head south. However, you’ll find that it isn’t just your sense of sight that will be inspired in Southland. They say that sometimes the journey can be better than the final destination. While we would argue that the Southland destination can be hard to beat, we would agree that travelling to and around the region can be a bucket-list experience. Heading south, you could travel through the Catlins along the Southern Scenic Route – an incredible journey that has been

ranked one of the top 10 drives in the world, and for good reason. The beautifully rugged Catlins coast is a must-do. This spectacular coastal stretch is home to an array of marine life where sea lions are regular beach visitors, and dolphins can be seen frolicking in the shallows. You may also be lucky enough to spot the rare but distinctive hoiho - the yelloweyed penguin.

With unmatched regional beauty, friendly locals and delectable southern fare waiting to be discovered, you will be captivated.

With unmatched regional beauty, friendly locals and delectable southern fare waiting to be discovered, you will be captivated by everything Southland offers.

So, take the opportunity to go south, get away from the everyday for a while and discover the magic of Southland. For more information visit: CT

Lakefront accommodation overlooking stunning Lake Te Anau. Free wifi, Free parking and an easy stroll to town centre

Southern hospitality is alive and well here and you will find that a good story, great coffee, and locally sourced produce are never too far away. From the sea, you’ll be treated to succulent seafood, including the famous Bluff Oyster, which is reputed to be the best in the world. A trip to Southland will not just leave your belly full though, your heart will also be full of the wonderful experiences that will have you planning your next trip before you have even left.

P. 03 249 7546 E. 71

Focus On | South Canterbury

Why South Canterbury is a great place to do business By the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce

Caroline Bay Trevor Griffiths Rose Garden

Scarlett Hydraulics Ltd is one of New Zealand’s largest hydraulic companies and has been trading since 1984. SCARLETT SERVICES




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Scarlett Hydraulics are extremely proud of achieving this level of recognition within the South Canterbury business community, it is very satisfying to be acknowledged by our business peers. These awards are a direct result of the dedication and commitment shown by the staff of Scarlett Hydraulics. It is by no means easy to maintain the high level of service required to win such awards but having a steady customer base with many of our customers being on the cutting edge when it comes to technology has helped Scarlett Hydraulics move with the times and provide great solutions.


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Focus On | South Canterbury

Hooker Valley Track Aoraki Mt Cook National Park Mackenzie District

With a rock-solid economy, a network of innovative, proud and collaborative businesses and a base bang in the centre of the South Island – South Canterbury is the place to do business. Our economy is still firmly based on our agricultural sector, complemented by processing, manufacturing and transport.

Then add to the mix exceptionally robust infrastructure, a port and an airport, our own public and private hospitals, tertiary education offerings plus tourism, retail and hospitality and all supported by being a great and affordable place to live. A solid commute to get back home may take 10 minutes and South Canterbury is nestled between Christchurch and Dunedin – ensuring every opportunity is either here at home or within an arm’s reach.

The Leadership Academy Training

With a glorious safe beach and bay, ski fields and an array of lakes and rivers for fishing and boating, plus multiple bike and walking tracks and an active arts culture, we meet the needs of our diverse communities. We also offer exceptional education, with a wide choice of pre-school, primary and secondary options, plus tertiary education. What sits at the heart of our three districts is a culture of connection – of working together.

Here at the heart of the business community is the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has been the voice of the business community since 1905: Building Business Success – Together. With more than 520 members, being part of this proven and respected business organisation ensures businesses feel safe in the knowledge they have a partner who is dedicated to helping their business succeed.

TIMARU 88-94 HILTON HWY, WASHDYKE (03) 687 4035











Focus On | South Canterbury

The South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce is also part of a far larger network across New Zealand and globally and we have a proud history of business support and advocacy, representing the full spectrum of business interests across all sectors. From start-up ideas, across staged growth and challenges through the life of a business, the Chamber of Commerce is the ‘go-to’ business partner. Empowering Women Conference – Karen Walker

Advocacy work from the Chamber network has seen many significant benefits to businesses over the years from hard lobbied changes to the 90-day Trials and Fair Pay Agreements through to the increase from one Resurgence Support Payment (by the government) for businesses to three payments. In the Timaru District alone, over 2,600 businesses received payments with a distribution of over $16m – providing a lifeline to so many through difficult COVID times.

Chamber Business After Five Event with Turnbull’s

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Connections and finding strength in numbers is achieved through the Chamber.

What 2024 holds in store In 2024 there are a number of new opportunities. Existing Chamber Members will receive a $50 gift voucher for use on specific Chamber services and there is a special one-time introductory Chamber Membership of $199+GST for a limited time. It has never been more affordable to get connected. Business Buddies also launches in 2024 with Chamber Mentorship available from $200-295; available to both members and non-members - sign up and receive one-on-one support from an experienced mentor for a year. The Regional Business Partner service can co-fund management capability development. With multiple upskilling opportunities from a workplace culture series, health and safety training through to supervisory, management, leadership and governance courses, there are a wide range of options.

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Creating Goodness, Together | Pareora

Focus On | South Canterbury

Reasons to join the Chamber: • Know you have a trusted partner, on hand to assist with any business matter

The annual Business Excellence Awards, the Business Women’s Network and the monthly Business After 5 networking events create a plethora of opportunities.

• Get sound business knowledge and support to ensure best practices within your business

The South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce is a safe and trusted partner and epitomises the connected culture within our three wonderful districts.

• Make new contacts and connections to experts, both locally and internationally

Grow your business success

• Accelerate your business knowledge and skills • Excellent value for money – Chamber services are available to your entire staff • Gain quick pathways to government agencies, advice and funding • Save money on business expenses and training • Get access to events, training and expertise not previously available • Promote your products and services to fellow business owners – M2M offers.

South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce business services staff can be a sounding board for your business, helping you with every aspect of business planning, and connecting you to others as appropriate – either within the larger Chamber of Commerce network or independent partner or government organisations – while staying in contact with you to make sure you are getting the support you need. CT

South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce 25 Canon Street Timaru (03) 687 2733 — Advertising Feature





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Martin Wakefield is an accounting practice established in Timaru during the early 1900’s. We have grown from those early days to now have offices in both Timaru and Christchurch. At Martin Wakefield we pride ourselves in being friendly, accessible accounting specialists who make it our business to make your business more successful! By helping our clients to succeed, we are able to continue to grow our client base and expertise in the many areas in which we excel. Whatever stage your business is at, your Martin Wakefield adviser is here to counsel and assist you through all the major and minor transitions. We ask the right questions because we’ve been helping our clients with the challenge of change for over 100 years.


Logistics | The Moving Company

Pioneering change in the moving industry By Jamie Quinn

For over 35 years, The Moving Company has been moving more than just furniture. They’ve been moving dreams, hopes, and creating a path for new beginnings. From humble roots as the Nelson Moving Company in 1987, they have grown into a leading global mover with a strong commitment to the community, clients, and the environment. Their story began with the delivery of new furniture orders from Nelson-based manufacturers. As they grew, they evolved into ‘The Moving Company’, acquiring leading removalists, Banner Removals and Action Pack Express in the early 1990s. Their evolution continued in 2001 when they were bought by the current owners, ensuring that they remain a privately held and ownermanaged business. As the team navigated the new millennium and then COVID-19, they recognised the need to modernise. In 2021, they embarked on an aggressive fleet upgrade, replacing 25 long-distance trucks with new units that meet EURO 6 environmental standards. But their commitment to the environment didn’t stop there. The company implemented a waste reduction program, reusing packing materials 78

At The Moving Company, they believe in delivering a service that is top-notch and offers great value for money.

in their domestic operation. Today, they upcycle over 150 tonnes of packaging annually. Road mapping a sustainable future will see the evolution to an electric fleet and continued upskilling of the team. Their commitment to their team has been undeniable. The company introduced the industry’s only in-house truck driver training and licensing program, allowing staff to safely upgrade their licenses from car licenses to full class 5

truck licenses.

On March 27, 2022, they celebrated their 35th birthday. From starting with a simple vision, they now have a full-time staff of 150 and a fleet of over 80 removal trucks, and they provide outstanding removal and storage services to every corner of New Zealand and have alliance partners in over 140 countries worldwide. However, their growth has been more than modernising their fleet and processes. The Moving Company recently assisted the Cholmondeley Children’s Centre

with their annual ‘Little Gems Party Fundraiser’. The Centre, located in Governors Bay, Christchurch, offers short-term, planned, and emergency respite care for families with children aged 3-12 years. The Little Gems Party is an enjoyable evening of entertainment and culinary delights aimed at raising funds to provide care and support to children and families in need. For the third year in a row, The Moving Company Christchurch helped transport, set up, and pack down the furniture for the event held at Christ’s College Dining Hall. They take pride in contributing to such a noble cause and are honoured to assist this deserving charity in their focus to support the children and families of Christchurch and Canterbury. At The Moving Company, they believe in delivering a service that is top-notch and offers great value for money. Armed with a wealth of experience, the team is committed to providing a personalised moving experience for individuals, families, and businesses. At The Moving Company, they’re not just about moving things. They’re about moving people, moving communities, and moving towards a better future. Trust them with your next move or storage requirement. CT The Moving Company 03 344 5200 or free phone 0800 668 464

Focus On | South Canterbury

Imagining what Timaru might become Following last year’s completion of an updated Economic Development Strategy and a Destination Management Plan for the Timaru District, to help inform and prioritise their activities going forward, Venture Timaru was keen to look even further forward as to what Timaru could aspire to be. To kick this off, economist Benje Patterson of People & Places was engaged to highlight what an aspirational economic future could look like for the Timaru District and what achieving such an outlook would rely on.

targeting both higher employment and productivity growth, which it estimates would result in 16,500 more jobs, requiring the district’s population to grow to 75,000 from current 48,500. Just to maintain the status quo, the report highlighted that the Timaru District population would need to grow by at least 5,000 to maintain current employment levels and counteract ageing population impacts. Venture Timaru chief executive Nigel Davenport says, “Given our existing strengths such as our central South Island location, a highly collaborative and connected business community, excellent health and education services, and a diversified industry sector base that coped better than most of New Zealand through the past two to three years, we would challenge us all that the “better” scenario is achievable.

The three hypothetical scenarios modelled in the report for Timaru’s Economy in 2050, are “status quo” (low), “more” (medium) and “better” (high/transformational).

“That said, nothing worth achieving is ever easy and whilst productivity, employment and population growth are key drivers of economic and wider social prosperity, it ultimately comes down to us all to make it happen.

The “better” scenario in the report is the most ambitious and transformational scenario

“This is not advocating growth for the sake of growth, but growth that principally enhances our way of

life and provides for inclusive and connected communities,” he says.

further forward than what you are currently focusing on.”

“Imagine a Timaru District with more people and more opportunities resulting in thriving communities and enhanced social and recreational services and facilities – who wouldn’t want that?

“It is also important we point out that this initial piece of work from Benje is very much a starting point, off which more work will need to be done. However, it does point out what Timaru District could, should and realistically needs to aspire to be,” he says.

“Let’s double- down on our collective efforts to attract more people from other parts of New Zealand and around the world, to bring new vibrancy and diversity to our communities.” On the report Davenport says, “It’s always valuable to take the time to step back and look a lot

“Doing the same is not an option as we effectively go backwards – now is the time to be truly aspirational to be the best we possibly can be by being bolder and more transformational than we have ever been.” CT


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Phone 03 684 8477


14 Redruth St, Timaru 79

Focus On | Rangiora



Relaxing in Rangiora Just a 30-minute drive from Christchurch, Rangiora is often called the hub of the Waimakariri. Even though it’s considered the largest town in the district, you can still escape to Rangiora for that rural getaway you’ve been looking for. Since its European settlement in the 1850s, Rangiora has grown to be the largest town in the Waimakariri. Its abundance of outdoor activities, shopping, and entertainment often draws people from nearby towns into Rangiora. A walk in the park Interestingly, Northbrook Wetlands wasn’t always the reserve we all enjoy today. Years and years ago the land hosted flax mills, a tannery and a brewery. However, in 2002, the site was converted into a wetlands reserve and a stormwater treatment area.


According to the Waimakariri District Council, Northbrook Wetlands treats 60 percent of urban Rangiora’s stormwater, including runoff from main roads, the railway and industrial sites. With over 12,000 native plants, Northbrook Wetlands is home to local wildlife like pukeko, fantails, paradise ducks and others. Pushchair

and wheelchair friendly, the whole family is sure to enjoy a stroll about the reserve. Local history Museums have a sacred duty to their communities and patrons. Local museums like those in Rangiora are responsible for keeping and maintaining records and even the family histories of Rangiora residents. In Rangiora there are two museums you can visit, one of them being the Rangiora Museum. At the Rangiora Museum you’ll find an archive of photographs recording the town and its inhabitants’ history. Some families have lived in Rangiora for generations and, in a way, the museum also preserves family histories. The Rangiora Museum has multiple rooms staged in a way that represents what it was like to live in Rangiora in the early 1900s. Similarly, the Northbrook Colonial Museum displays what a street in Rangiora would have looked like in earlier times featuring various shops.

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Phone 03 313 5335 10 Albert St , Rangiora, Canterbury 80

Magical ‘Fairy’ children’s entertainment. Image provided courtesy of Rangiora Promotions and taken by Shane Jones Photography.

Focus On | Rangiora


Residential / Commercial / Repairs New Builds / Renovations Sunday markets Sunday markets are the perfect opportunity to support small businesses and a chance for you to bring a little bit of the country back home with you. Thankfully, Rangiora has a couple of Sunday markets to choose from – or why not try them both? Located in the Blake Street carpark in Rangiora, the Rangiora Sunday Market is held twice a month from September through May. You’ll find a range of goods at the market including food, plants, jewellery, household items, firewood and

kindling. Plus, for a small fee, children can play in the club rooms as you do your shopping.

Heat pumps / EV Chargers / CCTV

Kids also have fun at the North Canterbury Sunday Market kids’ corner. This market takes place every Sunday and is located at the Rangiora Racecourse. At the market you’ll find stalls featuring a variety of produce such as fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and eggs. For more information on events or things to do in Rangiora and the Waimakariri, check out: CT

Phone: 0800 446 744 Email: Address: 9 Wyatt Street, Kaiapoi, Christchurch

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Living | Pets

you ever thought about how to be the best A walk in the park Have pet parent to your furry friend? It’s not just about By Jamie Quinn

The original and safest dog fence system on the market. TRAINING | INSTALLATION | CONDITIONING • Make a call • We visit your place • Choose your fence • We install your fence • We train your pet 3Dog safe at home Also available: • Bark Collars • Training Collars

027 640 8171 | 82

belly rubs and treats but also about keeping them under control - for their safety and the peace of your community. Learning and understanding your dog’s unique needs and behaviours can make this a walk in the park.

to explore your yard but without the risk of them wandering off, thanks to an electronic dog fence.

Your dog has a personality of its own, partly due to its breed, and this shapes its exercise requirements, temperaments, and even its little quirks.

These devices use a mild static correction to remind them to stay within the boundaries.

For example, your playful Labrador might need more exercise than your laid-back Saint Bernard. However, this is a generalisation, so these are just guidelines, not rules. Your dog’s personality will determine the training strategies you will need to put in place. More advanced training techniques may be necessary for dogs with more challenging behaviours or those adopted with mystery backgrounds. Techniques such as clicker training, which uses a sound to tell your dog they’ve done something good, can effectively train more complex behaviours. Dog control isn’t just about teaching your dog to behave. It’s also about using the right tools. Picture this: your dog is enjoying the freedom

For those days when your dog just won’t stop ‘talking’, bark control devices could be a lifesaver. They emit a high-pitched sound that human ears can’t pick up, but it’s enough to interrupt your dog’s excessive barking. Plus, many come with a remote control, so you have the choice to use it only when necessary. Safe and responsible dog control is about keeping your four-legged friend safe, ensuring they are a delight (and not a nuisance) to your community, and respecting local laws. With the proper training techniques and some handy gadgets, we can ensure they’re safe, happy, and well-adjusted. After all, a well-behaved dog isn’t just a good citizen, it’s a joy to be around. CT

Motoring | Transport Costs

Ten steps to help lower fuel costs Want to lower your fuel costs?

this, you risk overflowing the tank and wasting fuel. Also, remember it’s better to use most of your fuel before visiting your local service station. Each time you remove the filler cap, fuel evaporates and is lost to the atmosphere.

Here are 10 simple changes to make that can help you reduce your bill when you stop in at an MTA Service Station. 1. Service and tune your vehicle

5. Avoid prolonged idling Modern vehicles are designed to operate efficiently from start-up and don’t need to be ‘warmed up’. If you stop for an extended period and can restart safely, consider turning off your engine.

Regular services and tune ups could reduce fuel consumption by up to four percent. To make your car more efficient, replacing worn components such as spark plugs and regularly changing lubricants and filters is important. An MTA General Repairer can help keep your car in good condition.

6. Use high gears and cruise control

Use the oil and fuel recommended in your owner’s handbook to maximise fuel economy.

tyres are a significant contributor to increased fuel consumption. Not sure if your tyres are correctly inflated? Use our tyre checklist to find out!

3. Properly inflate your tyres

Use the highest gear, relative to the speed you are travelling, to save fuel and reduce wear. Cruise control (if fitted), helps maintain a constant speed and can reduce fuel consumption when used on long flat roads.

4. Fill it up

7. Read the road ahead

Check tyre pressure monthly and before long trips. Underinflated

When filling up, stop at the first click – if you continue beyond

Avoid quick starts and aggressive driving. You’ll save fuel and avoid

2. Use the recommended grade of oil and fuel



unnecessary wear and tear. It also helps if you accelerate smoothly, look well ahead and anticipate stops. 8. Clean out your vehicle and remove roof racks Unnecessary weight burns fuel, so avoid carrying heavy items if you don’t need to. Things like roof racks and storage boxes create excessive drag and increase fuel consumption, so remove them if they’re not being used. 9. Avoid rush hour and combine trips Where possible, avoid rush hour driving, as stop-and-go driving burns more fuel. Try to plan ahead and combine several trips into one. 10. Slow down Fuel consumption increases by around six percent for every 10km/h faster you go over 90km/h. Besides being the open road’s speed limit, 100km/h is a good compromise between travel time and fuel economy for most drivers. CT

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Motoring | Motor Trade Association

The automotive industry needs you The automotive industry literally keeps our country moving. Every time you hop in the car to visit whanau, every time your vehicle is checked for safety and every time you power up for a road trip – someone in the automotive sector is helping you out. And chances are, they’re a Motor Trade Association (MTA) member.

A thriving automotive industry means safe and strong communities. And with the arrival of exciting new technologies, the future has never looked brighter for the industry and young New Zealanders wanting to work in it. For a while now, our industry has been dominated by fossilfuelled vehicles that rely on petrol and diesel.

Our retail members sell vehicles that keep people safe. Our repairer members maintain and repair those vehicles, so we can travel Aotearoa with confidence, and make sure they’re not fouling the air with harmful emissions.

As the world looks for more sustainable vehicles to cut damaging emissions and preserve the environment, hybrid, electric, and hydrogen vehicles are becoming increasingly popular.

Our service station members provide the fuel for those vehicles, so we can explore new lands and have adventures.

That means there’s never been a better time for young New Zealanders wanting to enter the industry.

A Class Automotive Repairs • All Mechanical Repairs • WOF • Tyres • A Grade Workshop 03 351 6277 52 Blighs Road, Christchurch 8052


A Hammonds car repair and maintenance worker working hard on the job in Christchurch.

There will be increasing demand and rewards for people skilled in these new vehicles. It’s an opportunity to not only work with cutting-edge technology but know you’re making a difference – while racking up good income, not student debt. MTA and the Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO) can help give information on how to become an apprentice and the range of interesting courses available.

Our communities depend on service stations, repairers and panel-beaters to keep them safe. Without them, unsafe vehicles would be on our roads, putting lives at risk. As we come out of the Covid pandemic, all those businesses need staff to carry out their important work. So, if you love cars or motorbikes, the automotive sector has the job for you, right now.

Motoring | Motor Trade Association

And we need people from all walks of life and sections of the community. Many of our members would say it beats working in an office – no two days are the same, you’ve got great people around you and the opportunities are endless. There are jobs for petrolheads who love getting their hands dirty and jobs for computer whizzes who love technology. The Eastern Truck and Marine truck repair shop team in Napier love their work.

Many young people who join the industry end up owning or running the business, so there’s a real career pathway. You’re probably already familiar with MTA. The bright blue MTA badge is displayed proudly on most community member businesses. MTA takes its responsibilities to communities seriously. We’re proud of that badge and what it stands for. It’s not given out lightly.

Apprentices learning on the job in Hamilton.

Members are bound to strict standards, which means that when you use an MTA member,

you can expect to receive the highest quality service. MTA also has a disputes service if a problem arises and MTA repairers provide a free Repairer Warranty on their repairs, so you can be sure they will stand behind their work. And because sustainability and caring for the planet are becoming increasingly important, MTA is embarking on a programme to ensure we are playing our part in keeping our country beautiful for us and future generations. For more information about MTA and our range of services, or to find an MTA member near you, visit: CT This article was written by Motor Trade Association media and public relations manager Simon Bradwell. Photos kindly supplied by the MTA.

Motor Trade Association 0800 00 11 44

— Advertising Feature



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