Issue 113 | July/August 2012
Mettrick system
The man behind Stonewood Homes, Brent Mettrick explains what it takes to buck the trend and gives his take on the building boom that’s about to break
The perfect storm Debt, austerity, low growth and high unemployment make for a gloomy forecast
Words of wisdom A couple of high profilers muse about motivation
The champions’ champion On the eve of his final Olympic mission, Dave Currie talks about the state of the Games and those who play them
Property Why commercial property investment is a better bet than residential
• Become a customer focused company • Dispelling urban myths around trademarks • The inside line on internet shopping • Fonterra delievers for Darfield
News | Initiatives | Interviews | Personalities | Information | Success | Profiles | Finance | Property | Sustainability | Export | Transport | Retail | Solutions | ISSN 1174-9520